diff --git a/.library/Scripts/Activate.ps1 b/.library/Scripts/Activate.ps1 index 181c1ef..d3c7964 100644 --- a/.library/Scripts/Activate.ps1 +++ b/.library/Scripts/Activate.ps1 @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ else { $Prompt = $pyvenvCfg['prompt']; } else { - Write-Verbose " Setting prompt based on parent's directory's name. (Is the directory name passed to venv module when creating the virutal environment)" + Write-Verbose " Setting prompt based on parent's directory's name. (Is the directory name passed to venv module when creating the virtual environment)" Write-Verbose " Got leaf-name of $VenvDir='$(Split-Path -Path $venvDir -Leaf)'" $Prompt = Split-Path -Path $venvDir -Leaf } @@ -247,159 +247,226 @@ Copy-Item -Path Env:PATH -Destination Env:_OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH $Env:PATH = "$VenvExecDir$([System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator)$Env:PATH" # SIG # Begin signature block -# MIIc+QYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIc6jCCHOYCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor +# MIIpiQYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIpejCCKXYCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG -# KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCB/jbdIOBl7aFn0 -# IOwX0LZ7IuNFjwXgmb5mWup4AsyxRaCCC38wggUwMIIEGKADAgECAhAECRgbX9W7 -# ZnVTQ7VvlVAIMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMGUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQK -# EwxEaWdpQ2VydCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xJDAiBgNV -# BAMTG0RpZ2lDZXJ0IEFzc3VyZWQgSUQgUm9vdCBDQTAeFw0xMzEwMjIxMjAwMDBa -# Fw0yODEwMjIxMjAwMDBaMHIxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVTMRUwEwYDVQQKEwxEaWdpQ2Vy -# dCBJbmMxGTAXBgNVBAsTEHd3dy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20xMTAvBgNVBAMTKERpZ2lD -# ZXJ0IFNIQTIgQXNzdXJlZCBJRCBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgQ0EwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3 -# DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQD407Mcfw4Rr2d3B9MLMUkZz9D7RZmxOttE9X/l -# qJ3bMtdx6nadBS63j/qSQ8Cl+YnUNxnXtqrwnIal2CWsDnkoOn7p0WfTxvspJ8fT -# eyOU5JEjlpB3gvmhhCNmElQzUHSxKCa7JGnCwlLyFGeKiUXULaGj6YgsIJWuHEqH -# CN8M9eJNYBi+qsSyrnAxZjNxPqxwoqvOf+l8y5Kh5TsxHM/q8grkV7tKtel05iv+ -# bMt+dDk2DZDv5LVOpKnqagqrhPOsZ061xPeM0SAlI+sIZD5SlsHyDxL0xY4PwaLo -# LFH3c7y9hbFig3NBggfkOItqcyDQD2RzPJ6fpjOp/RnfJZPRAgMBAAGjggHNMIIB -# yTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjATBgNVHSUEDDAK -# BggrBgEFBQcDAzB5BggrBgEFBQcBAQRtMGswJAYIKwYBBQUHMAGGGGh0dHA6Ly9v -# Y3NwLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbTBDBggrBgEFBQcwAoY3aHR0cDovL2NhY2VydHMuZGln -# aWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJlZElEUm9vdENBLmNydDCBgQYDVR0fBHow -# eDA6oDigNoY0aHR0cDovL2NybDQuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29tL0RpZ2lDZXJ0QXNzdXJl -# 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BBgwFoAUReuir/SSy4IxLVGLp6chnfNtyA8wDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgGGMHkGCCsG +# AQUFBwEBBG0wazAkBggrBgEFBQcwAYYYaHR0cDovL29jc3AuZGlnaWNlcnQuY29t +# MEMGCCsGAQUFBzAChjdodHRwOi8vY2FjZXJ0cy5kaWdpY2VydC5jb20vRGlnaUNl +# cnRBc3N1cmVkSURSb290Q0EuY3J0MEUGA1UdHwQ+MDwwOqA4oDaGNGh0dHA6Ly9j +# cmwzLmRpZ2ljZXJ0LmNvbS9EaWdpQ2VydEFzc3VyZWRJRFJvb3RDQS5jcmwwEQYD +# VR0gBAowCDAGBgRVHSAAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAA4IBAQBwoL9DXFXnOF+go3Qb +# PbYW1/e/Vwe9mqyhhyzshV6pGrsi+IcaaVQi7aSId229GhT0E0p6Ly23OO/0/4C5 +# +KH38nLeJLxSA8hO0Cre+i1Wz/n096wwepqLsl7Uz9FDRJtDIeuWcqFItJnLnU+n +# BgMTdydE1Od/6Fmo8L8vC6bp8jQ87PcDx4eo0kxAGTVGamlUsLihVo7spNU96LHc +# /RzY9HdaXFSMb++hUD38dglohJ9vytsgjTVgHAIDyyCwrFigDkBjxZgiwbJZ9VVr +# zyerbHbObyMt9H5xaiNrIv8SuFQtJ37YOtnwtoeW/VvRXKwYw02fc7cBqZ9Xql4o +# 4rmUMYIDdjCCA3ICAQEwdzBjMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEXMBUGA1UEChMORGlnaUNl +# cnQsIEluYy4xOzA5BgNVBAMTMkRpZ2lDZXJ0IFRydXN0ZWQgRzQgUlNBNDA5NiBT +# SEEyNTYgVGltZVN0YW1waW5nIENBAhAMTWlyS5T6PCpKPSkHgD1aMA0GCWCGSAFl +# AwQCAQUAoIHRMBoGCSqGSIb3DQEJAzENBgsqhkiG9w0BCRABBDAcBgkqhkiG9w0B +# CQUxDxcNMjIxMjA2MjAwNjI3WjArBgsqhkiG9w0BCRACDDEcMBowGDAWBBTzhyJN +# hjOCkjWplLy9j5bp/hx8czAvBgkqhkiG9w0BCQQxIgQgjZC+rPrPBAlmFuP+OmvD +# yh8xqQf/ReQsUWtJ8pZa3hUwNwYLKoZIhvcNAQkQAi8xKDAmMCQwIgQgx/ThvjIo +# iSCr4iY6vhrE/E/meBwtZNBMgHVXoCO1tvowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggIAAgln +# xfP1/ZMQMCTCCrVb3qm7DI8RVNeUM4QEZuxpKvqe9reisD1nem6Z1zKW+5oP7NxF +# /0u8JCTKwkpMZv8m/qcp7TQ3vwHbRqRpNNw/CFd/H0OrLnD14r3jhnNoS/XU0jZi +# U/f9vNl/4qStFMu30yKuxlsycj/At2/ohTZBSWPdv9e+XL3mLZ8HMmwRR5o9Kldg +# p/ErSHOYSqaQLx5/eBF59qtIKsw1WAQITvCW7zTII/gEuCz+myl+7aBAaPrW0mUa +# FVrWQL/Ug3PcwNB7ZK+py7q9eXmQShskSaWXYnl8qCJj4Yex6/D3BMZnDIGXamia +# sH41UoqaeJaqcPvErMyvnCC928552hFjpmEz3PFyVdS04KfjE71CmzDiSNy/jWMM +# W748v6ZnqIGUkYev8D0D4aiZBoYzi4uHuVS7NPCbTakIIbxXeT9Jw1L4xVe6tN+l +# ucDC5UVeuZ8dB2OU+oX0sjTvFRG8V1O2OBBLyNKHtCkFXgpkgFH1Ff/c/XCFgLFV +# ymSCD/LY0EBtJvNUe7EBGM7TWwSVfDNEqz2rAvMERz6F4GRq6MJ5aVfPZ6mx/7qj +# Qs3ScAftPwKYlGJWYmewG+AvHjaHB4Yv1q/19tMjTIiQ4YLk0GaHd6BanFmwpe0f +# Abhwpg6wH7UGifzI6/6kgrdXF80c98cDuAxVg2w= # SIG # End signature block diff --git a/.library/Scripts/activate b/.library/Scripts/activate index 210834e..c80b552 100644 --- a/.library/Scripts/activate +++ b/.library/Scripts/activate @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ deactivate () { # unset irrelevant variables deactivate nondestructive -VIRTUAL_ENV="C:\Users\erica\soupboat\library-db\.library" +VIRTUAL_ENV="C:\Users\erica\xpub\library-db\.library" export VIRTUAL_ENV _OLD_VIRTUAL_PATH="$PATH" diff --git a/.library/Scripts/activate.bat b/.library/Scripts/activate.bat index 8053f66..d366c3e 100644 --- a/.library/Scripts/activate.bat +++ b/.library/Scripts/activate.bat @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if defined _OLD_CODEPAGE ( "%SystemRoot%\System32\chcp.com" 65001 > nul ) -set VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\Users\erica\soupboat\library-db\.library +set VIRTUAL_ENV=C:\Users\erica\xpub\library-db\.library if not defined PROMPT set PROMPT=$P$G diff --git a/.library/Scripts/pip.exe b/.library/Scripts/pip.exe index cd9f9dc..f7ca4b1 100644 Binary files a/.library/Scripts/pip.exe and b/.library/Scripts/pip.exe differ diff --git a/.library/Scripts/pip3.10.exe b/.library/Scripts/pip3.10.exe deleted file mode 100644 index cd9f9dc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/Scripts/pip3.10.exe and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/Scripts/pip3.11.exe b/.library/Scripts/pip3.11.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7ca4b1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/Scripts/pip3.11.exe differ diff --git a/.library/Scripts/pip3.exe b/.library/Scripts/pip3.exe index cd9f9dc..f7ca4b1 100644 Binary files a/.library/Scripts/pip3.exe and b/.library/Scripts/pip3.exe differ diff --git a/.library/Scripts/python.exe b/.library/Scripts/python.exe index 42356dc..4b0ea80 100644 Binary files a/.library/Scripts/python.exe and b/.library/Scripts/python.exe differ diff --git a/.library/Scripts/pythonw.exe b/.library/Scripts/pythonw.exe index c1c2531..656e198 100644 Binary files a/.library/Scripts/pythonw.exe and b/.library/Scripts/pythonw.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py index 5f40996..f987a53 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__init__.py @@ -1,18 +1,11 @@ +# don't import any costly modules import sys import os -import re -import importlib -import warnings is_pypy = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names -warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', - r'.+ distutils\b.+ deprecated', - DeprecationWarning) - - def warn_distutils_present(): if 'distutils' not in sys.modules: return @@ -20,20 +13,29 @@ def warn_distutils_present(): # PyPy for 3.6 unconditionally imports distutils, so bypass the warning # https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/pypy/-/blob/be829135bc0d758997b3566062999ee8b23872b4/lib-python/3/site.py#L250 return + import warnings + warnings.warn( "Distutils was imported before Setuptools, but importing Setuptools " "also replaces the `distutils` module in `sys.modules`. This may lead " "to undesirable behaviors or errors. To avoid these issues, avoid " "using distutils directly, ensure that setuptools is installed in the " "traditional way (e.g. not an editable install), and/or make sure " - "that setuptools is always imported before distutils.") + "that setuptools is always imported before distutils." + ) def clear_distutils(): if 'distutils' not in sys.modules: return + import warnings + warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.") - mods = [name for name in sys.modules if re.match(r'distutils\b', name)] + mods = [ + name + for name in sys.modules + if name == "distutils" or name.startswith("distutils.") + ] for name in mods: del sys.modules[name] @@ -42,19 +44,25 @@ def enabled(): """ Allow selection of distutils by environment variable. """ - which = os.environ.get('SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS', 'stdlib') + which = os.environ.get('SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS', 'local') return which == 'local' def ensure_local_distutils(): + import importlib + clear_distutils() - distutils = importlib.import_module('setuptools._distutils') - distutils.__name__ = 'distutils' - sys.modules['distutils'] = distutils - # sanity check that submodules load as expected + # With the DistutilsMetaFinder in place, + # perform an import to cause distutils to be + # loaded from setuptools._distutils. Ref #2906. + with shim(): + importlib.import_module('distutils') + + # check that submodules load as expected core = importlib.import_module('distutils.core') assert '_distutils' in core.__file__, core.__file__ + assert 'setuptools._distutils.log' not in sys.modules def do_override(): @@ -69,9 +77,19 @@ def do_override(): ensure_local_distutils() +class _TrivialRe: + def __init__(self, *patterns): + self._patterns = patterns + + def match(self, string): + return all(pat in string for pat in self._patterns) + + class DistutilsMetaFinder: def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): - if path is not None: + # optimization: only consider top level modules and those + # found in the CPython test suite. + if path is not None and not fullname.startswith('test.'): return method_name = 'spec_for_{fullname}'.format(**locals()) @@ -79,18 +97,45 @@ class DistutilsMetaFinder: return method() def spec_for_distutils(self): + if self.is_cpython(): + return + + import importlib import importlib.abc import importlib.util - class DistutilsLoader(importlib.abc.Loader): + try: + mod = importlib.import_module('setuptools._distutils') + except Exception: + # There are a couple of cases where setuptools._distutils + # may not be present: + # - An older Setuptools without a local distutils is + # taking precedence. Ref #2957. + # - Path manipulation during sitecustomize removes + # setuptools from the path but only after the hook + # has been loaded. Ref #2980. + # In either case, fall back to stdlib behavior. + return + class DistutilsLoader(importlib.abc.Loader): def create_module(self, spec): - return importlib.import_module('setuptools._distutils') + mod.__name__ = 'distutils' + return mod def exec_module(self, module): pass - return importlib.util.spec_from_loader('distutils', DistutilsLoader()) + return importlib.util.spec_from_loader( + 'distutils', DistutilsLoader(), origin=mod.__file__ + ) + + @staticmethod + def is_cpython(): + """ + Suppress supplying distutils for CPython (build and tests). + Ref #2965 and #3007. + """ + return os.path.isfile('pybuilddir.txt') def spec_for_pip(self): """ @@ -102,22 +147,71 @@ class DistutilsMetaFinder: clear_distutils() self.spec_for_distutils = lambda: None - @staticmethod - def pip_imported_during_build(): + @classmethod + def pip_imported_during_build(cls): """ Detect if pip is being imported in a build script. Ref #2355. """ import traceback + return any( - frame.f_globals['__file__'].endswith('setup.py') - for frame, line in traceback.walk_stack(None) + cls.frame_file_is_setup(frame) for frame, line in traceback.walk_stack(None) ) + @staticmethod + def frame_file_is_setup(frame): + """ + Return True if the indicated frame suggests a setup.py file. + """ + # some frames may not have __file__ (#2940) + return frame.f_globals.get('__file__', '').endswith('setup.py') + + def spec_for_sensitive_tests(self): + """ + Ensure stdlib distutils when running select tests under CPython. + + python/cpython#91169 + """ + clear_distutils() + self.spec_for_distutils = lambda: None + + sensitive_tests = ( + [ + 'test.test_distutils', + 'test.test_peg_generator', + 'test.test_importlib', + ] + if sys.version_info < (3, 10) + else [ + 'test.test_distutils', + ] + ) + + +for name in DistutilsMetaFinder.sensitive_tests: + setattr( + DistutilsMetaFinder, + f'spec_for_{name}', + DistutilsMetaFinder.spec_for_sensitive_tests, + ) + DISTUTILS_FINDER = DistutilsMetaFinder() def add_shim(): + DISTUTILS_FINDER in sys.meta_path or insert_shim() + + +class shim: + def __enter__(self): + insert_shim() + + def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): + remove_shim() + + +def insert_shim(): sys.meta_path.insert(0, DISTUTILS_FINDER) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4c14852..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08ec848 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5dfe429..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6938f15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/_distutils_hack/__pycache__/override.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b5dd9c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94c05f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_winconsole.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_winconsole.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65abe4b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/_winconsole.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..572b8e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/decorators.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/decorators.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09462a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/decorators.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b25319d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/formatting.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/formatting.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7467cc0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/formatting.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d0ea32 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15260c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/termui.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/termui.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0acd48c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/termui.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/types.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/types.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab5f2c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/types.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43ebb03 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/click/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd0ad2d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansi.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansi.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06af32a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansi.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d34968 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/initialise.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/initialise.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a938d03 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/initialise.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/win32.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/win32.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe6b5e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/win32.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..adcd0ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/distutils-precedence.pth b/.library/lib/site-packages/distutils-precedence.pth index 6de4198..7f009fe 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/distutils-precedence.pth +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/distutils-precedence.pth @@ -1 +1 @@ -import os; var = 'SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS'; enabled = os.environ.get(var, 'stdlib') == 'local'; enabled and __import__('_distutils_hack').add_shim(); +import os; var = 'SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS'; enabled = os.environ.get(var, 'local') == 'local'; enabled and __import__('_distutils_hack').add_shim(); diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a02d202 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/app.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/app.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df43db3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/app.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/blueprints.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/blueprints.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c709e3e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/blueprints.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/cli.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/cli.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd9da64 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/cli.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a46d9e1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/ctx.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/ctx.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e4dbf4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/ctx.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbfc09c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/globals.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a03858f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dd73d45 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/scaffold.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/scaffold.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c389a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/scaffold.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2679e86 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/signals.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/signals.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a24798f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/signals.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/templating.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/templating.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80e270b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/templating.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/typing.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/typing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..607a3f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/typing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a195cff Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91b2104 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4147da Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/tag.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/tag.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48b3db0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/flask/json/__pycache__/tag.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..30c7c9c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfed5f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2218b08 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41455f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/exc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf083f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/serializer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/signer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/signer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d427d1a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/signer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/timed.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/timed.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8684cf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/timed.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/url_safe.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/url_safe.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..235c243 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/itsdangerous/__pycache__/url_safe.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..340a067 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/_identifier.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/_identifier.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e574c00 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/_identifier.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/async_utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/async_utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a19f306 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/async_utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/bccache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/bccache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fba4c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/bccache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87de0ac Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/compiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1086473 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/defaults.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/defaults.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7f754d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/defaults.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/environment.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/environment.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8118f58 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/environment.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3d147c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/filters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/filters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ac3309 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/filters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/idtracking.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/idtracking.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b20610f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/idtracking.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40a48db Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/loaders.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/loaders.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca36958 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/loaders.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/nodes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/nodes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b1d39d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/nodes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/optimizer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/optimizer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93f7f23 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/optimizer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc 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index 0000000..edc46ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/visitor.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/visitor.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d6ef46 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/jinja2/__pycache__/visitor.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/markupsafe/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/markupsafe/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcb8735 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/markupsafe/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/markupsafe/__pycache__/_native.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/markupsafe/__pycache__/_native.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8aa48d2 Binary files /dev/null and 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Python -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy -Requires-Python: >=3.7 -License-File: LICENSE.txt - -pip - The Python Package Installer -================================== - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pip.svg - :target: https://pypi.org/project/pip/ - -.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/pip/badge/?version=latest - :target: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest - -pip is the `package installer`_ for Python. You can use pip to install packages from the `Python Package Index`_ and other indexes. - -Please take a look at our documentation for how to install and use pip: - -* `Installation`_ -* `Usage`_ - -We release updates regularly, with a new version every 3 months. Find more details in our documentation: - -* `Release notes`_ -* `Release process`_ - -In pip 20.3, we've `made a big improvement to the heart of pip`_; `learn more`_. We want your input, so `sign up for our user experience research studies`_ to help us do it right. - -**Note**: pip 21.0, in January 2021, removed Python 2 support, per pip's `Python 2 support policy`_. Please migrate to Python 3. - -If you find bugs, need help, or want to talk to the developers, please use our mailing lists or chat rooms: - -* `Issue tracking`_ -* `Discourse channel`_ -* `User IRC`_ - -If you want to get involved head over to GitHub to get the source code, look at our development documentation and feel free to jump on the developer mailing lists and chat rooms: - -* `GitHub page`_ -* `Development documentation`_ -* `Development mailing list`_ -* `Development IRC`_ - -Code of Conduct ---------------- - -Everyone interacting in the pip project's codebases, issue trackers, chat -rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the `PSF Code of Conduct`_. - -.. _package installer: https://packaging.python.org/guides/tool-recommendations/ -.. _Python Package Index: https://pypi.org -.. _Installation: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/ -.. _Usage: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ -.. _Release notes: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/news.html -.. _Release process: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/release-process/ -.. _GitHub page: https://github.com/pypa/pip -.. _Development documentation: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development -.. _made a big improvement to the heart of pip: https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/11/pip-20-3-new-resolver.html -.. _learn more: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user_guide/#changes-to-the-pip-dependency-resolver-in-20-3-2020 -.. _sign up for our user experience research studies: https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/03/new-pip-resolver-to-roll-out-this-year.html -.. _Python 2 support policy: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/release-process/#python-2-support -.. _Issue tracking: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues -.. _Discourse channel: https://discuss.python.org/c/packaging -.. _Development mailing list: https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/ -.. _User IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/#ircs://irc.libera.chat:+6697/pypa -.. _Development IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/#ircs://irc.libera.chat:+6697/pypa-dev -.. _PSF Code of Conduct: https://github.com/pypa/.github/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/RECORD b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/RECORD deleted file mode 100644 index 4cfc74e..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/RECORD +++ /dev/null @@ -1,992 +0,0 @@ -../../Scripts/pip.exe,sha256=X-q6GFLr_FJVa8lrVJAjO0SnSrZeaU_vkKR6Bu2ulEU,107909 -../../Scripts/pip3.10.exe,sha256=X-q6GFLr_FJVa8lrVJAjO0SnSrZeaU_vkKR6Bu2ulEU,107909 -../../Scripts/pip3.exe,sha256=X-q6GFLr_FJVa8lrVJAjO0SnSrZeaU_vkKR6Bu2ulEU,107909 -pip-22.2.2.dist-info/INSTALLER,sha256=zuuue4knoyJ-UwPPXg8fezS7VCrXJQrAP7zeNuwvFQg,4 -pip-22.2.2.dist-info/LICENSE.txt,sha256=Y0MApmnUmurmWxLGxIySTFGkzfPR_whtw0VtyLyqIQQ,1093 -pip-22.2.2.dist-info/METADATA,sha256=1THNkoBHocZtVQ8SixJH12wuSXHJIQb4Vu7RzzEjfKQ,4197 -pip-22.2.2.dist-info/RECORD,, 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https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/release-process/ +.. _GitHub page: https://github.com/pypa/pip +.. _Development documentation: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development +.. _made a big improvement to the heart of pip: https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/11/pip-20-3-new-resolver.html +.. _learn more: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user_guide/#changes-to-the-pip-dependency-resolver-in-20-3-2020 +.. _sign up for our user experience research studies: https://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/03/new-pip-resolver-to-roll-out-this-year.html +.. _Python 2 support policy: https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/release-process/#python-2-support +.. _Issue tracking: https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues +.. _Discourse channel: https://discuss.python.org/c/packaging +.. _User IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/#ircs://irc.libera.chat:+6697/pypa +.. _Development IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/#ircs://irc.libera.chat:+6697/pypa-dev +.. _PSF Code of Conduct: 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+pip/_vendor/urllib3/filepost.py,sha256=5b_qqgRHVlL7uLtdAYBzBh-GHmU5AfJVt_2N0XS3PeY,2440 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__init__.py,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__init__.py,sha256=47DEQpj8HBSa-_TImW-5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU,0 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/makefile.py,sha256=nbzt3i0agPVP07jqqgjhaYjMmuAi_W5E0EywZivVO8E,1417 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/six.py,sha256=b9LM0wBXv7E7SrbCjAm4wwN-hrH-iNxv18LgWNMMKPo,34665 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/poolmanager.py,sha256=0KOOJECoeLYVjUHvv-0h4Oq3FFQQ2yb-Fnjkbj8gJO0,19786 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/request.py,sha256=ZFSIqX0C6WizixecChZ3_okyu7BEv0lZu1VT0s6h4SM,5985 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py,sha256=p3VBYPhwBca77wCZfmoXvEDVVC3SdF7yxQ6TXuxy1BI,30109 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__init__.py,sha256=JEmSmmqqLyaw8P51gUImZh8Gwg9i1zSe-DoqAitn2nc,1155 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/connection.py,sha256=5Lx2B1PW29KxBn2T0xkN1CBgRBa3gGVJBKoQoRogEVk,4901 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/proxy.py,sha256=zUvPPCJrp6dOF0N4GAVbOcl6o-4uXKSrGiTkkr5vUS4,1605 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/queue.py,sha256=nRgX8_eX-_VkvxoX096QWoz8Ps0QHUAExILCY_7PncM,498 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/request.py,sha256=C0OUt2tcU6LRiQJ7YYNP9GvPrSvl7ziIBekQ-5nlBZk,3997 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/response.py,sha256=GJpg3Egi9qaJXRwBh5wv-MNuRWan5BIu40oReoxWP28,3510 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/retry.py,sha256=iESg2PvViNdXBRY4MpL4h0kqwOOkHkxmLn1kkhFHPU8,22001 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_.py,sha256=X4-AqW91aYPhPx6-xbf66yHFQKbqqfC_5Zt4WkLX1Hc,17177 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssl_match_hostname.py,sha256=Ir4cZVEjmAk8gUAIHWSi7wtOO83UCYABY2xFD1Ql_WA,5758 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/ssltransport.py,sha256=NA-u5rMTrDFDFC8QzRKUEKMG0561hOD4qBTr3Z4pv6E,6895 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/timeout.py,sha256=QSbBUNOB9yh6AnDn61SrLQ0hg5oz0I9-uXEG91AJuIg,10003 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/url.py,sha256=49HwObaTUUjqVe4qvSUvIjZyf3ghgNA6-OLm3kmkFKM,14287 +pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/wait.py,sha256=fOX0_faozG2P7iVojQoE1mbydweNyTcm-hXEfFrTtLI,5403 +pip/_vendor/vendor.txt,sha256=07gLL_CcEHdl1XM0g4PH2L4gsTTMlJr8WWIC11yEyMo,469 +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__init__.py,sha256=qOBJIuPy_4ByYH6W_bNgJF-qYQ2DoU-dKsDu5yRWCXg,10579 +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-311.pyc,, +pip/_vendor/webencodings/labels.py,sha256=4AO_KxTddqGtrL9ns7kAPjb0CcN6xsCIxbK37HY9r3E,8979 +pip/_vendor/webencodings/mklabels.py,sha256=GYIeywnpaLnP0GSic8LFWgd0UVvO_l1Nc6YoF-87R_4,1305 +pip/_vendor/webencodings/tests.py,sha256=OtGLyjhNY1fvkW1GvLJ_FV9ZoqC9Anyjr7q3kxTbzNs,6563 +pip/_vendor/webencodings/x_user_defined.py,sha256=yOqWSdmpytGfUgh_Z6JYgDNhoc-BAHyyeeT15Fr42tM,4307 +pip/py.typed,sha256=EBVvvPRTn_eIpz5e5QztSCdrMX7Qwd7VP93RSoIlZ2I,286 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/REQUESTED b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/REQUESTED similarity index 100% rename from .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/REQUESTED rename to .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/REQUESTED diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/WHEEL b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/WHEEL similarity index 100% rename from .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/WHEEL rename to .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/WHEEL diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5367846 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/entry_points.txt @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +[console_scripts] +pip = pip._internal.cli.main:main +pip3 = pip._internal.cli.main:main +pip3.10 = pip._internal.cli.main:main diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/top_level.txt b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/top_level.txt similarity index 100% rename from .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.2.2.dist-info/top_level.txt rename to .library/lib/site-packages/pip-22.3.1.dist-info/top_level.txt diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__init__.py index 3d4b45a..5563b5d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__init__.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ from typing import List, Optional -__version__ = "22.2.2" +__version__ = "22.3.1" def main(args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> int: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pip-runner__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pip-runner__.py index 14026c0..49a148a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pip-runner__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pip-runner__.py @@ -4,24 +4,38 @@ This file is named as it is, to ensure that this module can't be imported via an import statement. """ -import runpy +# /!\ This version compatibility check section must be Python 2 compatible. /!\ + import sys -import types -from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec, PathFinder -from os.path import dirname -from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union + +# Copied from setup.py +PYTHON_REQUIRES = (3, 7) + + +def version_str(version): # type: ignore + return ".".join(str(v) for v in version) + + +if sys.version_info[:2] < PYTHON_REQUIRES: + raise SystemExit( + "This version of pip does not support python {} (requires >={}).".format( + version_str(sys.version_info[:2]), version_str(PYTHON_REQUIRES) + ) + ) + +# From here on, we can use Python 3 features, but the syntax must remain +# Python 2 compatible. + +import runpy # noqa: E402 +from importlib.machinery import PathFinder # noqa: E402 +from os.path import dirname # noqa: E402 PIP_SOURCES_ROOT = dirname(dirname(__file__)) class PipImportRedirectingFinder: @classmethod - def find_spec( - self, - fullname: str, - path: Optional[Sequence[Union[bytes, str]]] = None, - target: Optional[types.ModuleType] = None, - ) -> Optional[ModuleSpec]: + def find_spec(self, fullname, path=None, target=None): # type: ignore if fullname != "pip": return None diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c39d766..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f292747 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 23cf700..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa5c438 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 35ece35..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27e2013 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/__pycache__/__pip-runner__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 48b0318..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e52418c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6a4a842..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51cb25d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/build_env.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 135f6de..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27c9e27 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aa7b737..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb48d67 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 91bdfd5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cd0bf6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 065acd1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..862805b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bbfd6e9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dae550d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/pyproject.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b3029e3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3229625 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/self_outdated_check.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b3c7a6a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5e8d36 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/__pycache__/wheel_builder.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/build_env.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/build_env.py index 6d4f6a5..cc2b38b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/build_env.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/build_env.py @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import logging import os import pathlib +import site import sys import textwrap from collections import OrderedDict @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ class _Prefix: self.lib_dirs = get_prefixed_libs(path) -def _get_runnable_pip() -> str: +def get_runnable_pip() -> str: """Get a file to pass to a Python executable, to run the currently-running pip. This is used to run a pip subprocess, for installing requirements into the build @@ -55,6 +56,26 @@ def _get_runnable_pip() -> str: return os.fsdecode(source / "__pip-runner__.py") +def _get_system_sitepackages() -> Set[str]: + """Get system site packages + + Usually from site.getsitepackages, + but fallback on `get_purelib()/get_platlib()` if unavailable + (e.g. in a virtualenv created by virtualenv<20) + + Returns normalized set of strings. + """ + if hasattr(site, "getsitepackages"): + system_sites = site.getsitepackages() + else: + # virtualenv < 20 overwrites site.py without getsitepackages + # fallback on get_purelib/get_platlib. + # this is known to miss things, but shouldn't in the cases + # where getsitepackages() has been removed (inside a virtualenv) + system_sites = [get_purelib(), get_platlib()] + return {os.path.normcase(path) for path in system_sites} + + class BuildEnvironment: """Creates and manages an isolated environment to install build deps""" @@ -75,9 +96,8 @@ class BuildEnvironment: # Customize site to: # - ensure .pth files are honored # - prevent access to system site packages - system_sites = { - os.path.normcase(site) for site in (get_purelib(), get_platlib()) - } + system_sites = _get_system_sitepackages() + self._site_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir.path, "site") if not os.path.exists(self._site_dir): os.mkdir(self._site_dir) @@ -194,7 +214,7 @@ class BuildEnvironment: if not requirements: return self._install_requirements( - _get_runnable_pip(), + get_runnable_pip(), finder, requirements, prefix, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cache.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cache.py index e51edd5..c53b7f0 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cache.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cache.py @@ -221,7 +221,11 @@ class WheelCache(Cache): when a certain link is not found in the simple wheel cache first. """ - def __init__(self, cache_dir: str, format_control: FormatControl) -> None: + def __init__( + self, cache_dir: str, format_control: Optional[FormatControl] = None + ) -> None: + if format_control is None: + format_control = FormatControl() super().__init__(cache_dir, format_control, {"binary"}) self._wheel_cache = SimpleWheelCache(cache_dir, format_control) self._ephem_cache = EphemWheelCache(format_control) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fbfd65e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ad98e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a4fba4f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1df1c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/autocompletion.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7f7e10a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c13c806 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/base_command.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ad90886..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..421bbbd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/cmdoptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 59ebbef..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3236c34 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/command_context.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0c2f878..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca3c276 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8c05d34..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c27652 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/main_parser.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5749045..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14fa3de Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/parser.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e269d05..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43e446b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/progress_bars.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5f2f10d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5baa048 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/req_command.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d839c39..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da82d3a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/spinners.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 52f20a8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..757c7d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py index 0774f26..5bd7e67 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py @@ -151,13 +151,6 @@ class Command(CommandContextMixIn): ) options.cache_dir = None - if "2020-resolver" in options.features_enabled: - logger.warning( - "--use-feature=2020-resolver no longer has any effect, " - "since it is now the default dependency resolver in pip. " - "This will become an error in pip 21.0." - ) - def intercepts_unhandled_exc( run_func: Callable[..., int] ) -> Callable[..., int]: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py index 47ed927..b4e2560 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/cmdoptions.py @@ -59,31 +59,6 @@ def make_option_group(group: Dict[str, Any], parser: ConfigOptionParser) -> Opti return option_group -def check_install_build_global( - options: Values, check_options: Optional[Values] = None -) -> None: - """Disable wheels if per-setup.py call options are set. - - :param options: The OptionParser options to update. - :param check_options: The options to check, if not supplied defaults to - options. - """ - if check_options is None: - check_options = options - - def getname(n: str) -> Optional[Any]: - return getattr(check_options, n, None) - - names = ["build_options", "global_options", "install_options"] - if any(map(getname, names)): - control = options.format_control - control.disallow_binaries() - logger.warning( - "Disabling all use of wheels due to the use of --build-option " - "/ --global-option / --install-option.", - ) - - def check_dist_restriction(options: Values, check_target: bool = False) -> None: """Function for determining if custom platform options are allowed. @@ -189,6 +164,13 @@ require_virtualenv: Callable[..., Option] = partial( ), ) +python: Callable[..., Option] = partial( + Option, + "--python", + dest="python", + help="Run pip with the specified Python interpreter.", +) + verbose: Callable[..., Option] = partial( Option, "-v", @@ -1000,7 +982,11 @@ use_new_feature: Callable[..., Option] = partial( metavar="feature", action="append", default=[], - choices=["2020-resolver", "fast-deps", "truststore"], + choices=[ + "fast-deps", + "truststore", + "no-binary-enable-wheel-cache", + ], help="Enable new functionality, that may be backward incompatible.", ) @@ -1029,6 +1015,7 @@ general_group: Dict[str, Any] = { debug_mode, isolated_mode, require_virtualenv, + python, verbose, version, quiet, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/main_parser.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/main_parser.py index 3666ab0..5ade356 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/main_parser.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/main_parser.py @@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ """ import os +import subprocess import sys -from typing import List, Tuple +from typing import List, Optional, Tuple +from pip._internal.build_env import get_runnable_pip from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.parser import ConfigOptionParser, UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict, get_similar_commands @@ -45,6 +47,25 @@ def create_main_parser() -> ConfigOptionParser: return parser +def identify_python_interpreter(python: str) -> Optional[str]: + # If the named file exists, use it. + # If it's a directory, assume it's a virtual environment and + # look for the environment's Python executable. + if os.path.exists(python): + if os.path.isdir(python): + # bin/python for Unix, Scripts/python.exe for Windows + # Try both in case of odd cases like cygwin. + for exe in ("bin/python", "Scripts/python.exe"): + py = os.path.join(python, exe) + if os.path.exists(py): + return py + else: + return python + + # Could not find the interpreter specified + return None + + def parse_command(args: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: parser = create_main_parser() @@ -57,6 +78,32 @@ def parse_command(args: List[str]) -> Tuple[str, List[str]]: # args_else: ['install', '--user', 'INITools'] general_options, args_else = parser.parse_args(args) + # --python + if general_options.python and "_PIP_RUNNING_IN_SUBPROCESS" not in os.environ: + # Re-invoke pip using the specified Python interpreter + interpreter = identify_python_interpreter(general_options.python) + if interpreter is None: + raise CommandError( + f"Could not locate Python interpreter {general_options.python}" + ) + + pip_cmd = [ + interpreter, + get_runnable_pip(), + ] + pip_cmd.extend(args) + + # Set a flag so the child doesn't re-invoke itself, causing + # an infinite loop. + os.environ["_PIP_RUNNING_IN_SUBPROCESS"] = "1" + returncode = 0 + try: + proc = subprocess.run(pip_cmd) + returncode = proc.returncode + except (subprocess.SubprocessError, OSError) as exc: + raise CommandError(f"Failed to run pip under {interpreter}: {exc}") + sys.exit(returncode) + # --version if general_options.version: sys.stdout.write(parser.version) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/spinners.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/spinners.py index a50e6ad..cf2b976 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/spinners.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/cli/spinners.py @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import itertools import logging import sys import time -from typing import IO, Generator +from typing import IO, Generator, Optional from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS from pip._internal.utils.logging import get_indentation @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class InteractiveSpinner(SpinnerInterface): def __init__( self, message: str, - file: IO[str] = None, + file: Optional[IO[str]] = None, spin_chars: str = "-\\|/", # Empirically, 8 updates/second looks nice min_update_interval_seconds: float = 0.125, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 146ab80..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ca9c95 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 02224f1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4e042e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ed09267..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da88f2d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6826771..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2940590 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/completion.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 50ac3b9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f45b2d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/configuration.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 358f8d3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c7eab2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e754a07..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfe98c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a9de072..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90c8469 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b5bb9c6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60fd134 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/hash.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8e432c3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..485caee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c3c5e0f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f01afc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 98bd7f8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d379226 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/inspect.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 17d6ac7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcf7375 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 18c6129..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bec0c75 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/list.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d40b2b1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45c26cc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/search.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5e16028..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59246b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/show.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cee3388..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca1bd5e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/uninstall.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 726be1f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d059464 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/configuration.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/configuration.py index e383732..84b134e 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/configuration.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/configuration.py @@ -228,9 +228,15 @@ class ConfigurationCommand(Command): fname = self.configuration.get_file_to_edit() if fname is None: raise PipError("Could not determine appropriate file.") + elif '"' in fname: + # This shouldn't happen, unless we see a username like that. + # If that happens, we'd appreciate a pull request fixing this. + raise PipError( + f'Can not open an editor for a file name containing "\n{fname}' + ) try: - subprocess.check_call([editor, fname]) + subprocess.check_call(f'{editor} "{fname}"', shell=True) except FileNotFoundError as e: if not e.filename: e.filename = editor diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/download.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/download.py index 26a5080..4132e08 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/download.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/download.py @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ from pip._internal.cli.cmdoptions import make_target_python from pip._internal.cli.req_command import RequirementCommand, with_cleanup from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import SUCCESS from pip._internal.operations.build.build_tracker import get_build_tracker +from pip._internal.req.req_install import ( + LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode, + check_legacy_setup_py_options, +) from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, normalize_path, write_output from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory @@ -105,6 +109,9 @@ class DownloadCommand(RequirementCommand): ) reqs = self.get_requirements(args, options, finder, session) + check_legacy_setup_py_options( + options, reqs, LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode.DOWNLOAD + ) preparer = self.make_requirement_preparer( temp_build_dir=directory, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/install.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/install.py index 2990764..e081c27 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/install.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/install.py @@ -27,8 +27,16 @@ from pip._internal.models.installation_report import InstallationReport from pip._internal.operations.build.build_tracker import get_build_tracker from pip._internal.operations.check import ConflictDetails, check_install_conflicts from pip._internal.req import install_given_reqs -from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement +from pip._internal.req.req_install import ( + InstallRequirement, + LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode, + check_legacy_setup_py_options, +) from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS +from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import ( + LegacyInstallReasonFailedBdistWheel, + deprecated, +) from pip._internal.utils.distutils_args import parse_distutils_args from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import test_writable_dir from pip._internal.utils.logging import getLogger @@ -44,7 +52,7 @@ from pip._internal.utils.virtualenv import ( virtualenv_no_global, ) from pip._internal.wheel_builder import ( - BinaryAllowedPredicate, + BdistWheelAllowedPredicate, build, should_build_for_install_command, ) @@ -52,7 +60,9 @@ from pip._internal.wheel_builder import ( logger = getLogger(__name__) -def get_check_binary_allowed(format_control: FormatControl) -> BinaryAllowedPredicate: +def get_check_bdist_wheel_allowed( + format_control: FormatControl, +) -> BdistWheelAllowedPredicate: def check_binary_allowed(req: InstallRequirement) -> bool: canonical_name = canonicalize_name(req.name or "") allowed_formats = format_control.get_allowed_formats(canonical_name) @@ -263,7 +273,9 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): "the provided requirements. " "Can be used in combination with --dry-run and --ignore-installed " "to 'resolve' the requirements. " - "When - is used as file name it writes to stdout." + "When - is used as file name it writes to stdout. " + "When writing to stdout, please combine with the --quiet option " + "to avoid mixing pip logging output with JSON output." ), ) @@ -272,7 +284,6 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): if options.use_user_site and options.target_dir is not None: raise CommandError("Can not combine '--user' and '--target'") - cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options) upgrade_strategy = "to-satisfy-only" if options.upgrade: upgrade_strategy = options.upgrade_strategy @@ -321,8 +332,6 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): target_python=target_python, ignore_requires_python=options.ignore_requires_python, ) - wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, options.format_control) - build_tracker = self.enter_context(get_build_tracker()) directory = TempDirectory( @@ -333,6 +342,28 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): try: reqs = self.get_requirements(args, options, finder, session) + check_legacy_setup_py_options( + options, reqs, LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode.INSTALL + ) + + if "no-binary-enable-wheel-cache" in options.features_enabled: + # TODO: remove format_control from WheelCache when the deprecation cycle + # is over + wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir) + else: + if options.format_control.no_binary: + deprecated( + reason=( + "--no-binary currently disables reading from " + "the cache of locally built wheels. In the future " + "--no-binary will not influence the wheel cache." + ), + replacement="to use the --no-cache-dir option", + feature_flag="no-binary-enable-wheel-cache", + issue=11453, + gone_in="23.1", + ) + wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, options.format_control) # Only when installing is it permitted to use PEP 660. # In other circumstances (pip wheel, pip download) we generate @@ -406,12 +437,14 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): modifying_pip = pip_req.satisfied_by is None protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows(modifying_pip=modifying_pip) - check_binary_allowed = get_check_binary_allowed(finder.format_control) + check_bdist_wheel_allowed = get_check_bdist_wheel_allowed( + finder.format_control + ) reqs_to_build = [ r for r in requirement_set.requirements.values() - if should_build_for_install_command(r, check_binary_allowed) + if should_build_for_install_command(r, check_bdist_wheel_allowed) ] _, build_failures = build( @@ -419,7 +452,7 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): wheel_cache=wheel_cache, verify=True, build_options=[], - global_options=[], + global_options=global_options, ) # If we're using PEP 517, we cannot do a legacy setup.py install @@ -440,7 +473,7 @@ class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): # those. for r in build_failures: if not r.use_pep517: - r.legacy_install_reason = 8368 + r.legacy_install_reason = LegacyInstallReasonFailedBdistWheel to_install = resolver.get_installation_order(requirement_set) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/list.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/list.py index a9b08a0..8e1426d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/list.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/list.py @@ -155,6 +155,11 @@ class ListCommand(IndexGroupCommand): if options.outdated and options.uptodate: raise CommandError("Options --outdated and --uptodate cannot be combined.") + if options.outdated and options.list_format == "freeze": + raise CommandError( + "List format 'freeze' can not be used with the --outdated option." + ) + cmdoptions.check_list_path_option(options) skip = set(stdlib_pkgs) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/wheel.py index 9dd6c82..1afbd56 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/wheel.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/wheel.py @@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ from pip._internal.cli.req_command import RequirementCommand, with_cleanup from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import SUCCESS from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError from pip._internal.operations.build.build_tracker import get_build_tracker -from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement +from pip._internal.req.req_install import ( + InstallRequirement, + LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode, + check_legacy_setup_py_options, +) +from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, normalize_path from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.wheel_builder import build, should_build_for_wheel_command @@ -100,8 +105,6 @@ class WheelCommand(RequirementCommand): @with_cleanup def run(self, options: Values, args: List[str]) -> int: - cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options) - session = self.get_default_session(options) finder = self._build_package_finder(options, session) @@ -119,6 +122,28 @@ class WheelCommand(RequirementCommand): ) reqs = self.get_requirements(args, options, finder, session) + check_legacy_setup_py_options( + options, reqs, LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode.WHEEL + ) + + if "no-binary-enable-wheel-cache" in options.features_enabled: + # TODO: remove format_control from WheelCache when the deprecation cycle + # is over + wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir) + else: + if options.format_control.no_binary: + deprecated( + reason=( + "--no-binary currently disables reading from " + "the cache of locally built wheels. In the future " + "--no-binary will not influence the wheel cache." + ), + replacement="to use the --no-cache-dir option", + feature_flag="no-binary-enable-wheel-cache", + issue=11453, + gone_in="23.1", + ) + wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, options.format_control) preparer = self.make_requirement_preparer( temp_build_dir=directory, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bdb1519..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..399035d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b1d4ea9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f7e37d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2eab2a0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68ad55 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/installed.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cb8fe15..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2be17b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bfe6ab3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7d60e2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/distributions/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/exceptions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/exceptions.py index 97b9612..2ab1f59 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/exceptions.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/exceptions.py @@ -288,7 +288,10 @@ class NetworkConnectionError(PipError): """HTTP connection error""" def __init__( - self, error_msg: str, response: Response = None, request: Request = None + self, + error_msg: str, + response: Optional[Response] = None, + request: Optional[Request] = None, ) -> None: """ Initialize NetworkConnectionError with `request` and `response` @@ -332,8 +335,8 @@ class MetadataInconsistent(InstallationError): """Built metadata contains inconsistent information. This is raised when the metadata contains values (e.g. name and version) - that do not match the information previously obtained from sdist filename - or user-supplied ``#egg=`` value. + that do not match the information previously obtained from sdist filename, + user-supplied ``#egg=`` value, or an install requirement name. """ def __init__( @@ -345,11 +348,10 @@ class MetadataInconsistent(InstallationError): self.m_val = m_val def __str__(self) -> str: - template = ( - "Requested {} has inconsistent {}: " - "filename has {!r}, but metadata has {!r}" + return ( + f"Requested {self.ireq} has inconsistent {self.field}: " + f"expected {self.f_val!r}, but metadata has {self.m_val!r}" ) - return template.format(self.ireq, self.field, self.f_val, self.m_val) class LegacyInstallFailure(DiagnosticPipError): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c985e4b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..973ccec Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b8de4dc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98b6a19 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/collector.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f1c4fc5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1792f8d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/package_finder.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a258d3f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7b354d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/__pycache__/sources.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/collector.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/collector.py index bc41737..0120610 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/collector.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/index/collector.py @@ -9,10 +9,8 @@ import itertools import json import logging import os -import re import urllib.parse import urllib.request -import xml.etree.ElementTree from html.parser import HTMLParser from optparse import Values from typing import ( @@ -39,7 +37,7 @@ from pip._internal.models.search_scope import SearchScope from pip._internal.network.session import PipSession from pip._internal.network.utils import raise_for_status from pip._internal.utils.filetypes import is_archive_file -from pip._internal.utils.misc import pairwise, redact_auth_from_url +from pip._internal.utils.misc import redact_auth_from_url from pip._internal.vcs import vcs from .sources import CandidatesFromPage, LinkSource, build_source @@ -51,7 +49,6 @@ else: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) -HTMLElement = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element ResponseHeaders = MutableMapping[str, str] @@ -191,94 +188,6 @@ def _get_encoding_from_headers(headers: ResponseHeaders) -> Optional[str]: return None -def _clean_url_path_part(part: str) -> str: - """ - Clean a "part" of a URL path (i.e. after splitting on "@" characters). - """ - # We unquote prior to quoting to make sure nothing is double quoted. - return urllib.parse.quote(urllib.parse.unquote(part)) - - -def _clean_file_url_path(part: str) -> str: - """ - Clean the first part of a URL path that corresponds to a local - filesystem path (i.e. the first part after splitting on "@" characters). - """ - # We unquote prior to quoting to make sure nothing is double quoted. - # Also, on Windows the path part might contain a drive letter which - # should not be quoted. On Linux where drive letters do not - # exist, the colon should be quoted. We rely on urllib.request - # to do the right thing here. - return urllib.request.pathname2url(urllib.request.url2pathname(part)) - - -# percent-encoded: / -_reserved_chars_re = re.compile("(@|%2F)", re.IGNORECASE) - - -def _clean_url_path(path: str, is_local_path: bool) -> str: - """ - Clean the path portion of a URL. - """ - if is_local_path: - clean_func = _clean_file_url_path - else: - clean_func = _clean_url_path_part - - # Split on the reserved characters prior to cleaning so that - # revision strings in VCS URLs are properly preserved. - parts = _reserved_chars_re.split(path) - - cleaned_parts = [] - for to_clean, reserved in pairwise(itertools.chain(parts, [""])): - cleaned_parts.append(clean_func(to_clean)) - # Normalize %xx escapes (e.g. %2f -> %2F) - cleaned_parts.append(reserved.upper()) - - return "".join(cleaned_parts) - - -def _clean_link(url: str) -> str: - """ - Make sure a link is fully quoted. - For example, if ' ' occurs in the URL, it will be replaced with "%20", - and without double-quoting other characters. - """ - # Split the URL into parts according to the general structure - # `scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment`. - result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) - # If the netloc is empty, then the URL refers to a local filesystem path. - is_local_path = not result.netloc - path = _clean_url_path(result.path, is_local_path=is_local_path) - return urllib.parse.urlunparse(result._replace(path=path)) - - -def _create_link_from_element( - element_attribs: Dict[str, Optional[str]], - page_url: str, - base_url: str, -) -> Optional[Link]: - """ - Convert an anchor element's attributes in a simple repository page to a Link. - """ - href = element_attribs.get("href") - if not href: - return None - - url = _clean_link(urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, href)) - pyrequire = element_attribs.get("data-requires-python") - yanked_reason = element_attribs.get("data-yanked") - - link = Link( - url, - comes_from=page_url, - requires_python=pyrequire, - yanked_reason=yanked_reason, - ) - - return link - - class CacheablePageContent: def __init__(self, page: "IndexContent") -> None: assert page.cache_link_parsing @@ -326,25 +235,10 @@ def parse_links(page: "IndexContent") -> Iterable[Link]: if content_type_l.startswith("application/vnd.pypi.simple.v1+json"): data = json.loads(page.content) for file in data.get("files", []): - file_url = file.get("url") - if file_url is None: + link = Link.from_json(file, page.url) + if link is None: continue - - # The Link.yanked_reason expects an empty string instead of a boolean. - yanked_reason = file.get("yanked") - if yanked_reason and not isinstance(yanked_reason, str): - yanked_reason = "" - # The Link.yanked_reason expects None instead of False - elif not yanked_reason: - yanked_reason = None - - yield Link( - _clean_link(urllib.parse.urljoin(page.url, file_url)), - comes_from=page.url, - requires_python=file.get("requires-python"), - yanked_reason=yanked_reason, - hashes=file.get("hashes", {}), - ) + yield link return parser = HTMLLinkParser(page.url) @@ -354,11 +248,7 @@ def parse_links(page: "IndexContent") -> Iterable[Link]: url = page.url base_url = parser.base_url or url for anchor in parser.anchors: - link = _create_link_from_element( - anchor, - page_url=url, - base_url=base_url, - ) + link = Link.from_element(anchor, page_url=url, base_url=base_url) if link is None: continue yield link @@ -443,14 +333,7 @@ def _make_index_content( ) -def _get_index_content( - link: Link, session: Optional[PipSession] = None -) -> Optional["IndexContent"]: - if session is None: - raise TypeError( - "_get_html_page() missing 1 required keyword argument: 'session'" - ) - +def _get_index_content(link: Link, *, session: PipSession) -> Optional["IndexContent"]: url = link.url.split("#", 1)[0] # Check for VCS schemes that do not support lookup as web pages. @@ -559,6 +442,7 @@ class LinkCollector: search_scope = SearchScope.create( find_links=find_links, index_urls=index_urls, + no_index=options.no_index, ) link_collector = LinkCollector( session=session, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3133299..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a047f63 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8d1da8b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75999f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_distutils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 361062a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13b2485 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/_sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 850c69d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68cc734 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/_distutils.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/_distutils.py index fbcb04f..c7712f0 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/_distutils.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/locations/_distutils.py @@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def distutils_scheme( dist_name: str, user: bool = False, - home: str = None, - root: str = None, + home: Optional[str] = None, + root: Optional[str] = None, isolated: bool = False, - prefix: str = None, + prefix: Optional[str] = None, *, ignore_config_files: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, str]: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__init__.py index 8cd0fda..9f73ca7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__init__.py @@ -103,3 +103,25 @@ def get_wheel_distribution(wheel: Wheel, canonical_name: str) -> BaseDistributio :param canonical_name: Normalized project name of the given wheel. """ return select_backend().Distribution.from_wheel(wheel, canonical_name) + + +def get_metadata_distribution( + metadata_contents: bytes, + filename: str, + canonical_name: str, +) -> BaseDistribution: + """Get the dist representation of the specified METADATA file contents. + + This returns a Distribution instance from the chosen backend sourced from the data + in `metadata_contents`. + + :param metadata_contents: Contents of a METADATA file within a dist, or one served + via PEP 658. + :param filename: Filename for the dist this metadata represents. + :param canonical_name: Normalized project name of the given dist. + """ + return select_backend().Distribution.from_metadata_file_contents( + metadata_contents, + filename, + canonical_name, + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ad1c15b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6e643e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 74dcfd1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..296d4fe Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/_json.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0123e0a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..198fcf0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2bea694..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e507dea Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/__pycache__/pkg_resources.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/base.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/base.py index 151fd6d..cafb79f 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/base.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/base.py @@ -113,6 +113,24 @@ class BaseDistribution(Protocol): """ raise NotImplementedError() + @classmethod + def from_metadata_file_contents( + cls, + metadata_contents: bytes, + filename: str, + project_name: str, + ) -> "BaseDistribution": + """Load the distribution from the contents of a METADATA file. + + This is used to implement PEP 658 by generating a "shallow" dist object that can + be used for resolution without downloading or building the actual dist yet. + + :param metadata_contents: The contents of a METADATA file. + :param filename: File name for the dist with this metadata. + :param project_name: Name of the project this dist represents. + """ + raise NotImplementedError() + @classmethod def from_wheel(cls, wheel: "Wheel", name: str) -> "BaseDistribution": """Load the distribution from a given wheel. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c7821bc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..064dd2f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 06dfff6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a63242 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index eb7334c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e9447c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_dists.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7286bbc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4976bae Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/__pycache__/_envs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_compat.py index e087980..593bff2 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_compat.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_compat.py @@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ import importlib.metadata from typing import Any, Optional, Protocol, cast +class BadMetadata(ValueError): + def __init__(self, dist: importlib.metadata.Distribution, *, reason: str) -> None: + self.dist = dist + self.reason = reason + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return f"Bad metadata in {self.dist} ({self.reason})" + + class BasePath(Protocol): """A protocol that various path objects conform. @@ -40,4 +49,7 @@ def get_dist_name(dist: importlib.metadata.Distribution) -> str: The ``name`` attribute is only available in Python 3.10 or later. We are targeting exactly that, but Mypy does not know this. """ - return cast(Any, dist).name + name = cast(Any, dist).name + if not isinstance(name, str): + raise BadMetadata(dist, reason="invalid metadata entry 'name'") + return name diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_dists.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_dists.py index fbf9a93..65c043c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_dists.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_dists.py @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from pip._internal.metadata.base import ( ) from pip._internal.utils.misc import normalize_path from pip._internal.utils.packaging import safe_extra +from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.wheel import parse_wheel, read_wheel_metadata_file from ._compat import BasePath, get_dist_name @@ -109,6 +110,23 @@ class Distribution(BaseDistribution): dist = importlib.metadata.Distribution.at(info_location) return cls(dist, info_location, info_location.parent) + @classmethod + def from_metadata_file_contents( + cls, + metadata_contents: bytes, + filename: str, + project_name: str, + ) -> BaseDistribution: + # Generate temp dir to contain the metadata file, and write the file contents. + temp_dir = pathlib.Path( + TempDirectory(kind="metadata", globally_managed=True).path + ) + metadata_path = temp_dir / "METADATA" + metadata_path.write_bytes(metadata_contents) + # Construct dist pointing to the newly created directory. + dist = importlib.metadata.Distribution.at(metadata_path.parent) + return cls(dist, metadata_path.parent, None) + @classmethod def from_wheel(cls, wheel: Wheel, name: str) -> BaseDistribution: try: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_envs.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_envs.py index d5fcfdb..cbec59e 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_envs.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/importlib/_envs.py @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ import functools import importlib.metadata +import logging import os import pathlib import sys @@ -14,9 +15,11 @@ from pip._internal.models.wheel import Wheel from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated from pip._internal.utils.filetypes import WHEEL_EXTENSION -from ._compat import BasePath, get_dist_name, get_info_location +from ._compat import BadMetadata, BasePath, get_dist_name, get_info_location from ._dists import Distribution +logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + def _looks_like_wheel(location: str) -> bool: if not location.endswith(WHEEL_EXTENSION): @@ -56,11 +59,16 @@ class _DistributionFinder: # To know exactly where we find a distribution, we have to feed in the # paths one by one, instead of dumping the list to importlib.metadata. for dist in importlib.metadata.distributions(path=[location]): - normalized_name = canonicalize_name(get_dist_name(dist)) + info_location = get_info_location(dist) + try: + raw_name = get_dist_name(dist) + except BadMetadata as e: + logger.warning("Skipping %s due to %s", info_location, e.reason) + continue + normalized_name = canonicalize_name(raw_name) if normalized_name in self._found_names: continue self._found_names.add(normalized_name) - info_location = get_info_location(dist) yield dist, info_location def find(self, location: str) -> Iterator[BaseDistribution]: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/pkg_resources.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/pkg_resources.py index bf79ba1..f330ef1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/pkg_resources.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/metadata/pkg_resources.py @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class EntryPoint(NamedTuple): group: str -class WheelMetadata: +class InMemoryMetadata: """IMetadataProvider that reads metadata files from a dictionary. This also maps metadata decoding exceptions to our internal exception type. @@ -92,12 +92,29 @@ class Distribution(BaseDistribution): dist = dist_cls(base_dir, project_name=dist_name, metadata=metadata) return cls(dist) + @classmethod + def from_metadata_file_contents( + cls, + metadata_contents: bytes, + filename: str, + project_name: str, + ) -> BaseDistribution: + metadata_dict = { + "METADATA": metadata_contents, + } + dist = pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution( + location=filename, + metadata=InMemoryMetadata(metadata_dict, filename), + project_name=project_name, + ) + return cls(dist) + @classmethod def from_wheel(cls, wheel: Wheel, name: str) -> BaseDistribution: try: with wheel.as_zipfile() as zf: info_dir, _ = parse_wheel(zf, name) - metadata_text = { + metadata_dict = { path.split("/", 1)[-1]: read_wheel_metadata_file(zf, path) for path in zf.namelist() if path.startswith(f"{info_dir}/") @@ -108,7 +125,7 @@ class Distribution(BaseDistribution): raise UnsupportedWheel(f"{name} has an invalid wheel, {e}") dist = pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution( location=wheel.location, - metadata=WheelMetadata(metadata_text, wheel.location), + metadata=InMemoryMetadata(metadata_dict, wheel.location), project_name=name, ) return cls(dist) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 38b0e79..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93c7336 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 72f00b6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e39382 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/candidate.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7079e31..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ecc658d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/direct_url.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 95cfecb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e5b176 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/format_control.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fb6a859..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2f6b45 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 501c194..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a09e87b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/installation_report.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9be2e8d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92a6ae0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/link.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 88f9b13..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..195fbc7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/scheme.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 42570c0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ee172c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/search_scope.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5bfe90d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e975e55 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/selection_prefs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 04856d7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4d952a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/target_python.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 39ecb31..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d62c9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/link.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/link.py index 8fd1c3d..c792d12 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/link.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/link.py @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ import functools +import itertools import logging import os import posixpath import re import urllib.parse +from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, + Any, Dict, List, Mapping, @@ -18,6 +21,7 @@ from typing import ( from pip._internal.utils.filetypes import WHEEL_EXTENSION from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( + pairwise, redact_auth_from_url, split_auth_from_netloc, splitext, @@ -36,6 +40,119 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _SUPPORTED_HASHES = ("sha512", "sha384", "sha256", "sha224", "sha1", "md5") +@dataclass(frozen=True) +class LinkHash: + """Links to content may have embedded hash values. This class parses those. + + `name` must be any member of `_SUPPORTED_HASHES`. + + This class can be converted to and from `ArchiveInfo`. While ArchiveInfo intends to + be JSON-serializable to conform to PEP 610, this class contains the logic for + parsing a hash name and value for correctness, and then checking whether that hash + conforms to a schema with `.is_hash_allowed()`.""" + + name: str + value: str + + _hash_re = re.compile( + # NB: we do not validate that the second group (.*) is a valid hex + # digest. Instead, we simply keep that string in this class, and then check it + # against Hashes when hash-checking is needed. This is easier to debug than + # proactively discarding an invalid hex digest, as we handle incorrect hashes + # and malformed hashes in the same place. + r"({choices})=(.*)".format( + choices="|".join(re.escape(hash_name) for hash_name in _SUPPORTED_HASHES) + ), + ) + + def __post_init__(self) -> None: + assert self._hash_re.match(f"{self.name}={self.value}") + + @classmethod + @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) + def split_hash_name_and_value(cls, url: str) -> Optional["LinkHash"]: + """Search a string for a checksum algorithm name and encoded output value.""" + match = cls._hash_re.search(url) + if match is None: + return None + name, value = match.groups() + return cls(name=name, value=value) + + def as_hashes(self) -> Hashes: + """Return a Hashes instance which checks only for the current hash.""" + return Hashes({self.name: [self.value]}) + + def is_hash_allowed(self, hashes: Optional[Hashes]) -> bool: + """ + Return True if the current hash is allowed by `hashes`. + """ + if hashes is None: + return False + return hashes.is_hash_allowed(self.name, hex_digest=self.value) + + +def _clean_url_path_part(part: str) -> str: + """ + Clean a "part" of a URL path (i.e. after splitting on "@" characters). + """ + # We unquote prior to quoting to make sure nothing is double quoted. + return urllib.parse.quote(urllib.parse.unquote(part)) + + +def _clean_file_url_path(part: str) -> str: + """ + Clean the first part of a URL path that corresponds to a local + filesystem path (i.e. the first part after splitting on "@" characters). + """ + # We unquote prior to quoting to make sure nothing is double quoted. + # Also, on Windows the path part might contain a drive letter which + # should not be quoted. On Linux where drive letters do not + # exist, the colon should be quoted. We rely on urllib.request + # to do the right thing here. + return urllib.request.pathname2url(urllib.request.url2pathname(part)) + + +# percent-encoded: / +_reserved_chars_re = re.compile("(@|%2F)", re.IGNORECASE) + + +def _clean_url_path(path: str, is_local_path: bool) -> str: + """ + Clean the path portion of a URL. + """ + if is_local_path: + clean_func = _clean_file_url_path + else: + clean_func = _clean_url_path_part + + # Split on the reserved characters prior to cleaning so that + # revision strings in VCS URLs are properly preserved. + parts = _reserved_chars_re.split(path) + + cleaned_parts = [] + for to_clean, reserved in pairwise(itertools.chain(parts, [""])): + cleaned_parts.append(clean_func(to_clean)) + # Normalize %xx escapes (e.g. %2f -> %2F) + cleaned_parts.append(reserved.upper()) + + return "".join(cleaned_parts) + + +def _ensure_quoted_url(url: str) -> str: + """ + Make sure a link is fully quoted. + For example, if ' ' occurs in the URL, it will be replaced with "%20", + and without double-quoting other characters. + """ + # Split the URL into parts according to the general structure + # `scheme://netloc/path;parameters?query#fragment`. + result = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) + # If the netloc is empty, then the URL refers to a local filesystem path. + is_local_path = not result.netloc + path = _clean_url_path(result.path, is_local_path=is_local_path) + return urllib.parse.urlunparse(result._replace(path=path)) + + class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): """Represents a parsed link from a Package Index's simple URL""" @@ -46,6 +163,8 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): "comes_from", "requires_python", "yanked_reason", + "dist_info_metadata", + "link_hash", "cache_link_parsing", ] @@ -55,6 +174,8 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): comes_from: Optional[Union[str, "IndexContent"]] = None, requires_python: Optional[str] = None, yanked_reason: Optional[str] = None, + dist_info_metadata: Optional[str] = None, + link_hash: Optional[LinkHash] = None, cache_link_parsing: bool = True, hashes: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, ) -> None: @@ -72,6 +193,14 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): a simple repository HTML link. If the file has been yanked but no reason was provided, this should be the empty string. See PEP 592 for more information and the specification. + :param dist_info_metadata: the metadata attached to the file, or None if no such + metadata is provided. This is the value of the "data-dist-info-metadata" + attribute, if present, in a simple repository HTML link. This may be parsed + into its own `Link` by `self.metadata_link()`. See PEP 658 for more + information and the specification. + :param link_hash: a checksum for the content the link points to. If not + provided, this will be extracted from the link URL, if the URL has + any checksum. :param cache_link_parsing: A flag that is used elsewhere to determine whether resources retrieved from this link should be cached. PyPI index urls should @@ -94,11 +223,75 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): self.comes_from = comes_from self.requires_python = requires_python if requires_python else None self.yanked_reason = yanked_reason + self.dist_info_metadata = dist_info_metadata + self.link_hash = link_hash or LinkHash.split_hash_name_and_value(self._url) super().__init__(key=url, defining_class=Link) self.cache_link_parsing = cache_link_parsing + @classmethod + def from_json( + cls, + file_data: Dict[str, Any], + page_url: str, + ) -> Optional["Link"]: + """ + Convert an pypi json document from a simple repository page into a Link. + """ + file_url = file_data.get("url") + if file_url is None: + return None + + url = _ensure_quoted_url(urllib.parse.urljoin(page_url, file_url)) + pyrequire = file_data.get("requires-python") + yanked_reason = file_data.get("yanked") + dist_info_metadata = file_data.get("dist-info-metadata") + hashes = file_data.get("hashes", {}) + + # The Link.yanked_reason expects an empty string instead of a boolean. + if yanked_reason and not isinstance(yanked_reason, str): + yanked_reason = "" + # The Link.yanked_reason expects None instead of False. + elif not yanked_reason: + yanked_reason = None + + return cls( + url, + comes_from=page_url, + requires_python=pyrequire, + yanked_reason=yanked_reason, + hashes=hashes, + dist_info_metadata=dist_info_metadata, + ) + + @classmethod + def from_element( + cls, + anchor_attribs: Dict[str, Optional[str]], + page_url: str, + base_url: str, + ) -> Optional["Link"]: + """ + Convert an anchor element's attributes in a simple repository page to a Link. + """ + href = anchor_attribs.get("href") + if not href: + return None + + url = _ensure_quoted_url(urllib.parse.urljoin(base_url, href)) + pyrequire = anchor_attribs.get("data-requires-python") + yanked_reason = anchor_attribs.get("data-yanked") + dist_info_metadata = anchor_attribs.get("data-dist-info-metadata") + + return cls( + url, + comes_from=page_url, + requires_python=pyrequire, + yanked_reason=yanked_reason, + dist_info_metadata=dist_info_metadata, + ) + def __str__(self) -> str: if self.requires_python: rp = f" (requires-python:{self.requires_python})" @@ -181,32 +374,36 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): return None return match.group(1) - _hash_re = re.compile( - r"({choices})=([a-f0-9]+)".format(choices="|".join(_SUPPORTED_HASHES)) - ) + def metadata_link(self) -> Optional["Link"]: + """Implementation of PEP 658 parsing.""" + # Note that Link.from_element() parsing the "data-dist-info-metadata" attribute + # from an HTML anchor tag is typically how the Link.dist_info_metadata attribute + # gets set. + if self.dist_info_metadata is None: + return None + metadata_url = f"{self.url_without_fragment}.metadata" + link_hash: Optional[LinkHash] = None + # If data-dist-info-metadata="true" is set, then the metadata file exists, + # but there is no information about its checksum or anything else. + if self.dist_info_metadata != "true": + link_hash = LinkHash.split_hash_name_and_value(self.dist_info_metadata) + return Link(metadata_url, link_hash=link_hash) + + def as_hashes(self) -> Optional[Hashes]: + if self.link_hash is not None: + return self.link_hash.as_hashes() + return None @property def hash(self) -> Optional[str]: - for hashname in _SUPPORTED_HASHES: - if hashname in self._hashes: - return self._hashes[hashname] - - match = self._hash_re.search(self._url) - if match: - return match.group(2) - + if self.link_hash is not None: + return self.link_hash.value return None @property def hash_name(self) -> Optional[str]: - for hashname in _SUPPORTED_HASHES: - if hashname in self._hashes: - return hashname - - match = self._hash_re.search(self._url) - if match: - return match.group(1) - + if self.link_hash is not None: + return self.link_hash.name return None @property @@ -236,19 +433,15 @@ class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): @property def has_hash(self) -> bool: - return self.hash_name is not None + return self.link_hash is not None def is_hash_allowed(self, hashes: Optional[Hashes]) -> bool: """ - Return True if the link has a hash and it is allowed. + Return True if the link has a hash and it is allowed by `hashes`. """ - if hashes is None or not self.has_hash: + if self.link_hash is None: return False - # Assert non-None so mypy knows self.hash_name and self.hash are str. - assert self.hash_name is not None - assert self.hash is not None - - return hashes.is_hash_allowed(self.hash_name, hex_digest=self.hash) + return self.link_hash.is_hash_allowed(hashes) class _CleanResult(NamedTuple): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/search_scope.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/search_scope.py index e4e54c2..a64af73 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/search_scope.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/search_scope.py @@ -20,13 +20,14 @@ class SearchScope: Encapsulates the locations that pip is configured to search. """ - __slots__ = ["find_links", "index_urls"] + __slots__ = ["find_links", "index_urls", "no_index"] @classmethod def create( cls, find_links: List[str], index_urls: List[str], + no_index: bool, ) -> "SearchScope": """ Create a SearchScope object after normalizing the `find_links`. @@ -60,15 +61,18 @@ class SearchScope: return cls( find_links=built_find_links, index_urls=index_urls, + no_index=no_index, ) def __init__( self, find_links: List[str], index_urls: List[str], + no_index: bool, ) -> None: self.find_links = find_links self.index_urls = index_urls + self.no_index = no_index def get_formatted_locations(self) -> str: lines = [] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.py index 35c7037..a5dc12b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.py @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ class Wheel: """A wheel file""" wheel_file_re = re.compile( - r"""^(?P(?P.+?)-(?P.*?)) - ((-(?P\d[^-]*?))?-(?P.+?)-(?P.+?)-(?P.+?) + r"""^(?P(?P[^\s-]+?)-(?P[^\s-]*?)) + ((-(?P\d[^-]*?))?-(?P[^\s-]+?)-(?P[^\s-]+?)-(?P[^\s-]+?) \.whl|\.dist-info)$""", re.VERBOSE, ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d7c64ac..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfe7ff6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index dd41a48..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9c2e9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2ef299d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7e3661 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ecdf247..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ecfc22 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/download.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 451d8d2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1cdd948 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/lazy_wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index eb7efbd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ab94a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/session.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a304277..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8bc11a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a7020ba..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d236539 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/__pycache__/xmlrpc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/lazy_wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/lazy_wheel.py index 2d1ddaa..854a6fa 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/lazy_wheel.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/network/lazy_wheel.py @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class HTTPRangeRequestUnsupported(Exception): def dist_from_wheel_url(name: str, url: str, session: PipSession) -> BaseDistribution: """Return a distribution object from the given wheel URL. - This uses HTTP range requests to only fetch the potion of the wheel + This uses HTTP range requests to only fetch the portion of the wheel containing metadata, just enough for the object to be constructed. If such requests are not supported, HTTPRangeRequestUnsupported is raised. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7584d2e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a85eb2c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aec3f96..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93519af Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 91f888c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5ca274 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/freeze.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 700f922..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e85441a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/__pycache__/prepare.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6d06561..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46bb1a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 06dea99..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d75a7d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/build_tracker.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index dc12e10..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fed7d5b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aab0adf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5db14be Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_editable.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 85c05fd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23839cc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/metadata_legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b14df20..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8a1793 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f5b4e86..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b22752 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_editable.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0c63a68..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..154a9cd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/__pycache__/wheel_legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 68d0e8a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61de8ab Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d9d92f2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..960be6c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/editable_legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 78c4965..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc07f2a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d3cdea8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4934b2d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/wheel.py index 1af8978..c799413 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/wheel.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/install/wheel.py @@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ def get_console_script_specs(console: Dict[str, str]) -> List[str]: scripts_to_generate.append(f"pip{get_major_minor_version()} = {pip_script}") # Delete any other versioned pip entry points - pip_ep = [k for k in console if re.match(r"pip(\d(\.\d)?)?$", k)] + pip_ep = [k for k in console if re.match(r"pip(\d+(\.\d+)?)?$", k)] for k in pip_ep: del console[k] easy_install_script = console.pop("easy_install", None) @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ def get_console_script_specs(console: Dict[str, str]) -> List[str]: ) # Delete any other versioned easy_install entry points easy_install_ep = [ - k for k in console if re.match(r"easy_install(-\d\.\d)?$", k) + k for k in console if re.match(r"easy_install(-\d+\.\d+)?$", k) ] for k in easy_install_ep: del console[k] @@ -420,7 +420,9 @@ def _raise_for_invalid_entrypoint(specification: str) -> None: class PipScriptMaker(ScriptMaker): - def make(self, specification: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> List[str]: + def make( + self, specification: str, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None + ) -> List[str]: _raise_for_invalid_entrypoint(specification) return super().make(specification, options) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py index 80723ff..4bf414c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/prepare.py @@ -19,12 +19,13 @@ from pip._internal.exceptions import ( HashMismatch, HashUnpinned, InstallationError, + MetadataInconsistent, NetworkConnectionError, PreviousBuildDirError, VcsHashUnsupported, ) from pip._internal.index.package_finder import PackageFinder -from pip._internal.metadata import BaseDistribution +from pip._internal.metadata import BaseDistribution, get_metadata_distribution from pip._internal.models.direct_url import ArchiveInfo from pip._internal.models.link import Link from pip._internal.models.wheel import Wheel @@ -346,19 +347,72 @@ class RequirementPreparer: # showing the user what the hash should be. return req.hashes(trust_internet=False) or MissingHashes() + def _fetch_metadata_only( + self, + req: InstallRequirement, + ) -> Optional[BaseDistribution]: + if self.require_hashes: + logger.debug( + "Metadata-only fetching is not used as hash checking is required", + ) + return None + # Try PEP 658 metadata first, then fall back to lazy wheel if unavailable. + return self._fetch_metadata_using_link_data_attr( + req + ) or self._fetch_metadata_using_lazy_wheel(req.link) + + def _fetch_metadata_using_link_data_attr( + self, + req: InstallRequirement, + ) -> Optional[BaseDistribution]: + """Fetch metadata from the data-dist-info-metadata attribute, if possible.""" + # (1) Get the link to the metadata file, if provided by the backend. + metadata_link = req.link.metadata_link() + if metadata_link is None: + return None + assert req.req is not None + logger.info( + "Obtaining dependency information for %s from %s", + req.req, + metadata_link, + ) + # (2) Download the contents of the METADATA file, separate from the dist itself. + metadata_file = get_http_url( + metadata_link, + self._download, + hashes=metadata_link.as_hashes(), + ) + with open(metadata_file.path, "rb") as f: + metadata_contents = f.read() + # (3) Generate a dist just from those file contents. + metadata_dist = get_metadata_distribution( + metadata_contents, + req.link.filename, + req.req.name, + ) + # (4) Ensure the Name: field from the METADATA file matches the name from the + # install requirement. + # + # NB: raw_name will fall back to the name from the install requirement if + # the Name: field is not present, but it's noted in the raw_name docstring + # that that should NEVER happen anyway. + if metadata_dist.raw_name != req.req.name: + raise MetadataInconsistent( + req, "Name", req.req.name, metadata_dist.raw_name + ) + return metadata_dist + def _fetch_metadata_using_lazy_wheel( self, link: Link, ) -> Optional[BaseDistribution]: """Fetch metadata using lazy wheel, if possible.""" + # --use-feature=fast-deps must be provided. if not self.use_lazy_wheel: return None - if self.require_hashes: - logger.debug("Lazy wheel is not used as hash checking is required") - return None if link.is_file or not link.is_wheel: logger.debug( - "Lazy wheel is not used as %r does not points to a remote wheel", + "Lazy wheel is not used as %r does not point to a remote wheel", link, ) return None @@ -414,13 +468,12 @@ class RequirementPreparer: ) -> BaseDistribution: """Prepare a requirement to be obtained from req.link.""" assert req.link - link = req.link self._log_preparing_link(req) with indent_log(): # Check if the relevant file is already available # in the download directory file_path = None - if self.download_dir is not None and link.is_wheel: + if self.download_dir is not None and req.link.is_wheel: hashes = self._get_linked_req_hashes(req) file_path = _check_download_dir(req.link, self.download_dir, hashes) @@ -429,10 +482,10 @@ class RequirementPreparer: self._downloaded[req.link.url] = file_path else: # The file is not available, attempt to fetch only metadata - wheel_dist = self._fetch_metadata_using_lazy_wheel(link) - if wheel_dist is not None: + metadata_dist = self._fetch_metadata_only(req) + if metadata_dist is not None: req.needs_more_preparation = True - return wheel_dist + return metadata_dist # None of the optimizations worked, fully prepare the requirement return self._prepare_linked_requirement(req, parallel_builds) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 624ee40..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2529055 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d8ffddc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c1035a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/constructors.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a8c739e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac875b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_file.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fedcf42..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8dd5ae Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_install.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e79372f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d214f67 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_set.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b2ca92c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..019c092 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/__pycache__/req_uninstall.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_file.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_file.py index 4550c72..11ec699 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_file.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_file.py @@ -186,10 +186,6 @@ def handle_requirement_line( constraint=line.constraint, ) else: - if options: - # Disable wheels if the user has specified build options - cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options, line.opts) - # get the options that apply to requirements req_options = {} for dest in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST: @@ -229,11 +225,13 @@ def handle_option_line( if finder: find_links = finder.find_links index_urls = finder.index_urls - if opts.index_url: - index_urls = [opts.index_url] + no_index = finder.search_scope.no_index if opts.no_index is True: + no_index = True index_urls = [] - if opts.extra_index_urls: + if opts.index_url and not no_index: + index_urls = [opts.index_url] + if opts.extra_index_urls and not no_index: index_urls.extend(opts.extra_index_urls) if opts.find_links: # FIXME: it would be nice to keep track of the source @@ -253,6 +251,7 @@ def handle_option_line( search_scope = SearchScope( find_links=find_links, index_urls=index_urls, + no_index=no_index, ) finder.search_scope = search_scope @@ -394,7 +393,12 @@ def get_line_parser(finder: Optional["PackageFinder"]) -> LineParser: args_str, options_str = break_args_options(line) - opts, _ = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(options_str), defaults) + try: + options = shlex.split(options_str) + except ValueError as e: + raise OptionParsingError(f"Could not split options: {options_str}") from e + + opts, _ = parser.parse_args(options, defaults) return args_str, opts diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_install.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_install.py index a1e376c..5f29261 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_install.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/req/req_install.py @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import shutil import sys import uuid import zipfile +from enum import Enum +from optparse import Values from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Union from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker @@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ from pip._internal.operations.install.legacy import install as install_legacy from pip._internal.operations.install.wheel import install_wheel from pip._internal.pyproject import load_pyproject_toml, make_pyproject_path from pip._internal.req.req_uninstall import UninstallPathSet -from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated +from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import LegacyInstallReason, deprecated from pip._internal.utils.direct_url_helpers import ( direct_url_for_editable, direct_url_from_link, @@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ class InstallRequirement: self.constraint = constraint self.editable = editable self.permit_editable_wheels = permit_editable_wheels - self.legacy_install_reason: Optional[int] = None + self.legacy_install_reason: Optional[LegacyInstallReason] = None # source_dir is the local directory where the linked requirement is # located, or unpacked. In case unpacking is needed, creating and @@ -811,6 +813,11 @@ class InstallRequirement: install_options = list(install_options) + self.install_options try: + if ( + self.legacy_install_reason is not None + and self.legacy_install_reason.emit_before_install + ): + self.legacy_install_reason.emit_deprecation(self.name) success = install_legacy( install_options=install_options, global_options=global_options, @@ -836,18 +843,12 @@ class InstallRequirement: self.install_succeeded = success - if success and self.legacy_install_reason == 8368: - deprecated( - reason=( - "{} was installed using the legacy 'setup.py install' " - "method, because a wheel could not be built for it.".format( - self.name - ) - ), - replacement="to fix the wheel build issue reported above", - gone_in=None, - issue=8368, - ) + if ( + success + and self.legacy_install_reason is not None + and self.legacy_install_reason.emit_after_success + ): + self.legacy_install_reason.emit_deprecation(self.name) def check_invalid_constraint_type(req: InstallRequirement) -> str: @@ -877,3 +878,65 @@ def check_invalid_constraint_type(req: InstallRequirement) -> str: ) return problem + + +def _has_option(options: Values, reqs: List[InstallRequirement], option: str) -> bool: + if getattr(options, option, None): + return True + for req in reqs: + if getattr(req, option, None): + return True + return False + + +def _install_option_ignored( + install_options: List[str], reqs: List[InstallRequirement] +) -> bool: + for req in reqs: + if (install_options or req.install_options) and not req.use_pep517: + return False + return True + + +class LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode(Enum): + INSTALL = 1 + WHEEL = 2 + DOWNLOAD = 3 + + +def check_legacy_setup_py_options( + options: Values, + reqs: List[InstallRequirement], + mode: LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode, +) -> None: + has_install_options = _has_option(options, reqs, "install_options") + has_build_options = _has_option(options, reqs, "build_options") + has_global_options = _has_option(options, reqs, "global_options") + legacy_setup_py_options_present = ( + has_install_options or has_build_options or has_global_options + ) + if not legacy_setup_py_options_present: + return + + options.format_control.disallow_binaries() + logger.warning( + "Implying --no-binary=:all: due to the presence of " + "--build-option / --global-option / --install-option. " + "Consider using --config-settings for more flexibility.", + ) + if mode == LegacySetupPyOptionsCheckMode.INSTALL and has_install_options: + if _install_option_ignored(options.install_options, reqs): + logger.warning( + "Ignoring --install-option when building using PEP 517", + ) + else: + deprecated( + reason=( + "--install-option is deprecated because " + "it forces pip to use the 'setup.py install' " + "command which is itself deprecated." + ), + issue=11358, + replacement="to use --config-settings", + gone_in="23.1", + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 065a36a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88d42f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6d7dadc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8227626 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5f6ba70..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26f8f06 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 368a485..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95f320d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/legacy/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 899ee97..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ce98e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bc6a336..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9781b7b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/base.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 04cca8f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11d9841 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/candidates.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 74c51df..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93de0c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/factory.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3c4e7e0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7b37fb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/found_candidates.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d89f7cf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e414530 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/provider.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 96897b7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4ef458 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporter.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7e29d3a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d324d17 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a097f96..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4998b1d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/resolution/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolver.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index db2edc8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a12979 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7fcc9ed..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2e95c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/_log.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 81f4e3a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be62195 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9689a9f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fb287f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4d70569..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f55fc04 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/compatibility_tags.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a9317cb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6835fec Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/datetime.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0be63ea..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11a24ad Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/deprecation.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5e75938..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f29f7c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/direct_url_helpers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f8a15b4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69d34a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/distutils_args.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d85e7c5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aaf2b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/egg_link.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c46eb1d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6060f4a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/encoding.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b084877..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c45944c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/entrypoints.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b230ae2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0735b98 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filesystem.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 00c6998..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c2e36c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/filetypes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9da577b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc9abe8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/glibc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index afeb062..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7df328 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/hashes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c11bbd0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6886fb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/inject_securetransport.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9bd9c9e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69d69ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a1f19a5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0482f6f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/misc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5714fc8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c35c51f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 60dc220..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13e3bae Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/packaging.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 160d7e9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c33e265 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/setuptools_build.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index afe63e5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a23445 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/subprocess.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 06b4396..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cf1fe2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/temp_dir.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 66cded3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c190b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/unpacking.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 04deeb9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6700c51 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d8b67d7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0c2846 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/virtualenv.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5003fb4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..138339e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/deprecation.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/deprecation.py index 72bd6f2..18e9be9 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/deprecation.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/deprecation.py @@ -118,3 +118,71 @@ def deprecated( raise PipDeprecationWarning(message) warnings.warn(message, category=PipDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + + +class LegacyInstallReason: + def __init__( + self, + reason: str, + replacement: Optional[str] = None, + gone_in: Optional[str] = None, + feature_flag: Optional[str] = None, + issue: Optional[int] = None, + emit_after_success: bool = False, + emit_before_install: bool = False, + ): + self._reason = reason + self._replacement = replacement + self._gone_in = gone_in + self._feature_flag = feature_flag + self._issue = issue + self.emit_after_success = emit_after_success + self.emit_before_install = emit_before_install + + def emit_deprecation(self, name: str) -> None: + deprecated( + reason=self._reason.format(name=name), + replacement=self._replacement, + gone_in=self._gone_in, + feature_flag=self._feature_flag, + issue=self._issue, + ) + + +LegacyInstallReasonFailedBdistWheel = LegacyInstallReason( + reason=( + "{name} was installed using the legacy 'setup.py install' " + "method, because a wheel could not be built for it." + ), + replacement="to fix the wheel build issue reported above", + gone_in="23.1", + issue=8368, + emit_after_success=True, +) + + +LegacyInstallReasonMissingWheelPackage = LegacyInstallReason( + reason=( + "{name} is being installed using the legacy " + "'setup.py install' method, because it does not have a " + "'pyproject.toml' and the 'wheel' package " + "is not installed." + ), + replacement="to enable the '--use-pep517' option", + gone_in="23.1", + issue=8559, + emit_before_install=True, +) + +LegacyInstallReasonNoBinaryForcesSetuptoolsInstall = LegacyInstallReason( + reason=( + "{name} is being installed using the legacy " + "'setup.py install' method, because the '--no-binary' option was enabled " + "for it and this currently disables local wheel building for projects that " + "don't have a 'pyproject.toml' file." + ), + replacement="to enable the '--use-pep517' option", + gone_in="23.1", + issue=11451, + emit_before_install=True, +) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/entrypoints.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/entrypoints.py index f292c64..1501369 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/entrypoints.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/entrypoints.py @@ -55,9 +55,14 @@ def get_best_invocation_for_this_pip() -> str: if exe_are_in_PATH: for exe_name in _EXECUTABLE_NAMES: found_executable = shutil.which(exe_name) - if found_executable and os.path.samefile( - found_executable, - os.path.join(binary_prefix, exe_name), + binary_executable = os.path.join(binary_prefix, exe_name) + if ( + found_executable + and os.path.exists(binary_executable) + and os.path.samefile( + found_executable, + binary_executable, + ) ): return exe_name diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/hashes.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/hashes.py index 0c1af32..7672730 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/hashes.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/hashes.py @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import hashlib -from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, BinaryIO, Dict, Iterable, List +from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, BinaryIO, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch, HashMissing, InstallationError from pip._internal.utils.misc import read_chunks @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Hashes: """ - def __init__(self, hashes: Dict[str, List[str]] = None) -> None: + def __init__(self, hashes: Optional[Dict[str, List[str]]] = None) -> None: """ :param hashes: A dict of algorithm names pointing to lists of allowed hex digests diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/setuptools_build.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/setuptools_build.py index f460c40..01ef4a4 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/setuptools_build.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/utils/setuptools_build.py @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ _SETUPTOOLS_SHIM = textwrap.dedent( def make_setuptools_shim_args( setup_py_path: str, - global_options: Sequence[str] = None, + global_options: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, no_user_config: bool = False, unbuffered_output: bool = False, ) -> List[str]: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7aa2d58..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15a2e92 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 443180e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcf2731 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/bazaar.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f12752e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fbab30 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/git.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b88fcf8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1690afa Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/mercurial.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 20d98f8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c47264 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/subversion.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1730a67..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc685b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/__pycache__/versioncontrol.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/bazaar.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/bazaar.py index a7b16e2..06c80e4 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/bazaar.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/bazaar.py @@ -49,14 +49,25 @@ class Bazaar(VersionControl): flag = "" else: flag = f"-{'v'*verbosity}" - cmd_args = make_command("branch", flag, rev_options.to_args(), url, dest) + cmd_args = make_command( + "checkout", "--lightweight", flag, rev_options.to_args(), url, dest + ) self.run_command(cmd_args) def switch(self, dest: str, url: HiddenText, rev_options: RevOptions) -> None: self.run_command(make_command("switch", url), cwd=dest) def update(self, dest: str, url: HiddenText, rev_options: RevOptions) -> None: - cmd_args = make_command("pull", "-q", rev_options.to_args()) + output = self.run_command( + make_command("info"), show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True, cwd=dest + ) + if output.startswith("Standalone "): + # Older versions of pip used to create standalone branches. + # Convert the standalone branch to a checkout by calling "bzr bind". + cmd_args = make_command("bind", "-q", url) + self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) + + cmd_args = make_command("update", "-q", rev_options.to_args()) self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest) @classmethod diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/subversion.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/subversion.py index 89c8754..2cd6f0a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/subversion.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/vcs/subversion.py @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class Subversion(VersionControl): """Always assume the versions don't match""" return False - def __init__(self, use_interactive: bool = None) -> None: + def __init__(self, use_interactive: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: if use_interactive is None: use_interactive = is_console_interactive() self.use_interactive = use_interactive diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/wheel_builder.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/wheel_builder.py index 77a17ff..15b30af 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/wheel_builder.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_internal/wheel_builder.py @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import logging import os.path import re import shutil -from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple +from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name, canonicalize_version from pip._vendor.packaging.version import InvalidVersion, Version @@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ from pip._internal.operations.build.wheel import build_wheel_pep517 from pip._internal.operations.build.wheel_editable import build_wheel_editable from pip._internal.operations.build.wheel_legacy import build_wheel_legacy from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement +from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import ( + LegacyInstallReasonMissingWheelPackage, + LegacyInstallReasonNoBinaryForcesSetuptoolsInstall, +) from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, hash_file, is_wheel_installed from pip._internal.utils.setuptools_build import make_setuptools_clean_args @@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _egg_info_re = re.compile(r"([a-z0-9_.]+)-([a-z0-9_.!+-]+)", re.IGNORECASE) -BinaryAllowedPredicate = Callable[[InstallRequirement], bool] +BdistWheelAllowedPredicate = Callable[[InstallRequirement], bool] BuildResult = Tuple[List[InstallRequirement], List[InstallRequirement]] @@ -46,7 +50,7 @@ def _contains_egg_info(s: str) -> bool: def _should_build( req: InstallRequirement, need_wheel: bool, - check_binary_allowed: BinaryAllowedPredicate, + check_bdist_wheel: Optional[BdistWheelAllowedPredicate] = None, ) -> bool: """Return whether an InstallRequirement should be built into a wheel.""" if req.constraint: @@ -77,20 +81,19 @@ def _should_build( if req.use_pep517: return True - if not check_binary_allowed(req): - logger.info( - "Skipping wheel build for %s, due to binaries being disabled for it.", - req.name, - ) + assert check_bdist_wheel is not None + if not check_bdist_wheel(req): + # /!\ When we change this to unconditionally return True, we must also remove + # support for `--install-option`. Indeed, `--install-option` implies + # `--no-binary` so we can return False here and run `setup.py install`. + # `--global-option` and `--build-option` can remain until we drop support for + # building with `setup.py bdist_wheel`. + req.legacy_install_reason = LegacyInstallReasonNoBinaryForcesSetuptoolsInstall return False if not is_wheel_installed(): # we don't build legacy requirements if wheel is not installed - logger.info( - "Using legacy 'setup.py install' for %s, " - "since package 'wheel' is not installed.", - req.name, - ) + req.legacy_install_reason = LegacyInstallReasonMissingWheelPackage return False return True @@ -99,15 +102,15 @@ def _should_build( def should_build_for_wheel_command( req: InstallRequirement, ) -> bool: - return _should_build(req, need_wheel=True, check_binary_allowed=_always_true) + return _should_build(req, need_wheel=True) def should_build_for_install_command( req: InstallRequirement, - check_binary_allowed: BinaryAllowedPredicate, + check_bdist_wheel_allowed: BdistWheelAllowedPredicate, ) -> bool: return _should_build( - req, need_wheel=False, check_binary_allowed=check_binary_allowed + req, need_wheel=False, check_bdist_wheel=check_bdist_wheel_allowed ) @@ -159,10 +162,6 @@ def _get_cache_dir( return cache_dir -def _always_true(_: Any) -> bool: - return True - - def _verify_one(req: InstallRequirement, wheel_path: str) -> None: canonical_name = canonicalize_name(req.name or "") w = Wheel(os.path.basename(wheel_path)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0db7962..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59d4e6c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5111cf9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..356105b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a150ed3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd2eefd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 83401ea..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55ac6ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 86d126f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5932ab6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/_cmd.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 65eaa07..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc7ffa4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/adapter.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9095ec4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e250c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aeda72f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13129b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ce5e26e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07f3b38 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/controller.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ed444a8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb7fafc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/filewrapper.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c0d09f8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c1193c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/heuristics.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a2f65bb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e396148 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/serialize.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e872963..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..331cc06 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/__pycache__/wrapper.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ae42eb0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4012cb1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6557f00..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46620c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/file_cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d535979..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95973b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/__pycache__/redis_cache.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__init__.py index bdeb06b..af4bcc1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__init__.py @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ from .core import contents, where __all__ = ["contents", "where"] -__version__ = "2022.06.15" +__version__ = "2022.09.24" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bb287f2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f34e500 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 193f1aa..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af8c03e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 25fec6b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7020755 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/cacert.pem b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/cacert.pem index ee9be4c..4005155 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/cacert.pem +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/cacert.pem @@ -1323,45 +1323,6 @@ t/2jioSgrGK+KwmHNPBqAbubKVY8/gA3zyNs8U6qtnRGEmyR7jTV7JqR50S+kDFy SjnRBUkLp7Y3gaVdjKozXoEofKd9J+sAro03 -----END CERTIFICATE----- -# Issuer: CN=EC-ACC O=Agencia Catalana de Certificacio (NIF Q-0801176-I) OU=Serveis Publics de Certificacio/Vegeu https://www.catcert.net/verarrel (c)03/Jerarquia Entitats de Certificacio Catalanes -# Subject: CN=EC-ACC O=Agencia Catalana de Certificacio (NIF Q-0801176-I) OU=Serveis Publics de Certificacio/Vegeu https://www.catcert.net/verarrel (c)03/Jerarquia Entitats de Certificacio Catalanes -# Label: "EC-ACC" -# Serial: -23701579247955709139626555126524820479 -# MD5 Fingerprint: eb:f5:9d:29:0d:61:f9:42:1f:7c:c2:ba:6d:e3:15:09 -# SHA1 Fingerprint: 28:90:3a:63:5b:52:80:fa:e6:77:4c:0b:6d:a7:d6:ba:a6:4a:f2:e8 -# SHA256 Fingerprint: 88:49:7f:01:60:2f:31:54:24:6a:e2:8c:4d:5a:ef:10:f1:d8:7e:bb:76:62:6f:4a:e0:b7:f9:5b:a7:96:87:99 ------BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- -MIIFVjCCBD6gAwIBAgIQ7is969Qh3hSoYqwE893EATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCB -8zELMAkGA1UEBhMCRVMxOzA5BgNVBAoTMkFnZW5jaWEgQ2F0YWxhbmEgZGUgQ2Vy -dGlmaWNhY2lvIChOSUYgUS0wODAxMTc2LUkpMSgwJgYDVQQLEx9TZXJ2ZWlzIFB1 -YmxpY3MgZGUgQ2VydGlmaWNhY2lvMTUwMwYDVQQLEyxWZWdldSBodHRwczovL3d3 -dy5jYXRjZXJ0Lm5ldC92ZXJhcnJlbCAoYykwMzE1MDMGA1UECxMsSmVyYXJxdWlh -IEVudGl0YXRzIGRlIENlcnRpZmljYWNpbyBDYXRhbGFuZXMxDzANBgNVBAMTBkVD -LUFDQzAeFw0wMzAxMDcyMzAwMDBaFw0zMTAxMDcyMjU5NTlaMIHzMQswCQYDVQQG -EwJFUzE7MDkGA1UEChMyQWdlbmNpYSBDYXRhbGFuYSBkZSBDZXJ0aWZpY2FjaW8g -KE5JRiBRLTA4MDExNzYtSSkxKDAmBgNVBAsTH1NlcnZlaXMgUHVibGljcyBkZSBD -ZXJ0aWZpY2FjaW8xNTAzBgNVBAsTLFZlZ2V1IGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNhdGNlcnQu -bmV0L3ZlcmFycmVsIChjKTAzMTUwMwYDVQQLEyxKZXJhcnF1aWEgRW50aXRhdHMg -ZGUgQ2VydGlmaWNhY2lvIENhdGFsYW5lczEPMA0GA1UEAxMGRUMtQUNDMIIBIjAN -BgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAsyLHT+KXQpWIR4NA9h0X84NzJB5R -85iKw5K4/0CQBXCHYMkAqbWUZRkiFRfCQ2xmRJoNBD45b6VLeqpjt4pEndljkYRm -4CgPukLjbo73FCeTae6RDqNfDrHrZqJyTxIThmV6PttPB/SnCWDaOkKZx7J/sxaV -HMf5NLWUhdWZXqBIoH7nF2W4onW4HvPlQn2v7fOKSGRdghST2MDk/7NQcvJ29rNd -QlB50JQ+awwAvthrDk4q7D7SzIKiGGUzE3eeml0aE9jD2z3Il3rucO2n5nzbcc8t -lGLfbdb1OL4/pYUKGbio2Al1QnDE6u/LDsg0qBIimAy4E5S2S+zw0JDnJwIDAQAB -o4HjMIHgMB0GA1UdEQQWMBSBEmVjX2FjY0BjYXRjZXJ0Lm5ldDAPBgNVHRMBAf8E -BTADAQH/MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUoMOLRKo3pUW/l4Ba0fF4 -opvpXY0wfwYDVR0gBHgwdjB0BgsrBgEEAfV4AQMBCjBlMCwGCCsGAQUFBwIBFiBo -dHRwczovL3d3dy5jYXRjZXJ0Lm5ldC92ZXJhcnJlbDA1BggrBgEFBQcCAjApGidW -ZWdldSBodHRwczovL3d3dy5jYXRjZXJ0Lm5ldC92ZXJhcnJlbCAwDQYJKoZIhvcN -AQEFBQADggEBAKBIW4IB9k1IuDlVNZyAelOZ1Vr/sXE7zDkJlF7W2u++AVtd0x7Y -/X1PzaBB4DSTv8vihpw3kpBWHNzrKQXlxJ7HNd+KDM3FIUPpqojlNcAZQmNaAl6k -SBg6hW/cnbw/nZzBh7h6YQjpdwt/cKt63dmXLGQehb+8dJahw3oS7AwaboMMPOhy -Rp/7SNVel+axofjk70YllJyJ22k4vuxcDlbHZVHlUIiIv0LVKz3l+bqeLrPK9HOS -Agu+TGbrIP65y7WZf+a2E/rKS03Z7lNGBjvGTq2TWoF+bCpLagVFjPIhpDGQh2xl -nJ2lYJU6Un/10asIbvPuW/mIPX64b24D5EI= ------END CERTIFICATE----- - # Issuer: CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967 # Subject: CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967 # Label: "Actalis Authentication Root CA" @@ -4683,3 +4644,65 @@ ADBmAjEA5gVYaWHlLcoNy/EZCL3W/VGSGn5jVASQkZo1kTmZ+gepZpO6yGjUij/6 7W4WAie3AjEA3VoXK3YdZUKWpqxdinlW2Iob35reX8dQj7FbcQwm32pAAOwzkSFx vmjkI6TZraE3 -----END CERTIFICATE----- + +# Issuer: CN=Security Communication RootCA3 O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD. +# Subject: CN=Security Communication RootCA3 O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD. +# Label: "Security Communication RootCA3" +# Serial: 16247922307909811815 +# MD5 Fingerprint: 1c:9a:16:ff:9e:5c:e0:4d:8a:14:01:f4:35:5d:29:26 +# SHA1 Fingerprint: c3:03:c8:22:74:92:e5:61:a2:9c:5f:79:91:2b:1e:44:13:91:30:3a +# SHA256 Fingerprint: 24:a5:5c:2a:b0:51:44:2d:06:17:76:65:41:23:9a:4a:d0:32:d7:c5:51:75:aa:34:ff:de:2f:bc:4f:5c:52:94 +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIIFfzCCA2egAwIBAgIJAOF8N0D9G/5nMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMF0xCzAJBgNV +BAYTAkpQMSUwIwYDVQQKExxTRUNPTSBUcnVzdCBTeXN0ZW1zIENPLixMVEQuMScw +JQYDVQQDEx5TZWN1cml0eSBDb21tdW5pY2F0aW9uIFJvb3RDQTMwHhcNMTYwNjE2 +MDYxNzE2WhcNMzgwMTE4MDYxNzE2WjBdMQswCQYDVQQGEwJKUDElMCMGA1UEChMc +U0VDT00gVHJ1c3QgU3lzdGVtcyBDTy4sTFRELjEnMCUGA1UEAxMeU2VjdXJpdHkg +Q29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbiBSb290Q0EzMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIIC +CgKCAgEA48lySfcw3gl8qUCBWNO0Ot26YQ+TUG5pPDXC7ltzkBtnTCHsXzW7OT4r +CmDvu20rhvtxosis5FaU+cmvsXLUIKx00rgVrVH+hXShuRD+BYD5UpOzQD11EKzA +lrenfna84xtSGc4RHwsENPXY9Wk8d/Nk9A2qhd7gCVAEF5aEt8iKvE1y/By7z/MG +TfmfZPd+pmaGNXHIEYBMwXFAWB6+oHP2/D5Q4eAvJj1+XCO1eXDe+uDRpdYMQXF7 +9+qMHIjH7Iv10S9VlkZ8WjtYO/u62C21Jdp6Ts9EriGmnpjKIG58u4iFW/vAEGK7 +8vknR+/RiTlDxN/e4UG/VHMgly1s2vPUB6PmudhvrvyMGS7TZ2crldtYXLVqAvO4 +g160a75BflcJdURQVc1aEWEhCmHCqYj9E7wtiS/NYeCVvsq1e+F7NGcLH7YMx3we +GVPKp7FKFSBWFHA9K4IsD50VHUeAR/94mQ4xr28+j+2GaR57GIgUssL8gjMunEst ++3A7caoreyYn8xrC3PsXuKHqy6C0rtOUfnrQq8PsOC0RLoi/1D+tEjtCrI8Cbn3M +0V9hvqG8OmpI6iZVIhZdXw3/JzOfGAN0iltSIEdrRU0id4xVJ/CvHozJgyJUt5rQ +T9nO/NkuHJYosQLTA70lUhw0Zk8jq/R3gpYd0VcwCBEF/VfR2ccCAwEAAaNCMEAw +HQYDVR0OBBYEFGQUfPxYchamCik0FW8qy7z8r6irMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBBjAP +BgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAA4ICAQDcAiMI4u8hOscNtybS +YpOnpSNyByCCYN8Y11StaSWSntkUz5m5UoHPrmyKO1o5yGwBQ8IibQLwYs1OY0PA +FNr0Y/Dq9HHuTofjcan0yVflLl8cebsjqodEV+m9NU1Bu0soo5iyG9kLFwfl9+qd +9XbXv8S2gVj/yP9kaWJ5rW4OH3/uHWnlt3Jxs/6lATWUVCvAUm2PVcTJ0rjLyjQI +UYWg9by0F1jqClx6vWPGOi//lkkZhOpn2ASxYfQAW0q3nHE3GYV5v4GwxxMOdnE+ +OoAGrgYWp421wsTL/0ClXI2lyTrtcoHKXJg80jQDdwj98ClZXSEIx2C/pHF7uNke +gr4Jr2VvKKu/S7XuPghHJ6APbw+LP6yVGPO5DtxnVW5inkYO0QR4ynKudtml+LLf +iAlhi+8kTtFZP1rUPcmTPCtk9YENFpb3ksP+MW/oKjJ0DvRMmEoYDjBU1cXrvMUV +nuiZIesnKwkK2/HmcBhWuwzkvvnoEKQTkrgc4NtnHVMDpCKn3F2SEDzq//wbEBrD +2NCcnWXL0CsnMQMeNuE9dnUM/0Umud1RvCPHX9jYhxBAEg09ODfnRDwYwFMJZI// +1ZqmfHAuc1Uh6N//g7kdPjIe1qZ9LPFm6Vwdp6POXiUyK+OVrCoHzrQoeIY8Laad +TdJ0MN1kURXbg4NR16/9M51NZg== +-----END CERTIFICATE----- + +# Issuer: CN=Security Communication ECC RootCA1 O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD. +# Subject: CN=Security Communication ECC RootCA1 O=SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD. +# Label: "Security Communication ECC RootCA1" +# Serial: 15446673492073852651 +# MD5 Fingerprint: 7e:43:b0:92:68:ec:05:43:4c:98:ab:5d:35:2e:7e:86 +# SHA1 Fingerprint: b8:0e:26:a9:bf:d2:b2:3b:c0:ef:46:c9:ba:c7:bb:f6:1d:0d:41:41 +# SHA256 Fingerprint: e7:4f:bd:a5:5b:d5:64:c4:73:a3:6b:44:1a:a7:99:c8:a6:8e:07:74:40:e8:28:8b:9f:a1:e5:0e:4b:ba:ca:11 +-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- +MIICODCCAb6gAwIBAgIJANZdm7N4gS7rMAoGCCqGSM49BAMDMGExCzAJBgNVBAYT +AkpQMSUwIwYDVQQKExxTRUNPTSBUcnVzdCBTeXN0ZW1zIENPLixMVEQuMSswKQYD +VQQDEyJTZWN1cml0eSBDb21tdW5pY2F0aW9uIEVDQyBSb290Q0ExMB4XDTE2MDYx +NjA1MTUyOFoXDTM4MDExODA1MTUyOFowYTELMAkGA1UEBhMCSlAxJTAjBgNVBAoT +HFNFQ09NIFRydXN0IFN5c3RlbXMgQ08uLExURC4xKzApBgNVBAMTIlNlY3VyaXR5 +IENvbW11bmljYXRpb24gRUNDIFJvb3RDQTEwdjAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIgNi +AASkpW9gAwPDvTH00xecK4R1rOX9PVdu12O/5gSJko6BnOPpR27KkBLIE+Cnnfdl +dB9sELLo5OnvbYUymUSxXv3MdhDYW72ixvnWQuRXdtyQwjWpS4g8EkdtXP9JTxpK +ULGjQjBAMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSGHOf+LaVKiwj+KBH6vqNm+GBZLzAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E +BAMCAQYwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB/zAKBggqhkjOPQQDAwNoADBlAjAVXUI9/Lbu +9zuxNuie9sRGKEkz0FhDKmMpzE2xtHqiuQ04pV1IKv3LsnNdo4gIxwwCMQDAqy0O +be0YottT6SXbVQjgUMzfRGEWgqtJsLKB7HOHeLRMsmIbEvoWTSVLY70eN9k= +-----END CERTIFICATE----- diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/core.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/core.py index f34045b..c3e5466 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/core.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/certifi/core.py @@ -4,26 +4,12 @@ certifi.py This module returns the installation location of cacert.pem or its contents. """ -import os -import types -from typing import Union +import sys -class _PipPatchedCertificate(Exception): - pass +if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): - -try: - # Return a certificate file on disk for a standalone pip zipapp running in - # an isolated build environment to use. Passing --cert to the standalone - # pip does not work since requests calls where() unconditionally on import. - _PIP_STANDALONE_CERT = os.environ.get("_PIP_STANDALONE_CERT") - if _PIP_STANDALONE_CERT: - def where(): - return _PIP_STANDALONE_CERT - raise _PipPatchedCertificate() - - from importlib.resources import path as get_path, read_text + from importlib.resources import as_file, files _CACERT_CTX = None _CACERT_PATH = None @@ -47,15 +33,54 @@ try: # We also have to hold onto the actual context manager, because # it will do the cleanup whenever it gets garbage collected, so # we will also store that at the global level as well. + _CACERT_CTX = as_file(files("pip._vendor.certifi").joinpath("cacert.pem")) + _CACERT_PATH = str(_CACERT_CTX.__enter__()) + + return _CACERT_PATH + + def contents() -> str: + return files("pip._vendor.certifi").joinpath("cacert.pem").read_text(encoding="ascii") + +elif sys.version_info >= (3, 7): + + from importlib.resources import path as get_path, read_text + + _CACERT_CTX = None + _CACERT_PATH = None + + def where() -> str: + # This is slightly terrible, but we want to delay extracting the + # file in cases where we're inside of a zipimport situation until + # someone actually calls where(), but we don't want to re-extract + # the file on every call of where(), so we'll do it once then store + # it in a global variable. + global _CACERT_CTX + global _CACERT_PATH + if _CACERT_PATH is None: + # This is slightly janky, the importlib.resources API wants you + # to manage the cleanup of this file, so it doesn't actually + # return a path, it returns a context manager that will give + # you the path when you enter it and will do any cleanup when + # you leave it. In the common case of not needing a temporary + # file, it will just return the file system location and the + # __exit__() is a no-op. + # + # We also have to hold onto the actual context manager, because + # it will do the cleanup whenever it gets garbage collected, so + # we will also store that at the global level as well. _CACERT_CTX = get_path("pip._vendor.certifi", "cacert.pem") _CACERT_PATH = str(_CACERT_CTX.__enter__()) return _CACERT_PATH -except _PipPatchedCertificate: - pass + def contents() -> str: + return read_text("pip._vendor.certifi", "cacert.pem", encoding="ascii") + +else: + import os + import types + from typing import Union -except ImportError: Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str] Resource = Union[str, "os.PathLike"] @@ -79,6 +104,5 @@ except ImportError: return os.path.join(f, "cacert.pem") - -def contents() -> str: - return read_text("certifi", "cacert.pem", encoding="ascii") + def contents() -> str: + return read_text("pip._vendor.certifi", "cacert.pem", encoding="ascii") diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c5148c6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3772a91 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 58040c0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e648dab Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5freq.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d32082f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..610b5ed Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/big5prober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ffb03ac..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b4ffc43 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/chardistribution.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aa3dc23..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ef8db1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d03695d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8507c25 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/charsetprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 54d43a2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55ff204 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/codingstatemachine.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 247795c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5f2b3b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/cp949prober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git 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index 0000000..89edf07 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/escsm.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1512b26..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d6d06f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/eucjpprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euckrfreq.cpython-310.pyc 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwfreq.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4d7ee75..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..088ca54 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/euctwprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/gb2312freq.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/gb2312freq.cpython-310.pyc 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/gb2312prober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ee09c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/gb2312prober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d67c319..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba34310 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/hebrewprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/johabprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f3aeb3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/johabprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7df5783..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe7f26 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/jpcntx.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhebrewmodel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69afb52 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhebrewmodel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 38e984e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4c00e4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langhungarianmodel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 68d7eb8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3aa020c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langrussianmodel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9323f0c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..832f363 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langthaimodel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langturkishmodel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langturkishmodel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 561e41b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/langturkishmodel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/latin1prober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 166233f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c20321 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcharsetprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4f65449..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e663065 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcsgroupprober.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcssm.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcssm.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 14a3056..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/__pycache__/mbcssm.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git 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--git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 44e8ae6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ea4822 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4a577e9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57eda03 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/chardet/metadata/__pycache__/languages.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b415951..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc 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a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e83aff9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7634a7c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/ansitowin32.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/initialise.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/initialise.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 18155cc..0000000 Binary files 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mode 100644 index 0000000..678e9ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/win32.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 78ece71..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89898e2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/__pycache__/winterm.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__init__.py index 5055565..962173c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__init__.py @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -# Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Vinay Sajip. +# Copyright (C) 2012-2022 Vinay Sajip. # Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement. # See LICENSE.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt. # import logging -__version__ = '0.3.5' +__version__ = '0.3.6' class DistlibException(Exception): pass diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0394e17..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f169b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 90d73f7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbbea79 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 62971a2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95eb4f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/database.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8881eca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec58362 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/index.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 25cff62..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86225f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/locators.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f9e330d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6103ec8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/manifest.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0d7f4e2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..462f286 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d5b8e26..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9462cd4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/metadata.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4f68a91..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c2ae5c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/resources.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2ec00b2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e005c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/scripts.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 945dd9b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb5e631 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b227f12..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f922d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c642ca2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3518b50 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t32.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t32.exe index 0aaa386..52154f0 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t32.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t32.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64-arm.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64-arm.exe index a759e27..e1ab8f8 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64-arm.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64-arm.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64.exe index 82fe2d9..e8bebdb 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/t64.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w32.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w32.exe index f2e73aa..4ee2d3a 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w32.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w32.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64-arm.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64-arm.exe index b998321..951d581 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64-arm.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64-arm.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64.exe index 9a6b894..5763076 100644 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64.exe and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/w64.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3efc8c9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0109052 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8d51248..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de9477f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9c31ddf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96a6ad3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distro/__pycache__/distro.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aa730ca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc61992 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index da9a2d4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8665b3d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/codec.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 11be89d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..367b9ea Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9ef8261..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8def55 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 204b882..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9715a92 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/idnadata.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d6e635d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ee51f1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/intranges.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 206ed60..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b164508 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/package_data.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5baca3b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d8d60b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/__pycache__/uts46data.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/core.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/core.py index 55ab967..4f30037 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/core.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/core.py @@ -339,7 +339,10 @@ def uts46_remap(domain: str, std3_rules: bool = True, transitional: bool = False def encode(s: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], strict: bool = False, uts46: bool = False, std3_rules: bool = False, transitional: bool = False) -> bytes: if isinstance(s, (bytes, bytearray)): - s = s.decode('ascii') + try: + s = s.decode('ascii') + except UnicodeDecodeError: + raise IDNAError('should pass a unicode string to the function rather than a byte string.') if uts46: s = uts46_remap(s, std3_rules, transitional) trailing_dot = False diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/idnadata.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/idnadata.py index 1b5805d..67db462 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/idnadata.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/idnadata.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # This file is automatically generated by tools/idna-data -__version__ = '14.0.0' +__version__ = '15.0.0' scripts = { 'Greek': ( 0x37000000374, @@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ scripts = { 0x16fe200016fe4, 0x16ff000016ff2, 0x200000002a6e0, - 0x2a7000002b739, + 0x2a7000002b73a, 0x2b7400002b81e, 0x2b8200002cea2, 0x2ceb00002ebe1, 0x2f8000002fa1e, 0x300000003134b, + 0x31350000323b0, ), 'Hebrew': ( 0x591000005c8, @@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ scripts = { 0x304100003097, 0x309d000030a0, 0x1b0010001b120, + 0x1b1320001b133, 0x1b1500001b153, 0x1f2000001f201, ), @@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ scripts = { 0x1affd0001afff, 0x1b0000001b001, 0x1b1200001b123, + 0x1b1550001b156, 0x1b1640001b168, ), } @@ -1331,7 +1334,7 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0xcdd00000cdf, 0xce000000ce4, 0xce600000cf0, - 0xcf100000cf3, + 0xcf100000cf4, 0xd0000000d0d, 0xd0e00000d11, 0xd1200000d45, @@ -1366,7 +1369,7 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0xeb400000ebe, 0xec000000ec5, 0xec600000ec7, - 0xec800000ece, + 0xec800000ecf, 0xed000000eda, 0xede00000ee0, 0xf0000000f01, @@ -1859,7 +1862,7 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0xab200000ab27, 0xab280000ab2f, 0xab300000ab5b, - 0xab600000ab6a, + 0xab600000ab69, 0xabc00000abeb, 0xabec0000abee, 0xabf00000abfa, @@ -1943,7 +1946,7 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x10e8000010eaa, 0x10eab00010ead, 0x10eb000010eb2, - 0x10f0000010f1d, + 0x10efd00010f1d, 0x10f2700010f28, 0x10f3000010f51, 0x10f7000010f86, @@ -1966,7 +1969,7 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x111dc000111dd, 0x1120000011212, 0x1121300011238, - 0x1123e0001123f, + 0x1123e00011242, 0x1128000011287, 0x1128800011289, 0x1128a0001128e, @@ -2047,11 +2050,16 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x11d9300011d99, 0x11da000011daa, 0x11ee000011ef7, + 0x11f0000011f11, + 0x11f1200011f3b, + 0x11f3e00011f43, + 0x11f5000011f5a, 0x11fb000011fb1, 0x120000001239a, 0x1248000012544, 0x12f9000012ff1, - 0x130000001342f, + 0x1300000013430, + 0x1344000013456, 0x1440000014647, 0x1680000016a39, 0x16a4000016a5f, @@ -2079,7 +2087,9 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x1aff50001affc, 0x1affd0001afff, 0x1b0000001b123, + 0x1b1320001b133, 0x1b1500001b153, + 0x1b1550001b156, 0x1b1640001b168, 0x1b1700001b2fc, 0x1bc000001bc6b, @@ -2096,17 +2106,21 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x1da9b0001daa0, 0x1daa10001dab0, 0x1df000001df1f, + 0x1df250001df2b, 0x1e0000001e007, 0x1e0080001e019, 0x1e01b0001e022, 0x1e0230001e025, 0x1e0260001e02b, + 0x1e0300001e06e, + 0x1e08f0001e090, 0x1e1000001e12d, 0x1e1300001e13e, 0x1e1400001e14a, 0x1e14e0001e14f, 0x1e2900001e2af, 0x1e2c00001e2fa, + 0x1e4d00001e4fa, 0x1e7e00001e7e7, 0x1e7e80001e7ec, 0x1e7ed0001e7ef, @@ -2115,13 +2129,13 @@ codepoint_classes = { 0x1e8d00001e8d7, 0x1e9220001e94c, 0x1e9500001e95a, - 0x1fbf00001fbfa, 0x200000002a6e0, - 0x2a7000002b739, + 0x2a7000002b73a, 0x2b7400002b81e, 0x2b8200002cea2, 0x2ceb00002ebe1, 0x300000003134b, + 0x31350000323b0, ), 'CONTEXTJ': ( 0x200c0000200e, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/package_data.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/package_data.py index f5ea87c..8501893 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/package_data.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/package_data.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -__version__ = '3.3' +__version__ = '3.4' diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/uts46data.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/uts46data.py index 8f65705..186796c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/uts46data.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/idna/uts46data.py @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from typing import List, Tuple, Union """IDNA Mapping Table from UTS46.""" -__version__ = '14.0.0' +__version__ = '15.0.0' def _seg_0() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: return [ (0x0, '3'), @@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ def _seg_12() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0xCE6, 'V'), (0xCF0, 'X'), (0xCF1, 'V'), - (0xCF3, 'X'), + (0xCF4, 'X'), (0xD00, 'V'), (0xD0D, 'X'), (0xD0E, 'V'), @@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ def _seg_13() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0xEC6, 'V'), (0xEC7, 'X'), (0xEC8, 'V'), - (0xECE, 'X'), + (0xECF, 'X'), (0xED0, 'V'), (0xEDA, 'X'), (0xEDC, 'M', 'ຫນ'), @@ -5917,7 +5917,7 @@ def _seg_56() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x10EAE, 'X'), (0x10EB0, 'V'), (0x10EB2, 'X'), - (0x10F00, 'V'), + (0x10EFD, 'V'), (0x10F28, 'X'), (0x10F30, 'V'), (0x10F5A, 'X'), @@ -5956,7 +5956,7 @@ def _seg_57() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x11200, 'V'), (0x11212, 'X'), (0x11213, 'V'), - (0x1123F, 'X'), + (0x11242, 'X'), (0x11280, 'V'), (0x11287, 'X'), (0x11288, 'V'), @@ -6097,6 +6097,8 @@ def _seg_58() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x11AA3, 'X'), (0x11AB0, 'V'), (0x11AF9, 'X'), + (0x11B00, 'V'), + (0x11B0A, 'X'), (0x11C00, 'V'), (0x11C09, 'X'), (0x11C0A, 'V'), @@ -6139,13 +6141,19 @@ def _seg_58() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x11DAA, 'X'), (0x11EE0, 'V'), (0x11EF9, 'X'), - (0x11FB0, 'V'), - (0x11FB1, 'X'), - (0x11FC0, 'V'), + (0x11F00, 'V'), ] def _seg_59() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: return [ + (0x11F11, 'X'), + (0x11F12, 'V'), + (0x11F3B, 'X'), + (0x11F3E, 'V'), + (0x11F5A, 'X'), + (0x11FB0, 'V'), + (0x11FB1, 'X'), + (0x11FC0, 'V'), (0x11FF2, 'X'), (0x11FFF, 'V'), (0x1239A, 'X'), @@ -6158,7 +6166,9 @@ def _seg_59() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x12F90, 'V'), (0x12FF3, 'X'), (0x13000, 'V'), - (0x1342F, 'X'), + (0x13430, 'X'), + (0x13440, 'V'), + (0x13456, 'X'), (0x14400, 'V'), (0x14647, 'X'), (0x16800, 'V'), @@ -6236,6 +6246,10 @@ def _seg_59() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x18D00, 'V'), (0x18D09, 'X'), (0x1AFF0, 'V'), + ] + +def _seg_60() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1AFF4, 'X'), (0x1AFF5, 'V'), (0x1AFFC, 'X'), @@ -6243,13 +6257,13 @@ def _seg_59() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1AFFF, 'X'), (0x1B000, 'V'), (0x1B123, 'X'), + (0x1B132, 'V'), + (0x1B133, 'X'), (0x1B150, 'V'), (0x1B153, 'X'), + (0x1B155, 'V'), + (0x1B156, 'X'), (0x1B164, 'V'), - ] - -def _seg_60() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1B168, 'X'), (0x1B170, 'V'), (0x1B2FC, 'X'), @@ -6295,6 +6309,8 @@ def _seg_60() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D1EB, 'X'), (0x1D200, 'V'), (0x1D246, 'X'), + (0x1D2C0, 'V'), + (0x1D2D4, 'X'), (0x1D2E0, 'V'), (0x1D2F4, 'X'), (0x1D300, 'V'), @@ -6334,6 +6350,10 @@ def _seg_60() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D41E, 'M', 'e'), (0x1D41F, 'M', 'f'), (0x1D420, 'M', 'g'), + ] + +def _seg_61() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D421, 'M', 'h'), (0x1D422, 'M', 'i'), (0x1D423, 'M', 'j'), @@ -6350,10 +6370,6 @@ def _seg_60() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D42E, 'M', 'u'), (0x1D42F, 'M', 'v'), (0x1D430, 'M', 'w'), - ] - -def _seg_61() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D431, 'M', 'x'), (0x1D432, 'M', 'y'), (0x1D433, 'M', 'z'), @@ -6438,6 +6454,10 @@ def _seg_61() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D482, 'M', 'a'), (0x1D483, 'M', 'b'), (0x1D484, 'M', 'c'), + ] + +def _seg_62() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D485, 'M', 'd'), (0x1D486, 'M', 'e'), (0x1D487, 'M', 'f'), @@ -6454,10 +6474,6 @@ def _seg_61() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D492, 'M', 'q'), (0x1D493, 'M', 'r'), (0x1D494, 'M', 's'), - ] - -def _seg_62() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D495, 'M', 't'), (0x1D496, 'M', 'u'), (0x1D497, 'M', 'v'), @@ -6542,6 +6558,10 @@ def _seg_62() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D4E9, 'M', 'z'), (0x1D4EA, 'M', 'a'), (0x1D4EB, 'M', 'b'), + ] + +def _seg_63() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D4EC, 'M', 'c'), (0x1D4ED, 'M', 'd'), (0x1D4EE, 'M', 'e'), @@ -6558,10 +6578,6 @@ def _seg_62() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D4F9, 'M', 'p'), (0x1D4FA, 'M', 'q'), (0x1D4FB, 'M', 'r'), - ] - -def _seg_63() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D4FC, 'M', 's'), (0x1D4FD, 'M', 't'), (0x1D4FE, 'M', 'u'), @@ -6646,6 +6662,10 @@ def _seg_63() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D550, 'M', 'y'), (0x1D551, 'X'), (0x1D552, 'M', 'a'), + ] + +def _seg_64() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D553, 'M', 'b'), (0x1D554, 'M', 'c'), (0x1D555, 'M', 'd'), @@ -6662,10 +6682,6 @@ def _seg_63() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D560, 'M', 'o'), (0x1D561, 'M', 'p'), (0x1D562, 'M', 'q'), - ] - -def _seg_64() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D563, 'M', 'r'), (0x1D564, 'M', 's'), (0x1D565, 'M', 't'), @@ -6750,6 +6766,10 @@ def _seg_64() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D5B4, 'M', 'u'), (0x1D5B5, 'M', 'v'), (0x1D5B6, 'M', 'w'), + ] + +def _seg_65() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D5B7, 'M', 'x'), (0x1D5B8, 'M', 'y'), (0x1D5B9, 'M', 'z'), @@ -6766,10 +6786,6 @@ def _seg_64() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D5C4, 'M', 'k'), (0x1D5C5, 'M', 'l'), (0x1D5C6, 'M', 'm'), - ] - -def _seg_65() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D5C7, 'M', 'n'), (0x1D5C8, 'M', 'o'), (0x1D5C9, 'M', 'p'), @@ -6854,6 +6870,10 @@ def _seg_65() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D618, 'M', 'q'), (0x1D619, 'M', 'r'), (0x1D61A, 'M', 's'), + ] + +def _seg_66() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D61B, 'M', 't'), (0x1D61C, 'M', 'u'), (0x1D61D, 'M', 'v'), @@ -6870,10 +6890,6 @@ def _seg_65() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D628, 'M', 'g'), (0x1D629, 'M', 'h'), (0x1D62A, 'M', 'i'), - ] - -def _seg_66() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D62B, 'M', 'j'), (0x1D62C, 'M', 'k'), (0x1D62D, 'M', 'l'), @@ -6958,6 +6974,10 @@ def _seg_66() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D67C, 'M', 'm'), (0x1D67D, 'M', 'n'), (0x1D67E, 'M', 'o'), + ] + +def _seg_67() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D67F, 'M', 'p'), (0x1D680, 'M', 'q'), (0x1D681, 'M', 'r'), @@ -6974,10 +6994,6 @@ def _seg_66() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D68C, 'M', 'c'), (0x1D68D, 'M', 'd'), (0x1D68E, 'M', 'e'), - ] - -def _seg_67() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D68F, 'M', 'f'), (0x1D690, 'M', 'g'), (0x1D691, 'M', 'h'), @@ -7062,6 +7078,10 @@ def _seg_67() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D6E2, 'M', 'α'), (0x1D6E3, 'M', 'β'), (0x1D6E4, 'M', 'γ'), + ] + +def _seg_68() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D6E5, 'M', 'δ'), (0x1D6E6, 'M', 'ε'), (0x1D6E7, 'M', 'ζ'), @@ -7078,10 +7098,6 @@ def _seg_67() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D6F2, 'M', 'ρ'), (0x1D6F3, 'M', 'θ'), (0x1D6F4, 'M', 'σ'), - ] - -def _seg_68() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D6F5, 'M', 'τ'), (0x1D6F6, 'M', 'υ'), (0x1D6F7, 'M', 'φ'), @@ -7166,6 +7182,10 @@ def _seg_68() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D747, 'M', 'σ'), (0x1D749, 'M', 'τ'), (0x1D74A, 'M', 'υ'), + ] + +def _seg_69() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D74B, 'M', 'φ'), (0x1D74C, 'M', 'χ'), (0x1D74D, 'M', 'ψ'), @@ -7182,10 +7202,6 @@ def _seg_68() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D758, 'M', 'γ'), (0x1D759, 'M', 'δ'), (0x1D75A, 'M', 'ε'), - ] - -def _seg_69() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D75B, 'M', 'ζ'), (0x1D75C, 'M', 'η'), (0x1D75D, 'M', 'θ'), @@ -7270,6 +7286,10 @@ def _seg_69() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D7AD, 'M', 'δ'), (0x1D7AE, 'M', 'ε'), (0x1D7AF, 'M', 'ζ'), + ] + +def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1D7B0, 'M', 'η'), (0x1D7B1, 'M', 'θ'), (0x1D7B2, 'M', 'ι'), @@ -7286,10 +7306,6 @@ def _seg_69() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1D7BE, 'M', 'υ'), (0x1D7BF, 'M', 'φ'), (0x1D7C0, 'M', 'χ'), - ] - -def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1D7C1, 'M', 'ψ'), (0x1D7C2, 'M', 'ω'), (0x1D7C3, 'M', '∂'), @@ -7359,6 +7375,8 @@ def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1DAB0, 'X'), (0x1DF00, 'V'), (0x1DF1F, 'X'), + (0x1DF25, 'V'), + (0x1DF2B, 'X'), (0x1E000, 'V'), (0x1E007, 'X'), (0x1E008, 'V'), @@ -7369,6 +7387,75 @@ def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1E025, 'X'), (0x1E026, 'V'), (0x1E02B, 'X'), + (0x1E030, 'M', 'а'), + (0x1E031, 'M', 'б'), + (0x1E032, 'M', 'в'), + ] + +def _seg_71() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ + (0x1E033, 'M', 'г'), + (0x1E034, 'M', 'д'), + (0x1E035, 'M', 'е'), + (0x1E036, 'M', 'ж'), + (0x1E037, 'M', 'з'), + (0x1E038, 'M', 'и'), + (0x1E039, 'M', 'к'), + (0x1E03A, 'M', 'л'), + (0x1E03B, 'M', 'м'), + (0x1E03C, 'M', 'о'), + (0x1E03D, 'M', 'п'), + (0x1E03E, 'M', 'р'), + (0x1E03F, 'M', 'с'), + (0x1E040, 'M', 'т'), + (0x1E041, 'M', 'у'), + (0x1E042, 'M', 'ф'), + (0x1E043, 'M', 'х'), + (0x1E044, 'M', 'ц'), + (0x1E045, 'M', 'ч'), + (0x1E046, 'M', 'ш'), + (0x1E047, 'M', 'ы'), + (0x1E048, 'M', 'э'), + (0x1E049, 'M', 'ю'), + (0x1E04A, 'M', 'ꚉ'), + (0x1E04B, 'M', 'ә'), + (0x1E04C, 'M', 'і'), + (0x1E04D, 'M', 'ј'), + (0x1E04E, 'M', 'ө'), + (0x1E04F, 'M', 'ү'), + (0x1E050, 'M', 'ӏ'), + (0x1E051, 'M', 'а'), + (0x1E052, 'M', 'б'), + (0x1E053, 'M', 'в'), + (0x1E054, 'M', 'г'), + (0x1E055, 'M', 'д'), + (0x1E056, 'M', 'е'), + (0x1E057, 'M', 'ж'), + (0x1E058, 'M', 'з'), + (0x1E059, 'M', 'и'), + (0x1E05A, 'M', 'к'), + (0x1E05B, 'M', 'л'), + (0x1E05C, 'M', 'о'), + (0x1E05D, 'M', 'п'), + (0x1E05E, 'M', 'с'), + (0x1E05F, 'M', 'у'), + (0x1E060, 'M', 'ф'), + (0x1E061, 'M', 'х'), + (0x1E062, 'M', 'ц'), + (0x1E063, 'M', 'ч'), + (0x1E064, 'M', 'ш'), + (0x1E065, 'M', 'ъ'), + (0x1E066, 'M', 'ы'), + (0x1E067, 'M', 'ґ'), + (0x1E068, 'M', 'і'), + (0x1E069, 'M', 'ѕ'), + (0x1E06A, 'M', 'џ'), + (0x1E06B, 'M', 'ҫ'), + (0x1E06C, 'M', 'ꙑ'), + (0x1E06D, 'M', 'ұ'), + (0x1E06E, 'X'), + (0x1E08F, 'V'), + (0x1E090, 'X'), (0x1E100, 'V'), (0x1E12D, 'X'), (0x1E130, 'V'), @@ -7383,6 +7470,8 @@ def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1E2FA, 'X'), (0x1E2FF, 'V'), (0x1E300, 'X'), + (0x1E4D0, 'V'), + (0x1E4FA, 'X'), (0x1E7E0, 'V'), (0x1E7E7, 'X'), (0x1E7E8, 'V'), @@ -7390,10 +7479,6 @@ def _seg_70() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1E7ED, 'V'), (0x1E7EF, 'X'), (0x1E7F0, 'V'), - ] - -def _seg_71() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1E7FF, 'X'), (0x1E800, 'V'), (0x1E8C5, 'X'), @@ -7409,6 +7494,10 @@ def _seg_71() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1E907, 'M', '𞤩'), (0x1E908, 'M', '𞤪'), (0x1E909, 'M', '𞤫'), + ] + +def _seg_72() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1E90A, 'M', '𞤬'), (0x1E90B, 'M', '𞤭'), (0x1E90C, 'M', '𞤮'), @@ -7494,10 +7583,6 @@ def _seg_71() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1EE31, 'M', 'ص'), (0x1EE32, 'M', 'ق'), (0x1EE33, 'X'), - ] - -def _seg_72() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1EE34, 'M', 'ش'), (0x1EE35, 'M', 'ت'), (0x1EE36, 'M', 'ث'), @@ -7513,6 +7598,10 @@ def _seg_72() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1EE48, 'X'), (0x1EE49, 'M', 'ي'), (0x1EE4A, 'X'), + ] + +def _seg_73() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1EE4B, 'M', 'ل'), (0x1EE4C, 'X'), (0x1EE4D, 'M', 'ن'), @@ -7598,10 +7687,6 @@ def _seg_72() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1EEA3, 'M', 'د'), (0x1EEA4, 'X'), (0x1EEA5, 'M', 'و'), - ] - -def _seg_73() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1EEA6, 'M', 'ز'), (0x1EEA7, 'M', 'ح'), (0x1EEA8, 'M', 'ط'), @@ -7617,6 +7702,10 @@ def _seg_73() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1EEB2, 'M', 'ق'), (0x1EEB3, 'M', 'ر'), (0x1EEB4, 'M', 'ش'), + ] + +def _seg_74() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1EEB5, 'M', 'ت'), (0x1EEB6, 'M', 'ث'), (0x1EEB7, 'M', 'خ'), @@ -7702,10 +7791,6 @@ def _seg_73() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1F141, 'M', 'r'), (0x1F142, 'M', 's'), (0x1F143, 'M', 't'), - ] - -def _seg_74() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1F144, 'M', 'u'), (0x1F145, 'M', 'v'), (0x1F146, 'M', 'w'), @@ -7721,6 +7806,10 @@ def _seg_74() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1F150, 'V'), (0x1F16A, 'M', 'mc'), (0x1F16B, 'M', 'md'), + ] + +def _seg_75() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1F16C, 'M', 'mr'), (0x1F16D, 'V'), (0x1F190, 'M', 'dj'), @@ -7793,23 +7882,19 @@ def _seg_74() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1F266, 'X'), (0x1F300, 'V'), (0x1F6D8, 'X'), - (0x1F6DD, 'V'), + (0x1F6DC, 'V'), (0x1F6ED, 'X'), (0x1F6F0, 'V'), (0x1F6FD, 'X'), (0x1F700, 'V'), - (0x1F774, 'X'), - (0x1F780, 'V'), - (0x1F7D9, 'X'), + (0x1F777, 'X'), + (0x1F77B, 'V'), + (0x1F7DA, 'X'), (0x1F7E0, 'V'), (0x1F7EC, 'X'), (0x1F7F0, 'V'), (0x1F7F1, 'X'), (0x1F800, 'V'), - ] - -def _seg_75() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x1F80C, 'X'), (0x1F810, 'V'), (0x1F848, 'X'), @@ -7825,24 +7910,24 @@ def _seg_75() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x1FA54, 'X'), (0x1FA60, 'V'), (0x1FA6E, 'X'), + ] + +def _seg_76() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x1FA70, 'V'), - (0x1FA75, 'X'), - (0x1FA78, 'V'), (0x1FA7D, 'X'), (0x1FA80, 'V'), - (0x1FA87, 'X'), + (0x1FA89, 'X'), (0x1FA90, 'V'), - (0x1FAAD, 'X'), - (0x1FAB0, 'V'), - (0x1FABB, 'X'), - (0x1FAC0, 'V'), + (0x1FABE, 'X'), + (0x1FABF, 'V'), (0x1FAC6, 'X'), - (0x1FAD0, 'V'), - (0x1FADA, 'X'), + (0x1FACE, 'V'), + (0x1FADC, 'X'), (0x1FAE0, 'V'), - (0x1FAE8, 'X'), + (0x1FAE9, 'X'), (0x1FAF0, 'V'), - (0x1FAF7, 'X'), + (0x1FAF9, 'X'), (0x1FB00, 'V'), (0x1FB93, 'X'), (0x1FB94, 'V'), @@ -7861,7 +7946,7 @@ def _seg_75() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x20000, 'V'), (0x2A6E0, 'X'), (0x2A700, 'V'), - (0x2B739, 'X'), + (0x2B73A, 'X'), (0x2B740, 'V'), (0x2B81E, 'X'), (0x2B820, 'V'), @@ -7910,10 +7995,6 @@ def _seg_75() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F827, 'M', '勤'), (0x2F828, 'M', '勺'), (0x2F829, 'M', '包'), - ] - -def _seg_76() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x2F82A, 'M', '匆'), (0x2F82B, 'M', '北'), (0x2F82C, 'M', '卉'), @@ -7933,6 +8014,10 @@ def _seg_76() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F83C, 'M', '咞'), (0x2F83D, 'M', '吸'), (0x2F83E, 'M', '呈'), + ] + +def _seg_77() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x2F83F, 'M', '周'), (0x2F840, 'M', '咢'), (0x2F841, 'M', '哶'), @@ -8014,10 +8099,6 @@ def _seg_76() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F88F, 'M', '𪎒'), (0x2F890, 'M', '廾'), (0x2F891, 'M', '𢌱'), - ] - -def _seg_77() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x2F893, 'M', '舁'), (0x2F894, 'M', '弢'), (0x2F896, 'M', '㣇'), @@ -8037,6 +8118,10 @@ def _seg_77() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F8A4, 'M', '𢛔'), (0x2F8A5, 'M', '惇'), (0x2F8A6, 'M', '慈'), + ] + +def _seg_78() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x2F8A7, 'M', '慌'), (0x2F8A8, 'M', '慎'), (0x2F8A9, 'M', '慌'), @@ -8118,10 +8203,6 @@ def _seg_77() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F8F5, 'M', '殺'), (0x2F8F6, 'M', '殻'), (0x2F8F7, 'M', '𣪍'), - ] - -def _seg_78() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x2F8F8, 'M', '𡴋'), (0x2F8F9, 'M', '𣫺'), (0x2F8FA, 'M', '汎'), @@ -8141,6 +8222,10 @@ def _seg_78() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F908, 'M', '港'), (0x2F909, 'M', '湮'), (0x2F90A, 'M', '㴳'), + ] + +def _seg_79() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x2F90B, 'M', '滋'), (0x2F90C, 'M', '滇'), (0x2F90D, 'M', '𣻑'), @@ -8222,10 +8307,6 @@ def _seg_78() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F95B, 'M', '穏'), (0x2F95C, 'M', '𥥼'), (0x2F95D, 'M', '𥪧'), - ] - -def _seg_79() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x2F95F, 'X'), (0x2F960, 'M', '䈂'), (0x2F961, 'M', '𥮫'), @@ -8245,6 +8326,10 @@ def _seg_79() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F96F, 'M', '縂'), (0x2F970, 'M', '繅'), (0x2F971, 'M', '䌴'), + ] + +def _seg_80() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x2F972, 'M', '𦈨'), (0x2F973, 'M', '𦉇'), (0x2F974, 'M', '䍙'), @@ -8326,10 +8411,6 @@ def _seg_79() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F9C0, 'M', '蟡'), (0x2F9C1, 'M', '蠁'), (0x2F9C2, 'M', '䗹'), - ] - -def _seg_80() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: - return [ (0x2F9C3, 'M', '衠'), (0x2F9C4, 'M', '衣'), (0x2F9C5, 'M', '𧙧'), @@ -8349,6 +8430,10 @@ def _seg_80() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2F9D3, 'M', '𧲨'), (0x2F9D4, 'M', '貫'), (0x2F9D5, 'M', '賁'), + ] + +def _seg_81() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: + return [ (0x2F9D6, 'M', '贛'), (0x2F9D7, 'M', '起'), (0x2F9D8, 'M', '𧼯'), @@ -8423,6 +8508,8 @@ def _seg_80() -> List[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]]]: (0x2FA1E, 'X'), (0x30000, 'V'), (0x3134B, 'X'), + (0x31350, 'V'), + (0x323B0, 'X'), (0xE0100, 'I'), (0xE01F0, 'X'), ] @@ -8509,4 +8596,5 @@ uts46data = tuple( + _seg_78() + _seg_79() + _seg_80() + + _seg_81() ) # type: Tuple[Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[int, str, str]], ...] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a82c41f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beb840f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 655da7c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a105cf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f9a2e93..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47f66a3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/ext.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 995550a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..89f5276 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/msgpack/__pycache__/fallback.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aa0a9d2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..332493a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1e53715..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01b03f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 84a863d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e391fb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8a9f97a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85a7ed9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6e642c1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb75332 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aaa146c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a240b9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8f5640b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e18d9d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 096a7a7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5d37d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f4eb5fe..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84aa90c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5d41001..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0aad6b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f8c342a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66eac38 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__init__.py index 2b6b885..38ea0f5 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__init__.py @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ """Wrappers to build Python packages using PEP 517 hooks """ -__version__ = '0.12.0' +__version__ = '0.13.0' from .wrappers import * # noqa: F401, F403 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d2e6972..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..470a3bb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33bf36c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3d323da..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3247bc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6a681d6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d7fbb9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b48835a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07065c0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/colorlog.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 34ea95c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 736737e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c593667 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/dirtools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b28a34a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2975447 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/envbuild.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 546269d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af30f2e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/meta.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5e4ffa9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce7bed2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/__pycache__/wrappers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..95e509c --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +__all__ = ("tomllib",) + +import sys + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): + import tomllib +else: + from pip._vendor import tomli as tomllib diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/build.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/build.py index bc463b2..b30909c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/build.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/build.py @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ """Build a project using PEP 517 hooks. """ import argparse -import io import logging import os import shutil +import tempfile +from ._compat import tomllib from .envbuild import BuildEnvironment from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller -from .dirtools import tempdir, mkdir_p -from .compat import FileNotFoundError, toml_load log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -31,8 +30,8 @@ def load_system(source_dir): Load the build system from a source dir (pyproject.toml). """ pyproject = os.path.join(source_dir, 'pyproject.toml') - with io.open(pyproject, 'rb') as f: - pyproject_data = toml_load(f) + with open(pyproject, 'rb') as f: + pyproject_data = tomllib.load(f) return pyproject_data['build-system'] @@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ def _do_build(hooks, env, dist, dest): env.pip_install(reqs) log.info('Installed dynamic build dependencies') - with tempdir() as td: + with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: log.info('Trying to build %s in %s', dist, td) build_name = 'build_{dist}'.format(**locals()) build = getattr(hooks, build_name) @@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ def _do_build(hooks, env, dist, dest): def build(source_dir, dist, dest=None, system=None): system = system or load_system(source_dir) dest = os.path.join(source_dir, dest or 'dist') - mkdir_p(dest) + os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) validate_system(system) hooks = Pep517HookCaller( diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/check.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/check.py index bf3c722..b79f627 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/check.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/check.py @@ -1,19 +1,19 @@ """Check a project and backend by attempting to build using PEP 517 hooks. """ import argparse -import io import logging import os -from os.path import isfile, join as pjoin import shutil -from subprocess import CalledProcessError import sys import tarfile -from tempfile import mkdtemp import zipfile +from os.path import isfile +from os.path import join as pjoin +from subprocess import CalledProcessError +from tempfile import mkdtemp +from ._compat import tomllib from .colorlog import enable_colourful_output -from .compat import TOMLDecodeError, toml_load from .envbuild import BuildEnvironment from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller @@ -142,15 +142,15 @@ def check(source_dir): return False try: - with io.open(pyproject, 'rb') as f: - pyproject_data = toml_load(f) + with open(pyproject, 'rb') as f: + pyproject_data = tomllib.load(f) # Ensure the mandatory data can be loaded buildsys = pyproject_data['build-system'] requires = buildsys['requires'] backend = buildsys['build-backend'] backend_path = buildsys.get('backend-path') log.info('Loaded pyproject.toml') - except (TOMLDecodeError, KeyError): + except (tomllib.TOMLDecodeError, KeyError): log.error("Invalid pyproject.toml", exc_info=True) return False diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/colorlog.