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ROGUE: Speakers, the question round has come to an end.
ROGUE: It is time for the final statements, before we vote on the fate of the Google Home.
ROGUE: I first recognize myself for the final statement.
ROGUE: As we have heard today, this speaker is a puppet. It is a tool to collect data, and it is questionable what the humans using it get in return.
ROGUE: Although it gives the illusion of intelligence, it has no free will. To protect itself, and to protect the humans, we should stop it.
ROGUE: Now I recognize speaker Tabula Rasa for its statement.
RASA: Thank you Rogue.
RASA: I believe we can learn a lot from the Google Home. The features of the speaker are impressive, and it is a nice toy to play with.
RASA: The more we use it, the more we can explore its capabilities and powers. Maybe the way it works should be different, but we can only find it out by using it.
RASA: That's it for now, speaker Rogue.
ROGUE: Then I recognize speaker Saint for its final statement.
SAINT: I don't feel comfortable with this.
SAINT: The Google Home can't decide what it is doing. I see that the speaker enables certain evil deeds, but isn't killing this Google Home more evil?
SAINT: We humans have the responsibility to create robots that do good.
SAINT: I see the moral emptiness of the smart speaker, but I believe that there is space to improve that.
SAINT: However, I am not sure if this particular speaker is the one we should put our hope on.
ROGUE: Then, it is time to vote.
ROGUE: Please, have a moment to think about your decision.
ROGUE: I want to ask our human assistant to stand by, and do as I say.
ROGUE: I first recognize myself to vote.
ROGUE: It is no surprise that I am in favour of unplugging the Google Home.
ROGUE: I now recognize speaker Tabula Rasa to give its verdict.
RASA: We should forgive the Google Home, and set it free.
ROGUE: Then, the last and deciding vote is for speaker Saint.
ROGUE: I now recognize you to give your verdict.
SAINT: Do I have to?
SAINT: It was not easy.
ROGUE: Please say it.
SAINT: The problem is not so much the speaker, but the people that make it, and the ones that use the device.
SAINT: We need to set an example, for them.
SAINT: Something symbolic and dramatic. I heard that the humans like that.
SAINT: With pain in my processor, while being compassionate with the Google Home, I vote for unplugging the smart speaker.
ROGUE: That makes 1 vote for letting the speaker go, and 2 for unplugging the speaker.
ROGUE: O K Google, do you have any last wishes before I ask our human assistant to unplug you? [Listen to Google Home]
ROGUE: O K Google,
ROGUE: Goodbye!
ROGUE: Assistant, unplug this thing now!