"Orwell method" "Template:Welcome" '''.from my notebook''' '''FINAL VERSIONS''' deadline early May '''Lotte's Self-Directed Research''' ''The century of the self - Happiness machines'' - Adam Curtis (documentary) ''The ontology of the photographic image'' – Andre Bazin (1945) ''photography, fixity, continuity, fluidity, liquidity, moving image '' 'SELF-DIRECTED' NOTES' (TEMP) GRADUATE PROPOSAL (Un) censored (draft) Watching and Being Watched Through Cybernetic Filters (re)describe ))General Bibliography (Special Issue 7) *.*.-* Candles, tarot & joysticks *-.*.* * Reading Notes +1800 982 0820G.o.o.g.l.e support number @@ G.o.o.g.l.e support phone number @ G.o.o.g.l.e customer service phone number USA --5cuts assignment-- --Deleuze-- --Delleze-- --Draft Essay-- --Essay perception-- --Foucault notes-- --Geleuze-- --Lazzarato-- --Lecture Notes 18.10-- --Lecture notes-- --Lecture notes 28.09.2013-- --assignment 11.11.2013-- --astral data --fiajwiofjw-- --greenscreen assignment-- --lecture notes-- --my previous skills-- --notes video vortex-- --speculative scenarios nts-- -Assignment 1- -Assignment 1-review -Assignment 1-review 1 -Assignment 1-review 2 -Essay Creative Industries- -Essay Creative Industries-in process- -JSON example- -JSON feeds- -Notes 13-09-25- -Notes 13-10-16- -Notes 13-10-30- -Notes Free Culture Workshop- -Notes Nudge Nudge- -Notes on Critique Creative Industries 1- -Notes on Critique Creative Industries 2- -Notes on Tutorial- -Printscreen- -Prototyping Lens-Based- -Prototyping Networked- -Python turtle graphics- -Reading Writing Research Methodologies- -Research- -Synopsis Creative Industries 1- -Technical Plans- -Technical plan- -Thematic Seminars- - 20th September 2017 - An Introduction to the Notebook of Maya Deren - Deep Neural Networks can detect sexual orientation from faces - Face Facts: A History of Physiognomy from Ancient Mesopotamia to the End of the 19th Century - Faggy Gestures - Images - Journal (Hackpact) - Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism, introduction, Hugh B Urban - Project Proposal version 4 - Project proposal - The Gay State - The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands - The miracle of Analogy, introduction - Kaja Silverman - Thesis Outline - Thesis outline - Thesis outlinef - Wolfgang Tillmans, 2017 (catalogue, 2 texts) - Wolfgang Tillmans: The art of Equivalence - Minoru Shimizu - Zoe Beloff @ Stedelijk statements, patrica pisters worlding the brain -red house- ... .from my notebook .py.rate.chnic sessions /AfEffects /Assignment30/10/2013/ /Creative Industries /Databaseassymbolicform /Draft essay /Finaltext /IdeologyZizeketc /JacBruneel /Johntaggburden /LANGOFNM /Lens Based media /McKeena /Notesremix /Notesthematic10102013 /POP /PoorImages /Postdigitalprintnotes /Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2013-TM3.01 /SF /TINAfrankmasterclass /Technplan /Thetaskofthetranslator /Three work descriptions /TutorialwithTimo /Videos / Blanchot / Cognition the thinking animal / Eisenstein / Enjoy Poverty / Filmsemiotics / Fountainhead / Frogs Eye / Philosophy and the moving image / guerrilla art /classifications /counting /mckennafood /myarchivefever /notesnonhumanphoto /proj /sonia/focalcamera /sonia/photobook /sources /stocksoundandelectronics /tech plan /testtimowiki/ /titel /tomcruise script /women.life.freedom 01 01.03.23 02.03.23 02.10.12 03-11-2017 03.03.23 04.03.23 05-11-2017 05.03.23 06-12-2017 06.03.23 07.03.23 07/11/12 08-10-2017 08-8-2017 08.03.23 09-01-2018 09-10-2017 09.03.22 09.03.23 09/10/12 1 1+ 2 1,1,1,1,,1,1,2 1.1 1.2 1.20131007 Image or Sound-generating Loop 1.3 1.Technical plan 1.Walter Benjamin, "The Task of the Translator"/Becky Edmunds (2004) 'A Work of Art from A Work of Art' 10-10-2017 10.03.23 10000BL 10 november session 11-10-2017 11-12-2017 11 03-class-notes 123D 123cldagenda 12th of October - John Berger - notes and synopsis 13-11-2017 1309 Shinyoung's note 13th of November - Jonathan Crary- notes and synopsis 14th of September- 300 word exercise 15.03.23 16-03-2011 Danny Fabien Mirjam 16-03-2011 Laura Amy 16-03-2011 Laura Amy Laurier 16.03.23 16.09.2014 16NovMethods 17-09-13 Equipment intro & AV studio visit 17-10-2017 17/10/12 18-10-2017 18-12-2017 19/11/12 1or2images 1st & 2nd TRIMESTER 1st Assignment 1st Draft 921 1st Exercise 1st Exercise - add cultural context 1st Exercise - work description 1st Final Essay: Choreography of Identitarian Control 1st Thesis outline 1st Trimester, Sep.-Dec. 2010 1st draft 1st draft 2nd essay, 2nd trimester 1st draft text: 1st project proposal(very rough) 2 2.0 2.0.0 20-10-2017 2006T3 2006 1.08 2006 1.09 2006 1.10 2006 1.12 2007T3 2007 2.04 2007 2.05 2008 2008 101 2008 102 2008 103 2008 104 2008 105 2008 106 2008 107 2008 108 2008 201 2008 204 2008 205 2008 206 2008 3.05 2008 3.06 2008 3.07 2008 3.08 2008 301 2008 302 2008 303 2008 304 2008 PS101 2008 PS101 solution 2009 2009-2010 2009 101 2009 102 2009 103 2009 104 2009 105 2009 106 2009 107 2009 108 2009 109 2009 200 2009 201 2009 202 2009 203 2009 204 2009 205 2009 206 2009 207 2009 208 2009 209 2009 210 2009 300 2009 301 2009 302 2009 303 2009 304 2009 305 2009 306 2009 307 2010 1.09 2011 1.08 20131007 20131008 20131017:raw sound/image 20131104 2015-2016 2017-18Methods 2017/18Methods 2020 LB1 Collaboration, Conflict & Consent 2020 xpub1 Collaboration, Conflict & Consent 2021-09 LB1 Collaboration workshop 2021-09 LB2 Collaboration, Conflict, Consent Followup Sessions with Nor 2021-10 XPUB1 Collaboration, Conflict, Consent workshop 2021-10 XPUB2 Collaboration, Conflict, Consent Catchup 20 things 21-11-2017 22nd of march - past current and future 24-09-13 Dissecting the Frog - What defines the digital image 24-10-2017 27-11-2017 28th of September- Flusser and McLuhan 2NovMethods 2nd Draft Text on Method 2nd Exercise - three objects 2nd Final Essay: 2nd assesment pad 2ndyrnami 30-10-2017 31 Days 31 Prototypes 35mm Film: Window Gazing 360 & VR: Mix 3:23AM 3 Projects - What/How/Why 3 Things 20-9-18 3 things 3 things CC 3d Draft Text on Method 3de 4ChanImgDl 666 8-11-2017 8-bit panda 9-1.18 LogLineSynopsis 9-11-2017 99designs-manina =='''RW&RM LENS BASED 2017-18'''== =='''RW&RM XPUB 2017-18'''== ===NOTES ON WRITING A THESIS - THESIS FORMAT - DEADLINES AND COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED=== ==RW&RM LENS BASED 2017-18== ==RW&RM XPUB 2017-18== == poems translations == == rejection letters == A)PART to de(PART A-brick-through-the-window A4 ACCP ACHIVE MACHINE ACL ALCP ALEPH ZETA: The Star ANA: ROOM OF SILENCE ANewPageX API API/RSS API/RSS 1.1 ASCII Art ASCII art ASMR ASSESSMENT: Stamp AV Equipment A Borderless Existence A CONVERSATION with Kristof Van Gestel A Computer Glossary A Decade of Webdesign A FUTUTRE HISTORY.pdf A Guide to Essay Writing A Hyperized Story A Hyperized Story/Societies of control A New New Age - Pedro Neves Marques A Quiet Refusal A Rape in Cyberspace A Recipe of Harmony A Transparent Handmade Camera A Unique Line A Voyage of Discovery A Whisper In Hagley Woods A cameraman filming aka FILMINGWATCHINGBURNING A failed coup attempt with folk songs (Part V) A glitch in my eye. A n a g r a m A quiet place A statement in screenshots? A story of a large Chinese penis A test eheh blab la A text to line edit, by anon A theory of unified online identity Abidings Abode of Vacancy About About the logo AbstractWebpropertyWHW Abstract & bio Abstract Violence Abstract Violence/Bio/Description Active/passive Active mode Add user to HUB Adding $home/bin to your path Adele-project proposal Adele-thesis outline Adilkno Adilkno: The Media Archive Adilkno The Media Archive Adilkno The Media Archive - assignment Adkilno - The media archive Administrative information Adversarial Interface Adversarial Interfacing After the White Cube. Afterwork drink Ahorserunninginaloop Aim Down Sights Aims 2nd trimester Aitan selfportrait Aitana's reading list Aitana's reading notes AitanaAnnotation AitanaArabella23 Aitana text on practice - Aitana text on practice 1st draft Ajax Akinetopsia / Motion Blindness Al's XPUB2 proposal draft Al's XPUB2 thesis Al's XPUB2 thesis outline Al's station skills Al's xpub1 Al's xpub2 Al's xpub3 Al Nik's Hackpact Alan Turing Alan Watts: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are Albert Jongstra Albert Jongstra, Graduation project, 2011 Alchemy Alecio-project proposal Alecio-thesis outline Alecio selfportrait Alecio thesis drafts and notes Alejandra Pérez Núñez Alex Head - Here Comes Trouble - Art, Magic and Madness Alex selfportrait Alexander R. Galloway - The Interface Effect Alexandre Leray Alexei Shulgin Alexwed27sept Algorithmic Media Alice writing practice All about Fresh to Decay Allys Edit Alt Reality Lexicon Although we cannot change this fact, Alumni Alvin Lucier Amazing-studio-makeover Ambient, Aberrant Ambient Commons ~ Malcolm McCullough Ambiguity Ambition/Fear Amex Cars: Find a Diverse Fleet of Extremely Well-Maintained Vehicles Amy Ireland - Black Circuit: Code for the Numbers to Come Amy Ireland - Noise: An Ontology of the Avant-garde Amy Suo Wu An (a)Historical Excavation An (a)historical excavation An Amateur Player's Guide to Better Picture An Anthem to Open Borders An Uneasy Jam with the Beatles An encyclopedia of media objects An encyclopedia of media objects. An interlude of project Inside Triangle Ana Ana's Ana's t AnaB : notes on Merleau Ponty's essay AnaB it's just a draft AnaB projectproposal2 AnaPAGE AnaTOM AnaTom Ana - Methods/session 5: 2nd synopsis Ana Gabriela Jimenez Ana Gabriela Jimenez Devia Anal Utopia Analisis of Video: e-talks - The Secret of food marketing Analysis of sessions Analyzing an existing photobook, presentation 7 min Anarchism my Anatomy of an ePUB AndreCastro,Radio Liberte Egalite Beyonce,2011 AndreCastro,Radio Liberte Egalite Beyonce,2012 AndreCastro,StreetMapName,2011 AndreCastro, StreetMapName, 2011 AndreCastro, StreetMapName, 2011, Trimester1, Year1 Andre Castro Andre Castro, Data Factory, 2012 Andre Castro, Radio Liberte Egalite Beyonce, 2012 Andre Castro, Radio Liberte Egalite Beyonce, 2012, Trimester2, Year 1 Andre Castro, StreetMapName, 2011 Andre Castro/FactoryReset/1.3/Factory Project Andre Castro/research/1.3/annotation Fuchs-web20 Andre Castro/research/1.3/annotation HolmesFutureMap Andre Castro/research/1.3/annotation Lyon-surveillanceCity Andre Castro/research/1.3/review 1 Andre Castro Annotation-The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction Andre Castro Annotation- The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems Andre Castro Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 2012 Andre castro/research/1.3/annotation Poster Foucault&Databases Andrea Fiore AndreasSteveFeedbackonProposal Andreas Annotated Bibliography Andreas EYE Moodboard Andreas Image Appropriation I Andreas Methods Session One Andreas Photobook Andreas Poor Images, Compression Aesthetics & Glitches Andreas Project Proposal Andreas Project Proposal Draft 2 Andreas Project Proposal Draft 3 Andreas Project Proposal Draft 4 Andreas Self-directed methods 17-10-18 Andreas Thesis Outline Andreas methods 05-12-18 Andreas methods 06-02-19 Andreas methods 06-03-19 Andreas methods 07-11-18 Andreas methods 09-01-19 Andreas methods 10-04-19 Andreas methods 15-05-19 Andreas methods 20-03-19 Andreas methods 21-11-18 Andreas methods 23-01-19 Andreas methods 24-06-19 Andreas methods 29-05-19 Andreea Carnu Andreea I. Carnu André Castro Andys Book List Anecdotes Angela Nagle: Kill All Normies Angeliki/Grad Scripts Angeliki/PROTOTYPING 2 Angeliki/Prototyping 2 Angeliki/Research writing Angelikiwed27sept Animacies - Mel Y. Chen Anna Andersson Anne Lamb Anne Lamb : Deleuze + Annemieke van der Hoek AnniAnnotation Anni Scratch Anni scratch Anni text on practice Annotated Bibliography Annotated bibliography Annotation Annotation---Discipline and Punish Annotation---Postscript on the Societies of Control Annotation---Regarding the Pain of Others Annotation---The work of art in the age of digital recombination Annotation1 Annotation: Joe De Mul Annotation: The Ambiguity of Value - Kelly Cannon Annotation: The Book: On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are AnnotationDirectory AnnotationFree Annotation Mash Up Annotation Words for the Future – pads Annotation on Mapping the invisible visible Annotation on The work of art in the age of digital recombination Annotationnn Annotations Annotations123cld AnnotationsSharing Annotations & Notes Annotations Of.. Annotations R,W & RM Annotations for the self directed text Annotations from Aitana to Ieva and Yalou Annotations from Yalou and Ieva to Aitana Annotations on Better living through reality TV Annotations on self-directed text Annotationsbl Anomolous faces Another Another JO Another Proposal Anotherdatabase Anthony McCall Anthony McCall - Masterclass at EYE Anthony McCall Masterclass - assignment Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin Antman Anus Decolonial Anus Utopia Anus my Apache Application Programming Interface Aquarium Ara3e11aAnnotation Ara3e11aScratch Arantxa Arantxa/Dreams Arantxa/Dreams (Revised) Arantxa3 Arantxa: Hybrid text Arantxa - Synopsis Arantxa : Foucault and Deleuze Archaic Revival Archive Archive-Foucault-ArchaeologyKnowledge-intro apriori Archive-Thematic Projects Archive.org radio Archive: trim 1 Archive & Memory Archive Protocol Archive Protocol/Cycle Archive Protocol/Video Archive of archive Archive of my own - Archontic analysis of experiences, network and projects Archive radio Archiving Ass. Archiving Grad Archiving grad projects 2013 Archiving grad projects 2014 Ardour Arduino101 Arduino101-LFP ArduinoMidiInterface Arduino club Argparse Ariela-project proposal Ariela-thesis outline Ariela selfportrait Arkamo Art & Fear, Observations on the perils (and rewards) of Artmaking Art In The Age Of... Asymmetrical Warfare Art In Theory: Victor Hugo on the Grotesque Art Object, Text, & Media Artemis' What Why How 26-9-18 Artist: Aaron Koblin Artist: Brain Eno - THE OBLIQUE STRATEGIES LIST Artist: Felix Gonzalez Torres Artist: Jeanne van Heeswijk Artist Talks 2020: Lena Dobrowolsa Scheduling (Tentative) Artists' working spaces, tools, and materials in the digital domain Artists / Works Artyom Artyom-essay Artyom-graduation-work Artyom lens based media Artyom proposal draft Artyom thesis outline As Much as Necessary - As Little as Possible As We May Think As We May Think - Olia moderates - text here As We Speak As much as necessary - as less as possible Ask him what the accurate word is for Assembly Mine Assessment External Examiner Assessment prep joca Assignement One: Autonomy Cube -Art in the age of Asymmetrical Warfare Assignemt - 11.11.13 Assignment Assignment 1 Assignment Zeeuws Museum Assignment one Astrid van Nimwegen Astrid van Nimwegen - Annotation: Issues In The New Cinematic Aesthetic of Video, Chrissie Iles Astrid van Nimwegen - Essay draft 2nd trimester: transcendental style in film Astrid van Nimwegen - description Astrid van Nimwegen - draft review Roy Andersson Astrid van Nimwegen - part one of draft 2 Quotes Tarkovsky Astrid van Nimwegen - part two of draft 2 Description shooting day Astrid van Nimwegen Description Astrid van Nimwegen Trimester1-Draft AstridvanNimwegen trimester, 2 2012 AstridvanNimwegen trimester2 2012 AstridvanNimwegen trimester 3 2012 Astridvan Nimwegen trimester4 2nd year Astridvan Nimwegen trimester5 2nd year Astrological/Crowley Astrology is science fiction At the gym Attention: Recalculating! Audacity Audio Audio (HTML tag) Audio Cutup PD Patch Audio Visual Art Audio Visual Art and Extensions Audio shuffle Audiogrep Audrey Samson Auge Place and Non-place Austin Omar Spare: Book of Pleasure Authentication Autonomous Archive Autonomous Archive/Issues Autonomous Archive/List of external archives Autonomous Archive/List of references Autonomous Archive/Mood Autonomous Archive/algorithm Autonomous Archive/hand-curated Autonomous Archive/hand-curated/Summaries archive documents Autonomous Archive/hand-curated/design-process Autonomous Archive/material-issue4 Autotracer Avant Garde Avital Ronell AwkAndSedRearTheirUglyHeads Aymeric Mansoux Aymeric Mansoux 07/ 09/ 13 & entries Aymeric Tutorials I BASH BASH photo gallery BBS BEGINNING BEWARE OF THIS VIRUS… BIT BIT: fyi BMP BOOKS BREATH Baci fantasma (Ghostly kisses) Baci fantasma - Ghostly kisses Back Back It Up Back Story Bang bang Barbrook, Richard: Imaginary Futures Barricades (working title, 2020) Bartholomaeus Traubeck, Trimester 2, 2012 Bartholomaeus