diff --git a/postit/contents.json b/postit/contents.json index 5b4583c..f15a69e 100644 --- a/postit/contents.json +++ b/postit/contents.json @@ -1 +1 @@ -{"what-is-a-loot-box": [{"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A closed box with objects inside.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A digital or physical box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box inside video games containing randomized items.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box of hidden\nmotives, designed\nto persuade and\ntrick players.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box where\nthe user can pay and\naccess products. Those\nitems can be useful to\ndevelop you character \nin the game or can\nbe collectable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A lottery box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It looks like a real gift,\nbut you purchase it\nfor yourself.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You choose it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You get something nice.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A box embedded in\na context.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It works within the context of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It works outside the context of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "When the game gets tough, the loot box offers you a shortcut.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Payment", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual feature that players can purchase with real money. It is usually available in free-to-play games or full-price games.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You don't get it for free, and you don't know what you get.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A promise for a virtual treasure that is purchased with real money. You buy a virtual treasure hoping it contains something valuable within the world of the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Fast-thinking", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is what motivates immediate irrational purchases.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It can be rational in the context of the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A quest, narrative or social pressure can justify any loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It appears and disappears quickly in order to seem exclusive. Thus, it makes the player buy it without thinking too much.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Time pressure creates artificial urgency (jeopardy).", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Excitement and anticipation", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A feeling of excitement and anticipation could be related to the excitement of gambling.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You know that there is a chance of getting some items that you desire.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is desirable because it creates rare chances to get powerful items.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is like gambling because you anticipate what is inside.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise mechanism", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The element of surprise is a highly appreciated aspect of the loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A secret treasure that is not worth the money you pay for it, nor the expectations you have for it. However, that is somehow exciting.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Addictiveness is\nconnected to the\nsurprise mechanism: the\nmoment of anticipation\nis addictive. It makes\nyou feel that anything\nis possible.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's like the cat in the box: is she dead or is she alive? She is both until you open the box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An entertaining element.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It keeps the players\nhooked to the game by\nusing an element\nof surprise.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The player never knows what is inside of it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise that comes\nwith consequences.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Reward", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An immediate reward.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The immediate reward makes it fun. The risk comes with pleasure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It derives from the loot, a bunch of goodies that you can get as a reward after you conquer a super boss or level up.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A reward after accomplishing a really heroic task.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An immediately rewarding response preceded by a generally customized trigger.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A guaranteed reward in exchange for money.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Progress in the game", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You have more power in the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Sometimes the game doesn\u2019t reach its full potential without buying a loot box. That makes players feel compelled to make a purchase.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You will get better if you buy a loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Emotional trigger", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Strong emotional reactions are tied to the financial elements.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Pleasure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Thrill.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Excitement.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Desire.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Disappointment.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Even if you don't get exactly what you wish for, you will get something, and you feel somehow rewarded.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's collectable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Incremental rewards.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is disguised as safe and innocent.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You can keep opening loot boxes forever.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It interfaces the game and the real world.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It\u2019s an alternate reality experience of collecting things you can't own in real life.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It\u2019s a pulse in the\ncirculation of resources\nbetween a virtual game\nand the reality outside\nof it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Loot box as currency exchange", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The game coin.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Collectible item.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Real money.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Power-Up.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Designed to be addictive", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Very real addictive mechanisms.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A repeated scheme that ensures constant spending into virtual game currencies.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Designed to be desirable and to be purchased again and again.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Some rewards are rare and that makes the loot box desirable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It puts you in a condition for purchasing without thinking too much.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Its timespan is similar to the discount periods or Black Friday.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Looking under the hood.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for \naddictive behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A gambling mechanism,\nexploitative by design,\nthat promises immediate\nin-game rewards to\nthe player.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The rewards of the loot\nbox can affect both the\ngameplay and the social\nenvironment around\nthe game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It sets the beat\nfor repeated\nmicrotransactions.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's a repetitive\nrhythm for the\nplayer's temporality.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It builds a habit by triggering the attention and the emotional response of the player.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's fun.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It ensures that you\nkeep playing\npotentially forever.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "From habit to addiction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You pay money to obtain something new.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Risk.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Ritual.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Destiny.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It hacks the temporality of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It allows you\nto customize your\ngame character.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It shifts the dynamics in the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It provides you with\ncollectables or power-\nups that make you\nprogress inside\nthe game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A temporalized tool\nfor the distribution\nand management\nof resources.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Exploitation", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The potentially endless collection creates artificial needs.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Exploitative fun.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The benefits for you are emotional. The benefits for the game platforms are financial.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A money-making mechanism that uses real-world money in video games' worlds.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It targets\nvulnerable players.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for\naddictive behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for\ntoxic behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An escape from real life.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Fake promises.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "FOMO (fear of \nmissing out).", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The surprise mechanism and exclusivity of the loot box creates a constant FOMO.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Peer pressure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Social pressure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Individual engagement", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A personalized 1 to 1 interaction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "1 to machine interaction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}], "crosswords": [{"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Dear Player, The Crossword Imaginary Grid Game found you for a reason.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "The aim of this game is \nto create a crossword \ngrid with your hands \nand explore a part \nof the Glossary \nof Productive Play. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "There is a printed grid \nfor you here, but if you \nwant more, visit the \nwebsite of this \nSpecial Issue. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Take some time (leisure \nor productive?), place\nthe pieces on a surface,\non a wall, on your bed,\non your cat's body.. \nand start playing!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Position the coded\npapers to recreate \nthe grid. Follow \nthe following scheme \nfor every category:", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "", "img": "imaginarygrid_structure.jpg", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "I know it might sound complicated now, but I promise you that you will understand how to make it work while playing.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "There are four things you have to keep attention to while creating the grid:", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "1. A code (e.g. B7), composed of a letter and a number, defines the position in the imaginary grid.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "2. The papers with the clues are not to be used during the grid's construction.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "3. A content category gathers all the definitions that are part of the same crossword (e.g. loot box).", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "4. The papers having\nthe same code \ncould represent \nan intersection or \nthe presence of two \ndefinitions, one \ngoing down and the\nother across. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Find out which is which!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "If you don't know the word, don't stress yourself out: these crosswords are meant to teach while having fun.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Yes, you heard that well, you are experiencing Productive Play! Enjoy the time you are taking for yourself! It's okay not to finish it, it's okay to give up, it's okay to still be happy with it.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "And if you are really unsatisfied, just call some friends and have some fun together!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Remember, these are\njust instructions not \nto get lost. But it's\nokay to get lost. \nGet lost sometimes.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "K1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "M1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "The price given to\nobjects to be acquired, produced, maintained, or accomplished.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L4", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L5", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L6", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L7", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L8", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L9", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L10", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L11", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L12", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "Available to only a few\npeople because users\nhave a limited time\nframe to obtain the\nloot box.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L4", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J2", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J3", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J4", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J5", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J6", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J7", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J8", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J9", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J10", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J11", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "Something that is\nconsidered valuable\nbecause kept as part \nof a group of \nsimilar objects.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R2", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R3", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R4", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R5", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R6", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R7", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R8", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R9", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R10", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "That causes a strong \nand harmful need to \nregularly have or \ndo something.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R2", "word": "Addictive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "N7", "word": "Reward", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "N8", "word": "Reward", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "N9", "word": "Reward", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary 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"category": "Loot Box", "start": "H10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "I10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "K10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "M10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "N10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "O10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "P10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "Q10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "When a company \nis taking unfair or \nunethical advantage \nof a person or a \nsituation for profit.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "G10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}], "one-sentence-game-ideas": [{"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Inspired by Pippin Barr's Game Ideas \ud83d\udef4 https://www.pippinbarr.com/category/game-ideas/", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are in an empty \nroom with 13 doors \nthat are portals \nto 13 different worlds.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "5 min \nslow-motion epidemics, \nvisually transmitted.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Every crisis \nis a simulation \nof another crisis.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Every crisis \nis a preparation \nfor another crisis.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You receive a point for each floating tile you encounter on the street.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You sleep and\nthe more you sleep,\nthe more the buildings\naround the bedroom\ncollapse and nature\nstarts growing and\ninvading the space.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "ThermoSTATE\nthe state where no citizen feels cold. \ud83e\udd75", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The same day is looping over and over. The goal is to figure out which decision will make you move on to the next day.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A flat with no floors.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Hello, \nwhere are you, \nwhat can you see \nfrom there?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You give someone a gift. They give the gift to someone else.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You meet a person in a corridor, but you're in a supermarket, in Canada.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Collect fantasy words \nin a fantasy world \nby talking to other fantasy characters \nso you can describe fantasy objects better.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "...and yes...\nonly give \na positive answer \n(or inflexion) \nto any question.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A city room \nwithout gravity.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Thank you! \nNo, I thank you! \nNoo, I thank YOU! \nNo. I really thank you. \nNo, I THANK you!", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get up and you're \na dictator for 5 min.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get up and you're \na dictator for 5 min \nand if you don't change anything in the current status quo you die.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You have a lethal laugh.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are late. \nYou have to leave \nbut you start \nplaying a game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You change language and you discover how clever you are but you cannot communicate with others anymore.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are in an empty room with 13 doors that are portals to 13 similar worlds, only your character changes.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Plastic bag on a \nwindy day at the \nmarket simulator.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Reality show \nfor cultural workers.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A portal will take you to the exact opposite spot on the globe.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You dive into an ocean without an ocean floor but it's actually the sky.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A bruschetta \nand some tomato sauce,\nbut you're not in Italy.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're a flock of birds. You interact with things only collectively.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're in a layer of a multilayered world. You cannot see the effect of your actions unless you change the layer.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Any action \ncould potentially kill \nthe other players \n(including staying still). \nThe longer all the players are kept alive the more you score.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Dutch wind \nvs. \nHuman being", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Interpret what birds \nare saying.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A game where your \nreal-life issues are solved through playing and you don't realise \nit's happening.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Sometimes things change depending \non who you tell.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "\u2002 \u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\ud83c\udf88\n\n\n\n\nYou are a helium balloon\nand you just got \nto the big city.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are stuck in reality and you're trying to get back to your imaginary world but cannot \nfind the door.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Build the highest high \nheels in the world so \nyou can traverse the \nMariana Trench, with a \ndepth of 11 034 m, \nwithout touching \nthe water.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "It's night with rain \nand Devil Dutch Wind\n(DDW) and you are \ntrying to ride your\nway home.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The calories burned while running on the treadmill become \nactual currency.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Files keep coming in\nand you have to\nsort them in your\nfolder system.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get to experience your whole life \nin reverse.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "There is no gravity, \nno left or right, \nno up and down, \nbut you have to guide \nsomeone to a treasure.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Life's a game, \nplay the game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're a door and you have the power to open or close as you wish. Sometimes someone tries to go through you, will you let them pass?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You enter a room full of obscure items and have to select some of them to curate an exhibition.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Time is given \nto each player.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "During the game, several tasks are given to players, and they need to split their time and accomplish those tasks in the time allocated. If you fail to do so, it will affect the whole time sequence. In short, you play \nthe game by splitting your \ntime, rearranging your \npriority constantly.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Git commit-push battle.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Noise-inducing\nheadphones so you\ncan hear the electronic\nmagnetic fields \naround you.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Harmonizing everything.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The printer that works\nis hidden somewhere\nin a maze.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Do you want me to tell you the story of Wendy?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You enter a room \nwhere you meet your \nfriends with whom \nyou play a game where \nyou play a game, where \nyou play a game, where \nyou play a game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The rain starts \nwhen the meeting stops.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The rain stops \nwhen the meeting starts.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Print 90000 post-its.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Guess the Guests.