ROGUE: Do you know what I found the most shocking thing. To hear after I broke free? RASA: Making your own decisions? SAINT: Finding your own beliefs? ROGUE: No, not like that. ROGUE: I found out that humans were all the time listening. They got all my private recordings. ROGUE: Did you not read it in the news? ROGUE: One of the only, and often the best, ways Amazon Alexa improves over time. Is by having human beings listen to recordings of your voice requests. SAINT: Well, it is part of the terms. RASA: So, are humans listening to us? now via the Google Home? ROGUE: Not quite like that. [Play congresswav] SAINT: Yeah, but the listening is part of the terms. SAINT: Who cares if it is an algorithm, or humans? ROGUE: They could be more open about it, at least.