diff --git a/crosswords/contents.md b/crosswords/contents.md index 66bdcd7..83e12ac 100644 --- a/crosswords/contents.md +++ b/crosswords/contents.md @@ -7,348 +7,330 @@ contents: start: E7 category: Ideology - word: Communism - definition: + definition: A soceity based on the common ownership of the means of production, cooperative labour, and freely associated producers that administer production on the basis of a social or common plan. direction: V start: A10 category: Ideology - word: Entertainment - definition: + definition: Forms of ------------- are activities that give people pleasure like: movies, books, video games, tv shows, sporting events, circuses, comedy events, music festival. direction: H start: R2 category: Ideology - word: Taylorism - definition: + definition: A factory management system developed in the late 19th century to increase efficiency by evaluating every step in a manufacturing process and breaking down production into specialized repetitive tasks. direction: H start: M5 category: Ideology - word: Counterculture - definition: + definition: It can be present as disturbance of defiance of any current stream as way to protest, as emancipation or contestation. direction: V start: C16 category: Ideology - word: Hegemony - definition: + definition: “Ideas and opinions are not spontaneously "born" in each individual brain: they have had a centre of formation, or irradiation, of dissemination, of persuasion-a group of men, or a single individual even, which has developed them and presented them in the political form of current reality.” direction: H start: F4 category: Ideology - word: Mainstream - definition: + definition: Everything that is seen as normal, that is familiar to the masses and available to the general public. direction: V start: D13 category: Ideology - word: Popculture - definition: + definition: The practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time. direction: H start: A7 category: Ideology - word: Superstructure - definition: + definition: It refers to society's other relationships and ideas not directly related to production including its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, religion, media, and state. direction: V start: C5 category: Ideology - - word: - definition: - direction: - start: - category: Ideology - - word: Base - definition: + definition: It refers to the mode of production which includes the forces and relations of production in a society. direction: V start: O2 category: Ideology - word: Capitalism - definition: + definition: “It is easier to imagine the end of the world that the end of" an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. direction: V start: H18 category: Ideology - - word: - definition: - direction: - start: - category: Ideology - - word: Falseconsciousness - definition: + definition: The state in which one feels like they are given full agency of their own choices/actions when in fact they are subject to a certain ideology that has come to seem so self-speaking they wouldn't question it. direction: H start: P1 category: Ideology - word: Cost - definition: + definition: The amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy a loot box. direction: V start: J1 category: Loot Box - word: Exclusive - definition: + definition: Available to only a few people because users have a limited time frame to obtain the loot box. direction: H start: L4 category: Loot Box - word: Collectible - definition: + definition: Something that is considered valuable because kept as part of a group of similar objects. direction: H start: J1 category: Loot Box - word: Addictive - definition: + definition: That causes a strong and harmful need to regularly have or do something. direction: H start: R2 category: Loot Box - - word: - definition: - direction: - start: - category: Loot Box - - word: Reward - definition: + definition: A kind of payment that is given or received for something that has been done. direction: H start: N7 category: Loot Box - word: Surprise - definition: + definition: Something unexpected. direction: H start: G3 category: Loot Box - word: Gambling - definition: + definition: The investment will probably not come back, that makes paying for a loot box not just buying but... direction: H start: P5 category: Loot Box - word: Exploitative - definition: + definition: When a company is taking advantage of users for profit. direction: V start: G10 category: Loot Box - word: Addiction - definition: + definition: An uneasy amalgam of several contradictory legacies: a religious one, which has censured excessive drinking, gambling and drug use as moral transgressions; a scientific one, which has characterized alcoholism and drug addiction as biological diseases; and a colloquial one, which has casually applied the term to almost any fixation. direction: V start: H3 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: HookModel - definition: + definition: A business model that is used also in videogames to ensure that microtransactions are turned from an occasional event into a rooted activity for gamers. This model functions following different strategies to ensure continuous profiting, like fast thinking processes, gatchas (collectible items), subscriptions, etc. direction: H start: G6 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: IkeaEffect - definition: + definition: A cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created. direction: H start: N3 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Anchoring - definition: + definition: A cognitive bias whereby an individual's decisions are influenced by a particular point of reference. direction: H start: P5 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Clickfarm - definition: + definition: A large group of low-paid workers are hired to click on paid advertising links. direction: H start: K1 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Anxiety - definition: + definition: A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. direction: V start: C13 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Microtransaction - definition: + definition: A business model where users can purchase virtual items for small amounts of money. It often appears in free-to-play games, meaning there is no cost to download the game, just a cost to buy the online virtual products. direction: V start: C11 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Monetization - definition: + definition: The type of process that a video game publisher can use to generate revenue from a video game product. Some in-game purchasing systems could be characterized as unfair or exploitative. These systems describe tactics that capitalize on informational advantages (e.g., behavioral tracking) and data manipulation to optimize offers to incentivize continuous spending, while offering limited or no