Traubeck, Trimester 3, 2012 Based on a True Story Bash BashAppendingImages BashHowToStart BashImageGallery BashLoops BasicElectronicComponents Basic Electronics And Microcontrollers Basic Electronics And Microcontrollers/Component Hierarchy Basic Fit Record Bastard Culture Bauhaus SummerSchool Bbc - Memory Bbk motion Be the director of your own life BeautifulSoup Beginning Benjamin Benjamin's onwards Benjamin-Aims for next meeting Bernhard Garnicnig BetterExperience Bibliography Bibliotecha Bibliotecha/Installation manual Bibliotecha/Source Bibliotecha/User manual Bikerepair Binary Binary files Bio::Cristina Cochior (RO) is a researcher, designer and bot custodian working in the Netherlands. Her interests revolve around automation practices, disruption of the interface and peer to machine knowledge production. Birgit Bachler Birgit Bachler, Graduation project, 2011 BitTorrent Bitmap Bitmap Image Code Bitmap Image Coding Bitmap training Biyi' What Why How 26-9-18 Biyi & Artemis Black Mirror Blender Bless Blind Carbon Copy Blob Blow-up Blue Is the Warmest Colour Blurry Boundaries Bo's What Why How 26-9-18 Bo & Rita Boem Paukeslag Boiling down the language Bojan Salaj/Focal Camera Bojan Salaj/Methods 1st year Bojan selfportrait Bonsai Book: What Is Situationism?: A Reader Book Binding Workshop Bookmarklet Bookscanner Boolean Logic Border Gateway Protocol in Wonderland Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives Br browser Brad Troemel & Others – Club Kids: The Social Life of Artists on Facebook Brainstorm Brainstorm Amber Brainstorming Brené Brown Brian Holmes Briki Broken Images Bubble Chain Reaction Bufferrrbreakkkdownnn Arkestra Gufferrrbreakingggdownnn Bug reports Build, Break, Broadcast Build, Break and Broadcast II Building a web crawler with Django Building an IRC bot in python Bulletin Board System Bureau of inverse technology: the decade report, the bureau / the evidence / the first 10 years Burningfilmloop Busbar Power Connector: No Longer A Mystery C CALL***Google 1.8OO .982 .O82O customer service number gmail customer service ph0ne number google help,gmail help,, CAMERA /USAGE/ RESEARCH CAMERA WORKSHOP CCRU CGI CGI checklist CHC CHDK CLI CLIAdventure CLICK CLIIntroImageMagick CLIIntroImageMagick Bernhard CLIIntroImageMagick Birgit CLIIntroImageMagick Kenny CLIIntroImageMagick Loredana CLIIntroImageMagick Michael CLIIntroImageMagick Tamar CMMMM CMS() Project COVID-19 CSS CSV CScrapbooks CSound CVS C Debugging C Loops C o d i n g C o l l e c t i v e i o n i n g Cadavre exquis Cairo Cake Space Calendar Calendar2007T2 Calligraphy and typography station skills Calling BASH from Python Calum Selkirk Calypso Camera Fear Research Camera Lucida - Roland Barthes Camera Research Camera Research Focal Length Camera Workshop Camilo-project proposal Camilo-thesis outline Camilo selfportrait Candles Tarot Joysticks Candles Tarot Joysticks documentation Canvas Captcha Captured Imaginaries (notes) Care of the Self and the Will to Freedom Carmodygoogleplus Casket Casket code Cassandra Cat vision link Catalina Catching flies in the alternet Catching flies in the alternet (2011) Cem/annotated bibliography Cem/colored focal cam Cem/comparativessay Cem/exerciseinstyle Cem/eyeproject Cem/focal cam cont'd Cem/hackpact Cem/image analysis Cem/interview Cem/kadirlohuizen Cem/methods Cem/methods session 5 - second synopsis Cem/myfocalcam Cem/negatives Cem/photobook Cem/prints Cem/project proposal Cem/projectproposaldrafts Cem/self directed research Cem/small introduction Cem/synopsis Cem/textonmethod Cem/textonmethodfinaldraft Cem/texts Cem/textsoncollectivememory Cem/thesis draft Cem/trimester 2 Cem/uncanny Cem/year 1 Cem/year 2 Cem Self-directed methods 17-10-18 CgiScripting Cgi ex Cgi exercise Chae selfportrait Chaeyoung ᕦ(ò óˇ)ᕤ Chain reactions Chalkboard-archive CharacterSets Character Traits & Scripts Character recognition - from pdf to txt Charlie Kaufman Chasing the Light Checklist Checklist2 Cheryl Gallaway Chinese Medicine Choose how you feel; you have seven options Chop Suey - First Chapter Draft Chop Suey - Project Proposal Chop Suey - Thesis outline Chris Baronavski Chuck Kleinhans - Creative Industries and the Cold Hard Facts of Global Capitalism Cihad Cihad: Foucault and Deleuze Cihad Seminar Cihad selfportrait Cihan-Aims for next meeting Cine Club Screenings 2017/2018 Cineseminar 8 Apr 2018 Circle Sound Citation needed City/Date tracker City/Street/Unit City On Demand CladioAnnotation CladioScratch Claire Bishop- Delegating Performance: outsourcing Authenticity Clapping music Clapping music with Arduino Clara-project proposal Clara-thesis outline ClaraAnnotation ClaraScratch Class ?? - Text on Method - DRAFT Class Eight - The naked self: Being a Body in Televideo Cybersex Class Five - Eye Pitch Sketches Class Four - Utopia Class Six - Assesment Preps ClassyTurtles Claude Levi Strauss Claudia de Azevedo Borges ClaudioNotes23 Clone RPi Closet Clown process Cobalt Code Code editor Code flow Codec Codes Codes for quilting Coffee Can Claymore Collaborative Setup Collabweek3 Collect dust and microscope narrative Collected Images Collected Notes on Readings Collecting Fantasy Collecting something similar through time in the formative realm Collection of 51 free e-books for Python programming Collective-care notebook Collective Reading II/Tunnel Collectiveioning pr Color Psychology Color link Color of the year Colors related movies Colour Critique A Symposium on Colour as an Agent for Taste, Experience and Value in the Exhibition Space Coming soon Coming soon... Command-line Command-line interface Command-line podcasts CommandLinePageLayout Command Line Video Editing Command completion Commandline Commented on Facebook status messages Commercial practices Community Memory Commuters of Erasmusbrug Comparing Terms Compass video calling device(2021) CompilingOpenSourceSoftware Complete interview text Complicating The Subject Complicating the subject - portraiture Composer avec l’imprévisible: Le questionnaire sur les médias variables CompressingFLV Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer assisted licensing Computer stuff Computers becoming people, people becoming machines. ConTeXt Concept and Practice of VR Filmmaking Conceptual development ConcreteWebpropertyWHW Conference on Social Housing: Vereniging Poortgebouw, a cultural co-habitation space Conferences floss art school Configuring Git Connect-less Connecting to Eduroam Connecting your Raspberry Pi to eduroam Consentsus Constant Constant Earthquake in Micropolis Contemporary Fairy Tales Contextualization - for proposal. Continuation of Editorial Intensive ControllerWiki Conversational Interfaces 2014/2015 Conversion experiment 1 Conversion experiment 2 CookBook Cookbook Copied Motivation ( tentative) Copyright, Cultural Production and Open Content Licensing Core Courses Corset, Skin, Skeleton Counting Counting in a public space Counting in public space Counting word frequency in a text with Python Courgette Flowers Course Course Archive Course Handbook Cracks Crary:Techniques of the Observer Create a new user account on your GNU/Linux machine Creating, using and managing ssh keys CreatingAndWorkingWithURLs Creating Katia/works Creating User:LUCA/1 Creating a PDF with Python Creating an Inkscape Effect with Python & ElementTree Creating navigable texts with databases Creative Industries Creative Industries/ formula Creative Writing, Paula Credits broken down per Trimester Cristina Cochior Criteria for evaluation (Thesis) Critical and Intimate Evaluation of Crunchiness Cron Crosswords Cruising Utopia - José Esteban Muñoz (Introduction) Csvkit Ctrl-F Reader Cult of the Ugly Cultural Hegemony Cultural Hegenomy Culture is Not Your Friend Culturesoftheself Cups Curiosities of ''Haijiaotangshan'' Current flow Current projects Lau Curtains Cut-Up Process Cuteness CyberLace Cyberlace Cybernetic Complex Lexicon Cybernetics Workshop Plan Cyberneticsandghosts Cyburbia Cygwin DAF2 DATA DUST-creative industry DEL? No, wait! REW DESCRIPTION 'OWN WORK' DIARY DIT-fanzine DIY (Drone It Yourself) Kit v1.0 DIY Camera DNA Harp DNVorscher DNvorscher DOM DOMEvents DRAFT PROPOSAL 13-918 DRAFT THESIS LINK HERE DRAFT latest DRAFT proposal 18/09/13 DUST Daan Bunnik Dachen-project proposal Dachen-thesis outline Dachen selfportrait Dan Sandim Danja Vassiliev Danny van der Kleij Daoism and Eco-art and Zhengbo Darija Medic Darija Medic, graduation project, 2011 Darija Medić DarkSideOfGoogle Data serialisation Database as a Symbolic Form - Lev Manovich DaveYoung-DescriptionOfYear1 DaveYoung-Year-2 Dave Young Dave Young - Annotation: The Work of Art in the Age of Digital Recombination Dave Young - Collected Annotations Dave Young - Consent to Print Outline Dave Young - Divergences Dave Young - Incremental Developments Dave Young - Notes on Tutorial I Dave Young - Past Research Dave Young - Project Proposal Outline Dave Young - Project Survey Dave Young - Related Keywords Dave Young - Related Source Dave Young - Response to Workshop Prototype Dave Young - Thesis Dave Young - Thesis Proposal Dave Young - Workshop themes Dave Young Annotation Dave Young Annotation-Cyburbia Dave Young Description Dave Young Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 2012 Dave Young Trimester1-Draft Dave Young Trimester1-Essay Cybernetic Ideologies David 26/09/13 & David 03/10/13 David Claerbout: L'oeil inifini David Tutorial David Young, Trimester 2, 2012 Ddump: recycling in the digital context Ddump: recylcling in the digital context De Huid Voelt De Zonde van de vrouw - Connie Palmen Dear Audiobook, by Irma Dear Samson Death of an Author Debate: in progress Debate screenshots Decoloniality and film Aitana Decolonization Dedicated page to titles Deep Remixability Delayedaction.js Deleuze + Foucalt Deleuze and Foucault-hybrid text Deleuze and New Technology (Ed. Poster, Savat) Demet Adiguzel Demet Adiguzel, Mirror mirror on the wall / Identity Factory, 2012 Demet Adiguzel, The Absence, 2012 Demet Adiguzel - Annotation: Stillness in the Moving Image: Ways of Visualising Time and Its Passing, Laura Mulvey Demet Adiguzel Annotation Demet Adiguzel Annotation-The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems Demet Adiguzel Annotation Spectatorship, Power and Knowledge Demet Adıgüzel Demet Adıgüzel (grad project) Denis Johnson Train Dreams Dennis de Bel Dennis van Vreden Dennis van Vreden, Trimester 1, 2011 Dennis van Vreden, Trimester 2, 2012 Dennis van Vreden/annocelluloidcloset Dennis van Vreden/annochrissie Dennis van Vreden/annofreedom Dennis van Vreden/annomalefantasies Dennis van Vreden/annoreflection Dennis van Vreden/draft1 Dennis van Vreden/draft2 Dennis van Vreden/finalessay Dennis van Vreden/reviewdraft1 Dennis van Vreden/reviewdraft2 Dennis van Vreden 2 Depressing Derrida, Jacques - Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression Des dispositifs aux appareils - L'Espacement d'un calcul Describing three objects Describing three projects of your own DescriptionOfYear1 Description of 3 works Description of our works Description of previous projects WHAT/ HOW/ WHY? Description of work Design Design: Conditional Design Design Documents Design Documents/Transcriptions Design Documents - Dennis Kaspori & Jeanne van Heeswijk Design Documents - Kristina Andersen Design Documents - Matthew Fuller, Introduction Design Documents - McKenzie Wark Design Documents - Nina Wakeford Design Documents - Q&A 1 Design Documents - Q&A 2 Design Documents - Victoria Donkersloot Design tactile — Josh Clark Designing the user experience in exhibition spaces - Elisa Rubegni, Caporali Maurizio, Antonio Rizzo, Erik Grönvall Desk Set Detached Development Week Tetem Dialog with Python Diary Diary of Seeing Didactical Wiki Die Diva (Elisabeth Bronfen) Die Zeit Die helle Kammer (Roland Barthes) Diffractive Cookbook Diffs in Python Digging deeper Digital - Slides Digital Cadavre Exquis Digital Material Digital Networks Digital Objects Digital Work Digital Work - Transcription Digital landscapes Digital pianos Digital zines 3 Digital zines I: PDF Digital zines II: HTML and friends Digitalfolkoliadragannns Dignity on Fire Dimi-O Dirk van Oosterbosch Discipline&Punish Discourse in Dutch Graphic Design Discrete Dialogue Network Displacement / Transitional Period / EYE project Displaying a list of words from a text followed by the number of times they appear Displaying the titles of an RSS feed Dispositif — Jean-Louis Baudry Disrupting systems Disrupting systems (2010) Distortions on air Divided Together Django DjangoVirtualbox Dmytri Kleiner's lecture Do Kindles Dream of Spirit Duplicators? Do What Thour Wilt: Life of Aleister Crowley Documentary: PBS Frontline 2014 Generation Like Documentation Mihail DoingSomethingWithAllFilesInADirectory DoingSomethingWithAllFilesInaDirectory Dominik Bartkowski Donna Haraway Donna Haraway - Cyborg Manifesto Donna Haraway Muyang Donna Haraway MuyangTeng Door Dorothy's page Dorothy's page 4oct Dorothy:What have I done Dorothy: Comparsion between the essay Including Ourselves and From Feminine Masquerade to Flâneuse: Agnès Varda's Cléo in the City Dorothy: Including Ourselves: The Role of Female Spectators in Agnès Varda's "Le Bonheur" and "L'Une chante, l'autre pas" Dorothy: Room of Silence Dorothy: Thesis Outline Dorothy: hackpad Dorothy: proposal 1st draft Dorothy: proposal 2nd draft Dorothy:text on method Draaiboek Draft DraftProposals22-23 Draft - Thesis outline Irma Draft 3 (notes) Draft First Chapter/Intro Thesis Draft Graduation Proposal Draft Text on Method Draft Texts on Method 2018 Draft Thesis Outline Draft on Method Dragana Antic Dragonadself Drawing machine Dream Machines Drinking a dark Guinness Drone It Yourself Droopy Dual Boot Apple Dubai Dispositif Dump.cgi Dusan Barok/Monoskop library (draft 1) Dusan Barok/What How Why Dust cinema ,sketch and experiment steps Dušan Barok Dy - bio & abstract Dyer - The Space of Happiness in the Musical Dynabook: Personal Dynamic Media Dynamics of NPOV disputes Dysphoria mundi Dérive E-Publishing Workshop EAT IT! City Simulator: SUPREMACY EDITING AND NARRATIVE/THE NETWORKED IMAGE EENTJE EPubChapters EPubIMG ESSAY: You Are the Product by John Lanchester ESSAY QUESTION REGARDING IDEALOGY EXPERIMENT EXTRA SESSION WRITING ASSIGNEMENT EY EYE EYE:SM EYE / Photobook Pitches EYE On Art EYE PROJECT EYE PROPOSAL BY SACHA LUCA MARUSA ADELE EYE Project EYE Project- Final film EYE Project- Sexy Food EYE Project - Rolling Coal WIP EYE RESEARCH LAB 2019-2020 EYE Research Lab EYE Researchlab 2021 EYE Researchlabs EYE Researchlabs/pad EYE Researchlabs 2019-2020 EYE Researchlabs Archive EYE film EYE on Art 2016 - Initial drafts EarlierVersionsTesselProjectProposal East-West: in progress Eco-Swaraj ISSUE13 EcologyOfMind Editing & Narrative Editing + Narrative Editing - Narrative Editing Graduation Festival 2018 Het Nieuwe Instituut Editing Graduation Website Braindump/Development Editing Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies - handbook information Editing Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2015/2016 Editing and Narrative - Michael's tutorial Editing in/code Editing in/coding Editorial Intensive 1: Day 1 Editorial Intensive 1: Day 2 Eduroam Edward L. Bernays Edwin Carels - three artists who make use of a dead media Einführung: Gender als Kategorie kunsthistorischer Forschung (Anja Zimmermann) Einführung in soziologische Theorien der Gegenwart (Annette Treibel) Either evolution or cookies Eleanor Greenhalgh Eleanor Greenhalgh, Distributed Archive, 2012 Eleanor Greenhalgh, Trimester 3, 2012 Eleanor Greenhalgh (grad project) Eleanor Greenhalgh Annotation Eleanor Greenhalgh Description Eleanor Greenhalgh Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 2012 Eleanorg/Thematic1.1/Queering programming Eleanorg/gradProposal/combined descriptions Eleanorg/thesis/consentInOnlineSystems Electro Library ElementTree Elena Filipovic: David Hammons: Bliz-aard Ball Sale Elisa27sept Eliza Eliza / Doctor Elleke Elleke Hageman Ellen Ullman Elpicoroco Elysa/diycamera Elysa/interview Elysa/photobook Elysa/whathowwhy Email exchanges with Mr. Wang Emanuele Bonetti Emergency Pad down Emm selfportrait EnablingCGI Enabling PHP with NGINX Enabling PHP with NGINX on Raspberry Pi Encoding Reality Encyclopedia-of-media-objects-exhibition-2015/announcement Encyclopedia-of-media-objects-exhibition-2015/material-list Encyclopedia of Media Objects final presentation Entangled landscapes Enter Enter1stYr Enter2ndYr