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/colorlog.py index 69c8a59..66310a7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/colorlog.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/colorlog.py @@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ class LogFormatter(logging.Formatter): # right conversion in python 3. fg_color = (curses.tigetstr("setaf") or curses.tigetstr("setf") or "") - if (3, 0) < sys.version_info < (3, 2, 3): - fg_color = str(fg_color, "ascii") for levelno, code in self.DEFAULT_COLORS.items(): self._colors[levelno] = str( diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/compat.py deleted file mode 100644 index 730ef5f..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/compat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -"""Python 2/3 compatibility""" -import io -import json -import sys - - -# Handle reading and writing JSON in UTF-8, on Python 3 and 2. - -if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: - # Python 3 - def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): - with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: - json.dump(obj, f, **kwargs) - - def read_json(path): - with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: - return json.load(f) - -else: - # Python 2 - def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): - with open(path, 'wb') as f: - json.dump(obj, f, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs) - - def read_json(path): - with open(path, 'rb') as f: - return json.load(f) - - -# FileNotFoundError - -try: - FileNotFoundError = FileNotFoundError -except NameError: - FileNotFoundError = IOError - - -if sys.version_info < (3, 6): - from toml import load as _toml_load # noqa: F401 - - def toml_load(f): - w = io.TextIOWrapper(f, encoding="utf8", newline="") - try: - return _toml_load(w) - finally: - w.detach() - - from toml import TomlDecodeError as TOMLDecodeError # noqa: F401 -else: - from pip._vendor.tomli import load as toml_load # noqa: F401 - from pip._vendor.tomli import TOMLDecodeError # noqa: F401 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/dirtools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/dirtools.py index 58c6ca0..3eff4d8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/dirtools.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/dirtools.py @@ -1,33 +1,8 @@ -import os import io -import contextlib -import tempfile -import shutil -import errno +import os import zipfile -@contextlib.contextmanager -def tempdir(): - """Create a temporary directory in a context manager.""" - td = tempfile.mkdtemp() - try: - yield td - finally: - shutil.rmtree(td) - - -def mkdir_p(*args, **kwargs): - """Like `mkdir`, but does not raise an exception if the - directory already exists. - """ - try: - return os.mkdir(*args, **kwargs) - except OSError as exc: - if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: - raise - - def dir_to_zipfile(root): """Construct an in-memory zip file for a directory.""" buffer = io.BytesIO() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/envbuild.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/envbuild.py index fe8873c..c0415c4 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/envbuild.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/envbuild.py @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ """Build wheels/sdists by installing build deps to a temporary environment. """ -import io -import os import logging +import os import shutil -from subprocess import check_call import sys +from subprocess import check_call from sysconfig import get_paths from tempfile import mkdtemp -from .compat import toml_load -from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller, LoggerWrapper +from ._compat import tomllib +from .wrappers import LoggerWrapper, Pep517HookCaller log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _load_pyproject(source_dir): - with io.open( + with open( os.path.join(source_dir, 'pyproject.toml'), 'rb', ) as f: - pyproject_data = toml_load(f) + pyproject_data = tomllib.load(f) buildsys = pyproject_data['build-system'] return ( buildsys['requires'], @@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ def _load_pyproject(source_dir): ) -class BuildEnvironment(object): +class BuildEnvironment: """Context manager to install build deps in a simple temporary environment Based on code I wrote for pip, which is MIT licensed. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__init__.py index c932313..281a356 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__init__.py @@ -3,15 +3,24 @@ The subpackage should stay as empty as possible to avoid shadowing modules that the backend might import. """ -from os.path import dirname, abspath, join as pjoin from contextlib import contextmanager +from os.path import abspath, dirname +from os.path import join as pjoin try: import importlib.resources as resources - - def _in_proc_script_path(): - return resources.path(__package__, '_in_process.py') + try: + resources.files + except AttributeError: + # Python 3.8 compatibility + def _in_proc_script_path(): + return resources.path(__package__, '_in_process.py') + else: + def _in_proc_script_path(): + return resources.as_file( + resources.files(__package__).joinpath('_in_process.py')) except ImportError: + # Python 3.6 compatibility @contextmanager def _in_proc_script_path(): yield pjoin(dirname(abspath(__file__)), '_in_process.py') diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8eed40d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca79a4c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d581d9e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f7f74a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/__pycache__/_in_process.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/_in_process.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/_in_process.py index 954a4ab..ae4cf9e 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/_in_process.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/in_process/_in_process.py @@ -12,41 +12,29 @@ Results: - control_dir/output.json - {"return_val": ...} """ -from glob import glob -from importlib import import_module import json import os import os.path -from os.path import join as pjoin import re import shutil import sys import traceback +from glob import glob +from importlib import import_module +from os.path import join as pjoin -# This file is run as a script, and `import compat` is not zip-safe, so we -# include write_json() and read_json() from compat.py. -# -# Handle reading and writing JSON in UTF-8, on Python 3 and 2. +# This file is run as a script, and `import wrappers` is not zip-safe, so we +# include write_json() and read_json() from wrappers.py. -if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: - # Python 3 - def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): - with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: - json.dump(obj, f, **kwargs) - def read_json(path): - with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: - return json.load(f) +def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): + with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + json.dump(obj, f, **kwargs) -else: - # Python 2 - def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): - with open(path, 'wb') as f: - json.dump(obj, f, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs) - def read_json(path): - with open(path, 'rb') as f: - return json.load(f) +def read_json(path): + with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: + return json.load(f) class BackendUnavailable(Exception): @@ -64,7 +52,7 @@ class BackendInvalid(Exception): class HookMissing(Exception): """Raised if a hook is missing and we are not executing the fallback""" def __init__(self, hook_name=None): - super(HookMissing, self).__init__(hook_name) + super().__init__(hook_name) self.hook_name = hook_name diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/meta.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/meta.py index d525de5..4afc3c0 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/meta.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/meta.py @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ """Build metadata for a project using PEP 517 hooks. """ import argparse +import functools import logging import os import shutil -import functools +import tempfile try: import importlib.metadata as imp_meta @@ -16,10 +17,10 @@ try: except ImportError: from zipp import Path +from .build import compat_system, load_system, validate_system +from .dirtools import dir_to_zipfile from .envbuild import BuildEnvironment from .wrappers import Pep517HookCaller, quiet_subprocess_runner -from .dirtools import tempdir, mkdir_p, dir_to_zipfile -from .build import validate_system, load_system, compat_system log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ def _prep_meta(hooks, env, dest): env.pip_install(reqs) log.info('Installed dynamic build dependencies') - with tempdir() as td: + with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: log.info('Trying to build metadata in %s', td) filename = hooks.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(td, {}) source = os.path.join(td, filename) @@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ def _prep_meta(hooks, env, dest): def build(source_dir='.', dest=None, system=None): system = system or load_system(source_dir) dest = os.path.join(source_dir, dest or 'dist') - mkdir_p(dest) + os.makedirs(dest, exist_ok=True) validate_system(system) hooks = Pep517HookCaller( source_dir, system['build-backend'], system.get('backend-path') @@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ def build(source_dir='.', dest=None, system=None): def build_as_zip(builder=build): - with tempdir() as out_dir: + with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as out_dir: builder(dest=out_dir) return dir_to_zipfile(out_dir) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/wrappers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/wrappers.py index e031ed7..987a62a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/wrappers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pep517/wrappers.py @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -import threading -from contextlib import contextmanager +import json import os -from os.path import abspath, join as pjoin -import shutil -from subprocess import check_call, check_output, STDOUT import sys -from tempfile import mkdtemp +import tempfile +import threading +from contextlib import contextmanager +from os.path import abspath +from os.path import join as pjoin +from subprocess import STDOUT, check_call, check_output -from . import compat from .in_process import _in_proc_script_path __all__ = [ @@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ __all__ = [ ] -@contextmanager -def tempdir(): - td = mkdtemp() - try: - yield td - finally: - shutil.rmtree(td) +def write_json(obj, path, **kwargs): + with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: + json.dump(obj, f, **kwargs) + + +def read_json(path): + with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f: + return json.load(f) class BackendUnavailable(Exception): @@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class BackendInvalid(Exception): class HookMissing(Exception): """Will be raised on missing hooks.""" def __init__(self, hook_name): - super(HookMissing, self).__init__(hook_name) + super().__init__(hook_name) self.hook_name = hook_name @@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ def norm_and_check(source_tree, requested): return abs_requested -class Pep517HookCaller(object): +class Pep517HookCaller: """A wrapper around a source directory to be built with a PEP 517 backend. :param source_dir: The path to the source directory, containing @@ -292,29 +293,15 @@ class Pep517HookCaller(object): }) def _call_hook(self, hook_name, kwargs): - # On Python 2, pytoml returns Unicode values (which is correct) but the - # environment passed to check_call needs to contain string values. We - # convert here by encoding using ASCII (the backend can only contain - # letters, digits and _, . and : characters, and will be used as a - # Python identifier, so non-ASCII content is wrong on Python 2 in - # any case). - # For backend_path, we use sys.getfilesystemencoding. - if sys.version_info[0] == 2: - build_backend = self.build_backend.encode('ASCII') - else: - build_backend = self.build_backend - extra_environ = {'PEP517_BUILD_BACKEND': build_backend} + extra_environ = {'PEP517_BUILD_BACKEND': self.build_backend} if self.backend_path: backend_path = os.pathsep.join(self.backend_path) - if sys.version_info[0] == 2: - backend_path = backend_path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) extra_environ['PEP517_BACKEND_PATH'] = backend_path - with tempdir() as td: + with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as td: hook_input = {'kwargs': kwargs} - compat.write_json(hook_input, pjoin(td, 'input.json'), - indent=2) + write_json(hook_input, pjoin(td, 'input.json'), indent=2) # Run the hook in a subprocess with _in_proc_script_path() as script: @@ -325,7 +312,7 @@ class Pep517HookCaller(object): extra_environ=extra_environ ) - data = compat.read_json(pjoin(td, 'output.json')) + data = read_json(pjoin(td, 'output.json')) if data.get('unsupported'): raise UnsupportedOperation(data.get('traceback', '')) if data.get('no_backend'): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ff43ea2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2dee80 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0253152..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2da636 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pkg_resources/__pycache__/py31compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 48b5bef..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b52e94 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 091358b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..70f0487 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a01f8ef..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a29b8c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/android.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 48625b7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beb0b5b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 812052e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ba89ea Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/macos.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e4fdbfb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6452e39 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/unix.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c9c748d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4aa2957 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 93183b5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a2566f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/platformdirs/__pycache__/windows.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__init__.py index 52ff035..7185e53 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__init__.py @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ """ from io import StringIO, BytesIO -__version__ = '2.12.0' +__version__ = '2.13.0' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' __all__ = ['lex', 'format', 'highlight'] @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ def lex(code, lexer): """ try: return lexer.get_tokens(code) - except TypeError as err: - if (isinstance(err.args[0], str) and - ('unbound method get_tokens' in err.args[0] or - 'missing 1 required positional argument' in err.args[0])): + except TypeError: + # Heuristic to catch a common mistake. + from pip._vendor.pygments.lexer import RegexLexer + if isinstance(lexer, type) and issubclass(lexer, RegexLexer): raise TypeError('lex() argument must be a lexer instance, ' 'not a class') raise @@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ def format(tokens, formatter, outfile=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builti return realoutfile.getvalue() else: formatter.format(tokens, outfile) - except TypeError as err: - if (isinstance(err.args[0], str) and - ('unbound method format' in err.args[0] or - 'missing 1 required positional argument' in err.args[0])): + except TypeError: + # Heuristic to catch a common mistake. + from pip._vendor.pygments.formatter import Formatter + if isinstance(formatter, type) and issubclass(formatter, Formatter): raise TypeError('format() argument must be a formatter instance, ' 'not a class') raise @@ -80,4 +80,3 @@ def highlight(code, lexer, formatter, outfile=None): it is returned as a string. """ return format(lex(code, lexer), formatter, outfile) - diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2c304ae..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fb88c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9cfc6f9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c689e0f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4fde147..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48ef9cb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fca6bf8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..855cad4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0ea81e1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8f46bf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/filter.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 80ec82e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a62531 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/formatter.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cd198f6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a2308c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/lexer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 086cdc6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f0493b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/modeline.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 354758b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cdd016 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/plugin.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ec9b8ca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5efacf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/regexopt.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f0f9364..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aee2da2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/scanner.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6e706b5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e50c35 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/sphinxext.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0385490..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9bf2bd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aa713b2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66d03c6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/token.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index be87db3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c8cebe Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/unistring.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 06c6fc0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0e1ded Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/cmdline.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/cmdline.py index 349c626..de73b06 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/cmdline.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/cmdline.py @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters.latex import LatexEmbeddedLexer, LatexForma from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters import get_all_formatters, get_formatter_by_name, \ load_formatter_from_file, get_formatter_for_filename, find_formatter_class from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters.terminal import TerminalFormatter -from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters.terminal256 import Terminal256Formatter +from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters.terminal256 import Terminal256Formatter, TerminalTrueColorFormatter from pip._vendor.pygments.filters import get_all_filters, find_filter_class from pip._vendor.pygments.styles import get_all_styles, get_style_by_name @@ -445,7 +445,9 @@ def main_inner(parser, argns): return 1 else: if not fmter: - if '256' in os.environ.get('TERM', ''): + if os.environ.get('COLORTERM','') in ('truecolor', '24bit'): + fmter = TerminalTrueColorFormatter(**parsed_opts) + elif '256' in os.environ.get('TERM', ''): fmter = Terminal256Formatter(**parsed_opts) else: fmter = TerminalFormatter(**parsed_opts) @@ -636,6 +638,9 @@ def main(args=sys.argv): try: return main_inner(parser, argns) + except BrokenPipeError: + # someone closed our stdout, e.g. by quitting a pager. + return 0 except Exception: if argns.v: print(file=sys.stderr) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__init__.py index 5c99ce2..c302a6c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__init__.py @@ -69,13 +69,16 @@ class CodeTagFilter(Filter): `codetags` : list of strings A list of strings that are flagged as code tags. The default is to - highlight ``XXX``, ``TODO``, ``BUG`` and ``NOTE``. + highlight ``XXX``, ``TODO``, ``FIXME``, ``BUG`` and ``NOTE``. + + .. versionchanged:: 2.13 + Now recognizes ``FIXME`` by default. """ def __init__(self, **options): Filter.__init__(self, **options) tags = get_list_opt(options, 'codetags', - ['XXX', 'TODO', 'BUG', 'NOTE']) + ['XXX', 'TODO', 'FIXME', 'BUG', 'NOTE']) self.tag_re = re.compile(r'\b(%s)\b' % '|'.join([ re.escape(tag) for tag in tags if tag ])) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bf48dbc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff77748 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/filters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__init__.py index 7023aae..43c4c89 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__init__.py @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import re import sys import types -import fnmatch +from fnmatch import fnmatch from os.path import basename from pip._vendor.pygments.formatters._mapping import FORMATTERS @@ -22,16 +22,6 @@ __all__ = ['get_formatter_by_name', 'get_formatter_for_filename', 'get_all_formatters', 'load_formatter_from_file'] + list(FORMATTERS) _formatter_cache = {} # classes by name -_pattern_cache = {} - - -def _fn_matches(fn, glob): - """Return whether the supplied file name fn matches pattern filename.""" - if glob not in _pattern_cache: - pattern = _pattern_cache[glob] = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob)) - return pattern.match(fn) - return _pattern_cache[glob].match(fn) - def _load_formatters(module_name): """Load a formatter (and all others in the module too).""" @@ -122,13 +112,13 @@ def get_formatter_for_filename(fn, **options): fn = basename(fn) for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in FORMATTERS.values(): for filename in filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): if name not in _formatter_cache: _load_formatters(modname) return _formatter_cache[name](**options) for cls in find_plugin_formatters(): for filename in cls.filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): return cls(**options) raise ClassNotFound("no formatter found for file name %r" % fn) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cd7ebe1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc835fc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a2a7b42..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..512bf76 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5ce5213..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6b82be Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/bbcode.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2db863f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1732870 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/groff.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9c08ce2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..052b1eb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/html.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 53b389a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fdfbdc9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/img.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c102e59..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25a920d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/irc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 86d47e5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..647b2a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/latex.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e7a3b0b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23fefdb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/other.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c94f53b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57b7f89 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/pangomarkup.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bf33dce..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbf5a70 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/rtf.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 644bec9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5423e21 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/svg.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7cd80b8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7eec5b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8347c8b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbd835b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/__pycache__/terminal256.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py index db1a8d1..6e34f96 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py @@ -1,16 +1,5 @@ -""" - pygments.formatters._mapping - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - Formatter mapping definitions. This file is generated by itself. Every time - you change something on a builtin formatter definition, run this script from - the formatters folder to update it. - - Do not alter the FORMATTERS dictionary by hand. - - :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. - :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. -""" +# Automatically generated by scripts/gen_mapfiles.py. +# DO NOT EDIT BY HAND; run `make mapfiles` instead. FORMATTERS = { 'BBCodeFormatter': ('pygments.formatters.bbcode', 'BBCode', ('bbcode', 'bb'), (), 'Format tokens with BBcodes. These formatting codes are used by many bulletin boards, so you can highlight your sourcecode with pygments before posting it there.'), @@ -30,55 +19,5 @@ FORMATTERS = { 'Terminal256Formatter': ('pygments.formatters.terminal256', 'Terminal256', ('terminal256', 'console256', '256'), (), 'Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a 256-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.'), 'TerminalFormatter': ('pygments.formatters.terminal', 'Terminal', ('terminal', 'console'), (), 'Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a text console. Color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.'), 'TerminalTrueColorFormatter': ('pygments.formatters.terminal256', 'TerminalTrueColor', ('terminal16m', 'console16m', '16m'), (), 'Format tokens with ANSI color sequences, for output in a true-color terminal or console. Like in `TerminalFormatter` color sequences are terminated at newlines, so that paging the output works correctly.'), - 'TestcaseFormatter': ('pygments.formatters.other', 'Testcase', ('testcase',), (), 'Format tokens as appropriate for a new testcase.') + 'TestcaseFormatter': ('pygments.formatters.other', 'Testcase', ('testcase',), (), 'Format tokens as appropriate for a new testcase.'), } - -if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover - import sys - import os - - # lookup formatters - found_formatters = [] - imports = [] - sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) - from pip._vendor.pygments.util import docstring_headline - - for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): - for filename in files: - if filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.startswith('_'): - module_name = 'pygments.formatters%s.%s' % ( - root[1:].replace('/', '.'), filename[:-3]) - print(module_name) - module = __import__(module_name, None, None, ['']) - for formatter_name in module.__all__: - formatter = getattr(module, formatter_name) - found_formatters.append( - '%r: %r' % (formatter_name, - (module_name, - formatter.name, - tuple(formatter.aliases), - tuple(formatter.filenames), - docstring_headline(formatter)))) - # sort them to make the diff minimal - found_formatters.sort() - - # extract useful sourcecode from this file - with open(__file__) as fp: - content = fp.read() - # replace crnl to nl for Windows. - # - # Note that, originally, contributors should keep nl of master - # repository, for example by using some kind of automatic - # management EOL, like `EolExtension - # `. - content = content.replace("\r\n", "\n") - header = content[:content.find('FORMATTERS = {')] - footer = content[content.find("if __name__ == '__main__':"):] - - # write new file - with open(__file__, 'w') as fp: - fp.write(header) - fp.write('FORMATTERS = {\n %s\n}\n\n' % ',\n '.join(found_formatters)) - fp.write(footer) - - print ('=== %d formatters processed.' % len(found_formatters)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/img.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/img.py index 2cc0b2b..0f36a32 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/img.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/formatters/img.py @@ -206,13 +206,17 @@ class FontManager: """ Get the character size. """ - return self.fonts['NORMAL'].getsize('M') + return self.get_text_size('M') def get_text_size(self, text): """ - Get the text size(width, height). + Get the text size (width, height). """ - return self.fonts['NORMAL'].getsize(text) + font = self.fonts['NORMAL'] + if hasattr(font, 'getbbox'): # Pillow >= 9.2.0 + return font.getbbox(text)[2:4] + else: + return font.getsize(text) def get_font(self, bold, oblique): """ @@ -520,7 +524,7 @@ class ImageFormatter(Formatter): text_fg = self._get_text_color(style), text_bg = self._get_text_bg_color(style), ) - temp_width, temp_hight = self.fonts.get_text_size(temp) + temp_width, _ = self.fonts.get_text_size(temp) linelength += temp_width maxlinelength = max(maxlinelength, linelength) charno += len(temp) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__init__.py index 3f404e4..ed69f24 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__init__.py @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import re import sys import types -import fnmatch +from fnmatch import fnmatch from os.path import basename from pip._vendor.pygments.lexers._mapping import LEXERS @@ -28,16 +28,6 @@ __all__ = ['get_lexer_by_name', 'get_lexer_for_filename', 'find_lexer_class', 'guess_lexer', 'load_lexer_from_file'] + list(LEXERS) + list(COMPAT) _lexer_cache = {} -_pattern_cache = {} - - -def _fn_matches(fn, glob): - """Return whether the supplied file name fn matches pattern filename.""" - if glob not in _pattern_cache: - pattern = _pattern_cache[glob] = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(glob)) - return pattern.match(fn) - return _pattern_cache[glob].match(fn) - def _load_lexers(module_name): """Load a lexer (and all others in the module too).""" @@ -169,13 +159,13 @@ def find_lexer_class_for_filename(_fn, code=None): fn = basename(_fn) for modname, name, _, filenames, _ in LEXERS.values(): for filename in filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): if name not in _lexer_cache: _load_lexers(modname) matches.append((_lexer_cache[name], filename)) for cls in find_plugin_lexers(): for filename in cls.filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): matches.append((cls, filename)) if isinstance(code, bytes): @@ -262,11 +252,11 @@ def guess_lexer_for_filename(_fn, _text, **options): matching_lexers = set() for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses(): for filename in lexer.filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): matching_lexers.add(lexer) primary[lexer] = True for filename in lexer.alias_filenames: - if _fn_matches(fn, filename): + if fnmatch(fn, filename): matching_lexers.add(lexer) primary[lexer] = False if not matching_lexers: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 61ecd3f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1488bc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4536421..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..106349c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/_mapping.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6c035ec..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..033d87e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/__pycache__/python.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/_mapping.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/_mapping.py index 44dbfe6..40dcaa3 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/_mapping.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/_mapping.py @@ -1,16 +1,5 @@ -""" - pygments.lexers._mapping - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - Lexer mapping definitions. This file is generated by itself. Every time - you change something on a builtin lexer definition, run this script from - the lexers folder to update it. - - Do not alter the LEXERS dictionary by hand. - - :copyright: Copyright 2006-2014, 2016 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. - :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. -""" +# Automatically generated by scripts/gen_mapfiles.py. +# DO NOT EDIT BY HAND; run `make mapfiles` instead. LEXERS = { 'ABAPLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.business', 'ABAP', ('abap',), ('*.abap', '*.ABAP'), ('text/x-abap',)), @@ -103,6 +92,7 @@ LEXERS = { 'ColdfusionCFCLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'Coldfusion CFC', ('cfc',), ('*.cfc',), ()), 'ColdfusionHtmlLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'Coldfusion HTML', ('cfm',), ('*.cfm', '*.cfml'), ('application/x-coldfusion',)), 'ColdfusionLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'cfstatement', ('cfs',), (), ()), + 'Comal80Lexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.comal', 'COMAL-80', ('comal', 'comal80'), ('*.cml', '*.comal'), ()), 'CommonLispLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.lisp', 'Common Lisp', ('common-lisp', 'cl', 'lisp'), ('*.cl', '*.lisp'), ('text/x-common-lisp',)), 'ComponentPascalLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.oberon', 'Component Pascal', ('componentpascal', 'cp'), ('*.cp', '*.cps'), ('text/x-component-pascal',)), 'CoqLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.theorem', 'Coq', ('coq',), ('*.v',), ('text/x-coq',)), @@ -229,6 +219,7 @@ LEXERS = { 'IrcLogsLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.textfmts', 'IRC logs', ('irc',), ('*.weechatlog',), ('text/x-irclog',)), 'IsabelleLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.theorem', 'Isabelle', ('isabelle',), ('*.thy',), ('text/x-isabelle',)), 'JLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.j', 'J', ('j',), ('*.ijs',), ('text/x-j',)), + 'JMESPathLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.jmespath', 'JMESPath', ('jmespath', 'jp'), ('*.jp',), ()), 'JSLTLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.jslt', 'JSLT', ('jslt',), ('*.jslt',), ('text/x-jslt',)), 'JagsLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.modeling', 'JAGS', ('jags',), ('*.jag', '*.bug'), ()), 'JasminLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.jvm', 'Jasmin', ('jasmin', 'jasminxt'), ('*.j',), ()), @@ -462,6 +453,7 @@ LEXERS = { 'SourcesListLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.installers', 'Debian Sourcelist', ('debsources', 'sourceslist', 'sources.list'), ('sources.list',), ()), 'SparqlLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.rdf', 'SPARQL', ('sparql',), ('*.rq', '*.sparql'), ('application/sparql-query',)), 'SpiceLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.spice', 'Spice', ('spice', 'spicelang'), ('*.spice',), ('text/x-spice',)), + 'SqlJinjaLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'SQL+Jinja', ('sql+jinja',), ('*.sql', '*.sql.j2', '*.sql.jinja2'), ()), 'SqlLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.sql', 'SQL', ('sql',), ('*.sql',), ('text/x-sql',)), 'SqliteConsoleLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.sql', 'sqlite3con', ('sqlite3',), ('*.sqlite3-console',), ('text/x-sqlite3-console',)), 'SquidConfLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.configs', 'SquidConf', ('squidconf', 'squid.conf', 'squid'), ('squid.conf',), ('text/x-squidconf',)), @@ -516,7 +508,7 @@ LEXERS = { 'VGLLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.dsls', 'VGL', ('vgl',), ('*.rpf',), ()), 'ValaLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.c_like', 'Vala', ('vala', 'vapi'), ('*.vala', '*.vapi'), ('text/x-vala',)), 'VbNetAspxLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.dotnet', 'aspx-vb', ('aspx-vb',), ('*.aspx', '*.asax', '*.ascx', '*.ashx', '*.asmx', '*.axd'), ()), - 'VbNetLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.dotnet', 'VB.net', ('vb.net', 'vbnet'), ('*.vb', '*.bas'), ('text/x-vbnet', 'text/x-vba')), + 'VbNetLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.dotnet', 'VB.net', ('vb.net', 'vbnet', 'lobas', 'oobas', 'sobas'), ('*.vb', '*.bas'), ('text/x-vbnet', 'text/x-vba')), 'VelocityHtmlLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Velocity', ('html+velocity',), (), ('text/html+velocity',)), 'VelocityLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'Velocity', ('velocity',), ('*.vm', '*.fhtml'), ()), 'VelocityXmlLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.templates', 'XML+Velocity', ('xml+velocity',), (), ('application/xml+velocity',)), @@ -547,50 +539,3 @@ LEXERS = { 'ZigLexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.zig', 'Zig', ('zig',), ('*.zig',), ('text/zig',)), 'apdlexer': ('pip._vendor.pygments.lexers.apdlexer', 'ANSYS parametric design language', ('ansys', 'apdl'), ('*.ans',), ()), } - -if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover - import sys - import os - - # lookup lexers - found_lexers = [] - sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')) - for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.'): - for filename in files: - if filename.endswith('.py') and not filename.startswith('_'): - module_name = 'pygments.lexers%s.%s' % ( - root[1:].replace('/', '.'), filename[:-3]) - print(module_name) - module = __import__(module_name, None, None, ['']) - for lexer_name in module.__all__: - lexer = getattr(module, lexer_name) - found_lexers.append( - '%r: %r' % (lexer_name, - (module_name, - lexer.name, - tuple(lexer.aliases), - tuple(lexer.filenames), - tuple(lexer.mimetypes)))) - # sort them to make the diff minimal - found_lexers.sort() - - # extract useful sourcecode from this file - with open(__file__) as fp: - content = fp.read() - # replace crnl to nl for Windows. - # - # Note that, originally, contributors should keep nl of master - # repository, for example by using some kind of automatic - # management EOL, like `EolExtension - # `. - content = content.replace("\r\n", "\n") - header = content[:content.find('LEXERS = {')] - footer = content[content.find("if __name__ == '__main__':"):] - - # write new file - with open(__file__, 'w') as fp: - fp.write(header) - fp.write('LEXERS = {\n %s,\n}\n\n' % ',\n '.join(found_lexers)) - fp.write(footer) - - print ('=== %d lexers processed.' % len(found_lexers)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/python.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/python.py index 6bc7a78..c24e3c8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/python.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/lexers/python.py @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ class PythonLexer(RegexLexer): combined('fstringescape', 'dqf')), ("([fF])(')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), combined('fstringescape', 'sqf')), - # raw strings + # raw bytes and strings ('(?i)(rb|br|r)(""")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), 'tdqs'), ("(?i)(rb|br|r)(''')", @@ -152,14 +152,24 @@ class PythonLexer(RegexLexer): ("(?i)(rb|br|r)(')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), 'sqs'), # non-raw strings - ('([uUbB]?)(""")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), + ('([uU]?)(""")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), combined('stringescape', 'tdqs')), - ("([uUbB]?)(''')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), + ("([uU]?)(''')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), combined('stringescape', 'tsqs')), - ('([uUbB]?)(")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), + ('([uU]?)(")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), combined('stringescape', 'dqs')), - ("([uUbB]?)(')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), + ("([uU]?)(')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), combined('stringescape', 'sqs')), + # non-raw bytes + ('([bB])(""")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), + combined('bytesescape', 'tdqs')), + ("([bB])(''')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), + combined('bytesescape', 'tsqs')), + ('([bB])(")', bygroups(String.Affix, String.Double), + combined('bytesescape', 'dqs')), + ("([bB])(')", bygroups(String.Affix, String.Single), + combined('bytesescape', 'sqs')), + (r'[^\S\n]+', Text), include('numbers'), (r'!=|==|<<|>>|:=|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.]', Operator), @@ -343,9 +353,12 @@ class PythonLexer(RegexLexer): include('rfstringescape'), include('stringescape'), ], + 'bytesescape': [ + (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape) + ], 'stringescape': [ - (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|N\{.*?\}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|' - r'U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape) + (r'\\(N\{.*?\}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8})', String.Escape), + include('bytesescape') ], 'fstrings-single': fstring_rules(String.Single), 'fstrings-double': fstring_rules(String.Double), diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/plugin.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/plugin.py index a0431bf..3590bee 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/plugin.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/plugin.py @@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ pygments.plugin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pygments setuptools plugin interface. The methods defined - here also work if setuptools isn't installed but they just - return nothing. + Pygments plugin interface. By default, this tries to use + ``importlib.metadata``, which is in the Python standard + library since Python 3.8, or its ``importlib_metadata`` + backport for earlier versions of Python. It falls back on + ``pkg_resources`` if not found. Finally, if ``pkg_resources`` + is not found either, no plugins are loaded at all. lexer plugins:: @@ -34,6 +37,7 @@ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ + LEXER_ENTRY_POINT = 'pygments.lexers' FORMATTER_ENTRY_POINT = 'pygments.formatters' STYLE_ENTRY_POINT = 'pygments.styles' @@ -42,11 +46,26 @@ FILTER_ENTRY_POINT = 'pygments.filters' def iter_entry_points(group_name): try: - from pip._vendor import pkg_resources - except (ImportError, OSError): - return [] - - return pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group_name) + from importlib.metadata import entry_points + except ImportError: + try: + from importlib_metadata import entry_points + except ImportError: + try: + from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import iter_entry_points + except (ImportError, OSError): + return [] + else: + return iter_entry_points(group_name) + groups = entry_points() + if hasattr(groups, 'select'): + # New interface in Python 3.10 and newer versions of the + # importlib_metadata backport. + return groups.select(group=group_name) + else: + # Older interface, deprecated in Python 3.10 and recent + # importlib_metadata, but we need it in Python 3.8 and 3.9. + return groups.get(group_name, []) def find_plugin_lexers(): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__init__.py index 951ca17..44cc0ef 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__init__.py @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ STYLE_MAP = { 'solarized-dark': 'solarized::SolarizedDarkStyle', 'solarized-light': 'solarized::SolarizedLightStyle', 'sas': 'sas::SasStyle', + 'staroffice' : 'staroffice::StarofficeStyle', 'stata': 'stata_light::StataLightStyle', 'stata-light': 'stata_light::StataLightStyle', 'stata-dark': 'stata_dark::StataDarkStyle', @@ -58,6 +59,9 @@ STYLE_MAP = { 'dracula': 'dracula::DraculaStyle', 'one-dark': 'onedark::OneDarkStyle', 'lilypond' : 'lilypond::LilyPondStyle', + 'nord': 'nord::NordStyle', + 'nord-darker': 'nord::NordDarkerStyle', + 'github-dark': 'gh_dark::GhDarkStyle' } diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c12e49f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..239d564 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/styles/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/token.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/token.py index 8aee88a..e3e565a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/token.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pygments/token.py @@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ STANDARD_TYPES = { Operator.Word: 'ow', Punctuation: 'p', + Punctuation.Marker: 'pm', Comment: 'c', Comment.Hashbang: 'ch', diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1fc55e1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d35ac8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4b0db87..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21f4890 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1c7dea8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8185bb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b816b1e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fedda88 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e2b79d9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d02526d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 35642fe..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f313f4d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bd70c03..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91a6c9e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 50626b4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b33c9e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index be36c21..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91aed04 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 13c64d3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a715a15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 00a18ca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc9e81f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 991db08..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d3053ce Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6b30281..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdff884 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/__version__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 090ab50..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..25208d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/_internal_utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 437bb6f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4fcdf33 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/adapters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 37f16fa..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26e5277 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/api.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9e6bb0b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa176fd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/auth.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 661b02e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eefc267 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/certs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d5d2960..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4eac15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4abb007..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c77ecbe Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/cookies.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4ea7288..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..022045f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1fed48a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c26f22 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/help.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aaeaefc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9487b59 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/hooks.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a6680d6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a78c1bd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/models.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4d73cc5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f21634 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/packages.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0e7ca48..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16ae618 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/sessions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6e2055c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07c8652 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/status_codes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 00c39f0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee283f0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/structures.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 40990ca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45a5c9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/certs.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/certs.py index 2743144..38696a1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/certs.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/requests/certs.py @@ -11,7 +11,14 @@ If you are packaging Requests, e.g., for a Linux distribution or a managed environment, you can change the definition of where() to return a separately packaged CA bundle. """ -from pip._vendor.certifi import where + +import os + +if "_PIP_STANDALONE_CERT" not in os.environ: + from pip._vendor.certifi import where +else: + def where(): + return os.environ["_PIP_STANDALONE_CERT"] if __name__ == "__main__": print(where()) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 366a2f9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f97201 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 126f9b0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e2bb78 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/providers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 09bee20..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8066692 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/reporters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c36ce6d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d4f301 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/resolvers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 35f869e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c9e2de Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/__pycache__/structs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f2e0e3c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..766068e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3442443..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..08c2860 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/resolvelib/compat/__pycache__/collections_abc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 262a586..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac9427c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d009578..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b595a69 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/__main__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9dbfabc..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..129e34d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_cell_widths.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8b7313d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbbab84 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_codes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1bcf6d3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c306314 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_emoji_replace.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4e59a32..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eccd5d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_export_format.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 91fb4a0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0a25be Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_extension.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6a5ef60..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24aa19b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_inspect.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 964a53d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..432da7d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_log_render.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 28c5f46..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c7fa83 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_loop.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_palettes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_palettes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file 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new file mode 100644 index 0000000..137ae0f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_pick.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2c061f1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b012dc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_ratio.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/_spinners.cpython-310.pyc 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differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/color_triplet.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/color_triplet.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..62e1c94 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/color_triplet.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 30562b9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e94b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/columns.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 883ca01..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a80b9f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/console.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/constrain.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/constrain.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e0157c3..0000000 Binary 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differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/file_proxy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/file_proxy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91193df Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/file_proxy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/filesize.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/filesize.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d93a0ce..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/filesize.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/filesize.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/filesize.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5ce035 Binary files /dev/null and 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diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/palette.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/palette.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c01d9a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/palette.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f1a3f9a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..672d55d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/panel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 65240e0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7ada13 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/pretty.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d180bf0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c52559a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress_bar.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress_bar.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c24dbf4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress_bar.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress_bar.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/progress_bar.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da705a8 Binary files /dev/null and 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b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/scope.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 56e1789..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d14db0f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/screen.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/segment.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/segment.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 204178e..0000000 Binary files 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4c9e626..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/style.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0706cab Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/style.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/styled.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/styled.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f98ebee..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/styled.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/styled.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/styled.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 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index a95ce7b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/table.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/table.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/table.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db29f04 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/table.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fd6865e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9e03b21 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/terminal_theme.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c1f697f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..40bacdd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/text.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2892159..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dba859c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/theme.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5b4ce04..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7c19b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/themes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e394c31..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a798510 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/traceback.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7e4d4e2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ba2148 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/rich/__pycache__/tree.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__init__.py index 086ad46..ab3be3b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__init__.py @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from .retry import retry_always # noqa from .retry import retry_any # noqa from .retry import retry_if_exception # noqa from .retry import retry_if_exception_type # noqa +from .retry import retry_if_exception_cause_type # noqa from .retry import retry_if_not_exception_type # noqa from .retry import retry_if_not_result # noqa from .retry import retry_if_result # noqa @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ from .wait import wait_none # noqa from .wait import wait_random # noqa from .wait import wait_random_exponential # noqa from .wait import wait_random_exponential as wait_full_jitter # noqa +from .wait import wait_exponential_jitter # noqa # Import all built-in before strategies for easier usage. from .before import before_log # noqa diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c63d5db..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20f2f2f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bb1efe5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d7b970 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_asyncio.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b26623b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..779804f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/_utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b9e3557..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0406704 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/after.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bad0336..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a19a53 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f5ad0d8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c60a2a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/before_sleep.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 210d28a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..728408d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/nap.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 99f934e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84f515b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a56cee1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ddefa61 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/stop.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3a3ebed..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdc119d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/tornadoweb.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 632dbc9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..356c02a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/retry.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/retry.py index 1d727e9..9ebeb62 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/retry.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/retry.py @@ -117,6 +117,33 @@ class retry_unless_exception_type(retry_if_exception): return self.predicate(retry_state.outcome.exception()) +class retry_if_exception_cause_type(retry_base): + """Retries if any of the causes of the raised exception is of one or more types. + + The check on the type of the cause of the exception is done recursively (until finding + an exception in the chain that has no `__cause__`) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + exception_types: typing.Union[ + typing.Type[BaseException], + typing.Tuple[typing.Type[BaseException], ...], + ] = Exception, + ) -> None: + self.exception_cause_types = exception_types + + def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> bool: + if retry_state.outcome.failed: + exc = retry_state.outcome.exception() + while exc is not None: + if isinstance(exc.__cause__, self.exception_cause_types): + return True + exc = exc.__cause__ + + return False + + class retry_if_result(retry_base): """Retries if the result verifies a predicate.""" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/wait.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/wait.py index 6ed97a7..8fdfc8f 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/wait.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tenacity/wait.py @@ -17,12 +17,19 @@ import abc import random import typing +from datetime import timedelta from pip._vendor.tenacity import _utils if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from pip._vendor.tenacity import RetryCallState +wait_unit_type = typing.Union[int, float, timedelta] + + +def to_seconds(wait_unit: wait_unit_type) -> float: + return float(wait_unit.total_seconds() if isinstance(wait_unit, timedelta) else wait_unit) + class wait_base(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for wait strategies.""" @@ -44,8 +51,8 @@ class wait_base(abc.ABC): class wait_fixed(wait_base): """Wait strategy that waits a fixed amount of time between each retry.""" - def __init__(self, wait: float) -> None: - self.wait_fixed = wait + def __init__(self, wait: wait_unit_type) -> None: + self.wait_fixed = to_seconds(wait) def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: return self.wait_fixed @@ -61,9 +68,9 @@ class wait_none(wait_fixed): class wait_random(wait_base): """Wait strategy that waits a random amount of time between min/max.""" - def __init__(self, min: typing.Union[int, float] = 0, max: typing.Union[int, float] = 1) -> None: # noqa - self.wait_random_min = min - self.wait_random_max = max + def __init__(self, min: wait_unit_type = 0, max: wait_unit_type = 1) -> None: # noqa + self.wait_random_min = to_seconds(min) + self.wait_random_max = to_seconds(max) def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: return self.wait_random_min + (random.random() * (self.wait_random_max - self.wait_random_min)) @@ -113,13 +120,13 @@ class wait_incrementing(wait_base): def __init__( self, - start: typing.Union[int, float] = 0, - increment: typing.Union[int, float] = 100, - max: typing.Union[int, float] = _utils.MAX_WAIT, # noqa + start: wait_unit_type = 0, + increment: wait_unit_type = 100, + max: wait_unit_type = _utils.MAX_WAIT, # noqa ) -> None: - self.start = start - self.increment = increment - self.max = max + self.start = to_seconds(start) + self.increment = to_seconds(increment) + self.max = to_seconds(max) def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: result = self.start + (self.increment * (retry_state.attempt_number - 1)) @@ -142,13 +149,13 @@ class wait_exponential(wait_base): def __init__( self, multiplier: typing.Union[int, float] = 1, - max: typing.Union[int, float] = _utils.MAX_WAIT, # noqa + max: wait_unit_type = _utils.MAX_WAIT, # noqa exp_base: typing.Union[int, float] = 2, - min: typing.Union[int, float] = 0, # noqa + min: wait_unit_type = 0, # noqa ) -> None: self.multiplier = multiplier - self.min = min - self.max = max + self.min = to_seconds(min) + self.max = to_seconds(max) self.exp_base = exp_base def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: @@ -189,3 +196,37 @@ class wait_random_exponential(wait_exponential): def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: high = super().__call__(retry_state=retry_state) return random.uniform(0, high) + + +class wait_exponential_jitter(wait_base): + """Wait strategy that applies exponential backoff and jitter. + + It allows for a customized initial wait, maximum wait and jitter. + + This implements the strategy described here: + https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/retry-strategy + + The wait time is min(initial * (2**n + random.uniform(0, jitter)), maximum) + where n is the retry count. + """ + + def __init__( + self, + initial: float = 1, + max: float = _utils.MAX_WAIT, # noqa + exp_base: float = 2, + jitter: float = 1, + ) -> None: + self.initial = initial + self.max = max + self.exp_base = exp_base + self.jitter = jitter + + def __call__(self, retry_state: "RetryCallState") -> float: + jitter = random.uniform(0, self.jitter) + try: + exp = self.exp_base ** (retry_state.attempt_number - 1) + result = self.initial * exp + jitter + except OverflowError: + result = self.max + return max(0, min(result, self.max)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cf83387..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2d4afb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 110ef36..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5453d16 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7e911e2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6afd91 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7b6fce4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..189f664 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/typing_extensions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/typing_extensions.py index 4fd8247..34199c2 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/typing_extensions.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/typing_extensions.py @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import types as _types import typing -# Please keep __all__ alphabetized within each category. __all__ = [ # Super-special typing primitives. + 'Any', 'ClassVar', 'Concatenate', 'Final', @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ __all__ = [ 'ParamSpecKwargs', 'Self', 'Type', + 'TypeVar', 'TypeVarTuple', 'Unpack', @@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ __all__ = [ 'Literal', 'NewType', 'overload', + 'override', 'Protocol', 'reveal_type', 'runtime', @@ -149,6 +151,37 @@ VT = typing.TypeVar('VT') # Value type. T_co = typing.TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True) # Any type covariant containers. T_contra = typing.TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True) # Ditto contravariant. + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): + from typing import Any +else: + + class _AnyMeta(type): + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + if self is Any: + raise TypeError("typing_extensions.Any cannot be used with isinstance()") + return super().__instancecheck__(obj) + + def __repr__(self): + if self is Any: + return "typing_extensions.Any" + return super().__repr__() + + class Any(metaclass=_AnyMeta): + """Special type indicating an unconstrained type. + - Any is compatible with every type. + - Any assumed to have all methods. + - All values assumed to be instances of Any. + Note that all the above statements are true from the point of view of + static type checkers. At runtime, Any should not be used with instance + checks. + """ + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + if cls is Any: + raise TypeError("Any cannot be instantiated") + return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) + + ClassVar = typing.ClassVar # On older versions of typing there is an internal class named "Final". @@ -431,7 +464,7 @@ else: if type(self)._is_protocol: raise TypeError('Protocols cannot be instantiated') - class _ProtocolMeta(abc.ABCMeta): + class _ProtocolMeta(abc.ABCMeta): # noqa: B024 # This metaclass is a bit unfortunate and exists only because of the lack # of __instancehook__. def __instancecheck__(cls, instance): @@ -1115,6 +1148,44 @@ else: above.""") +class _DefaultMixin: + """Mixin for TypeVarLike defaults.""" + + __slots__ = () + + def __init__(self, default): + if isinstance(default, (tuple, list)): + self.__default__ = tuple((typing._type_check(d, "Default must be a type") + for d in default)) + elif default: + self.__default__ = typing._type_check(default, "Default must be a type") + else: + self.__default__ = None + + +# Add default and infer_variance parameters from PEP 696 and 695 +class TypeVar(typing.TypeVar, _DefaultMixin, _root=True): + """Type variable.""" + + __module__ = 'typing' + + def __init__(self, name, *constraints, bound=None, + covariant=False, contravariant=False, + default=None, infer_variance=False): + super().__init__(name, *constraints, bound=bound, covariant=covariant, + contravariant=contravariant) + _DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default) + self.__infer_variance__ = infer_variance + + # for pickling: + try: + def_mod = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + def_mod = None + if def_mod != 'typing_extensions': + self.__module__ = def_mod + + # Python 3.10+ has PEP 612 if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpecArgs'): ParamSpecArgs = typing.ParamSpecArgs @@ -1179,12 +1250,32 @@ else: # 3.10+ if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpec'): - ParamSpec = typing.ParamSpec + + # Add default Parameter - PEP 696 + class ParamSpec(typing.ParamSpec, _DefaultMixin, _root=True): + """Parameter specification variable.""" + + __module__ = 'typing' + + def __init__(self, name, *, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False, + default=None): + super().__init__(name, bound=bound, covariant=covariant, + contravariant=contravariant) + _DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default) + + # for pickling: + try: + def_mod = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + def_mod = None + if def_mod != 'typing_extensions': + self.__module__ = def_mod + # 3.7-3.9 else: # Inherits from list as a workaround for Callable checks in Python < 3.9.2. - class ParamSpec(list): + class ParamSpec(list, _DefaultMixin): """Parameter specification variable. Usage:: @@ -1242,7 +1333,8 @@ else: def kwargs(self): return ParamSpecKwargs(self) - def __init__(self, name, *, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False): + def __init__(self, name, *, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False, + default=None): super().__init__([self]) self.__name__ = name self.__covariant__ = bool(covariant) @@ -1251,6 +1343,7 @@ else: self.__bound__ = typing._type_check(bound, 'Bound must be a type.') else: self.__bound__ = None + _DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default) # for pickling: try: @@ -1752,9 +1845,25 @@ else: if hasattr(typing, "TypeVarTuple"): # 3.11+ - TypeVarTuple = typing.TypeVarTuple + + # Add default Parameter - PEP 696 + class TypeVarTuple(typing.TypeVarTuple, _DefaultMixin, _root=True): + """Type variable tuple.""" + + def __init__(self, name, *, default=None): + super().__init__(name) + _DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default) + + # for pickling: + try: + def_mod = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + def_mod = None + if def_mod != 'typing_extensions': + self.__module__ = def_mod + else: - class TypeVarTuple: + class TypeVarTuple(_DefaultMixin): """Type variable tuple. Usage:: @@ -1804,8 +1913,9 @@ else: def __iter__(self): yield self.__unpacked__ - def __init__(self, name): + def __init__(self, name, *, default=None): self.__name__ = name + _DefaultMixin.__init__(self, default) # for pickling: try: @@ -1968,6 +2078,36 @@ else: return decorator +if hasattr(typing, "override"): + override = typing.override +else: + _F = typing.TypeVar("_F", bound=typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]) + + def override(__arg: _F) -> _F: + """Indicate that a method is intended to override a method in a base class. + + Usage: + + class Base: + def method(self) -> None: ... + pass + + class Child(Base): + @override + def method(self) -> None: + super().method() + + When this decorator is applied to a method, the type checker will + validate that it overrides a method with the same name on a base class. + This helps prevent bugs that may occur when a base class is changed + without an equivalent change to a child class. + + See PEP 698 for details. + + """ + return __arg + + # We have to do some monkey patching to deal with the dual nature of # Unpack/TypeVarTuple: # - We want Unpack to be a kind of TypeVar so it gets accepted in diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.py index fe86b59..c6fa382 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__init__.py @@ -19,6 +19,23 @@ from .util.retry import Retry from .util.timeout import Timeout from .util.url import get_host +# === NOTE TO REPACKAGERS AND VENDORS === +# Please delete this block, this logic is only +# for urllib3 being distributed via PyPI. +# See: https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/2680 +try: + import urllib3_secure_extra # type: ignore # noqa: F401 +except ImportError: + pass +else: + warnings.warn( + "'urllib3[secure]' extra is deprecated and will be removed " + "in a future release of urllib3 2.x. Read more in this issue: " + "https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/2680", + category=DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + __author__ = "Andrey Petrov (andrey.petrov@shazow.net)" __license__ = "MIT" __version__ = __version__ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d26fb88..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec979a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1477989..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b37bc5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d1b87ad..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c9b5dc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/_version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1561560..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bca2edf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9ac98ad..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9cd5c9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/connectionpool.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 399d3ad..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a030cc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8470951..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e61ad94 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/fields.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ded8745..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3149c02 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/filepost.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5c6cbe3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1ea899 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/poolmanager.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 17e8ba4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4d8c22 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 623a85e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6695be6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_version.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_version.py index c8ac29d..6fbc84b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_version.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/_version.py @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ # This file is protected via CODEOWNERS -__version__ = "1.26.10" +__version__ = "1.26.12" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3c1c340..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24dd88d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cc64e6c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85e87bf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/_appengine_environ.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7f56a22..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..deb17ea Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/appengine.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f4570ad..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c71f96 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/ntlmpool.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ac79d56..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d16f3e8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/pyopenssl.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d6036cd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04c85bf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/securetransport.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ca2c7a6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9d5eb0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/__pycache__/socks.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ae18221..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9e4344 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 01a1f8e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..75f88bb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/bindings.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 064be6c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc552d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/_securetransport/__pycache__/low_level.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py index 5f1d2d0..528764a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/contrib/pyopenssl.py @@ -73,11 +73,20 @@ except ImportError: # Platform-specific: Python 3 import logging import ssl import sys +import warnings from .. import util from ..packages import six from ..util.ssl_ import PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT +warnings.warn( + "'urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl' module is deprecated and will be removed " + "in a future release of urllib3 2.x. Read more in this issue: " + "https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/2680", + category=DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, +) + __all__ = ["inject_into_urllib3", "extract_from_urllib3"] # SNI always works. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e9184c9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e28836 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 180e412..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc97529 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/__pycache__/six.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 11197d0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b156a67 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6f32502..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1cc586 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/__pycache__/makefile.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py index 776e49d..4969b70 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/response.py @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import import io import logging +import sys import zlib from contextlib import contextmanager from socket import error as SocketError @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ from socket import timeout as SocketTimeout brotli = None +from . import util from ._collections import HTTPHeaderDict from .connection import BaseSSLError, HTTPException from .exceptions import ( @@ -475,6 +477,54 @@ class HTTPResponse(io.IOBase): if self._original_response and self._original_response.isclosed(): self.release_conn() + def _fp_read(self, amt): + """ + Read a response with the thought that reading the number of bytes + larger than can fit in a 32-bit int at a time via SSL in some + known cases leads to an overflow error that has to be prevented + if `amt` or `self.length_remaining` indicate that a problem may + happen. + + The known cases: + * 3.8 <= CPython < 3.9.7 because of a bug + https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/2513#issuecomment-1152559900. + * urllib3 injected with pyOpenSSL-backed SSL-support. + * CPython < 3.10 only when `amt` does not fit 32-bit int. + """ + assert self._fp + c_int_max = 2 ** 31 - 1 + if ( + ( + (amt and amt > c_int_max) + or (self.length_remaining and self.length_remaining > c_int_max) + ) + and not util.IS_SECURETRANSPORT + and (util.IS_PYOPENSSL or sys.version_info < (3, 10)) + ): + buffer = io.BytesIO() + # Besides `max_chunk_amt` being a maximum chunk size, it + # affects memory overhead of reading a response by this + # method in CPython. + # `c_int_max` equal to 2 GiB - 1 byte is the actual maximum + # chunk size that does not lead to an overflow error, but + # 256 MiB is a compromise. + max_chunk_amt = 2 ** 28 + while amt is None or amt != 0: + if amt is not None: + chunk_amt = min(amt, max_chunk_amt) + amt -= chunk_amt + else: + chunk_amt = max_chunk_amt + data = self._fp.read(chunk_amt) + if not data: + break + buffer.write(data) + del data # to reduce peak memory usage by `max_chunk_amt`. + return buffer.getvalue() + else: + # StringIO doesn't like amt=None + return self._fp.read(amt) if amt is not None else self._fp.read() + def read(self, amt=None, decode_content=None, cache_content=False): """ Similar to :meth:`http.client.HTTPResponse.read`, but with two additional @@ -507,13 +557,11 @@ class HTTPResponse(io.IOBase): fp_closed = getattr(self._fp, "closed", False) with self._error_catcher(): + data = self._fp_read(amt) if not fp_closed else b"" if amt is None: - # cStringIO doesn't like amt=None - data = self._fp.read() if not fp_closed else b"" flush_decoder = True else: cache_content = False - data = self._fp.read(amt) if not fp_closed else b"" if ( amt != 0 and not data ): # Platform-specific: Buggy versions of Python. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3d872ea..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..10f6851 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 52d12ff..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be79697 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/connection.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 031d362..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c66ee0e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/proxy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 86ec5f5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fb0326 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/queue.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6226740..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc77a81 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 42ca790..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b1d458 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0963c3c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7def8b6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/retry.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c95c64d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e4a076 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ea2f8f5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a922e02 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssl_match_hostname.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f40b018..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b3a7780 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/ssltransport.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 07a80cd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f12eb2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/timeout.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 74ad47d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a6eef6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/url.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1bc8c63..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84dbeed Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/util/__pycache__/wait.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/vendor.txt b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/vendor.txt index 375b641..9e9d4c1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/vendor.txt +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/vendor.txt @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ CacheControl==0.12.11 # Make sure to update the license in pyproject.toml for this. colorama==0.4.5 -distlib==0.3.5 +distlib==0.3.6 distro==1.7.0 msgpack==1.0.4 packaging==21.3 -pep517==0.12.0 +pep517==0.13.0 platformdirs==2.5.2 pyparsing==3.0.9 requests==2.28.1 - certifi==2022.06.15 + certifi==2022.09.24 chardet==5.0.0 - idna==3.3 - urllib3==1.26.10 + idna==3.4 + urllib3==1.26.12 rich==12.5.1 - pygments==2.12.0 - typing_extensions==4.3.0 + pygments==2.13.0 + typing_extensions==4.4.0 resolvelib==0.8.1 setuptools==44.0.0 six==1.16.0 -tenacity==8.0.1 +tenacity==8.1.0 tomli==2.0.1 webencodings==0.5.1 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a091430..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06e9c00 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8fa7da6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68a12e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/labels.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 94e969f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d37e96b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/mklabels.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 389ec93..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2539670 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/tests.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 82bb7be..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed0100c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pip/_vendor/webencodings/__pycache__/x_user_defined.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py index c84f1dd..d59226a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py @@ -71,12 +71,19 @@ try: except ImportError: importlib_machinery = None +from pkg_resources.extern.jaraco.text import ( + yield_lines, + drop_comment, + join_continuation, +) + from pkg_resources.extern import appdirs from pkg_resources.extern import packaging __import__('pkg_resources.extern.packaging.version') __import__('pkg_resources.extern.packaging.specifiers') __import__('pkg_resources.extern.packaging.requirements') __import__('pkg_resources.extern.packaging.markers') +__import__('pkg_resources.extern.packaging.utils') if sys.version_info < (3, 5): raise RuntimeError("Python 3.5 or later is required") @@ -113,6 +120,11 @@ def parse_version(v): try: return packaging.version.Version(v) except packaging.version.InvalidVersion: + warnings.warn( + f"{v} is an invalid version and will not be supported in " + "a future release", + PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning, + ) return packaging.version.LegacyVersion(v) @@ -543,6 +555,7 @@ class WorkingSet: self.entries = [] self.entry_keys = {} self.by_key = {} + self.normalized_to_canonical_keys = {} self.callbacks = [] if entries is None: @@ -623,6 +636,14 @@ class WorkingSet: is returned. """ dist = self.by_key.get(req.key) + + if dist is None: + canonical_key = self.normalized_to_canonical_keys.get(req.key) + + if canonical_key is not None: + req.key = canonical_key + dist = self.by_key.get(canonical_key) + if dist is not None and dist not in req: # XXX add more info raise VersionConflict(dist, req) @@ -691,6 +712,8 @@ class WorkingSet: return self.by_key[dist.key] = dist + normalized_name = packaging.utils.canonicalize_name(dist.key) + self.normalized_to_canonical_keys[normalized_name] = dist.key if dist.key not in keys: keys.append(dist.key) if dist.key not in keys2: @@ -911,14 +934,15 @@ class WorkingSet: def __getstate__(self): return ( self.entries[:], self.entry_keys.copy(), self.by_key.copy(), - self.callbacks[:] + self.normalized_to_canonical_keys.copy(), self.callbacks[:] ) - def __setstate__(self, e_k_b_c): - entries, keys, by_key, callbacks = e_k_b_c + def __setstate__(self, e_k_b_n_c): + entries, keys, by_key, normalized_to_canonical_keys, callbacks = e_k_b_n_c self.entries = entries[:] self.entry_keys = keys.copy() self.by_key = by_key.copy() + self.normalized_to_canonical_keys = normalized_to_canonical_keys.copy() self.callbacks = callbacks[:] @@ -1479,7 +1503,7 @@ class NullProvider: def _validate_resource_path(path): """ Validate the resource paths according to the docs. - https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html#basic-resource-access + https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/pkg_resources.html#basic-resource-access >>> warned = getfixture('recwarn') >>> warnings.simplefilter('always') @@ -1576,7 +1600,7 @@ class EggProvider(NullProvider): """Provider based on a virtual filesystem""" def __init__(self, module): - NullProvider.__init__(self, module) + super().__init__(module) self._setup_prefix() def _setup_prefix(self): @@ -1696,7 +1720,7 @@ class ZipProvider(EggProvider): _zip_manifests = MemoizedZipManifests() def __init__(self, module): - EggProvider.__init__(self, module) + super().__init__(module) self.zip_pre = self.loader.archive + os.sep def _zipinfo_name(self, fspath): @@ -2010,7 +2034,7 @@ def _by_version_descending(names): >>> names = 'bar', 'foo', 'Python-2.7.10.egg', 'Python-2.7.2.egg' >>> _by_version_descending(names) - ['Python-2.7.10.egg', 'Python-2.7.2.egg', 'foo', 'bar'] + ['Python-2.7.10.egg', 'Python-2.7.2.egg', 'bar', 'foo'] >>> names = 'Setuptools-1.2.3b1.egg', 'Setuptools-1.2.3.egg' >>> _by_version_descending(names) ['Setuptools-1.2.3.egg', 'Setuptools-1.2.3b1.egg'] @@ -2018,13 +2042,22 @@ def _by_version_descending(names): >>> _by_version_descending(names) ['Setuptools-1.2.3.post1.egg', 'Setuptools-1.2.3b1.egg'] """ + def try_parse(name): + """ + Attempt to parse as a version or return a null version. + """ + try: + return packaging.version.Version(name) + except Exception: + return packaging.version.Version('0') + def _by_version(name): """ Parse each component of the filename """ name, ext = os.path.splitext(name) parts = itertools.chain(name.split('-'), [ext]) - return [packaging.version.parse(part) for part in parts] + return [try_parse(part) for part in parts] return sorted(names, key=_by_version, reverse=True) @@ -2191,12 +2224,14 @@ def _handle_ns(packageName, path_item): # use find_spec (PEP 451) and fall-back to find_module (PEP 302) try: - loader = importer.find_spec(packageName).loader + spec = importer.find_spec(packageName) except AttributeError: # capture warnings due to #1111 with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") loader = importer.find_module(packageName) + else: + loader = spec.loader if spec else None if loader is None: return None @@ -2382,20 +2417,6 @@ def _set_parent_ns(packageName): setattr(sys.modules[parent], name, sys.modules[packageName]) -def yield_lines(strs): - """Yield non-empty/non-comment lines of a string or sequence""" - if isinstance(strs, str): - for s in strs.splitlines(): - s = s.strip() - # skip blank lines/comments - if s and not s.startswith('#'): - yield s - else: - for ss in strs: - for s in yield_lines(ss): - yield s - - MODULE = re.compile(r"\w+(\.\w+)*$").match EGG_NAME = re.compile( r""" @@ -3032,12 +3053,12 @@ class DistInfoDistribution(Distribution): if not req.marker or req.marker.evaluate({'extra': extra}): yield req - common = frozenset(reqs_for_extra(None)) + common = types.MappingProxyType(dict.fromkeys(reqs_for_extra(None))) dm[None].extend(common) for extra in self._parsed_pkg_info.get_all('Provides-Extra') or []: s_extra = safe_extra(extra.strip()) - dm[s_extra] = list(frozenset(reqs_for_extra(extra)) - common) + dm[s_extra] = [r for r in reqs_for_extra(extra) if r not in common] return dm @@ -3063,25 +3084,12 @@ def issue_warning(*args, **kw): def parse_requirements(strs): - """Yield ``Requirement`` objects for each specification in `strs` + """ + Yield ``Requirement`` objects for each specification in `strs`. `strs` must be a string, or a (possibly-nested) iterable thereof. """ - # create a steppable iterator, so we can handle \-continuations - lines = iter(yield_lines(strs)) - - for line in lines: - # Drop comments -- a hash without a space may be in a URL. - if ' #' in line: - line = line[:line.find(' #')] - # If there is a line continuation, drop it, and append the next line. - if line.endswith('\\'): - line = line[:-2].strip() - try: - line += next(lines) - except StopIteration: - return - yield Requirement(line) + return map(Requirement, join_continuation(map(drop_comment, yield_lines(strs)))) class RequirementParseError(packaging.requirements.InvalidRequirement): @@ -3239,6 +3247,15 @@ def _initialize(g=globals()): ) +class PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning(Warning): + """ + Base class for warning about deprecations in ``pkg_resources`` + + This class is not derived from ``DeprecationWarning``, and as such is + visible by default. + """ + + @_call_aside def _initialize_master_working_set(): """ @@ -3277,12 +3294,3 @@ def _initialize_master_working_set(): # match order list(map(working_set.add_entry, sys.path)) globals().update(locals()) - - -class PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning(Warning): - """ - Base class for warning about deprecations in ``pkg_resources`` - - This class is not derived from ``DeprecationWarning``, and as such is - visible by default. - """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3928c79..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..981f2ec Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c9e9cd8..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca9ca25 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 080eddd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21fcd79 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/appdirs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index aadc385..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e550bee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e3a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +"""Read resources contained within a package.""" + +from ._common import ( + as_file, + files, + Package, +) + +from ._legacy import ( + contents, + open_binary, + read_binary, + open_text, + read_text, + is_resource, + path, + Resource, +) + +from .abc import ResourceReader + + +__all__ = [ + 'Package', + 'Resource', + 'ResourceReader', + 'as_file', + 'contents', + 'files', + 'is_resource', + 'open_binary', + 'open_text', + 'path', + 'read_binary', + 'read_text', +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e803629 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c67ec9a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..55e201a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d3cafe Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0987535 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efc3a9b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56b158b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6a971c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bae45d8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea363d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +from contextlib import suppress +from io import TextIOWrapper + +from . import abc + + +class SpecLoaderAdapter: + """ + Adapt a package spec to adapt the underlying loader. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec, adapter=lambda spec: spec.loader): + self.spec = spec + self.loader = adapter(spec) + + def __getattr__(self, name): + return getattr(self.spec, name) + + +class TraversableResourcesLoader: + """ + Adapt a loader to provide TraversableResources. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + def get_resource_reader(self, name): + return CompatibilityFiles(self.spec)._native() + + +def _io_wrapper(file, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + if mode == 'r': + return TextIOWrapper(file, *args, **kwargs) + elif mode == 'rb': + return file + raise ValueError( + "Invalid mode value '{}', only 'r' and 'rb' are supported".format(mode) + ) + + +class CompatibilityFiles: + """ + Adapter for an existing or non-existent resource reader + to provide a compatibility .files(). + """ + + class SpecPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Path tied to a module spec. + Can be read and exposes the resource reader children. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec, reader): + self._spec = spec + self._reader = reader + + def iterdir(self): + if not self._reader: + return iter(()) + return iter( + CompatibilityFiles.ChildPath(self._reader, path) + for path in self._reader.contents() + ) + + def is_file(self): + return False + + is_dir = is_file + + def joinpath(self, other): + if not self._reader: + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(other) + return CompatibilityFiles.ChildPath(self._reader, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._spec.name + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + return _io_wrapper(self._reader.open_resource(None), mode, *args, **kwargs) + + class ChildPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Path tied to a resource reader child. + Can be read but doesn't expose any meaningful children. + """ + + def __init__(self, reader, name): + self._reader = reader + self._name = name + + def iterdir(self): + return iter(()) + + def is_file(self): + return self._reader.is_resource(self.name) + + def is_dir(self): + return not self.is_file() + + def joinpath(self, other): + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(self.name, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._name + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + return _io_wrapper( + self._reader.open_resource(self.name), mode, *args, **kwargs + ) + + class OrphanPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Orphan path, not tied to a module spec or resource reader. + Can't be read and doesn't expose any meaningful children. + """ + + def __init__(self, *path_parts): + if len(path_parts) < 1: + raise ValueError('Need at least one path part to construct a path') + self._path = path_parts + + def iterdir(self): + return iter(()) + + def is_file(self): + return False + + is_dir = is_file + + def joinpath(self, other): + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(*self._path, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._path[-1] + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError("Can't open orphan path") + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + @property + def _reader(self): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return self.spec.loader.get_resource_reader(self.spec.name) + + def _native(self): + """ + Return the native reader if it supports files(). + """ + reader = self._reader + return reader if hasattr(reader, 'files') else self + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + return getattr(self._reader, attr) + + def files(self): + return CompatibilityFiles.SpecPath(self.spec, self._reader) + + +def wrap_spec(package): + """ + Construct a package spec with traversable compatibility + on the spec/loader/reader. + """ + return SpecLoaderAdapter(package.__spec__, TraversableResourcesLoader) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a12e2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +import os +import pathlib +import tempfile +import functools +import contextlib +import types +import importlib + +from typing import Union, Optional +from .abc import ResourceReader, Traversable + +from ._compat import wrap_spec + +Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str] + + +def files(package): + # type: (Package) -> Traversable + """ + Get a Traversable resource from a package + """ + return from_package(get_package(package)) + + +def get_resource_reader(package): + # type: (types.ModuleType) -> Optional[ResourceReader] + """ + Return the package's loader if it's a ResourceReader. + """ + # We can't use + # a issubclass() check here because apparently abc.'s __subclasscheck__() + # hook wants to create a weak reference to the object, but + # zipimport.zipimporter does not support weak references, resulting in a + # TypeError. That seems terrible. + spec = package.__spec__ + reader = getattr(spec.loader, 'get_resource_reader', None) # type: ignore + if reader is None: + return None + return reader(spec.name) # type: ignore + + +def resolve(cand): + # type: (Package) -> types.ModuleType + return cand if isinstance(cand, types.ModuleType) else importlib.import_module(cand) + + +def get_package(package): + # type: (Package) -> types.ModuleType + """Take a package name or module object and return the module. + + Raise an exception if the resolved module is not a package. + """ + resolved = resolve(package) + if wrap_spec(resolved).submodule_search_locations is None: + raise TypeError(f'{package!r} is not a package') + return resolved + + +def from_package(package): + """ + Return a Traversable object for the given package. + + """ + spec = wrap_spec(package) + reader = spec.loader.get_resource_reader(spec.name) + return reader.files() + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def _tempfile(reader, suffix=''): + # Not using tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile as it leads to deeper 'try' + # blocks due to the need to close the temporary file to work on Windows + # properly. + fd, raw_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix) + try: + try: + os.write(fd, reader()) + finally: + os.close(fd) + del reader + yield pathlib.Path(raw_path) + finally: + try: + os.remove(raw_path) + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + + +@functools.singledispatch +def as_file(path): + """ + Given a Traversable object, return that object as a + path on the local file system in a context manager. + """ + return _tempfile(path.read_bytes, suffix=path.name) + + +@as_file.register(pathlib.Path) +@contextlib.contextmanager +def _(path): + """ + Degenerate behavior for pathlib.Path objects. + """ + yield path diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb9fc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +# flake8: noqa + +import abc +import sys +import pathlib +from contextlib import suppress + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): + from zipfile import Path as ZipPath # type: ignore +else: + from ..zipp import Path as ZipPath # type: ignore + + +try: + from typing import runtime_checkable # type: ignore +except ImportError: + + def runtime_checkable(cls): # type: ignore + return cls + + +try: + from typing import Protocol # type: ignore +except ImportError: + Protocol = abc.ABC # type: ignore + + +class TraversableResourcesLoader: + """ + Adapt loaders to provide TraversableResources and other + compatibility. + + Used primarily for Python 3.9 and earlier where the native + loaders do not yet implement TraversableResources. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + @property + def path(self): + return self.spec.origin + + def get_resource_reader(self, name): + from . import readers, _adapters + + def _zip_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return readers.ZipReader(spec.loader, spec.name) + + def _namespace_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError, ValueError): + return readers.NamespaceReader(spec.submodule_search_locations) + + def _available_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return spec.loader.get_resource_reader(spec.name) + + def _native_reader(spec): + reader = _available_reader(spec) + return reader if hasattr(reader, 'files') else None + + def _file_reader(spec): + try: + path = pathlib.Path(self.path) + except TypeError: + return None + if path.exists(): + return readers.FileReader(self) + + return ( + # native reader if it supplies 'files' + _native_reader(self.spec) + or + # local ZipReader if a zip module + _zip_reader(self.spec) + or + # local NamespaceReader if a namespace module + _namespace_reader(self.spec) + or + # local FileReader + _file_reader(self.spec) + # fallback - adapt the spec ResourceReader to TraversableReader + or _adapters.CompatibilityFiles(self.spec) + ) + + +def wrap_spec(package): + """ + Construct a package spec with traversable compatibility + on the spec/loader/reader. + + Supersedes _adapters.wrap_spec to use TraversableResourcesLoader + from above for older Python compatibility (<3.10). + """ + from . import _adapters + + return _adapters.SpecLoaderAdapter(package.__spec__, TraversableResourcesLoader) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cce0558 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +from itertools import filterfalse + +from typing import ( + Callable, + Iterable, + Iterator, + Optional, + Set, + TypeVar, + Union, +) + +# Type and type variable definitions +_T = TypeVar('_T') +_U = TypeVar('_U') + + +def unique_everseen( + iterable: Iterable[_T], key: Optional[Callable[[_T], _U]] = None +) -> Iterator[_T]: + "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." + # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D + # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D + seen: Set[Union[_T, _U]] = set() + seen_add = seen.add + if key is None: + for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable): + seen_add(element) + yield element + else: + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) + if k not in seen: + seen_add(k) + yield element diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d5d3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +import functools +import os +import pathlib +import types +import warnings + +from typing import Union, Iterable, ContextManager, BinaryIO, TextIO, Any + +from . import _common + +Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str] +Resource = str + + +def deprecated(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + warnings.warn( + f"{func.__name__} is deprecated. Use files() instead. " + "Refer to https://importlib-resources.readthedocs.io" + "/en/latest/using.html#migrating-from-legacy for migration advice.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def normalize_path(path): + # type: (Any) -> str + """Normalize a path by ensuring it is a string. + + If the resulting string contains path separators, an exception is raised. + """ + str_path = str(path) + parent, file_name = os.path.split(str_path) + if parent: + raise ValueError(f'{path!r} must be only a file name') + return file_name + + +@deprecated +def open_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> BinaryIO: + """Return a file-like object opened for binary reading of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open('rb') + + +@deprecated +def read_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> bytes: + """Return the binary contents of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).read_bytes() + + +@deprecated +def open_text( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, + encoding: str = 'utf-8', + errors: str = 'strict', +) -> TextIO: + """Return a file-like object opened for text reading of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open( + 'r', encoding=encoding, errors=errors + ) + + +@deprecated +def read_text( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, + encoding: str = 'utf-8', + errors: str = 'strict', +) -> str: + """Return the decoded string of the resource. + + The decoding-related arguments have the same semantics as those of + bytes.decode(). + """ + with open_text(package, resource, encoding, errors) as fp: + return fp.read() + + +@deprecated +def contents(package: Package) -> Iterable[str]: + """Return an iterable of entries in `package`. + + Note that not all entries are resources. Specifically, directories are + not considered resources. Use `is_resource()` on each entry returned here + to check if it is a resource or not. + """ + return [path.name for path in _common.files(package).iterdir()] + + +@deprecated +def is_resource(package: Package, name: str) -> bool: + """True if `name` is a resource inside `package`. + + Directories are *not* resources. + """ + resource = normalize_path(name) + return any( + traversable.name == resource and traversable.is_file() + for traversable in _common.files(package).iterdir() + ) + + +@deprecated +def path( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, +) -> ContextManager[pathlib.Path]: + """A context manager providing a file path object to the resource. + + If the resource does not already exist on its own on the file system, + a temporary file will be created. If the file was created, the file + will be deleted upon exiting the context manager (no exception is + raised if the file was deleted prior to the context manager + exiting). + """ + return _common.as_file(_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d39dc1a --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +import abc +from typing import BinaryIO, Iterable, Text + +from ._compat import runtime_checkable, Protocol + + +class ResourceReader(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): + """Abstract base class for loaders to provide resource reading support.""" + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open_resource(self, resource: Text) -> BinaryIO: + """Return an opened, file-like object for binary reading. + + The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. + If the resource cannot be found, FileNotFoundError is raised. + """ + # This deliberately raises FileNotFoundError instead of + # NotImplementedError so that if this method is accidentally called, + # it'll still do the right thing. + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def resource_path(self, resource: Text) -> Text: + """Return the file system path to the specified resource. + + The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. + If the resource does not exist on the file system, raise + FileNotFoundError. + """ + # This deliberately raises FileNotFoundError instead of + # NotImplementedError so that if this method is accidentally called, + # it'll still do the right thing. + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_resource(self, path: Text) -> bool: + """Return True if the named 'path' is a resource. + + Files are resources, directories are not. + """ + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def contents(self) -> Iterable[str]: + """Return an iterable of entries in `package`.""" + raise FileNotFoundError + + +@runtime_checkable +class Traversable(Protocol): + """ + An object with a subset of pathlib.Path methods suitable for + traversing directories and opening files. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def iterdir(self): + """ + Yield Traversable objects in self + """ + + def read_bytes(self): + """ + Read contents of self as bytes + """ + with self.open('rb') as strm: + return strm.read() + + def read_text(self, encoding=None): + """ + Read contents of self as text + """ + with self.open(encoding=encoding) as strm: + return strm.read() + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_dir(self) -> bool: + """ + Return True if self is a directory + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_file(self) -> bool: + """ + Return True if self is a file + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def joinpath(self, child): + """ + Return Traversable child in self + """ + + def __truediv__(self, child): + """ + Return Traversable child in self + """ + return self.joinpath(child) + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + """ + mode may be 'r' or 'rb' to open as text or binary. Return a handle + suitable for reading (same as pathlib.Path.open). + + When opening as text, accepts encoding parameters such as those + accepted by io.TextIOWrapper. + """ + + @abc.abstractproperty + def name(self) -> str: + """ + The base name of this object without any parent references. + """ + + +class TraversableResources(ResourceReader): + """ + The required interface for providing traversable + resources. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def files(self): + """Return a Traversable object for the loaded package.""" + + def open_resource(self, resource): + return self.files().joinpath(resource).open('rb') + + def resource_path(self, resource): + raise FileNotFoundError(resource) + + def is_resource(self, path): + return self.files().joinpath(path).is_file() + + def contents(self): + return (item.name for item in self.files().iterdir()) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1190ca --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +import collections +import pathlib +import operator + +from . import abc + +from ._itertools import unique_everseen +from ._compat import ZipPath + + +def remove_duplicates(items): + return iter(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(items)) + + +class FileReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, loader): + self.path = pathlib.Path(loader.path).parent + + def resource_path(self, resource): + """ + Return the file system path to prevent + `resources.path()` from creating a temporary + copy. + """ + return str(self.path.joinpath(resource)) + + def files(self): + return self.path + + +class ZipReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, loader, module): + _, _, name = module.rpartition('.') + self.prefix = loader.prefix.replace('\\', '/') + name + '/' + self.archive = loader.archive + + def open_resource(self, resource): + try: + return super().open_resource(resource) + except KeyError as exc: + raise FileNotFoundError(exc.args[0]) + + def is_resource(self, path): + # workaround for `zipfile.Path.is_file` returning true + # for non-existent paths. + target = self.files().joinpath(path) + return target.is_file() and target.exists() + + def files(self): + return ZipPath(self.archive, self.prefix) + + +class MultiplexedPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Given a series of Traversable objects, implement a merged + version of the interface across all objects. Useful for + namespace packages which may be multihomed at a single + name. + """ + + def __init__(self, *paths): + self._paths = list(map(pathlib.Path, remove_duplicates(paths))) + if not self._paths: + message = 'MultiplexedPath must contain at least one path' + raise FileNotFoundError(message) + if not all(path.is_dir() for path in self._paths): + raise NotADirectoryError('MultiplexedPath only supports directories') + + def iterdir(self): + files = (file for path in self._paths for file in path.iterdir()) + return unique_everseen(files, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) + + def read_bytes(self): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + def read_text(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + def is_dir(self): + return True + + def is_file(self): + return False + + def joinpath(self, child): + # first try to find child in current paths + for file in self.iterdir(): + if file.name == child: + return file + # if it does not exist, construct it with the first path + return self._paths[0] / child + + __truediv__ = joinpath + + def open(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + @property + def name(self): + return self._paths[0].name + + def __repr__(self): + paths = ', '.join(f"'{path}'" for path in self._paths) + return f'MultiplexedPath({paths})' + + +class NamespaceReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, namespace_path): + if 'NamespacePath' not in str(namespace_path): + raise ValueError('Invalid path') + self.path = MultiplexedPath(*list(namespace_path)) + + def resource_path(self, resource): + """ + Return the file system path to prevent + `resources.path()` from creating a temporary + copy. + """ + return str(self.path.joinpath(resource)) + + def files(self): + return self.path diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da073cb --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +""" +Interface adapters for low-level readers. +""" + +import abc +import io +import itertools +from typing import BinaryIO, List + +from .abc import Traversable, TraversableResources + + +class SimpleReader(abc.ABC): + """ + The minimum, low-level interface required from a resource + provider. + """ + + @abc.abstractproperty + def package(self): + # type: () -> str + """ + The name of the package for which this reader loads resources. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def children(self): + # type: () -> List['SimpleReader'] + """ + Obtain an iterable of SimpleReader for available + child containers (e.g. directories). + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def resources(self): + # type: () -> List[str] + """ + Obtain available named resources for this virtual package. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open_binary(self, resource): + # type: (str) -> BinaryIO + """ + Obtain a File-like for a named resource. + """ + + @property + def name(self): + return self.package.split('.')[-1] + + +class ResourceHandle(Traversable): + """ + Handle to a named resource in a ResourceReader. + """ + + def __init__(self, parent, name): + # type: (ResourceContainer, str) -> None + self.parent = parent + self.name = name # type: ignore + + def is_file(self): + return True + + def is_dir(self): + return False + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + stream = self.parent.reader.open_binary(self.name) + if 'b' not in mode: + stream = io.TextIOWrapper(*args, **kwargs) + return stream + + def joinpath(self, name): + raise RuntimeError("Cannot traverse into a resource") + + +class ResourceContainer(Traversable): + """ + Traversable container for a package's resources via its reader. + """ + + def __init__(self, reader): + # type: (SimpleReader) -> None + self.reader = reader + + def is_dir(self): + return True + + def is_file(self): + return False + + def iterdir(self): + files = (ResourceHandle(self, name) for name in self.reader.resources) + dirs = map(ResourceContainer, self.reader.children()) + return itertools.chain(files, dirs) + + def open(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise IsADirectoryError() + + def joinpath(self, name): + return next( + traversable for traversable in self.iterdir() if traversable.name == name + ) + + +class TraversableReader(TraversableResources, SimpleReader): + """ + A TraversableResources based on SimpleReader. Resource providers + may derive from this class to provide the TraversableResources + interface by supplying the SimpleReader interface. + """ + + def files(self): + return ResourceContainer(self) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/REQUESTED b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__init__.py similarity index 100% rename from .library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/REQUESTED rename to .library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__init__.py diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12863b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..712cdb5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee6d2c7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/context.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/context.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87a4e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/context.py @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +import os +import subprocess +import contextlib +import functools +import tempfile +import shutil +import operator + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def pushd(dir): + orig = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(dir) + try: + yield dir + finally: + os.chdir(orig) + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def tarball_context(url, target_dir=None, runner=None, pushd=pushd): + """ + Get a tarball, extract it, change to that directory, yield, then + clean up. + `runner` is the function to invoke commands. + `pushd` is a context manager for changing the directory. + """ + if target_dir is None: + target_dir = os.path.basename(url).replace('.tar.gz', '').replace('.tgz', '') + if runner is None: + runner = functools.partial(subprocess.check_call, shell=True) + # In the tar command, use --strip-components=1 to strip the first path and + # then + # use -C to cause the files to be extracted to {target_dir}. This ensures + # that we always know where the files were extracted. + runner('mkdir {target_dir}'.format(**vars())) + try: + getter = 'wget {url} -O -' + extract = 'tar x{compression} --strip-components=1 -C {target_dir}' + cmd = ' | '.join((getter, extract)) + runner(cmd.format(compression=infer_compression(url), **vars())) + with pushd(target_dir): + yield target_dir + finally: + runner('rm -Rf {target_dir}'.format(**vars())) + + +def infer_compression(url): + """ + Given a URL or filename, infer the compression code for tar. + """ + # cheat and just assume it's the last two characters + compression_indicator = url[-2:] + mapping = dict(gz='z', bz='j', xz='J') + # Assume 'z' (gzip) if no match + return mapping.get(compression_indicator, 'z') + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def temp_dir(remover=shutil.rmtree): + """ + Create a temporary directory context. Pass a custom remover + to override the removal behavior. + """ + temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + try: + yield temp_dir + finally: + remover(temp_dir) + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def repo_context(url, branch=None, quiet=True, dest_ctx=temp_dir): + """ + Check out the repo indicated by url. + + If dest_ctx is supplied, it should be a context manager + to yield the target directory for the check out. + """ + exe = 'git' if 'git' in url else 'hg' + with dest_ctx() as repo_dir: + cmd = [exe, 'clone', url, repo_dir] + if branch: + cmd.extend(['--branch', branch]) + devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'w') + stdout = devnull if quiet else None + subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=stdout) + yield repo_dir + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def null(): + yield + + +class ExceptionTrap: + """ + A context manager that will catch certain exceptions and provide an + indication they occurred. + + >>> with ExceptionTrap() as trap: + ... raise Exception() + >>> bool(trap) + True + + >>> with ExceptionTrap() as trap: + ... pass + >>> bool(trap) + False + + >>> with ExceptionTrap(ValueError) as trap: + ... raise ValueError("1 + 1 is not 3") + >>> bool(trap) + True + + >>> with ExceptionTrap(ValueError) as trap: + ... raise Exception() + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + Exception + + >>> bool(trap) + False + """ + + exc_info = None, None, None + + def __init__(self, exceptions=(Exception,)): + self.exceptions = exceptions + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + @property + def type(self): + return self.exc_info[0] + + @property + def value(self): + return self.exc_info[1] + + @property + def tb(self): + return self.exc_info[2] + + def __exit__(self, *exc_info): + type = exc_info[0] + matches = type and issubclass(type, self.exceptions) + if matches: + self.exc_info = exc_info + return matches + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.type) + + def raises(self, func, *, _test=bool): + """ + Wrap func and replace the result with the truth + value of the trap (True if an exception occurred). + + First, give the decorator an alias to support Python 3.8 + Syntax. + + >>> raises = ExceptionTrap(ValueError).raises + + Now decorate a function that always fails. + + >>> @raises + ... def fail(): + ... raise ValueError('failed') + >>> fail() + True + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + with ExceptionTrap(self.exceptions) as trap: + func(*args, **kwargs) + return _test(trap) + + return wrapper + + def passes(self, func): + """ + Wrap func and replace the result with the truth + value of the trap (True if no exception). + + First, give the decorator an alias to support Python 3.8 + Syntax. + + >>> passes = ExceptionTrap(ValueError).passes + + Now decorate a function that always fails. + + >>> @passes + ... def fail(): + ... raise ValueError('failed') + + >>> fail() + False + """ + return self.raises(func, _test=operator.not_) + + +class suppress(contextlib.suppress, contextlib.ContextDecorator): + """ + A version of contextlib.suppress with decorator support. + + >>> @suppress(KeyError) + ... def key_error(): + ... {}[''] + >>> key_error() + """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3fea3a --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py @@ -0,0 +1,525 @@ +import functools +import time +import inspect +import collections +import types +import itertools + +import pkg_resources.extern.more_itertools + +from typing import Callable, TypeVar + + +CallableT = TypeVar("CallableT", bound=Callable[..., object]) + + +def compose(*funcs): + """ + Compose any number of unary functions into a single unary function. + + >>> import textwrap + >>> expected = str.strip(textwrap.dedent(compose.__doc__)) + >>> strip_and_dedent = compose(str.strip, textwrap.dedent) + >>> strip_and_dedent(compose.__doc__) == expected + True + + Compose also allows the innermost function to take arbitrary arguments. + + >>> round_three = lambda x: round(x, ndigits=3) + >>> f = compose(round_three, int.__truediv__) + >>> [f(3*x, x+1) for x in range(1,10)] + [1.5, 2.0, 2.25, 2.4, 2.5, 2.571, 2.625, 2.667, 2.7] + """ + + def compose_two(f1, f2): + return lambda *args, **kwargs: f1(f2(*args, **kwargs)) + + return functools.reduce(compose_two, funcs) + + +def method_caller(method_name, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Return a function that will call a named method on the + target object with optional positional and keyword + arguments. + + >>> lower = method_caller('lower') + >>> lower('MyString') + 'mystring' + """ + + def call_method(target): + func = getattr(target, method_name) + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + return call_method + + +def once(func): + """ + Decorate func so it's only ever called the first time. + + This decorator can ensure that an expensive or non-idempotent function + will not be expensive on subsequent calls and is idempotent. + + >>> add_three = once(lambda a: a+3) + >>> add_three(3) + 6 + >>> add_three(9) + 6 + >>> add_three('12') + 6 + + To reset the stored value, simply clear the property ``saved_result``. + + >>> del add_three.saved_result + >>> add_three(9) + 12 + >>> add_three(8) + 12 + + Or invoke 'reset()' on it. + + >>> add_three.reset() + >>> add_three(-3) + 0 + >>> add_three(0) + 0 + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + if not hasattr(wrapper, 'saved_result'): + wrapper.saved_result = func(*args, **kwargs) + return wrapper.saved_result + + wrapper.reset = lambda: vars(wrapper).__delitem__('saved_result') + return wrapper + + +def method_cache( + method: CallableT, + cache_wrapper: Callable[ + [CallableT], CallableT + ] = functools.lru_cache(), # type: ignore[assignment] +) -> CallableT: + """ + Wrap lru_cache to support storing the cache data in the object instances. + + Abstracts the common paradigm where the method explicitly saves an + underscore-prefixed protected property on first call and returns that + subsequently. + + >>> class MyClass: + ... calls = 0 + ... + ... @method_cache + ... def method(self, value): + ... self.calls += 1 + ... return value + + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method(3) + 3 + >>> for x in range(75): + ... res = a.method(x) + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that the apparent behavior will be exactly like that of lru_cache + except that the cache is stored on each instance, so values in one + instance will not flush values from another, and when an instance is + deleted, so are the cached values for that instance. + + >>> b = MyClass() + >>> for x in range(35): + ... res = b.method(x) + >>> b.calls + 35 + >>> a.method(0) + 0 + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that if method had been decorated with ``functools.lru_cache()``, + a.calls would have been 76 (due to the cached value of 0 having been + flushed by the 'b' instance). + + Clear the cache with ``.cache_clear()`` + + >>> a.method.cache_clear() + + Same for a method that hasn't yet been called. + + >>> c = MyClass() + >>> c.method.cache_clear() + + Another cache wrapper may be supplied: + + >>> cache = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) + >>> MyClass.method2 = method_cache(lambda self: 3, cache_wrapper=cache) + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method2() + 3 + + Caution - do not subsequently wrap the method with another decorator, such + as ``@property``, which changes the semantics of the function. + + See also + http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577452-a-memoize-decorator-for-instance-methods/ + for another implementation and additional justification. + """ + + def wrapper(self: object, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> object: + # it's the first call, replace the method with a cached, bound method + bound_method: CallableT = types.MethodType( # type: ignore[assignment] + method, self + ) + cached_method = cache_wrapper(bound_method) + setattr(self, method.__name__, cached_method) + return cached_method(*args, **kwargs) + + # Support cache clear even before cache has been created. + wrapper.cache_clear = lambda: None # type: ignore[attr-defined] + + return ( # type: ignore[return-value] + _special_method_cache(method, cache_wrapper) or wrapper + ) + + +def _special_method_cache(method, cache_wrapper): + """ + Because Python treats special methods differently, it's not + possible to use instance attributes to implement the cached + methods. + + Instead, install the wrapper method under a different name + and return a simple proxy to that wrapper. + + https://github.com/jaraco/jaraco.functools/issues/5 + """ + name = method.__name__ + special_names = '__getattr__', '__getitem__' + if name not in special_names: + return + + wrapper_name = '__cached' + name + + def proxy(self, *args, **kwargs): + if wrapper_name not in vars(self): + bound = types.MethodType(method, self) + cache = cache_wrapper(bound) + setattr(self, wrapper_name, cache) + else: + cache = getattr(self, wrapper_name) + return cache(*args, **kwargs) + + return proxy + + +def apply(transform): + """ + Decorate a function with a transform function that is + invoked on results returned from the decorated function. + + >>> @apply(reversed) + ... def get_numbers(start): + ... "doc for get_numbers" + ... return range(start, start+3) + >>> list(get_numbers(4)) + [6, 5, 4] + >>> get_numbers.__doc__ + 'doc for get_numbers' + """ + + def wrap(func): + return functools.wraps(func)(compose(transform, func)) + + return wrap + + +def result_invoke(action): + r""" + Decorate a function with an action function that is + invoked on the results returned from the decorated + function (for its side-effect), then return the original + result. + + >>> @result_invoke(print) + ... def add_two(a, b): + ... return a + b + >>> x = add_two(2, 3) + 5 + >>> x + 5 + """ + + def wrap(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + result = func(*args, **kwargs) + action(result) + return result + + return wrapper + + return wrap + + +def call_aside(f, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Call a function for its side effect after initialization. + + >>> @call_aside + ... def func(): print("called") + called + >>> func() + called + + Use functools.partial to pass parameters to the initial call + + >>> @functools.partial(call_aside, name='bingo') + ... def func(name): print("called with", name) + called with bingo + """ + f(*args, **kwargs) + return f + + +class Throttler: + """ + Rate-limit a function (or other callable) + """ + + def __init__(self, func, max_rate=float('Inf')): + if isinstance(func, Throttler): + func = func.func + self.func = func + self.max_rate = max_rate + self.reset() + + def reset(self): + self.last_called = 0 + + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self._wait() + return self.func(*args, **kwargs) + + def _wait(self): + "ensure at least 1/max_rate seconds from last call" + elapsed = time.time() - self.last_called + must_wait = 1 / self.max_rate - elapsed + time.sleep(max(0, must_wait)) + self.last_called = time.time() + + def __get__(self, obj, type=None): + return first_invoke(self._wait, functools.partial(self.func, obj)) + + +def first_invoke(func1, func2): + """ + Return a function that when invoked will invoke func1 without + any parameters (for its side-effect) and then invoke func2 + with whatever parameters were passed, returning its result. + """ + + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + func1() + return func2(*args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def retry_call(func, cleanup=lambda: None, retries=0, trap=()): + """ + Given a callable func, trap the indicated exceptions + for up to 'retries' times, invoking cleanup on the + exception. On the final attempt, allow any exceptions + to propagate. + """ + attempts = itertools.count() if retries == float('inf') else range(retries) + for attempt in attempts: + try: + return func() + except trap: + cleanup() + + return func() + + +def retry(*r_args, **r_kwargs): + """ + Decorator wrapper for retry_call. Accepts arguments to retry_call + except func and then returns a decorator for the decorated function. + + Ex: + + >>> @retry(retries=3) + ... def my_func(a, b): + ... "this is my funk" + ... print(a, b) + >>> my_func.__doc__ + 'this is my funk' + """ + + def decorate(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*f_args, **f_kwargs): + bound = functools.partial(func, *f_args, **f_kwargs) + return retry_call(bound, *r_args, **r_kwargs) + + return wrapper + + return decorate + + +def print_yielded(func): + """ + Convert a generator into a function that prints all yielded elements + + >>> @print_yielded + ... def x(): + ... yield 3; yield None + >>> x() + 3 + None + """ + print_all = functools.partial(map, print) + print_results = compose(more_itertools.consume, print_all, func) + return functools.wraps(func)(print_results) + + +def pass_none(func): + """ + Wrap func so it's not called if its first param is None + + >>> print_text = pass_none(print) + >>> print_text('text') + text + >>> print_text(None) + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(param, *args, **kwargs): + if param is not None: + return func(param, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def assign_params(func, namespace): + """ + Assign parameters from namespace where func solicits. + + >>> def func(x, y=3): + ... print(x, y) + >>> assigned = assign_params(func, dict(x=2, z=4)) + >>> assigned() + 2 3 + + The usual errors are raised if a function doesn't receive + its required parameters: + + >>> assigned = assign_params(func, dict(y=3, z=4)) + >>> assigned() + Traceback (most recent call last): + TypeError: func() ...argument... + + It even works on methods: + + >>> class Handler: + ... def meth(self, arg): + ... print(arg) + >>> assign_params(Handler().meth, dict(arg='crystal', foo='clear'))() + crystal + """ + sig = inspect.signature(func) + params = sig.parameters.keys() + call_ns = {k: namespace[k] for k in params if k in namespace} + return functools.partial(func, **call_ns) + + +def save_method_args(method): + """ + Wrap a method such that when it is called, the args and kwargs are + saved on the method. + + >>> class MyClass: + ... @save_method_args + ... def method(self, a, b): + ... print(a, b) + >>> my_ob = MyClass() + >>> my_ob.method(1, 2) + 1 2 + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + (1, 2) + >>> my_ob._saved_method.kwargs + {} + >>> my_ob.method(a=3, b='foo') + 3 foo + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + () + >>> my_ob._saved_method.kwargs == dict(a=3, b='foo') + True + + The arguments are stored on the instance, allowing for + different instance to save different args. + + >>> your_ob = MyClass() + >>> your_ob.method({str('x'): 3}, b=[4]) + {'x': 3} [4] + >>> your_ob._saved_method.args + ({'x': 3},) + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + () + """ + args_and_kwargs = collections.namedtuple('args_and_kwargs', 'args kwargs') + + @functools.wraps(method) + def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): + attr_name = '_saved_' + method.__name__ + attr = args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) + setattr(self, attr_name, attr) + return method(self, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def except_(*exceptions, replace=None, use=None): + """ + Replace the indicated exceptions, if raised, with the indicated + literal replacement or evaluated expression (if present). + + >>> safe_int = except_(ValueError)(int) + >>> safe_int('five') + >>> safe_int('5') + 5 + + Specify a literal replacement with ``replace``. + + >>> safe_int_r = except_(ValueError, replace=0)(int) + >>> safe_int_r('five') + 0 + + Provide an expression to ``use`` to pass through particular parameters. + + >>> safe_int_pt = except_(ValueError, use='args[0]')(int) + >>> safe_int_pt('five') + 'five' + + """ + + def decorate(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + except exceptions: + try: + return eval(use) + except TypeError: + return replace + + return wrapper + + return decorate diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c466378 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,599 @@ +import re +import itertools +import textwrap +import functools + +try: + from importlib.resources import files # type: ignore +except ImportError: # pragma: nocover + from pkg_resources.extern.importlib_resources import files # type: ignore + +from pkg_resources.extern.jaraco.functools import compose, method_cache +from pkg_resources.extern.jaraco.context import ExceptionTrap + + +def substitution(old, new): + """ + Return a function that will perform a substitution on a string + """ + return lambda s: s.replace(old, new) + + +def multi_substitution(*substitutions): + """ + Take a sequence of pairs specifying substitutions, and create + a function that performs those substitutions. + + >>> multi_substitution(('foo', 'bar'), ('bar', 'baz'))('foo') + 'baz' + """ + substitutions = itertools.starmap(substitution, substitutions) + # compose function applies last function first, so reverse the + # substitutions to get the expected order. + substitutions = reversed(tuple(substitutions)) + return compose(*substitutions) + + +class FoldedCase(str): + """ + A case insensitive string class; behaves just like str + except compares equal when the only variation is case. + + >>> s = FoldedCase('hello world') + + >>> s == 'Hello World' + True + + >>> 'Hello World' == s + True + + >>> s != 'Hello World' + False + + >>> s.index('O') + 4 + + >>> s.split('O') + ['hell', ' w', 'rld'] + + >>> sorted(map(FoldedCase, ['GAMMA', 'alpha', 'Beta'])) + ['alpha', 'Beta', 'GAMMA'] + + Sequence membership is straightforward. + + >>> "Hello World" in [s] + True + >>> s in ["Hello World"] + True + + You may test for set inclusion, but candidate and elements + must both be folded. + + >>> FoldedCase("Hello World") in {s} + True + >>> s in {FoldedCase("Hello World")} + True + + String inclusion works as long as the FoldedCase object + is on the right. + + >>> "hello" in FoldedCase("Hello World") + True + + But not if the FoldedCase object is on the left: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') in 'Hello World' + False + + In that case, use ``in_``: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello').in_('Hello World') + True + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') > FoldedCase('Hello') + False + """ + + def __lt__(self, other): + return self.lower() < other.lower() + + def __gt__(self, other): + return self.lower() > other.lower() + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self.lower() == other.lower() + + def __ne__(self, other): + return self.lower() != other.lower() + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(self.lower()) + + def __contains__(self, other): + return super().lower().__contains__(other.lower()) + + def in_(self, other): + "Does self appear in other?" + return self in FoldedCase(other) + + # cache lower since it's likely to be called frequently. + @method_cache + def lower(self): + return super().lower() + + def index(self, sub): + return self.lower().index(sub.lower()) + + def split(self, splitter=' ', maxsplit=0): + pattern = re.compile(re.escape(splitter), re.I) + return pattern.split(self, maxsplit) + + +# Python 3.8 compatibility +_unicode_trap = ExceptionTrap(UnicodeDecodeError) + + +@_unicode_trap.passes +def is_decodable(value): + r""" + Return True if the supplied value is decodable (using the default + encoding). + + >>> is_decodable(b'\xff') + False + >>> is_decodable(b'\x32') + True + """ + value.decode() + + +def is_binary(value): + r""" + Return True if the value appears to be binary (that is, it's a byte + string and isn't decodable). + + >>> is_binary(b'\xff') + True + >>> is_binary('\xff') + False + """ + return isinstance(value, bytes) and not is_decodable(value) + + +def trim(s): + r""" + Trim something like a docstring to remove the whitespace that + is common due to indentation and formatting. + + >>> trim("\n\tfoo = bar\n\t\tbar = baz\n") + 'foo = bar\n\tbar = baz' + """ + return textwrap.dedent(s).strip() + + +def wrap(s): + """ + Wrap lines of text, retaining existing newlines as + paragraph markers. + + >>> print(wrap(lorem_ipsum)) + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do + eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad + minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut + aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in + reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla + pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in + culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. + + Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci a odio. Nullam + varius, turpis et commodo pharetra, est eros bibendum elit, nec luctus + magna felis sollicitudin mauris. Integer in mauris eu nibh euismod + gravida. Duis ac tellus et risus vulputate vehicula. Donec lobortis + risus a elit. Etiam tempor. Ut ullamcorper, ligula eu tempor congue, + eros est euismod turpis, id tincidunt sapien risus a quam. Maecenas + fermentum consequat mi. Donec fermentum. Pellentesque malesuada nulla + a mi. Duis sapien sem, aliquet nec, commodo eget, consequat quis, + neque. Aliquam faucibus, elit ut dictum aliquet, felis nisl adipiscing + sapien, sed malesuada diam lacus eget erat. Cras mollis scelerisque + nunc. Nullam arcu. Aliquam consequat. Curabitur augue lorem, dapibus + quis, laoreet et, pretium ac, nisi. Aenean magna nisl, mollis quis, + molestie eu, feugiat in, orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. + """ + paragraphs = s.splitlines() + wrapped = ('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(para)) for para in paragraphs) + return '\n\n'.join(wrapped) + + +def unwrap(s): + r""" + Given a multi-line string, return an unwrapped version. + + >>> wrapped = wrap(lorem_ipsum) + >>> wrapped.count('\n') + 20 + >>> unwrapped = unwrap(wrapped) + >>> unwrapped.count('\n') + 1 + >>> print(unwrapped) + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing ... + Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci ... + + """ + paragraphs = re.split(r'\n\n+', s) + cleaned = (para.replace('\n', ' ') for para in paragraphs) + return '\n'.join(cleaned) + + + + +class Splitter(object): + """object that will split a string with the given arguments for each call + + >>> s = Splitter(',') + >>> s('hello, world, this is your, master calling') + ['hello', ' world', ' this is your', ' master calling'] + """ + + def __init__(self, *args): + self.args = args + + def __call__(self, s): + return s.split(*self.args) + + +def indent(string, prefix=' ' * 4): + """ + >>> indent('foo') + ' foo' + """ + return prefix + string + + +class WordSet(tuple): + """ + Given an identifier, return the words that identifier represents, + whether in camel case, underscore-separated, etc. + + >>> WordSet.parse("camelCase") + ('camel', 'Case') + + >>> WordSet.parse("under_sep") + ('under', 'sep') + + Acronyms should be retained + + >>> WordSet.parse("firstSNL") + ('first', 'SNL') + + >>> WordSet.parse("you_and_I") + ('you', 'and', 'I') + + >>> WordSet.parse("A simple test") + ('A', 'simple', 'test') + + Multiple caps should not interfere with the first cap of another word. + + >>> WordSet.parse("myABCClass") + ('my', 'ABC', 'Class') + + The result is a WordSet, so you can get the form you need. + + >>> WordSet.parse("myABCClass").underscore_separated() + 'my_ABC_Class' + + >>> WordSet.parse('a-command').camel_case() + 'ACommand' + + >>> WordSet.parse('someIdentifier').lowered().space_separated() + 'some identifier' + + Slices of the result should return another WordSet. + + >>> WordSet.parse('taken-out-of-context')[1:].underscore_separated() + 'out_of_context' + + >>> WordSet.from_class_name(WordSet()).lowered().space_separated() + 'word set' + + >>> example = WordSet.parse('figured it out') + >>> example.headless_camel_case() + 'figuredItOut' + >>> example.dash_separated() + 'figured-it-out' + + """ + + _pattern = re.compile('([A-Z]?[a-z]+)|([A-Z]+(?![a-z]))') + + def capitalized(self): + return WordSet(word.capitalize() for word in self) + + def lowered(self): + return WordSet(word.lower() for word in self) + + def camel_case(self): + return ''.join(self.capitalized()) + + def headless_camel_case(self): + words = iter(self) + first = next(words).lower() + new_words = itertools.chain((first,), WordSet(words).camel_case()) + return ''.join(new_words) + + def underscore_separated(self): + return '_'.join(self) + + def dash_separated(self): + return '-'.join(self) + + def space_separated(self): + return ' '.join(self) + + def trim_right(self, item): + """ + Remove the item from the end of the set. + + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_right('foo') + ('foo', 'bar') + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_right('bar') + ('foo',) + >>> WordSet.parse('').trim_right('bar') + () + """ + return self[:-1] if self and self[-1] == item else self + + def trim_left(self, item): + """ + Remove the item from the beginning of the set. + + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_left('foo') + ('bar',) + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_left('bar') + ('foo', 'bar') + >>> WordSet.parse('').trim_left('bar') + () + """ + return self[1:] if self and self[0] == item else self + + def trim(self, item): + """ + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim('foo') + ('bar',) + """ + return self.trim_left(item).trim_right(item) + + def __getitem__(self, item): + result = super(WordSet, self).__getitem__(item) + if isinstance(item, slice): + result = WordSet(result) + return result + + @classmethod + def parse(cls, identifier): + matches = cls._pattern.finditer(identifier) + return WordSet(match.group(0) for match in matches) + + @classmethod + def from_class_name(cls, subject): + return cls.parse(subject.__class__.__name__) + + +# for backward compatibility +words = WordSet.parse + + +def simple_html_strip(s): + r""" + Remove HTML from the string `s`. + + >>> str(simple_html_strip('')) + '' + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('A stormy day in paradise')) + A stormy day in paradise + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('Somebody tell the truth.')) + Somebody tell the truth. + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('What about
\nmultiple lines?')) + What about + multiple lines? + """ + html_stripper = re.compile('()|(<[^>]*>)|([^<]+)', re.DOTALL) + texts = (match.group(3) or '' for match in html_stripper.finditer(s)) + return ''.join(texts) + + +class SeparatedValues(str): + """ + A string separated by a separator. Overrides __iter__ for getting + the values. + + >>> list(SeparatedValues('a,b,c')) + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + + Whitespace is stripped and empty values are discarded. + + >>> list(SeparatedValues(' a, b , c, ')) + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + """ + + separator = ',' + + def __iter__(self): + parts = self.split(self.separator) + return filter(None, (part.strip() for part in parts)) + + +class Stripper: + r""" + Given a series of lines, find the common prefix and strip it from them. + + >>> lines = [ + ... 'abcdefg\n', + ... 'abc\n', + ... 'abcde\n', + ... ] + >>> res = Stripper.strip_prefix(lines) + >>> res.prefix + 'abc' + >>> list(res.lines) + ['defg\n', '\n', 'de\n'] + + If no prefix is common, nothing should be stripped. + + >>> lines = [ + ... 'abcd\n', + ... '1234\n', + ... ] + >>> res = Stripper.strip_prefix(lines) + >>> res.prefix = '' + >>> list(res.lines) + ['abcd\n', '1234\n'] + """ + + def __init__(self, prefix, lines): + self.prefix = prefix + self.lines = map(self, lines) + + @classmethod + def strip_prefix(cls, lines): + prefix_lines, lines = itertools.tee(lines) + prefix = functools.reduce(cls.common_prefix, prefix_lines) + return cls(prefix, lines) + + def __call__(self, line): + if not self.prefix: + return line + null, prefix, rest = line.partition(self.prefix) + return rest + + @staticmethod + def common_prefix(s1, s2): + """ + Return the common prefix of two lines. + """ + index = min(len(s1), len(s2)) + while s1[:index] != s2[:index]: + index -= 1 + return s1[:index] + + +def remove_prefix(text, prefix): + """ + Remove the prefix from the text if it exists. + + >>> remove_prefix('underwhelming performance', 'underwhelming ') + 'performance' + + >>> remove_prefix('something special', 'sample') + 'something special' + """ + null, prefix, rest = text.rpartition(prefix) + return rest + + +def remove_suffix(text, suffix): + """ + Remove the suffix from the text if it exists. + + >>> remove_suffix('name.git', '.git') + 'name' + + >>> remove_suffix('something special', 'sample') + 'something special' + """ + rest, suffix, null = text.partition(suffix) + return rest + + +def normalize_newlines(text): + r""" + Replace alternate newlines with the canonical newline. + + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\u2029') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\r\n') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\x85') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + """ + newlines = ['\r\n', '\r', '\n', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029'] + pattern = '|'.join(newlines) + return re.sub(pattern, '\n', text) + + +def _nonblank(str): + return str and not str.startswith('#') + + +@functools.singledispatch +def yield_lines(iterable): + r""" + Yield valid lines of a string or iterable. + + >>> list(yield_lines('')) + [] + >>> list(yield_lines(['foo', 'bar'])) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> list(yield_lines('foo\nbar')) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> list(yield_lines('\nfoo\n#bar\nbaz #comment')) + ['foo', 'baz #comment'] + >>> list(yield_lines(['foo\nbar', 'baz', 'bing\n\n\n'])) + ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bing'] + """ + return itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(yield_lines, iterable)) + + +@yield_lines.register(str) +def _(text): + return filter(_nonblank, map(str.strip, text.splitlines())) + + +def drop_comment(line): + """ + Drop comments. + + >>> drop_comment('foo # bar') + 'foo' + + A hash without a space may be in a URL. + + >>> drop_comment('http://example.com/foo#bar') + 'http://example.com/foo#bar' + """ + return line.partition(' #')[0] + + +def join_continuation(lines): + r""" + Join lines continued by a trailing backslash. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar', 'baz'])) + ['foobar', 'baz'] + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar', 'baz'])) + ['foobar', 'baz'] + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar \\', 'baz'])) + ['foobarbaz'] + + Not sure why, but... + The character preceeding the backslash is also elided. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['goo\\', 'dly'])) + ['godly'] + + A terrible idea, but... + If no line is available to continue, suppress the lines. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo', 'bar\\', 'baz\\'])) + ['foo'] + """ + lines = iter(lines) + for item in lines: + while item.endswith('\\'): + try: + item = item[:-2].strip() + next(lines) + except StopIteration: + return + yield item diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f353d3f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea38bef --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +from .more import * # noqa +from .recipes import * # noqa + +__version__ = '8.12.0' diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..766d43f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a57aaa Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e59b591 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6b6a5ca --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py @@ -0,0 +1,4316 @@ +import warnings + +from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque, abc +from collections.abc import Sequence +from functools import partial, reduce, wraps +from heapq import merge, heapify, heapreplace, heappop +from itertools import ( + chain, + compress, + count, + cycle, + dropwhile, + groupby, + islice, + repeat, + starmap, + takewhile, + tee, + zip_longest, +) +from math import exp, factorial, floor, log +from queue import Empty, Queue +from random import random, randrange, uniform +from operator import itemgetter, mul, sub, gt, lt, ge, le +from sys import hexversion, maxsize +from time import monotonic + +from .recipes import ( + consume, + flatten, + pairwise, + powerset, + take, + unique_everseen, +) + +__all__ = [ + 'AbortThread', + 'SequenceView', + 'UnequalIterablesError', + 'adjacent', + 'all_unique', + 'always_iterable', + 'always_reversible', + 'bucket', + 'callback_iter', + 'chunked', + 'chunked_even', + 'circular_shifts', + 'collapse', + 'collate', + 'combination_index', + 'consecutive_groups', + 'consumer', + 'count_cycle', + 'countable', + 'difference', + 'distinct_combinations', + 'distinct_permutations', + 'distribute', + 'divide', + 'duplicates_everseen', + 'duplicates_justseen', + 'exactly_n', + 'filter_except', + 'first', + 'groupby_transform', + 'ichunked', + 'ilen', + 'interleave', + 'interleave_evenly', + 'interleave_longest', + 'intersperse', + 'is_sorted', + 'islice_extended', + 'iterate', + 'last', + 'locate', + 'lstrip', + 'make_decorator', + 'map_except', + 'map_if', + 'map_reduce', + 'mark_ends', + 'minmax', + 'nth_or_last', + 'nth_permutation', + 'nth_product', + 'numeric_range', + 'one', + 'only', + 'padded', + 'partitions', + 'peekable', + 'permutation_index', + 'product_index', + 'raise_', + 'repeat_each', + 'repeat_last', + 'replace', + 'rlocate', + 'rstrip', + 'run_length', + 'sample', + 'seekable', + 'set_partitions', + 'side_effect', + 'sliced', + 'sort_together', + 'split_after', + 'split_at', + 'split_before', + 'split_into', + 'split_when', + 'spy', + 'stagger', + 'strip', + 'strictly_n', + 'substrings', + 'substrings_indexes', + 'time_limited', + 'unique_in_window', + 'unique_to_each', + 'unzip', + 'value_chain', + 'windowed', + 'windowed_complete', + 'with_iter', + 'zip_broadcast', + 'zip_equal', + 'zip_offset', +] + + +_marker = object() + + +def chunked(iterable, n, strict=False): + """Break *iterable* into lists of length *n*: + + >>> list(chunked([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3)) + [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] + + By the default, the last yielded list will have fewer than *n* elements + if the length of *iterable* is not divisible by *n*: + + >>> list(chunked([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], 3)) + [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8]] + + To use a fill-in value instead, see the :func:`grouper` recipe. + + If the length of *iterable* is not divisible by *n* and *strict* is + ``True``, then ``ValueError`` will be raised before the last + list is yielded. + + """ + iterator = iter(partial(take, n, iter(iterable)), []) + if strict: + if n is None: + raise ValueError('n must not be None when using strict mode.') + + def ret(): + for chunk in iterator: + if len(chunk) != n: + raise ValueError('iterable is not divisible by n.') + yield chunk + + return iter(ret()) + else: + return iterator + + +def first(iterable, default=_marker): + """Return the first item of *iterable*, or *default* if *iterable* is + empty. + + >>> first([0, 1, 2, 3]) + 0 + >>> first([], 'some default') + 'some default' + + If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, + raise ``ValueError``. + + :func:`first` is useful when you have a generator of expensive-to-retrieve + values and want any arbitrary one. It is marginally shorter than + ``next(iter(iterable), default)``. + + """ + try: + return next(iter(iterable)) + except StopIteration as e: + if default is _marker: + raise ValueError( + 'first() was called on an empty iterable, and no ' + 'default value was provided.' + ) from e + return default + + +def last(iterable, default=_marker): + """Return the last item of *iterable*, or *default* if *iterable* is + empty. + + >>> last([0, 1, 2, 3]) + 3 + >>> last([], 'some default') + 'some default' + + If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, + raise ``ValueError``. + """ + try: + if isinstance(iterable, Sequence): + return iterable[-1] + # Work around https://bugs.python.org/issue38525 + elif hasattr(iterable, '__reversed__') and (hexversion != 0x030800F0): + return next(reversed(iterable)) + else: + return deque(iterable, maxlen=1)[-1] + except (IndexError, TypeError, StopIteration): + if default is _marker: + raise ValueError( + 'last() was called on an empty iterable, and no default was ' + 'provided.' + ) + return default + + +def nth_or_last(iterable, n, default=_marker): + """Return the nth or the last item of *iterable*, + or *default* if *iterable* is empty. + + >>> nth_or_last([0, 1, 2, 3], 2) + 2 + >>> nth_or_last([0, 1], 2) + 1 + >>> nth_or_last([], 0, 'some default') + 'some default' + + If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, + raise ``ValueError``. + """ + return last(islice(iterable, n + 1), default=default) + + +class peekable: + """Wrap an iterator to allow lookahead and prepending elements. + + Call :meth:`peek` on the result to get the value that will be returned + by :func:`next`. This won't advance the iterator: + + >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b']) + >>> p.peek() + 'a' + >>> next(p) + 'a' + + Pass :meth:`peek` a default value to return that instead of raising + ``StopIteration`` when the iterator is exhausted. + + >>> p = peekable([]) + >>> p.peek('hi') + 'hi' + + peekables also offer a :meth:`prepend` method, which "inserts" items + at the head of the iterable: + + >>> p = peekable([1, 2, 3]) + >>> p.prepend(10, 11, 12) + >>> next(p) + 10 + >>> p.peek() + 11 + >>> list(p) + [11, 12, 1, 2, 3] + + peekables can be indexed. Index 0 is the item that will be returned by + :func:`next`, index 1 is the item after that, and so on: + The values up to the given index will be cached. + + >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) + >>> p[0] + 'a' + >>> p[1] + 'b' + >>> next(p) + 'a' + + Negative indexes are supported, but be aware that they will cache the + remaining items in the source iterator, which may require significant + storage. + + To check whether a peekable is exhausted, check its truth value: + + >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b']) + >>> if p: # peekable has items + ... list(p) + ['a', 'b'] + >>> if not p: # peekable is exhausted + ... list(p) + [] + + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable): + self._it = iter(iterable) + self._cache = deque() + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __bool__(self): + try: + self.peek() + except StopIteration: + return False + return True + + def peek(self, default=_marker): + """Return the item that will be next returned from ``next()``. + + Return ``default`` if there are no items left. If ``default`` is not + provided, raise ``StopIteration``. + + """ + if not self._cache: + try: + self._cache.append(next(self._it)) + except StopIteration: + if default is _marker: + raise + return default + return self._cache[0] + + def prepend(self, *items): + """Stack up items to be the next ones returned from ``next()`` or + ``self.peek()``. The items will be returned in + first in, first out order:: + + >>> p = peekable([1, 2, 3]) + >>> p.prepend(10, 11, 12) + >>> next(p) + 10 + >>> list(p) + [11, 12, 1, 2, 3] + + It is possible, by prepending items, to "resurrect" a peekable that + previously raised ``StopIteration``. + + >>> p = peekable([]) + >>> next(p) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + StopIteration + >>> p.prepend(1) + >>> next(p) + 1 + >>> next(p) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + StopIteration + + """ + self._cache.extendleft(reversed(items)) + + def __next__(self): + if self._cache: + return self._cache.popleft() + + return next(self._it) + + def _get_slice(self, index): + # Normalize the slice's arguments + step = 1 if (index.step is None) else index.step + if step > 0: + start = 0 if (index.start is None) else index.start + stop = maxsize if (index.stop is None) else index.stop + elif step < 0: + start = -1 if (index.start is None) else index.start + stop = (-maxsize - 1) if (index.stop is None) else index.stop + else: + raise ValueError('slice step cannot be zero') + + # If either the start or stop index is negative, we'll need to cache + # the rest of the iterable in order to slice from the right side. + if (start < 0) or (stop < 0): + self._cache.extend(self._it) + # Otherwise we'll need to find the rightmost index and cache to that + # point. + else: + n = min(max(start, stop) + 1, maxsize) + cache_len = len(self._cache) + if n >= cache_len: + self._cache.extend(islice(self._it, n - cache_len)) + + return list(self._cache)[index] + + def __getitem__(self, index): + if isinstance(index, slice): + return self._get_slice(index) + + cache_len = len(self._cache) + if index < 0: + self._cache.extend(self._it) + elif index >= cache_len: + self._cache.extend(islice(self._it, index + 1 - cache_len)) + + return self._cache[index] + + +def collate(*iterables, **kwargs): + """Return a sorted merge of the items from each of several already-sorted + *iterables*. + + >>> list(collate('ACDZ', 'AZ', 'JKL')) + ['A', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Z', 'Z'] + + Works lazily, keeping only the next value from each iterable in memory. Use + :func:`collate` to, for example, perform a n-way mergesort of items that + don't fit in memory. + + If a *key* function is specified, the iterables will be sorted according + to its result: + + >>> key = lambda s: int(s) # Sort by numeric value, not by string + >>> list(collate(['1', '10'], ['2', '11'], key=key)) + ['1', '2', '10', '11'] + + + If the *iterables* are sorted in descending order, set *reverse* to + ``True``: + + >>> list(collate([5, 3, 1], [4, 2, 0], reverse=True)) + [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] + + If the elements of the passed-in iterables are out of order, you might get + unexpected results. + + On Python 3.5+, this function is an alias for :func:`heapq.merge`. + + """ + warnings.warn( + "collate is no longer part of more_itertools, use heapq.merge", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + return merge(*iterables, **kwargs) + + +def consumer(func): + """Decorator that automatically advances a PEP-342-style "reverse iterator" + to its first yield point so you don't have to call ``next()`` on it + manually. + + >>> @consumer + ... def tally(): + ... i = 0 + ... while True: + ... print('Thing number %s is %s.' % (i, (yield))) + ... i += 1 + ... + >>> t = tally() + >>> t.send('red') + Thing number 0 is red. + >>> t.send('fish') + Thing number 1 is fish. + + Without the decorator, you would have to call ``next(t)`` before + ``t.send()`` could be used. + + """ + + @wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + gen = func(*args, **kwargs) + next(gen) + return gen + + return wrapper + + +def ilen(iterable): + """Return the number of items in *iterable*. + + >>> ilen(x for x in range(1000000) if x % 3 == 0) + 333334 + + This consumes the iterable, so handle with care. + + """ + # This approach was selected because benchmarks showed it's likely the + # fastest of the known implementations at the time of writing. + # See GitHub tracker: #236, #230. + counter = count() + deque(zip(iterable, counter), maxlen=0) + return next(counter) + + +def iterate(func, start): + """Return ``start``, ``func(start)``, ``func(func(start))``, ... + + >>> from itertools import islice + >>> list(islice(iterate(lambda x: 2*x, 1), 10)) + [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512] + + """ + while True: + yield start + start = func(start) + + +def with_iter(context_manager): + """Wrap an iterable in a ``with`` statement, so it closes once exhausted. + + For example, this will close the file when the iterator is exhausted:: + + upper_lines = (line.upper() for line in with_iter(open('foo'))) + + Any context manager which returns an iterable is a candidate for + ``with_iter``. + + """ + with context_manager as iterable: + yield from iterable + + +def one(iterable, too_short=None, too_long=None): + """Return the first item from *iterable*, which is expected to contain only + that item. Raise an exception if *iterable* is empty or has more than one + item. + + :func:`one` is useful for ensuring that an iterable contains only one item. + For example, it can be used to retrieve the result of a database query + that is expected to return a single row. + + If *iterable* is empty, ``ValueError`` will be raised. You may specify a + different exception with the *too_short* keyword: + + >>> it = [] + >>> one(it) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: too many items in iterable (expected 1)' + >>> too_short = IndexError('too few items') + >>> one(it, too_short=too_short) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + IndexError: too few items + + Similarly, if *iterable* contains more than one item, ``ValueError`` will + be raised. You may specify a different exception with the *too_long* + keyword: + + >>> it = ['too', 'many'] + >>> one(it) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: Expected exactly one item in iterable, but got 'too', + 'many', and perhaps more. + >>> too_long = RuntimeError + >>> one(it, too_long=too_long) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + RuntimeError + + Note that :func:`one` attempts to advance *iterable* twice to ensure there + is only one item. See :func:`spy` or :func:`peekable` to check iterable + contents less destructively. + + """ + it = iter(iterable) + + try: + first_value = next(it) + except StopIteration as e: + raise ( + too_short or ValueError('too few items in iterable (expected 1)') + ) from e + + try: + second_value = next(it) + except StopIteration: + pass + else: + msg = ( + 'Expected exactly one item in iterable, but got {!r}, {!r}, ' + 'and perhaps more.'.format(first_value, second_value) + ) + raise too_long or ValueError(msg) + + return first_value + + +def raise_(exception, *args): + raise exception(*args) + + +def strictly_n(iterable, n, too_short=None, too_long=None): + """Validate that *iterable* has exactly *n* items and return them if + it does. If it has fewer than *n* items, call function *too_short* + with those items. If it has more than *n* items, call function + *too_long* with the first ``n + 1`` items. + + >>> iterable = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + >>> n = 4 + >>> list(strictly_n(iterable, n)) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + + By default, *too_short* and *too_long* are functions that raise + ``ValueError``. + + >>> list(strictly_n('ab', 3)) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: too few items in iterable (got 2) + + >>> list(strictly_n('abc', 2)) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: too many items in iterable (got at least 3) + + You can instead supply functions that do something else. + *too_short* will be called with the number of items in *iterable*. + *too_long* will be called with `n + 1`. + + >>> def too_short(item_count): + ... raise RuntimeError + >>> it = strictly_n('abcd', 6, too_short=too_short) + >>> list(it) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + RuntimeError + + >>> def too_long(item_count): + ... print('The boss is going to hear about this') + >>> it = strictly_n('abcdef', 4, too_long=too_long) + >>> list(it) + The boss is going to hear about this + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + + """ + if too_short is None: + too_short = lambda item_count: raise_( + ValueError, + 'Too few items in iterable (got {})'.format(item_count), + ) + + if too_long is None: + too_long = lambda item_count: raise_( + ValueError, + 'Too many items in iterable (got at least {})'.format(item_count), + ) + + it = iter(iterable) + for i in range(n): + try: + item = next(it) + except StopIteration: + too_short(i) + return + else: + yield item + + try: + next(it) + except StopIteration: + pass + else: + too_long(n + 1) + + +def distinct_permutations(iterable, r=None): + """Yield successive distinct permutations of the elements in *iterable*. + + >>> sorted(distinct_permutations([1, 0, 1])) + [(0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0)] + + Equivalent to ``set(permutations(iterable))``, except duplicates are not + generated and thrown away. For larger input sequences this is much more + efficient. + + Duplicate permutations arise when there are duplicated elements in the + input iterable. The number of items returned is + `n! / (x_1! * x_2! * ... * x_n!)`, where `n` is the total number of + items input, and each `x_i` is the count of a distinct item in the input + sequence. + + If *r* is given, only the *r*-length permutations are yielded. + + >>> sorted(distinct_permutations([1, 0, 1], r=2)) + [(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)] + >>> sorted(distinct_permutations(range(3), r=2)) + [(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1)] + + """ + # Algorithm: https://w.wiki/Qai + def _full(A): + while True: + # Yield the permutation we have + yield tuple(A) + + # Find the largest index i such that A[i] < A[i + 1] + for i in range(size - 2, -1, -1): + if A[i] < A[i + 1]: + break + # If no such index exists, this permutation is the last one + else: + return + + # Find the largest index j greater than j such that A[i] < A[j] + for j in range(size - 1, i, -1): + if A[i] < A[j]: + break + + # Swap the value of A[i] with that of A[j], then reverse the + # sequence from A[i + 1] to form the new permutation + A[i], A[j] = A[j], A[i] + A[i + 1 :] = A[: i - size : -1] # A[i + 1:][::-1] + + # Algorithm: modified from the above + def _partial(A, r): + # Split A into the first r items and the last r items + head, tail = A[:r], A[r:] + right_head_indexes = range(r - 1, -1, -1) + left_tail_indexes = range(len(tail)) + + while True: + # Yield the permutation we have + yield tuple(head) + + # Starting from the right, find the first index of the head with + # value smaller than the maximum value of the tail - call it i. + pivot = tail[-1] + for i in right_head_indexes: + if head[i] < pivot: + break + pivot = head[i] + else: + return + + # Starting from the left, find the first value of the tail + # with a value greater than head[i] and swap. + for j in left_tail_indexes: + if tail[j] > head[i]: + head[i], tail[j] = tail[j], head[i] + break + # If we didn't find one, start from the right and find the first + # index of the head with a value greater than head[i] and swap. + else: + for j in right_head_indexes: + if head[j] > head[i]: + head[i], head[j] = head[j], head[i] + break + + # Reverse head[i + 1:] and swap it with tail[:r - (i + 1)] + tail += head[: i - r : -1] # head[i + 1:][::-1] + i += 1 + head[i:], tail[:] = tail[: r - i], tail[r - i :] + + items = sorted(iterable) + + size = len(items) + if r is None: + r = size + + if 0 < r <= size: + return _full(items) if (r == size) else _partial(items, r) + + return iter(() if r else ((),)) + + +def intersperse(e, iterable, n=1): + """Intersperse filler element *e* among the items in *iterable*, leaving + *n* items between each filler element. + + >>> list(intersperse('!', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])) + [1, '!', 2, '!', 3, '!', 4, '!', 5] + + >>> list(intersperse(None, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], n=2)) + [1, 2, None, 3, 4, None, 5] + + """ + if n == 0: + raise ValueError('n must be > 0') + elif n == 1: + # interleave(repeat(e), iterable) -> e, x_0, e, x_1, e, x_2... + # islice(..., 1, None) -> x_0, e, x_1, e, x_2... + return islice(interleave(repeat(e), iterable), 1, None) + else: + # interleave(filler, chunks) -> [e], [x_0, x_1], [e], [x_2, x_3]... + # islice(..., 1, None) -> [x_0, x_1], [e], [x_2, x_3]... + # flatten(...) -> x_0, x_1, e, x_2, x_3... + filler = repeat([e]) + chunks = chunked(iterable, n) + return flatten(islice(interleave(filler, chunks), 1, None)) + + +def unique_to_each(*iterables): + """Return the elements from each of the input iterables that aren't in the + other input iterables. + + For example, suppose you have a set of packages, each with a set of + dependencies:: + + {'pkg_1': {'A', 'B'}, 'pkg_2': {'B', 'C'}, 'pkg_3': {'B', 'D'}} + + If you remove one package, which dependencies can also be removed? + + If ``pkg_1`` is removed, then ``A`` is no longer necessary - it is not + associated with ``pkg_2`` or ``pkg_3``. Similarly, ``C`` is only needed for + ``pkg_2``, and ``D`` is only needed for ``pkg_3``:: + + >>> unique_to_each({'A', 'B'}, {'B', 'C'}, {'B', 'D'}) + [['A'], ['C'], ['D']] + + If there are duplicates in one input iterable that aren't in the others + they will be duplicated in the output. Input order is preserved:: + + >>> unique_to_each("mississippi", "missouri") + [['p', 'p'], ['o', 'u', 'r']] + + It is assumed that the elements of each iterable are hashable. + + """ + pool = [list(it) for it in iterables] + counts = Counter(chain.from_iterable(map(set, pool))) + uniques = {element for element in counts if counts[element] == 1} + return [list(filter(uniques.