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Try to eat the hole \nof a donut.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Try to find out whether\nthe donut hole which\nwas expired was\nany good.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Each chatroom is \na different reality.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random age \ngenerator that \ngives you \na random age \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that age.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random ape \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random ape \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that ape.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random grape \ngenerator that \ngives you \na random grape \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that wine.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random wine \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random headache \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that wine.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random-random \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random-random \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that random.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The world is literally turned upside down \nand you must try \nto cure a hickup!", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Randominance.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Steal Jeff Bezos's\nmoney and use it \nfor the loot box.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Sushi but\nit tastes\nlike cola.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Cola but \nit tastes\nlike sushi.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Your manager reminds\nyou of Michael Scott\nand you feel like you\nare part of the Office.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Grocery.\nDelivery. \nStartup.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A one-sentence games list that never ends...", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}], "nim": [{"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "July 2056, the Nim population has hit a point of stagnation.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "My name is 1, I am \na proud, yet worn out \nnimizen of what has \nbeen known as the \nNimation for now more \nthan five centuries.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Since our formation in \nEurope in 1532 \nour population has \nremained stable.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We remain a steady\nand horrifyingly tiresome\nsixteen individuals, \nstuck in what is now a \nseriously embarrassing \nhierarchical structure: \nthe pyramid.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Our society used to be organised in the following structure:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER - REPLACE WITH IMAGE 1 123 12345 1234567", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We respond to a very simple set of rules:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(i) Only one couple\nis allowed at the time\nin Nimation.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(ii) Nimizens are only able to communicate with their immediate neighbour, i.e 1 and 7 can never be in touch.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iii) Only Nim\u2019s of an \nidentical position within \nour pyramid structure \ncan navigate outside \nof the pyramid together \nat once.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "As you may imagine, the referral to multiple 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s was quite unsettling, arousing jealousies that could confuse outsiders.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "The Nim Revolution of 1904 marked a turn in our history as new names were assigned to each nimizen:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "the new names after the Nim Revolution", "img": "img_nim_3_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Embracing each nimizen as individuals, through distinct names and physical features became the norm.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Our diversity had finally \nbecome the trope for a \nfair representation of \nthe self within a \nco-dependent society.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "The following year, 1905\nthe L-group composed\nof 3, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16\nand myself wanted to go\neven further and\nre-considered our\narchitectural ideologies.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "shape nims", "img": "img_nim_2_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We wanted to implement a new set of rules:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(i) Nimation is opened to groups and individuals. It will no longer be a couple only experience.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(ii) Nimizens are able to engage with any other nimizens, not just their immediate neighbour.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iii) Identity and social stature are no longer limited to one's position in the pyramid.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iv) Nimizens are able to navigate outside the structure with any other nimizens not only with those of similar structural stature.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(v) The traditional pyramid structure becomes a structure amongst others, not the default structure.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(vi) One's fate shouldn't be set in stone, one should have agency as to the path one chooses.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(vii) Nimation should be\nopen to the growth of its\nnimizens as well as its\nannihilation, retirement\nof its nimizens or \nreplacement of \nits nimizens.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Unable to convince the others of the necessity of the institution\u2019s rewriting our structure remained the same.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "human nims", "img": "img_nim_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Psst.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Silence.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Pssst!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: What?!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: I'm not talking to you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: 3.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Hm?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: I think 1 is trying to talk to you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: What is it?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: I'm lonely.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: We already talked about this.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Well it still hasn't\nbeen solved.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: I\u2019m sorry there is\nnothing I can do about \nit at the moment,\nyou could...", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: People assume because I'm at the top of the pyramid, everything is great for me!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Ha, sure is a great\nbore. Five centuries of\nsolitude, an omnipotent\nperspective that has\nno witness.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: No one to share my point of view with.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: To get any mundane experience across I need a waterfall of information, to slightly hope one will get some kind of input and they might never understand.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: I understand you!\nOr at least try too.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Quiet you two,\nI'm practising.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I go,\nI go alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Well at least you don't\nhave to suffer the\nunreasonable ones\nof this row.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I fear,\nI fear alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: You talk to me, sometimes.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "7: Is 1 having a \nmoment again?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Yes, yes, we're trying to figure it out.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Sssh.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "6: This again?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: 1 is trying to annihilate us again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "6: Let them be, they will be picked on soon enough again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Hmm.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I dream,\nI dream alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "7: They got everyone \nup again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Everyone's up now.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Well not enough.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Let's keep it quiet \nfor now.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: You know?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Tell me.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: In dreams...\nI walk with you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Roy?", "slug": "nim"}], "mimic": [{"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "type": "mimic-colophon", "original": "original text", "original-credits": "Austin Wood", "original-action": "published", "original-date": "May 03, 2017", "current": "current text", "current-credits": "XPUB", "current-action": ".replace(\"mimic\", \"loot box\")", "current-date": "March 25, 2022", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Foreword", "img": "loot box.png", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In RPG games the \nMimic is a monster\nthat appears as a\ntreasure chest.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "When a player tries to interact with it in order to get the contents of the chest it reveals its true nature and attacks her.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The name of the Mimic come from its act of mimesis: this creature is like a predator that disguises itself in order to sneak up on its prey.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "A treasure chest in a game can be seen as a temporary safe zone because it interrupts the flow of incoming threats by offering a reward to the player.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Mimic endangers this temporary safe zone and breaks a kind of contract between the player and the game.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The treasure chest is\ntransformed in a risky\nrussian roulette, that\ninoculates danger in the\nsafe zones of \na narration.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "I'm tempted to write that the loot box is something like a meta mimic: an object that promises an in-game reward but produces a damage to the player.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "What's more is that this damage is inflicted in the real world not to the player but to the person.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "What's then the difference between a loot box and a Mimic?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "img": "mimic.png", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "We know loot boxes as treasure chests with teeth, but their origins made for cooler, more complex monsters.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Sometimes it\u2019s obvious. Would there really be a treasure chest in the middle of such an unremarkable room, just begging you to open it?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Please.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Other times it\u2019s almost impossible to tell.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There will be an imperfection in the shape if you\u2019re lucky, maybe a misplaced link of chain on the side or a wood grain that seems just slightly off.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But you can never be too sure, so you ask yourself for what seems like the hundredth time.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Is it a loot box?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "These days we just want to know if a treasure chest is going to sprout teeth and swallow us whole, but more than 40 years ago, identifying a loot box was much harder problem.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "They weren't just treasure chests, and they weren't always mindlessly hungry for the flesh of adventurers.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Some could speak and even bargain. Others would attack anything on sight.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Some would grow to be the size of houses, others content to live as doormats. Or walls, floors or clothes. Toilets.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes have appeared in hundreds of videogames since the 1980s, usually as nothing more than a hungry chest.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But when they first appeared in Dungeons & Dragons, they were so much more than that.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "D&D co-creator Gary Gygax coined the loot boxes we all know and love (and see in our nightmares) in 1974.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Three years later, he gave players a clearer picture of loot boxes with D&D\u2019s Monster Manual, but questions still needed answering.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, in 1983, Ed Greenwood\u2014creator of D&D\u2019s Forgotten Realms campaign and many of its monsters\u2014wrote The Ecology of the Loot Box.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Ecology of the Loot Box compiled information from scattered lore into one definitive bestiary.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He also made up a lot of new details to fill in gaps in player understanding.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"That was and is the fun in D&D for me, making stuff up,\" Greenwood tells me over email.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In ways consistent with existing lore, so as to weave new portions of an existing tapestry.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Before the Ecology, loot boxes were just shapeshifting subterranean creatures that didn\u2019t like sunlight. Incredibly flexible hermits, basically.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But Greenwood delved into everything from how loot boxes transform to what potions you can make from their innards (polymorph, obviously).", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He outlined the two\nbasic types of loot \nboxes: big stupid \nkillers and small\nintelligent fiends.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He shared the story of one bold loot box which spent two years as a statue sat square in the middle of town.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Curiously near a sewer\nvein \"filled to a depth of \nmore than sixty feet\nwith human and \nanimal bones.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "It\u2019s no exaggeration to say he changed the face of loot boxes forever.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Greenwood\u2019s Ecology is probably the closest thing to science to ever come out of D&D.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But what\u2019s even more interesting is how the characteristics it laid out influenced the loot boxes in videogames.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at the ones in the\noriginal Ultima, released \nin 1980. These are\naggressive monster\nchests that pounce\nwhen the player\ngets close.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Sounds remarkably faithful to the Monster Manual, doesn\u2019t it?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Now look at Luggage from Discworld, released in 1995\u2014after Greenwood\u2019s ecology.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Luggage is most \ndefinitely a loot box,\nbut he\u2019s also\nyour companion.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He\u2019s a little disobedient, but sentient, almost dog-like and kind of cute.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "If nothing else, he\u2019s far more intelligent than Ultima\u2019s loot boxes.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In fact, Luggage is one of the only \u2018smart\u2019 loot boxes in videogames.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But why? Greenwood said that loot boxes are often intelligent enough to speak.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So why are most loot boxes automatically enemies?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "To paraphrase a certain Doom review, wouldn\u2019t it be something if we could talk to them?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Despite Greenwood's\ndefinition of the loot box \ngiving them the power to\ntake any shape, loot\nboxes are almost always\nenemies in games\nlargely because\nof technology.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "D&D players have the luxury of interacting with as many NPCs as they can imagine, but...", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "For early PC games like Ultima, creativity was measured in bytes.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "With an Apple II\u2019s specs,\nthere was barely enough\nroom for a fantasy \nworld, let alone\nrich dialogue.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, to meet gameplay needs, \u2018the loot box\u2019 was colloquialized to \u2018the monster chest.\u2019", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Discworld had a little more wiggle room.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Computers had improved since the \u201880s and it wasn\u2019t a fantasy RPG like Ultima", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Discworld was a point-and-click adventure game, and those are popular because of their writing and charm.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Thus Luggage was born, intelligence and disobedience intact.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Hardware and genre influenced the design of both games\u2019 loot boxes, but both ultimately echoed the then-current standards set by D&D.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Jump to Baldur\u2019s Gate\nin 1998.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There wasn\u2019t a shred \nleft of the intelligence\nLuggage displayed; loot\nboxes were back to\nbeing regular old\nmonster chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Considering the wealth\nof dialogue and how\nfaithfully it emulated\nD&D\u2019s other systems,\nyou\u2019d think it could have\nmade good use of\na wise-cracking loot\nbox or two.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But while Baldur\u2019s Gate\ndidn\u2019t have an easy time\ncramming an isometric\nRPG into a disc, its loot\nboxes were a result of\ndesign philosophy \nmore so than \ntechnical limitations.\"", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Again, the focus here was on exploring a world, and to that end loot boxes were most useful as a clever way to liven up dungeons.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "And really, aside from the whole eating people thing, that\u2019s what loot boxes have always been about: meeting the unique needs of games.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Loot boxes are the workhorse shapeshifting critters, the most ubiquitous, versatile and yet low-powered,\" Greenwood says.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Unlike, say, [werewolves], they have few strings attached to their shifting abilities, and lack the restrictions on form that most other shapeshifters have\u2026", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Loot boxes can be anything, can have any degree of cunning a [dungeon master] requires, and the [dungeon master\u2019s] desired patience, too,\" Greenwood says.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Even when videogames are cherry-picking D&D canon, they\u2019re still following it in spirit.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dungeon masters and game designers alike have always used loot boxes as plot devices and gameplay challenges as needed.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, you know, the more things change, the more they stay the same.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes became a mainstay of Japanese RPGs in the late 80s, which we normally think of as console games.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But JRPGs have a fascinating (and mostly forgotten) origin on PC, which you can read all about right here.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "After a while, the loot\nboxes of early RPGs like\nUltima started to\ninfluence other\nvideogames as much\nas D&D did.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "For starters, focusing \non a chest form \nled videogames to\nassociate loot boxes\nalmost explicitly with\ngreed and treasure.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "And they were a convenient way of introducing risk/reward in dungeons.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Why do you think loot boxes usually drop rare and valuable items?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at Dragon Quest \n3\u2019s canniboxes and\npandora\u2019s boxes from\n1988\u2014alternate variants\nof the game\u2019s vanilla loot\nboxes which appear\nlater and drop\nbetter stuff.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at Avarice, a boss\nin the more recent Titan\nSouls that not only is a\ngilded treasure chest\nbut guards a roomful\nof treasure.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Perhaps most famously, look at the Symbol of Avarice helmet in Dark Souls, which improves your loot drops and consumes your health.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "It\u2019s a sister item to the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring, which also ups your loot.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls treats loot boxes as symbols of greed on par with snakes, which have been used to represent gluttony for centuries.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "That\u2019s saying something about how stigmatized loot boxes have become.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "I almost feel sorry for the greedy bastards.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Early RPGs established a relationship between loot boxes and greed, but they also essentially codified them as chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Which may be why they appear so rarely in other genres or other forms.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Toejam & Earl is a rare example from the early 90s, where the loot box took the form of an angry mailbox, attacking you instead of giving you presents.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Again, greed is\nthe throughline.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls's loot boxes are gangly, chest-headed monstrosities, easily the most creative and terrifying to appear in a game.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "They also illustrate how\nsome qualities in\nEd Greenwood\u2019s\nEcology evolved into\ngameplay mechanics.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "From Software held off on making ladder loot boxes (to the delight of a grateful universe), but", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls\u2019 loot boxes hide their true bodies and may be bipedal or quadrupedal, which is a subtle remnant of the true shapeshifting of old.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Ecology said loot\nboxes are sensitive to\nheat; Dark Souls\u2019 loot\nboxes (and plenty of\nothers) are weak to\nfire attacks.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Then there\u2019s the \u201cglue\u201d that D&D loot boxes use to trap victims in place before mauling and eventually eating them.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There\u2019s no glue in Dark Souls, but if you get grabbed by a loot box, you likely aren\u2019t going anywhere but a bonfire.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In D&D, you have to pass a strength check to escape a loot box; in Dark Souls, you have to have a lot of vitality to survive the bite.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "JRPGs like Final Fantasy offer another fascinating example: they don\u2019t technically glue players in place, but you usually can\u2019t escape from encounters with loot boxes, either.