--- categories: - Print - Book - Press cover: office.jpg cover_alt: office is open date: 14/11/2022 description: Printing good books with nice covers git: https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press slug: birds-press title: Birds Press --- Repo for custom books' cover with good looking animals (the more they fly the better). To add a cover just drop the file in the `covers` folder. Convention for the filename is: ``` number_title-of-the-book_author-name ``` ex. ``` 02_Shaping-Things_Bruce-Sterling.png ``` TODO: pic of printed books. For now here are the covers. ### 01. The Interfact - On Structure and Compatibility in Object Oriented Ontology - Gabriel Yoran ![The interfact cover](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/01_The-Interfact_Gabriel-Yoran.png) This is a book about Object oriented ontology (🙁) and the bird is a Tawny Frogmouth, the same as the Birds Press office plaque. So disappointed about this project. Super good in mimetizing. ### 02. Shaping Things - Bruce Sterling ![A cute octopus in a Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi design](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/02_Shaping-Things_Bruce-Sterling.png) There is this channel on Youtube about deep ocean explorations that is amazing. I found myself often thinking that I could try to apply for a position to develop the kind of software that let you see some animals a in the Mariana trench? But eh. Btw this is the channel! [EVNautilus](https://www.youtube.com/@EVNautilus) ### 03. Literate Programming - Donald Knuth ![Again the Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, but with corals this time](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/03_Literate-Programming_Donald-Knuth.png) See 02 for more infooooooo. Living beings are amazing aha! ### 04. Introduction to uxn programming - Sejo vga - Foreword by Devine lu linvega ![A really stretched type + a bunch of paradise birds. I love this cover even though you cannot read anything](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/04_Introduction-to-uxn-programming_sejo-vga.jpg) Birds of Paradise outfit is crazy. Bought this book from the amazing [sejo vga / compudanzas](https://compudanzas.net/) after a month of binge watching every possible content made by the [hundred rabbits collective](https://100r.co). See this page about [uxn](https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxn.html) for more info! ### 05. Franklin ACE 100 Operator Manual ![A splendid kookaburra, to be printed on transparent paper](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/05_Franklin-ACE-100-Operators-reference-manual.jpg) On monday three things hapened: we lived in this wolves meme where we were the assessor and the assessed at the same time, Jian sent me [this reference](https://ironicsans.substack.com/p/the-strangest-computer-manual-ever), and I found out that I can print on transparent paper in studio. This is the result! The bird is a kookaburra! It's an amazing bird, with a really distinctive cry that seems a ccreepyy laugh. ### 06. Computer Power and Human Reason - Joseph Weizenbaum ![It's the shoebill on transparent paper, again](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/birds-press/raw/branch/main/covers/06_Computer-Power-and-Human-Reason_Joseph-Weizenbaum.png) This is my favourite bill at the moment. Joseph lent me this book that he bought for 2 euros or something like that. I can see why, since the sleeve was totally destroied. This is a restoration / remake / spinoff with some fake news about the hornitological preferences of Joseph Weizenbaum. ah ah Marrs ### 07. The Lore Zone - Tiger Dingsun and Libby Marrs WIP Wip wip this will be a scroll since i found out that there is no limit to the lenght of sheet in the multi-purpose tray of the printer 📜