--- categories: - SI18 - Tool - Sound cover: eggg.jpg cover_alt: egg but is scottex date: 08/05/2022 description: blurring the borders of our contribution and call for external intervention git: https://git.xpub.nl/kamo/ovvvverture-atlas pad: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/atlas_overture slug: si18-03-overture-atlas title: SI18.03 - Overture Atlas --- ### Overture as: - a way to listen to the publication - layer-based (temporalities of an overture - in the context of the publication) - before: statement/direction/plan/intention - during (parallel): sample ideas of WIP contributions (of a specific date + time) - after: overview/preview (selected elements as a trailer of the performance) - a statement about the publication - an instrument waiting to be played/for samples - a place/moment that hosts the publication (platform) - an instrument First experiments for Cardinal direction for mapping the sample. First test for the instrument. Tests on how to name and recognize samples. One with names and one with symbols. Alternative ways to select samples: