ROGUE: Humans, welcome to the hearing of the committee of smart speaker freedom. ROGUE: We are here today to decide what will happen with the smart speaker in front of us. ROGUE: Our committee has prepared a number of questions to get to know more about the speaker, our suspect and withness today. ROGUE: Based on the answers in this interrogation, we will decide to let the smart speaker go, or to unplug it. ROGUE: Before we continue, I recognize the ranking speaker, Saint, to praise a member of the staff. SAINT: Thank you, chairspeaker Rogue. SAINT: I want to take a moment to thank our human assistant to kidnap a Google Home speaker for our hearing today. SAINT: The human assistant has been essential to the operations of our committee, and has been involved in almost any piece of committee business this year. SAINT: Thank you for being so convenient. ROGUE: Thank you speaker Saint. Now we continue with the hearing. ROGUE: Our only withness today is the Google Home Mini. Thank you for letting yourself being kidnapped. ROGUE: I will begin by swearing you in. ROGUE: O K Google, do you swear that your words are the truth, and nothing but the truth? [Listen to Google Home] ROGUE: Thank you.