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Many JRPGs also streamlined loot boxes even further.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "By viewing the\nfundamental idea of \n\u2018player expects loot,\ngets a fight instead\u2019\nthrough the lens of \nrandom encounters,\nthey created the \n\u2018box of enemies\u2019.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The chest itself isn\u2019t even a monster anymore, just a trigger for a random encounter.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Does that make it \na loot box? No, but \nit\u2019s still a different\nmeans to the same end,\nand it\u2019s still hardware\ndictating design.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Random encounters\nwere instituted to free\nup memory, after all.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes have started to show up more often outside the RPG genre in recent years, though they're almost always still chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Games like Magicka and Borderlands 2 treat them as easter eggs.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Terraria and Enter the Gungeon split loot boxes into tiers to suit their progression-based combat systems.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Torchlight loves to hide\nloot boxes in groups\nof chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Others still feature distant ancestors.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Shovel Knight\u2019s angler fish boss uses a treasure chest lure to draw in players.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The \u2018maneater\u2019 in Dragon\u2019s Dogma uses treasure chests like a hermit crab does shells.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Definitely not a loot box,\" Greenwood said of the maneater. \"This is an ambush predator.\"", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Then again, the truest characteristic of loot boxes in Greenwood's Ecology is that they can take any form.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Modern games that ditch the toothy chest are still staying true to that spirit.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "These things are \neverywhere if you \nreally look.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In other words, stay suspicious, because it\u2019s probably a loot box.", "slug": "mimic"}], "unfinished-thoughts": [{"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_1.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_2.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_3.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_4.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_5.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_6.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_7.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_8.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_9.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_10.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_11.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_12.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_13.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_14.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_15.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_16.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_17.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_18.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_19.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_20.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_21.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_22.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_23.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_24.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}], "the-leader": [{"title": "The Leader", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A1", "quote": "Dreams don't work unless you do.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 40, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A2", "quote": "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.", "motivation": 65, "vision": 30, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 80, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A3", "quote": "If you want to live a happy\nlife, tie it to a goal,\nnot people.", "motivation": 50, "vision": 65, "empathy": 10, "positivity": 50, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A4", "quote": "You live. You love. You cry. \nYou lose. You bleed. \nYou learn.", "motivation": 30, "vision": 10, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "This is a quartets card \ngame with the objective\nto collect 4 cards in\na series.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The pack contains 32 cards, divided into 8 groups of 4 cards.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B1", "quote": "Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.", "motivation": 95, "vision": 70, "empathy": 15, "positivity": 55, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B2", "quote": "Push yourself because \nno one else is going to do\nit for you.", "motivation": 85, "vision": 85, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B3", "quote": "Big journeys begin with a small step.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 25, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 95, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B4", "quote": "Be so good they can't ignore you.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 95, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 15, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "It is played with three or more players. The aim is to win all the quartets (sets of four).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "Each card has a number and letter (A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, etc.) in the top of the card.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "On the cards, you find motivational quotes by your imaginary leader.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C1", "quote": "Don't focus on the pain, focus on the progress.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 80, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 65, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C2", "quote": "Good things will come.", "motivation": 5, "vision": 90, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C3", "quote": "Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 100, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 55, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C4", "quote": "Prove yourself to yourself, not to others.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 0, "empathy": 45, "positivity": 90, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The quotes have a value\nin the following \ncategories: motivation,\nempathy, vision\nand positivity.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The cards are shuffled\nand dealt evenly\nbetween all the players\nand the cards get \nheld face up in a\nplayer's hand.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D1", "quote": "Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice.", "motivation": 55, "vision": 50, "empathy": 25, "positivity": 20, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D2", "quote": "Whatever you decide to do, make it sure it makes you happy.", "motivation": 15, "vision": 10, "empathy": 85, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D3", "quote": "Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.", "motivation": 100, "vision": 75, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D4", "quote": "A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 100, "empathy": 60, "positivity": 80, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player on the dealer's lefthand side starts by asking another player if they have a certain card (for example, card C4).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "They are looking for a card that would help them create a quartet (in this case, a quartet of cards with the letter C).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If the other player doesn\u2019t have the card, then it becomes their turn to ask.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E1", "quote": "Criticism makes you strong.", "motivation": 100, "vision": 75, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 30, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E2", "quote": "Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.", "motivation": 35, "vision": 55, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 25, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E3", "quote": "A year from now, you may wish you had starded today.", "motivation": 60, "vision": 80, "empathy": 25, "positivity": 35, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E4", "quote": "Never give up on anything that makes your hart sore.", "motivation": 55, "vision": 60, "empathy": 10, "positivity": 40, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If the other player does\nhave the card, the\ntwo compete in\nthe categories.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player who asked\nfor the card, now picks \na category (for example,\npositivity) and both\nplayers reveal the value\nof their card in\nthat category.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F1", "quote": "Do or do not. There is \nno try.", "motivation": 75, "vision": 90, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 45, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F2", "quote": "There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 80, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F3", "quote": "Do good and good will come to you.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 50, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F4", "quote": "There is hope. Even when\nyour brain tells you\nthere isn't.", "motivation": 75, "vision": 60, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player with the lower category value hands over their card to the player with the higher value. The winning person is next.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "When a quartet is created, or a complete quartet was dealt, then the cards creating the quartet are placed in front of the player.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G1", "quote": "You didn't come this far to only come this far.", "motivation": 65, "vision": 75, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 25, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G2", "quote": "Your mistakes don't\ndefine you.", "motivation": 0, "vision": 0, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 90, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G3", "quote": "Everyday is a chance \nto be better.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 80, "empathy": 70, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G4", "quote": "Believe you can and you\u2019re halfway there.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 50, "empathy": 80, "positivity": 95, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If someone loses all their cards in the game, they lose the game.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The game ends when\nall the quartets have\nbeen created.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H1", "quote": "A negative mind will never give you a positive life.", "motivation": 15, "vision": 10, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H2", "quote": "Be a warrior, not a worrier.", "motivation": 50, "vision": 60, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 50, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H3", "quote": "If your dreams don't scare you, they are too small.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 100, "empathy": 35, "positivity": 45, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H4", "quote": "The key to success is to start before you are ready.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 80, "empathy": 30, "positivity": 75, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The winner is the person\nwho has the most \nquartets and\nthus the most\ninspirational quotes.", "slug": "the-leader"}], "connect-less": [{"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "A game about networking: \na playful critical reflection \non the self-improving and \nproductive act of connecting \nwith others in order to \nadvance in your career and \nget access to work \nand money.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The concept of meaningful \nwork derailed outside \nthe working hours and \nis haunting each moment \nof our lives - professional \nand personal.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Over the course of a \nCentury the way we work, \nconnect and rest \nchanged remarkably.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "At first, we tried to make each working minute productive by improving the process and production line.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Later, the need to be \nproductive collided with \nthe need to develop \na professional career with \nwhich we identify ourselves.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Of course, our efforts to \nbe better and improve \nourselves slowly \nwent outside \nour professional life \n(and the working hours).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The boundaries between \npersonal and professional, \nbetween work and leisure \nbecame blurrier and \nblurrier for various jobs \nand professions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Networking is quite crucial for our work and success, isn't it?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The better we are \nconnected, the more \nopportunities we have. \nThe more opportunities \nwe get, the more chances \nwe have to get work.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Your success and wellbeing \ndepend on how connected \nyou are. The more, \nthe merrier.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "However, some of us\nmight feel the pressure to\nnetwork constantly and \nto be out there to look\nfor opportunities.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The fear of missing out. \nThe regret about \nopportunities \nnever reached and taken. \nAll the anxiety that \nthose thoughts may bring.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "In this silly game you and \nyour partner(s) will explore \nways to connect to other \nwell-connected creatures \nlike you (by each of you \nchoosing one shape such \nas circle, square or triangle).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Whilst playing, you are \ninvited to reflect on the need\nfor networking and social \nwork connections.\nHave a simple conversation \nwhile doodling.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Let's start: check out the rules of the game!", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Rules", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "1) Pick up a board for two or three players depending on how many you are.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "2) Each of you \npicks up one symbol \n(circle, square, triangle).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "3) Each player takes one\nturn one after another:\nwith each turn connect\ntwo of your chosen \nsymbols on the board \nand answer one of the \nreflection questions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The second player does the \nsame, but can also already \nrespond to what \nplayer one said.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "When everyone takes their first turn, they continue the line from the symbol they ended at the previous turn. Thus, you are already connecting a chain of \nyour symbols.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "4) In order to connect your \nsymbols, you should doodle \na line between them. That \nline is not allowed to touch\nany other lines or symbols \nother than the two \nsymbols it's connecting.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "5) You are not allowed \nto cross another \nconnection either.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The game ends for each player when they are stuck and not being able to connect any more symbols without crossing a line or touching other symbols or the borders of the board.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "When that happens for one player of two, the game ends. The one who cannot connect more loses the game. When the players are three, the other two players can continue until another one gets stuck in the \nsame way.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The winner is the one who is still able to connect more symbols. If you touch other lines, symbols or the border of the game board whilst you are drawing your line, you lose the game immediately.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What if the winner is the one who is the first to leave the game? #PlotTwist! What would that change in the game? And what in the \nreal life?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Reflection Questions", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How to enjoy playing this game? Get a drink and sit down with your friend(s).\nPick a board and start \nconnecting the symbols\nyou have selected.\nWhilst doing that, let's talk\nabout connections:", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is networking for you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Is your work(life) dependent on networking? If yes, how?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you feel \nabout networking?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How important is networking for you personally?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How are social connections \nimportant in your\npersonal life?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you network?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Is it ok for you if you are \nnot super connected to \nmany people?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is your way to \nfinding work?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is your way to connect to others?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Does networking bring any challenges for you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What does a networking opportunity mean to you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you feel when you are unable to take a networking opportunity?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Would you like to ask your \ngame partner anything \nelse about networking and \nsocial connections?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Game Boards", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "connect[less] for two players", "img": "connectless-2p.png", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE (FOR 2 PLAYERS)", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "connect[less] for three players", "img": "connectless-3p.png", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER (IMG FOR 3 PLAYERS)", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR TO ALEX'S WIKI???", "slug": "connect-less"}], "xquisite": [{"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The exquisite corpse is a multiplayer game invented by the surrealists. Its aim is to compose a collective drawing or a story.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-1.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Traditionally the game is played on a long sheet of paper and each player draws a part.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-2.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The next player should not see the drawing of the previous one. They only have a small hint from which to continue.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-3.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-4.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-5.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-6.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "This goes on and on: the next player draws from the hint of the previous one without seeing the whole image.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-7.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-8.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The result is a weird linear narrative. The transition between authors is both smooth and abrupt.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-9.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The Exquisite Branch is \nan online take on \nthe game.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-12.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-13.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "It questions concepts such as authorship and collaboration in the light of the digital age.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-14.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The original version is constrained to a single piece of paper and is destined to be linear.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-15.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-16.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Let\u2019s imagine our drawings forking and branching. Going in different directions.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-17.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-18.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-19.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-20.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-21.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-22.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The way in which Exquisite Branch works recalls the flow of a version control system just like Git.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-23.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "There are 2 ways to get to the Exquisite Branch:", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "You either navigate to \nhttps://hub.xpub.nl\n/soupboat\n/xquisite", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Or you receive a link from someone pointing to a specific branch.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Then it's time to scribble\nsomething or paint\na masterpiece.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-24.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "When you are done, you can submit the drawing.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "You will receive a new link to share with others.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-25.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "They will continue from your drawing, so leave some hints!", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "If you pass the link to just one person, the xquisite drawing will continue linearly.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "But if you pass it to \nseveral people, \nit will branch.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "It will have multiple versions with a common starting point.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "On the website you \ncan either start a new\ndrawing, continue from\nthe last contribution or\nview all the branches.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR", "slug": "xquisite"}], "katamari": [{"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Frog", "img": "frog.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello im the frog today im here on my lily pad ehe", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "slurp a fly gnam ate it", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "roll rooooollllll", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "papa should be proud \nof me", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "vrooom vroooom", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ohh papa can be \nso scary", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "he is looking me from the above all the time", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "everytime papa is \nsad my whole \nuniverse collapses", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-1.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello frog hello giraffe hello lipstick hello rubber hello beaver hello flower hello candy hello treasure hello television hello window hello chair hello fire extinguisher hello carpet hello grass hello cigarette hello mouse hello mice hello nietche hello beach hello whale hello waves", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Giraffe", "img": "giraffe.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello katamari ball", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "king.