word1 word2 word3 WORD1 WORD2 WORD3
word1 WORD1 word2 WORD2 word3 WORD3
Code is made of essentialy 2 functions:
# 1. HTML TOKENIZER (word + span)
# return a list of tag from a text
# each item in the list is transformed into a html < span> tag,
# with the class defined by the text_class argument
# es: to_html('Lorem ipsum dolor', 'test')
# return
# [
# "< span class='test'>Lorem span>",
# "< span class='test'>ipsum span>",
# "< span class='test'>dolor span>"
# ]
def to_html(text, text_class):
text_html = []
text_list = word_tokenize(text)
for word in text_list:
text_html += ['< span class="' + text_class + '">' + word + ' span>']
return text_html
# weave two texts following a pattern structured as a string of A and B
# the repetition argument specifies how many times the pattern is repeated
# the start1 and start2 arguments specify the starting point in the texts' array
# it returns a string
def weave(text1, text2, pattern, repetition, start1=0, start2=0):
embroidery = ''
text1_cursor = start1
text2_cursor = start2
repeated_pattern = pattern * repetition
for choice in repeated_pattern:
if choice == 'A':
embroidery += text1[text1_cursor]
text1_cursor += 1
if choice == 'B':
embroidery += text2[text2_cursor]
text2_cursor += 1
return embroidery
text_a = to_html('Lorem ipsum dolor', 'text1')
text_b = to_html('Sit amet pariatur magna', 'text2')
text_embroidery = weave(text_a, text_b, 'ABBAB', 1)
# BASIC HTML5 boilerplate
html_boilerplate = '''
< !DOCTYPE html >
< html lang="en" >
< head >
< meta charset="UTF-8" />
< meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
< meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
< title > Document title >
< link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
< /head >
< body >
< div class= "text">
< /div>
< /body>
< /html>
# the {{{contents}}} line will be replaced with our text_embroidery
html_out = html_boilerplate.replace('{{{contents}}}', text_embroidery)