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[{"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Connect[Less]", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "A game about networking: a playful critical reflection on the self-improving and productive act of connecting with others in order to advance in your career and get access to work and money.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The concept of meaningful work derailed outside the working hours and is haunting each moment of our lives - professional and personal.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Over the course of a Century the way we work, connect and rest changed remarkably.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "At first, we tried to make each working minute productive by improving the process and production line.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Later, the need of being productive collided with the need to develop a professional career with which we identify ourselves.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Of course, our efforts to be better and improve ourselves slowly went outside our professional life (and the working hours).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The boundaries between personal and professional, between work and leisure became blurrier and blurrier for various jobs and professions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Networking is quite crucial for our work and success, isn't it?", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The better we are connected, the more opportunities we have. The more opportunities we get, the more chances we have to get work.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Your success and wellbeing depend on how connected you are. The more, the merrier.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "However, some of us might feel the pressure of being forced to constantly network and being out there to look for opportunities.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The fear of missing out. The regret about opportunities never reached and taken. All the anxiety that those thoughts may bring.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "In this silly game you and your partner(s) will explore ways to connect to other well-connected creatures like you (by each of you choosing one shape such as circles or squares).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Whilst playing, you are invited to reflect on the need of networking and social work connections and a simple conversation while doodling some simple lines.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Let's start: check out the rules of the game!", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "Rules", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "1) Pick up a board for 2 or 3 players depending on how many you are.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "2) Each of you picks up one symbol (circle, square, triangle).", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "3) Each player takes one turn one after another: with each turn: connect two of your chosen symbols on the board and answer one of the reflection questions.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "The second player does the same, but can also already respond to what player 1 said.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "When everyone takes their first turn, you continue connecting your symbols from the one you arrived at on your previous turn. Thus, you are slowly connecting a chain of your symbols already.", "slug": "connect-less"}, {"title": "Connect[Less]", "description": "4) In order to connect your symbols, you should doodle a line between them that line is not allowed to touc