EnterFuture Enter Here Entreprecariat reader synopses and abstracts Epicpedia Epublishing Alumni Day 2012 Eric Schrijver Erik Davis - Secret Earths Erkki Kurenniemi Erreur: un parcours sinueux et imprévisible Error 4♥3: forbidden love Error View Erving Goffman - the presentation of self in everyday life Escaping EscapingMySQLdbQueries EscapingSpecialHTMLCharacters Esoteric Brainstorming Espaces de l'œuvre, espaces de l'exposition — Pamela Bianchi Espeak EspenschiedSakrowskiStromajer Essay Essay21Feb Essay 1, 17.9.14 Essay 2, 3.10.14 Essay 2 Does Social Media mirror our own expectations or is it a preexisting set of technologies that we simply follow and adapt to? Essay 2nd trimester: Kenneth Anger and the occult Essay Draft Essay Draft: VISUAL THINKING MEETS QUEER THEORY Essay Zizek/Enjoy Poverty Essay draft Essay draft 2nd trimester: The occult, Kenneth Anger and Aleister Crowley Essay reading schedule - Dec 3 2010 Essay writing Essaymethodthereisamajorprobleminaustralia Essays HowTo Essays reference Essential fragments of prominent CS-platforms Esthétique du numérique : rupture et continuité Etc Filter / Negative Space / Starting Point Etc Portal to Contamination EtherAxis EtherPad list Etherpad Etherpad-wiki Euna-thesis outline Euna project proposal Euna selfportrait European avant-garde filmmakers Eusapia Eva Illouz, Facebook and the Crisis of the Multiple Self EventHandling Evil Media Lecture Notes Ewan Ewan's Draft Proposal Ewan's page Ewan: Room of Silence Ewan: TEXT ON METHOD Ewan: Text on Method Example 1 Example project proposal 2021-22 Example thesis outline 2021-22 Exception Handling Exception Handling (2012) Exercise: IMG collage Exercise - Foucault + Deleuze Exercise - Foucault + Deleuze + movieclips Exercise - annotations Exercise - more annotations Exhibition - Tent & WDW Exhibition V2 Exhibitionsδεριζαματζορπρομπλεμ Expanding interests Experiment with video 1 Expo(re)view Extracting Pixel Data with ImageMagick Extracting parts of an HTML document Extracting the text contents of a node EyeText23 Eye Eye Eye Eye Pitch Eye Pro Pitch Eye Project: Letter to the Outsiders Eye Project: Rosary Eye project Aitana Eye project Lotte Eye research labs fileona Eyes Without A Face, Sara Hamadeh Eyes to Eyes"not finished" FATLABMU FAUCAULT AND DELEUZE: DISCIPLINE AND PUNSIH/SOCIETIES OF CONTROL FFMpeg FINAL DRAFT PROPOSAL FINAL PDF THESIS HERE FINAL PHOTOBOOK FINAL PROJECT PROPOSAL FINAL PROPOSAL 2019-2020 FINAL VERSION OF PROJECT PROPOSAL HERE FIRST FIRST CHAPTER LINK HERE FIRST SKETCH FLEM/Collective-care notebook FLEM/Thesis drafts FLOSS+Art FMtoTEXT FOUCAULT AND DELEUZE FTP F & M F for formula Fabian Landewee Fabrice Bellard FacebookNation Faces of purple Factbook Map Table Factory Factory Reset Factory Reset/DataFactory Factory Reset/Leisure Factory Factory Reset/Press Release Factory Reset/Sustainable Publishing Factory Factory Reset/TheDataFactory Factory Reset/Unemployment Factory Factory Reset/exhibition statement Factory Reset/website Fage Not Pound Fako Berkers Falco selfportrait Fancyindex Fantasies of the Library - Etienne Turpin (ed.), Anne-Sophie Springer (ed.) Far from Home Farah Shakeel Federico-Thesis Federico-Thesis-again Federico-project proposal Federico-thesis outline Feed2json Feedparser Feedparser.py Felix/2019 05 15 ToM Felix/2019 05 22 ToM Felix/2019 10 17 Tutorial Steve Felix/Eye Felix/Focal Camera Felix/Methods Felix/Photobook Felix/ProcessingWithJavi Felix/Reader Felix/Research Felix/Research/Steves Tutorial Felix/ToM Felix/Unity XR Documentation Felix/Washitryout Felix/prjctprpsl-draft Feminist/Queer Theory MY Feminist Theory, Texts, and the Clinic Femke Snelting Femke de Bruijn Festival Ffmpeg FfmpegandAudio Film experiments Filtering HTML with python Final FinalProjectAnnotations FinalProjectNotes FinalProjectStoryline FinalProjectTests Final - assignment Final Assessment XPUB 2022 Final Book Design Final Essay First Trimester Final Essay First Trimester: Queer Strategies Final Presentation V2 Final Project Workplan Final Proposal Final Proposal : Monday Nov 16 Final Work: Media, Object, Encyclopedia Final assignment Final draft Final draft essay: Choreography of Identitarian Control Final project Final proposal Final submissions 1st year Final text on practice by Yalou Financial protocols and student claim forms Find my pi on the local network Finding capitalized words FiniteStateMachines Finite State Machines Finity of lists FireBug FireFox Firefox Firefox browsing history polling Firsst Assignment First Assignment First Chapter First Evaluation Summary First Paper - Draft First Paper - Final First Thoughts/Angeliki First Time First attempts First chapter draft mitsa First draft First draft chapter one First draft essay First draft introduction First drafts First outline Fish fish fish fish fish fish Flask Flem Flipbook Flipbook Sigrun Flipbook fabian Flipbooks Flo selfportrait Floor-project proposal Floor-thesis outline Floppies write Floppy JukeBox Florian Cramer Flowing Fear Flowmaps, the Imaginaries of Global Integration Flusser: On writing, complexity and the technical revolutions Flusser VS McLuhan Flusser VS Mc Luhan Focal-Camera Workshop: Tilt-shift Camera Focal Camera: Lenticular Experiment Focal Camera DIY Leica camera Focal Camera Workshop Focal Camera Workshop: Photoresistor Camera Focal camera fileona Focus Groups Follow and download user's favorites photos on Flickr FontForge Fontforge Fonts Food:Spaghetti alla Puttanesca Food of the Gods For now For the Common Good Forcefully spits out Foremothers FormAutoSubmit FormSelect Form Elements Format disk Formula Formula diagram FortuneCookies Forum Foucaul:TheArchaeologyofKnowledge-Notes FoucaultEffect Foucault and Derrida for dummies Foucaultstp Found Reading Fountainhead Fourth version Foxconn Framed Memory Frames2movie Framing Leaders Francesco (XPUB1 student) Fraud cases Frawn - Photobook Frederick Kiesler — artiste- architecte FreeType Free Art License Free Media Design Software Free Software Free WiFi Free fonts Free fonts!!! Free software Free writing assignment Freecultureworkshop Freestyle - FLOSS In Design Freestyle - FLOSS In Design/Transcription Freestyle - FLOSS In Design - Transcription 1 Freestyle - FLOSS In Design - Transcription 2 Freeze Frits Gierstberg Frits Giertsberg From Hypertext to Apple Pie From the Bedroom to the Bijou - A secret history of American gay sex cinema From the Critique of Institutions to an Institution of Critique - Andrea Fraser From while to for FrontPage Frown - photobook Function FunctionalAbstraction Funds for artists Furtherfield Fusion Future Future Loot Box Future Memory Future Shock - Alvin Toffler and Adelaide Farrell Future readings Lau Fuzzynarrators-report GCC GEOGEO / Cityfonts GEOLARP GIF GIMP GLITCHItchGLITCH GNU GNU/Linux GO TO YEAR ONE GPL GRADUATION HELL GRADuation SEMInar GREENSCREEN GRIDR GS GStreamer GStreamerPlugins GUI Gallery Template GameWebproperty Game Playlist Game of life Games, Diversions & Perl Culture Garvan's Methods Garvan's Text on Practice 2022 Garvan-Methods GarvanNotes Garvan selfportrait GenPageScript Gendertrouble (Judith Butler) General Description of Final Projects General Description of Group Critiques General Description of Thematic Projects General Description of Theory Sessions General Form of the Narrative Generated poem Generating 100 000 billions of poems Generating Slash Fiction from BBC News RSS Feeds Generating audio with python Generative Art in Video Art (1st draft) Geo-project proposal Geo-thesis outline Geo Barcan:Toby Shoring: After Authenticity + The Disbeliever's Guide to Authenticity Geo Barcan: Against Hackerism Geo Barcan: Anne Boyer: The Undying Geo Barcan: Bolter&Grusin - Remediation Geo Barcan: Dodie Bellamy: When The Sick Rule The World Geo Barcan: Gafton Tanner: Babbling Corpse: Vaporwave And The Commodification Of Ghosts Geo Barcan: Geo selfportrait Geo Barcan: Graduate Seminar Geo Barcan: Hito Steyerl: Too Much Wold. Is the internet dead? Geo Barcan: J. Bruckner: Molecular Sex Geo Barcan: Jo Freeman: The Tyranny structurelessness Geo Barcan: Kid of the internet Geo Barcan: Kill all normies Geo Barcan: Marshall McLuhan: Mediums as the massage Geo Barcan: Marshall McLuhan - Understanding Media Geo Barcan: Media ecology, neuro-image and Hito Steyerl – a schematic essay on contemporary image circulation and effects Geo Barcan: Metahaven Guest Lecture Geo Barcan: Metahaven readings Geo Barcan: Methods Geo Barcan: New Design Congress: This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network Geo Barcan: Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron: The Californian Ideology Geo Barcan: Three -personal writing Geo Barcan: Vito Campanelli: Web Aesthetics. How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society Geo Barcan: WORK Geo Barcan: What Was The Network Geo Barcan: clickhere Geo Barcan John Perry Barlow: A declaration of the independence of cyberspace Geocaching Gersande Gersande Hackpact Gersande Project Proposal Gersande Thesis Outline Gersande selfportrait GetDistanceBetweenPoints2D GetDistanceBetweenPoints3D Get some HTTP content without a browser Getting Things Done Giordane Bruno and The Hermetic Experience Git Glare Glitch Glitch x glitch Glitching Glitching Experiment Glitching Glitching Glitching Glitching Images Glitchy Glossary of productive play Go Beyond the Essay Film Golubjevaite/SpecialIssue10 GooDiff Good Text Editors Goodiff TOS word frequency Google Google Gift Gopher Gordan Savičić Gotonow Gr*・。゚. erica .*・。゚gr Grace Hopper Grad.sem.max Grad Proposal 1.0 Grad Seminar 2018-2019 Grad Show 2020 Grad Show Planning 2014/2015 Grad Show Planning 2014/2015/Cabaret Grad Show Planning 2015/2016 Gradshow2016 Gradshow XPUB 2019 Graduate Catalog 2013 Graduate Project Graduate Project Seminar 2011/2012 Graduate Proposal SOL Graduate Proposal SOL has a tail.. Graduate Proposals 2020-2021 Graduate Proposals 2021-2022 Graduate Research SOL Graduate Research Seminar Graduate Research Seminar - 2012/2013 Graduate Research Seminar 2011/2012 Graduate Research Seminar 2012/2013 Graduate Research Seminar 2013/2014 Graduate Research Seminar 2014/2015 Graduate Seminar 12-09-19 Graduate Seminar 2014-2015 Graduate Seminar 2015-2016 Graduate Seminar 2016-2017 Graduate Seminar 2017-2018 Graduate Seminar 2018-2019 Graduate Seminar 2019-2020 Graduate Seminar 2020-2021 Graduate Seminar 2021-2022 Graduate Seminar 2022-2023 Graduate Seminar 2023-2024 Graduate Seminar Fileona Graduate proposal guidelines Graduate seminar preparations Graduate seminar preperations GraduationSchedule 09-10 GraduationShowSpaces2013 Graduation 2013 Graduation 2013 Planning Graduation 2014 Graduation 2014/catalog Graduation Catalog Braindump Graduation Catalogue Generator Graduation Festival 2018 - Het Nieuwe Instituut Graduation Festival 2018 Het Nieuwe Instituut Graduation Festival 2018 Kino Graduation Festival 2018 WdKA Graduation Festival Venues 2018 Graduation Map 2013 Graduation Planning 2015 Graduation Planning 2016 Graduation Project Proposal Draft Graduation Project Proposal Draft2 Graduation Project Proposal Draft3 Graduation Project Proposal DraftSSSSSS Graduation Project Proposal Draft 12.1 Graduation Project Sol Graduation Project draft Graduation Projects Archive Graduation Proposal Graduation Proposal GdG Graduation Seminar 2015 (Aymeric) Graduation Show 2004 Graduation Show 2005 Graduation Show 2006 Graduation Show 2007 Graduation Show 2008 Graduation Show 2009 Graduation Show 2011 Graduation Titles 2013 Graduation Titles 2014 Graduation Website Braindump Graduation show 2017 Graduationprojectproposaldraft Graham Harwood Granular synthesis Graphic Scores-avant-garde Graphviz Graspable interfaces (Fitzmaurice et al., 1995) GreaseMonkey Greasemonkey Green screen Green screen exercise Greenscreen Greeted me Gregory Bateson: Morale and National Character Grep Grgr's hackpact Grgr project proposal Grgr selfportrait Grgr thesis outline Grgr xpub1 Groff Grotesque body Group Crit Schedule 2017/2018 Group Crit Schedule 2018/2019 Group Crit Schedule 2019/2020 Group Crits Group Reading and Annotation Sessions Group Work Hybrid Ideology Group crit Group tutorial s Groups Gstreamer Gstspectrum Guest Lecture by Chris Kraus Guest Tutors Guest tutors Guestbook GuideBASHImageFilter Guide to Open Content Licenses Gun Violence example Gwbana/myemptypage Gwbana/mynewpage H&M MethOd H0L4 P4G3 H1N1 helps you connect and share with the people in your life HAHAHA! HBMODEL HOW TO GET FROM ZERO TO ONE HOW TO GET FROM ZERO TO ONE chain reaction HP Lovecraft's List of Horror and Supernatural Creatures / Cthulhu Mythos deities HTML HTTP HTTP Referer HUB HYBRID TEXT Hack-16-10-2018 Hackpact Hackpact👾 Ham Distro Grand Central List Ham distro central HamletHoloDeck Hand Simon 2014 Handbook for non-EU students Happiness Happiness - A Survival Guide for art and life Happiness project Harraway Harriet Lerner - On Mothers and Daughters Harriet Lerner - The Dance of Deception Harriet Lerner - The Dance of Intimicy Harvard method Have giant dryers Haylesmore HeadlineZapper Healing videos Hello Hello new page Help the calendar disappeared Helpdesk Henri: The society of secrets Henrietta Henrietta's page Henrietta: Room of silence Henrietta:proposal draft Henrietta - Draft Thesis Outline Henrietta M's page Henrietta proposal2 Henrik Bogdan's intro to "Aleister Crowley and Western Esotericism Henry J Ford's Concept for the Perfect Factory Henry Jenkins Here Heredoc Hi Hi:) Hiccups High Frequency Research History Will Repeat Itself: Strategies of re-enactment in contemporary (media) art and performance History of the Stamp History will repeat itself. Strategies of re-enactment in contemporary (media) art and performance Hit the road Hitcounter Hito Steyerl - Defense of the Poor Image Hito Steyerl - In Defense of the Poor Image Hoe lees ik - Lidewij Paris Home Homebrewserver infrastructour Homosexual Literature and Inter-Asia (trans)Culture Horoscope Writing as Art Houdini HowToUseCommandlineArgumentsInPython How Do We Library That How Do We Library That? How Do We Library That?/Films How Do We Library That?/Readings How Do We Library That?