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<title>Mix of Sauces (chat_pad) - 06-10-2021</title>
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<h1 class="title">Mix of Sauces</h1>
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Al + Supi + Camo <br />
<a href="https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SP16_0510">@Reading Writing Research 06.10.2021</a>
<a href=".." class="back">back</a>
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<h2>Reader Prototyping</h2>
~ take suggested methods, use something we already used already - work on it,
elaborate, don't exclude what we've been doing with Manetta, Michael and
~ go in smaller groups/individually and make a prototype - network of texts,
something visual, reworking of something and what it can be a sensible way
to explain to people
~ come together at 15:30? and we share what we've done - talk about how can
we stitch it together to make a 'reader'.
<div class="process">
<h2>Aggregating different things ~ output: chat form</h2>
<h3>Demo (web)</h3>
super work in progress → <a href="./chat.html" target="__blank">Chat___a____pad</a>
<h3>Demo (vvvv)</h3>
<video src="./documentation.mp4" autoplay loop></video>
<li>🏸 1 touch the inputs,</li>
<li>🏸 2 overlap/merge them a bit</li>
<li>🏸 3 mesh them completely</li>
🏏 take an academic text and turn it into a chat - translating into vernacular;
<li>🏏 simplify the text</li>
<li>🏏 break it into chats</li>
<li>🏏 illustrate some bits</li>
Starting from a difficult but relatable text: our
<a href="https://pad.xpub.nl/p/SP16_0510">multi voiced pad</a> of the day. <br>
Parsed here:
<a href="https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/N5uOS8x5Nu28ZiXPSk+kF-um/">Spreadsheet ghost</a>
<h3>Rules to manipulate text:</h3>
<li>🏑 table of contents - shorts contents - tag them</li>
<li>🏑 turn into chat bubbles</li>
<li>🏑 illustrate a few</li>
<h3>Rules of text simplification (as ⛳️objective⛳️ as possible):</h3>
<li>🏓 simple sentences</li>
<li>🏓 on point</li>
<li>🏓 short paragraphs and short chapter</li>
<li>🏓 title on each paragraph</li>
<li>🏓 text could become image caption/illustrate chapters/graphs?</li>
<li>🏓 page number</li>
<li>🏓 navigation (table of contents)</li>
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