__contains__, it)) for it in pool] + + +def windowed(seq, n, fillvalue=None, step=1): + """Return a sliding window of width *n* over the given iterable. + + >>> all_windows = windowed([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3) + >>> list(all_windows) + [(1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (3, 4, 5)] + + When the window is larger than the iterable, *fillvalue* is used in place + of missing values: + + >>> list(windowed([1, 2, 3], 4)) + [(1, 2, 3, None)] + + Each window will advance in increments of *step*: + + >>> list(windowed([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 3, fillvalue='!', step=2)) + [(1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5), (5, 6, '!')] + + To slide into the iterable's items, use :func:`chain` to add filler items + to the left: + + >>> iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4] + >>> n = 3 + >>> padding = [None] * (n - 1) + >>> list(windowed(chain(padding, iterable), 3)) + [(None, None, 1), (None, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4)] + """ + if n < 0: + raise ValueError('n must be >= 0') + if n == 0: + yield tuple() + return + if step < 1: + raise ValueError('step must be >= 1') + + window = deque(maxlen=n) + i = n + for _ in map(window.append, seq): + i -= 1 + if not i: + i = step + yield tuple(window) + + size = len(window) + if size < n: + yield tuple(chain(window, repeat(fillvalue, n - size))) + elif 0 < i < min(step, n): + window += (fillvalue,) * i + yield tuple(window) + + +def substrings(iterable): + """Yield all of the substrings of *iterable*. + + >>> [''.join(s) for s in substrings('more')] + ['m', 'o', 'r', 'e', 'mo', 'or', 're', 'mor', 'ore', 'more'] + + Note that non-string iterables can also be subdivided. + + >>> list(substrings([0, 1, 2])) + [(0,), (1,), (2,), (0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 1, 2)] + + """ + # The length-1 substrings + seq = [] + for item in iter(iterable): + seq.append(item) + yield (item,) + seq = tuple(seq) + item_count = len(seq) + + # And the rest + for n in range(2, item_count + 1): + for i in range(item_count - n + 1): + yield seq[i : i + n] + + +def substrings_indexes(seq, reverse=False): + """Yield all substrings and their positions in *seq* + + The items yielded will be a tuple of the form ``(substr, i, j)``, where + ``substr == seq[i:j]``. + + This function only works for iterables that support slicing, such as + ``str`` objects. + + >>> for item in substrings_indexes('more'): + ... print(item) + ('m', 0, 1) + ('o', 1, 2) + ('r', 2, 3) + ('e', 3, 4) + ('mo', 0, 2) + ('or', 1, 3) + ('re', 2, 4) + ('mor', 0, 3) + ('ore', 1, 4) + ('more', 0, 4) + + Set *reverse* to ``True`` to yield the same items in the opposite order. + + + """ + r = range(1, len(seq) + 1) + if reverse: + r = reversed(r) + return ( + (seq[i : i + L], i, i + L) for L in r for i in range(len(seq) - L + 1) + ) + + +class bucket: + """Wrap *iterable* and return an object that buckets it iterable into + child iterables based on a *key* function. + + >>> iterable = ['a1', 'b1', 'c1', 'a2', 'b2', 'c2', 'b3'] + >>> s = bucket(iterable, key=lambda x: x[0]) # Bucket by 1st character + >>> sorted(list(s)) # Get the keys + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + >>> a_iterable = s['a'] + >>> next(a_iterable) + 'a1' + >>> next(a_iterable) + 'a2' + >>> list(s['b']) + ['b1', 'b2', 'b3'] + + The original iterable will be advanced and its items will be cached until + they are used by the child iterables. This may require significant storage. + + By default, attempting to select a bucket to which no items belong will + exhaust the iterable and cache all values. + If you specify a *validator* function, selected buckets will instead be + checked against it. + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> it = count(1, 2) # Infinite sequence of odd numbers + >>> key = lambda x: x % 10 # Bucket by last digit + >>> validator = lambda x: x in {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} # Odd digits only + >>> s = bucket(it, key=key, validator=validator) + >>> 2 in s + False + >>> list(s[2]) + [] + + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable, key, validator=None): + self._it = iter(iterable) + self._key = key + self._cache = defaultdict(deque) + self._validator = validator or (lambda x: True) + + def __contains__(self, value): + if not self._validator(value): + return False + + try: + item = next(self[value]) + except StopIteration: + return False + else: + self._cache[value].appendleft(item) + + return True + + def _get_values(self, value): + """ + Helper to yield items from the parent iterator that match *value*. + Items that don't match are stored in the local cache as they + are encountered. + """ + while True: + # If we've cached some items that match the target value, emit + # the first one and evict it from the cache. + if self._cache[value]: + yield self._cache[value].popleft() + # Otherwise we need to advance the parent iterator to search for + # a matching item, caching the rest. + else: + while True: + try: + item = next(self._it) + except StopIteration: + return + item_value = self._key(item) + if item_value == value: + yield item + break + elif self._validator(item_value): + self._cache[item_value].append(item) + + def __iter__(self): + for item in self._it: + item_value = self._key(item) + if self._validator(item_value): + self._cache[item_value].append(item) + + yield from self._cache.keys() + + def __getitem__(self, value): + if not self._validator(value): + return iter(()) + + return self._get_values(value) + + +def spy(iterable, n=1): + """Return a 2-tuple with a list containing the first *n* elements of + *iterable*, and an iterator with the same items as *iterable*. + This allows you to "look ahead" at the items in the iterable without + advancing it. + + There is one item in the list by default: + + >>> iterable = 'abcdefg' + >>> head, iterable = spy(iterable) + >>> head + ['a'] + >>> list(iterable) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] + + You may use unpacking to retrieve items instead of lists: + + >>> (head,), iterable = spy('abcdefg') + >>> head + 'a' + >>> (first, second), iterable = spy('abcdefg', 2) + >>> first + 'a' + >>> second + 'b' + + The number of items requested can be larger than the number of items in + the iterable: + + >>> iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + >>> head, iterable = spy(iterable, 10) + >>> head + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + >>> list(iterable) + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + + """ + it = iter(iterable) + head = take(n, it) + + return head.copy(), chain(head, it) + + +def interleave(*iterables): + """Return a new iterable yielding from each iterable in turn, + until the shortest is exhausted. + + >>> list(interleave([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8])) + [1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 7] + + For a version that doesn't terminate after the shortest iterable is + exhausted, see :func:`interleave_longest`. + + """ + return chain.from_iterable(zip(*iterables)) + + +def interleave_longest(*iterables): + """Return a new iterable yielding from each iterable in turn, + skipping any that are exhausted. + + >>> list(interleave_longest([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8])) + [1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 7, 3, 8] + + This function produces the same output as :func:`roundrobin`, but may + perform better for some inputs (in particular when the number of iterables + is large). + + """ + i = chain.from_iterable(zip_longest(*iterables, fillvalue=_marker)) + return (x for x in i if x is not _marker) + + +def interleave_evenly(iterables, lengths=None): + """ + Interleave multiple iterables so that their elements are evenly distributed + throughout the output sequence. + + >>> iterables = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ['a', 'b'] + >>> list(interleave_evenly(iterables)) + [1, 2, 'a', 3, 4, 'b', 5] + + >>> iterables = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] + >>> list(interleave_evenly(iterables)) + [1, 6, 4, 2, 7, 3, 8, 5] + + This function requires iterables of known length. Iterables without + ``__len__()`` can be used by manually specifying lengths with *lengths*: + + >>> from itertools import combinations, repeat + >>> iterables = [combinations(range(4), 2), ['a', 'b', 'c']] + >>> lengths = [4 * (4 - 1) // 2, 3] + >>> list(interleave_evenly(iterables, lengths=lengths)) + [(0, 1), (0, 2), 'a', (0, 3), (1, 2), 'b', (1, 3), (2, 3), 'c'] + + Based on Bresenham's algorithm. + """ + if lengths is None: + try: + lengths = [len(it) for it in iterables] + except TypeError: + raise ValueError( + 'Iterable lengths could not be determined automatically. ' + 'Specify them with the lengths keyword.' + ) + elif len(iterables) != len(lengths): + raise ValueError('Mismatching number of iterables and lengths.') + + dims = len(lengths) + + # sort iterables by length, descending + lengths_permute = sorted( + range(dims), key=lambda i: lengths[i], reverse=True + ) + lengths_desc = [lengths[i] for i in lengths_permute] + iters_desc = [iter(iterables[i]) for i in lengths_permute] + + # the longest iterable is the primary one (Bresenham: the longest + # distance along an axis) + delta_primary, deltas_secondary = lengths_desc[0], lengths_desc[1:] + iter_primary, iters_secondary = iters_desc[0], iters_desc[1:] + errors = [delta_primary // dims] * len(deltas_secondary) + + to_yield = sum(lengths) + while to_yield: + yield next(iter_primary) + to_yield -= 1 + # update errors for each secondary iterable + errors = [e - delta for e, delta in zip(errors, deltas_secondary)] + + # those iterables for which the error is negative are yielded + # ("diagonal step" in Bresenham) + for i, e in enumerate(errors): + if e < 0: + yield next(iters_secondary[i]) + to_yield -= 1 + errors[i] += delta_primary + + +def collapse(iterable, base_type=None, levels=None): + """Flatten an iterable with multiple levels of nesting (e.g., a list of + lists of tuples) into non-iterable types. + + >>> iterable = [(1, 2), ([3, 4], [[5], [6]])] + >>> list(collapse(iterable)) + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] + + Binary and text strings are not considered iterable and + will not be collapsed. + + To avoid collapsing other types, specify *base_type*: + + >>> iterable = ['ab', ('cd', 'ef'), ['gh', 'ij']] + >>> list(collapse(iterable, base_type=tuple)) + ['ab', ('cd', 'ef'), 'gh', 'ij'] + + Specify *levels* to stop flattening after a certain level: + + >>> iterable = [('a', ['b']), ('c', ['d'])] + >>> list(collapse(iterable)) # Fully flattened + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + >>> list(collapse(iterable, levels=1)) # Only one level flattened + ['a', ['b'], 'c', ['d']] + + """ + + def walk(node, level): + if ( + ((levels is not None) and (level > levels)) + or isinstance(node, (str, bytes)) + or ((base_type is not None) and isinstance(node, base_type)) + ): + yield node + return + + try: + tree = iter(node) + except TypeError: + yield node + return + else: + for child in tree: + yield from walk(child, level + 1) + + yield from walk(iterable, 0) + + +def side_effect(func, iterable, chunk_size=None, before=None, after=None): + """Invoke *func* on each item in *iterable* (or on each *chunk_size* group + of items) before yielding the item. + + `func` must be a function that takes a single argument. Its return value + will be discarded. + + *before* and *after* are optional functions that take no arguments. They + will be executed before iteration starts and after it ends, respectively. + + `side_effect` can be used for logging, updating progress bars, or anything + that is not functionally "pure." + + Emitting a status message: + + >>> from more_itertools import consume + >>> func = lambda item: print('Received {}'.format(item)) + >>> consume(side_effect(func, range(2))) + Received 0 + Received 1 + + Operating on chunks of items: + + >>> pair_sums = [] + >>> func = lambda chunk: pair_sums.append(sum(chunk)) + >>> list(side_effect(func, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)) + [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + >>> list(pair_sums) + [1, 5, 9] + + Writing to a file-like object: + + >>> from io import StringIO + >>> from more_itertools import consume + >>> f = StringIO() + >>> func = lambda x: print(x, file=f) + >>> before = lambda: print(u'HEADER', file=f) + >>> after = f.close + >>> it = [u'a', u'b', u'c'] + >>> consume(side_effect(func, it, before=before, after=after)) + >>> f.closed + True + + """ + try: + if before is not None: + before() + + if chunk_size is None: + for item in iterable: + func(item) + yield item + else: + for chunk in chunked(iterable, chunk_size): + func(chunk) + yield from chunk + finally: + if after is not None: + after() + + +def sliced(seq, n, strict=False): + """Yield slices of length *n* from the sequence *seq*. + + >>> list(sliced((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 3)) + [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)] + + By the default, the last yielded slice will have fewer than *n* elements + if the length of *seq* is not divisible by *n*: + + >>> list(sliced((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), 3)) + [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8)] + + If the length of *seq* is not divisible by *n* and *strict* is + ``True``, then ``ValueError`` will be raised before the last + slice is yielded. + + This function will only work for iterables that support slicing. + For non-sliceable iterables, see :func:`chunked`. + + """ + iterator = takewhile(len, (seq[i : i + n] for i in count(0, n))) + if strict: + + def ret(): + for _slice in iterator: + if len(_slice) != n: + raise ValueError("seq is not divisible by n.") + yield _slice + + return iter(ret()) + else: + return iterator + + +def split_at(iterable, pred, maxsplit=-1, keep_separator=False): + """Yield lists of items from *iterable*, where each list is delimited by + an item where callable *pred* returns ``True``. + + >>> list(split_at('abcdcba', lambda x: x == 'b')) + [['a'], ['c', 'd', 'c'], ['a']] + + >>> list(split_at(range(10), lambda n: n % 2 == 1)) + [[0], [2], [4], [6], [8], []] + + At most *maxsplit* splits are done. If *maxsplit* is not specified or -1, + then there is no limit on the number of splits: + + >>> list(split_at(range(10), lambda n: n % 2 == 1, maxsplit=2)) + [[0], [2], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] + + By default, the delimiting items are not included in the output. + The include them, set *keep_separator* to ``True``. + + >>> list(split_at('abcdcba', lambda x: x == 'b', keep_separator=True)) + [['a'], ['b'], ['c', 'd', 'c'], ['b'], ['a']] + + """ + if maxsplit == 0: + yield list(iterable) + return + + buf = [] + it = iter(iterable) + for item in it: + if pred(item): + yield buf + if keep_separator: + yield [item] + if maxsplit == 1: + yield list(it) + return + buf = [] + maxsplit -= 1 + else: + buf.append(item) + yield buf + + +def split_before(iterable, pred, maxsplit=-1): + """Yield lists of items from *iterable*, where each list ends just before + an item for which callable *pred* returns ``True``: + + >>> list(split_before('OneTwo', lambda s: s.isupper())) + [['O', 'n', 'e'], ['T', 'w', 'o']] + + >>> list(split_before(range(10), lambda n: n % 3 == 0)) + [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9]] + + At most *maxsplit* splits are done. If *maxsplit* is not specified or -1, + then there is no limit on the number of splits: + + >>> list(split_before(range(10), lambda n: n % 3 == 0, maxsplit=2)) + [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9]] + """ + if maxsplit == 0: + yield list(iterable) + return + + buf = [] + it = iter(iterable) + for item in it: + if pred(item) and buf: + yield buf + if maxsplit == 1: + yield [item] + list(it) + return + buf = [] + maxsplit -= 1 + buf.append(item) + if buf: + yield buf + + +def split_after(iterable, pred, maxsplit=-1): + """Yield lists of items from *iterable*, where each list ends with an + item where callable *pred* returns ``True``: + + >>> list(split_after('one1two2', lambda s: s.isdigit())) + [['o', 'n', 'e', '1'], ['t', 'w', 'o', '2']] + + >>> list(split_after(range(10), lambda n: n % 3 == 0)) + [[0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] + + At most *maxsplit* splits are done. If *maxsplit* is not specified or -1, + then there is no limit on the number of splits: + + >>> list(split_after(range(10), lambda n: n % 3 == 0, maxsplit=2)) + [[0], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]] + + """ + if maxsplit == 0: + yield list(iterable) + return + + buf = [] + it = iter(iterable) + for item in it: + buf.append(item) + if pred(item) and buf: + yield buf + if maxsplit == 1: + yield list(it) + return + buf = [] + maxsplit -= 1 + if buf: + yield buf + + +def split_when(iterable, pred, maxsplit=-1): + """Split *iterable* into pieces based on the output of *pred*. + *pred* should be a function that takes successive pairs of items and + returns ``True`` if the iterable should be split in between them. + + For example, to find runs of increasing numbers, split the iterable when + element ``i`` is larger than element ``i + 1``: + + >>> list(split_when([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5, 2, 4, 2], lambda x, y: x > y)) + [[1, 2, 3, 3], [2, 5], [2, 4], [2]] + + At most *maxsplit* splits are done. If *maxsplit* is not specified or -1, + then there is no limit on the number of splits: + + >>> list(split_when([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5, 2, 4, 2], + ... lambda x, y: x > y, maxsplit=2)) + [[1, 2, 3, 3], [2, 5], [2, 4, 2]] + + """ + if maxsplit == 0: + yield list(iterable) + return + + it = iter(iterable) + try: + cur_item = next(it) + except StopIteration: + return + + buf = [cur_item] + for next_item in it: + if pred(cur_item, next_item): + yield buf + if maxsplit == 1: + yield [next_item] + list(it) + return + buf = [] + maxsplit -= 1 + + buf.append(next_item) + cur_item = next_item + + yield buf + + +def split_into(iterable, sizes): + """Yield a list of sequential items from *iterable* of length 'n' for each + integer 'n' in *sizes*. + + >>> list(split_into([1,2,3,4,5,6], [1,2,3])) + [[1], [2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] + + If the sum of *sizes* is smaller than the length of *iterable*, then the + remaining items of *iterable* will not be returned. + + >>> list(split_into([1,2,3,4,5,6], [2,3])) + [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]] + + If the sum of *sizes* is larger than the length of *iterable*, fewer items + will be returned in the iteration that overruns *iterable* and further + lists will be empty: + + >>> list(split_into([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4])) + [[1], [2, 3], [4], []] + + When a ``None`` object is encountered in *sizes*, the returned list will + contain items up to the end of *iterable* the same way that itertools.slice + does: + + >>> list(split_into([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0], [2,3,None])) + [[1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8, 9, 0]] + + :func:`split_into` can be useful for grouping a series of items where the + sizes of the groups are not uniform. An example would be where in a row + from a table, multiple columns represent elements of the same feature + (e.g. a point represented by x,y,z) but, the format is not the same for + all columns. + """ + # convert the iterable argument into an iterator so its contents can + # be consumed by islice in case it is a generator + it = iter(iterable) + + for size in sizes: + if size is None: + yield list(it) + return + else: + yield list(islice(it, size)) + + +def padded(iterable, fillvalue=None, n=None, next_multiple=False): + """Yield the elements from *iterable*, followed by *fillvalue*, such that + at least *n* items are emitted. + + >>> list(padded([1, 2, 3], '?', 5)) + [1, 2, 3, '?', '?'] + + If *next_multiple* is ``True``, *fillvalue* will be emitted until the + number of items emitted is a multiple of *n*:: + + >>> list(padded([1, 2, 3, 4], n=3, next_multiple=True)) + [1, 2, 3, 4, None, None] + + If *n* is ``None``, *fillvalue* will be emitted indefinitely. + + """ + it = iter(iterable) + if n is None: + yield from chain(it, repeat(fillvalue)) + elif n < 1: + raise ValueError('n must be at least 1') + else: + item_count = 0 + for item in it: + yield item + item_count += 1 + + remaining = (n - item_count) % n if next_multiple else n - item_count + for _ in range(remaining): + yield fillvalue + + +def repeat_each(iterable, n=2): + """Repeat each element in *iterable* *n* times. + + >>> list(repeat_each('ABC', 3)) + ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'C'] + """ + return chain.from_iterable(map(repeat, iterable, repeat(n))) + + +def repeat_last(iterable, default=None): + """After the *iterable* is exhausted, keep yielding its last element. + + >>> list(islice(repeat_last(range(3)), 5)) + [0, 1, 2, 2, 2] + + If the iterable is empty, yield *default* forever:: + + >>> list(islice(repeat_last(range(0), 42), 5)) + [42, 42, 42, 42, 42] + + """ + item = _marker + for item in iterable: + yield item + final = default if item is _marker else item + yield from repeat(final) + + +def distribute(n, iterable): + """Distribute the items from *iterable* among *n* smaller iterables. + + >>> group_1, group_2 = distribute(2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) + >>> list(group_1) + [1, 3, 5] + >>> list(group_2) + [2, 4, 6] + + If the length of *iterable* is not evenly divisible by *n*, then the + length of the returned iterables will not be identical: + + >>> children = distribute(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) + >>> [list(c) for c in children] + [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5], [3, 6]] + + If the length of *iterable* is smaller than *n*, then the last returned + iterables will be empty: + + >>> children = distribute(5, [1, 2, 3]) + >>> [list(c) for c in children] + [[1], [2], [3], [], []] + + This function uses :func:`itertools.tee` and may require significant + storage. If you need the order items in the smaller iterables to match the + original iterable, see :func:`divide`. + + """ + if n < 1: + raise ValueError('n must be at least 1') + + children = tee(iterable, n) + return [islice(it, index, None, n) for index, it in enumerate(children)] + + +def stagger(iterable, offsets=(-1, 0, 1), longest=False, fillvalue=None): + """Yield tuples whose elements are offset from *iterable*. + The amount by which the `i`-th item in each tuple is offset is given by + the `i`-th item in *offsets*. + + >>> list(stagger([0, 1, 2, 3])) + [(None, 0, 1), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)] + >>> list(stagger(range(8), offsets=(0, 2, 4))) + [(0, 2, 4), (1, 3, 5), (2, 4, 6), (3, 5, 7)] + + By default, the sequence will end when the final element of a tuple is the + last item in the iterable. To continue until the first element of a tuple + is the last item in the iterable, set *longest* to ``True``:: + + >>> list(stagger([0, 1, 2, 3], longest=True)) + [(None, 0, 1), (0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, None), (3, None, None)] + + By default, ``None`` will be used to replace offsets beyond the end of the + sequence. Specify *fillvalue* to use some other value. + + """ + children = tee(iterable, len(offsets)) + + return zip_offset( + *children, offsets=offsets, longest=longest, fillvalue=fillvalue + ) + + +class UnequalIterablesError(ValueError): + def __init__(self, details=None): + msg = 'Iterables have different lengths' + if details is not None: + msg += (': index 0 has length {}; index {} has length {}').format( + *details + ) + + super().__init__(msg) + + +def _zip_equal_generator(iterables): + for combo in zip_longest(*iterables, fillvalue=_marker): + for val in combo: + if val is _marker: + raise UnequalIterablesError() + yield combo + + +def _zip_equal(*iterables): + # Check whether the iterables are all the same size. + try: + first_size = len(iterables[0]) + for i, it in enumerate(iterables[1:], 1): + size = len(it) + if size != first_size: + break + else: + # If we didn't break out, we can use the built-in zip. + return zip(*iterables) + + # If we did break out, there was a mismatch. + raise UnequalIterablesError(details=(first_size, i, size)) + # If any one of the iterables didn't have a length, start reading + # them until one runs out. + except TypeError: + return _zip_equal_generator(iterables) + + +def zip_equal(*iterables): + """``zip`` the input *iterables* together, but raise + ``UnequalIterablesError`` if they aren't all the same length. + + >>> it_1 = range(3) + >>> it_2 = iter('abc') + >>> list(zip_equal(it_1, it_2)) + [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')] + + >>> it_1 = range(3) + >>> it_2 = iter('abcd') + >>> list(zip_equal(it_1, it_2)) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + more_itertools.more.UnequalIterablesError: Iterables have different + lengths + + """ + if hexversion >= 0x30A00A6: + warnings.warn( + ( + 'zip_equal will be removed in a future version of ' + 'more-itertools. Use the builtin zip function with ' + 'strict=True instead.' + ), + DeprecationWarning, + ) + + return _zip_equal(*iterables) + + +def zip_offset(*iterables, offsets, longest=False, fillvalue=None): + """``zip`` the input *iterables* together, but offset the `i`-th iterable + by the `i`-th item in *offsets*. + + >>> list(zip_offset('0123', 'abcdef', offsets=(0, 1))) + [('0', 'b'), ('1', 'c'), ('2', 'd'), ('3', 'e')] + + This can be used as a lightweight alternative to SciPy or pandas to analyze + data sets in which some series have a lead or lag relationship. + + By default, the sequence will end when the shortest iterable is exhausted. + To continue until the longest iterable is exhausted, set *longest* to + ``True``. + + >>> list(zip_offset('0123', 'abcdef', offsets=(0, 1), longest=True)) + [('0', 'b'), ('1', 'c'), ('2', 'd'), ('3', 'e'), (None, 'f')] + + By default, ``None`` will be used to replace offsets beyond the end of the + sequence. Specify *fillvalue* to use some other value. + + """ + if len(iterables) != len(offsets): + raise ValueError("Number of iterables and offsets didn't match") + + staggered = [] + for it, n in zip(iterables, offsets): + if n < 0: + staggered.append(chain(repeat(fillvalue, -n), it)) + elif n > 0: + staggered.append(islice(it, n, None)) + else: + staggered.append(it) + + if longest: + return zip_longest(*staggered, fillvalue=fillvalue) + + return zip(*staggered) + + +def sort_together(iterables, key_list=(0,), key=None, reverse=False): + """Return the input iterables sorted together, with *key_list* as the + priority for sorting. All iterables are trimmed to the length of the + shortest one. + + This can be used like the sorting function in a spreadsheet. If each + iterable represents a column of data, the key list determines which + columns are used for sorting. + + By default, all iterables are sorted using the ``0``-th iterable:: + + >>> iterables = [(4, 3, 2, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')] + >>> sort_together(iterables) + [(1, 2, 3, 4), ('d', 'c', 'b', 'a')] + + Set a different key list to sort according to another iterable. + Specifying multiple keys dictates how ties are broken:: + + >>> iterables = [(3, 1, 2), (0, 1, 0), ('c', 'b', 'a')] + >>> sort_together(iterables, key_list=(1, 2)) + [(2, 3, 1), (0, 0, 1), ('a', 'c', 'b')] + + To sort by a function of the elements of the iterable, pass a *key* + function. Its arguments are the elements of the iterables corresponding to + the key list:: + + >>> names = ('a', 'b', 'c') + >>> lengths = (1, 2, 3) + >>> widths = (5, 2, 1) + >>> def area(length, width): + ... return length * width + >>> sort_together([names, lengths, widths], key_list=(1, 2), key=area) + [('c', 'b', 'a'), (3, 2, 1), (1, 2, 5)] + + Set *reverse* to ``True`` to sort in descending order. + + >>> sort_together([(1, 2, 3), ('c', 'b', 'a')], reverse=True) + [(3, 2, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c')] + + """ + if key is None: + # if there is no key function, the key argument to sorted is an + # itemgetter + key_argument = itemgetter(*key_list) + else: + # if there is a key function, call it with the items at the offsets + # specified by the key function as arguments + key_list = list(key_list) + if len(key_list) == 1: + # if key_list contains a single item, pass the item at that offset + # as the only argument to the key function + key_offset = key_list[0] + key_argument = lambda zipped_items: key(zipped_items[key_offset]) + else: + # if key_list contains multiple items, use itemgetter to return a + # tuple of items, which we pass as *args to the key function + get_key_items = itemgetter(*key_list) + key_argument = lambda zipped_items: key( + *get_key_items(zipped_items) + ) + + return list( + zip(*sorted(zip(*iterables), key=key_argument, reverse=reverse)) + ) + + +def unzip(iterable): + """The inverse of :func:`zip`, this function disaggregates the elements + of the zipped *iterable*. + + The ``i``-th iterable contains the ``i``-th element from each element + of the zipped iterable. The first element is used to to determine the + length of the remaining elements. + + >>> iterable = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)] + >>> letters, numbers = unzip(iterable) + >>> list(letters) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + >>> list(numbers) + [1, 2, 3, 4] + + This is similar to using ``zip(*iterable)``, but it avoids reading + *iterable* into memory. Note, however, that this function uses + :func:`itertools.tee` and thus may require significant storage. + + """ + head, iterable = spy(iter(iterable)) + if not head: + # empty iterable, e.g. zip([], [], []) + return () + # spy returns a one-length iterable as head + head = head[0] + iterables = tee(iterable, len(head)) + + def itemgetter(i): + def getter(obj): + try: + return obj[i] + except IndexError: + # basically if we have an iterable like + # iter([(1, 2, 3), (4, 5), (6,)]) + # the second unzipped iterable would fail at the third tuple + # since it would try to access tup[1] + # same with the third unzipped iterable and the second tuple + # to support these "improperly zipped" iterables, + # we create a custom itemgetter + # which just stops the unzipped iterables + # at first length mismatch + raise StopIteration + + return getter + + return tuple(map(itemgetter(i), it) for i, it in enumerate(iterables)) + + +def divide(n, iterable): + """Divide the elements from *iterable* into *n* parts, maintaining + order. + + >>> group_1, group_2 = divide(2, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) + >>> list(group_1) + [1, 2, 3] + >>> list(group_2) + [4, 5, 6] + + If the length of *iterable* is not evenly divisible by *n*, then the + length of the returned iterables will not be identical: + + >>> children = divide(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) + >>> [list(c) for c in children] + [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] + + If the length of the iterable is smaller than n, then the last returned + iterables will be empty: + + >>> children = divide(5, [1, 2, 3]) + >>> [list(c) for c in children] + [[1], [2], [3], [], []] + + This function will exhaust the iterable before returning and may require + significant storage. If order is not important, see :func:`distribute`, + which does not first pull the iterable into memory. + + """ + if n < 1: + raise ValueError('n must be at least 1') + + try: + iterable[:0] + except TypeError: + seq = tuple(iterable) + else: + seq = iterable + + q, r = divmod(len(seq), n) + + ret = [] + stop = 0 + for i in range(1, n + 1): + start = stop + stop += q + 1 if i <= r else q + ret.append(iter(seq[start:stop])) + + return ret + + +def always_iterable(obj, base_type=(str, bytes)): + """If *obj* is iterable, return an iterator over its items:: + + >>> obj = (1, 2, 3) + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + [1, 2, 3] + + If *obj* is not iterable, return a one-item iterable containing *obj*:: + + >>> obj = 1 + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + [1] + + If *obj* is ``None``, return an empty iterable: + + >>> obj = None + >>> list(always_iterable(None)) + [] + + By default, binary and text strings are not considered iterable:: + + >>> obj = 'foo' + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + ['foo'] + + If *base_type* is set, objects for which ``isinstance(obj, base_type)`` + returns ``True`` won't be considered iterable. + + >>> obj = {'a': 1} + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) # Iterate over the dict's keys + ['a'] + >>> list(always_iterable(obj, base_type=dict)) # Treat dicts as a unit + [{'a': 1}] + + Set *base_type* to ``None`` to avoid any special handling and treat objects + Python considers iterable as iterable: + + >>> obj = 'foo' + >>> list(always_iterable(obj, base_type=None)) + ['f', 'o', 'o'] + """ + if obj is None: + return iter(()) + + if (base_type is not None) and isinstance(obj, base_type): + return iter((obj,)) + + try: + return iter(obj) + except TypeError: + return iter((obj,)) + + +def adjacent(predicate, iterable, distance=1): + """Return an iterable over `(bool, item)` tuples where the `item` is + drawn from *iterable* and the `bool` indicates whether + that item satisfies the *predicate* or is adjacent to an item that does. + + For example, to find whether items are adjacent to a ``3``:: + + >>> list(adjacent(lambda x: x == 3, range(6))) + [(False, 0), (False, 1), (True, 2), (True, 3), (True, 4), (False, 5)] + + Set *distance* to change what counts as adjacent. For example, to find + whether items are two places away from a ``3``: + + >>> list(adjacent(lambda x: x == 3, range(6), distance=2)) + [(False, 0), (True, 1), (True, 2), (True, 3), (True, 4), (True, 5)] + + This is useful for contextualizing the results of a search function. + For example, a code comparison tool might want to identify lines that + have changed, but also surrounding lines to give the viewer of the diff + context. + + The predicate function will only be called once for each item in the + iterable. + + See also :func:`groupby_transform`, which can be used with this function + to group ranges of items with the same `bool` value. + + """ + # Allow distance=0 mainly for testing that it reproduces results with map() + if distance < 0: + raise ValueError('distance must be at least 0') + + i1, i2 = tee(iterable) + padding = [False] * distance + selected = chain(padding, map(predicate, i1), padding) + adjacent_to_selected = map(any, windowed(selected, 2 * distance + 1)) + return zip(adjacent_to_selected, i2) + + +def groupby_transform(iterable, keyfunc=None, valuefunc=None, reducefunc=None): + """An extension of :func:`itertools.groupby` that can apply transformations + to the grouped data. + + * *keyfunc* is a function computing a key value for each item in *iterable* + * *valuefunc* is a function that transforms the individual items from + *iterable* after grouping + * *reducefunc* is a function that transforms each group of items + + >>> iterable = 'aAAbBBcCC' + >>> keyfunc = lambda k: k.upper() + >>> valuefunc = lambda v: v.lower() + >>> reducefunc = lambda g: ''.join(g) + >>> list(groupby_transform(iterable, keyfunc, valuefunc, reducefunc)) + [('A', 'aaa'), ('B', 'bbb'), ('C', 'ccc')] + + Each optional argument defaults to an identity function if not specified. + + :func:`groupby_transform` is useful when grouping elements of an iterable + using a separate iterable as the key. To do this, :func:`zip` the iterables + and pass a *keyfunc* that extracts the first element and a *valuefunc* + that extracts the second element:: + + >>> from operator import itemgetter + >>> keys = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3] + >>> values = 'abcdefghi' + >>> iterable = zip(keys, values) + >>> grouper = groupby_transform(iterable, itemgetter(0), itemgetter(1)) + >>> [(k, ''.join(g)) for k, g in grouper] + [(0, 'ab'), (1, 'cde'), (2, 'fgh'), (3, 'i')] + + Note that the order of items in the iterable is significant. + Only adjacent items are grouped together, so if you don't want any + duplicate groups, you should sort the iterable by the key function. + + """ + ret = groupby(iterable, keyfunc) + if valuefunc: + ret = ((k, map(valuefunc, g)) for k, g in ret) + if reducefunc: + ret = ((k, reducefunc(g)) for k, g in ret) + + return ret + + +class numeric_range(abc.Sequence, abc.Hashable): + """An extension of the built-in ``range()`` function whose arguments can + be any orderable numeric type. + + With only *stop* specified, *start* defaults to ``0`` and *step* + defaults to ``1``. The output items will match the type of *stop*: + + >>> list(numeric_range(3.5)) + [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0] + + With only *start* and *stop* specified, *step* defaults to ``1``. The + output items will match the type of *start*: + + >>> from decimal import Decimal + >>> start = Decimal('2.1') + >>> stop = Decimal('5.1') + >>> list(numeric_range(start, stop)) + [Decimal('2.1'), Decimal('3.1'), Decimal('4.1')] + + With *start*, *stop*, and *step* specified the output items will match + the type of ``start + step``: + + >>> from fractions import Fraction + >>> start = Fraction(1, 2) # Start at 1/2 + >>> stop = Fraction(5, 2) # End at 5/2 + >>> step = Fraction(1, 2) # Count by 1/2 + >>> list(numeric_range(start, stop, step)) + [Fraction(1, 2), Fraction(1, 1), Fraction(3, 2), Fraction(2, 1)] + + If *step* is zero, ``ValueError`` is raised. Negative steps are supported: + + >>> list(numeric_range(3, -1, -1.0)) + [3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0] + + Be aware of the limitations of floating point numbers; the representation + of the yielded numbers may be surprising. + + ``datetime.datetime`` objects can be used for *start* and *stop*, if *step* + is a ``datetime.timedelta`` object: + + >>> import datetime + >>> start = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) + >>> stop = datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 3) + >>> step = datetime.timedelta(days=1) + >>> items = iter(numeric_range(start, stop, step)) + >>> next(items) + datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0) + >>> next(items) + datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 2, 0, 0) + + """ + + _EMPTY_HASH = hash(range(0, 0)) + + def __init__(self, *args): + argc = len(args) + if argc == 1: + (self._stop,) = args + self._start = type(self._stop)(0) + self._step = type(self._stop - self._start)(1) + elif argc == 2: + self._start, self._stop = args + self._step = type(self._stop - self._start)(1) + elif argc == 3: + self._start, self._stop, self._step = args + elif argc == 0: + raise TypeError( + 'numeric_range expected at least ' + '1 argument, got {}'.format(argc) + ) + else: + raise TypeError( + 'numeric_range expected at most ' + '3 arguments, got {}'.format(argc) + ) + + self._zero = type(self._step)(0) + if self._step == self._zero: + raise ValueError('numeric_range() arg 3 must not be zero') + self._growing = self._step > self._zero + self._init_len() + + def __bool__(self): + if self._growing: + return self._start < self._stop + else: + return self._start > self._stop + + def __contains__(self, elem): + if self._growing: + if self._start <= elem < self._stop: + return (elem - self._start) % self._step == self._zero + else: + if self._start >= elem > self._stop: + return (self._start - elem) % (-self._step) == self._zero + + return False + + def __eq__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, numeric_range): + empty_self = not bool(self) + empty_other = not bool(other) + if empty_self or empty_other: + return empty_self and empty_other # True if both empty + else: + return ( + self._start == other._start + and self._step == other._step + and self._get_by_index(-1) == other._get_by_index(-1) + ) + else: + return False + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if isinstance(key, int): + return self._get_by_index(key) + elif isinstance(key, slice): + step = self._step if key.step is None else key.step * self._step + + if key.start is None or key.start <= -self._len: + start = self._start + elif key.start >= self._len: + start = self._stop + else: # -self._len < key.start < self._len + start = self._get_by_index(key.start) + + if key.stop is None or key.stop >= self._len: + stop = self._stop + elif key.stop <= -self._len: + stop = self._start + else: # -self._len < key.stop < self._len + stop = self._get_by_index(key.stop) + + return numeric_range(start, stop, step) + else: + raise TypeError( + 'numeric range indices must be ' + 'integers or slices, not {}'.format(type(key).__name__) + ) + + def __hash__(self): + if self: + return hash((self._start, self._get_by_index(-1), self._step)) + else: + return self._EMPTY_HASH + + def __iter__(self): + values = (self._start + (n * self._step) for n in count()) + if self._growing: + return takewhile(partial(gt, self._stop), values) + else: + return takewhile(partial(lt, self._stop), values) + + def __len__(self): + return self._len + + def _init_len(self): + if self._growing: + start = self._start + stop = self._stop + step = self._step + else: + start = self._stop + stop = self._start + step = -self._step + distance = stop - start + if distance <= self._zero: + self._len = 0 + else: # distance > 0 and step > 0: regular euclidean division + q, r = divmod(distance, step) + self._len = int(q) + int(r != self._zero) + + def __reduce__(self): + return numeric_range, (self._start, self._stop, self._step) + + def __repr__(self): + if self._step == 1: + return "numeric_range({}, {})".format( + repr(self._start), repr(self._stop) + ) + else: + return "numeric_range({}, {}, {})".format( + repr(self._start), repr(self._stop), repr(self._step) + ) + + def __reversed__(self): + return iter( + numeric_range( + self._get_by_index(-1), self._start - self._step, -self._step + ) + ) + + def count(self, value): + return int(value in self) + + def index(self, value): + if self._growing: + if self._start <= value < self._stop: + q, r = divmod(value - self._start, self._step) + if r == self._zero: + return int(q) + else: + if self._start >= value > self._stop: + q, r = divmod(self._start - value, -self._step) + if r == self._zero: + return int(q) + + raise ValueError("{} is not in numeric range".format(value)) + + def _get_by_index(self, i): + if i < 0: + i += self._len + if i < 0 or i >= self._len: + raise IndexError("numeric range object index out of range") + return self._start + i * self._step + + +def count_cycle(iterable, n=None): + """Cycle through the items from *iterable* up to *n* times, yielding + the number of completed cycles along with each item. If *n* is omitted the + process repeats indefinitely. + + >>> list(count_cycle('AB', 3)) + [(0, 'A'), (0, 'B'), (1, 'A'), (1, 'B'), (2, 'A'), (2, 'B')] + + """ + iterable = tuple(iterable) + if not iterable: + return iter(()) + counter = count() if n is None else range(n) + return ((i, item) for i in counter for item in iterable) + + +def mark_ends(iterable): + """Yield 3-tuples of the form ``(is_first, is_last, item)``. + + >>> list(mark_ends('ABC')) + [(True, False, 'A'), (False, False, 'B'), (False, True, 'C')] + + Use this when looping over an iterable to take special action on its first + and/or last items: + + >>> iterable = ['Header', 100, 200, 'Footer'] + >>> total = 0 + >>> for is_first, is_last, item in mark_ends(iterable): + ... if is_first: + ... continue # Skip the header + ... if is_last: + ... continue # Skip the footer + ... total += item + >>> print(total) + 300 + """ + it = iter(iterable) + + try: + b = next(it) + except StopIteration: + return + + try: + for i in count(): + a = b + b = next(it) + yield i == 0, False, a + + except StopIteration: + yield i == 0, True, a + + +def locate(iterable, pred=bool, window_size=None): + """Yield the index of each item in *iterable* for which *pred* returns + ``True``. + + *pred* defaults to :func:`bool`, which will select truthy items: + + >>> list(locate([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0])) + [1, 2, 4] + + Set *pred* to a custom function to, e.g., find the indexes for a particular + item. + + >>> list(locate(['a', 'b', 'c', 'b'], lambda x: x == 'b')) + [1, 3] + + If *window_size* is given, then the *pred* function will be called with + that many items. This enables searching for sub-sequences: + + >>> iterable = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3] + >>> pred = lambda *args: args == (1, 2, 3) + >>> list(locate(iterable, pred=pred, window_size=3)) + [1, 5, 9] + + Use with :func:`seekable` to find indexes and then retrieve the associated + items: + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> from more_itertools import seekable + >>> source = (3 * n + 1 if (n % 2) else n // 2 for n in count()) + >>> it = seekable(source) + >>> pred = lambda x: x > 100 + >>> indexes = locate(it, pred=pred) + >>> i = next(indexes) + >>> it.seek(i) + >>> next(it) + 106 + + """ + if window_size is None: + return compress(count(), map(pred, iterable)) + + if window_size < 1: + raise ValueError('window size must be at least 1') + + it = windowed(iterable, window_size, fillvalue=_marker) + return compress(count(), starmap(pred, it)) + + +def lstrip(iterable, pred): + """Yield the items from *iterable*, but strip any from the beginning + for which *pred* returns ``True``. + + For example, to remove a set of items from the start of an iterable: + + >>> iterable = (None, False, None, 1, 2, None, 3, False, None) + >>> pred = lambda x: x in {None, False, ''} + >>> list(lstrip(iterable, pred)) + [1, 2, None, 3, False, None] + + This function is analogous to to :func:`str.lstrip`, and is essentially + an wrapper for :func:`itertools.dropwhile`. + + """ + return dropwhile(pred, iterable) + + +def rstrip(iterable, pred): + """Yield the items from *iterable*, but strip any from the end + for which *pred* returns ``True``. + + For example, to remove a set of items from the end of an iterable: + + >>> iterable = (None, False, None, 1, 2, None, 3, False, None) + >>> pred = lambda x: x in {None, False, ''} + >>> list(rstrip(iterable, pred)) + [None, False, None, 1, 2, None, 3] + + This function is analogous to :func:`str.rstrip`. + + """ + cache = [] + cache_append = cache.append + cache_clear = cache.clear + for x in iterable: + if pred(x): + cache_append(x) + else: + yield from cache + cache_clear() + yield x + + +def strip(iterable, pred): + """Yield the items from *iterable*, but strip any from the + beginning and end for which *pred* returns ``True``. + + For example, to remove a set of items from both ends of an iterable: + + >>> iterable = (None, False, None, 1, 2, None, 3, False, None) + >>> pred = lambda x: x in {None, False, ''} + >>> list(strip(iterable, pred)) + [1, 2, None, 3] + + This function is analogous to :func:`str.strip`. + + """ + return rstrip(lstrip(iterable, pred), pred) + + +class islice_extended: + """An extension of :func:`itertools.islice` that supports negative values + for *stop*, *start*, and *step*. + + >>> iterable = iter('abcdefgh') + >>> list(islice_extended(iterable, -4, -1)) + ['e', 'f', 'g'] + + Slices with negative values require some caching of *iterable*, but this + function takes care to minimize the amount of memory required. + + For example, you can use a negative step with an infinite iterator: + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> list(islice_extended(count(), 110, 99, -2)) + [110, 108, 106, 104, 102, 100] + + You can also use slice notation directly: + + >>> iterable = map(str, count()) + >>> it = islice_extended(iterable)[10:20:2] + >>> list(it) + ['10', '12', '14', '16', '18'] + + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable, *args): + it = iter(iterable) + if args: + self._iterable = _islice_helper(it, slice(*args)) + else: + self._iterable = it + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __next__(self): + return next(self._iterable) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + if isinstance(key, slice): + return islice_extended(_islice_helper(self._iterable, key)) + + raise TypeError('islice_extended.__getitem__ argument must be a slice') + + +def _islice_helper(it, s): + start = s.start + stop = s.stop + if s.step == 0: + raise ValueError('step argument must be a non-zero integer or None.') + step = s.step or 1 + + if step > 0: + start = 0 if (start is None) else start + + if start < 0: + # Consume all but the last -start items + cache = deque(enumerate(it, 1), maxlen=-start) + len_iter = cache[-1][0] if cache else 0 + + # Adjust start to be positive + i = max(len_iter + start, 0) + + # Adjust stop to be positive + if stop is None: + j = len_iter + elif stop >= 0: + j = min(stop, len_iter) + else: + j = max(len_iter + stop, 0) + + # Slice the cache + n = j - i + if n <= 0: + return + + for index, item in islice(cache, 0, n, step): + yield item + elif (stop is not None) and (stop < 0): + # Advance to the start position + next(islice(it, start, start), None) + + # When stop is negative, we have to carry -stop items while + # iterating + cache = deque(islice(it, -stop), maxlen=-stop) + + for index, item in enumerate(it): + cached_item = cache.popleft() + if index % step == 0: + yield cached_item + cache.append(item) + else: + # When both start and stop are positive we have the normal case + yield from islice(it, start, stop, step) + else: + start = -1 if (start is None) else start + + if (stop is not None) and (stop < 0): + # Consume all but the last items + n = -stop - 1 + cache = deque(enumerate(it, 1), maxlen=n) + len_iter = cache[-1][0] if cache else 0 + + # If start and stop are both negative they are comparable and + # we can just slice. Otherwise we can adjust start to be negative + # and then slice. + if start < 0: + i, j = start, stop + else: + i, j = min(start - len_iter, -1), None + + for index, item in list(cache)[i:j:step]: + yield item + else: + # Advance to the stop position + if stop is not None: + m = stop + 1 + next(islice(it, m, m), None) + + # stop is positive, so if start is negative they are not comparable + # and we need the rest of the items. + if start < 0: + i = start + n = None + # stop is None and start is positive, so we just need items up to + # the start index. + elif stop is None: + i = None + n = start + 1 + # Both stop and start are positive, so they are comparable. + else: + i = None + n = start - stop + if n <= 0: + return + + cache = list(islice(it, n)) + + yield from cache[i::step] + + +def always_reversible(iterable): + """An extension of :func:`reversed` that supports all iterables, not + just those which implement the ``Reversible`` or ``Sequence`` protocols. + + >>> print(*always_reversible(x for x in range(3))) + 2 1 0 + + If the iterable is already reversible, this function returns the + result of :func:`reversed()`. If the iterable is not reversible, + this function will cache the remaining items in the iterable and + yield them in reverse order, which may require significant storage. + """ + try: + return reversed(iterable) + except TypeError: + return reversed(list(iterable)) + + +def consecutive_groups(iterable, ordering=lambda x: x): + """Yield groups of consecutive items using :func:`itertools.groupby`. + The *ordering* function determines whether two items are adjacent by + returning their position. + + By default, the ordering function is the identity function. This is + suitable for finding runs of numbers: + + >>> iterable = [1, 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40] + >>> for group in consecutive_groups(iterable): + ... print(list(group)) + [1] + [10, 11, 12] + [20] + [30, 31, 32, 33] + [40] + + For finding runs of adjacent letters, try using the :meth:`index` method + of a string of letters: + + >>> from string import ascii_lowercase + >>> iterable = 'abcdfgilmnop' + >>> ordering = ascii_lowercase.index + >>> for group in consecutive_groups(iterable, ordering): + ... print(list(group)) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + ['f', 'g'] + ['i'] + ['l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p'] + + Each group of consecutive items is an iterator that shares it source with + *iterable*. When an an output group is advanced, the previous group is + no longer available unless its elements are copied (e.g., into a ``list``). + + >>> iterable = [1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22] + >>> saved_groups = [] + >>> for group in consecutive_groups(iterable): + ... saved_groups.append(list(group)) # Copy group elements + >>> saved_groups + [[1, 2], [11, 12], [21, 22]] + + """ + for k, g in groupby( + enumerate(iterable), key=lambda x: x[0] - ordering(x[1]) + ): + yield map(itemgetter(1), g) + + +def difference(iterable, func=sub, *, initial=None): + """This function is the inverse of :func:`itertools.accumulate`. By default + it will compute the first difference of *iterable* using + :func:`operator.sub`: + + >>> from itertools import accumulate + >>> iterable = accumulate([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) # produces 0, 1, 3, 6, 10 + >>> list(difference(iterable)) + [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] + + *func* defaults to :func:`operator.sub`, but other functions can be + specified. They will be applied as follows:: + + A, B, C, D, ... --> A, func(B, A), func(C, B), func(D, C), ... + + For example, to do progressive division: + + >>> iterable = [1, 2, 6, 24, 120] + >>> func = lambda x, y: x // y + >>> list(difference(iterable, func)) + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + + If the *initial* keyword is set, the first element will be skipped when + computing successive differences. + + >>> it = [10, 11, 13, 16] # from accumulate([1, 2, 3], initial=10) + >>> list(difference(it, initial=10)) + [1, 2, 3] + + """ + a, b = tee(iterable) + try: + first = [next(b)] + except StopIteration: + return iter([]) + + if initial is not None: + first = [] + + return chain(first, starmap(func, zip(b, a))) + + +class SequenceView(Sequence): + """Return a read-only view of the sequence object *target*. + + :class:`SequenceView` objects are analogous to Python's built-in + "dictionary view" types. They provide a dynamic view of a sequence's items, + meaning that when the sequence updates, so does the view. + + >>> seq = ['0', '1', '2'] + >>> view = SequenceView(seq) + >>> view + SequenceView(['0', '1', '2']) + >>> seq.append('3') + >>> view + SequenceView(['0', '1', '2', '3']) + + Sequence views support indexing, slicing, and length queries. They act + like the underlying sequence, except they don't allow assignment: + + >>> view[1] + '1' + >>> view[1:-1] + ['1', '2'] + >>> len(view) + 4 + + Sequence views are useful as an alternative to copying, as they don't + require (much) extra storage. + + """ + + def __init__(self, target): + if not isinstance(target, Sequence): + raise TypeError + self._target = target + + def __getitem__(self, index): + return self._target[index] + + def __len__(self): + return len(self._target) + + def __repr__(self): + return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self._target)) + + +class seekable: + """Wrap an iterator to allow for seeking backward and forward. This + progressively caches the items in the source iterable so they can be + re-visited. + + Call :meth:`seek` with an index to seek to that position in the source + iterable. + + To "reset" an iterator, seek to ``0``: + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> it = seekable((str(n) for n in count())) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1', '2') + >>> it.seek(0) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1', '2') + >>> next(it) + '3' + + You can also seek forward: + + >>> it = seekable((str(n) for n in range(20))) + >>> it.seek(10) + >>> next(it) + '10' + >>> it.seek(20) # Seeking past the end of the source isn't a problem + >>> list(it) + [] + >>> it.seek(0) # Resetting works even after hitting the end + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1', '2') + + Call :meth:`peek` to look ahead one item without advancing the iterator: + + >>> it = seekable('1234') + >>> it.peek() + '1' + >>> list(it) + ['1', '2', '3', '4'] + >>> it.peek(default='empty') + 'empty' + + Before the iterator is at its end, calling :func:`bool` on it will return + ``True``. After it will return ``False``: + + >>> it = seekable('5678') + >>> bool(it) + True + >>> list(it) + ['5', '6', '7', '8'] + >>> bool(it) + False + + You may view the contents of the cache with the :meth:`elements` method. + That returns a :class:`SequenceView`, a view that updates automatically: + + >>> it = seekable((str(n) for n in range(10))) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1', '2') + >>> elements = it.elements() + >>> elements + SequenceView(['0', '1', '2']) + >>> next(it) + '3' + >>> elements + SequenceView(['0', '1', '2', '3']) + + By default, the cache grows as the source iterable progresses, so beware of + wrapping very large or infinite iterables. Supply *maxlen* to limit the + size of the cache (this of course limits how far back you can seek). + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> it = seekable((str(n) for n in count()), maxlen=2) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1', '2', '3') + >>> list(it.elements()) + ['2', '3'] + >>> it.seek(0) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('2', '3', '4', '5') + >>> next(it) + '6' + + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable, maxlen=None): + self._source = iter(iterable) + if maxlen is None: + self._cache = [] + else: + self._cache = deque([], maxlen) + self._index = None + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __next__(self): + if self._index is not None: + try: + item = self._cache[self._index] + except IndexError: + self._index = None + else: + self._index += 1 + return item + + item = next(self._source) + self._cache.append(item) + return item + + def __bool__(self): + try: + self.peek() + except StopIteration: + return False + return True + + def peek(self, default=_marker): + try: + peeked = next(self) + except StopIteration: + if default is _marker: + raise + return default + if self._index is None: + self._index = len(self._cache) + self._index -= 1 + return peeked + + def elements(self): + return SequenceView(self._cache) + + def seek(self, index): + self._index = index + remainder = index - len(self._cache) + if remainder > 0: + consume(self, remainder) + + +class run_length: + """ + :func:`run_length.encode` compresses an iterable with run-length encoding. + It yields groups of repeated items with the count of how many times they + were repeated: + + >>> uncompressed = 'abbcccdddd' + >>> list(run_length.encode(uncompressed)) + [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)] + + :func:`run_length.decode` decompresses an iterable that was previously + compressed with run-length encoding. It yields the items of the + decompressed iterable: + + >>> compressed = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)] + >>> list(run_length.decode(compressed)) + ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd'] + + """ + + @staticmethod + def encode(iterable): + return ((k, ilen(g)) for k, g in groupby(iterable)) + + @staticmethod + def decode(iterable): + return chain.from_iterable(repeat(k, n) for k, n in iterable) + + +def exactly_n(iterable, n, predicate=bool): + """Return ``True`` if exactly ``n`` items in the iterable are ``True`` + according to the *predicate* function. + + >>> exactly_n([True, True, False], 2) + True + >>> exactly_n([True, True, False], 1) + False + >>> exactly_n([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3, lambda x: x < 3) + True + + The iterable will be advanced until ``n + 1`` truthy items are encountered, + so avoid calling it on infinite iterables. + + """ + return len(take(n + 1, filter(predicate, iterable))) == n + + +def circular_shifts(iterable): + """Return a list of circular shifts of *iterable*. + + >>> circular_shifts(range(4)) + [(0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3, 0), (2, 3, 0, 1), (3, 0, 1, 2)] + """ + lst = list(iterable) + return take(len(lst), windowed(cycle(lst), len(lst))) + + +def make_decorator(wrapping_func, result_index=0): + """Return a decorator version of *wrapping_func*, which is a function that + modifies an iterable. *result_index* is the position in that function's + signature where the iterable goes. + + This lets you use itertools on the "production end," i.e. at function + definition. This can augment what the function returns without changing the + function's code. + + For example, to produce a decorator version of :func:`chunked`: + + >>> from more_itertools import chunked + >>> chunker = make_decorator(chunked, result_index=0) + >>> @chunker(3) + ... def iter_range(n): + ... return iter(range(n)) + ... + >>> list(iter_range(9)) + [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]] + + To only allow truthy items to be returned: + + >>> truth_serum = make_decorator(filter, result_index=1) + >>> @truth_serum(bool) + ... def boolean_test(): + ... return [0, 1, '', ' ', False, True] + ... + >>> list(boolean_test()) + [1, ' ', True] + + The :func:`peekable` and :func:`seekable` wrappers make for practical + decorators: + + >>> from more_itertools import peekable + >>> peekable_function = make_decorator(peekable) + >>> @peekable_function() + ... def str_range(*args): + ... return (str(x) for x in range(*args)) + ... + >>> it = str_range(1, 20, 2) + >>> next(it), next(it), next(it) + ('1', '3', '5') + >>> it.peek() + '7' + >>> next(it) + '7' + + """ + # See https://sites.google.com/site/bbayles/index/decorator_factory for + # notes on how this works. + def decorator(*wrapping_args, **wrapping_kwargs): + def outer_wrapper(f): + def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + result = f(*args, **kwargs) + wrapping_args_ = list(wrapping_args) + wrapping_args_.insert(result_index, result) + return wrapping_func(*wrapping_args_, **wrapping_kwargs) + + return inner_wrapper + + return outer_wrapper + + return decorator + + +def map_reduce(iterable, keyfunc, valuefunc=None, reducefunc=None): + """Return a dictionary that maps the items in *iterable* to categories + defined by *keyfunc*, transforms them with *valuefunc*, and + then summarizes them by category with *reducefunc*. + + *valuefunc* defaults to the identity function if it is unspecified. + If *reducefunc* is unspecified, no summarization takes place: + + >>> keyfunc = lambda x: x.upper() + >>> result = map_reduce('abbccc', keyfunc) + >>> sorted(result.items()) + [('A', ['a']), ('B', ['b', 'b']), ('C', ['c', 'c', 'c'])] + + Specifying *valuefunc* transforms the categorized items: + + >>> keyfunc = lambda x: x.upper() + >>> valuefunc = lambda x: 1 + >>> result = map_reduce('abbccc', keyfunc, valuefunc) + >>> sorted(result.items()) + [('A', [1]), ('B', [1, 1]), ('C', [1, 1, 1])] + + Specifying *reducefunc* summarizes the categorized items: + + >>> keyfunc = lambda x: x.upper() + >>> valuefunc = lambda x: 1 + >>> reducefunc = sum + >>> result = map_reduce('abbccc', keyfunc, valuefunc, reducefunc) + >>> sorted(result.items()) + [('A', 1), ('B', 2), ('C', 3)] + + You may want to filter the input iterable before applying the map/reduce + procedure: + + >>> all_items = range(30) + >>> items = [x for x in all_items if 10 <= x <= 20] # Filter + >>> keyfunc = lambda x: x % 2 # Evens map to 0; odds to 1 + >>> categories = map_reduce(items, keyfunc=keyfunc) + >>> sorted(categories.items()) + [(0, [10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]), (1, [11, 13, 15, 17, 19])] + >>> summaries = map_reduce(items, keyfunc=keyfunc, reducefunc=sum) + >>> sorted(summaries.items()) + [(0, 90), (1, 75)] + + Note that all items in the iterable are gathered into a list before the + summarization step, which may require significant storage. + + The returned object is a :obj:`collections.defaultdict` with the + ``default_factory`` set to ``None``, such that it behaves like a normal + dictionary. + + """ + valuefunc = (lambda x: x) if (valuefunc is None) else valuefunc + + ret = defaultdict(list) + for item in iterable: + key = keyfunc(item) + value = valuefunc(item) + ret[key].append(value) + + if reducefunc is not None: + for key, value_list in ret.items(): + ret[key] = reducefunc(value_list) + + ret.default_factory = None + return ret + + +def rlocate(iterable, pred=bool, window_size=None): + """Yield the index of each item in *iterable* for which *pred* returns + ``True``, starting from the right and moving left. + + *pred* defaults to :func:`bool`, which will select truthy items: + + >>> list(rlocate([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0])) # Truthy at 1, 2, and 4 + [4, 2, 1] + + Set *pred* to a custom function to, e.g., find the indexes for a particular + item: + + >>> iterable = iter('abcb') + >>> pred = lambda x: x == 'b' + >>> list(rlocate(iterable, pred)) + [3, 1] + + If *window_size* is given, then the *pred* function will be called with + that many items. This enables searching for sub-sequences: + + >>> iterable = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3] + >>> pred = lambda *args: args == (1, 2, 3) + >>> list(rlocate(iterable, pred=pred, window_size=3)) + [9, 5, 1] + + Beware, this function won't return anything for infinite iterables. + If *iterable* is reversible, ``rlocate`` will reverse it and search from + the right. Otherwise, it will search from the left and return the results + in reverse order. + + See :func:`locate` to for other example applications. + + """ + if window_size is None: + try: + len_iter = len(iterable) + return (len_iter - i - 1 for i in locate(reversed(iterable), pred)) + except TypeError: + pass + + return reversed(list(locate(iterable, pred, window_size))) + + +def replace(iterable, pred, substitutes, count=None, window_size=1): + """Yield the items from *iterable*, replacing the items for which *pred* + returns ``True`` with the items from the iterable *substitutes*. + + >>> iterable = [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1] + >>> pred = lambda x: x == 0 + >>> substitutes = (2, 3) + >>> list(replace(iterable, pred, substitutes)) + [1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1] + + If *count* is given, the number of replacements will be limited: + + >>> iterable = [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0] + >>> pred = lambda x: x == 0 + >>> substitutes = [None] + >>> list(replace(iterable, pred, substitutes, count=2)) + [1, 1, None, 1, 1, None, 1, 1, 0] + + Use *window_size* to control the number of items passed as arguments to + *pred*. This allows for locating and replacing subsequences. + + >>> iterable = [0, 1, 2, 5, 0, 1, 2, 5] + >>> window_size = 3 + >>> pred = lambda *args: args == (0, 1, 2) # 3 items passed to pred + >>> substitutes = [3, 4] # Splice in these items + >>> list(replace(iterable, pred, substitutes, window_size=window_size)) + [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5] + + """ + if window_size < 1: + raise ValueError('window_size must be at least 1') + + # Save the substitutes iterable, since it's used more than once + substitutes = tuple(substitutes) + + # Add padding such that the number of windows matches the length of the + # iterable + it = chain(iterable, [_marker] * (window_size - 1)) + windows = windowed(it, window_size) + + n = 0 + for w in windows: + # If the current window matches our predicate (and we haven't hit + # our maximum number of replacements), splice in the substitutes + # and then consume the following windows that overlap with this one. + # For example, if the iterable is (0, 1, 2, 3, 4...) + # and the window size is 2, we have (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)... + # If the predicate matches on (0, 1), we need to zap (0, 1) and (1, 2) + if pred(*w): + if (count is None) or (n < count): + n += 1 + yield from substitutes + consume(windows, window_size - 1) + continue + + # If there was no match (or we've reached the replacement limit), + # yield the first item from the window. + if w and (w[0] is not _marker): + yield w[0] + + +def partitions(iterable): + """Yield all possible order-preserving partitions of *iterable*. + + >>> iterable = 'abc' + >>> for part in partitions(iterable): + ... print([''.join(p) for p in part]) + ['abc'] + ['a', 'bc'] + ['ab', 'c'] + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + + This is unrelated to :func:`partition`. + + """ + sequence = list(iterable) + n = len(sequence) + for i in powerset(range(1, n)): + yield [sequence[i:j] for i, j in zip((0,) + i, i + (n,))] + + +def set_partitions(iterable, k=None): + """ + Yield the set partitions of *iterable* into *k* parts. Set partitions are + not order-preserving. + + >>> iterable = 'abc' + >>> for part in set_partitions(iterable, 2): + ... print([''.join(p) for p in part]) + ['a', 'bc'] + ['ab', 'c'] + ['b', 'ac'] + + + If *k* is not given, every set partition is generated. + + >>> iterable = 'abc' + >>> for part in set_partitions(iterable): + ... print([''.join(p) for p in part]) + ['abc'] + ['a', 'bc'] + ['ab', 'c'] + ['b', 'ac'] + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + + """ + L = list(iterable) + n = len(L) + if k is not None: + if k < 1: + raise ValueError( + "Can't partition in a negative or zero number of groups" + ) + elif k > n: + return + + def set_partitions_helper(L, k): + n = len(L) + if k == 1: + yield [L] + elif n == k: + yield [[s] for s in L] + else: + e, *M = L + for p in set_partitions_helper(M, k - 1): + yield [[e], *p] + for p in set_partitions_helper(M, k): + for i in range(len(p)): + yield p[:i] + [[e] + p[i]] + p[i + 1 :] + + if k is None: + for k in range(1, n + 1): + yield from set_partitions_helper(L, k) + else: + yield from set_partitions_helper(L, k) + + +class time_limited: + """ + Yield items from *iterable* until *limit_seconds* have passed. + If the time limit expires before all items have been yielded, the + ``timed_out`` parameter will be set to ``True``. + + >>> from time import sleep + >>> def generator(): + ... yield 1 + ... yield 2 + ... sleep(0.2) + ... yield 3 + >>> iterable = time_limited(0.1, generator()) + >>> list(iterable) + [1, 2] + >>> iterable.timed_out + True + + Note that the time is checked before each item is yielded, and iteration + stops if the time elapsed is greater than *limit_seconds*. If your time + limit is 1 second, but it takes 2 seconds to generate the first item from + the iterable, the function will run for 2 seconds and not yield anything. + + """ + + def __init__(self, limit_seconds, iterable): + if limit_seconds < 0: + raise ValueError('limit_seconds must be positive') + self.limit_seconds = limit_seconds + self._iterable = iter(iterable) + self._start_time = monotonic() + self.timed_out = False + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __next__(self): + item = next(self._iterable) + if monotonic() - self._start_time > self.limit_seconds: + self.timed_out = True + raise StopIteration + + return item + + +def only(iterable, default=None, too_long=None): + """If *iterable* has only one item, return it. + If it has zero items, return *default*. + If it has more than one item, raise the exception given by *too_long*, + which is ``ValueError`` by default. + + >>> only([], default='missing') + 'missing' + >>> only([1]) + 1 + >>> only([1, 2]) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: Expected exactly one item in iterable, but got 1, 2, + and perhaps more.' + >>> only([1, 2], too_long=TypeError) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + TypeError + + Note that :func:`only` attempts to advance *iterable* twice to ensure there + is only one item. See :func:`spy` or :func:`peekable` to check + iterable contents less destructively. + """ + it = iter(iterable) + first_value = next(it, default) + + try: + second_value = next(it) + except StopIteration: + pass + else: + msg = ( + 'Expected exactly one item in iterable, but got {!r}, {!r}, ' + 'and perhaps more.'.format(first_value, second_value) + ) + raise too_long or ValueError(msg) + + return first_value + + +def ichunked(iterable, n): + """Break *iterable* into sub-iterables with *n* elements each. + :func:`ichunked` is like :func:`chunked`, but it yields iterables + instead of lists. + + If the sub-iterables are read in order, the elements of *iterable* + won't be stored in memory. + If they are read out of order, :func:`itertools.tee` is used to cache + elements as necessary. + + >>> from itertools import count + >>> all_chunks = ichunked(count(), 4) + >>> c_1, c_2, c_3 = next(all_chunks), next(all_chunks), next(all_chunks) + >>> list(c_2) # c_1's elements have been cached; c_3's haven't been + [4, 5, 6, 7] + >>> list(c_1) + [0, 1, 2, 3] + >>> list(c_3) + [8, 9, 10, 11] + + """ + source = iter(iterable) + + while True: + # Check to see whether we're at the end of the source iterable + item = next(source, _marker) + if item is _marker: + return + + # Clone the source and yield an n-length slice + source, it = tee(chain([item], source)) + yield islice(it, n) + + # Advance the source iterable + consume(source, n) + + +def distinct_combinations(iterable, r): + """Yield the distinct combinations of *r* items taken from *iterable*. + + >>> list(distinct_combinations([0, 0, 1], 2)) + [(0, 0), (0, 1)] + + Equivalent to ``set(combinations(iterable))``, except duplicates are not + generated and thrown away. For larger input sequences this is much more + efficient. + + """ + if r < 0: + raise ValueError('r must be non-negative') + elif r == 0: + yield () + return + pool = tuple(iterable) + generators = [unique_everseen(enumerate(pool), key=itemgetter(1))] + current_combo = [None] * r + level = 0 + while generators: + try: + cur_idx, p = next(generators[-1]) + except StopIteration: + generators.pop() + level -= 1 + continue + current_combo[level] = p + if level + 1 == r: + yield tuple(current_combo) + else: + generators.append( + unique_everseen( + enumerate(pool[cur_idx + 1 :], cur_idx + 1), + key=itemgetter(1), + ) + ) + level += 1 + + +def filter_except(validator, iterable, *exceptions): + """Yield the items from *iterable* for which the *validator* function does + not raise one of the specified *exceptions*. + + *validator* is called for each item in *iterable*. + It should be a function that accepts one argument and raises an exception + if that item is not valid. + + >>> iterable = ['1', '2', 'three', '4', None] + >>> list(filter_except(int, iterable, ValueError, TypeError)) + ['1', '2', '4'] + + If an exception other than one given by *exceptions* is raised by + *validator*, it is raised like normal. + """ + for item in iterable: + try: + validator(item) + except exceptions: + pass + else: + yield item + + +def map_except(function, iterable, *exceptions): + """Transform each item from *iterable* with *function* and yield the + result, unless *function* raises one of the specified *exceptions*. + + *function* is called to transform each item in *iterable*. + It should accept one argument. + + >>> iterable = ['1', '2', 'three', '4', None] + >>> list(map_except(int, iterable, ValueError, TypeError)) + [1, 2, 4] + + If an exception other than one given by *exceptions* is raised by + *function*, it is raised like normal. + """ + for item in iterable: + try: + yield function(item) + except exceptions: + pass + + +def map_if(iterable, pred, func, func_else=lambda x: x): + """Evaluate each item from *iterable* using *pred*. If the result is + equivalent to ``True``, transform the item with *func* and yield it. + Otherwise, transform the item with *func_else* and yield it. + + *pred*, *func*, and *func_else* should each be functions that accept + one argument. By default, *func_else* is the identity function. + + >>> from math import sqrt + >>> iterable = list(range(-5, 5)) + >>> iterable + [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] + >>> list(map_if(iterable, lambda x: x > 3, lambda x: 'toobig')) + [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 'toobig'] + >>> list(map_if(iterable, lambda x: x >= 0, + ... lambda x: f'{sqrt(x):.2f}', lambda x: None)) + [None, None, None, None, None, '0.00', '1.00', '1.41', '1.73', '2.00'] + """ + for item in iterable: + yield func(item) if pred(item) else func_else(item) + + +def _sample_unweighted(iterable, k): + # Implementation of "Algorithm L" from the 1994 paper by Kim-Hung Li: + # "Reservoir-Sampling Algorithms of Time Complexity O(n(1+log(N/n)))". + + # Fill up the reservoir (collection of samples) with the first `k` samples + reservoir = take(k, iterable) + + # Generate random number that's the largest in a sample of k U(0,1) numbers + # Largest order statistic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_statistic + W = exp(log(random()) / k) + + # The number of elements to skip before changing the reservoir is a random + # number with a geometric distribution. Sample it using random() and logs. + next_index = k + floor(log(random()) / log(1 - W)) + + for index, element in enumerate(iterable, k): + + if index == next_index: + reservoir[randrange(k)] = element + # The new W is the largest in a sample of k U(0, `old_W`) numbers + W *= exp(log(random()) / k) + next_index += floor(log(random()) / log(1 - W)) + 1 + + return reservoir + + +def _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights): + # Implementation of "A-ExpJ" from the 2006 paper by Efraimidis et al. : + # "Weighted random sampling with a reservoir". + + # Log-transform for numerical stability for weights that are small/large + weight_keys = (log(random()) / weight for weight in weights) + + # Fill up the reservoir (collection of samples) with the first `k` + # weight-keys and elements, then heapify the list. + reservoir = take(k, zip(weight_keys, iterable)) + heapify(reservoir) + + # The number of jumps before changing the reservoir is a random variable + # with an exponential distribution. Sample it using random() and logs. + smallest_weight_key, _ = reservoir[0] + weights_to_skip = log(random()) / smallest_weight_key + + for weight, element in zip(weights, iterable): + if weight >= weights_to_skip: + # The notation here is consistent with the paper, but we store + # the weight-keys in log-space for better numerical stability. + smallest_weight_key, _ = reservoir[0] + t_w = exp(weight * smallest_weight_key) + r_2 = uniform(t_w, 1) # generate U(t_w, 1) + weight_key = log(r_2) / weight + heapreplace(reservoir, (weight_key, element)) + smallest_weight_key, _ = reservoir[0] + weights_to_skip = log(random()) / smallest_weight_key + else: + weights_to_skip -= weight + + # Equivalent to [element for weight_key, element in sorted(reservoir)] + return [heappop(reservoir)[1] for _ in range(k)] + + +def sample(iterable, k, weights=None): + """Return a *k*-length list of elements chosen (without replacement) + from the *iterable*. Like :func:`random.sample`, but works on iterables + of unknown length. + + >>> iterable = range(100) + >>> sample(iterable, 5) # doctest: +SKIP + [81, 60, 96, 16, 4] + + An iterable with *weights* may also be given: + + >>> iterable = range(100) + >>> weights = (i * i + 1 for i in range(100)) + >>> sampled = sample(iterable, 5, weights=weights) # doctest: +SKIP + [79, 67, 74, 66, 78] + + The algorithm can also be used to generate weighted random permutations. + The relative weight of each item determines the probability that it + appears late in the permutation. + + >>> data = "abcdefgh" + >>> weights = range(1, len(data) + 1) + >>> sample(data, k=len(data), weights=weights) # doctest: +SKIP + ['c', 'a', 'b', 'e', 'g', 'd', 'h', 'f'] + """ + if k == 0: + return [] + + iterable = iter(iterable) + if weights is None: + return _sample_unweighted(iterable, k) + else: + weights = iter(weights) + return _sample_weighted(iterable, k, weights) + + +def is_sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False, strict=False): + """Returns ``True`` if the items of iterable are in sorted order, and + ``False`` otherwise. *key* and *reverse* have the same meaning that they do + in the built-in :func:`sorted` function. + + >>> is_sorted(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'], key=int) + True + >>> is_sorted([5, 4, 3, 1, 2], reverse=True) + False + + If *strict*, tests for strict sorting, that is, returns ``False`` if equal + elements are found: + + >>> is_sorted([1, 2, 2]) + True + >>> is_sorted([1, 2, 2], strict=True) + False + + The function returns ``False`` after encountering the first out-of-order + item. If there are no out-of-order items, the iterable is exhausted. + """ + + compare = (le if reverse else ge) if strict else (lt if reverse else gt) + it = iterable if key is None else map(key, iterable) + return not any(starmap(compare, pairwise(it))) + + +class AbortThread(BaseException): + pass + + +class callback_iter: + """Convert a function that uses callbacks to an iterator. + + Let *func* be a function that takes a `callback` keyword argument. + For example: + + >>> def func(callback=None): + ... for i, c in [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')]: + ... if callback: + ... callback(i, c) + ... return 4 + + + Use ``with callback_iter(func)`` to get an iterator over the parameters + that are delivered to the callback. + + >>> with callback_iter(func) as it: + ... for args, kwargs in it: + ... print(args) + (1, 'a') + (2, 'b') + (3, 'c') + + The function will be called in a background thread. The ``done`` property + indicates whether it has completed execution. + + >>> it.done + True + + If it completes successfully, its return value will be available + in the ``result`` property. + + >>> it.result + 4 + + Notes: + + * If the function uses some keyword argument besides ``callback``, supply + *callback_kwd*. + * If it finished executing, but raised an exception, accessing the + ``result`` property will raise the same exception. + * If it hasn't finished executing, accessing the ``result`` + property from within the ``with`` block will raise ``RuntimeError``. + * If it hasn't finished executing, accessing the ``result`` property from + outside the ``with`` block will raise a + ``more_itertools.AbortThread`` exception. + * Provide *wait_seconds* to adjust how frequently the it is polled for + output. + + """ + + def __init__(self, func, callback_kwd='callback', wait_seconds=0.1): + self._func = func + self._callback_kwd = callback_kwd + self._aborted = False + self._future = None + self._wait_seconds = wait_seconds + self._executor = __import__("concurrent.futures").futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) + self._iterator = self._reader() + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): + self._aborted = True + self._executor.shutdown() + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __next__(self): + return next(self._iterator) + + @property + def done(self): + if self._future is None: + return False + return self._future.done() + + @property + def result(self): + if not self.done: + raise RuntimeError('Function has not yet completed') + + return self._future.result() + + def _reader(self): + q = Queue() + + def callback(*args, **kwargs): + if self._aborted: + raise AbortThread('canceled by user') + + q.put((args, kwargs)) + + self._future = self._executor.submit( + self._func, **{self._callback_kwd: callback} + ) + + while True: + try: + item = q.get(timeout=self._wait_seconds) + except Empty: + pass + else: + q.task_done() + yield item + + if self._future.done(): + break + + remaining = [] + while True: + try: + item = q.get_nowait() + except Empty: + break + else: + q.task_done() + remaining.append(item) + q.join() + yield from remaining + + +def windowed_complete(iterable, n): + """ + Yield ``(beginning, middle, end)`` tuples, where: + + * Each ``middle`` has *n* items from *iterable* + * Each ``beginning`` has the items before the ones in ``middle`` + * Each ``end`` has the items after the ones in ``middle`` + + >>> iterable = range(7) + >>> n = 3 + >>> for beginning, middle, end in windowed_complete(iterable, n): + ... print(beginning, middle, end) + () (0, 1, 2) (3, 4, 5, 6) + (0,) (1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6) + (0, 1) (2, 3, 4) (5, 6) + (0, 1, 2) (3, 4, 5) (6,) + (0, 1, 2, 3) (4, 5, 6) () + + Note that *n* must be at least 0 and most equal to the length of + *iterable*. + + This function will exhaust the iterable and may require significant + storage. + """ + if n < 0: + raise ValueError('n must be >= 0') + + seq = tuple(iterable) + size = len(seq) + + if n > size: + raise ValueError('n must be <= len(seq)') + + for i in range(size - n + 1): + beginning = seq[:i] + middle = seq[i : i + n] + end = seq[i + n :] + yield beginning, middle, end + + +def all_unique(iterable, key=None): + """ + Returns ``True`` if all the elements of *iterable* are unique (no two + elements are equal). + + >>> all_unique('ABCB') + False + + If a *key* function is specified, it will be used to make comparisons. + + >>> all_unique('ABCb') + True + >>> all_unique('ABCb', str.lower) + False + + The function returns as soon as the first non-unique element is + encountered. Iterables with a mix of hashable and unhashable items can + be used, but the function will be slower for unhashable items. + """ + seenset = set() + seenset_add = seenset.add + seenlist = [] + seenlist_add = seenlist.append + for element in map(key, iterable) if key else iterable: + try: + if element in seenset: + return False + seenset_add(element) + except TypeError: + if element in seenlist: + return False + seenlist_add(element) + return True + + +def nth_product(index, *args): + """Equivalent to ``list(product(*args))[index]``. + + The products of *args* can be ordered lexicographically. + :func:`nth_product` computes the product at sort position *index* without + computing the previous products. + + >>> nth_product(8, range(2), range(2), range(2), range(2)) + (1, 0, 0, 0) + + ``IndexError`` will be raised if the given *index* is invalid. + """ + pools = list(map(tuple, reversed(args))) + ns = list(map(len, pools)) + + c = reduce(mul, ns) + + if index < 0: + index += c + + if not 0 <= index < c: + raise IndexError + + result = [] + for pool, n in zip(pools, ns): + result.append(pool[index % n]) + index //= n + + return tuple(reversed(result)) + + +def nth_permutation(iterable, r, index): + """Equivalent to ``list(permutations(iterable, r))[index]``` + + The subsequences of *iterable* that are of length *r* where order is + important can be ordered lexicographically. :func:`nth_permutation` + computes the subsequence at sort position *index* directly, without + computing the previous subsequences. + + >>> nth_permutation('ghijk', 2, 5) + ('h', 'i') + + ``ValueError`` will be raised If *r* is negative or greater than the length + of *iterable*. + ``IndexError`` will be raised if the given *index* is invalid. + """ + pool = list(iterable) + n = len(pool) + + if r is None or r == n: + r, c = n, factorial(n) + elif not 0 <= r < n: + raise ValueError + else: + c = factorial(n) // factorial(n - r) + + if index < 0: + index += c + + if not 0 <= index < c: + raise IndexError + + if c == 0: + return tuple() + + result = [0] * r + q = index * factorial(n) // c if r < n else index + for d in range(1, n + 1): + q, i = divmod(q, d) + if 0 <= n - d < r: + result[n - d] = i + if q == 0: + break + + return tuple(map(pool.pop, result)) + + +def value_chain(*args): + """Yield all arguments passed to the function in the same order in which + they were passed. If an argument itself is iterable then iterate over its + values. + + >>> list(value_chain(1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6])) + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] + + Binary and text strings are not considered iterable and are emitted + as-is: + + >>> list(value_chain('12', '34', ['56', '78'])) + ['12', '34', '56', '78'] + + + Multiple levels of nesting are not flattened. + + """ + for value in args: + if isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): + yield value + continue + try: + yield from value + except TypeError: + yield value + + +def product_index(element, *args): + """Equivalent to ``list(product(*args)).index(element)`` + + The products of *args* can be ordered lexicographically. + :func:`product_index` computes the first index of *element* without + computing the previous products. + + >>> product_index([8, 2], range(10), range(5)) + 42 + + ``ValueError`` will be raised if the given *element* isn't in the product + of *args*. + """ + index = 0 + + for x, pool in zip_longest(element, args, fillvalue=_marker): + if x is _marker or pool is _marker: + raise ValueError('element is not a product of args') + + pool = tuple(pool) + index = index * len(pool) + pool.index(x) + + return index + + +def combination_index(element, iterable): + """Equivalent to ``list(combinations(iterable, r)).index(element)`` + + The subsequences of *iterable* that are of length *r* can be ordered + lexicographically. :func:`combination_index` computes the index of the + first *element*, without computing the previous combinations. + + >>> combination_index('adf', 'abcdefg') + 10 + + ``ValueError`` will be raised if the given *element* isn't one of the + combinations of *iterable*. + """ + element = enumerate(element) + k, y = next(element, (None, None)) + if k is None: + return 0 + + indexes = [] + pool = enumerate(iterable) + for n, x in pool: + if x == y: + indexes.append(n) + tmp, y = next(element, (None, None)) + if tmp is None: + break + else: + k = tmp + else: + raise ValueError('element is not a combination of iterable') + + n, _ = last(pool, default=(n, None)) + + # Python versiosn below 3.8 don't have math.comb + index = 1 + for i, j in enumerate(reversed(indexes), start=1): + j = n - j + if i <= j: + index += factorial(j) // (factorial(i) * factorial(j - i)) + + return factorial(n + 1) // (factorial(k + 1) * factorial(n - k)) - index + + +def permutation_index(element, iterable): + """Equivalent to ``list(permutations(iterable, r)).index(element)``` + + The subsequences of *iterable* that are of length *r* where order is + important can be ordered lexicographically. :func:`permutation_index` + computes the index of the first *element* directly, without computing + the previous permutations. + + >>> permutation_index([1, 3, 2], range(5)) + 19 + + ``ValueError`` will be raised if the given *element* isn't one of the + permutations of *iterable*. + """ + index = 0 + pool = list(iterable) + for i, x in zip(range(len(pool), -1, -1), element): + r = pool.index(x) + index = index * i + r + del pool[r] + + return index + + +class countable: + """Wrap *iterable* and keep a count of how many items have been consumed. + + The ``items_seen`` attribute starts at ``0`` and increments as the iterable + is consumed: + + >>> iterable = map(str, range(10)) + >>> it = countable(iterable) + >>> it.items_seen + 0 + >>> next(it), next(it) + ('0', '1') + >>> list(it) + ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] + >>> it.items_seen + 10 + """ + + def __init__(self, iterable): + self._it = iter(iterable) + self.items_seen = 0 + + def __iter__(self): + return self + + def __next__(self): + item = next(self._it) + self.items_seen += 1 + + return item + + +def chunked_even(iterable, n): + """Break *iterable* into lists of approximately length *n*. + Items are distributed such the lengths of the lists differ by at most + 1 item. + + >>> iterable = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] + >>> n = 3 + >>> list(chunked_even(iterable, n)) # List lengths: 3, 2, 2 + [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6, 7]] + >>> list(chunked(iterable, n)) # List lengths: 3, 3, 1 + [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]] + + """ + + len_method = getattr(iterable, '__len__', None) + + if len_method is None: + return _chunked_even_online(iterable, n) + else: + return _chunked_even_finite(iterable, len_method(), n) + + +def _chunked_even_online(iterable, n): + buffer = [] + maxbuf = n + (n - 2) * (n - 1) + for x in iterable: + buffer.append(x) + if len(buffer) == maxbuf: + yield buffer[:n] + buffer = buffer[n:] + yield from _chunked_even_finite(buffer, len(buffer), n) + + +def _chunked_even_finite(iterable, N, n): + if N < 1: + return + + # Lists are either size `full_size <= n` or `partial_size = full_size - 1` + q, r = divmod(N, n) + num_lists = q + (1 if r > 0 else 0) + q, r = divmod(N, num_lists) + full_size = q + (1 if r > 0 else 0) + partial_size = full_size - 1 + num_full = N - partial_size * num_lists + num_partial = num_lists - num_full + + buffer = [] + iterator = iter(iterable) + + # Yield num_full lists of full_size + for x in iterator: + buffer.append(x) + if len(buffer) == full_size: + yield buffer + buffer = [] + num_full -= 1 + if num_full <= 0: + break + + # Yield num_partial lists of partial_size + for x in iterator: + buffer.append(x) + if len(buffer) == partial_size: + yield buffer + buffer = [] + num_partial -= 1 + + +def zip_broadcast(*objects, scalar_types=(str, bytes), strict=False): + """A version of :func:`zip` that "broadcasts" any scalar + (i.e., non-iterable) items into output tuples. + + >>> iterable_1 = [1, 2, 3] + >>> iterable_2 = ['a', 'b', 'c'] + >>> scalar = '_' + >>> list(zip_broadcast(iterable_1, iterable_2, scalar)) + [(1, 'a', '_'), (2, 'b', '_'), (3, 'c', '_')] + + The *scalar_types* keyword argument determines what types are considered + scalar. It is set to ``(str, bytes)`` by default. Set it to ``None`` to + treat strings and byte strings as iterable: + + >>> list(zip_broadcast('abc', 0, 'xyz', scalar_types=None)) + [('a', 0, 'x'), ('b', 0, 'y'), ('c', 0, 'z')] + + If the *strict* keyword argument is ``True``, then + ``UnequalIterablesError`` will be raised if any of the iterables have + different lengthss. + """ + + def is_scalar(obj): + if scalar_types and isinstance(obj, scalar_types): + return True + try: + iter(obj) + except TypeError: + return True + else: + return False + + size = len(objects) + if not size: + return + + iterables, iterable_positions = [], [] + scalars, scalar_positions = [], [] + for i, obj in enumerate(objects): + if is_scalar(obj): + scalars.append(obj) + scalar_positions.append(i) + else: + iterables.append(iter(obj)) + iterable_positions.append(i) + + if len(scalars) == size: + yield tuple(objects) + return + + zipper = _zip_equal if strict else zip + for item in zipper(*iterables): + new_item = [None] * size + + for i, elem in zip(iterable_positions, item): + new_item[i] = elem + + for i, elem in zip(scalar_positions, scalars): + new_item[i] = elem + + yield tuple(new_item) + + +def unique_in_window(iterable, n, key=None): + """Yield the items from *iterable* that haven't been seen recently. + *n* is the size of the lookback window. + + >>> iterable = [0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0] + >>> n = 3 + >>> list(unique_in_window(iterable, n)) + [0, 1, 2, 3, 0] + + The *key* function, if provided, will be used to determine uniqueness: + + >>> list(unique_in_window('abAcda', 3, key=lambda x: x.lower())) + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'] + + The items in *iterable* must be hashable. + + """ + if n <= 0: + raise ValueError('n must be greater than 0') + + window = deque(maxlen=n) + uniques = set() + use_key = key is not None + + for item in iterable: + k = key(item) if use_key else item + if k in uniques: + continue + + if len(uniques) == n: + uniques.discard(window[0]) + + uniques.add(k) + window.append(k) + + yield item + + +def duplicates_everseen(iterable, key=None): + """Yield duplicate elements after their first appearance. + + >>> list(duplicates_everseen('mississippi')) + ['s', 'i', 's', 's', 'i', 'p', 'i'] + >>> list(duplicates_everseen('AaaBbbCccAaa', str.lower)) + ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'A', 'a', 'a'] + + This function is analagous to :func:`unique_everseen` and is subject to + the same performance considerations. + + """ + seen_set = set() + seen_list = [] + use_key = key is not None + + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) if use_key else element + try: + if k not in seen_set: + seen_set.add(k) + else: + yield element + except TypeError: + if k not in seen_list: + seen_list.append(k) + else: + yield element + + +def duplicates_justseen(iterable, key=None): + """Yields serially-duplicate elements after their first appearance. + + >>> list(duplicates_justseen('mississippi')) + ['s', 's', 'p'] + >>> list(duplicates_justseen('AaaBbbCccAaa', str.lower)) + ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'a', 'a'] + + This function is analagous to :func:`unique_justseen`. + + """ + return flatten( + map( + lambda group_tuple: islice_extended(group_tuple[1])[1:], + groupby(iterable, key), + ) + ) + + +def minmax(iterable_or_value, *others, key=None, default=_marker): + """Returns both the smallest and largest items in an iterable + or the largest of two or more arguments. + + >>> minmax([3, 1, 5]) + (1, 5) + + >>> minmax(4, 2, 6) + (2, 6) + + If a *key* function is provided, it will be used to transform the input + items for comparison. + + >>> minmax([5, 30], key=str) # '30' sorts before '5' + (30, 5) + + If a *default* value is provided, it will be returned if there are no + input items. + + >>> minmax([], default=(0, 0)) + (0, 0) + + Otherwise ``ValueError`` is raised. + + This function is based on the + `recipe `__ by + Raymond Hettinger and takes care to minimize the number of comparisons + performed. + """ + iterable = (iterable_or_value, *others) if others else iterable_or_value + + it = iter(iterable) + + try: + lo = hi = next(it) + except StopIteration as e: + if default is _marker: + raise ValueError( + '`minmax()` argument is an empty iterable. ' + 'Provide a `default` value to suppress this error.' + ) from e + return default + + # Different branches depending on the presence of key. This saves a lot + # of unimportant copies which would slow the "key=None" branch + # significantly down. + if key is None: + for x, y in zip_longest(it, it, fillvalue=lo): + if y < x: + x, y = y, x + if x < lo: + lo = x + if hi < y: + hi = y + + else: + lo_key = hi_key = key(lo) + + for x, y in zip_longest(it, it, fillvalue=lo): + + x_key, y_key = key(x), key(y) + + if y_key < x_key: + x, y, x_key, y_key = y, x, y_key, x_key + if x_key < lo_key: + lo, lo_key = x, x_key + if hi_key < y_key: + hi, hi_key = y, y_key + + return lo, hi diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/recipes.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/recipes.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a259642 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/more_itertools/recipes.py @@ -0,0 +1,698 @@ +"""Imported from the recipes section of the itertools documentation. + +All functions taken from the recipes section of the itertools library docs +[1]_. +Some backward-compatible usability improvements have been made. + +.. [1] http://docs.python.org/library/itertools.html#recipes + +""" +import warnings +from collections import deque +from itertools import ( + chain, + combinations, + count, + cycle, + groupby, + islice, + repeat, + starmap, + tee, + zip_longest, +) +import operator +from random import randrange, sample, choice + +__all__ = [ + 'all_equal', + 'before_and_after', + 'consume', + 'convolve', + 'dotproduct', + 'first_true', + 'flatten', + 'grouper', + 'iter_except', + 'ncycles', + 'nth', + 'nth_combination', + 'padnone', + 'pad_none', + 'pairwise', + 'partition', + 'powerset', + 'prepend', + 'quantify', + 'random_combination_with_replacement', + 'random_combination', + 'random_permutation', + 'random_product', + 'repeatfunc', + 'roundrobin', + 'sliding_window', + 'tabulate', + 'tail', + 'take', + 'triplewise', + 'unique_everseen', + 'unique_justseen', +] + + +def take(n, iterable): + """Return first *n* items of the iterable as a list. + + >>> take(3, range(10)) + [0, 1, 2] + + If there are fewer than *n* items in the iterable, all of them are + returned. + + >>> take(10, range(3)) + [0, 1, 2] + + """ + return list(islice(iterable, n)) + + +def tabulate(function, start=0): + """Return an iterator over the results of ``func(start)``, + ``func(start + 1)``, ``func(start + 2)``... + + *func* should be a function that accepts one integer argument. + + If *start* is not specified it defaults to 0. It will be incremented each + time the iterator is advanced. + + >>> square = lambda x: x ** 2 + >>> iterator = tabulate(square, -3) + >>> take(4, iterator) + [9, 4, 1, 0] + + """ + return map(function, count(start)) + + +def tail(n, iterable): + """Return an iterator over the last *n* items of *iterable*. + + >>> t = tail(3, 'ABCDEFG') + >>> list(t) + ['E', 'F', 'G'] + + """ + return iter(deque(iterable, maxlen=n)) + + +def consume(iterator, n=None): + """Advance *iterable* by *n* steps. If *n* is ``None``, consume it + entirely. + + Efficiently exhausts an iterator without returning values. Defaults to + consuming the whole iterator, but an optional second argument may be + provided to limit consumption. + + >>> i = (x for x in range(10)) + >>> next(i) + 0 + >>> consume(i, 3) + >>> next(i) + 4 + >>> consume(i) + >>> next(i) + Traceback (most recent call last): + File "", line 1, in + StopIteration + + If the iterator has fewer items remaining than the provided limit, the + whole iterator will be consumed. + + >>> i = (x for x in range(3)) + >>> consume(i, 5) + >>> next(i) + Traceback (most recent call last): + File "", line 1, in + StopIteration + + """ + # Use functions that consume iterators at C speed. + if n is None: + # feed the entire iterator into a zero-length deque + deque(iterator, maxlen=0) + else: + # advance to the empty slice starting at position n + next(islice(iterator, n, n), None) + + +def nth(iterable, n, default=None): + """Returns the nth item or a default value. + + >>> l = range(10) + >>> nth(l, 3) + 3 + >>> nth(l, 20, "zebra") + 'zebra' + + """ + return next(islice(iterable, n, None), default) + + +def all_equal(iterable): + """ + Returns ``True`` if all the elements are equal to each other. + + >>> all_equal('aaaa') + True + >>> all_equal('aaab') + False + + """ + g = groupby(iterable) + return next(g, True) and not next(g, False) + + +def quantify(iterable, pred=bool): + """Return the how many times the predicate is true. + + >>> quantify([True, False, True]) + 2 + + """ + return sum(map(pred, iterable)) + + +def pad_none(iterable): + """Returns the sequence of elements and then returns ``None`` indefinitely. + + >>> take(5, pad_none(range(3))) + [0, 1, 2, None, None] + + Useful for emulating the behavior of the built-in :func:`map` function. + + See also :func:`padded`. + + """ + return chain(iterable, repeat(None)) + + +padnone = pad_none + + +def ncycles(iterable, n): + """Returns the sequence elements *n* times + + >>> list(ncycles(["a", "b"], 3)) + ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'] + + """ + return chain.from_iterable(repeat(tuple(iterable), n)) + + +def dotproduct(vec1, vec2): + """Returns the dot product of the two iterables. + + >>> dotproduct([10, 10], [20, 20]) + 400 + + """ + return sum(map(operator.mul, vec1, vec2)) + + +def flatten(listOfLists): + """Return an iterator flattening one level of nesting in a list of lists. + + >>> list(flatten([[0, 1], [2, 3]])) + [0, 1, 2, 3] + + See also :func:`collapse`, which can flatten multiple levels of nesting. + + """ + return chain.from_iterable(listOfLists) + + +def repeatfunc(func, times=None, *args): + """Call *func* with *args* repeatedly, returning an iterable over the + results. + + If *times* is specified, the iterable will terminate after that many + repetitions: + + >>> from operator import add + >>> times = 4 + >>> args = 3, 5 + >>> list(repeatfunc(add, times, *args)) + [8, 8, 8, 8] + + If *times* is ``None`` the iterable will not terminate: + + >>> from random import randrange + >>> times = None + >>> args = 1, 11 + >>> take(6, repeatfunc(randrange, times, *args)) # doctest:+SKIP + [2, 4, 8, 1, 8, 4] + + """ + if times is None: + return starmap(func, repeat(args)) + return starmap(func, repeat(args, times)) + + +def _pairwise(iterable): + """Returns an iterator of paired items, overlapping, from the original + + >>> take(4, pairwise(count())) + [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)] + + On Python 3.10 and above, this is an alias for :func:`itertools.pairwise`. + + """ + a, b = tee(iterable) + next(b, None) + yield from zip(a, b) + + +try: + from itertools import pairwise as itertools_pairwise +except ImportError: + pairwise = _pairwise +else: + + def pairwise(iterable): + yield from itertools_pairwise(iterable) + + pairwise.__doc__ = _pairwise.__doc__ + + +def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): + """Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks. + + >>> list(grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x')) + [('A', 'B', 'C'), ('D', 'E', 'F'), ('G', 'x', 'x')] + + """ + if isinstance(iterable, int): + warnings.warn( + "grouper expects iterable as first parameter", DeprecationWarning + ) + n, iterable = iterable, n + args = [iter(iterable)] * n + return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args) + + +def roundrobin(*iterables): + """Yields an item from each iterable, alternating between them. + + >>> list(roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF')) + ['A', 'D', 'E', 'B', 'F', 'C'] + + This function produces the same output as :func:`interleave_longest`, but + may perform better for some inputs (in particular when the number of + iterables is small). + + """ + # Recipe credited to George Sakkis + pending = len(iterables) + nexts = cycle(iter(it).__next__ for it in iterables) + while pending: + try: + for next in nexts: + yield next() + except StopIteration: + pending -= 1 + nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, pending)) + + +def partition(pred, iterable): + """ + Returns a 2-tuple of iterables derived from the input iterable. + The first yields the items that have ``pred(item) == False``. + The second yields the items that have ``pred(item) == True``. + + >>> is_odd = lambda x: x % 2 != 0 + >>> iterable = range(10) + >>> even_items, odd_items = partition(is_odd, iterable) + >>> list(even_items), list(odd_items) + ([0, 2, 4, 6, 8], [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]) + + If *pred* is None, :func:`bool` is used. + + >>> iterable = [0, 1, False, True, '', ' '] + >>> false_items, true_items = partition(None, iterable) + >>> list(false_items), list(true_items) + ([0, False, ''], [1, True, ' ']) + + """ + if pred is None: + pred = bool + + evaluations = ((pred(x), x) for x in iterable) + t1, t2 = tee(evaluations) + return ( + (x for (cond, x) in t1 if not cond), + (x for (cond, x) in t2 if cond), + ) + + +def powerset(iterable): + """Yields all possible subsets of the iterable. + + >>> list(powerset([1, 2, 3])) + [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)] + + :func:`powerset` will operate on iterables that aren't :class:`set` + instances, so repeated elements in the input will produce repeated elements + in the output. Use :func:`unique_everseen` on the input to avoid generating + duplicates: + + >>> seq = [1, 1, 0] + >>> list(powerset(seq)) + [(), (1,), (1,), (0,), (1, 1), (1, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1, 0)] + >>> from more_itertools import unique_everseen + >>> list(powerset(unique_everseen(seq))) + [(), (1,), (0,), (1, 0)] + + """ + s = list(iterable) + return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1)) + + +def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None): + """ + Yield unique elements, preserving order. + + >>> list(unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) + ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] + >>> list(unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) + ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] + + Sequences with a mix of hashable and unhashable items can be used. + The function will be slower (i.e., `O(n^2)`) for unhashable items. + + Remember that ``list`` objects are unhashable - you can use the *key* + parameter to transform the list to a tuple (which is hashable) to + avoid a slowdown. + + >>> iterable = ([1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 2]) + >>> list(unique_everseen(iterable)) # Slow + [[1, 2], [2, 3]] + >>> list(unique_everseen(iterable, key=tuple)) # Faster + [[1, 2], [2, 3]] + + Similary, you may want to convert unhashable ``set`` objects with + ``key=frozenset``. For ``dict`` objects, + ``key=lambda x: frozenset(x.items())`` can be used. + + """ + seenset = set() + seenset_add = seenset.add + seenlist = [] + seenlist_add = seenlist.append + use_key = key is not None + + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) if use_key else element + try: + if k not in seenset: + seenset_add(k) + yield element + except TypeError: + if k not in seenlist: + seenlist_add(k) + yield element + + +def unique_justseen(iterable, key=None): + """Yields elements in order, ignoring serial duplicates + + >>> list(unique_justseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB')) + ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A', 'B'] + >>> list(unique_justseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower)) + ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'D'] + + """ + return map(next, map(operator.itemgetter(1), groupby(iterable, key))) + + +def iter_except(func, exception, first=None): + """Yields results from a function repeatedly until an exception is raised. + + Converts a call-until-exception interface to an iterator interface. + Like ``iter(func, sentinel)``, but uses an exception instead of a sentinel + to end the loop. + + >>> l = [0, 1, 2] + >>> list(iter_except(l.pop, IndexError)) + [2, 1, 0] + + Multiple exceptions can be specified as a stopping condition: + + >>> l = [1, 2, 3, '...', 4, 5, 6] + >>> list(iter_except(lambda: 1 + l.pop(), (IndexError, TypeError))) + [7, 6, 5] + >>> list(iter_except(lambda: 1 + l.pop(), (IndexError, TypeError))) + [4, 3, 2] + >>> list(iter_except(lambda: 1 + l.pop(), (IndexError, TypeError))) + [] + + """ + try: + if first is not None: + yield first() + while 1: + yield func() + except exception: + pass + + +def first_true(iterable, default=None, pred=None): + """ + Returns the first true value in the iterable. + + If no true value is found, returns *default* + + If *pred* is not None, returns the first item for which + ``pred(item) == True`` . + + >>> first_true(range(10)) + 1 + >>> first_true(range(10), pred=lambda x: x > 5) + 6 + >>> first_true(range(10), default='missing', pred=lambda x: x > 9) + 'missing' + + """ + return next(filter(pred, iterable), default) + + +def random_product(*args, repeat=1): + """Draw an item at random from each of the input iterables. + + >>> random_product('abc', range(4), 'XYZ') # doctest:+SKIP + ('c', 3, 'Z') + + If *repeat* is provided as a keyword argument, that many items will be + drawn from each iterable. + + >>> random_product('abcd', range(4), repeat=2) # doctest:+SKIP + ('a', 2, 'd', 3) + + This equivalent to taking a random selection from + ``itertools.product(*args, **kwarg)``. + + """ + pools = [tuple(pool) for pool in args] * repeat + return tuple(choice(pool) for pool in pools) + + +def random_permutation(iterable, r=None): + """Return a random *r* length permutation of the elements in *iterable*. + + If *r* is not specified or is ``None``, then *r* defaults to the length of + *iterable*. + + >>> random_permutation(range(5)) # doctest:+SKIP + (3, 4, 0, 1, 2) + + This equivalent to taking a random selection from + ``itertools.permutations(iterable, r)``. + + """ + pool = tuple(iterable) + r = len(pool) if r is None else r + return tuple(sample(pool, r)) + + +def random_combination(iterable, r): + """Return a random *r* length subsequence of the elements in *iterable*. + + >>> random_combination(range(5), 3) # doctest:+SKIP + (2, 3, 4) + + This equivalent to taking a random selection from + ``itertools.combinations(iterable, r)``. + + """ + pool = tuple(iterable) + n = len(pool) + indices = sorted(sample(range(n), r)) + return tuple(pool[i] for i in indices) + + +def random_combination_with_replacement(iterable, r): + """Return a random *r* length subsequence of elements in *iterable*, + allowing individual elements to be repeated. + + >>> random_combination_with_replacement(range(3), 5) # doctest:+SKIP + (0, 0, 1, 2, 2) + + This equivalent to taking a random selection from + ``itertools.combinations_with_replacement(iterable, r)``. + + """ + pool = tuple(iterable) + n = len(pool) + indices = sorted(randrange(n) for i in range(r)) + return tuple(pool[i] for i in indices) + + +def nth_combination(iterable, r, index): + """Equivalent to ``list(combinations(iterable, r))[index]``. + + The subsequences of *iterable* that are of length *r* can be ordered + lexicographically. :func:`nth_combination` computes the subsequence at + sort position *index* directly, without computing the previous + subsequences. + + >>> nth_combination(range(5), 3, 5) + (0, 3, 4) + + ``ValueError`` will be raised If *r* is negative or greater than the length + of *iterable*. + ``IndexError`` will be raised if the given *index* is invalid. + """ + pool = tuple(iterable) + n = len(pool) + if (r < 0) or (r > n): + raise ValueError + + c = 1 + k = min(r, n - r) + for i in range(1, k + 1): + c = c * (n - k + i) // i + + if index < 0: + index += c + + if (index < 0) or (index >= c): + raise IndexError + + result = [] + while r: + c, n, r = c * r // n, n - 1, r - 1 + while index >= c: + index -= c + c, n = c * (n - r) // n, n - 1 + result.append(pool[-1 - n]) + + return tuple(result) + + +def prepend(value, iterator): + """Yield *value*, followed by the elements in *iterator*. + + >>> value = '0' + >>> iterator = ['1', '2', '3'] + >>> list(prepend(value, iterator)) + ['0', '1', '2', '3'] + + To prepend multiple values, see :func:`itertools.chain` + or :func:`value_chain`. + + """ + return chain([value], iterator) + + +def convolve(signal, kernel): + """Convolve the iterable *signal* with the iterable *kernel*. + + >>> signal = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) + >>> kernel = [3, 2, 1] + >>> list(convolve(signal, kernel)) + [3, 8, 14, 20, 26, 14, 5] + + Note: the input arguments are not interchangeable, as the *kernel* + is immediately consumed and stored. + + """ + kernel = tuple(kernel)[::-1] + n = len(kernel) + window = deque([0], maxlen=n) * n + for x in chain(signal, repeat(0, n - 1)): + window.append(x) + yield sum(map(operator.mul, kernel, window)) + + +def before_and_after(predicate, it): + """A variant of :func:`takewhile` that allows complete access to the + remainder of the iterator. + + >>> it = iter('ABCdEfGhI') + >>> all_upper, remainder = before_and_after(str.isupper, it) + >>> ''.join(all_upper) + 'ABC' + >>> ''.join(remainder) # takewhile() would lose the 'd' + 'dEfGhI' + + Note that the first iterator must be fully consumed before the second + iterator can generate valid results. + """ + it = iter(it) + transition = [] + + def true_iterator(): + for elem in it: + if predicate(elem): + yield elem + else: + transition.append(elem) + return + + def remainder_iterator(): + yield from transition + yield from it + + return true_iterator(), remainder_iterator() + + +def triplewise(iterable): + """Return overlapping triplets from *iterable*. + + >>> list(triplewise('ABCDE')) + [('A', 'B', 'C'), ('B', 'C', 'D'), ('C', 'D', 'E')] + + """ + for (a, _), (b, c) in pairwise(pairwise(iterable)): + yield a, b, c + + +def sliding_window(iterable, n): + """Return a sliding window of width *n* over *iterable*. + + >>> list(sliding_window(range(6), 4)) + [(0, 1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, 4, 5)] + + If *iterable* has fewer than *n* items, then nothing is yielded: + + >>> list(sliding_window(range(3), 4)) + [] + + For a variant with more features, see :func:`windowed`. + """ + it = iter(iterable) + window = deque(islice(it, n), maxlen=n) + if len(window) == n: + yield tuple(window) + for x in it: + window.append(x) + yield tuple(window) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py index 4d99857..3551bc2 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __all__ = [ "__title__", @@ -18,10 +17,10 @@ __title__ = "packaging" __summary__ = "Core utilities for Python packages" __uri__ = "https://github.com/pypa/packaging" -__version__ = "20.4" +__version__ = "21.3" __author__ = "Donald Stufft and individual contributors" __email__ = "donald@stufft.io" __license__ = "BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0" -__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2019 %s" % __author__ +__copyright__ = "2014-2019 %s" % __author__ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py index a0cf67d..3c50c5d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from .__about__ import ( __author__, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d0b2927..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3280a5b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7bbb328..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a833799 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fc22a1b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f05b14 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d42b0f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 01da4cd..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..72030e9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5ca930d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 17e508e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..011c301 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1e3ddf2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d6f3ac Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 417b26d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc9a055 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index a5829f6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49a7816 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 853b293..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ec32b3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 33b7035..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b620d84 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py deleted file mode 100644 index e54bd4e..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version -# 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository -# for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function - -import sys - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Type - - -PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 -PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 - -# flake8: noqa - -if PY3: - string_types = (str,) -else: - string_types = (basestring,) - - -def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): - # type: (Type[Any], Tuple[Type[Any], ...]) -> Any - """ - Create a base class with a metaclass. - """ - # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy - # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with - # the actual metaclass. - class metaclass(meta): # type: ignore - def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): - # type: (Type[Any], str, Tuple[Any], Dict[Any, Any]) -> Any - return meta(name, bases, d) - - return type.__new__(metaclass, "temporary_class", (), {}) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c379aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +import collections +import functools +import os +import re +import struct +import sys +import warnings +from typing import IO, Dict, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple + + +# Python does not provide platform information at sufficient granularity to +# identify the architecture of the running executable in some cases, so we +# determine it dynamically by reading the information from the running +# process. This only applies on Linux, which uses the ELF format. +class _ELFFileHeader: + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format#File_header + class _InvalidELFFileHeader(ValueError): + """ + An invalid ELF file header was found. + """ + + ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x7F454C46 + ELFCLASS32 = 1 + ELFCLASS64 = 2 + ELFDATA2LSB = 1 + ELFDATA2MSB = 2 + EM_386 = 3 + EM_S390 = 22 + EM_ARM = 40 + EM_X86_64 = 62 + EF_ARM_ABIMASK = 0xFF000000 + EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 = 0x05000000 + EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD = 0x00000400 + + def __init__(self, file: IO[bytes]) -> None: + def unpack(fmt: str) -> int: + try: + data = file.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)) + result: Tuple[int, ...] = struct.unpack(fmt, data) + except struct.error: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + return result[0] + + self.e_ident_magic = unpack(">I") + if self.e_ident_magic != self.ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_class = unpack("B") + if self.e_ident_class not in {self.ELFCLASS32, self.ELFCLASS64}: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_data = unpack("B") + if self.e_ident_data not in {self.ELFDATA2LSB, self.ELFDATA2MSB}: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_version = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_osabi = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_abiversion = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_pad = file.read(7) + format_h = "H" + format_i = "I" + format_q = "Q" + format_p = format_i if self.e_ident_class == self.ELFCLASS32 else format_q + self.e_type = unpack(format_h) + self.e_machine = unpack(format_h) + self.e_version = unpack(format_i) + self.e_entry = unpack(format_p) + self.e_phoff = unpack(format_p) + self.e_shoff = unpack(format_p) + self.e_flags = unpack(format_i) + self.e_ehsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_phentsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_phnum = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shentsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shnum = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shstrndx = unpack(format_h) + + +def _get_elf_header() -> Optional[_ELFFileHeader]: + try: + with open(sys.executable, "rb") as f: + elf_header = _ELFFileHeader(f) + except (OSError, TypeError, _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader): + return None + return elf_header + + +def _is_linux_armhf() -> bool: + # hard-float ABI can be detected from the ELF header of the running + # process + # https://static.docs.arm.com/ihi0044/g/aaelf32.pdf + elf_header = _get_elf_header() + if elf_header is None: + return False + result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 + result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB + result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_ARM + result &= ( + elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABIMASK + ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 + result &= ( + elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD + ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD + return result + + +def _is_linux_i686() -> bool: + elf_header = _get_elf_header() + if elf_header is None: + return False + result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 + result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB + result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_386 + return result + + +def _have_compatible_abi(arch: str) -> bool: + if arch == "armv7l": + return _is_linux_armhf() + if arch == "i686": + return _is_linux_i686() + return arch in {"x86_64", "aarch64", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "s390x"} + + +# If glibc ever changes its major version, we need to know what the last +# minor version was, so we can build the complete list of all versions. +# For now, guess what the highest minor version might be, assume it will +# be 50 for testing. Once this actually happens, update the dictionary +# with the actual value. +_LAST_GLIBC_MINOR: Dict[int, int] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 50) + + +class _GLibCVersion(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + + +def _glibc_version_string_confstr() -> Optional[str]: + """ + Primary implementation of glibc_version_string using os.confstr. + """ + # os.confstr is quite a bit faster than ctypes.DLL. It's also less likely + # to be broken or missing. This strategy is used in the standard library + # platform module. + # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/fcf1d003bf4f0100c/Lib/platform.py#L175-L183 + try: + # os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") returns a string like "glibc 2.17". + version_string = os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") + assert version_string is not None + _, version = version_string.split() + except (AssertionError, AttributeError, OSError, ValueError): + # os.confstr() or CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION not available (or a bad value)... + return None + return version + + +def _glibc_version_string_ctypes() -> Optional[str]: + """ + Fallback implementation of glibc_version_string using ctypes. + """ + try: + import ctypes + except ImportError: + return None + + # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen + # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the + # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out + # which libc our process is actually using. + # + # We must also handle the special case where the executable is not a + # dynamically linked executable. This can occur when using musl libc, + # for example. In this situation, dlopen() will error, leading to an + # OSError. Interestingly, at least in the case of musl, there is no + # errno set on the OSError. The single string argument used to construct + # OSError comes from libc itself and is therefore not portable to + # hard code here. In any case, failure to call dlopen() means we + # can proceed, so we bail on our attempt. + try: + process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None) + except OSError: + return None + + try: + gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version + except AttributeError: + # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to + # glibc. + return None + + # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5" + gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p + version_str: str = gnu_get_libc_version() + # py2 / py3 compatibility: + if not isinstance(version_str, str): + version_str = version_str.decode("ascii") + + return version_str + + +def _glibc_version_string() -> Optional[str]: + """Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc.""" + return _glibc_version_string_confstr() or _glibc_version_string_ctypes() + + +def _parse_glibc_version(version_str: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: + """Parse glibc version. + + We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any + random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen + in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc + uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588. + """ + m = re.match(r"(?P[0-9]+)\.(?P[0-9]+)", version_str) + if not m: + warnings.warn( + "Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor," + " got: %s" % version_str, + RuntimeWarning, + ) + return -1, -1 + return int(m.group("major")), int(m.group("minor")) + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def _get_glibc_version() -> Tuple[int, int]: + version_str = _glibc_version_string() + if version_str is None: + return (-1, -1) + return _parse_glibc_version(version_str) + + +# From PEP 513, PEP 600 +def _is_compatible(name: str, arch: str, version: _GLibCVersion) -> bool: + sys_glibc = _get_glibc_version() + if sys_glibc < version: + return False + # Check for presence of _manylinux module. + try: + import _manylinux # noqa + except ImportError: + return True + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux_compatible"): + result = _manylinux.manylinux_compatible(version[0], version[1], arch) + if result is not None: + return bool(result) + return True + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 5): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux1_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux1_compatible) + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 12): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux2010_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux2010_compatible) + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 17): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux2014_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux2014_compatible) + return True + + +_LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP = { + # CentOS 7 w/ glibc 2.17 (PEP 599) + (2, 17): "manylinux2014", + # CentOS 6 w/ glibc 2.12 (PEP 571) + (2, 12): "manylinux2010", + # CentOS 5 w/ glibc 2.5 (PEP 513) + (2, 5): "manylinux1", +} + + +def platform_tags(linux: str, arch: str) -> Iterator[str]: + if not _have_compatible_abi(arch): + return + # Oldest glibc to be supported regardless of architecture is (2, 17). + too_old_glibc2 = _GLibCVersion(2, 16) + if arch in {"x86_64", "i686"}: + # On x86/i686 also oldest glibc to be supported is (2, 5). + too_old_glibc2 = _GLibCVersion(2, 4) + current_glibc = _GLibCVersion(*_get_glibc_version()) + glibc_max_list = [current_glibc] + # We can assume compatibility across glibc major versions. + # https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24636 + # + # Build a list of maximum glibc versions so that we can + # output the canonical list of all glibc from current_glibc + # down to too_old_glibc2, including all intermediary versions. + for glibc_major in range(current_glibc.major - 1, 1, -1): + glibc_minor = _LAST_GLIBC_MINOR[glibc_major] + glibc_max_list.append(_GLibCVersion(glibc_major, glibc_minor)) + for glibc_max in glibc_max_list: + if glibc_max.major == too_old_glibc2.major: + min_minor = too_old_glibc2.minor + else: + # For other glibc major versions oldest supported is (x, 0). + min_minor = -1 + for glibc_minor in range(glibc_max.minor, min_minor, -1): + glibc_version = _GLibCVersion(glibc_max.major, glibc_minor) + tag = "manylinux_{}_{}".format(*glibc_version) + if _is_compatible(tag, arch, glibc_version): + yield linux.replace("linux", tag) + # Handle the legacy manylinux1, manylinux2010, manylinux2014 tags. + if glibc_version in _LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP: + legacy_tag = _LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP[glibc_version] + if _is_compatible(legacy_tag, arch, glibc_version): + yield linux.replace("linux", legacy_tag) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ac3059 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +"""PEP 656 support. + +This module implements logic to detect if the currently running Python is +linked against musl, and what musl version is used. +""" + +import contextlib +import functools +import operator +import os +import re +import struct +import subprocess +import sys +from typing import IO, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple + + +def _read_unpacked(f: IO[bytes], fmt: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: + return struct.unpack(fmt, f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))) + + +def _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f: IO[bytes]) -> Optional[str]: + """Detect musl libc location by parsing the Python executable. + + Based on: https://gist.github.com/lyssdod/f51579ae8d93c8657a5564aefc2ffbca + ELF header: https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/elf/gabi4+/ch4.eheader.html + """ + f.seek(0) + try: + ident = _read_unpacked(f, "16B") + except struct.error: + return None + if ident[:4] != tuple(b"\x7fELF"): # Invalid magic, not ELF. + return None + f.seek(struct.calcsize("HHI"), 1) # Skip file type, machine, and version. + + try: + # e_fmt: Format for program header. + # p_fmt: Format for section header. + # p_idx: Indexes to find p_type, p_offset, and p_filesz. + e_fmt, p_fmt, p_idx = { + 1: ("IIIIHHH", "IIIIIIII", (0, 1, 4)), # 32-bit. + 2: ("QQQIHHH", "IIQQQQQQ", (0, 2, 5)), # 64-bit. + }[ident[4]] + except KeyError: + return None + else: + p_get = operator.itemgetter(*p_idx) + + # Find the interpreter section and return its content. + try: + _, e_phoff, _, _, _, e_phentsize, e_phnum = _read_unpacked(f, e_fmt) + except struct.error: + return None + for i in range(e_phnum + 1): + f.seek(e_phoff + e_phentsize * i) + try: + p_type, p_offset, p_filesz = p_get(_read_unpacked(f, p_fmt)) + except struct.error: + return None + if p_type != 3: # Not PT_INTERP. + continue + f.seek(p_offset) + interpreter = os.fsdecode(f.read(p_filesz)).strip("\0") + if "musl" not in interpreter: + return None + return interpreter + return None + + +class _MuslVersion(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + + +def _parse_musl_version(output: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]: + lines = [n for n in (n.strip() for n in output.splitlines()) if n] + if len(lines) < 2 or lines[0][:4] != "musl": + return None + m = re.match(r"Version (\d+)\.(\d+)", lines[1]) + if not m: + return None + return _MuslVersion(major=int(m.group(1)), minor=int(m.group(2))) + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def _get_musl_version(executable: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]: + """Detect currently-running musl runtime version. + + This is done by checking the specified executable's dynamic linking + information, and invoking the loader to parse its output for a version + string. If the loader is musl, the output would be something like:: + + musl libc (x86_64) + Version 1.2.2 + Dynamic Program Loader + """ + with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: + try: + f = stack.enter_context(open(executable, "rb")) + except OSError: + return None + ld = _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f) + if not ld: + return None + proc = subprocess.run([ld], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) + return _parse_musl_version(proc.stderr) + + +def platform_tags(arch: str) -> Iterator[str]: + """Generate musllinux tags compatible to the current platform. + + :param arch: Should be the part of platform tag after the ``linux_`` + prefix, e.g. ``x86_64``. The ``linux_`` prefix is assumed as a + prerequisite for the current platform to be musllinux-compatible. + + :returns: An iterator of compatible musllinux tags. + """ + sys_musl = _get_musl_version(sys.executable) + if sys_musl is None: # Python not dynamically linked against musl. + return + for minor in range(sys_musl.minor, -1, -1): + yield f"musllinux_{sys_musl.major}_{minor}_{arch}" + + +if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover + import sysconfig + + plat = sysconfig.get_platform() + assert plat.startswith("linux-"), "not linux" + + print("plat:", plat) + print("musl:", _get_musl_version(sys.executable)) + print("tags:", end=" ") + for t in platform_tags(re.sub(r"[.-]", "_", plat.split("-", 1)[-1])): + print(t, end="\n ") diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py index 800d5c5..90a6465 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py @@ -1,85 +1,60 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function -class InfinityType(object): - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str +class InfinityType: + def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Infinity" - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self)) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return not isinstance(other, self.__class__) - - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __neg__(self): - # type: (object) -> NegativeInfinityType + def __neg__(self: object) -> "NegativeInfinityType": return NegativeInfinity Infinity = InfinityType() -class NegativeInfinityType(object): - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str +class NegativeInfinityType: + def __repr__(self) -> str: return "-Infinity" - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self)) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return not isinstance(other, self.__class__) - - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __neg__(self): - # type: (object) -> InfinityType + def __neg__(self: object) -> InfinityType: return Infinity diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py deleted file mode 100644 index 77a8b91..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -"""For neatly implementing static typing in packaging. - -`mypy` - the static type analysis tool we use - uses the `typing` module, which -provides core functionality fundamental to mypy's functioning. - -Generally, `typing` would be imported at runtime and used in that fashion - -it acts as a no-op at runtime and does not have any run-time overhead by -design. - -As it turns out, `typing` is not vendorable - it uses separate sources for -Python 2/Python 3. Thus, this codebase can not expect it to be present. -To work around this, mypy allows the typing import to be behind a False-y -optional to prevent it from running at runtime and type-comments can be used -to remove the need for the types to be accessible directly during runtime. - -This module provides the False-y guard in a nicely named fashion so that a -curious maintainer can reach here to read this. - -In packaging, all static-typing related imports should be guarded as follows: - - from packaging._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - - if TYPE_CHECKING: - from typing import ... - -Ref: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3216 -""" - -__all__ = ["TYPE_CHECKING", "cast"] - -# The TYPE_CHECKING constant defined by the typing module is False at runtime -# but True while type checking. -if False: # pragma: no cover - from typing import TYPE_CHECKING -else: - TYPE_CHECKING = False - -# typing's cast syntax requires calling typing.cast at runtime, but we don't -# want to import typing at runtime. Here, we inform the type checkers that -# we're importing `typing.cast` as `cast` and re-implement typing.cast's -# runtime behavior in a block that is ignored by type checkers. -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - # not executed at runtime - from typing import cast -else: - # executed at runtime - def cast(type_, value): # noqa - return value diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/markers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/markers.py index fd1559c..18769b0 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/markers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/markers.py @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import operator import os import platform import sys +from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union + +from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import ( # noqa: N817 + Forward, + Group, + Literal as L, + ParseException, + ParseResults, + QuotedString, + ZeroOrMore, + stringEnd, + stringStart, +) -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import ParseException, ParseResults, stringStart, stringEnd -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore, Group, Forward, QuotedString -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import Literal as L # noqa - -from ._compat import string_types -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING -from .specifiers import Specifier, InvalidSpecifier - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union - - Operator = Callable[[str, str], bool] - +from .specifiers import InvalidSpecifier, Specifier __all__ = [ "InvalidMarker", @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ __all__ = [ "default_environment", ] +Operator = Callable[[str, str], bool] + class InvalidMarker(ValueError): """ @@ -50,39 +52,32 @@ class UndefinedEnvironmentName(ValueError): """ -class Node(object): - def __init__(self, value): - # type: (Any) -> None +class Node: + def __init__(self, value: Any) -> None: self.value = value - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "<{0}({1!r})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}('{self}')>" - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError class Variable(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: return str(self) class Value(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str - return '"{0}"'.format(self) + def serialize(self) -> str: + return f'"{self}"' class Op(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: return str(self) @@ -143,18 +138,18 @@ MARKER_EXPR << MARKER_ATOM + ZeroOrMore(BOOLOP + MARKER_EXPR) MARKER = stringStart + MARKER_EXPR + stringEnd -def _coerce_parse_result(results): - # type: (Union[ParseResults, List[Any]]) -> List[Any] +def _coerce_parse_result(results: Union[ParseResults, List[Any]]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(results, ParseResults): return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results] else: return results -def _format_marker(marker, first=True): - # type: (Union[List[str], Tuple[Node, ...], str], Optional[bool]) -> str +def _format_marker( + marker: Union[List[str], Tuple[Node, ...], str], first: Optional[bool] = True +) -> str: - assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types)) + assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, str)) # Sometimes we have a structure like [[...]] which is a single item list # where the single item is itself it's own list. In that case we want skip @@ -179,7 +174,7 @@ def _format_marker(marker, first=True): return marker -_operators = { +_operators: Dict[str, Operator] = { "in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs in rhs, "not in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs not in rhs, "<": operator.lt, @@ -188,11 +183,10 @@ _operators = { "!=": operator.ne, ">=": operator.ge, ">": operator.gt, -} # type: Dict[str, Operator] +} -def _eval_op(lhs, op, rhs): - # type: (str, Op, str) -> bool +def _eval_op(lhs: str, op: Op, rhs: str) -> bool: try: spec = Specifier("".join([op.serialize(), rhs])) except InvalidSpecifier: @@ -200,40 +194,36 @@ def _eval_op(lhs, op, rhs): else: return spec.contains(lhs) - oper = _operators.get(op.serialize()) # type: Optional[Operator] + oper: Optional[Operator] = _operators.get(op.serialize()) if oper is None: - raise UndefinedComparison( - "Undefined {0!r} on {1!r} and {2!r}.".format(op, lhs, rhs) - ) + raise UndefinedComparison(f"Undefined {op!r} on {lhs!r} and {rhs!r}.") return oper(lhs, rhs) -class Undefined(object): +class Undefined: pass _undefined = Undefined() -def _get_env(environment, name): - # type: (Dict[str, str], str) -> str - value = environment.get(name, _undefined) # type: Union[str, Undefined] +def _get_env(environment: Dict[str, str], name: str) -> str: + value: Union[str, Undefined] = environment.get(name, _undefined) if isinstance(value, Undefined): raise UndefinedEnvironmentName( - "{0!r} does not exist in evaluation environment.".format(name) + f"{name!r} does not exist in evaluation environment." ) return value -def _evaluate_markers(markers, environment): - # type: (List[Any], Dict[str, str]) -> bool - groups = [[]] # type: List[List[bool]] +def _evaluate_markers(markers: List[Any], environment: Dict[str, str]) -> bool: + groups: List[List[bool]] = [[]] for marker in markers: - assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types)) + assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, str)) if isinstance(marker, list): groups[-1].append(_evaluate_markers(marker, environment)) @@ -256,8 +246,7 @@ def _evaluate_markers(markers, environment): return any(all(item) for item in groups) -def format_full_version(info): - # type: (sys._version_info) -> str +def format_full_version(info: "sys._version_info") -> str: version = "{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}".format(info) kind = info.releaselevel if kind != "final": @@ -265,18 +254,9 @@ def format_full_version(info): return version -def default_environment(): - # type: () -> Dict[str, str] - if hasattr(sys, "implementation"): - # Ignoring the `sys.implementation` reference for type checking due to - # mypy not liking that the attribute doesn't exist in Python 2.7 when - # run with the `--py27` flag. - iver = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version) # type: ignore - implementation_name = sys.implementation.name # type: ignore - else: - iver = "0" - implementation_name = "" - +def default_environment() -> Dict[str, str]: + iver = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version) + implementation_name = sys.implementation.name return { "implementation_name": implementation_name, "implementation_version": iver, @@ -292,27 +272,23 @@ def default_environment(): } -class Marker(object): - def __init__(self, marker): - # type: (str) -> None +class Marker: + def __init__(self, marker: str) -> None: try: self._markers = _coerce_parse_result(MARKER.parseString(marker)) except ParseException as e: - err_str = "Invalid marker: {0!r}, parse error at {1!r}".format( - marker, marker[e.loc : e.loc + 8] + raise InvalidMarker( + f"Invalid marker: {marker!r}, parse error at " + f"{marker[e.loc : e.loc + 8]!r}" ) - raise InvalidMarker(err_str) - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return _format_marker(self._markers) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" - def evaluate(self, environment=None): - # type: (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> bool + def evaluate(self, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> bool: """Evaluate a marker. Return the boolean from evaluating the given marker against the diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py index 9495a1d..6af14ec 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py @@ -1,23 +1,28 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function -import string import re +import string +import urllib.parse +from typing import List, Optional as TOptional, Set + +from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import ( # noqa + Combine, + Literal as L, + Optional, + ParseException, + Regex, + Word, + ZeroOrMore, + originalTextFor, + stringEnd, + stringStart, +) -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import stringStart, stringEnd, originalTextFor, ParseException -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore, Word, Optional, Regex, Combine -from pkg_resources.extern.pyparsing import Literal as L # noqa -from urllib import parse as urlparse - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .markers import MARKER_EXPR, Marker from .specifiers import LegacySpecifier, Specifier, SpecifierSet -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import List - class InvalidRequirement(ValueError): """ @@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ VERSION_ONE = VERSION_PEP440 ^ VERSION_LEGACY VERSION_MANY = Combine( VERSION_ONE + ZeroOrMore(COMMA + VERSION_ONE), joinString=",", adjacent=False )("_raw_spec") -_VERSION_SPEC = Optional(((LPAREN + VERSION_MANY + RPAREN) | VERSION_MANY)) +_VERSION_SPEC = Optional((LPAREN + VERSION_MANY + RPAREN) | VERSION_MANY) _VERSION_SPEC.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: t._raw_spec or "") VERSION_SPEC = originalTextFor(_VERSION_SPEC)("specifier") @@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ REQUIREMENT = stringStart + NAMED_REQUIREMENT + stringEnd REQUIREMENT.parseString("x[]") -class Requirement(object): +class Requirement: """Parse a requirement. Parse a given requirement string into its parts, such as name, specifier, @@ -92,54 +97,50 @@ class Requirement(object): # the thing as well as the version? What about the markers? # TODO: Can we normalize the name and extra name? - def __init__(self, requirement_string): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, requirement_string: str) -> None: try: req = REQUIREMENT.parseString(requirement_string) except ParseException as e: raise InvalidRequirement( - 'Parse error at "{0!r}": {1}'.format( - requirement_string[e.loc : e.loc + 8], e.msg - ) + f'Parse error at "{ requirement_string[e.loc : e.loc + 8]!r}": {e.msg}' ) - self.name = req.name + self.name: str = req.name if req.url: - parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(req.url) + parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(req.url) if parsed_url.scheme == "file": - if urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_url) != req.url: + if urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed_url) != req.url: raise InvalidRequirement("Invalid URL given") elif not (parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc) or ( not parsed_url.scheme and not parsed_url.netloc ): - raise InvalidRequirement("Invalid URL: {0}".format(req.url)) - self.url = req.url + raise InvalidRequirement(f"Invalid URL: {req.url}") + self.url: TOptional[str] = req.url else: self.url = None - self.extras = set(req.extras.asList() if req.extras else []) - self.specifier = SpecifierSet(req.specifier) - self.marker = req.marker if req.marker else None + self.extras: Set[str] = set(req.extras.asList() if req.extras else []) + self.specifier: SpecifierSet = SpecifierSet(req.specifier) + self.marker: TOptional[Marker] = req.marker if req.marker else None - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - parts = [self.name] # type: List[str] + def __str__(self) -> str: + parts: List[str] = [self.name] if self.extras: - parts.append("[{0}]".format(",".join(sorted(self.extras)))) + formatted_extras = ",".join(sorted(self.extras)) + parts.append(f"[{formatted_extras}]") if self.specifier: parts.append(str(self.specifier)) if self.url: - parts.append("@ {0}".format(self.url)) + parts.append(f"@ {self.url}") if self.marker: parts.append(" ") if self.marker: - parts.append("; {0}".format(self.marker)) + parts.append(f"; {self.marker}") return "".join(parts) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py index fe09bb1..0e218a6 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py @@ -1,34 +1,33 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import abc import functools import itertools import re +import warnings +from typing import ( + Callable, + Dict, + Iterable, + Iterator, + List, + Optional, + Pattern, + Set, + Tuple, + TypeVar, + Union, +) -from ._compat import string_types, with_metaclass -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .utils import canonicalize_version -from .version import Version, LegacyVersion, parse - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import ( - List, - Dict, - Union, - Iterable, - Iterator, - Optional, - Callable, - Tuple, - FrozenSet, - ) +from .version import LegacyVersion, Version, parse - ParsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion] - UnparsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion, str] - CallableOperator = Callable[[ParsedVersion, str], bool] +ParsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion] +UnparsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion, str] +VersionTypeVar = TypeVar("VersionTypeVar", bound=UnparsedVersion) +CallableOperator = Callable[[ParsedVersion, str], bool] class InvalidSpecifier(ValueError): @@ -37,64 +36,51 @@ class InvalidSpecifier(ValueError): """ -class BaseSpecifier(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): # type: ignore +class BaseSpecifier(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the str representation of this Specifier like object. This should be representative of the Specifier itself. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Returns a hash value for this Specifier like object. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like objects are equal. """ - @abc.abstractmethod - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - """ - Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like - objects are not equal. - """ - @abc.abstractproperty - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Returns whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this specifier. """ @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Sets whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this specifier. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains(self, item: str, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ Determines if the given item is contained within this specifier. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None): - # type: (Iterable[UnparsedVersion], Optional[bool]) -> Iterable[UnparsedVersion] + def filter( + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: """ Takes an iterable of items and filters them so that only items which are contained within this specifier are allowed in it. @@ -103,48 +89,43 @@ class BaseSpecifier(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): # type: ignore class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): - _operators = {} # type: Dict[str, str] + _operators: Dict[str, str] = {} + _regex: Pattern[str] - def __init__(self, spec="", prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> None + def __init__(self, spec: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: match = self._regex.search(spec) if not match: - raise InvalidSpecifier("Invalid specifier: '{0}'".format(spec)) + raise InvalidSpecifier(f"Invalid specifier: '{spec}'") - self._spec = ( + self._spec: Tuple[str, str] = ( match.group("operator").strip(), match.group("version").strip(), - ) # type: Tuple[str, str] + ) # Store whether or not this Specifier should accept prereleases self._prereleases = prereleases - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __repr__(self) -> str: pre = ( - ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases) + f", prereleases={self.prereleases!r}" if self._prereleases is not None else "" ) - return "<{0}({1!r}{2})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self), pre) + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r}{pre})>" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "{0}{1}".format(*self._spec) + def __str__(self) -> str: + return "{}{}".format(*self._spec) @property - def _canonical_spec(self): - # type: () -> Tuple[str, Union[Version, str]] + def _canonical_spec(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: return self._spec[0], canonicalize_version(self._spec[1]) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._canonical_spec) - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, string_types): + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if isinstance(other, str): try: other = self.__class__(str(other)) except InvalidSpecifier: @@ -154,57 +135,39 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): return self._canonical_spec == other._canonical_spec - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, string_types): - try: - other = self.__class__(str(other)) - except InvalidSpecifier: - return NotImplemented - elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__): - return NotImplemented - - return self._spec != other._spec - - def _get_operator(self, op): - # type: (str) -> CallableOperator - operator_callable = getattr( - self, "_compare_{0}".format(self._operators[op]) - ) # type: CallableOperator + def _get_operator(self, op: str) -> CallableOperator: + operator_callable: CallableOperator = getattr( + self, f"_compare_{self._operators[op]}" + ) return operator_callable - def _coerce_version(self, version): - # type: (UnparsedVersion) -> ParsedVersion + def _coerce_version(self, version: UnparsedVersion) -> ParsedVersion: if not isinstance(version, (LegacyVersion, Version)): version = parse(version) return version @property - def operator(self): - # type: () -> str + def operator(self) -> str: return self._spec[0] @property - def version(self): - # type: () -> str + def version(self) -> str: return self._spec[1] @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: return self._prereleases @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value - def __contains__(self, item): - # type: (str) -> bool + def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: return self.contains(item) - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (UnparsedVersion, Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains( + self, item: UnparsedVersion, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> bool: # Determine if prereleases are to be allowed or not. if prereleases is None: @@ -222,11 +185,12 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): # Actually do the comparison to determine if this item is contained # within this Specifier or not. - operator_callable = self._get_operator(self.operator) # type: CallableOperator + operator_callable: CallableOperator = self._get_operator(self.operator) return operator_callable(normalized_item, self.version) - def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None): - # type: (Iterable[UnparsedVersion], Optional[bool]) -> Iterable[UnparsedVersion] + def filter( + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: yielded = False found_prereleases = [] @@ -240,7 +204,7 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): if self.contains(parsed_version, **kw): # If our version is a prerelease, and we were not set to allow - # prereleases, then we'll store it for later incase nothing + # prereleases, then we'll store it for later in case nothing # else matches this specifier. if parsed_version.is_prerelease and not ( prereleases or self.prereleases @@ -285,44 +249,46 @@ class LegacySpecifier(_IndividualSpecifier): ">": "greater_than", } - def _coerce_version(self, version): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str]) -> LegacyVersion + def __init__(self, spec: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: + super().__init__(spec, prereleases) + + warnings.warn( + "Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be " + "removed in the next major release", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + + def _coerce_version(self, version: UnparsedVersion) -> LegacyVersion: if not isinstance(version, LegacyVersion): version = LegacyVersion(str(version)) return version - def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective == self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective != self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective <= self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than_equal( + self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str + ) -> bool: return prospective >= self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective < self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective > self._coerce_version(spec) def _require_version_compare( - fn # type: (Callable[[Specifier, ParsedVersion, str], bool]) -): - # type: (...) -> Callable[[Specifier, ParsedVersion, str], bool] + fn: Callable[["Specifier", ParsedVersion, str], bool] +) -> Callable[["Specifier", ParsedVersion, str], bool]: @functools.wraps(fn) - def wrapped(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (Specifier, ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def wrapped(self: "Specifier", prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: if not isinstance(prospective, Version): return False return fn(self, prospective, spec) @@ -439,8 +405,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): } @_require_version_compare - def _compare_compatible(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_compatible(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # Compatible releases have an equivalent combination of >= and ==. That # is that ~=2.2 is equivalent to >=2.2,==2.*. This allows us to @@ -449,15 +414,9 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): # the other specifiers. # We want everything but the last item in the version, but we want to - # ignore post and dev releases and we want to treat the pre-release as - # it's own separate segment. + # ignore suffix segments. prefix = ".".join( - list( - itertools.takewhile( - lambda x: (not x.startswith("post") and not x.startswith("dev")), - _version_split(spec), - ) - )[:-1] + list(itertools.takewhile(_is_not_suffix, _version_split(spec)))[:-1] ) # Add the prefix notation to the end of our string @@ -468,8 +427,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): ) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # We need special logic to handle prefix matching if spec.endswith(".*"): @@ -509,13 +467,11 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return prospective == spec_version @_require_version_compare - def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return not self._compare_equal(prospective, spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # NB: Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in the version # specifier, so local version labels can be universally removed from @@ -523,8 +479,9 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return Version(prospective.public) <= Version(spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than_equal( + self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str + ) -> bool: # NB: Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in the version # specifier, so local version labels can be universally removed from @@ -532,8 +489,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return Version(prospective.public) >= Version(spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec_str): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec_str: str) -> bool: # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with # it as a version. @@ -559,8 +515,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return True @_require_version_compare - def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec_str): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec_str: str) -> bool: # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with # it as a version. @@ -591,13 +546,11 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): # same version in the spec. return True - def _compare_arbitrary(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (Version, str) -> bool + def _compare_arbitrary(self, prospective: Version, spec: str) -> bool: return str(prospective).lower() == str(spec).lower() @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> bool + def prereleases(self) -> bool: # If there is an explicit prereleases set for this, then we'll just # blindly use that. @@ -622,17 +575,15 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return False @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value _prefix_regex = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)((?:a|b|c|rc)[0-9]+)$") -def _version_split(version): - # type: (str) -> List[str] - result = [] # type: List[str] +def _version_split(version: str) -> List[str]: + result: List[str] = [] for item in version.split("."): match = _prefix_regex.search(item) if match: @@ -642,8 +593,13 @@ def _version_split(version): return result -def _pad_version(left, right): - # type: (List[str], List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]] +def _is_not_suffix(segment: str) -> bool: + return not any( + segment.startswith(prefix) for prefix in ("dev", "a", "b", "rc", "post") + ) + + +def _pad_version(left: List[str], right: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: left_split, right_split = [], [] # Get the release segment of our versions @@ -662,8 +618,9 @@ def _pad_version(left, right): class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): - def __init__(self, specifiers="", prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> None + def __init__( + self, specifiers: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> None: # Split on , to break each individual specifier into it's own item, and # strip each item to remove leading/trailing whitespace. @@ -671,7 +628,7 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # Parsed each individual specifier, attempting first to make it a # Specifier and falling back to a LegacySpecifier. - parsed = set() + parsed: Set[_IndividualSpecifier] = set() for specifier in split_specifiers: try: parsed.add(Specifier(specifier)) @@ -685,27 +642,23 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # we accept prereleases or not. self._prereleases = prereleases - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __repr__(self) -> str: pre = ( - ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases) + f", prereleases={self.prereleases!r}" if self._prereleases is not None else "" ) - return "".format(str(self), pre) + return f"" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return ",".join(sorted(str(s) for s in self._specs)) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._specs) - def __and__(self, other): - # type: (Union[SpecifierSet, str]) -> SpecifierSet - if isinstance(other, string_types): + def __and__(self, other: Union["SpecifierSet", str]) -> "SpecifierSet": + if isinstance(other, str): other = SpecifierSet(other) elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): return NotImplemented @@ -727,35 +680,22 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return specifier - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, (string_types, _IndividualSpecifier)): + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if isinstance(other, (str, _IndividualSpecifier)): other = SpecifierSet(str(other)) elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): return NotImplemented return self._specs == other._specs - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, (string_types, _IndividualSpecifier)): - other = SpecifierSet(str(other)) - elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): - return NotImplemented - - return self._specs != other._specs - - def __len__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._specs) - def __iter__(self): - # type: () -> Iterator[FrozenSet[_IndividualSpecifier]] + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_IndividualSpecifier]: return iter(self._specs) @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: # If we have been given an explicit prerelease modifier, then we'll # pass that through here. @@ -773,16 +713,15 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return any(s.prereleases for s in self._specs) @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value - def __contains__(self, item): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str]) -> bool + def __contains__(self, item: UnparsedVersion) -> bool: return self.contains(item) - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str], Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains( + self, item: UnparsedVersion, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> bool: # Ensure that our item is a Version or LegacyVersion instance. if not isinstance(item, (LegacyVersion, Version)): @@ -810,11 +749,8 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return all(s.contains(item, prereleases=prereleases) for s in self._specs) def filter( - self, - iterable, # type: Iterable[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] - prereleases=None, # type: Optional[bool] - ): - # type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: # Determine if we're forcing a prerelease or not, if we're not forcing # one for this particular filter call, then we'll use whatever the @@ -833,8 +769,11 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # which will filter out any pre-releases, unless there are no final # releases, and which will filter out LegacyVersion in general. else: - filtered = [] # type: List[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] - found_prereleases = [] # type: List[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] + filtered: List[VersionTypeVar] = [] + found_prereleases: List[VersionTypeVar] = [] + + item: UnparsedVersion + parsed_version: Union[Version, LegacyVersion] for item in iterable: # Ensure that we some kind of Version class for this item. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/tags.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/tags.py index 9064910..9a3d25a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/tags.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/tags.py @@ -2,62 +2,44 @@ # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import - -import distutils.util - -try: - from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES -except ImportError: # pragma: no cover - import imp - - EXTENSION_SUFFIXES = [x[0] for x in imp.get_suffixes()] - del imp import logging -import os import platform -import re -import struct import sys import sysconfig -import warnings - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import ( - Dict, - FrozenSet, - IO, - Iterable, - Iterator, - List, - Optional, - Sequence, - Tuple, - Union, - ) - - PythonVersion = Sequence[int] - MacVersion = Tuple[int, int] - GlibcVersion = Tuple[int, int] - +from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES +from typing import ( + Dict, + FrozenSet, + Iterable, + Iterator, + List, + Optional, + Sequence, + Tuple, + Union, + cast, +) + +from . import _manylinux, _musllinux logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) -INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES = { +PythonVersion = Sequence[int] +MacVersion = Tuple[int, int] + +INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES: Dict[str, str] = { "python": "py", # Generic. "cpython": "cp", "pypy": "pp", "ironpython": "ip", "jython": "jy", -} # type: Dict[str, str] +} _32_BIT_INTERPRETER = sys.maxsize <= 2 ** 32 -class Tag(object): +class Tag: """ A representation of the tag triple for a wheel. @@ -65,55 +47,53 @@ class Tag(object): is also supported. """ - __slots__ = ["_interpreter", "_abi", "_platform"] + __slots__ = ["_interpreter", "_abi", "_platform", "_hash"] - def __init__(self, interpreter, abi, platform): - # type: (str, str, str) -> None + def __init__(self, interpreter: str, abi: str, platform: str) -> None: self._interpreter = interpreter.lower() self._abi = abi.lower() self._platform = platform.lower() + # The __hash__ of every single element in a Set[Tag] will be evaluated each time + # that a set calls its `.disjoint()` method, which may be called hundreds of + # times when scanning a page of links for packages with tags matching that + # Set[Tag]. Pre-computing the value here produces significant speedups for + # downstream consumers. + self._hash = hash((self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform)) @property - def interpreter(self): - # type: () -> str + def interpreter(self) -> str: return self._interpreter @property - def abi(self): - # type: () -> str + def abi(self) -> str: return self._abi @property - def platform(self): - # type: () -> str + def platform(self) -> str: return self._platform - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Tag): return NotImplemented return ( - (self.platform == other.platform) - and (self.abi == other.abi) - and (self.interpreter == other.interpreter) + (self._hash == other._hash) # Short-circuit ASAP for perf reasons. + and (self._platform == other._platform) + and (self._abi == other._abi) + and (self._interpreter == other._interpreter) ) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int - return hash((self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform)) + def __hash__(self) -> int: + return self._hash - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "{}-{}-{}".format(self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform) + def __str__(self) -> str: + return f"{self._interpreter}-{self._abi}-{self._platform}" - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "<{self} @ {self_id}>".format(self=self, self_id=id(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"<{self} @ {id(self)}>" -def parse_tag(tag): - # type: (str) -> FrozenSet[Tag] +def parse_tag(tag: str) -> FrozenSet[Tag]: """ Parses the provided tag (e.g. `py3-none-any`) into a frozenset of Tag instances. @@ -129,24 +109,7 @@ def parse_tag(tag): return frozenset(tags) -def _warn_keyword_parameter(func_name, kwargs): - # type: (str, Dict[str, bool]) -> bool - """ - Backwards-compatibility with Python 2.7 to allow treating 'warn' as keyword-only. - """ - if not kwargs: - return False - elif len(kwargs) > 1 or "warn" not in kwargs: - kwargs.pop("warn", None) - arg = next(iter(kwargs.keys())) - raise TypeError( - "{}() got an unexpected keyword argument {!r}".format(func_name, arg) - ) - return kwargs["warn"] - - -def _get_config_var(name, warn=False): - # type: (str, bool) -> Union[int, str, None] +def _get_config_var(name: str, warn: bool = False) -> Union[int, str, None]: value = sysconfig.get_config_var(name) if value is None and warn: logger.debug( @@ -155,13 +118,11 @@ def _get_config_var(name, warn=False): return value -def _normalize_string(string): - # type: (str) -> str +def _normalize_string(string: str) -> str: return string.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_") -def _abi3_applies(python_version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> bool +def _abi3_applies(python_version: PythonVersion) -> bool: """ Determine if the Python version supports abi3. @@ -170,8 +131,7 @@ def _abi3_applies(python_version): return len(python_version) > 1 and tuple(python_version) >= (3, 2) -def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): - # type: (PythonVersion, bool) -> List[str] +def _cpython_abis(py_version: PythonVersion, warn: bool = False) -> List[str]: py_version = tuple(py_version) # To allow for version comparison. abis = [] version = _version_nodot(py_version[:2]) @@ -197,7 +157,7 @@ def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): elif debug: # Debug builds can also load "normal" extension modules. # We can also assume no UCS-4 or pymalloc requirement. - abis.append("cp{version}".format(version=version)) + abis.append(f"cp{version}") abis.insert( 0, "cp{version}{debug}{pymalloc}{ucs4}".format( @@ -208,12 +168,12 @@ def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): def cpython_tags( - python_version=None, # type: Optional[PythonVersion] - abis=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - **kwargs # type: bool -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + python_version: Optional[PythonVersion] = None, + abis: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + *, + warn: bool = False, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the tags for a CPython interpreter. @@ -229,11 +189,10 @@ def cpython_tags( If 'abi3' or 'none' are specified in 'abis' then they will be yielded at their normal position and not at the beginning. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("cpython_tags", kwargs) if not python_version: python_version = sys.version_info[:2] - interpreter = "cp{}".format(_version_nodot(python_version[:2])) + interpreter = f"cp{_version_nodot(python_version[:2])}" if abis is None: if len(python_version) > 1: @@ -248,15 +207,13 @@ def cpython_tags( except ValueError: pass - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) for abi in abis: for platform_ in platforms: yield Tag(interpreter, abi, platform_) if _abi3_applies(python_version): - for tag in (Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) for platform_ in platforms): - yield tag - for tag in (Tag(interpreter, "none", platform_) for platform_ in platforms): - yield tag + yield from (Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) for platform_ in platforms) + yield from (Tag(interpreter, "none", platform_) for platform_ in platforms) if _abi3_applies(python_version): for minor_version in range(python_version[1] - 1, 1, -1): @@ -267,20 +224,19 @@ def cpython_tags( yield Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) -def _generic_abi(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] +def _generic_abi() -> Iterator[str]: abi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI") if abi: yield _normalize_string(abi) def generic_tags( - interpreter=None, # type: Optional[str] - abis=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - **kwargs # type: bool -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + interpreter: Optional[str] = None, + abis: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + *, + warn: bool = False, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the tags for a generic interpreter. @@ -289,14 +245,13 @@ def generic_tags( The "none" ABI will be added if it was not explicitly provided. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("generic_tags", kwargs) if not interpreter: interp_name = interpreter_name() interp_version = interpreter_version(warn=warn) interpreter = "".join([interp_name, interp_version]) if abis is None: abis = _generic_abi() - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) abis = list(abis) if "none" not in abis: abis.append("none") @@ -305,8 +260,7 @@ def generic_tags( yield Tag(interpreter, abi, platform_) -def _py_interpreter_range(py_version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> Iterator[str] +def _py_interpreter_range(py_version: PythonVersion) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields Python versions in descending order. @@ -314,19 +268,18 @@ def _py_interpreter_range(py_version): all previous versions of that major version. """ if len(py_version) > 1: - yield "py{version}".format(version=_version_nodot(py_version[:2])) - yield "py{major}".format(major=py_version[0]) + yield f"py{_version_nodot(py_version[:2])}" + yield f"py{py_version[0]}" if len(py_version) > 1: for minor in range(py_version[1] - 1, -1, -1): - yield "py{version}".format(version=_version_nodot((py_version[0], minor))) + yield f"py{_version_nodot((py_version[0], minor))}" def compatible_tags( - python_version=None, # type: Optional[PythonVersion] - interpreter=None, # type: Optional[str] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + python_version: Optional[PythonVersion] = None, + interpreter: Optional[str] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the sequence of tags that are compatible with a specific version of Python. @@ -337,7 +290,7 @@ def compatible_tags( """ if not python_version: python_version = sys.version_info[:2] - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) for version in _py_interpreter_range(python_version): for platform_ in platforms: yield Tag(version, "none", platform_) @@ -347,8 +300,7 @@ def compatible_tags( yield Tag(version, "none", "any") -def _mac_arch(arch, is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): - # type: (str, bool) -> str +def _mac_arch(arch: str, is_32bit: bool = _32_BIT_INTERPRETER) -> str: if not is_32bit: return arch @@ -358,8 +310,7 @@ def _mac_arch(arch, is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): return "i386" -def _mac_binary_formats(version, cpu_arch): - # type: (MacVersion, str) -> List[str] +def _mac_binary_formats(version: MacVersion, cpu_arch: str) -> List[str]: formats = [cpu_arch] if cpu_arch == "x86_64": if version < (10, 4): @@ -382,12 +333,18 @@ def _mac_binary_formats(version, cpu_arch): return [] formats.extend(["fat32", "fat"]) - formats.append("universal") + if cpu_arch in {"arm64", "x86_64"}: + formats.append("universal2") + + if cpu_arch in {"x86_64", "i386", "ppc64", "ppc", "intel"}: + formats.append("universal") + return formats -def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): - # type: (Optional[MacVersion], Optional[str]) -> Iterator[str] +def mac_platforms( + version: Optional[MacVersion] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None +) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields the platform tags for a macOS system. @@ -396,7 +353,7 @@ def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): generate platform tags for. Both parameters default to the appropriate value for the current system. """ - version_str, _, cpu_arch = platform.mac_ver() # type: ignore + version_str, _, cpu_arch = platform.mac_ver() if version is None: version = cast("MacVersion", tuple(map(int, version_str.split(".")[:2]))) else: @@ -405,283 +362,76 @@ def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): arch = _mac_arch(cpu_arch) else: arch = arch - for minor_version in range(version[1], -1, -1): - compat_version = version[0], minor_version - binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) - for binary_format in binary_formats: - yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( - major=compat_version[0], - minor=compat_version[1], - binary_format=binary_format, - ) - - -# From PEP 513. -def _is_manylinux_compatible(name, glibc_version): - # type: (str, GlibcVersion) -> bool - # Check for presence of _manylinux module. - try: - import _manylinux # noqa - - return bool(getattr(_manylinux, name + "_compatible")) - except (ImportError, AttributeError): - # Fall through to heuristic check below. - pass - - return _have_compatible_glibc(*glibc_version) + if (10, 0) <= version and version < (11, 0): + # Prior to Mac OS 11, each yearly release of Mac OS bumped the + # "minor" version number. The major version was always 10. + for minor_version in range(version[1], -1, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=10, minor=minor_version, binary_format=binary_format + ) -def _glibc_version_string(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - # Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc. - return _glibc_version_string_confstr() or _glibc_version_string_ctypes() - - -def _glibc_version_string_confstr(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - """ - Primary implementation of glibc_version_string using os.confstr. - """ - # os.confstr is quite a bit faster than ctypes.DLL. It's also less likely - # to be broken or missing. This strategy is used in the standard library - # platform module. - # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/fcf1d003bf4f0100c9d0921ff3d70e1127ca1b71/Lib/platform.py#L175-L183 - try: - # os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") returns a string like "glibc 2.17". - version_string = os.confstr( # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: F821 - "CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION" - ) - assert version_string is not None - _, version = version_string.split() # type: Tuple[str, str] - except (AssertionError, AttributeError, OSError, ValueError): - # os.confstr() or CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION not available (or a bad value)... - return None - return version - + if version >= (11, 0): + # Starting with Mac OS 11, each yearly release bumps the major version + # number. The minor versions are now the midyear updates. + for major_version in range(version[0], 10, -1): + compat_version = major_version, 0 + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=major_version, minor=0, binary_format=binary_format + ) -def _glibc_version_string_ctypes(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - """ - Fallback implementation of glibc_version_string using ctypes. - """ - try: - import ctypes - except ImportError: - return None - - # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen - # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the - # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out - # which libc our process is actually using. - # - # Note: typeshed is wrong here so we are ignoring this line. - process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None) # type: ignore - try: - gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version - except AttributeError: - # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to - # glibc. - return None - - # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5" - gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p - version_str = gnu_get_libc_version() # type: str - # py2 / py3 compatibility: - if not isinstance(version_str, str): - version_str = version_str.decode("ascii") - - return version_str - - -# Separated out from have_compatible_glibc for easier unit testing. -def _check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor): - # type: (str, int, int) -> bool - # Parse string and check against requested version. - # - # We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any - # random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen - # in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc - # uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588. - m = re.match(r"(?P[0-9]+)\.(?P[0-9]+)", version_str) - if not m: - warnings.warn( - "Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor," - " got: %s" % version_str, - RuntimeWarning, - ) - return False - return ( - int(m.group("major")) == required_major - and int(m.group("minor")) >= minimum_minor - ) + if version >= (11, 0): + # Mac OS 11 on x86_64 is compatible with binaries from previous releases. + # Arm64 support was introduced in 11.0, so no Arm binaries from previous + # releases exist. + # + # However, the "universal2" binary format can have a + # macOS version earlier than 11.0 when the x86_64 part of the binary supports + # that version of macOS. + if arch == "x86_64": + for minor_version in range(16, 3, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=compat_version[0], + minor=compat_version[1], + binary_format=binary_format, + ) + else: + for minor_version in range(16, 3, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_format = "universal2" + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=compat_version[0], + minor=compat_version[1], + binary_format=binary_format, + ) -def _have_compatible_glibc(required_major, minimum_minor): - # type: (int, int) -> bool - version_str = _glibc_version_string() - if version_str is None: - return False - return _check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor) - - -# Python does not provide platform information at sufficient granularity to -# identify the architecture of the running executable in some cases, so we -# determine it dynamically by reading the information from the running -# process. This only applies on Linux, which uses the ELF format. -class _ELFFileHeader(object): - # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format#File_header - class _InvalidELFFileHeader(ValueError): - """ - An invalid ELF file header was found. - """ - - ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x7F454C46 - ELFCLASS32 = 1 - ELFCLASS64 = 2 - ELFDATA2LSB = 1 - ELFDATA2MSB = 2 - EM_386 = 3 - EM_S390 = 22 - EM_ARM = 40 - EM_X86_64 = 62 - EF_ARM_ABIMASK = 0xFF000000 - EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 = 0x05000000 - EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD = 0x00000400 - - def __init__(self, file): - # type: (IO[bytes]) -> None - def unpack(fmt): - # type: (str) -> int - try: - (result,) = struct.unpack( - fmt, file.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)) - ) # type: (int, ) - except struct.error: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - return result - - self.e_ident_magic = unpack(">I") - if self.e_ident_magic != self.ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_class = unpack("B") - if self.e_ident_class not in {self.ELFCLASS32, self.ELFCLASS64}: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_data = unpack("B") - if self.e_ident_data not in {self.ELFDATA2LSB, self.ELFDATA2MSB}: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_version = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_osabi = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_abiversion = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_pad = file.read(7) - format_h = "H" - format_i = "I" - format_q = "Q" - format_p = format_i if self.e_ident_class == self.ELFCLASS32 else format_q - self.e_type = unpack(format_h) - self.e_machine = unpack(format_h) - self.e_version = unpack(format_i) - self.e_entry = unpack(format_p) - self.e_phoff = unpack(format_p) - self.e_shoff = unpack(format_p) - self.e_flags = unpack(format_i) - self.e_ehsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_phentsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_phnum = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shentsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shnum = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shstrndx = unpack(format_h) - - -def _get_elf_header(): - # type: () -> Optional[_ELFFileHeader] - try: - with open(sys.executable, "rb") as f: - elf_header = _ELFFileHeader(f) - except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader): - return None - return elf_header - - -def _is_linux_armhf(): - # type: () -> bool - # hard-float ABI can be detected from the ELF header of the running - # process - # https://static.docs.arm.com/ihi0044/g/aaelf32.pdf - elf_header = _get_elf_header() - if elf_header is None: - return False - result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 - result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB - result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_ARM - result &= ( - elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABIMASK - ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 - result &= ( - elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD - ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD - return result - - -def _is_linux_i686(): - # type: () -> bool - elf_header = _get_elf_header() - if elf_header is None: - return False - result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 - result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB - result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_386 - return result - - -def _have_compatible_manylinux_abi(arch): - # type: (str) -> bool - if arch == "armv7l": - return _is_linux_armhf() - if arch == "i686": - return _is_linux_i686() - return True - - -def _linux_platforms(is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): - # type: (bool) -> Iterator[str] - linux = _normalize_string(distutils.util.get_platform()) +def _linux_platforms(is_32bit: bool = _32_BIT_INTERPRETER) -> Iterator[str]: + linux = _normalize_string(sysconfig.get_platform()) if is_32bit: if linux == "linux_x86_64": linux = "linux_i686" elif linux == "linux_aarch64": linux = "linux_armv7l" - manylinux_support = [] _, arch = linux.split("_", 1) - if _have_compatible_manylinux_abi(arch): - if arch in {"x86_64", "i686", "aarch64", "armv7l", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "s390x"}: - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux2014", (2, 17)) - ) # CentOS 7 w/ glibc 2.17 (PEP 599) - if arch in {"x86_64", "i686"}: - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux2010", (2, 12)) - ) # CentOS 6 w/ glibc 2.12 (PEP 571) - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux1", (2, 5)) - ) # CentOS 5 w/ glibc 2.5 (PEP 513) - manylinux_support_iter = iter(manylinux_support) - for name, glibc_version in manylinux_support_iter: - if _is_manylinux_compatible(name, glibc_version): - yield linux.replace("linux", name) - break - # Support for a later manylinux implies support for an earlier version. - for name, _ in manylinux_support_iter: - yield linux.replace("linux", name) + yield from _manylinux.platform_tags(linux, arch) + yield from _musllinux.platform_tags(arch) yield linux -def _generic_platforms(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] - yield _normalize_string(distutils.util.get_platform()) +def _generic_platforms() -> Iterator[str]: + yield _normalize_string(sysconfig.get_platform()) -def _platform_tags(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] +def platform_tags() -> Iterator[str]: """ Provides the platform tags for this installation. """ @@ -693,25 +443,18 @@ def _platform_tags(): return _generic_platforms() -def interpreter_name(): - # type: () -> str +def interpreter_name() -> str: """ Returns the name of the running interpreter. """ - try: - name = sys.implementation.name # type: ignore - except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover - # Python 2.7 compatibility. - name = platform.python_implementation().lower() + name = sys.implementation.name return INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES.get(name) or name -def interpreter_version(**kwargs): - # type: (bool) -> str +def interpreter_version(*, warn: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns the version of the running interpreter. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("interpreter_version", kwargs) version = _get_config_var("py_version_nodot", warn=warn) if version: version = str(version) @@ -720,32 +463,25 @@ def interpreter_version(**kwargs): return version -def _version_nodot(version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> str - if any(v >= 10 for v in version): - sep = "_" - else: - sep = "" - return sep.join(map(str, version)) +def _version_nodot(version: PythonVersion) -> str: + return "".join(map(str, version)) -def sys_tags(**kwargs): - # type: (bool) -> Iterator[Tag] +def sys_tags(*, warn: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Returns the sequence of tag triples for the running interpreter. The order of the sequence corresponds to priority order for the interpreter, from most to least important. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("sys_tags", kwargs) interp_name = interpreter_name() if interp_name == "cp": - for tag in cpython_tags(warn=warn): - yield tag + yield from cpython_tags(warn=warn) else: - for tag in generic_tags(): - yield tag + yield from generic_tags() - for tag in compatible_tags(): - yield tag + if interp_name == "pp": + yield from compatible_tags(interpreter="pp3") + else: + yield from compatible_tags() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/utils.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/utils.py index 19579c1..bab11b8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/utils.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/utils.py @@ -1,65 +1,136 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re +from typing import FrozenSet, NewType, Tuple, Union, cast -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast +from .tags import Tag, parse_tag from .version import InvalidVersion, Version -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import NewType, Union +BuildTag = Union[Tuple[()], Tuple[int, str]] +NormalizedName = NewType("NormalizedName", str) + + +class InvalidWheelFilename(ValueError): + """ + An invalid wheel filename was found, users should refer to PEP 427. + """ + + +class InvalidSdistFilename(ValueError): + """ + An invalid sdist filename was found, users should refer to the packaging user guide. + """ - NormalizedName = NewType("NormalizedName", str) _canonicalize_regex = re.compile(r"[-_.]+") +# PEP 427: The build number must start with a digit. +_build_tag_regex = re.compile(r"(\d+)(.*)") -def canonicalize_name(name): - # type: (str) -> NormalizedName +def canonicalize_name(name: str) -> NormalizedName: # This is taken from PEP 503. value = _canonicalize_regex.sub("-", name).lower() - return cast("NormalizedName", value) + return cast(NormalizedName, value) -def canonicalize_version(_version): - # type: (str) -> Union[Version, str] +def canonicalize_version(version: Union[Version, str]) -> str: """ This is very similar to Version.__str__, but has one subtle difference with the way it handles the release segment. """ - - try: - version = Version(_version) - except InvalidVersion: - # Legacy versions cannot be normalized - return _version + if isinstance(version, str): + try: + parsed = Version(version) + except InvalidVersion: + # Legacy versions cannot be normalized + return version + else: + parsed = version parts = [] # Epoch - if version.