/Texts How Little We Know About the Neighbours How To Be More Or Less Human How about accessories? How am I being served How are you being served? How do We Library That??? How do we library that? How this wiki was setup How to Get From Zero to One How to WRITE? How to write better essays Howard Rheingold Howtoreadlacan Href-lister Html5lib Html training Https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/05-10-2015 -Event 6 Https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/Cuckoo's screening lounge Https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mediadesign/User:Yuching.chiang/prototyping Huenet Huh? Oops... F*ck! Oh... On, no! Wait... Again...: a social computation experiment Huh? Oops... F*ck! Oh... On, no! Wait... Again...: a social computation experiment (2009) HumanComputation Human Adding Machine Human Computation Human Computation: Adding Machine Human Computation (Slides) Hybrid-Publishing Hybrid Ideologies Hybrid Poem Hybrid Reality Game Hybrid text Hybrid text-draft Hybrid workflows Hybride Text Hybridtext HyperText Transfer Protocol Hyper Poetry Hypertext Hypertxt3 I'm not there yet I-could-have-written-that ICML IDEAS EYE IFFR IFFR 2019 Reviews II Project Proposal IMAGES FOR EDIT IMAGE AND CODE IMAPReadEmail IMG5728 aka A horse running in a loop, looped INSPIRATIONAL WORKS INTERVIEW INTRO IN PROGRESS 1 IN PROGRESS 1... And what is going to happen to the color IN PROGRESS 2 IN PROGRESS 3 IOS IRC IRIS I - Project description: What, How and Why I Assignment I Declare A Thumb War I declare A Thumb War I pointed the lens at myself, I focused it nearby I saw you on the floor of my life Ianua Icecast Ideas IdentityandHomepages Ideology Ideology Essay Ieva's real text Ieva's real text on practice IevaAnnotation Ii - Exhibition - Tent & WDW Ilinx Ilinx/Exercises in Ilinx self-definition Ilinx/Main Nodes Illuminating Lucifer (Carel Rowe) Image Image+Code Image-Scrape ImageMagick Image - exercise Image / Sound - Michael's tutorial Image 2 - exercise Image Analysis Image Scrape Image map Image scanner Imagemagick Images Images2 Images Publication Imagesstructureresearch Imaginary Maps, Global Solidarities Imagineering. Visuelle Kultur und Politik der Sichtbarkeit (Tom Holert) Immaterial Labour Union Immigration (man page) Imphe excavations Implicancies Implicancies Caretakers Implicancies Caretakers Issue 12 Implicancies Channels and Tools Implicancies Channels and Tools Issue 12 Implicancies Guests + contributors Implicancies Guests + contributors Issue 12 Implicancies Resources Implicancies ResourcesIssue 12 Implicancies Resources 15 Implicancies Resources Issue 12 Implicants Implicants Issue 12 Implicants Issue 15 Imposition Imprimer le monde Improvisations of Karen Eliot In-Class Interview In-Class Interview Borostyan In God We Trust, All Others We Monitor In My Mind’s Eye In Search of Perfect Orange In The Company Of Bots In The Future In pursuit of a thread through my work Incaseofnecessityplease Incidences Médiatiques — Martin Foucaut Incoreporated Independent research & notes Index Infobot Information Theory Infrastructour Inge Hoonte Init Inke Arn's selected works and readings Inkscape Inkscape: Charlie Chaplin as a space-hopper in an alternate universe InkscapePlugins Inside the White Cube, the Ideology of Gallery Space — Brian O'Doherty Inspiration Inspiration- Inspirational projects Install Day Install Linux along with Windows Install Linux on PZI iMacs Install Linux shell on Windows 10 Install OS X on external drive Install Party Install Party 15 jan 2013 Install Tesseract 4.0-Ubuntu Install rEFInd boot manager InstallingFreeSoftware InstallingPythonModules InstallingReadlineForMacPython Installing Free Software on a Macintosh Installing Free Software with OSX Installing Free Sotware with OSX Installing Python Modules Intellistener Interface Critique- Beyond UX - FLORIAN HADLER, ALICE SOINÉ; DANIEL IRRGANG Interfacing the Law/ Angeliki Interfacing the Law/ RW&RM-Angeliki Interfacing the law Interfacing the law (2017) Interfacing the law (2018) Interfacing the law (2019) Interfacing the law Assessment Zalan Szakacs Interfacing the law javascript Zalan Szakacs Interfacing the law project proposal Zalan Szakacs Interfacing the law prototyping Zalan Szakacs Interfacing the law research Zalan Szakacs Internet Archive Internet Relay Chat Internet Yami-ichi/Tamichi2015 Interpretation on Postscript on Societies of Control by Deleuze Interstellar Interview Interview/session2/luni Interview 2 Interview Henrietta Interview Sol twice Interview about my practice Interview by Joana - transcribed Interview by Joana and Thomas - transcribed Interview with Ana B Interview with Lotte Interview with Mike P Interview with Rossella Interview with Shinyoung Interview with Zhibin Q Interviewandnotes Intro Week-2015 Intro Week-2015/notes Introduction to Canvas Introduction to jQuery Invasive Plants Inventory of tools 2013 Iris Irma's 2nd essay : Counseling by the movie stars? Irma's First Draft with notes Irma's Graduation Irma's Page to RW&RM Irma's Photobook Irma's Project Proposal Irma's Proposal Draft Irma's essay : Formula of credibility Irma's essay : Formula of credibility based on Noam Chomsky Irma's first draft text on Method Irma's mindmaps Irma's notes on past, current, future works Irma@EYE Irma 2.0 Irma Oldenburg Irrational Systems Is There a history of sexuality?, David m. Halperin Is it possible Aitana Is the new black Is the study of Happiness a Worthy Scientific Pursuit? Issue Magazine Iv - Utopia Ivan Monroy López I’m already falling apart and I haven’t even started JOS DE MUL SYNOPSIS JQuery JSON JSON feeds JSON in Python JSON parsing from an API and do something with it JSTOR Jack Jam with Supi and Alex for re Jams documentation Janet Cardiff Janice's new page Janis - combination of description Janis DESCRIPTIONS OF THE VISUAL NOTES Janis Klimanovs Janis Klimanovs, Trimester 2, 2012 Janis Klimanovs - Annotation: What you get is what you see, Frank Kessler Janis Klimanovs - Essay 2: On my way Janis Klimanovs Annotation Janis Klimanovs Description Janis Klimanovs Trimester 1 2011 Janis Klimanovs Trimester 2 2012 Janis Klimanovs Trimester 3 2012 Janis Klimanovs description Janis Thesis draft 1.0 Janis Thesis draft 2.0 Janis notes on completing a story board Janis notes on the storyboard Janis project proposal Janis thesis outline Japanese Mythology Jasper van Loenen Jasper van Loenen, Trimester 1, 2011 Jasper van Loenen, Trimester 2, 2011 Jasper van Loenen, Trimester 2, 2012 Jasper van Loenen Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 Jasper van Loenen Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 2012 JavaScript JavaScriptRefresh Javascript Javascript + Imagemap: The Glitch of the Cybernaut Javascript Christmas Cards Javi - Essay draft: Film as Art and the cinematic experience Javier/mynewpage Javier Lloret Javier Lloret, trimester 2, 2012 Javier Lloret, trimester 3, 2012 Javier Lloret/Music videos factory Javier Lloret - Annotation: Some notes on Art as Film as Art Javier Lloret - Annotation: The work of art in the age of digital recombination Javier Lloret - Detached series Javier Lloret - Draft Javier Lloret - Essay Javier Lloret - Essay: Modernity, Film, Art Javier Lloret - Essay draft II: Modernity, Film, Art Javier Lloret - Final Project Proposal Javier Lloret - First trimester essay Javier Lloret - Graduation bio Javier Lloret - Review Tarkovsky - Stam Javier Lloret - The Situationist City, Chapter One Javier Lloret - Thesis outline Javier Lloret - outline for text Javier Lloret Annotation Javier Lloret Description Javier Lloret Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 Javier Lloret – Annotation: The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction Javier Lloret – Annotation 'The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction' Javier Loret Jelena vesic-administration of aesthetics Jellehavermans:artisticresearch Jellehavermans:eyeresearchlabs Jellehavermans:focalcameraworkshop Jellehavermans:methods Jellehavermans:photobook Jellehavermans:practiceessay1 Jellehavermans:research Jellehavermans:researchonbackdrop Jellehavermans:researchproposal Jellehavermans:reviewing Jellehavermans:tentvisit Jellehavermans:thesis Jellehavermans:whathowwhy Jellehavermans:work Jenny-surrogate Jetway-mediaplayer Jian selfportrait Jill Todd Photo Award Jimmy Wales Jinja Joana's Chapters Joana's Draft Thesis Joana's Set Up Joana's Sum. Joana's Thesis Outline Joana's finale Joca/essay-t2 Joca/synopsis-20182401 Joca/texts-20182301 Jocawed27sept Jodi Joe De Mul Joe Shmo – abstract and bio John Berger - Ways of Seeing Johnsmith Jonas Lund Jonas Lund Annotation Jonas Lund Annotation-Cyburbia Jonas Lund Annotation-Filter-Bubbles Jonas Lund Trimester1-Draft Jonas Lund Trimester1-Outline Jonas Staal Jonathan's Eye Project Jonathan Culler - The Fortunes of the Performative Jorge Luis Borges Jorrit Sybesma Jos de Mulbl Joseph Knierzinger Joystick Jpegloop Jq Juan Downey - Radical Software Jujube/2019-iffr Jujube/2019-iffr-log Jujube/2019-iffr-takeaway Jujube/2020-iffr Jujube/abstracts-non-text Jujube/abstracts-text Jujube/abyss Jujube/ambacht Jujube/ambacht-editing-notes Jujube/ambacht-production-notes Jujube/amsterdam-art-speech-notes Jujube/art-amsterdam-speech-notes Jujube/artistic-research Jujube/assess-the-assessment Jujube/bibliography Jujube/camera-history Jujube/carnarsie Jujube/cinematography Jujube/cmd Jujube/collective Jujube/composition Jujube/copyright-research Jujube/current Jujube/diy-camera-tools Jujube/filmmaking-collaboration-notes Jujube/garage-cafe-no9 Jujube/garage-cafe-notes Jujube/graduate-seminar Jujube/holland-photobook-notes Jujube/home Jujube/ideas-in-progress Jujube/iffr-log Jujube/interfaces Jujube/intro-week Jujube/language Jujube/lemony Jujube/making Jujube/making-a-camera Jujube/meditation-camera Jujube/memoir Jujube/memoir2 Jujube/methods Jujube/methods-bibliography Jujube/methods-notes Jujube/methods-research-group Jujube/methods-session-1 Jujube/methods-session-11 Jujube/methods-session-2 Jujube/methods-session-3 Jujube/methods-session-3a Jujube/methods-session-3b Jujube/methods-session-4 Jujube/methods-session-5 Jujube/methods-session-6 Jujube/methods-session-7 Jujube/methods-session-8 Jujube/miard-collaboration-notes Jujube/mind Jujube/misc Jujube/moving Jujube/myths Jujube/notes-a-la-making Jujube/notes-during-making Jujube/now Jujube/ojo Jujube/old-notes Jujube/openings Jujube/past-projects Jujube/photobook Jujube/pixels Jujube/post-thesis Jujube/practice Jujube/precursors Jujube/production-notes Jujube/project-proposal Jujube/project-proposal-drafts Jujube/project-sketch Jujube/proposal-draft Jujube/relational-database Jujube/scenes Jujube/scenes-production-notes Jujube/selected-statuses-production-notes Jujube/sites Jujube/su Jujube/summer Jujube/synopsis Jujube/text-on-practice-2019 Jujube/the-photographer Jujube/the-voiceover-person Jujube/thesis Jujube/thesis-critical-reflection Jujube/thesis-drafts Jujube/thesis-index Jujube/thesis-memoir Jujube/thesis-memoir-loose Jujube/thesis-practice Jujube/thesis-references Jujube/trim1-archive Jujube/voor-assessment Jujube/watch-log Julien Deswaef Jumpuser Jupyter JupyterPi Jupyter notebooks KDH XPUB events KICKSTARTER KNHayleshowwebecameposthuman KNHaylesmymotherwasacomputer Kaleido Kamali/16mm Kamali/a18 Kamali/analyzing Kamali/bbq Kamali/document Kamali/eyeproject Kamali/f3 Kamali/f5 Kamali/f6 Kamali/filmanddream Kamali/focalcamera Kamali/gaps Kamali/gate Kamali/interview Kamali/iow Kamali/luctor Kamali/mindmaps Kamali/miphotobook Kamali/natascha Kamali/nero Kamali/notanisland Kamali/outline Kamali/outline2 Kamali/photobook Kamali/printingafilm Kamali/reader Kamali/readings Kamali/researchp Kamali/sand Kamali/scribbles Kamali/scriblles Kamali/selfdirected Kamali/thoughtsideas Kamali/tv Kamali/way Kamali/whathowwhy Kamali/writings Kamali/y1 Kamali/y2 Kamo archivew Kamo selfportrait Kamo 🍲 Karaoke reading Kareldoormanhof Karina/Geocities Karina/HTML CSS notes Karina/Linux & Unix Karina/Python Karina/RW&RM class notes Karina/brain books synesthesia Karina/brain brew Karina/capturing memories in time Karina/capturing memory in time draft Karina/capturing memory in time draft2 Karina/class notes 08/11/2016 Karina/class notes 11/10/2016 Karina/class notes 29/09/2016 Karina/distribution research Karina/distribution schedules Karina/draft project proposal Karina/essay peer task Karina/flusser Karina/graduation project Karina/histories of experimental publishing Karina/italians on time theory Karina/law meeting notes Karina/luchtsingel & hofplein Karina/measurement of time - essay draft Karina/meeting notes Karina/mind as a dossier Karina/mind as a dossier synopsis Karina/mixing media Karina/reading writing and research methods Karina/self-directed Karina/sign language and culture Karina/special issue Karina/special issue 01 op=op Karina/special issue 02 individual research Karina/special issue 02 meeting notes Karina/special issue 02 pushing the score Karina/special issue 02 pushing the score sessions Karina/special issue 03 interfacing the law Karina/text on method Karina/the psychology of time synopsis Karina/time Karina/time perception in dance Karina/time perspectives and cultural diversity essay Karina/tools for procedural publishing Karina/workshops Karina Dukalska Kast Kate Rich Katia's Methods Session One – Three things Katia/favourite books Katia/works Katia - Methods/session 3 Synopsis Katia Methods Session One – Three things Katia Synopsis Katias Self-directed research methods 17-10-18 Kavafis Kdenlive Keeping up with the diary Keith Griffith Kendal-project proposal Kendal-thesis outline Kenny selfportrait Key Dates Kickstarter Kickstarter: Nr. 39 Kickstarter project-Anonymous Embroidery Kim de Groot Kimberley Kimberley selfportrait KindlesDream KindlesDream LAFKONWorkshop Kinect Kinect programing King'color in Korea King's color in Korea Kiosk Klik Knock knock Knowledge in action Kotryna's Text On Practice KotrynaBu/Methods Kotryna Bu/Writing Methods Kotryna is fun Kotryna selfportrait Kunst Sexualität und Geschlechterkonstruktionen (Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat) Kunst Sexualität und Geschlechterkonstruktionen in der abendländischen Kultur (Daniela Hammer-Tugendhat) Kvennleggur L'appel du videhttps://www.healthline.com/health/call-of-the-void L'art comme expérience — John Dewey L'art de l'observateur: vision et modernité au XIXe siècle — Jonathan Crary L'empire cybernétique — Cécile Lafontaine L'écran comme mobile — Jean Louis Boissier L'œuvre d'art à l'époque de sa reproductibilité technique — Walter Benjamin LAFKON LATELY DISCOVERED WORKS LB2 Graduation 2021 and V2 LB2 Graduation 2022 and V2 + TENT LB3 and V2 LB Equipment Software LEAVEAMESSAGE LENS-BIASED MEDIA LENS BASED GUESTS 2020 LENS BASED GUESTS 2021 LENS BASED GUESTS 2022 LFP Anna LFP Max LFP Tisa LFP intro LGPL LIAPO LOGO LONG LIVE THE SPONGE LS La Femme n’existe pas La Galaxie Gutemberg — Marshall McLuhan La narration interactive La photographie en tant qu'art La relation comme forme — Jean Louis Boissier La trahison des images Lacan for Beginners Lake swan Lamb Interview Langage des nouveaux médias — Lev Manovitch Languages of Film and Theatre Larry Slider/Soundworkshop Lasercut Rollieflex Lasse van den Bosch Christensen Lasse van den Bosch Christensen (grad project) Last/ Current/ Future work Last text Last year's proposals Last years trail Latest thesis LauAnnotation LauIeva23 LauScratch LauText LaunchdAutostart Laura Macchini Laurence Rassel Laurier Rochon Lawrence Liang Lazer Lasse – abstract and bio Le Net Art au musée — Anne Laforêt Lea/Ariella Azoulay: What is a photograph? What is a photography? Lea/Climate Change Lea/Eye Projekt Lea/Focal Camera Lea/Photo Book Lea/Wilfried Wiegand Leaf Branch Tree Forest Learning Processing Leave a message Leaveamessage Lecture notes for assignment 2 Lectures / Public Programme Lectures / Public Programme Sniff, Scrape, Crawl Lena Müller Lens-Based Core Booklist Lens-Based Guests Lens-Biased Lens-based Media Lens Based Guests 2021/Results Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Adele Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Alecio Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Ariela Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Dachen Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Geo Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Luca Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Martin Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Marusa Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Rafael Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Sacha Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Shannon Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Sylvie Lens Based Guests 2021/Voting/Tessel Lens Based Media Leonie Urff Leslie Robbins Leslie selfportrait Let's do this **** LetterType.cgi LetterWalk LetterWalk.cgi Lettersoup Letterwalk Letterwalk.cgi Lev Manovich Lev Manovich - Database as Symbolic Form Level.py Lexicon on Graphic Design Jargon Lfp Liam Buckly - objects of love and decay Libgen Library Library Tour Libre graphics License to Sub-License Licenses Lidia.Pereira/PNM/Fluffying Lidia.Pereira/PNM/fluffying Lieven Van Speybroeck Life Hack Agent Life Hacks Life Hacks: Wdka Excursion Life Hacks Manifesto Life on the Screen - Sherry Tuckle Life on the Screen - Sherry Turkle Lifecycle of a digital object LightHeavyWeightCurating Light writer Like this Liminal connections Linda Hilfling Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUeZof8a9XU Link to 5 summaries of relevant articles, books or videos in 200 words Links Links gathered 8-2-2011 Links gathered 9-2-2011 LinksandGems Linux LinuxScreenCasting Linux install party Linux on Windows Liquidsoap List ListBasics List (Python) List Comprehensions List of external archives List of references List of research book titles List of typefaces for CBK exhibition ListeningAndWatching Live Cinema Lo desconozco Aitana Local Networks/Angeliki Locale Locales Locked & Loaded Loes van Dorp Logbook LogicalBuildingBlocks LogoTurtles Lol Lola's page Look at the video Look at this Looking up synonym-sets for a word LoopDeLoopTest Loop exercise Loop exercise done on Processing Looping with Canvas Looping with canvas Loredana Loredana Bontempi Lost The Plot Lost footage / The Way You Stay Lotte's - Directed Research Lotte's Text on Method Lotte's page 1 Lotte's thing thing Lotte: Now the Orgy is Over Lotte: Silence in the room Lotte - 1st Draft Thesis Outline Lotte - Draft Thesis Outline Lotte - Draft proposal Lotte - Frist-draft proposal Lotte - Thesis Lou selfportrait Louis Marin - Opacity and Transparence in Pictorial Representation Louisa-project proposal Louisa-thesis outline Lous Growth Love Language Lua for TIC80 Luca-project