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PRINCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "OMG I cannot fail the king of all Cosmos", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Frog", "img": "frog.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "What do they do a \ngiraffe and a \nkettle together?", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Cigarette", "img": "cigarette.jpeg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "they roll a katamari", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Joint", "img": "joint.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "\ud83d\ude44", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Carpet", "img": "carpet.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "this house is \nsooooo messy", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "full of random things lying around", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "bless the king of all Cosmos that takes care of all this chaos", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "king-pantheon.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "YOU HEAR THAT PRINCE?? BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Carpet", "img": "carpet.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "NO BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "XPUB1", "img": "gersande%20panteon.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "NO BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-2.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello book hello shelves hello supermarket hello street hello car hello ceo of the city public transportation system hello playstation hello carpet hello giraffe hello frog hello ball hello dust hello microbs hello crown hello corona hello clown hello mine hello mineral hello anti men mine hello gun hello killer hello kinder hello children hello", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "pantheon_rome.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I'm the SUN, I'm the BOSS, I'm the HOLE of the PANTHEON", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince-junk.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "aaaaaaah more things more things more things more things", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "a stample, a tampon, \na rat, a frog", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ohhh a pile of cardsss let's take them all", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I am the prince and I'll restore sassy king's mess, my papa's faults", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Moon", "img": "moon.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I feel personally \nattacked by this \nkatamari ball \ngetting bigger \nand rounder", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Earth", "img": "earth.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "It's not like it seems \ni can explain", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-3.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello moon hello earth hello rings of saturn hello orbital elements hello fixed stars hello milky way hello popping stars hello shooting stars hello soundtrack hello marimba hello calimba hello mazinga", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The Intellectual Katamari Meta Queen", "img": "queen.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ah this is interesting bc the prince never talks.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "so then it could be that \nhe's a ventriloque and \nthe katamari speaks \nfor him", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ahhh yes he talks through the katamari, wow so meta!", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "yes like the katamari has one hidden face", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "sometimes \nit's autonomous, \nother times \nit's the prince", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "But what consistence has the katamari? is it crunchy or ??", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "yes crunchy and porous, so it can attract the grainy items on earth like pieces of sauce", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of All Cosmos", "img": "king.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ARE WE MAKING A PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB OR WHAT?????", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ROOOLLL ROOOOLLLL ROOOOLLLLLLLLLL", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The Intellectual Katamari Meta Queen", "img": "queen.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "nono.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "B\ud83e\udd0dU\ud83e\udd0dT", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "maybe we can start one", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "A\ud83d\udca5N\ud83d\udca5D", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I'm probably gonna be rolled up by katamari as I can see it coming here.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ciao.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-4.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen hello prince", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen \nhello prince \nhello", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of All Cosmos", "img": "king-horror.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "STOPP STOOOOPP \nDONT YOU ROLL \nON US", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-5.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Vroooooooooooom vroooooooooooooooooom", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Papaaaaaaa I cannot control the katamariiiiiii (or maybe I can?)", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Oh nooooooooooooooo", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Blibli", "img": "blibli.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Meow I want a philosophical club", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Blibli starts a Federici reading group", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Damacy is a videogame designed by Keita Takahashi and published by Namco. The gameplay consists in rolling on objects and accumulating them in order to make a super big katamari.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The more objects you \nincorporate, the more \nbig the katamari \nbecomes. The objective \nof each level is to reach \na certain size with \nthe katamari.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "In the game you are the \nprince , the son of the \nking of all Kosmos. \nThe king accidentally \ndestroyed all the stars.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "That's why he makes \nYOU -his son- to work \nfor him and roll \nkatamaris, that are \ngoing to replace \nthe stars.", "slug": "katamari"}], "life-hacks": [{"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Tie a small piece of bright-coloured fabric to your luggage while travelling. Saves a lot of time to check if it's your bag or not!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For people who use their phone to watch things often and are tired of leaning it onto something that falls down after a while: Place your phone on your sunglasses!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you want to cross words out you don't want to be legible: instead of scribbling over them, write random letters and words over the original!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Does your dorm smell bad? Tape a dryer sheet over the AC unit and turn it on!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Waterproof your shoes with bee wax!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take a picture of business cards people hand you, just in case you lose it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When ironing a button-up shirt, flip it inside-out to easily iron over the button side!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put old newspaper at the bottom of your bin to absorb food juices!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep an emergency card in your wallet including your emergency contact, your blood type and allergies!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Store your Christmas decorations in empty egg trays!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When travelling, keep a bar of scented soap in the same compartment as your dirty laundry. It will keep your clothes smelling clean!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut a hole on the top corner of a juice carton, so that the juice won't explode all over your table when you open it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Bounce batteries to see \nif they're good or bad.\nDrop them on a table.\nIf they give one small \nbounce and fall right \nover, they're good. \nIf they bounce around\nany more than that, \nthey're dead!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a coozie to cover the stick in your car on hot days!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When taking a picture, squint your eyes to make your smile look much more genuine!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a pants hanger as \na cookbook holder \nso you don't have \nto put your cookbook \non a dirty kitchen\ncounter while cooking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do you need a lantern but you only have your phone? Place your cellphone light underneath a water bottle. It will distribute the light better than the direct beam!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a spring from an old pen and wrap it around your charger. It will keep your charger from bending and breaking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut a rectangular shape \nin an empty toilet roll \nand place your phone in \nthe cut. Now you have \na speaker!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are your keyboard feet broken? Attach \nbinder clips!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Wrap a wet paper towel around your beverage and put it in the freezer. In about 15 minutes the beverage will be almost completely ice cold!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep your pancake mix in an empty ketchup bottle for a no-mess cooking experience!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Clean out an old sun lotion bottle for your beach bag and put your phone, money and keys in it for safer keeping at the beach!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are you tired of making \na lot of small bowls dirty \nwhen serving several \nsauces for guests at a \nbarbeque? Use a muffin \ntin to serve them. It will \nhelp you cut down \non dishwashing!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Doritos are great for kindling if you can't find any kindling wood stick!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Apply nail polish on \nyour keys to identify the \ndifferent keys!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a hanging shoe \nrack to store \ncleaning supplies!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Freeze grapes to chill white wine without watering it down!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Attach paper clips on \nyour desk and pull one \ncharging cable through \neach paper clip. It will \nhelp you organise \nyour cables!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Almost finished your jar of Nutella? End it with ice cream!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Store your cables in empty toilet paper rolls. If you put one cable in one roll each, they will not get tangled up!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut open toilet paper \nrolls and use them as \na cuff to keep your \nwrapping paper \nfrom unrolling!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To remove the stem \nfrom strawberries, \nuse a straw!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For iced coffee and iced cappuccinos, use frozen coffee cubes to ensure the drink doesn't get watered down!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Always fold your towels \nin the same way. \nThen you can stack \nthem better.", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Heavy sleeper? Tired of \nsnoozing past your \nalarm? Put your \nsmartphone in an empty\ncup before you go \nto sleep to crank \nthe volume!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a wooden spoon across a boiling pot of water to keep it from boiling over!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take pictures of friends \nholding items you've lent\nthem. The pictures will \nhelp you remember \nwhich items you lent\nto whom!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Tie a knot in the left \ncable of your \nheadphone. You will \nalways know which \nheadphone is the left \none and which is the \nright one, even \nwithout looking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Lost your earring? Put a stocking over the end of a vacuum and start vacuum cleaning. You will find your earring without sucking it in!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are you struggling to drink enough water every day? Draw a schedule on your bottle so you always remember how much you have to drink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Instead of putting a \nround piece of sausage \non a square toast, cut \nthe meat in squares too!\nYou will avoid having \nnothing in the \ntoast corners!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you go shopping, take a carabiner with you. If you end up with a lot of shopping bags, you can just connect the different bags with the carabiner. Like this, you only have to hold the carabiner instead of all the bags!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When boiling eggs, add \none teaspoon of baking \nsoda to the water. \nIt'll make the shell come\noff effortlessly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use your hair \nstraightener to iron \nyour collar!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do you keep your clothing in a chest of drawers? Stack your clothes vertically to see them all!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Try baking cookies in the\nfront of your car in\nsummer. It will get hot\nenough through \nthe window!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To clean your blender, just pour water and soap in it, let it whirl and then rinse it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a muffin paper on your popsicle stick to not get any ice cream on your hands!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To get the built-up residue off of your shower head, tie a baggy of vinegar around a showerhead. Leave it there overnight and it will clean everything off with no work!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a hair clip to organize long wires!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Freeze a saturated sponge and put it in a plastic bag.\nFree icepack!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Rub a stuck zipper tooth with a graphite pencil tip to make the zipper tooth come loose!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You don't have a citrus press? Put your lemons in between your noodle tongs and squeeze!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You don't have a corkscrew? Put a screw in the cork and take the cork out with pliers!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover \nup dings!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Give your kid a pool\nnoddle to cuddle with so\nthey don't fall out of\nthe bed!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use toothpaste to clear up hazy car headlights!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You bought a pizza on your way home? Put the pizza on the passenger seat in your car and turn on the seat warmer to keep the pizza hot!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drinking with a straw from a can? Put your straw through the tab to keep it from rising out of your drink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a fork in the creamy filling of an Oreo cookie, so your fingers don't get messy when you dunk them in milk!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Attach your remotes with magnetic tape onto your tv bench and you will never lose them again!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Hide your emergency money in an empty\nglue stick!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you're at a hotel and run out of plug sockets, the TV usually has a USB plugin!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep a square of cardboard in a ziplock bag with you to protect small, important documents from rain and keep them uncreased!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you need to pee or smoke at a bar, placing your coaster on top of your drink is universal bar language for \u201cI'm coming back\u201d. Prevents you from losing your drink and seat!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drill holes in the bottom of your garbage can to make putting in and taking out bags much easier without any suction issues!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use an accented letter like '\u00f1' in your password. No one will ever be able to guess it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Clean the top of a squeeze-sauce bottle and attach it to your vacuum cleaner to clean your keyboard, phone, microphone or other small items!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do something unusual when locking the door before a long trip. You will remember that you've definitely done it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When heating leftovers\nin a microwave, space\nout a circle in the middle,\nit will heat up much\nmore evenly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Don't burn yourself in those hard-to-reach candles, light a stick of spaghetti and light the wick with that!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a small amount of water in a glass when you microwave your pizza to keep the crust from getting chewy!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you disassemble\nfurniture, lay the screws\non different post-its and\nwrite down the part of\nthe furniture they\nbelong to!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Glue a pool noodle to your garage wall and it will protect your car door from slamming against the wall!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a pencil case or sunglasses case to store your cables in your backpack or suitcase!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a clothespin to hold a nail whilst hammering!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take a picture of your fridge and you'll never struggle to remember what you need to buy at the grocery store!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Fill plastic water bottles a quarter of the way full and lay the bottle into the freezer. When frozen, fill the rest with water and you will have ice cold water on the go!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Roll up the bottom of a chips bag to have better access to the snack!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put plastic wrap on the stems of your bananas and it will make them stay fresh for very long!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Before you throw away a post-it, run it between the keys on your keyboard to collect crumbs and fluff!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drinking lukewarm lemon water every morning balances your body pH levels!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you put ice cubes in your dryer, your shirts won\u2019t wrinkle!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Putting newspapers in shoes removes the stink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Toothpaste cleans\nthe silver!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Using shades while\nwatching mobile for a\nlong time helps you\nstay relaxed!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you chew apples every morning, your mouth won\u2019t stink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Citrus flavour candles leave the fragrance for longer hours!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If a lid is stuck, just pour a little hot water. Leave for a few minutes and then open!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You can preserve herbs\nby putting them in\nthe freezer!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use unscented floss to cut delicate food neatly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When moving houses,\nuse bags with wheels for\nbig things rather\nthan boxes!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Roll your garments to \nhave more space in\nthe pantry. Or in\nyour suitcase!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a lemon wedge in the water. The shells will pretty much tumble off when they are finished!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To clean a hazy mirror, use shaving cream!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use vinegar to eliminate scents from\nthe microwave!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For cleaning your blinds, use towel-wrapped utensils!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use bubbling water to kill weeds!", "slug": "life-hacks"}], "karaoke": [{"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Let's get straight into it!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE?? (BONUS)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I wake up early every day to be the best", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Don't close the mac cuz there's no need for me to rest", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My job is like a game\nthat's why I feel\nso blessed", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh, a, oh", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "They took the fun out\nof my creativity\n(BUT)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I'm responsible for\nmy stability \n(AND)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My mentor said 'Self-motivation is the key!'", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "20 points", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I did a good job!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "50 points", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I did a better job!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make a promising world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a fulfilling world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gamify your entire day", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a-a-a oh", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Waiting the host to let me enter the zoom call", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Checking my emails \nwhile I'm having\nhealthy lunch", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My job is like a game\nbut why I feel\nso stressed", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a oh-a", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Is this my leisure time?", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a oh-a", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Is this my working time?", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Manage life through all your apps", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Get some rest and back to work", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a-aho oh x2", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "If you fail then don't complain", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Try your best and play the game", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Life is better when\nyou may", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "gamify all the way", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Can't go on anymore x2", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a promising world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a fulfilling world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}]} \ No newline at end of file +{"what-is-a-loot-box": [{"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A closed box with objects inside.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A digital or physical box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box inside video games containing randomized items.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box of hidden\nmotives, designed\nto persuade and\ntrick players.