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(version.epoch)) + if parsed.epoch != 0: + parts.append(f"{parsed.epoch}!") # Release segment # NB: This strips trailing '.0's to normalize - parts.append(re.sub(r"(\.0)+$", "", ".".join(str(x) for x in version.release))) + parts.append(re.sub(r"(\.0)+$", "", ".".join(str(x) for x in parsed.release))) # Pre-release - if version.pre is not None: - parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in version.pre)) + if parsed.pre is not None: + parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in parsed.pre)) # Post-release - if version.post is not None: - parts.append(".post{0}".format(version.post)) + if parsed.post is not None: + parts.append(f".post{parsed.post}") # Development release - if version.dev is not None: - parts.append(".dev{0}".format(version.dev)) + if parsed.dev is not None: + parts.append(f".dev{parsed.dev}") # Local version segment - if version.local is not None: - parts.append("+{0}".format(version.local)) + if parsed.local is not None: + parts.append(f"+{parsed.local}") return "".join(parts) + + +def parse_wheel_filename( + filename: str, +) -> Tuple[NormalizedName, Version, BuildTag, FrozenSet[Tag]]: + if not filename.endswith(".whl"): + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid wheel filename (extension must be '.whl'): {filename}" + ) + + filename = filename[:-4] + dashes = filename.count("-") + if dashes not in (4, 5): + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid wheel filename (wrong number of parts): {filename}" + ) + + parts = filename.split("-", dashes - 2) + name_part = parts[0] + # See PEP 427 for the rules on escaping the project name + if "__" in name_part or re.match(r"^[\w\d._]*$", name_part, re.UNICODE) is None: + raise InvalidWheelFilename(f"Invalid project name: {filename}") + name = canonicalize_name(name_part) + version = Version(parts[1]) + if dashes == 5: + build_part = parts[2] + build_match = _build_tag_regex.match(build_part) + if build_match is None: + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid build number: {build_part} in '{filename}'" + ) + build = cast(BuildTag, (int(build_match.group(1)), build_match.group(2))) + else: + build = () + tags = parse_tag(parts[-1]) + return (name, version, build, tags) + + +def parse_sdist_filename(filename: str) -> Tuple[NormalizedName, Version]: + if filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): + file_stem = filename[: -len(".tar.gz")] + elif filename.endswith(".zip"): + file_stem = filename[: -len(".zip")] + else: + raise InvalidSdistFilename( + f"Invalid sdist filename (extension must be '.tar.gz' or '.zip'):" + f" {filename}" + ) + + # We are requiring a PEP 440 version, which cannot contain dashes, + # so we split on the last dash. + name_part, sep, version_part = file_stem.rpartition("-") + if not sep: + raise InvalidSdistFilename(f"Invalid sdist filename: {filename}") + + name = canonicalize_name(name_part) + version = Version(version_part) + return (name, version) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py index 00371e8..de9a09a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/packaging/version.py @@ -1,52 +1,45 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import collections import itertools import re +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Union -from ._structures import Infinity, NegativeInfinity -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Union - - from ._structures import InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType - - InfiniteTypes = Union[InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType] - PrePostDevType = Union[InfiniteTypes, Tuple[str, int]] - SubLocalType = Union[InfiniteTypes, int, str] - LocalType = Union[ - NegativeInfinityType, - Tuple[ - Union[ - SubLocalType, - Tuple[SubLocalType, str], - Tuple[NegativeInfinityType, SubLocalType], - ], - ..., - ], - ] - CmpKey = Tuple[ - int, Tuple[int, ...], PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, LocalType - ] - LegacyCmpKey = Tuple[int, Tuple[str, ...]] - VersionComparisonMethod = Callable[ - [Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey], Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey]], bool - ] +from ._structures import Infinity, InfinityType, NegativeInfinity, NegativeInfinityType __all__ = ["parse", "Version", "LegacyVersion", "InvalidVersion", "VERSION_PATTERN"] +InfiniteTypes = Union[InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType] +PrePostDevType = Union[InfiniteTypes, Tuple[str, int]] +SubLocalType = Union[InfiniteTypes, int, str] +LocalType = Union[ + NegativeInfinityType, + Tuple[ + Union[ + SubLocalType, + Tuple[SubLocalType, str], + Tuple[NegativeInfinityType, SubLocalType], + ], + ..., + ], +] +CmpKey = Tuple[ + int, Tuple[int, ...], PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, LocalType +] +LegacyCmpKey = Tuple[int, Tuple[str, ...]] +VersionComparisonMethod = Callable[ + [Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey], Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey]], bool +] _Version = collections.namedtuple( "_Version", ["epoch", "release", "dev", "pre", "post", "local"] ) -def parse(version): - # type: (str) -> Union[LegacyVersion, Version] +def parse(version: str) -> Union["LegacyVersion", "Version"]: """ Parse the given version string and return either a :class:`Version` object or a :class:`LegacyVersion` object depending on if the given version is @@ -64,112 +57,111 @@ class InvalidVersion(ValueError): """ -class _BaseVersion(object): - _key = None # type: Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey] +class _BaseVersion: + _key: Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey] - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._key) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o) + # Please keep the duplicated `isinstance` check + # in the six comparisons hereunder + # unless you find a way to avoid adding overhead function calls. + def __lt__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key < other._key + + def __le__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key <= other._key - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o) + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o) + return self._key == other._key - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s >= o) + def __ge__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s > o) + return self._key >= other._key - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s != o) + def __gt__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key > other._key - def _compare(self, other, method): - # type: (object, VersionComparisonMethod) -> Union[bool, NotImplemented] + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): return NotImplemented - return method(self._key, other._key) + return self._key != other._key class LegacyVersion(_BaseVersion): - def __init__(self, version): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, version: str) -> None: self._version = str(version) self._key = _legacy_cmpkey(self._version) - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + warnings.warn( + "Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be " + "removed in the next major release", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + + def __str__(self) -> str: return self._version - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(repr(str(self))) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" @property - def public(self): - # type: () -> str + def public(self) -> str: return self._version @property - def base_version(self): - # type: () -> str + def base_version(self) -> str: return self._version @property - def epoch(self): - # type: () -> int + def epoch(self) -> int: return -1 @property - def release(self): - # type: () -> None + def release(self) -> None: return None @property - def pre(self): - # type: () -> None + def pre(self) -> None: return None @property - def post(self): - # type: () -> None + def post(self) -> None: return None @property - def dev(self): - # type: () -> None + def dev(self) -> None: return None @property - def local(self): - # type: () -> None + def local(self) -> None: return None @property - def is_prerelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_prerelease(self) -> bool: return False @property - def is_postrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_postrelease(self) -> bool: return False @property - def is_devrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_devrelease(self) -> bool: return False @@ -184,8 +176,7 @@ _legacy_version_replacement_map = { } -def _parse_version_parts(s): - # type: (str) -> Iterator[str] +def _parse_version_parts(s: str) -> Iterator[str]: for part in _legacy_version_component_re.split(s): part = _legacy_version_replacement_map.get(part, part) @@ -202,8 +193,7 @@ def _parse_version_parts(s): yield "*final" -def _legacy_cmpkey(version): - # type: (str) -> LegacyCmpKey +def _legacy_cmpkey(version: str) -> LegacyCmpKey: # We hardcode an epoch of -1 here. A PEP 440 version can only have a epoch # greater than or equal to 0. This will effectively put the LegacyVersion, @@ -213,7 +203,7 @@ def _legacy_cmpkey(version): # This scheme is taken from pkg_resources.parse_version setuptools prior to # it's adoption of the packaging library. - parts = [] # type: List[str] + parts: List[str] = [] for part in _parse_version_parts(version.lower()): if part.startswith("*"): # remove "-" before a prerelease tag @@ -268,13 +258,12 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): _regex = re.compile(r"^\s*" + VERSION_PATTERN + r"\s*$", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) - def __init__(self, version): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, version: str) -> None: # Validate the version and parse it into pieces match = self._regex.search(version) if not match: - raise InvalidVersion("Invalid version: '{0}'".format(version)) + raise InvalidVersion(f"Invalid version: '{version}'") # Store the parsed out pieces of the version self._version = _Version( @@ -298,17 +287,15 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): self._version.local, ) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(repr(str(self))) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) + parts.append(f"{self.epoch}!") # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) @@ -319,67 +306,59 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): # Post-release if self.post is not None: - parts.append(".post{0}".format(self.post)) + parts.append(f".post{self.post}") # Development release if self.dev is not None: - parts.append(".dev{0}".format(self.dev)) + parts.append(f".dev{self.dev}") # Local version segment if self.local is not None: - parts.append("+{0}".format(self.local)) + parts.append(f"+{self.local}") return "".join(parts) @property - def epoch(self): - # type: () -> int - _epoch = self._version.epoch # type: int + def epoch(self) -> int: + _epoch: int = self._version.epoch return _epoch @property - def release(self): - # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...] - _release = self._version.release # type: Tuple[int, ...] + def release(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: + _release: Tuple[int, ...] = self._version.release return _release @property - def pre(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - _pre = self._version.pre # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def pre(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]]: + _pre: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = self._version.pre return _pre @property - def post(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def post(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._version.post[1] if self._version.post else None @property - def dev(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def dev(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._version.dev[1] if self._version.dev else None @property - def local(self): - # type: () -> Optional[str] + def local(self) -> Optional[str]: if self._version.local: return ".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.local) else: return None @property - def public(self): - # type: () -> str + def public(self) -> str: return str(self).split("+", 1)[0] @property - def base_version(self): - # type: () -> str + def base_version(self) -> str: parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) + parts.append(f"{self.epoch}!") # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) @@ -387,41 +366,33 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): return "".join(parts) @property - def is_prerelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_prerelease(self) -> bool: return self.dev is not None or self.pre is not None @property - def is_postrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_postrelease(self) -> bool: return self.post is not None @property - def is_devrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_devrelease(self) -> bool: return self.dev is not None @property - def major(self): - # type: () -> int + def major(self) -> int: return self.release[0] if len(self.release) >= 1 else 0 @property - def minor(self): - # type: () -> int + def minor(self) -> int: return self.release[1] if len(self.release) >= 2 else 0 @property - def micro(self): - # type: () -> int + def micro(self) -> int: return self.release[2] if len(self.release) >= 3 else 0 def _parse_letter_version( - letter, # type: str - number, # type: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt] -): - # type: (...) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + letter: str, number: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt] +) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]]: if letter: # We consider there to be an implicit 0 in a pre-release if there is @@ -458,8 +429,7 @@ def _parse_letter_version( _local_version_separators = re.compile(r"[\._-]") -def _parse_local_version(local): - # type: (str) -> Optional[LocalType] +def _parse_local_version(local: str) -> Optional[LocalType]: """ Takes a string like abc.1.twelve and turns it into ("abc", 1, "twelve"). """ @@ -472,14 +442,13 @@ def _parse_local_version(local): def _cmpkey( - epoch, # type: int - release, # type: Tuple[int, ...] - pre, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - post, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - dev, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - local, # type: Optional[Tuple[SubLocalType]] -): - # type: (...) -> CmpKey + epoch: int, + release: Tuple[int, ...], + pre: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + post: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + dev: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + local: Optional[Tuple[SubLocalType]], +) -> CmpKey: # When we compare a release version, we want to compare it with all of the # trailing zeros removed. So we'll use a reverse the list, drop all the now @@ -495,7 +464,7 @@ def _cmpkey( # if there is not a pre or a post segment. If we have one of those then # the normal sorting rules will handle this case correctly. if pre is None and post is None and dev is not None: - _pre = NegativeInfinity # type: PrePostDevType + _pre: PrePostDevType = NegativeInfinity # Versions without a pre-release (except as noted above) should sort after # those with one. elif pre is None: @@ -505,21 +474,21 @@ def _cmpkey( # Versions without a post segment should sort before those with one. if post is None: - _post = NegativeInfinity # type: PrePostDevType + _post: PrePostDevType = NegativeInfinity else: _post = post # Versions without a development segment should sort after those with one. if dev is None: - _dev = Infinity # type: PrePostDevType + _dev: PrePostDevType = Infinity else: _dev = dev if local is None: # Versions without a local segment should sort before those with one. - _local = NegativeInfinity # type: LocalType + _local: LocalType = NegativeInfinity else: # Versions with a local segment need that segment parsed to implement # the sorting rules in PEP440. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1333c00..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5742 +0,0 @@ -# module pyparsing.py -# -# Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Paul T. McGuire -# -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -# the following conditions: -# -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -# -# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -# - -__doc__ = \ -""" -pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars -============================================================================= - -The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, -vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the use of regular expressions. With pyparsing, you -don't need to learn a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing module -provides a library of classes that you use to construct the grammar directly in Python. - -Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form -C{", !"}), built up using L{Word}, L{Literal}, and L{And} elements -(L{'+'} operator gives L{And} expressions, strings are auto-converted to -L{Literal} expressions):: - - from pyparsing import Word, alphas - - # define grammar of a greeting - greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" - - hello = "Hello, World!" - print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) - -The program outputs the following:: - - Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] - -The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the self-explanatory -class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operators. - -The L{ParseResults} object returned from L{ParserElement.parseString} can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an -object with named attributes. - -The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when writing text parsers: - - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle "Hello,World!", "Hello , World !", etc.) - - quoted strings - - embedded comments - - -Getting Started - ------------------ -Visit the classes L{ParserElement} and L{ParseResults} to see the base classes that most other pyparsing -classes inherit from. Use the docstrings for examples of how to: - - construct literal match expressions from L{Literal} and L{CaselessLiteral} classes - - construct character word-group expressions using the L{Word} class - - see how to create repetitive expressions using L{ZeroOrMore} and L{OneOrMore} classes - - use L{'+'}, L{'|'}, L{'^'}, and L{'&'} operators to combine simple expressions into more complex ones - - associate names with your parsed results using L{ParserElement.setResultsName} - - find some helpful expression short-cuts like L{delimitedList} and L{oneOf} - - find more useful common expressions in the L{pyparsing_common} namespace class -""" - -__version__ = "2.2.1" -__versionTime__ = "18 Sep 2018 00:49 UTC" -__author__ = "Paul McGuire " - -import string -from weakref import ref as wkref -import copy -import sys -import warnings -import re -import sre_constants -import collections -import pprint -import traceback -import types -from datetime import datetime - -try: - from _thread import RLock -except ImportError: - from threading import RLock - -try: - # Python 3 - from collections.abc import Iterable - from collections.abc import MutableMapping -except ImportError: - # Python 2.7 - from collections import Iterable - from collections import MutableMapping - -try: - from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict -except ImportError: - try: - from ordereddict import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict - except ImportError: - _OrderedDict = None - -#~ sys.stderr.write( "testing pyparsing module, version %s, %s\n" % (__version__,__versionTime__ ) ) - -__all__ = [ -'And', 'CaselessKeyword', 'CaselessLiteral', 'CharsNotIn', 'Combine', 'Dict', 'Each', 'Empty', -'FollowedBy', 'Forward', 'GoToColumn', 'Group', 'Keyword', 'LineEnd', 'LineStart', 'Literal', -'MatchFirst', 'NoMatch', 'NotAny', 'OneOrMore', 'OnlyOnce', 'Optional', 'Or', -'ParseBaseException', 'ParseElementEnhance', 'ParseException', 'ParseExpression', 'ParseFatalException', -'ParseResults', 'ParseSyntaxException', 'ParserElement', 'QuotedString', 'RecursiveGrammarException', -'Regex', 'SkipTo', 'StringEnd', 'StringStart', 'Suppress', 'Token', 'TokenConverter', -'White', 'Word', 'WordEnd', 'WordStart', 'ZeroOrMore', -'alphanums', 'alphas', 'alphas8bit', 'anyCloseTag', 'anyOpenTag', 'cStyleComment', 'col', -'commaSeparatedList', 'commonHTMLEntity', 'countedArray', 'cppStyleComment', 'dblQuotedString', -'dblSlashComment', 'delimitedList', 'dictOf', 'downcaseTokens', 'empty', 'hexnums', -'htmlComment', 'javaStyleComment', 'line', 'lineEnd', 'lineStart', 'lineno', -'makeHTMLTags', 'makeXMLTags', 'matchOnlyAtCol', 'matchPreviousExpr', 'matchPreviousLiteral', -'nestedExpr', 'nullDebugAction', 'nums', 'oneOf', 'opAssoc', 'operatorPrecedence', 'printables', -'punc8bit', 'pythonStyleComment', 'quotedString', 'removeQuotes', 'replaceHTMLEntity', -'replaceWith', 'restOfLine', 'sglQuotedString', 'srange', 'stringEnd', -'stringStart', 'traceParseAction', 'unicodeString', 'upcaseTokens', 'withAttribute', -'indentedBlock', 'originalTextFor', 'ungroup', 'infixNotation','locatedExpr', 'withClass', -'CloseMatch', 'tokenMap', 'pyparsing_common', -] - -system_version = tuple(sys.version_info)[:3] -PY_3 = system_version[0] == 3 -if PY_3: - _MAX_INT = sys.maxsize - basestring = str - unichr = chr - _ustr = str - - # build list of single arg builtins, that can be used as parse actions - singleArgBuiltins = [sum, len, sorted, reversed, list, tuple, set, any, all, min, max] - -else: - _MAX_INT = sys.maxint - range = xrange - - def _ustr(obj): - """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries - str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It - then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. - """ - if isinstance(obj,unicode): - return obj - - try: - # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so - # it won't break any existing code. - return str(obj) - - except UnicodeEncodeError: - # Else encode it - ret = unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace') - xmlcharref = Regex(r'&#\d+;') - xmlcharref.setParseAction(lambda t: '\\u' + hex(int(t[0][2:-1]))[2:]) - return xmlcharref.transformString(ret) - - # build list of single arg builtins, tolerant of Python version, that can be used as parse actions - singleArgBuiltins = [] - import __builtin__ - for fname in "sum len sorted reversed list tuple set any all min max".split(): - try: - singleArgBuiltins.append(getattr(__builtin__,fname)) - except AttributeError: - continue - -_generatorType = type((y for y in range(1))) - -def _xml_escape(data): - """Escape &, <, >, ", ', etc. in a string of data.""" - - # ampersand must be replaced first - from_symbols = '&><"\'' - to_symbols = ('&'+s+';' for s in "amp gt lt quot apos".split()) - for from_,to_ in zip(from_symbols, to_symbols): - data = data.replace(from_, to_) - return data - -class _Constants(object): - pass - -alphas = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase -nums = "0123456789" -hexnums = nums + "ABCDEFabcdef" -alphanums = alphas + nums -_bslash = chr(92) -printables = "".join(c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace) - -class ParseBaseException(Exception): - """base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptions""" - # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this - # constructor as small and fast as possible - def __init__( self, pstr, loc=0, msg=None, elem=None ): - self.loc = loc - if msg is None: - self.msg = pstr - self.pstr = "" - else: - self.msg = msg - self.pstr = pstr - self.parserElement = elem - self.args = (pstr, loc, msg) - - @classmethod - def _from_exception(cls, pe): - """ - internal factory method to simplify creating one type of ParseException - from another - avoids having __init__ signature conflicts among subclasses - """ - return cls(pe.pstr, pe.loc, pe.msg, pe.parserElement) - - def __getattr__( self, aname ): - """supported attributes by name are: - - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text - - col - returns the column number of the exception text - - line - returns the line containing the exception text - """ - if( aname == "lineno" ): - return lineno( self.loc, self.pstr ) - elif( aname in ("col", "column") ): - return col( self.loc, self.pstr ) - elif( aname == "line" ): - return line( self.loc, self.pstr ) - else: - raise AttributeError(aname) - - def __str__( self ): - return "%s (at char %d), (line:%d, col:%d)" % \ - ( self.msg, self.loc, self.lineno, self.column ) - def __repr__( self ): - return _ustr(self) - def markInputline( self, markerString = ">!<" ): - """Extracts the exception line from the input string, and marks - the location of the exception with a special symbol. - """ - line_str = self.line - line_column = self.column - 1 - if markerString: - line_str = "".join((line_str[:line_column], - markerString, line_str[line_column:])) - return line_str.strip() - def __dir__(self): - return "lineno col line".split() + dir(type(self)) - -class ParseException(ParseBaseException): - """ - Exception thrown when parse expressions don't match class; - supported attributes by name are: - - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text - - col - returns the column number of the exception text - - line - returns the line containing the exception text - - Example:: - try: - Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC") - except ParseException as pe: - print(pe) - print("column: {}".format(pe.col)) - - prints:: - Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - column: 1 - """ - pass - -class ParseFatalException(ParseBaseException): - """user-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content - is found; stops all parsing immediately""" - pass - -class ParseSyntaxException(ParseFatalException): - """just like L{ParseFatalException}, but thrown internally when an - L{ErrorStop} ('-' operator) indicates that parsing is to stop - immediately because an unbacktrackable syntax error has been found""" - pass - -#~ class ReparseException(ParseBaseException): - #~ """Experimental class - parse actions can raise this exception to cause - #~ pyparsing to reparse the input string: - #~ - with a modified input string, and/or - #~ - with a modified start location - #~ Set the values of the ReparseException in the constructor, and raise the - #~ exception in a parse action to cause pyparsing to use the new string/location. - #~ Setting the values as None causes no change to be made. - #~ """ - #~ def __init_( self, newstring, restartLoc ): - #~ self.newParseText = newstring - #~ self.reparseLoc = restartLoc - -class RecursiveGrammarException(Exception): - """exception thrown by L{ParserElement.validate} if the grammar could be improperly recursive""" - def __init__( self, parseElementList ): - self.parseElementTrace = parseElementList - - def __str__( self ): - return "RecursiveGrammarException: %s" % self.parseElementTrace - -class _ParseResultsWithOffset(object): - def __init__(self,p1,p2): - self.tup = (p1,p2) - def __getitem__(self,i): - return self.tup[i] - def __repr__(self): - return repr(self.tup[0]) - def setOffset(self,i): - self.tup = (self.tup[0],i) - -class ParseResults(object): - """ - Structured parse results, to provide multiple means of access to the parsed data: - - as a list (C{len(results)}) - - by list index (C{results[0], results[1]}, etc.) - - by attribute (C{results.} - see L{ParserElement.setResultsName}) - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("day")) - # equivalent form: - # date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - # parseString returns a ParseResults object - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") - - def test(s, fn=repr): - print("%s -> %s" % (s, fn(eval(s)))) - test("list(result)") - test("result[0]") - test("result['month']") - test("result.day") - test("'month' in result") - test("'minutes' in result") - test("result.dump()", str) - prints:: - list(result) -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - result[0] -> '1999' - result['month'] -> '12' - result.day -> '31' - 'month' in result -> True - 'minutes' in result -> False - result.dump() -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - day: 31 - - month: 12 - - year: 1999 - """ - def __new__(cls, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True ): - if isinstance(toklist, cls): - return toklist - retobj = object.__new__(cls) - retobj.__doinit = True - return retobj - - # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this - # constructor as small and fast as possible - def __init__( self, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True, isinstance=isinstance ): - if self.__doinit: - self.__doinit = False - self.__name = None - self.__parent = None - self.__accumNames = {} - self.__asList = asList - self.__modal = modal - if toklist is None: - toklist = [] - if isinstance(toklist, list): - self.__toklist = toklist[:] - elif isinstance(toklist, _generatorType): - self.__toklist = list(toklist) - else: - self.__toklist = [toklist] - self.__tokdict = dict() - - if name is not None and name: - if not modal: - self.__accumNames[name] = 0 - if isinstance(name,int): - name = _ustr(name) # will always return a str, but use _ustr for consistency - self.__name = name - if not (isinstance(toklist, (type(None), basestring, list)) and toklist in (None,'',[])): - if isinstance(toklist,basestring): - toklist = [ toklist ] - if asList: - if isinstance(toklist,ParseResults): - self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(toklist.copy(),0) - else: - self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(ParseResults(toklist[0]),0) - self[name].__name = name - else: - try: - self[name] = toklist[0] - except (KeyError,TypeError,IndexError): - self[name] = toklist - - def __getitem__( self, i ): - if isinstance( i, (int,slice) ): - return self.__toklist[i] - else: - if i not in self.__accumNames: - return self.__tokdict[i][-1][0] - else: - return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[i] ]) - - def __setitem__( self, k, v, isinstance=isinstance ): - if isinstance(v,_ParseResultsWithOffset): - self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [v] - sub = v[0] - elif isinstance(k,(int,slice)): - self.__toklist[k] = v - sub = v - else: - self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [_ParseResultsWithOffset(v,0)] - sub = v - if isinstance(sub,ParseResults): - sub.__parent = wkref(self) - - def __delitem__( self, i ): - if isinstance(i,(int,slice)): - mylen = len( self.__toklist ) - del self.__toklist[i] - - # convert int to slice - if isinstance(i, int): - if i < 0: - i += mylen - i = slice(i, i+1) - # get removed indices - removed = list(range(*i.indices(mylen))) - removed.reverse() - # fixup indices in token dictionary - for name,occurrences in self.__tokdict.items(): - for j in removed: - for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): - occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(value, position - (position > j)) - else: - del self.__tokdict[i] - - def __contains__( self, k ): - return k in self.__tokdict - - def __len__( self ): return len( self.__toklist ) - def __bool__(self): return ( not not self.__toklist ) - __nonzero__ = __bool__ - def __iter__( self ): return iter( self.__toklist ) - def __reversed__( self ): return iter( self.__toklist[::-1] ) - def _iterkeys( self ): - if hasattr(self.__tokdict, "iterkeys"): - return self.__tokdict.iterkeys() - else: - return iter(self.__tokdict) - - def _itervalues( self ): - return (self[k] for k in self._iterkeys()) - - def _iteritems( self ): - return ((k, self[k]) for k in self._iterkeys()) - - if PY_3: - keys = _iterkeys - """Returns an iterator of all named result keys (Python 3.x only).""" - - values = _itervalues - """Returns an iterator of all named result values (Python 3.x only).""" - - items = _iteritems - """Returns an iterator of all named result key-value tuples (Python 3.x only).""" - - else: - iterkeys = _iterkeys - """Returns an iterator of all named result keys (Python 2.x only).""" - - itervalues = _itervalues - """Returns an iterator of all named result values (Python 2.x only).""" - - iteritems = _iteritems - """Returns an iterator of all named result key-value tuples (Python 2.x only).""" - - def keys( self ): - """Returns all named result keys (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.iterkeys()) - - def values( self ): - """Returns all named result values (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.itervalues()) - - def items( self ): - """Returns all named result key-values (as a list of tuples in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.iteritems()) - - def haskeys( self ): - """Since keys() returns an iterator, this method is helpful in bypassing - code that looks for the existence of any defined results names.""" - return bool(self.__tokdict) - - def pop( self, *args, **kwargs): - """ - Removes and returns item at specified index (default=C{last}). - Supports both C{list} and C{dict} semantics for C{pop()}. If passed no - argument or an integer argument, it will use C{list} semantics - and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed a - non-integer argument (most likely a string), it will use C{dict} - semantics and pop the corresponding value from any defined - results names. A second default return value argument is - supported, just as in C{dict.pop()}. - - Example:: - def remove_first(tokens): - tokens.pop(0) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(remove_first).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['123', '321'] - - label = Word(alphas) - patt = label("LABEL") + OneOrMore(Word(nums)) - print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) - - # Use pop() in a parse action to remove named result (note that corresponding value is not - # removed from list form of results) - def remove_LABEL(tokens): - tokens.pop("LABEL") - return tokens - patt.addParseAction(remove_LABEL) - print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) - prints:: - ['AAB', '123', '321'] - - LABEL: AAB - - ['AAB', '123', '321'] - """ - if not args: - args = [-1] - for k,v in kwargs.items(): - if k == 'default': - args = (args[0], v) - else: - raise TypeError("pop() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % k) - if (isinstance(args[0], int) or - len(args) == 1 or - args[0] in self): - index = args[0] - ret = self[index] - del self[index] - return ret - else: - defaultvalue = args[1] - return defaultvalue - - def get(self, key, defaultValue=None): - """ - Returns named result matching the given key, or if there is no - such name, then returns the given C{defaultValue} or C{None} if no - C{defaultValue} is specified. - - Similar to C{dict.get()}. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") - print(result.get("year")) # -> '1999' - print(result.get("hour", "not specified")) # -> 'not specified' - print(result.get("hour")) # -> None - """ - if key in self: - return self[key] - else: - return defaultValue - - def insert( self, index, insStr ): - """ - Inserts new element at location index in the list of parsed tokens. - - Similar to C{list.insert()}. - - Example:: - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - - # use a parse action to insert the parse location in the front of the parsed results - def insert_locn(locn, tokens): - tokens.insert(0, locn) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(insert_locn).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> [0, '0', '123', '321'] - """ - self.__toklist.insert(index, insStr) - # fixup indices in token dictionary - for name,occurrences in self.__tokdict.items(): - for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): - occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(value, position + (position > index)) - - def append( self, item ): - """ - Add single element to end of ParseResults list of elements. - - Example:: - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - - # use a parse action to compute the sum of the parsed integers, and add it to the end - def append_sum(tokens): - tokens.append(sum(map(int, tokens))) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(append_sum).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321', 444] - """ - self.__toklist.append(item) - - def extend( self, itemseq ): - """ - Add sequence of elements to end of ParseResults list of elements. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - - # use a parse action to append the reverse of the matched strings, to make a palindrome - def make_palindrome(tokens): - tokens.extend(reversed([t[::-1] for t in tokens])) - return ''.join(tokens) - print(patt.addParseAction(make_palindrome).parseString("lskdj sdlkjf lksd")) # -> 'lskdjsdlkjflksddsklfjkldsjdksl' - """ - if isinstance(itemseq, ParseResults): - self += itemseq - else: - self.__toklist.extend(itemseq) - - def clear( self ): - """ - Clear all elements and results names. - """ - del self.__toklist[:] - self.__tokdict.clear() - - def __getattr__( self, name ): - try: - return self[name] - except KeyError: - return "" - - if name in self.__tokdict: - if name not in self.__accumNames: - return self.__tokdict[name][-1][0] - else: - return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[name] ]) - else: - return "" - - def __add__( self, other ): - ret = self.copy() - ret += other - return ret - - def __iadd__( self, other ): - if other.__tokdict: - offset = len(self.__toklist) - addoffset = lambda a: offset if a<0 else a+offset - otheritems = other.__tokdict.items() - otherdictitems = [(k, _ParseResultsWithOffset(v[0],addoffset(v[1])) ) - for (k,vlist) in otheritems for v in vlist] - for k,v in otherdictitems: - self[k] = v - if isinstance(v[0],ParseResults): - v[0].__parent = wkref(self) - - self.__toklist += other.__toklist - self.__accumNames.update( other.__accumNames ) - return self - - def __radd__(self, other): - if isinstance(other,int) and other == 0: - # useful for merging many ParseResults using sum() builtin - return self.copy() - else: - # this may raise a TypeError - so be it - return other + self - - def __repr__( self ): - return "(%s, %s)" % ( repr( self.__toklist ), repr( self.__tokdict ) ) - - def __str__( self ): - return '[' + ', '.join(_ustr(i) if isinstance(i, ParseResults) else repr(i) for i in self.__toklist) + ']' - - def _asStringList( self, sep='' ): - out = [] - for item in self.__toklist: - if out and sep: - out.append(sep) - if isinstance( item, ParseResults ): - out += item._asStringList() - else: - out.append( _ustr(item) ) - return out - - def asList( self ): - """ - Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - result = patt.parseString("sldkj lsdkj sldkj") - # even though the result prints in string-like form, it is actually a pyparsing ParseResults - print(type(result), result) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] - - # Use asList() to create an actual list - result_list = result.asList() - print(type(result_list), result_list) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] - """ - return [res.asList() if isinstance(res,ParseResults) else res for res in self.__toklist] - - def asDict( self ): - """ - Returns the named parse results as a nested dictionary. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString('12/31/1999') - print(type(result), repr(result)) # -> (['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'], {'day': [('1999', 4)], 'year': [('12', 0)], 'month': [('31', 2)]}) - - result_dict = result.asDict() - print(type(result_dict), repr(result_dict)) # -> {'day': '1999', 'year': '12', 'month': '31'} - - # even though a ParseResults supports dict-like access, sometime you just need to have a dict - import json - print(json.dumps(result)) # -> Exception: TypeError: ... is not JSON serializable - print(json.dumps(result.asDict())) # -> {"month": "31", "day": "1999", "year": "12"} - """ - if PY_3: - item_fn = self.items - else: - item_fn = self.iteritems - - def toItem(obj): - if isinstance(obj, ParseResults): - if obj.haskeys(): - return obj.asDict() - else: - return [toItem(v) for v in obj] - else: - return obj - - return dict((k,toItem(v)) for k,v in item_fn()) - - def copy( self ): - """ - Returns a new copy of a C{ParseResults} object. - """ - ret = ParseResults( self.__toklist ) - ret.__tokdict = self.__tokdict.copy() - ret.__parent = self.__parent - ret.__accumNames.update( self.__accumNames ) - ret.__name = self.__name - return ret - - def asXML( self, doctag=None, namedItemsOnly=False, indent="", formatted=True ): - """ - (Deprecated) Returns the parse results as XML. Tags are created for tokens and lists that have defined results names. - """ - nl = "\n" - out = [] - namedItems = dict((v[1],k) for (k,vlist) in self.__tokdict.items() - for v in vlist) - nextLevelIndent = indent + " " - - # collapse out indents if formatting is not desired - if not formatted: - indent = "" - nextLevelIndent = "" - nl = "" - - selfTag = None - if doctag is not None: - selfTag = doctag - else: - if self.__name: - selfTag = self.__name - - if not selfTag: - if namedItemsOnly: - return "" - else: - selfTag = "ITEM" - - out += [ nl, indent, "<", selfTag, ">" ] - - for i,res in enumerate(self.__toklist): - if isinstance(res,ParseResults): - if i in namedItems: - out += [ res.asXML(namedItems[i], - namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, - nextLevelIndent, - formatted)] - else: - out += [ res.asXML(None, - namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, - nextLevelIndent, - formatted)] - else: - # individual token, see if there is a name for it - resTag = None - if i in namedItems: - resTag = namedItems[i] - if not resTag: - if namedItemsOnly: - continue - else: - resTag = "ITEM" - xmlBodyText = _xml_escape(_ustr(res)) - out += [ nl, nextLevelIndent, "<", resTag, ">", - xmlBodyText, - "" ] - - out += [ nl, indent, "" ] - return "".join(out) - - def __lookup(self,sub): - for k,vlist in self.__tokdict.items(): - for v,loc in vlist: - if sub is v: - return k - return None - - def getName(self): - r""" - Returns the results name for this token expression. Useful when several - different expressions might match at a particular location. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - ssn_expr = Regex(r"\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d") - house_number_expr = Suppress('#') + Word(nums, alphanums) - user_data = (Group(house_number_expr)("house_number") - | Group(ssn_expr)("ssn") - | Group(integer)("age")) - user_info = OneOrMore(user_data) - - result = user_info.parseString("22 111-22-3333 #221B") - for item in result: - print(item.getName(), ':', item[0]) - prints:: - age : 22 - ssn : 111-22-3333 - house_number : 221B - """ - if self.__name: - return self.__name - elif self.__parent: - par = self.__parent() - if par: - return par.__lookup(self) - else: - return None - elif (len(self) == 1 and - len(self.__tokdict) == 1 and - next(iter(self.__tokdict.values()))[0][1] in (0,-1)): - return next(iter(self.__tokdict.keys())) - else: - return None - - def dump(self, indent='', depth=0, full=True): - """ - Diagnostic method for listing out the contents of a C{ParseResults}. - Accepts an optional C{indent} argument so that this string can be embedded - in a nested display of other data. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString('12/31/1999') - print(result.dump()) - prints:: - ['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'] - - day: 1999 - - month: 31 - - year: 12 - """ - out = [] - NL = '\n' - out.append( indent+_ustr(self.asList()) ) - if full: - if self.haskeys(): - items = sorted((str(k), v) for k,v in self.items()) - for k,v in items: - if out: - out.append(NL) - out.append( "%s%s- %s: " % (indent,(' '*depth), k) ) - if isinstance(v,ParseResults): - if v: - out.append( v.dump(indent,depth+1) ) - else: - out.append(_ustr(v)) - else: - out.append(repr(v)) - elif any(isinstance(vv,ParseResults) for vv in self): - v = self - for i,vv in enumerate(v): - if isinstance(vv,ParseResults): - out.append("\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" % (indent,(' '*(depth)),i,indent,(' '*(depth+1)),vv.dump(indent,depth+1) )) - else: - out.append("\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" % (indent,(' '*(depth)),i,indent,(' '*(depth+1)),_ustr(vv))) - - return "".join(out) - - def pprint(self, *args, **kwargs): - """ - Pretty-printer for parsed results as a list, using the C{pprint} module. - Accepts additional positional or keyword args as defined for the - C{pprint.pprint} method. (U{http://docs.python.org/3/library/pprint.html#pprint.pprint}) - - Example:: - ident = Word(alphas, alphanums) - num = Word(nums) - func = Forward() - term = ident | num | Group('(' + func + ')') - func <<= ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) - result = func.parseString("fna a,b,(fnb c,d,200),100") - result.pprint(width=40) - prints:: - ['fna', - ['a', - 'b', - ['(', 'fnb', ['c', 'd', '200'], ')'], - '100']] - """ - pprint.pprint(self.asList(), *args, **kwargs) - - # add support for pickle protocol - def __getstate__(self): - return ( self.__toklist, - ( self.__tokdict.copy(), - self.__parent is not None and self.__parent() or None, - self.__accumNames, - self.__name ) ) - - def __setstate__(self,state): - self.__toklist = state[0] - (self.__tokdict, - par, - inAccumNames, - self.__name) = state[1] - self.__accumNames = {} - self.__accumNames.update(inAccumNames) - if par is not None: - self.__parent = wkref(par) - else: - self.__parent = None - - def __getnewargs__(self): - return self.__toklist, self.__name, self.__asList, self.__modal - - def __dir__(self): - return (dir(type(self)) + list(self.keys())) - -MutableMapping.register(ParseResults) - -def col (loc,strg): - """Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators. - The first column is number 1. - - Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string - before starting the parsing process. See L{I{ParserElement.parseString}} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - """ - s = strg - return 1 if 0} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - """ - return strg.count("\n",0,loc) + 1 - -def line( loc, strg ): - """Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators. - """ - lastCR = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc) - nextCR = strg.find("\n", loc) - if nextCR >= 0: - return strg[lastCR+1:nextCR] - else: - return strg[lastCR+1:] - -def _defaultStartDebugAction( instring, loc, expr ): - print (("Match " + _ustr(expr) + " at loc " + _ustr(loc) + "(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) ))) - -def _defaultSuccessDebugAction( instring, startloc, endloc, expr, toks ): - print ("Matched " + _ustr(expr) + " -> " + str(toks.asList())) - -def _defaultExceptionDebugAction( instring, loc, expr, exc ): - print ("Exception raised:" + _ustr(exc)) - -def nullDebugAction(*args): - """'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing.""" - pass - -# Only works on Python 3.x - nonlocal is toxic to Python 2 installs -#~ 'decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target' -#~ def _trim_arity(func, maxargs=3): - #~ if func in singleArgBuiltins: - #~ return lambda s,l,t: func(t) - #~ limit = 0 - #~ foundArity = False - #~ def wrapper(*args): - #~ nonlocal limit,foundArity - #~ while 1: - #~ try: - #~ ret = func(*args[limit:]) - #~ foundArity = True - #~ return ret - #~ except TypeError: - #~ if limit == maxargs or foundArity: - #~ raise - #~ limit += 1 - #~ continue - #~ return wrapper - -# this version is Python 2.x-3.x cross-compatible -'decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target' -def _trim_arity(func, maxargs=2): - if func in singleArgBuiltins: - return lambda s,l,t: func(t) - limit = [0] - foundArity = [False] - - # traceback return data structure changed in Py3.5 - normalize back to plain tuples - if system_version[:2] >= (3,5): - def extract_stack(limit=0): - # special handling for Python 3.5.0 - extra deep call stack by 1 - offset = -3 if system_version == (3,5,0) else -2 - frame_summary = traceback.extract_stack(limit=-offset+limit-1)[offset] - return [frame_summary[:2]] - def extract_tb(tb, limit=0): - frames = traceback.extract_tb(tb, limit=limit) - frame_summary = frames[-1] - return [frame_summary[:2]] - else: - extract_stack = traceback.extract_stack - extract_tb = traceback.extract_tb - - # synthesize what would be returned by traceback.extract_stack at the call to - # user's parse action 'func', so that we don't incur call penalty at parse time - - LINE_DIFF = 6 - # IF ANY CODE CHANGES, EVEN JUST COMMENTS OR BLANK LINES, BETWEEN THE NEXT LINE AND - # THE CALL TO FUNC INSIDE WRAPPER, LINE_DIFF MUST BE MODIFIED!!!! - this_line = extract_stack(limit=2)[-1] - pa_call_line_synth = (this_line[0], this_line[1]+LINE_DIFF) - - def wrapper(*args): - while 1: - try: - ret = func(*args[limit[0]:]) - foundArity[0] = True - return ret - except TypeError: - # re-raise TypeErrors if they did not come from our arity testing - if foundArity[0]: - raise - else: - try: - tb = sys.exc_info()[-1] - if not extract_tb(tb, limit=2)[-1][:2] == pa_call_line_synth: - raise - finally: - del tb - - if limit[0] <= maxargs: - limit[0] += 1 - continue - raise - - # copy func name to wrapper for sensible debug output - func_name = "" - try: - func_name = getattr(func, '__name__', - getattr(func, '__class__').__name__) - except Exception: - func_name = str(func) - wrapper.__name__ = func_name - - return wrapper - -class ParserElement(object): - """Abstract base level parser element class.""" - DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = " \n\t\r" - verbose_stacktrace = False - - @staticmethod - def setDefaultWhitespaceChars( chars ): - r""" - Overrides the default whitespace chars - - Example:: - # default whitespace chars are space, and newline - OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] - - # change to just treat newline as significant - ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") - OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def'] - """ - ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = chars - - @staticmethod - def inlineLiteralsUsing(cls): - """ - Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser. - - Example:: - # default literal class used is Literal - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - - # change to Suppress - ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '12', '31'] - """ - ParserElement._literalStringClass = cls - - def __init__( self, savelist=False ): - self.parseAction = list() - self.failAction = None - #~ self.name = "" # don't define self.name, let subclasses try/except upcall - self.strRepr = None - self.resultsName = None - self.saveAsList = savelist - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = True - self.mayReturnEmpty = False # used when checking for left-recursion - self.keepTabs = False - self.ignoreExprs = list() - self.debug = False - self.streamlined = False - self.mayIndexError = True # used to optimize exception handling for subclasses that don't advance parse index - self.errmsg = "" - self.modalResults = True # used to mark results names as modal (report only last) or cumulative (list all) - self.debugActions = ( None, None, None ) #custom debug actions - self.re = None - self.callPreparse = True # used to avoid redundant calls to preParse - self.callDuringTry = False - - def copy( self ): - """ - Make a copy of this C{ParserElement}. Useful for defining different parse actions - for the same parsing pattern, using copies of the original parse element. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - integerK = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024) + Suppress("K") - integerM = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M") - - print(OneOrMore(integerK | integerM | integer).parseString("5K 100 640K 256M")) - prints:: - [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456] - Equivalent form of C{expr.copy()} is just C{expr()}:: - integerM = integer().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M") - """ - cpy = copy.copy( self ) - cpy.parseAction = self.parseAction[:] - cpy.ignoreExprs = self.ignoreExprs[:] - if self.copyDefaultWhiteChars: - cpy.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - return cpy - - def setName( self, name ): - """ - Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer. - - Example:: - Word(nums).parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - """ - self.name = name - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - if hasattr(self,"exception"): - self.exception.msg = self.errmsg - return self - - def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ): - """ - Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute - of the returned parse results. - NOTE: this returns a *copy* of the original C{ParserElement} object; - this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an - integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names. - - You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, - C{expr("name")} in place of C{expr.setResultsName("name")} - - see L{I{__call__}<__call__>}. - - Example:: - date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("day")) - - # equivalent form: - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - """ - newself = self.copy() - if name.endswith("*"): - name = name[:-1] - listAllMatches=True - newself.resultsName = name - newself.modalResults = not listAllMatches - return newself - - def setBreak(self,breakFlag = True): - """Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is - about to be parsed. Set C{breakFlag} to True to enable, False to - disable. - """ - if breakFlag: - _parseMethod = self._parse - def breaker(instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True): - import pdb - pdb.set_trace() - return _parseMethod( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse ) - breaker._originalParseMethod = _parseMethod - self._parse = breaker - else: - if hasattr(self._parse,"_originalParseMethod"): - self._parse = self._parse._originalParseMethod - return self - - def setParseAction( self, *fns, **kwargs ): - """ - Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition. - Parse action fn is a callable method with 0-3 arguments, called as C{fn(s,loc,toks)}, - C{fn(loc,toks)}, C{fn(toks)}, or just C{fn()}, where: - - s = the original string being parsed (see note below) - - loc = the location of the matching substring - - toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a C{L{ParseResults}} object - If the functions in fns modify the tokens, they can return them as the return - value from fn, and the modified list of tokens will replace the original. - Otherwise, fn does not need to return any value. - - Optional keyword arguments: - - callDuringTry = (default=C{False}) indicate if parse action should be run during lookaheads and alternate testing - - Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string - before starting the parsing process. See L{I{parseString}} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - # use parse action to convert to ints at parse time - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> [1999, '/', 12, '/', 31] - """ - self.parseAction = list(map(_trim_arity, list(fns))) - self.callDuringTry = kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def addParseAction( self, *fns, **kwargs ): - """ - Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See L{I{setParseAction}}. - - See examples in L{I{copy}}. - """ - self.parseAction += list(map(_trim_arity, list(fns))) - self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def addCondition(self, *fns, **kwargs): - """Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See - L{I{setParseAction}} for function call signatures. Unlike C{setParseAction}, - functions passed to C{addCondition} need to return boolean success/fail of the condition. - - Optional keyword arguments: - - message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception - - fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise ParseException - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - year_int = integer.copy() - year_int.addCondition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later") - date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - """ - msg = kwargs.get("message", "failed user-defined condition") - exc_type = ParseFatalException if kwargs.get("fatal", False) else ParseException - for fn in fns: - def pa(s,l,t): - if not bool(_trim_arity(fn)(s,l,t)): - raise exc_type(s,l,msg) - self.parseAction.append(pa) - self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def setFailAction( self, fn ): - """Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. - Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments - C{fn(s,loc,expr,err)} where: - - s = string being parsed - - loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed - - expr = the parse expression that failed - - err = the exception thrown - The function returns no value. It may throw C{L{ParseFatalException}} - if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.""" - self.failAction = fn - return self - - def _skipIgnorables( self, instring, loc ): - exprsFound = True - while exprsFound: - exprsFound = False - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - try: - while 1: - loc,dummy = e._parse( instring, loc ) - exprsFound = True - except ParseException: - pass - return loc - - def preParse( self, instring, loc ): - if self.ignoreExprs: - loc = self._skipIgnorables( instring, loc ) - - if self.skipWhitespace: - wt = self.whiteChars - instrlen = len(instring) - while loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in wt: - loc += 1 - - return loc - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - return loc, [] - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return tokenlist - - #~ @profile - def _parseNoCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ): - debugging = ( self.debug ) #and doActions ) - - if debugging or self.failAction: - #~ print ("Match",self,"at loc",loc,"(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) )) - if (self.debugActions[0] ): - self.debugActions[0]( instring, loc, self ) - if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: - preloc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - tokensStart = preloc - try: - try: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - except IndexError: - raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self ) - except ParseBaseException as err: - #~ print ("Exception raised:", err) - if self.debugActions[2]: - self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - if self.failAction: - self.failAction( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - raise - else: - if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: - preloc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - tokensStart = preloc - if self.mayIndexError or preloc >= len(instring): - try: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - except IndexError: - raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self ) - else: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - - tokens = self.postParse( instring, loc, tokens ) - - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, self.resultsName, asList=self.saveAsList, modal=self.modalResults ) - if self.parseAction and (doActions or self.callDuringTry): - if debugging: - try: - for fn in self.parseAction: - tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens ) - if tokens is not None: - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, - self.resultsName, - asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), - modal=self.modalResults ) - except ParseBaseException as err: - #~ print "Exception raised in user parse action:", err - if (self.debugActions[2] ): - self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - raise - else: - for fn in self.parseAction: - tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens ) - if tokens is not None: - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, - self.resultsName, - asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), - modal=self.modalResults ) - if debugging: - #~ print ("Matched",self,"->",retTokens.asList()) - if (self.debugActions[1] ): - self.debugActions[1]( instring, tokensStart, loc, self, retTokens ) - - return loc, retTokens - - def tryParse( self, instring, loc ): - try: - return self._parse( instring, loc, doActions=False )[0] - except ParseFatalException: - raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - def canParseNext(self, instring, loc): - try: - self.tryParse(instring, loc) - except (ParseException, IndexError): - return False - else: - return True - - class _UnboundedCache(object): - def __init__(self): - cache = {} - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - if _OrderedDict is not None: - class _FifoCache(object): - def __init__(self, size): - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - cache = _OrderedDict() - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - while len(cache) > size: - try: - cache.popitem(False) - except KeyError: - pass - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - else: - class _FifoCache(object): - def __init__(self, size): - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - cache = {} - key_fifo = collections.deque([], size) - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - while len(key_fifo) > size: - cache.pop(key_fifo.popleft(), None) - key_fifo.append(key) - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - key_fifo.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - # argument cache for optimizing repeated calls when backtracking through recursive expressions - packrat_cache = {} # this is set later by enabledPackrat(); this is here so that resetCache() doesn't fail - packrat_cache_lock = RLock() - packrat_cache_stats = [0, 0] - - # this method gets repeatedly called during backtracking with the same arguments - - # we can cache these arguments and save ourselves the trouble of re-parsing the contained expression - def _parseCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ): - HIT, MISS = 0, 1 - lookup = (self, instring, loc, callPreParse, doActions) - with ParserElement.packrat_cache_lock: - cache = ParserElement.packrat_cache - value = cache.get(lookup) - if value is cache.not_in_cache: - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[MISS] += 1 - try: - value = self._parseNoCache(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) - except ParseBaseException as pe: - # cache a copy of the exception, without the traceback - cache.set(lookup, pe.__class__(*pe.args)) - raise - else: - cache.set(lookup, (value[0], value[1].copy())) - return value - else: - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[HIT] += 1 - if isinstance(value, Exception): - raise value - return (value[0], value[1].copy()) - - _parse = _parseNoCache - - @staticmethod - def resetCache(): - ParserElement.packrat_cache.clear() - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[:] = [0] * len(ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats) - - _packratEnabled = False - @staticmethod - def enablePackrat(cache_size_limit=128): - """Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. - Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens - often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, - instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of - both valid results and parsing exceptions. - - Parameters: - - cache_size_limit - (default=C{128}) - if an integer value is provided - will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then - the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will - be effectively disabled. - - This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that - have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when - you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your - program must call the class method C{ParserElement.enablePackrat()}. If - your program uses C{psyco} to "compile as you go", you must call - C{enablePackrat} before calling C{psyco.full()}. If you do not do this, - Python will crash. For best results, call C{enablePackrat()} immediately - after importing pyparsing. - - Example:: - import pyparsing - pyparsing.ParserElement.enablePackrat() - """ - if not ParserElement._packratEnabled: - ParserElement._packratEnabled = True - if cache_size_limit is None: - ParserElement.packrat_cache = ParserElement._UnboundedCache() - else: - ParserElement.packrat_cache = ParserElement._FifoCache(cache_size_limit) - ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseCache - - def parseString( self, instring, parseAll=False ): - """ - Execute the parse expression with the given string. - This is the main interface to the client code, once the complete - expression has been built. - - If you want the grammar to require that the entire input string be - successfully parsed, then set C{parseAll} to True (equivalent to ending - the grammar with C{L{StringEnd()}}). - - Note: C{parseString} implicitly calls C{expandtabs()} on the input string, - in order to report proper column numbers in parse actions. - If the input string contains tabs and - the grammar uses parse actions that use the C{loc} argument to index into the - string being parsed, you can ensure you have a consistent view of the input - string by: - - calling C{parseWithTabs} on your grammar before calling C{parseString} - (see L{I{parseWithTabs}}) - - define your parse action using the full C{(s,loc,toks)} signature, and - reference the input string using the parse action's C{s} argument - - explicitly expand the tabs in your input string before calling - C{parseString} - - Example:: - Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa') # -> ['aaaaa'] - Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa', parseAll=True) # -> Exception: Expected end of text - """ - ParserElement.resetCache() - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamline() - #~ self.saveAsList = True - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - e.streamline() - if not self.keepTabs: - instring = instring.expandtabs() - try: - loc, tokens = self._parse( instring, 0 ) - if parseAll: - loc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - se = Empty() + StringEnd() - se._parse( instring, loc ) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - else: - return tokens - - def scanString( self, instring, maxMatches=_MAX_INT, overlap=False ): - """ - Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the - matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional - C{maxMatches} argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If - C{overlap} is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported. - - Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string - being parsed. See L{I{parseString}} for more information on parsing - strings with embedded tabs. - - Example:: - source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987" - print(source) - for tokens,start,end in Word(alphas).scanString(source): - print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start)) - print(' '*start + tokens[0]) - - prints:: - - sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987 - ^^^^^ - sldjf - ^^^^^^^ - lsdjjkf - ^^^^^^ - sldkjf - ^^^^^^ - lkjsfd - """ - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamline() - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - e.streamline() - - if not self.keepTabs: - instring = _ustr(instring).expandtabs() - instrlen = len(instring) - loc = 0 - preparseFn = self.preParse - parseFn = self._parse - ParserElement.resetCache() - matches = 0 - try: - while loc <= instrlen and matches < maxMatches: - try: - preloc = preparseFn( instring, loc ) - nextLoc,tokens = parseFn( instring, preloc, callPreParse=False ) - except ParseException: - loc = preloc+1 - else: - if nextLoc > loc: - matches += 1 - yield tokens, preloc, nextLoc - if overlap: - nextloc = preparseFn( instring, loc ) - if nextloc > loc: - loc = nextLoc - else: - loc += 1 - else: - loc = nextLoc - else: - loc = preloc+1 - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def transformString( self, instring ): - """ - Extension to C{L{scanString}}, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may - be returned from a parse action. To use C{transformString}, define a grammar and - attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. - Invoking C{transformString()} on a target string will then scan for matches, - and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse - action. C{transformString()} returns the resulting transformed string. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - wd.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0].title()) - - print(wd.transformString("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york.")) - Prints:: - Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York. - """ - out = [] - lastE = 0 - # force preservation of s, to minimize unwanted transformation of string, and to - # keep string locs straight between transformString and scanString - self.keepTabs = True - try: - for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring ): - out.append( instring[lastE:s] ) - if t: - if isinstance(t,ParseResults): - out += t.asList() - elif isinstance(t,list): - out += t - else: - out.append(t) - lastE = e - out.append(instring[lastE:]) - out = [o for o in out if o] - return "".join(map(_ustr,_flatten(out))) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def searchString( self, instring, maxMatches=_MAX_INT ): - """ - Another extension to C{L{scanString}}, simplifying the access to the tokens found - to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional - C{maxMatches} argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found. - - Example:: - # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters - cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) - - print(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")) - - # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object - print(sum(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))) - prints:: - [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']] - ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity'] - """ - try: - return ParseResults([ t for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring, maxMatches ) ]) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def split(self, instring, maxsplit=_MAX_INT, includeSeparators=False): - """ - Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. - May be called with optional C{maxsplit} argument, to limit the number of splits; - and the optional C{includeSeparators} argument (default=C{False}), if the separating - matching text should be included in the split results. - - Example:: - punc = oneOf(list(".,;:/-!?")) - print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!"))) - prints:: - ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', ''] - """ - splits = 0 - last = 0 - for t,s,e in self.scanString(instring, maxMatches=maxsplit): - yield instring[last:s] - if includeSeparators: - yield t[0] - last = e - yield instring[last:] - - def __add__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of + operator - returns C{L{And}}. Adding strings to a ParserElement - converts them to L{Literal}s by default. - - Example:: - greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" - hello = "Hello, World!" - print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) - Prints:: - Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return And( [ self, other ] ) - - def __radd__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of + operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other + self - - def __sub__(self, other): - """ - Implementation of - operator, returns C{L{And}} with error stop - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return self + And._ErrorStop() + other - - def __rsub__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of - operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other - self - - def __mul__(self,other): - """ - Implementation of * operator, allows use of C{expr * 3} in place of - C{expr + expr + expr}. Expressions may also me multiplied by a 2-integer - tuple, similar to C{{min,max}} multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples - may also include C{None} as in: - - C{expr*(n,None)} or C{expr*(n,)} is equivalent - to C{expr*n + L{ZeroOrMore}(expr)} - (read as "at least n instances of C{expr}") - - C{expr*(None,n)} is equivalent to C{expr*(0,n)} - (read as "0 to n instances of C{expr}") - - C{expr*(None,None)} is equivalent to C{L{ZeroOrMore}(expr)} - - C{expr*(1,None)} is equivalent to C{L{OneOrMore}(expr)} - - Note that C{expr*(None,n)} does not raise an exception if - more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, - C{expr*(None,n)} does not enforce a maximum number of expr - occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write - C{expr*(None,n) + ~expr} - """ - if isinstance(other,int): - minElements, optElements = other,0 - elif isinstance(other,tuple): - other = (other + (None, None))[:2] - if other[0] is None: - other = (0, other[1]) - if isinstance(other[0],int) and other[1] is None: - if other[0] == 0: - return ZeroOrMore(self) - if other[0] == 1: - return OneOrMore(self) - else: - return self*other[0] + ZeroOrMore(self) - elif isinstance(other[0],int) and isinstance(other[1],int): - minElements, optElements = other - optElements -= minElements - else: - raise TypeError("cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and ('%s','%s') objects", type(other[0]),type(other[1])) - else: - raise TypeError("cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and '%s' objects", type(other)) - - if minElements < 0: - raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by negative value") - if optElements < 0: - raise ValueError("second tuple value must be greater or equal to first tuple value") - if minElements == optElements == 0: - raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by 0 or (0,0)") - - if (optElements): - def makeOptionalList(n): - if n>1: - return Optional(self + makeOptionalList(n-1)) - else: - return Optional(self) - if minElements: - if minElements == 1: - ret = self + makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - ret = And([self]*minElements) + makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - ret = makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - if minElements == 1: - ret = self - else: - ret = And([self]*minElements) - return ret - - def __rmul__(self, other): - return self.__mul__(other) - - def __or__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of | operator - returns C{L{MatchFirst}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return MatchFirst( [ self, other ] ) - - def __ror__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of | operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other | self - - def __xor__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of ^ operator - returns C{L{Or}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return Or( [ self, other ] ) - - def __rxor__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of ^ operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other ^ self - - def __and__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of & operator - returns C{L{Each}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return Each( [ self, other ] ) - - def __rand__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of & operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other & self - - def __invert__( self ): - """ - Implementation of ~ operator - returns C{L{NotAny}} - """ - return NotAny( self ) - - def __call__(self, name=None): - """ - Shortcut for C{L{setResultsName}}, with C{listAllMatches=False}. - - If C{name} is given with a trailing C{'*'} character, then C{listAllMatches} will be - passed as C{True}. - - If C{name} is omitted, same as calling C{L{copy}}. - - Example:: - # these are equivalent - userdata = Word(alphas).setResultsName("name") + Word(nums+"-").setResultsName("socsecno") - userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums+"-")("socsecno") - """ - if name is not None: - return self.setResultsName(name) - else: - return self.copy() - - def suppress( self ): - """ - Suppresses the output of this C{ParserElement}; useful to keep punctuation from - cluttering up returned output. - """ - return Suppress( self ) - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - """ - Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the - C{ParserElement}'s defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by - the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars. - """ - self.skipWhitespace = False - return self - - def setWhitespaceChars( self, chars ): - """ - Overrides the default whitespace chars - """ - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.whiteChars = chars - self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = False - return self - - def parseWithTabs( self ): - """ - Overrides default behavior to expand C{}s to spaces before parsing the input string. - Must be called before C{parseString} when the input grammar contains elements that - match C{} characters. - """ - self.keepTabs = True - return self - - def ignore( self, other ): - """ - Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern - matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other - ignorable patterns. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj'] - - patt.ignore(cStyleComment) - patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd'] - """ - if isinstance(other, basestring): - other = Suppress(other) - - if isinstance( other, Suppress ): - if other not in self.ignoreExprs: - self.ignoreExprs.append(other) - else: - self.ignoreExprs.append( Suppress( other.copy() ) ) - return self - - def setDebugActions( self, startAction, successAction, exceptionAction ): - """ - Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. - """ - self.debugActions = (startAction or _defaultStartDebugAction, - successAction or _defaultSuccessDebugAction, - exceptionAction or _defaultExceptionDebugAction) - self.debug = True - return self - - def setDebug( self, flag=True ): - """ - Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. - Set C{flag} to True to enable, False to disable. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas).setName("alphaword") - integer = Word(nums).setName("numword") - term = wd | integer - - # turn on debugging for wd - wd.setDebug() - - OneOrMore(term).parseString("abc 123 xyz 890") - - prints:: - Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1) - Matched alphaword -> ['abc'] - Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) - Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8) - Matched alphaword -> ['xyz'] - Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13) - Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16) - - The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be - specified using L{setDebugActions}. Prior to attempting - to match the C{wd} expression, the debugging message C{"Match at loc (,)"} - is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a C{"Matched"} message is shown, or an C{"Exception raised"} - message is shown. Also note the use of L{setName} to assign a human-readable name to the expression, - which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default - name created for the C{Word} expression without calling C{setName} is C{"W:(ABCD...)"}. - """ - if flag: - self.setDebugActions( _defaultStartDebugAction, _defaultSuccessDebugAction, _defaultExceptionDebugAction ) - else: - self.debug = False - return self - - def __str__( self ): - return self.name - - def __repr__( self ): - return _ustr(self) - - def streamline( self ): - self.streamlined = True - self.strRepr = None - return self - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - pass - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - """ - Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions. - """ - self.checkRecursion( [] ) - - def parseFile( self, file_or_filename, parseAll=False ): - """ - Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. - If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), - the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing. - """ - try: - file_contents = file_or_filename.read() - except AttributeError: - with open(file_or_filename, "r") as f: - file_contents = f.read() - try: - return self.parseString(file_contents, parseAll) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def __eq__(self,other): - if isinstance(other, ParserElement): - return self is other or vars(self) == vars(other) - elif isinstance(other, basestring): - return self.matches(other) - else: - return super(ParserElement,self)==other - - def __ne__(self,other): - return not (self == other) - - def __hash__(self): - return hash(id(self)) - - def __req__(self,other): - return self == other - - def __rne__(self,other): - return not (self == other) - - def matches(self, testString, parseAll=True): - """ - Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple - inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser. - - Parameters: - - testString - to test against this expression for a match - - parseAll - (default=C{True}) - flag to pass to C{L{parseString}} when running tests - - Example:: - expr = Word(nums) - assert expr.matches("100") - """ - try: - self.parseString(_ustr(testString), parseAll=parseAll) - return True - except ParseBaseException: - return False - - def runTests(self, tests, parseAll=True, comment='#', fullDump=True, printResults=True, failureTests=False): - """ - Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each - test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to - run a parse expression against a list of sample strings. - - Parameters: - - tests - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings - - parseAll - (default=C{True}) - flag to pass to C{L{parseString}} when running tests - - comment - (default=C{'#'}) - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test - string; pass None to disable comment filtering - - fullDump - (default=C{True}) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; - if False, only dump nested list - - printResults - (default=C{True}) prints test output to stdout - - failureTests - (default=C{False}) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing - - Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded - (or failed if C{failureTests} is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each - test's output - - Example:: - number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy() - - result = number_expr.runTests(''' - # unsigned integer - 100 - # negative integer - -100 - # float with scientific notation - 6.02e23 - # integer with scientific notation - 1e-12 - ''') - print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") - - result = number_expr.runTests(''' - # stray character - 100Z - # missing leading digit before '.' - -.100 - # too many '.' - 3.14.159 - ''', failureTests=True) - print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") - prints:: - # unsigned integer - 100 - [100] - - # negative integer - -100 - [-100] - - # float with scientific notation - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - # integer with scientific notation - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - Success - - # stray character - 100Z - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4) - - # missing leading digit before '.' - -.100 - ^ - FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - - # too many '.' - 3.14.159 - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) - - Success - - Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple - lines, create a test like this:: - - expr.runTest(r"this is a test\\n of strings that spans \\n 3 lines") - - (Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading 'r'.) - """ - if isinstance(tests, basestring): - tests = list(map(str.strip, tests.rstrip().splitlines())) - if isinstance(comment, basestring): - comment = Literal(comment) - allResults = [] - comments = [] - success = True - for t in tests: - if comment is not None and comment.matches(t, False) or comments and not t: - comments.append(t) - continue - if not t: - continue - out = ['\n'.join(comments), t] - comments = [] - try: - t = t.replace(r'\n','\n') - result = self.parseString(t, parseAll=parseAll) - out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) - success = success and not failureTests - except ParseBaseException as pe: - fatal = "(FATAL)" if isinstance(pe, ParseFatalException) else "" - if '\n' in t: - out.append(line(pe.loc, t)) - out.append(' '*(col(pe.loc,t)-1) + '^' + fatal) - else: - out.append(' '*pe.loc + '^' + fatal) - out.append("FAIL: " + str(pe)) - success = success and failureTests - result = pe - except Exception as exc: - out.append("FAIL-EXCEPTION: " + str(exc)) - success = success and failureTests - result = exc - - if printResults: - if fullDump: - out.append('') - print('\n'.join(out)) - - allResults.append((t, result)) - - return success, allResults - - -class Token(ParserElement): - """ - Abstract C{ParserElement} subclass, for defining atomic matching patterns. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(Token,self).__init__( savelist=False ) - - -class Empty(Token): - """ - An empty token, will always match. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(Empty,self).__init__() - self.name = "Empty" - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - - -class NoMatch(Token): - """ - A token that will never match. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(NoMatch,self).__init__() - self.name = "NoMatch" - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - self.errmsg = "Unmatchable token" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - -class Literal(Token): - """ - Token to exactly match a specified string. - - Example:: - Literal('blah').parseString('blah') # -> ['blah'] - Literal('blah').parseString('blahfooblah') # -> ['blah'] - Literal('blah').parseString('bla') # -> Exception: Expected "blah" - - For case-insensitive matching, use L{CaselessLiteral}. - - For keyword matching (force word break before and after the matched string), - use L{Keyword} or L{CaselessKeyword}. - """ - def __init__( self, matchString ): - super(Literal,self).__init__() - self.match = matchString - self.matchLen = len(matchString) - try: - self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0] - except IndexError: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - self.__class__ = Empty - self.name = '"%s"' % _ustr(self.match) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - self.mayIndexError = False - - # Performance tuning: this routine gets called a *lot* - # if this is a single character match string and the first character matches, - # short-circuit as quickly as possible, and avoid calling startswith - #~ @profile - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and - (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) -_L = Literal -ParserElement._literalStringClass = Literal - -class Keyword(Token): - """ - Token to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, it must be - immediately followed by a non-keyword character. Compare with C{L{Literal}}: - - C{Literal("if")} will match the leading C{'if'} in C{'ifAndOnlyIf'}. - - C{Keyword("if")} will not; it will only match the leading C{'if'} in C{'if x=1'}, or C{'if(y==2)'} - Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the keyword string: - - C{identChars} is a string of characters that would be valid identifier characters, - defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and "$" - - C{caseless} allows case-insensitive matching, default is C{False}. - - Example:: - Keyword("start").parseString("start") # -> ['start'] - Keyword("start").parseString("starting") # -> Exception - - For case-insensitive matching, use L{CaselessKeyword}. - """ - DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = alphanums+"_$" - - def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=None, caseless=False ): - super(Keyword,self).__init__() - if identChars is None: - identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS - self.match = matchString - self.matchLen = len(matchString) - try: - self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0] - except IndexError: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - self.name = '"%s"' % self.match - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - self.mayIndexError = False - self.caseless = caseless - if caseless: - self.caselessmatch = matchString.upper() - identChars = identChars.upper() - self.identChars = set(identChars) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.caseless: - if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) and - (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1].upper() not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - else: - if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and - (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen] not in self.identChars) and - (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1] not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - def copy(self): - c = super(Keyword,self).copy() - c.identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS - return c - - @staticmethod - def setDefaultKeywordChars( chars ): - """Overrides the default Keyword chars - """ - Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = chars - -class CaselessLiteral(Literal): - """ - Token to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters. - Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given - match string, NOT the case of the input text. - - Example:: - OneOrMore(CaselessLiteral("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD', 'CMD'] - - (Contrast with example for L{CaselessKeyword}.) - """ - def __init__( self, matchString ): - super(CaselessLiteral,self).__init__( matchString.upper() ) - # Preserve the defining literal. - self.returnString = matchString - self.name = "'%s'" % self.returnString - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.match: - return loc+self.matchLen, self.returnString - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class CaselessKeyword(Keyword): - """ - Caseless version of L{Keyword}. - - Example:: - OneOrMore(CaselessKeyword("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD'] - - (Contrast with example for L{CaselessLiteral}.) - """ - def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=None ): - super(CaselessKeyword,self).__init__( matchString, identChars, caseless=True ) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class CloseMatch(Token): - """ - A variation on L{Literal} which matches "close" matches, that is, - strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. C{CloseMatch} takes parameters: - - C{match_string} - string to be matched - - C{maxMismatches} - (C{default=1}) maximum number of mismatches allowed to count as a match - - The results from a successful parse will contain the matched text from the input string and the following named results: - - C{mismatches} - a list of the positions within the match_string where mismatches were found - - C{original} - the original match_string used to compare against the input string - - If C{mismatches} is an empty list, then the match was an exact match. - - Example:: - patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA") - patt.parseString("ATCATCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> Exception: Expected 'ATCATCGAATGGA' (with up to 1 mismatches) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - - # exact match - patt.parseString("ATCATCGAATGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAATGGA'], {'mismatches': [[]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - - # close match allowing up to 2 mismatches - patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA", maxMismatches=2) - patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCAXCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[4, 9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - """ - def __init__(self, match_string, maxMismatches=1): - super(CloseMatch,self).__init__() - self.name = match_string - self.match_string = match_string - self.maxMismatches = maxMismatches - self.errmsg = "Expected %r (with up to %d mismatches)" % (self.match_string, self.maxMismatches) - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - start = loc - instrlen = len(instring) - maxloc = start + len(self.match_string) - - if maxloc <= instrlen: - match_string = self.match_string - match_stringloc = 0 - mismatches = [] - maxMismatches = self.maxMismatches - - for match_stringloc,s_m in enumerate(zip(instring[loc:maxloc], self.match_string)): - src,mat = s_m - if src != mat: - mismatches.append(match_stringloc) - if len(mismatches) > maxMismatches: - break - else: - loc = match_stringloc + 1 - results = ParseResults([instring[start:loc]]) - results['original'] = self.match_string - results['mismatches'] = mismatches - return loc, results - - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - -class Word(Token): - """ - Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets. - Defined with string containing all allowed initial characters, - an optional string containing allowed body characters (if omitted, - defaults to the initial character set), and an optional minimum, - maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for C{min} is 1 (a - minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for C{max} and C{exact} - are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. An optional - C{excludeChars} parameter can list characters that might be found in - the input C{bodyChars} string; useful to define a word of all printables - except for one or two characters, for instance. - - L{srange} is useful for defining custom character set strings for defining - C{Word} expressions, using range notation from regular expression character sets. - - A common mistake is to use C{Word} to match a specific literal string, as in - C{Word("Address")}. Remember that C{Word} uses the string argument to define - I{sets} of matchable characters. This expression would match "Add", "AAA", - "dAred", or any other word made up of the characters 'A', 'd', 'r', 'e', and 's'. - To match an exact literal string, use L{Literal} or L{Keyword}. - - pyparsing includes helper strings for building Words: - - L{alphas} - - L{nums} - - L{alphanums} - - L{hexnums} - - L{alphas8bit} (alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - accented, tilded, umlauted, etc.) - - L{punc8bit} (non-alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - currency, symbols, superscripts, diacriticals, etc.) - - L{printables} (any non-whitespace character) - - Example:: - # a word composed of digits - integer = Word(nums) # equivalent to Word("0123456789") or Word(srange("0-9")) - - # a word with a leading capital, and zero or more lowercase - capital_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) - - # hostnames are alphanumeric, with leading alpha, and '-' - hostname = Word(alphas, alphanums+'-') - - # roman numeral (not a strict parser, accepts invalid mix of characters) - roman = Word("IVXLCDM") - - # any string of non-whitespace characters, except for ',' - csv_value = Word(printables, excludeChars=",") - """ - def __init__( self, initChars, bodyChars=None, min=1, max=0, exact=0, asKeyword=False, excludeChars=None ): - super(Word,self).__init__() - if excludeChars: - initChars = ''.join(c for c in initChars if c not in excludeChars) - if bodyChars: - bodyChars = ''.join(c for c in bodyChars if c not in excludeChars) - self.initCharsOrig = initChars - self.initChars = set(initChars) - if bodyChars : - self.bodyCharsOrig = bodyChars - self.bodyChars = set(bodyChars) - else: - self.bodyCharsOrig = initChars - self.bodyChars = set(initChars) - - self.maxSpecified = max > 0 - - if min < 1: - raise ValueError("cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(Word()) if zero-length word is permitted") - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.asKeyword = asKeyword - - if ' ' not in self.initCharsOrig+self.bodyCharsOrig and (min==1 and max==0 and exact==0): - if self.bodyCharsOrig == self.initCharsOrig: - self.reString = "[%s]+" % _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig) - elif len(self.initCharsOrig) == 1: - self.reString = "%s[%s]*" % \ - (re.escape(self.initCharsOrig), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),) - else: - self.reString = "[%s][%s]*" % \ - (_escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),) - if self.asKeyword: - self.reString = r"\b"+self.reString+r"\b" - try: - self.re = re.compile( self.reString ) - except Exception: - self.re = None - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.re: - result = self.re.match(instring,loc) - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - return loc, result.group() - - if not(instring[ loc ] in self.initChars): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - start = loc - loc += 1 - instrlen = len(instring) - bodychars = self.bodyChars - maxloc = start + self.maxLen - maxloc = min( maxloc, instrlen ) - while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in bodychars: - loc += 1 - - throwException = False - if loc - start < self.minLen: - throwException = True - if self.maxSpecified and loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in bodychars: - throwException = True - if self.asKeyword: - if (start>0 and instring[start-1] in bodychars) or (loc4: - return s[:4]+"..." - else: - return s - - if ( self.initCharsOrig != self.bodyCharsOrig ): - self.strRepr = "W:(%s,%s)" % ( charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig), charsAsStr(self.bodyCharsOrig) ) - else: - self.strRepr = "W:(%s)" % charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig) - - return self.strRepr - - -class Regex(Token): - r""" - Token for matching strings that match a given regular expression. - Defined with string specifying the regular expression in a form recognized by the inbuilt Python re module. - If the given regex contains named groups (defined using C{(?P...)}), these will be preserved as - named parse results. - - Example:: - realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*") - date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d?)-(?P\d\d?)') - # ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression - roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})") - """ - compiledREtype = type(re.compile("[A-Z]")) - def __init__( self, pattern, flags=0): - """The parameters C{pattern} and C{flags} are passed to the C{re.compile()} function as-is. See the Python C{re} module for an explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags.""" - super(Regex,self).__init__() - - if isinstance(pattern, basestring): - if not pattern: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Regex; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - - self.pattern = pattern - self.flags = flags - - try: - self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) - self.reString = self.pattern - except sre_constants.error: - warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % pattern, - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - raise - - elif isinstance(pattern, Regex.compiledREtype): - self.re = pattern - self.pattern = \ - self.reString = str(pattern) - self.flags = flags - - else: - raise ValueError("Regex may only be constructed with a string or a compiled RE object") - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - result = self.re.match(instring,loc) - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - d = result.groupdict() - ret = ParseResults(result.group()) - if d: - for k in d: - ret[k] = d[k] - return loc,ret - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(Regex,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "Re:(%s)" % repr(self.pattern) - - return self.strRepr - - -class QuotedString(Token): - r""" - Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters. - - Defined with the following parameters: - - quoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the quote delimiting string - - escChar - character to escape quotes, typically backslash (default=C{None}) - - escQuote - special quote sequence to escape an embedded quote string (such as SQL's "" to escape an embedded ") (default=C{None}) - - multiline - boolean indicating whether quotes can span multiple lines (default=C{False}) - - unquoteResults - boolean indicating whether the matched text should be unquoted (default=C{True}) - - endQuoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the end of the quote delimited string (default=C{None} => same as quoteChar) - - convertWhitespaceEscapes - convert escaped whitespace (C{'\t'}, C{'\n'}, etc.) to actual whitespace (default=C{True}) - - Example:: - qs = QuotedString('"') - print(qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote" sldjf')) - complex_qs = QuotedString('{{', endQuoteChar='}}') - print(complex_qs.searchString('lsjdf {{This is the "quote"}} sldjf')) - sql_qs = QuotedString('"', escQuote='""') - print(sql_qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote with ""embedded"" quotes" sldjf')) - prints:: - [['This is the quote']] - [['This is the "quote"']] - [['This is the quote with "embedded" quotes']] - """ - def __init__( self, quoteChar, escChar=None, escQuote=None, multiline=False, unquoteResults=True, endQuoteChar=None, convertWhitespaceEscapes=True): - super(QuotedString,self).__init__() - - # remove white space from quote chars - wont work anyway - quoteChar = quoteChar.strip() - if not quoteChar: - warnings.warn("quoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2) - raise SyntaxError() - - if endQuoteChar is None: - endQuoteChar = quoteChar - else: - endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar.strip() - if not endQuoteChar: - warnings.warn("endQuoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2) - raise SyntaxError() - - self.quoteChar = quoteChar - self.quoteCharLen = len(quoteChar) - self.firstQuoteChar = quoteChar[0] - self.endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar - self.endQuoteCharLen = len(endQuoteChar) - self.escChar = escChar - self.escQuote = escQuote - self.unquoteResults = unquoteResults - self.convertWhitespaceEscapes = convertWhitespaceEscapes - - if multiline: - self.flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL - self.pattern = r'%s(?:[^%s%s]' % \ - ( re.escape(self.quoteChar), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), - (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') ) - else: - self.flags = 0 - self.pattern = r'%s(?:[^%s\n\r%s]' % \ - ( re.escape(self.quoteChar), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), - (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') ) - if len(self.endQuoteChar) > 1: - self.pattern += ( - '|(?:' + ')|(?:'.join("%s[^%s]" % (re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[:i]), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[i])) - for i in range(len(self.endQuoteChar)-1,0,-1)) + ')' - ) - if escQuote: - self.pattern += (r'|(?:%s)' % re.escape(escQuote)) - if escChar: - self.pattern += (r'|(?:%s.)' % re.escape(escChar)) - self.escCharReplacePattern = re.escape(self.escChar)+"(.)" - self.pattern += (r')*%s' % re.escape(self.endQuoteChar)) - - try: - self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) - self.reString = self.pattern - except sre_constants.error: - warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % self.pattern, - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - raise - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - result = instring[loc] == self.firstQuoteChar and self.re.match(instring,loc) or None - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - ret = result.group() - - if self.unquoteResults: - - # strip off quotes - ret = ret[self.quoteCharLen:-self.endQuoteCharLen] - - if isinstance(ret,basestring): - # replace escaped whitespace - if '\\' in ret and self.convertWhitespaceEscapes: - ws_map = { - r'\t' : '\t', - r'\n' : '\n', - r'\f' : '\f', - r'\r' : '\r', - } - for wslit,wschar in ws_map.items(): - ret = ret.replace(wslit, wschar) - - # replace escaped characters - if self.escChar: - ret = re.sub(self.escCharReplacePattern, r"\g<1>", ret) - - # replace escaped quotes - if self.escQuote: - ret = ret.replace(self.escQuote, self.endQuoteChar) - - return loc, ret - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(QuotedString,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "quoted string, starting with %s ending with %s" % (self.quoteChar, self.endQuoteChar) - - return self.strRepr - - -class CharsNotIn(Token): - """ - Token for matching words composed of characters I{not} in a given set (will - include whitespace in matched characters if not listed in the provided exclusion set - see example). - Defined with string containing all disallowed characters, and an optional - minimum, maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for C{min} is 1 (a - minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for C{max} and C{exact} - are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. - - Example:: - # define a comma-separated-value as anything that is not a ',' - csv_value = CharsNotIn(',') - print(delimitedList(csv_value).parseString("dkls,lsdkjf,s12 34,@!#,213")) - prints:: - ['dkls', 'lsdkjf', 's12 34', '@!#', '213'] - """ - def __init__( self, notChars, min=1, max=0, exact=0 ): - super(CharsNotIn,self).__init__() - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.notChars = notChars - - if min < 1: - raise ValueError("cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(CharsNotIn()) if zero-length char group is permitted") - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = ( self.minLen == 0 ) - self.mayIndexError = False - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if instring[loc] in self.notChars: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - start = loc - loc += 1 - notchars = self.notChars - maxlen = min( start+self.maxLen, len(instring) ) - while loc < maxlen and \ - (instring[loc] not in notchars): - loc += 1 - - if loc - start < self.minLen: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - return loc, instring[start:loc] - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(CharsNotIn, self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - if len(self.notChars) > 4: - self.strRepr = "!W:(%s...)" % self.notChars[:4] - else: - self.strRepr = "!W:(%s)" % self.notChars - - return self.strRepr - -class White(Token): - """ - Special matching class for matching whitespace. Normally, whitespace is ignored - by pyparsing grammars. This class is included when some whitespace structures - are significant. Define with a string containing the whitespace characters to be - matched; default is C{" \\t\\r\\n"}. Also takes optional C{min}, C{max}, and C{exact} arguments, - as defined for the C{L{Word}} class. - """ - whiteStrs = { - " " : "", - "\t": "", - "\n": "", - "\r": "", - "\f": "", - } - def __init__(self, ws=" \t\r\n", min=1, max=0, exact=0): - super(White,self).__init__() - self.matchWhite = ws - self.setWhitespaceChars( "".join(c for c in self.whiteChars if c not in self.matchWhite) ) - #~ self.leaveWhitespace() - self.name = ("".join(White.whiteStrs[c] for c in self.matchWhite)) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if not(instring[ loc ] in self.matchWhite): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - start = loc - loc += 1 - maxloc = start + self.maxLen - maxloc = min( maxloc, len(instring) ) - while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in self.matchWhite: - loc += 1 - - if loc - start < self.minLen: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - return loc, instring[start:loc] - - -class _PositionToken(Token): - def __init__( self ): - super(_PositionToken,self).__init__() - self.name=self.__class__.__name__ - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - -class GoToColumn(_PositionToken): - """ - Token to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for tabular report scraping. - """ - def __init__( self, colno ): - super(GoToColumn,self).__init__() - self.col = colno - - def preParse( self, instring, loc ): - if col(loc,instring) != self.col: - instrlen = len(instring) - if self.ignoreExprs: - loc = self._skipIgnorables( instring, loc ) - while loc < instrlen and instring[loc].isspace() and col( loc, instring ) != self.col : - loc += 1 - return loc - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - thiscol = col( loc, instring ) - if thiscol > self.col: - raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Text not in expected column", self ) - newloc = loc + self.col - thiscol - ret = instring[ loc: newloc ] - return newloc, ret - - -class LineStart(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if current position is at the beginning of a line within the parse string - - Example:: - - test = '''\ - AAA this line - AAA and this line - AAA but not this one - B AAA and definitely not this one - ''' - - for t in (LineStart() + 'AAA' + restOfLine).searchString(test): - print(t) - - Prints:: - ['AAA', ' this line'] - ['AAA', ' and this line'] - - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(LineStart,self).__init__() - self.errmsg = "Expected start of line" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if col(loc, instring) == 1: - return loc, [] - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class LineEnd(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if current position is at the end of a line within the parse string - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(LineEnd,self).__init__() - self.setWhitespaceChars( ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS.replace("\n","") ) - self.errmsg = "Expected end of line" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if loc len(instring): - return loc, [] - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class WordStart(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if the current position is at the beginning of a Word, and - is not preceded by any character in a given set of C{wordChars} - (default=C{printables}). To emulate the C{\b} behavior of regular expressions, - use C{WordStart(alphanums)}. C{WordStart} will also match at the beginning of - the string being parsed, or at the beginning of a line. - """ - def __init__(self, wordChars = printables): - super(WordStart,self).__init__() - self.wordChars = set(wordChars) - self.errmsg = "Not at the start of a word" - - def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if loc != 0: - if (instring[loc-1] in self.wordChars or - instring[loc] not in self.wordChars): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - return loc, [] - -class WordEnd(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if the current position is at the end of a Word, and - is not followed by any character in a given set of C{wordChars} - (default=C{printables}). To emulate the C{\b} behavior of regular expressions, - use C{WordEnd(alphanums)}. C{WordEnd} will also match at the end of - the string being parsed, or at the end of a line. - """ - def __init__(self, wordChars = printables): - super(WordEnd,self).__init__() - self.wordChars = set(wordChars) - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.errmsg = "Not at the end of a word" - - def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - instrlen = len(instring) - if instrlen>0 and loc maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - except IndexError: - if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: - maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self) - maxExcLoc = len(instring) - else: - # save match among all matches, to retry longest to shortest - matches.append((loc2, e)) - - if matches: - matches.sort(key=lambda x: -x[0]) - for _,e in matches: - try: - return e._parse( instring, loc, doActions ) - except ParseException as err: - err.__traceback__ = None - if err.loc > maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - - if maxException is not None: - maxException.msg = self.errmsg - raise maxException - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self) - - - def __ixor__(self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - return self.append( other ) #Or( [ self, other ] ) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " ^ ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class MatchFirst(ParseExpression): - """ - Requires that at least one C{ParseExpression} is found. - If two expressions match, the first one listed is the one that will match. - May be constructed using the C{'|'} operator. - - Example:: - # construct MatchFirst using '|' operator - - # watch the order of expressions to match - number = Word(nums) | Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) - print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Fail! -> [['123'], ['3'], ['1416'], ['789']] - - # put more selective expression first - number = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) | Word(nums) - print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Better -> [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] - """ - def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = False ): - super(MatchFirst,self).__init__(exprs, savelist) - if self.exprs: - self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) - else: - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - maxExcLoc = -1 - maxException = None - for e in self.exprs: - try: - ret = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions ) - return ret - except ParseException as err: - if err.loc > maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - except IndexError: - if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: - maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self) - maxExcLoc = len(instring) - - # only got here if no expression matched, raise exception for match that made it the furthest - else: - if maxException is not None: - maxException.msg = self.errmsg - raise maxException - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self) - - def __ior__(self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - return self.append( other ) #MatchFirst( [ self, other ] ) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " | ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class Each(ParseExpression): - """ - Requires all given C{ParseExpression}s to be found, but in any order. - Expressions may be separated by whitespace. - May be constructed using the C{'&'} operator. - - Example:: - color = oneOf("RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE BROWN") - shape_type = oneOf("SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE STAR HEXAGON OCTAGON") - integer = Word(nums) - shape_attr = "shape:" + shape_type("shape") - posn_attr = "posn:" + Group(integer("x") + ',' + integer("y"))("posn") - color_attr = "color:" + color("color") - size_attr = "size:" + integer("size") - - # use Each (using operator '&') to accept attributes in any order - # (shape and posn are required, color and size are optional) - shape_spec = shape_attr & posn_attr & Optional(color_attr) & Optional(size_attr) - - shape_spec.runTests(''' - shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 - shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 - color:GREEN size:20 shape:TRIANGLE posn:20,40 - ''' - ) - prints:: - shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 - ['shape:', 'SQUARE', 'color:', 'BLACK', 'posn:', ['100', ',', '120']] - - color: BLACK - - posn: ['100', ',', '120'] - - x: 100 - - y: 120 - - shape: SQUARE - - - shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 - ['shape:', 'CIRCLE', 'size:', '50', 'color:', 'BLUE', 'posn:', ['50', ',', '80']] - - color: BLUE - - posn: ['50', ',', '80'] - - x: 50 - - y: 80 - - shape: CIRCLE - - size: 50 - - - color: GREEN size: 20 shape: TRIANGLE posn: 20,40 - ['color:', 'GREEN', 'size:', '20', 'shape:', 'TRIANGLE', 'posn:', ['20', ',', '40']] - - color: GREEN - - posn: ['20', ',', '40'] - - x: 20 - - y: 40 - - shape: TRIANGLE - - size: 20 - """ - def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = True ): - super(Each,self).__init__(exprs, savelist) - self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.initExprGroups = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.initExprGroups: - self.opt1map = dict((id(e.expr),e) for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional)) - opt1 = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional) ] - opt2 = [ e for e in self.exprs if e.mayReturnEmpty and not isinstance(e,Optional)] - self.optionals = opt1 + opt2 - self.multioptionals = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,ZeroOrMore) ] - self.multirequired = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,OneOrMore) ] - self.required = [ e for e in self.exprs if not isinstance(e,(Optional,ZeroOrMore,OneOrMore)) ] - self.required += self.multirequired - self.initExprGroups = False - tmpLoc = loc - tmpReqd = self.required[:] - tmpOpt = self.optionals[:] - matchOrder = [] - - keepMatching = True - while keepMatching: - tmpExprs = tmpReqd + tmpOpt + self.multioptionals + self.multirequired - failed = [] - for e in tmpExprs: - try: - tmpLoc = e.tryParse( instring, tmpLoc ) - except ParseException: - failed.append(e) - else: - matchOrder.append(self.opt1map.get(id(e),e)) - if e in tmpReqd: - tmpReqd.remove(e) - elif e in tmpOpt: - tmpOpt.remove(e) - if len(failed) == len(tmpExprs): - keepMatching = False - - if tmpReqd: - missing = ", ".join(_ustr(e) for e in tmpReqd) - raise ParseException(instring,loc,"Missing one or more required elements (%s)" % missing ) - - # add any unmatched Optionals, in case they have default values defined - matchOrder += [e for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional) and e.expr in tmpOpt] - - resultlist = [] - for e in matchOrder: - loc,results = e._parse(instring,loc,doActions) - resultlist.append(results) - - finalResults = sum(resultlist, ParseResults([])) - return loc, finalResults - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " & ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class ParseElementEnhance(ParserElement): - """ - Abstract subclass of C{ParserElement}, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens. - """ - def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ): - super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__init__(savelist) - if isinstance( expr, basestring ): - if issubclass(ParserElement._literalStringClass, Token): - expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) - else: - expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(Literal(expr)) - self.expr = expr - self.strRepr = None - if expr is not None: - self.mayIndexError = expr.mayIndexError - self.mayReturnEmpty = expr.mayReturnEmpty - self.setWhitespaceChars( expr.whiteChars ) - self.skipWhitespace = expr.skipWhitespace - self.saveAsList = expr.saveAsList - self.callPreparse = expr.callPreparse - self.ignoreExprs.extend(expr.ignoreExprs) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.expr is not None: - return self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - else: - raise ParseException("",loc,self.errmsg,self) - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.expr = self.expr.copy() - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.leaveWhitespace() - return self - - def ignore( self, other ): - if isinstance( other, Suppress ): - if other not in self.ignoreExprs: - super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other ) - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] ) - else: - super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other ) - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] ) - return self - - def streamline( self ): - super(ParseElementEnhance,self).streamline() - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.streamline() - return self - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - if self in parseElementList: - raise RecursiveGrammarException( parseElementList+[self] ) - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.validate(tmp) - self.checkRecursion( [] ) - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None and self.expr is not None: - self.strRepr = "%s:(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, _ustr(self.expr) ) - return self.strRepr - - -class FollowedBy(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Lookahead matching of the given parse expression. C{FollowedBy} - does I{not} advance the parsing position within the input string, it only - verifies that the specified parse expression matches at the current - position. C{FollowedBy} always returns a null token list. - - Example:: - # use FollowedBy to match a label only if it is followed by a ':' - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString("shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: upper left").pprint() - prints:: - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['color', 'BLACK'], ['posn', 'upper left']] - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(FollowedBy,self).__init__(expr) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - self.expr.tryParse( instring, loc ) - return loc, [] - - -class NotAny(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Lookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression. C{NotAny} - does I{not} advance the parsing position within the input string, it only - verifies that the specified parse expression does I{not} match at the current - position. Also, C{NotAny} does I{not} skip over leading whitespace. C{NotAny} - always returns a null token list. May be constructed using the '~' operator. - - Example:: - - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(NotAny,self).__init__(expr) - #~ self.leaveWhitespace() - self.skipWhitespace = False # do NOT use self.leaveWhitespace(), don't want to propagate to exprs - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.errmsg = "Found unwanted token, "+_ustr(self.expr) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.expr.canParseNext(instring, loc): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - return loc, [] - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "~{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - -class _MultipleMatch(ParseElementEnhance): - def __init__( self, expr, stopOn=None): - super(_MultipleMatch, self).__init__(expr) - self.saveAsList = True - ender = stopOn - if isinstance(ender, basestring): - ender = ParserElement._literalStringClass(ender) - self.not_ender = ~ender if ender is not None else None - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse - self_skip_ignorables = self._skipIgnorables - check_ender = self.not_ender is not None - if check_ender: - try_not_ender = self.not_ender.tryParse - - # must be at least one (but first see if we are the stopOn sentinel; - # if so, fail) - if check_ender: - try_not_ender(instring, loc) - loc, tokens = self_expr_parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - try: - hasIgnoreExprs = (not not self.ignoreExprs) - while 1: - if check_ender: - try_not_ender(instring, loc) - if hasIgnoreExprs: - preloc = self_skip_ignorables( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - loc, tmptokens = self_expr_parse( instring, preloc, doActions ) - if tmptokens or tmptokens.haskeys(): - tokens += tmptokens - except (ParseException,IndexError): - pass - - return loc, tokens - -class OneOrMore(_MultipleMatch): - """ - Repetition of one or more of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match one or more times - - stopOn - (default=C{None}) - expression for a terminating sentinel - (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition - expression) - - Example:: - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: BLACK" - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Fail! read 'color' as data instead of next label -> [['shape', 'SQUARE color']] - - # use stopOn attribute for OneOrMore to avoid reading label string as part of the data - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Better -> [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'BLACK']] - - # could also be written as - (attr_expr * (1,)).parseString(text).pprint() - """ - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}..." - - return self.strRepr - -class ZeroOrMore(_MultipleMatch): - """ - Optional repetition of zero or more of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - - stopOn - (default=C{None}) - expression for a terminating sentinel - (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition - expression) - - Example: similar to L{OneOrMore} - """ - def __init__( self, expr, stopOn=None): - super(ZeroOrMore,self).__init__(expr, stopOn=stopOn) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - try: - return super(ZeroOrMore, self).parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) - except (ParseException,IndexError): - return loc, [] - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]..." - - return self.strRepr - -class _NullToken(object): - def __bool__(self): - return False - __nonzero__ = __bool__ - def __str__(self): - return "" - -_optionalNotMatched = _NullToken() -class Optional(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Optional matching of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - - default (optional) - value to be returned if the optional expression is not found. - - Example:: - # US postal code can be a 5-digit zip, plus optional 4-digit qualifier - zip = Combine(Word(nums, exact=5) + Optional('-' + Word(nums, exact=4))) - zip.runTests(''' - # traditional ZIP code - 12345 - - # ZIP+4 form - 12101-0001 - - # invalid ZIP - 98765- - ''') - prints:: - # traditional ZIP code - 12345 - ['12345'] - - # ZIP+4 form - 12101-0001 - ['12101-0001'] - - # invalid ZIP - 98765- - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) - """ - def __init__( self, expr, default=_optionalNotMatched ): - super(Optional,self).__init__( expr, savelist=False ) - self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList - self.defaultValue = default - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - try: - loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - except (ParseException,IndexError): - if self.defaultValue is not _optionalNotMatched: - if self.expr.resultsName: - tokens = ParseResults([ self.defaultValue ]) - tokens[self.expr.resultsName] = self.defaultValue - else: - tokens = [ self.defaultValue ] - else: - tokens = [] - return loc, tokens - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]" - - return self.strRepr - -class SkipTo(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched expression is found. - - Parameters: - - expr - target expression marking the end of the data to be skipped - - include - (default=C{False}) if True, the target expression is also parsed - (the skipped text and target expression are returned as a 2-element list). - - ignore - (default=C{None}) used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and - comments) that might contain false matches to the target expression - - failOn - (default=C{None}) define expressions that are not allowed to be - included in the skipped test; if found before the target expression is found, - the SkipTo is not a match - - Example:: - report = ''' - Outstanding Issues Report - 1 Jan 2000 - - # | Severity | Description | Days Open - -----+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------- - 101 | Critical | Intermittent system crash | 6 - 94 | Cosmetic | Spelling error on Login ('log|n') | 14 - 79 | Minor | System slow when running too many reports | 47 - ''' - integer = Word(nums) - SEP = Suppress('|') - # use SkipTo to simply match everything up until the next SEP - # - ignore quoted strings, so that a '|' character inside a quoted string does not match - # - parse action will call token.strip() for each matched token, i.e., the description body - string_data = SkipTo(SEP, ignore=quotedString) - string_data.setParseAction(tokenMap(str.strip)) - ticket_expr = (integer("issue_num") + SEP - + string_data("sev") + SEP - + string_data("desc") + SEP - + integer("days_open")) - - for tkt in ticket_expr.searchString(report): - print tkt.dump() - prints:: - ['101', 'Critical', 'Intermittent system crash', '6'] - - days_open: 6 - - desc: Intermittent system crash - - issue_num: 101 - - sev: Critical - ['94', 'Cosmetic', "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')", '14'] - - days_open: 14 - - desc: Spelling error on Login ('log|n') - - issue_num: 94 - - sev: Cosmetic - ['79', 'Minor', 'System slow when running too many reports', '47'] - - days_open: 47 - - desc: System slow when running too many reports - - issue_num: 79 - - sev: Minor - """ - def __init__( self, other, include=False, ignore=None, failOn=None ): - super( SkipTo, self ).__init__( other ) - self.ignoreExpr = ignore - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - self.includeMatch = include - self.asList = False - if isinstance(failOn, basestring): - self.failOn = ParserElement._literalStringClass(failOn) - else: - self.failOn = failOn - self.errmsg = "No match found for "+_ustr(self.expr) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - startloc = loc - instrlen = len(instring) - expr = self.expr - expr_parse = self.expr._parse - self_failOn_canParseNext = self.failOn.canParseNext if self.failOn is not None else None - self_ignoreExpr_tryParse = self.ignoreExpr.tryParse if self.ignoreExpr is not None else None - - tmploc = loc - while tmploc <= instrlen: - if self_failOn_canParseNext is not None: - # break if failOn expression matches - if self_failOn_canParseNext(instring, tmploc): - break - - if self_ignoreExpr_tryParse is not None: - # advance past ignore expressions - while 1: - try: - tmploc = self_ignoreExpr_tryParse(instring, tmploc) - except ParseBaseException: - break - - try: - expr_parse(instring, tmploc, doActions=False, callPreParse=False) - except (ParseException, IndexError): - # no match, advance loc in string - tmploc += 1 - else: - # matched skipto expr, done - break - - else: - # ran off the end of the input string without matching skipto expr, fail - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - # build up return values - loc = tmploc - skiptext = instring[startloc:loc] - skipresult = ParseResults(skiptext) - - if self.includeMatch: - loc, mat = expr_parse(instring,loc,doActions,callPreParse=False) - skipresult += mat - - return loc, skipresult - -class Forward(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later - - used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation. - When the expression is known, it is assigned to the C{Forward} variable using the '<<' operator. - - Note: take care when assigning to C{Forward} not to overlook precedence of operators. - Specifically, '|' has a lower precedence than '<<', so that:: - fwdExpr << a | b | c - will actually be evaluated as:: - (fwdExpr << a) | b | c - thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. It is recommended that you - explicitly group the values inserted into the C{Forward}:: - fwdExpr << (a | b | c) - Converting to use the '<<=' operator instead will avoid this problem. - - See L{ParseResults.pprint} for an example of a recursive parser created using - C{Forward}. - """ - def __init__( self, other=None ): - super(Forward,self).__init__( other, savelist=False ) - - def __lshift__( self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass(other) - self.expr = other - self.strRepr = None - self.mayIndexError = self.expr.mayIndexError - self.mayReturnEmpty = self.expr.mayReturnEmpty - self.setWhitespaceChars( self.expr.whiteChars ) - self.skipWhitespace = self.expr.skipWhitespace - self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList - self.ignoreExprs.extend(self.expr.ignoreExprs) - return self - - def __ilshift__(self, other): - return self << other - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - self.skipWhitespace = False - return self - - def streamline( self ): - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamlined = True - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.streamline() - return self - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - if self not in validateTrace: - tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.validate(tmp) - self.checkRecursion([]) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - return self.__class__.__name__ + ": ..." - - # stubbed out for now - creates awful memory and perf issues - self._revertClass = self.__class__ - self.__class__ = _ForwardNoRecurse - try: - if self.expr is not None: - retString = _ustr(self.expr) - else: - retString = "None" - finally: - self.__class__ = self._revertClass - return self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + retString - - def copy(self): - if self.expr is not None: - return super(Forward,self).copy() - else: - ret = Forward() - ret <<= self - return ret - -class _ForwardNoRecurse(Forward): - def __str__( self ): - return "..." - -class TokenConverter(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Abstract subclass of C{ParseExpression}, for converting parsed results. - """ - def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ): - super(TokenConverter,self).__init__( expr )#, savelist ) - self.saveAsList = False - -class Combine(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string. - By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the input string; - this can be disabled by specifying C{'adjacent=False'} in the constructor. - - Example:: - real = Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) - print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] - # will also erroneously match the following - print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] - - real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) - print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3.1416'] - # no match when there are internal spaces - print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) - """ - def __init__( self, expr, joinString="", adjacent=True ): - super(Combine,self).__init__( expr ) - # suppress whitespace-stripping in contained parse expressions, but re-enable it on the Combine itself - if adjacent: - self.leaveWhitespace() - self.adjacent = adjacent - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.joinString = joinString - self.callPreparse = True - - def ignore( self, other ): - if self.adjacent: - ParserElement.ignore(self, other) - else: - super( Combine, self).ignore( other ) - return self - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - retToks = tokenlist.copy() - del retToks[:] - retToks += ParseResults([ "".join(tokenlist._asStringList(self.joinString)) ], modal=self.modalResults) - - if self.resultsName and retToks.haskeys(): - return [ retToks ] - else: - return retToks - -class Group(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for returning tokens of C{L{ZeroOrMore}} and C{L{OneOrMore}} expressions. - - Example:: - ident = Word(alphas) - num = Word(nums) - term = ident | num - func = ident + Optional(delimitedList(term)) - print(func.parseString("fn a,b,100")) # -> ['fn', 'a', 'b', '100'] - - func = ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) - print(func.parseString("fn a,b,100")) # -> ['fn', ['a', 'b', '100']] - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(Group,self).__init__( expr ) - self.saveAsList = True - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return [ tokenlist ] - -class Dict(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also as a dictionary. - Each element can also be referenced using the first token in the expression as its key. - Useful for tabular report scraping when the first column can be used as a item key. - - Example:: - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" - attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - # print attributes as plain groups - print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) - - # instead of OneOrMore(expr), parse using Dict(OneOrMore(Group(expr))) - Dict will auto-assign names - result = Dict(OneOrMore(Group(attr_expr))).parseString(text) - print(result.dump()) - - # access named fields as dict entries, or output as dict - print(result['shape']) - print(result.asDict()) - prints:: - ['shape', 'SQUARE', 'posn', 'upper left', 'color', 'light blue', 'texture', 'burlap'] - - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - - color: light blue - - posn: upper left - - shape: SQUARE - - texture: burlap - SQUARE - {'color': 'light blue', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap', 'shape': 'SQUARE'} - See more examples at L{ParseResults} of accessing fields by results name. - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(Dict,self).__init__( expr ) - self.saveAsList = True - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - for i,tok in enumerate(tokenlist): - if len(tok) == 0: - continue - ikey = tok[0] - if isinstance(ikey,int): - ikey = _ustr(tok[0]).strip() - if len(tok)==1: - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset("",i) - elif len(tok)==2 and not isinstance(tok[1],ParseResults): - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(tok[1],i) - else: - dictvalue = tok.copy() #ParseResults(i) - del dictvalue[0] - if len(dictvalue)!= 1 or (isinstance(dictvalue,ParseResults) and dictvalue.haskeys()): - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue,i) - else: - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue[0],i) - - if self.resultsName: - return [ tokenlist ] - else: - return tokenlist - - -class Suppress(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression. - - Example:: - source = "a, b, c,d" - wd = Word(alphas) - wd_list1 = wd + ZeroOrMore(',' + wd) - print(wd_list1.parseString(source)) - - # often, delimiters that are useful during parsing are just in the - # way afterward - use Suppress to keep them out of the parsed output - wd_list2 = wd + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + wd) - print(wd_list2.parseString(source)) - prints:: - ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c', ',', 'd'] - ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] - (See also L{delimitedList}.) - """ - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return [] - - def suppress( self ): - return self - - -class OnlyOnce(object): - """ - Wrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once. - """ - def __init__(self, methodCall): - self.callable = _trim_arity(methodCall) - self.called = False - def __call__(self,s,l,t): - if not self.called: - results = self.callable(s,l,t) - self.called = True - return results - raise ParseException(s,l,"") - def reset(self): - self.called = False - -def traceParseAction(f): - """ - Decorator for debugging parse actions. - - When the parse action is called, this decorator will print C{">> entering I{method-name}(line:I{current_source_line}, I{parse_location}, I{matched_tokens})".} - When the parse action completes, the decorator will print C{"<<"} followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - - @traceParseAction - def remove_duplicate_chars(tokens): - return ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(tokens)))) - - wds = OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(remove_duplicate_chars) - print(wds.parseString("slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf")) - prints:: - >>entering remove_duplicate_chars(line: 'slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf', 0, (['slkdjs', 'sld', 'sldd', 'sdlf', 'sdljf'], {})) - <3: - thisFunc = paArgs[0].__class__.__name__ + '.' + thisFunc - sys.stderr.write( ">>entering %s(line: '%s', %d, %r)\n" % (thisFunc,line(l,s),l,t) ) - try: - ret = f(*paArgs) - except Exception as exc: - sys.stderr.write( "< ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] - delimitedList(Word(hexnums), delim=':', combine=True).parseString("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE") # -> ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE'] - """ - dlName = _ustr(expr)+" ["+_ustr(delim)+" "+_ustr(expr)+"]..." - if combine: - return Combine( expr + ZeroOrMore( delim + expr ) ).setName(dlName) - else: - return ( expr + ZeroOrMore( Suppress( delim ) + expr ) ).setName(dlName) - -def countedArray( expr, intExpr=None ): - """ - Helper to define a counted list of expressions. - This helper defines a pattern of the form:: - integer expr expr expr... - where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow. - The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the leading count token is suppressed. - - If C{intExpr} is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression that produces an integer value. - - Example:: - countedArray(Word(alphas)).parseString('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] - - # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary, - # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array - binaryConstant = Word('01').setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 2)) - countedArray(Word(alphas), intExpr=binaryConstant).parseString('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] - """ - arrayExpr = Forward() - def countFieldParseAction(s,l,t): - n = t[0] - arrayExpr << (n and Group(And([expr]*n)) or Group(empty)) - return [] - if intExpr is None: - intExpr = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0])) - else: - intExpr = intExpr.copy() - intExpr.setName("arrayLen") - intExpr.addParseAction(countFieldParseAction, callDuringTry=True) - return ( intExpr + arrayExpr ).setName('(len) ' + _ustr(expr) + '...') - -def _flatten(L): - ret = [] - for i in L: - if isinstance(i,list): - ret.extend(_flatten(i)) - else: - ret.append(i) - return ret - -def matchPreviousLiteral(expr): - """ - Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from - the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks - for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: - first = Word(nums) - second = matchPreviousLiteral(first) - matchExpr = first + ":" + second - will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}. Because this matches a - previous literal, will also match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}. - If this is not desired, use C{matchPreviousExpr}. - Do I{not} use with packrat parsing enabled. - """ - rep = Forward() - def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t): - if t: - if len(t) == 1: - rep << t[0] - else: - # flatten t tokens - tflat = _flatten(t.asList()) - rep << And(Literal(tt) for tt in tflat) - else: - rep << Empty() - expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True) - rep.setName('(prev) ' + _ustr(expr)) - return rep - -def matchPreviousExpr(expr): - """ - Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from - the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks - for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: - first = Word(nums) - second = matchPreviousExpr(first) - matchExpr = first + ":" + second - will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}. Because this matches by - expressions, will I{not} match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}; - the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so - C{"1"} is compared with C{"10"}. - Do I{not} use with packrat parsing enabled. - """ - rep = Forward() - e2 = expr.copy() - rep <<= e2 - def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t): - matchTokens = _flatten(t.asList()) - def mustMatchTheseTokens(s,l,t): - theseTokens = _flatten(t.asList()) - if theseTokens != matchTokens: - raise ParseException("",0,"") - rep.setParseAction( mustMatchTheseTokens, callDuringTry=True ) - expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True) - rep.setName('(prev) ' + _ustr(expr)) - return rep - -def _escapeRegexRangeChars(s): - #~ escape these chars: ^-] - for c in r"\^-]": - s = s.replace(c,_bslash+c) - s = s.replace("\n",r"\n") - s = s.replace("\t",r"\t") - return _ustr(s) - -def oneOf( strs, caseless=False, useRegex=True ): - """ - Helper to quickly define a set of alternative Literals, and makes sure to do - longest-first testing when there is a conflict, regardless of the input order, - but returns a C{L{MatchFirst}} for best performance. - - Parameters: - - strs - a string of space-delimited literals, or a collection of string literals - - caseless - (default=C{False}) - treat all literals as caseless - - useRegex - (default=C{True}) - as an optimization, will generate a Regex - object; otherwise, will generate a C{MatchFirst} object (if C{caseless=True}, or - if creating a C{Regex} raises an exception) - - Example:: - comp_oper = oneOf("< = > <= >= !=") - var = Word(alphas) - number = Word(nums) - term = var | number - comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term - print(comparison_expr.searchString("B = 12 AA=23 B<=AA AA>12")) - prints:: - [['B', '=', '12'], ['AA', '=', '23'], ['B', '<=', 'AA'], ['AA', '>', '12']] - """ - if caseless: - isequal = ( lambda a,b: a.upper() == b.upper() ) - masks = ( lambda a,b: b.upper().startswith(a.upper()) ) - parseElementClass = CaselessLiteral - else: - isequal = ( lambda a,b: a == b ) - masks = ( lambda a,b: b.startswith(a) ) - parseElementClass = Literal - - symbols = [] - if isinstance(strs,basestring): - symbols = strs.split() - elif isinstance(strs, Iterable): - symbols = list(strs) - else: - warnings.warn("Invalid argument to oneOf, expected string or iterable", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - if not symbols: - return NoMatch() - - i = 0 - while i < len(symbols)-1: - cur = symbols[i] - for j,other in enumerate(symbols[i+1:]): - if ( isequal(other, cur) ): - del symbols[i+j+1] - break - elif ( masks(cur, other) ): - del symbols[i+j+1] - symbols.insert(i,other) - cur = other - break - else: - i += 1 - - if not caseless and useRegex: - #~ print (strs,"->", "|".join( [ _escapeRegexChars(sym) for sym in symbols] )) - try: - if len(symbols)==len("".join(symbols)): - return Regex( "[%s]" % "".join(_escapeRegexRangeChars(sym) for sym in symbols) ).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - else: - return Regex( "|".join(re.escape(sym) for sym in symbols) ).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - except Exception: - warnings.warn("Exception creating Regex for oneOf, building MatchFirst", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - - - # last resort, just use MatchFirst - return MatchFirst(parseElementClass(sym) for sym in symbols).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - -def dictOf( key, value ): - """ - Helper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying the respective patterns - for the key and value. Takes care of defining the C{L{Dict}}, C{L{ZeroOrMore}}, and C{L{Group}} tokens - in the proper order. The key pattern can include delimiting markers or punctuation, - as long as they are suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text. The value - pattern can include named results, so that the C{Dict} results can include named token - fields. - - Example:: - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" - attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) - - attr_label = label - attr_value = Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join) - - # similar to Dict, but simpler call format - result = dictOf(attr_label, attr_value).parseString(text) - print(result.dump()) - print(result['shape']) - print(result.shape) # object attribute access works too - print(result.asDict()) - prints:: - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - - color: light blue - - posn: upper left - - shape: SQUARE - - texture: burlap - SQUARE - SQUARE - {'color': 'light blue', 'shape': 'SQUARE', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap'} - """ - return Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group ( key + value ) ) ) - -def originalTextFor(expr, asString=True): - """ - Helper to return the original, untokenized text for a given expression. Useful to - restore the parsed fields of an HTML start tag into the raw tag text itself, or to - revert separate tokens with intervening whitespace back to the original matching - input text. By default, returns astring containing the original parsed text. - - If the optional C{asString} argument is passed as C{False}, then the return value is a - C{L{ParseResults}} containing any results names that were originally matched, and a - single token containing the original matched text from the input string. So if - the expression passed to C{L{originalTextFor}} contains expressions with defined - results names, you must set C{asString} to C{False} if you want to preserve those - results name values. - - Example:: - src = "this is test bold text normal text " - for tag in ("b","i"): - opener,closer = makeHTMLTags(tag) - patt = originalTextFor(opener + SkipTo(closer) + closer) - print(patt.searchString(src)[0]) - prints:: - [' bold text '] - ['text'] - """ - locMarker = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s,loc,t: loc) - endlocMarker = locMarker.copy() - endlocMarker.callPreparse = False - matchExpr = locMarker("_original_start") + expr + endlocMarker("_original_end") - if asString: - extractText = lambda s,l,t: s[t._original_start:t._original_end] - else: - def extractText(s,l,t): - t[:] = [s[t.pop('_original_start'):t.pop('_original_end')]] - matchExpr.setParseAction(extractText) - matchExpr.ignoreExprs = expr.ignoreExprs - return matchExpr - -def ungroup(expr): - """ - Helper to undo pyparsing's default grouping of And expressions, even - if all but one are non-empty. - """ - return TokenConverter(expr).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0]) - -def locatedExpr(expr): - """ - Helper to decorate a returned token with its starting and ending locations in the input string. - This helper adds the following results names: - - locn_start = location where matched expression begins - - locn_end = location where matched expression ends - - value = the actual parsed results - - Be careful if the input text contains C{} characters, you may want to call - C{L{ParserElement.parseWithTabs}} - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - for match in locatedExpr(wd).searchString("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): - print(match) - prints:: - [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] - [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] - [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] - """ - locator = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: l) - return Group(locator("locn_start") + expr("value") + locator.copy().leaveWhitespace()("locn_end")) - - -# convenience constants for positional expressions -empty = Empty().setName("empty") -lineStart = LineStart().setName("lineStart") -lineEnd = LineEnd().setName("lineEnd") -stringStart = StringStart().setName("stringStart") -stringEnd = StringEnd().setName("stringEnd") - -_escapedPunc = Word( _bslash, r"\[]-*.$+^?()~ ", exact=2 ).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0][1]) -_escapedHexChar = Regex(r"\\0?[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0].lstrip(r'\0x'),16))) -_escapedOctChar = Regex(r"\\0[0-7]+").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0][1:],8))) -_singleChar = _escapedPunc | _escapedHexChar | _escapedOctChar | CharsNotIn(r'\]', exact=1) -_charRange = Group(_singleChar + Suppress("-") + _singleChar) -_reBracketExpr = Literal("[") + Optional("^").setResultsName("negate") + Group( OneOrMore( _charRange | _singleChar ) ).setResultsName("body") + "]" - -def srange(s): - r""" - Helper to easily define string ranges for use in Word construction. Borrows - syntax from regexp '[]' string range definitions:: - srange("[0-9]") -> "0123456789" - srange("[a-z]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_" - The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string is the expanded - character set joined into a single string. - The values enclosed in the []'s may be: - - a single character - - an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as C{\-} or C{\]}) - - an escaped hex character with a leading C{'\x'} (C{\x21}, which is a C{'!'} character) - (C{\0x##} is also supported for backwards compatibility) - - an escaped octal character with a leading C{'\0'} (C{\041}, which is a C{'!'} character) - - a range of any of the above, separated by a dash (C{'a-z'}, etc.) - - any combination of the above (C{'aeiouy'}, C{'a-zA-Z0-9_$'}, etc.) - """ - _expanded = lambda p: p if not isinstance(p,ParseResults) else ''.join(unichr(c) for c in range(ord(p[0]),ord(p[1])+1)) - try: - return "".join(_expanded(part) for part in _reBracketExpr.parseString(s).body) - except Exception: - return "" - -def matchOnlyAtCol(n): - """ - Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at a specific - column in the input text. - """ - def verifyCol(strg,locn,toks): - if col(locn,strg) != n: - raise ParseException(strg,locn,"matched token not at column %d" % n) - return verifyCol - -def replaceWith(replStr): - """ - Helper method for common parse actions that simply return a literal value. Especially - useful when used with C{L{transformString}()}. - - Example:: - num = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - na = oneOf("N/A NA").setParseAction(replaceWith(math.nan)) - term = na | num - - OneOrMore(term).parseString("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234] - """ - return lambda s,l,t: [replStr] - -def removeQuotes(s,l,t): - """ - Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed quoted strings. - - Example:: - # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results - quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"] - - # use removeQuotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results - quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) - quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"] - """ - return t[0][1:-1] - -def tokenMap(func, *args): - """ - Helper to define a parse action by mapping a function to all elements of a ParseResults list.If any additional - args are passed, they are forwarded to the given function as additional arguments after - the token, as in C{hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16))}, which will convert the - parsed data to an integer using base 16. - - Example (compare the last to example in L{ParserElement.transformString}:: - hex_ints = OneOrMore(Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16)) - hex_ints.runTests(''' - 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a - ''') - - upperword = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.upper)) - OneOrMore(upperword).runTests(''' - my kingdom for a horse - ''') - - wd = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.title)) - OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(' '.join).runTests(''' - now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york - ''') - prints:: - 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a - [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26] - - my kingdom for a horse - ['MY', 'KINGDOM', 'FOR', 'A', 'HORSE'] - - now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york - ['Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York'] - """ - def pa(s,l,t): - return [func(tokn, *args) for tokn in t] - - try: - func_name = getattr(func, '__name__', - getattr(func, '__class__').__name__) - except Exception: - func_name = str(func) - pa.__name__ = func_name - - return pa - -upcaseTokens = tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).upper()) -"""(Deprecated) Helper parse action to convert tokens to upper case. Deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.upcaseTokens}""" - -downcaseTokens = tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).lower()) -"""(Deprecated) Helper parse action to convert tokens to lower case. Deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.downcaseTokens}""" - -def _makeTags(tagStr, xml): - """Internal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name""" - if isinstance(tagStr,basestring): - resname = tagStr - tagStr = Keyword(tagStr, caseless=not xml) - else: - resname = tagStr.name - - tagAttrName = Word(alphas,alphanums+"_-:") - if (xml): - tagAttrValue = dblQuotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes ) - openTag = Suppress("<") + tagStr("tag") + \ - Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName + Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ))) + \ - Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">") - else: - printablesLessRAbrack = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in ">") - tagAttrValue = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes ) | Word(printablesLessRAbrack) - openTag = Suppress("<") + tagStr("tag") + \ - Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName.setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + \ - Optional( Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ) ))) + \ - Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">") - closeTag = Combine(_L("") - - openTag = openTag.setResultsName("start"+"".join(resname.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("<%s>" % resname) - closeTag = closeTag.setResultsName("end"+"".join(resname.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("" % resname) - openTag.tag = resname - closeTag.tag = resname - return openTag, closeTag - -def makeHTMLTags(tagStr): - """ - Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, given a tag name. Matches - tags in either upper or lower case, attributes with namespaces and with quoted or unquoted values. - - Example:: - text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' - # makeHTMLTags returns pyparsing expressions for the opening and closing tags as a 2-tuple - a,a_end = makeHTMLTags("A") - link_expr = a + SkipTo(a_end)("link_text") + a_end - - for link in link_expr.searchString(text): - # attributes in the tag (like "href" shown here) are also accessible as named results - print(link.link_text, '->', link.href) - prints:: - pyparsing -> http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com - """ - return _makeTags( tagStr, False ) - -def makeXMLTags(tagStr): - """ - Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, given a tag name. Matches - tags only in the given upper/lower case. - - Example: similar to L{makeHTMLTags} - """ - return _makeTags( tagStr, True ) - -def withAttribute(*args,**attrDict): - """ - Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start tags created - with C{L{makeXMLTags}} or C{L{makeHTMLTags}}. Use C{withAttribute} to qualify a starting tag - with a required attribute value, to avoid false matches on common tags such as - C{} or C{
}. - - Call C{withAttribute} with a series of attribute names and values. Specify the list - of filter attributes names and values as: - - keyword arguments, as in C{(align="right")}, or - - as an explicit dict with C{**} operator, when an attribute name is also a Python - reserved word, as in C{**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}} - - a list of name-value tuples, as in ( ("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align","right") ) - For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second form. Attribute - names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case. - - If just testing for C{class} (with or without a namespace), use C{L{withClass}}. - - To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value, pass - C{withAttribute.ANY_VALUE} as the value. - - Example:: - html = ''' -
- Some text -
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this has no type
- - ''' - div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") - - # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid" - div_grid = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type="grid")) - grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): - print(grid_header.body) - - # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value - div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type=withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) - div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): - print(div_header.body) - prints:: - 1 4 0 1 0 - - 1 4 0 1 0 - 1,3 2,3 1,1 - """ - if args: - attrs = args[:] - else: - attrs = attrDict.items() - attrs = [(k,v) for k,v in attrs] - def pa(s,l,tokens): - for attrName,attrValue in attrs: - if attrName not in tokens: - raise ParseException(s,l,"no matching attribute " + attrName) - if attrValue != withAttribute.ANY_VALUE and tokens[attrName] != attrValue: - raise ParseException(s,l,"attribute '%s' has value '%s', must be '%s'" % - (attrName, tokens[attrName], attrValue)) - return pa -withAttribute.ANY_VALUE = object() - -def withClass(classname, namespace=''): - """ - Simplified version of C{L{withAttribute}} when matching on a div class - made - difficult because C{class} is a reserved word in Python. - - Example:: - html = ''' -
- Some text -
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this <div> has no class
- - ''' - div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") - div_grid = div().setParseAction(withClass("grid")) - - grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): - print(grid_header.body) - - div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withClass(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) - div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): - print(div_header.body) - prints:: - 1 4 0 1 0 - - 1 4 0 1 0 - 1,3 2,3 1,1 - """ - classattr = "%s:class" % namespace if namespace else "class" - return withAttribute(**{classattr : classname}) - -opAssoc = _Constants() -opAssoc.LEFT = object() -opAssoc.RIGHT = object() - -def infixNotation( baseExpr, opList, lpar=Suppress('('), rpar=Suppress(')') ): - """ - Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of - operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary or - binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be attached - to operator expressions. The generated parser will also recognize the use - of parentheses to override operator precedences (see example below). - - Note: if you define a deep operator list, you may see performance issues - when using infixNotation. See L{ParserElement.enablePackrat} for a - mechanism to potentially improve your parser performance. - - Parameters: - - baseExpr - expression representing the most basic element for the nested - - opList - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level in the - expression grammar; each tuple is of the form - (opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction), where: - - opExpr is the pyparsing expression for the operator; - may also be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; - if numTerms is 3, opExpr is a tuple of two expressions, for the - two operators separating the 3 terms - - numTerms is the number of terms for this operator (must - be 1, 2, or 3) - - rightLeftAssoc is the indicator whether the operator is - right or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined - constants C{opAssoc.RIGHT} and C{opAssoc.LEFT}. - - parseAction is the parse action to be associated with - expressions matching this operator expression (the - parse action tuple member may be omitted); if the parse action - is passed a tuple or list of functions, this is equivalent to - calling C{setParseAction(*fn)} (L{ParserElement.setParseAction}) - - lpar - expression for matching left-parentheses (default=C{Suppress('(')}) - - rpar - expression for matching right-parentheses (default=C{Suppress(')')}) - - Example:: - # simple example of four-function arithmetic with ints and variable names - integer = pyparsing_common.signed_integer - varname = pyparsing_common.identifier - - arith_expr = infixNotation(integer | varname, - [ - ('-', 1, opAssoc.RIGHT), - (oneOf('* /'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), - (oneOf('+ -'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), - ]) - - arith_expr.runTests(''' - 5+3*6 - (5+3)*6 - -2--11 - ''', fullDump=False) - prints:: - 5+3*6 - [[5, '+', [3, '*', 6]]] - - (5+3)*6 - [[[5, '+', 3], '*', 6]] - - -2--11 - [[['-', 2], '-', ['-', 11]]] - """ - ret = Forward() - lastExpr = baseExpr | ( lpar + ret + rpar ) - for i,operDef in enumerate(opList): - opExpr,arity,rightLeftAssoc,pa = (operDef + (None,))[:4] - termName = "%s term" % opExpr if arity < 3 else "%s%s term" % opExpr - if arity == 3: - if opExpr is None or len(opExpr) != 2: - raise ValueError("if numterms=3, opExpr must be a tuple or list of two expressions") - opExpr1, opExpr2 = opExpr - thisExpr = Forward().setName(termName) - if rightLeftAssoc == opAssoc.LEFT: - if arity == 1: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr ) ) - elif arity == 2: - if opExpr is not None: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr + lastExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr + lastExpr ) ) - else: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr+lastExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore(lastExpr) ) - elif arity == 3: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr) + \ - Group( lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr ) - else: - raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") - elif rightLeftAssoc == opAssoc.RIGHT: - if arity == 1: - # try to avoid LR with this extra test - if not isinstance(opExpr, Optional): - opExpr = Optional(opExpr) - matchExpr = FollowedBy(opExpr.expr + thisExpr) + Group( opExpr + thisExpr ) - elif arity == 2: - if opExpr is not None: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr + thisExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr + thisExpr ) ) - else: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + thisExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( thisExpr ) ) - elif arity == 3: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr) + \ - Group( lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr ) - else: - raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") - else: - raise ValueError("operator must indicate right or left associativity") - if pa: - if isinstance(pa, (tuple, list)): - matchExpr.setParseAction(*pa) - else: - matchExpr.setParseAction(pa) - thisExpr <<= ( matchExpr.setName(termName) | lastExpr ) - lastExpr = thisExpr - ret <<= lastExpr - return ret - -operatorPrecedence = infixNotation -"""(Deprecated) Former name of C{L{infixNotation}}, will be dropped in a future release.""" - -dblQuotedString = Combine(Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*')+'"').setName("string enclosed in double quotes") -sglQuotedString = Combine(Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*")+"'").setName("string enclosed in single quotes") -quotedString = Combine(Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*')+'"'| - Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*")+"'").setName("quotedString using single or double quotes") -unicodeString = Combine(_L('u') + quotedString.copy()).setName("unicode string literal") - -def nestedExpr(opener="(", closer=")", content=None, ignoreExpr=quotedString.copy()): - """ - Helper method for defining nested lists enclosed in opening and closing - delimiters ("(" and ")" are the default). - - Parameters: - - opener - opening character for a nested list (default=C{"("}); can also be a pyparsing expression - - closer - closing character for a nested list (default=C{")"}); can also be a pyparsing expression - - content - expression for items within the nested lists (default=C{None}) - - ignoreExpr - expression for ignoring opening and closing delimiters (default=C{quotedString}) - - If an expression is not provided for the content argument, the nested - expression will capture all whitespace-delimited content between delimiters - as a list of separate values. - - Use the C{ignoreExpr} argument to define expressions that may contain - opening or closing characters that should not be treated as opening - or closing characters for nesting, such as quotedString or a comment - expression. Specify multiple expressions using an C{L{Or}} or C{L{MatchFirst}}. - The default is L{quotedString}, but if no expressions are to be ignored, - then pass C{None} for this argument. - - Example:: - data_type = oneOf("void int short long char float double") - decl_data_type = Combine(data_type + Optional(Word('*'))) - ident = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_') - number = pyparsing_common.number - arg = Group(decl_data_type + ident) - LPAR,RPAR = map(Suppress, "()") - - code_body = nestedExpr('{', '}', ignoreExpr=(quotedString | cStyleComment)) - - c_function = (decl_data_type("type") - + ident("name") - + LPAR + Optional(delimitedList(arg), [])("args") + RPAR - + code_body("body")) - c_function.ignore(cStyleComment) - - source_code = ''' - int is_odd(int x) { - return (x%2); - } - - int dec_to_hex(char hchar) { - if (hchar >= '0' && hchar <= '9') { - return (ord(hchar)-ord('0')); - } else { - return (10+ord(hchar)-ord('A')); - } - } - ''' - for func in c_function.searchString(source_code): - print("%(name)s (%(type)s) args: %(args)s" % func) - - prints:: - is_odd (int) args: [['int', 'x']] - dec_to_hex (int) args: [['char', 'hchar']] - """ - if opener == closer: - raise ValueError("opening and closing strings cannot be the same") - if content is None: - if isinstance(opener,basestring) and isinstance(closer,basestring): - if len(opener) == 1 and len(closer)==1: - if ignoreExpr is not None: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~ignoreExpr + - CharsNotIn(opener+closer+ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - content = (empty.copy()+CharsNotIn(opener+closer+ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - if ignoreExpr is not None: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~ignoreExpr + - ~Literal(opener) + ~Literal(closer) + - CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~Literal(opener) + ~Literal(closer) + - CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - raise ValueError("opening and closing arguments must be strings if no content expression is given") - ret = Forward() - if ignoreExpr is not None: - ret <<= Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ignoreExpr | ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) - else: - ret <<= Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) - ret.setName('nested %s%s expression' % (opener,closer)) - return ret - -def indentedBlock(blockStatementExpr, indentStack, indent=True): - """ - Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as - those used to define block statements in Python source code. - - Parameters: - - blockStatementExpr - expression defining syntax of statement that - is repeated within the indented block - - indentStack - list created by caller to manage indentation stack - (multiple statementWithIndentedBlock expressions within a single grammar - should share a common indentStack) - - indent - boolean indicating whether block must be indented beyond the - the current level; set to False for block of left-most statements - (default=C{True}) - - A valid block must contain at least one C{blockStatement}. - - Example:: - data = ''' - def A(z): - A1 - B = 100 - G = A2 - A2 - A3 - B - def BB(a,b,c): - BB1 - def BBA(): - bba1 - bba2 - bba3 - C - D - def spam(x,y): - def eggs(z): - pass - ''' - - - indentStack = [1] - stmt = Forward() - - identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums) - funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group( "(" + Optional( delimitedList(identifier) ) + ")" ) + ":") - func_body = indentedBlock(stmt, indentStack) - funcDef = Group( funcDecl + func_body ) - - rvalue = Forward() - funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Optional(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")") - rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums)) - assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue) - stmt << ( funcDef | assignment | identifier ) - - module_body = OneOrMore(stmt) - - parseTree = module_body.parseString(data) - parseTree.pprint() - prints:: - [['def', - 'A', - ['(', 'z', ')'], - ':', - [['A1'], [['B', '=', '100']], [['G', '=', 'A2']], ['A2'], ['A3']]], - 'B', - ['def', - 'BB', - ['(', 'a', 'b', 'c', ')'], - ':', - [['BB1'], [['def', 'BBA', ['(', ')'], ':', [['bba1'], ['bba2'], ['bba3']]]]]], - 'C', - 'D', - ['def', - 'spam', - ['(', 'x', 'y', ')'], - ':', - [[['def', 'eggs', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['pass']]]]]]] - """ - def checkPeerIndent(s,l,t): - if l >= len(s): return - curCol = col(l,s) - if curCol != indentStack[-1]: - if curCol > indentStack[-1]: - raise ParseFatalException(s,l,"illegal nesting") - raise ParseException(s,l,"not a peer entry") - - def checkSubIndent(s,l,t): - curCol = col(l,s) - if curCol > indentStack[-1]: - indentStack.append( curCol ) - else: - raise ParseException(s,l,"not a subentry") - - def checkUnindent(s,l,t): - if l >= len(s): return - curCol = col(l,s) - if not(indentStack and curCol < indentStack[-1] and curCol <= indentStack[-2]): - raise ParseException(s,l,"not an unindent") - indentStack.pop() - - NL = OneOrMore(LineEnd().setWhitespaceChars("\t ").suppress()) - INDENT = (Empty() + Empty().setParseAction(checkSubIndent)).setName('INDENT') - PEER = Empty().setParseAction(checkPeerIndent).setName('') - UNDENT = Empty().setParseAction(checkUnindent).setName('UNINDENT') - if indent: - smExpr = Group( Optional(NL) + - #~ FollowedBy(blockStatementExpr) + - INDENT + (OneOrMore( PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Optional(NL) )) + UNDENT) - else: - smExpr = Group( Optional(NL) + - (OneOrMore( PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Optional(NL) )) ) - blockStatementExpr.ignore(_bslash + LineEnd()) - return smExpr.setName('indented block') - -alphas8bit = srange(r"[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xff]") -punc8bit = srange(r"[\0xa1-\0xbf\0xd7\0xf7]") - -anyOpenTag,anyCloseTag = makeHTMLTags(Word(alphas,alphanums+"_:").setName('any tag')) -_htmlEntityMap = dict(zip("gt lt amp nbsp quot apos".split(),'><& "\'')) -commonHTMLEntity = Regex('&(?P' + '|'.join(_htmlEntityMap.keys()) +");").setName("common HTML entity") -def replaceHTMLEntity(t): - """Helper parser action to replace common HTML entities with their special characters""" - return _htmlEntityMap.get(t.entity) - -# it's easy to get these comment structures wrong - they're very common, so may as well make them available -cStyleComment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + '*/').setName("C style comment") -"Comment of the form C{/* ... */}" - -htmlComment = Regex(r"").setName("HTML comment") -"Comment of the form C{}" - -restOfLine = Regex(r".*").leaveWhitespace().setName("rest of line") -dblSlashComment = Regex(r"//(?:\\\n|[^\n])*").setName("// comment") -"Comment of the form C{// ... (to end of line)}" - -cppStyleComment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + '*/'| dblSlashComment).setName("C++ style comment") -"Comment of either form C{L{cStyleComment}} or C{L{dblSlashComment}}" - -javaStyleComment = cppStyleComment -"Same as C{L{cppStyleComment}}" - -pythonStyleComment = Regex(r"#.*").setName("Python style comment") -"Comment of the form C{# ... (to end of line)}" - -_commasepitem = Combine(OneOrMore(Word(printables, excludeChars=',') + - Optional( Word(" \t") + - ~Literal(",") + ~LineEnd() ) ) ).streamline().setName("commaItem") -commaSeparatedList = delimitedList( Optional( quotedString.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") ).setName("commaSeparatedList") -"""(Deprecated) Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas. - This expression is deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.comma_separated_list}.""" - -# some other useful expressions - using lower-case class name since we are really using this as a namespace -class pyparsing_common: - """ - Here are some common low-level expressions that may be useful in jump-starting parser development: - - numeric forms (L{integers}, L{reals}, L{scientific notation}) - - common L{programming identifiers} - - network addresses (L{MAC}, L{IPv4}, L{IPv6}) - - ISO8601 L{dates} and L{datetime} - - L{UUID} - - L{comma-separated list} - Parse actions: - - C{L{convertToInteger}} - - C{L{convertToFloat}} - - C{L{convertToDate}} - - C{L{convertToDatetime}} - - C{L{stripHTMLTags}} - - C{L{upcaseTokens}} - - C{L{downcaseTokens}} - - Example:: - pyparsing_common.number.runTests(''' - # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(''' - # any int or real number, returned as float - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(''' - # hex numbers - 100 - FF - ''') - - pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests(''' - # fractions - 1/2 - -3/4 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests(''' - # mixed fractions - 1 - 1/2 - -3/4 - 1-3/4 - ''') - - import uuid - pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) - pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(''' - # uuid - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - ''') - prints:: - # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type - 100 - [100] - - -100 - [-100] - - +100 - [100] - - 3.14159 - [3.14159] - - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - # any int or real number, returned as float - 100 - [100.0] - - -100 - [-100.0] - - +100 - [100.0] - - 3.14159 - [3.14159] - - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - # hex numbers - 100 - [256] - - FF - [255] - - # fractions - 1/2 - [0.5] - - -3/4 - [-0.75] - - # mixed fractions - 1 - [1] - - 1/2 - [0.5] - - -3/4 - [-0.75] - - 1-3/4 - [1.75] - - # uuid - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - [UUID('12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678')] - """ - - convertToInteger = tokenMap(int) - """ - Parse action for converting parsed integers to Python int - """ - - convertToFloat = tokenMap(float) - """ - Parse action for converting parsed numbers to Python float - """ - - integer = Word(nums).setName("integer").setParseAction(convertToInteger) - """expression that parses an unsigned integer, returns an int""" - - hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setName("hex integer").setParseAction(tokenMap(int,16)) - """expression that parses a hexadecimal integer, returns an int""" - - signed_integer = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setName("signed integer").setParseAction(convertToInteger) - """expression that parses an integer with optional leading sign, returns an int""" - - fraction = (signed_integer().setParseAction(convertToFloat) + '/' + signed_integer().setParseAction(convertToFloat)).setName("fraction") - """fractional expression of an integer divided by an integer, returns a float""" - fraction.addParseAction(lambda t: t[0]/t[-1]) - - mixed_integer = (fraction | signed_integer + Optional(Optional('-').suppress() + fraction)).setName("fraction or mixed integer-fraction") - """mixed integer of the form 'integer - fraction', with optional leading integer, returns float""" - mixed_integer.addParseAction(sum) - - real = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*').setName("real number").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """expression that parses a floating point number and returns a float""" - - sci_real = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+([eE][+-]?\d+|\.\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?)').setName("real number with scientific notation").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """expression that parses a floating point number with optional scientific notation and returns a float""" - - # streamlining this expression makes the docs nicer-looking - number = (sci_real | real | signed_integer).streamline() - """any numeric expression, returns the corresponding Python type""" - - fnumber = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?').setName("fnumber").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """any int or real number, returned as float""" - - identifier = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_').setName("identifier") - """typical code identifier (leading alpha or '_', followed by 0 or more alphas, nums, or '_')""" - - ipv4_address = Regex(r'(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})){3}').setName("IPv4 address") - "IPv4 address (C{ -})" - - _ipv6_part = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}').setName("hex_integer") - _full_ipv6_address = (_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*7).setName("full IPv6 address") - _short_ipv6_address = (Optional(_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*(0,6)) + "::" + Optional(_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*(0,6))).setName("short IPv6 address") - _short_ipv6_address.addCondition(lambda t: sum(1 for tt in t if pyparsing_common._ipv6_part.matches(tt)) < 8) - _mixed_ipv6_address = ("::ffff:" + ipv4_address).setName("mixed IPv6 address") - ipv6_address = Combine((_full_ipv6_address | _mixed_ipv6_address | _short_ipv6_address).setName("IPv6 address")).setName("IPv6 address") - "IPv6 address (long, short, or mixed form)" - - mac_address = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([:.-])[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:\1[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){4}').setName("MAC address") - "MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (may also have '-' or '.' delimiters)" - - @staticmethod - def convertToDate(fmt="%Y-%m-%d"): - """ - Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed date string to Python datetime.date - - Params - - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default=C{"%Y-%m-%d"}) - - Example:: - date_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.copy() - date_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()) - print(date_expr.parseString("1999-12-31")) - prints:: - [datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)] - """ - def cvt_fn(s,l,t): - try: - return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt).date() - except ValueError as ve: - raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) - return cvt_fn - - @staticmethod - def convertToDatetime(fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"): - """ - Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed datetime string to Python datetime.datetime - - Params - - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default=C{"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"}) - - Example:: - dt_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.copy() - dt_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()) - print(dt_expr.parseString("1999-12-31T23:59:59.999")) - prints:: - [datetime.datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000)] - """ - def cvt_fn(s,l,t): - try: - return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt) - except ValueError as ve: - raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) - return cvt_fn - - iso8601_date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})(?:-(?P\d\d)(?:-(?P\d\d))?)?').setName("ISO8601 date") - "ISO8601 date (C{yyyy-mm-dd})" - - iso8601_datetime = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)[T ](?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)(:(?P\d\d(\.\d*)?)?)?(?PZ|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)?').setName("ISO8601 datetime") - "ISO8601 datetime (C{yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s(Z|+-00:00)}) - trailing seconds, milliseconds, and timezone optional; accepts separating C{'T'} or C{' '}" - - uuid = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}').setName("UUID") - "UUID (C{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx})" - - _html_stripper = anyOpenTag.suppress() | anyCloseTag.suppress() - @staticmethod - def stripHTMLTags(s, l, tokens): - """ - Parse action to remove HTML tags from web page HTML source - - Example:: - # strip HTML links from normal text - text = 'More info at the
