--- title: Text Weaving description: Weave two texts, like warp and weft date: 05/10/2021 git: https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/text_weaving pad: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/replacing_cats project: weaving categories: - Python - NLTK - Text --- ## Slow Processing - if _NLTK_ is a form of mapping language, vltk is a form of mapping language from a particular vantage point - pick a text or a collection of texts from the pad from last week or the one of this week - choose a linguistic pattern to apply over the text, for example: all verbs, every third word of a sentence, the 50 most used words, collocations you observe, words with multiple meanings, x of y, question marks etc. the processing can be both manual or automatic. - what is the output? Weaved with Jian and Emma