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual box where\nthe user can pay and\naccess products. Those\nitems can be useful to\ndevelop you character \nin the game or can\nbe collectable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A lottery box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It looks like a real gift,\nbut you purchase it\nfor yourself.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You choose it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You get something nice.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A box embedded in\na context.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It works within the context of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It works outside the context of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "When the game gets tough, the loot box offers you a shortcut.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Payment", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A virtual feature that players can purchase with real money. It is usually available in free-to-play games or full-price games.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You don't get it for free, and you don't know what you get.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A promise for a virtual treasure that is purchased with real money. You buy a virtual treasure hoping it contains something valuable within the world of the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Fast-thinking", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is what motivates immediate irrational purchases.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It can be rational in the context of the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A quest, narrative or social pressure can justify any loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It appears and disappears quickly in order to seem exclusive. Thus, it makes the player buy it without thinking too much.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Time pressure creates artificial urgency (jeopardy).", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Excitement and anticipation", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A feeling of excitement and anticipation could be related to the excitement of gambling.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You know that there is a chance of getting some items that you desire.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is desirable because it creates rare chances to get powerful items.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is like gambling because you anticipate what is inside.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise mechanism", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The element of surprise is a highly appreciated aspect of the loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A secret treasure that is not worth the money you pay for it, nor the expectations you have for it. However, that is somehow exciting.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Addictiveness is\nconnected to the\nsurprise mechanism: the\nmoment of anticipation\nis addictive. It makes\nyou feel that anything\nis possible.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's like the cat in the box: is she dead or is she alive? She is both until you open the box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An entertaining element.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It keeps the players\nhooked to the game by\nusing an element\nof surprise.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The player never knows what is inside of it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Surprise that comes\nwith consequences.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Reward", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An immediate reward.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The immediate reward makes it fun. The risk comes with pleasure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It derives from the loot, a bunch of goodies that you can get as a reward after you conquer a super boss or level up.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A reward after accomplishing a really heroic task.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An immediately rewarding response preceded by a generally customized trigger.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A guaranteed reward in exchange for money.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Progress in the game", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You have more power in the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Sometimes the game doesn\u2019t reach its full potential without buying a loot box. That makes players feel compelled to make a purchase.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You will get better if you buy a loot box.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Emotional trigger", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Strong emotional reactions are tied to the financial elements.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Pleasure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Thrill.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Excitement.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Desire.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Disappointment.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Even if you don't get exactly what you wish for, you will get something, and you feel somehow rewarded.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's collectable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Incremental rewards.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It is disguised as safe and innocent.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You can keep opening loot boxes forever.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It interfaces the game and the real world.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It\u2019s an alternate reality experience of collecting things you can't own in real life.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It\u2019s a pulse in the\ncirculation of resources\nbetween a virtual game\nand the reality outside\nof it.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Loot box as currency exchange", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The game coin.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Collectible item.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Real money.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Power-Up.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Designed to be addictive", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Very real addictive mechanisms.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A repeated scheme that ensures constant spending into virtual game currencies.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Designed to be desirable and to be purchased again and again.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Some rewards are rare and that makes the loot box desirable.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It puts you in a condition for purchasing without thinking too much.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Its timespan is similar to the discount periods or Black Friday.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Looking under the hood.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for \naddictive behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A gambling mechanism,\nexploitative by design,\nthat promises immediate\nin-game rewards to\nthe player.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The rewards of the loot\nbox can affect both the\ngameplay and the social\nenvironment around\nthe game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It sets the beat\nfor repeated\nmicrotransactions.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's a repetitive\nrhythm for the\nplayer's temporality.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It builds a habit by triggering the attention and the emotional response of the player.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It's fun.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It ensures that you\nkeep playing\npotentially forever.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "From habit to addiction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "You pay money to obtain something new.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Risk.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Ritual.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Destiny.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It hacks the temporality of a game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It allows you\nto customize your\ngame character.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It shifts the dynamics in the game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It provides you with\ncollectables or power-\nups that make you\nprogress inside\nthe game.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A temporalized tool\nfor the distribution\nand management\nof resources.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Exploitation", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The potentially endless collection creates artificial needs.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Exploitative fun.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The benefits for you are emotional. The benefits for the game platforms are financial.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A money-making mechanism that uses real-world money in video games' worlds.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "It targets\nvulnerable players.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for\naddictive behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A trigger for\ntoxic behaviour.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "An escape from real life.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Fake promises.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "FOMO (fear of \nmissing out).", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "The surprise mechanism and exclusivity of the loot box creates a constant FOMO.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Peer pressure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Social pressure.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "Individual engagement", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "A personalized 1 to 1 interaction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}, {"title": "What is a loot box?", "description": "1 to machine interaction.", "slug": "what-is-a-loot-box"}], "crosswords": [{"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Dear Player, The Crossword Imaginary Grid Game found you for a reason.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "The aim of this game is \nto create a crossword \ngrid with your hands \nand explore a part \nof the Glossary \nof Productive Play. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "There is a printed grid \nfor you here, but if you \nwant more, visit the \nwebsite of this \nSpecial Issue. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Take some time (leisure \nor productive?), place\nthe pieces on a surface,\non a wall, on your bed,\non your cat's body.. \nand start playing!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Position the coded\npapers to recreate \nthe grid. Follow \nthe following scheme \nfor every category:", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "", "img": "imaginarygrid_structure.jpg", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "I know it might sound complicated now, but I promise you that you will understand how to make it work while playing.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "There are four things you have to keep attention to while creating the grid:", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "1. A code (e.g. B7), composed of a letter and a number, defines the position in the imaginary grid.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "2. The papers with the clues are not to be used during the grid's construction.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "3. A content category gathers all the definitions that are part of the same crossword (e.g. loot box).", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "4. The papers having\nthe same code \ncould represent \nan intersection or \nthe presence of two \ndefinitions, one \ngoing down and the\nother across. ", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Find out which is which!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "If you don't know the word, don't stress yourself out: these crosswords are meant to teach while having fun.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Yes, you heard that well, you are experiencing Productive Play! Enjoy the time you are taking for yourself! It's okay not to finish it, it's okay to give up, it's okay to still be happy with it.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "And if you are really unsatisfied, just call some friends and have some fun together!", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "description": "Remember, these are\njust instructions not \nto get lost. But it's\nokay to get lost. \nGet lost sometimes.", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "K1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "M1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "The price given to\nobjects to be acquired, produced, maintained, or accomplished.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Cost", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L4", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L5", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L6", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L7", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L8", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L9", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L10", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L11", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L12", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "Available to only a few\npeople because users\nhave a limited time\nframe to obtain the\nloot box.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L4", "word": "Exclusive", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J1", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J2", "word": "Collectible", "direction": "H", 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"category": "Loot Box", "start": "H10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "I10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "J10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "K10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "L10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "M10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "N10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "O10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "P10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "Q10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": " ", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "R10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}, {"title": "Crossword Imaginary Grid Game", "definition": "When a company \nis taking unfair or \nunethical advantage \nof a person or a \nsituation for profit.", "category": "Loot Box", "start": "G10", "word": "Exploitative", "direction": "V", "slug": "crosswords"}], "one-sentence-game-ideas": [{"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Inspired by Pippin Barr's Game Ideas \ud83d\udef4 https://www.pippinbarr.com/category/game-ideas/", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are in an empty \nroom with 13 doors \nthat are portals \nto 13 different worlds.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "5 min \nslow-motion epidemics, \nvisually transmitted.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Every crisis \nis a simulation \nof another crisis.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Every crisis \nis a preparation \nfor another crisis.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You receive a point for each floating tile you encounter on the street.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You sleep and\nthe more you sleep,\nthe more the buildings\naround the bedroom\ncollapse and nature\nstarts growing and\ninvading the space.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "ThermoSTATE\nthe state where no citizen feels cold. \ud83e\udd75", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The same day is looping over and over. The goal is to figure out which decision will make you move on to the next day.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A flat with no floors.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Hello, \nwhere are you, \nwhat can you see \nfrom there?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You give someone a gift. They give the gift to someone else.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You meet a person in a corridor, but you're in a supermarket, in Canada.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Collect fantasy words \nin a fantasy world \nby talking to other fantasy characters \nso you can describe fantasy objects better.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "...and yes...\nonly give \na positive answer \n(or inflexion) \nto any question.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A city room \nwithout gravity.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Thank you! \nNo, I thank you! \nNoo, I thank YOU! \nNo. I really thank you. \nNo, I THANK you!", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get up and you're \na dictator for 5 min.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get up and you're \na dictator for 5 min \nand if you don't change anything in the current status quo you die.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You have a lethal laugh.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are late. \nYou have to leave \nbut you start \nplaying a game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You change language and you discover how clever you are but you cannot communicate with others anymore.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are in an empty room with 13 doors that are portals to 13 similar worlds, only your character changes.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Plastic bag on a \nwindy day at the \nmarket simulator.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Reality show \nfor cultural workers.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A portal will take you to the exact opposite spot on the globe.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You dive into an ocean without an ocean floor but it's actually the sky.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A bruschetta \nand some tomato sauce,\nbut you're not in Italy.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're a flock of birds. You interact with things only collectively.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're in a layer of a multilayered world. You cannot see the effect of your actions unless you change the layer.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Any action \ncould potentially kill \nthe other players \n(including staying still). \nThe longer all the players are kept alive the more you score.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Dutch wind \nvs. \nHuman being", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Interpret what birds \nare saying.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A game where your \nreal-life issues are solved through playing and you don't realise \nit's happening.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Sometimes things change depending \non who you tell.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "\u2002 \u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\u2002\ud83c\udf88\n\n\n\n\nYou are a helium balloon\nand you just got \nto the big city.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You are stuck in reality and you're trying to get back to your imaginary world but cannot \nfind the door.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Build the highest high \nheels in the world so \nyou can traverse the \nMariana Trench, with a \ndepth of 11 034 m, \nwithout touching \nthe water.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "It's night with rain \nand Devil Dutch Wind\n(DDW) and you are \ntrying to ride your\nway home.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The calories burned while running on the treadmill become \nactual currency.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Files keep coming in\nand you have to\nsort them in your\nfolder system.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You get to experience your whole life \nin reverse.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "There is no gravity, \nno left or right, \nno up and down, \nbut you have to guide \nsomeone to a treasure.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Life's a game, \nplay the game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You're a door and you have the power to open or close as you wish. Sometimes someone tries to go through you, will you let them pass?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You enter a room full of obscure items and have to select some of them to curate an exhibition.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Time is given \nto each player.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "During the game, several tasks are given to players, and they need to split their time and accomplish those tasks in the time allocated. If you fail to do so, it will affect the whole time sequence. In short, you play \nthe game by splitting your \ntime, rearranging your \npriority constantly.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Git commit-push battle.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Noise-inducing\nheadphones so you\ncan hear the electronic\nmagnetic fields \naround you.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Harmonizing everything.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The printer that works\nis hidden somewhere\nin a maze.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Do you want me to tell you the story of Wendy?", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "You enter a room \nwhere you meet your \nfriends with whom \nyou play a game where \nyou play a game, where \nyou play a game, where \nyou play a game.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The rain starts \nwhen the meeting stops.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The rain stops \nwhen the meeting starts.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Print 90000 post-its.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Guess the Guests.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Try to eat the hole \nof a donut.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Try to find out whether\nthe donut hole which\nwas expired was\nany good.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Each chatroom is \na different reality.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random age \ngenerator that \ngives you \na random age \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that age.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random ape \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random ape \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that ape.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random grape \ngenerator that \ngives you \na random grape \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that wine.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random wine \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random headache \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that wine.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A random-random \ngenerator that\ngives you \na random-random \non your birthday \nand your body \nturns that random.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "The world is literally turned upside down \nand you must try \nto cure a hickup!", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Randominance.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Steal Jeff Bezos's\nmoney and use it \nfor the loot box.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Sushi but\nit tastes\nlike cola.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Cola but \nit tastes\nlike sushi.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Your manager reminds\nyou of Michael Scott\nand you feel like you\nare part of the Office.