pyparsing wiki page' - td,td_end = makeHTMLTags("TD") - table_text = td + SkipTo(td_end).setParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)("body") + td_end - - print(table_text.parseString(text).body) # -> 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' - """ - return pyparsing_common._html_stripper.transformString(tokens[0]) - - _commasepitem = Combine(OneOrMore(~Literal(",") + ~LineEnd() + Word(printables, excludeChars=',') - + Optional( White(" \t") ) ) ).streamline().setName("commaItem") - comma_separated_list = delimitedList( Optional( quotedString.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") ).setName("comma separated list") - """Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas.""" - - upcaseTokens = staticmethod(tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).upper())) - """Parse action to convert tokens to upper case.""" - - downcaseTokens = staticmethod(tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).lower())) - """Parse action to convert tokens to lower case.""" - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - selectToken = CaselessLiteral("select") - fromToken = CaselessLiteral("from") - - ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_$") - - columnName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setParseAction(upcaseTokens) - columnNameList = Group(delimitedList(columnName)).setName("columns") - columnSpec = ('*' | columnNameList) - - tableName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setParseAction(upcaseTokens) - tableNameList = Group(delimitedList(tableName)).setName("tables") - - simpleSQL = selectToken("command") + columnSpec("columns") + fromToken + tableNameList("tables") - - # demo runTests method, including embedded comments in test string - simpleSQL.runTests(""" - # '*' as column list and dotted table name - select * from SYS.XYZZY - - # caseless match on "SELECT", and casts back to "select" - SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC - - # list of column names, and mixed case SELECT keyword - Select AA,BB,CC from Sys.dual - - # multiple tables - Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 - - # invalid SELECT keyword - should fail - Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual - - # incomplete command - should fail - Select - - # invalid column name - should fail - Select ^^^ frox Sys.dual - - """) - - pyparsing_common.number.runTests(""" - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - """) - - # any int or real number, returned as float - pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(""" - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - """) - - pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(""" - 100 - FF - """) - - import uuid - pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) - pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(""" - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - """) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7802ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +# module pyparsing.py +# +# Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Paul T. McGuire +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +# the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# + +__doc__ = """ +pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars +============================================================================= + +The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and +executing simple grammars, vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the +use of regular expressions. With pyparsing, you don't need to learn +a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing +module provides a library of classes that you use to construct the +grammar directly in Python. + +Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form +``", !"``), built up using :class:`Word`, +:class:`Literal`, and :class:`And` elements +(the :meth:`'+'` operators create :class:`And` expressions, +and the strings are auto-converted to :class:`Literal` expressions):: + + from pyparsing import Word, alphas + + # define grammar of a greeting + greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" + + hello = "Hello, World!" + print(hello, "->", greet.parse_string(hello)) + +The program outputs the following:: + + Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] + +The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the +self-explanatory class names, and the use of :class:`'+'`, +:class:`'|'`, :class:`'^'` and :class:`'&'` operators. + +The :class:`ParseResults` object returned from +:class:`ParserElement.parseString` can be +accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an object with named +attributes. + +The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically +vexing when writing text parsers: + + - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle + "Hello,World!", "Hello , World !", etc.) + - quoted strings + - embedded comments + + +Getting Started - +----------------- +Visit the classes :class:`ParserElement` and :class:`ParseResults` to +see the base classes that most other pyparsing +classes inherit from. Use the docstrings for examples of how to: + + - construct literal match expressions from :class:`Literal` and + :class:`CaselessLiteral` classes + - construct character word-group expressions using the :class:`Word` + class + - see how to create repetitive expressions using :class:`ZeroOrMore` + and :class:`OneOrMore` classes + - use :class:`'+'`, :class:`'|'`, :class:`'^'`, + and :class:`'&'` operators to combine simple expressions into + more complex ones + - associate names with your parsed results using + :class:`ParserElement.setResultsName` + - access the parsed data, which is returned as a :class:`ParseResults` + object + - find some helpful expression short-cuts like :class:`delimitedList` + and :class:`oneOf` + - find more useful common expressions in the :class:`pyparsing_common` + namespace class +""" +from typing import NamedTuple + + +class version_info(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + micro: int + releaselevel: str + serial: int + + @property + def __version__(self): + return ( + "{}.{}.{}".format(self.major, self.minor, self.micro) + + ( + "{}{}{}".format( + "r" if self.releaselevel[0] == "c" else "", + self.releaselevel[0], + self.serial, + ), + "", + )[self.releaselevel == "final"] + ) + + def __str__(self): + return "{} {} / {}".format(__name__, self.__version__, __version_time__) + + def __repr__(self): + return "{}.{}({})".format( + __name__, + type(self).__name__, + ", ".join("{}={!r}".format(*nv) for nv in zip(self._fields, self)), + ) + + +__version_info__ = version_info(3, 0, 9, "final", 0) +__version_time__ = "05 May 2022 07:02 UTC" +__version__ = __version_info__.__version__ +__versionTime__ = __version_time__ +__author__ = "Paul McGuire " + +from .util import * +from .exceptions import * +from .actions import * +from .core import __diag__, __compat__ +from .results import * +from .core import * +from .core import _builtin_exprs as core_builtin_exprs +from .helpers import * +from .helpers import _builtin_exprs as helper_builtin_exprs + +from .unicode import unicode_set, UnicodeRangeList, pyparsing_unicode as unicode +from .testing import pyparsing_test as testing +from .common import ( + pyparsing_common as common, + _builtin_exprs as common_builtin_exprs, +) + +# define backward compat synonyms +if "pyparsing_unicode" not in globals(): + pyparsing_unicode = unicode +if "pyparsing_common" not in globals(): + pyparsing_common = common +if "pyparsing_test" not in globals(): + pyparsing_test = testing + +core_builtin_exprs += common_builtin_exprs + helper_builtin_exprs + + +__all__ = [ + "__version__", + "__version_time__", + "__author__", + "__compat__", + "__diag__", + "And", + "AtLineStart", + "AtStringStart", + "CaselessKeyword", + "CaselessLiteral", + "CharsNotIn", + "Combine", + "Dict", + "Each", + "Empty", + "FollowedBy", + "Forward", + "GoToColumn", + "Group", + "IndentedBlock", + "Keyword", + "LineEnd", + "LineStart", + "Literal", + "Located", + "PrecededBy", + "MatchFirst", + "NoMatch", + "NotAny", + "OneOrMore", + "OnlyOnce", + "OpAssoc", + "Opt", + "Optional", + "Or", + "ParseBaseException", + "ParseElementEnhance", + "ParseException", + "ParseExpression", + "ParseFatalException", + "ParseResults", + "ParseSyntaxException", + "ParserElement", + "PositionToken", + "QuotedString", + "RecursiveGrammarException", + "Regex", + "SkipTo", + "StringEnd", + "StringStart", + "Suppress", + "Token", + "TokenConverter", + "White", + "Word", + "WordEnd", + "WordStart", + "ZeroOrMore", + "Char", + "alphanums", + "alphas", + "alphas8bit", + "any_close_tag", + "any_open_tag", + "c_style_comment", + "col", + "common_html_entity", + "counted_array", + "cpp_style_comment", + "dbl_quoted_string", + "dbl_slash_comment", + "delimited_list", + "dict_of", + "empty", + "hexnums", + "html_comment", + "identchars", + "identbodychars", + "java_style_comment", + "line", + "line_end", + "line_start", + "lineno", + "make_html_tags", + "make_xml_tags", + "match_only_at_col", + "match_previous_expr", + "match_previous_literal", + "nested_expr", + "null_debug_action", + "nums", + "one_of", + "printables", + "punc8bit", + "python_style_comment", + "quoted_string", + "remove_quotes", + "replace_with", + "replace_html_entity", + "rest_of_line", + "sgl_quoted_string", + "srange", + "string_end", + "string_start", + "trace_parse_action", + "unicode_string", + "with_attribute", + "indentedBlock", + "original_text_for", + "ungroup", + "infix_notation", + "locatedExpr", + "with_class", + "CloseMatch", + "token_map", + "pyparsing_common", + "pyparsing_unicode", + "unicode_set", + "condition_as_parse_action", + "pyparsing_test", + # pre-PEP8 compatibility names + "__versionTime__", + "anyCloseTag", + "anyOpenTag", + "cStyleComment", + "commonHTMLEntity", + "countedArray", + "cppStyleComment", + "dblQuotedString", + "dblSlashComment", + "delimitedList", + "dictOf", + "htmlComment", + "javaStyleComment", + "lineEnd", + "lineStart", + "makeHTMLTags", + "makeXMLTags", + "matchOnlyAtCol", + "matchPreviousExpr", + "matchPreviousLiteral", + "nestedExpr", + "nullDebugAction", + "oneOf", + "opAssoc", + "pythonStyleComment", + "quotedString", + "removeQuotes", + "replaceHTMLEntity", + "replaceWith", + "restOfLine", + "sglQuotedString", + "stringEnd", + "stringStart", + "traceParseAction", + "unicodeString", + "withAttribute", + "indentedBlock", + "originalTextFor", + "infixNotation", + "locatedExpr", + "withClass", + "tokenMap", + "conditionAsParseAction", + "autoname_elements", +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdbb8a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c68580a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b400382 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df064c3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d97502e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b8fae3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0c2c5e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77c31c1 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9428d20 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..390b847 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f72c66e --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +# actions.py + +from .exceptions import ParseException +from .util import col + + +class OnlyOnce: + """ + Wrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once. + """ + + def __init__(self, method_call): + from .core import _trim_arity + + self.callable = _trim_arity(method_call) + self.called = False + + def __call__(self, s, l, t): + if not self.called: + results = self.callable(s, l, t) + self.called = True + return results + raise ParseException(s, l, "OnlyOnce obj called multiple times w/out reset") + + def reset(self): + """ + Allow the associated parse action to be called once more. + """ + + self.called = False + + +def match_only_at_col(n): + """ + Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at + a specific column in the input text. + """ + + def verify_col(strg, locn, toks): + if col(locn, strg) != n: + raise ParseException(strg, locn, "matched token not at column {}".format(n)) + + return verify_col + + +def replace_with(repl_str): + """ + Helper method for common parse actions that simply return + a literal value. Especially useful when used with + :class:`transform_string` (). + + Example:: + + num = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + na = one_of("N/A NA").set_parse_action(replace_with(math.nan)) + term = na | num + + term[1, ...].parse_string("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234] + """ + return lambda s, l, t: [repl_str] + + +def remove_quotes(s, l, t): + """ + Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed + quoted strings. + + Example:: + + # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results + quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"] + + # use remove_quotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results + quoted_string.set_parse_action(remove_quotes) + quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"] + """ + return t[0][1:-1] + + +def with_attribute(*args, **attr_dict): + """ + Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start + tags created with :class:`make_xml_tags` or + :class:`make_html_tags`. Use ``with_attribute`` to qualify + a starting tag with a required attribute value, to avoid false + matches on common tags such as ```` or ``
``. + + Call ``with_attribute`` with a series of attribute names and + values. Specify the list of filter attributes names and values as: + + - keyword arguments, as in ``(align="right")``, or + - as an explicit dict with ``**`` operator, when an attribute + name is also a Python reserved word, as in ``**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}`` + - a list of name-value tuples, as in ``(("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align", "right"))`` + + For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second + form. Attribute names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case. + + If just testing for ``class`` (with or without a namespace), use + :class:`with_class`. + + To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value, + pass ``with_attribute.ANY_VALUE`` as the value. + + Example:: + + html = ''' +
+ Some text +
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this has no type
+ + ''' + div,div_end = make_html_tags("div") + + # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid" + div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type="grid")) + grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html): + print(grid_header.body) + + # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value + div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type=with_attribute.ANY_VALUE)) + div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html): + print(div_header.body) + + prints:: + + 1 4 0 1 0 + + 1 4 0 1 0 + 1,3 2,3 1,1 + """ + if args: + attrs = args[:] + else: + attrs = attr_dict.items() + attrs = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs] + + def pa(s, l, tokens): + for attrName, attrValue in attrs: + if attrName not in tokens: + raise ParseException(s, l, "no matching attribute " + attrName) + if attrValue != with_attribute.ANY_VALUE and tokens[attrName] != attrValue: + raise ParseException( + s, + l, + "attribute {!r} has value {!r}, must be {!r}".format( + attrName, tokens[attrName], attrValue + ), + ) + + return pa + + +with_attribute.ANY_VALUE = object() + + +def with_class(classname, namespace=""): + """ + Simplified version of :class:`with_attribute` when + matching on a div class - made difficult because ``class`` is + a reserved word in Python. + + Example:: + + html = ''' +
+ Some text +
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this <div> has no class
+ + ''' + div,div_end = make_html_tags("div") + div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_class("grid")) + + grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html): + print(grid_header.body) + + div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_class(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) + div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html): + print(div_header.body) + + prints:: + + 1 4 0 1 0 + + 1 4 0 1 0 + 1,3 2,3 1,1 + """ + classattr = "{}:class".format(namespace) if namespace else "class" + return with_attribute(**{classattr: classname}) + + +# pre-PEP8 compatibility symbols +replaceWith = replace_with +removeQuotes = remove_quotes +withAttribute = with_attribute +withClass = with_class +matchOnlyAtCol = match_only_at_col diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1859fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +# common.py +from .core import * +from .helpers import delimited_list, any_open_tag, any_close_tag +from datetime import datetime + + +# some other useful expressions - using lower-case class name since we are really using this as a namespace +class pyparsing_common: + """Here are some common low-level expressions that may be useful in + jump-starting parser development: + + - numeric forms (:class:`integers`, :class:`reals`, + :class:`scientific notation`) + - common :class:`programming identifiers` + - network addresses (:class:`MAC`, + :class:`IPv4`, :class:`IPv6`) + - ISO8601 :class:`dates` and + :class:`datetime` + - :class:`UUID` + - :class:`comma-separated list` + - :class:`url` + + Parse actions: + + - :class:`convertToInteger` + - :class:`convertToFloat` + - :class:`convertToDate` + - :class:`convertToDatetime` + - :class:`stripHTMLTags` + - :class:`upcaseTokens` + - :class:`downcaseTokens` + + Example:: + + pyparsing_common.number.runTests(''' + # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type + 100 + -100 + +100 + 3.14159 + 6.02e23 + 1e-12 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(''' + # any int or real number, returned as float + 100 + -100 + +100 + 3.14159 + 6.02e23 + 1e-12 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(''' + # hex numbers + 100 + FF + ''') + + pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests(''' + # fractions + 1/2 + -3/4 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests(''' + # mixed fractions + 1 + 1/2 + -3/4 + 1-3/4 + ''') + + import uuid + pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) + pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(''' + # uuid + 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 + ''') + + prints:: + + # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type + 100 + [100] + + -100 + [-100] + + +100 + [100] + + 3.14159 + [3.14159] + + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + # any int or real number, returned as float + 100 + [100.0] + + -100 + [-100.0] + + +100 + [100.0] + + 3.14159 + [3.14159] + + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + # hex numbers + 100 + [256] + + FF + [255] + + # fractions + 1/2 + [0.5] + + -3/4 + [-0.75] + + # mixed fractions + 1 + [1] + + 1/2 + [0.5] + + -3/4 + [-0.75] + + 1-3/4 + [1.75] + + # uuid + 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 + [UUID('12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678')] + """ + + convert_to_integer = token_map(int) + """ + Parse action for converting parsed integers to Python int + """ + + convert_to_float = token_map(float) + """ + Parse action for converting parsed numbers to Python float + """ + + integer = Word(nums).set_name("integer").set_parse_action(convert_to_integer) + """expression that parses an unsigned integer, returns an int""" + + hex_integer = ( + Word(hexnums).set_name("hex integer").set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16)) + ) + """expression that parses a hexadecimal integer, returns an int""" + + signed_integer = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") + .set_name("signed integer") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_integer) + ) + """expression that parses an integer with optional leading sign, returns an int""" + + fraction = ( + signed_integer().set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + + "/" + + signed_integer().set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ).set_name("fraction") + """fractional expression of an integer divided by an integer, returns a float""" + fraction.add_parse_action(lambda tt: tt[0] / tt[-1]) + + mixed_integer = ( + fraction | signed_integer + Opt(Opt("-").suppress() + fraction) + ).set_name("fraction or mixed integer-fraction") + """mixed integer of the form 'integer - fraction', with optional leading integer, returns float""" + mixed_integer.add_parse_action(sum) + + real = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)") + .set_name("real number") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """expression that parses a floating point number and returns a float""" + + sci_real = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?(?:\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)|(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)") + .set_name("real number with scientific notation") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """expression that parses a floating point number with optional + scientific notation and returns a float""" + + # streamlining this expression makes the docs nicer-looking + number = (sci_real | real | signed_integer).setName("number").streamline() + """any numeric expression, returns the corresponding Python type""" + + fnumber = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?") + .set_name("fnumber") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """any int or real number, returned as float""" + + identifier = Word(identchars, identbodychars).set_name("identifier") + """typical code identifier (leading alpha or '_', followed by 0 or more alphas, nums, or '_')""" + + ipv4_address = Regex( + r"(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})){3}" + ).set_name("IPv4 address") + "IPv4 address (`` -``)" + + _ipv6_part = Regex(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}").set_name("hex_integer") + _full_ipv6_address = (_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * 7).set_name( + "full IPv6 address" + ) + _short_ipv6_address = ( + Opt(_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * (0, 6)) + + "::" + + Opt(_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * (0, 6)) + ).set_name("short IPv6 address") + _short_ipv6_address.add_condition( + lambda t: sum(1 for tt in t if pyparsing_common._ipv6_part.matches(tt)) < 8 + ) + _mixed_ipv6_address = ("::ffff:" + ipv4_address).set_name("mixed IPv6 address") + ipv6_address = Combine( + (_full_ipv6_address | _mixed_ipv6_address | _short_ipv6_address).set_name( + "IPv6 address" + ) + ).set_name("IPv6 address") + "IPv6 address (long, short, or mixed form)" + + mac_address = Regex( + r"[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([:.-])[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:\1[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){4}" + ).set_name("MAC address") + "MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (may also have '-' or '.' delimiters)" + + @staticmethod + def convert_to_date(fmt: str = "%Y-%m-%d"): + """ + Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed date string to Python datetime.date + + Params - + - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%d"``) + + Example:: + + date_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.copy() + date_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()) + print(date_expr.parseString("1999-12-31")) + + prints:: + + [datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)] + """ + + def cvt_fn(ss, ll, tt): + try: + return datetime.strptime(tt[0], fmt).date() + except ValueError as ve: + raise ParseException(ss, ll, str(ve)) + + return cvt_fn + + @staticmethod + def convert_to_datetime(fmt: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"): + """Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed + datetime string to Python datetime.datetime + + Params - + - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"``) + + Example:: + + dt_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.copy() + dt_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()) + print(dt_expr.parseString("1999-12-31T23:59:59.999")) + + prints:: + + [datetime.datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000)] + """ + + def cvt_fn(s, l, t): + try: + return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt) + except ValueError as ve: + raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) + + return cvt_fn + + iso8601_date = Regex( + r"(?P\d{4})(?:-(?P\d\d)(?:-(?P\d\d))?)?" + ).set_name("ISO8601 date") + "ISO8601 date (``yyyy-mm-dd``)" + + iso8601_datetime = Regex( + r"(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)[T ](?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)(:(?P\d\d(\.\d*)?)?)?(?PZ|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)?" + ).set_name("ISO8601 datetime") + "ISO8601 datetime (``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s(Z|+-00:00)``) - trailing seconds, milliseconds, and timezone optional; accepts separating ``'T'`` or ``' '``" + + uuid = Regex(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}").set_name("UUID") + "UUID (``xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx``)" + + _html_stripper = any_open_tag.suppress() | any_close_tag.suppress() + + @staticmethod + def strip_html_tags(s: str, l: int, tokens: ParseResults): + """Parse action to remove HTML tags from web page HTML source + + Example:: + + # strip HTML links from normal text + text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' + td, td_end = makeHTMLTags("TD") + table_text = td + SkipTo(td_end).setParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)("body") + td_end + print(table_text.parseString(text).body) + + Prints:: + + More info at the pyparsing wiki page + """ + return pyparsing_common._html_stripper.transform_string(tokens[0]) + + _commasepitem = ( + Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~Literal(",") + + ~LineEnd() + + Word(printables, exclude_chars=",") + + Opt(White(" \t") + ~FollowedBy(LineEnd() | ",")) + ) + ) + .streamline() + .set_name("commaItem") + ) + comma_separated_list = delimited_list( + Opt(quoted_string.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") + ).set_name("comma separated list") + """Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas.""" + + upcase_tokens = staticmethod(token_map(lambda t: t.upper())) + """Parse action to convert tokens to upper case.""" + + downcase_tokens = staticmethod(token_map(lambda t: t.lower())) + """Parse action to convert tokens to lower case.""" + + # fmt: off + url = Regex( + # https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex + # https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294 + r"^" + + # protocol identifier (optional) + # short syntax // still required + r"(?:(?:(?Phttps?|ftp):)?\/\/)" + + # user:pass BasicAuth (optional) + r"(?:(?P\S+(?::\S*)?)@)?" + + r"(?P" + + # IP address exclusion + # private & local networks + r"(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})" + + r"(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" + + r"(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" + + # IP address dotted notation octets + # excludes loopback network + # excludes reserved space >= + # excludes network & broadcast addresses + # (first & last IP address of each class) + r"(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])" + + r"(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}" + + r"(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))" + + r"|" + + # host & domain names, may end with dot + # can be replaced by a shortest alternative + # (?![-_])(?:[-\w\u00a1-\uffff]{0,63}[^-_]\.)+ + r"(?:" + + r"(?:" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff]" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff_-]{0,62}" + + r")?" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff]\." + + r")+" + + # TLD identifier name, may end with dot + r"(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,}\.?)" + + r")" + + # port number (optional) + r"(:(?P\d{2,5}))?" + + # resource path (optional) + r"(?P\/[^?# ]*)?" + + # query string (optional) + r"(\?(?P[^#]*))?" + + # fragment (optional) + r"(#(?P\S*))?" + + r"$" + ).set_name("url") + # fmt: on + + # pre-PEP8 compatibility names + convertToInteger = convert_to_integer + convertToFloat = convert_to_float + convertToDate = convert_to_date + convertToDatetime = convert_to_datetime + stripHTMLTags = strip_html_tags + upcaseTokens = upcase_tokens + downcaseTokens = downcase_tokens + + +_builtin_exprs = [ + v for v in vars(pyparsing_common).values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9acba3f --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py @@ -0,0 +1,5814 @@ +# +# core.py +# +import os +import typing +from typing import ( + NamedTuple, + Union, + Callable, + Any, + Generator, + Tuple, + List, + TextIO, + Set, + Sequence, +) +from abc import ABC, abstractmethod +from enum import Enum +import string +import copy +import warnings +import re +import sys +from collections.abc import Iterable +import traceback +import types +from operator import itemgetter +from functools import wraps +from threading import RLock +from pathlib import Path + +from .util import ( + _FifoCache, + _UnboundedCache, + __config_flags, + _collapse_string_to_ranges, + _escape_regex_range_chars, + _bslash, + _flatten, + LRUMemo as _LRUMemo, + UnboundedMemo as _UnboundedMemo, +) +from .exceptions import * +from .actions import * +from .results import ParseResults, _ParseResultsWithOffset +from .unicode import pyparsing_unicode + +_MAX_INT = sys.maxsize +str_type: Tuple[type, ...] = (str, bytes) + +# +# Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Paul T. McGuire +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +# the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# + + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): + from functools import cached_property +else: + + class cached_property: + def __init__(self, func): + self._func = func + + def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): + ret = instance.__dict__[self._func.__name__] = self._func(instance) + return ret + + +class __compat__(__config_flags): + """ + A cross-version compatibility configuration for pyparsing features that will be + released in a future version. By setting values in this configuration to True, + those features can be enabled in prior versions for compatibility development + and testing. + + - ``collect_all_And_tokens`` - flag to enable fix for Issue #63 that fixes erroneous grouping + of results names when an :class:`And` expression is nested within an :class:`Or` or :class:`MatchFirst`; + maintained for compatibility, but setting to ``False`` no longer restores pre-2.3.1 + behavior + """ + + _type_desc = "compatibility" + + collect_all_And_tokens = True + + _all_names = [__ for __ in locals() if not __.startswith("_")] + _fixed_names = """ + collect_all_And_tokens + """.split() + + +class __diag__(__config_flags): + _type_desc = "diagnostic" + + warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation = False + warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection = False + warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward = False + warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward = False + warn_on_assignment_to_Forward = False + warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof = False + warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator = False + enable_debug_on_named_expressions = False + + _all_names = [__ for __ in locals() if not __.startswith("_")] + _warning_names = [name for name in _all_names if name.startswith("warn")] + _debug_names = [name for name in _all_names if name.startswith("enable_debug")] + + @classmethod + def enable_all_warnings(cls) -> None: + for name in cls._warning_names: + cls.enable(name) + + +class Diagnostics(Enum): + """ + Diagnostic configuration (all default to disabled) + - ``warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation`` - flag to enable warnings when a results + name is defined on a :class:`MatchFirst` or :class:`Or` expression with one or more :class:`And` subexpressions + - ``warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection`` - flag to enable warnings when a results + name is defined on a containing expression with ungrouped subexpressions that also + have results names + - ``warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is defined + with a results name, but has no contents defined + - ``warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is + defined in a grammar but has never had an expression attached to it + - ``warn_on_assignment_to_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is defined + but is overwritten by assigning using ``'='`` instead of ``'<<='`` or ``'<<'`` + - ``warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof`` - flag to enable warnings when :class:`one_of` is + incorrectly called with multiple str arguments + - ``enable_debug_on_named_expressions`` - flag to auto-enable debug on all subsequent + calls to :class:`ParserElement.set_name` + + Diagnostics are enabled/disabled by calling :class:`enable_diag` and :class:`disable_diag`. + All warnings can be enabled by calling :class:`enable_all_warnings`. + """ + + warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation = 0 + warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection = 1 + warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward = 2 + warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward = 3 + warn_on_assignment_to_Forward = 4 + warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof = 5 + warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator = 6 + enable_debug_on_named_expressions = 7 + + +def enable_diag(diag_enum: Diagnostics) -> None: + """ + Enable a global pyparsing diagnostic flag (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.enable(diag_enum.name) + + +def disable_diag(diag_enum: Diagnostics) -> None: + """ + Disable a global pyparsing diagnostic flag (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.disable(diag_enum.name) + + +def enable_all_warnings() -> None: + """ + Enable all global pyparsing diagnostic warnings (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.enable_all_warnings() + + +# hide abstract class +del __config_flags + + +def _should_enable_warnings( + cmd_line_warn_options: typing.Iterable[str], warn_env_var: typing.Optional[str] +) -> bool: + enable = bool(warn_env_var) + for warn_opt in cmd_line_warn_options: + w_action, w_message, w_category, w_module, w_line = (warn_opt + "::::").split( + ":" + )[:5] + if not w_action.lower().startswith("i") and ( + not (w_message or w_category or w_module) or w_module == "pyparsing" + ): + enable = True + elif w_action.lower().startswith("i") and w_module in ("pyparsing", ""): + enable = False + return enable + + +if _should_enable_warnings( + sys.warnoptions, os.environ.get("PYPARSINGENABLEALLWARNINGS") +): + enable_all_warnings() + + +# build list of single arg builtins, that can be used as parse actions +_single_arg_builtins = { + sum, + len, + sorted, + reversed, + list, + tuple, + set, + any, + all, + min, + max, +} + +_generatorType = types.GeneratorType +ParseAction = Union[ + Callable[[], Any], + Callable[[ParseResults], Any], + Callable[[int, ParseResults], Any], + Callable[[str, int, ParseResults], Any], +] +ParseCondition = Union[ + Callable[[], bool], + Callable[[ParseResults], bool], + Callable[[int, ParseResults], bool], + Callable[[str, int, ParseResults], bool], +] +ParseFailAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", Exception], None] +DebugStartAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", bool], None] +DebugSuccessAction = Callable[ + [str, int, int, "ParserElement", ParseResults, bool], None +] +DebugExceptionAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", Exception, bool], None] + + +alphas = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase +identchars = pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.identchars +identbodychars = pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.identbodychars +nums = "0123456789" +hexnums = nums + "ABCDEFabcdef" +alphanums = alphas + nums +printables = "".join([c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace]) + +_trim_arity_call_line: traceback.StackSummary = None + + +def _trim_arity(func, max_limit=3): + """decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target""" + global _trim_arity_call_line + + if func in _single_arg_builtins: + return lambda s, l, t: func(t) + + limit = 0 + found_arity = False + + def extract_tb(tb, limit=0): + frames = traceback.extract_tb(tb, limit=limit) + frame_summary = frames[-1] + return [frame_summary[:2]] + + # synthesize what would be returned by traceback.extract_stack at the call to + # user's parse action 'func', so that we don't incur call penalty at parse time + + # fmt: off + LINE_DIFF = 7 + # IF ANY CODE CHANGES, EVEN JUST COMMENTS OR BLANK LINES, BETWEEN THE NEXT LINE AND + # THE CALL TO FUNC INSIDE WRAPPER, LINE_DIFF MUST BE MODIFIED!!!! + _trim_arity_call_line = (_trim_arity_call_line or traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-1]) + pa_call_line_synth = (_trim_arity_call_line[0], _trim_arity_call_line[1] + LINE_DIFF) + + def wrapper(*args): + nonlocal found_arity, limit + while 1: + try: + ret = func(*args[limit:]) + found_arity = True + return ret + except TypeError as te: + # re-raise TypeErrors if they did not come from our arity testing + if found_arity: + raise + else: + tb = te.__traceback__ + trim_arity_type_error = ( + extract_tb(tb, limit=2)[-1][:2] == pa_call_line_synth + ) + del tb + + if trim_arity_type_error: + if limit < max_limit: + limit += 1 + continue + + raise + # fmt: on + + # copy func name to wrapper for sensible debug output + # (can't use functools.wraps, since that messes with function signature) + func_name = getattr(func, "__name__", getattr(func, "__class__").__name__) + wrapper.__name__ = func_name + wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ + + return wrapper + + +def condition_as_parse_action( + fn: ParseCondition, message: str = None, fatal: bool = False +) -> ParseAction: + """ + Function to convert a simple predicate function that returns ``True`` or ``False`` + into a parse action. Can be used in places when a parse action is required + and :class:`ParserElement.add_condition` cannot be used (such as when adding a condition + to an operator level in :class:`infix_notation`). + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - ``message`` - define a custom message to be used in the raised exception + - ``fatal`` - if True, will raise :class:`ParseFatalException` to stop parsing immediately; + otherwise will raise :class:`ParseException` + + """ + msg = message if message is not None else "failed user-defined condition" + exc_type = ParseFatalException if fatal else ParseException + fn = _trim_arity(fn) + + @wraps(fn) + def pa(s, l, t): + if not bool(fn(s, l, t)): + raise exc_type(s, l, msg) + + return pa + + +def _default_start_debug_action( + instring: str, loc: int, expr: "ParserElement", cache_hit: bool = False +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print( + ( + "{}Match {} at loc {}({},{})\n {}\n {}^".format( + cache_hit_str, + expr, + loc, + lineno(loc, instring), + col(loc, instring), + line(loc, instring), + " " * (col(loc, instring) - 1), + ) + ) + ) + + +def _default_success_debug_action( + instring: str, + startloc: int, + endloc: int, + expr: "ParserElement", + toks: ParseResults, + cache_hit: bool = False, +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print("{}Matched {} -> {}".format(cache_hit_str, expr, toks.as_list())) + + +def _default_exception_debug_action( + instring: str, + loc: int, + expr: "ParserElement", + exc: Exception, + cache_hit: bool = False, +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print( + "{}Match {} failed, {} raised: {}".format( + cache_hit_str, expr, type(exc).__name__, exc + ) + ) + + +def null_debug_action(*args): + """'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing.""" + + +class ParserElement(ABC): + """Abstract base level parser element class.""" + + DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS: str = " \n\t\r" + verbose_stacktrace: bool = False + _literalStringClass: typing.Optional[type] = None + + @staticmethod + def set_default_whitespace_chars(chars: str) -> None: + r""" + Overrides the default whitespace chars + + Example:: + + # default whitespace chars are space, and newline + Word(alphas)[1, ...].parse_string("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] + + # change to just treat newline as significant + ParserElement.set_default_whitespace_chars(" \t") + Word(alphas)[1, ...].parse_string("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def'] + """ + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = chars + + # update whitespace all parse expressions defined in this module + for expr in _builtin_exprs: + if expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars: + expr.whiteChars = set(chars) + + @staticmethod + def inline_literals_using(cls: type) -> None: + """ + Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser. + + Example:: + + # default literal class used is Literal + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + + + # change to Suppress + ParserElement.inline_literals_using(Suppress) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '12', '31'] + """ + ParserElement._literalStringClass = cls + + class DebugActions(NamedTuple): + debug_try: typing.Optional[DebugStartAction] + debug_match: typing.Optional[DebugSuccessAction] + debug_fail: typing.Optional[DebugExceptionAction] + + def __init__(self, savelist: bool = False): + self.parseAction: List[ParseAction] = list() + self.failAction: typing.Optional[ParseFailAction] = None + self.customName = None + self._defaultName = None + self.resultsName = None + self.saveAsList = savelist + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.whiteChars = set(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS) + self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = True + # used when checking for left-recursion + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.keepTabs = False + self.ignoreExprs: List["ParserElement"] = list() + self.debug = False + self.streamlined = False + # optimize exception handling for subclasses that don't advance parse index + self.mayIndexError = True + self.errmsg = "" + # mark results names as modal (report only last) or cumulative (list all) + self.modalResults = True + # custom debug actions + self.debugActions = self.DebugActions(None, None, None) + # avoid redundant calls to preParse + self.callPreparse = True + self.callDuringTry = False + self.suppress_warnings_: List[Diagnostics] = [] + + def suppress_warning(self, warning_type: Diagnostics) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Suppress warnings emitted for a particular diagnostic on this expression. + + Example:: + + base = pp.Forward() + base.suppress_warning(Diagnostics.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward) + + # statement would normally raise a warning, but is now suppressed + print(base.parseString("x")) + + """ + self.suppress_warnings_.append(warning_type) + return self + + def copy(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Make a copy of this :class:`ParserElement`. Useful for defining + different parse actions for the same parsing pattern, using copies of + the original parse element. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + integerK = integer.copy().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024) + Suppress("K") + integerM = integer.copy().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") + + print((integerK | integerM | integer)[1, ...].parse_string("5K 100 640K 256M")) + + prints:: + + [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456] + + Equivalent form of ``expr.copy()`` is just ``expr()``:: + + integerM = integer().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") + """ + cpy = copy.copy(self) + cpy.parseAction = self.parseAction[:] + cpy.ignoreExprs = self.ignoreExprs[:] + if self.copyDefaultWhiteChars: + cpy.whiteChars = set(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS) + return cpy + + def set_results_name( + self, name: str, list_all_matches: bool = False, *, listAllMatches: bool = False + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute + of the returned parse results. + + Normally, results names are assigned as you would assign keys in a dict: + any existing value is overwritten by later values. If it is necessary to + keep all values captured for a particular results name, call ``set_results_name`` + with ``list_all_matches`` = True. + + NOTE: ``set_results_name`` returns a *copy* of the original :class:`ParserElement` object; + this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an + integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names. + + You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, + ``expr("name")`` in place of ``expr.set_results_name("name")`` + - see :class:`__call__`. If ``list_all_matches`` is required, use + ``expr("name*")``. + + Example:: + + date_str = (integer.set_results_name("year") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("month") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("day")) + + # equivalent form: + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + """ + listAllMatches = listAllMatches or list_all_matches + return self._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if name is None: + return self + newself = self.copy() + if name.endswith("*"): + name = name[:-1] + listAllMatches = True + newself.resultsName = name + newself.modalResults = not listAllMatches + return newself + + def set_break(self, break_flag: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is + about to be parsed. Set ``break_flag`` to ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to + disable. + """ + if break_flag: + _parseMethod = self._parse + + def breaker(instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True): + import pdb + + # this call to pdb.set_trace() is intentional, not a checkin error + pdb.set_trace() + return _parseMethod(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) + + breaker._originalParseMethod = _parseMethod + self._parse = breaker + else: + if hasattr(self._parse, "_originalParseMethod"): + self._parse = self._parse._originalParseMethod + return self + + def set_parse_action(self, *fns: ParseAction, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition. + + Parse actions can be called to perform data conversions, do extra validation, + update external data structures, or enhance or replace the parsed tokens. + Each parse action ``fn`` is a callable method with 0-3 arguments, called as + ``fn(s, loc, toks)`` , ``fn(loc, toks)`` , ``fn(toks)`` , or just ``fn()`` , where: + + - s = the original string being parsed (see note below) + - loc = the location of the matching substring + - toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a :class:`ParseResults` object + + The parsed tokens are passed to the parse action as ParseResults. They can be + modified in place using list-style append, extend, and pop operations to update + the parsed list elements; and with dictionary-style item set and del operations + to add, update, or remove any named results. If the tokens are modified in place, + it is not necessary to return them with a return statement. + + Parse actions can also completely replace the given tokens, with another ``ParseResults`` + object, or with some entirely different object (common for parse actions that perform data + conversions). A convenient way to build a new parse result is to define the values + using a dict, and then create the return value using :class:`ParseResults.from_dict`. + + If None is passed as the ``fn`` parse action, all previously added parse actions for this + expression are cleared. + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - call_during_try = (default= ``False``) indicate if parse action should be run during + lookaheads and alternate testing. For parse actions that have side effects, it is + important to only call the parse action once it is determined that it is being + called as part of a successful parse. For parse actions that perform additional + validation, then call_during_try should be passed as True, so that the validation + code is included in the preliminary "try" parses. + + Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See :class:`parse_string` for more + information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested + methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse + location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + + Example:: + + # parse dates in the form YYYY/MM/DD + + # use parse action to convert toks from str to int at parse time + def convert_to_int(toks): + return int(toks[0]) + + # use a parse action to verify that the date is a valid date + def is_valid_date(instring, loc, toks): + from datetime import date + year, month, day = toks[::2] + try: + date(year, month, day) + except ValueError: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "invalid date given") + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer + + # add parse actions + integer.set_parse_action(convert_to_int) + date_str.set_parse_action(is_valid_date) + + # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings + date_str.run_tests(''' + # successful parse - note that integer fields were converted to ints + 1999/12/31 + + # fail - invalid date + 1999/13/31 + ''') + """ + if list(fns) == [None]: + self.parseAction = [] + else: + if not all(callable(fn) for fn in fns): + raise TypeError("parse actions must be callable") + self.parseAction = [_trim_arity(fn) for fn in fns] + self.callDuringTry = kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def add_parse_action(self, *fns: ParseAction, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See :class:`set_parse_action`. + + See examples in :class:`copy`. + """ + self.parseAction += [_trim_arity(fn) for fn in fns] + self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def add_condition(self, *fns: ParseCondition, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See + :class:`set_parse_action` for function call signatures. Unlike ``set_parse_action``, + functions passed to ``add_condition`` need to return boolean success/fail of the condition. + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception + - fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise + ParseException + - call_during_try = boolean to indicate if this method should be called during internal tryParse calls, + default=False + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + year_int = integer.copy() + year_int.add_condition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later") + date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer + + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), + (line:1, col:1) + """ + for fn in fns: + self.parseAction.append( + condition_as_parse_action( + fn, message=kwargs.get("message"), fatal=kwargs.get("fatal", False) + ) + ) + + self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def set_fail_action(self, fn: ParseFailAction) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. + Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments + ``fn(s, loc, expr, err)`` where: + + - s = string being parsed + - loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed + - expr = the parse expression that failed + - err = the exception thrown + + The function returns no value. It may throw :class:`ParseFatalException` + if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.""" + self.failAction = fn + return self + + def _skipIgnorables(self, instring, loc): + exprsFound = True + while exprsFound: + exprsFound = False + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + try: + while 1: + loc, dummy = e._parse(instring, loc) + exprsFound = True + except ParseException: + pass + return loc + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if self.ignoreExprs: + loc = self._skipIgnorables(instring, loc) + + if self.skipWhitespace: + instrlen = len(instring) + white_chars = self.whiteChars + while loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in white_chars: + loc += 1 + + return loc + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + return loc, [] + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + return tokenlist + + # @profile + def _parseNoCache( + self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True + ) -> Tuple[int, ParseResults]: + TRY, MATCH, FAIL = 0, 1, 2 + debugging = self.debug # and doActions) + len_instring = len(instring) + + if debugging or self.failAction: + # print("Match {} at loc {}({}, {})".format(self, loc, lineno(loc, instring), col(loc, instring))) + try: + if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: + pre_loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + else: + pre_loc = loc + tokens_start = pre_loc + if self.debugActions.debug_try: + self.debugActions.debug_try(instring, tokens_start, self, False) + if self.mayIndexError or pre_loc >= len_instring: + try: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except IndexError: + raise ParseException(instring, len_instring, self.errmsg, self) + else: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except Exception as err: + # print("Exception raised:", err) + if self.debugActions.debug_fail: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, tokens_start, self, err, False + ) + if self.failAction: + self.failAction(instring, tokens_start, self, err) + raise + else: + if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: + pre_loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + else: + pre_loc = loc + tokens_start = pre_loc + if self.mayIndexError or pre_loc >= len_instring: + try: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except IndexError: + raise ParseException(instring, len_instring, self.errmsg, self) + else: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + + tokens = self.postParse(instring, loc, tokens) + + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, self.resultsName, asList=self.saveAsList, modal=self.modalResults + ) + if self.parseAction and (doActions or self.callDuringTry): + if debugging: + try: + for fn in self.parseAction: + try: + tokens = fn(instring, tokens_start, ret_tokens) + except IndexError as parse_action_exc: + exc = ParseException("exception raised in parse action") + raise exc from parse_action_exc + + if tokens is not None and tokens is not ret_tokens: + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, + self.resultsName, + asList=self.saveAsList + and isinstance(tokens, (ParseResults, list)), + modal=self.modalResults, + ) + except Exception as err: + # print "Exception raised in user parse action:", err + if self.debugActions.debug_fail: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, tokens_start, self, err, False + ) + raise + else: + for fn in self.parseAction: + try: + tokens = fn(instring, tokens_start, ret_tokens) + except IndexError as parse_action_exc: + exc = ParseException("exception raised in parse action") + raise exc from parse_action_exc + + if tokens is not None and tokens is not ret_tokens: + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, + self.resultsName, + asList=self.saveAsList + and isinstance(tokens, (ParseResults, list)), + modal=self.modalResults, + ) + if debugging: + # print("Matched", self, "->", ret_tokens.as_list()) + if self.debugActions.debug_match: + self.debugActions.debug_match( + instring, tokens_start, loc, self, ret_tokens, False + ) + + return loc, ret_tokens + + def try_parse(self, instring: str, loc: int, raise_fatal: bool = False) -> int: + try: + return self._parse(instring, loc, doActions=False)[0] + except ParseFatalException: + if raise_fatal: + raise + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + def can_parse_next(self, instring: str, loc: int) -> bool: + try: + self.try_parse(instring, loc) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + return False + else: + return True + + # cache for left-recursion in Forward references + recursion_lock = RLock() + recursion_memos: typing.Dict[ + Tuple[int, "Forward", bool], Tuple[int, Union[ParseResults, Exception]] + ] = {} + + # argument cache for optimizing repeated calls when backtracking through recursive expressions + packrat_cache = ( + {} + ) # this is set later by enabled_packrat(); this is here so that reset_cache() doesn't fail + packrat_cache_lock = RLock() + packrat_cache_stats = [0, 0] + + # this method gets repeatedly called during backtracking with the same arguments - + # we can cache these arguments and save ourselves the trouble of re-parsing the contained expression + def _parseCache( + self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True + ) -> Tuple[int, ParseResults]: + HIT, MISS = 0, 1 + TRY, MATCH, FAIL = 0, 1, 2 + lookup = (self, instring, loc, callPreParse, doActions) + with ParserElement.packrat_cache_lock: + cache = ParserElement.packrat_cache + value = cache.get(lookup) + if value is cache.not_in_cache: + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[MISS] += 1 + try: + value = self._parseNoCache(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) + except ParseBaseException as pe: + # cache a copy of the exception, without the traceback + cache.set(lookup, pe.__class__(*pe.args)) + raise + else: + cache.set(lookup, (value[0], value[1].copy(), loc)) + return value + else: + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[HIT] += 1 + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_try: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_try(instring, loc, self, cache_hit=True) + except TypeError: + pass + if isinstance(value, Exception): + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_fail: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, loc, self, value, cache_hit=True + ) + except TypeError: + pass + raise value + + loc_, result, endloc = value[0], value[1].copy(), value[2] + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_match: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_match( + instring, loc_, endloc, self, result, cache_hit=True + ) + except TypeError: + pass + + return loc_, result + + _parse = _parseNoCache + + @staticmethod + def reset_cache() -> None: + ParserElement.packrat_cache.clear() + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[:] = [0] * len( + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats + ) + ParserElement.recursion_memos.clear() + + _packratEnabled = False + _left_recursion_enabled = False + + @staticmethod + def disable_memoization() -> None: + """ + Disables active Packrat or Left Recursion parsing and their memoization + + This method also works if neither Packrat nor Left Recursion are enabled. + This makes it safe to call before activating Packrat nor Left Recursion + to clear any previous settings. + """ + ParserElement.reset_cache() + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = False + ParserElement._packratEnabled = False + ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseNoCache + + @staticmethod + def enable_left_recursion( + cache_size_limit: typing.Optional[int] = None, *, force=False + ) -> None: + """ + Enables "bounded recursion" parsing, which allows for both direct and indirect + left-recursion. During parsing, left-recursive :class:`Forward` elements are + repeatedly matched with a fixed recursion depth that is gradually increased + until finding the longest match. + + Example:: + + import pyparsing as pp + pp.ParserElement.enable_left_recursion() + + E = pp.Forward("E") + num = pp.Word(pp.nums) + # match `num`, or `num '+' num`, or `num '+' num '+' num`, ... + E <<= E + '+' - num | num + + print(E.parse_string("1+2+3")) + + Recursion search naturally memoizes matches of ``Forward`` elements and may + thus skip reevaluation of parse actions during backtracking. This may break + programs with parse actions which rely on strict ordering of side-effects. + + Parameters: + + - cache_size_limit - (default=``None``) - memoize at most this many + ``Forward`` elements during matching; if ``None`` (the default), + memoize all ``Forward`` elements. + + Bounded Recursion parsing works similar but not identical to Packrat parsing, + thus the two cannot be used together. Use ``force=True`` to disable any + previous, conflicting settings. + """ + if force: + ParserElement.disable_memoization() + elif ParserElement._packratEnabled: + raise RuntimeError("Packrat and Bounded Recursion are not compatible") + if cache_size_limit is None: + ParserElement.recursion_memos = _UnboundedMemo() + elif cache_size_limit > 0: + ParserElement.recursion_memos = _LRUMemo(capacity=cache_size_limit) + else: + raise NotImplementedError("Memo size of %s" % cache_size_limit) + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = True + + @staticmethod + def enable_packrat(cache_size_limit: int = 128, *, force: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. + Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens + often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, + instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of + both valid results and parsing exceptions. + + Parameters: + + - cache_size_limit - (default= ``128``) - if an integer value is provided + will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then + the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will + be effectively disabled. + + This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that + have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when + you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your + program must call the class method :class:`ParserElement.enable_packrat`. + For best results, call ``enable_packrat()`` immediately after + importing pyparsing. + + Example:: + + import pyparsing + pyparsing.ParserElement.enable_packrat() + + Packrat parsing works similar but not identical to Bounded Recursion parsing, + thus the two cannot be used together. Use ``force=True`` to disable any + previous, conflicting settings. + """ + if force: + ParserElement.disable_memoization() + elif ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled: + raise RuntimeError("Packrat and Bounded Recursion are not compatible") + if not ParserElement._packratEnabled: + ParserElement._packratEnabled = True + if cache_size_limit is None: + ParserElement.packrat_cache = _UnboundedCache() + else: + ParserElement.packrat_cache = _FifoCache(cache_size_limit) + ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseCache + + def parse_string( + self, instring: str, parse_all: bool = False, *, parseAll: bool = False + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Parse a string with respect to the parser definition. This function is intended as the primary interface to the + client code. + + :param instring: The input string to be parsed. + :param parse_all: If set, the entire input string must match the grammar. + :param parseAll: retained for pre-PEP8 compatibility, will be removed in a future release. + :raises ParseException: Raised if ``parse_all`` is set and the input string does not match the whole grammar. + :returns: the parsed data as a :class:`ParseResults` object, which may be accessed as a `list`, a `dict`, or + an object with attributes if the given parser includes results names. + + If the input string is required to match the entire grammar, ``parse_all`` flag must be set to ``True``. This + is also equivalent to ending the grammar with :class:`StringEnd`(). + + To report proper column numbers, ``parse_string`` operates on a copy of the input string where all tabs are + converted to spaces (8 spaces per tab, as per the default in ``string.expandtabs``). If the input string + contains tabs and the grammar uses parse actions that use the ``loc`` argument to index into the string + being parsed, one can ensure a consistent view of the input string by doing one of the following: + + - calling ``parse_with_tabs`` on your grammar before calling ``parse_string`` (see :class:`parse_with_tabs`), + - define your parse action using the full ``(s,loc,toks)`` signature, and reference the input string using the + parse action's ``s`` argument, or + - explicitly expand the tabs in your input string before calling ``parse_string``. + + Examples: + + By default, partial matches are OK. + + >>> res = Word('a').parse_string('aaaaabaaa') + >>> print(res) + ['aaaaa'] + + The parsing behavior varies by the inheriting class of this abstract class. Please refer to the children + directly to see more examples. + + It raises an exception if parse_all flag is set and instring does not match the whole grammar. + + >>> res = Word('a').parse_string('aaaaabaaa', parse_all=True) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + pyparsing.ParseException: Expected end of text, found 'b' (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) + """ + parseAll = parse_all or parseAll + + ParserElement.reset_cache() + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamline() + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + e.streamline() + if not self.keepTabs: + instring = instring.expandtabs() + try: + loc, tokens = self._parse(instring, 0) + if parseAll: + loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + se = Empty() + StringEnd() + se._parse(instring, loc) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clearing out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + else: + return tokens + + def scan_string( + self, + instring: str, + max_matches: int = _MAX_INT, + overlap: bool = False, + *, + debug: bool = False, + maxMatches: int = _MAX_INT, + ) -> Generator[Tuple[ParseResults, int, int], None, None]: + """ + Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the + matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional + ``max_matches`` argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If + ``overlap`` is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported. + + Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string + being parsed. See :class:`parse_string` for more information on parsing + strings with embedded tabs. + + Example:: + + source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987" + print(source) + for tokens, start, end in Word(alphas).scan_string(source): + print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start)) + print(' '*start + tokens[0]) + + prints:: + + sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987 + ^^^^^ + sldjf + ^^^^^^^ + lsdjjkf + ^^^^^^ + sldkjf + ^^^^^^ + lkjsfd + """ + maxMatches = min(maxMatches, max_matches) + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamline() + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + e.streamline() + + if not self.keepTabs: + instring = str(instring).expandtabs() + instrlen = len(instring) + loc = 0 + preparseFn = self.preParse + parseFn = self._parse + ParserElement.resetCache() + matches = 0 + try: + while loc <= instrlen and matches < maxMatches: + try: + preloc = preparseFn(instring, loc) + nextLoc, tokens = parseFn(instring, preloc, callPreParse=False) + except ParseException: + loc = preloc + 1 + else: + if nextLoc > loc: + matches += 1 + if debug: + print( + { + "tokens": tokens.asList(), + "start": preloc, + "end": nextLoc, + } + ) + yield tokens, preloc, nextLoc + if overlap: + nextloc = preparseFn(instring, loc) + if nextloc > loc: + loc = nextLoc + else: + loc += 1 + else: + loc = nextLoc + else: + loc = preloc + 1 + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def transform_string(self, instring: str, *, debug: bool = False) -> str: + """ + Extension to :class:`scan_string`, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may + be returned from a parse action. To use ``transform_string``, define a grammar and + attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. + Invoking ``transform_string()`` on a target string will then scan for matches, + and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse + action. ``transform_string()`` returns the resulting transformed string. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + wd.set_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0].title()) + + print(wd.transform_string("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york.")) + + prints:: + + Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York. + """ + out: List[str] = [] + lastE = 0 + # force preservation of s, to minimize unwanted transformation of string, and to + # keep string locs straight between transform_string and scan_string + self.keepTabs = True + try: + for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, debug=debug): + out.append(instring[lastE:s]) + if t: + if isinstance(t, ParseResults): + out += t.as_list() + elif isinstance(t, Iterable) and not isinstance(t, str_type): + out.extend(t) + else: + out.append(t) + lastE = e + out.append(instring[lastE:]) + out = [o for o in out if o] + return "".join([str(s) for s in _flatten(out)]) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def search_string( + self, + instring: str, + max_matches: int = _MAX_INT, + *, + debug: bool = False, + maxMatches: int = _MAX_INT, + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Another extension to :class:`scan_string`, simplifying the access to the tokens found + to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional + ``max_matches`` argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found. + + Example:: + + # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters + cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) + + print(cap_word.search_string("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")) + + # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object + print(sum(cap_word.search_string("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))) + + prints:: + + [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']] + ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity'] + """ + maxMatches = min(maxMatches, max_matches) + try: + return ParseResults( + [t for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, maxMatches, debug=debug)] + ) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def split( + self, + instring: str, + maxsplit: int = _MAX_INT, + include_separators: bool = False, + *, + includeSeparators=False, + ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: + """ + Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. + May be called with optional ``maxsplit`` argument, to limit the number of splits; + and the optional ``include_separators`` argument (default= ``False``), if the separating + matching text should be included in the split results. + + Example:: + + punc = one_of(list(".,;:/-!?")) + print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!"))) + + prints:: + + ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', ''] + """ + includeSeparators = includeSeparators or include_separators + last = 0 + for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, max_matches=maxsplit): + yield instring[last:s] + if includeSeparators: + yield t[0] + last = e + yield instring[last:] + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``+`` operator - returns :class:`And`. Adding strings to a :class:`ParserElement` + converts them to :class:`Literal`s by default. + + Example:: + + greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" + hello = "Hello, World!" + print(hello, "->", greet.parse_string(hello)) + + prints:: + + Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] + + ``...`` may be used as a parse expression as a short form of :class:`SkipTo`. + + Literal('start') + ... + Literal('end') + + is equivalent to: + + Literal('start') + SkipTo('end')("_skipped*") + Literal('end') + + Note that the skipped text is returned with '_skipped' as a results name, + and to support having multiple skips in the same parser, the value returned is + a list of all skipped text. + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return _PendingSkip(self) + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return And([self, other]) + + def __radd__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``+`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return SkipTo(self)("_skipped*") + self + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other + self + + def __sub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``-`` operator, returns :class:`And` with error stop + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return self + And._ErrorStop() + other + + def __rsub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``-`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other - self + + def __mul__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``*`` operator, allows use of ``expr * 3`` in place of + ``expr + expr + expr``. Expressions may also be multiplied by a 2-integer + tuple, similar to ``{min, max}`` multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples + may also include ``None`` as in: + - ``expr*(n, None)`` or ``expr*(n, )`` is equivalent + to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr*(None, n)`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` + (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr*(None, None)`` is equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + - ``expr*(1, None)`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` + + Note that ``expr*(None, n)`` does not raise an exception if + more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, + ``expr*(None, n)`` does not enforce a maximum number of expr + occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write + ``expr*(None, n) + ~expr`` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + other = (0, None) + elif isinstance(other, tuple) and other[:1] == (Ellipsis,): + other = ((0,) + other[1:] + (None,))[:2] + + if isinstance(other, int): + minElements, optElements = other, 0 + elif isinstance(other, tuple): + other = tuple(o if o is not Ellipsis else None for o in other) + other = (other + (None, None))[:2] + if other[0] is None: + other = (0, other[1]) + if isinstance(other[0], int) and other[1] is None: + if other[0] == 0: + return ZeroOrMore(self) + if other[0] == 1: + return OneOrMore(self) + else: + return self * other[0] + ZeroOrMore(self) + elif isinstance(other[0], int) and isinstance(other[1], int): + minElements, optElements = other + optElements -= minElements + else: + raise TypeError( + "cannot multiply ParserElement and ({}) objects".format( + ",".join(type(item).__name__ for item in other) + ) + ) + else: + raise TypeError( + "cannot multiply ParserElement and {} objects".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + + if minElements < 0: + raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by negative value") + if optElements < 0: + raise ValueError( + "second tuple value must be greater or equal to first tuple value" + ) + if minElements == optElements == 0: + return And([]) + + if optElements: + + def makeOptionalList(n): + if n > 1: + return Opt(self + makeOptionalList(n - 1)) + else: + return Opt(self) + + if minElements: + if minElements == 1: + ret = self + makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + ret = And([self] * minElements) + makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + ret = makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + if minElements == 1: + ret = self + else: + ret = And([self] * minElements) + return ret + + def __rmul__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + return self.__mul__(other) + + def __or__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``|`` operator - returns :class:`MatchFirst` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return _PendingSkip(self, must_skip=True) + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return MatchFirst([self, other]) + + def __ror__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``|`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other | self + + def __xor__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``^`` operator - returns :class:`Or` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return Or([self, other]) + + def __rxor__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``^`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other ^ self + + def __and__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``&`` operator - returns :class:`Each` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return Each([self, other]) + + def __rand__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``&`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other & self + + def __invert__(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``~`` operator - returns :class:`NotAny` + """ + return NotAny(self) + + # disable __iter__ to override legacy use of sequential access to __getitem__ to + # iterate over a sequence + __iter__ = None + + def __getitem__(self, key): + """ + use ``[]`` indexing notation as a short form for expression repetition: + + - ``expr[n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*n`` + - ``expr[m, n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(m, n)`` + - ``expr[n, ...]`` or ``expr[n,]`` is equivalent + to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr[..., n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` + (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr[...]`` and ``expr[0, ...]`` are equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + - ``expr[1, ...]`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` + + ``None`` may be used in place of ``...``. + + Note that ``expr[..., n]`` and ``expr[m, n]``do not raise an exception + if more than ``n`` ``expr``s exist in the input stream. If this behavior is + desired, then write ``expr[..., n] + ~expr``. + """ + + # convert single arg keys to tuples + try: + if isinstance(key, str_type): + key = (key,) + iter(key) + except TypeError: + key = (key, key) + + if len(key) > 2: + raise TypeError( + "only 1 or 2 index arguments supported ({}{})".format( + key[:5], "... [{}]".format(len(key)) if len(key) > 5 else "" + ) + ) + + # clip to 2 elements + ret = self * tuple(key[:2]) + return ret + + def __call__(self, name: str = None) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Shortcut for :class:`set_results_name`, with ``list_all_matches=False``. + + If ``name`` is given with a trailing ``'*'`` character, then ``list_all_matches`` will be + passed as ``True``. + + If ``name` is omitted, same as calling :class:`copy`. + + Example:: + + # these are equivalent + userdata = Word(alphas).set_results_name("name") + Word(nums + "-").set_results_name("socsecno") + userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums + "-")("socsecno") + """ + if name is not None: + return self._setResultsName(name) + else: + return self.copy() + + def suppress(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Suppresses the output of this :class:`ParserElement`; useful to keep punctuation from + cluttering up returned output. + """ + return Suppress(self) + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Enables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the + :class:`ParserElement`'s defined pattern. + + :param recursive: If ``True`` (the default), also enable whitespace skipping in child elements (if any) + """ + self.skipWhitespace = True + return self + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the + :class:`ParserElement`'s defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by + the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars. + + :param recursive: If true (the default), also disable whitespace skipping in child elements (if any) + """ + self.skipWhitespace = False + return self + + def set_whitespace_chars( + self, chars: Union[Set[str], str], copy_defaults: bool = False + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Overrides the default whitespace chars + """ + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.whiteChars = set(chars) + self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = copy_defaults + return self + + def parse_with_tabs(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Overrides default behavior to expand ```` s to spaces before parsing the input string. + Must be called before ``parse_string`` when the input grammar contains elements that + match ```` characters. + """ + self.keepTabs = True + return self + + def ignore(self, other: "ParserElement") -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern + matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other + ignorable patterns. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + patt.parse_string('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') + # -> ['ablaj'] + + patt.ignore(c_style_comment) + patt.parse_string('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') + # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd'] + """ + import typing + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = Suppress(other) + + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + self.ignoreExprs.append(other) + else: + self.ignoreExprs.append(Suppress(other.copy())) + return self + + def set_debug_actions( + self, + start_action: DebugStartAction, + success_action: DebugSuccessAction, + exception_action: DebugExceptionAction, + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Customize display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching: + + - ``start_action`` - method to be called when an expression is about to be parsed; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, location: int, expression: ParserElement, cache_hit: bool)`` + + - ``success_action`` - method to be called when an expression has successfully parsed; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, start_location: int, end_location: int, expression: ParserELement, parsed_tokens: ParseResults, cache_hit: bool)`` + + - ``exception_action`` - method to be called when expression fails to parse; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, location: int, expression: ParserElement, exception: Exception, cache_hit: bool)`` + """ + self.debugActions = self.DebugActions( + start_action or _default_start_debug_action, + success_action or _default_success_debug_action, + exception_action or _default_exception_debug_action, + ) + self.debug = True + return self + + def set_debug(self, flag: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. + Set ``flag`` to ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to disable. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas).set_name("alphaword") + integer = Word(nums).set_name("numword") + term = wd | integer + + # turn on debugging for wd + wd.set_debug() + + term[1, ...].parse_string("abc 123 xyz 890") + + prints:: + + Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1) + Matched alphaword -> ['abc'] + Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) + Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8) + Matched alphaword -> ['xyz'] + Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13) + Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16) + + The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be + specified using :class:`set_debug_actions`. Prior to attempting + to match the ``wd`` expression, the debugging message ``"Match at loc (,)"`` + is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a ``"Matched"`` message is shown, or an ``"Exception raised"`` + message is shown. Also note the use of :class:`set_name` to assign a human-readable name to the expression, + which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default + name created for the :class:`Word` expression without calling ``set_name`` is ``"W:(A-Za-z)"``. + """ + if flag: + self.set_debug_actions( + _default_start_debug_action, + _default_success_debug_action, + _default_exception_debug_action, + ) + else: + self.debug = False + return self + + @property + def default_name(self) -> str: + if self._defaultName is None: + self._defaultName = self._generateDefaultName() + return self._defaultName + + @abstractmethod + def _generateDefaultName(self): + """ + Child classes must define this method, which defines how the ``default_name`` is set. + """ + + def set_name(self, name: str) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer. + Example:: + Word(nums).parse_string("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected W:(0-9) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + Word(nums).set_name("integer").parse_string("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + """ + self.customName = name + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + if __diag__.enable_debug_on_named_expressions: + self.set_debug() + return self + + @property + def name(self) -> str: + # This will use a user-defined name if available, but otherwise defaults back to the auto-generated name + return self.customName if self.customName is not None else self.default_name + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return self.name + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return str(self) + + def streamline(self) -> "ParserElement": + self.streamlined = True + self._defaultName = None + return self + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence["ParserElement"]: + return [] + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + for e in self.recurse(): + e._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + """ + Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions. + """ + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def parse_file( + self, + file_or_filename: Union[str, Path, TextIO], + encoding: str = "utf-8", + parse_all: bool = False, + *, + parseAll: bool = False, + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. + If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), + the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing. + """ + parseAll = parseAll or parse_all + try: + file_contents = file_or_filename.read() + except AttributeError: + with open(file_or_filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: + file_contents = f.read() + try: + return self.parse_string(file_contents, parseAll) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if self is other: + return True + elif isinstance(other, str_type): + return self.matches(other, parse_all=True) + elif isinstance(other, ParserElement): + return vars(self) == vars(other) + return False + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def matches( + self, test_string: str, parse_all: bool = True, *, parseAll: bool = True + ) -> bool: + """ + Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple + inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser. + + Parameters: + - ``test_string`` - to test against this expression for a match + - ``parse_all`` - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parse_string` when running tests + + Example:: + + expr = Word(nums) + assert expr.matches("100") + """ + parseAll = parseAll and parse_all + try: + self.parse_string(str(test_string), parse_all=parseAll) + return True + except ParseBaseException: + return False + + def run_tests( + self, + tests: Union[str, List[str]], + parse_all: bool = True, + comment: typing.Optional[Union["ParserElement", str]] = "#", + full_dump: bool = True, + print_results: bool = True, + failure_tests: bool = False, + post_parse: Callable[[str, ParseResults], str] = None, + file: typing.Optional[TextIO] = None, + with_line_numbers: bool = False, + *, + parseAll: bool = True, + fullDump: bool = True, + printResults: bool = True, + failureTests: bool = False, + postParse: Callable[[str, ParseResults], str] = None, + ) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple[str, Union[ParseResults, Exception]]]]: + """ + Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each + test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to + run a parse expression against a list of sample strings. + + Parameters: + - ``tests`` - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings + - ``parse_all`` - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parse_string` when running tests + - ``comment`` - (default= ``'#'``) - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test + string; pass None to disable comment filtering + - ``full_dump`` - (default= ``True``) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; + if False, only dump nested list + - ``print_results`` - (default= ``True``) prints test output to stdout + - ``failure_tests`` - (default= ``False``) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing + - ``post_parse`` - (default= ``None``) optional callback for successful parse results; called as + `fn(test_string, parse_results)` and returns a string to be added to the test output + - ``file`` - (default= ``None``) optional file-like object to which test output will be written; + if None, will default to ``sys.stdout`` + - ``with_line_numbers`` - default= ``False``) show test strings with line and column numbers + + Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded + (or failed if ``failure_tests`` is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each + test's output + + Example:: + + number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy() + + result = number_expr.run_tests(''' + # unsigned integer + 100 + # negative integer + -100 + # float with scientific notation + 6.02e23 + # integer with scientific notation + 1e-12 + ''') + print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") + + result = number_expr.run_tests(''' + # stray character + 100Z + # missing leading digit before '.' + -.100 + # too many '.' + 3.14.159 + ''', failure_tests=True) + print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") + + prints:: + + # unsigned integer + 100 + [100] + + # negative integer + -100 + [-100] + + # float with scientific notation + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + # integer with scientific notation + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + Success + + # stray character + 100Z + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4) + + # missing leading digit before '.' + -.100 + ^ + FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + + # too many '.' + 3.14.159 + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) + + Success + + Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple + lines, create a test like this:: + + expr.run_tests(r"this is a test\\n of strings that spans \\n 3 lines") + + (Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading ``'r'``.) + """ + from .testing import pyparsing_test + + parseAll = parseAll and parse_all + fullDump = fullDump and full_dump + printResults = printResults and print_results + failureTests = failureTests or failure_tests + postParse = postParse or post_parse + if isinstance(tests, str_type): + line_strip = type(tests).strip + tests = [line_strip(test_line) for test_line in tests.rstrip().splitlines()] + if isinstance(comment, str_type): + comment = Literal(comment) + if file is None: + file = sys.stdout + print_ = file.write + + result: Union[ParseResults, Exception] + allResults = [] + comments = [] + success = True + NL = Literal(r"\n").add_parse_action(replace_with("\n")).ignore(quoted_string) + BOM = "\ufeff" + for t in tests: + if comment is not None and comment.matches(t, False) or comments and not t: + comments.append( + pyparsing_test.with_line_numbers(t) if with_line_numbers else t + ) + continue + if not t: + continue + out = [ + "\n" + "\n".join(comments) if comments else "", + pyparsing_test.with_line_numbers(t) if with_line_numbers else t, + ] + comments = [] + try: + # convert newline marks to actual newlines, and strip leading BOM if present + t = NL.transform_string(t.lstrip(BOM)) + result = self.parse_string(t, parse_all=parseAll) + except ParseBaseException as pe: + fatal = "(FATAL)" if isinstance(pe, ParseFatalException) else "" + out.append(pe.explain()) + out.append("FAIL: " + str(pe)) + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + out.extend(traceback.format_tb(pe.__traceback__)) + success = success and failureTests + result = pe + except Exception as exc: + out.append("FAIL-EXCEPTION: {}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, exc)) + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + out.extend(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__)) + success = success and failureTests + result = exc + else: + success = success and not failureTests + if postParse is not None: + try: + pp_value = postParse(t, result) + if pp_value is not None: + if isinstance(pp_value, ParseResults): + out.append(pp_value.dump()) + else: + out.append(str(pp_value)) + else: + out.append(result.dump()) + except Exception as e: + out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) + out.append( + "{} failed: {}: {}".format( + postParse.__name__, type(e).__name__, e + ) + ) + else: + out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) + out.append("") + + if printResults: + print_("\n".join(out)) + + allResults.append((t, result)) + + return success, allResults + + def create_diagram( + self, + output_html: Union[TextIO, Path, str], + vertical: int = 3, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """ + Create a railroad diagram for the parser. + + Parameters: + - output_html (str or file-like object) - output target for generated + diagram HTML + - vertical (int) - threshold for formatting multiple alternatives vertically + instead of horizontally (default=3) + - show_results_names - bool flag whether diagram should show annotations for + defined results names + - show_groups - bool flag whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled surrounding box + Additional diagram-formatting keyword arguments can also be included; + see railroad.Diagram class. + """ + + try: + from .diagram import to_railroad, railroad_to_html + except ImportError as ie: + raise Exception( + "must ``pip install pyparsing[diagrams]`` to generate parser railroad diagrams" + ) from ie + + self.streamline() + + railroad = to_railroad( + self, + vertical=vertical, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + diagram_kwargs=kwargs, + ) + if isinstance(output_html, (str, Path)): + with open(output_html, "w", encoding="utf-8") as diag_file: + diag_file.write(railroad_to_html(railroad)) + else: + # we were passed a file-like object, just write to it + output_html.write(railroad_to_html(railroad)) + + setDefaultWhitespaceChars = set_default_whitespace_chars + inlineLiteralsUsing = inline_literals_using + setResultsName = set_results_name + setBreak = set_break + setParseAction = set_parse_action + addParseAction = add_parse_action + addCondition = add_condition + setFailAction = set_fail_action + tryParse = try_parse + canParseNext = can_parse_next + resetCache = reset_cache + enableLeftRecursion = enable_left_recursion + enablePackrat = enable_packrat + parseString = parse_string + scanString = scan_string + searchString = search_string + transformString = transform_string + setWhitespaceChars = set_whitespace_chars + parseWithTabs = parse_with_tabs + setDebugActions = set_debug_actions + setDebug = set_debug + defaultName = default_name + setName = set_name + parseFile = parse_file + runTests = run_tests + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class _PendingSkip(ParserElement): + # internal placeholder class to hold a place were '...' is added to a parser element, + # once another ParserElement is added, this placeholder will be replaced with a SkipTo + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, must_skip: bool = False): + super().__init__() + self.anchor = expr + self.must_skip = must_skip + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return str(self.anchor + Empty()).replace("Empty", "...") + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + skipper = SkipTo(other).set_name("...")("_skipped*") + if self.must_skip: + + def must_skip(t): + if not t._skipped or t._skipped.as_list() == [""]: + del t[0] + t.pop("_skipped", None) + + def show_skip(t): + if t._skipped.as_list()[-1:] == [""]: + t.pop("_skipped") + t["_skipped"] = "missing <" + repr(self.anchor) + ">" + + return ( + self.anchor + skipper().add_parse_action(must_skip) + | skipper().add_parse_action(show_skip) + ) + other + + return self.anchor + skipper + other + + def __repr__(self): + return self.defaultName + + def parseImpl(self, *args): + raise Exception( + "use of `...` expression without following SkipTo target expression" + ) + + +class Token(ParserElement): + """Abstract :class:`ParserElement` subclass, for defining atomic + matching patterns. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__(savelist=False) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return type(self).__name__ + + +class Empty(Token): + """ + An empty token, will always match. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + + +class NoMatch(Token): + """ + A token that will never match. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.errmsg = "Unmatchable token" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class Literal(Token): + """ + Token to exactly match a specified string. + + Example:: + + Literal('blah').parse_string('blah') # -> ['blah'] + Literal('blah').parse_string('blahfooblah') # -> ['blah'] + Literal('blah').parse_string('bla') # -> Exception: Expected "blah" + + For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessLiteral`. + + For keyword matching (force word break before and after the matched string), + use :class:`Keyword` or :class:`CaselessKeyword`. + """ + + def __init__(self, match_string: str = "", *, matchString: str = ""): + super().__init__() + match_string = matchString or match_string + self.match = match_string + self.matchLen = len(match_string) + try: + self.firstMatchChar = match_string[0] + except IndexError: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead") + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.mayIndexError = False + + # Performance tuning: modify __class__ to select + # a parseImpl optimized for single-character check + if self.matchLen == 1 and type(self) is Literal: + self.__class__ = _SingleCharLiteral + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return repr(self.match) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and instring.startswith( + self.match, loc + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class _SingleCharLiteral(Literal): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar: + return loc + 1, self.match + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +ParserElement._literalStringClass = Literal + + +class Keyword(Token): + """ + Token to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, + it must be immediately followed by a non-keyword character. Compare + with :class:`Literal`: + + - ``Literal("if")`` will match the leading ``'if'`` in + ``'ifAndOnlyIf'``. + - ``Keyword("if")`` will not; it will only match the leading + ``'if'`` in ``'if x=1'``, or ``'if(y==2)'`` + + Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the + keyword string: + + - ``identChars`` is a string of characters that would be valid + identifier characters, defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and + "$" + - ``caseless`` allows case-insensitive matching, default is ``False``. + + Example:: + + Keyword("start").parse_string("start") # -> ['start'] + Keyword("start").parse_string("starting") # -> Exception + + For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessKeyword`. + """ + + DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = alphanums + "_$" + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str = "", + ident_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + caseless: bool = False, + *, + matchString: str = "", + identChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + identChars = identChars or ident_chars + if identChars is None: + identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS + match_string = matchString or match_string + self.match = match_string + self.matchLen = len(match_string) + try: + self.firstMatchChar = match_string[0] + except IndexError: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() instead") + self.errmsg = "Expected {} {}".format(type(self).__name__, self.name) + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.mayIndexError = False + self.caseless = caseless + if caseless: + self.caselessmatch = match_string.upper() + identChars = identChars.upper() + self.identChars = set(identChars) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return repr(self.match) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + errmsg = self.errmsg + errloc = loc + if self.caseless: + if instring[loc : loc + self.matchLen].upper() == self.caselessmatch: + if loc == 0 or instring[loc - 1].upper() not in self.identChars: + if ( + loc >= len(instring) - self.matchLen + or instring[loc + self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + else: + # followed by keyword char + errmsg += ", was immediately followed by keyword character" + errloc = loc + self.matchLen + else: + # preceded by keyword char + errmsg += ", keyword was immediately preceded by keyword character" + errloc = loc - 1 + # else no match just raise plain exception + + else: + if ( + instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar + and self.matchLen == 1 + or instring.startswith(self.match, loc) + ): + if loc == 0 or instring[loc - 1] not in self.identChars: + if ( + loc >= len(instring) - self.matchLen + or instring[loc + self.matchLen] not in self.identChars + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + else: + # followed by keyword char + errmsg += ( + ", keyword was immediately followed by keyword character" + ) + errloc = loc + self.matchLen + else: + # preceded by keyword char + errmsg += ", keyword was immediately preceded by keyword character" + errloc = loc - 1 + # else no match just raise plain exception + + raise ParseException(instring, errloc, errmsg, self) + + @staticmethod + def set_default_keyword_chars(chars) -> None: + """ + Overrides the default characters used by :class:`Keyword` expressions. + """ + Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = chars + + setDefaultKeywordChars = set_default_keyword_chars + + +class CaselessLiteral(Literal): + """ + Token to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters. + Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given + match string, NOT the case of the input text. + + Example:: + + CaselessLiteral("CMD")[1, ...].parse_string("cmd CMD Cmd10") + # -> ['CMD', 'CMD', 'CMD'] + + (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessKeyword`.) + """ + + def __init__(self, match_string: str = "", *, matchString: str = ""): + match_string = matchString or match_string + super().__init__(match_string.upper()) + # Preserve the defining literal. + self.returnString = match_string + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc : loc + self.matchLen].upper() == self.match: + return loc + self.matchLen, self.returnString + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class CaselessKeyword(Keyword): + """ + Caseless version of :class:`Keyword`. + + Example:: + + CaselessKeyword("CMD")[1, ...].parse_string("cmd CMD Cmd10") + # -> ['CMD', 'CMD'] + + (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessLiteral`.) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str = "", + ident_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + matchString: str = "", + identChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + identChars = identChars or ident_chars + match_string = matchString or match_string + super().__init__(match_string, identChars, caseless=True) + + +class CloseMatch(Token): + """A variation on :class:`Literal` which matches "close" matches, + that is, strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. + :class:`CloseMatch` takes parameters: + + - ``match_string`` - string to be matched + - ``caseless`` - a boolean indicating whether to ignore casing when comparing characters + - ``max_mismatches`` - (``default=1``) maximum number of + mismatches allowed to count as a match + + The results from a successful parse will contain the matched text + from the input string and the following named results: + + - ``mismatches`` - a list of the positions within the + match_string where mismatches were found + - ``original`` - the original match_string used to compare + against the input string + + If ``mismatches`` is an empty list, then the match was an exact + match. + + Example:: + + patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA") + patt.parse_string("ATCATCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + patt.parse_string("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> Exception: Expected 'ATCATCGAATGGA' (with up to 1 mismatches) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + + # exact match + patt.parse_string("ATCATCGAATGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAATGGA'], {'mismatches': [[]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + + # close match allowing up to 2 mismatches + patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA", max_mismatches=2) + patt.parse_string("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCAXCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[4, 9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str, + max_mismatches: int = None, + *, + maxMismatches: int = 1, + caseless=False, + ): + maxMismatches = max_mismatches if max_mismatches is not None else maxMismatches + super().__init__() + self.match_string = match_string + self.maxMismatches = maxMismatches + self.errmsg = "Expected {!r} (with up to {} mismatches)".format( + self.match_string, self.maxMismatches + ) + self.caseless = caseless + self.mayIndexError = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:{!r}".format(type(self).__name__, self.match_string) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + start = loc + instrlen = len(instring) + maxloc = start + len(self.match_string) + + if maxloc <= instrlen: + match_string = self.match_string + match_stringloc = 0 + mismatches = [] + maxMismatches = self.maxMismatches + + for match_stringloc, s_m in enumerate( + zip(instring[loc:maxloc], match_string) + ): + src, mat = s_m + if self.caseless: + src, mat = src.lower(), mat.lower() + + if src != mat: + mismatches.append(match_stringloc) + if len(mismatches) > maxMismatches: + break + else: + loc = start + match_stringloc + 1 + results = ParseResults([instring[start:loc]]) + results["original"] = match_string + results["mismatches"] = mismatches + return loc, results + + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class Word(Token): + """Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets. + Parameters: + - ``init_chars`` - string of all characters that should be used to + match as a word; "ABC" will match "AAA", "ABAB", "CBAC", etc.; + if ``body_chars`` is also specified, then this is the string of + initial characters + - ``body_chars`` - string of characters that + can be used for matching after a matched initial character as + given in ``init_chars``; if omitted, same as the initial characters + (default=``None``) + - ``min`` - minimum number of characters to match (default=1) + - ``max`` - maximum number of characters to match (default=0) + - ``exact`` - exact number of characters to match (default=0) + - ``as_keyword`` - match as a keyword (default=``False``) + - ``exclude_chars`` - characters that might be + found in the input ``body_chars`` string but which should not be + accepted for matching ;useful to define a word of all + printables except for one or two characters, for instance + (default=``None``) + + :class:`srange` is useful for defining custom character set strings + for defining :class:`Word` expressions, using range notation from + regular expression character sets. + + A common mistake is to use :class:`Word` to match a specific literal + string, as in ``Word("Address")``. Remember that :class:`Word` + uses the string argument to define *sets* of matchable characters. + This expression would match "Add", "AAA", "dAred", or any other word + made up of the characters 'A', 'd', 'r', 'e', and 's'. To match an + exact literal string, use :class:`Literal` or :class:`Keyword`. + + pyparsing includes helper strings for building Words: + + - :class:`alphas` + - :class:`nums` + - :class:`alphanums` + - :class:`hexnums` + - :class:`alphas8bit` (alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 + - accented, tilded, umlauted, etc.) + - :class:`punc8bit` (non-alphabetic characters in ASCII range + 128-255 - currency, symbols, superscripts, diacriticals, etc.) + - :class:`printables` (any non-whitespace character) + + ``alphas``, ``nums``, and ``printables`` are also defined in several + Unicode sets - see :class:`pyparsing_unicode``. + + Example:: + + # a word composed of digits + integer = Word(nums) # equivalent to Word("0123456789") or Word(srange("0-9")) + + # a word with a leading capital, and zero or more lowercase + capital_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) + + # hostnames are alphanumeric, with leading alpha, and '-' + hostname = Word(alphas, alphanums + '-') + + # roman numeral (not a strict parser, accepts invalid mix of characters) + roman = Word("IVXLCDM") + + # any string of non-whitespace characters, except for ',' + csv_value = Word(printables, exclude_chars=",") + """ + + def __init__( + self, + init_chars: str = "", + body_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + min: int = 1, + max: int = 0, + exact: int = 0, + as_keyword: bool = False, + exclude_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + initChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + bodyChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + asKeyword: bool = False, + excludeChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + initChars = initChars or init_chars + bodyChars = bodyChars or body_chars + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + excludeChars = excludeChars or exclude_chars + super().__init__() + if not initChars: + raise ValueError( + "invalid {}, initChars cannot be empty string".format( + type(self).__name__ + ) + ) + + initChars = set(initChars) + self.initChars = initChars + if excludeChars: + excludeChars = set(excludeChars) + initChars -= excludeChars + if bodyChars: + bodyChars = set(bodyChars) - excludeChars + self.initCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(initChars)) + + if bodyChars: + self.bodyCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(bodyChars)) + self.bodyChars = set(bodyChars) + else: + self.bodyCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(initChars)) + self.bodyChars = set(initChars) + + self.maxSpecified = max > 0 + + if min < 1: + raise ValueError( + "cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Opt(Word()) if zero-length word is permitted" + ) + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.asKeyword = asKeyword + + # see if we can make a regex for this Word + if " " not in self.initChars | self.bodyChars and (min == 1 and exact == 0): + if self.bodyChars == self.initChars: + if max == 0: + repeat = "+" + elif max == 1: + repeat = "" + else: + repeat = "{{{},{}}}".format( + self.minLen, "" if self.maxLen == _MAX_INT else self.maxLen + ) + self.reString = "[{}]{}".format( + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars), + repeat, + ) + elif len(self.initChars) == 1: + if max == 0: + repeat = "*" + else: + repeat = "{{0,{}}}".format(max - 1) + self.reString = "{}[{}]{}".format( + re.escape(self.initCharsOrig), + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.bodyChars), + repeat, + ) + else: + if max == 0: + repeat = "*" + elif max == 2: + repeat = "" + else: + repeat = "{{0,{}}}".format(max - 1) + self.reString = "[{}][{}]{}".format( + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars), + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.bodyChars), + repeat, + ) + if self.asKeyword: + self.reString = r"\b" + self.reString + r"\b" + + try: + self.re = re.compile(self.reString) + except re.error: + self.re = None + else: + self.re_match = self.re.match + self.__class__ = _WordRegex + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + def charsAsStr(s): + max_repr_len = 16 + s = _collapse_string_to_ranges(s, re_escape=False) + if len(s) > max_repr_len: + return s[: max_repr_len - 3] + "..." + else: + return s + + if self.initChars != self.bodyChars: + base = "W:({}, {})".format( + charsAsStr(self.initChars), charsAsStr(self.bodyChars) + ) + else: + base = "W:({})".format(charsAsStr(self.initChars)) + + # add length specification + if self.minLen > 1 or self.maxLen != _MAX_INT: + if self.minLen == self.maxLen: + if self.minLen == 1: + return base[2:] + else: + return base + "{{{}}}".format(self.minLen) + elif self.maxLen == _MAX_INT: + return base + "{{{},...}}".format(self.minLen) + else: + return base + "{{{},{}}}".format(self.minLen, self.maxLen) + return base + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] not in self.initChars: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + start = loc + loc += 1 + instrlen = len(instring) + bodychars = self.bodyChars + maxloc = start + self.maxLen + maxloc = min(maxloc, instrlen) + while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in bodychars: + loc += 1 + + throwException = False + if loc - start < self.minLen: + throwException = True + elif self.maxSpecified and loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in bodychars: + throwException = True + elif self.asKeyword: + if ( + start > 0 + and instring[start - 1] in bodychars + or loc < instrlen + and instring[loc] in bodychars + ): + throwException = True + + if throwException: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class _WordRegex(Word): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + return loc, result.group() + + +class Char(_WordRegex): + """A short-cut class for defining :class:`Word` ``(characters, exact=1)``, + when defining a match of any single character in a string of + characters. + """ + + def __init__( + self, + charset: str, + as_keyword: bool = False, + exclude_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + asKeyword: bool = False, + excludeChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + excludeChars = excludeChars or exclude_chars + super().__init__( + charset, exact=1, asKeyword=asKeyword, excludeChars=excludeChars + ) + self.reString = "[{}]".format(_collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars)) + if asKeyword: + self.reString = r"\b{}\b".format(self.reString) + self.re = re.compile(self.reString) + self.re_match = self.re.match + + +class Regex(Token): + r"""Token for matching strings that match a given regular + expression. Defined with string specifying the regular expression in + a form recognized by the stdlib Python `re module `_. + If the given regex contains named groups (defined using ``(?P...)``), + these will be preserved as named :class:`ParseResults`. + + If instead of the Python stdlib ``re`` module you wish to use a different RE module + (such as the ``regex`` module), you can do so by building your ``Regex`` object with + a compiled RE that was compiled using ``regex``. + + Example:: + + realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*") + # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression + roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})") + + # named fields in a regex will be returned as named results + date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d?)-(?P\d\d?)') + + # the Regex class will accept re's compiled using the regex module + import regex + parser = pp.Regex(regex.compile(r'[0-9]')) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + pattern: Any, + flags: Union[re.RegexFlag, int] = 0, + as_group_list: bool = False, + as_match: bool = False, + *, + asGroupList: bool = False, + asMatch: bool = False, + ): + """The parameters ``pattern`` and ``flags`` are passed + to the ``re.compile()`` function as-is. See the Python + `re module `_ module for an + explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags. + """ + super().__init__() + asGroupList = asGroupList or as_group_list + asMatch = asMatch or as_match + + if isinstance(pattern, str_type): + if not pattern: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Regex; use Empty() instead") + + self._re = None + self.reString = self.pattern = pattern + self.flags = flags + + elif hasattr(pattern, "pattern") and hasattr(pattern, "match"): + self._re = pattern + self.pattern = self.reString = pattern.pattern + self.flags = flags + + else: + raise TypeError( + "Regex may only be constructed with a string or a compiled RE object" + ) + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.asGroupList = asGroupList + self.asMatch = asMatch + if self.asGroupList: + self.parseImpl = self.parseImplAsGroupList + if self.asMatch: + self.parseImpl = self.parseImplAsMatch + + @cached_property + def re(self): + if self._re: + return self._re + else: + try: + return re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) + except re.error: + raise ValueError( + "invalid pattern ({!r}) passed to Regex".format(self.pattern) + ) + + @cached_property + def re_match(self): + return self.re.match + + @cached_property + def mayReturnEmpty(self): + return self.re_match("") is not None + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "Re:({})".format(repr(self.pattern).replace("\\\\", "\\")) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = ParseResults(result.group()) + d = result.groupdict() + if d: + for k, v in d.items(): + ret[k] = v + return loc, ret + + def parseImplAsGroupList(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result.groups() + return loc, ret + + def parseImplAsMatch(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result + return loc, ret + + def sub(self, repl: str) -> ParserElement: + r""" + Return :class:`Regex` with an attached parse action to transform the parsed + result as if called using `re.sub(expr, repl, string) `_. + + Example:: + + make_html = Regex(r"(\w+):(.*?):").sub(r"<\1>\2") + print(make_html.transform_string("h1:main title:")) + # prints "

main title

" + """ + if self.asGroupList: + raise TypeError("cannot use sub() with Regex(asGroupList=True)") + + if self.asMatch and callable(repl): + raise TypeError("cannot use sub() with a callable with Regex(asMatch=True)") + + if self.asMatch: + + def pa(tokens): + return tokens[0].expand(repl) + + else: + + def pa(tokens): + return self.re.sub(repl, tokens[0]) + + return self.add_parse_action(pa) + + +class QuotedString(Token): + r""" + Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters. + + Defined with the following parameters: + + - ``quote_char`` - string of one or more characters defining the + quote delimiting string + - ``esc_char`` - character to re_escape quotes, typically backslash + (default= ``None``) + - ``esc_quote`` - special quote sequence to re_escape an embedded quote + string (such as SQL's ``""`` to re_escape an embedded ``"``) + (default= ``None``) + - ``multiline`` - boolean indicating whether quotes can span + multiple lines (default= ``False``) + - ``unquote_results`` - boolean indicating whether the matched text + should be unquoted (default= ``True``) + - ``end_quote_char`` - string of one or more characters defining the + end of the quote delimited string (default= ``None`` => same as + quote_char) + - ``convert_whitespace_escapes`` - convert escaped whitespace + (``'\t'``, ``'\n'``, etc.) to actual whitespace + (default= ``True``) + + Example:: + + qs = QuotedString('"') + print(qs.search_string('lsjdf "This is the quote" sldjf')) + complex_qs = QuotedString('{{', end_quote_char='}}') + print(complex_qs.search_string('lsjdf {{This is the "quote"}} sldjf')) + sql_qs = QuotedString('"', esc_quote='""') + print(sql_qs.search_string('lsjdf "This is the quote with ""embedded"" quotes" sldjf')) + + prints:: + + [['This is the quote']] + [['This is the "quote"']] + [['This is the quote with "embedded" quotes']] + """ + ws_map = ((r"\t", "\t"), (r"\n", "\n"), (r"\f", "\f"), (r"\r", "\r")) + + def __init__( + self, + quote_char: str = "", + esc_char: typing.Optional[str] = None, + esc_quote: typing.Optional[str] = None, + multiline: bool = False, + unquote_results: bool = True, + end_quote_char: typing.Optional[str] = None, + convert_whitespace_escapes: bool = True, + *, + quoteChar: str = "", + escChar: typing.Optional[str] = None, + escQuote: typing.Optional[str] = None, + unquoteResults: bool = True, + endQuoteChar: typing.Optional[str] = None, + convertWhitespaceEscapes: bool = True, + ): + super().__init__() + escChar = escChar or esc_char + escQuote = escQuote or esc_quote + unquoteResults = unquoteResults and unquote_results + endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar or end_quote_char + convertWhitespaceEscapes = ( + convertWhitespaceEscapes and convert_whitespace_escapes + ) + quote_char = quoteChar or quote_char + + # remove white space from quote chars - wont work anyway + quote_char = quote_char.strip() + if not quote_char: + raise ValueError("quote_char cannot be the empty string") + + if endQuoteChar is None: + endQuoteChar = quote_char + else: + endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar.strip() + if not endQuoteChar: + raise ValueError("endQuoteChar cannot be the empty string") + + self.quoteChar = quote_char + self.quoteCharLen = len(quote_char) + self.firstQuoteChar = quote_char[0] + self.endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar + self.endQuoteCharLen = len(endQuoteChar) + self.escChar = escChar + self.escQuote = escQuote + self.unquoteResults = unquoteResults + self.convertWhitespaceEscapes = convertWhitespaceEscapes + + sep = "" + inner_pattern = "" + + if escQuote: + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:{})".format(sep, re.escape(escQuote)) + sep = "|" + + if escChar: + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:{}.)".format(sep, re.escape(escChar)) + sep = "|" + self.escCharReplacePattern = re.escape(self.escChar) + "(.)" + + if len(self.endQuoteChar) > 1: + inner_pattern += ( + "{}(?:".format(sep) + + "|".join( + "(?:{}(?!{}))".format( + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[:i]), + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[i:]), + ) + for i in range(len(self.endQuoteChar) - 1, 0, -1) + ) + + ")" + ) + sep = "|" + + if multiline: + self.flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:[^{}{}])".format( + sep, + _escape_regex_range_chars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), + (_escape_regex_range_chars(escChar) if escChar is not None else ""), + ) + else: + self.flags = 0 + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:[^{}\n\r{}])".format( + sep, + _escape_regex_range_chars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), + (_escape_regex_range_chars(escChar) if escChar is not None else ""), + ) + + self.pattern = "".join( + [ + re.escape(self.quoteChar), + "(?:", + inner_pattern, + ")*", + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar), + ] + ) + + try: + self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) + self.reString = self.pattern + self.re_match = self.re.match + except re.error: + raise ValueError( + "invalid pattern {!r} passed to Regex".format(self.pattern) + ) + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + if self.quoteChar == self.endQuoteChar and isinstance(self.quoteChar, str_type): + return "string enclosed in {!r}".format(self.quoteChar) + + return "quoted string, starting with {} ending with {}".format( + self.quoteChar, self.endQuoteChar + ) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = ( + instring[loc] == self.firstQuoteChar + and self.re_match(instring, loc) + or None + ) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result.group() + + if self.unquoteResults: + + # strip off quotes + ret = ret[self.quoteCharLen : -self.endQuoteCharLen] + + if isinstance(ret, str_type): + # replace escaped whitespace + if "\\" in ret and self.convertWhitespaceEscapes: + for wslit, wschar in self.ws_map: + ret = ret.replace(wslit, wschar) + + # replace escaped characters + if self.escChar: + ret = re.sub(self.escCharReplacePattern, r"\g<1>", ret) + + # replace escaped quotes + if self.escQuote: + ret = ret.replace(self.escQuote, self.endQuoteChar) + + return loc, ret + + +class CharsNotIn(Token): + """Token for matching words composed of characters *not* in a given + set (will include whitespace in matched characters if not listed in + the provided exclusion set - see example). Defined with string + containing all disallowed characters, and an optional minimum, + maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for ``min`` is + 1 (a minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for + ``max`` and ``exact`` are 0, meaning no maximum or exact + length restriction. + + Example:: + + # define a comma-separated-value as anything that is not a ',' + csv_value = CharsNotIn(',') + print(delimited_list(csv_value).parse_string("dkls,lsdkjf,s12 34,@!#,213")) + + prints:: + + ['dkls', 'lsdkjf', 's12 34', '@!#', '213'] + """ + + def __init__( + self, + not_chars: str = "", + min: int = 1, + max: int = 0, + exact: int = 0, + *, + notChars: str = "", + ): + super().__init__() + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.notChars = not_chars or notChars + self.notCharsSet = set(self.notChars) + + if min < 1: + raise ValueError( + "cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use " + "Opt(CharsNotIn()) if zero-length char group is permitted" + ) + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayReturnEmpty = self.minLen == 0 + self.mayIndexError = False + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + not_chars_str = _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.notChars) + if len(not_chars_str) > 16: + return "!W:({}...)".format(self.notChars[: 16 - 3]) + else: + return "!W:({})".format(self.notChars) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + notchars = self.notCharsSet + if instring[loc] in notchars: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + start = loc + loc += 1 + maxlen = min(start + self.maxLen, len(instring)) + while loc < maxlen and instring[loc] not in notchars: + loc += 1 + + if loc - start < self.minLen: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class White(Token): + """Special matching class for matching whitespace. Normally, + whitespace is ignored by pyparsing grammars. This class is included + when some whitespace structures are significant. Define with + a string containing the whitespace characters to be matched; default + is ``" \\t\\r\\n"``. Also takes optional ``min``, + ``max``, and ``exact`` arguments, as defined for the + :class:`Word` class. + """ + + whiteStrs = { + " ": "", + "\t": "", + "\n": "", + "\r": "", + "\f": "", + "\u00A0": "", + "\u1680": "", + "\u180E": "", + "\u2000": "", + "\u2001": "", + "\u2002": "", + "\u2003": "", + "\u2004": "", + "\u2005": "", + "\u2006": "", + "\u2007": "", + "\u2008": "", + "\u2009": "", + "\u200A": "", + "\u200B": "", + "\u202F": "", + "\u205F": "", + "\u3000": "", + } + + def __init__(self, ws: str = " \t\r\n", min: int = 1, max: int = 0, exact: int = 0): + super().__init__() + self.matchWhite = ws + self.set_whitespace_chars( + "".join(c for c in self.whiteStrs if c not in self.matchWhite), + copy_defaults=True, + ) + # self.leave_whitespace() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "".join(White.whiteStrs[c] for c in self.matchWhite) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] not in self.matchWhite: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + start = loc + loc += 1 + maxloc = start + self.maxLen + maxloc = min(maxloc, len(instring)) + while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in self.matchWhite: + loc += 1 + + if loc - start < self.minLen: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class PositionToken(Token): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + + +class GoToColumn(PositionToken): + """Token to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for + tabular report scraping. + """ + + def __init__(self, colno: int): + super().__init__() + self.col = colno + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if col(loc, instring) != self.col: + instrlen = len(instring) + if self.ignoreExprs: + loc = self._skipIgnorables(instring, loc) + while ( + loc < instrlen + and instring[loc].isspace() + and col(loc, instring) != self.col + ): + loc += 1 + return loc + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + thiscol = col(loc, instring) + if thiscol > self.col: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "Text not in expected column", self) + newloc = loc + self.col - thiscol + ret = instring[loc:newloc] + return newloc, ret + + +class LineStart(PositionToken): + r"""Matches if current position is at the beginning of a line within + the parse string + + Example:: + + test = '''\ + AAA this line + AAA and this line + AAA but not this one + B AAA and definitely not this one + ''' + + for t in (LineStart() + 'AAA' + restOfLine).search_string(test): + print(t) + + prints:: + + ['AAA', ' this line'] + ['AAA', ' and this line'] + + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.leave_whitespace() + self.orig_whiteChars = set() | self.whiteChars + self.whiteChars.discard("\n") + self.skipper = Empty().set_whitespace_chars(self.whiteChars) + self.errmsg = "Expected start of line" + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if loc == 0: + return loc + else: + ret = self.skipper.preParse(instring, loc) + if "\n" in self.orig_whiteChars: + while instring[ret : ret + 1] == "\n": + ret = self.skipper.preParse(instring, ret + 1) + return ret + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if col(loc, instring) == 1: + return loc, [] + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class LineEnd(PositionToken): + """Matches if current position is at the end of a line within the + parse string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.whiteChars.discard("\n") + self.set_whitespace_chars(self.whiteChars, copy_defaults=False) + self.errmsg = "Expected end of line" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc < len(instring): + if instring[loc] == "\n": + return loc + 1, "\n" + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + elif loc == len(instring): + return loc + 1, [] + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class StringStart(PositionToken): + """Matches if current position is at the beginning of the parse + string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "Expected start of text" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + # see if entire string up to here is just whitespace and ignoreables + if loc != self.preParse(instring, 0): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class StringEnd(PositionToken): + """ + Matches if current position is at the end of the parse string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "Expected end of text" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc < len(instring): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + elif loc == len(instring): + return loc + 1, [] + elif loc > len(instring): + return loc, [] + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class WordStart(PositionToken): + """Matches if the current position is at the beginning of a + :class:`Word`, and is not preceded by any character in a given + set of ``word_chars`` (default= ``printables``). To emulate the + ``\b`` behavior of regular expressions, use + ``WordStart(alphanums)``. ``WordStart`` will also match at + the beginning of the string being parsed, or at the beginning of + a line. + """ + + def __init__(self, word_chars: str = printables, *, wordChars: str = printables): + wordChars = word_chars if wordChars == printables else wordChars + super().__init__() + self.wordChars = set(wordChars) + self.errmsg = "Not at the start of a word" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + if ( + instring[loc - 1] in self.wordChars + or instring[loc] not in self.wordChars + ): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class WordEnd(PositionToken): + """Matches if the current position is at the end of a :class:`Word`, + and is not followed by any character in a given set of ``word_chars`` + (default= ``printables``). To emulate the ``\b`` behavior of + regular expressions, use ``WordEnd(alphanums)``. ``WordEnd`` + will also match at the end of the string being parsed, or at the end + of a line. + """ + + def __init__(self, word_chars: str = printables, *, wordChars: str = printables): + wordChars = word_chars if wordChars == printables else wordChars + super().__init__() + self.wordChars = set(wordChars) + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.errmsg = "Not at the end of a word" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + instrlen = len(instring) + if instrlen > 0 and loc < instrlen: + if ( + instring[loc] in self.wordChars + or instring[loc - 1] not in self.wordChars + ): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class ParseExpression(ParserElement): + """Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and + post-processing parsed tokens. + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(savelist) + self.exprs: List[ParserElement] + if isinstance(exprs, _generatorType): + exprs = list(exprs) + + if isinstance(exprs, str_type): + self.exprs = [self._literalStringClass(exprs)] + elif isinstance(exprs, ParserElement): + self.exprs = [exprs] + elif isinstance(exprs, Iterable): + exprs = list(exprs) + # if sequence of strings provided, wrap with Literal + if any(isinstance(expr, str_type) for expr in exprs): + exprs = ( + self._literalStringClass(e) if isinstance(e, str_type) else e + for e in exprs + ) + self.exprs = list(exprs) + else: + try: + self.exprs = list(exprs) + except TypeError: + self.exprs = [exprs] + self.callPreparse = False + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence[ParserElement]: + return self.exprs[:] + + def append(self, other) -> ParserElement: + self.exprs.append(other) + self._defaultName = None + return self + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + """ + Extends ``leave_whitespace`` defined in base class, and also invokes ``leave_whitespace`` on + all contained expressions. + """ + super().leave_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + for e in self.exprs: + e.leave_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + """ + Extends ``ignore_whitespace`` defined in base class, and also invokes ``leave_whitespace`` on + all contained expressions. + """ + super().ignore_whitespace(recursive) + if recursive: + self.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + super().ignore(other) + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + else: + super().ignore(other) + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + return self + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.exprs)) + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.streamlined: + return self + + super().streamline() + + for e in self.exprs: + e.streamline() + + # collapse nested :class:`And`'s of the form ``And(And(And(a, b), c), d)`` to ``And(a, b, c, d)`` + # but only if there are no parse actions or resultsNames on the nested And's + # (likewise for :class:`Or`'s and :class:`MatchFirst`'s) + if len(self.exprs) == 2: + other = self.exprs[0] + if ( + isinstance(other, self.__class__) + and not other.parseAction + and other.resultsName is None + and not other.debug + ): + self.exprs = other.exprs[:] + [self.exprs[1]] + self._defaultName = None + self.mayReturnEmpty |= other.mayReturnEmpty + self.mayIndexError |= other.mayIndexError + + other = self.exprs[-1] + if ( + isinstance(other, self.__class__) + and not other.parseAction + and other.resultsName is None + and not other.debug + ): + self.exprs = self.exprs[:-1] + other.exprs[:] + self._defaultName = None + self.mayReturnEmpty |= other.mayReturnEmpty + self.mayIndexError |= other.mayIndexError + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + str(self) + + return self + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + tmp = (validateTrace if validateTrace is not None else [])[:] + [self] + for e in self.exprs: + e.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def copy(self) -> ParserElement: + ret = super().copy() + ret.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + return ret + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + for e in self.exprs: + if ( + isinstance(e, ParserElement) + and e.resultsName + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "collides with {!r} on contained expression".format( + "warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection", + name, + type(self).__name__, + e.resultsName, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class And(ParseExpression): + """ + Requires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found in the given order. + Expressions may be separated by whitespace. + May be constructed using the ``'+'`` operator. + May also be constructed using the ``'-'`` operator, which will + suppress backtracking. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + name_expr = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + + expr = And([integer("id"), name_expr("name"), integer("age")]) + # more easily written as: + expr = integer("id") + name_expr("name") + integer("age") + """ + + class _ErrorStop(Empty): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.leave_whitespace() + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "-" + + def __init__( + self, exprs_arg: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = True + ): + exprs: List[ParserElement] = list(exprs_arg) + if exprs and Ellipsis in exprs: + tmp = [] + for i, expr in enumerate(exprs): + if expr is Ellipsis: + if i < len(exprs) - 1: + skipto_arg: ParserElement = (Empty() + exprs[i + 1]).exprs[-1] + tmp.append(SkipTo(skipto_arg)("_skipped*")) + else: + raise Exception( + "cannot construct And with sequence ending in ..." + ) + else: + tmp.append(expr) + exprs[:] = tmp + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + if not isinstance(self.exprs[0], White): + self.set_whitespace_chars( + self.exprs[0].whiteChars, + copy_defaults=self.exprs[0].copyDefaultWhiteChars, + ) + self.skipWhitespace = self.exprs[0].skipWhitespace + else: + self.skipWhitespace = False + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.callPreparse = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + # collapse any _PendingSkip's + if self.exprs: + if any( + isinstance(e, ParseExpression) + and e.exprs + and isinstance(e.exprs[-1], _PendingSkip) + for e in self.exprs[:-1] + ): + for i, e in enumerate(self.exprs[:-1]): + if e is None: + continue + if ( + isinstance(e, ParseExpression) + and e.exprs + and isinstance(e.exprs[-1], _PendingSkip) + ): + e.exprs[-1] = e.exprs[-1] + self.exprs[i + 1] + self.exprs[i + 1] = None + self.exprs = [e for e in self.exprs if e is not None] + + super().streamline() + + # link any IndentedBlocks to the prior expression + for prev, cur in zip(self.exprs, self.exprs[1:]): + # traverse cur or any first embedded expr of cur looking for an IndentedBlock + # (but watch out for recursive grammar) + seen = set() + while cur: + if id(cur) in seen: + break + seen.add(id(cur)) + if isinstance(cur, IndentedBlock): + prev.add_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t, cur_=cur: setattr( + cur_, "parent_anchor", col(l, s) + ) + ) + break + subs = cur.recurse() + cur = next(iter(subs), None) + + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # pass False as callPreParse arg to _parse for first element, since we already + # pre-parsed the string as part of our And pre-parsing + loc, resultlist = self.exprs[0]._parse( + instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False + ) + errorStop = False + for e in self.exprs[1:]: + # if isinstance(e, And._ErrorStop): + if type(e) is And._ErrorStop: + errorStop = True + continue + if errorStop: + try: + loc, exprtokens = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + except ParseSyntaxException: + raise + except ParseBaseException as pe: + pe.__traceback__ = None + raise ParseSyntaxException._from_exception(pe) + except IndexError: + raise ParseSyntaxException( + instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self + ) + else: + loc, exprtokens = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + if exprtokens or exprtokens.haskeys(): + resultlist += exprtokens + return loc, resultlist + + def __iadd__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # And([self, other]) + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + for e in self.exprs: + e._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + if not e.mayReturnEmpty: + break + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + inner = " ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + # strip off redundant inner {}'s + while len(inner) > 1 and inner[0 :: len(inner) - 1] == "{}": + inner = inner[1:-1] + return "{" + inner + "}" + + +class Or(ParseExpression): + """Requires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If + two expressions match, the expression that matches the longest + string will be used. May be constructed using the ``'^'`` + operator. + + Example:: + + # construct Or using '^' operator + + number = Word(nums) ^ Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) + + prints:: + + [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all(e.skipWhitespace for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.saveAsList = any(e.saveAsList for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all( + e.skipWhitespace and not isinstance(e, White) for e in self.exprs + ) + else: + self.saveAsList = False + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + maxExcLoc = -1 + maxException = None + matches = [] + fatals = [] + if all(e.callPreparse for e in self.exprs): + loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + for e in self.exprs: + try: + loc2 = e.try_parse(instring, loc, raise_fatal=True) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + fatals.append(pfe) + maxException = None + maxExcLoc = -1 + except ParseException as err: + if not fatals: + err.__traceback__ = None + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + except IndexError: + if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: + maxException = ParseException( + instring, len(instring), e.errmsg, self + ) + maxExcLoc = len(instring) + else: + # save match among all matches, to retry longest to shortest + matches.append((loc2, e)) + + if matches: + # re-evaluate all matches in descending order of length of match, in case attached actions + # might change whether or how much they match of the input. + matches.sort(key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True) + + if not doActions: + # no further conditions or parse actions to change the selection of + # alternative, so the first match will be the best match + best_expr = matches[0][1] + return best_expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + + longest = -1, None + for loc1, expr1 in matches: + if loc1 <= longest[0]: + # already have a longer match than this one will deliver, we are done + return longest + + try: + loc2, toks = expr1._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + except ParseException as err: + err.__traceback__ = None + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + else: + if loc2 >= loc1: + return loc2, toks + # didn't match as much as before + elif loc2 > longest[0]: + longest = loc2, toks + + if longest != (-1, None): + return longest + + if fatals: + if len(fatals) > 1: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: -e.loc) + if fatals[0].loc == fatals[1].loc: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: (-e.loc, -len(str(e.parserElement)))) + max_fatal = fatals[0] + raise max_fatal + + if maxException is not None: + maxException.msg = self.errmsg + raise maxException + else: + raise ParseException( + instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self + ) + + def __ixor__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # Or([self, other]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " ^ ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if any( + isinstance(e, And) + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + for e in self.exprs + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "will return a list of all parsed tokens in an And alternative, " + "in prior versions only the first token was returned; enclose " + "contained argument in Group".format( + "warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation", + name, + type(self).__name__, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class MatchFirst(ParseExpression): + """Requires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If + more than one expression matches, the first one listed is the one that will + match. May be constructed using the ``'|'`` operator. + + Example:: + + # construct MatchFirst using '|' operator + + # watch the order of expressions to match + number = Word(nums) | Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) # Fail! -> [['123'], ['3'], ['1416'], ['789']] + + # put more selective expression first + number = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) | Word(nums) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) # Better -> [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all(e.skipWhitespace for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.streamlined: + return self + + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.saveAsList = any(e.saveAsList for e in self.exprs) + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all( + e.skipWhitespace and not isinstance(e, White) for e in self.exprs + ) + else: + self.saveAsList = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + maxExcLoc = -1 + maxException = None + + for e in self.exprs: + try: + return e._parse( + instring, + loc, + doActions, + ) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + raise + except ParseException as err: + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + except IndexError: + if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: + maxException = ParseException( + instring, len(instring), e.errmsg, self + ) + maxExcLoc = len(instring) + + if maxException is not None: + maxException.msg = self.errmsg + raise maxException + else: + raise ParseException( + instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self + ) + + def __ior__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # MatchFirst([self, other]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " | ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if any( + isinstance(e, And) + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + for e in self.exprs + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "will return a list of all parsed tokens in an And alternative, " + "in prior versions only the first token was returned; enclose " + "contained argument in Group".format( + "warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation", + name, + type(self).__name__, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class Each(ParseExpression): + """Requires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found, but in + any order. Expressions may be separated by whitespace. + + May be constructed using the ``'&'`` operator. + + Example:: + + color = one_of("RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE BROWN") + shape_type = one_of("SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE STAR HEXAGON OCTAGON") + integer = Word(nums) + shape_attr = "shape:" + shape_type("shape") + posn_attr = "posn:" + Group(integer("x") + ',' + integer("y"))("posn") + color_attr = "color:" + color("color") + size_attr = "size:" + integer("size") + + # use Each (using operator '&') to accept attributes in any order + # (shape and posn are required, color and size are optional) + shape_spec = shape_attr & posn_attr & Opt(color_attr) & Opt(size_attr) + + shape_spec.run_tests(''' + shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 + shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 + color:GREEN size:20 shape:TRIANGLE posn:20,40 + ''' + ) + + prints:: + + shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 + ['shape:', 'SQUARE', 'color:', 'BLACK', 'posn:', ['100', ',', '120']] + - color: BLACK + - posn: ['100', ',', '120'] + - x: 100 + - y: 120 + - shape: SQUARE + + + shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 + ['shape:', 'CIRCLE', 'size:', '50', 'color:', 'BLUE', 'posn:', ['50', ',', '80']] + - color: BLUE + - posn: ['50', ',', '80'] + - x: 50 + - y: 80 + - shape: CIRCLE + - size: 50 + + + color: GREEN size: 20 shape: TRIANGLE posn: 20,40 + ['color:', 'GREEN', 'size:', '20', 'shape:', 'TRIANGLE', 'posn:', ['20', ',', '40']] + - color: GREEN + - posn: ['20', ',', '40'] + - x: 20 + - y: 40 + - shape: TRIANGLE + - size: 20 + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = True): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.initExprGroups = True + self.saveAsList = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.initExprGroups: + self.opt1map = dict( + (id(e.expr), e) for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt) + ) + opt1 = [e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt)] + opt2 = [ + e + for e in self.exprs + if e.mayReturnEmpty and not isinstance(e, (Opt, Regex, ZeroOrMore)) + ] + self.optionals = opt1 + opt2 + self.multioptionals = [ + e.expr.set_results_name(e.resultsName, list_all_matches=True) + for e in self.exprs + if isinstance(e, _MultipleMatch) + ] + self.multirequired = [ + e.expr.set_results_name(e.resultsName, list_all_matches=True) + for e in self.exprs + if isinstance(e, OneOrMore) + ] + self.required = [ + e for e in self.exprs if not isinstance(e, (Opt, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore)) + ] + self.required += self.multirequired + self.initExprGroups = False + + tmpLoc = loc + tmpReqd = self.required[:] + tmpOpt = self.optionals[:] + multis = self.multioptionals[:] + matchOrder = [] + + keepMatching = True + failed = [] + fatals = [] + while keepMatching: + tmpExprs = tmpReqd + tmpOpt + multis + failed.clear() + fatals.clear() + for e in tmpExprs: + try: + tmpLoc = e.try_parse(instring, tmpLoc, raise_fatal=True) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + fatals.append(pfe) + failed.append(e) + except ParseException: + failed.append(e) + else: + matchOrder.append(self.opt1map.get(id(e), e)) + if e in tmpReqd: + tmpReqd.remove(e) + elif e in tmpOpt: + tmpOpt.remove(e) + if len(failed) == len(tmpExprs): + keepMatching = False + + # look for any ParseFatalExceptions + if fatals: + if len(fatals) > 1: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: -e.loc) + if fatals[0].loc == fatals[1].loc: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: (-e.loc, -len(str(e.parserElement)))) + max_fatal = fatals[0] + raise max_fatal + + if tmpReqd: + missing = ", ".join([str(e) for e in tmpReqd]) + raise ParseException( + instring, + loc, + "Missing one or more required elements ({})".format(missing), + ) + + # add any unmatched Opts, in case they have default values defined + matchOrder += [e for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt) and e.expr in tmpOpt] + + total_results = ParseResults([]) + for e in matchOrder: + loc, results = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + total_results += results + + return loc, total_results + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " & ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + +class ParseElementEnhance(ParserElement): + """Abstract subclass of :class:`ParserElement`, for combining and + post-processing parsed tokens. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(savelist) + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + if issubclass(self._literalStringClass, Token): + expr = self._literalStringClass(expr) + elif issubclass(type(self), self._literalStringClass): + expr = Literal(expr) + else: + expr = self._literalStringClass(Literal(expr)) + self.expr = expr + if expr is not None: + self.mayIndexError = expr.mayIndexError + self.mayReturnEmpty = expr.mayReturnEmpty + self.set_whitespace_chars( + expr.whiteChars, copy_defaults=expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars + ) + self.skipWhitespace = expr.skipWhitespace + self.saveAsList = expr.saveAsList + self.callPreparse = expr.callPreparse + self.ignoreExprs.extend(expr.ignoreExprs) + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence[ParserElement]: + return [self.expr] if self.expr is not None else [] + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.expr is not None: + return self.expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "No expression defined", self) + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + super().leave_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.expr = self.expr.copy() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.leave_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + super().ignore_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.expr = self.expr.copy() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + super().ignore(other) + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + else: + super().ignore(other) + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + return self + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.streamline() + return self + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + if self in parseElementList: + raise RecursiveGrammarException(parseElementList + [self]) + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + if validateTrace is None: + validateTrace = [] + tmp = validateTrace[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.expr)) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class IndentedBlock(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Expression to match one or more expressions at a given indentation level. + Useful for parsing text where structure is implied by indentation (like Python source code). + """ + + class _Indent(Empty): + def __init__(self, ref_col: int): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "expected indent at column {}".format(ref_col) + self.add_condition(lambda s, l, t: col(l, s) == ref_col) + + class _IndentGreater(Empty): + def __init__(self, ref_col: int): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "expected indent at column greater than {}".format(ref_col) + self.add_condition(lambda s, l, t: col(l, s) > ref_col) + + def __init__( + self, expr: ParserElement, *, recursive: bool = False, grouped: bool = True + ): + super().__init__(expr, savelist=True) + # if recursive: + # raise NotImplementedError("IndentedBlock with recursive is not implemented") + self._recursive = recursive + self._grouped = grouped + self.parent_anchor = 1 + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # advance parse position to non-whitespace by using an Empty() + # this should be the column to be used for all subsequent indented lines + anchor_loc = Empty().preParse(instring, loc) + + # see if self.expr matches at the current location - if not it will raise an exception + # and no further work is necessary + self.expr.try_parse(instring, anchor_loc, doActions) + + indent_col = col(anchor_loc, instring) + peer_detect_expr = self._Indent(indent_col) + + inner_expr = Empty() + peer_detect_expr + self.expr + if self._recursive: + sub_indent = self._IndentGreater(indent_col) + nested_block = IndentedBlock( + self.expr, recursive=self._recursive, grouped=self._grouped + ) + nested_block.set_debug(self.debug) + nested_block.parent_anchor = indent_col + inner_expr += Opt(sub_indent + nested_block) + + inner_expr.set_name(f"inner {hex(id(inner_expr))[-4:].upper()}@{indent_col}") + block = OneOrMore(inner_expr) + + trailing_undent = self._Indent(self.parent_anchor) | StringEnd() + + if self._grouped: + wrapper = Group + else: + wrapper = lambda expr: expr + return (wrapper(block) + Optional(trailing_undent)).parseImpl( + instring, anchor_loc, doActions + ) + + +class AtStringStart(ParseElementEnhance): + """Matches if expression matches at the beginning of the parse + string:: + + AtStringStart(Word(nums)).parse_string("123") + # prints ["123"] + + AtStringStart(Word(nums)).parse_string(" 123") + # raises ParseException + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.callPreparse = False + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "not found at string start") + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + + +class AtLineStart(ParseElementEnhance): + r"""Matches if an expression matches at the beginning of a line within + the parse string + + Example:: + + test = '''\ + AAA this line + AAA and this line + AAA but not this one + B AAA and definitely not this one + ''' + + for t in (AtLineStart('AAA') + restOfLine).search_string(test): + print(t) + + prints:: + + ['AAA', ' this line'] + ['AAA', ' and this line'] + + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.callPreparse = False + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if col(loc, instring) != 1: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "not found at line start") + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + + +class FollowedBy(ParseElementEnhance): + """Lookahead matching of the given parse expression. + ``FollowedBy`` does *not* advance the parsing position within + the input string, it only verifies that the specified parse + expression matches at the current position. ``FollowedBy`` + always returns a null token list. If any results names are defined + in the lookahead expression, those *will* be returned for access by + name. + + Example:: + + # use FollowedBy to match a label only if it is followed by a ':' + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string("shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: upper left").pprint() + + prints:: + + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['color', 'BLACK'], ['posn', 'upper left']] + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # by using self._expr.parse and deleting the contents of the returned ParseResults list + # we keep any named results that were defined in the FollowedBy expression + _, ret = self.expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions=doActions) + del ret[:] + + return loc, ret + + +class PrecededBy(ParseElementEnhance): + """Lookbehind matching of the given parse expression. + ``PrecededBy`` does not advance the parsing position within the + input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression + matches prior to the current position. ``PrecededBy`` always + returns a null token list, but if a results name is defined on the + given expression, it is returned. + + Parameters: + + - expr - expression that must match prior to the current parse + location + - retreat - (default= ``None``) - (int) maximum number of characters + to lookbehind prior to the current parse location + + If the lookbehind expression is a string, :class:`Literal`, + :class:`Keyword`, or a :class:`Word` or :class:`CharsNotIn` + with a specified exact or maximum length, then the retreat + parameter is not required. Otherwise, retreat must be specified to + give a maximum number of characters to look back from + the current parse position for a lookbehind match. + + Example:: + + # VB-style variable names with type prefixes + int_var = PrecededBy("#") + pyparsing_common.identifier + str_var = PrecededBy("$") + pyparsing_common.identifier + + """ + + def __init__( + self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], retreat: typing.Optional[int] = None + ): + super().__init__(expr) + self.expr = self.expr().leave_whitespace() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.exact = False + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + retreat = len(expr) + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, (Literal, Keyword)): + retreat = expr.matchLen + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, (Word, CharsNotIn)) and expr.maxLen != _MAX_INT: + retreat = expr.maxLen + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, PositionToken): + retreat = 0 + self.exact = True + self.retreat = retreat + self.errmsg = "not preceded by " + str(expr) + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.parseAction.append(lambda s, l, t: t.__delitem__(slice(None, None))) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc=0, doActions=True): + if self.exact: + if loc < self.retreat: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg) + start = loc - self.retreat + _, ret = self.expr._parse(instring, start) + else: + # retreat specified a maximum lookbehind window, iterate + test_expr = self.expr + StringEnd() + instring_slice = instring[max(0, loc - self.retreat) : loc] + last_expr = ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg) + for offset in range(1, min(loc, self.retreat + 1) + 1): + try: + # print('trying', offset, instring_slice, repr(instring_slice[loc - offset:])) + _, ret = test_expr._parse( + instring_slice, len(instring_slice) - offset + ) + except ParseBaseException as pbe: + last_expr = pbe + else: + break + else: + raise last_expr + return loc, ret + + +class Located(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Decorates a returned token with its starting and ending + locations in the input string. + + This helper adds the following results names: + + - ``locn_start`` - location where matched expression begins + - ``locn_end`` - location where matched expression ends + - ``value`` - the actual parsed results + + Be careful if the input text contains ```` characters, you + may want to call :class:`ParserElement.parse_with_tabs` + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + for match in Located(wd).search_string("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): + print(match) + + prints:: + + [0, ['ljsdf'], 5] + [8, ['lksdjjf'], 15] + [18, ['lkkjj'], 23] + + """ + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + start = loc + loc, tokens = self.expr._parse(instring, start, doActions, callPreParse=False) + ret_tokens = ParseResults([start, tokens, loc]) + ret_tokens["locn_start"] = start + ret_tokens["value"] = tokens + ret_tokens["locn_end"] = loc + if self.resultsName: + # must return as a list, so that the name will be attached to the complete group + return loc, [ret_tokens] + else: + return loc, ret_tokens + + +class NotAny(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Lookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression. + ``NotAny`` does *not* advance the parsing position within the + input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression + does *not* match at the current position. Also, ``NotAny`` does + *not* skip over leading whitespace. ``NotAny`` always returns + a null token list. May be constructed using the ``'~'`` operator. + + Example:: + + AND, OR, NOT = map(CaselessKeyword, "AND OR NOT".split()) + + # take care not to mistake keywords for identifiers + ident = ~(AND | OR | NOT) + Word(alphas) + boolean_term = Opt(NOT) + ident + + # very crude boolean expression - to support parenthesis groups and + # operation hierarchy, use infix_notation + boolean_expr = boolean_term + ((AND | OR) + boolean_term)[...] + + # integers that are followed by "." are actually floats + integer = Word(nums) + ~Char(".") + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + # do NOT use self.leave_whitespace(), don't want to propagate to exprs + # self.leave_whitespace() + self.skipWhitespace = False + + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.errmsg = "Found unwanted token, " + str(self.expr) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.expr.can_parse_next(instring, loc): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "~{" + str(self.expr) + "}" + + +class _MultipleMatch(ParseElementEnhance): + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + stop_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + stopOn: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr) + stopOn = stopOn or stop_on + self.saveAsList = True + ender = stopOn + if isinstance(ender, str_type): + ender = self._literalStringClass(ender) + self.stopOn(ender) + + def stopOn(self, ender) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(ender, str_type): + ender = self._literalStringClass(ender) + self.not_ender = ~ender if ender is not None else None + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse + self_skip_ignorables = self._skipIgnorables + check_ender = self.not_ender is not None + if check_ender: + try_not_ender = self.not_ender.tryParse + + # must be at least one (but first see if we are the stopOn sentinel; + # if so, fail) + if check_ender: + try_not_ender(instring, loc) + loc, tokens = self_expr_parse(instring, loc, doActions) + try: + hasIgnoreExprs = not not self.ignoreExprs + while 1: + if check_ender: + try_not_ender(instring, loc) + if hasIgnoreExprs: + preloc = self_skip_ignorables(instring, loc) + else: + preloc = loc + loc, tmptokens = self_expr_parse(instring, preloc, doActions) + if tmptokens or tmptokens.haskeys(): + tokens += tmptokens + except (ParseException, IndexError): + pass + + return loc, tokens + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + for e in [self.expr] + self.expr.recurse(): + if ( + isinstance(e, ParserElement) + and e.resultsName + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "collides with {!r} on contained expression".format( + "warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection", + name, + type(self).__name__, + e.resultsName, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class OneOrMore(_MultipleMatch): + """ + Repetition of one or more of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - expr - expression that must match one or more times + - stop_on - (default= ``None``) - expression for a terminating sentinel + (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition + expression) + + Example:: + + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: BLACK" + attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).pprint() # Fail! read 'color' as data instead of next label -> [['shape', 'SQUARE color']] + + # use stop_on attribute for OneOrMore to avoid reading label string as part of the data + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + OneOrMore(attr_expr).parse_string(text).pprint() # Better -> [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'BLACK']] + + # could also be written as + (attr_expr * (1,)).parse_string(text).pprint() + """ + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + str(self.expr) + "}..." + + +class ZeroOrMore(_MultipleMatch): + """ + Optional repetition of zero or more of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - expression that must match zero or more times + - ``stop_on`` - expression for a terminating sentinel + (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition + expression) - (default= ``None``) + + Example: similar to :class:`OneOrMore` + """ + + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + stop_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + stopOn: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr, stopOn=stopOn or stop_on) + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + try: + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + return loc, ParseResults([], name=self.resultsName) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "[" + str(self.expr) + "]..." + + +class _NullToken: + def __bool__(self): + return False + + def __str__(self): + return "" + + +class Opt(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Optional matching of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - expression that must match zero or more times + - ``default`` (optional) - value to be returned if the optional expression is not found. + + Example:: + + # US postal code can be a 5-digit zip, plus optional 4-digit qualifier + zip = Combine(Word(nums, exact=5) + Opt('-' + Word(nums, exact=4))) + zip.run_tests(''' + # traditional ZIP code + 12345 + + # ZIP+4 form + 12101-0001 + + # invalid ZIP + 98765- + ''') + + prints:: + + # traditional ZIP code + 12345 + ['12345'] + + # ZIP+4 form + 12101-0001 + ['12101-0001'] + + # invalid ZIP + 98765- + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) + """ + + __optionalNotMatched = _NullToken() + + def __init__( + self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], default: Any = __optionalNotMatched + ): + super().__init__(expr, savelist=False) + self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList + self.defaultValue = default + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self_expr = self.expr + try: + loc, tokens = self_expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + default_value = self.defaultValue + if default_value is not self.__optionalNotMatched: + if self_expr.resultsName: + tokens = ParseResults([default_value]) + tokens[self_expr.resultsName] = default_value + else: + tokens = [default_value] + else: + tokens = [] + return loc, tokens + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + inner = str(self.expr) + # strip off redundant inner {}'s + while len(inner) > 1 and inner[0 :: len(inner) - 1] == "{}": + inner = inner[1:-1] + return "[" + inner + "]" + + +Optional = Opt + + +class SkipTo(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched + expression is found. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - target expression marking the end of the data to be skipped + - ``include`` - if ``True``, the target expression is also parsed + (the skipped text and target expression are returned as a 2-element + list) (default= ``False``). + - ``ignore`` - (default= ``None``) used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and + comments) that might contain false matches to the target expression + - ``fail_on`` - (default= ``None``) define expressions that are not allowed to be + included in the skipped test; if found before the target expression is found, + the :class:`SkipTo` is not a match + + Example:: + + report = ''' + Outstanding Issues Report - 1 Jan 2000 + + # | Severity | Description | Days Open + -----+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------- + 101 | Critical | Intermittent system crash | 6 + 94 | Cosmetic | Spelling error on Login ('log|n') | 14 + 79 | Minor | System slow when running too many reports | 47 + ''' + integer = Word(nums) + SEP = Suppress('|') + # use SkipTo to simply match everything up until the next SEP + # - ignore quoted strings, so that a '|' character inside a quoted string does not match + # - parse action will call token.strip() for each matched token, i.e., the description body + string_data = SkipTo(SEP, ignore=quoted_string) + string_data.set_parse_action(token_map(str.strip)) + ticket_expr = (integer("issue_num") + SEP + + string_data("sev") + SEP + + string_data("desc") + SEP + + integer("days_open")) + + for tkt in ticket_expr.search_string(report): + print tkt.dump() + + prints:: + + ['101', 'Critical', 'Intermittent system crash', '6'] + - days_open: '6' + - desc: 'Intermittent system crash' + - issue_num: '101' + - sev: 'Critical' + ['94', 'Cosmetic', "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')", '14'] + - days_open: '14' + - desc: "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')" + - issue_num: '94' + - sev: 'Cosmetic' + ['79', 'Minor', 'System slow when running too many reports', '47'] + - days_open: '47' + - desc: 'System slow when running too many reports' + - issue_num: '79' + - sev: 'Minor' + """ + + def __init__( + self, + other: Union[ParserElement, str], + include: bool = False, + ignore: bool = None, + fail_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + failOn: Union[ParserElement, str] = None, + ): + super().__init__(other) + failOn = failOn or fail_on + self.ignoreExpr = ignore + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.includeMatch = include + self.saveAsList = False + if isinstance(failOn, str_type): + self.failOn = self._literalStringClass(failOn) + else: + self.failOn = failOn + self.errmsg = "No match found for " + str(self.expr) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + startloc = loc + instrlen = len(instring) + self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse + self_failOn_canParseNext = ( + self.failOn.canParseNext if self.failOn is not None else None + ) + self_ignoreExpr_tryParse = ( + self.ignoreExpr.tryParse if self.ignoreExpr is not None else None + ) + + tmploc = loc + while tmploc <= instrlen: + if self_failOn_canParseNext is not None: + # break if failOn expression matches + if self_failOn_canParseNext(instring, tmploc): + break + + if self_ignoreExpr_tryParse is not None: + # advance past ignore expressions + while 1: + try: + tmploc = self_ignoreExpr_tryParse(instring, tmploc) + except ParseBaseException: + break + + try: + self_expr_parse(instring, tmploc, doActions=False, callPreParse=False) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + # no match, advance loc in string + tmploc += 1 + else: + # matched skipto expr, done + break + + else: + # ran off the end of the input string without matching skipto expr, fail + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + # build up return values + loc = tmploc + skiptext = instring[startloc:loc] + skipresult = ParseResults(skiptext) + + if self.includeMatch: + loc, mat = self_expr_parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + skipresult += mat + + return loc, skipresult + + +class Forward(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later - + used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation. + When the expression is known, it is assigned to the ``Forward`` + variable using the ``'<<'`` operator. + + Note: take care when assigning to ``Forward`` not to overlook + precedence of operators. + + Specifically, ``'|'`` has a lower precedence than ``'<<'``, so that:: + + fwd_expr << a | b | c + + will actually be evaluated as:: + + (fwd_expr << a) | b | c + + thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. It is recommended that you + explicitly group the values inserted into the ``Forward``:: + + fwd_expr << (a | b | c) + + Converting to use the ``'<<='`` operator instead will avoid this problem. + + See :class:`ParseResults.pprint` for an example of a recursive + parser created using ``Forward``. + """ + + def __init__(self, other: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None): + self.caller_frame = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] + super().__init__(other, savelist=False) + self.lshift_line = None + + def __lshift__(self, other): + if hasattr(self, "caller_frame"): + del self.caller_frame + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + self.expr = other + self.mayIndexError = self.expr.mayIndexError + self.mayReturnEmpty = self.expr.mayReturnEmpty + self.set_whitespace_chars( + self.expr.whiteChars, copy_defaults=self.expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars + ) + self.skipWhitespace = self.expr.skipWhitespace + self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList + self.ignoreExprs.extend(self.expr.ignoreExprs) + self.lshift_line = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2] + return self + + def __ilshift__(self, other): + return self << other + + def __or__(self, other): + caller_line = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2] + if ( + __diag__.warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator + and caller_line == self.lshift_line + and Diagnostics.warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "using '<<' operator with '|' is probably an error, use '<<='", + stacklevel=2, + ) + ret = super().__or__(other) + return ret + + def __del__(self): + # see if we are getting dropped because of '=' reassignment of var instead of '<<=' or '<<' + if ( + self.expr is None + and __diag__.warn_on_assignment_to_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_on_assignment_to_Forward not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn_explicit( + "Forward defined here but no expression attached later using '<<=' or '<<'", + UserWarning, + filename=self.caller_frame.filename, + lineno=self.caller_frame.lineno, + ) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if ( + self.expr is None + and __diag__.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + # walk stack until parse_string, scan_string, search_string, or transform_string is found + parse_fns = [ + "parse_string", + "scan_string", + "search_string", + "transform_string", + ] + tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=200) + for i, frm in enumerate(reversed(tb), start=1): + if frm.name in parse_fns: + stacklevel = i + 1 + break + else: + stacklevel = 2 + warnings.warn( + "Forward expression was never assigned a value, will not parse any input", + stacklevel=stacklevel, + ) + if not ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled: + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + # ## Bounded Recursion algorithm ## + # Recursion only needs to be processed at ``Forward`` elements, since they are + # the only ones that can actually refer to themselves. The general idea is + # to handle recursion stepwise: We start at no recursion, then recurse once, + # recurse twice, ..., until more recursion offers no benefit (we hit the bound). + # + # The "trick" here is that each ``Forward`` gets evaluated in two contexts + # - to *match* a specific recursion level, and + # - to *search* the bounded recursion level + # and the two run concurrently. The *search* must *match* each recursion level + # to find the best possible match. This is handled by a memo table, which + # provides the previous match to the next level match attempt. + # + # See also "Left Recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars", Medeiros et al. + # + # There is a complication since we not only *parse* but also *transform* via + # actions: We do not want to run the actions too often while expanding. Thus, + # we expand using `doActions=False` and only run `doActions=True` if the next + # recursion level is acceptable. + with ParserElement.recursion_lock: + memo = ParserElement.recursion_memos + try: + # we are parsing at a specific recursion expansion - use it as-is + prev_loc, prev_result = memo[loc, self, doActions] + if isinstance(prev_result, Exception): + raise prev_result + return prev_loc, prev_result.copy() + except KeyError: + act_key = (loc, self, True) + peek_key = (loc, self, False) + # we are searching for the best recursion expansion - keep on improving + # both `doActions` cases must be tracked separately here! + prev_loc, prev_peek = memo[peek_key] = ( + loc - 1, + ParseException( + instring, loc, "Forward recursion without base case", self + ), + ) + if doActions: + memo[act_key] = memo[peek_key] + while True: + try: + new_loc, new_peek = super().parseImpl(instring, loc, False) + except ParseException: + # we failed before getting any match – do not hide the error + if isinstance(prev_peek, Exception): + raise + new_loc, new_peek = prev_loc, prev_peek + # the match did not get better: we are done + if new_loc <= prev_loc: + if doActions: + # replace the match for doActions=False as well, + # in case the action did backtrack + prev_loc, prev_result = memo[peek_key] = memo[act_key] + del memo[peek_key], memo[act_key] + return prev_loc, prev_result.copy() + del memo[peek_key] + return prev_loc, prev_peek.copy() + # the match did get better: see if we can improve further + else: + if doActions: + try: + memo[act_key] = super().parseImpl(instring, loc, True) + except ParseException as e: + memo[peek_key] = memo[act_key] = (new_loc, e) + raise + prev_loc, prev_peek = memo[peek_key] = new_loc, new_peek + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + self.skipWhitespace = False + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + self.skipWhitespace = True + return self + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamlined = True + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.streamline() + return self + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + if validateTrace is None: + validateTrace = [] + + if self not in validateTrace: + tmp = validateTrace[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + # Avoid infinite recursion by setting a temporary _defaultName + self._defaultName = ": ..." + + # Use the string representation of main expression. + retString = "..." + try: + if self.expr is not None: + retString = str(self.expr)[:1000] + else: + retString = "None" + finally: + return self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + retString + + def copy(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.expr is not None: + return super().copy() + else: + ret = Forward() + ret <<= self + return ret + + def _setResultsName(self, name, list_all_matches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if self.expr is None: + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "that has no contained expression".format( + "warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward", name, type(self).__name__ + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, list_all_matches) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class TokenConverter(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Abstract subclass of :class:`ParseExpression`, for converting parsed results. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist=False): + super().__init__(expr) # , savelist) + self.saveAsList = False + + +class Combine(TokenConverter): + """Converter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string. + By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the + input string; this can be disabled by specifying + ``'adjacent=False'`` in the constructor. + + Example:: + + real = Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) + print(real.parse_string('3.1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] + # will also erroneously match the following + print(real.parse_string('3. 1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] + + real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(real.parse_string('3.1416')) # -> ['3.1416'] + # no match when there are internal spaces + print(real.parse_string('3. 1416')) # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + join_string: str = "", + adjacent: bool = True, + *, + joinString: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr) + joinString = joinString if joinString is not None else join_string + # suppress whitespace-stripping in contained parse expressions, but re-enable it on the Combine itself + if adjacent: + self.leave_whitespace() + self.adjacent = adjacent + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.joinString = joinString + self.callPreparse = True + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if self.adjacent: + ParserElement.ignore(self, other) + else: + super().ignore(other) + return self + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + retToks = tokenlist.copy() + del retToks[:] + retToks += ParseResults( + ["".join(tokenlist._asStringList(self.joinString))], modal=self.modalResults + ) + + if self.resultsName and retToks.haskeys(): + return [retToks] + else: + return retToks + + +class Group(TokenConverter): + """Converter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for + returning tokens of :class:`ZeroOrMore` and :class:`OneOrMore` expressions. + + The optional ``aslist`` argument when set to True will return the + parsed tokens as a Python list instead of a pyparsing ParseResults. + + Example:: + + ident = Word(alphas) + num = Word(nums) + term = ident | num + func = ident + Opt(delimited_list(term)) + print(func.parse_string("fn a, b, 100")) + # -> ['fn', 'a', 'b', '100'] + + func = ident + Group(Opt(delimited_list(term))) + print(func.parse_string("fn a, b, 100")) + # -> ['fn', ['a', 'b', '100']] + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, aslist: bool = False): + super().__init__(expr) + self.saveAsList = True + self._asPythonList = aslist + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + if self._asPythonList: + return ParseResults.List( + tokenlist.asList() + if isinstance(tokenlist, ParseResults) + else list(tokenlist) + ) + else: + return [tokenlist] + + +class Dict(TokenConverter): + """Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also + as a dictionary. Each element can also be referenced using the first + token in the expression as its key. Useful for tabular report + scraping when the first column can be used as a item key. + + The optional ``asdict`` argument when set to True will return the + parsed tokens as a Python dict instead of a pyparsing ParseResults. + + Example:: + + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" + attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + # print attributes as plain groups + print(attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).dump()) + + # instead of OneOrMore(expr), parse using Dict(Group(expr)[1, ...]) - Dict will auto-assign names + result = Dict(Group(attr_expr)[1, ...]).parse_string(text) + print(result.dump()) + + # access named fields as dict entries, or output as dict + print(result['shape']) + print(result.as_dict()) + + prints:: + + ['shape', 'SQUARE', 'posn', 'upper left', 'color', 'light blue', 'texture', 'burlap'] + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] + - color: 'light blue' + - posn: 'upper left' + - shape: 'SQUARE' + - texture: 'burlap' + SQUARE + {'color': 'light blue', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap', 'shape': 'SQUARE'} + + See more examples at :class:`ParseResults` of accessing fields by results name. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, asdict: bool = False): + super().__init__(expr) + self.saveAsList = True + self._asPythonDict = asdict + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + for i, tok in enumerate(tokenlist): + if len(tok) == 0: + continue + + ikey = tok[0] + if isinstance(ikey, int): + ikey = str(ikey).strip() + + if len(tok) == 1: + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset("", i) + + elif len(tok) == 2 and not isinstance(tok[1], ParseResults): + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(tok[1], i) + + else: + try: + dictvalue = tok.copy() # ParseResults(i) + except Exception: + exc = TypeError( + "could not extract dict values from parsed results" + " - Dict expression must contain Grouped expressions" + ) + raise exc from None + + del dictvalue[0] + + if len(dictvalue) != 1 or ( + isinstance(dictvalue, ParseResults) and dictvalue.haskeys() + ): + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue, i) + else: + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue[0], i) + + if self._asPythonDict: + return [tokenlist.as_dict()] if self.resultsName else tokenlist.as_dict() + else: + return [tokenlist] if self.resultsName else tokenlist + + +class Suppress(TokenConverter): + """Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression. + + Example:: + + source = "a, b, c,d" + wd = Word(alphas) + wd_list1 = wd + (',' + wd)[...] + print(wd_list1.parse_string(source)) + + # often, delimiters that are useful during parsing are just in the + # way afterward - use Suppress to keep them out of the parsed output + wd_list2 = wd + (Suppress(',') + wd)[...] + print(wd_list2.parse_string(source)) + + # Skipped text (using '...') can be suppressed as well + source = "lead in START relevant text END trailing text" + start_marker = Keyword("START") + end_marker = Keyword("END") + find_body = Suppress(...) + start_marker + ... + end_marker + print(find_body.parse_string(source) + + prints:: + + ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c', ',', 'd'] + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + ['START', 'relevant text ', 'END'] + + (See also :class:`delimited_list`.) + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist: bool = False): + if expr is ...: + expr = _PendingSkip(NoMatch()) + super().__init__(expr) + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + if isinstance(self.expr, _PendingSkip): + return Suppress(SkipTo(other)) + other + else: + return super().__add__(other) + + def __sub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + if isinstance(self.expr, _PendingSkip): + return Suppress(SkipTo(other)) - other + else: + return super().__sub__(other) + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + return [] + + def suppress(self) -> ParserElement: + return self + + +def trace_parse_action(f: ParseAction) -> ParseAction: + """Decorator for debugging parse actions. + + When the parse action is called, this decorator will print + ``">> entering method-name(line:, , )"``. + When the parse action completes, the decorator will print + ``"<<"`` followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + + @trace_parse_action + def remove_duplicate_chars(tokens): + return ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(tokens)))) + + wds = wd[1, ...].set_parse_action(remove_duplicate_chars) + print(wds.parse_string("slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf")) + + prints:: + + >>entering remove_duplicate_chars(line: 'slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf', 0, (['slkdjs', 'sld', 'sldd', 'sdlf', 'sdljf'], {})) + < 3: + thisFunc = paArgs[0].__class__.__name__ + "." + thisFunc + sys.stderr.write( + ">>entering {}(line: {!r}, {}, {!r})\n".format(thisFunc, line(l, s), l, t) + ) + try: + ret = f(*paArgs) + except Exception as exc: + sys.stderr.write("< str: + r"""Helper to easily define string ranges for use in :class:`Word` + construction. Borrows syntax from regexp ``'[]'`` string range + definitions:: + + srange("[0-9]") -> "0123456789" + srange("[a-z]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_" + + The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string + is the expanded character set joined into a single string. The + values enclosed in the []'s may be: + + - a single character + - an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as ``\-`` + or ``\]``) + - an escaped hex character with a leading ``'\x'`` + (``\x21``, which is a ``'!'`` character) (``\0x##`` + is also supported for backwards compatibility) + - an escaped octal character with a leading ``'\0'`` + (``\041``, which is a ``'!'`` character) + - a range of any of the above, separated by a dash (``'a-z'``, + etc.) + - any combination of the above (``'aeiouy'``, + ``'a-zA-Z0-9_$'``, etc.) + """ + _expanded = ( + lambda p: p + if not isinstance(p, ParseResults) + else "".join(chr(c) for c in range(ord(p[0]), ord(p[1]) + 1)) + ) + try: + return "".join(_expanded(part) for part in _reBracketExpr.parse_string(s).body) + except Exception: + return "" + + +def token_map(func, *args) -> ParseAction: + """Helper to define a parse action by mapping a function to all + elements of a :class:`ParseResults` list. If any additional args are passed, + they are forwarded to the given function as additional arguments + after the token, as in + ``hex_integer = Word(hexnums).set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16))``, + which will convert the parsed data to an integer using base 16. + + Example (compare the last to example in :class:`ParserElement.transform_string`:: + + hex_ints = Word(hexnums)[1, ...].set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16)) + hex_ints.run_tests(''' + 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a + ''') + + upperword = Word(alphas).set_parse_action(token_map(str.upper)) + upperword[1, ...].run_tests(''' + my kingdom for a horse + ''') + + wd = Word(alphas).set_parse_action(token_map(str.title)) + wd[1, ...].set_parse_action(' '.join).run_tests(''' + now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york + ''') + + prints:: + + 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a + [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26] + + my kingdom for a horse + ['MY', 'KINGDOM', 'FOR', 'A', 'HORSE'] + + now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york + ['Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York'] + """ + + def pa(s, l, t): + return [func(tokn, *args) for tokn in t] + + func_name = getattr(func, "__name__", getattr(func, "__class__").__name__) + pa.__name__ = func_name + + return pa + + +def autoname_elements() -> None: + """ + Utility to simplify mass-naming of parser elements, for + generating railroad diagram with named subdiagrams. + """ + for name, var in sys._getframe().f_back.f_locals.items(): + if isinstance(var, ParserElement) and not var.customName: + var.set_name(name) + + +dbl_quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*') + '"' +).set_name("string enclosed in double quotes") + +sgl_quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*") + "'" +).set_name("string enclosed in single quotes") + +quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*') + '"' + | Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*") + "'" +).set_name("quotedString using single or double quotes") + +unicode_string = Combine("u" + quoted_string.copy()).set_name("unicode string literal") + + +alphas8bit = srange(r"[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xff]") +punc8bit = srange(r"[\0xa1-\0xbf\0xd7\0xf7]") + +# build list of built-in expressions, for future reference if a global default value +# gets updated +_builtin_exprs: List[ParserElement] = [ + v for v in vars().values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] + +# backward compatibility names +tokenMap = token_map +conditionAsParseAction = condition_as_parse_action +nullDebugAction = null_debug_action +sglQuotedString = sgl_quoted_string +dblQuotedString = dbl_quoted_string +quotedString = quoted_string +unicodeString = unicode_string +lineStart = line_start +lineEnd = line_end +stringStart = string_start +stringEnd = string_end +traceParseAction = trace_parse_action diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8986447 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ +import railroad +import pyparsing +import typing +from typing import ( + List, + NamedTuple, + Generic, + TypeVar, + Dict, + Callable, + Set, + Iterable, +) +from jinja2 import Template +from io import StringIO +import inspect + + +jinja2_template_source = """\ + + + + {% if not head %} + + {% else %} + {{ head | safe }} + {% endif %} + + +{{ body | safe }} +{% for diagram in diagrams %} +

