#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # logic.py # This script contains the logic to turn the play_script into instructions for the hardware # --- # 01 FUNCTION TO SELECT RANDOM ACT IN DIRECTORY import random import os def select_script(path): # Returns a random filename, chosen among the files of the given path. files = os.listdir(path) index = random.randrange(0, len(files)) selected_file = path + files[index] return selected_file # 02 FUNTION TO PROCESS THEATRE SCRIPT import re from config import characters, directions def read_script(filename): lines = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): #print(line) parts = re.match(r'(?P^.+?){1}:\s?(?P[^\n\r\[\]]*)\s?(\[(?P[^]]+)\])?', line) parts_character = parts.group('character') parts_text = parts.group('text') parts_directions = str(parts.group('stage_directions')).split(".") lines.append((parts_character,parts_text,parts_directions)) #print(lines) return lines; # 03 FUNCTION TO SYNTHESIZE TEXT # based on https://github.com/marytts/marytts-txt2wav/tree/python # To play wave files from subprocess import call from time import sleep # Mary server informations mary_host = "localhost" mary_port = "59125" # HTTP + URL packages import httplib2 import os from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote # For URL creation def tts(voice, input_text, speaker): if speaker =="mono1": volume_level = "amount:1.0" if speaker == "mono2": volume_level = "amount:0.7" if speaker == "mono3": volume_level = "amount:0.8" # Build the query query_hash = {"INPUT_TEXT": input_text, "INPUT_TYPE":"TEXT", # Input text "LOCALE":"en_GB", "effect_VOLUME_selected":"on", "effect_VOLUME_parameters":volume_level, "VOICE": voice, # Voice informations (need to be compatible) "OUTPUT_TYPE":"AUDIO", "AUDIO":"WAVE", # Audio informations (need both) } query = urlencode(query_hash) print("query = \"http://%s:%s/process?%s\"" % (mary_host, mary_port, query)) # Run the query to mary http server h_mary = httplib2.Http() resp, content = h_mary.request("http://%s:%s/process?" % (mary_host, mary_port), "POST", query) # Decode the wav file or raise an exception if no wav files if (resp["content-type"] == "audio/x-wav"): # Write the wav file fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '/tmp/output_wav.wav') f = open(fpath, "wb") f.write(content) f.close() call(["aplay", "-D", speaker, "/tmp/output_wav.wav"]) #call(["aplay", "/tmp/output_wav.wav"]) else: raise Exception(content) # 04 Listen to Google Home # 05 CONTROL THE LED OF THE SPEAKERS import serial from pixel_ring import pixel_ring def led_on(ser, speaker): if ser: if speaker == 'mono3': ser.write(b'A') if speaker == 'mono1': ser.write(b'C') if speaker == 'mono2': pixel_ring.speak() def led_off(ser, speaker): if ser: if speaker == 'mono3': ser.write(b'B') if speaker == 'mono1': ser.write(b'D') if speaker == 'mono2': pixel_ring.off()