import os for x in range(0, 256): namex = hex(x).lstrip("0x") nextx = hex(x+1).lstrip("0x") while len(namex) < 2: namex = "0" + namex while len(nextx) < 2: nextx = "0" + nextx if x is 255: nextx = "00" if not os.path.exists(namex): os.makedirs(namex) for y in range(0, 256): namey = hex(y).lstrip("0x") nexty = hex(y+1).lstrip("0x") while len(namey) < 2: namey = "0" + namey while len(nexty) < 2: nexty = "0" + nexty if y is 255: nexty = "00" if not os.path.exists(namex+"/"+namey): os.makedirs(namex+"/"+namey) for z in range(0, 256): namez = hex(z).lstrip("0x") nextz = hex(z+1).lstrip("0x") while len(namez) < 2: namez = "0" + namez while len(nextz) < 2: nextz = "0" + nextz if z is 255: nextz = "00" color = namex + namey + namez file=open(namex+"/"+namey+"/"+namez+".html","w+") if x is 255 and y is 255 and z is 255: file.write(""" the famous color route #"""+color+"""
""") elif y is 255 and z is 255: file.write(""" the famous color route #"""+color+""" """) elif z is 255: file.write(""" the famous color route #"""+color+""" """) else: file.write(""" the famous color route #"""+color+""" """) file.close() print (namex+" "+namey+" "+namez)