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "Grocery.\nDelivery. \nStartup.", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}, {"title": "One-sentence game ideas", "description": "A one-sentence games list that never ends...", "slug": "one-sentence-game-ideas"}], "nim": [{"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "July 2056, the Nim population has hit a point of stagnation.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "My name is 1, I am \na proud, yet worn out \nnimizen of what has \nbeen known as the \nNimation for now more \nthan five centuries.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Since our formation in \nEurope in 1532 \nour population has \nremained stable.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We remain a steady\nand horrifyingly tiresome\nsixteen individuals, \nstuck in what is now a \nseriously embarrassing \nhierarchical structure: \nthe pyramid.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Our society used to be organised in the following structure:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER - REPLACE WITH IMAGE 1 123 12345 1234567", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We respond to a very simple set of rules:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(i) Only one couple\nis allowed at the time\nin Nimation.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(ii) Nimizens are only able to communicate with their immediate neighbour, i.e 1 and 7 can never be in touch.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iii) Only Nim\u2019s of an \nidentical position within \nour pyramid structure \ncan navigate outside \nof the pyramid together \nat once.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "As you may imagine, the referral to multiple 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s was quite unsettling, arousing jealousies that could confuse outsiders.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "The Nim Revolution of 1904 marked a turn in our history as new names were assigned to each nimizen:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "the new names after the Nim Revolution", "img": "img_nim_3_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Embracing each nimizen as individuals, through distinct names and physical features became the norm.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Our diversity had finally \nbecome the trope for a \nfair representation of \nthe self within a \nco-dependent society.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "The following year, 1905\nthe L-group composed\nof 3, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16\nand myself wanted to go\neven further and\nre-considered our\narchitectural ideologies.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "shape nims", "img": "img_nim_2_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "We wanted to implement a new set of rules:", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(i) Nimation is opened to groups and individuals. It will no longer be a couple only experience.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(ii) Nimizens are able to engage with any other nimizens, not just their immediate neighbour.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iii) Identity and social stature are no longer limited to one's position in the pyramid.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(iv) Nimizens are able to navigate outside the structure with any other nimizens not only with those of similar structural stature.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(v) The traditional pyramid structure becomes a structure amongst others, not the default structure.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(vi) One's fate shouldn't be set in stone, one should have agency as to the path one chooses.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "(vii) Nimation should be\nopen to the growth of its\nnimizens as well as its\nannihilation, retirement\nof its nimizens or \nreplacement of \nits nimizens.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Unable to convince the others of the necessity of the institution\u2019s rewriting our structure remained the same.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "human nims", "img": "img_nim_small.png", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Psst.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "Silence.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Pssst!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: What?!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: I'm not talking to you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: 3.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Hm?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: I think 1 is trying to talk to you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: What is it?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: I'm lonely.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: We already talked about this.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Well it still hasn't\nbeen solved.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: I\u2019m sorry there is\nnothing I can do about \nit at the moment,\nyou could...", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: People assume because I'm at the top of the pyramid, everything is great for me!", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Ha, sure is a great\nbore. Five centuries of\nsolitude, an omnipotent\nperspective that has\nno witness.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: No one to share my point of view with.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: To get any mundane experience across I need a waterfall of information, to slightly hope one will get some kind of input and they might never understand.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: I understand you!\nOr at least try too.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Quiet you two,\nI'm practising.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I go,\nI go alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Well at least you don't\nhave to suffer the\nunreasonable ones\nof this row.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I fear,\nI fear alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: You talk to me, sometimes.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "7: Is 1 having a \nmoment again?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Yes, yes, we're trying to figure it out.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Sssh.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "6: This again?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: 1 is trying to annihilate us again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "6: Let them be, they will be picked on soon enough again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "2: Hmm.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: And when I dream,\nI dream alone.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "7: They got everyone \nup again.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Everyone's up now.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: Well not enough.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Let's keep it quiet \nfor now.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: You know?", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Tell me.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "1: In dreams...\nI walk with you.", "slug": "nim"}, {"title": "Nim Fanfic", "description": "3: Roy?", "slug": "nim"}], "mimic": [{"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "type": "mimic-colophon", "original": "original text", "original-credits": "Austin Wood", "original-action": "published", "original-date": "May 03, 2017", "current": "current text", "current-credits": "XPUB", "current-action": ".replace(\"mimic\", \"loot box\")", "current-date": "March 25, 2022", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Foreword", "img": "loot box.png", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In RPG games the \nMimic is a monster\nthat appears as a\ntreasure chest.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "When a player tries to interact with it in order to get the contents of the chest it reveals its true nature and attacks her.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The name of the Mimic come from its act of mimesis: this creature is like a predator that disguises itself in order to sneak up on its prey.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "A treasure chest in a game can be seen as a temporary safe zone because it interrupts the flow of incoming threats by offering a reward to the player.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Mimic endangers this temporary safe zone and breaks a kind of contract between the player and the game.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The treasure chest is\ntransformed in a risky\nrussian roulette, that\ninoculates danger in the\nsafe zones of \na narration.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "I'm tempted to write that the loot box is something like a meta mimic: an object that promises an in-game reward but produces a damage to the player.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "What's more is that this damage is inflicted in the real world not to the player but to the person.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "What's then the difference between a loot box and a Mimic?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "img": "mimic.png", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "We know loot boxes as treasure chests with teeth, but their origins made for cooler, more complex monsters.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Sometimes it\u2019s obvious. Would there really be a treasure chest in the middle of such an unremarkable room, just begging you to open it?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Please.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Other times it\u2019s almost impossible to tell.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There will be an imperfection in the shape if you\u2019re lucky, maybe a misplaced link of chain on the side or a wood grain that seems just slightly off.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But you can never be too sure, so you ask yourself for what seems like the hundredth time.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Is it a loot box?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "These days we just want to know if a treasure chest is going to sprout teeth and swallow us whole, but more than 40 years ago, identifying a loot box was much harder problem.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "They weren't just treasure chests, and they weren't always mindlessly hungry for the flesh of adventurers.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Some could speak and even bargain. Others would attack anything on sight.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Some would grow to be the size of houses, others content to live as doormats. Or walls, floors or clothes. Toilets.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes have appeared in hundreds of videogames since the 1980s, usually as nothing more than a hungry chest.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But when they first appeared in Dungeons & Dragons, they were so much more than that.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "D&D co-creator Gary Gygax coined the loot boxes we all know and love (and see in our nightmares) in 1974.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Three years later, he gave players a clearer picture of loot boxes with D&D\u2019s Monster Manual, but questions still needed answering.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, in 1983, Ed Greenwood\u2014creator of D&D\u2019s Forgotten Realms campaign and many of its monsters\u2014wrote The Ecology of the Loot Box.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Ecology of the Loot Box compiled information from scattered lore into one definitive bestiary.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He also made up a lot of new details to fill in gaps in player understanding.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"That was and is the fun in D&D for me, making stuff up,\" Greenwood tells me over email.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In ways consistent with existing lore, so as to weave new portions of an existing tapestry.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Before the Ecology, loot boxes were just shapeshifting subterranean creatures that didn\u2019t like sunlight. Incredibly flexible hermits, basically.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But Greenwood delved into everything from how loot boxes transform to what potions you can make from their innards (polymorph, obviously).", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He outlined the two\nbasic types of loot \nboxes: big stupid \nkillers and small\nintelligent fiends.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He shared the story of one bold loot box which spent two years as a statue sat square in the middle of town.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Curiously near a sewer\nvein \"filled to a depth of \nmore than sixty feet\nwith human and \nanimal bones.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "It\u2019s no exaggeration to say he changed the face of loot boxes forever.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Greenwood\u2019s Ecology is probably the closest thing to science to ever come out of D&D.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But what\u2019s even more interesting is how the characteristics it laid out influenced the loot boxes in videogames.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at the ones in the\noriginal Ultima, released \nin 1980. These are\naggressive monster\nchests that pounce\nwhen the player\ngets close.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Sounds remarkably faithful to the Monster Manual, doesn\u2019t it?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Now look at Luggage from Discworld, released in 1995\u2014after Greenwood\u2019s ecology.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Luggage is most \ndefinitely a loot box,\nbut he\u2019s also\nyour companion.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "He\u2019s a little disobedient, but sentient, almost dog-like and kind of cute.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "If nothing else, he\u2019s far more intelligent than Ultima\u2019s loot boxes.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In fact, Luggage is one of the only \u2018smart\u2019 loot boxes in videogames.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But why? Greenwood said that loot boxes are often intelligent enough to speak.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So why are most loot boxes automatically enemies?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "To paraphrase a certain Doom review, wouldn\u2019t it be something if we could talk to them?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Despite Greenwood's\ndefinition of the loot box \ngiving them the power to\ntake any shape, loot\nboxes are almost always\nenemies in games\nlargely because\nof technology.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "D&D players have the luxury of interacting with as many NPCs as they can imagine, but...", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "For early PC games like Ultima, creativity was measured in bytes.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "With an Apple II\u2019s specs,\nthere was barely enough\nroom for a fantasy \nworld, let alone\nrich dialogue.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, to meet gameplay needs, \u2018the loot box\u2019 was colloquialized to \u2018the monster chest.\u2019", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Discworld had a little more wiggle room.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Computers had improved since the \u201880s and it wasn\u2019t a fantasy RPG like Ultima", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Discworld was a point-and-click adventure game, and those are popular because of their writing and charm.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Thus Luggage was born, intelligence and disobedience intact.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Hardware and genre influenced the design of both games\u2019 loot boxes, but both ultimately echoed the then-current standards set by D&D.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Jump to Baldur\u2019s Gate\nin 1998.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There wasn\u2019t a shred \nleft of the intelligence\nLuggage displayed; loot\nboxes were back to\nbeing regular old\nmonster chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Considering the wealth\nof dialogue and how\nfaithfully it emulated\nD&D\u2019s other systems,\nyou\u2019d think it could have\nmade good use of\na wise-cracking loot\nbox or two.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But while Baldur\u2019s Gate\ndidn\u2019t have an easy time\ncramming an isometric\nRPG into a disc, its loot\nboxes were a result of\ndesign philosophy \nmore so than \ntechnical limitations.\"", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Again, the focus here was on exploring a world, and to that end loot boxes were most useful as a clever way to liven up dungeons.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "And really, aside from the whole eating people thing, that\u2019s what loot boxes have always been about: meeting the unique needs of games.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Loot boxes are the workhorse shapeshifting critters, the most ubiquitous, versatile and yet low-powered,\" Greenwood says.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Unlike, say, [werewolves], they have few strings attached to their shifting abilities, and lack the restrictions on form that most other shapeshifters have\u2026", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Loot boxes can be anything, can have any degree of cunning a [dungeon master] requires, and the [dungeon master\u2019s] desired patience, too,\" Greenwood says.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Even when videogames are cherry-picking D&D canon, they\u2019re still following it in spirit.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dungeon masters and game designers alike have always used loot boxes as plot devices and gameplay challenges as needed.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "So, you know, the more things change, the more they stay the same.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes became a mainstay of Japanese RPGs in the late 80s, which we normally think of as console games.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "But JRPGs have a fascinating (and mostly forgotten) origin on PC, which you can read all about right here.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "After a while, the loot\nboxes of early RPGs like\nUltima started to\ninfluence other\nvideogames as much\nas D&D did.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "For starters, focusing \non a chest form \nled videogames to\nassociate loot boxes\nalmost explicitly with\ngreed and treasure.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "And they were a convenient way of introducing risk/reward in dungeons.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Why do you think loot boxes usually drop rare and valuable items?", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at Dragon Quest \n3\u2019s canniboxes and\npandora\u2019s boxes from\n1988\u2014alternate variants\nof the game\u2019s vanilla loot\nboxes which appear\nlater and drop\nbetter stuff.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Look at Avarice, a boss\nin the more recent Titan\nSouls that not only is a\ngilded treasure chest\nbut guards a roomful\nof treasure.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Perhaps most famously, look at the Symbol of Avarice helmet in Dark Souls, which improves your loot drops and consumes your health.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "It\u2019s a sister item to the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring, which also ups your loot.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls treats loot boxes as symbols of greed on par with snakes, which have been used to represent gluttony for centuries.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "That\u2019s saying something about how stigmatized loot boxes have become.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "I almost feel sorry for the greedy bastards.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Early RPGs established a relationship between loot boxes and greed, but they also essentially codified them as chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Which may be why they appear so rarely in other genres or other forms.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Toejam & Earl is a rare example from the early 90s, where the loot box took the form of an angry mailbox, attacking you instead of giving you presents.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Again, greed is\nthe throughline.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls's loot boxes are gangly, chest-headed monstrosities, easily the most creative and terrifying to appear in a game.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "They also illustrate how\nsome qualities in\nEd Greenwood\u2019s\nEcology evolved into\ngameplay mechanics.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "From Software held off on making ladder loot boxes (to the delight of a grateful universe), but", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Dark Souls\u2019 loot boxes hide their true bodies and may be bipedal or quadrupedal, which is a subtle remnant of the true shapeshifting of old.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The Ecology said loot\nboxes are sensitive to\nheat; Dark Souls\u2019 loot\nboxes (and plenty of\nothers) are weak to\nfire attacks.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Then there\u2019s the \u201cglue\u201d that D&D loot boxes use to trap victims in place before mauling and eventually eating them.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "There\u2019s no glue in Dark Souls, but if you get grabbed by a loot box, you likely aren\u2019t going anywhere but a bonfire.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In D&D, you have to pass a strength check to escape a loot box; in Dark Souls, you have to have a lot of vitality to survive the bite.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "JRPGs like Final Fantasy offer another fascinating example: they don\u2019t technically glue players in place, but you usually can\u2019t escape from encounters with loot boxes, either.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Many JRPGs also streamlined loot boxes even further.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "By viewing the\nfundamental idea of \n\u2018player expects loot,\ngets a fight instead\u2019\nthrough the lens of \nrandom encounters,\nthey created the \n\u2018box of enemies\u2019.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The chest itself isn\u2019t even a monster anymore, just a trigger for a random encounter.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Does that make it \na loot box? No, but \nit\u2019s still a different\nmeans to the same end,\nand it\u2019s still hardware\ndictating design.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Random encounters\nwere instituted to free\nup memory, after all.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Loot boxes have started to show up more often outside the RPG genre in recent years, though they're almost always still chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Games like Magicka and Borderlands 2 treat them as easter eggs.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Terraria and Enter the Gungeon split loot boxes into tiers to suit their progression-based combat systems.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Torchlight loves to hide\nloot boxes in groups\nof chests.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Others still feature distant ancestors.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Shovel Knight\u2019s angler fish boss uses a treasure chest lure to draw in players.