from itertools import groupby from app import get_db_connection conn=get_db_connection() todos=conn.execute('SELECT, c.content, cat.category_name \ FROM cards c JOIN categories cat \ ON c.category_id = ORDER BY cat.category_name').fetchall() categories={} # for each category and group of cards for each cat in groupby() grouper object for k, g in groupby(todos, key=lambda t: t['category_name']): cards=[] # for each card get the topic it is assigned to for card in g: topics = conn.execute('SELECT, t.content FROM topics t \ JOIN topic_cards t_c \ ON = t_c.topic_id \ WHERE t_c.card_id = ?', (card['id'],)).fetchall() #convert the row into a disctionary to add topics card=dict(card) card['topics'] = topics print('card is:', card) cards.append(card) # print(categories[k]) categories[k]=list(cards) print('THE GROUP category.items() is :', categories.items()) for cat, cards in categories.items(): # ♥ .items is a build in attribute of the dictionary(?) for card in cards: topic_names = [t['content'] for t in card['topics']] print('card:', card['content']) print(' category:', cat) print(' topic:', list(topic_names)) conn.close() # ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