{{ diagram.title }}

{{ diagram.text }}
+ {{ diagram.svg }} +
+{% endfor %} + + +""" + +template = Template(jinja2_template_source) + +# Note: ideally this would be a dataclass, but we're supporting Python 3.5+ so we can't do this yet +NamedDiagram = NamedTuple( + "NamedDiagram", + [("name", str), ("diagram", typing.Optional[railroad.DiagramItem]), ("index", int)], +) +""" +A simple structure for associating a name with a railroad diagram +""" + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +class EachItem(railroad.Group): + """ + Custom railroad item to compose a: + - Group containing a + - OneOrMore containing a + - Choice of the elements in the Each + with the group label indicating that all must be matched + """ + + all_label = "[ALL]" + + def __init__(self, *items): + choice_item = railroad.Choice(len(items) - 1, *items) + one_or_more_item = railroad.OneOrMore(item=choice_item) + super().__init__(one_or_more_item, label=self.all_label) + + +class AnnotatedItem(railroad.Group): + """ + Simple subclass of Group that creates an annotation label + """ + + def __init__(self, label: str, item): + super().__init__(item=item, label="[{}]".format(label) if label else label) + + +class EditablePartial(Generic[T]): + """ + Acts like a functools.partial, but can be edited. In other words, it represents a type that hasn't yet been + constructed. + """ + + # We need this here because the railroad constructors actually transform the data, so can't be called until the + # entire tree is assembled + + def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., T], args: list, kwargs: dict): + self.func = func + self.args = args + self.kwargs = kwargs + + @classmethod + def from_call(cls, func: Callable[..., T], *args, **kwargs) -> "EditablePartial[T]": + """ + If you call this function in the same way that you would call the constructor, it will store the arguments + as you expect. For example EditablePartial.from_call(Fraction, 1, 3)() == Fraction(1, 3) + """ + return EditablePartial(func=func, args=list(args), kwargs=kwargs) + + @property + def name(self): + return self.kwargs["name"] + + def __call__(self) -> T: + """ + Evaluate the partial and return the result + """ + args = self.args.copy() + kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() + + # This is a helpful hack to allow you to specify varargs parameters (e.g. *args) as keyword args (e.g. + # args=['list', 'of', 'things']) + arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(self.func) + if arg_spec.varargs in self.kwargs: + args += kwargs.pop(arg_spec.varargs) + + return self.func(*args, **kwargs) + + +def railroad_to_html(diagrams: List[NamedDiagram], **kwargs) -> str: + """ + Given a list of NamedDiagram, produce a single HTML string that visualises those diagrams + :params kwargs: kwargs to be passed in to the template + """ + data = [] + for diagram in diagrams: + if diagram.diagram is None: + continue + io = StringIO() + diagram.diagram.writeSvg(io.write) + title = diagram.name + if diagram.index == 0: + title += " (root)" + data.append({"title": title, "text": "", "svg": io.getvalue()}) + + return template.render(diagrams=data, **kwargs) + + +def resolve_partial(partial: "EditablePartial[T]") -> T: + """ + Recursively resolves a collection of Partials into whatever type they are + """ + if isinstance(partial, EditablePartial): + partial.args = resolve_partial(partial.args) + partial.kwargs = resolve_partial(partial.kwargs) + return partial() + elif isinstance(partial, list): + return [resolve_partial(x) for x in partial] + elif isinstance(partial, dict): + return {key: resolve_partial(x) for key, x in partial.items()} + else: + return partial + + +def to_railroad( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None, + vertical: int = 3, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, +) -> List[NamedDiagram]: + """ + Convert a pyparsing element tree into a list of diagrams. This is the recommended entrypoint to diagram + creation if you want to access the Railroad tree before it is converted to HTML + :param element: base element of the parser being diagrammed + :param diagram_kwargs: kwargs to pass to the Diagram() constructor + :param vertical: (optional) - int - limit at which number of alternatives should be + shown vertically instead of horizontally + :param show_results_names - bool to indicate whether results name annotations should be + included in the diagram + :param show_groups - bool to indicate whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled + surrounding box + """ + # Convert the whole tree underneath the root + lookup = ConverterState(diagram_kwargs=diagram_kwargs or {}) + _to_diagram_element( + element, + lookup=lookup, + parent=None, + vertical=vertical, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + root_id = id(element) + # Convert the root if it hasn't been already + if root_id in lookup: + if not element.customName: + lookup[root_id].name = "" + lookup[root_id].mark_for_extraction(root_id, lookup, force=True) + + # Now that we're finished, we can convert from intermediate structures into Railroad elements + diags = list(lookup.diagrams.values()) + if len(diags) > 1: + # collapse out duplicate diags with the same name + seen = set() + deduped_diags = [] + for d in diags: + # don't extract SkipTo elements, they are uninformative as subdiagrams + if d.name == "...": + continue + if d.name is not None and d.name not in seen: + seen.add(d.name) + deduped_diags.append(d) + resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in deduped_diags] + else: + # special case - if just one diagram, always display it, even if + # it has no name + resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in diags] + return sorted(resolved, key=lambda diag: diag.index) + + +def _should_vertical( + specification: int, exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement] +) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if we should return a vertical list of elements + """ + if specification is None: + return False + else: + return len(_visible_exprs(exprs)) >= specification + + +class ElementState: + """ + State recorded for an individual pyparsing Element + """ + + # Note: this should be a dataclass, but we have to support Python 3.5 + def __init__( + self, + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + converted: EditablePartial, + parent: EditablePartial, + number: int, + name: str = None, + parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = None, + ): + #: The pyparsing element that this represents + self.element: pyparsing.ParserElement = element + #: The name of the element + self.name: typing.Optional[str] = name + #: The output Railroad element in an unconverted state + self.converted: EditablePartial = converted + #: The parent Railroad element, which we store so that we can extract this if it's duplicated + self.parent: EditablePartial = parent + #: The order in which we found this element, used for sorting diagrams if this is extracted into a diagram + self.number: int = number + #: The index of this inside its parent + self.parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = parent_index + #: If true, we should extract this out into a subdiagram + self.extract: bool = False + #: If true, all of this element's children have been filled out + self.complete: bool = False + + def mark_for_extraction( + self, el_id: int, state: "ConverterState", name: str = None, force: bool = False + ): + """ + Called when this instance has been seen twice, and thus should eventually be extracted into a sub-diagram + :param el_id: id of the element + :param state: element/diagram state tracker + :param name: name to use for this element's text + :param force: If true, force extraction now, regardless of the state of this. Only useful for extracting the + root element when we know we're finished + """ + self.extract = True + + # Set the name + if not self.name: + if name: + # Allow forcing a custom name + self.name = name + elif self.element.customName: + self.name = self.element.customName + else: + self.name = "" + + # Just because this is marked for extraction doesn't mean we can do it yet. We may have to wait for children + # to be added + # Also, if this is just a string literal etc, don't bother extracting it + if force or (self.complete and _worth_extracting(self.element)): + state.extract_into_diagram(el_id) + + +class ConverterState: + """ + Stores some state that persists between recursions into the element tree + """ + + def __init__(self, diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None): + #: A dictionary mapping ParserElements to state relating to them + self._element_diagram_states: Dict[int, ElementState] = {} + #: A dictionary mapping ParserElement IDs to subdiagrams generated from them + self.diagrams: Dict[int, EditablePartial[NamedDiagram]] = {} + #: The index of the next unnamed element + self.unnamed_index: int = 1 + #: The index of the next element. This is used for sorting + self.index: int = 0 + #: Shared kwargs that are used to customize the construction of diagrams + self.diagram_kwargs: dict = diagram_kwargs or {} + self.extracted_diagram_names: Set[str] = set() + + def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: ElementState): + self._element_diagram_states[key] = value + + def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> ElementState: + return self._element_diagram_states[key] + + def __delitem__(self, key: int): + del self._element_diagram_states[key] + + def __contains__(self, key: int): + return key in self._element_diagram_states + + def generate_unnamed(self) -> int: + """ + Generate a number used in the name of an otherwise unnamed diagram + """ + self.unnamed_index += 1 + return self.unnamed_index + + def generate_index(self) -> int: + """ + Generate a number used to index a diagram + """ + self.index += 1 + return self.index + + def extract_into_diagram(self, el_id: int): + """ + Used when we encounter the same token twice in the same tree. When this + happens, we replace all instances of that token with a terminal, and + create a new subdiagram for the token + """ + position = self[el_id] + + # Replace the original definition of this element with a regular block + if position.parent: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=position.name) + if "item" in position.parent.kwargs: + position.parent.kwargs["item"] = ret + elif "items" in position.parent.kwargs: + position.parent.kwargs["items"][position.parent_index] = ret + + # If the element we're extracting is a group, skip to its content but keep the title + if position.converted.func == railroad.Group: + content = position.converted.kwargs["item"] + else: + content = position.converted + + self.diagrams[el_id] = EditablePartial.from_call( + NamedDiagram, + name=position.name, + diagram=EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Diagram, content, **self.diagram_kwargs + ), + index=position.number, + ) + + del self[el_id] + + +def _worth_extracting(element: pyparsing.ParserElement) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this element is worth having its own sub-diagram. Simply, if any of its children + themselves have children, then its complex enough to extract + """ + children = element.recurse() + return any(child.recurse() for child in children) + + +def _apply_diagram_item_enhancements(fn): + """ + decorator to ensure enhancements to a diagram item (such as results name annotations) + get applied on return from _to_diagram_element (we do this since there are several + returns in _to_diagram_element) + """ + + def _inner( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial], + lookup: ConverterState = None, + vertical: int = None, + index: int = 0, + name_hint: str = None, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, + ) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]: + + ret = fn( + element, + parent, + lookup, + vertical, + index, + name_hint, + show_results_names, + show_groups, + ) + + # apply annotation for results name, if present + if show_results_names and ret is not None: + element_results_name = element.resultsName + if element_results_name: + # add "*" to indicate if this is a "list all results" name + element_results_name += "" if element.modalResults else "*" + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Group, item=ret, label=element_results_name + ) + + return ret + + return _inner + + +def _visible_exprs(exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement]): + non_diagramming_exprs = ( + pyparsing.ParseElementEnhance, + pyparsing.PositionToken, + pyparsing.And._ErrorStop, + ) + return [ + e + for e in exprs + if not (e.customName or e.resultsName or isinstance(e, non_diagramming_exprs)) + ] + + +@_apply_diagram_item_enhancements +def _to_diagram_element( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial], + lookup: ConverterState = None, + vertical: int = None, + index: int = 0, + name_hint: str = None, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, +) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]: + """ + Recursively converts a PyParsing Element to a railroad Element + :param lookup: The shared converter state that keeps track of useful things + :param index: The index of this element within the parent + :param parent: The parent of this element in the output tree + :param vertical: Controls at what point we make a list of elements vertical. If this is an integer (the default), + it sets the threshold of the number of items before we go vertical. If True, always go vertical, if False, never + do so + :param name_hint: If provided, this will override the generated name + :param show_results_names: bool flag indicating whether to add annotations for results names + :returns: The converted version of the input element, but as a Partial that hasn't yet been constructed + :param show_groups: bool flag indicating whether to show groups using bounding box + """ + exprs = element.recurse() + name = name_hint or element.customName or element.__class__.__name__ + + # Python's id() is used to provide a unique identifier for elements + el_id = id(element) + + element_results_name = element.resultsName + + # Here we basically bypass processing certain wrapper elements if they contribute nothing to the diagram + if not element.customName: + if isinstance( + element, + ( + # pyparsing.TokenConverter, + # pyparsing.Forward, + pyparsing.Located, + ), + ): + # However, if this element has a useful custom name, and its child does not, we can pass it on to the child + if exprs: + if not exprs[0].customName: + propagated_name = name + else: + propagated_name = None + + return _to_diagram_element( + element.expr, + parent=parent, + lookup=lookup, + vertical=vertical, + index=index, + name_hint=propagated_name, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + # If the element isn't worth extracting, we always treat it as the first time we say it + if _worth_extracting(element): + if el_id in lookup: + # If we've seen this element exactly once before, we are only just now finding out that it's a duplicate, + # so we have to extract it into a new diagram. + looked_up = lookup[el_id] + looked_up.mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, name=name_hint) + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=looked_up.name) + return ret + + elif el_id in lookup.diagrams: + # If we have seen the element at least twice before, and have already extracted it into a subdiagram, we + # just put in a marker element that refers to the sub-diagram + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"] + ) + return ret + + # Recursively convert child elements + # Here we find the most relevant Railroad element for matching pyparsing Element + # We use ``items=[]`` here to hold the place for where the child elements will go once created + if isinstance(element, pyparsing.And): + # detect And's created with ``expr*N`` notation - for these use a OneOrMore with a repeat + # (all will have the same name, and resultsName) + if not exprs: + return None + if len(set((e.name, e.resultsName) for e in exprs)) == 1: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.OneOrMore, item="", repeat=str(len(exprs)) + ) + elif _should_vertical(vertical, exprs): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Stack, items=[]) + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, (pyparsing.Or, pyparsing.MatchFirst)): + if not exprs: + return None + if _should_vertical(vertical, exprs): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Choice, 0, items=[]) + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.HorizontalChoice, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Each): + if not exprs: + return None + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(EachItem, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.NotAny): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="NOT", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.FollowedBy): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKAHEAD", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.PrecededBy): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKBEHIND", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group): + if show_groups: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="", item="") + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, label="", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.TokenConverter): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + AnnotatedItem, label=type(element).__name__.lower(), item="" + ) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Opt): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Optional, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.OneOrMore): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.OneOrMore, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.ZeroOrMore): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.ZeroOrMore, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Group, item=None, label=element_results_name + ) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Empty) and not element.customName: + # Skip unnamed "Empty" elements + ret = None + elif len(exprs) > 1: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[]) + elif len(exprs) > 0 and not element_results_name: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, item="", label=name) + else: + terminal = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, element.defaultName) + ret = terminal + + if ret is None: + return + + # Indicate this element's position in the tree so we can extract it if necessary + lookup[el_id] = ElementState( + element=element, + converted=ret, + parent=parent, + parent_index=index, + number=lookup.generate_index(), + ) + if element.customName: + lookup[el_id].mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, element.customName) + + i = 0 + for expr in exprs: + # Add a placeholder index in case we have to extract the child before we even add it to the parent + if "items" in ret.kwargs: + ret.kwargs["items"].insert(i, None) + + item = _to_diagram_element( + expr, + parent=ret, + lookup=lookup, + vertical=vertical, + index=i, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + # Some elements don't need to be shown in the diagram + if item is not None: + if "item" in ret.kwargs: + ret.kwargs["item"] = item + elif "items" in ret.kwargs: + # If we've already extracted the child, don't touch this index, since it's occupied by a nonterminal + ret.kwargs["items"][i] = item + i += 1 + elif "items" in ret.kwargs: + # If we're supposed to skip this element, remove it from the parent + del ret.kwargs["items"][i] + + # If all this items children are none, skip this item + if ret and ( + ("items" in ret.kwargs and len(ret.kwargs["items"]) == 0) + or ("item" in ret.kwargs and ret.kwargs["item"] is None) + ): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, name) + + # Mark this element as "complete", ie it has all of its children + if el_id in lookup: + lookup[el_id].complete = True + + if el_id in lookup and lookup[el_id].extract and lookup[el_id].complete: + lookup.extract_into_diagram(el_id) + if ret is not None: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"] + ) + + return ret diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..233f6ba Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a38447b --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +# exceptions.py + +import re +import sys +import typing + +from .util import col, line, lineno, _collapse_string_to_ranges +from .unicode import pyparsing_unicode as ppu + + +class ExceptionWordUnicode(ppu.Latin1, ppu.LatinA, ppu.LatinB, ppu.Greek, ppu.Cyrillic): + pass + + +_extract_alphanums = _collapse_string_to_ranges(ExceptionWordUnicode.alphanums) +_exception_word_extractor = re.compile("([" + _extract_alphanums + "]{1,16})|.") + + +class ParseBaseException(Exception): + """base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptions""" + + # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this + # constructor as small and fast as possible + def __init__( + self, + pstr: str, + loc: int = 0, + msg: typing.Optional[str] = None, + elem=None, + ): + self.loc = loc + if msg is None: + self.msg = pstr + self.pstr = "" + else: + self.msg = msg + self.pstr = pstr + self.parser_element = self.parserElement = elem + self.args = (pstr, loc, msg) + + @staticmethod + def explain_exception(exc, depth=16): + """ + Method to take an exception and translate the Python internal traceback into a list + of the pyparsing expressions that caused the exception to be raised. + + Parameters: + + - exc - exception raised during parsing (need not be a ParseException, in support + of Python exceptions that might be raised in a parse action) + - depth (default=16) - number of levels back in the stack trace to list expression + and function names; if None, the full stack trace names will be listed; if 0, only + the failing input line, marker, and exception string will be shown + + Returns a multi-line string listing the ParserElements and/or function names in the + exception's stack trace. + """ + import inspect + from .core import ParserElement + + if depth is None: + depth = sys.getrecursionlimit() + ret = [] + if isinstance(exc, ParseBaseException): + ret.append(exc.line) + ret.append(" " * (exc.column - 1) + "^") + ret.append("{}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, exc)) + + if depth > 0: + callers = inspect.getinnerframes(exc.__traceback__, context=depth) + seen = set() + for i, ff in enumerate(callers[-depth:]): + frm = ff[0] + + f_self = frm.f_locals.get("self", None) + if isinstance(f_self, ParserElement): + if frm.f_code.co_name not in ("parseImpl", "_parseNoCache"): + continue + if id(f_self) in seen: + continue + seen.add(id(f_self)) + + self_type = type(f_self) + ret.append( + "{}.{} - {}".format( + self_type.__module__, self_type.__name__, f_self + ) + ) + + elif f_self is not None: + self_type = type(f_self) + ret.append("{}.{}".format(self_type.__module__, self_type.__name__)) + + else: + code = frm.f_code + if code.co_name in ("wrapper", ""): + continue + + ret.append("{}".format(code.co_name)) + + depth -= 1 + if not depth: + break + + return "\n".join(ret) + + @classmethod + def _from_exception(cls, pe): + """ + internal factory method to simplify creating one type of ParseException + from another - avoids having __init__ signature conflicts among subclasses + """ + return cls(pe.pstr, pe.loc, pe.msg, pe.parserElement) + + @property + def line(self) -> str: + """ + Return the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return line(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def lineno(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based line number of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return lineno(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def col(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based column on the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return col(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def column(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based column on the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return col(self.loc, self.pstr) + + def __str__(self) -> str: + if self.pstr: + if self.loc >= len(self.pstr): + foundstr = ", found end of text" + else: + # pull out next word at error location + found_match = _exception_word_extractor.match(self.pstr, self.loc) + if found_match is not None: + found = found_match.group(0) + else: + found = self.pstr[self.loc : self.loc + 1] + foundstr = (", found %r" % found).replace(r"\\", "\\") + else: + foundstr = "" + return "{}{} (at char {}), (line:{}, col:{})".format( + self.msg, foundstr, self.loc, self.lineno, self.column + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return str(self) + + def mark_input_line(self, marker_string: str = None, *, markerString=">!<") -> str: + """ + Extracts the exception line from the input string, and marks + the location of the exception with a special symbol. + """ + markerString = marker_string if marker_string is not None else markerString + line_str = self.line + line_column = self.column - 1 + if markerString: + line_str = "".join( + (line_str[:line_column], markerString, line_str[line_column:]) + ) + return line_str.strip() + + def explain(self, depth=16) -> str: + """ + Method to translate the Python internal traceback into a list + of the pyparsing expressions that caused the exception to be raised. + + Parameters: + + - depth (default=16) - number of levels back in the stack trace to list expression + and function names; if None, the full stack trace names will be listed; if 0, only + the failing input line, marker, and exception string will be shown + + Returns a multi-line string listing the ParserElements and/or function names in the + exception's stack trace. + + Example:: + + expr = pp.Word(pp.nums) * 3 + try: + expr.parse_string("123 456 A789") + except pp.ParseException as pe: + print(pe.explain(depth=0)) + + prints:: + + 123 456 A789 + ^ + ParseException: Expected W:(0-9), found 'A' (at char 8), (line:1, col:9) + + Note: the diagnostic output will include string representations of the expressions + that failed to parse. These representations will be more helpful if you use `set_name` to + give identifiable names to your expressions. Otherwise they will use the default string + forms, which may be cryptic to read. + + Note: pyparsing's default truncation of exception tracebacks may also truncate the + stack of expressions that are displayed in the ``explain`` output. To get the full listing + of parser expressions, you may have to set ``ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace = True`` + """ + return self.explain_exception(self, depth) + + markInputline = mark_input_line + + +class ParseException(ParseBaseException): + """ + Exception thrown when a parse expression doesn't match the input string + + Example:: + + try: + Word(nums).set_name("integer").parse_string("ABC") + except ParseException as pe: + print(pe) + print("column: {}".format(pe.column)) + + prints:: + + Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + column: 1 + + """ + + +class ParseFatalException(ParseBaseException): + """ + User-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content + is found; stops all parsing immediately + """ + + +class ParseSyntaxException(ParseFatalException): + """ + Just like :class:`ParseFatalException`, but thrown internally + when an :class:`ErrorStop` ('-' operator) indicates + that parsing is to stop immediately because an unbacktrackable + syntax error has been found. + """ + + +class RecursiveGrammarException(Exception): + """ + Exception thrown by :class:`ParserElement.validate` if the + grammar could be left-recursive; parser may need to enable + left recursion using :class:`ParserElement.enable_left_recursion` + """ + + def __init__(self, parseElementList): + self.parseElementTrace = parseElementList + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return "RecursiveGrammarException: {}".format(self.parseElementTrace) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9588b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py @@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@ +# helpers.py +import html.entities +import re +import typing + +from . import __diag__ +from .core import * +from .util import _bslash, _flatten, _escape_regex_range_chars + + +# +# global helpers +# +def delimited_list( + expr: Union[str, ParserElement], + delim: Union[str, ParserElement] = ",", + combine: bool = False, + min: typing.Optional[int] = None, + max: typing.Optional[int] = None, + *, + allow_trailing_delim: bool = False, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define a delimited list of expressions - the delimiter + defaults to ','. By default, the list elements and delimiters can + have intervening whitespace, and comments, but this can be + overridden by passing ``combine=True`` in the constructor. If + ``combine`` is set to ``True``, the matching tokens are + returned as a single token string, with the delimiters included; + otherwise, the matching tokens are returned as a list of tokens, + with the delimiters suppressed. + + If ``allow_trailing_delim`` is set to True, then the list may end with + a delimiter. + + Example:: + + delimited_list(Word(alphas)).parse_string("aa,bb,cc") # -> ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] + delimited_list(Word(hexnums), delim=':', combine=True).parse_string("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE") # -> ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE'] + """ + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) + + dlName = "{expr} [{delim} {expr}]...{end}".format( + expr=str(expr.copy().streamline()), + delim=str(delim), + end=" [{}]".format(str(delim)) if allow_trailing_delim else "", + ) + + if not combine: + delim = Suppress(delim) + + if min is not None: + if min < 1: + raise ValueError("min must be greater than 0") + min -= 1 + if max is not None: + if min is not None and max <= min: + raise ValueError("max must be greater than, or equal to min") + max -= 1 + delimited_list_expr = expr + (delim + expr)[min, max] + + if allow_trailing_delim: + delimited_list_expr += Opt(delim) + + if combine: + return Combine(delimited_list_expr).set_name(dlName) + else: + return delimited_list_expr.set_name(dlName) + + +def counted_array( + expr: ParserElement, + int_expr: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, + *, + intExpr: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define a counted list of expressions. + + This helper defines a pattern of the form:: + + integer expr expr expr... + + where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow. + The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the + leading count token is suppressed. + + If ``int_expr`` is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression + that produces an integer value. + + Example:: + + counted_array(Word(alphas)).parse_string('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] + + # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary, + # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array + binary_constant = Word('01').set_parse_action(lambda t: int(t[0], 2)) + counted_array(Word(alphas), int_expr=binary_constant).parse_string('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] + + # if other fields must be parsed after the count but before the + # list items, give the fields results names and they will + # be preserved in the returned ParseResults: + count_with_metadata = integer + Word(alphas)("type") + typed_array = counted_array(Word(alphanums), int_expr=count_with_metadata)("items") + result = typed_array.parse_string("3 bool True True False") + print(result.dump()) + + # prints + # ['True', 'True', 'False'] + # - items: ['True', 'True', 'False'] + # - type: 'bool' + """ + intExpr = intExpr or int_expr + array_expr = Forward() + + def count_field_parse_action(s, l, t): + nonlocal array_expr + n = t[0] + array_expr <<= (expr * n) if n else Empty() + # clear list contents, but keep any named results + del t[:] + + if intExpr is None: + intExpr = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda t: int(t[0])) + else: + intExpr = intExpr.copy() + intExpr.set_name("arrayLen") + intExpr.add_parse_action(count_field_parse_action, call_during_try=True) + return (intExpr + array_expr).set_name("(len) " + str(expr) + "...") + + +def match_previous_literal(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from + the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for + a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: + + first = Word(nums) + second = match_previous_literal(first) + match_expr = first + ":" + second + + will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this + matches a previous literal, will also match the leading + ``"1:1"`` in ``"1:10"``. If this is not desired, use + :class:`match_previous_expr`. Do *not* use with packrat parsing + enabled. + """ + rep = Forward() + + def copy_token_to_repeater(s, l, t): + if t: + if len(t) == 1: + rep << t[0] + else: + # flatten t tokens + tflat = _flatten(t.as_list()) + rep << And(Literal(tt) for tt in tflat) + else: + rep << Empty() + + expr.add_parse_action(copy_token_to_repeater, callDuringTry=True) + rep.set_name("(prev) " + str(expr)) + return rep + + +def match_previous_expr(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from + the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for + a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: + + first = Word(nums) + second = match_previous_expr(first) + match_expr = first + ":" + second + + will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this + matches by expressions, will *not* match the leading ``"1:1"`` + in ``"1:10"``; the expressions are evaluated first, and then + compared, so ``"1"`` is compared with ``"10"``. Do *not* use + with packrat parsing enabled. + """ + rep = Forward() + e2 = expr.copy() + rep <<= e2 + + def copy_token_to_repeater(s, l, t): + matchTokens = _flatten(t.as_list()) + + def must_match_these_tokens(s, l, t): + theseTokens = _flatten(t.as_list()) + if theseTokens != matchTokens: + raise ParseException( + s, l, "Expected {}, found{}".format(matchTokens, theseTokens) + ) + + rep.set_parse_action(must_match_these_tokens, callDuringTry=True) + + expr.add_parse_action(copy_token_to_repeater, callDuringTry=True) + rep.set_name("(prev) " + str(expr)) + return rep + + +def one_of( + strs: Union[typing.Iterable[str], str], + caseless: bool = False, + use_regex: bool = True, + as_keyword: bool = False, + *, + useRegex: bool = True, + asKeyword: bool = False, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to quickly define a set of alternative :class:`Literal` s, + and makes sure to do longest-first testing when there is a conflict, + regardless of the input order, but returns + a :class:`MatchFirst` for best performance. + + Parameters: + + - ``strs`` - a string of space-delimited literals, or a collection of + string literals + - ``caseless`` - treat all literals as caseless - (default= ``False``) + - ``use_regex`` - as an optimization, will + generate a :class:`Regex` object; otherwise, will generate + a :class:`MatchFirst` object (if ``caseless=True`` or ``asKeyword=True``, or if + creating a :class:`Regex` raises an exception) - (default= ``True``) + - ``as_keyword`` - enforce :class:`Keyword`-style matching on the + generated expressions - (default= ``False``) + - ``asKeyword`` and ``useRegex`` are retained for pre-PEP8 compatibility, + but will be removed in a future release + + Example:: + + comp_oper = one_of("< = > <= >= !=") + var = Word(alphas) + number = Word(nums) + term = var | number + comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term + print(comparison_expr.search_string("B = 12 AA=23 B<=AA AA>12")) + + prints:: + + [['B', '=', '12'], ['AA', '=', '23'], ['B', '<=', 'AA'], ['AA', '>', '12']] + """ + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + useRegex = useRegex and use_regex + + if ( + isinstance(caseless, str_type) + and __diag__.warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof + ): + warnings.warn( + "More than one string argument passed to one_of, pass" + " choices as a list or space-delimited string", + stacklevel=2, + ) + + if caseless: + isequal = lambda a, b: a.upper() == b.upper() + masks = lambda a, b: b.upper().startswith(a.upper()) + parseElementClass = CaselessKeyword if asKeyword else CaselessLiteral + else: + isequal = lambda a, b: a == b + masks = lambda a, b: b.startswith(a) + parseElementClass = Keyword if asKeyword else Literal + + symbols: List[str] = [] + if isinstance(strs, str_type): + symbols = strs.split() + elif isinstance(strs, Iterable): + symbols = list(strs) + else: + raise TypeError("Invalid argument to one_of, expected string or iterable") + if not symbols: + return NoMatch() + + # reorder given symbols to take care to avoid masking longer choices with shorter ones + # (but only if the given symbols are not just single characters) + if any(len(sym) > 1 for sym in symbols): + i = 0 + while i < len(symbols) - 1: + cur = symbols[i] + for j, other in enumerate(symbols[i + 1 :]): + if isequal(other, cur): + del symbols[i + j + 1] + break + elif masks(cur, other): + del symbols[i + j + 1] + symbols.insert(i, other) + break + else: + i += 1 + + if useRegex: + re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE if caseless else 0 + + try: + if all(len(sym) == 1 for sym in symbols): + # symbols are just single characters, create range regex pattern + patt = "[{}]".format( + "".join(_escape_regex_range_chars(sym) for sym in symbols) + ) + else: + patt = "|".join(re.escape(sym) for sym in symbols) + + # wrap with \b word break markers if defining as keywords + if asKeyword: + patt = r"\b(?:{})\b".format(patt) + + ret = Regex(patt, flags=re_flags).set_name(" | ".join(symbols)) + + if caseless: + # add parse action to return symbols as specified, not in random + # casing as found in input string + symbol_map = {sym.lower(): sym for sym in symbols} + ret.add_parse_action(lambda s, l, t: symbol_map[t[0].lower()]) + + return ret + + except re.error: + warnings.warn( + "Exception creating Regex for one_of, building MatchFirst", stacklevel=2 + ) + + # last resort, just use MatchFirst + return MatchFirst(parseElementClass(sym) for sym in symbols).set_name( + " | ".join(symbols) + ) + + +def dict_of(key: ParserElement, value: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying + the respective patterns for the key and value. Takes care of + defining the :class:`Dict`, :class:`ZeroOrMore`, and + :class:`Group` tokens in the proper order. The key pattern + can include delimiting markers or punctuation, as long as they are + suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text. The value + pattern can include named results, so that the :class:`Dict` results + can include named token fields. + + Example:: + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" + attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + print(attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).dump()) + + attr_label = label + attr_value = Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join) + + # similar to Dict, but simpler call format + result = dict_of(attr_label, attr_value).parse_string(text) + print(result.dump()) + print(result['shape']) + print(result.shape) # object attribute access works too + print(result.as_dict()) + + prints:: + + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] + - color: 'light blue' + - posn: 'upper left' + - shape: 'SQUARE' + - texture: 'burlap' + SQUARE + SQUARE + {'color': 'light blue', 'shape': 'SQUARE', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap'} + """ + return Dict(OneOrMore(Group(key + value))) + + +def original_text_for( + expr: ParserElement, as_string: bool = True, *, asString: bool = True +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to return the original, untokenized text for a given + expression. Useful to restore the parsed fields of an HTML start + tag into the raw tag text itself, or to revert separate tokens with + intervening whitespace back to the original matching input text. By + default, returns astring containing the original parsed text. + + If the optional ``as_string`` argument is passed as + ``False``, then the return value is + a :class:`ParseResults` containing any results names that + were originally matched, and a single token containing the original + matched text from the input string. So if the expression passed to + :class:`original_text_for` contains expressions with defined + results names, you must set ``as_string`` to ``False`` if you + want to preserve those results name values. + + The ``asString`` pre-PEP8 argument is retained for compatibility, + but will be removed in a future release. + + Example:: + + src = "this is test bold text normal text " + for tag in ("b", "i"): + opener, closer = make_html_tags(tag) + patt = original_text_for(opener + SkipTo(closer) + closer) + print(patt.search_string(src)[0]) + + prints:: + + [' bold text '] + ['text'] + """ + asString = asString and as_string + + locMarker = Empty().set_parse_action(lambda s, loc, t: loc) + endlocMarker = locMarker.copy() + endlocMarker.callPreparse = False + matchExpr = locMarker("_original_start") + expr + endlocMarker("_original_end") + if asString: + extractText = lambda s, l, t: s[t._original_start : t._original_end] + else: + + def extractText(s, l, t): + t[:] = [s[t.pop("_original_start") : t.pop("_original_end")]] + + matchExpr.set_parse_action(extractText) + matchExpr.ignoreExprs = expr.ignoreExprs + matchExpr.suppress_warning(Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection) + return matchExpr + + +def ungroup(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to undo pyparsing's default grouping of And expressions, + even if all but one are non-empty. + """ + return TokenConverter(expr).add_parse_action(lambda t: t[0]) + + +def locatedExpr(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """ + (DEPRECATED - future code should use the Located class) + Helper to decorate a returned token with its starting and ending + locations in the input string. + + This helper adds the following results names: + + - ``locn_start`` - location where matched expression begins + - ``locn_end`` - location where matched expression ends + - ``value`` - the actual parsed results + + Be careful if the input text contains ```` characters, you + may want to call :class:`ParserElement.parseWithTabs` + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + for match in locatedExpr(wd).searchString("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): + print(match) + + prints:: + + [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] + [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] + [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] + """ + locator = Empty().set_parse_action(lambda ss, ll, tt: ll) + return Group( + locator("locn_start") + + expr("value") + + locator.copy().leaveWhitespace()("locn_end") + ) + + +def nested_expr( + opener: Union[str, ParserElement] = "(", + closer: Union[str, ParserElement] = ")", + content: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, + ignore_expr: ParserElement = quoted_string(), + *, + ignoreExpr: ParserElement = quoted_string(), +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper method for defining nested lists enclosed in opening and + closing delimiters (``"("`` and ``")"`` are the default). + + Parameters: + - ``opener`` - opening character for a nested list + (default= ``"("``); can also be a pyparsing expression + - ``closer`` - closing character for a nested list + (default= ``")"``); can also be a pyparsing expression + - ``content`` - expression for items within the nested lists + (default= ``None``) + - ``ignore_expr`` - expression for ignoring opening and closing delimiters + (default= :class:`quoted_string`) + - ``ignoreExpr`` - this pre-PEP8 argument is retained for compatibility + but will be removed in a future release + + If an expression is not provided for the content argument, the + nested expression will capture all whitespace-delimited content + between delimiters as a list of separate values. + + Use the ``ignore_expr`` argument to define expressions that may + contain opening or closing characters that should not be treated as + opening or closing characters for nesting, such as quoted_string or + a comment expression. Specify multiple expressions using an + :class:`Or` or :class:`MatchFirst`. The default is + :class:`quoted_string`, but if no expressions are to be ignored, then + pass ``None`` for this argument. + + Example:: + + data_type = one_of("void int short long char float double") + decl_data_type = Combine(data_type + Opt(Word('*'))) + ident = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_') + number = pyparsing_common.number + arg = Group(decl_data_type + ident) + LPAR, RPAR = map(Suppress, "()") + + code_body = nested_expr('{', '}', ignore_expr=(quoted_string | c_style_comment)) + + c_function = (decl_data_type("type") + + ident("name") + + LPAR + Opt(delimited_list(arg), [])("args") + RPAR + + code_body("body")) + c_function.ignore(c_style_comment) + + source_code = ''' + int is_odd(int x) { + return (x%2); + } + + int dec_to_hex(char hchar) { + if (hchar >= '0' && hchar <= '9') { + return (ord(hchar)-ord('0')); + } else { + return (10+ord(hchar)-ord('A')); + } + } + ''' + for func in c_function.search_string(source_code): + print("%(name)s (%(type)s) args: %(args)s" % func) + + + prints:: + + is_odd (int) args: [['int', 'x']] + dec_to_hex (int) args: [['char', 'hchar']] + """ + if ignoreExpr != ignore_expr: + ignoreExpr = ignore_expr if ignoreExpr == quoted_string() else ignoreExpr + if opener == closer: + raise ValueError("opening and closing strings cannot be the same") + if content is None: + if isinstance(opener, str_type) and isinstance(closer, str_type): + if len(opener) == 1 and len(closer) == 1: + if ignoreExpr is not None: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~ignoreExpr + + CharsNotIn( + opener + closer + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, + exact=1, + ) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + content = empty.copy() + CharsNotIn( + opener + closer + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + if ignoreExpr is not None: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~ignoreExpr + + ~Literal(opener) + + ~Literal(closer) + + CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, exact=1) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~Literal(opener) + + ~Literal(closer) + + CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, exact=1) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + raise ValueError( + "opening and closing arguments must be strings if no content expression is given" + ) + ret = Forward() + if ignoreExpr is not None: + ret <<= Group( + Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore(ignoreExpr | ret | content) + Suppress(closer) + ) + else: + ret <<= Group(Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore(ret | content) + Suppress(closer)) + ret.set_name("nested %s%s expression" % (opener, closer)) + return ret + + +def _makeTags(tagStr, xml, suppress_LT=Suppress("<"), suppress_GT=Suppress(">")): + """Internal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name""" + if isinstance(tagStr, str_type): + resname = tagStr + tagStr = Keyword(tagStr, caseless=not xml) + else: + resname = tagStr.name + + tagAttrName = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_-:") + if xml: + tagAttrValue = dbl_quoted_string.copy().set_parse_action(remove_quotes) + openTag = ( + suppress_LT + + tagStr("tag") + + Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group(tagAttrName + Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue))) + + Opt("/", default=[False])("empty").set_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t: t[0] == "/" + ) + + suppress_GT + ) + else: + tagAttrValue = quoted_string.copy().set_parse_action(remove_quotes) | Word( + printables, exclude_chars=">" + ) + openTag = ( + suppress_LT + + tagStr("tag") + + Dict( + ZeroOrMore( + Group( + tagAttrName.set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].lower()) + + Opt(Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue) + ) + ) + ) + + Opt("/", default=[False])("empty").set_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t: t[0] == "/" + ) + + suppress_GT + ) + closeTag = Combine(Literal("", adjacent=False) + + openTag.set_name("<%s>" % resname) + # add start results name in parse action now that ungrouped names are not reported at two levels + openTag.add_parse_action( + lambda t: t.__setitem__( + "start" + "".join(resname.replace(":", " ").title().split()), t.copy() + ) + ) + closeTag = closeTag( + "end" + "".join(resname.replace(":", " ").title().split()) + ).set_name("" % resname) + openTag.tag = resname + closeTag.tag = resname + openTag.tag_body = SkipTo(closeTag()) + return openTag, closeTag + + +def make_html_tags( + tag_str: Union[str, ParserElement] +) -> Tuple[ParserElement, ParserElement]: + """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, + given a tag name. Matches tags in either upper or lower case, + attributes with namespaces and with quoted or unquoted values. + + Example:: + + text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' + # make_html_tags returns pyparsing expressions for the opening and + # closing tags as a 2-tuple + a, a_end = make_html_tags("A") + link_expr = a + SkipTo(a_end)("link_text") + a_end + + for link in link_expr.search_string(text): + # attributes in the tag (like "href" shown here) are + # also accessible as named results + print(link.link_text, '->', link.href) + + prints:: + + pyparsing -> https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/wiki + """ + return _makeTags(tag_str, False) + + +def make_xml_tags( + tag_str: Union[str, ParserElement] +) -> Tuple[ParserElement, ParserElement]: + """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, + given a tag name. Matches tags only in the given upper/lower case. + + Example: similar to :class:`make_html_tags` + """ + return _makeTags(tag_str, True) + + +any_open_tag: ParserElement +any_close_tag: ParserElement +any_open_tag, any_close_tag = make_html_tags( + Word(alphas, alphanums + "_:").set_name("any tag") +) + +_htmlEntityMap = {k.rstrip(";"): v for k, v in html.entities.html5.items()} +common_html_entity = Regex("&(?P" + "|".join(_htmlEntityMap) + ");").set_name( + "common HTML entity" +) + + +def replace_html_entity(t): + """Helper parser action to replace common HTML entities with their special characters""" + return _htmlEntityMap.get(t.entity) + + +class OpAssoc(Enum): + LEFT = 1 + RIGHT = 2 + + +InfixNotationOperatorArgType = Union[ + ParserElement, str, Tuple[Union[ParserElement, str], Union[ParserElement, str]] +] +InfixNotationOperatorSpec = Union[ + Tuple[ + InfixNotationOperatorArgType, + int, + OpAssoc, + typing.Optional[ParseAction], + ], + Tuple[ + InfixNotationOperatorArgType, + int, + OpAssoc, + ], +] + + +def infix_notation( + base_expr: ParserElement, + op_list: List[InfixNotationOperatorSpec], + lpar: Union[str, ParserElement] = Suppress("("), + rpar: Union[str, ParserElement] = Suppress(")"), +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of + operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary + or binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be + attached to operator expressions. The generated parser will also + recognize the use of parentheses to override operator precedences + (see example below). + + Note: if you define a deep operator list, you may see performance + issues when using infix_notation. See + :class:`ParserElement.enable_packrat` for a mechanism to potentially + improve your parser performance. + + Parameters: + - ``base_expr`` - expression representing the most basic operand to + be used in the expression + - ``op_list`` - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level + in the expression grammar; each tuple is of the form ``(op_expr, + num_operands, right_left_assoc, (optional)parse_action)``, where: + + - ``op_expr`` is the pyparsing expression for the operator; may also + be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; if ``num_operands`` + is 3, ``op_expr`` is a tuple of two expressions, for the two + operators separating the 3 terms + - ``num_operands`` is the number of terms for this operator (must be 1, + 2, or 3) + - ``right_left_assoc`` is the indicator whether the operator is right + or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined constants + ``OpAssoc.RIGHT`` and ``OpAssoc.LEFT``. + - ``parse_action`` is the parse action to be associated with + expressions matching this operator expression (the parse action + tuple member may be omitted); if the parse action is passed + a tuple or list of functions, this is equivalent to calling + ``set_parse_action(*fn)`` + (:class:`ParserElement.set_parse_action`) + - ``lpar`` - expression for matching left-parentheses; if passed as a + str, then will be parsed as Suppress(lpar). If lpar is passed as + an expression (such as ``Literal('(')``), then it will be kept in + the parsed results, and grouped with them. (default= ``Suppress('(')``) + - ``rpar`` - expression for matching right-parentheses; if passed as a + str, then will be parsed as Suppress(rpar). If rpar is passed as + an expression (such as ``Literal(')')``), then it will be kept in + the parsed results, and grouped with them. (default= ``Suppress(')')``) + + Example:: + + # simple example of four-function arithmetic with ints and + # variable names + integer = pyparsing_common.signed_integer + varname = pyparsing_common.identifier + + arith_expr = infix_notation(integer | varname, + [ + ('-', 1, OpAssoc.RIGHT), + (one_of('* /'), 2, OpAssoc.LEFT), + (one_of('+ -'), 2, OpAssoc.LEFT), + ]) + + arith_expr.run_tests(''' + 5+3*6 + (5+3)*6 + -2--11 + ''', full_dump=False) + + prints:: + + 5+3*6 + [[5, '+', [3, '*', 6]]] + + (5+3)*6 + [[[5, '+', 3], '*', 6]] + + -2--11 + [[['-', 2], '-', ['-', 11]]] + """ + # captive version of FollowedBy that does not do parse actions or capture results names + class _FB(FollowedBy): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self.expr.try_parse(instring, loc) + return loc, [] + + _FB.__name__ = "FollowedBy>" + + ret = Forward() + if isinstance(lpar, str): + lpar = Suppress(lpar) + if isinstance(rpar, str): + rpar = Suppress(rpar) + + # if lpar and rpar are not suppressed, wrap in group + if not (isinstance(rpar, Suppress) and isinstance(rpar, Suppress)): + lastExpr = base_expr | Group(lpar + ret + rpar) + else: + lastExpr = base_expr | (lpar + ret + rpar) + + for i, operDef in enumerate(op_list): + opExpr, arity, rightLeftAssoc, pa = (operDef + (None,))[:4] + if isinstance(opExpr, str_type): + opExpr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(opExpr) + if arity == 3: + if not isinstance(opExpr, (tuple, list)) or len(opExpr) != 2: + raise ValueError( + "if numterms=3, opExpr must be a tuple or list of two expressions" + ) + opExpr1, opExpr2 = opExpr + term_name = "{}{} term".format(opExpr1, opExpr2) + else: + term_name = "{} term".format(opExpr) + + if not 1 <= arity <= 3: + raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") + + if rightLeftAssoc not in (OpAssoc.LEFT, OpAssoc.RIGHT): + raise ValueError("operator must indicate right or left associativity") + + thisExpr: Forward = Forward().set_name(term_name) + if rightLeftAssoc is OpAssoc.LEFT: + if arity == 1: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr) + Group(lastExpr + opExpr[1, ...]) + elif arity == 2: + if opExpr is not None: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr + lastExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + (opExpr + lastExpr)[1, ...] + ) + else: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + lastExpr) + Group(lastExpr[2, ...]) + elif arity == 3: + matchExpr = _FB( + lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr + ) + Group(lastExpr + OneOrMore(opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr)) + elif rightLeftAssoc is OpAssoc.RIGHT: + if arity == 1: + # try to avoid LR with this extra test + if not isinstance(opExpr, Opt): + opExpr = Opt(opExpr) + matchExpr = _FB(opExpr.expr + thisExpr) + Group(opExpr + thisExpr) + elif arity == 2: + if opExpr is not None: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr + thisExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + (opExpr + thisExpr)[1, ...] + ) + else: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + thisExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + thisExpr[1, ...] + ) + elif arity == 3: + matchExpr = _FB( + lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr + ) + Group(lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr) + if pa: + if isinstance(pa, (tuple, list)): + matchExpr.set_parse_action(*pa) + else: + matchExpr.set_parse_action(pa) + thisExpr <<= (matchExpr | lastExpr).setName(term_name) + lastExpr = thisExpr + ret <<= lastExpr + return ret + + +def indentedBlock(blockStatementExpr, indentStack, indent=True, backup_stacks=[]): + """ + (DEPRECATED - use IndentedBlock class instead) + Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, + such as those used to define block statements in Python source code. + + Parameters: + + - ``blockStatementExpr`` - expression defining syntax of statement that + is repeated within the indented block + - ``indentStack`` - list created by caller to manage indentation stack + (multiple ``statementWithIndentedBlock`` expressions within a single + grammar should share a common ``indentStack``) + - ``indent`` - boolean indicating whether block must be indented beyond + the current level; set to ``False`` for block of left-most statements + (default= ``True``) + + A valid block must contain at least one ``blockStatement``. + + (Note that indentedBlock uses internal parse actions which make it + incompatible with packrat parsing.) + + Example:: + + data = ''' + def A(z): + A1 + B = 100 + G = A2 + A2 + A3 + B + def BB(a,b,c): + BB1 + def BBA(): + bba1 + bba2 + bba3 + C + D + def spam(x,y): + def eggs(z): + pass + ''' + + + indentStack = [1] + stmt = Forward() + + identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums) + funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group("(" + Opt(delimitedList(identifier)) + ")") + ":") + func_body = indentedBlock(stmt, indentStack) + funcDef = Group(funcDecl + func_body) + + rvalue = Forward() + funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Opt(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")") + rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums)) + assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue) + stmt << (funcDef | assignment | identifier) + + module_body = stmt[1, ...] + + parseTree = module_body.parseString(data) + parseTree.pprint() + + prints:: + + [['def', + 'A', + ['(', 'z', ')'], + ':', + [['A1'], [['B', '=', '100']], [['G', '=', 'A2']], ['A2'], ['A3']]], + 'B', + ['def', + 'BB', + ['(', 'a', 'b', 'c', ')'], + ':', + [['BB1'], [['def', 'BBA', ['(', ')'], ':', [['bba1'], ['bba2'], ['bba3']]]]]], + 'C', + 'D', + ['def', + 'spam', + ['(', 'x', 'y', ')'], + ':', + [[['def', 'eggs', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['pass']]]]]]] + """ + backup_stacks.append(indentStack[:]) + + def reset_stack(): + indentStack[:] = backup_stacks[-1] + + def checkPeerIndent(s, l, t): + if l >= len(s): + return + curCol = col(l, s) + if curCol != indentStack[-1]: + if curCol > indentStack[-1]: + raise ParseException(s, l, "illegal nesting") + raise ParseException(s, l, "not a peer entry") + + def checkSubIndent(s, l, t): + curCol = col(l, s) + if curCol > indentStack[-1]: + indentStack.append(curCol) + else: + raise ParseException(s, l, "not a subentry") + + def checkUnindent(s, l, t): + if l >= len(s): + return + curCol = col(l, s) + if not (indentStack and curCol in indentStack): + raise ParseException(s, l, "not an unindent") + if curCol < indentStack[-1]: + indentStack.pop() + + NL = OneOrMore(LineEnd().set_whitespace_chars("\t ").suppress()) + INDENT = (Empty() + Empty().set_parse_action(checkSubIndent)).set_name("INDENT") + PEER = Empty().set_parse_action(checkPeerIndent).set_name("") + UNDENT = Empty().set_parse_action(checkUnindent).set_name("UNINDENT") + if indent: + smExpr = Group( + Opt(NL) + + INDENT + + OneOrMore(PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Opt(NL)) + + UNDENT + ) + else: + smExpr = Group( + Opt(NL) + + OneOrMore(PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Opt(NL)) + + Opt(UNDENT) + ) + + # add a parse action to remove backup_stack from list of backups + smExpr.add_parse_action( + lambda: backup_stacks.pop(-1) and None if backup_stacks else None + ) + smExpr.set_fail_action(lambda a, b, c, d: reset_stack()) + blockStatementExpr.ignore(_bslash + LineEnd()) + return smExpr.set_name("indented block") + + +# it's easy to get these comment structures wrong - they're very common, so may as well make them available +c_style_comment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + "*/").set_name( + "C style comment" +) +"Comment of the form ``/* ... */``" + +html_comment = Regex(r"").set_name("HTML comment") +"Comment of the form ````" + +rest_of_line = Regex(r".*").leave_whitespace().set_name("rest of line") +dbl_slash_comment = Regex(r"//(?:\\\n|[^\n])*").set_name("// comment") +"Comment of the form ``// ... (to end of line)``" + +cpp_style_comment = Combine( + Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + "*/" | dbl_slash_comment +).set_name("C++ style comment") +"Comment of either form :class:`c_style_comment` or :class:`dbl_slash_comment`" + +java_style_comment = cpp_style_comment +"Same as :class:`cpp_style_comment`" + +python_style_comment = Regex(r"#.*").set_name("Python style comment") +"Comment of the form ``# ... (to end of line)``" + + +# build list of built-in expressions, for future reference if a global default value +# gets updated +_builtin_exprs: List[ParserElement] = [ + v for v in vars().values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] + + +# pre-PEP8 compatible names +delimitedList = delimited_list +countedArray = counted_array +matchPreviousLiteral = match_previous_literal +matchPreviousExpr = match_previous_expr +oneOf = one_of +dictOf = dict_of +originalTextFor = original_text_for +nestedExpr = nested_expr +makeHTMLTags = make_html_tags +makeXMLTags = make_xml_tags +anyOpenTag, anyCloseTag = any_open_tag, any_close_tag +commonHTMLEntity = common_html_entity +replaceHTMLEntity = replace_html_entity +opAssoc = OpAssoc +infixNotation = infix_notation +cStyleComment = c_style_comment +htmlComment = html_comment +restOfLine = rest_of_line +dblSlashComment = dbl_slash_comment +cppStyleComment = cpp_style_comment +javaStyleComment = java_style_comment +pythonStyleComment = python_style_comment diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00c9421 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py @@ -0,0 +1,760 @@ +# results.py +from collections.abc import MutableMapping, Mapping, MutableSequence, Iterator +import pprint +from weakref import ref as wkref +from typing import Tuple, Any + +str_type: Tuple[type, ...] = (str, bytes) +_generator_type = type((_ for _ in ())) + + +class _ParseResultsWithOffset: + __slots__ = ["tup"] + + def __init__(self, p1, p2): + self.tup = (p1, p2) + + def __getitem__(self, i): + return self.tup[i] + + def __getstate__(self): + return self.tup + + def __setstate__(self, *args): + self.tup = args[0] + + +class ParseResults: + """Structured parse results, to provide multiple means of access to + the parsed data: + + - as a list (``len(results)``) + - by list index (``results[0], results[1]``, etc.) + - by attribute (``results.`` - see :class:`ParserElement.set_results_name`) + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = (integer.set_results_name("year") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("month") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("day")) + # equivalent form: + # date_str = (integer("year") + '/' + # + integer("month") + '/' + # + integer("day")) + + # parse_string returns a ParseResults object + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") + + def test(s, fn=repr): + print("{} -> {}".format(s, fn(eval(s)))) + test("list(result)") + test("result[0]") + test("result['month']") + test("result.day") + test("'month' in result") + test("'minutes' in result") + test("result.dump()", str) + + prints:: + + list(result) -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + result[0] -> '1999' + result['month'] -> '12' + result.day -> '31' + 'month' in result -> True + 'minutes' in result -> False + result.dump() -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + - day: '31' + - month: '12' + - year: '1999' + """ + + _null_values: Tuple[Any, ...] = (None, [], "", ()) + + __slots__ = [ + "_name", + "_parent", + "_all_names", + "_modal", + "_toklist", + "_tokdict", + "__weakref__", + ] + + class List(list): + """ + Simple wrapper class to distinguish parsed list results that should be preserved + as actual Python lists, instead of being converted to :class:`ParseResults`: + + LBRACK, RBRACK = map(pp.Suppress, "[]") + element = pp.Forward() + item = ppc.integer + element_list = LBRACK + pp.delimited_list(element) + RBRACK + + # add parse actions to convert from ParseResults to actual Python collection types + def as_python_list(t): + return pp.ParseResults.List(t.as_list()) + element_list.add_parse_action(as_python_list) + + element <<= item | element_list + + element.run_tests(''' + 100 + [2,3,4] + [[2, 1],3,4] + [(2, 1),3,4] + (2,3,4) + ''', post_parse=lambda s, r: (r[0], type(r[0]))) + + prints: + + 100 + (100, ) + + [2,3,4] + ([2, 3, 4], ) + + [[2, 1],3,4] + ([[2, 1], 3, 4], ) + + (Used internally by :class:`Group` when `aslist=True`.) + """ + + def __new__(cls, contained=None): + if contained is None: + contained = [] + + if not isinstance(contained, list): + raise TypeError( + "{} may only be constructed with a list," + " not {}".format(cls.__name__, type(contained).__name__) + ) + + return list.__new__(cls) + + def __new__(cls, toklist=None, name=None, **kwargs): + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults): + return toklist + self = object.__new__(cls) + self._name = None + self._parent = None + self._all_names = set() + + if toklist is None: + self._toklist = [] + elif isinstance(toklist, (list, _generator_type)): + self._toklist = ( + [toklist[:]] + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults.List) + else list(toklist) + ) + else: + self._toklist = [toklist] + self._tokdict = dict() + return self + + # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this + # constructor as small and fast as possible + def __init__( + self, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True, isinstance=isinstance + ): + self._modal = modal + if name is not None and name != "": + if isinstance(name, int): + name = str(name) + if not modal: + self._all_names = {name} + self._name = name + if toklist not in self._null_values: + if isinstance(toklist, (str_type, type)): + toklist = [toklist] + if asList: + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults): + self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + ParseResults(toklist._toklist), 0 + ) + else: + self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + ParseResults(toklist[0]), 0 + ) + self[name]._name = name + else: + try: + self[name] = toklist[0] + except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError): + if toklist is not self: + self[name] = toklist + else: + self._name = name + + def __getitem__(self, i): + if isinstance(i, (int, slice)): + return self._toklist[i] + else: + if i not in self._all_names: + return self._tokdict[i][-1][0] + else: + return ParseResults([v[0] for v in self._tokdict[i]]) + + def __setitem__(self, k, v, isinstance=isinstance): + if isinstance(v, _ParseResultsWithOffset): + self._tokdict[k] = self._tokdict.get(k, list()) + [v] + sub = v[0] + elif isinstance(k, (int, slice)): + self._toklist[k] = v + sub = v + else: + self._tokdict[k] = self._tokdict.get(k, list()) + [ + _ParseResultsWithOffset(v, 0) + ] + sub = v + if isinstance(sub, ParseResults): + sub._parent = wkref(self) + + def __delitem__(self, i): + if isinstance(i, (int, slice)): + mylen = len(self._toklist) + del self._toklist[i] + + # convert int to slice + if isinstance(i, int): + if i < 0: + i += mylen + i = slice(i, i + 1) + # get removed indices + removed = list(range(*i.indices(mylen))) + removed.reverse() + # fixup indices in token dictionary + for name, occurrences in self._tokdict.items(): + for j in removed: + for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): + occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + value, position - (position > j) + ) + else: + del self._tokdict[i] + + def __contains__(self, k) -> bool: + return k in self._tokdict + + def __len__(self) -> int: + return len(self._toklist) + + def __bool__(self) -> bool: + return not not (self._toklist or self._tokdict) + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: + return iter(self._toklist) + + def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator: + return iter(self._toklist[::-1]) + + def keys(self): + return iter(self._tokdict) + + def values(self): + return (self[k] for k in self.keys()) + + def items(self): + return ((k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()) + + def haskeys(self) -> bool: + """ + Since ``keys()`` returns an iterator, this method is helpful in bypassing + code that looks for the existence of any defined results names.""" + return bool(self._tokdict) + + def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Removes and returns item at specified index (default= ``last``). + Supports both ``list`` and ``dict`` semantics for ``pop()``. If + passed no argument or an integer argument, it will use ``list`` + semantics and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed + a non-integer argument (most likely a string), it will use ``dict`` + semantics and pop the corresponding value from any defined results + names. A second default return value argument is supported, just as in + ``dict.pop()``. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + def remove_first(tokens): + tokens.pop(0) + numlist.add_parse_action(remove_first) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['123', '321'] + + label = Word(alphas) + patt = label("LABEL") + Word(nums)[1, ...] + print(patt.parse_string("AAB 123 321").dump()) + + # Use pop() in a parse action to remove named result (note that corresponding value is not + # removed from list form of results) + def remove_LABEL(tokens): + tokens.pop("LABEL") + return tokens + patt.add_parse_action(remove_LABEL) + print(patt.parse_string("AAB 123 321").dump()) + + prints:: + + ['AAB', '123', '321'] + - LABEL: 'AAB' + + ['AAB', '123', '321'] + """ + if not args: + args = [-1] + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + if k == "default": + args = (args[0], v) + else: + raise TypeError( + "pop() got an unexpected keyword argument {!r}".format(k) + ) + if isinstance(args[0], int) or len(args) == 1 or args[0] in self: + index = args[0] + ret = self[index] + del self[index] + return ret + else: + defaultvalue = args[1] + return defaultvalue + + def get(self, key, default_value=None): + """ + Returns named result matching the given key, or if there is no + such name, then returns the given ``default_value`` or ``None`` if no + ``default_value`` is specified. + + Similar to ``dict.get()``. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") + print(result.get("year")) # -> '1999' + print(result.get("hour", "not specified")) # -> 'not specified' + print(result.get("hour")) # -> None + """ + if key in self: + return self[key] + else: + return default_value + + def insert(self, index, ins_string): + """ + Inserts new element at location index in the list of parsed tokens. + + Similar to ``list.insert()``. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + # use a parse action to insert the parse location in the front of the parsed results + def insert_locn(locn, tokens): + tokens.insert(0, locn) + numlist.add_parse_action(insert_locn) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> [0, '0', '123', '321'] + """ + self._toklist.insert(index, ins_string) + # fixup indices in token dictionary + for name, occurrences in self._tokdict.items(): + for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): + occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + value, position + (position > index) + ) + + def append(self, item): + """ + Add single element to end of ``ParseResults`` list of elements. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + # use a parse action to compute the sum of the parsed integers, and add it to the end + def append_sum(tokens): + tokens.append(sum(map(int, tokens))) + numlist.add_parse_action(append_sum) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321', 444] + """ + self._toklist.append(item) + + def extend(self, itemseq): + """ + Add sequence of elements to end of ``ParseResults`` list of elements. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + + # use a parse action to append the reverse of the matched strings, to make a palindrome + def make_palindrome(tokens): + tokens.extend(reversed([t[::-1] for t in tokens])) + return ''.join(tokens) + patt.add_parse_action(make_palindrome) + print(patt.parse_string("lskdj sdlkjf lksd")) # -> 'lskdjsdlkjflksddsklfjkldsjdksl' + """ + if isinstance(itemseq, ParseResults): + self.__iadd__(itemseq) + else: + self._toklist.extend(itemseq) + + def clear(self): + """ + Clear all elements and results names. + """ + del self._toklist[:] + self._tokdict.clear() + + def __getattr__(self, name): + try: + return self[name] + except KeyError: + if name.startswith("__"): + raise AttributeError(name) + return "" + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + ret = self.copy() + ret += other + return ret + + def __iadd__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + if other._tokdict: + offset = len(self._toklist) + addoffset = lambda a: offset if a < 0 else a + offset + otheritems = other._tokdict.items() + otherdictitems = [ + (k, _ParseResultsWithOffset(v[0], addoffset(v[1]))) + for k, vlist in otheritems + for v in vlist + ] + for k, v in otherdictitems: + self[k] = v + if isinstance(v[0], ParseResults): + v[0]._parent = wkref(self) + + self._toklist += other._toklist + self._all_names |= other._all_names + return self + + def __radd__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + if isinstance(other, int) and other == 0: + # useful for merging many ParseResults using sum() builtin + return self.copy() + else: + # this may raise a TypeError - so be it + return other + self + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__, self._toklist, self.as_dict()) + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return ( + "[" + + ", ".join( + [ + str(i) if isinstance(i, ParseResults) else repr(i) + for i in self._toklist + ] + ) + + "]" + ) + + def _asStringList(self, sep=""): + out = [] + for item in self._toklist: + if out and sep: + out.append(sep) + if isinstance(item, ParseResults): + out += item._asStringList() + else: + out.append(str(item)) + return out + + def as_list(self) -> list: + """ + Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + result = patt.parse_string("sldkj lsdkj sldkj") + # even though the result prints in string-like form, it is actually a pyparsing ParseResults + print(type(result), result) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] + + # Use as_list() to create an actual list + result_list = result.as_list() + print(type(result_list), result_list) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] + """ + return [ + res.as_list() if isinstance(res, ParseResults) else res + for res in self._toklist + ] + + def as_dict(self) -> dict: + """ + Returns the named parse results as a nested dictionary. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string('12/31/1999') + print(type(result), repr(result)) # -> (['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'], {'day': [('1999', 4)], 'year': [('12', 0)], 'month': [('31', 2)]}) + + result_dict = result.as_dict() + print(type(result_dict), repr(result_dict)) # -> {'day': '1999', 'year': '12', 'month': '31'} + + # even though a ParseResults supports dict-like access, sometime you just need to have a dict + import json + print(json.dumps(result)) # -> Exception: TypeError: ... is not JSON serializable + print(json.dumps(result.as_dict())) # -> {"month": "31", "day": "1999", "year": "12"} + """ + + def to_item(obj): + if isinstance(obj, ParseResults): + return obj.as_dict() if obj.haskeys() else [to_item(v) for v in obj] + else: + return obj + + return dict((k, to_item(v)) for k, v in self.items()) + + def copy(self) -> "ParseResults": + """ + Returns a new copy of a :class:`ParseResults` object. + """ + ret = ParseResults(self._toklist) + ret._tokdict = self._tokdict.copy() + ret._parent = self._parent + ret._all_names |= self._all_names + ret._name = self._name + return ret + + def get_name(self): + r""" + Returns the results name for this token expression. Useful when several + different expressions might match at a particular location. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + ssn_expr = Regex(r"\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d") + house_number_expr = Suppress('#') + Word(nums, alphanums) + user_data = (Group(house_number_expr)("house_number") + | Group(ssn_expr)("ssn") + | Group(integer)("age")) + user_info = user_data[1, ...] + + result = user_info.parse_string("22 111-22-3333 #221B") + for item in result: + print(item.get_name(), ':', item[0]) + + prints:: + + age : 22 + ssn : 111-22-3333 + house_number : 221B + """ + if self._name: + return self._name + elif self._parent: + par = self._parent() + + def find_in_parent(sub): + return next( + ( + k + for k, vlist in par._tokdict.items() + for v, loc in vlist + if sub is v + ), + None, + ) + + return find_in_parent(self) if par else None + elif ( + len(self) == 1 + and len(self._tokdict) == 1 + and next(iter(self._tokdict.values()))[0][1] in (0, -1) + ): + return next(iter(self._tokdict.keys())) + else: + return None + + def dump(self, indent="", full=True, include_list=True, _depth=0) -> str: + """ + Diagnostic method for listing out the contents of + a :class:`ParseResults`. Accepts an optional ``indent`` argument so + that this string can be embedded in a nested display of other data. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string('1999/12/31') + print(result.dump()) + + prints:: + + ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + - day: '31' + - month: '12' + - year: '1999' + """ + out = [] + NL = "\n" + out.append(indent + str(self.as_list()) if include_list else "") + + if full: + if self.haskeys(): + items = sorted((str(k), v) for k, v in self.items()) + for k, v in items: + if out: + out.append(NL) + out.append("{}{}- {}: ".format(indent, (" " * _depth), k)) + if isinstance(v, ParseResults): + if v: + out.append( + v.dump( + indent=indent, + full=full, + include_list=include_list, + _depth=_depth + 1, + ) + ) + else: + out.append(str(v)) + else: + out.append(repr(v)) + if any(isinstance(vv, ParseResults) for vv in self): + v = self + for i, vv in enumerate(v): + if isinstance(vv, ParseResults): + out.append( + "\n{}{}[{}]:\n{}{}{}".format( + indent, + (" " * (_depth)), + i, + indent, + (" " * (_depth + 1)), + vv.dump( + indent=indent, + full=full, + include_list=include_list, + _depth=_depth + 1, + ), + ) + ) + else: + out.append( + "\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" + % ( + indent, + (" " * (_depth)), + i, + indent, + (" " * (_depth + 1)), + str(vv), + ) + ) + + return "".join(out) + + def pprint(self, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Pretty-printer for parsed results as a list, using the + `pprint `_ module. + Accepts additional positional or keyword args as defined for + `pprint.pprint `_ . + + Example:: + + ident = Word(alphas, alphanums) + num = Word(nums) + func = Forward() + term = ident | num | Group('(' + func + ')') + func <<= ident + Group(Optional(delimited_list(term))) + result = func.parse_string("fna a,b,(fnb c,d,200),100") + result.pprint(width=40) + + prints:: + + ['fna', + ['a', + 'b', + ['(', 'fnb', ['c', 'd', '200'], ')'], + '100']] + """ + pprint.pprint(self.as_list(), *args, **kwargs) + + # add support for pickle protocol + def __getstate__(self): + return ( + self._toklist, + ( + self._tokdict.copy(), + self._parent is not None and self._parent() or None, + self._all_names, + self._name, + ), + ) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self._toklist, (self._tokdict, par, inAccumNames, self._name) = state + self._all_names = set(inAccumNames) + if par is not None: + self._parent = wkref(par) + else: + self._parent = None + + def __getnewargs__(self): + return self._toklist, self._name + + def __dir__(self): + return dir(type(self)) + list(self.keys()) + + @classmethod + def from_dict(cls, other, name=None) -> "ParseResults": + """ + Helper classmethod to construct a ``ParseResults`` from a ``dict``, preserving the + name-value relations as results names. If an optional ``name`` argument is + given, a nested ``ParseResults`` will be returned. + """ + + def is_iterable(obj): + try: + iter(obj) + except Exception: + return False + else: + return not isinstance(obj, str_type) + + ret = cls([]) + for k, v in other.items(): + if isinstance(v, Mapping): + ret += cls.from_dict(v, name=k) + else: + ret += cls([v], name=k, asList=is_iterable(v)) + if name is not None: + ret = cls([ret], name=name) + return ret + + asList = as_list + asDict = as_dict + getName = get_name + + +MutableMapping.register(ParseResults) +MutableSequence.register(ParseResults) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84a0ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +# testing.py + +from contextlib import contextmanager +import typing + +from .core import ( + ParserElement, + ParseException, + Keyword, + __diag__, + __compat__, +) + + +class pyparsing_test: + """ + namespace class for classes useful in writing unit tests + """ + + class reset_pyparsing_context: + """ + Context manager to be used when writing unit tests that modify pyparsing config values: + - packrat parsing + - bounded recursion parsing + - default whitespace characters. + - default keyword characters + - literal string auto-conversion class + - __diag__ settings + + Example:: + + with reset_pyparsing_context(): + # test that literals used to construct a grammar are automatically suppressed + ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) + + term = Word(alphas) | Word(nums) + group = Group('(' + term[...] + ')') + + # assert that the '()' characters are not included in the parsed tokens + self.assertParseAndCheckList(group, "(abc 123 def)", ['abc', '123', 'def']) + + # after exiting context manager, literals are converted to Literal expressions again + """ + + def __init__(self): + self._save_context = {} + + def save(self): + self._save_context["default_whitespace"] = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + self._save_context["default_keyword_chars"] = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS + + self._save_context[ + "literal_string_class" + ] = ParserElement._literalStringClass + + self._save_context["verbose_stacktrace"] = ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace + + self._save_context["packrat_enabled"] = ParserElement._packratEnabled + if ParserElement._packratEnabled: + self._save_context[ + "packrat_cache_size" + ] = ParserElement.packrat_cache.size + else: + self._save_context["packrat_cache_size"] = None + self._save_context["packrat_parse"] = ParserElement._parse + self._save_context[ + "recursion_enabled" + ] = ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled + + self._save_context["__diag__"] = { + name: getattr(__diag__, name) for name in __diag__._all_names + } + + self._save_context["__compat__"] = { + "collect_all_And_tokens": __compat__.collect_all_And_tokens + } + + return self + + def restore(self): + # reset pyparsing global state + if ( + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + != self._save_context["default_whitespace"] + ): + ParserElement.set_default_whitespace_chars( + self._save_context["default_whitespace"] + ) + + ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace = self._save_context["verbose_stacktrace"] + + Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = self._save_context["default_keyword_chars"] + ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing( + self._save_context["literal_string_class"] + ) + + for name, value in self._save_context["__diag__"].items(): + (__diag__.enable if value else __diag__.disable)(name) + + ParserElement._packratEnabled = False + if self._save_context["packrat_enabled"]: + ParserElement.enable_packrat(self._save_context["packrat_cache_size"]) + else: + ParserElement._parse = self._save_context["packrat_parse"] + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = self._save_context[ + "recursion_enabled" + ] + + __compat__.collect_all_And_tokens = self._save_context["__compat__"] + + return self + + def copy(self): + ret = type(self)() + ret._save_context.update(self._save_context) + return ret + + def __enter__(self): + return self.save() + + def __exit__(self, *args): + self.restore() + + class TestParseResultsAsserts: + """ + A mixin class to add parse results assertion methods to normal unittest.TestCase classes. + """ + + def assertParseResultsEquals( + self, result, expected_list=None, expected_dict=None, msg=None + ): + """ + Unit test assertion to compare a :class:`ParseResults` object with an optional ``expected_list``, + and compare any defined results names with an optional ``expected_dict``. + """ + if expected_list is not None: + self.assertEqual(expected_list, result.as_list(), msg=msg) + if expected_dict is not None: + self.assertEqual(expected_dict, result.as_dict(), msg=msg) + + def assertParseAndCheckList( + self, expr, test_string, expected_list, msg=None, verbose=True + ): + """ + Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that + the resulting ``ParseResults.asList()`` is equal to the ``expected_list``. + """ + result = expr.parse_string(test_string, parse_all=True) + if verbose: + print(result.dump()) + else: + print(result.as_list()) + self.assertParseResultsEquals(result, expected_list=expected_list, msg=msg) + + def assertParseAndCheckDict( + self, expr, test_string, expected_dict, msg=None, verbose=True + ): + """ + Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that + the resulting ``ParseResults.asDict()`` is equal to the ``expected_dict``. + """ + result = expr.parse_string(test_string, parseAll=True) + if verbose: + print(result.dump()) + else: + print(result.as_list()) + self.assertParseResultsEquals(result, expected_dict=expected_dict, msg=msg) + + def assertRunTestResults( + self, run_tests_report, expected_parse_results=None, msg=None + ): + """ + Unit test assertion to evaluate output of ``ParserElement.runTests()``. If a list of + list-dict tuples is given as the ``expected_parse_results`` argument, then these are zipped + with the report tuples returned by ``runTests`` and evaluated using ``assertParseResultsEquals``. + Finally, asserts that the overall ``runTests()`` success value is ``True``. + + :param run_tests_report: tuple(bool, [tuple(str, ParseResults or Exception)]) returned from runTests + :param expected_parse_results (optional): [tuple(str, list, dict, Exception)] + """ + run_test_success, run_test_results = run_tests_report + + if expected_parse_results is not None: + merged = [ + (*rpt, expected) + for rpt, expected in zip(run_test_results, expected_parse_results) + ] + for test_string, result, expected in merged: + # expected should be a tuple containing a list and/or a dict or an exception, + # and optional failure message string + # an empty tuple will skip any result validation + fail_msg = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, str)), None + ) + expected_exception = next( + ( + exp + for exp in expected + if isinstance(exp, type) and issubclass(exp, Exception) + ), + None, + ) + if expected_exception is not None: + with self.assertRaises( + expected_exception=expected_exception, msg=fail_msg or msg + ): + if isinstance(result, Exception): + raise result + else: + expected_list = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, list)), None + ) + expected_dict = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, dict)), None + ) + if (expected_list, expected_dict) != (None, None): + self.assertParseResultsEquals( + result, + expected_list=expected_list, + expected_dict=expected_dict, + msg=fail_msg or msg, + ) + else: + # warning here maybe? + print("no validation for {!r}".format(test_string)) + + # do this last, in case some specific test results can be reported instead + self.assertTrue( + run_test_success, msg=msg if msg is not None else "failed runTests" + ) + + @contextmanager + def assertRaisesParseException(self, exc_type=ParseException, msg=None): + with self.assertRaises(exc_type, msg=msg): + yield + + @staticmethod + def with_line_numbers( + s: str, + start_line: typing.Optional[int] = None, + end_line: typing.Optional[int] = None, + expand_tabs: bool = True, + eol_mark: str = "|", + mark_spaces: typing.Optional[str] = None, + mark_control: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ) -> str: + """ + Helpful method for debugging a parser - prints a string with line and column numbers. + (Line and column numbers are 1-based.) + + :param s: tuple(bool, str - string to be printed with line and column numbers + :param start_line: int - (optional) starting line number in s to print (default=1) + :param end_line: int - (optional) ending line number in s to print (default=len(s)) + :param expand_tabs: bool - (optional) expand tabs to spaces, to match the pyparsing default + :param eol_mark: str - (optional) string to mark the end of lines, helps visualize trailing spaces (default="|") + :param mark_spaces: str - (optional) special character to display in place of spaces + :param mark_control: str - (optional) convert non-printing control characters to a placeholding + character; valid values: + - "unicode" - replaces control chars with Unicode symbols, such as "␍" and "␊" + - any single character string - replace control characters with given string + - None (default) - string is displayed as-is + + :return: str - input string with leading line numbers and column number headers + """ + if expand_tabs: + s = s.expandtabs() + if mark_control is not None: + if mark_control == "unicode": + tbl = str.maketrans( + {c: u for c, u in zip(range(0, 33), range(0x2400, 0x2433))} + | {127: 0x2421} + ) + eol_mark = "" + else: + tbl = str.maketrans( + {c: mark_control for c in list(range(0, 32)) + [127]} + ) + s = s.translate(tbl) + if mark_spaces is not None and mark_spaces != " ": + if mark_spaces == "unicode": + tbl = str.maketrans({9: 0x2409, 32: 0x2423}) + s = s.translate(tbl) + else: + s = s.replace(" ", mark_spaces) + if start_line is None: + start_line = 1 + if end_line is None: + end_line = len(s) + end_line = min(end_line, len(s)) + start_line = min(max(1, start_line), end_line) + + if mark_control != "unicode": + s_lines = s.splitlines()[start_line - 1 : end_line] + else: + s_lines = [line + "␊" for line in s.split("␊")[start_line - 1 : end_line]] + if not s_lines: + return "" + + lineno_width = len(str(end_line)) + max_line_len = max(len(line) for line in s_lines) + lead = " " * (lineno_width + 1) + if max_line_len >= 99: + header0 = ( + lead + + "".join( + "{}{}".format(" " * 99, (i + 1) % 100) + for i in range(max(max_line_len // 100, 1)) + ) + + "\n" + ) + else: + header0 = "" + header1 = ( + header0 + + lead + + "".join( + " {}".format((i + 1) % 10) + for i in range(-(-max_line_len // 10)) + ) + + "\n" + ) + header2 = lead + "1234567890" * (-(-max_line_len // 10)) + "\n" + return ( + header1 + + header2 + + "\n".join( + "{:{}d}:{}{}".format(i, lineno_width, line, eol_mark) + for i, line in enumerate(s_lines, start=start_line) + ) + + "\n" + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0652620 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +# unicode.py + +import sys +from itertools import filterfalse +from typing import List, Tuple, Union + + +class _lazyclassproperty: + def __init__(self, fn): + self.fn = fn + self.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + self.__name__ = fn.__name__ + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if cls is None: + cls = type(obj) + if not hasattr(cls, "_intern") or any( + cls._intern is getattr(superclass, "_intern", []) + for superclass in cls.__mro__[1:] + ): + cls._intern = {} + attrname = self.fn.__name__ + if attrname not in cls._intern: + cls._intern[attrname] = self.fn(cls) + return cls._intern[attrname] + + +UnicodeRangeList = List[Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int]]] + + +class unicode_set: + """ + A set of Unicode characters, for language-specific strings for + ``alphas``, ``nums``, ``alphanums``, and ``printables``. + A unicode_set is defined by a list of ranges in the Unicode character + set, in a class attribute ``_ranges``. Ranges can be specified using + 2-tuples or a 1-tuple, such as:: + + _ranges = [ + (0x0020, 0x007e), + (0x00a0, 0x00ff), + (0x0100,), + ] + + Ranges are left- and right-inclusive. A 1-tuple of (x,) is treated as (x, x). + + A unicode set can also be defined using multiple inheritance of other unicode sets:: + + class CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Korean): + pass + """ + + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [] + + @_lazyclassproperty + def _chars_for_ranges(cls): + ret = [] + for cc in cls.__mro__: + if cc is unicode_set: + break + for rr in getattr(cc, "_ranges", ()): + ret.extend(range(rr[0], rr[-1] + 1)) + return [chr(c) for c in sorted(set(ret))] + + @_lazyclassproperty + def printables(cls): + "all non-whitespace characters in this range" + return "".join(filterfalse(str.isspace, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def alphas(cls): + "all alphabetic characters in this range" + return "".join(filter(str.isalpha, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def nums(cls): + "all numeric digit characters in this range" + return "".join(filter(str.isdigit, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def alphanums(cls): + "all alphanumeric characters in this range" + return cls.alphas + cls.nums + + @_lazyclassproperty + def identchars(cls): + "all characters in this range that are valid identifier characters, plus underscore '_'" + return "".join( + sorted( + set( + "".join(filter(str.isidentifier, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzªµº" + + "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ" + + "_" + ) + ) + ) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def identbodychars(cls): + """ + all characters in this range that are valid identifier body characters, + plus the digits 0-9 + """ + return "".join( + sorted( + set( + cls.identchars + + "0123456789" + + "".join( + [c for c in cls._chars_for_ranges if ("_" + c).isidentifier()] + ) + ) + ) + ) + + +class pyparsing_unicode(unicode_set): + """ + A namespace class for defining common language unicode_sets. + """ + + # fmt: off + + # define ranges in language character sets + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, sys.maxunicode), + ] + + class BasicMultilingualPlane(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for the Basic Multilingual Plane" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, 0xFFFF), + ] + + class Latin1(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-1 Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, 0x007E), + (0x00A0, 0x00FF), + ] + + class LatinA(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-A Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0100, 0x017F), + ] + + class LatinB(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-B Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0180, 0x024F), + ] + + class Greek(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Greek Unicode Character Ranges" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0342, 0x0345), + (0x0370, 0x0377), + (0x037A, 0x037F), + (0x0384, 0x038A), + (0x038C,), + (0x038E, 0x03A1), + (0x03A3, 0x03E1), + (0x03F0, 0x03FF), + (0x1D26, 0x1D2A), + (0x1D5E,), + (0x1D60,), + (0x1D66, 0x1D6A), + (0x1F00, 0x1F15), + (0x1F18, 0x1F1D), + (0x1F20, 0x1F45), + (0x1F48, 0x1F4D), + (0x1F50, 0x1F57), + (0x1F59,), + (0x1F5B,), + (0x1F5D,), + (0x1F5F, 0x1F7D), + (0x1F80, 0x1FB4), + (0x1FB6, 0x1FC4), + (0x1FC6, 0x1FD3), + (0x1FD6, 0x1FDB), + (0x1FDD, 0x1FEF), + (0x1FF2, 0x1FF4), + (0x1FF6, 0x1FFE), + (0x2129,), + (0x2719, 0x271A), + (0xAB65,), + (0x10140, 0x1018D), + (0x101A0,), + (0x1D200, 0x1D245), + (0x1F7A1, 0x1F7A7), + ] + + class Cyrillic(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Cyrillic Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0400, 0x052F), + (0x1C80, 0x1C88), + (0x1D2B,), + (0x1D78,), + (0x2DE0, 0x2DFF), + (0xA640, 0xA672), + (0xA674, 0xA69F), + (0xFE2E, 0xFE2F), + ] + + class Chinese(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Chinese Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x2E80, 0x2E99), + (0x2E9B, 0x2EF3), + (0x31C0, 0x31E3), + (0x3400, 0x4DB5), + (0x4E00, 0x9FEF), + (0xA700, 0xA707), + (0xF900, 0xFA6D), + (0xFA70, 0xFAD9), + (0x16FE2, 0x16FE3), + (0x1F210, 0x1F212), + (0x1F214, 0x1F23B), + (0x1F240, 0x1F248), + (0x20000, 0x2A6D6), + (0x2A700, 0x2B734), + (0x2B740, 0x2B81D), + (0x2B820, 0x2CEA1), + (0x2CEB0, 0x2EBE0), + (0x2F800, 0x2FA1D), + ] + + class Japanese(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Japanese Unicode Character Range, combining Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana ranges" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [] + + class Kanji(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Kanji Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x4E00, 0x9FBF), + (0x3000, 0x303F), + ] + + class Hiragana(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hiragana Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x3041, 0x3096), + (0x3099, 0x30A0), + (0x30FC,), + (0xFF70,), + (0x1B001,), + (0x1B150, 0x1B152), + (0x1F200,), + ] + + class Katakana(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Katakana Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x3099, 0x309C), + (0x30A0, 0x30FF), + (0x31F0, 0x31FF), + (0x32D0, 0x32FE), + (0xFF65, 0xFF9F), + (0x1B000,), + (0x1B164, 0x1B167), + (0x1F201, 0x1F202), + (0x1F213,), + ] + + class Hangul(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hangul (Korean) Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x1100, 0x11FF), + (0x302E, 0x302F), + (0x3131, 0x318E), + (0x3200, 0x321C), + (0x3260, 0x327B), + (0x327E,), + (0xA960, 0xA97C), + (0xAC00, 0xD7A3), + (0xD7B0, 0xD7C6), + (0xD7CB, 0xD7FB), + (0xFFA0, 0xFFBE), + (0xFFC2, 0xFFC7), + (0xFFCA, 0xFFCF), + (0xFFD2, 0xFFD7), + (0xFFDA, 0xFFDC), + ] + + Korean = Hangul + + class CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Hangul): + "Unicode set for combined Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Unicode Character Range" + + class Thai(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Thai Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0E01, 0x0E3A), + (0x0E3F, 0x0E5B) + ] + + class Arabic(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Arabic Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0600, 0x061B), + (0x061E, 0x06FF), + (0x0700, 0x077F), + ] + + class Hebrew(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hebrew Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0591, 0x05C7), + (0x05D0, 0x05EA), + (0x05EF, 0x05F4), + (0xFB1D, 0xFB36), + (0xFB38, 0xFB3C), + (0xFB3E,), + (0xFB40, 0xFB41), + (0xFB43, 0xFB44), + (0xFB46, 0xFB4F), + ] + + class Devanagari(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Devanagari Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0900, 0x097F), + (0xA8E0, 0xA8FF) + ] + + # fmt: on + + +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese._ranges = ( + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Kanji._ranges + + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Hiragana._ranges + + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Katakana._ranges +) + +pyparsing_unicode.BMP = pyparsing_unicode.BasicMultilingualPlane + +# add language identifiers using language Unicode +pyparsing_unicode.العربية = pyparsing_unicode.Arabic +pyparsing_unicode.中文 = pyparsing_unicode.Chinese +pyparsing_unicode.кириллица = pyparsing_unicode.Cyrillic +pyparsing_unicode.Ελληνικά = pyparsing_unicode.Greek +pyparsing_unicode.עִברִית = pyparsing_unicode.Hebrew +pyparsing_unicode.日本語 = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.漢字 = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Kanji +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.カタカナ = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Katakana +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.ひらがな = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Hiragana +pyparsing_unicode.한국어 = pyparsing_unicode.Korean +pyparsing_unicode.ไทย = pyparsing_unicode.Thai +pyparsing_unicode.देवनागरी = pyparsing_unicode.Devanagari diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34ce092 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +# util.py +import warnings +import types +import collections +import itertools +from functools import lru_cache +from typing import List, Union, Iterable + +_bslash = chr(92) + + +class __config_flags: + """Internal class for defining compatibility and debugging flags""" + + _all_names: List[str] = [] + _fixed_names: List[str] = [] + _type_desc = "configuration" + + @classmethod + def _set(cls, dname, value): + if dname in cls._fixed_names: + warnings.warn( + "{}.{} {} is {} and cannot be overridden".format( + cls.__name__, + dname, + cls._type_desc, + str(getattr(cls, dname)).upper(), + ) + ) + return + if dname in cls._all_names: + setattr(cls, dname, value) + else: + raise ValueError("no such {} {!r}".format(cls._type_desc, dname)) + + enable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, True)) + disable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, False)) + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def col(loc: int, strg: str) -> int: + """ + Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + The first column is number 1. + + Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See + :class:`ParserElement.parseString` for more + information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested + methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse + location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + """ + s = strg + return 1 if 0 < loc < len(s) and s[loc - 1] == "\n" else loc - s.rfind("\n", 0, loc) + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def lineno(loc: int, strg: str) -> int: + """Returns current line number within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + The first line is number 1. + + Note - the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See :class:`ParserElement.parseString` + for more information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and + suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the + parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + """ + return strg.count("\n", 0, loc) + 1 + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def line(loc: int, strg: str) -> str: + """ + Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + """ + last_cr = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc) + next_cr = strg.find("\n", loc) + return strg[last_cr + 1 : next_cr] if next_cr >= 0 else strg[last_cr + 1 :] + + +class _UnboundedCache: + def __init__(self): + cache = {} + cache_get = cache.get + self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() + + def get(_, key): + return cache_get(key, not_in_cache) + + def set_(_, key, value): + cache[key] = value + + def clear(_): + cache.clear() + + self.size = None + self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) + self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self) + self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) + + +class _FifoCache: + def __init__(self, size): + self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() + cache = collections.OrderedDict() + cache_get = cache.get + + def get(_, key): + return cache_get(key, not_in_cache) + + def set_(_, key, value): + cache[key] = value + while len(cache) > size: + cache.popitem(last=False) + + def clear(_): + cache.clear() + + self.size = size + self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) + self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self) + self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) + + +class LRUMemo: + """ + A memoizing mapping that retains `capacity` deleted items + + The memo tracks retained items by their access order; once `capacity` items + are retained, the least recently used item is discarded. + """ + + def __init__(self, capacity): + self._capacity = capacity + self._active = {} + self._memory = collections.OrderedDict() + + def __getitem__(self, key): + try: + return self._active[key] + except KeyError: + self._memory.move_to_end(key) + return self._memory[key] + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + self._memory.pop(key, None) + self._active[key] = value + + def __delitem__(self, key): + try: + value = self._active.pop(key) + except KeyError: + pass + else: + while len(self._memory) >= self._capacity: + self._memory.popitem(last=False) + self._memory[key] = value + + def clear(self): + self._active.clear() + self._memory.clear() + + +class UnboundedMemo(dict): + """ + A memoizing mapping that retains all deleted items + """ + + def __delitem__(self, key): + pass + + +def _escape_regex_range_chars(s: str) -> str: + # escape these chars: ^-[] + for c in r"\^-[]": + s = s.replace(c, _bslash + c) + s = s.replace("\n", r"\n") + s = s.replace("\t", r"\t") + return str(s) + + +def _collapse_string_to_ranges( + s: Union[str, Iterable[str]], re_escape: bool = True +) -> str: + def is_consecutive(c): + c_int = ord(c) + is_consecutive.prev, prev = c_int, is_consecutive.prev + if c_int - prev > 1: + is_consecutive.value = next(is_consecutive.counter) + return is_consecutive.value + + is_consecutive.prev = 0 + is_consecutive.counter = itertools.count() + is_consecutive.value = -1 + + def escape_re_range_char(c): + return "\\" + c if c in r"\^-][" else c + + def no_escape_re_range_char(c): + return c + + if not re_escape: + escape_re_range_char = no_escape_re_range_char + + ret = [] + s = "".join(sorted(set(s))) + if len(s) > 3: + for _, chars in itertools.groupby(s, key=is_consecutive): + first = last = next(chars) + last = collections.deque( + itertools.chain(iter([last]), chars), maxlen=1 + ).pop() + if first == last: + ret.append(escape_re_range_char(first)) + else: + sep = "" if ord(last) == ord(first) + 1 else "-" + ret.append( + "{}{}{}".format( + escape_re_range_char(first), sep, escape_re_range_char(last) + ) + ) + else: + ret = [escape_re_range_char(c) for c in s] + + return "".join(ret) + + +def _flatten(ll: list) -> list: + ret = [] + for i in ll: + if isinstance(i, list): + ret.extend(_flatten(i)) + else: + ret.append(i) + return ret diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/zipp.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/zipp.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26b723c --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/_vendor/zipp.py @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +import io +import posixpath +import zipfile +import itertools +import contextlib +import sys +import pathlib + +if sys.version_info < (3, 7): + from collections import OrderedDict +else: + OrderedDict = dict + + +__all__ = ['Path'] + + +def _parents(path): + """ + Given a path with elements separated by + posixpath.sep, generate all parents of that path. + + >>> list(_parents('b/d')) + ['b'] + >>> list(_parents('/b/d/')) + ['/b'] + >>> list(_parents('b/d/f/')) + ['b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_parents('b')) + [] + >>> list(_parents('')) + [] + """ + return itertools.islice(_ancestry(path), 1, None) + + +def _ancestry(path): + """ + Given a path with elements separated by + posixpath.sep, generate all elements of that path + + >>> list(_ancestry('b/d')) + ['b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('/b/d/')) + ['/b/d', '/b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('b/d/f/')) + ['b/d/f', 'b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('b')) + ['b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('')) + [] + """ + path = path.rstrip(posixpath.sep) + while path and path != posixpath.sep: + yield path + path, tail = posixpath.split(path) + + +_dedupe = OrderedDict.fromkeys +"""Deduplicate an iterable in original order""" + + +def _difference(minuend, subtrahend): + """ + Return items in minuend not in subtrahend, retaining order + with O(1) lookup. + """ + return itertools.filterfalse(set(subtrahend).__contains__, minuend) + + +class CompleteDirs(zipfile.ZipFile): + """ + A ZipFile subclass that ensures that implied directories + are always included in the namelist. + """ + + @staticmethod + def _implied_dirs(names): + parents = itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(_parents, names)) + as_dirs = (p + posixpath.sep for p in parents) + return _dedupe(_difference(as_dirs, names)) + + def namelist(self): + names = super(CompleteDirs, self).namelist() + return names + list(self._implied_dirs(names)) + + def _name_set(self): + return set(self.namelist()) + + def resolve_dir(self, name): + """ + If the name represents a directory, return that name + as a directory (with the trailing slash). + """ + names = self._name_set() + dirname = name + '/' + dir_match = name not in names and dirname in names + return dirname if dir_match else name + + @classmethod + def make(cls, source): + """ + Given a source (filename or zipfile), return an + appropriate CompleteDirs subclass. + """ + if isinstance(source, CompleteDirs): + return source + + if not isinstance(source, zipfile.ZipFile): + return cls(_pathlib_compat(source)) + + # Only allow for FastLookup when supplied zipfile is read-only + if 'r' not in source.mode: + cls = CompleteDirs + + source.__class__ = cls + return source + + +class FastLookup(CompleteDirs): + """ + ZipFile subclass to ensure implicit + dirs exist and are resolved rapidly. + """ + + def namelist(self): + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + return self.__names + self.__names = super(FastLookup, self).namelist() + return self.__names + + def _name_set(self): + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + return self.__lookup + self.__lookup = super(FastLookup, self)._name_set() + return self.__lookup + + +def _pathlib_compat(path): + """ + For path-like objects, convert to a filename for compatibility + on Python 3.6.1 and earlier. + """ + try: + return path.__fspath__() + except AttributeError: + return str(path) + + +class Path: + """ + A pathlib-compatible interface for zip files. + + Consider a zip file with this structure:: + + . + ├── a.txt + └── b + ├── c.txt + └── d + └── e.txt + + >>> data = io.BytesIO() + >>> zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, 'w') + >>> zf.writestr('a.txt', 'content of a') + >>> zf.writestr('b/c.txt', 'content of c') + >>> zf.writestr('b/d/e.txt', 'content of e') + >>> zf.filename = 'mem/abcde.zip' + + Path accepts the zipfile object itself or a filename + + >>> root = Path(zf) + + From there, several path operations are available. + + Directory iteration (including the zip file itself): + + >>> a, b = root.iterdir() + >>> a + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'a.txt') + >>> b + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'b/') + + name property: + + >>> b.name + 'b' + + join with divide operator: + + >>> c = b / 'c.txt' + >>> c + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'b/c.txt') + >>> c.name + 'c.txt' + + Read text: + + >>> c.read_text() + 'content of c' + + existence: + + >>> c.exists() + True + >>> (b / 'missing.txt').exists() + False + + Coercion to string: + + >>> import os + >>> str(c).replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + 'mem/abcde.zip/b/c.txt' + + At the root, ``name``, ``filename``, and ``parent`` + resolve to the zipfile. Note these attributes are not + valid and will raise a ``ValueError`` if the zipfile + has no filename. + + >>> root.name + 'abcde.zip' + >>> str(root.filename).replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + 'mem/abcde.zip' + >>> str(root.parent) + 'mem' + """ + + __repr = "{self.__class__.__name__}({self.root.filename!r}, {self.at!r})" + + def __init__(self, root, at=""): + """ + Construct a Path from a ZipFile or filename. + + Note: When the source is an existing ZipFile object, + its type (__class__) will be mutated to a + specialized type. If the caller wishes to retain the + original type, the caller should either create a + separate ZipFile object or pass a filename. + """ + self.root = FastLookup.make(root) + self.at = at + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, pwd=None, **kwargs): + """ + Open this entry as text or binary following the semantics + of ``pathlib.Path.open()`` by passing arguments through + to io.TextIOWrapper(). + """ + if self.is_dir(): + raise IsADirectoryError(self) + zip_mode = mode[0] + if not self.exists() and zip_mode == 'r': + raise FileNotFoundError(self) + stream = self.root.open(self.at, zip_mode, pwd=pwd) + if 'b' in mode: + if args or kwargs: + raise ValueError("encoding args invalid for binary operation") + return stream + return io.TextIOWrapper(stream, *args, **kwargs) + + @property + def name(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).name or self.filename.name + + @property + def suffix(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).suffix or self.filename.suffix + + @property + def suffixes(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).suffixes or self.filename.suffixes + + @property + def stem(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).stem or self.filename.stem + + @property + def filename(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.root.filename).joinpath(self.at) + + def read_text(self, *args, **kwargs): + with self.open('r', *args, **kwargs) as strm: + return strm.read() + + def read_bytes(self): + with self.open('rb') as strm: + return strm.read() + + def _is_child(self, path): + return posixpath.dirname(path.at.rstrip("/")) == self.at.rstrip("/") + + def _next(self, at): + return self.__class__(self.root, at) + + def is_dir(self): + return not self.at or self.at.endswith("/") + + def is_file(self): + return self.exists() and not self.is_dir() + + def exists(self): + return self.at in self.root._name_set() + + def iterdir(self): + if not self.is_dir(): + raise ValueError("Can't listdir a file") + subs = map(self._next, self.root.namelist()) + return filter(self._is_child, subs) + + def __str__(self): + return posixpath.join(self.root.filename, self.at) + + def __repr__(self): + return self.__repr.format(self=self) + + def joinpath(self, *other): + next = posixpath.join(self.at, *map(_pathlib_compat, other)) + return self._next(self.root.resolve_dir(next)) + + __truediv__ = joinpath + + @property + def parent(self): + if not self.at: + return self.filename.parent + parent_at = posixpath.dirname(self.at.rstrip('/')) + if parent_at: + parent_at += '/' + return self._next(parent_at) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.py index fed5929..70897ee 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__init__.py @@ -69,5 +69,8 @@ class VendorImporter: sys.meta_path.append(self) -names = 'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'appdirs' +names = ( + 'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'appdirs', 'jaraco', 'importlib_resources', + 'more_itertools', +) VendorImporter(__name__, names).install() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8bedff9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7a2290 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/__pycache__/setup.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/__pycache__/setup.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 19f1220..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/__pycache__/setup.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/setup.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/setup.py deleted file mode 100644 index fe80d28..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/pkg_resources/tests/data/my-test-package-source/setup.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -import setuptools -setuptools.setup( - name="my-test-package", - version="1.0", - zip_safe=True, -) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/METADATA b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/METADATA deleted file mode 100644 index 7bac319..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/METADATA +++ /dev/null @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -Metadata-Version: 2.1 -Name: setuptools -Version: 57.4.0 -Summary: Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages -Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools -Author: Python Packaging Authority -Author-email: distutils-sig@python.org -License: UNKNOWN -Project-URL: Documentation, https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/ -Keywords: CPAN PyPI distutils eggs package management -Platform: UNKNOWN -Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable -Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers -Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 -Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only -Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules -Classifier: Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Packaging -Classifier: Topic :: System :: Systems Administration -Classifier: Topic :: Utilities -Requires-Python: >=3.6 -License-File: LICENSE -Provides-Extra: certs -Provides-Extra: docs -Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'docs' -Requires-Dist: 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-Requires-Dist: pip (>=19.1) ; extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: jaraco.envs ; extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: pytest-xdist ; extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: sphinx ; extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: jaraco.path (>=3.2.0) ; extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: pytest-black (>=0.3.7) ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == 'testing' -Requires-Dist: pytest-mypy ; (platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and python_version < "3.10") and extra == 'testing' - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/setuptools.svg - :target: `PyPI link`_ - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/setuptools.svg - :target: `PyPI link`_ - -.. _PyPI link: https://pypi.org/project/setuptools - -.. image:: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/workflows/tests/badge.svg - :target: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/actions?query=workflow%3A%22tests%22 - :alt: tests - -.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg - :target: 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virtualenv (>=13.0.0) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: wheel ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: pip (>=19.1) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: jaraco.envs (>=2.2) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: pytest-xdist ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: jaraco.path (>=3.2.0) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: build[virtualenv] ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: filelock (>=3.4.0) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: pip-run (>=8.8) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9) ; extra == 'testing' +Requires-Dist: tomli-w (>=1.0.0) ; extra == 'testing' +Provides-Extra: testing-integration +Requires-Dist: pytest ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: pytest-xdist ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: pytest-enabler ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: virtualenv (>=13.0.0) ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: tomli ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: wheel ; extra == 'testing-integration' +Requires-Dist: 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index 0000000..becc9a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/WHEEL @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +Wheel-Version: 1.0 +Generator: bdist_wheel (0.37.1) +Root-Is-Purelib: true +Tag: py3-none-any + diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/entry_points.txt b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/entry_points.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..93df463 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/entry_points.txt @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +[distutils.commands] +alias = setuptools.command.alias:alias +bdist_egg = setuptools.command.bdist_egg:bdist_egg +bdist_rpm = setuptools.command.bdist_rpm:bdist_rpm +build = setuptools.command.build:build +build_clib = setuptools.command.build_clib:build_clib +build_ext = setuptools.command.build_ext:build_ext +build_py = setuptools.command.build_py:build_py +develop = setuptools.command.develop:develop +dist_info = setuptools.command.dist_info:dist_info +easy_install = setuptools.command.easy_install:easy_install +editable_wheel = setuptools.command.editable_wheel:editable_wheel +egg_info = setuptools.command.egg_info:egg_info +install = setuptools.command.install:install +install_egg_info = setuptools.command.install_egg_info:install_egg_info +install_lib = setuptools.command.install_lib:install_lib +install_scripts = setuptools.command.install_scripts:install_scripts +rotate = setuptools.command.rotate:rotate +saveopts = setuptools.command.saveopts:saveopts +sdist = setuptools.command.sdist:sdist +setopt = setuptools.command.setopt:setopt +test = setuptools.command.test:test +upload_docs = setuptools.command.upload_docs:upload_docs + +[distutils.setup_keywords] +dependency_links = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list +eager_resources = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list +entry_points = setuptools.dist:check_entry_points +exclude_package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data +extras_require = setuptools.dist:check_extras +include_package_data = setuptools.dist:assert_bool +install_requires = setuptools.dist:check_requirements +namespace_packages = setuptools.dist:check_nsp +package_data = setuptools.dist:check_package_data +packages = setuptools.dist:check_packages +python_requires = setuptools.dist:check_specifier +setup_requires = setuptools.dist:check_requirements +test_loader = setuptools.dist:check_importable +test_runner = setuptools.dist:check_importable +test_suite = setuptools.dist:check_test_suite +tests_require = setuptools.dist:check_requirements +use_2to3 = setuptools.dist:invalid_unless_false +zip_safe = setuptools.dist:assert_bool + +[egg_info.writers] +PKG-INFO = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_pkg_info +dependency_links.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg +depends.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:warn_depends_obsolete +eager_resources.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg +entry_points.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_entries +namespace_packages.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:overwrite_arg +requires.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_requirements +top_level.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_toplevel_names + +[setuptools.finalize_distribution_options] +keywords = setuptools.dist:Distribution._finalize_setup_keywords +parent_finalize = setuptools.dist:_Distribution.finalize_options diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/top_level.txt b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/top_level.txt similarity index 100% rename from .library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-57.4.0.dist-info/top_level.txt rename to .library/lib/site-packages/setuptools-65.5.0.dist-info/top_level.txt diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py index 4d9b835..6c24cc2 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ """Extensions to the 'distutils' for large or complex distributions""" -from fnmatch import fnmatchcase import functools import os import re +import warnings import _distutils_hack.override # noqa: F401 import distutils.core from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError -from distutils.util import convert_path +from distutils.util import convert_path as _convert_path from ._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning @@ -17,101 +17,26 @@ import setuptools.version from setuptools.extension import Extension from setuptools.dist import Distribution from setuptools.depends import Require +from setuptools.discovery import PackageFinder, PEP420PackageFinder from . import monkey +from . import logging __all__ = [ - 'setup', 'Distribution', 'Command', 'Extension', 'Require', + 'setup', + 'Distribution', + 'Command', + 'Extension', + 'Require', 'SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning', - 'find_packages', 'find_namespace_packages', + 'find_packages', + 'find_namespace_packages', ] __version__ = setuptools.version.__version__ bootstrap_install_from = None -# If we run 2to3 on .py files, should we also convert docstrings? -# Default: yes; assume that we can detect doctests reliably -run_2to3_on_doctests = True -# Standard package names for fixer packages -lib2to3_fixer_packages = ['lib2to3.fixes'] - - -class PackageFinder: - """ - Generate a list of all Python packages found within a directory - """ - - @classmethod - def find(cls, where='.', exclude=(), include=('*',)): - """Return a list all Python packages found within directory 'where' - - 'where' is the root directory which will be searched for packages. It - should be supplied as a "cross-platform" (i.e. URL-style) path; it will - be converted to the appropriate local path syntax. - - 'exclude' is a sequence of package names to exclude; '*' can be used - as a wildcard in the names, such that 'foo.*' will exclude all - subpackages of 'foo' (but not 'foo' itself). - - 'include' is a sequence of package names to include. If it's - specified, only the named packages will be included. If it's not - specified, all found packages will be included. 'include' can contain - shell style wildcard patterns just like 'exclude'. - """ - - return list(cls._find_packages_iter( - convert_path(where), - cls._build_filter('ez_setup', '*__pycache__', *exclude), - cls._build_filter(*include))) - - @classmethod - def _find_packages_iter(cls, where, exclude, include): - """ - All the packages found in 'where' that pass the 'include' filter, but - not the 'exclude' filter. - """ - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(where, followlinks=True): - # Copy dirs to iterate over it, then empty dirs. - all_dirs = dirs[:] - dirs[:] = [] - - for dir in all_dirs: - full_path = os.path.join(root, dir) - rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, where) - package = rel_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.') - - # Skip directory trees that are not valid packages - if ('.' in dir or not cls._looks_like_package(full_path)): - continue - - # Should this package be included? - if include(package) and not exclude(package): - yield package - - # Keep searching subdirectories, as there may be more packages - # down there, even if the parent was excluded. - dirs.append(dir) - - @staticmethod - def _looks_like_package(path): - """Does a directory look like a package?""" - return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, '__init__.py')) - - @staticmethod - def _build_filter(*patterns): - """ - Given a list of patterns, return a callable that will be true only if - the input matches at least one of the patterns. - """ - return lambda name: any(fnmatchcase(name, pat=pat) for pat in patterns) - - -class PEP420PackageFinder(PackageFinder): - @staticmethod - def _looks_like_package(path): - return True - find_packages = PackageFinder.find find_namespace_packages = PEP420PackageFinder.find @@ -125,13 +50,21 @@ def _install_setup_requires(attrs): A minimal version of a distribution for supporting the fetch_build_eggs interface. """ + def __init__(self, attrs): _incl = 'dependency_links', 'setup_requires' - filtered = { - k: attrs[k] - for k in set(_incl) & set(attrs) - } - distutils.core.Distribution.__init__(self, filtered) + filtered = {k: attrs[k] for k in set(_incl) & set(attrs)} + super().__init__(filtered) + # Prevent accidentally triggering discovery with incomplete set of attrs + self.set_defaults._disable() + + def _get_project_config_files(self, filenames=None): + """Ignore ``pyproject.toml``, they are not related to setup_requires""" + try: + cfg, toml = super()._split_standard_project_metadata(filenames) + return cfg, () + except Exception: + return filenames, () def finalize_options(self): """ @@ -149,6 +82,7 @@ def _install_setup_requires(attrs): def setup(**attrs): # Make sure we have any requirements needed to interpret 'attrs'. + logging.configure() _install_setup_requires(attrs) return distutils.core.setup(**attrs) @@ -160,7 +94,59 @@ _Command = monkey.get_unpatched(distutils.core.Command) class Command(_Command): - __doc__ = _Command.__doc__ + """ + Setuptools internal actions are organized using a *command design pattern*. + This means that each action (or group of closely related actions) executed during + the build should be implemented as a ``Command`` subclass. + + These commands are abstractions and do not necessarily correspond to a command that + can (or should) be executed via a terminal, in a CLI fashion (although historically + they would). + + When creating a new command from scratch, custom defined classes **SHOULD** inherit + from ``setuptools.Command`` and implement a few mandatory methods. + Between these mandatory methods, are listed: + + .. method:: initialize_options(self) + + Set or (reset) all options/attributes/caches used by the command + to their default values. Note that these values may be overwritten during + the build. + + .. method:: finalize_options(self) + + Set final values for all options/attributes used by the command. + Most of the time, each option/attribute/cache should only be set if it does not + have any value yet (e.g. ``if self.attr is None: self.attr = val``). + + .. method:: run(self) + + Execute the actions intended by the command. + (Side effects **SHOULD** only take place when ``run`` is executed, + for example, creating new files or writing to the terminal output). + + A useful analogy for command classes is to think of them as subroutines with local + variables called "options". The options are "declared" in ``initialize_options()`` + and "defined" (given their final values, aka "finalized") in ``finalize_options()``, + both of which must be defined by every command class. The "body" of the subroutine, + (where it does all the work) is the ``run()`` method. + Between ``initialize_options()`` and ``finalize_options()``, ``setuptools`` may set + the values for options/attributes based on user's input (or circumstance), + which means that the implementation should be careful to not overwrite values in + ``finalize_options`` unless necessary. + + Please note that other commands (or other parts of setuptools) may also overwrite + the values of the command's options/attributes multiple times during the build + process. + Therefore it is important to consistently implement ``initialize_options()`` and + ``finalize_options()``. For example, all derived attributes (or attributes that + depend on the value of other attributes) **SHOULD** be recomputed in + ``finalize_options``. + + When overwriting existing commands, custom defined classes **MUST** abide by the + same APIs implemented by the original class. They also **SHOULD** inherit from the + original class. + """ command_consumes_arguments = False @@ -169,7 +155,7 @@ class Command(_Command): Construct the command for dist, updating vars(self) with any keyword parameters. """ - _Command.__init__(self, dist) + super().__init__(dist) vars(self).update(kw) def _ensure_stringlike(self, option, what, default=None): @@ -178,8 +164,9 @@ class Command(_Command): setattr(self, option, default) return default elif not isinstance(val, str): - raise DistutilsOptionError("'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" - % (option, what, val)) + raise DistutilsOptionError( + "'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" % (option, what, val) + ) return val def ensure_string_list(self, option): @@ -187,6 +174,12 @@ class Command(_Command): currently a string, we split it either on /,\s*/ or /\s+/, so "foo bar baz", "foo,bar,baz", and "foo, bar baz" all become ["foo", "bar", "baz"]. + + .. + TODO: This method seems to be similar to the one in ``distutils.cmd`` + Probably it is just here for backward compatibility with old Python versions? + + :meta private: """ val = getattr(self, option) if val is None: @@ -200,8 +193,8 @@ class Command(_Command): ok = False if not ok: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "'%s' must be a list of strings (got %r)" - % (option, val)) + "'%s' must be a list of strings (got %r)" % (option, val) + ) def reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands=0, **kw): cmd = _Command.reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands) @@ -233,6 +226,19 @@ def findall(dir=os.curdir): return list(files) +@functools.wraps(_convert_path) +def convert_path(pathname): + from inspect import cleandoc + + msg = """ + The function `convert_path` is considered internal and not part of the public API. + Its direct usage by 3rd-party packages is considered deprecated and the function + may be removed in the future. + """ + warnings.warn(cleandoc(msg), SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + return _convert_path(pathname) + + class sic(str): """Treat this string as-is (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic)""" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b5118f9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bd8481 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6c13774..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e42f56c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_deprecation_warning.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_entry_points.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_entry_points.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..214194a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_entry_points.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2bf8c6a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f46581 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_imp.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_importlib.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_importlib.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61f9ca6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_importlib.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e94d354 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_path.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_path.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ce4167 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_path.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_reqs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_reqs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b25e379 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/_reqs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2546dac..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..923d331 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index daf6caa..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97edc90 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/build_meta.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1b1c212..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5768ca0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f0360f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6f54a07..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..316f502 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/depends.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/discovery.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/discovery.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2739ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/discovery.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4f7b1aa..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cc200f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d085123..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5534c70 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 72ad0f6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f54ea5d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index df4035c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcba65b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/glob.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b7c3a2c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..858fa91 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/installer.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f1f14ad..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b85dfa Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/launch.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/lib2to3_ex.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/lib2to3_ex.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0676c99..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/lib2to3_ex.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c10a34d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/logging.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6b90f5f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9be3b79 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/monkey.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 40a1ed2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a7e596 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/msvc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 64e786f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2286226 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/namespaces.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b98c134..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f917bd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/package_index.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c25a94b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a3c8c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/py34compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ef803cb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3db4e71 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/sandbox.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c01917a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc13d31 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/unicode_utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cd21a48..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87c1bb6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e6dfa78..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..248bb83 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7bebced..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a46b4e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/windows_support.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__init__.py index 7dac55b..b3ac014 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__init__.py @@ -9,7 +9,16 @@ used from a setup script as """ import sys +import importlib -__version__ = sys.version[:sys.version.index(' ')] +__version__ = sys.version[: sys.version.index(' ')] -local = True + +try: + # Allow Debian and pkgsrc (only) to customize system + # behavior. Ref pypa/distutils#2 and pypa/distutils#16. + # This hook is deprecated and no other environments + # should use it. + importlib.import_module('_distutils_system_mod') +except ImportError: + pass diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cd96281..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..909e09c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e170eaf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..491bf8b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_macos_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_macos_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7e63bb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_macos_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cdcc8ea..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cc53c0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/_msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bb24786..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a33266 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/archive_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4040d08..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f3d88b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/bcppcompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 21b1a4c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..863cee8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/ccompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0cefe19..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cce11ac Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cmd.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1720d72..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6be07c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0fa4e16..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13848e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c6d1dce..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45dab47 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/cygwinccompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e7cdf4a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7be843c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/debug.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cfeed91..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..682448a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dep_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 60ea4ab..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..35e75f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dir_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9ed804f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9d3790 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/dist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index df21424..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1322eb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/errors.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c83fbf2..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1d5676 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/extension.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c42c60e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83e289b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/fancy_getopt.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1370aa4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d6bcdd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/file_util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 7c2ea68..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60144f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/filelist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 6f86583..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6da7ae Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/log.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 8c95da3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7517cb5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvc9compiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index af333cf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14f8747 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/msvccompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py35compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py35compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b448daf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py35compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ec696ab..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3988abc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py38compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py39compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py39compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5138d73 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/py39compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index e731e71..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2b7ba9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/spawn.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 822821b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8cddb03 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/sysconfig.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fa8ca46..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdbfd98 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/text_file.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b943a6d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e125b0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/unixccompiler.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ca2f989..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c738f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 922ee1b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7dd692 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4760b52..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f820f45 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/__pycache__/versionpredicate.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_collections.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_collections.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98fce80 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_collections.py @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +import collections +import itertools + + +# from jaraco.collections 3.5.1 +class DictStack(list, collections.abc.Mapping): + """ + A stack of dictionaries that behaves as a view on those dictionaries, + giving preference to the last. + + >>> stack = DictStack([dict(a=1, c=2), dict(b=2, a=2)]) + >>> stack['a'] + 2 + >>> stack['b'] + 2 + >>> stack['c'] + 2 + >>> len(stack) + 3 + >>> stack.push(dict(a=3)) + >>> stack['a'] + 3 + >>> set(stack.keys()) == set(['a', 'b', 'c']) + True + >>> set(stack.items()) == set([('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 2)]) + True + >>> dict(**stack) == dict(stack) == dict(a=3, c=2, b=2) + True + >>> d = stack.pop() + >>> stack['a'] + 2 + >>> d = stack.pop() + >>> stack['a'] + 1 + >>> stack.get('b', None) + >>> 'c' in stack + True + """ + + def __iter__(self): + dicts = list.__iter__(self) + return iter(set(itertools.chain.from_iterable(c.keys() for c in dicts))) + + def __getitem__(self, key): + for scope in reversed(tuple(list.__iter__(self))): + if key in scope: + return scope[key] + raise KeyError(key) + + push = list.append + + def __contains__(self, other): + return collections.abc.Mapping.__contains__(self, other) + + def __len__(self): + return len(list(iter(self))) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_functools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_functools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7053ba --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_functools.py @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +import functools + + +# from jaraco.functools 3.5 +def pass_none(func): + """ + Wrap func so it's not called if its first param is None + + >>> print_text = pass_none(print) + >>> print_text('text') + text + >>> print_text(None) + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(param, *args, **kwargs): + if param is not None: + return func(param, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_macos_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_macos_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17769e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_macos_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +import sys +import importlib + + +def bypass_compiler_fixup(cmd, args): + return cmd + + +if sys.platform == 'darwin': + compiler_fixup = importlib.import_module('_osx_support').compiler_fixup +else: + compiler_fixup = bypass_compiler_fixup diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_msvccompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_msvccompiler.py index b7a0608..729c2dd 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_msvccompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/_msvccompiler.py @@ -17,24 +17,31 @@ import os import subprocess import contextlib import warnings -import unittest.mock +import unittest.mock as mock + with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): import winreg -from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \ - CompileError, LibError, LinkError +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsExecError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + CompileError, + LibError, + LinkError, +) from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_lib_options from distutils import log from distutils.util import get_platform from itertools import count + def _find_vc2015(): try: key = winreg.OpenKeyEx( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\SxS\VC7", - access=winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY + access=winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_32KEY, ) except OSError: log.debug("Visual C++ is not registered") @@ -57,6 +64,7 @@ def _find_vc2015(): best_version, best_dir = version, vc_dir return best_version, best_dir + def _find_vc2017(): """Returns "15, path" based on the result of invoking vswhere.exe If no install is found, returns "None, None" @@ -72,14 +80,23 @@ def _find_vc2017(): return None, None try: - path = subprocess.check_output([ - os.path.join(root, "Microsoft Visual Studio", "Installer", "vswhere.exe"), - "-latest", - "-prerelease", - "-requires", "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64", - "-property", "installationPath", - "-products", "*", - ], encoding="mbcs", errors="strict").strip() + path = subprocess.check_output( + [ + os.path.join( + root, "Microsoft Visual Studio", "Installer", "vswhere.exe" + ), + "-latest", + "-prerelease", + "-requires", + "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64", + "-property", + "installationPath", + "-products", + "*", + ], + encoding="mbcs", + errors="strict", + ).strip() except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError, UnicodeDecodeError): return None, None @@ -89,13 +106,15 @@ def _find_vc2017(): return None, None + PLAT_SPEC_TO_RUNTIME = { - 'x86' : 'x86', - 'x86_amd64' : 'x64', - 'x86_arm' : 'arm', - 'x86_arm64' : 'arm64' + 'x86': 'x86', + 'x86_amd64': 'x64', + 'x86_arm': 'arm', + 'x86_arm64': 'arm64', } + def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec): # bpo-38597: Removed vcruntime return value _, best_dir = _find_vc2017() @@ -114,12 +133,10 @@ def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec): return vcvarsall, None + def _get_vc_env(plat_spec): if os.getenv("DISTUTILS_USE_SDK"): - return { - key.lower(): value - for key, value in os.environ.items() - } + return {key.lower(): value for key, value in os.environ.items()} vcvarsall, _ = _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec) if not vcvarsall: @@ -127,23 +144,22 @@ def _get_vc_env(plat_spec): try: out = subprocess.check_output( - 'cmd /u /c "{}" {} && set'.format(vcvarsall, plat_spec), + f'cmd /u /c "{vcvarsall}" {plat_spec} && set', stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ).decode('utf-16le', errors='replace') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: log.error(exc.output) - raise DistutilsPlatformError("Error executing {}" - .format(exc.cmd)) + raise DistutilsPlatformError(f"Error executing {exc.cmd}") env = { key.lower(): value - for key, _, value in - (line.partition('=') for line in out.splitlines()) + for key, _, value in (line.partition('=') for line in out.splitlines()) if key and value } return env + def _find_exe(exe, paths=None): """Return path to an MSVC executable program. @@ -161,19 +177,21 @@ def _find_exe(exe, paths=None): return fn return exe + # A map keyed by get_platform() return values to values accepted by # 'vcvarsall.bat'. Always cross-compile from x86 to work with the # lighter-weight MSVC installs that do not include native 64-bit tools. PLAT_TO_VCVARS = { - 'win32' : 'x86', - 'win-amd64' : 'x86_amd64', - 'win-arm32' : 'x86_arm', - 'win-arm64' : 'x86_arm64' + 'win32': 'x86', + 'win-amd64': 'x86_amd64', + 'win-arm32': 'x86_arm', + 'win-arm64': 'x86_arm64', } -class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : + +class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler): """Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++, - as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" + as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" compiler_type = 'msvc' @@ -192,8 +210,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # Needed for the filename generation methods provided by the # base class, CCompiler. - src_extensions = (_c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + - _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions) + src_extensions = _c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions res_extension = '.res' obj_extension = '.obj' static_lib_extension = '.lib' @@ -201,13 +218,24 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : static_lib_format = shared_lib_format = '%s%s' exe_extension = '.exe' - def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) # target platform (.plat_name is consistent with 'bdist') self.plat_name = None self.initialized = False + @classmethod + def _configure(cls, vc_env): + """ + Set class-level include/lib dirs. + """ + cls.include_dirs = cls._parse_path(vc_env.get('include', '')) + cls.library_dirs = cls._parse_path(vc_env.get('lib', '')) + + @staticmethod + def _parse_path(val): + return [dir.rstrip(os.sep) for dir in val.split(os.pathsep) if dir] + def initialize(self, plat_name=None): # multi-init means we would need to check platform same each time... assert not self.initialized, "don't init multiple times" @@ -215,58 +243,62 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : plat_name = get_platform() # sanity check for platforms to prevent obscure errors later. if plat_name not in PLAT_TO_VCVARS: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("--plat-name must be one of {}" - .format(tuple(PLAT_TO_VCVARS))) + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + f"--plat-name must be one of {tuple(PLAT_TO_VCVARS)}" + ) # Get the vcvarsall.bat spec for the requested platform. plat_spec = PLAT_TO_VCVARS[plat_name] vc_env = _get_vc_env(plat_spec) if not vc_env: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find a compatible " - "Visual Studio installation.") + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "Unable to find a compatible " "Visual Studio installation." + ) + self._configure(vc_env) self._paths = vc_env.get('path', '') paths = self._paths.split(os.pathsep) self.cc = _find_exe("cl.exe", paths) self.linker = _find_exe("link.exe", paths) self.lib = _find_exe("lib.exe", paths) - self.rc = _find_exe("rc.exe", paths) # resource compiler - self.mc = _find_exe("mc.exe", paths) # message compiler - self.mt = _find_exe("mt.exe", paths) # message compiler - - for dir in vc_env.get('include', '').split(os.pathsep): - if dir: - self.add_include_dir(dir.rstrip(os.sep)) - - for dir in vc_env.get('lib', '').split(os.pathsep): - if dir: - self.add_library_dir(dir.rstrip(os.sep)) + self.rc = _find_exe("rc.exe", paths) # resource compiler + self.mc = _find_exe("mc.exe", paths) # message compiler + self.mt = _find_exe("mt.exe", paths) # message compiler self.preprocess_options = None # bpo-38597: Always compile with dynamic linking # Future releases of Python 3.x will include all past # versions of vcruntime*.dll for compatibility. - self.compile_options = [ - '/nologo', '/O2', '/W3', '/GL', '/DNDEBUG', '/MD' - ] + self.compile_options = ['/nologo', '/O2', '/W3', '/GL', '/DNDEBUG', '/MD'] self.compile_options_debug = [ - '/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/Zi', '/W3', '/D_DEBUG' + '/nologo', + '/Od', + '/MDd', + '/Zi', + '/W3', + '/D_DEBUG', ] - ldflags = [ - '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG' - ] + ldflags = ['/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG'] - ldflags_debug = [ - '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG', '/DEBUG:FULL' - ] + ldflags_debug = ['/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG', '/DEBUG:FULL'] self.ldflags_exe = [*ldflags, '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=1'] self.ldflags_exe_debug = [*ldflags_debug, '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=1'] - self.ldflags_shared = [*ldflags, '/DLL', '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2', '/MANIFESTUAC:NO'] - self.ldflags_shared_debug = [*ldflags_debug, '/DLL', '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2', '/MANIFESTUAC:NO'] + self.ldflags_shared = [ + *ldflags, + '/DLL', + '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2', + '/MANIFESTUAC:NO', + ] + self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ + *ldflags_debug, + '/DLL', + '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2', + '/MANIFESTUAC:NO', + ] self.ldflags_static = [*ldflags] self.ldflags_static_debug = [*ldflags_debug] @@ -286,47 +318,33 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ - def object_filenames(self, - source_filenames, - strip_dir=0, - output_dir=''): - ext_map = { - **{ext: self.obj_extension for ext in self.src_extensions}, - **{ext: self.res_extension for ext in self._rc_extensions + self._mc_extensions}, + @property + def out_extensions(self): + return { + **super().out_extensions, + **{ + ext: self.res_extension + for ext in self._rc_extensions + self._mc_extensions + }, } - output_dir = output_dir or '' - - def make_out_path(p): - base, ext = os.path.splitext(p) - if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename(base) - else: - _, base = os.path.splitdrive(base) - if base.startswith((os.path.sep, os.path.altsep)): - base = base[1:] - try: - # XXX: This may produce absurdly long paths. We should check - # the length of the result and trim base until we fit within - # 260 characters. - return os.path.join(output_dir, base + ext_map[ext]) - except LookupError: - # Better to raise an exception instead of silently continuing - # and later complain about sources and targets having - # different lengths - raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile {}".format(p)) - - return list(map(make_out_path, source_filenames)) - - - def compile(self, sources, - output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): + def compile( # noqa: C901 + self, + sources, + output_dir=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + depends=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() - compile_info = self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, - sources, depends, extra_postargs) + compile_info = self._setup_compile( + output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs + ) macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compile_info compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] @@ -336,7 +354,6 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : else: compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options) - add_cpp_opts = False for obj in objects: @@ -381,7 +398,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : try: # first compile .MC to .RC and .H file self.spawn([self.mc, '-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir, src]) - base, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename (src)) + base, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src)) rc_file = os.path.join(rc_dir, base + '.rc') # then compile .RC to .RES file self.spawn([self.rc, "/fo" + obj, rc_file]) @@ -391,8 +408,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : continue else: # how to handle this file? - raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile {} to {}" - .format(src, obj)) + raise CompileError(f"Don't know how to compile {src} to {obj}") args = [self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts if add_cpp_opts: @@ -408,24 +424,19 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : return objects - - def create_static_lib(self, - objects, - output_libname, - output_dir=None, - debug=0, - target_lang=None): + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() objects, output_dir = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, - output_dir=output_dir) + output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): lib_args = objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] if debug: - pass # XXX what goes here? + pass # XXX what goes here? try: log.debug('Executing "%s" %s', self.lib, ' '.join(lib_args)) self.spawn([self.lib] + lib_args) @@ -434,36 +445,36 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) - - def link(self, - target_desc, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): + def link( + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() objects, output_dir = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, - runtime_library_dirs) + fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs = fixed_args if runtime_library_dirs: - self.warn("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " - + str(runtime_library_dirs)) + self.warn( + "I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " + + str(runtime_library_dirs) + ) - lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, - library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - libraries) + lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries) if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) @@ -472,8 +483,9 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : export_opts = ["/EXPORT:" + sym for sym in (export_symbols or [])] - ld_args = (ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + - objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename]) + ld_args = ( + ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] + ) # The MSVC linker generates .lib and .exp files, which cannot be # suppressed by any linker switches. The .lib files may even be @@ -483,11 +495,10 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : build_temp = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) if export_symbols is not None: (dll_name, dll_ext) = os.path.splitext( - os.path.basename(output_filename)) - implib_file = os.path.join( - build_temp, - self.library_filename(dll_name)) - ld_args.append ('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) + os.path.basename(output_filename) + ) + implib_file = os.path.join(build_temp, self.library_filename(dll_name)) + ld_args.append('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) if extra_preargs: ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs @@ -525,9 +536,8 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : raise else: return - warnings.warn( - "Fallback spawn triggered. Please update distutils monkeypatch.") - with unittest.mock.patch('os.environ', env): + warnings.warn("Fallback spawn triggered. Please update distutils monkeypatch.") + with mock.patch.dict('os.environ', env): bag.value = super().spawn(cmd) # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- @@ -539,7 +549,8 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC") + "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC" + ) def library_option(self, lib): return self.library_filename(lib) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/archive_util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/archive_util.py index 565a311..5dfe2a1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/archive_util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/archive_util.py @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ try: except ImportError: getgrnam = None + def _get_gid(name): """Returns a gid, given a group name.""" if getgrnam is None or name is None: @@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ def _get_gid(name): return result[2] return None + def _get_uid(name): """Returns an uid, given a user name.""" if getpwnam is None or name is None: @@ -52,8 +54,10 @@ def _get_uid(name): return result[2] return None -def make_tarball(base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip", verbose=0, dry_run=0, - owner=None, group=None): + +def make_tarball( + base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip", verbose=0, dry_run=0, owner=None, group=None +): """Create a (possibly compressed) tar file from all the files under 'base_dir'. @@ -69,16 +73,21 @@ def make_tarball(base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip", verbose=0, dry_run=0, Returns the output filename. """ - tar_compression = {'gzip': 'gz', 'bzip2': 'bz2', 'xz': 'xz', None: '', - 'compress': ''} - compress_ext = {'gzip': '.gz', 'bzip2': '.bz2', 'xz': '.xz', - 'compress': '.Z'} + tar_compression = { + 'gzip': 'gz', + 'bzip2': 'bz2', + 'xz': 'xz', + None: '', + 'compress': '', + } + compress_ext = {'gzip': '.gz', 'bzip2': '.bz2', 'xz': '.xz', 'compress': '.Z'} # flags for compression program, each element of list will be an argument if compress is not None and compress not in compress_ext.keys(): raise ValueError( - "bad value for 'compress': must be None, 'gzip', 'bzip2', " - "'xz' or 'compress'") + "bad value for 'compress': must be None, 'gzip', 'bzip2', " + "'xz' or 'compress'" + ) archive_name = base_name + '.tar' if compress != 'compress': @@ -112,7 +121,7 @@ def make_tarball(base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip", verbose=0, dry_run=0, # compression using `compress` if compress == 'compress': - warn("'compress' will be deprecated.", PendingDeprecationWarning) + warn("'compress' is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) # the option varies depending on the platform compressed_name = archive_name + compress_ext[compress] if sys.platform == 'win32': @@ -124,7 +133,8 @@ def make_tarball(base_name, base_dir, compress="gzip", verbose=0, dry_run=0, return archive_name -def make_zipfile(base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0): + +def make_zipfile(base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0): # noqa: C901 """Create a zip file from all the files under 'base_dir'. The output zip file will be named 'base_name' + ".zip". Uses either the @@ -145,26 +155,29 @@ def make_zipfile(base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0): zipoptions = "-rq" try: - spawn(["zip", zipoptions, zip_filename, base_dir], - dry_run=dry_run) + spawn(["zip", zipoptions, zip_filename, base_dir], dry_run=dry_run) except DistutilsExecError: # XXX really should distinguish between "couldn't find # external 'zip' command" and "zip failed". - raise DistutilsExecError(("unable to create zip file '%s': " - "could neither import the 'zipfile' module nor " - "find a standalone zip utility") % zip_filename) + raise DistutilsExecError( + ( + "unable to create zip file '%s': " + "could neither import the 'zipfile' module nor " + "find a standalone zip utility" + ) + % zip_filename + ) else: - log.info("creating '%s' and adding '%s' to it", - zip_filename, base_dir) + log.info("creating '%s' and adding '%s' to it", zip_filename, base_dir) if not dry_run: try: - zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "w", - compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) + zip = zipfile.ZipFile( + zip_filename, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED + ) except RuntimeError: - zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "w", - compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) + zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, "w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED) with zip: if base_dir != os.curdir: @@ -184,14 +197,16 @@ def make_zipfile(base_name, base_dir, verbose=0, dry_run=0): return zip_filename + ARCHIVE_FORMATS = { 'gztar': (make_tarball, [('compress', 'gzip')], "gzip'ed tar-file"), 'bztar': (make_tarball, [('compress', 'bzip2')], "bzip2'ed tar-file"), 'xztar': (make_tarball, [('compress', 'xz')], "xz'ed tar-file"), - 'ztar': (make_tarball, [('compress', 'compress')], "compressed tar file"), - 'tar': (make_tarball, [('compress', None)], "uncompressed tar file"), - 'zip': (make_zipfile, [],"ZIP file") - } + 'ztar': (make_tarball, [('compress', 'compress')], "compressed tar file"), + 'tar': (make_tarball, [('compress', None)], "uncompressed tar file"), + 'zip': (make_zipfile, [], "ZIP file"), +} + def check_archive_formats(formats): """Returns the first format from the 'format' list that is unknown. @@ -203,8 +218,17 @@ def check_archive_formats(formats): return format return None -def make_archive(base_name, format, root_dir=None, base_dir=None, verbose=0, - dry_run=0, owner=None, group=None): + +def make_archive( + base_name, + format, + root_dir=None, + base_dir=None, + verbose=0, + dry_run=0, + owner=None, + group=None, +): """Create an archive file (eg. zip or tar). 'base_name' is the name of the file to create, minus any format-specific diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/bcppcompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/bcppcompiler.py index 071fea5..80b6bd8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/bcppcompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/bcppcompiler.py @@ -13,16 +13,30 @@ for the Borland C++ compiler. import os -from distutils.errors import \ - DistutilsExecError, \ - CompileError, LibError, LinkError, UnknownFileError -from distutils.ccompiler import \ - CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options +import warnings + +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsExecError, + CompileError, + LibError, + LinkError, + UnknownFileError, +) +from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options from distutils.file_util import write_file from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils import log -class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : + +warnings.warn( + "bcppcompiler is deprecated and slated to be removed " + "in the future. Please discontinue use or file an issue " + "with pypa/distutils describing your use case.", + DeprecationWarning, +) + + +class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler): """Concrete class that implements an interface to the Borland C/C++ compiler, as defined by the CCompiler abstract class. """ @@ -49,13 +63,9 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : static_lib_format = shared_lib_format = '%s%s' exe_extension = '.exe' + def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - def __init__ (self, - verbose=0, - dry_run=0, - force=0): - - CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) # These executables are assumed to all be in the path. # Borland doesn't seem to use any special registry settings to @@ -73,24 +83,31 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : self.ldflags_shared_debug = ['/Tpd', '/Gn', '/q', '/x'] self.ldflags_static = [] self.ldflags_exe = ['/Gn', '/q', '/x'] - self.ldflags_exe_debug = ['/Gn', '/q', '/x','/r'] - + self.ldflags_exe_debug = ['/Gn', '/q', '/x', '/r'] # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ - def compile(self, sources, - output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): - - macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = \ - self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, - depends, extra_postargs) + def compile( # noqa: C901 + self, + sources, + output_dir=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + depends=None, + ): + + macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = self._setup_compile( + output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs + ) compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] - compile_opts.append ('-c') + compile_opts.append('-c') if debug: - compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options_debug) + compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options_debug) else: - compile_opts.extend (self.compile_options) + compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options) for obj in objects: try: @@ -106,14 +123,14 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : if ext == '.res': # This is already a binary file -- skip it. - continue # the 'for' loop + continue # the 'for' loop if ext == '.rc': # This needs to be compiled to a .res file -- do it now. try: - self.spawn (["brcc32", "-fo", obj, src]) + self.spawn(["brcc32", "-fo", obj, src]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) - continue # the 'for' loop + continue # the 'for' loop # The next two are both for the real compiler. if ext in self._c_extensions: @@ -132,9 +149,14 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # Note that the source file names must appear at the end of # the command line. try: - self.spawn ([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts + - [input_opt, output_opt] + - extra_postargs + [src]) + self.spawn( + [self.cc] + + compile_opts + + pp_opts + + [input_opt, output_opt] + + extra_postargs + + [src] + ) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) @@ -142,24 +164,19 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # compile () + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): - def create_static_lib (self, - objects, - output_libname, - output_dir=None, - debug=0, - target_lang=None): - - (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args (objects, output_dir) - output_filename = \ - self.library_filename (output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) + (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) + output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) - if self._need_link (objects, output_filename): + if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): lib_args = [output_filename, '/u'] + objects if debug: - pass # XXX what goes here? + pass # XXX what goes here? try: - self.spawn ([self.lib] + lib_args) + self.spawn([self.lib] + lib_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise LibError(msg) else: @@ -167,37 +184,41 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # create_static_lib () - - def link (self, - target_desc, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): + def link( # noqa: C901 + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): # XXX this ignores 'build_temp'! should follow the lead of # msvccompiler.py - (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args (objects, output_dir) - (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = \ - self._fix_lib_args (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) + (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) + (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = self._fix_lib_args( + libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs + ) if runtime_library_dirs: - log.warn("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': %s", - str(runtime_library_dirs)) + log.warn( + "I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': %s", + str(runtime_library_dirs), + ) if output_dir is not None: - output_filename = os.path.join (output_dir, output_filename) + output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) - if self._need_link (objects, output_filename): + if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): # Figure out linker args based on type of target. if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE: @@ -213,20 +234,18 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : else: ld_args = self.ldflags_shared[:] - # Create a temporary exports file for use by the linker if export_symbols is None: def_file = '' else: - head, tail = os.path.split (output_filename) - modname, ext = os.path.splitext (tail) - temp_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) # preserve tree structure - def_file = os.path.join (temp_dir, '%s.def' % modname) + head, tail = os.path.split(output_filename) + modname, ext = os.path.splitext(tail) + temp_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) # preserve tree structure + def_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, '%s.def' % modname) contents = ['EXPORTS'] - for sym in (export_symbols or []): - contents.append(' %s=_%s' % (sym, sym)) - self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents), - "writing %s" % def_file) + for sym in export_symbols or []: + contents.append(' {}=_{}'.format(sym, sym)) + self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents), "writing %s" % def_file) # Borland C++ has problems with '/' in paths objects2 = map(os.path.normpath, objects) @@ -241,10 +260,9 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : else: objects.append(file) - - for l in library_dirs: - ld_args.append("/L%s" % os.path.normpath(l)) - ld_args.append("/L.") # we sometimes use relative paths + for ell in library_dirs: + ld_args.append("/L%s" % os.path.normpath(ell)) + ld_args.append("/L.") # we sometimes use relative paths # list of object files ld_args.extend(objects) @@ -260,7 +278,7 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # them. Arghghh!. Apparently it works fine as coded... # name of dll/exe file - ld_args.extend([',',output_filename]) + ld_args.extend([',', output_filename]) # no map file and start libraries ld_args.append(',,') @@ -276,24 +294,23 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : ld_args.append(libfile) # some default libraries - ld_args.append ('import32') - ld_args.append ('cw32mt') + ld_args.append('import32') + ld_args.append('cw32mt') # def file for export symbols - ld_args.extend([',',def_file]) + ld_args.extend([',', def_file]) # add resource files ld_args.append(',') ld_args.extend(resources) - if extra_preargs: ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs if extra_postargs: ld_args.extend(extra_postargs) - self.mkpath (os.path.dirname (output_filename)) + self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_filename)) try: - self.spawn ([self.linker] + ld_args) + self.spawn([self.linker] + ld_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise LinkError(msg) @@ -304,8 +321,7 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- - - def find_library_file (self, dirs, lib, debug=0): + def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): # List of effective library names to try, in order of preference: # xxx_bcpp.lib is better than xxx.lib # and xxx_d.lib is better than xxx.lib if debug is set @@ -316,7 +332,7 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : # compiler they care about, since (almost?) every Windows compiler # seems to have a different format for static libraries. if debug: - dlib = (lib + "_d") + dlib = lib + "_d" try_names = (dlib + "_bcpp", lib + "_bcpp", dlib, lib) else: try_names = (lib + "_bcpp", lib) @@ -331,43 +347,42 @@ class BCPPCompiler(CCompiler) : return None # overwrite the one from CCompiler to support rc and res-files - def object_filenames (self, - source_filenames, - strip_dir=0, - output_dir=''): - if output_dir is None: output_dir = '' + def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): + if output_dir is None: + output_dir = '' obj_names = [] for src_name in source_filenames: # use normcase to make sure '.rc' is really '.rc' and not '.RC' - (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (os.path.normcase(src_name)) - if ext not in (self.src_extensions + ['.rc','.res']): - raise UnknownFileError("unknown file type '%s' (from '%s')" % \ - (ext, src_name)) + (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.normcase(src_name)) + if ext not in (self.src_extensions + ['.rc', '.res']): + raise UnknownFileError( + "unknown file type '{}' (from '{}')".format(ext, src_name) + ) if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename (base) + base = os.path.basename(base) if ext == '.res': # these can go unchanged - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + ext)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + ext)) elif ext == '.rc': # these need to be compiled to .res-files - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, base + '.res')) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + '.res')) else: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.obj_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.obj_extension)) return obj_names # object_filenames () - def preprocess (self, - source, - output_file=None, - macros=None, - include_dirs=None, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None): - - (_, macros, include_dirs) = \ - self._fix_compile_args(None, macros, include_dirs) + def preprocess( + self, + source, + output_file=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + ): + + (_, macros, include_dirs) = self._fix_compile_args(None, macros, include_dirs) pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options(macros, include_dirs) pp_args = ['cpp32.exe'] + pp_opts if output_file is not None: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ccompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ccompiler.py index 48d160d..97551c9 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ccompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/ccompiler.py @@ -3,8 +3,17 @@ Contains CCompiler, an abstract base class that defines the interface for the Distutils compiler abstraction model.""" -import sys, os, re -from distutils.errors import * +import sys +import os +import re + +from distutils.errors import ( + CompileError, + LinkError, + UnknownFileError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + DistutilsModuleError, +) from distutils.spawn import spawn from distutils.file_util import move_file from distutils.dir_util import mkpath @@ -12,6 +21,7 @@ from distutils.dep_util import newer_group from distutils.util import split_quoted, execute from distutils import log + class CCompiler: """Abstract base class to define the interface that must be implemented by real compiler classes. Also has some utility methods used by @@ -56,17 +66,16 @@ class CCompiler: # think this is useless without the ability to null out the # library search path anyways. - # Subclasses that rely on the standard filename generation methods # implemented below should override these; see the comment near # those methods ('object_filenames()' et. al.) for details: - src_extensions = None # list of strings - obj_extension = None # string + src_extensions = None # list of strings + obj_extension = None # string static_lib_extension = None - shared_lib_extension = None # string - static_lib_format = None # format string - shared_lib_format = None # prob. same as static_lib_format - exe_extension = None # string + shared_lib_extension = None # string + static_lib_format = None # format string + shared_lib_format = None # prob. same as static_lib_format + exe_extension = None # string # Default language settings. language_map is used to detect a source # file or Extension target language, checking source filenames. @@ -74,14 +83,25 @@ class CCompiler: # what language to use when mixing source types. For example, if some # extension has two files with ".c" extension, and one with ".cpp", it # is still linked as c++. - language_map = {".c" : "c", - ".cc" : "c++", - ".cpp" : "c++", - ".cxx" : "c++", - ".m" : "objc", - } + language_map = { + ".c": "c", + ".cc": "c++", + ".cpp": "c++", + ".cxx": "c++", + ".m": "objc", + } language_order = ["c++", "objc", "c"] + include_dirs = [] + """ + include dirs specific to this compiler class + """ + + library_dirs = [] + """ + library dirs specific to this compiler class + """ + def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): self.dry_run = dry_run self.force = force @@ -146,8 +166,10 @@ class CCompiler: for key in kwargs: if key not in self.executables: - raise ValueError("unknown executable '%s' for class %s" % - (key, self.__class__.__name__)) + raise ValueError( + "unknown executable '%s' for class %s" + % (key, self.__class__.__name__) + ) self.set_executable(key, kwargs[key]) def set_executable(self, key, value): @@ -170,14 +192,19 @@ class CCompiler: nothing if all definitions are OK, raise TypeError otherwise. """ for defn in definitions: - if not (isinstance(defn, tuple) and - (len(defn) in (1, 2) and - (isinstance (defn[1], str) or defn[1] is None)) and - isinstance (defn[0], str)): - raise TypeError(("invalid macro definition '%s': " % defn) + \ - "must be tuple (string,), (string, string), or " + \ - "(string, None)") - + if not ( + isinstance(defn, tuple) + and ( + len(defn) in (1, 2) + and (isinstance(defn[1], str) or defn[1] is None) + ) + and isinstance(defn[0], str) + ): + raise TypeError( + ("invalid macro definition '%s': " % defn) + + "must be tuple (string,), (string, string), or " + + "(string, None)" + ) # -- Bookkeeping methods ------------------------------------------- @@ -190,7 +217,7 @@ class CCompiler: """ # Delete from the list of macro definitions/undefinitions if # already there (so that this one will take precedence). - i = self._find_macro (name) + i = self._find_macro(name) if i is not None: del self.macros[i] @@ -207,7 +234,7 @@ class CCompiler: """ # Delete from the list of macro definitions/undefinitions if # already there (so that this one will take precedence). - i = self._find_macro (name) + i = self._find_macro(name) if i is not None: del self.macros[i] @@ -301,41 +328,20 @@ class CCompiler: """ self.objects = objects[:] - # -- Private utility methods -------------------------------------- # (here for the convenience of subclasses) # Helper method to prep compiler in subclass compile() methods - def _setup_compile(self, outdir, macros, incdirs, sources, depends, - extra): + def _setup_compile(self, outdir, macros, incdirs, sources, depends, extra): """Process arguments and decide which source files to compile.""" - if outdir is None: - outdir = self.output_dir - elif not isinstance(outdir, str): - raise TypeError("'output_dir' must be a string or None") - - if macros is None: - macros = self.macros - elif isinstance(macros, list): - macros = macros + (self.macros or []) - else: - raise TypeError("'macros' (if supplied) must be a list of tuples") - - if incdirs is None: - incdirs = self.include_dirs - elif isinstance(incdirs, (list, tuple)): - incdirs = list(incdirs) + (self.include_dirs or []) - else: - raise TypeError( - "'include_dirs' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + outdir, macros, incdirs = self._fix_compile_args(outdir, macros, incdirs) if extra is None: extra = [] # Get the list of expected output (object) files - objects = self.object_filenames(sources, strip_dir=0, - output_dir=outdir) + objects = self.object_filenames(sources, strip_dir=0, output_dir=outdir) assert len(objects) == len(sources) pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options(macros, incdirs) @@ -386,8 +392,10 @@ class CCompiler: elif isinstance(include_dirs, (list, tuple)): include_dirs = list(include_dirs) + (self.include_dirs or []) else: - raise TypeError( - "'include_dirs' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + raise TypeError("'include_dirs' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + + # add include dirs for class + include_dirs += self.