Soup Generator
each soup has:
A. Title [string]
B. Description [string]
C. Chef [string]
D. List of ingredients [array of strings]
- First ingredient
- Second ingredient
E. List of instructions [array of strings]
- First instruction
- Second instruction
TODO short term:
- 💻 Receive recipe as a form ?
- 🔍 Ingredients list and filter!!! (like chat reader)
- 💬 Different types of entries for the cms: recipe, diary, ecc.
- 📷 Add recipe picture ?
- 🎨 Design
TODO long term:
- 💾 Better CMS (and not just a JSON file ah ah)
- 🦥 Recipes lazy loading :P
- 📔 Web to print design
- 📃 Soup pagination
Ask to Michael: what is the best solution to add images??