doc doc doc

documenting code documentation
hello! welcome. this is an archive to navigate trough documentation practices

The path through documentation resources in the making of a project could be represented as a tree structure, where the root is the project idea or need and then branches all the explored direction and lateral resources.

Tree structures recall hierarchy, because of the different structural positions of branches and leaves. However what I'm interested here is the temporality of the tree. There is a starting point, a root, and then different tryouts, with dead ends, ramifications, different experiments.

An example is undo-tree where instead of the linear approach of ctrl-z, a fluorishing history of attempts is preserved.

So the plan is: keep track of your path. Start from something (could be an idea for a project, a need for understanding, the writing of some documentation) and then keep track of the various resources encountered through time in a tree-like structure.

This excercise seems flexible enough to host different approaches and materials. Could be an history of navigation through hyperlinks, but also contain reflections and snapshots of how the initial idea changes during time. Ideally every node of the tree could be a potential entry point / backdoor to reflect on documenting practices.

It could be tried in alone or in group, with one or many trees. To have a less linear and more entangled structure. It could host practices such as the one of 03 - Pair, where one driver go through and the navigator map into the tree.


Comparative Iceberg Studies

Write a image scraper to download a bunch of picture from the iceberg meme template (that maps facts about a topic from the tip, common knowledge, to the bottom, esoteric, misterious, unknown details). Group the image and align all of them. Call people within the field of each topic and make them comment the result. Edit and bound.