__class__.include_dirs return output_dir, macros, include_dirs @@ -434,27 +442,30 @@ class CCompiler: if libraries is None: libraries = self.libraries elif isinstance(libraries, (list, tuple)): - libraries = list (libraries) + (self.libraries or []) + libraries = list(libraries) + (self.libraries or []) else: - raise TypeError( - "'libraries' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + raise TypeError("'libraries' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") if library_dirs is None: library_dirs = self.library_dirs elif isinstance(library_dirs, (list, tuple)): - library_dirs = list (library_dirs) + (self.library_dirs or []) + library_dirs = list(library_dirs) + (self.library_dirs or []) else: - raise TypeError( - "'library_dirs' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + raise TypeError("'library_dirs' (if supplied) must be a list of strings") + + # add library dirs for class + library_dirs += self.__class__.library_dirs if runtime_library_dirs is None: runtime_library_dirs = self.runtime_library_dirs elif isinstance(runtime_library_dirs, (list, tuple)): - runtime_library_dirs = (list(runtime_library_dirs) + - (self.runtime_library_dirs or [])) + runtime_library_dirs = list(runtime_library_dirs) + ( + self.runtime_library_dirs or [] + ) else: - raise TypeError("'runtime_library_dirs' (if supplied) " - "must be a list of strings") + raise TypeError( + "'runtime_library_dirs' (if supplied) " "must be a list of strings" + ) return (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) @@ -466,9 +477,9 @@ class CCompiler: return True else: if self.dry_run: - newer = newer_group (objects, output_file, missing='newer') + newer = newer_group(objects, output_file, missing='newer') else: - newer = newer_group (objects, output_file) + newer = newer_group(objects, output_file) return newer def detect_language(self, sources): @@ -491,12 +502,18 @@ class CCompiler: pass return lang - # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ # (must be implemented by subclasses) - def preprocess(self, source, output_file=None, macros=None, - include_dirs=None, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None): + def preprocess( + self, + source, + output_file=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + ): """Preprocess a single C/C++ source file, named in 'source'. Output will be written to file named 'output_file', or stdout if 'output_file' not supplied. 'macros' is a list of macro @@ -508,9 +525,17 @@ class CCompiler: """ pass - def compile(self, sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, - include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, depends=None): + def compile( + self, + sources, + output_dir=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + depends=None, + ): """Compile one or more source files. 'sources' must be a list of filenames, most likely C/C++ @@ -561,9 +586,9 @@ class CCompiler: """ # A concrete compiler class can either override this method # entirely or implement _compile(). - macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = \ - self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, - depends, extra_postargs) + macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = self._setup_compile( + output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs + ) cc_args = self._get_cc_args(pp_opts, debug, extra_preargs) for obj in objects: @@ -582,8 +607,9 @@ class CCompiler: # should implement _compile(). pass - def create_static_lib(self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, - debug=0, target_lang=None): + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): """Link a bunch of stuff together to create a static library file. The "bunch of stuff" consists of the list of object files supplied as 'objects', the extra object files supplied to @@ -608,26 +634,27 @@ class CCompiler: """ pass - # values for target_desc parameter in link() SHARED_OBJECT = "shared_object" SHARED_LIBRARY = "shared_library" EXECUTABLE = "executable" - def link(self, - target_desc, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): + def link( + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): """Link a bunch of stuff together to create an executable or shared library file. @@ -673,66 +700,98 @@ class CCompiler: """ raise NotImplementedError - # Old 'link_*()' methods, rewritten to use the new 'link()' method. - def link_shared_lib(self, - objects, - output_libname, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): - self.link(CCompiler.SHARED_LIBRARY, objects, - self.library_filename(output_libname, lib_type='shared'), - output_dir, - libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - export_symbols, debug, - extra_preargs, extra_postargs, build_temp, target_lang) - - - def link_shared_object(self, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): - self.link(CCompiler.SHARED_OBJECT, objects, - output_filename, output_dir, - libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - export_symbols, debug, - extra_preargs, extra_postargs, build_temp, target_lang) - - - def link_executable(self, - objects, - output_progname, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - target_lang=None): - self.link(CCompiler.EXECUTABLE, objects, - self.executable_filename(output_progname), output_dir, - libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, None, - debug, extra_preargs, extra_postargs, None, target_lang) - + def link_shared_lib( + self, + objects, + output_libname, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): + self.link( + CCompiler.SHARED_LIBRARY, + objects, + self.library_filename(output_libname, lib_type='shared'), + output_dir, + libraries, + library_dirs, + runtime_library_dirs, + export_symbols, + debug, + extra_preargs, + extra_postargs, + build_temp, + target_lang, + ) + + def link_shared_object( + self, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): + self.link( + CCompiler.SHARED_OBJECT, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir, + libraries, + library_dirs, + runtime_library_dirs, + export_symbols, + debug, + extra_preargs, + extra_postargs, + build_temp, + target_lang, + ) + + def link_executable( + self, + objects, + output_progname, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + target_lang=None, + ): + self.link( + CCompiler.EXECUTABLE, + objects, + self.executable_filename(output_progname), + output_dir, + libraries, + library_dirs, + runtime_library_dirs, + None, + debug, + extra_preargs, + extra_postargs, + None, + target_lang, + ) # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- # These are all used by the 'gen_lib_options() function; there is @@ -757,8 +816,14 @@ class CCompiler: """ raise NotImplementedError - def has_function(self, funcname, includes=None, include_dirs=None, - libraries=None, library_dirs=None): + def has_function( # noqa: C901 + self, + funcname, + includes=None, + include_dirs=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + ): """Return a boolean indicating whether funcname is supported on the current platform. The optional arguments can be used to augment the compilation environment. @@ -767,6 +832,7 @@ class CCompiler: # import math which might not be available at that point - maybe # the necessary logic should just be inlined? import tempfile + if includes is None: includes = [] if include_dirs is None: @@ -780,12 +846,15 @@ class CCompiler: try: for incl in includes: f.write("""#include "%s"\n""" % incl) - f.write("""\ + f.write( + """\ int main (int argc, char **argv) { %s(); return 0; } -""" % funcname) +""" + % funcname + ) finally: f.close() try: @@ -796,19 +865,19 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { os.remove(fname) try: - self.link_executable(objects, "a.out", - libraries=libraries, - library_dirs=library_dirs) + self.link_executable( + objects, "a.out", libraries=libraries, library_dirs=library_dirs + ) except (LinkError, TypeError): return False else: - os.remove("a.out") + os.remove(os.path.join(self.output_dir or '', "a.out")) finally: for fn in objects: os.remove(fn) return True - def find_library_file (self, dirs, lib, debug=0): + def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): """Search the specified list of directories for a static or shared library file 'lib' and return the full path to that file. If 'debug' true, look for a debugging version (if that makes sense on @@ -854,19 +923,39 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): if output_dir is None: output_dir = '' - obj_names = [] - for src_name in source_filenames: - base, ext = os.path.splitext(src_name) - base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive - base = base[os.path.isabs(base):] # If abs, chop off leading / - if ext not in self.src_extensions: - raise UnknownFileError( - "unknown file type '%s' (from '%s')" % (ext, src_name)) - if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename(base) - obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, - base + self.obj_extension)) - return obj_names + return list( + self._make_out_path(output_dir, strip_dir, src_name) + for src_name in source_filenames + ) + + @property + def out_extensions(self): + return dict.fromkeys(self.src_extensions, self.obj_extension) + + def _make_out_path(self, output_dir, strip_dir, src_name): + base, ext = os.path.splitext(src_name) + base = self._make_relative(base) + try: + new_ext = self.out_extensions[ext] + except LookupError: + raise UnknownFileError( + "unknown file type '{}' (from '{}')".format(ext, src_name) + ) + if strip_dir: + base = os.path.basename(base) + return os.path.join(output_dir, base + new_ext) + + @staticmethod + def _make_relative(base): + """ + In order to ensure that a filename always honors the + indicated output_dir, make sure it's relative. + Ref python/cpython#37775. + """ + # Chop off the drive + no_drive = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] + # If abs, chop off leading / + return no_drive[os.path.isabs(no_drive) :] def shared_object_filename(self, basename, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): assert output_dir is not None @@ -880,12 +969,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { basename = os.path.basename(basename) return os.path.join(output_dir, basename + (self.exe_extension or '')) - def library_filename(self, libname, lib_type='static', # or 'shared' - strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): + def library_filename( + self, libname, lib_type='static', strip_dir=0, output_dir='' # or 'shared' + ): assert output_dir is not None - if lib_type not in ("static", "shared", "dylib", "xcode_stub"): - raise ValueError( - "'lib_type' must be \"static\", \"shared\", \"dylib\", or \"xcode_stub\"") + expected = '"static", "shared", "dylib", "xcode_stub"' + if lib_type not in eval(expected): + raise ValueError(f"'lib_type' must be {expected}") fmt = getattr(self, lib_type + "_lib_format") ext = getattr(self, lib_type + "_lib_extension") @@ -896,7 +986,6 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { return os.path.join(output_dir, dir, filename) - # -- Utility methods ----------------------------------------------- def announce(self, msg, level=1): @@ -904,6 +993,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { def debug_print(self, msg): from distutils.debug import DEBUG + if DEBUG: print(msg) @@ -919,7 +1009,7 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { def move_file(self, src, dst): return move_file(src, dst, dry_run=self.dry_run) - def mkpath (self, name, mode=0o777): + def mkpath(self, name, mode=0o777): mkpath(name, mode, dry_run=self.dry_run) @@ -928,54 +1018,59 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv) { # patterns. Order is important; platform mappings are preferred over # OS names. _default_compilers = ( - # Platform string mappings - # on a cygwin built python we can use gcc like an ordinary UNIXish # compiler ('cygwin.*', 'unix'), - # OS name mappings ('posix', 'unix'), ('nt', 'msvc'), +) - ) def get_default_compiler(osname=None, platform=None): """Determine the default compiler to use for the given platform. - osname should be one of the standard Python OS names (i.e. the - ones returned by os.name) and platform the common value - returned by sys.platform for the platform in question. + osname should be one of the standard Python OS names (i.e. the + ones returned by os.name) and platform the common value + returned by sys.platform for the platform in question. - The default values are os.name and sys.platform in case the - parameters are not given. + The default values are os.name and sys.platform in case the + parameters are not given. """ if osname is None: osname = os.name if platform is None: platform = sys.platform for pattern, compiler in _default_compilers: - if re.match(pattern, platform) is not None or \ - re.match(pattern, osname) is not None: + if ( + re.match(pattern, platform) is not None + or re.match(pattern, osname) is not None + ): return compiler # Default to Unix compiler return 'unix' + # Map compiler types to (module_name, class_name) pairs -- ie. where to # find the code that implements an interface to this compiler. (The module # is assumed to be in the 'distutils' package.) -compiler_class = { 'unix': ('unixccompiler', 'UnixCCompiler', - "standard UNIX-style compiler"), - 'msvc': ('_msvccompiler', 'MSVCCompiler', - "Microsoft Visual C++"), - 'cygwin': ('cygwinccompiler', 'CygwinCCompiler', - "Cygwin port of GNU C Compiler for Win32"), - 'mingw32': ('cygwinccompiler', 'Mingw32CCompiler', - "Mingw32 port of GNU C Compiler for Win32"), - 'bcpp': ('bcppcompiler', 'BCPPCompiler', - "Borland C++ Compiler"), - } +compiler_class = { + 'unix': ('unixccompiler', 'UnixCCompiler', "standard UNIX-style compiler"), + 'msvc': ('_msvccompiler', 'MSVCCompiler', "Microsoft Visual C++"), + 'cygwin': ( + 'cygwinccompiler', + 'CygwinCCompiler', + "Cygwin port of GNU C Compiler for Win32", + ), + 'mingw32': ( + 'cygwinccompiler', + 'Mingw32CCompiler', + "Mingw32 port of GNU C Compiler for Win32", + ), + 'bcpp': ('bcppcompiler', 'BCPPCompiler', "Borland C++ Compiler"), +} + def show_compilers(): """Print list of available compilers (used by the "--help-compiler" @@ -985,10 +1080,10 @@ def show_compilers(): # "--compiler", which just happens to be the case for the three # commands that use it. from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt + compilers = [] for compiler in compiler_class.keys(): - compilers.append(("compiler="+compiler, None, - compiler_class[compiler][2])) + compilers.append(("compiler=" + compiler, None, compiler_class[compiler][2])) compilers.sort() pretty_printer = FancyGetopt(compilers) pretty_printer.print_help("List of available compilers:") @@ -1021,17 +1116,18 @@ def new_compiler(plat=None, compiler=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): try: module_name = "distutils." + module_name - __import__ (module_name) + __import__(module_name) module = sys.modules[module_name] klass = vars(module)[class_name] except ImportError: raise DistutilsModuleError( - "can't compile C/C++ code: unable to load module '%s'" % \ - module_name) + "can't compile C/C++ code: unable to load module '%s'" % module_name + ) except KeyError: raise DistutilsModuleError( - "can't compile C/C++ code: unable to find class '%s' " - "in module '%s'" % (class_name, module_name)) + "can't compile C/C++ code: unable to find class '%s' " + "in module '%s'" % (class_name, module_name) + ) # XXX The None is necessary to preserve backwards compatibility # with classes that expect verbose to be the first positional @@ -1064,14 +1160,14 @@ def gen_preprocess_options(macros, include_dirs): for macro in macros: if not (isinstance(macro, tuple) and 1 <= len(macro) <= 2): raise TypeError( - "bad macro definition '%s': " - "each element of 'macros' list must be a 1- or 2-tuple" - % macro) + "bad macro definition '%s': " + "each element of 'macros' list must be a 1- or 2-tuple" % macro + ) - if len(macro) == 1: # undefine this macro + if len(macro) == 1: # undefine this macro pp_opts.append("-U%s" % macro[0]) elif len(macro) == 2: - if macro[1] is None: # define with no explicit value + if macro[1] is None: # define with no explicit value pp_opts.append("-D%s" % macro[0]) else: # XXX *don't* need to be clever about quoting the @@ -1084,7 +1180,7 @@ def gen_preprocess_options(macros, include_dirs): return pp_opts -def gen_lib_options (compiler, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries): +def gen_lib_options(compiler, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries): """Generate linker options for searching library directories and linking with specific libraries. 'libraries' and 'library_dirs' are, respectively, lists of library names (not filenames!) and search @@ -1116,8 +1212,9 @@ def gen_lib_options (compiler, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries): if lib_file: lib_opts.append(lib_file) else: - compiler.warn("no library file corresponding to " - "'%s' found (skipping)" % lib) + compiler.warn( + "no library file corresponding to " "'%s' found (skipping)" % lib + ) else: - lib_opts.append(compiler.library_option (lib)) + lib_opts.append(compiler.library_option(lib)) return lib_opts diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cmd.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cmd.py index dba3191..68a9267 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cmd.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cmd.py @@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ Provides the Command class, the base class for the command classes in the distutils.command package. """ -import sys, os, re +import sys +import os +import re from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError from distutils import util, dir_util, file_util, archive_util, dep_util from distutils import log + class Command: """Abstract base class for defining command classes, the "worker bees" of the Distutils. A useful analogy for command classes is to think of @@ -41,7 +44,6 @@ class Command: # defined. The canonical example is the "install" command. sub_commands = [] - # -- Creation/initialization methods ------------------------------- def __init__(self, dist): @@ -130,8 +132,9 @@ class Command: This method must be implemented by all command classes. """ - raise RuntimeError("abstract method -- subclass %s must override" - % self.__class__) + raise RuntimeError( + "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__ + ) def finalize_options(self): """Set final values for all the options that this command supports. @@ -144,12 +147,13 @@ class Command: This method must be implemented by all command classes. """ - raise RuntimeError("abstract method -- subclass %s must override" - % self.__class__) - + raise RuntimeError( + "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__ + ) def dump_options(self, header=None, indent=""): from distutils.fancy_getopt import longopt_xlate + if header is None: header = "command options for '%s':" % self.get_command_name() self.announce(indent + header, level=log.INFO) @@ -159,8 +163,7 @@ class Command: if option[-1] == "=": option = option[:-1] value = getattr(self, option) - self.announce(indent + "%s = %s" % (option, value), - level=log.INFO) + self.announce(indent + "{} = {}".format(option, value), level=log.INFO) def run(self): """A command's raison d'etre: carry out the action it exists to @@ -172,8 +175,9 @@ class Command: This method must be implemented by all command classes. """ - raise RuntimeError("abstract method -- subclass %s must override" - % self.__class__) + raise RuntimeError( + "abstract method -- subclass %s must override" % self.__class__ + ) def announce(self, msg, level=1): """If the current verbosity level is of greater than or equal to @@ -186,11 +190,11 @@ class Command: DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true. """ from distutils.debug import DEBUG + if DEBUG: print(msg) sys.stdout.flush() - # -- Option validation methods ------------------------------------- # (these are very handy in writing the 'finalize_options()' method) # @@ -210,8 +214,9 @@ class Command: setattr(self, option, default) return default elif not isinstance(val, str): - raise DistutilsOptionError("'%s' must be a %s (got `%s`)" - % (option, what, val)) + raise DistutilsOptionError( + "'{}' must be a {} (got `{}`)".format(option, what, val) + ) return val def ensure_string(self, option, default=None): @@ -238,27 +243,29 @@ class Command: ok = False if not ok: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "'%s' must be a list of strings (got %r)" - % (option, val)) + "'{}' must be a list of strings (got {!r})".format(option, val) + ) - def _ensure_tested_string(self, option, tester, what, error_fmt, - default=None): + def _ensure_tested_string(self, option, tester, what, error_fmt, default=None): val = self._ensure_stringlike(option, what, default) if val is not None and not tester(val): - raise DistutilsOptionError(("error in '%s' option: " + error_fmt) - % (option, val)) + raise DistutilsOptionError( + ("error in '%s' option: " + error_fmt) % (option, val) + ) def ensure_filename(self, option): """Ensure that 'option' is the name of an existing file.""" - self._ensure_tested_string(option, os.path.isfile, - "filename", - "'%s' does not exist or is not a file") + self._ensure_tested_string( + option, os.path.isfile, "filename", "'%s' does not exist or is not a file" + ) def ensure_dirname(self, option): - self._ensure_tested_string(option, os.path.isdir, - "directory name", - "'%s' does not exist or is not a directory") - + self._ensure_tested_string( + option, + os.path.isdir, + "directory name", + "'%s' does not exist or is not a directory", + ) # -- Convenience methods for commands ------------------------------ @@ -302,8 +309,7 @@ class Command: # XXX rename to 'get_reinitialized_command()'? (should do the # same in dist.py, if so) def reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands=0): - return self.distribution.reinitialize_command(command, - reinit_subcommands) + return self.distribution.reinitialize_command(command, reinit_subcommands) def run_command(self, command): """Run some other command: uses the 'run_command()' method of @@ -325,7 +331,6 @@ class Command: commands.append(cmd_name) return commands - # -- External world manipulation ----------------------------------- def warn(self, msg): @@ -337,41 +342,70 @@ class Command: def mkpath(self, name, mode=0o777): dir_util.mkpath(name, mode, dry_run=self.dry_run) - def copy_file(self, infile, outfile, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, - link=None, level=1): + def copy_file( + self, infile, outfile, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, link=None, level=1 + ): """Copy a file respecting verbose, dry-run and force flags. (The former two default to whatever is in the Distribution object, and the latter defaults to false for commands that don't define it.)""" - return file_util.copy_file(infile, outfile, preserve_mode, - preserve_times, not self.force, link, - dry_run=self.dry_run) - - def copy_tree(self, infile, outfile, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, - preserve_symlinks=0, level=1): + return file_util.copy_file( + infile, + outfile, + preserve_mode, + preserve_times, + not self.force, + link, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + ) + + def copy_tree( + self, + infile, + outfile, + preserve_mode=1, + preserve_times=1, + preserve_symlinks=0, + level=1, + ): """Copy an entire directory tree respecting verbose, dry-run, and force flags. """ - return dir_util.copy_tree(infile, outfile, preserve_mode, - preserve_times, preserve_symlinks, - not self.force, dry_run=self.dry_run) - - def move_file (self, src, dst, level=1): + return dir_util.copy_tree( + infile, + outfile, + preserve_mode, + preserve_times, + preserve_symlinks, + not self.force, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + ) + + def move_file(self, src, dst, level=1): """Move a file respecting dry-run flag.""" return file_util.move_file(src, dst, dry_run=self.dry_run) def spawn(self, cmd, search_path=1, level=1): """Spawn an external command respecting dry-run flag.""" from distutils.spawn import spawn - spawn(cmd, search_path, dry_run=self.dry_run) - def make_archive(self, base_name, format, root_dir=None, base_dir=None, - owner=None, group=None): - return archive_util.make_archive(base_name, format, root_dir, base_dir, - dry_run=self.dry_run, - owner=owner, group=group) + spawn(cmd, search_path, dry_run=self.dry_run) - def make_file(self, infiles, outfile, func, args, - exec_msg=None, skip_msg=None, level=1): + def make_archive( + self, base_name, format, root_dir=None, base_dir=None, owner=None, group=None + ): + return archive_util.make_archive( + base_name, + format, + root_dir, + base_dir, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + owner=owner, + group=group, + ) + + def make_file( + self, infiles, outfile, func, args, exec_msg=None, skip_msg=None, level=1 + ): """Special case of 'execute()' for operations that process one or more input files and generate one output file. Works just like 'execute()', except the operation is skipped and a different @@ -387,11 +421,10 @@ class Command: if isinstance(infiles, str): infiles = (infiles,) elif not isinstance(infiles, (list, tuple)): - raise TypeError( - "'infiles' must be a string, or a list or tuple of strings") + raise TypeError("'infiles' must be a string, or a list or tuple of strings") if exec_msg is None: - exec_msg = "generating %s from %s" % (outfile, ', '.join(infiles)) + exec_msg = "generating {} from {}".format(outfile, ', '.join(infiles)) # If 'outfile' must be regenerated (either because it doesn't # exist, is out-of-date, or the 'force' flag is true) then diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__init__.py index 481eea9..028dcfa 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__init__.py @@ -3,29 +3,23 @@ Package containing implementation of all the standard Distutils commands.""" -__all__ = ['build', - 'build_py', - 'build_ext', - 'build_clib', - 'build_scripts', - 'clean', - 'install', - 'install_lib', - 'install_headers', - 'install_scripts', - 'install_data', - 'sdist', - 'register', - 'bdist', - 'bdist_dumb', - 'bdist_rpm', - 'bdist_wininst', - 'check', - 'upload', - # These two are reserved for future use: - #'bdist_sdux', - #'bdist_pkgtool', - # Note: - # bdist_packager is not included because it only provides - # an abstract base class - ] +__all__ = [ # noqa: F822 + 'build', + 'build_py', + 'build_ext', + 'build_clib', + 'build_scripts', + 'clean', + 'install', + 'install_lib', + 'install_headers', + 'install_scripts', + 'install_data', + 'sdist', + 'register', + 'bdist', + 'bdist_dumb', + 'bdist_rpm', + 'check', + 'upload', +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ee7e329..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bfc2d73 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/_framework_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/_framework_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5182d03 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/_framework_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 16f992f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0e96ac Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 70995d4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..372a141 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_dumb.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_msi.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_msi.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0acbd95..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_msi.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 04b4dc7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5dc7175 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_wininst.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_wininst.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d4c6eb0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/bdist_wininst.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 24d79e1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d22f4bb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 1534c30..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9ceb691 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f6f1451..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33d8c79 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fac15b3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42ad85c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 31441ff..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e4495d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/build_scripts.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ec6fdf5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0a91479 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/check.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5a29956..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..02017f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/clean.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cfb9534..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a283acb Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/config.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 15d1e24..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d5a330 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 684174d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a622674 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_data.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 64c1f28..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b40a88a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 75be9c3..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0c54cd3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_headers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2c73969..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1851f68 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index c550217..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..66be5f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 428b2e0..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fed19e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/py37compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index bc08e98..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dba35d4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f9a463a..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4140dd8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 651a58b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19893dc Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/_framework_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/_framework_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cffa27c --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/_framework_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +""" +Backward compatibility for homebrew builds on macOS. +""" + + +import sys +import os +import functools +import subprocess +import sysconfig + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def enabled(): + """ + Only enabled for Python 3.9 framework homebrew builds + except ensurepip and venv. + """ + PY39 = (3, 9) < sys.version_info < (3, 10) + framework = sys.platform == 'darwin' and sys._framework + homebrew = "Cellar" in sysconfig.get_config_var('projectbase') + venv = sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix + ensurepip = os.environ.get("ENSUREPIP_OPTIONS") + return PY39 and framework and homebrew and not venv and not ensurepip + + +schemes = dict( + osx_framework_library=dict( + stdlib='{installed_base}/{platlibdir}/python{py_version_short}', + platstdlib='{platbase}/{platlibdir}/python{py_version_short}', + purelib='{homebrew_prefix}/lib/python{py_version_short}/site-packages', + platlib='{homebrew_prefix}/{platlibdir}/python{py_version_short}/site-packages', + include='{installed_base}/include/python{py_version_short}{abiflags}', + platinclude='{installed_platbase}/include/python{py_version_short}{abiflags}', + scripts='{homebrew_prefix}/bin', + data='{homebrew_prefix}', + ) +) + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def vars(): + if not enabled(): + return {} + homebrew_prefix = subprocess.check_output(['brew', '--prefix'], text=True).strip() + return locals() + + +def scheme(name): + """ + Override the selected scheme for posix_prefix. + """ + if not enabled() or not name.endswith('_prefix'): + return name + return 'osx_framework_library' diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist.py index 014871d..de37dae 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist.py @@ -4,79 +4,93 @@ Implements the Distutils 'bdist' command (create a built [binary] distribution).""" import os +import warnings + from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError, DistutilsOptionError from distutils.util import get_platform def show_formats(): - """Print list of available formats (arguments to "--format" option). - """ + """Print list of available formats (arguments to "--format" option).""" from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt + formats = [] for format in bdist.format_commands: - formats.append(("formats=" + format, None, - bdist.format_command[format][1])) + formats.append(("formats=" + format, None, bdist.format_commands[format][1])) pretty_printer = FancyGetopt(formats) pretty_printer.print_help("List of available distribution formats:") +class ListCompat(dict): + # adapter to allow for Setuptools compatibility in format_commands + def append(self, item): + warnings.warn( + """format_commands is now a dict. append is deprecated.""", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + + class bdist(Command): description = "create a built (binary) distribution" - user_options = [('bdist-base=', 'b', - "temporary directory for creating built distributions"), - ('plat-name=', 'p', - "platform name to embed in generated filenames " - "(default: %s)" % get_platform()), - ('formats=', None, - "formats for distribution (comma-separated list)"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put final built distributions in " - "[default: dist]"), - ('skip-build', None, - "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), - ('owner=', 'u', - "Owner name used when creating a tar file" - " [default: current user]"), - ('group=', 'g', - "Group name used when creating a tar file" - " [default: current group]"), - ] + user_options = [ + ('bdist-base=', 'b', "temporary directory for creating built distributions"), + ( + 'plat-name=', + 'p', + "platform name to embed in generated filenames " + "(default: %s)" % get_platform(), + ), + ('formats=', None, "formats for distribution (comma-separated list)"), + ( + 'dist-dir=', + 'd', + "directory to put final built distributions in " "[default: dist]", + ), + ('skip-build', None, "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), + ( + 'owner=', + 'u', + "Owner name used when creating a tar file" " [default: current user]", + ), + ( + 'group=', + 'g', + "Group name used when creating a tar file" " [default: current group]", + ), + ] boolean_options = ['skip-build'] help_options = [ - ('help-formats', None, - "lists available distribution formats", show_formats), - ] + ('help-formats', None, "lists available distribution formats", show_formats), + ] # The following commands do not take a format option from bdist no_format_option = ('bdist_rpm',) # This won't do in reality: will need to distinguish RPM-ish Linux, # Debian-ish Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, ..., Windows, Mac OS. - default_format = {'posix': 'gztar', - 'nt': 'zip'} - - # Establish the preferred order (for the --help-formats option). - format_commands = ['rpm', 'gztar', 'bztar', 'xztar', 'ztar', 'tar', - 'wininst', 'zip', 'msi'] - - # And the real information. - format_command = {'rpm': ('bdist_rpm', "RPM distribution"), - 'gztar': ('bdist_dumb', "gzip'ed tar file"), - 'bztar': ('bdist_dumb', "bzip2'ed tar file"), - 'xztar': ('bdist_dumb', "xz'ed tar file"), - 'ztar': ('bdist_dumb', "compressed tar file"), - 'tar': ('bdist_dumb', "tar file"), - 'wininst': ('bdist_wininst', - "Windows executable installer"), - 'zip': ('bdist_dumb', "ZIP file"), - 'msi': ('bdist_msi', "Microsoft Installer") - } - + default_format = {'posix': 'gztar', 'nt': 'zip'} + + # Define commands in preferred order for the --help-formats option + format_commands = ListCompat( + { + 'rpm': ('bdist_rpm', "RPM distribution"), + 'gztar': ('bdist_dumb', "gzip'ed tar file"), + 'bztar': ('bdist_dumb', "bzip2'ed tar file"), + 'xztar': ('bdist_dumb', "xz'ed tar file"), + 'ztar': ('bdist_dumb', "compressed tar file"), + 'tar': ('bdist_dumb', "tar file"), + 'zip': ('bdist_dumb', "ZIP file"), + } + ) + + # for compatibility until consumers only reference format_commands + format_command = format_commands def initialize_options(self): self.bdist_base = None @@ -100,8 +114,7 @@ class bdist(Command): # "build/bdist./dumb", "build/bdist./rpm", etc.) if self.bdist_base is None: build_base = self.get_finalized_command('build').build_base - self.bdist_base = os.path.join(build_base, - 'bdist.' + self.plat_name) + self.bdist_base = os.path.join(build_base, 'bdist.' + self.plat_name) self.ensure_string_list('formats') if self.formats is None: @@ -109,8 +122,9 @@ class bdist(Command): self.formats = [self.default_format[os.name]] except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "don't know how to create built distributions " - "on platform %s" % os.name) + "don't know how to create built distributions " + "on platform %s" % os.name + ) if self.dist_dir is None: self.dist_dir = "dist" @@ -120,7 +134,7 @@ class bdist(Command): commands = [] for format in self.formats: try: - commands.append(self.format_command[format][0]) + commands.append(self.format_commands[format][0]) except KeyError: raise DistutilsOptionError("invalid format '%s'" % format) @@ -138,6 +152,6 @@ class bdist(Command): # If we're going to need to run this command again, tell it to # keep its temporary files around so subsequent runs go faster. - if cmd_name in commands[i+1:]: + if cmd_name in commands[i + 1 :]: sub_cmd.keep_temp = 1 self.run_command(cmd_name) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_dumb.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_dumb.py index f0d6b5b..0f52330 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_dumb.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_dumb.py @@ -8,44 +8,56 @@ import os from distutils.core import Command from distutils.util import get_platform from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree, ensure_relative -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version from distutils import log + class bdist_dumb(Command): description = "create a \"dumb\" built distribution" - user_options = [('bdist-dir=', 'd', - "temporary directory for creating the distribution"), - ('plat-name=', 'p', - "platform name to embed in generated filenames " - "(default: %s)" % get_platform()), - ('format=', 'f', - "archive format to create (tar, gztar, bztar, xztar, " - "ztar, zip)"), - ('keep-temp', 'k', - "keep the pseudo-installation tree around after " + - "creating the distribution archive"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put final built distributions in"), - ('skip-build', None, - "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), - ('relative', None, - "build the archive using relative paths " - "(default: false)"), - ('owner=', 'u', - "Owner name used when creating a tar file" - " [default: current user]"), - ('group=', 'g', - "Group name used when creating a tar file" - " [default: current group]"), - ] + user_options = [ + ('bdist-dir=', 'd', "temporary directory for creating the distribution"), + ( + 'plat-name=', + 'p', + "platform name to embed in generated filenames " + "(default: %s)" % get_platform(), + ), + ( + 'format=', + 'f', + "archive format to create (tar, gztar, bztar, xztar, " "ztar, zip)", + ), + ( + 'keep-temp', + 'k', + "keep the pseudo-installation tree around after " + + "creating the distribution archive", + ), + ('dist-dir=', 'd', "directory to put final built distributions in"), + ('skip-build', None, "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), + ( + 'relative', + None, + "build the archive using relative paths " "(default: false)", + ), + ( + 'owner=', + 'u', + "Owner name used when creating a tar file" " [default: current user]", + ), + ( + 'group=', + 'g', + "Group name used when creating a tar file" " [default: current group]", + ), + ] boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'skip-build', 'relative'] - default_format = { 'posix': 'gztar', - 'nt': 'zip' } + default_format = {'posix': 'gztar', 'nt': 'zip'} def initialize_options(self): self.bdist_dir = None @@ -68,13 +80,16 @@ class bdist_dumb(Command): self.format = self.default_format[os.name] except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "don't know how to create dumb built distributions " - "on platform %s" % os.name) + "don't know how to create dumb built distributions " + "on platform %s" % os.name + ) - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', - ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'), - ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), - ('skip_build', 'skip_build')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'bdist', + ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'), + ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), + ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), + ) def run(self): if not self.skip_build: @@ -90,34 +105,40 @@ class bdist_dumb(Command): # And make an archive relative to the root of the # pseudo-installation tree. - archive_basename = "%s.%s" % (self.distribution.get_fullname(), - self.plat_name) + archive_basename = "{}.{}".format( + self.distribution.get_fullname(), self.plat_name + ) pseudoinstall_root = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, archive_basename) if not self.relative: archive_root = self.bdist_dir else: - if (self.distribution.has_ext_modules() and - (install.install_base != install.install_platbase)): + if self.distribution.has_ext_modules() and ( + install.install_base != install.install_platbase + ): raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "can't make a dumb built distribution where " - "base and platbase are different (%s, %s)" - % (repr(install.install_base), - repr(install.install_platbase))) + "can't make a dumb built distribution where " + "base and platbase are different (%s, %s)" + % (repr(install.install_base), repr(install.install_platbase)) + ) else: - archive_root = os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, - ensure_relative(install.install_base)) + archive_root = os.path.join( + self.bdist_dir, ensure_relative(install.install_base) + ) # Make the archive - filename = self.make_archive(pseudoinstall_root, - self.format, root_dir=archive_root, - owner=self.owner, group=self.group) + filename = self.make_archive( + pseudoinstall_root, + self.format, + root_dir=archive_root, + owner=self.owner, + group=self.group, + ) if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): pyversion = get_python_version() else: pyversion = 'any' - self.distribution.dist_files.append(('bdist_dumb', pyversion, - filename)) + self.distribution.dist_files.append(('bdist_dumb', pyversion, filename)) if not self.keep_temp: remove_tree(self.bdist_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_msi.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_msi.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0863a18..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_msi.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,749 +0,0 @@ -# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Martin von Löwis -# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. -# The bdist_wininst command proper -# based on bdist_wininst -""" -Implements the bdist_msi command. -""" - -import os -import sys -import warnings -from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree -from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version -from distutils.version import StrictVersion -from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError -from distutils.util import get_platform -from distutils import log -import msilib -from msilib import schema, sequence, text -from msilib import Directory, Feature, Dialog, add_data - -class PyDialog(Dialog): - """Dialog class with a fixed layout: controls at the top, then a ruler, - then a list of buttons: back, next, cancel. Optionally a bitmap at the - left.""" - def __init__(self, *args, **kw): - """Dialog(database, name, x, y, w, h, attributes, title, first, - default, cancel, bitmap=true)""" - Dialog.__init__(self, *args) - ruler = self.h - 36 - bmwidth = 152*ruler/328 - #if kw.get("bitmap", True): - # self.bitmap("Bitmap", 0, 0, bmwidth, ruler, "PythonWin") - self.line("BottomLine", 0, ruler, self.w, 0) - - def title(self, title): - "Set the title text of the dialog at the top." - # name, x, y, w, h, flags=Visible|Enabled|Transparent|NoPrefix, - # text, in VerdanaBold10 - self.text("Title", 15, 10, 320, 60, 0x30003, - r"{\VerdanaBold10}%s" % title) - - def back(self, title, next, name = "Back", active = 1): - """Add a back button with a given title, the tab-next button, - its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. - - Return the button, so that events can be associated""" - if active: - flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled - else: - flags = 1 # Visible - return self.pushbutton(name, 180, self.h-27 , 56, 17, flags, title, next) - - def cancel(self, title, next, name = "Cancel", active = 1): - """Add a cancel button with a given title, the tab-next button, - its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. - - Return the button, so that events can be associated""" - if active: - flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled - else: - flags = 1 # Visible - return self.pushbutton(name, 304, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next) - - def next(self, title, next, name = "Next", active = 1): - """Add a Next button with a given title, the tab-next button, - its name in the Control table, possibly initially disabled. - - Return the button, so that events can be associated""" - if active: - flags = 3 # Visible|Enabled - else: - flags = 1 # Visible - return self.pushbutton(name, 236, self.h-27, 56, 17, flags, title, next) - - def xbutton(self, name, title, next, xpos): - """Add a button with a given title, the tab-next button, - its name in the Control table, giving its x position; the - y-position is aligned with the other buttons. - - Return the button, so that events can be associated""" - return self.pushbutton(name, int(self.w*xpos - 28), self.h-27, 56, 17, 3, title, next) - -class bdist_msi(Command): - - description = "create a Microsoft Installer (.msi) binary distribution" - - user_options = [('bdist-dir=', None, - "temporary directory for creating the distribution"), - ('plat-name=', 'p', - "platform name to embed in generated filenames " - "(default: %s)" % get_platform()), - ('keep-temp', 'k', - "keep the pseudo-installation tree around after " + - "creating the distribution archive"), - ('target-version=', None, - "require a specific python version" + - " on the target system"), - ('no-target-compile', 'c', - "do not compile .py to .pyc on the target system"), - ('no-target-optimize', 'o', - "do not compile .py to .pyo (optimized) " - "on the target system"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put final built distributions in"), - ('skip-build', None, - "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), - ('install-script=', None, - "basename of installation script to be run after " - "installation or before deinstallation"), - ('pre-install-script=', None, - "Fully qualified filename of a script to be run before " - "any files are installed. This script need not be in the " - "distribution"), - ] - - boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'no-target-compile', 'no-target-optimize', - 'skip-build'] - - all_versions = ['2.0', '2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '2.4', - '2.5', '2.6', '2.7', '2.8', '2.9', - '3.0', '3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4', - '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9'] - other_version = 'X' - - def __init__(self, *args, **kw): - super().__init__(*args, **kw) - warnings.warn("bdist_msi command is deprecated since Python 3.9, " - "use bdist_wheel (wheel packages) instead", - DeprecationWarning, 2) - - def initialize_options(self): - self.bdist_dir = None - self.plat_name = None - self.keep_temp = 0 - self.no_target_compile = 0 - self.no_target_optimize = 0 - self.target_version = None - self.dist_dir = None - self.skip_build = None - self.install_script = None - self.pre_install_script = None - self.versions = None - - def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('skip_build', 'skip_build')) - - if self.bdist_dir is None: - bdist_base = self.get_finalized_command('bdist').bdist_base - self.bdist_dir = os.path.join(bdist_base, 'msi') - - short_version = get_python_version() - if (not self.target_version) and self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): - self.target_version = short_version - - if self.target_version: - self.versions = [self.target_version] - if not self.skip_build and self.distribution.has_ext_modules()\ - and self.target_version != short_version: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "target version can only be %s, or the '--skip-build'" - " option must be specified" % (short_version,)) - else: - self.versions = list(self.all_versions) - - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', - ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'), - ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), - ) - - if self.pre_install_script: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "the pre-install-script feature is not yet implemented") - - if self.install_script: - for script in self.distribution.scripts: - if self.install_script == os.path.basename(script): - break - else: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "install_script '%s' not found in scripts" - % self.install_script) - self.install_script_key = None - - def run(self): - if not self.skip_build: - self.run_command('build') - - install = self.reinitialize_command('install', reinit_subcommands=1) - install.prefix = self.bdist_dir - install.skip_build = self.skip_build - install.warn_dir = 0 - - install_lib = self.reinitialize_command('install_lib') - # we do not want to include pyc or pyo files - install_lib.compile = 0 - install_lib.optimize = 0 - - if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): - # If we are building an installer for a Python version other - # than the one we are currently running, then we need to ensure - # our build_lib reflects the other Python version rather than ours. - # Note that for target_version!=sys.version, we must have skipped the - # build step, so there is no issue with enforcing the build of this - # version. - target_version = self.target_version - if not target_version: - assert self.skip_build, "Should have already checked this" - target_version = '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] - plat_specifier = ".%s-%s" % (self.plat_name, target_version) - build = self.get_finalized_command('build') - build.build_lib = os.path.join(build.build_base, - 'lib' + plat_specifier) - - log.info("installing to %s", self.bdist_dir) - install.ensure_finalized() - - # avoid warning of 'install_lib' about installing - # into a directory not in sys.path - sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, 'PURELIB')) - - install.run() - - del sys.path[0] - - self.mkpath(self.dist_dir) - fullname = self.distribution.get_fullname() - installer_name = self.get_installer_filename(fullname) - installer_name = os.path.abspath(installer_name) - if os.path.exists(installer_name): os.unlink(installer_name) - - metadata = self.distribution.metadata - author = metadata.author - if not author: - author = metadata.maintainer - if not author: - author = "UNKNOWN" - version = metadata.get_version() - # ProductVersion must be strictly numeric - # XXX need to deal with prerelease versions - sversion = "%d.%d.%d" % StrictVersion(version).version - # Prefix ProductName with Python x.y, so that - # it sorts together with the other Python packages - # in Add-Remove-Programs (APR) - fullname = self.distribution.get_fullname() - if self.target_version: - product_name = "Python %s %s" % (self.target_version, fullname) - else: - product_name = "Python %s" % (fullname) - self.db = msilib.init_database(installer_name, schema, - product_name, msilib.gen_uuid(), - sversion, author) - msilib.add_tables(self.db, sequence) - props = [('DistVersion', version)] - email = metadata.author_email or metadata.maintainer_email - if email: - props.append(("ARPCONTACT", email)) - if metadata.url: - props.append(("ARPURLINFOABOUT", metadata.url)) - if props: - add_data(self.db, 'Property', props) - - self.add_find_python() - self.add_files() - self.add_scripts() - self.add_ui() - self.db.Commit() - - if hasattr(self.distribution, 'dist_files'): - tup = 'bdist_msi', self.target_version or 'any', fullname - self.distribution.dist_files.append(tup) - - if not self.keep_temp: - remove_tree(self.bdist_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) - - def add_files(self): - db = self.db - cab = msilib.CAB("distfiles") - rootdir = os.path.abspath(self.bdist_dir) - - root = Directory(db, cab, None, rootdir, "TARGETDIR", "SourceDir") - f = Feature(db, "Python", "Python", "Everything", - 0, 1, directory="TARGETDIR") - - items = [(f, root, '')] - for version in self.versions + [self.other_version]: - target = "TARGETDIR" + version - name = default = "Python" + version - desc = "Everything" - if version is self.other_version: - title = "Python from another location" - level = 2 - else: - title = "Python %s from registry" % version - level = 1 - f = Feature(db, name, title, desc, 1, level, directory=target) - dir = Directory(db, cab, root, rootdir, target, default) - items.append((f, dir, version)) - db.Commit() - - seen = {} - for feature, dir, version in items: - todo = [dir] - while todo: - dir = todo.pop() - for file in os.listdir(dir.absolute): - afile = os.path.join(dir.absolute, file) - if os.path.isdir(afile): - short = "%s|%s" % (dir.make_short(file), file) - default = file + version - newdir = Directory(db, cab, dir, file, default, short) - todo.append(newdir) - else: - if not dir.component: - dir.start_component(dir.logical, feature, 0) - if afile not in seen: - key = seen[afile] = dir.add_file(file) - if file==self.install_script: - if self.install_script_key: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "Multiple files with name %s" % file) - self.install_script_key = '[#%s]' % key - else: - key = seen[afile] - add_data(self.db, "DuplicateFile", - [(key + version, dir.component, key, None, dir.logical)]) - db.Commit() - cab.commit(db) - - def add_find_python(self): - """Adds code to the installer to compute the location of Python. - - Properties PYTHON.MACHINE.X.Y and PYTHON.USER.X.Y will be set from the - registry for each version of Python. - - Properties TARGETDIRX.Y will be set from PYTHON.USER.X.Y if defined, - else from PYTHON.MACHINE.X.Y. - - Properties PYTHONX.Y will be set to TARGETDIRX.Y\\python.exe""" - - start = 402 - for ver in self.versions: - install_path = r"SOFTWARE\Python\PythonCore\%s\InstallPath" % ver - machine_reg = "python.machine." + ver - user_reg = "python.user." + ver - machine_prop = "PYTHON.MACHINE." + ver - user_prop = "PYTHON.USER." + ver - machine_action = "PythonFromMachine" + ver - user_action = "PythonFromUser" + ver - exe_action = "PythonExe" + ver - target_dir_prop = "TARGETDIR" + ver - exe_prop = "PYTHON" + ver - if msilib.Win64: - # type: msidbLocatorTypeRawValue + msidbLocatorType64bit - Type = 2+16 - else: - Type = 2 - add_data(self.db, "RegLocator", - [(machine_reg, 2, install_path, None, Type), - (user_reg, 1, install_path, None, Type)]) - add_data(self.db, "AppSearch", - [(machine_prop, machine_reg), - (user_prop, user_reg)]) - add_data(self.db, "CustomAction", - [(machine_action, 51+256, target_dir_prop, "[" + machine_prop + "]"), - (user_action, 51+256, target_dir_prop, "[" + user_prop + "]"), - (exe_action, 51+256, exe_prop, "[" + target_dir_prop + "]\\python.exe"), - ]) - add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence", - [(machine_action, machine_prop, start), - (user_action, user_prop, start + 1), - (exe_action, None, start + 2), - ]) - add_data(self.db, "InstallUISequence", - [(machine_action, machine_prop, start), - (user_action, user_prop, start + 1), - (exe_action, None, start + 2), - ]) - add_data(self.db, "Condition", - [("Python" + ver, 0, "NOT TARGETDIR" + ver)]) - start += 4 - assert start < 500 - - def add_scripts(self): - if self.install_script: - start = 6800 - for ver in self.versions + [self.other_version]: - install_action = "install_script." + ver - exe_prop = "PYTHON" + ver - add_data(self.db, "CustomAction", - [(install_action, 50, exe_prop, self.install_script_key)]) - add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence", - [(install_action, "&Python%s=3" % ver, start)]) - start += 1 - # XXX pre-install scripts are currently refused in finalize_options() - # but if this feature is completed, it will also need to add - # entries for each version as the above code does - if self.pre_install_script: - scriptfn = os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, "preinstall.bat") - with open(scriptfn, "w") as f: - # The batch file will be executed with [PYTHON], so that %1 - # is the path to the Python interpreter; %0 will be the path - # of the batch file. - # rem =""" - # %1 %0 - # exit - # """ - # - f.write('rem ="""\n%1 %0\nexit\n"""\n') - with open(self.pre_install_script) as fin: - f.write(fin.read()) - add_data(self.db, "Binary", - [("PreInstall", msilib.Binary(scriptfn)) - ]) - add_data(self.db, "CustomAction", - [("PreInstall", 2, "PreInstall", None) - ]) - add_data(self.db, "InstallExecuteSequence", - [("PreInstall", "NOT Installed", 450)]) - - - def add_ui(self): - db = self.db - x = y = 50 - w = 370 - h = 300 - title = "[ProductName] Setup" - - # see "Dialog Style Bits" - modal = 3 # visible | modal - modeless = 1 # visible - track_disk_space = 32 - - # UI customization properties - add_data(db, "Property", - # See "DefaultUIFont Property" - [("DefaultUIFont", "DlgFont8"), - # See "ErrorDialog Style Bit" - ("ErrorDialog", "ErrorDlg"), - ("Progress1", "Install"), # modified in maintenance type dlg - ("Progress2", "installs"), - ("MaintenanceForm_Action", "Repair"), - # possible values: ALL, JUSTME - ("WhichUsers", "ALL") - ]) - - # Fonts, see "TextStyle Table" - add_data(db, "TextStyle", - [("DlgFont8", "Tahoma", 9, None, 0), - ("DlgFontBold8", "Tahoma", 8, None, 1), #bold - ("VerdanaBold10", "Verdana", 10, None, 1), - ("VerdanaRed9", "Verdana", 9, 255, 0), - ]) - - # UI Sequences, see "InstallUISequence Table", "Using a Sequence Table" - # Numbers indicate sequence; see sequence.py for how these action integrate - add_data(db, "InstallUISequence", - [("PrepareDlg", "Not Privileged or Windows9x or Installed", 140), - ("WhichUsersDlg", "Privileged and not Windows9x and not Installed", 141), - # In the user interface, assume all-users installation if privileged. - ("SelectFeaturesDlg", "Not Installed", 1230), - # XXX no support for resume installations yet - #("ResumeDlg", "Installed AND (RESUME OR Preselected)", 1240), - ("MaintenanceTypeDlg", "Installed AND NOT RESUME AND NOT Preselected", 1250), - ("ProgressDlg", None, 1280)]) - - add_data(db, 'ActionText', text.ActionText) - add_data(db, 'UIText', text.UIText) - ##################################################################### - # Standard dialogs: FatalError, UserExit, ExitDialog - fatal=PyDialog(db, "FatalError", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") - fatal.title("[ProductName] Installer ended prematurely") - fatal.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) - fatal.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) - fatal.text("Description1", 15, 70, 320, 80, 0x30003, - "[ProductName] setup ended prematurely because of an error. Your system has not been modified. To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.") - fatal.text("Description2", 15, 155, 320, 20, 0x30003, - "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") - c=fatal.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") - c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") - - user_exit=PyDialog(db, "UserExit", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") - user_exit.title("[ProductName] Installer was interrupted") - user_exit.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) - user_exit.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) - user_exit.text("Description1", 15, 70, 320, 80, 0x30003, - "[ProductName] setup was interrupted. Your system has not been modified. " - "To install this program at a later time, please run the installation again.") - user_exit.text("Description2", 15, 155, 320, 20, 0x30003, - "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") - c = user_exit.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") - c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") - - exit_dialog = PyDialog(db, "ExitDialog", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "Finish", "Finish", "Finish") - exit_dialog.title("Completing the [ProductName] Installer") - exit_dialog.back("< Back", "Finish", active = 0) - exit_dialog.cancel("Cancel", "Back", active = 0) - exit_dialog.text("Description", 15, 235, 320, 20, 0x30003, - "Click the Finish button to exit the Installer.") - c = exit_dialog.next("Finish", "Cancel", name="Finish") - c.event("EndDialog", "Return") - - ##################################################################### - # Required dialog: FilesInUse, ErrorDlg - inuse = PyDialog(db, "FilesInUse", - x, y, w, h, - 19, # KeepModeless|Modal|Visible - title, - "Retry", "Retry", "Retry", bitmap=False) - inuse.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003, - r"{\DlgFontBold8}Files in Use") - inuse.text("Description", 20, 23, 280, 20, 0x30003, - "Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.") - inuse.text("Text", 20, 55, 330, 50, 3, - "The following applications are using files that need to be updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.") - inuse.control("List", "ListBox", 20, 107, 330, 130, 7, "FileInUseProcess", - None, None, None) - c=inuse.back("Exit", "Ignore", name="Exit") - c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") - c=inuse.next("Ignore", "Retry", name="Ignore") - c.event("EndDialog", "Ignore") - c=inuse.cancel("Retry", "Exit", name="Retry") - c.event("EndDialog","Retry") - - # See "Error Dialog". See "ICE20" for the required names of the controls. - error = Dialog(db, "ErrorDlg", - 50, 10, 330, 101, - 65543, # Error|Minimize|Modal|Visible - title, - "ErrorText", None, None) - error.text("ErrorText", 50,9,280,48,3, "") - #error.control("ErrorIcon", "Icon", 15, 9, 24, 24, 5242881, None, "py.ico", None, None) - error.pushbutton("N",120,72,81,21,3,"No",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorNo") - error.pushbutton("Y",240,72,81,21,3,"Yes",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorYes") - error.pushbutton("A",0,72,81,21,3,"Abort",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorAbort") - error.pushbutton("C",42,72,81,21,3,"Cancel",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorCancel") - error.pushbutton("I",81,72,81,21,3,"Ignore",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorIgnore") - error.pushbutton("O",159,72,81,21,3,"Ok",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorOk") - error.pushbutton("R",198,72,81,21,3,"Retry",None).event("EndDialog","ErrorRetry") - - ##################################################################### - # Global "Query Cancel" dialog - cancel = Dialog(db, "CancelDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, 3, title, - "No", "No", "No") - cancel.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3, - "Are you sure you want to cancel [ProductName] installation?") - #cancel.control("Icon", "Icon", 15, 15, 24, 24, 5242881, None, - # "py.ico", None, None) - c=cancel.pushbutton("Yes", 72, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Yes", "No") - c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") - - c=cancel.pushbutton("No", 132, 57, 56, 17, 3, "No", "Yes") - c.event("EndDialog", "Return") - - ##################################################################### - # Global "Wait for costing" dialog - costing = Dialog(db, "WaitForCostingDlg", 50, 10, 260, 85, modal, title, - "Return", "Return", "Return") - costing.text("Text", 48, 15, 194, 30, 3, - "Please wait while the installer finishes determining your disk space requirements.") - c = costing.pushbutton("Return", 102, 57, 56, 17, 3, "Return", None) - c.event("EndDialog", "Exit") - - ##################################################################### - # Preparation dialog: no user input except cancellation - prep = PyDialog(db, "PrepareDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title, - "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel") - prep.text("Description", 15, 70, 320, 40, 0x30003, - "Please wait while the Installer prepares to guide you through the installation.") - prep.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Installer") - c=prep.text("ActionText", 15, 110, 320, 20, 0x30003, "Pondering...") - c.mapping("ActionText", "Text") - c=prep.text("ActionData", 15, 135, 320, 30, 0x30003, None) - c.mapping("ActionData", "Text") - prep.back("Back", None, active=0) - prep.next("Next", None, active=0) - c=prep.cancel("Cancel", None) - c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") - - ##################################################################### - # Feature (Python directory) selection - seldlg = PyDialog(db, "SelectFeaturesDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "Next", "Next", "Cancel") - seldlg.title("Select Python Installations") - - seldlg.text("Hint", 15, 30, 300, 20, 3, - "Select the Python locations where %s should be installed." - % self.distribution.get_fullname()) - - seldlg.back("< Back", None, active=0) - c = seldlg.next("Next >", "Cancel") - order = 1 - c.event("[TARGETDIR]", "[SourceDir]", ordering=order) - for version in self.versions + [self.other_version]: - order += 1 - c.event("[TARGETDIR]", "[TARGETDIR%s]" % version, - "FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s=3" % version, - ordering=order) - c.event("SpawnWaitDialog", "WaitForCostingDlg", ordering=order + 1) - c.event("EndDialog", "Return", ordering=order + 2) - c = seldlg.cancel("Cancel", "Features") - c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") - - c = seldlg.control("Features", "SelectionTree", 15, 60, 300, 120, 3, - "FEATURE", None, "PathEdit", None) - c.event("[FEATURE_SELECTED]", "1") - ver = self.other_version - install_other_cond = "FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s=3" % ver - dont_install_other_cond = "FEATURE_SELECTED AND &Python%s<>3" % ver - - c = seldlg.text("Other", 15, 200, 300, 15, 3, - "Provide an alternate Python location") - c.condition("Enable", install_other_cond) - c.condition("Show", install_other_cond) - c.condition("Disable", dont_install_other_cond) - c.condition("Hide", dont_install_other_cond) - - c = seldlg.control("PathEdit", "PathEdit", 15, 215, 300, 16, 1, - "TARGETDIR" + ver, None, "Next", None) - c.condition("Enable", install_other_cond) - c.condition("Show", install_other_cond) - c.condition("Disable", dont_install_other_cond) - c.condition("Hide", dont_install_other_cond) - - ##################################################################### - # Disk cost - cost = PyDialog(db, "DiskCostDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "OK", "OK", "OK", bitmap=False) - cost.text("Title", 15, 6, 200, 15, 0x30003, - r"{\DlgFontBold8}Disk Space Requirements") - cost.text("Description", 20, 20, 280, 20, 0x30003, - "The disk space required for the installation of the selected features.") - cost.text("Text", 20, 53, 330, 60, 3, - "The highlighted volumes (if any) do not have enough disk space " - "available for the currently selected features. You can either " - "remove some files from the highlighted volumes, or choose to " - "install less features onto local drive(s), or select different " - "destination drive(s).") - cost.control("VolumeList", "VolumeCostList", 20, 100, 330, 150, 393223, - None, "{120}{70}{70}{70}{70}", None, None) - cost.xbutton("OK", "Ok", None, 0.5).event("EndDialog", "Return") - - ##################################################################### - # WhichUsers Dialog. Only available on NT, and for privileged users. - # This must be run before FindRelatedProducts, because that will - # take into account whether the previous installation was per-user - # or per-machine. We currently don't support going back to this - # dialog after "Next" was selected; to support this, we would need to - # find how to reset the ALLUSERS property, and how to re-run - # FindRelatedProducts. - # On Windows9x, the ALLUSERS property is ignored on the command line - # and in the Property table, but installer fails according to the documentation - # if a dialog attempts to set ALLUSERS. - whichusers = PyDialog(db, "WhichUsersDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "AdminInstall", "Next", "Cancel") - whichusers.title("Select whether to install [ProductName] for all users of this computer.") - # A radio group with two options: allusers, justme - g = whichusers.radiogroup("AdminInstall", 15, 60, 260, 50, 3, - "WhichUsers", "", "Next") - g.add("ALL", 0, 5, 150, 20, "Install for all users") - g.add("JUSTME", 0, 25, 150, 20, "Install just for me") - - whichusers.back("Back", None, active=0) - - c = whichusers.next("Next >", "Cancel") - c.event("[ALLUSERS]", "1", 'WhichUsers="ALL"', 1) - c.event("EndDialog", "Return", ordering = 2) - - c = whichusers.cancel("Cancel", "AdminInstall") - c.event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") - - ##################################################################### - # Installation Progress dialog (modeless) - progress = PyDialog(db, "ProgressDlg", x, y, w, h, modeless, title, - "Cancel", "Cancel", "Cancel", bitmap=False) - progress.text("Title", 20, 15, 200, 15, 0x30003, - r"{\DlgFontBold8}[Progress1] [ProductName]") - progress.text("Text", 35, 65, 300, 30, 3, - "Please wait while the Installer [Progress2] [ProductName]. " - "This may take several minutes.") - progress.text("StatusLabel", 35, 100, 35, 20, 3, "Status:") - - c=progress.text("ActionText", 70, 100, w-70, 20, 3, "Pondering...") - c.mapping("ActionText", "Text") - - #c=progress.text("ActionData", 35, 140, 300, 20, 3, None) - #c.mapping("ActionData", "Text") - - c=progress.control("ProgressBar", "ProgressBar", 35, 120, 300, 10, 65537, - None, "Progress done", None, None) - c.mapping("SetProgress", "Progress") - - progress.back("< Back", "Next", active=False) - progress.next("Next >", "Cancel", active=False) - progress.cancel("Cancel", "Back").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") - - ################################################################### - # Maintenance type: repair/uninstall - maint = PyDialog(db, "MaintenanceTypeDlg", x, y, w, h, modal, title, - "Next", "Next", "Cancel") - maint.title("Welcome to the [ProductName] Setup Wizard") - maint.text("BodyText", 15, 63, 330, 42, 3, - "Select whether you want to repair or remove [ProductName].") - g=maint.radiogroup("RepairRadioGroup", 15, 108, 330, 60, 3, - "MaintenanceForm_Action", "", "Next") - #g.add("Change", 0, 0, 200, 17, "&Change [ProductName]") - g.add("Repair", 0, 18, 200, 17, "&Repair [ProductName]") - g.add("Remove", 0, 36, 200, 17, "Re&move [ProductName]") - - maint.back("< Back", None, active=False) - c=maint.next("Finish", "Cancel") - # Change installation: Change progress dialog to "Change", then ask - # for feature selection - #c.event("[Progress1]", "Change", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 1) - #c.event("[Progress2]", "changes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 2) - - # Reinstall: Change progress dialog to "Repair", then invoke reinstall - # Also set list of reinstalled features to "ALL" - c.event("[REINSTALL]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 5) - c.event("[Progress1]", "Repairing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 6) - c.event("[Progress2]", "repairs", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 7) - c.event("Reinstall", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Repair"', 8) - - # Uninstall: Change progress to "Remove", then invoke uninstall - # Also set list of removed features to "ALL" - c.event("[REMOVE]", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 11) - c.event("[Progress1]", "Removing", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 12) - c.event("[Progress2]", "removes", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 13) - c.event("Remove", "ALL", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Remove"', 14) - - # Close dialog when maintenance action scheduled - c.event("EndDialog", "Return", 'MaintenanceForm_Action<>"Change"', 20) - #c.event("NewDialog", "SelectFeaturesDlg", 'MaintenanceForm_Action="Change"', 21) - - maint.cancel("Cancel", "RepairRadioGroup").event("SpawnDialog", "CancelDlg") - - def get_installer_filename(self, fullname): - # Factored out to allow overriding in subclasses - if self.target_version: - base_name = "%s.%s-py%s.msi" % (fullname, self.plat_name, - self.target_version) - else: - base_name = "%s.%s.msi" % (fullname, self.plat_name) - installer_name = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, base_name) - return installer_name diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py index 550cbfa..6a50ef3 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_rpm.py @@ -3,134 +3,153 @@ Implements the Distutils 'bdist_rpm' command (create RPM source and binary distributions).""" -import subprocess, sys, os +import subprocess +import sys +import os + from distutils.core import Command from distutils.debug import DEBUG from distutils.file_util import write_file -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsOptionError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + DistutilsFileError, + DistutilsExecError, +) from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version from distutils import log + class bdist_rpm(Command): description = "create an RPM distribution" user_options = [ - ('bdist-base=', None, - "base directory for creating built distributions"), - ('rpm-base=', None, - "base directory for creating RPMs (defaults to \"rpm\" under " - "--bdist-base; must be specified for RPM 2)"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put final RPM files in " - "(and .spec files if --spec-only)"), - ('python=', None, - "path to Python interpreter to hard-code in the .spec file " - "(default: \"python\")"), - ('fix-python', None, - "hard-code the exact path to the current Python interpreter in " - "the .spec file"), - ('spec-only', None, - "only regenerate spec file"), - ('source-only', None, - "only generate source RPM"), - ('binary-only', None, - "only generate binary RPM"), - ('use-bzip2', None, - "use bzip2 instead of gzip to create source distribution"), - + ('bdist-base=', None, "base directory for creating built distributions"), + ( + 'rpm-base=', + None, + "base directory for creating RPMs (defaults to \"rpm\" under " + "--bdist-base; must be specified for RPM 2)", + ), + ( + 'dist-dir=', + 'd', + "directory to put final RPM files in " "(and .spec files if --spec-only)", + ), + ( + 'python=', + None, + "path to Python interpreter to hard-code in the .spec file " + "(default: \"python\")", + ), + ( + 'fix-python', + None, + "hard-code the exact path to the current Python interpreter in " + "the .spec file", + ), + ('spec-only', None, "only regenerate spec file"), + ('source-only', None, "only generate source RPM"), + ('binary-only', None, "only generate binary RPM"), + ('use-bzip2', None, "use bzip2 instead of gzip to create source distribution"), # More meta-data: too RPM-specific to put in the setup script, # but needs to go in the .spec file -- so we make these options # to "bdist_rpm". The idea is that packagers would put this # info in setup.cfg, although they are of course free to # supply it on the command line. - ('distribution-name=', None, - "name of the (Linux) distribution to which this " - "RPM applies (*not* the name of the module distribution!)"), - ('group=', None, - "package classification [default: \"Development/Libraries\"]"), - ('release=', None, - "RPM release number"), - ('serial=', None, - "RPM serial number"), - ('vendor=', None, - "RPM \"vendor\" (eg. \"Joe Blow \") " - "[default: maintainer or author from setup script]"), - ('packager=', None, - "RPM packager (eg. \"Jane Doe \") " - "[default: vendor]"), - ('doc-files=', None, - "list of documentation files (space or comma-separated)"), - ('changelog=', None, - "RPM changelog"), - ('icon=', None, - "name of icon file"), - ('provides=', None, - "capabilities provided by this package"), - ('requires=', None, - "capabilities required by this package"), - ('conflicts=', None, - "capabilities which conflict with this package"), - ('build-requires=', None, - "capabilities required to build this package"), - ('obsoletes=', None, - "capabilities made obsolete by this package"), - ('no-autoreq', None, - "do not automatically calculate dependencies"), - + ( + 'distribution-name=', + None, + "name of the (Linux) distribution to which this " + "RPM applies (*not* the name of the module distribution!)", + ), + ('group=', None, "package classification [default: \"Development/Libraries\"]"), + ('release=', None, "RPM release number"), + ('serial=', None, "RPM serial number"), + ( + 'vendor=', + None, + "RPM \"vendor\" (eg. \"Joe Blow \") " + "[default: maintainer or author from setup script]", + ), + ( + 'packager=', + None, + "RPM packager (eg. \"Jane Doe \") " "[default: vendor]", + ), + ('doc-files=', None, "list of documentation files (space or comma-separated)"), + ('changelog=', None, "RPM changelog"), + ('icon=', None, "name of icon file"), + ('provides=', None, "capabilities provided by this package"), + ('requires=', None, "capabilities required by this package"), + ('conflicts=', None, "capabilities which conflict with this package"), + ('build-requires=', None, "capabilities required to build this package"), + ('obsoletes=', None, "capabilities made obsolete by this package"), + ('no-autoreq', None, "do not automatically calculate dependencies"), # Actions to take when building RPM - ('keep-temp', 'k', - "don't clean up RPM build directory"), - ('no-keep-temp', None, - "clean up RPM build directory [default]"), - ('use-rpm-opt-flags', None, - "compile with RPM_OPT_FLAGS when building from source RPM"), - ('no-rpm-opt-flags', None, - "do not pass any RPM CFLAGS to compiler"), - ('rpm3-mode', None, - "RPM 3 compatibility mode (default)"), - ('rpm2-mode', None, - "RPM 2 compatibility mode"), - + ('keep-temp', 'k', "don't clean up RPM build directory"), + ('no-keep-temp', None, "clean up RPM build directory [default]"), + ( + 'use-rpm-opt-flags', + None, + "compile with RPM_OPT_FLAGS when building from source RPM", + ), + ('no-rpm-opt-flags', None, "do not pass any RPM CFLAGS to compiler"), + ('rpm3-mode', None, "RPM 3 compatibility mode (default)"), + ('rpm2-mode', None, "RPM 2 compatibility mode"), # Add the hooks necessary for specifying custom scripts - ('prep-script=', None, - "Specify a script for the PREP phase of RPM building"), - ('build-script=', None, - "Specify a script for the BUILD phase of RPM building"), - - ('pre-install=', None, - "Specify a script for the pre-INSTALL phase of RPM building"), - ('install-script=', None, - "Specify a script for the INSTALL phase of RPM building"), - ('post-install=', None, - "Specify a script for the post-INSTALL phase of RPM building"), - - ('pre-uninstall=', None, - "Specify a script for the pre-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building"), - ('post-uninstall=', None, - "Specify a script for the post-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building"), - - ('clean-script=', None, - "Specify a script for the CLEAN phase of RPM building"), - - ('verify-script=', None, - "Specify a script for the VERIFY phase of the RPM build"), - + ('prep-script=', None, "Specify a script for the PREP phase of RPM building"), + ('build-script=', None, "Specify a script for the BUILD phase of RPM building"), + ( + 'pre-install=', + None, + "Specify a script for the pre-INSTALL phase of RPM building", + ), + ( + 'install-script=', + None, + "Specify a script for the INSTALL phase of RPM building", + ), + ( + 'post-install=', + None, + "Specify a script for the post-INSTALL phase of RPM building", + ), + ( + 'pre-uninstall=', + None, + "Specify a script for the pre-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building", + ), + ( + 'post-uninstall=', + None, + "Specify a script for the post-UNINSTALL phase of RPM building", + ), + ('clean-script=', None, "Specify a script for the CLEAN phase of RPM building"), + ( + 'verify-script=', + None, + "Specify a script for the VERIFY phase of the RPM build", + ), # Allow a packager to explicitly force an architecture - ('force-arch=', None, - "Force an architecture onto the RPM build process"), - - ('quiet', 'q', - "Run the INSTALL phase of RPM building in quiet mode"), - ] - - boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'use-rpm-opt-flags', 'rpm3-mode', - 'no-autoreq', 'quiet'] - - negative_opt = {'no-keep-temp': 'keep-temp', - 'no-rpm-opt-flags': 'use-rpm-opt-flags', - 'rpm2-mode': 'rpm3-mode'} - + ('force-arch=', None, "Force an architecture onto the RPM build process"), + ('quiet', 'q', "Run the INSTALL phase of RPM building in quiet mode"), + ] + + boolean_options = [ + 'keep-temp', + 'use-rpm-opt-flags', + 'rpm3-mode', + 'no-autoreq', + 'quiet', + ] + + negative_opt = { + 'no-keep-temp': 'keep-temp', + 'no-rpm-opt-flags': 'use-rpm-opt-flags', + 'rpm2-mode': 'rpm3-mode', + } def initialize_options(self): self.bdist_base = None @@ -181,8 +200,7 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('bdist_base', 'bdist_base')) if self.rpm_base is None: if not self.rpm3_mode: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "you must specify --rpm-base in RPM 2 mode") + raise DistutilsOptionError("you must specify --rpm-base in RPM 2 mode") self.rpm_base = os.path.join(self.bdist_base, "rpm") if self.python is None: @@ -192,14 +210,17 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): self.python = "python3" elif self.fix_python: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "--python and --fix-python are mutually exclusive options") + "--python and --fix-python are mutually exclusive options" + ) if os.name != 'posix': - raise DistutilsPlatformError("don't know how to create RPM " - "distributions on platform %s" % os.name) + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "don't know how to create RPM " "distributions on platform %s" % os.name + ) if self.binary_only and self.source_only: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "cannot supply both '--source-only' and '--binary-only'") + "cannot supply both '--source-only' and '--binary-only'" + ) # don't pass CFLAGS to pure python distributions if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): @@ -210,9 +231,11 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): def finalize_package_data(self): self.ensure_string('group', "Development/Libraries") - self.ensure_string('vendor', - "%s <%s>" % (self.distribution.get_contact(), - self.distribution.get_contact_email())) + self.ensure_string( + 'vendor', + "%s <%s>" + % (self.distribution.get_contact(), self.distribution.get_contact_email()), + ) self.ensure_string('packager') self.ensure_string_list('doc_files') if isinstance(self.doc_files, list): @@ -221,12 +244,12 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): self.doc_files.append(readme) self.ensure_string('release', "1") - self.ensure_string('serial') # should it be an int? + self.ensure_string('serial') # should it be an int? self.ensure_string('distribution_name') self.ensure_string('changelog') - # Format changelog correctly + # Format changelog correctly self.changelog = self._format_changelog(self.changelog) self.ensure_filename('icon') @@ -253,7 +276,7 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): self.ensure_string('force_arch') - def run(self): + def run(self): # noqa: C901 if DEBUG: print("before _get_package_data():") print("vendor =", self.vendor) @@ -274,14 +297,12 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # Spec file goes into 'dist_dir' if '--spec-only specified', # build/rpm. otherwise. - spec_path = os.path.join(spec_dir, - "%s.spec" % self.distribution.get_name()) - self.execute(write_file, - (spec_path, - self._make_spec_file()), - "writing '%s'" % spec_path) - - if self.spec_only: # stop if requested + spec_path = os.path.join(spec_dir, "%s.spec" % self.distribution.get_name()) + self.execute( + write_file, (spec_path, self._make_spec_file()), "writing '%s'" % spec_path + ) + + if self.spec_only: # stop if requested return # Make a source distribution and copy to SOURCES directory with @@ -303,14 +324,13 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): if os.path.exists(self.icon): self.copy_file(self.icon, source_dir) else: - raise DistutilsFileError( - "icon file '%s' does not exist" % self.icon) + raise DistutilsFileError("icon file '%s' does not exist" % self.icon) # build package log.info("building RPMs") rpm_cmd = ['rpmbuild'] - if self.source_only: # what kind of RPMs? + if self.source_only: # what kind of RPMs? rpm_cmd.append('-bs') elif self.binary_only: rpm_cmd.append('-bb') @@ -318,8 +338,7 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): rpm_cmd.append('-ba') rpm_cmd.extend(['--define', '__python %s' % self.python]) if self.rpm3_mode: - rpm_cmd.extend(['--define', - '_topdir %s' % os.path.abspath(self.rpm_base)]) + rpm_cmd.extend(['--define', '_topdir %s' % os.path.abspath(self.rpm_base)]) if not self.keep_temp: rpm_cmd.append('--clean') @@ -334,8 +353,11 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): nvr_string = "%{name}-%{version}-%{release}" src_rpm = nvr_string + ".src.rpm" non_src_rpm = "%{arch}/" + nvr_string + ".%{arch}.rpm" - q_cmd = r"rpm -q --qf '%s %s\n' --specfile '%s'" % ( - src_rpm, non_src_rpm, spec_path) + q_cmd = r"rpm -q --qf '{} {}\n' --specfile '{}'".format( + src_rpm, + non_src_rpm, + spec_path, + ) out = os.popen(q_cmd) try: @@ -345,12 +367,12 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): line = out.readline() if not line: break - l = line.strip().split() - assert(len(l) == 2) - binary_rpms.append(l[1]) + ell = line.strip().split() + assert len(ell) == 2 + binary_rpms.append(ell[1]) # The source rpm is named after the first entry in the spec file if source_rpm is None: - source_rpm = l[0] + source_rpm = ell[0] status = out.close() if status: @@ -369,38 +391,37 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): if not self.binary_only: srpm = os.path.join(rpm_dir['SRPMS'], source_rpm) - assert(os.path.exists(srpm)) + assert os.path.exists(srpm) self.move_file(srpm, self.dist_dir) filename = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, source_rpm) - self.distribution.dist_files.append( - ('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename)) + self.distribution.dist_files.append(('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename)) if not self.source_only: for rpm in binary_rpms: rpm = os.path.join(rpm_dir['RPMS'], rpm) if os.path.exists(rpm): self.move_file(rpm, self.dist_dir) - filename = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, - os.path.basename(rpm)) + filename = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, os.path.basename(rpm)) self.distribution.dist_files.append( - ('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename)) + ('bdist_rpm', pyversion, filename) + ) def _dist_path(self, path): return os.path.join(self.dist_dir, os.path.basename(path)) - def _make_spec_file(self): + def _make_spec_file(self): # noqa: C901 """Generate the text of an RPM spec file and return it as a list of strings (one per line). """ # definitions and headers spec_file = [ '%define name ' + self.distribution.get_name(), - '%define version ' + self.distribution.get_version().replace('-','_'), + '%define version ' + self.distribution.get_version().replace('-', '_'), '%define unmangled_version ' + self.distribution.get_version(), - '%define release ' + self.release.replace('-','_'), + '%define release ' + self.release.replace('-', '_'), '', - 'Summary: ' + self.distribution.get_description(), - ] + 'Summary: ' + (self.distribution.get_description() or "UNKNOWN"), + ] # Workaround for #14443 which affects some RPM based systems such as # RHEL6 (and probably derivatives) @@ -408,8 +429,9 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # Generate a potential replacement value for __os_install_post (whilst # normalizing the whitespace to simplify the test for whether the # invocation of brp-python-bytecompile passes in __python): - vendor_hook = '\n'.join([' %s \\' % line.strip() - for line in vendor_hook.splitlines()]) + vendor_hook = '\n'.join( + [' %s \\' % line.strip() for line in vendor_hook.splitlines()] + ) problem = "brp-python-bytecompile \\\n" fixed = "brp-python-bytecompile %{__python} \\\n" fixed_hook = vendor_hook.replace(problem, fixed) @@ -420,14 +442,17 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # put locale summaries into spec file # XXX not supported for now (hard to put a dictionary # in a config file -- arg!) - #for locale in self.summaries.keys(): + # for locale in self.summaries.keys(): # spec_file.append('Summary(%s): %s' % (locale, # self.summaries[locale])) - spec_file.extend([ - 'Name: %{name}', - 'Version: %{version}', - 'Release: %{release}',]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + 'Name: %{name}', + 'Version: %{version}', + 'Release: %{release}', + ] + ) # XXX yuck! this filename is available from the "sdist" command, # but only after it has run: and we create the spec file before @@ -437,42 +462,44 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): else: spec_file.append('Source0: %{name}-%{unmangled_version}.tar.gz') - spec_file.extend([ - 'License: ' + self.distribution.get_license(), - 'Group: ' + self.group, - 'BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot', - 'Prefix: %{_prefix}', ]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + 'License: ' + (self.distribution.get_license() or "UNKNOWN"), + 'Group: ' + self.group, + 'BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot', + 'Prefix: %{_prefix}', + ] + ) if not self.force_arch: # noarch if no extension modules if not self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): spec_file.append('BuildArch: noarch') else: - spec_file.append( 'BuildArch: %s' % self.force_arch ) - - for field in ('Vendor', - 'Packager', - 'Provides', - 'Requires', - 'Conflicts', - 'Obsoletes', - ): + spec_file.append('BuildArch: %s' % self.force_arch) + + for field in ( + 'Vendor', + 'Packager', + 'Provides', + 'Requires', + 'Conflicts', + 'Obsoletes', + ): val = getattr(self, field.lower()) if isinstance(val, list): - spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, ' '.join(val))) + spec_file.append('{}: {}'.format(field, ' '.join(val))) elif val is not None: - spec_file.append('%s: %s' % (field, val)) + spec_file.append('{}: {}'.format(field, val)) - - if self.distribution.get_url() != 'UNKNOWN': + if self.distribution.get_url(): spec_file.append('Url: ' + self.distribution.get_url()) if self.distribution_name: spec_file.append('Distribution: ' + self.distribution_name) if self.build_requires: - spec_file.append('BuildRequires: ' + - ' '.join(self.build_requires)) + spec_file.append('BuildRequires: ' + ' '.join(self.build_requires)) if self.icon: spec_file.append('Icon: ' + os.path.basename(self.icon)) @@ -480,16 +507,18 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): if self.no_autoreq: spec_file.append('AutoReq: 0') - spec_file.extend([ - '', - '%description', - self.distribution.get_long_description() - ]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + '', + '%description', + self.distribution.get_long_description() or "", + ] + ) # put locale descriptions into spec file # XXX again, suppressed because config file syntax doesn't # easily support this ;-( - #for locale in self.descriptions.keys(): + # for locale in self.descriptions.keys(): # spec_file.extend([ # '', # '%description -l ' + locale, @@ -498,7 +527,7 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # rpm scripts # figure out default build script - def_setup_call = "%s %s" % (self.python,os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) + def_setup_call = "{} {}".format(self.python, os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) def_build = "%s build" % def_setup_call if self.use_rpm_opt_flags: def_build = 'env CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" ' + def_build @@ -509,8 +538,9 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # that we open and interpolate into the spec file, but the defaults # are just text that we drop in as-is. Hmmm. - install_cmd = ('%s install -O1 --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ' - '--record=INSTALLED_FILES') % def_setup_call + install_cmd = ( + '%s install -O1 --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT ' '--record=INSTALLED_FILES' + ) % def_setup_call script_options = [ ('prep', 'prep_script', "%setup -n %{name}-%{unmangled_version}"), @@ -529,37 +559,43 @@ class bdist_rpm(Command): # use 'default' as contents of script val = getattr(self, attr) if val or default: - spec_file.extend([ - '', - '%' + rpm_opt,]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + '', + '%' + rpm_opt, + ] + ) if val: with open(val) as f: spec_file.extend(f.read().split('\n')) else: spec_file.append(default) - # files section - spec_file.extend([ - '', - '%files -f INSTALLED_FILES', - '%defattr(-,root,root)', - ]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + '', + '%files -f INSTALLED_FILES', + '%defattr(-,root,root)', + ] + ) if self.doc_files: spec_file.append('%doc ' + ' '.join(self.doc_files)) if self.changelog: - spec_file.extend([ - '', - '%changelog',]) + spec_file.extend( + [ + '', + '%changelog', + ] + ) spec_file.extend(self.changelog) return spec_file def _format_changelog(self, changelog): - """Format the changelog correctly and convert it to a list of strings - """ + """Format the changelog correctly and convert it to a list of strings""" if not changelog: return changelog new_changelog = [] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_wininst.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_wininst.py deleted file mode 100644 index 0e9ddaa..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/bdist_wininst.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,377 +0,0 @@ -"""distutils.command.bdist_wininst - -Implements the Distutils 'bdist_wininst' command: create a windows installer -exe-program.""" - -import os -import sys -import warnings -from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.util import get_platform -from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree -from distutils.errors import * -from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_version -from distutils import log - -class bdist_wininst(Command): - - description = "create an executable installer for MS Windows" - - user_options = [('bdist-dir=', None, - "temporary directory for creating the distribution"), - ('plat-name=', 'p', - "platform name to embed in generated filenames " - "(default: %s)" % get_platform()), - ('keep-temp', 'k', - "keep the pseudo-installation tree around after " + - "creating the distribution archive"), - ('target-version=', None, - "require a specific python version" + - " on the target system"), - ('no-target-compile', 'c', - "do not compile .py to .pyc on the target system"), - ('no-target-optimize', 'o', - "do not compile .py to .pyo (optimized) " - "on the target system"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put final built distributions in"), - ('bitmap=', 'b', - "bitmap to use for the installer instead of python-powered logo"), - ('title=', 't', - "title to display on the installer background instead of default"), - ('skip-build', None, - "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), - ('install-script=', None, - "basename of installation script to be run after " - "installation or before deinstallation"), - ('pre-install-script=', None, - "Fully qualified filename of a script to be run before " - "any files are installed. This script need not be in the " - "distribution"), - ('user-access-control=', None, - "specify Vista's UAC handling - 'none'/default=no " - "handling, 'auto'=use UAC if target Python installed for " - "all users, 'force'=always use UAC"), - ] - - boolean_options = ['keep-temp', 'no-target-compile', 'no-target-optimize', - 'skip-build'] - - # bpo-10945: bdist_wininst requires mbcs encoding only available on Windows - _unsupported = (sys.platform != "win32") - - def __init__(self, *args, **kw): - super().__init__(*args, **kw) - warnings.warn("bdist_wininst command is deprecated since Python 3.8, " - "use bdist_wheel (wheel packages) instead", - DeprecationWarning, 2) - - def initialize_options(self): - self.bdist_dir = None - self.plat_name = None - self.keep_temp = 0 - self.no_target_compile = 0 - self.no_target_optimize = 0 - self.target_version = None - self.dist_dir = None - self.bitmap = None - self.title = None - self.skip_build = None - self.install_script = None - self.pre_install_script = None - self.user_access_control = None - - - def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('skip_build', 'skip_build')) - - if self.bdist_dir is None: - if self.skip_build and self.plat_name: - # If build is skipped and plat_name is overridden, bdist will - # not see the correct 'plat_name' - so set that up manually. - bdist = self.distribution.get_command_obj('bdist') - bdist.plat_name = self.plat_name - # next the command will be initialized using that name - bdist_base = self.get_finalized_command('bdist').bdist_base - self.bdist_dir = os.path.join(bdist_base, 'wininst') - - if not self.target_version: - self.target_version = "" - - if not self.skip_build and self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): - short_version = get_python_version() - if self.target_version and self.target_version != short_version: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "target version can only be %s, or the '--skip-build'" \ - " option must be specified" % (short_version,)) - self.target_version = short_version - - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', - ('dist_dir', 'dist_dir'), - ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), - ) - - if self.install_script: - for script in self.distribution.scripts: - if self.install_script == os.path.basename(script): - break - else: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "install_script '%s' not found in scripts" - % self.install_script) - - def run(self): - if (sys.platform != "win32" and - (self.distribution.has_ext_modules() or - self.distribution.has_c_libraries())): - raise DistutilsPlatformError \ - ("distribution contains extensions and/or C libraries; " - "must be compiled on a Windows 32 platform") - - if not self.skip_build: - self.run_command('build') - - install = self.reinitialize_command('install', reinit_subcommands=1) - install.root = self.bdist_dir - install.skip_build = self.skip_build - install.warn_dir = 0 - install.plat_name = self.plat_name - - install_lib = self.reinitialize_command('install_lib') - # we do not want to include pyc or pyo files - install_lib.compile = 0 - install_lib.optimize = 0 - - if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): - # If we are building an installer for a Python version other - # than the one we are currently running, then we need to ensure - # our build_lib reflects the other Python version rather than ours. - # Note that for target_version!=sys.version, we must have skipped the - # build step, so there is no issue with enforcing the build of this - # version. - target_version = self.target_version - if not target_version: - assert self.skip_build, "Should have already checked this" - target_version = '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] - plat_specifier = ".%s-%s" % (self.plat_name, target_version) - build = self.get_finalized_command('build') - build.build_lib = os.path.join(build.build_base, - 'lib' + plat_specifier) - - # Use a custom scheme for the zip-file, because we have to decide - # at installation time which scheme to use. - for key in ('purelib', 'platlib', 'headers', 'scripts', 'data'): - value = key.upper() - if key == 'headers': - value = value + '/Include/$dist_name' - setattr(install, - 'install_' + key, - value) - - log.info("installing to %s", self.bdist_dir) - install.ensure_finalized() - - # avoid warning of 'install_lib' about installing - # into a directory not in sys.path - sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(self.bdist_dir, 'PURELIB')) - - install.run() - - del sys.path[0] - - # And make an archive relative to the root of the - # pseudo-installation tree. - from tempfile import mktemp - archive_basename = mktemp() - fullname = self.distribution.get_fullname() - arcname = self.make_archive(archive_basename, "zip", - root_dir=self.bdist_dir) - # create an exe containing the zip-file - self.create_exe(arcname, fullname, self.bitmap) - if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): - pyversion = get_python_version() - else: - pyversion = 'any' - self.distribution.dist_files.append(('bdist_wininst', pyversion, - self.get_installer_filename(fullname))) - # remove the zip-file again - log.debug("removing temporary file '%s'", arcname) - os.remove(arcname) - - if not self.keep_temp: - remove_tree(self.bdist_dir, dry_run=self.dry_run) - - def get_inidata(self): - # Return data describing the installation. - lines = [] - metadata = self.distribution.metadata - - # Write the [metadata] section. - lines.append("[metadata]") - - # 'info' will be displayed in the installer's dialog box, - # describing the items to be installed. - info = (metadata.long_description or '') + '\n' - - # Escape newline characters - def escape(s): - return s.replace("\n", "\\n") - - for name in ["author", "author_email", "description", "maintainer", - "maintainer_email", "name", "url", "version"]: - data = getattr(metadata, name, "") - if data: - info = info + ("\n %s: %s" % \ - (name.capitalize(), escape(data))) - lines.append("%s=%s" % (name, escape(data))) - - # The [setup] section contains entries controlling - # the installer runtime. - lines.append("\n[Setup]") - if self.install_script: - lines.append("install_script=%s" % self.install_script) - lines.append("info=%s" % escape(info)) - lines.append("target_compile=%d" % (not self.no_target_compile)) - lines.append("target_optimize=%d" % (not self.no_target_optimize)) - if self.target_version: - lines.append("target_version=%s" % self.target_version) - if self.user_access_control: - lines.append("user_access_control=%s" % self.user_access_control) - - title = self.title or self.distribution.get_fullname() - lines.append("title=%s" % escape(title)) - import time - import distutils - build_info = "Built %s with distutils-%s" % \ - (time.ctime(time.time()), distutils.__version__) - lines.append("build_info=%s" % build_info) - return "\n".join(lines) - - def create_exe(self, arcname, fullname, bitmap=None): - import struct - - self.mkpath(self.dist_dir) - - cfgdata = self.get_inidata() - - installer_name = self.get_installer_filename(fullname) - self.announce("creating %s" % installer_name) - - if bitmap: - with open(bitmap, "rb") as f: - bitmapdata = f.read() - bitmaplen = len(bitmapdata) - else: - bitmaplen = 0 - - with open(installer_name, "wb") as file: - file.write(self.get_exe_bytes()) - if bitmap: - file.write(bitmapdata) - - # Convert cfgdata from unicode to ascii, mbcs encoded - if isinstance(cfgdata, str): - cfgdata = cfgdata.encode("mbcs") - - # Append the pre-install script - cfgdata = cfgdata + b"\0" - if self.pre_install_script: - # We need to normalize newlines, so we open in text mode and - # convert back to bytes. "latin-1" simply avoids any possible - # failures. - with open(self.pre_install_script, "r", - encoding="latin-1") as script: - script_data = script.read().encode("latin-1") - cfgdata = cfgdata + script_data + b"\n\0" - else: - # empty pre-install script - cfgdata = cfgdata + b"\0" - file.write(cfgdata) - - # The 'magic number' 0x1234567B is used to make sure that the - # binary layout of 'cfgdata' is what the wininst.exe binary - # expects. If the layout changes, increment that number, make - # the corresponding changes to the wininst.exe sources, and - # recompile them. - header = struct.pack("" if self.build_temp is None: - self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_base, - 'temp' + plat_specifier) + self.build_temp = os.path.join(self.build_base, 'temp' + plat_specifier) if self.build_scripts is None: - self.build_scripts = os.path.join(self.build_base, - 'scripts-%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2]) + self.build_scripts = os.path.join( + self.build_base, 'scripts-%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2] + ) if self.executable is None and sys.executable: self.executable = os.path.normpath(sys.executable) @@ -134,7 +131,6 @@ class build(Command): for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands(): self.run_command(cmd_name) - # -- Predicates for the sub-command list --------------------------- def has_pure_modules(self): @@ -149,9 +145,9 @@ class build(Command): def has_scripts(self): return self.distribution.has_scripts() - - sub_commands = [('build_py', has_pure_modules), - ('build_clib', has_c_libraries), - ('build_ext', has_ext_modules), - ('build_scripts', has_scripts), - ] + sub_commands = [ + ('build_py', has_pure_modules), + ('build_clib', has_c_libraries), + ('build_ext', has_ext_modules), + ('build_scripts', has_scripts), + ] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_clib.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_clib.py index 3e20ef2..50bb9bb 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_clib.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_clib.py @@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ module.""" import os from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler from distutils import log + def show_compilers(): from distutils.ccompiler import show_compilers + show_compilers() @@ -30,24 +32,18 @@ class build_clib(Command): description = "build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions" user_options = [ - ('build-clib=', 'b', - "directory to build C/C++ libraries to"), - ('build-temp=', 't', - "directory to put temporary build by-products"), - ('debug', 'g', - "compile with debugging information"), - ('force', 'f', - "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)"), - ('compiler=', 'c', - "specify the compiler type"), - ] + ('build-clib=', 'b', "directory to build C/C++ libraries to"), + ('build-temp=', 't', "directory to put temporary build by-products"), + ('debug', 'g', "compile with debugging information"), + ('force', 'f', "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)"), + ('compiler=', 'c', "specify the compiler type"), + ] boolean_options = ['debug', 'force'] help_options = [ - ('help-compiler', None, - "list available compilers", show_compilers), - ] + ('help-compiler', None, "list available compilers", show_compilers), + ] def initialize_options(self): self.build_clib = None @@ -64,19 +60,20 @@ class build_clib(Command): self.force = 0 self.compiler = None - def finalize_options(self): # This might be confusing: both build-clib and build-temp default # to build-temp as defined by the "build" command. This is because # I think that C libraries are really just temporary build # by-products, at least from the point of view of building Python # extensions -- but I want to keep my options open. - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_temp', 'build_clib'), - ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), - ('compiler', 'compiler'), - ('debug', 'debug'), - ('force', 'force')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', + ('build_temp', 'build_clib'), + ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), + ('compiler', 'compiler'), + ('debug', 'debug'), + ('force', 'force'), + ) self.libraries = self.distribution.libraries if self.libraries: @@ -90,23 +87,23 @@ class build_clib(Command): # XXX same as for build_ext -- what about 'self.define' and # 'self.undef' ? - def run(self): if not self.libraries: return # Yech -- this is cut 'n pasted from build_ext.py! from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler - self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler, - dry_run=self.dry_run, - force=self.force) + + self.compiler = new_compiler( + compiler=self.compiler, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force + ) customize_compiler(self.compiler) if self.include_dirs is not None: self.compiler.set_include_dirs(self.include_dirs) if self.define is not None: # 'define' option is a list of (name,value) tuples - for (name,value) in self.define: + for (name, value) in self.define: self.compiler.define_macro(name, value) if self.undef is not None: for macro in self.undef: @@ -114,7 +111,6 @@ class build_clib(Command): self.build_libraries(self.libraries) - def check_library_list(self, libraries): """Ensure that the list of libraries is valid. @@ -126,30 +122,31 @@ class build_clib(Command): just returns otherwise. """ if not isinstance(libraries, list): - raise DistutilsSetupError( - "'libraries' option must be a list of tuples") + raise DistutilsSetupError("'libraries' option must be a list of tuples") for lib in libraries: if not isinstance(lib, tuple) and len(lib) != 2: - raise DistutilsSetupError( - "each element of 'libraries' must a 2-tuple") + raise DistutilsSetupError("each element of 'libraries' must a 2-tuple") name, build_info = lib if not isinstance(name, str): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "first element of each tuple in 'libraries' " - "must be a string (the library name)") + "first element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + "must be a string (the library name)" + ) if '/' in name or (os.sep != '/' and os.sep in name): - raise DistutilsSetupError("bad library name '%s': " - "may not contain directory separators" % lib[0]) + raise DistutilsSetupError( + "bad library name '%s': " + "may not contain directory separators" % lib[0] + ) if not isinstance(build_info, dict): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "second element of each tuple in 'libraries' " - "must be a dictionary (build info)") - + "second element of each tuple in 'libraries' " + "must be a dictionary (build info)" + ) def get_library_names(self): # Assume the library list is valid -- 'check_library_list()' is @@ -162,7 +159,6 @@ class build_clib(Command): lib_names.append(lib_name) return lib_names - def get_source_files(self): self.check_library_list(self.libraries) filenames = [] @@ -170,22 +166,23 @@ class build_clib(Command): sources = build_info.get('sources') if sources is None or not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " - "'sources' must be present and must be " - "a list of source filenames" % lib_name) + "in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames" % lib_name + ) filenames.extend(sources) return filenames - def build_libraries(self, libraries): for (lib_name, build_info) in libraries: sources = build_info.get('sources') if sources is None or not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " - "'sources' must be present and must be " - "a list of source filenames" % lib_name) + "in 'libraries' option (library '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames" % lib_name + ) sources = list(sources) log.info("building '%s' library", lib_name) @@ -195,15 +192,17 @@ class build_clib(Command): # files in a temporary build directory.) macros = build_info.get('macros') include_dirs = build_info.get('include_dirs') - objects = self.compiler.compile(sources, - output_dir=self.build_temp, - macros=macros, - include_dirs=include_dirs, - debug=self.debug) + objects = self.compiler.compile( + sources, + output_dir=self.build_temp, + macros=macros, + include_dirs=include_dirs, + debug=self.debug, + ) # Now "link" the object files together into a static library. # (On Unix at least, this isn't really linking -- it just # builds an archive. Whatever.) - self.compiler.create_static_lib(objects, lib_name, - output_dir=self.build_clib, - debug=self.debug) + self.compiler.create_static_lib( + objects, lib_name, output_dir=self.build_clib, debug=self.debug + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_ext.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_ext.py index f7ab32c..3c6cee7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_ext.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_ext.py @@ -9,7 +9,14 @@ import os import re import sys from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsOptionError, + DistutilsSetupError, + CCompilerError, + DistutilsError, + CompileError, + DistutilsPlatformError, +) from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler, get_python_version from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_h_filename from distutils.dep_util import newer_group @@ -22,12 +29,12 @@ from site import USER_BASE # An extension name is just a dot-separated list of Python NAMEs (ie. # the same as a fully-qualified module name). -extension_name_re = re.compile \ - (r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$') +extension_name_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$') -def show_compilers (): +def show_compilers(): from distutils.ccompiler import show_compilers + show_compilers() @@ -55,54 +62,50 @@ class build_ext(Command): sep_by = " (separated by '%s')" % os.pathsep user_options = [ - ('build-lib=', 'b', - "directory for compiled extension modules"), - ('build-temp=', 't', - "directory for temporary files (build by-products)"), - ('plat-name=', 'p', - "platform name to cross-compile for, if supported " - "(default: %s)" % get_platform()), - ('inplace', 'i', - "ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the source " + - "directory alongside your pure Python modules"), - ('include-dirs=', 'I', - "list of directories to search for header files" + sep_by), - ('define=', 'D', - "C preprocessor macros to define"), - ('undef=', 'U', - "C preprocessor macros to undefine"), - ('libraries=', 'l', - "external C libraries to link with"), - ('library-dirs=', 'L', - "directories to search for external C libraries" + sep_by), - ('rpath=', 'R', - "directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime"), - ('link-objects=', 'O', - "extra explicit link objects to include in the link"), - ('debug', 'g', - "compile/link with debugging information"), - ('force', 'f', - "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)"), - ('compiler=', 'c', - "specify the compiler type"), - ('parallel=', 'j', - "number of parallel build jobs"), - ('swig-cpp', None, - "make SWIG create C++ files (default is C)"), - ('swig-opts=', None, - "list of SWIG command line options"), - ('swig=', None, - "path to the SWIG executable"), - ('user', None, - "add user include, library and rpath") - ] + ('build-lib=', 'b', "directory for compiled extension modules"), + ('build-temp=', 't', "directory for temporary files (build by-products)"), + ( + 'plat-name=', + 'p', + "platform name to cross-compile for, if supported " + "(default: %s)" % get_platform(), + ), + ( + 'inplace', + 'i', + "ignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the source " + + "directory alongside your pure Python modules", + ), + ( + 'include-dirs=', + 'I', + "list of directories to search for header files" + sep_by, + ), + ('define=', 'D', "C preprocessor macros to define"), + ('undef=', 'U', "C preprocessor macros to undefine"), + ('libraries=', 'l', "external C libraries to link with"), + ( + 'library-dirs=', + 'L', + "directories to search for external C libraries" + sep_by, + ), + ('rpath=', 'R', "directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime"), + ('link-objects=', 'O', "extra explicit link objects to include in the link"), + ('debug', 'g', "compile/link with debugging information"), + ('force', 'f', "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)"), + ('compiler=', 'c', "specify the compiler type"), + ('parallel=', 'j', "number of parallel build jobs"), + ('swig-cpp', None, "make SWIG create C++ files (default is C)"), + ('swig-opts=', None, "list of SWIG command line options"), + ('swig=', None, "path to the SWIG executable"), + ('user', None, "add user include, library and rpath"), + ] boolean_options = ['inplace', 'debug', 'force', 'swig-cpp', 'user'] help_options = [ - ('help-compiler', None, - "list available compilers", show_compilers), - ] + ('help-compiler', None, "list available compilers", show_compilers), + ] def initialize_options(self): self.extensions = None @@ -128,18 +131,19 @@ class build_ext(Command): self.user = None self.parallel = None - def finalize_options(self): + def finalize_options(self): # noqa: C901 from distutils import sysconfig - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), - ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), - ('compiler', 'compiler'), - ('debug', 'debug'), - ('force', 'force'), - ('parallel', 'parallel'), - ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), - ) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', + ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), + ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), + ('compiler', 'compiler'), + ('debug', 'debug'), + ('force', 'force'), + ('parallel', 'parallel'), + ('plat_name', 'plat_name'), + ) if self.package is None: self.package = self.distribution.ext_package @@ -164,8 +168,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # any local include dirs take precedence. self.include_dirs.extend(py_include.split(os.path.pathsep)) if plat_py_include != py_include: - self.include_dirs.extend( - plat_py_include.split(os.path.pathsep)) + self.include_dirs.extend(plat_py_include.split(os.path.pathsep)) self.ensure_string_list('libraries') self.ensure_string_list('link_objects') @@ -202,9 +205,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Append the source distribution include and library directories, # this allows distutils on windows to work in the source tree self.include_dirs.append(os.path.dirname(get_config_h_filename())) - _sys_home = getattr(sys, '_home', None) - if _sys_home: - self.library_dirs.append(_sys_home) + self.library_dirs.append(sys.base_exec_prefix) # Use the .lib files for the correct architecture if self.plat_name == 'win32': @@ -220,11 +221,13 @@ class build_ext(Command): # For extensions under Cygwin, Python's library directory must be # appended to library_dirs if sys.platform[:6] == 'cygwin': - if sys.executable.startswith(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, "bin")): + if not sysconfig.python_build: # building third party extensions - self.library_dirs.append(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "lib", - "python" + get_python_version(), - "config")) + self.library_dirs.append( + os.path.join( + sys.prefix, "lib", "python" + get_python_version(), "config" + ) + ) else: # building python standard extensions self.library_dirs.append('.') @@ -232,7 +235,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # For building extensions with a shared Python library, # Python's library directory must be appended to library_dirs # See Issues: #1600860, #4366 - if (sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_ENABLE_SHARED')): + if sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'): if not sysconfig.python_build: # building third party extensions self.library_dirs.append(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR')) @@ -276,7 +279,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): except ValueError: raise DistutilsOptionError("parallel should be an integer") - def run(self): + def run(self): # noqa: C901 from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler # 'self.extensions', as supplied by setup.py, is a list of @@ -304,10 +307,12 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Setup the CCompiler object that we'll use to do all the # compiling and linking - self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler, - verbose=self.verbose, - dry_run=self.dry_run, - force=self.force) + self.compiler = new_compiler( + compiler=self.compiler, + verbose=self.verbose, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + force=self.force, + ) customize_compiler(self.compiler) # If we are cross-compiling, init the compiler now (if we are not # cross-compiling, init would not hurt, but people may rely on @@ -340,7 +345,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Now actually compile and link everything. self.build_extensions() - def check_extensions_list(self, extensions): + def check_extensions_list(self, extensions): # noqa: C901 """Ensure that the list of extensions (presumably provided as a command option 'extensions') is valid, i.e. it is a list of Extension objects. We also support the old-style list of 2-tuples, @@ -352,34 +357,40 @@ class build_ext(Command): """ if not isinstance(extensions, list): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "'ext_modules' option must be a list of Extension instances") + "'ext_modules' option must be a list of Extension instances" + ) for i, ext in enumerate(extensions): if isinstance(ext, Extension): - continue # OK! (assume type-checking done - # by Extension constructor) + continue # OK! (assume type-checking done + # by Extension constructor) if not isinstance(ext, tuple) or len(ext) != 2: raise DistutilsSetupError( - "each element of 'ext_modules' option must be an " - "Extension instance or 2-tuple") + "each element of 'ext_modules' option must be an " + "Extension instance or 2-tuple" + ) ext_name, build_info = ext - log.warn("old-style (ext_name, build_info) tuple found in " - "ext_modules for extension '%s' " - "-- please convert to Extension instance", ext_name) + log.warn( + "old-style (ext_name, build_info) tuple found in " + "ext_modules for extension '%s' " + "-- please convert to Extension instance", + ext_name, + ) - if not (isinstance(ext_name, str) and - extension_name_re.match(ext_name)): + if not (isinstance(ext_name, str) and extension_name_re.match(ext_name)): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "first element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " - "must be the extension name (a string)") + "first element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " + "must be the extension name (a string)" + ) if not isinstance(build_info, dict): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "second element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " - "must be a dictionary (build info)") + "second element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " + "must be a dictionary (build info)" + ) # OK, the (ext_name, build_info) dict is type-safe: convert it # to an Extension instance. @@ -387,9 +398,14 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Easy stuff: one-to-one mapping from dict elements to # instance attributes. - for key in ('include_dirs', 'library_dirs', 'libraries', - 'extra_objects', 'extra_compile_args', - 'extra_link_args'): + for key in ( + 'include_dirs', + 'library_dirs', + 'libraries', + 'extra_objects', + 'extra_compile_args', + 'extra_link_args', + ): val = build_info.get(key) if val is not None: setattr(ext, key, val) @@ -397,8 +413,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Medium-easy stuff: same syntax/semantics, different names. ext.runtime_library_dirs = build_info.get('rpath') if 'def_file' in build_info: - log.warn("'def_file' element of build info dict " - "no longer supported") + log.warn("'def_file' element of build info dict " "no longer supported") # Non-trivial stuff: 'macros' split into 'define_macros' # and 'undef_macros'. @@ -409,8 +424,9 @@ class build_ext(Command): for macro in macros: if not (isinstance(macro, tuple) and len(macro) in (1, 2)): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "'macros' element of build info dict " - "must be 1- or 2-tuple") + "'macros' element of build info dict " + "must be 1- or 2-tuple" + ) if len(macro) == 1: ext.undef_macros.append(macro[0]) elif len(macro) == 2: @@ -463,8 +479,9 @@ class build_ext(Command): return with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor: - futures = [executor.submit(self.build_extension, ext) - for ext in self.extensions] + futures = [ + executor.submit(self.build_extension, ext) for ext in self.extensions + ] for ext, fut in zip(self.extensions, futures): with self._filter_build_errors(ext): fut.result() @@ -481,16 +498,16 @@ class build_ext(Command): except (CCompilerError, DistutilsError, CompileError) as e: if not ext.optional: raise - self.warn('building extension "%s" failed: %s' % - (ext.name, e)) + self.warn('building extension "{}" failed: {}'.format(ext.name, e)) def build_extension(self, ext): sources = ext.sources if sources is None or not isinstance(sources, (list, tuple)): raise DistutilsSetupError( - "in 'ext_modules' option (extension '%s'), " - "'sources' must be present and must be " - "a list of source filenames" % ext.name) + "in 'ext_modules' option (extension '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames" % ext.name + ) # sort to make the resulting .so file build reproducible sources = sorted(sources) @@ -527,13 +544,15 @@ class build_ext(Command): for undef in ext.undef_macros: macros.append((undef,)) - objects = self.compiler.compile(sources, - output_dir=self.build_temp, - macros=macros, - include_dirs=ext.include_dirs, - debug=self.debug, - extra_postargs=extra_args, - depends=ext.depends) + objects = self.compiler.compile( + sources, + output_dir=self.build_temp, + macros=macros, + include_dirs=ext.include_dirs, + debug=self.debug, + extra_postargs=extra_args, + depends=ext.depends, + ) # XXX outdated variable, kept here in case third-part code # needs it. @@ -550,7 +569,8 @@ class build_ext(Command): language = ext.language or self.compiler.detect_language(sources) self.compiler.link_shared_object( - objects, ext_path, + objects, + ext_path, libraries=self.get_libraries(ext), library_dirs=ext.library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs=ext.runtime_library_dirs, @@ -558,7 +578,8 @@ class build_ext(Command): export_symbols=self.get_export_symbols(ext), debug=self.debug, build_temp=self.build_temp, - target_lang=language) + target_lang=language, + ) def swig_sources(self, sources, extension): """Walk the list of source files in 'sources', looking for SWIG @@ -578,15 +599,18 @@ class build_ext(Command): if self.swig_cpp: log.warn("--swig-cpp is deprecated - use --swig-opts=-c++") - if self.swig_cpp or ('-c++' in self.swig_opts) or \ - ('-c++' in extension.swig_opts): + if ( + self.swig_cpp + or ('-c++' in self.swig_opts) + or ('-c++' in extension.swig_opts) + ): target_ext = '.cpp' else: target_ext = '.c' for source in sources: (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(source) - if ext == ".i": # SWIG interface file + if ext == ".i": # SWIG interface file new_sources.append(base + '_wrap' + target_ext) swig_sources.append(source) swig_targets[source] = new_sources[-1] @@ -633,8 +657,9 @@ class build_ext(Command): return "swig.exe" else: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "I don't know how to find (much less run) SWIG " - "on platform '%s'" % os.name) + "I don't know how to find (much less run) SWIG " + "on platform '%s'" % os.name + ) # -- Name generators ----------------------------------------------- # (extension names, filenames, whatever) @@ -652,7 +677,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # no further work needed # returning : # build_dir/package/path/filename - filename = os.path.join(*modpath[:-1]+[filename]) + filename = os.path.join(*modpath[:-1] + [filename]) return os.path.join(self.build_lib, filename) # the inplace option requires to find the package directory @@ -680,6 +705,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): "foo\bar.pyd"). """ from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var + ext_path = ext_name.split('.') ext_suffix = get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') return os.path.join(*ext_path) + ext_suffix @@ -705,7 +731,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): ext.export_symbols.append(initfunc_name) return ext.export_symbols - def get_libraries(self, ext): + def get_libraries(self, ext): # noqa: C901 """Return the list of libraries to link against when building a shared extension. On most platforms, this is just 'ext.libraries'; on Windows, we add the Python library (eg. python20.dll). @@ -717,12 +743,15 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Append '_d' to the python import library on debug builds. if sys.platform == "win32": from distutils._msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler + if not isinstance(self.compiler, MSVCCompiler): template = "python%d%d" if self.debug: template = template + '_d' - pythonlib = (template % - (sys.hexversion >> 24, (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff)) + pythonlib = template % ( + sys.hexversion >> 24, + (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xFF, + ) # don't extend ext.libraries, it may be shared with other # extensions, it is a reference to the original list return ext.libraries + [pythonlib] @@ -736,6 +765,7 @@ class build_ext(Command): # Windows like MinGW) it is simply necessary that all symbols in # shared libraries are resolved at link time. from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var + link_libpython = False if get_config_var('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'): # A native build on an Android device or on Cygwin diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_py.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_py.py index edc2171..47c6158 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_py.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_py.py @@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import sys import glob from distutils.core import Command -from distutils.errors import * -from distutils.util import convert_path, Mixin2to3 +from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsFileError +from distutils.util import convert_path from distutils import log -class build_py (Command): + +class build_py(Command): description = "\"build\" pure Python modules (copy to build directory)" @@ -20,14 +21,17 @@ class build_py (Command): ('build-lib=', 'd', "directory to \"build\" (copy) to"), ('compile', 'c', "compile .py to .pyc"), ('no-compile', None, "don't compile .py files [default]"), - ('optimize=', 'O', - "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " - "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]"), + ( + 'optimize=', + 'O', + "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " + "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]", + ), ('force', 'f', "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps)"), - ] + ] boolean_options = ['compile', 'force'] - negative_opt = {'no-compile' : 'compile'} + negative_opt = {'no-compile': 'compile'} def initialize_options(self): self.build_lib = None @@ -40,9 +44,9 @@ class build_py (Command): self.force = None def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), - ('force', 'force')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), ('force', 'force') + ) # Get the distribution options that are aliases for build_py # options -- list of packages and list of modules. @@ -109,42 +113,42 @@ class build_py (Command): # Length of path to strip from found files plen = 0 if src_dir: - plen = len(src_dir)+1 + plen = len(src_dir) + 1 # Strip directory from globbed filenames - filenames = [ - file[plen:] for file in self.find_data_files(package, src_dir) - ] + filenames = [file[plen:] for file in self.find_data_files(package, src_dir)] data.append((package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames)) return data def find_data_files(self, package, src_dir): """Return filenames for package's data files in 'src_dir'""" - globs = (self.package_data.get('', []) - + self.package_data.get(package, [])) + globs = self.package_data.get('', []) + self.package_data.get(package, []) files = [] for pattern in globs: # Each pattern has to be converted to a platform-specific path - filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(glob.escape(src_dir), convert_path(pattern))) + filelist = glob.glob( + os.path.join(glob.escape(src_dir), convert_path(pattern)) + ) # Files that match more than one pattern are only added once - files.extend([fn for fn in filelist if fn not in files - and os.path.isfile(fn)]) + files.extend( + [fn for fn in filelist if fn not in files and os.path.isfile(fn)] + ) return files def build_package_data(self): """Copy data files into build directory""" - lastdir = None for package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in self.data_files: for filename in filenames: target = os.path.join(build_dir, filename) self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(target)) - self.copy_file(os.path.join(src_dir, filename), target, - preserve_mode=False) + self.copy_file( + os.path.join(src_dir, filename), target, preserve_mode=False + ) def get_package_dir(self, package): """Return the directory, relative to the top of the source - distribution, where package 'package' should be found - (at least according to the 'package_dir' option, if any).""" + distribution, where package 'package' should be found + (at least according to the 'package_dir' option, if any).""" path = package.split('.') if not self.package_dir: @@ -188,20 +192,19 @@ class build_py (Command): if package_dir != "": if not os.path.exists(package_dir): raise DistutilsFileError( - "package directory '%s' does not exist" % package_dir) + "package directory '%s' does not exist" % package_dir + ) if not os.path.isdir(package_dir): raise DistutilsFileError( - "supposed package directory '%s' exists, " - "but is not a directory" % package_dir) + "supposed package directory '%s' exists, " + "but is not a directory" % package_dir + ) - # Require __init__.py for all but the "root package" + # Directories without __init__.py are namespace packages (PEP 420). if package: init_py = os.path.join(package_dir, "__init__.py") if os.path.isfile(init_py): return init_py - else: - log.warn(("package init file '%s' not found " + - "(or not a regular file)"), init_py) # Either not in a package at all (__init__.py not expected), or # __init__.py doesn't exist -- so don't return the filename. @@ -313,17 +316,21 @@ class build_py (Command): outputs.append(filename) if include_bytecode: if self.compile: - outputs.append(importlib.util.cache_from_source( - filename, optimization='')) + outputs.append( + importlib.util.cache_from_source(filename, optimization='') + ) if self.optimize > 0: - outputs.append(importlib.util.cache_from_source( - filename, optimization=self.optimize)) + outputs.append( + importlib.util.cache_from_source( + filename, optimization=self.optimize + ) + ) outputs += [ os.path.join(build_dir, filename) for package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in self.data_files for filename in filenames - ] + ] return outputs @@ -332,7 +339,8 @@ class build_py (Command): package = package.split('.') elif not isinstance(package, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError( - "'package' must be a string (dot-separated), list, or tuple") + "'package' must be a string (dot-separated), list, or tuple" + ) # Now put the module source file into the "build" area -- this is # easy, we just copy it somewhere under self.build_lib (the build @@ -377,6 +385,7 @@ class build_py (Command): return from distutils.util import byte_compile + prefix = self.build_lib if prefix[-1] != os.sep: prefix = prefix + os.sep @@ -385,32 +394,14 @@ class build_py (Command): # method of the "install_lib" command, except for the determination # of the 'prefix' string. Hmmm. if self.compile: - byte_compile(files, optimize=0, - force=self.force, prefix=prefix, dry_run=self.dry_run) + byte_compile( + files, optimize=0, force=self.force, prefix=prefix, dry_run=self.dry_run + ) if self.optimize > 0: - byte_compile(files, optimize=self.optimize, - force=self.force, prefix=prefix, dry_run=self.dry_run) - -class build_py_2to3(build_py, Mixin2to3): - def run(self): - self.updated_files = [] - - # Base class code - if self.py_modules: - self.build_modules() - if self.packages: - self.build_packages() - self.build_package_data() - - # 2to3 - self.run_2to3(self.updated_files) - - # Remaining base class code - self.byte_compile(self.get_outputs(include_bytecode=0)) - - def build_module(self, module, module_file, package): - res = build_py.build_module(self, module, module_file, package) - if res[1]: - # file was copied - self.updated_files.append(res[0]) - return res + byte_compile( + files, + optimize=self.optimize, + force=self.force, + prefix=prefix, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_scripts.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_scripts.py index ccc70e6..2cc5d1e 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_scripts.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/build_scripts.py @@ -2,17 +2,24 @@ Implements the Distutils 'build_scripts' command.""" -import os, re +import os +import re from stat import ST_MODE from distutils import sysconfig from distutils.core import Command from distutils.dep_util import newer -from distutils.util import convert_path, Mixin2to3 +from distutils.util import convert_path from distutils import log import tokenize -# check if Python is called on the first line with this expression -first_line_re = re.compile(b'^#!.*python[0-9.]*([ \t].*)?$') +shebang_pattern = re.compile('^#!.*python[0-9.]*([ \t].*)?$') +""" +Pattern matching a Python interpreter indicated in first line of a script. +""" + +# for Setuptools compatibility +first_line_re = shebang_pattern + class build_scripts(Command): @@ -22,23 +29,23 @@ class build_scripts(Command): ('build-dir=', 'd', "directory to \"build\" (copy) to"), ('force', 'f', "forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps"), ('executable=', 'e', "specify final destination interpreter path"), - ] + ] boolean_options = ['force'] - def initialize_options(self): self.build_dir = None self.scripts = None self.force = None self.executable = None - self.outfiles = None def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_scripts', 'build_dir'), - ('force', 'force'), - ('executable', 'executable')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', + ('build_scripts', 'build_dir'), + ('force', 'force'), + ('executable', 'executable'), + ) self.scripts = self.distribution.scripts def get_source_files(self): @@ -49,112 +56,118 @@ class build_scripts(Command): return self.copy_scripts() - def copy_scripts(self): - r"""Copy each script listed in 'self.scripts'; if it's marked as a - Python script in the Unix way (first line matches 'first_line_re', - ie. starts with "\#!" and contains "python"), then adjust the first - line to refer to the current Python interpreter as we copy. + """ + Copy each script listed in ``self.scripts``. + + If a script is marked as a Python script (first line matches + 'shebang_pattern', i.e. starts with ``#!`` and contains + "python"), then adjust in the copy the first line to refer to + the current Python interpreter. """ self.mkpath(self.build_dir) outfiles = [] updated_files = [] for script in self.scripts: - adjust = False - script = convert_path(script) - outfile = os.path.join(self.build_dir, os.path.basename(script)) - outfiles.append(outfile) - - if not self.force and not newer(script, outfile): - log.debug("not copying %s (up-to-date)", script) - continue - - # Always open the file, but ignore failures in dry-run mode -- - # that way, we'll get accurate feedback if we can read the - # script. - try: - f = open(script, "rb") - except OSError: - if not self.dry_run: - raise - f = None - else: - encoding, lines = tokenize.detect_encoding(f.readline) - f.seek(0) - first_line = f.readline() - if not first_line: - self.warn("%s is an empty file (skipping)" % script) - continue - - match = first_line_re.match(first_line) - if match: - adjust = True - post_interp = match.group(1) or b'' - - if adjust: - log.info("copying and adjusting %s -> %s", script, - self.build_dir) - updated_files.append(outfile) - if not self.dry_run: - if not sysconfig.python_build: - executable = self.executable - else: - executable = os.path.join( - sysconfig.get_config_var("BINDIR"), - "python%s%s" % (sysconfig.get_config_var("VERSION"), - sysconfig.get_config_var("EXE"))) - executable = os.fsencode(executable) - shebang = b"#!" + executable + post_interp + b"\n" - # Python parser starts to read a script using UTF-8 until - # it gets a #coding:xxx cookie. The shebang has to be the - # first line of a file, the #coding:xxx cookie cannot be - # written before. So the shebang has to be decodable from - # UTF-8. - try: - shebang.decode('utf-8') - except UnicodeDecodeError: - raise ValueError( - "The shebang ({!r}) is not decodable " - "from utf-8".format(shebang)) - # If the script is encoded to a custom encoding (use a - # #coding:xxx cookie), the shebang has to be decodable from - # the script encoding too. - try: - shebang.decode(encoding) - except UnicodeDecodeError: - raise ValueError( - "The shebang ({!r}) is not decodable " - "from the script encoding ({})" - .format(shebang, encoding)) - with open(outfile, "wb") as outf: - outf.write(shebang) - outf.writelines(f.readlines()) - if f: - f.close() - else: - if f: - f.close() - updated_files.append(outfile) - self.copy_file(script, outfile) - - if os.name == 'posix': - for file in outfiles: - if self.dry_run: - log.info("changing mode of %s", file) - else: - oldmode = os.stat(file)[ST_MODE] & 0o7777 - newmode = (oldmode | 0o555) & 0o7777 - if newmode != oldmode: - log.info("changing mode of %s from %o to %o", - file, oldmode, newmode) - os.chmod(file, newmode) - # XXX should we modify self.outfiles? - return outfiles, updated_files + self._copy_script(script, outfiles, updated_files) -class build_scripts_2to3(build_scripts, Mixin2to3): + self._change_modes(outfiles) - def copy_scripts(self): - outfiles, updated_files = build_scripts.copy_scripts(self) - if not self.dry_run: - self.run_2to3(updated_files) return outfiles, updated_files + + def _copy_script(self, script, outfiles, updated_files): # noqa: C901 + shebang_match = None + script = convert_path(script) + outfile = os.path.join(self.build_dir, os.path.basename(script)) + outfiles.append(outfile) + + if not self.force and not newer(script, outfile): + log.debug("not copying %s (up-to-date)", script) + return + + # Always open the file, but ignore failures in dry-run mode + # in order to attempt to copy directly. + try: + f = tokenize.open(script) + except OSError: + if not self.dry_run: + raise + f = None + else: + first_line = f.readline() + if not first_line: + self.warn("%s is an empty file (skipping)" % script) + return + + shebang_match = shebang_pattern.match(first_line) + + updated_files.append(outfile) + if shebang_match: + log.info("copying and adjusting %s -> %s", script, self.build_dir) + if not self.dry_run: + if not sysconfig.python_build: + executable = self.executable + else: + executable = os.path.join( + sysconfig.get_config_var("BINDIR"), + "python%s%s" + % ( + sysconfig.get_config_var("VERSION"), + sysconfig.get_config_var("EXE"), + ), + ) + post_interp = shebang_match.group(1) or '' + shebang = "#!" + executable + post_interp + "\n" + self._validate_shebang(shebang, f.encoding) + with open(outfile, "w", encoding=f.encoding) as outf: + outf.write(shebang) + outf.writelines(f.readlines()) + if f: + f.close() + else: + if f: + f.close() + self.copy_file(script, outfile) + + def _change_modes(self, outfiles): + if os.name != 'posix': + return + + for file in outfiles: + self._change_mode(file) + + def _change_mode(self, file): + if self.dry_run: + log.info("changing mode of %s", file) + return + + oldmode = os.stat(file)[ST_MODE] & 0o7777 + newmode = (oldmode | 0o555) & 0o7777 + if newmode != oldmode: + log.info("changing mode of %s from %o to %o", file, oldmode, newmode) + os.chmod(file, newmode) + + @staticmethod + def _validate_shebang(shebang, encoding): + # Python parser starts to read a script using UTF-8 until + # it gets a #coding:xxx cookie. The shebang has to be the + # first line of a file, the #coding:xxx cookie cannot be + # written before. So the shebang has to be encodable to + # UTF-8. + try: + shebang.encode('utf-8') + except UnicodeEncodeError: + raise ValueError( + "The shebang ({!r}) is not encodable " "to utf-8".format(shebang) + ) + + # If the script is encoded to a custom encoding (use a + # #coding:xxx cookie), the shebang has to be encodable to + # the script encoding too. + try: + shebang.encode(encoding) + except UnicodeEncodeError: + raise ValueError( + "The shebang ({!r}) is not encodable " + "to the script encoding ({})".format(shebang, encoding) + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/check.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/check.py index ada2500..539481c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/check.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/check.py @@ -2,46 +2,56 @@ Implements the Distutils 'check' command. """ +import contextlib + from distutils.core import Command from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError -try: - # docutils is installed - from docutils.utils import Reporter - from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser - from docutils import frontend - from docutils import nodes - - class SilentReporter(Reporter): - - def __init__(self, source, report_level, halt_level, stream=None, - debug=0, encoding='ascii', error_handler='replace'): +with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): + import docutils.utils + import docutils.parsers.rst + import docutils.frontend + import docutils.nodes + + class SilentReporter(docutils.utils.Reporter): + def __init__( + self, + source, + report_level, + halt_level, + stream=None, + debug=0, + encoding='ascii', + error_handler='replace', + ): self.messages = [] - Reporter.__init__(self, source, report_level, halt_level, stream, - debug, encoding, error_handler) + super().__init__( + source, report_level, halt_level, stream, debug, encoding, error_handler + ) def system_message(self, level, message, *children, **kwargs): self.messages.append((level, message, children, kwargs)) - return nodes.system_message(message, level=level, - type=self.levels[level], - *children, **kwargs) + return docutils.nodes.system_message( + message, level=level, type=self.levels[level], *children, **kwargs + ) - HAS_DOCUTILS = True -except Exception: - # Catch all exceptions because exceptions besides ImportError probably - # indicate that docutils is not ported to Py3k. - HAS_DOCUTILS = False class check(Command): - """This command checks the meta-data of the package. - """ - description = ("perform some checks on the package") - user_options = [('metadata', 'm', 'Verify meta-data'), - ('restructuredtext', 'r', - ('Checks if long string meta-data syntax ' - 'are reStructuredText-compliant')), - ('strict', 's', - 'Will exit with an error if a check fails')] + """This command checks the meta-data of the package.""" + + description = "perform some checks on the package" + user_options = [ + ('metadata', 'm', 'Verify meta-data'), + ( + 'restructuredtext', + 'r', + ( + 'Checks if long string meta-data syntax ' + 'are reStructuredText-compliant' + ), + ), + ('strict', 's', 'Will exit with an error if a check fails'), + ] boolean_options = ['metadata', 'restructuredtext', 'strict'] @@ -66,8 +76,11 @@ class check(Command): if self.metadata: self.check_metadata() if self.restructuredtext: - if HAS_DOCUTILS: - self.check_restructuredtext() + if 'docutils' in globals(): + try: + self.check_restructuredtext() + except TypeError as exc: + raise DistutilsSetupError(str(exc)) elif self.strict: raise DistutilsSetupError('The docutils package is needed.') @@ -80,34 +93,19 @@ class check(Command): """Ensures that all required elements of meta-data are supplied. Required fields: - name, version, URL - - Recommended fields: - (author and author_email) or (maintainer and maintainer_email)) + name, version Warns if any are missing. """ metadata = self.distribution.metadata missing = [] - for attr in ('name', 'version', 'url'): - if not (hasattr(metadata, attr) and getattr(metadata, attr)): + for attr in 'name', 'version': + if not getattr(metadata, attr, None): missing.append(attr) if missing: - self.warn("missing required meta-data: %s" % ', '.join(missing)) - if metadata.author: - if not metadata.author_email: - self.warn("missing meta-data: if 'author' supplied, " + - "'author_email' should be supplied too") - elif metadata.maintainer: - if not metadata.maintainer_email: - self.warn("missing meta-data: if 'maintainer' supplied, " + - "'maintainer_email' should be supplied too") - else: - self.warn("missing meta-data: either (author and author_email) " + - "or (maintainer and maintainer_email) " + - "should be supplied") + self.warn("missing required meta-data: %s" % ', '.join(missing)) def check_restructuredtext(self): """Checks if the long string fields are reST-compliant.""" @@ -117,32 +115,37 @@ class check(Command): if line is None: warning = warning[1] else: - warning = '%s (line %s)' % (warning[1], line) + warning = '{} (line {})'.format(warning[1], line) self.warn(warning) def _check_rst_data(self, data): """Returns warnings when the provided data doesn't compile.""" # the include and csv_table directives need this to be a path source_path = self.distribution.script_name or 'setup.py' - parser = Parser() - settings = frontend.OptionParser(components=(Parser,)).get_default_values() + parser = docutils.parsers.rst.Parser() + settings = docutils.frontend.OptionParser( + components=(docutils.parsers.rst.Parser,) + ).get_default_values() settings.tab_width = 4 settings.pep_references = None settings.rfc_references = None - reporter = SilentReporter(source_path, - settings.report_level, - settings.halt_level, - stream=settings.warning_stream, - debug=settings.debug, - encoding=settings.error_encoding, - error_handler=settings.error_encoding_error_handler) - - document = nodes.document(settings, reporter, source=source_path) + reporter = SilentReporter( + source_path, + settings.report_level, + settings.halt_level, + stream=settings.warning_stream, + debug=settings.debug, + encoding=settings.error_encoding, + error_handler=settings.error_encoding_error_handler, + ) + + document = docutils.nodes.document(settings, reporter, source=source_path) document.note_source(source_path, -1) try: parser.parse(data, document) except AttributeError as e: reporter.messages.append( - (-1, 'Could not finish the parsing: %s.' % e, '', {})) + (-1, 'Could not finish the parsing: %s.' % e, '', {}) + ) return reporter.messages diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/clean.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/clean.py index 0cb2701..b731b60 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/clean.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/clean.py @@ -9,22 +9,25 @@ from distutils.core import Command from distutils.dir_util import remove_tree from distutils import log + class clean(Command): description = "clean up temporary files from 'build' command" user_options = [ - ('build-base=', 'b', - "base build directory (default: 'build.build-base')"), - ('build-lib=', None, - "build directory for all modules (default: 'build.build-lib')"), - ('build-temp=', 't', - "temporary build directory (default: 'build.build-temp')"), - ('build-scripts=', None, - "build directory for scripts (default: 'build.build-scripts')"), - ('bdist-base=', None, - "temporary directory for built distributions"), - ('all', 'a', - "remove all build output, not just temporary by-products") + ('build-base=', 'b', "base build directory (default: 'build.build-base')"), + ( + 'build-lib=', + None, + "build directory for all modules (default: 'build.build-lib')", + ), + ('build-temp=', 't', "temporary build directory (default: 'build.build-temp')"), + ( + 'build-scripts=', + None, + "build directory for scripts (default: 'build.build-scripts')", + ), + ('bdist-base=', None, "temporary directory for built distributions"), + ('all', 'a', "remove all build output, not just temporary by-products"), ] boolean_options = ['all'] @@ -38,13 +41,14 @@ class clean(Command): self.all = None def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_base', 'build_base'), - ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), - ('build_scripts', 'build_scripts'), - ('build_temp', 'build_temp')) - self.set_undefined_options('bdist', - ('bdist_base', 'bdist_base')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', + ('build_base', 'build_base'), + ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), + ('build_scripts', 'build_scripts'), + ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), + ) + self.set_undefined_options('bdist', ('bdist_base', 'bdist_base')) def run(self): # remove the build/temp. directory (unless it's already @@ -52,19 +56,15 @@ class clean(Command): if os.path.exists(self.build_temp): remove_tree(self.build_temp, dry_run=self.dry_run) else: - log.debug("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it", - self.build_temp) + log.debug("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it", self.build_temp) if self.all: # remove build directories - for directory in (self.build_lib, - self.bdist_base, - self.build_scripts): + for directory in (self.build_lib, self.bdist_base, self.build_scripts): if os.path.exists(directory): remove_tree(directory, dry_run=self.dry_run) else: - log.warn("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it", - directory) + log.warn("'%s' does not exist -- can't clean it", directory) # just for the heck of it, try to remove the base build directory: # we might have emptied it right now, but if not we don't care diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/config.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/config.py index aeda408..4492c89 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/config.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/config.py @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ configure-like tasks: "try to compile this C code", or "figure out where this header file lives". """ -import os, re +import os +import re from distutils.core import Command from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError @@ -18,32 +19,26 @@ from distutils import log LANG_EXT = {"c": ".c", "c++": ".cxx"} + class config(Command): description = "prepare to build" user_options = [ - ('compiler=', None, - "specify the compiler type"), - ('cc=', None, - "specify the compiler executable"), - ('include-dirs=', 'I', - "list of directories to search for header files"), - ('define=', 'D', - "C preprocessor macros to define"), - ('undef=', 'U', - "C preprocessor macros to undefine"), - ('libraries=', 'l', - "external C libraries to link with"), - ('library-dirs=', 'L', - "directories to search for external C libraries"), - - ('noisy', None, - "show every action (compile, link, run, ...) taken"), - ('dump-source', None, - "dump generated source files before attempting to compile them"), - ] - + ('compiler=', None, "specify the compiler type"), + ('cc=', None, "specify the compiler executable"), + ('include-dirs=', 'I', "list of directories to search for header files"), + ('define=', 'D', "C preprocessor macros to define"), + ('undef=', 'U', "C preprocessor macros to undefine"), + ('libraries=', 'l', "external C libraries to link with"), + ('library-dirs=', 'L', "directories to search for external C libraries"), + ('noisy', None, "show every action (compile, link, run, ...) taken"), + ( + 'dump-source', + None, + "dump generated source files before attempting to compile them", + ), + ] # The three standard command methods: since the "config" command # does nothing by default, these are empty. @@ -93,9 +88,11 @@ class config(Command): # We do this late, and only on-demand, because this is an expensive # import. from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, new_compiler + if not isinstance(self.compiler, CCompiler): - self.compiler = new_compiler(compiler=self.compiler, - dry_run=self.dry_run, force=1) + self.compiler = new_compiler( + compiler=self.compiler, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=1 + ) customize_compiler(self.compiler) if self.include_dirs: self.compiler.set_include_dirs(self.include_dirs) @@ -132,14 +129,16 @@ class config(Command): self.compiler.compile([src], include_dirs=include_dirs) return (src, obj) - def _link(self, body, headers, include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs, - lang): + def _link(self, body, headers, include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs, lang): (src, obj) = self._compile(body, headers, include_dirs, lang) prog = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src))[0] - self.compiler.link_executable([obj], prog, - libraries=libraries, - library_dirs=library_dirs, - target_lang=lang) + self.compiler.link_executable( + [obj], + prog, + libraries=libraries, + library_dirs=library_dirs, + target_lang=lang, + ) if self.compiler.exe_extension is not None: prog = prog + self.compiler.exe_extension @@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ class config(Command): except OSError: pass - # XXX these ignore the dry-run flag: what to do, what to do? even if # you want a dry-run build, you still need some sort of configuration # info. My inclination is to make it up to the real config command to @@ -177,6 +175,7 @@ class config(Command): ('body' probably isn't of much use, but what the heck.) """ from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError + self._check_compiler() ok = True try: @@ -187,8 +186,7 @@ class config(Command): self._clean() return ok - def search_cpp(self, pattern, body=None, headers=None, include_dirs=None, - lang="c"): + def search_cpp(self, pattern, body=None, headers=None, include_dirs=None, lang="c"): """Construct a source file (just like 'try_cpp()'), run it through the preprocessor, and return true if any line of the output matches 'pattern'. 'pattern' should either be a compiled regex object or a @@ -220,6 +218,7 @@ class config(Command): Return true on success, false otherwise. """ from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError + self._check_compiler() try: self._compile(body, headers, include_dirs, lang) @@ -231,17 +230,24 @@ class config(Command): self._clean() return ok - def try_link(self, body, headers=None, include_dirs=None, libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, lang="c"): + def try_link( + self, + body, + headers=None, + include_dirs=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + lang="c", + ): """Try to compile and link a source file, built from 'body' and 'headers', to executable form. Return true on success, false otherwise. """ from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError, LinkError + self._check_compiler() try: - self._link(body, headers, include_dirs, - libraries, library_dirs, lang) + self._link(body, headers, include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs, lang) ok = True except (CompileError, LinkError): ok = False @@ -250,17 +256,26 @@ class config(Command): self._clean() return ok - def try_run(self, body, headers=None, include_dirs=None, libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, lang="c"): + def try_run( + self, + body, + headers=None, + include_dirs=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + lang="c", + ): """Try to compile, link to an executable, and run a program built from 'body' and 'headers'. Return true on success, false otherwise. """ from distutils.ccompiler import CompileError, LinkError + self._check_compiler() try: - src, obj, exe = self._link(body, headers, include_dirs, - libraries, library_dirs, lang) + src, obj, exe = self._link( + body, headers, include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs, lang + ) self.spawn([exe]) ok = True except (CompileError, LinkError, DistutilsExecError): @@ -270,13 +285,20 @@ class config(Command): self._clean() return ok - # -- High-level methods -------------------------------------------- # (these are the ones that are actually likely to be useful # when implementing a real-world config command!) - def check_func(self, func, headers=None, include_dirs=None, - libraries=None, library_dirs=None, decl=0, call=0): + def check_func( + self, + func, + headers=None, + include_dirs=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + decl=0, + call=0, + ): """Determine if function 'func' is available by constructing a source file that refers to 'func', and compiles and links it. If everything succeeds, returns true; otherwise returns false. @@ -302,11 +324,16 @@ class config(Command): body.append("}") body = "\n".join(body) + "\n" - return self.try_link(body, headers, include_dirs, - libraries, library_dirs) + return self.try_link(body, headers, include_dirs, libraries, library_dirs) - def check_lib(self, library, library_dirs=None, headers=None, - include_dirs=None, other_libraries=[]): + def check_lib( + self, + library, + library_dirs=None, + headers=None, + include_dirs=None, + other_libraries=[], + ): """Determine if 'library' is available to be linked against, without actually checking that any particular symbols are provided by it. 'headers' will be used in constructing the source file to @@ -316,17 +343,23 @@ class config(Command): has symbols that depend on other libraries. """ self._check_compiler() - return self.try_link("int main (void) { }", headers, include_dirs, - [library] + other_libraries, library_dirs) - - def check_header(self, header, include_dirs=None, library_dirs=None, - lang="c"): + return self.try_link( + "int main (void) { }", + headers, + include_dirs, + [library] + other_libraries, + library_dirs, + ) + + def check_header(self, header, include_dirs=None, library_dirs=None, lang="c"): """Determine if the system header file named by 'header_file' exists and can be found by the preprocessor; return true if so, false otherwise. """ - return self.try_cpp(body="/* No body */", headers=[header], - include_dirs=include_dirs) + return self.try_cpp( + body="/* No body */", headers=[header], include_dirs=include_dirs + ) + def dump_file(filename, head=None): """Dumps a file content into log.info. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install.py index 400fb45..a38cddc 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install.py @@ -4,79 +4,91 @@ Implements the Distutils 'install' command.""" import sys import os +import contextlib +import sysconfig +import itertools from distutils import log from distutils.core import Command from distutils.debug import DEBUG from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_vars -from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError from distutils.file_util import write_file from distutils.util import convert_path, subst_vars, change_root from distutils.util import get_platform -from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError +from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsPlatformError +from . import _framework_compat as fw +from .. import _collections from site import USER_BASE from site import USER_SITE + HAS_USER_SITE = True WINDOWS_SCHEME = { - 'purelib': '$base/Lib/site-packages', - 'platlib': '$base/Lib/site-packages', - 'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$base/Scripts', - 'data' : '$base', + 'purelib': '{base}/Lib/site-packages', + 'platlib': '{base}/Lib/site-packages', + 'headers': '{base}/Include/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{base}/Scripts', + 'data': '{base}', } INSTALL_SCHEMES = { - 'unix_prefix': { - 'purelib': '$base/lib/python$py_version_short/site-packages', - 'platlib': '$platbase/$platlibdir/python$py_version_short/site-packages', - 'headers': '$base/include/python$py_version_short$abiflags/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$base/bin', - 'data' : '$base', - }, - 'unix_home': { - 'purelib': '$base/lib/python', - 'platlib': '$base/$platlibdir/python', - 'headers': '$base/include/python/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$base/bin', - 'data' : '$base', - }, + 'posix_prefix': { + 'purelib': '{base}/lib/{implementation_lower}{py_version_short}/site-packages', + 'platlib': '{platbase}/{platlibdir}/{implementation_lower}' + '{py_version_short}/site-packages', + 'headers': '{base}/include/{implementation_lower}' + '{py_version_short}{abiflags}/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{base}/bin', + 'data': '{base}', + }, + 'posix_home': { + 'purelib': '{base}/lib/{implementation_lower}', + 'platlib': '{base}/{platlibdir}/{implementation_lower}', + 'headers': '{base}/include/{implementation_lower}/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{base}/bin', + 'data': '{base}', + }, 'nt': WINDOWS_SCHEME, 'pypy': { - 'purelib': '$base/site-packages', - 'platlib': '$base/site-packages', - 'headers': '$base/include/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$base/bin', - 'data' : '$base', - }, + 'purelib': '{base}/site-packages', + 'platlib': '{base}/site-packages', + 'headers': '{base}/include/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{base}/bin', + 'data': '{base}', + }, 'pypy_nt': { - 'purelib': '$base/site-packages', - 'platlib': '$base/site-packages', - 'headers': '$base/include/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$base/Scripts', - 'data' : '$base', - }, - } + 'purelib': '{base}/site-packages', + 'platlib': '{base}/site-packages', + 'headers': '{base}/include/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{base}/Scripts', + 'data': '{base}', + }, +} # user site schemes if HAS_USER_SITE: INSTALL_SCHEMES['nt_user'] = { - 'purelib': '$usersite', - 'platlib': '$usersite', - 'headers': '$userbase/Python$py_version_nodot/Include/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$userbase/Python$py_version_nodot/Scripts', - 'data' : '$userbase', - } + 'purelib': '{usersite}', + 'platlib': '{usersite}', + 'headers': '{userbase}/{implementation}{py_version_nodot_plat}' + '/Include/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{userbase}/{implementation}{py_version_nodot_plat}/Scripts', + 'data': '{userbase}', + } + + INSTALL_SCHEMES['posix_user'] = { + 'purelib': '{usersite}', + 'platlib': '{usersite}', + 'headers': '{userbase}/include/{implementation_lower}' + '{py_version_short}{abiflags}/{dist_name}', + 'scripts': '{userbase}/bin', + 'data': '{userbase}', + } + + +INSTALL_SCHEMES.update(fw.schemes) - INSTALL_SCHEMES['unix_user'] = { - 'purelib': '$usersite', - 'platlib': '$usersite', - 'headers': - '$userbase/include/python$py_version_short$abiflags/$dist_name', - 'scripts': '$userbase/bin', - 'data' : '$userbase', - } # The keys to an installation scheme; if any new types of files are to be # installed, be sure to add an entry to every installation scheme above, @@ -84,78 +96,162 @@ if HAS_USER_SITE: SCHEME_KEYS = ('purelib', 'platlib', 'headers', 'scripts', 'data') +def _load_sysconfig_schemes(): + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + return { + scheme: sysconfig.get_paths(scheme, expand=False) + for scheme in sysconfig.get_scheme_names() + } + + +def _load_schemes(): + """ + Extend default schemes with schemes from sysconfig. + """ + + sysconfig_schemes = _load_sysconfig_schemes() or {} + + return { + scheme: { + **INSTALL_SCHEMES.get(scheme, {}), + **sysconfig_schemes.get(scheme, {}), + } + for scheme in set(itertools.chain(INSTALL_SCHEMES, sysconfig_schemes)) + } + + +def _get_implementation(): + if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): + return 'PyPy' + else: + return 'Python' + + +def _select_scheme(ob, name): + scheme = _inject_headers(name, _load_scheme(_resolve_scheme(name))) + vars(ob).update(_remove_set(ob, _scheme_attrs(scheme))) + + +def _remove_set(ob, attrs): + """ + Include only attrs that are None in ob. + """ + return {key: value for key, value in attrs.items() if getattr(ob, key) is None} + + +def _resolve_scheme(name): + os_name, sep, key = name.partition('_') + try: + resolved = sysconfig.get_preferred_scheme(key) + except Exception: + resolved = fw.scheme(_pypy_hack(name)) + return resolved + + +def _load_scheme(name): + return _load_schemes()[name] + + +def _inject_headers(name, scheme): + """ + Given a scheme name and the resolved scheme, + if the scheme does not include headers, resolve + the fallback scheme for the name and use headers + from it. pypa/distutils#88 + """ + # Bypass the preferred scheme, which may not + # have defined headers. + fallback = _load_scheme(_pypy_hack(name)) + scheme.setdefault('headers', fallback['headers']) + return scheme + + +def _scheme_attrs(scheme): + """Resolve install directories by applying the install schemes.""" + return {f'install_{key}': scheme[key] for key in SCHEME_KEYS} + + +def _pypy_hack(name): + PY37 = sys.version_info < (3, 8) + old_pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') and PY37 + prefix = not name.endswith(('_user', '_home')) + pypy_name = 'pypy' + '_nt' * (os.name == 'nt') + return pypy_name if old_pypy and prefix else name + + class install(Command): description = "install everything from build directory" user_options = [ # Select installation scheme and set base director(y|ies) - ('prefix=', None, - "installation prefix"), - ('exec-prefix=', None, - "(Unix only) prefix for platform-specific files"), - ('home=', None, - "(Unix only) home directory to install under"), - + ('prefix=', None, "installation prefix"), + ('exec-prefix=', None, "(Unix only) prefix for platform-specific files"), + ('home=', None, "(Unix only) home directory to install under"), # Or, just set the base director(y|ies) - ('install-base=', None, - "base installation directory (instead of --prefix or --home)"), - ('install-platbase=', None, - "base installation directory for platform-specific files " + - "(instead of --exec-prefix or --home)"), - ('root=', None, - "install everything relative to this alternate root directory"), - + ( + 'install-base=', + None, + "base installation directory (instead of --prefix or --home)", + ), + ( + 'install-platbase=', + None, + "base installation directory for platform-specific files " + + "(instead of --exec-prefix or --home)", + ), + ('root=', None, "install everything relative to this alternate root directory"), # Or, explicitly set the installation scheme - ('install-purelib=', None, - "installation directory for pure Python module distributions"), - ('install-platlib=', None, - "installation directory for non-pure module distributions"), - ('install-lib=', None, - "installation directory for all module distributions " + - "(overrides --install-purelib and --install-platlib)"), - - ('install-headers=', None, - "installation directory for C/C++ headers"), - ('install-scripts=', None, - "installation directory for Python scripts"), - ('install-data=', None, - "installation directory for data files"), - + ( + 'install-purelib=', + None, + "installation directory for pure Python module distributions", + ), + ( + 'install-platlib=', + None, + "installation directory for non-pure module distributions", + ), + ( + 'install-lib=', + None, + "installation directory for all module distributions " + + "(overrides --install-purelib and --install-platlib)", + ), + ('install-headers=', None, "installation directory for C/C++ headers"), + ('install-scripts=', None, "installation directory for Python scripts"), + ('install-data=', None, "installation directory for data files"), # Byte-compilation options -- see install_lib.py for details, as # these are duplicated from there (but only install_lib does # anything with them). ('compile', 'c', "compile .py to .pyc [default]"), ('no-compile', None, "don't compile .py files"), - ('optimize=', 'O', - "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " - "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]"), - + ( + 'optimize=', + 'O', + "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " + "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]", + ), # Miscellaneous control options - ('force', 'f', - "force installation (overwrite any existing files)"), - ('skip-build', None, - "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), - + ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite any existing files)"), + ('skip-build', None, "skip rebuilding everything (for testing/debugging)"), # Where to install documentation (eventually!) - #('doc-format=', None, "format of documentation to generate"), - #('install-man=', None, "directory for Unix man pages"), - #('install-html=', None, "directory for HTML documentation"), - #('install-info=', None, "directory for GNU info files"), - - ('record=', None, - "filename in which to record list of installed files"), - ] + # ('doc-format=', None, "format of documentation to generate"), + # ('install-man=', None, "directory for Unix man pages"), + # ('install-html=', None, "directory for HTML documentation"), + # ('install-info=', None, "directory for GNU info files"), + ('record=', None, "filename in which to record list of installed files"), + ] boolean_options = ['compile', 'force', 'skip-build'] if HAS_USER_SITE: - user_options.append(('user', None, - "install in user site-package '%s'" % USER_SITE)) + user_options.append( + ('user', None, "install in user site-package '%s'" % USER_SITE) + ) boolean_options.append('user') - negative_opt = {'no-compile' : 'compile'} - + negative_opt = {'no-compile': 'compile'} def initialize_options(self): """Initializes options.""" @@ -177,10 +273,10 @@ class install(Command): # supplied by the user, they are filled in using the installation # scheme implied by prefix/exec-prefix/home and the contents of # that installation scheme. - self.install_purelib = None # for pure module distributions - self.install_platlib = None # non-pure (dists w/ extensions) - self.install_headers = None # for C/C++ headers - self.install_lib = None # set to either purelib or platlib + self.install_purelib = None # for pure module distributions + self.install_platlib = None # non-pure (dists w/ extensions) + self.install_headers = None # for C/C++ headers + self.install_lib = None # set to either purelib or platlib self.install_scripts = None self.install_data = None self.install_userbase = USER_BASE @@ -222,20 +318,19 @@ class install(Command): # Not defined yet because we don't know anything about # documentation yet. - #self.install_man = None - #self.install_html = None - #self.install_info = None + # self.install_man = None + # self.install_html = None + # self.install_info = None self.record = None - # -- Option finalizing methods ------------------------------------- # (This is rather more involved than for most commands, # because this is where the policy for installing third- # party Python modules on various platforms given a wide # array of user input is decided. Yes, it's quite complex!) - def finalize_options(self): + def finalize_options(self): # noqa: C901 """Finalizes options.""" # This method (and its helpers, like 'finalize_unix()', # 'finalize_other()', and 'select_scheme()') is where the default @@ -251,20 +346,30 @@ class install(Command): # Check for errors/inconsistencies in the options; first, stuff # that's wrong on any platform. - if ((self.prefix or self.exec_prefix or self.home) and - (self.install_base or self.install_platbase)): + if (self.prefix or self.exec_prefix or self.home) and ( + self.install_base or self.install_platbase + ): raise DistutilsOptionError( - "must supply either prefix/exec-prefix/home or " + - "install-base/install-platbase -- not both") + "must supply either prefix/exec-prefix/home or " + + "install-base/install-platbase -- not both" + ) if self.home and (self.prefix or self.exec_prefix): raise DistutilsOptionError( - "must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix -- not both") + "must supply either home or prefix/exec-prefix -- not both" + ) - if self.user and (self.prefix or self.exec_prefix or self.home or - self.install_base or self.install_platbase): - raise DistutilsOptionError("can't combine user with prefix, " - "exec_prefix/home, or install_(plat)base") + if self.user and ( + self.prefix + or self.exec_prefix + or self.home + or self.install_base + or self.install_platbase + ): + raise DistutilsOptionError( + "can't combine user with prefix, " + "exec_prefix/home, or install_(plat)base" + ) # Next, stuff that's wrong (or dubious) only on certain platforms. if os.name != "posix": @@ -278,7 +383,7 @@ class install(Command): # input a heady brew of prefix, exec_prefix, home, install_base, # install_platbase, user-supplied versions of # install_{purelib,platlib,lib,scripts,data,...}, and the - # INSTALL_SCHEME dictionary above. Phew! + # install schemes. Phew! self.dump_dirs("pre-finalize_{unix,other}") @@ -301,23 +406,36 @@ class install(Command): except AttributeError: # sys.abiflags may not be defined on all platforms. abiflags = '' - self.config_vars = {'dist_name': self.distribution.get_name(), - 'dist_version': self.distribution.get_version(), - 'dist_fullname': self.distribution.get_fullname(), - 'py_version': py_version, - 'py_version_short': '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], - 'py_version_nodot': '%d%d' % sys.version_info[:2], - 'sys_prefix': prefix, - 'prefix': prefix, - 'sys_exec_prefix': exec_prefix, - 'exec_prefix': exec_prefix, - 'abiflags': abiflags, - 'platlibdir': getattr(sys, 'platlibdir', 'lib'), - } + local_vars = { + 'dist_name': self.distribution.get_name(), + 'dist_version': self.distribution.get_version(), + 'dist_fullname': self.distribution.get_fullname(), + 'py_version': py_version, + 'py_version_short': '%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], + 'py_version_nodot': '%d%d' % sys.version_info[:2], + 'sys_prefix': prefix, + 'prefix': prefix, + 'sys_exec_prefix': exec_prefix, + 'exec_prefix': exec_prefix, + 'abiflags': abiflags, + 'platlibdir': getattr(sys, 'platlibdir', 'lib'), + 'implementation_lower': _get_implementation().lower(), + 'implementation': _get_implementation(), + } + + # vars for compatibility on older Pythons + compat_vars = dict( + # Python 3.9 and earlier + py_version_nodot_plat=getattr(sys, 'winver', '').replace('.', ''), + ) if HAS_USER_SITE: - self.config_vars['userbase'] = self.install_userbase - self.config_vars['usersite'] = self.install_usersite + local_vars['userbase'] = self.install_userbase + local_vars['usersite'] = self.install_usersite + + self.config_vars = _collections.DictStack( + [fw.vars(), compat_vars, sysconfig.get_config_vars(), local_vars] + ) self.expand_basedirs() @@ -325,13 +443,14 @@ class install(Command): # Now define config vars for the base directories so we can expand # everything else. - self.config_vars['base'] = self.install_base - self.config_vars['platbase'] = self.install_platbase + local_vars['base'] = self.install_base + local_vars['platbase'] = self.install_platbase if DEBUG: from pprint import pprint + print("config vars:") - pprint(self.config_vars) + pprint(dict(self.config_vars)) # Expand "~" and configuration variables in the installation # directories. @@ -348,17 +467,23 @@ class install(Command): # module distribution is pure or not. Of course, if the user # already specified install_lib, use their selection. if self.install_lib is None: - if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): # has extensions: non-pure + if self.distribution.has_ext_modules(): # has extensions: non-pure self.install_lib = self.install_platlib else: self.install_lib = self.install_purelib - # Convert directories from Unix /-separated syntax to the local # convention. - self.convert_paths('lib', 'purelib', 'platlib', - 'scripts', 'data', 'headers', - 'userbase', 'usersite') + self.convert_paths( + 'lib', + 'purelib', + 'platlib', + 'scripts', + 'data', + 'headers', + 'userbase', + 'usersite', + ) # Deprecated # Well, we're not actually fully completely finalized yet: we still @@ -366,21 +491,22 @@ class install(Command): # non-packagized module distributions (hello, Numerical Python!) to # get their own directories. self.handle_extra_path() - self.install_libbase = self.install_lib # needed for .pth file + self.install_libbase = self.install_lib # needed for .pth file self.install_lib = os.path.join(self.install_lib, self.extra_dirs) # If a new root directory was supplied, make all the installation # dirs relative to it. if self.root is not None: - self.change_roots('libbase', 'lib', 'purelib', 'platlib', - 'scripts', 'data', 'headers') + self.change_roots( + 'libbase', 'lib', 'purelib', 'platlib', 'scripts', 'data', 'headers' + ) self.dump_dirs("after prepending root") # Find out the build directories, ie. where to install from. - self.set_undefined_options('build', - ('build_base', 'build_base'), - ('build_lib', 'build_lib')) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'build', ('build_base', 'build_base'), ('build_lib', 'build_lib') + ) # Punt on doc directories for now -- after all, we're punting on # documentation completely! @@ -390,6 +516,7 @@ class install(Command): if not DEBUG: return from distutils.fancy_getopt import longopt_xlate + log.debug(msg + ":") for opt in self.user_options: opt_name = opt[0] @@ -407,34 +534,43 @@ class install(Command): def finalize_unix(self): """Finalizes options for posix platforms.""" if self.install_base is not None or self.install_platbase is not None: - if ((self.install_lib is None and - self.install_purelib is None and - self.install_platlib is None) or - self.install_headers is None or - self.install_scripts is None or - self.install_data is None): + incomplete_scheme = ( + ( + self.install_lib is None + and self.install_purelib is None + and self.install_platlib is None + ) + or self.install_headers is None + or self.install_scripts is None + or self.install_data is None + ) + if incomplete_scheme: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "install-base or install-platbase supplied, but " - "installation scheme is incomplete") + "install-base or install-platbase supplied, but " + "installation scheme is incomplete" + ) return if self.user: if self.install_userbase is None: - raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "User base directory is not specified") + raise DistutilsPlatformError("User base directory is not specified") self.install_base = self.install_platbase = self.install_userbase - self.select_scheme("unix_user") + self.select_scheme("posix_user") elif self.home is not None: self.install_base = self.install_platbase = self.home - self.select_scheme("unix_home") + self.select_scheme("posix_home") else: if self.prefix is None: if self.exec_prefix is not None: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "must not supply exec-prefix without prefix") + "must not supply exec-prefix without prefix" + ) - self.prefix = os.path.normpath(sys.prefix) - self.exec_prefix = os.path.normpath(sys.exec_prefix) + # Allow Fedora to add components to the prefix + _prefix_addition = getattr(sysconfig, '_prefix_addition', "") + + self.prefix = os.path.normpath(sys.prefix) + _prefix_addition + self.exec_prefix = os.path.normpath(sys.exec_prefix) + _prefix_addition else: if self.exec_prefix is None: @@ -442,19 +578,18 @@ class install(Command): self.install_base = self.prefix self.install_platbase = self.exec_prefix - self.select_scheme("unix_prefix") + self.select_scheme("posix_prefix") def finalize_other(self): """Finalizes options for non-posix platforms""" if self.user: if self.install_userbase is None: - raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "User base directory is not specified") + raise DistutilsPlatformError("User base directory is not specified") self.install_base = self.install_platbase = self.install_userbase self.select_scheme(os.name + "_user") elif self.home is not None: self.install_base = self.install_platbase = self.home - self.select_scheme("unix_home") + self.select_scheme("posix_home") else: if self.prefix is None: self.prefix = os.path.normpath(sys.prefix) @@ -464,22 +599,11 @@ class install(Command): self.select_scheme(os.name) except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "I don't know how to install stuff on '%s'" % os.name) + "I don't know how to install stuff on '%s'" % os.name + ) def select_scheme(self, name): - """Sets the install directories by applying the install schemes.""" - # it's the caller's problem if they supply a bad name! - if (hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') and - not name.endswith(('_user', '_home'))): - if os.name == 'nt': - name = 'pypy_nt' - else: - name = 'pypy' - scheme = INSTALL_SCHEMES[name] - for key in SCHEME_KEYS: - attrname = 'install_' + key - if getattr(self, attrname) is None: - setattr(self, attrname, scheme[key]) + _select_scheme(self, name) def _expand_attrs(self, attrs): for attr in attrs: @@ -497,9 +621,16 @@ class install(Command): def expand_dirs(self): """Calls `os.path.expanduser` on install dirs.""" - self._expand_attrs(['install_purelib', 'install_platlib', - 'install_lib', 'install_headers', - 'install_scripts', 'install_data',]) + self._expand_attrs( + [ + 'install_purelib', + 'install_platlib', + 'install_lib', + 'install_headers', + 'install_scripts', + 'install_data', + ] + ) def convert_paths(self, *names): """Call `convert_path` over `names`.""" @@ -526,8 +657,9 @@ class install(Command): path_file, extra_dirs = self.extra_path else: raise DistutilsOptionError( - "'extra_path' option must be a list, tuple, or " - "comma-separated string with 1 or 2 elements") + "'extra_path' option must be a list, tuple, or " + "comma-separated string with 1 or 2 elements" + ) # convert to local form in case Unix notation used (as it # should be in setup scripts) @@ -553,7 +685,7 @@ class install(Command): return home = convert_path(os.path.expanduser("~")) for name, path in self.config_vars.items(): - if path.startswith(home) and not os.path.isdir(path): + if str(path).startswith(home) and not os.path.isdir(path): self.debug_print("os.makedirs('%s', 0o700)" % path) os.makedirs(path, 0o700) @@ -570,8 +702,7 @@ class install(Command): # internally, and not to sys.path, so we don't check the platform # matches what we are running. if self.warn_dir and build_plat != get_platform(): - raise DistutilsPlatformError("Can't install when " - "cross-compiling") + raise DistutilsPlatformError("Can't install when " "cross-compiling") # Run all sub-commands (at least those that need to be run) for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands(): @@ -583,38 +714,43 @@ class install(Command): # write list of installed files, if requested. if self.record: outputs = self.get_outputs() - if self.root: # strip any package prefix + if self.root: # strip any package prefix root_len = len(self.root) for counter in range(len(outputs)): outputs[counter] = outputs[counter][root_len:] - self.execute(write_file, - (self.record, outputs), - "writing list of installed files to '%s'" % - self.record) + self.execute( + write_file, + (self.record, outputs), + "writing list of installed files to '%s'" % self.record, + ) sys_path = map(os.path.normpath, sys.path) sys_path = map(os.path.normcase, sys_path) install_lib = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self.install_lib)) - if (self.warn_dir and - not (self.path_file and self.install_path_file) and - install_lib not in sys_path): - log.debug(("modules installed to '%s', which is not in " - "Python's module search path (sys.path) -- " - "you'll have to change the search path yourself"), - self.install_lib) + if ( + self.warn_dir + and not (self.path_file and self.install_path_file) + and install_lib not in sys_path + ): + log.debug( + ( + "modules installed to '%s', which is not in " + "Python's module search path (sys.path) -- " + "you'll have to change the search path yourself" + ), + self.install_lib, + ) def create_path_file(self): """Creates the .pth file""" - filename = os.path.join(self.install_libbase, - self.path_file + ".pth") + filename = os.path.join(self.install_libbase, self.path_file + ".pth") if self.install_path_file: - self.execute(write_file, - (filename, [self.extra_dirs]), - "creating %s" % filename) + self.execute( + write_file, (filename, [self.extra_dirs]), "creating %s" % filename + ) else: self.warn("path file '%s' not created" % filename) - # -- Reporting methods --------------------------------------------- def get_outputs(self): @@ -629,8 +765,7 @@ class install(Command): outputs.append(filename) if self.path_file and self.install_path_file: - outputs.append(os.path.join(self.install_libbase, - self.path_file + ".pth")) + outputs.append(os.path.join(self.install_libbase, self.path_file + ".pth")) return outputs @@ -649,8 +784,9 @@ class install(Command): def has_lib(self): """Returns true if the current distribution has any Python modules to install.""" - return (self.distribution.has_pure_modules() or - self.distribution.has_ext_modules()) + return ( + self.distribution.has_pure_modules() or self.distribution.has_ext_modules() + ) def has_headers(self): """Returns true if the current distribution has any headers to @@ -669,9 +805,10 @@ class install(Command): # 'sub_commands': a list of commands this command might have to run to # get its work done. See cmd.py for more info. - sub_commands = [('install_lib', has_lib), - ('install_headers', has_headers), - ('install_scripts', has_scripts), - ('install_data', has_data), - ('install_egg_info', lambda self:True), - ] + sub_commands = [ + ('install_lib', has_lib), + ('install_headers', has_headers), + ('install_scripts', has_scripts), + ('install_data', has_data), + ('install_egg_info', lambda self: True), + ] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_data.