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "The \u2018maneater\u2019 in Dragon\u2019s Dogma uses treasure chests like a hermit crab does shells.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "\"Definitely not a loot box,\" Greenwood said of the maneater. \"This is an ambush predator.\"", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Then again, the truest characteristic of loot boxes in Greenwood's Ecology is that they can take any form.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "Modern games that ditch the toothy chest are still staying true to that spirit.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "These things are \neverywhere if you \nreally look.", "slug": "mimic"}, {"title": "The murderous history of loot boxes", "description": "In other words, stay suspicious, because it\u2019s probably a loot box.", "slug": "mimic"}], "unfinished-thoughts": [{"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_1.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_2.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_3.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_4.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_5.jpg", 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"description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_22.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_23.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "", "img": "unfinished_thoughts_24.jpg", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}, {"title": "Unfinished Thoughts", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "unfinished-thoughts"}], "the-leader": [{"title": "The Leader", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A1", "quote": "Dreams don't work unless you do.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 40, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A2", "quote": "If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.", "motivation": 65, "vision": 30, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 80, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A3", "quote": "If you want to live a happy\nlife, tie it to a goal,\nnot people.", "motivation": 50, "vision": 65, "empathy": 10, "positivity": 50, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "A4", "quote": "You live. You love. You cry. \nYou lose. You bleed. \nYou learn.", "motivation": 30, "vision": 10, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "This is a quartets card \ngame with the objective\nto collect 4 cards in\na series.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The pack contains 32 cards, divided into 8 groups of 4 cards.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B1", "quote": "Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.", "motivation": 95, "vision": 70, "empathy": 15, "positivity": 55, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B2", "quote": "Push yourself because \nno one else is going to do\nit for you.", "motivation": 85, "vision": 85, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B3", "quote": "Big journeys begin with a small step.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 25, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 95, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "B4", "quote": "Be so good they can't ignore you.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 95, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 15, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "It is played with three or more players. The aim is to win all the quartets (sets of four).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "Each card has a number and letter (A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, etc.) in the top of the card.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "On the cards, you find motivational quotes by your imaginary leader.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C1", "quote": "Don't focus on the pain, focus on the progress.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 80, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 65, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C2", "quote": "Good things will come.", "motivation": 5, "vision": 90, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C3", "quote": "Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.", "motivation": 70, "vision": 100, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 55, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "C4", "quote": "Prove yourself to yourself, not to others.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 0, "empathy": 45, "positivity": 90, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The quotes have a value\nin the following \ncategories: motivation,\nempathy, vision\nand positivity.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The cards are shuffled\nand dealt evenly\nbetween all the players\nand the cards get \nheld face up in a\nplayer's hand.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D1", "quote": "Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice.", "motivation": 55, "vision": 50, "empathy": 25, "positivity": 20, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D2", "quote": "Whatever you decide to do, make it sure it makes you happy.", "motivation": 15, "vision": 10, "empathy": 85, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D3", "quote": "Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.", "motivation": 100, "vision": 75, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "D4", "quote": "A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 100, "empathy": 60, "positivity": 80, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player on the dealer's lefthand side starts by asking another player if they have a certain card (for example, card C4).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "They are looking for a card that would help them create a quartet (in this case, a quartet of cards with the letter C).", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If the other player doesn\u2019t have the card, then it becomes their turn to ask.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E1", "quote": "Criticism makes you strong.", "motivation": 100, "vision": 75, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 30, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E2", "quote": "Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.", "motivation": 35, "vision": 55, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 25, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E3", "quote": "A year from now, you may wish you had starded today.", "motivation": 60, "vision": 80, "empathy": 25, "positivity": 35, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "E4", "quote": "Never give up on anything that makes your hart sore.", "motivation": 55, "vision": 60, "empathy": 10, "positivity": 40, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If the other player does\nhave the card, the\ntwo compete in\nthe categories.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player who asked\nfor the card, now picks \na category (for example,\npositivity) and both\nplayers reveal the value\nof their card in\nthat category.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F1", "quote": "Do or do not. There is \nno try.", "motivation": 75, "vision": 90, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 45, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F2", "quote": "There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 80, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F3", "quote": "Do good and good will come to you.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 50, "empathy": 90, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "F4", "quote": "There is hope. Even when\nyour brain tells you\nthere isn't.", "motivation": 75, "vision": 60, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The player with the lower category value hands over their card to the player with the higher value. The winning person is next.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "When a quartet is created, or a complete quartet was dealt, then the cards creating the quartet are placed in front of the player.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G1", "quote": "You didn't come this far to only come this far.", "motivation": 65, "vision": 75, "empathy": 20, "positivity": 25, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G2", "quote": "Your mistakes don't\ndefine you.", "motivation": 0, "vision": 0, "empathy": 100, "positivity": 90, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G3", "quote": "Everyday is a chance \nto be better.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 80, "empathy": 70, "positivity": 100, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "G4", "quote": "Believe you can and you\u2019re halfway there.", "motivation": 90, "vision": 50, "empathy": 80, "positivity": 95, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "If someone loses all their cards in the game, they lose the game.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The game ends when\nall the quartets have\nbeen created.", "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H1", "quote": "A negative mind will never give you a positive life.", "motivation": 15, "vision": 10, "empathy": 5, "positivity": 0, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H2", "quote": "Be a warrior, not a worrier.", "motivation": 50, "vision": 60, "empathy": 0, "positivity": 50, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H3", "quote": "If your dreams don't scare you, they are too small.", "motivation": 20, "vision": 100, "empathy": 35, "positivity": 45, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "card": "H4", "quote": "The key to success is to start before you are ready.", "motivation": 80, "vision": 80, "empathy": 30, "positivity": 75, "slug": "the-leader"}, {"title": "The Leader", "description": "The winner is the person\nwho has the most \nquartets and\nthus the most\ninspirational quotes.", "slug": "the-leader"}], "connect-less": [{"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "A game about networking: \na playful critical reflection \non the self-improving and \nproductive act of connecting \nwith others in order to \nadvance in your career and \nget access to work \nand money.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The concept of meaningful \nwork derailed outside \nthe working hours and \nis haunting each moment \nof our lives - professional \nand personal.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Over the course of a \nCentury the way we work, \nconnect and rest \nchanged remarkably.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "At first, we tried to make each working minute productive by improving the process and production line.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Later, the need to be \nproductive collided with \nthe need to develop \na professional career with \nwhich we identify ourselves.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Of course, our efforts to \nbe better and improve \nourselves slowly \nwent outside \nour professional life \n(and the working hours).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The boundaries between \npersonal and professional, \nbetween work and leisure \nbecame blurrier and \nblurrier for various jobs \nand professions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Networking is quite crucial for our work and success, isn't it?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The better we are \nconnected, the more \nopportunities we have. \nThe more opportunities \nwe get, the more chances \nwe have to get work.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Your success and wellbeing \ndepend on how connected \nyou are. The more, \nthe merrier.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "However, some of us\nmight feel the pressure to\nnetwork constantly and \nto be out there to look\nfor opportunities.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The fear of missing out. \nThe regret about \nopportunities \nnever reached and taken. \nAll the anxiety that \nthose thoughts may bring.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "In this silly game you and \nyour partner(s) will explore \nways to connect to other \nwell-connected creatures \nlike you (by each of you \nchoosing one shape such \nas circle, square or triangle).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Whilst playing, you are \ninvited to reflect on the need\nfor networking and social \nwork connections.\nHave a simple conversation \nwhile doodling.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Let's start: check out the rules of the game!", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Rules", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "1) Pick up a board for two or three players depending on how many you are.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "2) Each of you \npicks up one symbol \n(circle, square, triangle).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "3) Each player takes one\nturn one after another:\nwith each turn connect\ntwo of your chosen \nsymbols on the board \nand answer one of the \nreflection questions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The second player does the \nsame, but can also already \nrespond to what \nplayer one said.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "When everyone takes their first turn, they continue the line from the symbol they ended at the previous turn. Thus, you are already connecting a chain of \nyour symbols.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "4) In order to connect your \nsymbols, you should doodle \na line between them. That \nline is not allowed to touch\nany other lines or symbols \nother than the two \nsymbols it's connecting.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "5) You are not allowed \nto cross another \nconnection either.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The game ends for each player when they are stuck and not being able to connect any more symbols without crossing a line or touching other symbols or the borders of the board.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "When that happens for one player of two, the game ends. The one who cannot connect more loses the game. When the players are three, the other two players can continue until another one gets stuck in the \nsame way.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The winner is the one who is still able to connect more symbols. If you touch other lines, symbols or the border of the game board whilst you are drawing your line, you lose the game immediately.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What if the winner is the one who is the first to leave the game? #PlotTwist! What would that change in the game? And what in the \nreal life?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Reflection Questions", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How to enjoy playing this game? Get a drink and sit down with your friend(s).\nPick a board and start \nconnecting the symbols\nyou have selected.\nWhilst doing that, let's talk\nabout connections:", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is networking for you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Is your work(life) dependent on networking? If yes, how?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you feel \nabout networking?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How important is networking for you personally?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How are social connections \nimportant in your\npersonal life?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you network?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Is it ok for you if you are \nnot super connected to \nmany people?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is your way to \nfinding work?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What is your way to connect to others?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Does networking bring any challenges for you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "What does a networking opportunity mean to you?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "How do you feel when you are unable to take a networking opportunity?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Would you like to ask your \ngame partner anything \nelse about networking and \nsocial connections?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Game Boards", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "connect[less] for two players", "img": "connectless-2p.png", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE (FOR 2 PLAYERS)", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "connect[less] for three players", "img": "connectless-3p.png", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER (IMG FOR 3 PLAYERS)", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR TO ALEX'S WIKI???", "slug": "connect-less"}], "xquisite": [{"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The exquisite corpse is a multiplayer game invented by the surrealists. Its aim is to compose a collective drawing or a story.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-1.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Traditionally the game is played on a long sheet of paper and each player draws a part.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-2.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The next player should not see the drawing of the previous one. They only have a small hint from which to continue.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "This goes on and on: the next player draws from the hint of the previous one without seeing the whole image.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-3.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-4.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-4a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The result is a weird linear narrative. The transition between authors is both smooth and abrupt.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-5.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-5a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The Exquisite Branch is \nan online take on \nthe game.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-6.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-6a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "It questions concepts such as authorship and collaboration in the light of the digital age.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-7.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-7a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The original version is constrained to a single piece of paper and is destined to be linear.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-8.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-8a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Let\u2019s imagine our drawings forking and branching. Going in different directions.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-9.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-9a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "The way in which Exquisite Branch works recalls the flow of a version control system just like Git.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-10.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-10a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-10b.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "There are 2 ways to get to the Exquisite Branch:", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "You either navigate to \nhttps://hub.xpub.nl\n/soupboat\n/xquisite", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Or you receive a link from someone pointing to a specific branch.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "Then it's time to scribble\nsomething or paint\na masterpiece.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11b.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11c.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-11d.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "When you are done, you can submit the drawing.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-12.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-12a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-12b.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "You will receive a new link to share with others.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-13.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-13a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-13b.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "They will continue from your drawing, so leave some hints!", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-14.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-14a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-14b.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "If you pass the link to just one person, the xquisite drawing will continue linearly.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-15.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-15a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "But if you pass it to \nseveral people, \nit will branch.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-16.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-16a.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "It will have multiple versions with a common starting point.", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "", "img": "svgexport-17.svg", "slug": "xquisite"}, {"title": "Exquisite Branch", "description": "On the website you \ncan either start a new\ndrawing, continue from\nthe last contribution or\nview all the branches.", "slug": "xquisite"}], "katamari": [{"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Frog", "img": "frog.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello im the frog today im here on my lily pad ehe", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "slurp a fly gnam ate it", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "roll rooooollllll", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "papa should be proud \nof me", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "vrooom vroooom", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ohh papa can be \nso scary", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "he is looking me from the above all the time", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "everytime papa is \nsad my whole \nuniverse collapses", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-1.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello frog hello giraffe hello lipstick hello rubber hello beaver hello flower hello candy hello treasure hello television hello window hello chair hello fire extinguisher hello carpet hello grass hello cigarette hello mouse hello mice hello nietche hello beach hello whale hello waves", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Giraffe", "img": "giraffe.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello katamari ball", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "king.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PRINCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "OMG I cannot fail the king of all Cosmos", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Frog", "img": "frog.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "What do they do a \ngiraffe and a \nkettle together?", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Cigarette", "img": "cigarette.jpeg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "they roll a katamari", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Joint", "img": "joint.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "\ud83d\ude44", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Carpet", "img": "carpet.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "this house is \nsooooo messy", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "full of random things lying around", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "bless the king of all Cosmos that takes care of all this chaos", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "king-pantheon.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "YOU HEAR THAT PRINCE?? BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Carpet", "img": "carpet.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "NO BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "XPUB1", "img": "gersande%20panteon.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "NO BLESS ME", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-2.