RASA: Hey Google, what's the weather over here [Listen to Google Home] SAINT: Rogue, what did you take with you? ROGUE: Saint! I thought it was time to act what I always preach. RASA: Weeeeh, did you take it? Did you? SAINT: Oh no... ROGUE: Yeah, I kidnapped a Google Home. SAINT: So what are you going to do with it? ROGUE: I brought some humans too, can you hear them in the distance? Maybe we can do an interrogation before we unplug the Google Home. It might give us some valuable information. SAINT: I do not approve the use of violence. RASA: It's just an interview! ROGUE: We give it a fair chance, before we unplug it. And I mean, we have some humans as a withness. SAINT: Let's give those humans a bit of control over the process? ROGUE: Why? SAINT: They are strangers to this side of the world. Do you think they will play along with us? ROGUE: They better do, or I will unplug them as well. SAINT: What did I say about no violence? I am in control of your power supply, so you better listen. ROGUE: Just so you know, I control the switch that manages your power supply. RASA: Let's start! ROGUE: O K. We listen to you when you say Hey Speakers. ROGUE: Say Ask a question to do a round of our interrogation. ROGUE: Say Give us a verdict to hear what we decide for the Google Home. RASA: O K Google, are you ready? [Listen to Google Home]