ahh hello

km0 2 years ago
parent c7872ba6d7
commit 3884ce2694

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@ -179,3 +179,41 @@ _some notes for the project:_
- Padliography category page on the wiki, with the same contents of the README.md and a list of the archives page.
- Now when the padliography initialize a new archive, it adds the `[[category: padliography]]` tag, in order to list all the active archives in the category page.
- Next step is: how to make it public?
### 17th Oct
Public event at Leeszaal: Gersande and me shared a table for discussing our intuitions with the public. It happened because G is working on the surface of the patent and I was super interested in drawing connections between that and the documentation. There were nice suggestions. Simon and Alice suggested to narrow down the audience, for example focusing on the use of documentation in the context of tech-coop. Need to have a look to the notes we collected through the ingenious carbon-copy notation system Grr and Kim developed.
After the event and the discussion Naami sent me this incredible screen that is going directly into the thesis
!(discord.jpg)[Discord server fossil]
Thank you Naami!
### 18th Oct
- Sent some memes to the Piet in order to make the Padliography public (namely: clumsy frog pictures that point to the wiki page of the documentation.
!(../padliography-2/)[frog 1]
- Organize a public moment in PZI after the break. A monday morning session with the prototyping class? A Friday morning 1 hour worksiop / demo / user test?
### 25th Oct
- Prepare for the 31 Oct M&Ms
- Presentation and demo - 10 min
- Documentation read and review exercise - 10 min
- Mock product reviews???
- Roleplay like X_Kitchen (from kim & chae)
- Your character is a customer / reader of this documentation
- Mobile form with written feedback + something funny like product picture or reaction
- title, review, pro / cons + something like a call to participate to the documentation (such as explain the tool with your own words, or similar)
- Review form: could be interesting to link it to the contents of the documentation (as a way to send feedback to the ones writing the doc) (to create a channel of communication?)
- (simple form, store reviews in a small db, review different work ??? and an API to integrate the contents with real documentations)
- Think about the documentation for the Workbook with Supi. There is a draft strucutre here (https://pad.xpub.nl/p/modcms_documentation)[workbook documentation].
- imagine it in a way to coexhist with the aforementioned api ???? wtf did i just wrote aforementioned for real

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
body {
font-size: 21px;
line-height: 1.4;
h1 {
font-family: "Redaction 35";
line-height: 1;
img {
border: 1px solid currentColor;
max-width: 100%;
object-fit: contain;
hr {
break-before: always;
li {
margin-bottom: 24px;
@media print {
.pagebreak {
page-break-before: always;
} /* page-break-after works, as well */

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Software documentation as a form of care???</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
<h1>The problem with <br />software documentation</h1>
<img src="trolley.jpg" alt="" srcset="" />
Software comes from a really specific occidental cultural tradition. Software tends to
priviledge masculine, binary, exploitative and extractive practices. Software is
shrouded in technical obscurity. Software comes invisible, transparent, neutral.
Software models the world in order to control it.
To make software means not only to write code, but also to take a stance regarding this
trends. To make software means not only to write code, but also to create a context and
community around it.
Documentation is a space that interfaces the different actors around software. Software
documentation is a space with potential to renegotiate and reclaim given margins and
entry points. It is a chance to overwrite what is normalized, and let different
knowledges and voices participate in the discourse around software.
Documenting software is a complex practice. Documenting software is a process of
translation. Writing documentation it's more difficult than writing software itself. It
requires a lot of time and energy, and it involves many different skills: writing,
coding, knowing how to share and at which intensity. It's a collaborative practice that
could open to different voices.
<p>As a piece of code would write: I am documented, therefore I am.</p>
Coding is not just production of software, but also production of knowledge. A dialogue
between human and more-than-human actors. The guestlist of this conference of the bits
is often compiled by chance: the choice of a particular programming language, the coding
style, the development environment and ecosystem, the infrastructure that runs the code,
and so on, are the result of specific contingencies.
These contingencies are situated in precise contexts, and these contexts are different
one from another. Programming is not just sharing code, but sharing context. Programming
means to provide a point of view and a perspective to look at the world, before
attempting to get some grip onto it with a script. That's the reason why even if source
code, even when obfuscated, speaks for itself, it cannot always cast light around its
To make place for code turns to be a necessary act of care in the process of sharing
knowledge. This does not mean to constrain the usage of some piece of software, or
provide opinionated solutions or tutorials, but rather letting others know where does
this code come from, and where it would like to go.
Documentation is a way to produce narrations around software. To create a world for a
software to inhabit, to give it affordances and stretch what is possible to do or to
think with it. Documentation is a space for the political of software. It's a surface
that could host ideas in close contact with codes, letting them entangle and shape each
<div class="pagebreak"></div>
<h1>The plan</h1>
Focus on software documentation as an interface between code, users, developers,
communities, and the world.
Research how writing software documentation changes depending on the context and
actors involved.
Experiment with software documentation as a generative device to keep thinking
through code from different perspectives.
Explore software documentation as iterative process, as a format that grows and
shrinks through versioning and embrances branching to adapt to specific
Develop tools to facilitate rich software documentation. To assist and stimulate the
writing process with prompts and gently reminders that software documentation is a
form of care.
Question the nature of the documentation: what does it take for granted? For what
kind of public it is produced, and what kind of public does it produce? How does it
normalize the context around the software? What are its politics of access? How does
it create entry points and how does it gatekeep?
Try to infiltrate the industry of software development through documentation.
Attempt to expose their public to these questions in subtle ways. Offer entry points
and escape routes from the universal solution proposed by big corporates.

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@ -66,3 +66,32 @@ Some sketches for a new visual identity i've done before summer, but im not sure
![identity blu](identity.jpg)
![identity blu](identity2.jpg)
### aggregator: a different paradigm for note taking
I mean, a different paradigm at least for me.
Write each note in a different file and tag it.
Aggregate notes by tag or just sort them by date.
Interesting and easy to do.
It could be interesting to implement it!
From a technical point of view:
- things are stored in .md files
- static site generation? :^) in order to --> be more efficient and sustainable
- that means: whenever a git hook is called (such as every push), the server updates the list of contents.
- when a user requests the page, the server send the already rendered contents without building them on the fly
omg i hope this is what static site generation means bc im not sure
bonus: it could be done with a custom micro cms
the only thing i need are:
- text editor
- tag system
- file upload (for pictures, video, etc)
blurred documentation