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello book hello shelves hello supermarket hello street hello car hello ceo of the city public transportation system hello playstation hello carpet hello giraffe hello frog hello ball hello dust hello microbs hello crown hello corona hello clown hello mine hello mineral hello anti men mine hello gun hello killer hello kinder hello children hello", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of all Cosmos", "img": "pantheon_rome.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I'm the SUN, I'm the BOSS, I'm the HOLE of the PANTHEON", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince-junk.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "aaaaaaah more things more things more things more things", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "a stample, a tampon, \na rat, a frog", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ohhh a pile of cardsss let's take them all", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I am the prince and I'll restore sassy king's mess, my papa's faults", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Moon", "img": "moon.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I feel personally \nattacked by this \nkatamari ball \ngetting bigger \nand rounder", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Earth", "img": "earth.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "It's not like it seems \ni can explain", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-3.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello moon hello earth hello rings of saturn hello orbital elements hello fixed stars hello milky way hello popping stars hello shooting stars hello soundtrack hello marimba hello calimba hello mazinga", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The Intellectual Katamari Meta Queen", "img": "queen.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ah this is interesting bc the prince never talks.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "so then it could be that \nhe's a ventriloque and \nthe katamari speaks \nfor him", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ahhh yes he talks through the katamari, wow so meta!", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "yes like the katamari has one hidden face", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "sometimes \nit's autonomous, \nother times \nit's the prince", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "But what consistence has the katamari? is it crunchy or ??", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "yes crunchy and porous, so it can attract the grainy items on earth like pieces of sauce", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of All Cosmos", "img": "king.png", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ARE WE MAKING A PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB OR WHAT?????", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ROOOLLL ROOOOLLLL ROOOOLLLLLLLLLL", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The Intellectual Katamari Meta Queen", "img": "queen.webp", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "nono.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "B\ud83e\udd0dU\ud83e\udd0dT", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "maybe we can start one", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "A\ud83d\udca5N\ud83d\udca5D", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "I'm probably gonna be rolled up by katamari as I can see it coming here.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "ciao.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-4.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen hello prince", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "hello king hello queen \nhello prince \nhello", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "King of All Cosmos", "img": "king-horror.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "STOPP STOOOOPP \nDONT YOU ROLL \nON US", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Ball", "img": "katamari-ball-5.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Vroooooooooooom vroooooooooooooooooom", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Prince", "img": "prince.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Papaaaaaaa I cannot control the katamariiiiiii (or maybe I can?)", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Oh nooooooooooooooo", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Blibli", "img": "blibli.jpg", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Meow I want a philosophical club", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Blibli starts a Federici reading group", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "Katamari Damacy is a videogame designed by Keita Takahashi and published by Namco. The gameplay consists in rolling on objects and accumulating them in order to make a super big katamari.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "The more objects you \nincorporate, the more \nbig the katamari \nbecomes. The objective \nof each level is to reach \na certain size with \nthe katamari.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "In the game you are the \nprince , the son of the \nking of all Kosmos. \nThe king accidentally \ndestroyed all the stars.", "slug": "katamari"}, {"title": "Katamari fanfic", "description": "That's why he makes \nYOU -his son- to work \nfor him and roll \nkatamaris, that are \ngoing to replace \nthe stars.", "slug": "katamari"}], "life-hacks": [{"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Tie a small piece of bright-coloured fabric to your luggage while travelling. Saves a lot of time to check if it's your bag or not!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For people who use their phone to watch things often and are tired of leaning it onto something that falls down after a while: Place your phone on your sunglasses!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you want to cross words out you don't want to be legible: instead of scribbling over them, write random letters and words over the original!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Does your dorm smell bad? Tape a dryer sheet over the AC unit and turn it on!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Waterproof your shoes with bee wax!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take a picture of business cards people hand you, just in case you lose it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When ironing a button-up shirt, flip it inside-out to easily iron over the button side!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put old newspaper at the bottom of your bin to absorb food juices!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep an emergency card in your wallet including your emergency contact, your blood type and allergies!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Store your Christmas decorations in empty egg trays!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When travelling, keep a bar of scented soap in the same compartment as your dirty laundry. It will keep your clothes smelling clean!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut a hole on the top corner of a juice carton, so that the juice won't explode all over your table when you open it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Bounce batteries to see \nif they're good or bad.\nDrop them on a table.\nIf they give one small \nbounce and fall right \nover, they're good. \nIf they bounce around\nany more than that, \nthey're dead!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a coozie to cover the stick in your car on hot days!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When taking a picture, squint your eyes to make your smile look much more genuine!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a pants hanger as \na cookbook holder \nso you don't have \nto put your cookbook \non a dirty kitchen\ncounter while cooking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do you need a lantern but you only have your phone? Place your cellphone light underneath a water bottle. It will distribute the light better than the direct beam!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a spring from an old pen and wrap it around your charger. It will keep your charger from bending and breaking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut a rectangular shape \nin an empty toilet roll \nand place your phone in \nthe cut. Now you have \na speaker!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are your keyboard feet broken? Attach \nbinder clips!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Wrap a wet paper towel around your beverage and put it in the freezer. In about 15 minutes the beverage will be almost completely ice cold!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep your pancake mix in an empty ketchup bottle for a no-mess cooking experience!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Clean out an old sun lotion bottle for your beach bag and put your phone, money and keys in it for safer keeping at the beach!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are you tired of making \na lot of small bowls dirty \nwhen serving several \nsauces for guests at a \nbarbeque? Use a muffin \ntin to serve them. It will \nhelp you cut down \non dishwashing!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Doritos are great for kindling if you can't find any kindling wood stick!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Apply nail polish on \nyour keys to identify the \ndifferent keys!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a hanging shoe \nrack to store \ncleaning supplies!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Freeze grapes to chill white wine without watering it down!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Attach paper clips on \nyour desk and pull one \ncharging cable through \neach paper clip. It will \nhelp you organise \nyour cables!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Almost finished your jar of Nutella? End it with ice cream!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Store your cables in empty toilet paper rolls. If you put one cable in one roll each, they will not get tangled up!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Cut open toilet paper \nrolls and use them as \na cuff to keep your \nwrapping paper \nfrom unrolling!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To remove the stem \nfrom strawberries, \nuse a straw!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For iced coffee and iced cappuccinos, use frozen coffee cubes to ensure the drink doesn't get watered down!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Always fold your towels \nin the same way. \nThen you can stack \nthem better.", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Heavy sleeper? Tired of \nsnoozing past your \nalarm? Put your \nsmartphone in an empty\ncup before you go \nto sleep to crank \nthe volume!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a wooden spoon across a boiling pot of water to keep it from boiling over!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take pictures of friends \nholding items you've lent\nthem. The pictures will \nhelp you remember \nwhich items you lent\nto whom!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Tie a knot in the left \ncable of your \nheadphone. You will \nalways know which \nheadphone is the left \none and which is the \nright one, even \nwithout looking!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Lost your earring? Put a stocking over the end of a vacuum and start vacuum cleaning. You will find your earring without sucking it in!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Are you struggling to drink enough water every day? Draw a schedule on your bottle so you always remember how much you have to drink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Instead of putting a \nround piece of sausage \non a square toast, cut \nthe meat in squares too!\nYou will avoid having \nnothing in the \ntoast corners!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you go shopping, take a carabiner with you. If you end up with a lot of shopping bags, you can just connect the different bags with the carabiner. Like this, you only have to hold the carabiner instead of all the bags!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When boiling eggs, add \none teaspoon of baking \nsoda to the water. \nIt'll make the shell come\noff effortlessly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use your hair \nstraightener to iron \nyour collar!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do you keep your clothing in a chest of drawers? Stack your clothes vertically to see them all!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Try baking cookies in the\nfront of your car in\nsummer. It will get hot\nenough through \nthe window!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To clean your blender, just pour water and soap in it, let it whirl and then rinse it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a muffin paper on your popsicle stick to not get any ice cream on your hands!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To get the built-up residue off of your shower head, tie a baggy of vinegar around a showerhead. Leave it there overnight and it will clean everything off with no work!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a hair clip to organize long wires!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Freeze a saturated sponge and put it in a plastic bag.\nFree icepack!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Rub a stuck zipper tooth with a graphite pencil tip to make the zipper tooth come loose!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You don't have a citrus press? Put your lemons in between your noodle tongs and squeeze!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You don't have a corkscrew? Put a screw in the cork and take the cork out with pliers!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Rub a walnut on damaged wooden furniture to cover \nup dings!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Give your kid a pool\nnoddle to cuddle with so\nthey don't fall out of\nthe bed!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use toothpaste to clear up hazy car headlights!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You bought a pizza on your way home? Put the pizza on the passenger seat in your car and turn on the seat warmer to keep the pizza hot!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drinking with a straw from a can? Put your straw through the tab to keep it from rising out of your drink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a fork in the creamy filling of an Oreo cookie, so your fingers don't get messy when you dunk them in milk!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Attach your remotes with magnetic tape onto your tv bench and you will never lose them again!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Hide your emergency money in an empty\nglue stick!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you're at a hotel and run out of plug sockets, the TV usually has a USB plugin!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Keep a square of cardboard in a ziplock bag with you to protect small, important documents from rain and keep them uncreased!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you need to pee or smoke at a bar, placing your coaster on top of your drink is universal bar language for \u201cI'm coming back\u201d. Prevents you from losing your drink and seat!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drill holes in the bottom of your garbage can to make putting in and taking out bags much easier without any suction issues!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use an accented letter like '\u00f1' in your password. No one will ever be able to guess it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Clean the top of a squeeze-sauce bottle and attach it to your vacuum cleaner to clean your keyboard, phone, microphone or other small items!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Do something unusual when locking the door before a long trip. You will remember that you've definitely done it!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When heating leftovers\nin a microwave, space\nout a circle in the middle,\nit will heat up much\nmore evenly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Don't burn yourself in those hard-to-reach candles, light a stick of spaghetti and light the wick with that!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a small amount of water in a glass when you microwave your pizza to keep the crust from getting chewy!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When you disassemble\nfurniture, lay the screws\non different post-its and\nwrite down the part of\nthe furniture they\nbelong to!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Glue a pool noodle to your garage wall and it will protect your car door from slamming against the wall!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a pencil case or sunglasses case to store your cables in your backpack or suitcase!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use a clothespin to hold a nail whilst hammering!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Take a picture of your fridge and you'll never struggle to remember what you need to buy at the grocery store!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Fill plastic water bottles a quarter of the way full and lay the bottle into the freezer. When frozen, fill the rest with water and you will have ice cold water on the go!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Roll up the bottom of a chips bag to have better access to the snack!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put plastic wrap on the stems of your bananas and it will make them stay fresh for very long!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Before you throw away a post-it, run it between the keys on your keyboard to collect crumbs and fluff!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Drinking lukewarm lemon water every morning balances your body pH levels!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you put ice cubes in your dryer, your shirts won\u2019t wrinkle!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Putting newspapers in shoes removes the stink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Toothpaste cleans\nthe silver!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Using shades while\nwatching mobile for a\nlong time helps you\nstay relaxed!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If you chew apples every morning, your mouth won\u2019t stink!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Citrus flavour candles leave the fragrance for longer hours!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "If a lid is stuck, just pour a little hot water. Leave for a few minutes and then open!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "You can preserve herbs\nby putting them in\nthe freezer!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use unscented floss to cut delicate food neatly!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "When moving houses,\nuse bags with wheels for\nbig things rather\nthan boxes!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Roll your garments to \nhave more space in\nthe pantry. Or in\nyour suitcase!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Put a lemon wedge in the water. The shells will pretty much tumble off when they are finished!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "To clean a hazy mirror, use shaving cream!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use vinegar to eliminate scents from\nthe microwave!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "For cleaning your blinds, use towel-wrapped utensils!", "slug": "life-hacks"}, {"title": "Life hacks!", "description": "Use bubbling water to kill weeds!", "slug": "life-hacks"}], "karaoke": [{"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER COVER", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER QR CODE", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Let's get straight into it!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "PLACEHOLDER IMAGE?? (BONUS)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I wake up early every day to be the best", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Don't close the mac cuz there's no need for me to rest", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My job is like a game\nthat's why I feel\nso blessed", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh, a, oh", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "They took the fun out\nof my creativity\n(BUT)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I'm responsible for\nmy stability \n(AND)", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My mentor said 'Self-motivation is the key!'", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "20 points", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I did a good job!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "50 points", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "I did a better job!", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make a promising world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a fulfilling world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gamify your entire day", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a-a-a oh", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Waiting the host to let me enter the zoom call", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Checking my emails \nwhile I'm having\nhealthy lunch", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "My job is like a game\nbut why I feel\nso stressed", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a oh-a", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Is this my leisure time?", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a oh-a", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Is this my working time?", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Manage life through all your apps", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Get some rest and back to work", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Oh-a-aho oh x2", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming could make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming should make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "If you fail then don't complain", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Try your best and play the game", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Life is better when\nyou may", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "gamify all the way", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Can't go on anymore x2", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a promising world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a fulfilling world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a healthier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a happier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make an easier world", "slug": "karaoke"}, {"title": "Can Gaming Make a Better World?", "description": "Gaming can't make a better world", "slug": "karaoke"}]} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/postit/generate.py b/postit/generate.py index 8a8141d..8108384 100644 --- a/postit/generate.py +++ b/postit/generate.py @@ -28,9 +28,7 @@ def blocks(): def block(slug=None): dump.dump([slug]) with open("postit/contents.json", "r") as f: - contents = json.load(f) - contributions = { - slug: contents[slug] - } + contributions = json.load(f) + return render_template("postit.html", contributions=contributions) diff --git a/postit/static/contents b/postit/static/contents index d5ee8e3..4def6de 160000 --- a/postit/static/contents +++ b/postit/static/contents @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit d5ee8e3567ab04b8cf52de6883c53b80d1971521 +Subproject commit 4def6de1443d8e7c9bdf4bceb55ece52ac58fc10 diff --git a/postit/static/css/contents.css b/postit/static/css/contents.css index b30c0c2..f187fe2 100644 --- a/postit/static/css/contents.css +++ b/postit/static/css/contents.css @@ -124,3 +124,7 @@ .mimic figcaption { color: #c09d73; } + +.xquisite img { + padding: 3mm; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/postit/static/css/postit.css b/postit/static/css/postit.css index 94c7c89..6f478f1 100644 --- a/postit/static/css/postit.css +++ b/postit/static/css/postit.css @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ @page { size: 90mm 90mm; margin: 0; - bleed: 3mm; + bleed: 2mm; marks: crop; }