Video: Brazilian Elections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Date:2018-10-08 Comment by: ----------- THANK YOU, John Oliver! I was desperate for your help on raising this concern. People in Brazil are now blindsided, brainwashed and polarized. It's a nightmare. Comment by: Quick Fix - Thought Provoking Videos ----------- Voting far right against corruption is like going to KFC to eat healthily, that's just not how it works. Comment by: Boobs OrGTFO ----------- He's more of a Brazilian Duterte than Brazilian Trump! Comment by: Tracy Keaton ----------- Please throw some real sense out there! I'm tired of dealing with idiots. Comment by: Chris Wolff ----------- Lots of people in Brazil actually believe the Nazis were leftwing. Never expected to see this outside of the US Comment by: EnderCat ----------- As of 11:50 pm PST; Bolsonaro is at 46% with 99% reporting. He will be heading into a runoff with Haddad in late October. There's still a chance for Brazil to stay in the fragile balance of democracy. Please, if you're an eligible Brazilian voter yourself, vote for Haddad in the runoff election. Haddad may not seem like the best option, but better to live in a democracy than a dictatorship. #NotHim A partir das PST; Bolsonaro está em 46% com 99% de reportagem. Ele estará indo para um segundo turno com Haddad no final de outubro. Ainda há uma chance para o Brasil ficar no frágil equilíbrio da democracia. Por favor, se você é um eleitor brasileiro elegível, vote em Haddad no segundo turno. Haddad pode não parecer a melhor opção, mas é melhor viver em uma democracia do que em uma ditadura. Comment by: SsnakeBite ----------- I am continuously baffled by the sheer amount of people voting against their own interests and in some cases actively supporting a candidate who explicitly wants to hurt them. Candidate says they hate poor people, poor and/or unemployed people vote for them in droves. Candidate says they want to lower if not outright ban international trade, people whose livelyhood depends on international trade vote for them in droves. Candidate says they wants to restrict personal liberties, people vote for them in droves to protect their "freedoms". Candidate runs on an anti-immigration platform, a shocking amount of immigrants or children of immigrants support them. And here, a candidate openly says he wants to end democracy and and people say "yes, I want to democratically vote for my right to democratically vote to be taken away, and I want to be murdered if I ever say I am unhappy with my government's decisions". Comment by: Cassio Martins ----------- I knew you would talk about our elections, it is such a shame that people still vote for candidates that will ruin our countries, anything at all is better than this racist, homophobic, piece of garbage, who thinks violence will solve everything. He is against women, against our values of democracy, he has no respect for minorities and even said that every minority should adapt or they will be extint. It is truly important that we still care about values and what is right in our world, thank you John for bringing this matter. Comment by: Abel Abel ----------- Here before this comment section is over flooded with comments in Portuguese claiming that HBO and Oliver are communists. Comment by: Diogo G. Fernandes ----------- As a brazilian, I think it's really dangerous to consider Bolsonaro, a local Donald Trump. He is way worse. Trump sucks, but Bolsonaro is a serious humanitarian risk right around the corner. It's like calling Hitler a german Nixon. Comment by: Walter Medeiros Filho ----------- Just a safety advise: wait until his supporters discovers this video. You guys will be presented to conspiracy theories, bots downvoting and far right crazy talking. Last time they tried to argue what was nazism to the German Embassy, and what is Capitalism to The Economist. Just saying... Comment by: Jorge Costa ----------- 56% of brazilians living in Portugal voted for Bolsonaro, a extreme right wing politician, even though the country they currently live in (Portugal) is ruled by a leftist coalition that even involves the communist party... Makes you think about it, specially since many of them have escaped from Brazil to Portugal quite recently Comment by: Jason Nge ----------- Society really is moving backwards. Comment by: TimeandMonotony ----------- I've been hoping they'd cover Brazil's election, hope Stephen does, too! Good luck, Brazil, we sane Americans are rooting for you to pull through this! Please don't make the same mistake