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2 years ago
title: Miriam the Leader
- This is a quartets card game with the objective to collect 4 cards in a series.
- The pack contains contains 32 cards, divided into 8 groups of 4 cards.
- It is played with three or more players, with the aim to win all the quartets (sets of four).
- Each card has a number and letter (A1,A2,A3,A4,B1,B2,etc) in the top of the card.
- On the cards, you find motivational quotes by your imaginary leader.
- The quotes have a value in the categories motivation, empathy, vision and positivity.
- The cards are shuffled and dealt evenly between all the players and the cards get held face up in a player's hand.
- The player to the dealer's left starts by asking another player if they had a certain card (example, card C4) which would help the player create a quartet (in this case a quartet of the letter C).
- If the other player doesnt have the card, then it becomes their turn to ask.
- If the other player does have the card, the two compete in the categories.
- The player that asked for the card, now picks a category (example, positivity) and both players say the value in said category.
- The player with the lower category value has to hand over their card and it becomes the turn of the winning person.
- When a quartet is created, or a complete quartet was dealt, then the cards creating the quartet are placed in front of the player.
- If someone loses all their cards in the game, that player loses.
- The game ends when all the quartets have been created.
- The winner is the person with the most quartets and therefore the most inspirational quotes.
2 years ago
- card: A1
quote: Dreams don't work unless you do.
motivation: 70
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 40
positivity: 0
- card: A2
quote: If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
motivation: 65
empathy: 20
2 years ago
vision: 30
positivity: 80
- card: A3
quote: If you wnat to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people.
motivation: 50
empathy: 10
2 years ago
vision: 65
positivity: 50
- card: A4
quote: You live. You love. You cry. You lose. You bleed. You learn.
motivation: 30
empathy: 90
2 years ago
vision: 10
positivity: 100
- card: B1
quote: Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.
motivation: 95
empathy: 15
2 years ago
vision: 70
positivity: 55
- card: B2
quote: Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
motivation: 85
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 85
positivity: 0
- card: B3
quote: Big journeys begin with small step.
motivation: 90
empathy: 100
2 years ago
vision: 25
positivity: 95
- card: B4
quote: Be so good they can't ignore you.
motivation: 80
empathy: 20
2 years ago
vision: 95
positivity: 15
- card: C1
quote: DOn't focus on the pain, focus on the progress.
motivation: 70
empathy: 5
2 years ago
vision: 80
positivity: 65
- card: C2
quote: Good things will come.
motivation: 5
empathy: 100
2 years ago
vision: 90
positivity: 100
- card: C3
quote: Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.
motivation: 70
empathy: 20
2 years ago
vision: 100
positivity: 55
- card: C4
quote: Prove yourself to yourself, not others.
motivation: 20
empathy: 45
2 years ago
vision: 0
positivity: 90
- card: D1
quote: Falling down is an accident. Staying down is a choice.
motivation: 55
empathy: 25
2 years ago
vision: 50
positivity: 20
- card: D2
quote: Whatever you decide to do, make it sure it makes you happy.
motivation: 15
empathy: 85
2 years ago
vision: 10
positivity: 100
- card: D3
quote: Don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.
motivation: 100
empathy: 90
2 years ago
vision: 75
positivity: 100
- card: D4
quote: A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.
motivation: 80
empathy: 60
2 years ago
vision: 100
positivity: 80
- card: E1
quote: Criticism makes you strong.
motivation: 100
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 75
positivity: 30
- card: E2
quote: Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.
motivation: 35
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 55
positivity: 25
- card: E3
quote: A year from now, you may wish you had starded today.
motivation: 60
empathy: 25
2 years ago
vision: 80
positivity: 35
- card: E4
quote: Never give up on anything that makes your hart sore.
motivation: 55
empathy: 10
2 years ago
vision: 60
positivity: 40
- card: F1
quote: Do or do not. There is no try.
motivation: 75
empathy: 5
2 years ago
vision: 90
positivity: 45
- card: F2
quote: There's no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.
motivation: 90
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 80
positivity: 0
- card: F3
quote: Do good and good will come to you.
motivation: 20
empathy: 90
2 years ago
vision: 50
positivity: 100
- card: F4
quote: There is hope. Even when your brain tells you there isn't.
motivation: 75
empathy: 100
2 years ago
vision: 60
positivity: 100
- card: G1
quote: You didn't come this far to only come this far.
motivation: 65
empathy: 20
2 years ago
vision: 75
positivity: 25
- card: G2
quote: Your mistakes don't define you.
motivation: 0
empathy: 100
2 years ago
vision: 0
positivity: 90
- card: G3
quote: Everyday is a chance to be better.
motivation: 80
empathy: 70
2 years ago
vision: 80
positivity: 100
- card: G4
quote: Believe you can and your halfway there.
motivation: 90
empathy: 80
2 years ago
vision: 50
positivity: 95
- card: H1
quote: A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
motivation: 15
empathy: 5
2 years ago
vision: 10
positivity: 0
- card: H2
quote: Be a warrior, not a worrier.
motivation: 50
empathy: 0
2 years ago
vision: 60
positivity: 50
- card: H3
quote: If your dreams don't scare you, they are too small.
motivation: 20
empathy: 35
2 years ago
vision: 100
positivity: 45
- card: H4
quote: The key to success is to start before you are ready.
motivation: 80
empathy: 30
2 years ago
vision: 80
positivity: 75
2 years ago
#TODO: instructions
basic structure of the cards:
| ID of the card |
2 years ago
| quote |
| [Miri the leader] |
2 years ago
| img |
| |
2 years ago
| motivation: /100 |
| empathy: /100 |
| vision: /100 |
| positivity: /100 |
2 years ago
ideally should be easy to redo them in html