--- categories: - Python - Tool - Writing cover: exex.jpg cover_alt: uhm not yet here date: 10/05/2023 description: Branching and collaborative writing git: https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/exex slug: exex title: EXEX url: https://hub.xpub.nl/soupboat/exex/ --- A branching version of the [exquisite corpse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exquisite_corpse) game, forked from the [exquisite branch](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/exquisite-branch) drawing app developed for [SI17](https://issue.xpub.nl/17/). Write something, upload it and send the link to someone else: they will continue from your excerpt. With a catch: if you send to just one person the chain will continue linearly, but send it to more people and things will start branching in different directions. Could be a writing machine to work on the collective pubblication for the graduation, inspired by what [Kim wrote here](https://pad.xpub.nl/p/gradcollectivexpub). ## Install Clone the repository. ``` git clone https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/exex.git ``` Create a virtual environment. ``` python3 -m venv venv ``` Install the requirements with `pip` and the `requirements.txt` file. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` Create an `.env` file in the root folder of the project with the following variables: ``` DEBUG=True FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=exquisite_branch ``` Before running the app for the first time, be sure to initialize the database. __Watch out:__ this will delete the previous instance of the database along with its contents! ``` flask init-db ``` After initializing the database you can run the flask application ``` flask run ``` ## Overview Exex saves contents in a database, and join them together in a branching version of the exquisite corpse. The original exquisite corpse data structure is something similar to a linked list, where every drawing is connected to the previous one. Contents in _exex_ are saved in a database with the same principle. ![Diagram with the situationship of the entries](https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/exex/media/branch/main/linked.jpg) Each entry in the database has the following properties: - `id`: a unique identifier for every entry - `branch`: a random name for the excerpt - `parent`: the random name of the previous excerpt - `content`: the actual content of the writings - `username`: the author of the excerpt When generating the display page, every entry look up its `parent` property to position itself after that. Mhh should rewrite this better bc is super convoluted ahah.