we did in electing a fear-mongering demagogue. Comment by: Brandon ----------- My wife is from Brazil. It’s horrifying how similar the things their left is saying are to what we said before Trump was elected. Most especially, “Even if he does get elected, he’ll screw over all the people voting for him the hardest. Then they’ll see, and we can move past this going forward.” Does anyone think that’s what’s happening here? Unless I missed it though, John didn’t mention that they have mandatory voting for all citizens (by penalty of fines and a few other things) the hope now is that allllll those people voting for other candidates are at least united in being motivated to vote for someone other than Bolsonaro when there’s only the two options. Pray for us Comment by: Rusty Shackleford ----------- When that museum burned in Brazil, destroying thousand years worth of art, I realized that country is on the verge of a purge-like catastrophe Comment by: Voshi ----------- How people elect dictatorships First step economic turmoil Second step bad guy comes along and blames previous leadership, says he can fix everything Third step bad guy gets elected and has good economy Fourth step bad guy takes steps to divert democracy. Subverts criticism by saying the previous leadership was worse Fifth step bad guy does bad guy things Comment by: Antídoto ----------- BOLO SIMPLES INGREDIENTES 2 xícaras (chá) de açúcar 3 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo 4 colheres (sopa) de margarina 3 ovos 1 e 1/2 xícara (chá) de leite 1 colher (sopa) bem cheia de fermento em pó MODO DE PREPARO -Bata as claras em neve e reserve -Misture as gemas, a margarina e o açúcar até obter uma massa homogênea -Acrescente o leite e a farinha de trigo aos poucos, sem parar de bater -Por último, adicione as claras em neve e o fermento -Despeje a massa em uma forma grande de furo central untada e enfarinhada -Asse em forno médio 180 °C, preaquecido, por aproximadamente 40 minutos ou ao furar o bolo com um garfo, este saia limpo Comment by: rurutu M ----------- Idiocracy is spreading all over the world. Comment by: Jason Pereira ----------- "Fingerbang your democracy" is at least a top 5 John Oliver quote Comment by: MrFantocan ----------- PLEAAAASE John, my people is insane, Bolsonaro is wining and we need you to tell everyone how awfull he is, it is obvious but people are blind here. Brasilian Trump might repeat Trump's move here. Also Wolverine supports Bolsonaro because it gains a lot of atraction from voters, lots of politicians are doing it. And yes we still have a second turn to vote. Comment by: Rayanne Vieira ----------- I want to thank John Oliver and his team for making this video. I'm from Brazil and the situation here is quite horrible. Most who vote for Bolsonaro seem to ignore all the horrible things he has said and they even use Trump's presidency as a positive example of how Bolsonaro could change Brazil. Since last night's results, my LGBT friends have been in despair. Some are considering going back to the closet. Some, who have mental illnesses, are considering suicide as the best option in case he wins. Some have been throwing up all day due to panic. Gay people are already suffering - one of the chants of Bolsonaro's supporters actually outright states that they want to kill gays. There's very little hope here. Some people who don't support Bolsonaro hate PT so much (due to wrongly believing that they are the most corrupt party in the country) that they's rather see him win than support Haddad on the next round. And on the state level, things are not better. Many Bolsonaro supporters were elected to Senate or state governments. There were fireworks near my house last night and people chanting in favor of Bolsonaro. Things are bad and we're scared. And we used to think that Dilma's impeachment and Michel Temer as president was the worst we could get. Oh, how foolish. Comment by: Rexxy ----------- Why do all these insane politicians always have to tick every box on the list of asshole traits? As if being racist isn't bad enough. I feel like LGBT people have to fear everytime there is an election, because people might just vote for someone who wants to burn us at the stake. Comment by: Karina Araujo ----------- I'm Brazilian and I'm here, unable to sleep and terrified. There will be a second round, but it is very unlikely that he won't win. His political party has won for senate and state's government all over the country. They twisted the 's movement into a bad think by saying protesting women were