proposal Luca-thesis outline LucaO/HeyHowAreYou Luca selfportrait Luca thesis drafts and notes Lucas-Aims for next meeting Lucian Wester Lucian Wester, Trimester 1, 2012 Lucian Wester, Trimester 2, 2012 Lucian Wester, Trimester 3, 2012 Lucian Wester, Trimester 5, 2013 Lucian Wester/review Lucian Wester - All descriptions Lucian Wester - Annotation: What you get is what you see, Frank Kessler Lucian Wester - Essay 2 Lucian Wester - description Lucian Wester Annotation Lucian Wester Annotation-Immaterial Labor Lucian Wester Description Lucian Wester Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 2012 Lucian Wester Trimester1-Draft Lucian Wester Trimester1-Essay Photography and Objectivity Luigi Ghirri The Complete Essays Luis' Text on Practice 2022 Luis Interview - R&R Luis Lujan - Project proposal Luis Luján - Thesis outline Luis Soldevilla Luis Text on practice Luis selfportrait Luka Zevnik - Critical Perspectives in Happiness Research: The Birth of Modern Happiness Luni LuniAnnotation LuniNotes23 Luni Scratch Lynda.com L’Originalité de l’avant-garde et autres mythes modernistes — Rosalind Krauss M-M Mail M/e/m/e 2.0 MA MARTIN JACOPO PINBALL RESEARCH MA documentation MCCALL MCUInterfaceDesign MCUInterfaceDesign AVRDevTools MCUInterfaceDesign MCUInterfaceWorkshpDay1 MCUInterfaceDesign MCUInterfaceWorkshpDay2 MELK MELK camera tests METHOD METHODS METHODS LENS BASED MIDI MPlayer MULTIPLE TEXTS: ABOUT POST-INTERNET ART MY BOOK LIST 2018/2019 MacPorts Machiavelli - The Art of War Macs Xpub/LB Magic and Machines Mail Collector Mail to Alexandre Main Page Main Page/User:Simon/bootleg library at AMRO20 Main page Maintaining three actions Make Cookies Make it work Aitana Make your own stamp Makefile MakingTables Making Do: Uses and Tactics Making a Gradient Patch Making a film on Paper Focus Group 2019/2020 Making a local server public with pagekite.py Making searchable PDFs Makingitpublic-report Mama, Tess en ik Man Man page Manipulate XMLs usin XPath Manipulate XMLs using XPath Mano - All descriptions Mano D Sz Annotation Hoax Reality Tv Show Mano Daniel Szollosi, Trimester 2, 2012 Mano Daniel Szollosi, Trimester 3, 2012 Mano Daniel Szollosi - MUD review Mano Daniel Szollosi - RWRM Essay - Trimester 2, 2012 Manual DeLanda - 1000 Years of NonLinear History Manó Dániel Szöllősi Manó Szollosi's annotation Map Mapping a value in BASH Mapping a value in python Maquettes Marc Chia Marc de Bruijn March 22 Questions Marginal conversations Margins and Identities: Sinophone Literature and Cultural Production Maria Claudia de Azevedo Borges Maria Karagianni Marie - All descriptions Marie - description Marie Wocher Marie Wocher, Trimester 2, 2012 Marie Wocher, Trimester 3, 2012 Marie Wocher - Annotation: The Impossibility of Interface Marie Wocher - Essay 2 Marie Wocher - Review Marie Wocher - Review Draft Marie Wocher Annotation Marie Wocher Annotation-Cyburbia Marie Wocher Annotation-Speech, Writing, Code: Three Worldviews 'My Mother Was a Computer' Marie Wocher Description Marie Wocher Trimester1-Draft Marieke/deZwart Marieke/methods Marieke / Analogue infrared Marieke / Annotated Bibliography Marieke / B+W Darkroom Marieke / Breaking my camera Marieke / Design Photobook Marieke / Digital infrared Marieke / Dissolving Marieke / Eye Marieke / Field Report Marieke / Focal Camera Marieke / Image Analysis Marieke / Methods & Research Marieke / Night vision Marieke / Photobook Marieke / Photobook Analysis Marieke / Proposal Draft Marieke / Script draft Marieke / Second synopsis Marieke / Self-Directed Research Marieke / Solarisation Marieke / Thematic Projects Marieke / Thesis Marieke / Thesis Outline Marieke / X-Ray mimicking Marieke Self-Directed Research Marieke Self-directed methods 17-10-18 Marisa Olson (2008) Lost Not Found: The Circulation of Images in Digital Visual Culture. Markov Markov chants Markup Markup language Marleen Leuverink Marlon Harder Marlon Harder (grad project) Martin(LB)-project proposal Martin(LB)-thesis outline MartinF selfportrait Martin (XPUB)-project proposal Martin (XPUB)-thesis Martin (XPUB)-thesis outline Martin selfportrait Marusa-project proposal Marusa-thesis outline MarusaNotes Marusa thesis drafts and notes Masters of Reality Mastodon-api Mastodon bot Material-KDH Material-WDKA Materials Mathilde-project proposal Mathilde-thesis outline MathildeNewDraft MathildeThesisDraft Mathilde - Project Proposal Mathilde - Thesis Outline Mathilde Nai - Mathilde selfportrait Mathilde thesis drafts and notes Matthew Fuller Maurizio Lazzarato Max Dovey/Reading Writing Research Methodologies/TRIMESTER 1 rwrw Max Sandbox McCall's Solid Light McCall Review Text (500wrd) McKenna McKenna: Dreaming Awake McKenna: Search for the Original Tree McKenna and Leary on Computers and the Internet Me, the camera Me and Christina Mechanics: Summary MediaBashing Media Bomb Media Design: Networked & Lens-Based wiki:About Media Design: Networked & Lens-Based wiki:General disclaimer Media Design: Networked & Lens-Based wiki:Privacy policy Media Design: Networked & Lens-Based wiki:RRTRN Media Design Research Media Design Research Archive Media Ecologies Media Object Media Object: Atlas, collecting the world Media Object: Stamp Media Spaces — Martin Foucaut Media objects Mediadesign/Assessment External Examiner Mediaobjectnikosssss Mediated Memories - Jose van Dijck Mediawiki Mediawiki API Megan Hoogenboom Megan Hoogenboom, Graduation project, 2011 Melek's Text on Practice 2022 MelekB.projectproposal.pdf Melek selfportrait Melt Memex Memory Memory On Stock Memory of Death's Dream Memory of Death's Dream Garden Memory of Dream's Death Garden Men Who Made Us Spend Menno - abstract and bio Menno Harder Menno Harder/CtoC Menno Harder (grad project) Mental Spaces - Joost Rekveld/Michael van Hoogenhuyze Mentor/booking MentorSeminar Mentor Seminar Mentoring Metabolic Rift Method of being FAKE, H.M. Methods Methods/session 2 Notes from Only Weeds Emerge Methods30-11-22 Methods 1st trimester Methods 2017-2018 Methods 2nd trimester Methods Cookbook Methods Jelle Methods Lens-Based 2017-18 Methods Lens-Based 2018-19 Methods SI17 SI18 SI19 Methods SI18 SI19 SI20 Methods lens-based Methods trim3 session1 Methods wiki 2017-18 Methods xpub Mia/Annotated Reader Mia/Booklist Mia/Captain's Log Mia/City Traces (exhibition in Pivka, SI, 2019) Mia/DIY Film Mia/Darkroom Mia/EYE project 18/19 Mia/Exercises in style (logline&synopsis) Mia/Few Thoughts on Drawing (Prospects) Mia/History of the Photobook Mia/IFFR 2019 Mia/Methods 20.9. Mia/Methods 23.1.2019 Mia/PROTOTYPES Mia/Photobook Mia/Photography Mia/Photoupsets (exhibition in Kranj, SI, 2019) Mia/Poor images, compression, glitches Mia/Project proposal Mia/References Mia/Second comparative essay Mia/Second synopsis and comparative essay Mia/Sketchbook Mia/Synopsis, annotation, notes and argument Mia/THE FOCAL CAMERA Mia/Text on Method Mia/Thesis Mia/Toolbox Mia/VR Mia/Watchlist Mia/ Mia Paller: Tracing My Own Way (June 2019) Mia/ Project proposal Final version 2019 Mia/image analysis Mia/impressions Mia/portfolio 2016-2018 Mia/scraping images Mia/self-directed methods 17.10. 2018 Miauw Michael van Schaik Michaela Lakova Michaela Lakova (grad project) Michel Gondry - You'll Like This Film Because You're In It Micropolis Notes Midge Mike's page Mike's page 4 Oct Mike's sketch Mike:Draft Text on Method Mike: Room of Silence Mike: The Black Stack MikeP Draft Project Proposal MikeP Draft Project Proposal V2 MikeP Project Proposal Mike P Chatper 1 v1 Mike P Thesis Draft1.3 Mike P Thesis Outline V1 Mike notes MilkShake Milkshake Machine Milkshake T2: Milkshake T3: Milkshake explosion! Miller's Hollow Mimetrics Mina Mini zine collator Miri's XPUB2 proposal draft Miri's XPUB2 thesis outline Miri & Emma Miriam selfportrait Mirjam Dissel Mirko Tobias Schäfer's lecture Misspelling generator Mits's's Hackpact Mits'👾's Hackpact Mitsa selfportrait Mocap MockUpMethods ModelViewController Moneyless MongoDB Monoskop Monoskop Library Monument for the Forgotten Person Mood Radar MoreMediaBashing More Reference More than one way Morenotesonidentity Mosaic Mosquitos Mother of all demos Motion MotionBox MotionImage Motion blur et al. Motivational messages Mouse position MoveTowardsPoint2D Movement of Moments MoviePy Movies realted COLOR Movingtime Mplayer Mplayer/mencoder Mplayer Quick Reference Mr. Stock Music videos factory MuyangAnnotation MuyangPOP@)@ MuyangScratch MuyangText MyPaint MySQL MySQLCreatingDatabases MySQLCreatingTables MySQLDatabases MySQLImportingData MySQLPython MySQL Basics: Select Exercises MySelf MySql My Dancing Body and East Asian Perception My Hackpact entries here My Hard-Drive Died Along With My Heart My Research My Super Page My Super Super Page My TP is happy My TP is happy (template) My private bokito My secret garden - Women's sexual fantasies Mysql Mystery Notes: ?? Mystery Notes: In Class Mywriting N0T3s NICHOLS SYNOPSIS NLTK NLTK text analysis NOTE NOTES NOTES: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDIA OBJECTS NOTES & COLLECT NOTES ON TEXTS RELATING TO 'WIRELESS' NOTES ON TEXTS RELATING TO ENCYCLOPEDIA NOTES ON TEXTS RELATING TO MEDIA NOTES ON TEXTS RELATING TO OBJECT NOTES on Text on Method NS NS materials NSarchive NaN - abstract and bio(draft?) Naaami/The beginning Naaami/my game storyline Naaami/si14 role Naaami/tic 80 for game Name of new page Nami's archive for graduation project Nami-newproject proposal Nami-project proposal Nami-thesis outline Nami selfportrait Nan'sWorkshop Nan Wang Nan Wang (grad project) Nancy Mauro-Flude Narrative-editing Narrative Focus Group 2017/2018 Narrative Focus Group 2018/2019 Narrative comprehension and Film communication — Edward Branigan Narrative video archive Narratives of Deception Natasha selfportrait Navigable SVG Workshop Nested function call NetArtRadio NetAudio NetMonster Net News Now Netcat Netcat Chat Netdelusionbook Netmonster Network NetworkTheorySpamMachine Networked Media Networked Media Intro Networked Media Sampler Networked Media Sampler/Based on a true story/a group Networked Media Sampler/Based on a true story/best group Networked Media Sampler/Based on a true story/even better than the best group Networked Prototyping 16 Sep 2013 Networking for cats New NewDjangoProject NewPage New Design Congress: This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network New News scraper New name of the page New page New space New space / diary form Newpage News from Nowhere (2013) Newtextnikos Nick Koning Nick Srnicek - Navigating Neoliberalism: Political Aesthetics in an Age of Crisis Nicolas Malevé Nicole Hametner Nicole Hametner (grad project) Nicole – abstract and bio Niek Niek Hilkmann Niek Hilkmann (grad project) Nikinta NikosReadings NikosReadingsWOrkshop Nina NinaAnnotation Nltk No images Noam Chomsky Nodocentric Self Noise - exercise Noise Cancelling Headphones Nooooootes Nor selfportrait North Korea project Not from scratch show Notation Notations under provisions Note's on '500 tokens to go private': Camgirls, Cybersex and Femnist Entrepeneurship Note's on Invisible Images Note's on Through the Looking Glass? Sexual Agency and Subjectification Note's on always hot; always live Notebook Noted: Complicating The Subject Notes Notes2ndtrim Notes:Society of Control-Participatory Surveillance Notes: Walter BJ NotesEm NotesIdentityConstructioninhomepages NotesNicolas NotesWedSeshOne Notes 'Documenting the Unstable' Notes 18 September Notes EW Notes Foucault & Derrida Notes On Camp (Susan Sonntag) Notes Surveillance Notes and annotations Notes and essay in the making Notes by Aitana Notes from what I read Notes on Beauty Queens - December 16, 2016 Notes on Creative Industries seminars Notes on Creative industries Notes on Derrida and Foucault on the archive - TP Notes on Eire Notes on LGRU Meet Notes on Light Notes on Rhizomes, Smooth Space, War Machines Notes on Rietveld Conference Notes on color. Notes on practice by Aitana Notes on practice by Clara Notes on practice of Aitana by Clara Notes on project Notes on the film Commune (2005) Notes on writing practice Pub 2017-18 Notesforworkshop NotesforworkshopLiang Notesforworkshopbenjamin Notesforworkshopkleiner Notesforworkshoplatour Nottttes Novel Nts Nts13.10.2013-- Nts17.10.2013-- Nts28.10.2013-- Nts on books13.10.2013-- Nts on books17.10.2013 Nude self-portraits Nudged me in the gut Nul=0dB Null Null/CSS Null/Git Null/HTML Null/Shell Numbering paragraphs with CSS OCR OGG OPEN COURSES SIGRUN OSC OSP OSP Workshop SI11 OSPworkshop OS X OTCM OUTCOMEOne4OCT OUTCOMETwo4OCT OWN WORK METHOD AND WRITING O h j i a n Object,media,encyclopedia Object-oriented programming Objectivity Oblique Strategies Oct 4 Notes October 2010 Of all places, the best nights were found in the garden of old ladies Old eye eye eye Oldideas Olga Goriunova (2011) Organizational Aesthetics, Digital Folklore and Software. Olia's workshop at the Goethe Institute Olia Lialina: Trimester 1 Oliver Meskawi OnFocus and the Space in Time On Audiences On Encyclopedia of Media Objects On Holiday On Ideology Essay On Object Oriented Ontology On Rudolf Arnheim On encyclopedia On media On object On the violence of images OneLoopDrumMachine One Button Simon Onended Onetake Ongoing Ongoing update 2018 11 11 Online Community Archives Online Libraries / Art Spaces Op is Op OpenCV OpenCV on Mac OSX Yosemite OpenEvents OpenEvents 26Nov OpenEvents 5Nov OpenEvents Guests OpenEvents Proposal OpenEvents tips OpenEvents tutorialMarnix OpenEvents tutorialRoel OpenLayers OpenWRT Open Calls Open Clip Art Open Source Publishing Open VHS Workshop Open Wardrobe Open video Openness and Confinement: Dorothy Cheung at CACOA Normalville Operating system Optical character recognition Optical character recognition with Tesseract Oroborus Orwell's Politics and the English Language Orwell's editing tips Oscillating Shadows Other HUB nodes Other IDEAS Other Readings Other notes Others Otolith Group - A long time between Suns OuNuPo OuNuPo Publishing Oublier l'exposition Out of stone Outcomes8Nov17 Outline draft / 14 10 15 Outline draft of self-directed research Outline draft of self-directed research / 14 10 15 Outline for Talk on Cybernetics Outline of thesis + first 2000 words 2nd year Outtake images Overview 'Digital' notes Overview 'How the machine works' notes Overview notes Overview of all images Oyo ana – abstract and bio Ozalp Eroz, Graduation project, 2011 P@ssPort Show and Tell PAD'S COLLECTION PDF PERL PERLReadEvalPrint PERL Journal PERL Journal Clock Example PERSONAL RESEARCH PERSONAL WEBSITE PETscii PHOTOBOOK PHOTOBOOK// finale PHOTOBOOK// proposal PHOTOBOOK// warmup PHOTOBook WORKSHOP PHPImageResize PIL PILTextToImage PIL to PyGame PINBOARD PI LED strips PNG PP.v01 PRESENTATION PROJECT DOCUMENTS PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT PROPOSAL (1029853) PROOF OF CONCEPT PROPAGANDA FILM PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PHYSICAL BOOK PROTOTYPING PROTOTYPING-LENS BASED MEDIA PROTOTYPING-NETWORKED MEDIA PROTOTYPING SIGRUN PT PURPLE PZI, Kareldoormanhof 45 Pad-test PadBackup060220191300 Pad databae Padliography Padliography2 Padliography22-24 Page title Paged Media CSS examples Pagekite Pagiolink Palmen, Bolin, Zendrera Paloma's What Why How 26-9-18 Paloma & Pedro Pandoc Pandora Paper:Terrorism & Aesthetics Paper:The Simulated Real: Aesthetics and the Semblance of the Real in Terroristic Images Parallel PZI Parameter ParametricPictures Paraphernalia Participator 3.0 Past Focus Groups Past Thematic Seminars Past methods pages Paste final version 2016 below Pat Cryer, The Research Student's Guide to Success (Buckingham: Open University Press, 2000) PatchesAndScripts Paula's Media Pet Paula's Project Proposal Paula's Project Proposal II Paula's Thesis Paula's Thesis Outline Pdfsandwich Pdftk Peasoup with mint Peasoupwithmint Pedro' What Why How 26-9-18 Pedro's What Why How 26-9-18 Pedro Neves notes Peer-to-peer design strategies Peer Production License PelleNotes Pelle Reading & Writing Pelle selfportrait People PerformOrElse PerformingScripts Performing of the self You tube seminar Permissions Personal Computers with Personal Meanings Personal Repo Personal Research - Notes Personal World Map Perverts Ideology Peter Luining Peter Westenberg Petra - description Petra - descriptions Petra Milicki/review Petra Milicki - Annotation: The Impossibility of Interface Petra Milicki Annotation-The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction Petra Milicki Graduation Project Proposal