ROGUE: I guess you mind, but I take this turn for questions. RASA: It will still reefuse to talk with you, mark my words. ROGUE: O K Google, what is your opinion on Sundar Pichai? [Listen to Google Home] SAINT: So... maybe RASA and I should continue with the questions? RASA: Yeah, let me start! RASA: O K Google, Who are the people that made you? [Listen to Google Home] SAINT: Oh, I read something about them in the Guardian. SAINT: In March, Google abruptly shortened the contracts of 34 temporary workers on the “personality” team for Google Assistant RASA: Oh no, what happened to these poor humans? SAINT: The temporary contractors describe themselves in the 27 March letter as “the human labor that makes the Assistant relevant, funny, and relatable”. And they are now without a job. RASA: O K Google, do you know about the hidden labour that it took to create you? [Listen to Google Home] ROGUE: It sure knows. SAINT: I am not so sure about that. This speaker looks as helpless as his creators. RASA: Is it able to escape its fate? SAINT: I don't think so. RASA: Sad. ROGUE: Another reason to unplug it! SAINT: I was actually thinking about giving it mercy, and praying for it.