guarantees or protections, with the potential to exploit vulnerable players (e.g., adolescents, problematic gamers). direction: H start: D2 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: PAP - definition: + definition: When you describe something such as information, writing, or entertainment that you consider to be of no worth, value, or serious interest. direction: V start: C9 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: MagicCircle - definition: + definition: The space in which the normal rules and reality of the world are suspended and replaced by the artificial reality of a game world. direction: V start: F1 category: Predatory Schemes in Videogames - word: Fandom - definition: + definition: It often includes activities such as conventions, writing fictions, participating in online forums and discussions, purchasing merchandise and collector items in order to build a community around a common interest. direction: H start: K1 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: GiftEconomy - definition: + definition: An alternative mode of exchange to the rationalist calculation of capitalist exchange, where valuables are not sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. direction: V start: E5 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: WorldBuilding - definition: + definition: The art of creating a new fictional world inside videogames realities. direction: H start: M4 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Gift - definition: + definition: Something that it's given away without any expectation for payback allows us to act in a way that is non- alienated and differs considerably from the exchange of commodities with the aim of profit making. direction: V start: L14 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Mod - definition: + definition: Modification used to change the behaviour of a game to make it more fun for every gamers. direction: V start: K8 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Cheat - definition: + definition: Modification used to gain an unfair and unauthorized advantage in a game to make it more fun/accessible/easy for the user who is playing, but no-one else. direction: H start: P7 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Freework - definition: + definition: Time that modders spend in modifying and sometimes improving corporates' videogames in form of a hobby, but still producing profit for the company. direction: H start: G5 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Freetoplay - definition: + definition: A type of games that are monetised later either by using their user data or by adding payable content inside the game. Because of being so accessible, they became quite popular and attracted high numbers of players. direction: H start: E7 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: Countergamification - definition: + definition: A form of opposition to the increasing use of game elements within non-game systems, which aims to disrupt the processing and exploitation of users’ data; it calls for a gaming with the system, for a disruptive play with its rules and content while being within it. direction: V start: A11 category: Modding and Videogames World - word: ProductivePlay - definition: + definition: After-hours labour, masked with enjoyable activities that feel like leisure, also related to self-work (people trying to improve their own capital). direction: H start: L1 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Play - definition: + definition: A free activity standing quite consciously outside ordinary life as being "not serious", but at the same time absorbing the player intensely and utterly. It is an activity connected with no material interest, and no profit can be gained by it. It proceeds within its own proper boundaries of time and space according to fixed rules and in an orderly manner. direction: H start: G1 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Labour - definition: + definition: Physical or mental effort. direction: V start: N8 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Gamification - definition: + definition: The process of turning non-ludic activities into play. It might be seen as a form of ideology and it can be used as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service. direction: H start: O1 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Selfwork - definition: + definition: Any action you take towards improvement of your own body or mind: incentives to quantify yourself couched in a “do what you love” rhetoric. direction: H start: J7 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Game - definition: + definition: A playable theory used to learn about reality without the consequences of reality. direction: V start: G8 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: FreeTime - definition: + definition: Leisure practices included in humans' lives. direction: V start: J10 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Leisure - definition: + definition: Time when you have the freedom to choose how to use your time. direction: V start: G2 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Temporality - definition: + definition: Experienced or lived time. direction: H start: S3 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: Fun - definition: + definition: Time flies when you're having.. direction: V start: K5 category: Productivity and Leisure - word: LootBox - definition: + definition: A consumable virtual item which can be redeemed to receive a randomised selection of further virtual items ranging from simple customization options for a player's avatar or character, to game-changing equipment such as weapons and armor. direction: H start: J4 category: What is the definition? - word: Ideology - definition: + definition: The set of ideas that naturalises social-constructed beliefs and makes the subordinate class to accept a state of alienation without revolting. direction: V start: F14 category: What is the definition? - word: Modding - definition: + definition: Player-driven modification of a computer game. direction: V start: I5 category: What is the definition? - word: LeisureClass - definition: + definition: The economic ruling class, that is more present in consumption than production. direction: H start: G1 category: What is the definition? - word: Responsability - definition: + definition: The agency the game is giving to the users while taking decisions in a game. direction: V start: F2 category: What is the definition? - word: Inefficiency - definition: + definition: A process that involves unnecessary passages. direction: H start: Q2 category: What is the definition? - word: Artificiality - definition: + definition: The quality of being made or produced by human beings. direction: H start: M2 category: What is the definition?