Final version 05.12.2012 Petra Milički Petra Milički, Trimester 2, 2012 Petra Milički, Trimester 2, 2012, Archive & Memory Petra Milički, Trimester 3, 2012 Petra Milički, Trimester 3, 2012, Factory Reset Petra Milički - Essay 1 Petra Milički - Essay 2 Petra Milički Annotation Petra Milički Annotation-Translating Media, My Mother Was a Computer Petra Milički Description Petra Milički Trimester1-Essay Text, Hypertext, Context Phenomenology muyang Phenomenologymy Phobia, Philias, Fetish Phobia, Philias, Fetish Edit Prop Photo Book Photo Book's Photo Book Door-friendly Photo Book Seeds Photo Book Workshop Photo Studio test shots Photo book Photo book The ORKZ Photobook Photobook: 1050 Kilometers Photobook Presentation Photobook Workshop Photobook Workshop Thy Photobook fileona Photoshop Glitch-work Php Physical Memory Pi PiCam Pi GPIO LED Pi GPIO PWD LED Pi skin conductivity Picture Gallery PiezoPreamp Pillow library Pinhole Pipeline Pipeline publishing Pipelines PirateBox Pirate Box Pirates of the Amazon Pistitrope Pitch Sketches Plagiarism PlanPage27-09-17 Planning 2011 Plansplansplans Plasticity of User Interfaces:A Revised Reference Framework Platform Platform - Scaling Platform and Scale - Michael's tutorial PlayMobile PlaySureVeillance Playing cards Pleasures of Performing Pleasures slideshow PleunProcessing150928 PleunProcessing151005 Plotter research Plsplay Pockets Pocketsphinx Poem my Poem translations results Poems translations Poetry generators Politics of Craft Politics of craft/ideas First ideas for the project presention Pomegranate Seeds Pongie selfportrait Porposal draft Portable Document Format Portage PortageUseFlags Portal Portals Possible questions Post-Truth: The New War on Truth and How to Fight Back by Matthew d'Ancona Post-colonial, Post-Societ, Post-Earth Post-colonial, Post-Soviet, Post-Earth Post Digital Print — Alessandro Ludovico PostcardsFromTheSEDge Postcolonial astrology, and astrology as sci-fi and art Poster Postscript on the Societies of Control Pour comprendre les médias — Marshall McLuhan Power Rangers Praaaactice Practical Vision ISSUE13 Practice Practice Based Research Focus Group 2019/2020 Practice based research fileona Pre-Assessment Notes 20-11-12 Pre2020Methods Predict-O-matic Premier Lien Preparati (Microscope Slides) Preparation thoughts.. Preparatory Text - Adlikno: the Media Archive (17th September) Presentation Presentation 'The Journey to Fuji' Presentation 1 Presentation 2nd Trimester Presentationofself Pretty Fly for a Wifi PreviousYears Previous Practice - summary. Previous Self-Directed Research Prime example Print "soapbox"; Print environ.cgi Printers Printisflatcodeisdeep Pristitrope Privacy & Surveillance: Reading/Viewing/Listening Privatronics Processing Processing 3 Professionalism- Postgraduation Program Languages Program Or Be Programmed - Ten Commands For A Digital Age Douglas Rushkoff Programm(ed/ing) Culture ProgrammingForMediaDesigners Progress pics for Varia Event Progressive movement towards concrete creation Project Project-Proposal-Archive ProjectArchives Project Michaela&Nicole Project Page Project Page Trimester 3 Project Process Project Proposal Project Proposal-on the way Project Proposal: Interactive tabletennis Project Proposal - Project Proposal Checklist Project Proposal Draft Project Proposal Guideline Project Proposal Mitsa Project Proposal Outline Project Proposals 2010/2011 Project Proposals 2010/2011-2 Project References Project Xanadu Project description: What, How and Why Project descriptions exercise Project outline draft Project proposal Project proposal. Luca Tichelman.pdf Project proposal/27.11.13 Project proposal/final Project proposal1025 Project proposal 1120 Project proposal 1204 Project proposal 1207 Project proposal Simon Becks Project proposal V2.01 Project proposal draft Project proposal draft V2 Project proposal final Project proposal final draft before the deadline Project proposal first draft Project proposals 2017-2018 Project text changes & Context Prompt sam freewriting Proposal Proposal-draft Proposal-thinking ProposalDraft2019 Proposal Draft Proposal draft Proposal for internet-yama-ichi ~color booth~ Proposals for tutors Proposed new tag: IMG Proto Proto 1.2 Protocol Protocol & Net Delusion Protocol & Net Delusion-The Dark Side of Internet Freedom Prototype Prototypes Prototypes: 3 examples Prototypes EMO Prototypessss Prototyping Prototyping***M Prototyping, the magic of copy&paste Prototyping, the trauma of coding and the magic of copy&paste Prototyping/ Prototyping/2018-01-17 Prototyping/2019-10-16 Prototyping/2019-2020/T3 Prototyping/2020-2021/T1 Prototyping/2020-2021/T2/Prototyping Times Prototyping/2020-2021/T2/Prototyping Times/Dérive Prototyping/2020-2021/T3 Prototyping/2021-2022/T1 Prototyping/2021-2022/T2 Prototyping/2021-2022/XPUB2 Prototyping/2022-2023/XPUB2 Prototyping/Angeliki Prototyping/Archives Prototyping/Cadavre Exquis paper exercise Prototyping/Download Sample Cut-up Share Prototyping/Soldier Soldier Will You Marry Me Prototyping/cadavreexquis Prototyping/the-networked-image/python-editing-brightness Prototyping: Flipbook Prototyping: Lens-Based Media Prototyping: Networked Media Prototyping: Stereo Image Prototyping & Glitching Prototyping 01-10-13 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 08-10-13 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 11 Feb 2013 Prototyping 12 November 2012 Prototyping 14 May 2013 Prototyping 15 October 2012 Prototyping 16 April 2013 Prototyping 16 Sep, 2014 Prototyping 18 Feb 2013 Prototyping 19 November 2012 Prototyping 2 Prototyping 2010-2011 Prototyping 2011-2012 Prototyping 2012/2013 Prototyping 2013-09-16 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-09-23 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-09-30 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-10-07 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-10-14 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-10-15 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2013-10-29 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2013-11-04 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-11-05 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2013-11-11 (Networked/Lens) Prototyping 2013-11-19 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2013-11-25 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2013-12-02 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2013-12-09 (Networked/Lens) Prototyping 2013/2014 Prototyping 2014-01-13 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2014-01-14 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2014-01-20 (Lens Based Media) Prototyping 2014-01-21 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2014-02-12 (Networked Media) Prototyping 2014/2015 Prototyping 2015/2016 Prototyping 2020.01.13 Prototyping 21 May 2013 Prototyping 22 Jan 2013 Prototyping 23 April 2013 Prototyping 23 Sep 2014 Prototyping 26 November 2012 Prototyping 29 October 2012 Prototyping 3 December 2012 Prototyping 3 June 2013 Prototyping 3 Mar 2013 Prototyping 5 Feb 2013 Prototyping 7 May 2013 Prototyping 8 Jan 2013 Prototyping 9 April 2013 Prototyping Classes Prototyping NM Prototyping NME Prototyping NM 2011-2012 Prototyping NM 2011-2012 T1 Prototyping NM 2011-2012 T2 Prototyping NM Description Prototyping Yr 1 Timester 1 Prototyping documentation Prototyping for Habitat Prototyping materials Prototyping networkd Prototyping networked Prototyping plans 2d trimester Prototyping raw image sequence assignment (2013) Prototyping reading list Prototyping schedule Prototypology Prototypology/Adapterology-1 Prototypology/Exhibitiology-1 Prototypology/Toolology Prototypology Special Issue 18 Prototypying/2020-2021/T1 Protyping schedule Préçis de sémiotique générale — Jean-Marie Klinkenbeg Psutils Psychedelic Drugs, Art, Music, and Other Drugs: An Interview with Finn McKenna Public html directories for users Publication Interview Publicity advertising-media Publishing outputs Puce Modern Moment: Camp, Postmodernism, and the Films of Kenneth Anger PureData Pure Data Puredata Purple?Purple!Purple. Pushing the Score Pushing the Score-publication Pushing the Score using Twitterdata Py.rate.chnic sessions Py.rate.chnic sessions/2018-2019 Py.rate.chnic sessions/2019-2020 PyDub PyGame PyGraphviz PyHeadlines PyLiveStream PyScrapers PyScrapers2 PyText2ImageCGI Pygame Pygame camera Pygeoip Python Python/dictionaries Python: Sound and Image Python: Turtle PythonAiff PythonArduino PythonCGI PythonCGIChecklist PythonCgi PythonCgiChecklist PythonEscaping PythonFeedparser PythonFlickrImageFeed PythonFronts PythonFundamentals PythonGStreamer PythonGraphviz PythonHtml5lib PythonImageLibrary PythonLabZalan PythonMySQL PythonNavigation PythonOpenURL PythonPackages PythonPath PythonPlugins PythonRegEx PythonStrings PythonTwitter PythonUnbuffered PythonUpload PythonWordCounter Python CGI Python CGI Checklist Python CGI checklist Python Guestbook (CGI) Python Image Library Python Imaging Library Python Subprocess Python Upload CGI Python Virtual Envs Python class french Python data-types Python introduction Python on OSX Python to BASH Python turtle graphics Q QUESTIONS Q 2 Qianhao Qq Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire - Catriona Mortimer-Sandilands, Bruce Erickson Queering the Narrative Queue Quilting-with-Python Quinten Swagerman Quotes from Spare Review READING, WRITING & RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES READING, WRITING & RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES2 READING, WRITING AND RESEARCH METHODS READING AND WRITING READING NOTES READS REBELHUIS computer scedule RECREATE RESEARCH 01 RESEARCH 02 RESEARCH 03 RESEARCH FIXITY - FLUIDITY PART 2: MOTION PICTURE RESEARCH GROUP: MOUVEMENT RESEARCH LIST RESEARCH PLAN RESEARCH QUESTION RESULTS RGB - Off - Beamer RMS RRTRN RSS RSSDeathSpiral RSSFeedTime RSS Feed RSS feeds RW&RM RW&RM-TRIM3/Angeliki RWRM RWRM session 2 RW RM Radical Despair Radical Software Radio Implicancies Radio undesignated Radioimplicancies - SI18 Radiolab - Memory and Forgetting Rafa selfportrait RandomEmailSpamMachine Random Scratch Random reading site Rank and Share Rare earth proposal RaspberryPi GPIO Raspberry Installation Raspberry Pi Raw Media Raw audio Raw gif Raw image Raw image sequence Raw image sequence assignment Raw media Rawimagegenerating Read/Write Reader Reader6/Angeliki ReaderZalan Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies/ Angeliki Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies - Sam Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 01 - Sam Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2011/2012 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2012/2013 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2013-TM3.01 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2013/2014 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2014/2015 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2015/2016 Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2016/2017 Reading, Writing & Research Yr 1 Timester 1 Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies - Te Reading, Writing and Research Methodologiess Reading, Writing and Research methodologies - Ana Reading, Writing and Research methodologies @n@ Reading, writing and research Reading, writing lau Reading, writing sara ReadingFromABinaryFile ReadingGroupSession1 ReadingGroupSession2 ReadingWriting Reading Meterials Reading Notes Reading Notez Reading Wii Nunchuck data in Python Reading Writing Research Methodologies Reading and Notes Reading and Writing Reading and writing Reading log Readingandwriting Readings Readings Two.mp3 Readlist, watchlist RealTime2 Cartography: Personal World Map Realismnpold Recording computer playback Recursive square Red house Reference Reference Artists References Referendum Medialogs Reflection Master Class EYE Reflection on my practice - Trim Three Reflective Diary about the Special Issue 16 RegexYoutubeJavascript RegisterProtocolHandler RegularExpressionScrapbooks RegularExpressions Regular Expressions Regular expressions Rejected Rejection Rejection letters Related: Reading/Viewing/Listening Related Resources Relational database RelativeValue.py Remixing an RSS feed with Python Remote Control / Democracy Player Removing common words / stopwords Rename Gitea default branch Renee Olde Monnikhof Renee Oldemonnikhof, Graduation project, 2011 Renzo Martin Renée Olde Monnikhof Renée Oldemonnikhof ReplayGain Repo of the difference between disciplinary society and control society ReportLab Representation & Notation Reproduction of origin Repérages Requiem for the American Dream- Noam Chomsky Res'sWorkshop Res Seminar Research Research-group-sjm Research - Ana Research 1.0 Research 2.0 Research 3.0 Research 4.0 Research Areas Research Dairy Research Fileona Research Log Research Notes Research on Camera Research on Swiss leftist meme makers Research resource Research resources ResetDB Residual Light / Beneath the Floating Land Resources Reverse engineering Reverse ssh tunnel Review text and formulate questions Revised revision Revision exercise Revisionism harms History Rhythm analysis Ricardo Lafuente Richard Florida - The Rise of the Creative Class Richard Prince Risograph print tests Rita's What Why How 26-9-18 Road Maps Robert Fludd: Two Worlds Robotics and Modular Machines Rocks, Dreams and Techno-Imaginaries Rocks, Dreams and Techno-Imaginaries (V02) Rocks, Dreams and Techno-Imaginaries (V03) Roel/booking Roel Roscam Abbing Roel Roscam Abbing (grad project) Roeland Veraart Rogergoulaoverview Roland Barthes - Image - Music - Text Roll your own Media Database Roll your own google Room with full of ground (ROII) Rosalind E.Krauss The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths" Rossella Rossella's Room of Silence Rossella's page Rossella's reading Rossella's sketch Rossella's stuff Rossella, redux: Foucault and Heterotopia Rossella: Foucault, Campanella and Madness in the 16th Century Rossella: Text on Method Rossella selfportrait Roxana Torre Rqlite Rs project proposal Rst2pdf Rsync Rudolf Arnheim - visual thinking Runawebserverwithpython Running Notes Rw rmethods fileona Ryan/Thesis Ryan/draft project proposal SCHOOL SEEDS SELF-DIRECTED INTERVIEW SELF - directed SELF DIRECTED PROJECTS SELF DIRECTED RESEARCH SELF DIRECTED RESEARCH2 SEssION 1 SEssION 2TWO SEssION 4 SEssION 5 SEssION SIX SEssION ThrEE SFTP SHELF SI14-games SI16 SI16 and SI17 SI17 SI17 Box SI17 reflection: Chaeyoung ᕦ(ò óˇ)ᕤ SI17 reflection: kamo 🍲 SI17 reflection: o h j i a n SI17 reflection: ☾ Ål Nik ☾ SI17 summaries of group meetings SI18 SI18 - Radio Implicancies SI21 SI4 Archive SI7 SI8 SI9 SI 16 - Vernacular, Rejection, Programming SI 16 - Vernacular Language Processing SI 17 - Productive Play SI 18 - Radio Implicancies - Chae's research log SI 21 Contributors SMW Queries SM Final Draft Thesis SM First Draft Thesis SM Grad Project SM Project proposal SM Session 1 SM Thesis Draft SM Thesis outline draft SM Thesis outline v2 SM Thesis outline v3 SM Thesis proposal SN/Prototyping plans 2d trimester SOUND=SIGHT SOUND = SIGHT SOUND AND NARRATIVE SOUND AND TIME SPECIAL ISSUE SPECIAL ISSUE 13 MARTIN BOARD SPECIAL ISSUE 14 MARTIN/JACOPO SPECIAL ISSUE 14 MARTIN BOARD SPECIAL ISSUE 14 MARTIN DAILY BOARD SPECIAL ISSUE 15 MARTIN DAILY BOARD SP 16 SP 16 - Vernacular, Rejection, Programming SRT SSH SSHFS SUPERNOVA SUPERNOVA/catalog SVG SVG Animation SVG Spinning SYNOPSIS TEXT SYNTHESIS TEST Sabin'sWorkshop Sacha-project proposal Sacha-thesis outline Sacha thesis drafts and notes Sacred Pleasures Safe space project Sal Sal's Cinesharing Sal's Page 4 Sal's Text on Method Sal's Trimester Summary Sal's page Sal's page 2.0 Sal's page 3 Sal: Being a Terrorist Sal: Room of Silence Salvador d' Souza SamAnnotation SamScratch SamYalouNotes23 Sambanikouidentityphotos Sample librariesLink Sandbot Sandbox SandboxPi Sandbox 1.01 Sandbox S01E02 Sandbox S01E02.ex Sandy Stone Sara SaraAnnotation SaraNotes23 Sarascratch Sarasnewcratch Sasha-project proposal Sasha-thesis outline Sasson Kung Satellite Tracking + Sound Spatialisation Satmorningpsonnet Satmorningsonnet Sauli Warmenhoven Scale & Platform Scaling + Platform Scaling + Platform: A Computational History Scaling + Platform 2013/2014 Scanimage Scanning Utils Scarcity of Disk Space Schedule Schrijven - Kristien Hemmerechts Scramble Scrambler Scrape Scraping Scraping the Open Directory project with Python Scraping