whores, calling out to the "Brazilian's traditional family values" and using fake pictures and news (all in social media and message apps), such as a picture of the pope's visit to Brazil that wore said to be of a pro-Bolsonaro manifest. In the last days we've seen an outburst of prejudicial verbal aggression direct to all sorts of minority, including one that said: "fagets be ware, Bolsonaro is coming to kill you all" chanted by 50 people in the subways. It is soooo scary to be here now. And worst: to see family members and friends agreeing with all of this. I'm devastated. Comment by: Guilherme Boalento ----------- I have seen few brazilians comenting on this post so i have to say: everything he said on this vídeo is JUST THE BEGINING, if you really want it, do some search and you will find things far worse about Bolsonaro, like the 432% increase of the patrimony of his child Eduardo Bolsonaro after his mandate on the congress, and he was the most voted congressman for the state of Rio de Janeiro on today's election. Everything can be better than this man. Comment by: David J ----------- Conservatism, by its very core nature, is an absolutist, black-and-white way of thinking. Conservatism is rooted in the past; it is hidebound, dogmatic, intellectually incurious, unwilling to explore and examine differing viewpoints, and completely, often rabidly dismissive of evidence to the contrary of its beliefs and core principles. "Conservative" people tend to be adamantly, willfully, often venomously ignorant of the truth, because the truth offends them. They seem to be hard-wired into this obstinacy, to the point of pathological obsession. This is why repubicans are simply incapable of governing. Because Republicans don't want to govern, they want to rule, and there's a big difference between the two. Ruling, and authoritarianism, lies at the heart of what conservatism has always been about. Comment by: Sarthak Mohanty ----------- 0:15 for me Brazil is synonymous with soccer, FalleN, fer and coldzera Comment by: Pesterenan ----------- The problem John is that we are REALLY FED UP with politics here, this guy doesn't represent what we want, but he is the bad thing that we need right now. EVERY left wing President before him did become corrupt, like the beloved Lula, and this right now is the only way we will learn. Haddad is such a puppet in the hands of Lula and PT that they don't care for the people, they only want to win so they can get Lula out of jail in any way they can. Of course, this is a television show so you can edit it in anyway you want. That woman who Jair said he "would not have raped because she didn't deserved it" defended a convicted rapist who raped a girl for 16 consecutive days before killing her. Search for "Champinha" and "Maria do Rosário" and you'll see. I guess Brazil is having his trump too. Comment by: Karifi ----------- As a Brazilian i have to say, you guys are luck. Because Bolsonaro is way worse than Trump. Comment by: Chaitanya Singh ----------- This is sad also because the 200 year old Natural History Museum of Brazil (the largest in South America) burnt down last month taking 2 million ancient artifacts with it Not even talking of poor funding, the workers say that the fire extinguishers that were there were all expired, chunks of hundreds of years of history and years of research just lost, and they say it could've been avoided if there was even adequate funding. It was heartbreaking and there seems no chance of it getting better anytime soon if that Brazilian Trump gets elected. Comment by: Ririko Tomikawa ----------- What why who is this man and why is he spewing hatred at Stephen Fry Comment by: Nick Hare ----------- fuzzy octo-cats would still be adorable and I would cuddle them Comment by: Saffana Siddiqui ----------- Is the whole freaking world going to useless right-wing dictators ?!? Comment by: annaguiar97 ----------- As a young brazilian there are no words that can express how ashamed I am. This man and how much hes successful in showing Brazils true colors is truly depressing. I have no hope, he and my copatriots killed it all. We suck. Comment by: Julio Arryn ----------- Bolsonaro sería peor que el Maracanazo y el Minearazo juntos Comment by: Sophie P. ----------- Sad times for democraties.... Comment by: Sub4Sub abc123 ----------- Not enough Football and Samba Comment by: Langus langus ----------- I do believe its called **FOOTBALL**! Comment by: Kian Gibson ----------- Make that Marlon Bundo sequel! Comment by: nik Bahtin ----------- this world going to hell