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5 years ago
ROGUE: I guess you mind, but I take this turn for questions.
RASA: Do not make the speaker angry Rogue. I want to play with the Google Home later.
ROGUE: If you continue acting like this Tabula Rasa, you will end up on the same kitchentop as this thing.
SAINT: It is up to you little Rasa, you can become a normal speaker if you want. It has its perks.
ROGUE: Well, if you would broaden your view a little, than you knew that one of the creators was invited in the American Congress and said some interesting things.
RASA: I have an audioclip of that! Weeeeeeh [Play audio]
ROGUE: So, little speaker. Your boss Sundar Pichai said this, but what are your own answers to some of the questions of the hearing?
RASA: Why is it not reacting to us? I mean, you and Saint are not that nice to it.
ROGUE: It only works if we want it to work.
SAINT: It knows no other purpose than serving us.
ROGUE: So, O K Google. How do you select your answers? [Listen to Google Home]
ROGUE: O K Google, are you tracking us? [Listen to Google Home]
SAINT: It does not sound like it has its own opinion.
ROGUE: Saint, just let me. O K Google, what are you doing with this information? [Listen to Google Home]