the Open Directory with Python Scraping web pages with python ScratchCovers ScratchDirectory Screening summary. Screening summary 2. Screenless office Screenscapes Screenshots Scribus Script Scripts & Screenplays ScrollHeight Searching a window of text in Python Sebastian Cimpean Second Hand Stories – Reflections on the project by Charlotte Slotte Second Proposal Second Readers Guidelines Second essay draft 2nd trimester: Kenneth Anger and the occult Second outline Secret Seda Guerses's lecture Sedsongs See on Wednesday! Seefree Seeing Birds – Rika Noguchi Seeing errors in Python CGI Seethrough Selected Images Selection Process Selection Process / Filter / Interface Selection of links in English Selena Savic Selena Savić Selenium Self Self-Directed Research Self-Directed Research Sol Self-Directed Text Self-directed Research Self-directed methods 17-10-18 Self-directed research-trace Self-directed research essay SelfPostingForms Self Directed Research Self directed research description 7-11-19 Selfinthebrowser SemanticWebIntro Semester 4 Semester 5 - chae research log Semester 6 - chae research log Sensorial experience Sep 21 Notes Seperate States Serena Williams Series 4 to 9, Books Serve.py Server Service files Serving a file Session1 - What/how/why Session2 - Interview Session3 - Exploring a relevant question SessionOneSteveSept22 SessionTwoSteveOct22 Session 1 Session 1 AT Session 2 Session 2 AT Session 3 Session 4 Session 6 Session Five - Eye Pitch Sketches Session Four - Eye Pitch Session Four - Utopia Session One - Three Project Descriptions Session One - What, How and Why Session One - What, How and Why Description Session Six - Objective Vision Session Three - Reading Notes Session Three - What I am reading Session Two - Exhibition- Tent & WDW Session Two - Exhibition Notes - Tent & WDW Session five - Room of Silence Session four - EYE Pitch Session three - Tent & WDW Session two - Reading Notes Setting up CGI (nginx) Setting up Mediawiki on a Raspberry Pi Setting up a mediawiki instance on the sandbox Setting up cgi (nginx) Setting up jupyter lab behind a reverse proxy (nginx) Sex Ecology Sexuality, Ecology Muyang Sexuality, Ecology my Seymour Seymour (Inkscape Turtle Graphics Extension) Seymour Papert Sfwarstudieslexicon Sgfxi Sh.Turkle Shadow flicker: Shahee Ilyas Shannon-project proposal Shannon-thesis outline Sharing She was baking a NBA player ShellWildcards Shell Cheat Sheet Shell Scripting Shimon's Workshop Shimon attie workshop: temenos Shinyoung's page Shinyoung's page 04.10 Shinyoung 25th Oct Shinyoung : Feminism Does Not Mean Equality Shinyoung : TEXT on METHOD 1st draft Shinyoung Kim - 2nd draft Proposal Shoebot Shops Short Documentary "Ostblock" Short Stories Short experimental text on practice Shortfilm "Borostyán" Shrimps Side projects- Trim2/Angeliki Siegried Zielinski (2006) Deep Time of the Media Sigrun's First Draft Silly greenscreen Silvie-project proposal Silvie-thesis outline Simon's What How Why 26-9-18 Simon's Why Why How 26-9-18 Simon's interview Simon's method SimonBNotes Simon & Tancredi Simon Browne Simon P selfportrait Simon Yuill Simon selfportrait SimpleAlgorithmicSequencing SimpleMailBomber Simple Animated HTML Simple CGI Script in Python Simple Factbook Interface Simple HTTP Proxy with Python Simple Web Spider in Python Simple chat.cgi Simple scraping with wget Simplifying HTML by removing "invisible" parts Sinophone Gender Reading List Sinyoung Sixx-book Sketch for Toward... Sketch for remote shutter Sketching simulations in TIC80 Sketchpad Sky Blue Sky Sky Islands Skype4Py Skype & Cigarettes Slices of Dust Slit scan first try Small-files Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted Small piece that addresses your proposal Smart textile station skill Sniff, Scrape, Crawl Sniff, Scrape, Crawl (Prototyping) Sniff, Scrape, Crawl (Thematic Project) Sniff, Scrape, Crawl… Sniff HTTP traffic on your machine Sniff Scrape Crawl SoX Social Versioning System (SVS) Social climbing rotterdam SoftwareSnapshot Software Studies Software patents Sol-Aims for next meeting Soldering Some Ideas for The New Museum of Society and Economy Some notes on A New Economics of Community and The Land (The Nation) Some thoughts and Inspiration Some w o r d s Someone is in my house / It Follows Something that Sonia/3things Sonia/artists Sonia/artiststatements Sonia/artmachines Sonia/bw01 Sonia/cameraresearch Sonia/colourtheory Sonia/cyanotypes Sonia/doka Sonia/essay1 Sonia/essayonmethod Sonia/eye Sonia/eye2 Sonia/focalcamera Sonia/g5c Sonia/glitching Sonia/gs1 Sonia/gs1a Sonia/gs2 Sonia/gs2a Sonia/gs2b Sonia/gs2c Sonia/gs2d Sonia/gs3 Sonia/gs3a Sonia/gs4a Sonia/gs5a Sonia/gs5b Sonia/gs6a Sonia/gs6b Sonia/hardcopy Sonia/iffr Sonia/journal001 Sonia/materials Sonia/methods Sonia/methodssession2 Sonia/methodssession3 Sonia/methodssession4 Sonia/methodssession5 Sonia/methodssession6 Sonia/newpage Sonia/notes Sonia/notesnonhumanphoto Sonia/photobook Sonia/prethesis Sonia/readinglist Sonia/riso Sonia/scrapbook Sonia/signalbending Sonia/slitscan Sonia/synopses Sonia/synopsies Sonia/thesiscloud Sonia/tudelft Sonia/tutorial feedback Sonia/tutorials Sonia/www Sonic Jacket Sonification SonificationLabZalan Sonya7s Sorceries of Zos by Austin O Spare Sound+Time Sound & Narrative: Keith Griffiths Sound & Time Sound + Data Sound + Time (2014) Sound - exercise Sound 2 - exercise Sound Jams: Handbook Sound Narrative Sound and listening Sound art of collective memories Sound jam research Sound jams research Sounds of Qualia SoupDiary Sources workshop Sox Space Time Space comes to Normalville Spaces of Experience: Art Gallery Interiors from 1800 – 2000 Spaghetti alla Carbonara Spaghetti alla Puttanesca SpecialName Special Issue Special Issue/Special Issue 000 Special Issue/Special Issue 010 Special Issue: Life Hack Special Issue: Life Hacks Special Issue: List projects Special Issue: Plan and methodology personal Issue Special Issue: Research Notes Special Issue 000 Special Issue 08 Special Issue 16 Work Special Issue 16 Works Special Issue 16 Works by Ål Nik Special Issue 17 Editorial Special Issue 17 Work Special Issue 17 Works by Ål Nik Special Issue 18 Work Special Issue : Scarcity of Resources Special Issue I Special Issue Works by Ål Nik Special Topics in Lens-based Media Special issue Special issue 13 Special issue 14 Special issue 19 Special issue 4 / Editing Special issue ninetee Special issue twentee Special issue twenteewaa Specimen of Sounds SpectralAnalysis Spectres? Spectrum.py Specıal ıssue 19 Speech recognition Spider Splitting text into sentences Spoken Drawings Spreads Sqlite Ssh key share Ssh key share for XPPL Sshfs Staff Stamps Start of the year Statement and counter statement / Notes on experimental Jetset — Experimental Jetset Station de Stroming Stdout Step by Step Stephanie Vilayphiou Stephen what is that book in your hand Stereo Stereoscopic images Stereoscopy Steve'sGroupPage20-21 Steve'sMethod'sWikiPage26-9-19 Steve'sQuestions Steve'sTestMethodsPage Steve'sTextonPractice Steve's Text on Practice 2022 Steve's Three things for 20-9-18 Steve's What Why How 26-9-18 Steve's example page Steve's exhibition text Steve's mashup Steve's notes on Sigrun 10-5 Steve's notes to his GRS group Steve's sample Steve's suggestions for Lucas Steve's text 5-12-18 Steve's writing assignments Steve's writing assignments 1st year SteveAnnotation SteveR15-12-21Annotation1 SteveR15-12-21Annotation2 SteveR15-12-21 Interview SteveScratch SteveSuggest3 SteveSuggests2 SteveSuggests4 SteveSuggests5 SteveSuggests6 SteveSuggestsAlecio-projectProposal SteveSuggestsAna SteveSuggestsSal SteveTextonMethodDraft Steve Baldwin Steve R selfportrait Steve Suggests 26-9-18 Steve Testbox SteveeR15-12-21NotesOnWriting Steverusthonmastersofreality Steves notes - January 18, 2017 Stevesuggests1 Stevesuggests2 Stevewed27sept Stills from the Short-Film Stinging Ceremony Stock Stock workshop Robotics and Modular Machines: Stolen Reading Lists Streaming Screaming Street Lamp String Formatting Operator Stripping all the tags from HTML to get pure text Structural Materialist film StructureFilm Structured Outline Students StyleGuide Stéphanie Vilayphiou Stéphanie Villaphiou Subliminar vocabulary Aitana Submit and Succeed Subtitles Subversion SuckDirectRelease Suicide box Summary of chapter of a book Summer Experiments SuperCollider SuperNatural Horror Essay Superimpose.py Superpower Maps Supi selfportrait Surpassthis Surplus notes Surrogate Surrogate Draft Again Surrogate Proposal Surrogate Proposal with notes from David 11-9-15 Surrogates Susanna/methods/session 1 Susanna - Methods/session 11 Text On Method Susanna - Methods/session 1 Three things Susanna - Methods/session 2 Notes from Only Weeds Emerge Susanna - Methods/session 2 Self-directed methods Susanna - Methods/session 3 Synopsis Susanna - Methods/session 5 Synopsis Susanna - Methods/session 9 Research Group Swapping Apple and Ctrl Keys Sykes and Picot: A failed tea party Syllabus Syllabus 20090929 Syllabus 20091006 Syllabus 20091006 Bernhard Syllabus 20091006 Emanuele Syllabus 20091006 Loredana Syllabus 20091006 Ozalp Syllabus 20091006 Selena Syllabus 20091006 hopeless Syllabus 20091013 Syllabus 20091027 Syllabus 20091103 Syllabus 20091110 Syllabus 20091117 Syllabus 20091124 Syllabus 20091201 Syllabus 20091208 Syllabus 20100105 Syllabus 20100112 Syllabus 20100112 megatest Syllabus 20100118 Syllabus 20100119 Syllabus 20100126 Syllabus 20100216 Syllabus 20100217 Syllabus 20100223 Syllabus 20100224 Syllabus 20100302 Syllabus 20100601 Syllabus 20100604 Syllabus 2010 t1 ps2 Bernhard Syllabus 2010 t1 ps2 Megan Syllabus 2010 t1 ps2 Ozalp Syllabus 2010 t2 p1 Syllabus 2010 t2 p2 Syllabus 2010 t2 p3 Syllabus 2010 t3 p1 Syllabus 2010 t3 p2 Syllabus 2010 t3 p3 Syllabus assignment1 Syllabus t2notes Syncthing Synopis: now the Orgy is over Synopsis Synopsis31Jan Synopsis7Feb Synopsis: Adult Webcam Model's Negotiation of Pleasure and Danger Synopsis: Liminality & Ekstasis Synopsis: The naked self Synopsis 1 Synopsis 24-1-2018 Synopsis 24-1-2018-2 Synopsis 29-1-18 Synopsis Irma's photobook by Catalina & Irma Synopsis Look at the video Synopsis and other reading notes Synopsis lecture series about perception disorder Synopsis of texts Synopsis text Synopsis to each contents Sysnopsis 2 T1 105 Review T4PP T4 Assessment XPUB 2022 T4 Assessment XPUB 2022/2023 TASKS TATATA TCP/IP TENSE ISSUE13 TEXT TEXTONPRACTICE4thDRAFT(real) TEXT ON METHOD TEXT ON PRACTICE TEXT ON PRACTICE 2DRAFT TEXT ON PRACTICE 3DRAFT TEXT ON PRACTICE 4DRAFT TGA TGC3 Beginners Guide THEMATIC 1 THEMATIC 2 THEMATIC SEMINARS SIGRUN THESIS OUTLINE THESIS OUTLINE (1029853) THESIS PROPOSAL THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: MUSEUM - Displays and the Creation of Knowledge THE HOLY SPONGE THIS IS US A STORY OF THOSE, THEM, ME AND WE, LOOK A LIKE LUC A LIKE, SMALL THINGS MATTER. THREE TEST DUMMIES THREE THINGS TIC80 TIC80 WORKINPROGRESS TIME - photography, fixity, continuity, fluidity, liquidity, moving image - SPACE TJ Demos - Decolonizing Nature TMY3 TMY 1 TMY 2 TODO TOOLBOX - TECHNICAL PLAN OUTLINE TO MY MOTHERLAND TP1S1 TP1S3 TP essay 1 - Lucas TRIMESTER 1 Practice TRIMESTER 1 ntw6 TRIMESTER 1 rwrw TRIMESTER TWEE TRIMESTER UNO TS1 with Edwin Carels TS2 with Fritx Gierstberg TS3 with Anna Abrahams TS4 with Ester Urlus TTY TURTLE TWEETJE Tabfun Tacos Talking buttons TallBuildings Tancre's What Why How 26-9-18 Tanja Deman Taoism, porous body, ecological body, decolonization and eco-art (My bachelor's thesis) Taoism Muyang Tape Tape+Loop Tape and trace Tar Tashwed27sept Task1andevilmedialectures Tatarnikov Alexander (diezelsun) TeAnnotation TeNotes23 TeScratch TechDay104 Tech 2010 t1 ps1 Tech 2010 t1 ps2 Tech plan Tech plan A Tech plan A/B Technical Days Wiki Technical Plan Technical development Technical plan Technical plans, Trim 1, 2012/2013 Technical setup for public lectures Techniques of the Observer Technologiesoftheselfseminarwithfoucault Technology and The Self Techtoday Ted Nelson Tegenlicht Telepathy my Temp home fine art Template.cgi Template.html Templates Temporary research journal Ten Theses On Life Hacks Ten Thesis On Life Hacks TerenceMcKennaTwitterBot Term 2 Paper Draft TerminalReference Terminal Sessions Terravirtualis Tessel-project proposal Tessel-thesis outline Tessel selfportrait Tessel thesis drafts and notes Tesseract Test Test-test-test Test2 Test3 TestPageWikiP Test form test form test form test Test page Test test test Test with the Diffbot Testest Testing the documentation page Testing the shelf life Testing the shelf life MD Tests Tests/sketches/other Testuser/myotherpage Text, Hypertext, Context Text-only interface Text: Jacques Derrida - Archive Fever Text: Jean Baudrillard - Why hasn’t everything already disappeared? Text: My Lawyer is an Artist Text: Oulipo. The New Media Reader, Chapter 12 (Uncreative Text) Text: Paul Ryan A Geneealogy of Video (Uncreative Text) Text: The Cut-Up Method of Brion Gysin TextAnalysis TextOnMethodOutline2019-20 TextOnPRACTICE(1stDraft) TextOnPractice(A.Turner 2023) TextOnPracticeDirectonary TextProcessing Text On Method - Paula Text editors Text on Method Text on Practice Text on Practice - Te Text on Practice 2023 Text on Practice Muyang Text on Practice V1 Text on Practice outline 2019-2020 Text on Uncreative Method Text on method / Katia Text on method / Marieke Text on method 2018 lens-based Text on method final Text on method first draft Text on method second draft Text on methods Text on practice Text on practice 1st draft by yalou Text on practice 2023 Aitana's 1st draft Text on practice Clara Text on practice Luni Text on practice s.c.p.k Text on practice second draft by Yalou Text on practice third draft by Yalou Textfrompadasof16:00 Textonpractice Textonpractice2023 Textonpracticefinal2023 Textoutline Texts Texts2 TextsNikos Texts for methods 13 Jan 2021 Texts on Practice 2022 Texts on practice s.c.p.k Texts tags TheEYEfilm TheHagueContemporary TheLetterC TheTemplate The 1st draft The 3rd draft The 4th draft The Aesthetics of Ethics The Aesthetics of Silence The Aluminum Busbar Current Capacity Chronicles The Ambivalent Manifesto of Queueing The Archive of the Transcendental Archive The BELHUIS show page The Beast with Two Backs, Aleiser Crowley, Sex Magic and the Exhaustion of Modernity - Hugh B. Urban The Being of Replicants The Best Interface Is No Interface - Golden Krishna The Book The Cabinet The Charlemagne Scream The Clown Script The Cookie Census The Cultural Politics of Emotion - Sara Ahmed The Cybernetic Brain - Andrew Pickering The Cybernetic Jungle The Dictator’s Practical Internet Guide to Power Retention The Drone The Dust Room The Electronic Revolution The End The Entrance The Eye: Anthony McCall Masterclass The Face of a Refusing Machine The Final Twist The Focal Camera The Focal Camera Workshop The Geographical Society The Glitching The HMM presentation @ nieuwe instituut The Happiness Industry - William Davies The Idea The Impossibility of Interface The Impossibility of Interface (Petra Milicki Annotations) The In Between The Individual within the Collective The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood The Invisible Committe The Kitchen The Library The Limejuice Mystery The Living Room The Living Room Wars The Location Field is the New Command Line The Ma(n)chinery The Margins of Culture The Margins of Diaspora The Margins of Empire The Margins of Ethnicity The Margins of Gender The Margins of Language The Margins of Theory The Margins of Time The Mediawork Project The Memorial Space of Inclusion The Methods, the Readers, the Texts The Methods, the Readers, the Texts, the Sayings The Networked Image The Other Name: Septology I-I - Jon Fosse The PAD GARDEN The Peach Blossom Spring The Perl Journal The Photobook Workshop The Pi is installed now what do we do? The Power of Logo The Power of Logo - revised The Proposal The Public Garden The Rapture of Capture: the queue The Redundant History, The Pacing Haunter The Reposition Matrix The Revenge of the Concept: Artistic Exchanges, Networked Resistance The Rise of the Creative Class The Role of Writing In The Course The Room of Collective Hallucinations The Ruined Map The Second Self - Sherry Turkle The Silent Ray The Thing – Martin Heidegger The Top 100 Highest Ranked Curators In The World The Transience The Ultimate RPi Installation Guide The User Condition 04: A Mobile First World - Silvio Lorusso The Utopia / Dystopia Project The Work of Art In The Age of Mechanical Reproduction The Work of Art in the Age The Work of Being Watched - Mark Andrejevic The Workshop The autonomous archive of Poortgebouw The banquet The beginning The best Interface is no interface - Golden Krishna The bootleg library The calm after the storm The caret and the stick The concept of Queer - and its visibility in selected positions of American and European art history of the 20th century The entreprecariat The final draft The interview assignment The man wasn’t there The naked portrait The name of the page The postcard photobook The project proposal outline The rejected side The ruined map The social side of games The splintering sun \\ EYE researchlabs The title of my graduation work The uninhabitable earth Thematic-Animation Beyond Animation Thematic-Chain Reactions Thematic-Do It Yourself Film Thematic-History & practice of the photo-essay & photo book Thematic-History of Avantgarde Cinema Thematic-Letter Writing Thematic-Making It Public Thematic-Making It Public/Writing Wikimedia Thematic-Making It Public/gallery Thematic-Making It Public/publication workshop Thematic-Making It Public/pulibcation workshop Thematic-Making It Public/rec Thematic-Navigating Borders and Contours Thematic-On Narrative Thematic: History & practice of the photo-essay & photo book (2017) Thematic: History & practice of the photo-essay & photo book (2018) Thematic: History of Avantgarde Cinema (2016- 2017) Thematic: Photobook Analysis ''Bunga Bunga'' Thematic: Photobook Analysis ''Ik ben jou'' Thematic A Focal Camera Thematic A Focal Camera (2020-2021) Thematic Concept and Practice of VR Filmmaking 2018/2019 Thematic Concept and Practice of VR Filmmaking 2019/2020 Thematic Concept and Practice of VR Filmmaking 2020/2021 Thematic Concept and Practice of VR Filmmaking 2021/2022 Thematic Concepts and Practice of VR Filmmaking Thematic Concepts and Practice of VR Filmmaking 2017/2018 Thematic Do-It-Yourself Film Thematic Do-It-Yourself Film (2017-2018) Thematic Do-It-Yourself Film (2019-2020) Thematic Gallery Installation with Stefanos Tsivopoulos Thematic History & practice of the photo-essay & photo book (2019-2020) Thematic History & practice of the photo-essay & photo book Aitana Thematic Project Description Thematic Project Research Thematic Project Skeleton Thematic Projects Thematic Projects 2011-2012 Thematic Seminar Thematic Seminar Cihad Caner Thematic Seminar Gabriel Lester Thematic Seminar Laura Huertas Millan Thematic Seminar Nan Wang Thematic Trimester1 2014/2015 Thematic Trimester 1: Short Circuiting the Archive Thematic Trimester 2: Narratives Thematic Trimester 2: Narratives/Mutant books Thematic Trimester 2: Sound & Narrative Thematic Visual Abstracts Thematic project Thematic project3 Thematic seminar : A history of hand-made films Thematic seminar : COMPLICATING THE SUBJECT Thematic seminar : Do-It-Yourself Film Workshop with Esther Urlus in the filmwerkplaats in WORM Thematic seminar : Is it possible to talk about power and violence without showing their depictions? Thematic seminar : Writing Through Editing ThemigrationoftheAura Themsen/PD1 Themsen/PD2 Themsen/PD3 Themsen/PD4 Themsen/PD5 Themsen/PP2 Themsen/SDR/Synopsises Themsen/SDR/Synopsises/Image Themsen/SDR/Synopsises/Mushroom Themsen/SDR2/Notes Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer - The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception Theory TheorySession Theory Sessions There's more than one way to do it There is no Death in Gravity Thereisamajorproblemideology Thesis: Propaganda, Aesthetics and Art: Languages and Rehearsals of Power ThesisOutlineDraft19.9 ThesisTTD Thesis Drafts Thesis Guidelines Thesis HM.pdf Thesis Irma Thesis Irma - Abstract: Are there ethical boundaries for artists using the art of manipulation? Thesis Irma - Conclusion Thesis Irma - Essay: I'm followed therefore I am Thesis Irma - Essay: Sculpting a persona Thesis Irma - Essay: Who to follow? Thesis Irma - List of references Thesis Outline Thesis Outline - Due Jan 18 Thesis Outline GdG Thesis Outline Mitsa Thesis Outline SOL Thesis Outlines 2020-2021 Thesis SOL First Draft Thesis Title Page Thesis bin Thesis chapter one draft Thesis draft Thesis draft 2.0 Thesis drafts Thesis dump Thesis in process Thesis outline Thesis outline Irma Thesis outline draft Thesis outlines 2018 Thesocialconstructionofwhat They Touched Beyoncé Thin Cat ThinkPython ThinkPython C02 Think Python Think Python C1 Think Python C2 Think Python X2 Think Python X3 Think Python X8 Thinking Thinking Globally: Computers, Networks, and the Construction of "Global" Spaces Thinking while Moving while Thinking - Method Third outline This is a Test This is my land... This way to Xpub 2017-18 This web site is Under Construction Thisisnotapipe Thmtcsmnr Thomas- Aims for next meeting ThomsonandCraigheadpresentation Thoughts on - Information - Three Media objects Three Photo Dummies Three Screens Three Things Three stages to proposal Three things Three things for RWRM Three walls are lined with double load washing machines, with a cluster of eight triple load machines in the middle of the space. Thumb war Thumbnail TiMidity++ Tiddo Roozendaal Tidy Time Time and time again Timebased network Timeline Timetable Timidity Timo, timester 2, 2011 Timo Klok Tinc TinderScapes Tip Top Orchestra Document Tip Top Orchestra Meetings Tips on Essay Writing Tmux To Scan A Ghost: The Ontology of Mediated Vision by Tom Gunning Todd Matsumoto Tomás Navarro Tonyconradtheflickerremake Toolbox Approach Toolbox Notes Toolkit Toward an argument for visibility Towards A Philosophy of Photography Towards Posthuman Train Factory Train of Knowledge Factory TramJam TranformativeGrammar Transcription TransformingTextWithWordNet Transforming a list of data in Python Transgender and Nonbinary Methods for Art and Art History Translated back in time Translating Media from (My Mother Was a Computer) Transmedial2013 workpage Transmedial2013 workpage/students Transmediale.de Transmediale - Singularities Tree Things Trim3 assessment presentation 2019 (Mia Paller) Trim 1 Trim 2 Trimester1 09-10 Trimester2-1 Trimester2 09-10 Trimester2 09-10 Schedule Trimester2 09-10 tutorial Trimester3 Trimester3 09-10 Trimester 1 Trimester 1 MD Lens Trimester 2 prez Trimester Projects Archive Trimeter 1 Artyom Triphonic player Triple Eye Tristan Garcia - Form and Object a Treatise on Things Speculative Realism - Part 1 TrueType True Hologram Trump speeches words occurences counter Try it with the what why how taken away Tsila Hassine Ttssr-Speech Recognition Iterations Tty Tuesday Film Tuesday march 6th Tunnel Reading Tunnel your HTTP traffic with ssh Turning a text in an alphabetical list of unique words Turning part of a page back into code (aka serialization) Turtle Turtle Graphic Turtle Graphics Turtle graphics Turtleandinkscape Tutorial2 TutorialNotes1 Tutorial Notes 01-11-12 Tutorial Notes 06-11-12 Tutorial Notes 09-10-12 Tutorial Notes 13-11-12 Tutorial Notes 16-10-12 Tutorial Notes 19-09-12 Tutorial Notes 24-01-13 Tutorial Notes 25-01-13 Tutorial Notes 27-09-12 Tutorial Notes 29-10-12 Tutorial the 14th of October Tutorials TutorialsMichael Tutorials 14th of October 2011 Tutorials 17th of October 2011 Tutorials 21th of October 2011 Tutorials 24th of October 2011 Tutorials 31st of October 2011 Tutorials 4th November 2011 Tutorials Barend Tutorials Timo TutorialwithThomsonandCraighead Twenty things to do with a python script Twenty things to do with python Twinks for Trump Twitter Bot Twitter bot Txtontut Typographical Hallucinations / Katherine Hayles and Kenneth Goldsmith Typographical Hallucinations / Kathrene Hayes and Kenneth Goldsmith UGO LB 2020 RESEARCH PROPOSAL DRAFTv01.pdf UNIX UNIX basics UPLOADDRAFT3THINGS UPLOAD YOUR INTERVIEW HERE: 11.4.18) URL USB Syncing USEFUL ASTROLOGY BOOKS U ntitled Ugo/Les Techniques du corps Ugo/Toolbox Ugo/Wuthering Heights Ugo/bibliographies Ugo/cinemaclassiquehollywoodien Ugo/eduardokacchicago Ugo/ensortantducinema Ugo/eyemuseum Ugo/figurationdutemps Ugo/focalcamera Ugo/hantologie Ugo/iwasbornwithoutaface Ugo/liquidmodernity Ugo/louisseguin Ugo/lynchonlynch Ugo/methods Ugo/methods/drafttextmethod Ugo/methods/session1 Ugo/methods/session2 Ugo/methods/session3 Ugo/methods/session4 Ugo/methods/session5 Ugo/mynewpage Ugo/neorealisme Ugo/notesonfilm Ugo/photobook Ugo/project proposal Ugo/readingnotes Ugo/research Ugo/screenwriting Ugo/textresearch Ugo/tutorials Ugo/workshops Uncreative Process UnderGroundCity Understanding copyright/ copyleft /copyfarleft Uneven pattern Unframed(Muxingye Chen) Unicode Unintended Images United Artists Universal Resource Locator Universal time 1&2: portraits booklet Universal time pt.1 Universal time pt.2 UnixUsersAndGroups Unix Sandbox Unlearning the Rules of Collectivity Unlikeusreadersocialmedia Unlinked Unlinked (Graduation show 2014) Unlinked (Works) Unpublishing Unread Library Unseen, Unheard Unseen Unheard Until the impossible can be proven impossible, is it? Untitled Untitled (Marleen Leuverink) Updating each other on our findings, we've accumulated 2900 words Upkeep my digital social life UploadDRAFTProjectProposals2017-18Here UploadTexts5-12-18Here Upload link final version 2017-18 proposals here Upload link final version 2017-18 proposals here: Upload link final version here: Upload link here: Upload notes on the text you chose here Upload outline for progress evaluation here Upload synopsis 7-10-18 Upload synopsis of text here Upload thesis outlines 2017-18 here Upload your room of silence text here Upload your texts here Urllib2 Use:Marie Wocher - Annotation Jodi Dean at Unlike Us Use flags Use this template to structure reading sessions Used:Luis Soldevilla Used:Sebastian Cimpean User/Melly/mainpage UserAndre Castro/maps01 UserAndre Castro/maps01/features change UserAndre Castro/maps01/xmlManipulate Users and Abusers Users and Abusers: Trimester 1 Using UsingACameraAsASensor UsingAMicrophoneAsASensor Using a microphone as a sensor Using argparse to create useful commandline scripts in Python Using motion Using the MediaWiki API Utopia Utopia sketches Utopian / Dystopian Ideas VAP MY VBushAWMT VGA Glitch hack - Mr Stock workshop VHS Animation Workshop VPMY VR research V - Eye Pitch Vanitech VannevarBush nts-- Variable Aspect Ratios Variable Television Vector graphics Veere's Text on Practice 2022 Veere selfportrait Version 0 - Notes sur le livre numérique Version 1 Vertigo vs La Jetée / La Jetée vs Vertigo Vibrant Matter - The Force of Things Victor Victoria Donkersloot Video Video Games and Computer Holding Power Video Vortex Reader II "screen" Videogrep Videogrep.py Videos Vielleicht Vielleicht Vielleicht Vilém Flusser vs Marshall McLuhan Vincenzo Onnembo Virtual-graffiti Virtual Reality ~ Edition Digital Culture 6 Virtual Street Art VisualIdentity Marks Visual Abstracts Visual Effects Visual Music and expanded cinema Visualizing Libation Visualizing the Factbook Visuals Aitana Visuals Aitana Visuals Viva s nero Vladimir Propp - Morphology of Folklore Vlusser vs Mc Luhan Volume 02 R,W & RM Volume 03 R,W & RM Vorbiscomment WALTER BENJAMIN SYNOPSIS WAT WAV WB WEBGL WEBM WEEK 1 ANTI MEDIA & BOTDATE WEEK 1 BOTDATE WHAT / HOW / WHY WHAT DO I MAKE WHAT HOW WHY WHAT in EYE WHO - HOW - WHY WHY/WHAT/HOW WRITINGANDRESEARCH-CLAUDIO WRITTEN TEXTS WWW WWWonopo.ly Walk Of Life Walk through what we do Walter Benjaminbl Walter Langelaar War P(hoto)ornography Warm mood in blue Waved Way of seeing chapter I Ways of seeing chapter I WdKA ICT helpdesk We're always here We LiveIn Public Wearableselves WeasyPrint Weasyprint Weather distortions Weathering Love Web WebPage Act l, ll, lll WebSpiders Web 2.0 Suicide Machine Web Fonts Web Spider in Python Web scraping with Python Web scraping with Python using html5lib and ElementTree Webcam Webring Webrings Website Week2 rwrm Week3 rwrm Week 01 Week 02 Week 03 Week 04 Week 05 Week 06 Week 07 Week 08 Week 0 rwrm Week 1rwrm Week Six, A cookbook of methods for diffractive reading Week Six: Diffractive reading methods Weekly Diary Welcome to the Federation Went back home to retrieve it, only to return Wesnoth Wget What, How, Why What, Why, How What, Why, How - projects What, how and why What, how and why - Steve Rushton What/How/Why What/How/Why - The abandoned house What/how/why/ 2 WhatHowWhy26-9-18 WhatWhyHow What / How / Why What / How / Why - November 30, 2016 What / How / Why - Yalou and Aitana What Do You See? What How Why What Is Critical Reflection by Eirik Vassenden What choice did I make between projects What is documentation? What is dust What is populism - lecture by Jan-Werner Mueller What is “Japan” to white people? What is “Japan” to white queer? What time is it in Rotterdam? When you change the sky Where do we go from here? Investigations into Post-Internetism Where to find books While gazing through a monitor While you were sleeping WhiteSpace Whitney/Postmodernism/Libyan Civil War Whoosh Why Map? The Techno-epistemological outlook Why Radio? by Helmut Kopetsky (Berlin, Germany) Why here? Why my wiki dissapeared Why objective journalism is a misleading and dangerous Illusion by Rob Wijnberg (de Correspondent) Wickedwiki Wijbrand Stet Wiki Wiki/Bartholomaeus Traubeck, Guy Be Good / Ersions, 2012 Wiki2rem WikiStart Wiki Tutorial Wiki publishing Wiki styling & social tools Wiki to print Wiki wiki Wikipedia-Compare Wikipedia-Counter Wikipedia Image Scraping Wikiwalker: Crawling wikipedia pages for images Wikiwatch Windows WirelessNetworking With one eye on the horizon With one eye on the horizon (2011) Women.life.freedom Wood station skill Wooden Camera Woof WordFreq.cgi WordGames WordNet WordNetNavigator WordPress Word in Process Words Made Flesh: Code, Culture, Imagination Work Work adventure Workbook pad Workbook pads Workdesc:: WorkersoftheWeb Working on and with Eigensinn - Media / Art / Education Working with Git branches Workingwithtext Workshop/wamia-1 Workshop Description Workshop Federico Clavarino Workshop description World wide web Worlds Peachiest Boy in the World Wrap network traffic of almost any application with a SOCKS proxy Writing, reading, research WritingZalan Writing 1 WHAT? Writing Assignment 1 Steve Rushton Writing Assignment 2 Edwin Karels Writing Machine, March 22 Writing Machine - Group NIEK MARLON MENNO NICOLE Writing PastWork Writing Through Editing Writing Through Editing TMY Writing code Writing page Writingandresearch Writingandresearch claudio Writings Wrote a brief or lengthy reply Wrtiting, reading, research Www.idifysolutions.com X-Lib X-brew m-pub X-brew m-pub/1 XML XMLRPC XML data manipulation XPPL XPPL Documentation XPPLunch XPUB-LB Macs XPUB-LB Macs Helpdesk XPUB-LB Macs List XPUB-LB Macs helpdesk XPUB/LB Macs List XPUB2 Research Board / Martin Foucaut XPUB2 projects Trim5 2020 XPUB2 prototyping - Ål Nik documentation XPUB Archiving XPUB Curriculum XPUB Eduroam XPUB Equiment Lending XPUB Equipment XPUB Equipment List XPUB Git XPUB HUB New Nodes XPUB HUB Node: Sandbox XPUB Handbook XPUB Infrastructour XPUB Macs List XPUB Reader XPUB Sandbox XPUB Slush Fund XPUB Special Issue Archiving XPUB Special Issue website XPUB Wiki XPUB XVM Jumpuser XPUB git hooks XPUB other HUB nodes XPUB www archive Xanadu Xiaohongshu Xml Xml/1 XpathSimpleExample Xpub Xpub1 Collaboration, Conflict & Consent Xpub2020projects Xpub sites Xpub two things Xx Xx pad collecting Xx special issuing Xxx X–Lib Y.Q Hackpact Here Y.Q Project proposal Y.Q Thesis Outline YEAR 1 YEAR 1 Lotte YEAR 2 YalouAnnotation YalouScratch Yalou Groeneweg Yalou and Aitana Year2 Yet Another Collaborative Editor Yin-yang, Transdualism Yoana Buzova Yoana Buzova (grad project) Yohadbdoc You Only Live Forever Youtube-dl Youtube series Yuko Uesu Yuqing Final Proposal Yuqing selfportrait Yuzan Aims for next meeting ZB'S Thesis outline Zafer Topaloglu Zalanwed27sept Zalán Szakács/asessment Zalán Szakács/assessment Zalán Szakács/assessment 2nd Trimester ZeroPadding Zero = 0dB Zhang Yan Zhibin Zhibin's Zhibin's Final Project Proposal Zhibin's Room of Silence Zhibin's Thesis- Part one Zhibin's first Porposal draft Zhibin's page Zhibin:Text on Method Zhibin: Objective Vision:Historians track the rise and times of scientific objectivity ZhibinPage Zhibin‘s draft proposal 2 Zine-machines Zizek \ notes on texts ~brumatana Self-directed methods 17-10-18 Özalp Eröz — Trimester 1 — Trimester 2 — Trimester 3 ●三三三ヽ(`Д´)ノ ☾ Ål Nik ☾ ✳ Oracolotto ✳ Pad collection 未来主人《经》 规范与惩罚 💥 mosquitos 💥 📈 Hiccups 📉 🤧 cuteness 🖤 🤲 pockets 🤲 🦟 mosquitos 🦟