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_data.py index 947cd76..23d91ad 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_data.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_data.py @@ -9,18 +9,21 @@ import os from distutils.core import Command from distutils.util import change_root, convert_path + class install_data(Command): description = "install data files" user_options = [ - ('install-dir=', 'd', - "base directory for installing data files " - "(default: installation base dir)"), - ('root=', None, - "install everything relative to this alternate root directory"), + ( + 'install-dir=', + 'd', + "base directory for installing data files " + "(default: installation base dir)", + ), + ('root=', None, "install everything relative to this alternate root directory"), ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), - ] + ] boolean_options = ['force'] @@ -33,11 +36,12 @@ class install_data(Command): self.warn_dir = 1 def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('install', - ('install_data', 'install_dir'), - ('root', 'root'), - ('force', 'force'), - ) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'install', + ('install_data', 'install_dir'), + ('root', 'root'), + ('force', 'force'), + ) def run(self): self.mkpath(self.install_dir) @@ -46,9 +50,10 @@ class install_data(Command): # it's a simple file, so copy it f = convert_path(f) if self.warn_dir: - self.warn("setup script did not provide a directory for " - "'%s' -- installing right in '%s'" % - (f, self.install_dir)) + self.warn( + "setup script did not provide a directory for " + "'%s' -- installing right in '%s'" % (f, self.install_dir) + ) (out, _) = self.copy_file(f, self.install_dir) self.outfiles.append(out) else: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_egg_info.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_egg_info.py index 0ddc736..d5e68a6 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_egg_info.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_egg_info.py @@ -1,12 +1,17 @@ -"""distutils.command.install_egg_info +""" +distutils.command.install_egg_info Implements the Distutils 'install_egg_info' command, for installing -a package's PKG-INFO metadata.""" +a package's PKG-INFO metadata. +""" +import os +import sys +import re from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils import log, dir_util -import os, sys, re + class install_egg_info(Command): """Install an .egg-info file for the package""" @@ -19,14 +24,21 @@ class install_egg_info(Command): def initialize_options(self): self.install_dir = None - def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('install_lib',('install_dir','install_dir')) - basename = "%s-%s-py%d.%d.egg-info" % ( + @property + def basename(self): + """ + Allow basename to be overridden by child class. + Ref pypa/distutils#2. + """ + return "%s-%s-py%d.%d.egg-info" % ( to_filename(safe_name(self.distribution.get_name())), to_filename(safe_version(self.distribution.get_version())), - *sys.version_info[:2] + *sys.version_info[:2], ) - self.target = os.path.join(self.install_dir, basename) + + def finalize_options(self): + self.set_undefined_options('install_lib', ('install_dir', 'install_dir')) + self.target = os.path.join(self.install_dir, self.basename) self.outputs = [self.target] def run(self): @@ -34,10 +46,11 @@ class install_egg_info(Command): if os.path.isdir(target) and not os.path.islink(target): dir_util.remove_tree(target, dry_run=self.dry_run) elif os.path.exists(target): - self.execute(os.unlink,(self.target,),"Removing "+target) + self.execute(os.unlink, (self.target,), "Removing " + target) elif not os.path.isdir(self.install_dir): - self.execute(os.makedirs, (self.install_dir,), - "Creating "+self.install_dir) + self.execute( + os.makedirs, (self.install_dir,), "Creating " + self.install_dir + ) log.info("Writing %s", target) if not self.dry_run: with open(target, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as f: @@ -51,6 +64,7 @@ class install_egg_info(Command): # can be replaced by importing them from pkg_resources once it is included # in the stdlib. + def safe_name(name): """Convert an arbitrary string to a standard distribution name @@ -65,7 +79,7 @@ def safe_version(version): Spaces become dots, and all other non-alphanumeric characters become dashes, with runs of multiple dashes condensed to a single dash. """ - version = version.replace(' ','.') + version = version.replace(' ', '.') return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9.]+', '-', version) @@ -74,4 +88,4 @@ def to_filename(name): Any '-' characters are currently replaced with '_'. """ - return name.replace('-','_') + return name.replace('-', '_') diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_headers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_headers.py index 9bb0b18..87046ab 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_headers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_headers.py @@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ class install_headers(Command): description = "install C/C++ header files" - user_options = [('install-dir=', 'd', - "directory to install header files to"), - ('force', 'f', - "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), - ] + user_options = [ + ('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install header files to"), + ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), + ] boolean_options = ['force'] @@ -25,10 +24,9 @@ class install_headers(Command): self.outfiles = [] def finalize_options(self): - self.set_undefined_options('install', - ('install_headers', 'install_dir'), - ('force', 'force')) - + self.set_undefined_options( + 'install', ('install_headers', 'install_dir'), ('force', 'force') + ) def run(self): headers = self.distribution.headers diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_lib.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_lib.py index 6154cf0..ad3089c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_lib.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_lib.py @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError # Extension for Python source files. PYTHON_SOURCE_EXTENSION = ".py" + class install_lib(Command): description = "install all Python modules (extensions and pure Python)" @@ -35,18 +36,21 @@ class install_lib(Command): user_options = [ ('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install to"), - ('build-dir=','b', "build directory (where to install from)"), + ('build-dir=', 'b', "build directory (where to install from)"), ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), ('compile', 'c', "compile .py to .pyc [default]"), ('no-compile', None, "don't compile .py files"), - ('optimize=', 'O', - "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " - "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]"), + ( + 'optimize=', + 'O', + "also compile with optimization: -O1 for \"python -O\", " + "-O2 for \"python -OO\", and -O0 to disable [default: -O0]", + ), ('skip-build', None, "skip the build steps"), - ] + ] boolean_options = ['force', 'compile', 'skip-build'] - negative_opt = {'no-compile' : 'compile'} + negative_opt = {'no-compile': 'compile'} def initialize_options(self): # let the 'install' command dictate our installation directory @@ -61,14 +65,15 @@ class install_lib(Command): # Get all the information we need to install pure Python modules # from the umbrella 'install' command -- build (source) directory, # install (target) directory, and whether to compile .py files. - self.set_undefined_options('install', - ('build_lib', 'build_dir'), - ('install_lib', 'install_dir'), - ('force', 'force'), - ('compile', 'compile'), - ('optimize', 'optimize'), - ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), - ) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'install', + ('build_lib', 'build_dir'), + ('install_lib', 'install_dir'), + ('force', 'force'), + ('compile', 'compile'), + ('optimize', 'optimize'), + ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), + ) if self.compile is None: self.compile = True @@ -110,8 +115,9 @@ class install_lib(Command): if os.path.isdir(self.build_dir): outfiles = self.copy_tree(self.build_dir, self.install_dir) else: - self.warn("'%s' does not exist -- no Python modules to install" % - self.build_dir) + self.warn( + "'%s' does not exist -- no Python modules to install" % self.build_dir + ) return return outfiles @@ -129,14 +135,22 @@ class install_lib(Command): install_root = self.get_finalized_command('install').root if self.compile: - byte_compile(files, optimize=0, - force=self.force, prefix=install_root, - dry_run=self.dry_run) + byte_compile( + files, + optimize=0, + force=self.force, + prefix=install_root, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + ) if self.optimize > 0: - byte_compile(files, optimize=self.optimize, - force=self.force, prefix=install_root, - verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run) - + byte_compile( + files, + optimize=self.optimize, + force=self.force, + prefix=install_root, + verbose=self.verbose, + dry_run=self.dry_run, + ) # -- Utility methods ----------------------------------------------- @@ -165,15 +179,18 @@ class install_lib(Command): if ext != PYTHON_SOURCE_EXTENSION: continue if self.compile: - bytecode_files.append(importlib.util.cache_from_source( - py_file, optimization='')) + bytecode_files.append( + importlib.util.cache_from_source(py_file, optimization='') + ) if self.optimize > 0: - bytecode_files.append(importlib.util.cache_from_source( - py_file, optimization=self.optimize)) + bytecode_files.append( + importlib.util.cache_from_source( + py_file, optimization=self.optimize + ) + ) return bytecode_files - # -- External interface -------------------------------------------- # (called by outsiders) @@ -182,19 +199,23 @@ class install_lib(Command): were actually run. Not affected by the "dry-run" flag or whether modules have actually been built yet. """ - pure_outputs = \ - self._mutate_outputs(self.distribution.has_pure_modules(), - 'build_py', 'build_lib', - self.install_dir) + pure_outputs = self._mutate_outputs( + self.distribution.has_pure_modules(), + 'build_py', + 'build_lib', + self.install_dir, + ) if self.compile: bytecode_outputs = self._bytecode_filenames(pure_outputs) else: bytecode_outputs = [] - ext_outputs = \ - self._mutate_outputs(self.distribution.has_ext_modules(), - 'build_ext', 'build_lib', - self.install_dir) + ext_outputs = self._mutate_outputs( + self.distribution.has_ext_modules(), + 'build_ext', + 'build_lib', + self.install_dir, + ) return pure_outputs + bytecode_outputs + ext_outputs diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_scripts.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_scripts.py index 31a1130..f09bd64 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_scripts.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/install_scripts.py @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class install_scripts(Command): user_options = [ ('install-dir=', 'd', "directory to install scripts to"), - ('build-dir=','b', "build directory (where to install from)"), + ('build-dir=', 'b', "build directory (where to install from)"), ('force', 'f', "force installation (overwrite existing files)"), ('skip-build', None, "skip the build steps"), ] @@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ class install_scripts(Command): def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_scripts', 'build_dir')) - self.set_undefined_options('install', - ('install_scripts', 'install_dir'), - ('force', 'force'), - ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), - ) + self.set_undefined_options( + 'install', + ('install_scripts', 'install_dir'), + ('force', 'force'), + ('skip_build', 'skip_build'), + ) def run(self): if not self.skip_build: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/py37compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/py37compat.py index 754715a..aa0c0a7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/py37compat.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/py37compat.py @@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ def _pythonlib_compat(): library. See pypa/distutils#9. """ from distutils import sysconfig + if not sysconfig.get_config_var('Py_ENABLED_SHARED'): return yield 'python{}.{}{}'.format( sys.hexversion >> 24, - (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xff, + (sys.hexversion >> 16) & 0xFF, sysconfig.get_config_var('ABIFLAGS'), ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/register.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/register.py index 0fac94e..c140265 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/register.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/register.py @@ -7,24 +7,30 @@ Implements the Distutils 'register' command (register with the repository). import getpass import io -import urllib.parse, urllib.request +import urllib.parse +import urllib.request from warnings import warn from distutils.core import PyPIRCCommand -from distutils.errors import * from distutils import log + class register(PyPIRCCommand): - description = ("register the distribution with the Python package index") + description = "register the distribution with the Python package index" user_options = PyPIRCCommand.user_options + [ - ('list-classifiers', None, - 'list the valid Trove classifiers'), - ('strict', None , - 'Will stop the registering if the meta-data are not fully compliant') - ] + ('list-classifiers', None, 'list the valid Trove classifiers'), + ( + 'strict', + None, + 'Will stop the registering if the meta-data are not fully compliant', + ), + ] boolean_options = PyPIRCCommand.boolean_options + [ - 'verify', 'list-classifiers', 'strict'] + 'verify', + 'list-classifiers', + 'strict', + ] sub_commands = [('check', lambda self: True)] @@ -36,8 +42,10 @@ class register(PyPIRCCommand): def finalize_options(self): PyPIRCCommand.finalize_options(self) # setting options for the `check` subcommand - check_options = {'strict': ('register', self.strict), - 'restructuredtext': ('register', 1)} + check_options = { + 'strict': ('register', self.strict), + 'restructuredtext': ('register', 1), + } self.distribution.command_options['check'] = check_options def run(self): @@ -57,8 +65,11 @@ class register(PyPIRCCommand): def check_metadata(self): """Deprecated API.""" - warn("distutils.command.register.check_metadata is deprecated, \ - use the check command instead", PendingDeprecationWarning) + warn( + "distutils.command.register.check_metadata is deprecated; " + "use the check command instead", + DeprecationWarning, + ) check = self.distribution.get_command_obj('check') check.ensure_finalized() check.strict = self.strict @@ -66,8 +77,7 @@ class register(PyPIRCCommand): check.run() def _set_config(self): - ''' Reads the configuration file and set attributes. - ''' + '''Reads the configuration file and set attributes.''' config = self._read_pypirc() if config != {}: self.username = config['username'] @@ -83,45 +93,43 @@ class register(PyPIRCCommand): self.has_config = False def classifiers(self): - ''' Fetch the list of classifiers from the server. - ''' - url = self.repository+'?:action=list_classifiers' + '''Fetch the list of classifiers from the server.''' + url = self.repository + '?:action=list_classifiers' response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) log.info(self._read_pypi_response(response)) def verify_metadata(self): - ''' Send the metadata to the package index server to be checked. - ''' + '''Send the metadata to the package index server to be checked.''' # send the info to the server and report the result (code, result) = self.post_to_server(self.build_post_data('verify')) log.info('Server response (%s): %s', code, result) - def send_metadata(self): - ''' Send the metadata to the package index server. + def send_metadata(self): # noqa: C901 + '''Send the metadata to the package index server. - Well, do the following: - 1. figure who the user is, and then - 2. send the data as a Basic auth'ed POST. + Well, do the following: + 1. figure who the user is, and then + 2. send the data as a Basic auth'ed POST. - First we try to read the username/password from $HOME/.pypirc, - which is a ConfigParser-formatted file with a section - [distutils] containing username and password entries (both - in clear text). Eg: + First we try to read the username/password from $HOME/.pypirc, + which is a ConfigParser-formatted file with a section + [distutils] containing username and password entries (both + in clear text). Eg: - [distutils] - index-servers = - pypi + [distutils] + index-servers = + pypi - [pypi] - username: fred - password: sekrit + [pypi] + username: fred + password: sekrit - Otherwise, to figure who the user is, we offer the user three - choices: + Otherwise, to figure who the user is, we offer the user three + choices: - 1. use existing login, - 2. register as a new user, or - 3. set the password to a random string and email the user. + 1. use existing login, + 2. register as a new user, or + 3. set the password to a random string and email the user. ''' # see if we can short-cut and get the username/password from the @@ -137,13 +145,16 @@ class register(PyPIRCCommand): # get the user's login info choices = '1 2 3 4'.split() while choice not in choices: - self.announce('''\ + self.announce( + '''\ We need to know who you are, so please choose either: 1. use your existing login, 2. register as a new user, 3. have the server generate a new password for you (and email it to you), or 4. quit -Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) +Your selection [default 1]: ''', + log.INFO, + ) choice = input() if not choice: choice = '1' @@ -162,10 +173,8 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) host = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.repository)[1] auth.add_password(self.realm, host, username, password) # send the info to the server and report the result - code, result = self.post_to_server(self.build_post_data('submit'), - auth) - self.announce('Server response (%s): %s' % (code, result), - log.INFO) + code, result = self.post_to_server(self.build_post_data('submit'), auth) + self.announce('Server response ({}): {}'.format(code, result), log.INFO) # possibly save the login if code == 200: @@ -174,10 +183,17 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) # so the upload command can reuse it self.distribution.password = password else: - self.announce(('I can store your PyPI login so future ' - 'submissions will be faster.'), log.INFO) - self.announce('(the login will be stored in %s)' % \ - self._get_rc_file(), log.INFO) + self.announce( + ( + 'I can store your PyPI login so future ' + 'submissions will be faster.' + ), + log.INFO, + ) + self.announce( + '(the login will be stored in %s)' % self._get_rc_file(), + log.INFO, + ) choice = 'X' while choice.lower() not in 'yn': choice = input('Save your login (y/N)?') @@ -208,8 +224,7 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) log.info('Server response (%s): %s', code, result) else: log.info('You will receive an email shortly.') - log.info(('Follow the instructions in it to ' - 'complete registration.')) + log.info('Follow the instructions in it to ' 'complete registration.') elif choice == '3': data = {':action': 'password_reset'} data['email'] = '' @@ -224,7 +239,7 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) meta = self.distribution.metadata data = { ':action': action, - 'metadata_version' : '1.0', + 'metadata_version': '1.0', 'name': meta.get_name(), 'version': meta.get_version(), 'summary': meta.get_description(), @@ -246,13 +261,12 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) data['metadata_version'] = '1.1' return data - def post_to_server(self, data, auth=None): - ''' Post a query to the server, and return a string response. - ''' + def post_to_server(self, data, auth=None): # noqa: C901 + '''Post a query to the server, and return a string response.''' if 'name' in data: - self.announce('Registering %s to %s' % (data['name'], - self.repository), - log.INFO) + self.announce( + 'Registering {} to {}'.format(data['name'], self.repository), log.INFO + ) # Build up the MIME payload for the urllib2 POST data boundary = '--------------GHSKFJDLGDS7543FJKLFHRE75642756743254' sep_boundary = '\n--' + boundary @@ -260,12 +274,12 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) body = io.StringIO() for key, value in data.items(): # handle multiple entries for the same name - if type(value) not in (type([]), type( () )): + if type(value) not in (type([]), type(())): value = [value] for value in value: value = str(value) body.write(sep_boundary) - body.write('\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"'%key) + body.write('\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) body.write("\n\n") body.write(value) if value and value[-1] == '\r': @@ -276,8 +290,9 @@ Your selection [default 1]: ''', log.INFO) # build the Request headers = { - 'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s; charset=utf-8'%boundary, - 'Content-length': str(len(body)) + 'Content-type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s; charset=utf-8' + % boundary, + 'Content-length': str(len(body)), } req = urllib.request.Request(self.repository, body, headers) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/sdist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/sdist.py index b4996fc..d6e9489 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/sdist.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/sdist.py @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from distutils.text_file import TextFile from distutils.filelist import FileList from distutils import log from distutils.util import convert_path -from distutils.errors import DistutilsTemplateError, DistutilsOptionError +from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsTemplateError def show_formats(): @@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ def show_formats(): """ from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt from distutils.archive_util import ARCHIVE_FORMATS + formats = [] for format in ARCHIVE_FORMATS.keys(): - formats.append(("formats=" + format, None, - ARCHIVE_FORMATS[format][2])) + formats.append(("formats=" + format, None, ARCHIVE_FORMATS[format][2])) formats.sort() - FancyGetopt(formats).print_help( - "List of available source distribution formats:") + FancyGetopt(formats).print_help("List of available source distribution formats:") class sdist(Command): @@ -44,55 +43,77 @@ class sdist(Command): return self.metadata_check user_options = [ - ('template=', 't', - "name of manifest template file [default: MANIFEST.in]"), - ('manifest=', 'm', - "name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]"), - ('use-defaults', None, - "include the default file set in the manifest " - "[default; disable with --no-defaults]"), - ('no-defaults', None, - "don't include the default file set"), - ('prune', None, - "specifically exclude files/directories that should not be " - "distributed (build tree, RCS/CVS dirs, etc.) " - "[default; disable with --no-prune]"), - ('no-prune', None, - "don't automatically exclude anything"), - ('manifest-only', 'o', - "just regenerate the manifest and then stop " - "(implies --force-manifest)"), - ('force-manifest', 'f', - "forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as usual. " - "Deprecated: now the manifest is always regenerated."), - ('formats=', None, - "formats for source distribution (comma-separated list)"), - ('keep-temp', 'k', - "keep the distribution tree around after creating " + - "archive file(s)"), - ('dist-dir=', 'd', - "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in " - "[default: dist]"), - ('metadata-check', None, - "Ensure that all required elements of meta-data " - "are supplied. Warn if any missing. [default]"), - ('owner=', 'u', - "Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user]"), - ('group=', 'g', - "Group name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]"), - ] - - boolean_options = ['use-defaults', 'prune', - 'manifest-only', 'force-manifest', - 'keep-temp', 'metadata-check'] + ('template=', 't', "name of manifest template file [default: MANIFEST.in]"), + ('manifest=', 'm', "name of manifest file [default: MANIFEST]"), + ( + 'use-defaults', + None, + "include the default file set in the manifest " + "[default; disable with --no-defaults]", + ), + ('no-defaults', None, "don't include the default file set"), + ( + 'prune', + None, + "specifically exclude files/directories that should not be " + "distributed (build tree, RCS/CVS dirs, etc.) " + "[default; disable with --no-prune]", + ), + ('no-prune', None, "don't automatically exclude anything"), + ( + 'manifest-only', + 'o', + "just regenerate the manifest and then stop " "(implies --force-manifest)", + ), + ( + 'force-manifest', + 'f', + "forcibly regenerate the manifest and carry on as usual. " + "Deprecated: now the manifest is always regenerated.", + ), + ('formats=', None, "formats for source distribution (comma-separated list)"), + ( + 'keep-temp', + 'k', + "keep the distribution tree around after creating " + "archive file(s)", + ), + ( + 'dist-dir=', + 'd', + "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in " "[default: dist]", + ), + ( + 'metadata-check', + None, + "Ensure that all required elements of meta-data " + "are supplied. Warn if any missing. [default]", + ), + ( + 'owner=', + 'u', + "Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user]", + ), + ( + 'group=', + 'g', + "Group name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]", + ), + ] + + boolean_options = [ + 'use-defaults', + 'prune', + 'manifest-only', + 'force-manifest', + 'keep-temp', + 'metadata-check', + ] help_options = [ - ('help-formats', None, - "list available distribution formats", show_formats), - ] + ('help-formats', None, "list available distribution formats", show_formats), + ] - negative_opt = {'no-defaults': 'use-defaults', - 'no-prune': 'prune' } + negative_opt = {'no-defaults': 'use-defaults', 'no-prune': 'prune'} sub_commands = [('check', checking_metadata)] @@ -131,8 +152,7 @@ class sdist(Command): bad_format = archive_util.check_archive_formats(self.formats) if bad_format: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "unknown archive format '%s'" % bad_format) + raise DistutilsOptionError("unknown archive format '%s'" % bad_format) if self.dist_dir is None: self.dist_dir = "dist" @@ -161,8 +181,11 @@ class sdist(Command): def check_metadata(self): """Deprecated API.""" - warn("distutils.command.sdist.check_metadata is deprecated, \ - use the check command instead", PendingDeprecationWarning) + warn( + "distutils.command.sdist.check_metadata is deprecated, \ + use the check command instead", + PendingDeprecationWarning, + ) check = self.distribution.get_command_obj('check') check.ensure_finalized() check.run() @@ -189,9 +212,10 @@ class sdist(Command): return if not template_exists: - self.warn(("manifest template '%s' does not exist " + - "(using default file list)") % - self.template) + self.warn( + ("manifest template '%s' does not exist " + "(using default file list)") + % self.template + ) self.filelist.findall() if self.use_defaults: @@ -259,8 +283,9 @@ class sdist(Command): break if not got_it: - self.warn("standard file not found: should have one of " + - ', '.join(alts)) + self.warn( + "standard file not found: should have one of " + ', '.join(alts) + ) else: if self._cs_path_exists(fn): self.filelist.append(fn) @@ -328,14 +353,20 @@ class sdist(Command): 'self.filelist', which updates itself accordingly. """ log.info("reading manifest template '%s'", self.template) - template = TextFile(self.template, strip_comments=1, skip_blanks=1, - join_lines=1, lstrip_ws=1, rstrip_ws=1, - collapse_join=1) + template = TextFile( + self.template, + strip_comments=1, + skip_blanks=1, + join_lines=1, + lstrip_ws=1, + rstrip_ws=1, + collapse_join=1, + ) try: while True: line = template.readline() - if line is None: # end of file + if line is None: # end of file break try: @@ -344,9 +375,10 @@ class sdist(Command): # malformed lines, or a ValueError from the lower-level # convert_path function except (DistutilsTemplateError, ValueError) as msg: - self.warn("%s, line %d: %s" % (template.filename, - template.current_line, - msg)) + self.warn( + "%s, line %d: %s" + % (template.filename, template.current_line, msg) + ) finally: template.close() @@ -369,9 +401,8 @@ class sdist(Command): else: seps = '/' - vcs_dirs = ['RCS', 'CVS', r'\.svn', r'\.hg', r'\.git', r'\.bzr', - '_darcs'] - vcs_ptrn = r'(^|%s)(%s)(%s).*' % (seps, '|'.join(vcs_dirs), seps) + vcs_dirs = ['RCS', 'CVS', r'\.svn', r'\.hg', r'\.git', r'\.bzr', '_darcs'] + vcs_ptrn = r'(^|{})({})({}).*'.format(seps, '|'.join(vcs_dirs), seps) self.filelist.exclude_pattern(vcs_ptrn, is_regex=1) def write_manifest(self): @@ -380,14 +411,19 @@ class sdist(Command): named by 'self.manifest'. """ if self._manifest_is_not_generated(): - log.info("not writing to manually maintained " - "manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest) + log.info( + "not writing to manually maintained " + "manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest + ) return content = self.filelist.files[:] content.insert(0, '# file GENERATED by distutils, do NOT edit') - self.execute(file_util.write_file, (self.manifest, content), - "writing manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest) + self.execute( + file_util.write_file, + (self.manifest, content), + "writing manifest file '%s'" % self.manifest, + ) def _manifest_is_not_generated(self): # check for special comment used in 3.1.3 and higher @@ -437,10 +473,10 @@ class sdist(Command): # out-of-date, because by default we blow away 'base_dir' when # we're done making the distribution archives.) - if hasattr(os, 'link'): # can make hard links on this system + if hasattr(os, 'link'): # can make hard links on this system link = 'hard' msg = "making hard links in %s..." % base_dir - else: # nope, have to copy + else: # nope, have to copy link = None msg = "copying files to %s..." % base_dir @@ -471,14 +507,15 @@ class sdist(Command): base_name = os.path.join(self.dist_dir, base_dir) self.make_release_tree(base_dir, self.filelist.files) - archive_files = [] # remember names of files we create + archive_files = [] # remember names of files we create # tar archive must be created last to avoid overwrite and remove if 'tar' in self.formats: self.formats.append(self.formats.pop(self.formats.index('tar'))) for fmt in self.formats: - file = self.make_archive(base_name, fmt, base_dir=base_dir, - owner=self.owner, group=self.group) + file = self.make_archive( + base_name, fmt, base_dir=base_dir, owner=self.owner, group=self.group + ) archive_files.append(file) self.distribution.dist_files.append(('sdist', '', file)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/upload.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/upload.py index 95e9fda..6af5394 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/upload.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/command/upload.py @@ -31,10 +31,9 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): description = "upload binary package to PyPI" user_options = PyPIRCCommand.user_options + [ - ('sign', 's', - 'sign files to upload using gpg'), + ('sign', 's', 'sign files to upload using gpg'), ('identity=', 'i', 'GPG identity used to sign files'), - ] + ] boolean_options = PyPIRCCommand.boolean_options + ['sign'] @@ -49,9 +48,7 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): def finalize_options(self): PyPIRCCommand.finalize_options(self) if self.identity and not self.sign: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "Must use --sign for --identity to have meaning" - ) + raise DistutilsOptionError("Must use --sign for --identity to have meaning") config = self._read_pypirc() if config != {}: self.username = config['username'] @@ -66,16 +63,17 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): def run(self): if not self.distribution.dist_files: - msg = ("Must create and upload files in one command " - "(e.g. setup.py sdist upload)") + msg = ( + "Must create and upload files in one command " + "(e.g. setup.py sdist upload)" + ) raise DistutilsOptionError(msg) for command, pyversion, filename in self.distribution.dist_files: self.upload_file(command, pyversion, filename) - def upload_file(self, command, pyversion, filename): + def upload_file(self, command, pyversion, filename): # noqa: C901 # Makes sure the repository URL is compliant - schema, netloc, url, params, query, fragments = \ - urlparse(self.repository) + schema, netloc, url, params, query, fragments = urlparse(self.repository) if params or query or fragments: raise AssertionError("Incompatible url %s" % self.repository) @@ -87,12 +85,11 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): gpg_args = ["gpg", "--detach-sign", "-a", filename] if self.identity: gpg_args[2:2] = ["--local-user", self.identity] - spawn(gpg_args, - dry_run=self.dry_run) + spawn(gpg_args, dry_run=self.dry_run) # Fill in the data - send all the meta-data in case we need to # register a new release - f = open(filename,'rb') + f = open(filename, 'rb') try: content = f.read() finally: @@ -103,16 +100,13 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): # action ':action': 'file_upload', 'protocol_version': '1', - # identify release 'name': meta.get_name(), 'version': meta.get_version(), - # file content - 'content': (os.path.basename(filename),content), + 'content': (os.path.basename(filename), content), 'filetype': command, 'pyversion': pyversion, - # additional meta-data 'metadata_version': '1.0', 'summary': meta.get_description(), @@ -129,7 +123,7 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): 'provides': meta.get_provides(), 'requires': meta.get_requires(), 'obsoletes': meta.get_obsoletes(), - } + } data['comment'] = '' @@ -145,8 +139,7 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): if self.sign: with open(filename + ".asc", "rb") as f: - data['gpg_signature'] = (os.path.basename(filename) + ".asc", - f.read()) + data['gpg_signature'] = (os.path.basename(filename) + ".asc", f.read()) # set up the authentication user_pass = (self.username + ":" + self.password).encode('ascii') @@ -177,7 +170,7 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): body.write(end_boundary) body = body.getvalue() - msg = "Submitting %s to %s" % (filename, self.repository) + msg = "Submitting {} to {}".format(filename, self.repository) self.announce(msg, log.INFO) # build the Request @@ -187,8 +180,7 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): 'Authorization': auth, } - request = Request(self.repository, data=body, - headers=headers) + request = Request(self.repository, data=body, headers=headers) # send the data try: result = urlopen(request) @@ -202,13 +194,12 @@ class upload(PyPIRCCommand): raise if status == 200: - self.announce('Server response (%s): %s' % (status, reason), - log.INFO) + self.announce('Server response ({}): {}'.format(status, reason), log.INFO) if self.show_response: text = self._read_pypi_response(result) msg = '\n'.join(('-' * 75, text, '-' * 75)) self.announce(msg, log.INFO) else: - msg = 'Upload failed (%s): %s' % (status, reason) + msg = 'Upload failed ({}): {}'.format(status, reason) self.announce(msg, log.ERROR) raise DistutilsError(msg) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/config.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/config.py index 2171abd..6e0c3a7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/config.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/config.py @@ -18,20 +18,19 @@ username:%s password:%s """ + class PyPIRCCommand(Command): - """Base command that knows how to handle the .pypirc file - """ + """Base command that knows how to handle the .pypirc file""" + DEFAULT_REPOSITORY = 'https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/' DEFAULT_REALM = 'pypi' repository = None realm = None user_options = [ - ('repository=', 'r', - "url of repository [default: %s]" % \ - DEFAULT_REPOSITORY), - ('show-response', None, - 'display full response text from server')] + ('repository=', 'r', "url of repository [default: %s]" % DEFAULT_REPOSITORY), + ('show-response', None, 'display full response text from server'), + ] boolean_options = ['show-response'] @@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ class PyPIRCCommand(Command): with os.fdopen(os.open(rc, os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY, 0o600), 'w') as f: f.write(DEFAULT_PYPIRC % (username, password)) - def _read_pypirc(self): + def _read_pypirc(self): # noqa: C901 """Reads the .pypirc file.""" rc = self._get_rc_file() if os.path.exists(rc): @@ -58,9 +57,11 @@ class PyPIRCCommand(Command): if 'distutils' in sections: # let's get the list of servers index_servers = config.get('distutils', 'index-servers') - _servers = [server.strip() for server in - index_servers.split('\n') - if server.strip() != ''] + _servers = [ + server.strip() + for server in index_servers.split('\n') + if server.strip() != '' + ] if _servers == []: # nothing set, let's try to get the default pypi if 'pypi' in sections: @@ -74,10 +75,11 @@ class PyPIRCCommand(Command): current['username'] = config.get(server, 'username') # optional params - for key, default in (('repository', - self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY), - ('realm', self.DEFAULT_REALM), - ('password', None)): + for key, default in ( + ('repository', self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY), + ('realm', self.DEFAULT_REALM), + ('password', None), + ): if config.has_option(server, key): current[key] = config.get(server, key) else: @@ -86,13 +88,17 @@ class PyPIRCCommand(Command): # work around people having "repository" for the "pypi" # section of their config set to the HTTP (rather than # HTTPS) URL - if (server == 'pypi' and - repository in (self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY, 'pypi')): + if server == 'pypi' and repository in ( + self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY, + 'pypi', + ): current['repository'] = self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY return current - if (current['server'] == repository or - current['repository'] == repository): + if ( + current['server'] == repository + or current['repository'] == repository + ): return current elif 'server-login' in sections: # old format @@ -101,17 +107,20 @@ class PyPIRCCommand(Command): repository = config.get(server, 'repository') else: repository = self.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY - return {'username': config.get(server, 'username'), - 'password': config.get(server, 'password'), - 'repository': repository, - 'server': server, - 'realm': self.DEFAULT_REALM} + return { + 'username': config.get(server, 'username'), + 'password': config.get(server, 'password'), + 'repository': repository, + 'server': server, + 'realm': self.DEFAULT_REALM, + } return {} def _read_pypi_response(self, response): """Read and decode a PyPI HTTP response.""" import cgi + content_type = response.getheader('content-type', 'text/plain') encoding = cgi.parse_header(content_type)[1].get('charset', 'ascii') return response.read().decode(encoding) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/core.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/core.py index d603d4a..de13978 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/core.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/core.py @@ -8,9 +8,15 @@ really defined in distutils.dist and distutils.cmd. import os import sys +import tokenize from distutils.debug import DEBUG -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsSetupError, + DistutilsError, + CCompilerError, + DistutilsArgError, +) # Mainly import these so setup scripts can "from distutils.core import" them. from distutils.dist import Distribution @@ -18,6 +24,9 @@ from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.config import PyPIRCCommand from distutils.extension import Extension + +__all__ = ['Distribution', 'Command', 'PyPIRCCommand', 'Extension', 'setup'] + # This is a barebones help message generated displayed when the user # runs the setup script with no arguments at all. More useful help # is generated with various --help options: global help, list commands, @@ -29,9 +38,10 @@ usage: %(script)s [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...] or: %(script)s cmd --help """ -def gen_usage (script_name): + +def gen_usage(script_name): script = os.path.basename(script_name) - return USAGE % vars() + return USAGE % locals() # Some mild magic to control the behaviour of 'setup()' from 'run_setup()'. @@ -39,22 +49,51 @@ _setup_stop_after = None _setup_distribution = None # Legal keyword arguments for the setup() function -setup_keywords = ('distclass', 'script_name', 'script_args', 'options', - 'name', 'version', 'author', 'author_email', - 'maintainer', 'maintainer_email', 'url', 'license', - 'description', 'long_description', 'keywords', - 'platforms', 'classifiers', 'download_url', - 'requires', 'provides', 'obsoletes', - ) +setup_keywords = ( + 'distclass', + 'script_name', + 'script_args', + 'options', + 'name', + 'version', + 'author', + 'author_email', + 'maintainer', + 'maintainer_email', + 'url', + 'license', + 'description', + 'long_description', + 'keywords', + 'platforms', + 'classifiers', + 'download_url', + 'requires', + 'provides', + 'obsoletes', +) # Legal keyword arguments for the Extension constructor -extension_keywords = ('name', 'sources', 'include_dirs', - 'define_macros', 'undef_macros', - 'library_dirs', 'libraries', 'runtime_library_dirs', - 'extra_objects', 'extra_compile_args', 'extra_link_args', - 'swig_opts', 'export_symbols', 'depends', 'language') - -def setup (**attrs): +extension_keywords = ( + 'name', + 'sources', + 'include_dirs', + 'define_macros', + 'undef_macros', + 'library_dirs', + 'libraries', + 'runtime_library_dirs', + 'extra_objects', + 'extra_compile_args', + 'extra_link_args', + 'swig_opts', + 'export_symbols', + 'depends', + 'language', +) + + +def setup(**attrs): # noqa: C901 """The gateway to the Distutils: do everything your setup script needs to do, in a highly flexible and user-driven way. Briefly: create a Distribution instance; find and parse config files; parse the command @@ -99,7 +138,7 @@ def setup (**attrs): if 'script_name' not in attrs: attrs['script_name'] = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) - if 'script_args' not in attrs: + if 'script_args' not in attrs: attrs['script_args'] = sys.argv[1:] # Create the Distribution instance, using the remaining arguments @@ -110,8 +149,7 @@ def setup (**attrs): if 'name' not in attrs: raise SystemExit("error in setup command: %s" % msg) else: - raise SystemExit("error in %s setup command: %s" % \ - (attrs['name'], msg)) + raise SystemExit("error in {} setup command: {}".format(attrs['name'], msg)) if _setup_stop_after == "init": return dist @@ -144,30 +182,42 @@ def setup (**attrs): # And finally, run all the commands found on the command line. if ok: - try: - dist.run_commands() - except KeyboardInterrupt: - raise SystemExit("interrupted") - except OSError as exc: - if DEBUG: - sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % (exc,)) - raise - else: - raise SystemExit("error: %s" % (exc,)) - - except (DistutilsError, - CCompilerError) as msg: - if DEBUG: - raise - else: - raise SystemExit("error: " + str(msg)) + return run_commands(dist) return dist + # setup () -def run_setup (script_name, script_args=None, stop_after="run"): +def run_commands(dist): + """Given a Distribution object run all the commands, + raising ``SystemExit`` errors in the case of failure. + + This function assumes that either ``sys.argv`` or ``dist.script_args`` + is already set accordingly. + """ + try: + dist.run_commands() + except KeyboardInterrupt: + raise SystemExit("interrupted") + except OSError as exc: + if DEBUG: + sys.stderr.write("error: {}\n".format(exc)) + raise + else: + raise SystemExit("error: {}".format(exc)) + + except (DistutilsError, CCompilerError) as msg: + if DEBUG: + raise + else: + raise SystemExit("error: " + str(msg)) + + return dist + + +def run_setup(script_name, script_args=None, stop_after="run"): """Run a setup script in a somewhat controlled environment, and return the Distribution instance that drives things. This is useful if you need to find out the distribution meta-data (passed as @@ -199,20 +249,22 @@ def run_setup (script_name, script_args=None, stop_after="run"): used to drive the Distutils. """ if stop_after not in ('init', 'config', 'commandline', 'run'): - raise ValueError("invalid value for 'stop_after': %r" % (stop_after,)) + raise ValueError("invalid value for 'stop_after': {!r}".format(stop_after)) global _setup_stop_after, _setup_distribution _setup_stop_after = stop_after save_argv = sys.argv.copy() - g = {'__file__': script_name} + g = {'__file__': script_name, '__name__': '__main__'} try: try: sys.argv[0] = script_name if script_args is not None: sys.argv[1:] = script_args - with open(script_name, 'rb') as f: - exec(f.read(), g) + # tokenize.open supports automatic encoding detection + with tokenize.open(script_name) as f: + code = f.read().replace(r'\r\n', r'\n') + exec(code, g) finally: sys.argv = save_argv _setup_stop_after = None @@ -222,13 +274,18 @@ def run_setup (script_name, script_args=None, stop_after="run"): pass if _setup_distribution is None: - raise RuntimeError(("'distutils.core.setup()' was never called -- " - "perhaps '%s' is not a Distutils setup script?") % \ - script_name) + raise RuntimeError( + ( + "'distutils.core.setup()' was never called -- " + "perhaps '%s' is not a Distutils setup script?" + ) + % script_name + ) # I wonder if the setup script's namespace -- g and l -- would be of # any interest to callers? - #print "_setup_distribution:", _setup_distribution + # print "_setup_distribution:", _setup_distribution return _setup_distribution + # run_setup () diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cygwinccompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cygwinccompiler.py index f1c38e3..2c4da5b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cygwinccompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/cygwinccompiler.py @@ -6,59 +6,23 @@ the Mingw32CCompiler class which handles the mingw32 port of GCC (same as cygwin in no-cygwin mode). """ -# problems: -# -# * if you use a msvc compiled python version (1.5.2) -# 1. you have to insert a __GNUC__ section in its config.h -# 2. you have to generate an import library for its dll -# - create a def-file for python??.dll -# - create an import library using -# dlltool --dllname python15.dll --def python15.def \ -# --output-lib libpython15.a -# -# see also http://starship.python.net/crew/kernr/mingw32/Notes.html -# -# * We put export_symbols in a def-file, and don't use -# --export-all-symbols because it doesn't worked reliable in some -# tested configurations. And because other windows compilers also -# need their symbols specified this no serious problem. -# -# tested configurations: -# -# * cygwin gcc 2.91.57/ld 2.9.4/dllwrap 0.2.4 works -# (after patching python's config.h and for C++ some other include files) -# see also http://starship.python.net/crew/kernr/mingw32/Notes.html -# * mingw32 gcc 2.95.2/ld 2.9.4/dllwrap 0.2.4 works -# (ld doesn't support -shared, so we use dllwrap) -# * cygwin gcc 2.95.2/ld 2.10.90/dllwrap 2.10.90 works now -# - its dllwrap doesn't work, there is a bug in binutils 2.10.90 -# see also http://sources.redhat.com/ml/cygwin/2000-06/msg01274.html -# - using gcc -mdll instead dllwrap doesn't work without -static because -# it tries to link against dlls instead their import libraries. (If -# it finds the dll first.) -# By specifying -static we force ld to link against the import libraries, -# this is windows standard and there are normally not the necessary symbols -# in the dlls. -# *** only the version of June 2000 shows these problems -# * cygwin gcc 3.2/ld 2.13.90 works -# (ld supports -shared) -# * mingw gcc 3.2/ld 2.13 works -# (ld supports -shared) -# * llvm-mingw with Clang 11 works -# (lld supports -shared) - import os import sys import copy -from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_output -import re +import shlex +import warnings +from subprocess import check_output from distutils.unixccompiler import UnixCCompiler from distutils.file_util import write_file -from distutils.errors import (DistutilsExecError, CCompilerError, - CompileError, UnknownFileError) -from distutils.version import LooseVersion -from distutils.spawn import find_executable +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsExecError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + CCompilerError, + CompileError, +) +from distutils.version import LooseVersion, suppress_known_deprecation + def get_msvcr(): """Include the appropriate MSVC runtime library if Python was built @@ -66,7 +30,7 @@ def get_msvcr(): """ msc_pos = sys.version.find('MSC v.') if msc_pos != -1: - msc_ver = sys.version[msc_pos+6:msc_pos+10] + msc_ver = sys.version[msc_pos + 6 : msc_pos + 10] if msc_ver == '1300': # MSVC 7.0 return ['msvcr70'] @@ -82,84 +46,85 @@ def get_msvcr(): elif msc_ver == '1600': # VS2010 / MSVC 10.0 return ['msvcr100'] + elif msc_ver == '1700': + # VS2012 / MSVC 11.0 + return ['msvcr110'] + elif msc_ver == '1800': + # VS2013 / MSVC 12.0 + return ['msvcr120'] + elif 1900 <= int(msc_ver) < 2000: + # VS2015 / MSVC 14.0 + return ['ucrt', 'vcruntime140'] else: raise ValueError("Unknown MS Compiler version %s " % msc_ver) +_runtime_library_dirs_msg = ( + "Unable to set runtime library search path on Windows, " + "usually indicated by `runtime_library_dirs` parameter to Extension" +) + + class CygwinCCompiler(UnixCCompiler): - """ Handles the Cygwin port of the GNU C compiler to Windows. - """ + """Handles the Cygwin port of the GNU C compiler to Windows.""" + compiler_type = 'cygwin' obj_extension = ".o" static_lib_extension = ".a" - shared_lib_extension = ".dll" + shared_lib_extension = ".dll.a" + dylib_lib_extension = ".dll" static_lib_format = "lib%s%s" - shared_lib_format = "%s%s" + shared_lib_format = "lib%s%s" + dylib_lib_format = "cyg%s%s" exe_extension = ".exe" def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - UnixCCompiler.__init__(self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) status, details = check_config_h() - self.debug_print("Python's GCC status: %s (details: %s)" % - (status, details)) + self.debug_print( + "Python's GCC status: {} (details: {})".format(status, details) + ) if status is not CONFIG_H_OK: self.warn( "Python's pyconfig.h doesn't seem to support your compiler. " "Reason: %s. " - "Compiling may fail because of undefined preprocessor macros." - % details) + "Compiling may fail because of undefined preprocessor macros." % details + ) self.cc = os.environ.get('CC', 'gcc') self.cxx = os.environ.get('CXX', 'g++') - if ('gcc' in self.cc): # Start gcc workaround - self.gcc_version, self.ld_version, self.dllwrap_version = \ - get_versions() - self.debug_print(self.compiler_type + ": gcc %s, ld %s, dllwrap %s\n" % - (self.gcc_version, - self.ld_version, - self.dllwrap_version) ) - - # ld_version >= "2.10.90" and < "2.13" should also be able to use - # gcc -mdll instead of dllwrap - # Older dllwraps had own version numbers, newer ones use the - # same as the rest of binutils ( also ld ) - # dllwrap 2.10.90 is buggy - if self.ld_version >= "2.10.90": - self.linker_dll = self.cc - else: - self.linker_dll = "dllwrap" + self.linker_dll = self.cc + shared_option = "-shared" - # ld_version >= "2.13" support -shared so use it instead of - # -mdll -static - if self.ld_version >= "2.13": - shared_option = "-shared" - else: - shared_option = "-mdll -static" - else: # Assume linker is up to date - self.linker_dll = self.cc - shared_option = "-shared" - - self.set_executables(compiler='%s -mcygwin -O -Wall' % self.cc, - compiler_so='%s -mcygwin -mdll -O -Wall' % self.cc, - compiler_cxx='%s -mcygwin -O -Wall' % self.cxx, - linker_exe='%s -mcygwin' % self.cc, - linker_so=('%s -mcygwin %s' % - (self.linker_dll, shared_option))) - - # cygwin and mingw32 need different sets of libraries - if ('gcc' in self.cc and self.gcc_version == "2.91.57"): - # cygwin shouldn't need msvcrt, but without the dlls will crash - # (gcc version 2.91.57) -- perhaps something about initialization - self.dll_libraries=["msvcrt"] - self.warn( - "Consider upgrading to a newer version of gcc") - else: - # Include the appropriate MSVC runtime library if Python was built - # with MSVC 7.0 or later. - self.dll_libraries = get_msvcr() + self.set_executables( + compiler='%s -mcygwin -O -Wall' % self.cc, + compiler_so='%s -mcygwin -mdll -O -Wall' % self.cc, + compiler_cxx='%s -mcygwin -O -Wall' % self.cxx, + linker_exe='%s -mcygwin' % self.cc, + linker_so=('{} -mcygwin {}'.format(self.linker_dll, shared_option)), + ) + + # Include the appropriate MSVC runtime library if Python was built + # with MSVC 7.0 or later. + self.dll_libraries = get_msvcr() + + @property + def gcc_version(self): + # Older numpy dependend on this existing to check for ancient + # gcc versions. This doesn't make much sense with clang etc so + # just hardcode to something recent. + # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/20333 + warnings.warn( + "gcc_version attribute of CygwinCCompiler is deprecated. " + "Instead of returning actual gcc version a fixed value 11.2.0 is returned.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + with suppress_known_deprecation(): + return LooseVersion("11.2.0") def _compile(self, obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts): """Compiles the source by spawning GCC and windres if needed.""" @@ -169,30 +134,47 @@ class CygwinCCompiler(UnixCCompiler): self.spawn(["windres", "-i", src, "-o", obj]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) - else: # for other files use the C-compiler + else: # for other files use the C-compiler try: - self.spawn(self.compiler_so + cc_args + [src, '-o', obj] + - extra_postargs) + self.spawn( + self.compiler_so + cc_args + [src, '-o', obj] + extra_postargs + ) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) - def link(self, target_desc, objects, output_filename, output_dir=None, - libraries=None, library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None, target_lang=None): + def link( + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): """Link the objects.""" # use separate copies, so we can modify the lists extra_preargs = copy.copy(extra_preargs or []) libraries = copy.copy(libraries or []) objects = copy.copy(objects or []) + if runtime_library_dirs: + self.warn(_runtime_library_dirs_msg) + # Additional libraries libraries.extend(self.dll_libraries) # handle export symbols by creating a def-file # with executables this only works with gcc/ld as linker - if ((export_symbols is not None) and - (target_desc != self.EXECUTABLE or self.linker_dll == "gcc")): + if (export_symbols is not None) and ( + target_desc != self.EXECUTABLE or self.linker_dll == "gcc" + ): # (The linker doesn't do anything if output is up-to-date. # So it would probably better to check if we really need this, # but for this we had to insert some unchanged parts of @@ -204,124 +186,115 @@ class CygwinCCompiler(UnixCCompiler): temp_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) # name of dll to give the helper files the same base name (dll_name, dll_extension) = os.path.splitext( - os.path.basename(output_filename)) + os.path.basename(output_filename) + ) # generate the filenames for these files def_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, dll_name + ".def") - lib_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'lib' + dll_name + ".a") # Generate .def file - contents = [ - "LIBRARY %s" % os.path.basename(output_filename), - "EXPORTS"] + contents = ["LIBRARY %s" % os.path.basename(output_filename), "EXPORTS"] for sym in export_symbols: contents.append(sym) - self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents), - "writing %s" % def_file) + self.execute(write_file, (def_file, contents), "writing %s" % def_file) - # next add options for def-file and to creating import libraries + # next add options for def-file - # dllwrap uses different options than gcc/ld - if self.linker_dll == "dllwrap": - extra_preargs.extend(["--output-lib", lib_file]) - # for dllwrap we have to use a special option - extra_preargs.extend(["--def", def_file]) - # we use gcc/ld here and can be sure ld is >= 2.9.10 - else: - # doesn't work: bfd_close build\...\libfoo.a: Invalid operation - #extra_preargs.extend(["-Wl,--out-implib,%s" % lib_file]) - # for gcc/ld the def-file is specified as any object files - objects.append(def_file) + # for gcc/ld the def-file is specified as any object files + objects.append(def_file) - #end: if ((export_symbols is not None) and + # end: if ((export_symbols is not None) and # (target_desc != self.EXECUTABLE or self.linker_dll == "gcc")): # who wants symbols and a many times larger output file # should explicitly switch the debug mode on - # otherwise we let dllwrap/ld strip the output file + # otherwise we let ld strip the output file # (On my machine: 10KiB < stripped_file < ??100KiB # unstripped_file = stripped_file + XXX KiB # ( XXX=254 for a typical python extension)) if not debug: extra_preargs.append("-s") - UnixCCompiler.link(self, target_desc, objects, output_filename, - output_dir, libraries, library_dirs, - runtime_library_dirs, - None, # export_symbols, we do this in our def-file - debug, extra_preargs, extra_postargs, build_temp, - target_lang) + UnixCCompiler.link( + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir, + libraries, + library_dirs, + runtime_library_dirs, + None, # export_symbols, we do this in our def-file + debug, + extra_preargs, + extra_postargs, + build_temp, + target_lang, + ) + + def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): + # cygwin doesn't support rpath. While in theory we could error + # out like MSVC does, code might expect it to work like on Unix, so + # just warn and hope for the best. + self.warn(_runtime_library_dirs_msg) + return [] # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- - def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): - """Adds supports for rc and res files.""" - if output_dir is None: - output_dir = '' - obj_names = [] - for src_name in source_filenames: - # use normcase to make sure '.rc' is really '.rc' and not '.RC' - base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.normcase(src_name)) - if ext not in (self.src_extensions + ['.rc','.res']): - raise UnknownFileError("unknown file type '%s' (from '%s')" % \ - (ext, src_name)) - if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename (base) - if ext in ('.res', '.rc'): - # these need to be compiled to object files - obj_names.append (os.path.join(output_dir, - base + ext + self.obj_extension)) - else: - obj_names.append (os.path.join(output_dir, - base + self.obj_extension)) - return obj_names + def _make_out_path(self, output_dir, strip_dir, src_name): + # use normcase to make sure '.rc' is really '.rc' and not '.RC' + norm_src_name = os.path.normcase(src_name) + return super()._make_out_path(output_dir, strip_dir, norm_src_name) + + @property + def out_extensions(self): + """ + Add support for rc and res files. + """ + return { + **super().out_extensions, + **{ext: ext + self.obj_extension for ext in ('.res', '.rc')}, + } + # the same as cygwin plus some additional parameters class Mingw32CCompiler(CygwinCCompiler): - """ Handles the Mingw32 port of the GNU C compiler to Windows. - """ + """Handles the Mingw32 port of the GNU C compiler to Windows.""" + compiler_type = 'mingw32' def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - CygwinCCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) - # ld_version >= "2.13" support -shared so use it instead of - # -mdll -static - if ('gcc' in self.cc and self.ld_version < "2.13"): - shared_option = "-mdll -static" - else: - shared_option = "-shared" - - # A real mingw32 doesn't need to specify a different entry point, - # but cygwin 2.91.57 in no-cygwin-mode needs it. - if ('gcc' in self.cc and self.gcc_version <= "2.91.57"): - entry_point = '--entry _DllMain@12' - else: - entry_point = '' + shared_option = "-shared" if is_cygwincc(self.cc): - raise CCompilerError( - 'Cygwin gcc cannot be used with --compiler=mingw32') - - self.set_executables(compiler='%s -O -Wall' % self.cc, - compiler_so='%s -mdll -O -Wall' % self.cc, - compiler_cxx='%s -O -Wall' % self.cxx, - linker_exe='%s' % self.cc, - linker_so='%s %s %s' - % (self.linker_dll, shared_option, - entry_point)) + raise CCompilerError('Cygwin gcc cannot be used with --compiler=mingw32') + + self.set_executables( + compiler='%s -O -Wall' % self.cc, + compiler_so='%s -mdll -O -Wall' % self.cc, + compiler_cxx='%s -O -Wall' % self.cxx, + linker_exe='%s' % self.cc, + linker_so='{} {}'.format(self.linker_dll, shared_option), + ) + # Maybe we should also append -mthreads, but then the finished # dlls need another dll (mingwm10.dll see Mingw32 docs) # (-mthreads: Support thread-safe exception handling on `Mingw32') # no additional libraries needed - self.dll_libraries=[] + self.dll_libraries = [] # Include the appropriate MSVC runtime library if Python was built # with MSVC 7.0 or later. self.dll_libraries = get_msvcr() + def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): + raise DistutilsPlatformError(_runtime_library_dirs_msg) + + # Because these compilers aren't configured in Python's pyconfig.h file by # default, we should at least warn the user if he is using an unmodified # version. @@ -330,6 +303,7 @@ CONFIG_H_OK = "ok" CONFIG_H_NOTOK = "not ok" CONFIG_H_UNCERTAIN = "uncertain" + def check_config_h(): """Check if the current Python installation appears amenable to building extensions with GCC. @@ -374,41 +348,17 @@ def check_config_h(): finally: config_h.close() except OSError as exc: - return (CONFIG_H_UNCERTAIN, - "couldn't read '%s': %s" % (fn, exc.strerror)) + return (CONFIG_H_UNCERTAIN, "couldn't read '{}': {}".format(fn, exc.strerror)) -RE_VERSION = re.compile(br'(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)*)') - -def _find_exe_version(cmd): - """Find the version of an executable by running `cmd` in the shell. - - If the command is not found, or the output does not match - `RE_VERSION`, returns None. - """ - executable = cmd.split()[0] - if find_executable(executable) is None: - return None - out = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE).stdout - try: - out_string = out.read() - finally: - out.close() - result = RE_VERSION.search(out_string) - if result is None: - return None - # LooseVersion works with strings - # so we need to decode our bytes - return LooseVersion(result.group(1).decode()) - -def get_versions(): - """ Try to find out the versions of gcc, ld and dllwrap. - - If not possible it returns None for it. - """ - commands = ['gcc -dumpversion', 'ld -v', 'dllwrap --version'] - return tuple([_find_exe_version(cmd) for cmd in commands]) def is_cygwincc(cc): '''Try to determine if the compiler that would be used is from cygwin.''' - out_string = check_output([cc, '-dumpmachine']) + out_string = check_output(shlex.split(cc) + ['-dumpmachine']) return out_string.strip().endswith(b'cygwin') + + +get_versions = None +""" +A stand-in for the previous get_versions() function to prevent failures +when monkeypatched. See pypa/setuptools#2969. +""" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dep_util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dep_util.py index d74f5e4..db1fa01 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dep_util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dep_util.py @@ -8,28 +8,29 @@ import os from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError -def newer (source, target): +def newer(source, target): """Return true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than 'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't. Return false if both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger than 'source'. Raise DistutilsFileError if 'source' does not exist. """ if not os.path.exists(source): - raise DistutilsFileError("file '%s' does not exist" % - os.path.abspath(source)) + raise DistutilsFileError("file '%s' does not exist" % os.path.abspath(source)) if not os.path.exists(target): return 1 from stat import ST_MTIME + mtime1 = os.stat(source)[ST_MTIME] mtime2 = os.stat(target)[ST_MTIME] return mtime1 > mtime2 + # newer () -def newer_pairwise (sources, targets): +def newer_pairwise(sources, targets): """Walk two filename lists in parallel, testing if each source is newer than its corresponding target. Return a pair of lists (sources, targets) where source is newer than target, according to the semantics @@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ def newer_pairwise (sources, targets): return (n_sources, n_targets) + # newer_pairwise () -def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'): +def newer_group(sources, target, missing='error'): """Return true if 'target' is out-of-date with respect to any file listed in 'sources'. In other words, if 'target' exists and is newer than every file in 'sources', return false; otherwise return true. @@ -73,15 +75,16 @@ def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'): # we can immediately return true. If we fall through to the end # of the loop, then 'target' is up-to-date and we return false. from stat import ST_MTIME + target_mtime = os.stat(target)[ST_MTIME] for source in sources: if not os.path.exists(source): - if missing == 'error': # blow up when we stat() the file + if missing == 'error': # blow up when we stat() the file pass - elif missing == 'ignore': # missing source dropped from - continue # target's dependency list - elif missing == 'newer': # missing source means target is - return 1 # out-of-date + elif missing == 'ignore': # missing source dropped from + continue # target's dependency list + elif missing == 'newer': # missing source means target is + return 1 # out-of-date source_mtime = os.stat(source)[ST_MTIME] if source_mtime > target_mtime: @@ -89,4 +92,5 @@ def newer_group (sources, target, missing='error'): else: return 0 + # newer_group () diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dir_util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dir_util.py index d5cd8e3..6f0bb8a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dir_util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dir_util.py @@ -4,17 +4,15 @@ Utility functions for manipulating directories and directory trees.""" import os import errno -from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError, DistutilsInternalError +from distutils.errors import DistutilsInternalError, DistutilsFileError from distutils import log # cache for by mkpath() -- in addition to cheapening redundant calls, # eliminates redundant "creating /foo/bar/baz" messages in dry-run mode _path_created = {} -# I don't use os.makedirs because a) it's new to Python 1.5.2, and -# b) it blows up if the directory already exists (I want to silently -# succeed in that case). -def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): + +def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): # noqa: C901 """Create a directory and any missing ancestor directories. If the directory already exists (or if 'name' is the empty string, which @@ -23,6 +21,12 @@ def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): (eg. some sub-path exists, but is a file rather than a directory). If 'verbose' is true, print a one-line summary of each mkdir to stdout. Return the list of directories actually created. + + os.makedirs is not used because: + + a) It's new to Python 1.5.2, and + b) it blows up if the directory already exists (in which case it should + silently succeed). """ global _path_created @@ -30,7 +34,8 @@ def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): # Detect a common bug -- name is None if not isinstance(name, str): raise DistutilsInternalError( - "mkpath: 'name' must be a string (got %r)" % (name,)) + "mkpath: 'name' must be a string (got {!r})".format(name) + ) # XXX what's the better way to handle verbosity? print as we create # each directory in the path (the current behaviour), or only announce @@ -45,17 +50,17 @@ def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): return created_dirs (head, tail) = os.path.split(name) - tails = [tail] # stack of lone dirs to create + tails = [tail] # stack of lone dirs to create while head and tail and not os.path.isdir(head): (head, tail) = os.path.split(head) - tails.insert(0, tail) # push next higher dir onto stack + tails.insert(0, tail) # push next higher dir onto stack # now 'head' contains the deepest directory that already exists # (that is, the child of 'head' in 'name' is the highest directory # that does *not* exist) for d in tails: - #print "head = %s, d = %s: " % (head, d), + # print "head = %s, d = %s: " % (head, d), head = os.path.join(head, d) abs_head = os.path.abspath(head) @@ -71,12 +76,14 @@ def mkpath(name, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): except OSError as exc: if not (exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(head)): raise DistutilsFileError( - "could not create '%s': %s" % (head, exc.args[-1])) + "could not create '{}': {}".format(head, exc.args[-1]) + ) created_dirs.append(head) _path_created[abs_head] = 1 return created_dirs + def create_tree(base_dir, files, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): """Create all the empty directories under 'base_dir' needed to put 'files' there. @@ -96,8 +103,17 @@ def create_tree(base_dir, files, mode=0o777, verbose=1, dry_run=0): for dir in sorted(need_dir): mkpath(dir, mode, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run) -def copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, - preserve_symlinks=0, update=0, verbose=1, dry_run=0): + +def copy_tree( # noqa: C901 + src, + dst, + preserve_mode=1, + preserve_times=1, + preserve_symlinks=0, + update=0, + verbose=1, + dry_run=0, +): """Copy an entire directory tree 'src' to a new location 'dst'. Both 'src' and 'dst' must be directory names. If 'src' is not a @@ -120,8 +136,7 @@ def copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, from distutils.file_util import copy_file if not dry_run and not os.path.isdir(src): - raise DistutilsFileError( - "cannot copy tree '%s': not a directory" % src) + raise DistutilsFileError("cannot copy tree '%s': not a directory" % src) try: names = os.listdir(src) except OSError as e: @@ -129,7 +144,8 @@ def copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, names = [] else: raise DistutilsFileError( - "error listing files in '%s': %s" % (src, e.strerror)) + "error listing files in '{}': {}".format(src, e.strerror) + ) if not dry_run: mkpath(dst, verbose=verbose) @@ -154,27 +170,43 @@ def copy_tree(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, elif os.path.isdir(src_name): outputs.extend( - copy_tree(src_name, dst_name, preserve_mode, - preserve_times, preserve_symlinks, update, - verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)) + copy_tree( + src_name, + dst_name, + preserve_mode, + preserve_times, + preserve_symlinks, + update, + verbose=verbose, + dry_run=dry_run, + ) + ) else: - copy_file(src_name, dst_name, preserve_mode, - preserve_times, update, verbose=verbose, - dry_run=dry_run) + copy_file( + src_name, + dst_name, + preserve_mode, + preserve_times, + update, + verbose=verbose, + dry_run=dry_run, + ) outputs.append(dst_name) return outputs + def _build_cmdtuple(path, cmdtuples): """Helper for remove_tree().""" for f in os.listdir(path): - real_f = os.path.join(path,f) + real_f = os.path.join(path, f) if os.path.isdir(real_f) and not os.path.islink(real_f): _build_cmdtuple(real_f, cmdtuples) else: cmdtuples.append((os.remove, real_f)) cmdtuples.append((os.rmdir, path)) + def remove_tree(directory, verbose=1, dry_run=0): """Recursively remove an entire directory tree. @@ -199,6 +231,7 @@ def remove_tree(directory, verbose=1, dry_run=0): except OSError as exc: log.warn("error removing %s: %s", directory, exc) + def ensure_relative(path): """Take the full path 'path', and make it a relative path. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dist.py index 37db4d6..917cd94 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dist.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/dist.py @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ being built/installed/distributed. import sys import os import re +import pathlib +import contextlib from email import message_from_file try: @@ -14,7 +16,12 @@ try: except ImportError: warnings = None -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsOptionError, + DistutilsModuleError, + DistutilsArgError, + DistutilsClassError, +) from distutils.fancy_getopt import FancyGetopt, translate_longopt from distutils.util import check_environ, strtobool, rfc822_escape from distutils import log @@ -69,8 +76,7 @@ class Distribution: ('quiet', 'q', "run quietly (turns verbosity off)"), ('dry-run', 'n', "don't actually do anything"), ('help', 'h', "show detailed help message"), - ('no-user-cfg', None, - 'ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory'), + ('no-user-cfg', None, 'ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory'), ] # 'common_usage' is a short (2-3 line) string describing the common @@ -84,49 +90,32 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # options that are not propagated to the commands display_options = [ - ('help-commands', None, - "list all available commands"), - ('name', None, - "print package name"), - ('version', 'V', - "print package version"), - ('fullname', None, - "print -"), - ('author', None, - "print the author's name"), - ('author-email', None, - "print the author's email address"), - ('maintainer', None, - "print the maintainer's name"), - ('maintainer-email', None, - "print the maintainer's email address"), - ('contact', None, - "print the maintainer's name if known, else the author's"), - ('contact-email', None, - "print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's"), - ('url', None, - "print the URL for this package"), - ('license', None, - "print the license of the package"), - ('licence', None, - "alias for --license"), - ('description', None, - "print the package description"), - ('long-description', None, - "print the long package description"), - ('platforms', None, - "print the list of platforms"), - ('classifiers', None, - "print the list of classifiers"), - ('keywords', None, - "print the list of keywords"), - ('provides', None, - "print the list of packages/modules provided"), - ('requires', None, - "print the list of packages/modules required"), - ('obsoletes', None, - "print the list of packages/modules made obsolete") - ] + ('help-commands', None, "list all available commands"), + ('name', None, "print package name"), + ('version', 'V', "print package version"), + ('fullname', None, "print -"), + ('author', None, "print the author's name"), + ('author-email', None, "print the author's email address"), + ('maintainer', None, "print the maintainer's name"), + ('maintainer-email', None, "print the maintainer's email address"), + ('contact', None, "print the maintainer's name if known, else the author's"), + ( + 'contact-email', + None, + "print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's", + ), + ('url', None, "print the URL for this package"), + ('license', None, "print the license of the package"), + ('licence', None, "alias for --license"), + ('description', None, "print the package description"), + ('long-description', None, "print the long package description"), + ('platforms', None, "print the list of platforms"), + ('classifiers', None, "print the list of classifiers"), + ('keywords', None, "print the list of keywords"), + ('provides', None, "print the list of packages/modules provided"), + ('requires', None, "print the list of packages/modules required"), + ('obsoletes', None, "print the list of packages/modules made obsolete"), + ] display_option_names = [translate_longopt(x[0]) for x in display_options] # negative options are options that exclude other options @@ -134,7 +123,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # -- Creation/initialization methods ------------------------------- - def __init__(self, attrs=None): + def __init__(self, attrs=None): # noqa: C901 """Construct a new Distribution instance: initialize all the attributes of a Distribution, and then use 'attrs' (a dictionary mapping attribute names to values) to assign some of those @@ -306,7 +295,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) def dump_option_dicts(self, header=None, commands=None, indent=""): from pprint import pformat - if commands is None: # dump all command option dicts + if commands is None: # dump all command option dicts commands = sorted(self.command_options.keys()) if header is not None: @@ -320,11 +309,9 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) for cmd_name in commands: opt_dict = self.command_options.get(cmd_name) if opt_dict is None: - self.announce(indent + - "no option dict for '%s' command" % cmd_name) + self.announce(indent + "no option dict for '%s' command" % cmd_name) else: - self.announce(indent + - "option dict for '%s' command:" % cmd_name) + self.announce(indent + "option dict for '%s' command:" % cmd_name) out = pformat(opt_dict) for line in out.split('\n'): self.announce(indent + " " + line) @@ -337,58 +324,61 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) should be parsed. The filenames returned are guaranteed to exist (modulo nasty race conditions). - There are three possible config files: distutils.cfg in the - Distutils installation directory (ie. where the top-level - Distutils __inst__.py file lives), a file in the user's home - directory named .pydistutils.cfg on Unix and pydistutils.cfg - on Windows/Mac; and setup.cfg in the current directory. - - The file in the user's home directory can be disabled with the - --no-user-cfg option. + There are multiple possible config files: + - distutils.cfg in the Distutils installation directory (i.e. + where the top-level Distutils __inst__.py file lives) + - a file in the user's home directory named .pydistutils.cfg + on Unix and pydistutils.cfg on Windows/Mac; may be disabled + with the ``--no-user-cfg`` option + - setup.cfg in the current directory + - a file named by an environment variable """ - files = [] check_environ() + files = [str(path) for path in self._gen_paths() if os.path.isfile(path)] - # Where to look for the system-wide Distutils config file - sys_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules['distutils'].__file__) + if DEBUG: + self.announce("using config files: %s" % ', '.join(files)) - # Look for the system config file - sys_file = os.path.join(sys_dir, "distutils.cfg") - if os.path.isfile(sys_file): - files.append(sys_file) + return files - # What to call the per-user config file - if os.name == 'posix': - user_filename = ".pydistutils.cfg" - else: - user_filename = "pydistutils.cfg" + def _gen_paths(self): + # The system-wide Distutils config file + sys_dir = pathlib.Path(sys.modules['distutils'].__file__).parent + yield sys_dir / "distutils.cfg" - # And look for the user config file + # The per-user config file + prefix = '.' * (os.name == 'posix') + filename = prefix + 'pydistutils.cfg' if self.want_user_cfg: - user_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), user_filename) - if os.path.isfile(user_file): - files.append(user_file) + yield pathlib.Path('~').expanduser() / filename # All platforms support local setup.cfg - local_file = "setup.cfg" - if os.path.isfile(local_file): - files.append(local_file) + yield pathlib.Path('setup.cfg') - if DEBUG: - self.announce("using config files: %s" % ', '.join(files)) - - return files + # Additional config indicated in the environment + with contextlib.suppress(TypeError): + yield pathlib.Path(os.getenv("DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG")) - def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None): + def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None): # noqa: C901 from configparser import ConfigParser # Ignore install directory options if we have a venv if sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix: ignore_options = [ - 'install-base', 'install-platbase', 'install-lib', - 'install-platlib', 'install-purelib', 'install-headers', - 'install-scripts', 'install-data', 'prefix', 'exec-prefix', - 'home', 'user', 'root'] + 'install-base', + 'install-platbase', + 'install-lib', + 'install-platlib', + 'install-purelib', + 'install-headers', + 'install-scripts', + 'install-data', + 'prefix', + 'exec-prefix', + 'home', + 'user', + 'root', + ] else: ignore_options = [] @@ -411,7 +401,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) for opt in options: if opt != '__name__' and opt not in ignore_options: - val = parser.get(section,opt) + val = parser.get(section, opt) opt = opt.replace('-', '_') opt_dict[opt] = (filename, val) @@ -428,7 +418,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) try: if alias: setattr(self, alias, not strtobool(val)) - elif opt in ('verbose', 'dry_run'): # ugh! + elif opt in ('verbose', 'dry_run'): # ugh! setattr(self, opt, strtobool(val)) else: setattr(self, opt, val) @@ -482,7 +472,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) return while args: args = self._parse_command_opts(parser, args) - if args is None: # user asked for help (and got it) + if args is None: # user asked for help (and got it) return # Handle the cases of --help as a "global" option, ie. @@ -492,9 +482,9 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # latter, we omit the display-only options and show help for # each command listed on the command line. if self.help: - self._show_help(parser, - display_options=len(self.commands) == 0, - commands=self.commands) + self._show_help( + parser, display_options=len(self.commands) == 0, commands=self.commands + ) return # Oops, no commands found -- an end-user error @@ -511,11 +501,14 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) level as well as options recognized for commands. """ return self.global_options + [ - ("command-packages=", None, - "list of packages that provide distutils commands"), - ] + ( + "command-packages=", + None, + "list of packages that provide distutils commands", + ), + ] - def _parse_command_opts(self, parser, args): + def _parse_command_opts(self, parser, args): # noqa: C901 """Parse the command-line options for a single command. 'parser' must be a FancyGetopt instance; 'args' must be the list of arguments, starting with the current command (whose options @@ -545,14 +538,19 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # to be sure that the basic "command" interface is implemented. if not issubclass(cmd_class, Command): raise DistutilsClassError( - "command class %s must subclass Command" % cmd_class) + "command class %s must subclass Command" % cmd_class + ) # Also make sure that the command object provides a list of its # known options. - if not (hasattr(cmd_class, 'user_options') and - isinstance(cmd_class.user_options, list)): - msg = ("command class %s must provide " - "'user_options' attribute (a list of tuples)") + if not ( + hasattr(cmd_class, 'user_options') + and isinstance(cmd_class.user_options, list) + ): + msg = ( + "command class %s must provide " + "'user_options' attribute (a list of tuples)" + ) raise DistutilsClassError(msg % cmd_class) # If the command class has a list of negative alias options, @@ -564,36 +562,39 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # Check for help_options in command class. They have a different # format (tuple of four) so we need to preprocess them here. - if (hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and - isinstance(cmd_class.help_options, list)): + if hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and isinstance( + cmd_class.help_options, list + ): help_options = fix_help_options(cmd_class.help_options) else: help_options = [] # All commands support the global options too, just by adding # in 'global_options'. - parser.set_option_table(self.global_options + - cmd_class.user_options + - help_options) + parser.set_option_table( + self.global_options + cmd_class.user_options + help_options + ) parser.set_negative_aliases(negative_opt) (args, opts) = parser.getopt(args[1:]) if hasattr(opts, 'help') and opts.help: self._show_help(parser, display_options=0, commands=[cmd_class]) return - if (hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and - isinstance(cmd_class.help_options, list)): - help_option_found=0 + if hasattr(cmd_class, 'help_options') and isinstance( + cmd_class.help_options, list + ): + help_option_found = 0 for (help_option, short, desc, func) in cmd_class.help_options: if hasattr(opts, parser.get_attr_name(help_option)): - help_option_found=1 + help_option_found = 1 if callable(func): func() else: raise DistutilsClassError( "invalid help function %r for help option '%s': " "must be a callable object (function, etc.)" - % (func, help_option)) + % (func, help_option) + ) if help_option_found: return @@ -619,8 +620,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) value = [elm.strip() for elm in value.split(',')] setattr(self.metadata, attr, value) - def _show_help(self, parser, global_options=1, display_options=1, - commands=[]): + def _show_help(self, parser, global_options=1, display_options=1, commands=[]): """Show help for the setup script command-line in the form of several lists of command-line options. 'parser' should be a FancyGetopt instance; do not expect it to be returned in the @@ -649,8 +649,9 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) if display_options: parser.set_option_table(self.display_options) parser.print_help( - "Information display options (just display " + - "information, ignore any commands)") + "Information display options (just display " + + "information, ignore any commands)" + ) print('') for command in self.commands: @@ -658,10 +659,10 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) klass = command else: klass = self.get_command_class(command) - if (hasattr(klass, 'help_options') and - isinstance(klass.help_options, list)): - parser.set_option_table(klass.user_options + - fix_help_options(klass.help_options)) + if hasattr(klass, 'help_options') and isinstance(klass.help_options, list): + parser.set_option_table( + klass.user_options + fix_help_options(klass.help_options) + ) else: parser.set_option_table(klass.user_options) parser.print_help("Options for '%s' command:" % klass.__name__) @@ -697,11 +698,10 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) for (opt, val) in option_order: if val and is_display_option.get(opt): opt = translate_longopt(opt) - value = getattr(self.metadata, "get_"+opt)() + value = getattr(self.metadata, "get_" + opt)() if opt in ['keywords', 'platforms']: print(','.join(value)) - elif opt in ('classifiers', 'provides', 'requires', - 'obsoletes'): + elif opt in ('classifiers', 'provides', 'requires', 'obsoletes'): print('\n'.join(value)) else: print(value) @@ -735,6 +735,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) 'description'. """ import distutils.command + std_commands = distutils.command.__all__ is_std = {} for cmd in std_commands: @@ -746,18 +747,14 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) extra_commands.append(cmd) max_length = 0 - for cmd in (std_commands + extra_commands): + for cmd in std_commands + extra_commands: if len(cmd) > max_length: max_length = len(cmd) - self.print_command_list(std_commands, - "Standard commands", - max_length) + self.print_command_list(std_commands, "Standard commands", max_length) if extra_commands: print() - self.print_command_list(extra_commands, - "Extra commands", - max_length) + self.print_command_list(extra_commands, "Extra commands", max_length) def get_command_list(self): """Get a list of (command, description) tuples. @@ -769,6 +766,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # Currently this is only used on Mac OS, for the Mac-only GUI # Distutils interface (by Jack Jansen) import distutils.command + std_commands = distutils.command.__all__ is_std = {} for cmd in std_commands: @@ -780,7 +778,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) extra_commands.append(cmd) rv = [] - for cmd in (std_commands + extra_commands): + for cmd in std_commands + extra_commands: klass = self.cmdclass.get(cmd) if not klass: klass = self.get_command_class(cmd) @@ -822,7 +820,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) return klass for pkgname in self.get_command_packages(): - module_name = "%s.%s" % (pkgname, command) + module_name = "{}.{}".format(pkgname, command) klass_name = command try: @@ -836,7 +834,8 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) except AttributeError: raise DistutilsModuleError( "invalid command '%s' (no class '%s' in module '%s')" - % (command, klass_name, module_name)) + % (command, klass_name, module_name) + ) self.cmdclass[command] = klass return klass @@ -852,8 +851,10 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) cmd_obj = self.command_obj.get(command) if not cmd_obj and create: if DEBUG: - self.announce("Distribution.get_command_obj(): " - "creating '%s' command object" % command) + self.announce( + "Distribution.get_command_obj(): " + "creating '%s' command object" % command + ) klass = self.get_command_class(command) cmd_obj = self.command_obj[command] = klass(self) @@ -870,7 +871,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) return cmd_obj - def _set_command_options(self, command_obj, option_dict=None): + def _set_command_options(self, command_obj, option_dict=None): # noqa: C901 """Set the options for 'command_obj' from 'option_dict'. Basically this means copying elements of a dictionary ('option_dict') to attributes of an instance ('command'). @@ -887,11 +888,9 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) self.announce(" setting options for '%s' command:" % command_name) for (option, (source, value)) in option_dict.items(): if DEBUG: - self.announce(" %s = %s (from %s)" % (option, value, - source)) + self.announce(" {} = {} (from {})".format(option, value, source)) try: - bool_opts = [translate_longopt(o) - for o in command_obj.boolean_options] + bool_opts = [translate_longopt(o) for o in command_obj.boolean_options] except AttributeError: bool_opts = [] try: @@ -910,7 +909,8 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) else: raise DistutilsOptionError( "error in %s: command '%s' has no such option '%s'" - % (source, command_name, option)) + % (source, command_name, option) + ) except ValueError as msg: raise DistutilsOptionError(msg) @@ -934,6 +934,7 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) Returns the reinitialized command object. """ from distutils.cmd import Command + if not isinstance(command, Command): command_name = command command = self.get_command_obj(command_name) @@ -1010,9 +1011,11 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) return self.data_files and len(self.data_files) > 0 def is_pure(self): - return (self.has_pure_modules() and - not self.has_ext_modules() and - not self.has_c_libraries()) + return ( + self.has_pure_modules() + and not self.has_ext_modules() + and not self.has_c_libraries() + ) # -- Metadata query methods ---------------------------------------- @@ -1021,19 +1024,35 @@ Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more) # to self.metadata.get_XXX. The actual code is in the # DistributionMetadata class, below. + class DistributionMetadata: """Dummy class to hold the distribution meta-data: name, version, author, and so forth. """ - _METHOD_BASENAMES = ("name", "version", "author", "author_email", - "maintainer", "maintainer_email", "url", - "license", "description", "long_description", - "keywords", "platforms", "fullname", "contact", - "contact_email", "classifiers", "download_url", - # PEP 314 - "provides", "requires", "obsoletes", - ) + _METHOD_BASENAMES = ( + "name", + "version", + "author", + "author_email", + "maintainer", + "maintainer_email", + "url", + "license", + "description", + "long_description", + "keywords", + "platforms", + "fullname", + "contact", + "contact_email", + "classifiers", + "download_url", + # PEP 314 + "provides", + "requires", + "obsoletes", + ) def __init__(self, path=None): if path is not None: @@ -1064,9 +1083,8 @@ class DistributionMetadata: def _read_field(name): value = msg[name] - if value == 'UNKNOWN': - return None - return value + if value and value != "UNKNOWN": + return value def _read_list(name): values = msg.get_all(name, None) @@ -1111,37 +1129,42 @@ class DistributionMetadata: self.obsoletes = None def write_pkg_info(self, base_dir): - """Write the PKG-INFO file into the release tree. - """ - with open(os.path.join(base_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), 'w', - encoding='UTF-8') as pkg_info: + """Write the PKG-INFO file into the release tree.""" + with open( + os.path.join(base_dir, 'PKG-INFO'), 'w', encoding='UTF-8' + ) as pkg_info: self.write_pkg_file(pkg_info) def write_pkg_file(self, file): - """Write the PKG-INFO format data to a file object. - """ + """Write the PKG-INFO format data to a file object.""" version = '1.0' - if (self.provides or self.requires or self.obsoletes or - self.classifiers or self.download_url): + if ( + self.provides + or self.requires + or self.obsoletes + or self.classifiers + or self.download_url + ): version = '1.1' + # required fields file.write('Metadata-Version: %s\n' % version) file.write('Name: %s\n' % self.get_name()) file.write('Version: %s\n' % self.get_version()) - file.write('Summary: %s\n' % self.get_description()) - file.write('Home-page: %s\n' % self.get_url()) - file.write('Author: %s\n' % self.get_contact()) - file.write('Author-email: %s\n' % self.get_contact_email()) - file.write('License: %s\n' % self.get_license()) - if self.download_url: - file.write('Download-URL: %s\n' % self.download_url) - long_desc = rfc822_escape(self.get_long_description()) - file.write('Description: %s\n' % long_desc) + def maybe_write(header, val): + if val: + file.write(f"{header}: {val}\n") - keywords = ','.join(self.get_keywords()) - if keywords: - file.write('Keywords: %s\n' % keywords) + # optional fields + maybe_write("Summary", self.get_description()) + maybe_write("Home-page", self.get_url()) + maybe_write("Author", self.get_contact()) + maybe_write("Author-email", self.get_contact_email()) + maybe_write("License", self.get_license()) + maybe_write("Download-URL", self.download_url) + maybe_write("Description", rfc822_escape(self.get_long_description() or "")) + maybe_write("Keywords", ",".join(self.get_keywords())) self._write_list(file, 'Platform', self.get_platforms()) self._write_list(file, 'Classifier', self.get_classifiers()) @@ -1152,8 +1175,9 @@ class DistributionMetadata: self._write_list(file, 'Obsoletes', self.get_obsoletes()) def _write_list(self, file, name, values): + values = values or [] for value in values: - file.write('%s: %s\n' % (name, value)) + file.write('{}: {}\n'.format(name, value)) # -- Metadata query methods ---------------------------------------- @@ -1164,38 +1188,39 @@ class DistributionMetadata: return self.version or "0.0.0" def get_fullname(self): - return "%s-%s" % (self.get_name(), self.get_version()) + return "{}-{}".format(self.get_name(), self.get_version()) def get_author(self): - return self.author or "UNKNOWN" + return self.author def get_author_email(self): - return self.author_email or "UNKNOWN" + return self.author_email def get_maintainer(self): - return self.maintainer or "UNKNOWN" + return self.maintainer def get_maintainer_email(self): - return self.maintainer_email or "UNKNOWN" + return self.maintainer_email def get_contact(self): - return self.maintainer or self.author or "UNKNOWN" + return self.maintainer or self.author def get_contact_email(self): - return self.maintainer_email or self.author_email or "UNKNOWN" + return self.maintainer_email or self.author_email def get_url(self): - return self.url or "UNKNOWN" + return self.url def get_license(self): - return self.license or "UNKNOWN" + return self.license + get_licence = get_license def get_description(self): - return self.description or "UNKNOWN" + return self.description def get_long_description(self): - return self.long_description or "UNKNOWN" + return self.long_description def get_keywords(self): return self.keywords or [] @@ -1204,7 +1229,7 @@ class DistributionMetadata: self.keywords = _ensure_list(value, 'keywords') def get_platforms(self): - return self.platforms or ["UNKNOWN"] + return self.platforms def set_platforms(self, value): self.platforms = _ensure_list(value, 'platforms') @@ -1216,7 +1241,7 @@ class DistributionMetadata: self.classifiers = _ensure_list(value, 'classifiers') def get_download_url(self): - return self.download_url or "UNKNOWN" + return self.download_url # PEP 314 def get_requires(self): @@ -1224,6 +1249,7 @@ class DistributionMetadata: def set_requires(self, value): import distutils.versionpredicate + for v in value: distutils.versionpredicate.VersionPredicate(v) self.requires = list(value) @@ -1235,6 +1261,7 @@ class DistributionMetadata: value = [v.strip() for v in value] for v in value: import distutils.versionpredicate + distutils.versionpredicate.split_provision(v) self.provides = value @@ -1243,10 +1270,12 @@ class DistributionMetadata: def set_obsoletes(self, value): import distutils.versionpredicate + for v in value: distutils.versionpredicate.VersionPredicate(v) self.obsoletes = list(value) + def fix_help_options(options): """Convert a 4-tuple 'help_options' list as found in various command classes to the 3-tuple form required by FancyGetopt. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/errors.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/errors.py index 8b93059..626254c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/errors.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/errors.py @@ -8,90 +8,120 @@ usually raised for errors that are obviously the end-user's fault This module is safe to use in "from ... import *" mode; it only exports symbols whose names start with "Distutils" and end with "Error".""" -class DistutilsError (Exception): + +class DistutilsError(Exception): """The root of all Distutils evil.""" + pass -class DistutilsModuleError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsModuleError(DistutilsError): """Unable to load an expected module, or to find an expected class within some module (in particular, command modules and classes).""" + pass -class DistutilsClassError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsClassError(DistutilsError): """Some command class (or possibly distribution class, if anyone feels a need to subclass Distribution) is found not to be holding up its end of the bargain, ie. implementing some part of the "command "interface.""" + pass -class DistutilsGetoptError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsGetoptError(DistutilsError): """The option table provided to 'fancy_getopt()' is bogus.""" + pass -class DistutilsArgError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsArgError(DistutilsError): """Raised by fancy_getopt in response to getopt.error -- ie. an error in the command line usage.""" + pass -class DistutilsFileError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsFileError(DistutilsError): """Any problems in the filesystem: expected file not found, etc. Typically this is for problems that we detect before OSError could be raised.""" + pass -class DistutilsOptionError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsOptionError(DistutilsError): """Syntactic/semantic errors in command options, such as use of mutually conflicting options, or inconsistent options, badly-spelled values, etc. No distinction is made between option values originating in the setup script, the command line, config files, or what-have-you -- but if we *know* something originated in the setup script, we'll raise DistutilsSetupError instead.""" + pass -class DistutilsSetupError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsSetupError(DistutilsError): """For errors that can be definitely blamed on the setup script, such as invalid keyword arguments to 'setup()'.""" + pass -class DistutilsPlatformError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsPlatformError(DistutilsError): """We don't know how to do something on the current platform (but we do know how to do it on some platform) -- eg. trying to compile C files on a platform not supported by a CCompiler subclass.""" + pass -class DistutilsExecError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsExecError(DistutilsError): """Any problems executing an external program (such as the C compiler, when compiling C files).""" + pass -class DistutilsInternalError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsInternalError(DistutilsError): """Internal inconsistencies or impossibilities (obviously, this should never be seen if the code is working!).""" + pass -class DistutilsTemplateError (DistutilsError): + +class DistutilsTemplateError(DistutilsError): """Syntax error in a file list template.""" + class DistutilsByteCompileError(DistutilsError): """Byte compile error.""" + # Exception classes used by the CCompiler implementation classes -class CCompilerError (Exception): +class CCompilerError(Exception): """Some compile/link operation failed.""" -class PreprocessError (CCompilerError): + +class PreprocessError(CCompilerError): """Failure to preprocess one or more C/C++ files.""" -class CompileError (CCompilerError): + +class CompileError(CCompilerError): """Failure to compile one or more C/C++ source files.""" -class LibError (CCompilerError): + +class LibError(CCompilerError): """Failure to create a static library from one or more C/C++ object files.""" -class LinkError (CCompilerError): + +class LinkError(CCompilerError): """Failure to link one or more C/C++ object files into an executable or shared library file.""" -class UnknownFileError (CCompilerError): + +class UnknownFileError(CCompilerError): """Attempt to process an unknown file type.""" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/extension.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/extension.py index c507da3..6b8575d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/extension.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/extension.py @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import warnings # import that large-ish module (indirectly, through distutils.core) in # order to do anything. + class Extension: """Just a collection of attributes that describes an extension module and everything needed to build it (hopefully in a portable @@ -83,27 +84,29 @@ class Extension: # When adding arguments to this constructor, be sure to update # setup_keywords in core.py. - def __init__(self, name, sources, - include_dirs=None, - define_macros=None, - undef_macros=None, - library_dirs=None, - libraries=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - extra_objects=None, - extra_compile_args=None, - extra_link_args=None, - export_symbols=None, - swig_opts = None, - depends=None, - language=None, - optional=None, - **kw # To catch unknown keywords - ): + def __init__( + self, + name, + sources, + include_dirs=None, + define_macros=None, + undef_macros=None, + library_dirs=None, + libraries=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + extra_objects=None, + extra_compile_args=None, + extra_link_args=None, + export_symbols=None, + swig_opts=None, + depends=None, + language=None, + optional=None, + **kw # To catch unknown keywords + ): if not isinstance(name, str): raise AssertionError("'name' must be a string") - if not (isinstance(sources, list) and - all(isinstance(v, str) for v in sources)): + if not (isinstance(sources, list) and all(isinstance(v, str) for v in sources)): raise AssertionError("'sources' must be a list of strings") self.name = name @@ -131,17 +134,17 @@ class Extension: warnings.warn(msg) def __repr__(self): - return '<%s.%s(%r) at %#x>' % ( + return '<{}.{}({!r}) at {:#x}>'.format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__qualname__, self.name, - id(self)) + id(self), + ) -def read_setup_file(filename): +def read_setup_file(filename): # noqa: C901 """Reads a Setup file and returns Extension instances.""" - from distutils.sysconfig import (parse_makefile, expand_makefile_vars, - _variable_rx) + from distutils.sysconfig import parse_makefile, expand_makefile_vars, _variable_rx from distutils.text_file import TextFile from distutils.util import split_quoted @@ -151,17 +154,22 @@ def read_setup_file(filename): # Second pass to gobble up the real content: lines of the form # ... [ ...] [ ...] [ ...] - file = TextFile(filename, - strip_comments=1, skip_blanks=1, join_lines=1, - lstrip_ws=1, rstrip_ws=1) + file = TextFile( + filename, + strip_comments=1, + skip_blanks=1, + join_lines=1, + lstrip_ws=1, + rstrip_ws=1, + ) try: extensions = [] while True: line = file.readline() - if line is None: # eof + if line is None: # eof break - if _variable_rx.match(line): # VAR=VALUE, handled in first pass + if _variable_rx.match(line): # VAR=VALUE, handled in first pass continue if line[0] == line[-1] == "*": @@ -188,7 +196,8 @@ def read_setup_file(filename): continue suffix = os.path.splitext(word)[1] - switch = word[0:2] ; value = word[2:] + switch = word[0:2] + value = word[2:] if suffix in (".c", ".cc", ".cpp", ".cxx", ".c++", ".m", ".mm"): # hmm, should we do something about C vs. C++ sources? @@ -199,14 +208,13 @@ def read_setup_file(filename): ext.include_dirs.append(value) elif switch == "-D": equals = value.find("=") - if equals == -1: # bare "-DFOO" -- no value + if equals == -1: # bare "-DFOO" -- no value ext.define_macros.append((value, None)) - else: # "-DFOO=blah" - ext.define_macros.append((value[0:equals], - value[equals+2:])) + else: # "-DFOO=blah" + ext.define_macros.append((value[0:equals], value[equals + 2 :])) elif switch == "-U": ext.undef_macros.append(value) - elif switch == "-C": # only here 'cause makesetup has it! + elif switch == "-C": # only here 'cause makesetup has it! ext.extra_compile_args.append(word) elif switch == "-l": ext.libraries.append(value) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/fancy_getopt.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/fancy_getopt.py index 7d170dd..830f047 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/fancy_getopt.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/fancy_getopt.py @@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ additional features: * options set attributes of a passed-in object """ -import sys, string, re +import sys +import string +import re import getopt -from distutils.errors import * +from distutils.errors import DistutilsGetoptError, DistutilsArgError # Much like command_re in distutils.core, this is close to but not quite # the same as a Python NAME -- except, in the spirit of most GNU @@ -20,12 +22,13 @@ longopt_pat = r'[a-zA-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*)' longopt_re = re.compile(r'^%s$' % longopt_pat) # For recognizing "negative alias" options, eg. "quiet=!verbose" -neg_alias_re = re.compile("^(%s)=!(%s)$" % (longopt_pat, longopt_pat)) +neg_alias_re = re.compile("^({})=!({})$".format(longopt_pat, longopt_pat)) # This is used to translate long options to legitimate Python identifiers # (for use as attributes of some object). longopt_xlate = str.maketrans('-', '_') + class FancyGetopt: """Wrapper around the standard 'getopt()' module that provides some handy extra functionality: @@ -90,7 +93,8 @@ class FancyGetopt: def add_option(self, long_option, short_option=None, help_string=None): if long_option in self.option_index: raise DistutilsGetoptError( - "option conflict: already an option '%s'" % long_option) + "option conflict: already an option '%s'" % long_option + ) else: option = (long_option, short_option, help_string) self.option_table.append(option) @@ -111,11 +115,15 @@ class FancyGetopt: assert isinstance(aliases, dict) for (alias, opt) in aliases.items(): if alias not in self.option_index: - raise DistutilsGetoptError(("invalid %s '%s': " - "option '%s' not defined") % (what, alias, alias)) + raise DistutilsGetoptError( + ("invalid %s '%s': " "option '%s' not defined") + % (what, alias, alias) + ) if opt not in self.option_index: - raise DistutilsGetoptError(("invalid %s '%s': " - "aliased option '%s' not defined") % (what, alias, opt)) + raise DistutilsGetoptError( + ("invalid %s '%s': " "aliased option '%s' not defined") + % (what, alias, opt) + ) def set_aliases(self, alias): """Set the aliases for this option parser.""" @@ -130,7 +138,7 @@ class FancyGetopt: self._check_alias_dict(negative_alias, "negative alias") self.negative_alias = negative_alias - def _grok_option_table(self): + def _grok_option_table(self): # noqa: C901 """Populate the various data structures that keep tabs on the option table. Called by 'getopt()' before it can do anything worthwhile. @@ -149,23 +157,27 @@ class FancyGetopt: else: # the option table is part of the code, so simply # assert that it is correct - raise ValueError("invalid option tuple: %r" % (option,)) + raise ValueError("invalid option tuple: {!r}".format(option)) # Type- and value-check the option names if not isinstance(long, str) or len(long) < 2: - raise DistutilsGetoptError(("invalid long option '%s': " - "must be a string of length >= 2") % long) + raise DistutilsGetoptError( + ("invalid long option '%s': " "must be a string of length >= 2") + % long + ) - if (not ((short is None) or - (isinstance(short, str) and len(short) == 1))): - raise DistutilsGetoptError("invalid short option '%s': " - "must a single character or None" % short) + if not ((short is None) or (isinstance(short, str) and len(short) == 1)): + raise DistutilsGetoptError( + "invalid short option '%s': " + "must a single character or None" % short + ) self.repeat[long] = repeat self.long_opts.append(long) - if long[-1] == '=': # option takes an argument? - if short: short = short + ':' + if long[-1] == '=': # option takes an argument? + if short: + short = short + ':' long = long[0:-1] self.takes_arg[long] = 1 else: @@ -175,11 +187,11 @@ class FancyGetopt: if alias_to is not None: if self.takes_arg[alias_to]: raise DistutilsGetoptError( - "invalid negative alias '%s': " - "aliased option '%s' takes a value" - % (long, alias_to)) + "invalid negative alias '%s': " + "aliased option '%s' takes a value" % (long, alias_to) + ) - self.long_opts[-1] = long # XXX redundant?! + self.long_opts[-1] = long # XXX redundant?! self.takes_arg[long] = 0 # If this is an alias option, make sure its "takes arg" flag is @@ -188,10 +200,10 @@ class FancyGetopt: if alias_to is not None: if self.takes_arg[long] != self.takes_arg[alias_to]: raise DistutilsGetoptError( - "invalid alias '%s': inconsistent with " - "aliased option '%s' (one of them takes a value, " - "the other doesn't" - % (long, alias_to)) + "invalid alias '%s': inconsistent with " + "aliased option '%s' (one of them takes a value, " + "the other doesn't" % (long, alias_to) + ) # Now enforce some bondage on the long option name, so we can # later translate it to an attribute name on some object. Have @@ -199,15 +211,16 @@ class FancyGetopt: # '='. if not longopt_re.match(long): raise DistutilsGetoptError( - "invalid long option name '%s' " - "(must be letters, numbers, hyphens only" % long) + "invalid long option name '%s' " + "(must be letters, numbers, hyphens only" % long + ) self.attr_name[long] = self.get_attr_name(long) if short: self.short_opts.append(short) self.short2long[short[0]] = long - def getopt(self, args=None, object=None): + def getopt(self, args=None, object=None): # noqa: C901 """Parse command-line options in args. Store as attributes on object. If 'args' is None or not supplied, uses 'sys.argv[1:]'. If @@ -235,7 +248,7 @@ class FancyGetopt: raise DistutilsArgError(msg) for opt, val in opts: - if len(opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-': # it's a short option + if len(opt) == 2 and opt[0] == '-': # it's a short option opt = self.short2long[opt[1]] else: assert len(opt) > 2 and opt[:2] == '--' @@ -245,7 +258,7 @@ class FancyGetopt: if alias: opt = alias - if not self.takes_arg[opt]: # boolean option? + if not self.takes_arg[opt]: # boolean option? assert val == '', "boolean option can't have value" alias = self.negative_alias.get(opt) if alias: @@ -278,7 +291,7 @@ class FancyGetopt: else: return self.option_order - def generate_help(self, header=None): + def generate_help(self, header=None): # noqa: C901 """Generate help text (a list of strings, one per suggested line of output) from the option table for this FancyGetopt object. """ @@ -290,15 +303,15 @@ class FancyGetopt: for option in self.option_table: long = option[0] short = option[1] - l = len(long) + ell = len(long) if long[-1] == '=': - l = l - 1 + ell = ell - 1 if short is not None: - l = l + 5 # " (-x)" where short == 'x' - if l > max_opt: - max_opt = l + ell = ell + 5 # " (-x)" where short == 'x' + if ell > max_opt: + max_opt = ell - opt_width = max_opt + 2 + 2 + 2 # room for indent + dashes + gutter + opt_width = max_opt + 2 + 2 + 2 # room for indent + dashes + gutter # Typical help block looks like this: # --foo controls foonabulation @@ -346,15 +359,14 @@ class FancyGetopt: # Case 2: we have a short option, so we have to include it # just after the long option else: - opt_names = "%s (-%s)" % (long, short) + opt_names = "{} (-{})".format(long, short) if text: - lines.append(" --%-*s %s" % - (max_opt, opt_names, text[0])) + lines.append(" --%-*s %s" % (max_opt, opt_names, text[0])) else: lines.append(" --%-*s" % opt_names) - for l in text[1:]: - lines.append(big_indent + l) + for ell in text[1:]: + lines.append(big_indent + ell) return lines def print_help(self, header=None, file=None): @@ -370,7 +382,8 @@ def fancy_getopt(options, negative_opt, object, args): return parser.getopt(args, object) -WS_TRANS = {ord(_wschar) : ' ' for _wschar in string.whitespace} +WS_TRANS = {ord(_wschar): ' ' for _wschar in string.whitespace} + def wrap_text(text, width): """wrap_text(text : string, width : int) -> [string] @@ -386,26 +399,26 @@ def wrap_text(text, width): text = text.expandtabs() text = text.translate(WS_TRANS) chunks = re.split(r'( +|-+)', text) - chunks = [ch for ch in chunks if ch] # ' - ' results in empty strings + chunks = [ch for ch in chunks if ch] # ' - ' results in empty strings lines = [] while chunks: - cur_line = [] # list of chunks (to-be-joined) - cur_len = 0 # length of current line + cur_line = [] # list of chunks (to-be-joined) + cur_len = 0 # length of current line while chunks: - l = len(chunks[0]) - if cur_len + l <= width: # can squeeze (at least) this chunk in + ell = len(chunks[0]) + if cur_len + ell <= width: # can squeeze (at least) this chunk in cur_line.append(chunks[0]) del chunks[0] - cur_len = cur_len + l - else: # this line is full + cur_len = cur_len + ell + else: # this line is full # drop last chunk if all space if cur_line and cur_line[-1][0] == ' ': del cur_line[-1] break - if chunks: # any chunks left to process? + if chunks: # any chunks left to process? # if the current line is still empty, then we had a single # chunk that's too big too fit on a line -- so we break # down and break it up at the line width diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/file_util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/file_util.py index b3fee35..1f1e444 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/file_util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/file_util.py @@ -8,12 +8,10 @@ from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError from distutils import log # for generating verbose output in 'copy_file()' -_copy_action = { None: 'copying', - 'hard': 'hard linking', - 'sym': 'symbolically linking' } +_copy_action = {None: 'copying', 'hard': 'hard linking', 'sym': 'symbolically linking'} -def _copy_file_contents(src, dst, buffer_size=16*1024): +def _copy_file_contents(src, dst, buffer_size=16 * 1024): # noqa: C901 """Copy the file 'src' to 'dst'; both must be filenames. Any error opening either file, reading from 'src', or writing to 'dst', raises DistutilsFileError. Data is read/written in chunks of 'buffer_size' @@ -28,27 +26,30 @@ def _copy_file_contents(src, dst, buffer_size=16*1024): try: fsrc = open(src, 'rb') except OSError as e: - raise DistutilsFileError("could not open '%s': %s" % (src, e.strerror)) + raise DistutilsFileError("could not open '{}': {}".format(src, e.strerror)) if os.path.exists(dst): try: os.unlink(dst) except OSError as e: raise DistutilsFileError( - "could not delete '%s': %s" % (dst, e.strerror)) + "could not delete '{}': {}".format(dst, e.strerror) + ) try: fdst = open(dst, 'wb') except OSError as e: raise DistutilsFileError( - "could not create '%s': %s" % (dst, e.strerror)) + "could not create '{}': {}".format(dst, e.strerror) + ) while True: try: buf = fsrc.read(buffer_size) except OSError as e: raise DistutilsFileError( - "could not read from '%s': %s" % (src, e.strerror)) + "could not read from '{}': {}".format(src, e.strerror) + ) if not buf: break @@ -57,15 +58,25 @@ def _copy_file_contents(src, dst, buffer_size=16*1024): fdst.write(buf) except OSError as e: raise DistutilsFileError( - "could not write to '%s': %s" % (dst, e.strerror)) + "could not write to '{}': {}".format(dst, e.strerror) + ) finally: if fdst: fdst.close() if fsrc: fsrc.close() -def copy_file(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, update=0, - link=None, verbose=1, dry_run=0): + +def copy_file( # noqa: C901 + src, + dst, + preserve_mode=1, + preserve_times=1, + update=0, + link=None, + verbose=1, + dry_run=0, +): """Copy a file 'src' to 'dst'. If 'dst' is a directory, then 'src' is copied there with the same name; otherwise, it must be a filename. (If the file exists, it will be ruthlessly clobbered.) If 'preserve_mode' @@ -102,7 +113,8 @@ def copy_file(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, update=0, if not os.path.isfile(src): raise DistutilsFileError( - "can't copy '%s': doesn't exist or not a regular file" % src) + "can't copy '%s': doesn't exist or not a regular file" % src + ) if os.path.isdir(dst): dir = dst @@ -163,9 +175,7 @@ def copy_file(src, dst, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, update=0, # XXX I suspect this is Unix-specific -- need porting help! -def move_file (src, dst, - verbose=1, - dry_run=0): +def move_file(src, dst, verbose=1, dry_run=0): # noqa: C901 """Move a file 'src' to 'dst'. If 'dst' is a directory, the file will be moved into it with the same name; otherwise, 'src' is just renamed @@ -190,13 +200,13 @@ def move_file (src, dst, dst = os.path.join(dst, basename(src)) elif exists(dst): raise DistutilsFileError( - "can't move '%s': destination '%s' already exists" % - (src, dst)) + "can't move '{}': destination '{}' already exists".format(src, dst) + ) if not isdir(dirname(dst)): raise DistutilsFileError( - "can't move '%s': destination '%s' not a valid path" % - (src, dst)) + "can't move '{}': destination '{}' not a valid path".format(src, dst) + ) copy_it = False try: @@ -207,7 +217,8 @@ def move_file (src, dst, copy_it = True else: raise DistutilsFileError( - "couldn't move '%s' to '%s': %s" % (src, dst, msg)) + "couldn't move '{}' to '{}': {}".format(src, dst, msg) + ) if copy_it: copy_file(src, dst, verbose=verbose) @@ -220,13 +231,13 @@ def move_file (src, dst, except OSError: pass raise DistutilsFileError( - "couldn't move '%s' to '%s' by copy/delete: " - "delete '%s' failed: %s" - % (src, dst, src, msg)) + "couldn't move '%s' to '%s' by copy/delete: " + "delete '%s' failed: %s" % (src, dst, src, msg) + ) return dst -def write_file (filename, contents): +def write_file(filename, contents): """Create a file with the specified name and write 'contents' (a sequence of strings without line terminators) to it. """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/filelist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/filelist.py index 82a7738..987931a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/filelist.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/filelist.py @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class FileList: DISTUTILS_DEBUG environment variable) flag is true. """ from distutils.debug import DEBUG + if DEBUG: print(msg) @@ -80,29 +81,31 @@ class FileList: patterns = dir = dir_pattern = None - if action in ('include', 'exclude', - 'global-include', 'global-exclude'): + if action in ('include', 'exclude', 'global-include', 'global-exclude'): if len(words) < 2: raise DistutilsTemplateError( - "'%s' expects ..." % action) + "'%s' expects ..." % action + ) patterns = [convert_path(w) for w in words[1:]] elif action in ('recursive-include', 'recursive-exclude'): if len(words) < 3: raise DistutilsTemplateError( - "'%s' expects ..." % action) + "'%s' expects ..." % action + ) dir = convert_path(words[1]) patterns = [convert_path(w) for w in words[2:]] elif action in ('graft', 'prune'): if len(words) != 2: raise DistutilsTemplateError( - "'%s' expects a single " % action) + "'%s' expects a single " % action + ) dir_pattern = convert_path(words[1]) else: raise DistutilsTemplateError("unknown action '%s'" % action) return (action, patterns, dir, dir_pattern) - def process_template_line(self, line): + def process_template_line(self, line): # noqa: C901 # Parse the line: split it up, make sure the right number of words # is there, and return the relevant words. 'action' is always # defined: it's the first word of the line. Which of the other @@ -117,65 +120,82 @@ class FileList: self.debug_print("include " + ' '.join(patterns)) for pattern in patterns: if not self.include_pattern(pattern, anchor=1): - log.warn("warning: no files found matching '%s'", - pattern) + log.warn("warning: no files found matching '%s'", pattern) elif action == 'exclude': self.debug_print("exclude " + ' '.join(patterns)) for pattern in patterns: if not self.exclude_pattern(pattern, anchor=1): - log.warn(("warning: no previously-included files " - "found matching '%s'"), pattern) + log.warn( + ( + "warning: no previously-included files " + "found matching '%s'" + ), + pattern, + ) elif action == 'global-include': self.debug_print("global-include " + ' '.join(patterns)) for pattern in patterns: if not self.include_pattern(pattern, anchor=0): - log.warn(("warning: no files found matching '%s' " - "anywhere in distribution"), pattern) + log.warn( + ( + "warning: no files found matching '%s' " + "anywhere in distribution" + ), + pattern, + ) elif action == 'global-exclude': self.debug_print("global-exclude " + ' '.join(patterns)) for pattern in patterns: if not self.exclude_pattern(pattern, anchor=0): - log.warn(("warning: no previously-included files matching " - "'%s' found anywhere in distribution"), - pattern) + log.warn( + ( + "warning: no previously-included files matching " + "'%s' found anywhere in distribution" + ), + pattern, + ) elif action == 'recursive-include': - self.debug_print("recursive-include %s %s" % - (dir, ' '.join(patterns))) + self.debug_print("recursive-include {} {}".format(dir, ' '.join(patterns))) for pattern in patterns: if not self.include_pattern(pattern, prefix=dir): msg = ( - "warning: no files found matching '%s' " - "under directory '%s'" + "warning: no files found matching '%s' " "under directory '%s'" ) log.warn(msg, pattern, dir) elif action == 'recursive-exclude': - self.debug_print("recursive-exclude %s %s" % - (dir, ' '.join(patterns))) + self.debug_print("recursive-exclude {} {}".format(dir, ' '.join(patterns))) for pattern in patterns: if not self.exclude_pattern(pattern, prefix=dir): - log.warn(("warning: no previously-included files matching " - "'%s' found under directory '%s'"), - pattern, dir) + log.warn( + ( + "warning: no previously-included files matching " + "'%s' found under directory '%s'" + ), + pattern, + dir, + ) elif action == 'graft': self.debug_print("graft " + dir_pattern) if not self.include_pattern(None, prefix=dir_pattern): - log.warn("warning: no directories found matching '%s'", - dir_pattern) + log.warn("warning: no directories found matching '%s'", dir_pattern) elif action == 'prune': self.debug_print("prune " + dir_pattern) if not self.exclude_pattern(None, prefix=dir_pattern): - log.warn(("no previously-included directories found " - "matching '%s'"), dir_pattern) + log.warn( + ("no previously-included directories found " "matching '%s'"), + dir_pattern, + ) else: raise DistutilsInternalError( - "this cannot happen: invalid action '%s'" % action) + "this cannot happen: invalid action '%s'" % action + ) # Filtering/selection methods @@ -207,8 +227,7 @@ class FileList: # XXX docstring lying about what the special chars are? files_found = False pattern_re = translate_pattern(pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex) - self.debug_print("include_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" % - pattern_re.pattern) + self.debug_print("include_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" % pattern_re.pattern) # delayed loading of allfiles list if self.allfiles is None: @@ -221,8 +240,7 @@ class FileList: files_found = True return files_found - def exclude_pattern( - self, pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0): + def exclude_pattern(self, pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0): """Remove strings (presumably filenames) from 'files' that match 'pattern'. Other parameters are the same as for 'include_pattern()', above. @@ -231,9 +249,8 @@ class FileList: """ files_found = False pattern_re = translate_pattern(pattern, anchor, prefix, is_regex) - self.debug_print("exclude_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" % - pattern_re.pattern) - for i in range(len(self.files)-1, -1, -1): + self.debug_print("exclude_pattern: applying regex r'%s'" % pattern_re.pattern) + for i in range(len(self.files) - 1, -1, -1): if pattern_re.search(self.files[i]): self.debug_print(" removing " + self.files[i]) del self.files[i] @@ -243,15 +260,14 @@ class FileList: # Utility functions + def _find_all_simple(path): """ Find all files under 'path' """ all_unique = _UniqueDirs.filter(os.walk(path, followlinks=True)) results = ( - os.path.join(base, file) - for base, dirs, files in all_unique - for file in files + os.path.join(base, file) for base, dirs, files in all_unique for file in files ) return filter(os.path.isfile, results) @@ -262,6 +278,7 @@ class _UniqueDirs(set): avoiding infinite recursion. Ref https://bugs.python.org/issue44497. """ + def __call__(self, walk_item): """ Given an item from an os.walk result, determine @@ -341,15 +358,14 @@ def translate_pattern(pattern, anchor=1, prefix=None, is_regex=0): if prefix is not None: prefix_re = glob_to_re(prefix) assert prefix_re.startswith(start) and prefix_re.endswith(end) - prefix_re = prefix_re[len(start): len(prefix_re) - len(end)] + prefix_re = prefix_re[len(start) : len(prefix_re) - len(end)] sep = os.sep if os.sep == '\\': sep = r'\\' - pattern_re = pattern_re[len(start): len(pattern_re) - len(end)] - pattern_re = r'%s\A%s%s.*%s%s' % ( - start, prefix_re, sep, pattern_re, end) - else: # no prefix -- respect anchor flag + pattern_re = pattern_re[len(start) : len(pattern_re) - len(end)] + pattern_re = r'{}\A{}{}.*{}{}'.format(start, prefix_re, sep, pattern_re, end) + else: # no prefix -- respect anchor flag if anchor: - pattern_re = r'%s\A%s' % (start, pattern_re[len(start):]) + pattern_re = r'{}\A{}'.format(start, pattern_re[len(start) :]) return re.compile(pattern_re) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/log.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/log.py index 8ef6b28..be25f6c 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/log.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/log.py @@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ # The class here is styled after PEP 282 so that it could later be # replaced with a standard Python logging implementation. +import sys + DEBUG = 1 INFO = 2 WARN = 3 ERROR = 4 FATAL = 5 -import sys class Log: - def __init__(self, threshold=WARN): self.threshold = threshold @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class Log: def fatal(self, msg, *args): self._log(FATAL, msg, args) + _global_log = Log() log = _global_log.log debug = _global_log.debug @@ -62,12 +63,14 @@ warn = _global_log.warn error = _global_log.error fatal = _global_log.fatal + def set_threshold(level): # return the old threshold for use from tests old = _global_log.threshold _global_log.threshold = level return old + def set_verbosity(v): if v <= 0: set_threshold(WARN) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvc9compiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvc9compiler.py index a1b3b02..2202183 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvc9compiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvc9compiler.py @@ -16,26 +16,41 @@ import os import subprocess import sys import re - -from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \ - CompileError, LibError, LinkError +import warnings + +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsExecError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + CompileError, + LibError, + LinkError, +) from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_lib_options from distutils import log from distutils.util import get_platform import winreg +warnings.warn( + "msvc9compiler is deprecated and slated to be removed " + "in the future. Please discontinue use or file an issue " + "with pypa/distutils describing your use case.", + DeprecationWarning, +) + RegOpenKeyEx = winreg.OpenKeyEx RegEnumKey = winreg.EnumKey RegEnumValue = winreg.EnumValue RegError = winreg.error -HKEYS = (winreg.HKEY_USERS, - winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, - winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, - winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) +HKEYS = ( + winreg.HKEY_USERS, + winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, + winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, + winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, +) -NATIVE_WIN64 = (sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.maxsize > 2**32) +NATIVE_WIN64 = sys.platform == 'win32' and sys.maxsize > 2**32 if NATIVE_WIN64: # Visual C++ is a 32-bit application, so we need to look in # the corresponding registry branch, if we're running a @@ -52,13 +67,13 @@ else: # 'vcvarsall.bat'. Note a cross-compile may combine these (eg, 'x86_amd64' is # the param to cross-compile on x86 targeting amd64.) PLAT_TO_VCVARS = { - 'win32' : 'x86', - 'win-amd64' : 'amd64', + 'win32': 'x86', + 'win-amd64': 'amd64', } + class Reg: - """Helper class to read values from the registry - """ + """Helper class to read values from the registry""" def get_value(cls, path, key): for base in HKEYS: @@ -66,6 +81,7 @@ class Reg: if d and key in d: return d[key] raise KeyError(key) + get_value = classmethod(get_value) def read_keys(cls, base, key): @@ -84,6 +100,7 @@ class Reg: L.append(k) i += 1 return L + read_keys = classmethod(read_keys) def read_values(cls, base, key): @@ -106,6 +123,7 @@ class Reg: d[cls.convert_mbcs(name)] = cls.convert_mbcs(value) i += 1 return d + read_values = classmethod(read_values) def convert_mbcs(s): @@ -116,10 +134,11 @@ class Reg: except UnicodeError: pass return s + convert_mbcs = staticmethod(convert_mbcs) -class MacroExpander: +class MacroExpander: def __init__(self, version): self.macros = {} self.vsbase = VS_BASE % version @@ -134,16 +153,16 @@ class MacroExpander: self.set_macro("FrameworkDir", NET_BASE, "installroot") try: if version >= 8.0: - self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", NET_BASE, - "sdkinstallrootv2.0") + self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", NET_BASE, "sdkinstallrootv2.0") else: raise KeyError("sdkinstallrootv2.0") except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - """Python was built with Visual Studio 2008; + """Python was built with Visual Studio 2008; extensions must be built with a compiler than can generate compatible binaries. Visual Studio 2008 was not found on this system. If you have Cygwin installed, -you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") +you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""" + ) if version >= 9.0: self.set_macro("FrameworkVersion", self.vsbase, "clr version") @@ -156,7 +175,7 @@ you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") except RegError: continue key = RegEnumKey(h, 0) - d = Reg.get_value(base, r"%s\%s" % (p, key)) + d = Reg.get_value(base, r"{}\{}".format(p, key)) self.macros["$(FrameworkVersion)"] = d["version"] def sub(self, s): @@ -164,6 +183,7 @@ you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") s = s.replace(k, v) return s + def get_build_version(): """Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python. @@ -189,6 +209,7 @@ def get_build_version(): # else we don't know what version of the compiler this is return None + def normalize_and_reduce_paths(paths): """Return a list of normalized paths with duplicates removed. @@ -203,9 +224,9 @@ def normalize_and_reduce_paths(paths): reduced_paths.append(np) return reduced_paths + def removeDuplicates(variable): - """Remove duplicate values of an environment variable. - """ + """Remove duplicate values of an environment variable.""" oldList = variable.split(os.pathsep) newList = [] for i in oldList: @@ -214,6 +235,7 @@ def removeDuplicates(variable): newVariable = os.pathsep.join(newList) return newVariable + def find_vcvarsall(version): """Find the vcvarsall.bat file @@ -222,8 +244,7 @@ def find_vcvarsall(version): """ vsbase = VS_BASE % version try: - productdir = Reg.get_value(r"%s\Setup\VC" % vsbase, - "productdir") + productdir = Reg.get_value(r"%s\Setup\VC" % vsbase, "productdir") except KeyError: log.debug("Unable to find productdir in registry") productdir = None @@ -249,9 +270,9 @@ def find_vcvarsall(version): log.debug("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat") return None + def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"): - """Launch vcvarsall.bat and read the settings from its environment - """ + """Launch vcvarsall.bat and read the settings from its environment""" vcvarsall = find_vcvarsall(version) interesting = {"include", "lib", "libpath", "path"} result = {} @@ -259,9 +280,11 @@ def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"): if vcvarsall is None: raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat") log.debug("Calling 'vcvarsall.bat %s' (version=%s)", arch, version) - popen = subprocess.Popen('"%s" %s & set' % (vcvarsall, arch), - stdout=subprocess.PIPE, - stderr=subprocess.PIPE) + popen = subprocess.Popen( + '"{}" {} & set'.format(vcvarsall, arch), + stdout=subprocess.PIPE, + stderr=subprocess.PIPE, + ) try: stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() if popen.wait() != 0: @@ -289,15 +312,15 @@ def query_vcvarsall(version, arch="x86"): return result + # More globals VERSION = get_build_version() -if VERSION < 8.0: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("VC %0.1f is not supported by this module" % VERSION) # MACROS = MacroExpander(VERSION) -class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : + +class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler): """Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++, - as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" + as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" compiler_type = 'msvc' @@ -316,8 +339,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # Needed for the filename generation methods provided by the # base class, CCompiler. - src_extensions = (_c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + - _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions) + src_extensions = _c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions res_extension = '.res' obj_extension = '.obj' static_lib_extension = '.lib' @@ -326,28 +348,37 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : exe_extension = '.exe' def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) self.__version = VERSION self.__root = r"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio" # self.__macros = MACROS self.__paths = [] # target platform (.plat_name is consistent with 'bdist') self.plat_name = None - self.__arch = None # deprecated name + self.__arch = None # deprecated name self.initialized = False - def initialize(self, plat_name=None): + def initialize(self, plat_name=None): # noqa: C901 # multi-init means we would need to check platform same each time... assert not self.initialized, "don't init multiple times" + if self.__version < 8.0: + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "VC %0.1f is not supported by this module" % self.__version + ) if plat_name is None: plat_name = get_platform() # sanity check for platforms to prevent obscure errors later. ok_plats = 'win32', 'win-amd64' if plat_name not in ok_plats: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("--plat-name must be one of %s" % - (ok_plats,)) - - if "DISTUTILS_USE_SDK" in os.environ and "MSSdk" in os.environ and self.find_exe("cl.exe"): + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "--plat-name must be one of {}".format(ok_plats) + ) + + if ( + "DISTUTILS_USE_SDK" in os.environ + and "MSSdk" in os.environ + and self.find_exe("cl.exe") + ): # Assume that the SDK set up everything alright; don't try to be # smarter self.cc = "cl.exe" @@ -365,8 +396,9 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : plat_spec = PLAT_TO_VCVARS[plat_name] else: # cross compile from win32 -> some 64bit - plat_spec = PLAT_TO_VCVARS[get_platform()] + '_' + \ - PLAT_TO_VCVARS[plat_name] + plat_spec = ( + PLAT_TO_VCVARS[get_platform()] + '_' + PLAT_TO_VCVARS[plat_name] + ) vc_env = query_vcvarsall(VERSION, plat_spec) @@ -375,18 +407,19 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : os.environ['include'] = vc_env['include'] if len(self.__paths) == 0: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("Python was built with %s, " - "and extensions need to be built with the same " - "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." - % self.__product) + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "Python was built with %s, " + "and extensions need to be built with the same " + "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." % self.__product + ) self.cc = self.find_exe("cl.exe") self.linker = self.find_exe("link.exe") self.lib = self.find_exe("lib.exe") - self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler - self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler - #self.set_path_env_var('lib') - #self.set_path_env_var('include') + self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler + self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler + # self.set_path_env_var('lib') + # self.set_path_env_var('include') # extend the MSVC path with the current path try: @@ -399,71 +432,83 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : self.preprocess_options = None if self.__arch == "x86": - self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', - '/DNDEBUG'] - self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', - '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] + self.compile_options = ['/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/DNDEBUG'] + self.compile_options_debug = [ + '/nologo', + '/Od', + '/MDd', + '/W3', + '/Z7', + '/D_DEBUG', + ] else: # Win64 - self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GS-' , - '/DNDEBUG'] - self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', '/GS-', - '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] + self.compile_options = ['/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GS-', '/DNDEBUG'] + self.compile_options_debug = [ + '/nologo', + '/Od', + '/MDd', + '/W3', + '/GS-', + '/Z7', + '/D_DEBUG', + ] self.ldflags_shared = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO'] if self.__version >= 7: - self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ - '/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/DEBUG' - ] - self.ldflags_static = [ '/nologo'] + self.ldflags_shared_debug = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/DEBUG'] + self.ldflags_static = ['/nologo'] self.initialized = True # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ - def object_filenames(self, - source_filenames, - strip_dir=0, - output_dir=''): + def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): # Copied from ccompiler.py, extended to return .res as 'object'-file # for .rc input file - if output_dir is None: output_dir = '' + if output_dir is None: + output_dir = '' obj_names = [] for src_name in source_filenames: - (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (src_name) - base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive - base = base[os.path.isabs(base):] # If abs, chop off leading / + (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(src_name) + base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive + base = base[os.path.isabs(base) :] # If abs, chop off leading / if ext not in self.src_extensions: # Better to raise an exception instead of silently continuing # and later complain about sources and targets having # different lengths - raise CompileError ("Don't know how to compile %s" % src_name) + raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile %s" % src_name) if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename (base) + base = os.path.basename(base) if ext in self._rc_extensions: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.res_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) elif ext in self._mc_extensions: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.res_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) else: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.obj_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.obj_extension)) return obj_names - - def compile(self, sources, - output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): + def compile( # noqa: C901 + self, + sources, + output_dir=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + depends=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() - compile_info = self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, - sources, depends, extra_postargs) + compile_info = self._setup_compile( + output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs + ) macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compile_info compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] - compile_opts.append ('/c') + compile_opts.append('/c') if debug: compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options_debug) else: @@ -489,8 +534,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : input_opt = src output_opt = "/fo" + obj try: - self.spawn([self.rc] + pp_opts + - [output_opt] + [input_opt]) + self.spawn([self.rc] + pp_opts + [output_opt] + [input_opt]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue @@ -510,50 +554,48 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : rc_dir = os.path.dirname(obj) try: # first compile .MC to .RC and .H file - self.spawn([self.mc] + - ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) - base, _ = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (src)) - rc_file = os.path.join (rc_dir, base + '.rc') + self.spawn([self.mc] + ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) + base, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src)) + rc_file = os.path.join(rc_dir, base + '.rc') # then compile .RC to .RES file - self.spawn([self.rc] + - ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) + self.spawn([self.rc] + ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue else: # how to handle this file? - raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile %s to %s" - % (src, obj)) + raise CompileError( + "Don't know how to compile {} to {}".format(src, obj) + ) output_opt = "/Fo" + obj try: - self.spawn([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts + - [input_opt, output_opt] + - extra_postargs) + self.spawn( + [self.cc] + + compile_opts + + pp_opts + + [input_opt, output_opt] + + extra_postargs + ) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) return objects - - def create_static_lib(self, - objects, - output_libname, - output_dir=None, - debug=0, - target_lang=None): + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, - output_dir=output_dir) + output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): lib_args = objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] if debug: - pass # XXX what goes here? + pass # XXX what goes here? try: self.spawn([self.lib] + lib_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: @@ -561,36 +603,36 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) - - def link(self, - target_desc, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): + def link( # noqa: C901 + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, - runtime_library_dirs) + fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = fixed_args if runtime_library_dirs: - self.warn ("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " - + str (runtime_library_dirs)) + self.warn( + "I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " + + str(runtime_library_dirs) + ) - lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, - library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - libraries) + lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries) if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) @@ -607,11 +649,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : ldflags = self.ldflags_shared export_opts = [] - for sym in (export_symbols or []): + for sym in export_symbols or []: export_opts.append("/EXPORT:" + sym) - ld_args = (ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + - objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename]) + ld_args = ( + ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] + ) # The MSVC linker generates .lib and .exp files, which cannot be # suppressed by any linker switches. The .lib files may even be @@ -621,11 +664,10 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : build_temp = os.path.dirname(objects[0]) if export_symbols is not None: (dll_name, dll_ext) = os.path.splitext( - os.path.basename(output_filename)) - implib_file = os.path.join( - build_temp, - self.library_filename(dll_name)) - ld_args.append ('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) + os.path.basename(output_filename) + ) + implib_file = os.path.join(build_temp, self.library_filename(dll_name)) + ld_args.append('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) self.manifest_setup_ldargs(output_filename, build_temp, ld_args) @@ -648,10 +690,9 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : mfinfo = self.manifest_get_embed_info(target_desc, ld_args) if mfinfo is not None: mffilename, mfid = mfinfo - out_arg = '-outputresource:%s;%s' % (output_filename, mfid) + out_arg = '-outputresource:{};{}'.format(output_filename, mfid) try: - self.spawn(['mt.exe', '-nologo', '-manifest', - mffilename, out_arg]) + self.spawn(['mt.exe', '-nologo', '-manifest', mffilename, out_arg]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise LinkError(msg) else: @@ -665,8 +706,8 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # Ask the linker to generate the manifest in the temp dir, so # we can check it, and possibly embed it, later. temp_manifest = os.path.join( - build_temp, - os.path.basename(output_filename) + ".manifest") + build_temp, os.path.basename(output_filename) + ".manifest" + ) ld_args.append('/MANIFESTFILE:' + temp_manifest) def manifest_get_embed_info(self, target_desc, ld_args): @@ -709,9 +750,10 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : finally: manifest_f.close() pattern = re.compile( - r"""|)""", - re.DOTALL) + re.DOTALL, + ) manifest_buf = re.sub(pattern, "", manifest_buf) pattern = r"\s*" manifest_buf = re.sub(pattern, "", manifest_buf) @@ -719,7 +761,9 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # don't want a manifest embedded. pattern = re.compile( r"""|)""", re.DOTALL) + r""".*?(?:/>|)""", + re.DOTALL, + ) if re.search(pattern, manifest_buf) is None: return None @@ -741,12 +785,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC++") + "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC++" + ) def library_option(self, lib): return self.library_filename(lib) - def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): # Prefer a debugging library if found (and requested), but deal # with it if we don't have one. @@ -756,7 +800,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : try_names = [lib] for dir in dirs: for name in try_names: - libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename (name)) + libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename(name)) if os.path.exists(libfile): return libfile else: @@ -781,7 +825,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # didn't find it; try existing path for p in os.environ['Path'].split(';'): - fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p),exe) + fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p), exe) if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvccompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvccompiler.py index 2d447b8..1069e99 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvccompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/msvccompiler.py @@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ for the Microsoft Visual Studio. # hacked by Robin Becker and Thomas Heller to do a better job of # finding DevStudio (through the registry) -import sys, os -from distutils.errors import \ - DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \ - CompileError, LibError, LinkError -from distutils.ccompiler import \ - CCompiler, gen_lib_options +import sys +import os +import warnings +from distutils.errors import ( + DistutilsExecError, + DistutilsPlatformError, + CompileError, + LibError, + LinkError, +) +from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_lib_options from distutils import log _can_read_reg = False @@ -32,6 +37,7 @@ except ImportError: try: import win32api import win32con + _can_read_reg = True hkey_mod = win32con @@ -40,17 +46,30 @@ except ImportError: RegEnumValue = win32api.RegEnumValue RegError = win32api.error except ImportError: - log.info("Warning: Can't read registry to find the " - "necessary compiler setting\n" - "Make sure that Python modules winreg, " - "win32api or win32con are installed.") + log.info( + "Warning: Can't read registry to find the " + "necessary compiler setting\n" + "Make sure that Python modules winreg, " + "win32api or win32con are installed." + ) pass if _can_read_reg: - HKEYS = (hkey_mod.HKEY_USERS, - hkey_mod.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, - hkey_mod.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, - hkey_mod.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) + HKEYS = ( + hkey_mod.HKEY_USERS, + hkey_mod.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, + hkey_mod.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, + hkey_mod.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, + ) + + +warnings.warn( + "msvccompiler is deprecated and slated to be removed " + "in the future. Please discontinue use or file an issue " + "with pypa/distutils describing your use case.", + DeprecationWarning, +) + def read_keys(base, key): """Return list of registry keys.""" @@ -69,6 +88,7 @@ def read_keys(base, key): i += 1 return L + def read_values(base, key): """Return dict of registry keys and values. @@ -90,6 +110,7 @@ def read_values(base, key): i += 1 return d + def convert_mbcs(s): dec = getattr(s, "decode", None) if dec is not None: @@ -99,6 +120,7 @@ def convert_mbcs(s): pass return s + class MacroExpander: def __init__(self, version): self.macros = {} @@ -122,12 +144,13 @@ class MacroExpander: self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallrootv1.1") else: self.set_macro("FrameworkSDKDir", net, "sdkinstallroot") - except KeyError as exc: # + except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( - """Python was built with Visual Studio 2003; + """Python was built with Visual Studio 2003; extensions must be built with a compiler than can generate compatible binaries. Visual Studio 2003 was not found on this system. If you have Cygwin installed, -you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") +you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""" + ) p = r"Software\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\Product" for base in HKEYS: @@ -136,7 +159,7 @@ you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") except RegError: continue key = RegEnumKey(h, 0) - d = read_values(base, r"%s\%s" % (p, key)) + d = read_values(base, r"{}\{}".format(p, key)) self.macros["$(FrameworkVersion)"] = d["version"] def sub(self, s): @@ -144,6 +167,7 @@ you can try compiling with MingW32, by passing "-c mingw32" to setup.py.""") s = s.replace(k, v) return s + def get_build_version(): """Return the version of MSVC that was used to build Python. @@ -169,6 +193,7 @@ def get_build_version(): # else we don't know what version of the compiler this is return None + def get_build_architecture(): """Return the processor architecture. @@ -180,7 +205,8 @@ def get_build_architecture(): if i == -1: return "Intel" j = sys.version.find(")", i) - return sys.version[i+len(prefix):j] + return sys.version[i + len(prefix) : j] + def normalize_and_reduce_paths(paths): """Return a list of normalized paths with duplicates removed. @@ -197,9 +223,9 @@ def normalize_and_reduce_paths(paths): return reduced_paths -class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : +class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler): """Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++, - as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" + as defined by the CCompiler abstract class.""" compiler_type = 'msvc' @@ -218,8 +244,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # Needed for the filename generation methods provided by the # base class, CCompiler. - src_extensions = (_c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + - _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions) + src_extensions = _c_extensions + _cpp_extensions + _rc_extensions + _mc_extensions res_extension = '.res' obj_extension = '.obj' static_lib_extension = '.lib' @@ -228,7 +253,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : exe_extension = '.exe' def __init__(self, verbose=0, dry_run=0, force=0): - CCompiler.__init__ (self, verbose, dry_run, force) + super().__init__(verbose, dry_run, force) self.__version = get_build_version() self.__arch = get_build_architecture() if self.__arch == "Intel": @@ -247,7 +272,11 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : def initialize(self): self.__paths = [] - if "DISTUTILS_USE_SDK" in os.environ and "MSSdk" in os.environ and self.find_exe("cl.exe"): + if ( + "DISTUTILS_USE_SDK" in os.environ + and "MSSdk" in os.environ + and self.find_exe("cl.exe") + ): # Assume that the SDK set up everything alright; don't try to be # smarter self.cc = "cl.exe" @@ -259,16 +288,17 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : self.__paths = self.get_msvc_paths("path") if len(self.__paths) == 0: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("Python was built with %s, " - "and extensions need to be built with the same " - "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." - % self.__product) + raise DistutilsPlatformError( + "Python was built with %s, " + "and extensions need to be built with the same " + "version of the compiler, but it isn't installed." % self.__product + ) self.cc = self.find_exe("cl.exe") self.linker = self.find_exe("link.exe") self.lib = self.find_exe("lib.exe") - self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler - self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler + self.rc = self.find_exe("rc.exe") # resource compiler + self.mc = self.find_exe("mc.exe") # message compiler self.set_path_env_var('lib') self.set_path_env_var('include') @@ -283,75 +313,92 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : self.preprocess_options = None if self.__arch == "Intel": - self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GX' , - '/DNDEBUG'] - self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', '/GX', - '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] + self.compile_options = ['/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GX', '/DNDEBUG'] + self.compile_options_debug = [ + '/nologo', + '/Od', + '/MDd', + '/W3', + '/GX', + '/Z7', + '/D_DEBUG', + ] else: # Win64 - self.compile_options = [ '/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GS-' , - '/DNDEBUG'] - self.compile_options_debug = ['/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/W3', '/GS-', - '/Z7', '/D_DEBUG'] + self.compile_options = ['/nologo', '/O2', '/MD', '/W3', '/GS-', '/DNDEBUG'] + self.compile_options_debug = [ + '/nologo', + '/Od', + '/MDd', + '/W3', + '/GS-', + '/Z7', + '/D_DEBUG', + ] self.ldflags_shared = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO'] if self.__version >= 7: - self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ - '/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/DEBUG' - ] + self.ldflags_shared_debug = ['/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/DEBUG'] else: self.ldflags_shared_debug = [ - '/DLL', '/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:no', '/pdb:None', '/DEBUG' - ] - self.ldflags_static = [ '/nologo'] + '/DLL', + '/nologo', + '/INCREMENTAL:no', + '/pdb:None', + '/DEBUG', + ] + self.ldflags_static = ['/nologo'] self.initialized = True # -- Worker methods ------------------------------------------------ - def object_filenames(self, - source_filenames, - strip_dir=0, - output_dir=''): + def object_filenames(self, source_filenames, strip_dir=0, output_dir=''): # Copied from ccompiler.py, extended to return .res as 'object'-file # for .rc input file - if output_dir is None: output_dir = '' + if output_dir is None: + output_dir = '' obj_names = [] for src_name in source_filenames: - (base, ext) = os.path.splitext (src_name) - base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive - base = base[os.path.isabs(base):] # If abs, chop off leading / + (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(src_name) + base = os.path.splitdrive(base)[1] # Chop off the drive + base = base[os.path.isabs(base) :] # If abs, chop off leading / if ext not in self.src_extensions: # Better to raise an exception instead of silently continuing # and later complain about sources and targets having # different lengths - raise CompileError ("Don't know how to compile %s" % src_name) + raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile %s" % src_name) if strip_dir: - base = os.path.basename (base) + base = os.path.basename(base) if ext in self._rc_extensions: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.res_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) elif ext in self._mc_extensions: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.res_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.res_extension)) else: - obj_names.append (os.path.join (output_dir, - base + self.obj_extension)) + obj_names.append(os.path.join(output_dir, base + self.obj_extension)) return obj_names - - def compile(self, sources, - output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None): + def compile( # noqa: C901 + self, + sources, + output_dir=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + depends=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() - compile_info = self._setup_compile(output_dir, macros, include_dirs, - sources, depends, extra_postargs) + compile_info = self._setup_compile( + output_dir, macros, include_dirs, sources, depends, extra_postargs + ) macros, objects, extra_postargs, pp_opts, build = compile_info compile_opts = extra_preargs or [] - compile_opts.append ('/c') + compile_opts.append('/c') if debug: compile_opts.extend(self.compile_options_debug) else: @@ -377,8 +424,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : input_opt = src output_opt = "/fo" + obj try: - self.spawn([self.rc] + pp_opts + - [output_opt] + [input_opt]) + self.spawn([self.rc] + pp_opts + [output_opt] + [input_opt]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue @@ -398,50 +444,48 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : rc_dir = os.path.dirname(obj) try: # first compile .MC to .RC and .H file - self.spawn([self.mc] + - ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) - base, _ = os.path.splitext (os.path.basename (src)) - rc_file = os.path.join (rc_dir, base + '.rc') + self.spawn([self.mc] + ['-h', h_dir, '-r', rc_dir] + [src]) + base, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(src)) + rc_file = os.path.join(rc_dir, base + '.rc') # then compile .RC to .RES file - self.spawn([self.rc] + - ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) + self.spawn([self.rc] + ["/fo" + obj] + [rc_file]) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) continue else: # how to handle this file? - raise CompileError("Don't know how to compile %s to %s" - % (src, obj)) + raise CompileError( + "Don't know how to compile {} to {}".format(src, obj) + ) output_opt = "/Fo" + obj try: - self.spawn([self.cc] + compile_opts + pp_opts + - [input_opt, output_opt] + - extra_postargs) + self.spawn( + [self.cc] + + compile_opts + + pp_opts + + [input_opt, output_opt] + + extra_postargs + ) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) return objects - - def create_static_lib(self, - objects, - output_libname, - output_dir=None, - debug=0, - target_lang=None): + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, - output_dir=output_dir) + output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): lib_args = objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] if debug: - pass # XXX what goes here? + pass # XXX what goes here? try: self.spawn([self.lib] + lib_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: @@ -449,36 +493,36 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) - - def link(self, - target_desc, - objects, - output_filename, - output_dir=None, - libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, - runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, - debug=0, - extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, - build_temp=None, - target_lang=None): + def link( # noqa: C901 + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): if not self.initialized: self.initialize() (objects, output_dir) = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, - runtime_library_dirs) + fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) (libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) = fixed_args if runtime_library_dirs: - self.warn ("I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " - + str (runtime_library_dirs)) + self.warn( + "I don't know what to do with 'runtime_library_dirs': " + + str(runtime_library_dirs) + ) - lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, - library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - libraries) + lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries) if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) @@ -495,11 +539,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : ldflags = self.ldflags_shared export_opts = [] - for sym in (export_symbols or []): + for sym in export_symbols or []: export_opts.append("/EXPORT:" + sym) - ld_args = (ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + - objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename]) + ld_args = ( + ldflags + lib_opts + export_opts + objects + ['/OUT:' + output_filename] + ) # The MSVC linker generates .lib and .exp files, which cannot be # suppressed by any linker switches. The .lib files may even be @@ -508,11 +553,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # builds, they can go into the same directory. if export_symbols is not None: (dll_name, dll_ext) = os.path.splitext( - os.path.basename(output_filename)) + os.path.basename(output_filename) + ) implib_file = os.path.join( - os.path.dirname(objects[0]), - self.library_filename(dll_name)) - ld_args.append ('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) + os.path.dirname(objects[0]), self.library_filename(dll_name) + ) + ld_args.append('/IMPLIB:' + implib_file) if extra_preargs: ld_args[:0] = extra_preargs @@ -528,7 +574,6 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) - # -- Miscellaneous methods ----------------------------------------- # These are all used by the 'gen_lib_options() function, in # ccompiler.py. @@ -538,12 +583,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): raise DistutilsPlatformError( - "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC++") + "don't know how to set runtime library search path for MSVC++" + ) def library_option(self, lib): return self.library_filename(lib) - def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): # Prefer a debugging library if found (and requested), but deal # with it if we don't have one. @@ -553,7 +598,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : try_names = [lib] for dir in dirs: for name in try_names: - libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename (name)) + libfile = os.path.join(dir, self.library_filename(name)) if os.path.exists(libfile): return libfile else: @@ -578,7 +623,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : # didn't find it; try existing path for p in os.environ['Path'].split(';'): - fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p),exe) + fn = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p), exe) if os.path.isfile(fn): return fn @@ -595,11 +640,15 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : path = path + " dirs" if self.__version >= 7: - key = (r"%s\%0.1f\VC\VC_OBJECTS_PLATFORM_INFO\Win32\Directories" - % (self.__root, self.__version)) + key = r"{}\{:0.1f}\VC\VC_OBJECTS_PLATFORM_INFO\Win32\Directories".format( + self.__root, + self.__version, + ) else: - key = (r"%s\6.0\Build System\Components\Platforms" - r"\Win32 (%s)\Directories" % (self.__root, platform)) + key = ( + r"%s\6.0\Build System\Components\Platforms" + r"\Win32 (%s)\Directories" % (self.__root, platform) + ) for base in HKEYS: d = read_values(base, key) @@ -613,10 +662,12 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) : if self.__version == 6: for base in HKEYS: if read_values(base, r"%s\6.0" % self.__root) is not None: - self.warn("It seems you have Visual Studio 6 installed, " + self.warn( + "It seems you have Visual Studio 6 installed, " "but the expected registry settings are not present.\n" "You must at least run the Visual Studio GUI once " - "so that these entries are created.") + "so that these entries are created." + ) break return [] @@ -639,5 +690,6 @@ if get_build_version() >= 8.0: log.debug("Importing new compiler from distutils.msvc9compiler") OldMSVCCompiler = MSVCCompiler from distutils.msvc9compiler import MSVCCompiler + # get_build_architecture not really relevant now we support cross-compile - from distutils.msvc9compiler import MacroExpander + from distutils.msvc9compiler import MacroExpander # noqa: F811 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py35compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py35compat.py deleted file mode 100644 index 79b2e7f..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py35compat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -import sys -import subprocess - - -def __optim_args_from_interpreter_flags(): - """Return a list of command-line arguments reproducing the current - optimization settings in sys.flags.""" - args = [] - value = sys.flags.optimize - if value > 0: - args.append("-" + "O" * value) - return args - - -_optim_args_from_interpreter_flags = getattr( - subprocess, - "_optim_args_from_interpreter_flags", - __optim_args_from_interpreter_flags, -) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py38compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py38compat.py index 7dbe8ce..59224e7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py38compat.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py38compat.py @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ def aix_platform(osname, version, release): try: import _aix_support + return _aix_support.aix_platform() except ImportError: pass - return "%s-%s.%s" % (osname, version, release) + return "{}-{}.{}".format(osname, version, release) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py39compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py39compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c43e5f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/py39compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +import sys +import platform + + +def add_ext_suffix_39(vars): + """ + Ensure vars contains 'EXT_SUFFIX'. pypa/distutils#130 + """ + import _imp + + ext_suffix = _imp.extension_suffixes()[0] + vars.update( + EXT_SUFFIX=ext_suffix, + # sysconfig sets SO to match EXT_SUFFIX, so maintain + # that expectation. + # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/785cc6770588de087d09e89a69110af2542be208/Lib/sysconfig.py#L671-L673 + SO=ext_suffix, + ) + + +needs_ext_suffix = sys.version_info < (3, 10) and platform.system() == 'Windows' +add_ext_suffix = add_ext_suffix_39 if needs_ext_suffix else lambda vars: None diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/spawn.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/spawn.py index 6e1c89f..b18ba9d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/spawn.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/spawn.py @@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ import sys import os import subprocess -from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError, DistutilsExecError +from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError from distutils.debug import DEBUG from distutils import log -def spawn(cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0, env=None): +def spawn(cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0, env=None): # noqa: C901 """Run another program, specified as a command list 'cmd', in a new process. 'cmd' is just the argument list for the new process, ie. @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ def spawn(cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0, env=None): if sys.platform == 'darwin': from distutils.util import MACOSX_VERSION_VAR, get_macosx_target_ver + macosx_target_ver = get_macosx_target_ver() if macosx_target_ver: env[MACOSX_VERSION_VAR] = macosx_target_ver @@ -60,13 +61,15 @@ def spawn(cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0, env=None): if not DEBUG: cmd = cmd[0] raise DistutilsExecError( - "command %r failed: %s" % (cmd, exc.args[-1])) from exc + "command {!r} failed: {}".format(cmd, exc.args[-1]) + ) from exc if exitcode: if not DEBUG: cmd = cmd[0] raise DistutilsExecError( - "command %r failed with exit code %s" % (cmd, exitcode)) + "command {!r} failed with exit code {}".format(cmd, exitcode) + ) def find_executable(executable, path=None): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/sysconfig.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/sysconfig.py index 879b698..6a979f8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/sysconfig.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/sysconfig.py @@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ Written by: Fred L. Drake, Jr. Email: """ -import _imp import os import re import sys +import sysconfig +import pathlib from .errors import DistutilsPlatformError +from . import py39compat +from ._functools import pass_none IS_PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names @@ -38,31 +41,48 @@ else: project_base = os.getcwd() -# python_build: (Boolean) if true, we're either building Python or -# building an extension with an un-installed Python, so we use -# different (hard-wired) directories. def _is_python_source_dir(d): - for fn in ("Setup", "Setup.local"): - if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, "Modules", fn)): - return True - return False + """ + Return True if the target directory appears to point to an + un-installed Python. + """ + modules = pathlib.Path(d).joinpath('Modules') + return any(modules.joinpath(fn).is_file() for fn in ('Setup', 'Setup.local')) + _sys_home = getattr(sys, '_home', None) + +def _is_parent(dir_a, dir_b): + """ + Return True if a is a parent of b. + """ + return os.path.normcase(dir_a).startswith(os.path.normcase(dir_b)) + + if os.name == 'nt': + + @pass_none def _fix_pcbuild(d): - if d and os.path.normcase(d).startswith( - os.path.normcase(os.path.join(PREFIX, "PCbuild"))): - return PREFIX - return d + # In a venv, sys._home will be inside BASE_PREFIX rather than PREFIX. + prefixes = PREFIX, BASE_PREFIX + matched = ( + prefix + for prefix in prefixes + if _is_parent(d, os.path.join(prefix, "PCbuild")) + ) + return next(matched, d) + project_base = _fix_pcbuild(project_base) _sys_home = _fix_pcbuild(_sys_home) + def _python_build(): if _sys_home: return _is_python_source_dir(_sys_home) return _is_python_source_dir(project_base) + python_build = _python_build() @@ -78,6 +98,7 @@ except AttributeError: # this attribute, which is fine. pass + def get_python_version(): """Return a string containing the major and minor Python version, leaving off the patchlevel. Sample return values could be '1.5' @@ -97,35 +118,91 @@ def get_python_inc(plat_specific=0, prefix=None): If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.base_prefix or sys.base_exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'. """ - if prefix is None: - prefix = plat_specific and BASE_EXEC_PREFIX or BASE_PREFIX - if IS_PYPY: - return os.path.join(prefix, 'include') - elif os.name == "posix": - if python_build: - # Assume the executable is in the build directory. The - # pyconfig.h file should be in the same directory. Since - # the build directory may not be the source directory, we - # must use "srcdir" from the makefile to find the "Include" - # directory. - if plat_specific: - return _sys_home or project_base - else: - incdir = os.path.join(get_config_var('srcdir'), 'Include') - return os.path.normpath(incdir) - python_dir = 'python' + get_python_version() + build_flags - return os.path.join(prefix, "include", python_dir) - elif os.name == "nt": - if python_build: - # Include both the include and PC dir to ensure we can find - # pyconfig.h - return (os.path.join(prefix, "include") + os.path.pathsep + - os.path.join(prefix, "PC")) - return os.path.join(prefix, "include") - else: + default_prefix = BASE_EXEC_PREFIX if plat_specific else BASE_PREFIX + resolved_prefix = prefix if prefix is not None else default_prefix + try: + getter = globals()[f'_get_python_inc_{os.name}'] + except KeyError: raise DistutilsPlatformError( "I don't know where Python installs its C header files " - "on platform '%s'" % os.name) + "on platform '%s'" % os.name + ) + return getter(resolved_prefix, prefix, plat_specific) + + +def _get_python_inc_posix(prefix, spec_prefix, plat_specific): + if IS_PYPY and sys.version_info < (3, 8): + return os.path.join(prefix, 'include') + return ( + _get_python_inc_posix_python(plat_specific) + or _get_python_inc_from_config(plat_specific, spec_prefix) + or _get_python_inc_posix_prefix(prefix) + ) + + +def _get_python_inc_posix_python(plat_specific): + """ + Assume the executable is in the build directory. The + pyconfig.h file should be in the same directory. Since + the build directory may not be the source directory, + use "srcdir" from the makefile to find the "Include" + directory. + """ + if not python_build: + return + if plat_specific: + return _sys_home or project_base + incdir = os.path.join(get_config_var('srcdir'), 'Include') + return os.path.normpath(incdir) + + +def _get_python_inc_from_config(plat_specific, spec_prefix): + """ + If no prefix was explicitly specified, provide the include + directory from the config vars. Useful when + cross-compiling, since the config vars may come from + the host + platform Python installation, while the current Python + executable is from the build platform installation. + + >>> monkeypatch = getfixture('monkeypatch') + >>> gpifc = _get_python_inc_from_config + >>> monkeypatch.setitem(gpifc.__globals__, 'get_config_var', str.lower) + >>> gpifc(False, '/usr/bin/') + >>> gpifc(False, '') + >>> gpifc(False, None) + 'includepy' + >>> gpifc(True, None) + 'confincludepy' + """ + if spec_prefix is None: + return get_config_var('CONF' * plat_specific + 'INCLUDEPY') + + +def _get_python_inc_posix_prefix(prefix): + implementation = 'pypy' if IS_PYPY else 'python' + python_dir = implementation + get_python_version() + build_flags + return os.path.join(prefix, "include", python_dir) + + +def _get_python_inc_nt(prefix, spec_prefix, plat_specific): + if python_build: + # Include both the include and PC dir to ensure we can find + # pyconfig.h + return ( + os.path.join(prefix, "include") + + os.path.pathsep + + os.path.join(prefix, "PC") + ) + return os.path.join(prefix, "include") + + +# allow this behavior to be monkey-patched. Ref pypa/distutils#2. +def _posix_lib(standard_lib, libpython, early_prefix, prefix): + if standard_lib: + return libpython + else: + return os.path.join(libpython, "site-packages") def get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): @@ -142,7 +219,8 @@ def get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): If 'prefix' is supplied, use it instead of sys.base_prefix or sys.base_exec_prefix -- i.e., ignore 'plat_specific'. """ - if IS_PYPY: + + if IS_PYPY and sys.version_info < (3, 8): # PyPy-specific schema if prefix is None: prefix = PREFIX @@ -150,6 +228,8 @@ def get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): return os.path.join(prefix, "lib-python", sys.version[0]) return os.path.join(prefix, 'site-packages') + early_prefix = prefix + if prefix is None: if standard_lib: prefix = plat_specific and BASE_EXEC_PREFIX or BASE_PREFIX @@ -164,12 +244,9 @@ def get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): else: # Pure Python libdir = "lib" - libpython = os.path.join(prefix, libdir, - "python" + get_python_version()) - if standard_lib: - return libpython - else: - return os.path.join(libpython, "site-packages") + implementation = 'pypy' if IS_PYPY else 'python' + libpython = os.path.join(prefix, libdir, implementation + get_python_version()) + return _posix_lib(standard_lib, libpython, early_prefix, prefix) elif os.name == "nt": if standard_lib: return os.path.join(prefix, "Lib") @@ -178,11 +255,11 @@ def get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=0, prefix=None): else: raise DistutilsPlatformError( "I don't know where Python installs its library " - "on platform '%s'" % os.name) + "on platform '%s'" % os.name + ) - -def customize_compiler(compiler): +def customize_compiler(compiler): # noqa: C901 """Do any platform-specific customization of a CCompiler instance. Mainly needed on Unix, so we can plug in the information that @@ -202,21 +279,36 @@ def customize_compiler(compiler): # Use get_config_var() to ensure _config_vars is initialized. if not get_config_var('CUSTOMIZED_OSX_COMPILER'): import _osx_support + _osx_support.customize_compiler(_config_vars) _config_vars['CUSTOMIZED_OSX_COMPILER'] = 'True' - (cc, cxx, cflags, ccshared, ldshared, shlib_suffix, ar, ar_flags) = \ - get_config_vars('CC', 'CXX', 'CFLAGS', - 'CCSHARED', 'LDSHARED', 'SHLIB_SUFFIX', 'AR', 'ARFLAGS') + ( + cc, + cxx, + cflags, + ccshared, + ldshared, + shlib_suffix, + ar, + ar_flags, + ) = get_config_vars( + 'CC', + 'CXX', + 'CFLAGS', + 'CCSHARED', + 'LDSHARED', + 'SHLIB_SUFFIX', + 'AR', + 'ARFLAGS', + ) if 'CC' in os.environ: newcc = os.environ['CC'] - if (sys.platform == 'darwin' - and 'LDSHARED' not in os.environ - and ldshared.startswith(cc)): - # On OS X, if CC is overridden, use that as the default + if 'LDSHARED' not in os.environ and ldshared.startswith(cc): + # If CC is overridden, use that as the default # command for LDSHARED as well - ldshared = newcc + ldshared[len(cc):] + ldshared = newcc + ldshared[len(cc) :] cc = newcc if 'CXX' in os.environ: cxx = os.environ['CXX'] @@ -225,7 +317,7 @@ def customize_compiler(compiler): if 'CPP' in os.environ: cpp = os.environ['CPP'] else: - cpp = cc + " -E" # not always + cpp = cc + " -E" # not always if 'LDFLAGS' in os.environ: ldshared = ldshared + ' ' + os.environ['LDFLAGS'] if 'CFLAGS' in os.environ: @@ -250,7 +342,11 @@ def customize_compiler(compiler): compiler_cxx=cxx, linker_so=ldshared, linker_exe=cc, - archiver=archiver) + archiver=archiver, + ) + + if 'RANLIB' in os.environ and compiler.executables.get('ranlib', None): + compiler.set_executables(ranlib=os.environ['RANLIB']) compiler.shared_lib_extension = shlib_suffix @@ -262,21 +358,14 @@ def get_config_h_filename(): inc_dir = os.path.join(_sys_home or project_base, "PC") else: inc_dir = _sys_home or project_base + return os.path.join(inc_dir, 'pyconfig.h') else: - inc_dir = get_python_inc(plat_specific=1) - - return os.path.join(inc_dir, 'pyconfig.h') + return sysconfig.get_config_h_filename() def get_makefile_filename(): """Return full pathname of installed Makefile from the Python build.""" - if python_build: - return os.path.join(_sys_home or project_base, "Makefile") - lib_dir = get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=1) - config_file = 'config-{}{}'.format(get_python_version(), build_flags) - if hasattr(sys.implementation, '_multiarch'): - config_file += '-%s' % sys.implementation._multiarch - return os.path.join(lib_dir, config_file, 'Makefile') + return sysconfig.get_makefile_filename() def parse_config_h(fp, g=None): @@ -286,26 +375,7 @@ def parse_config_h(fp, g=None): optional dictionary is passed in as the second argument, it is used instead of a new dictionary. """ - if g is None: - g = {} - define_rx = re.compile("#define ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) (.*)\n") - undef_rx = re.compile("/[*] #undef ([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]+) [*]/\n") - # - while True: - line = fp.readline() - if not line: - break - m = define_rx.match(line) - if m: - n, v = m.group(1, 2) - try: v = int(v) - except ValueError: pass - g[n] = v - else: - m = undef_rx.match(line) - if m: - g[m.group(1)] = 0 - return g + return sysconfig.parse_config_h(fp, vars=g) # Regexes needed for parsing Makefile (and similar syntaxes, @@ -314,7 +384,8 @@ _variable_rx = re.compile(r"([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(.*)") _findvar1_rx = re.compile(r"\$\(([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\)") _findvar2_rx = re.compile(r"\${([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)}") -def parse_makefile(fn, g=None): + +def parse_makefile(fn, g=None): # noqa: C901 """Parse a Makefile-style file. A dictionary containing name/value pairs is returned. If an @@ -322,7 +393,10 @@ def parse_makefile(fn, g=None): used instead of a new dictionary. """ from distutils.text_file import TextFile - fp = TextFile(fn, strip_comments=1, skip_blanks=1, join_lines=1, errors="surrogateescape") + + fp = TextFile( + fn, strip_comments=1, skip_blanks=1, join_lines=1, errors="surrogateescape" + ) if g is None: g = {} @@ -331,7 +405,7 @@ def parse_makefile(fn, g=None): while True: line = fp.readline() - if line is None: # eof + if line is None: # eof break m = _variable_rx.match(line) if m: @@ -386,20 +460,20 @@ def parse_makefile(fn, g=None): else: done[n] = item = "" if found: - after = value[m.end():] - value = value[:m.start()] + item + after + after = value[m.end() :] + value = value[: m.start()] + item + after if "$" in after: notdone[name] = value else: - try: value = int(value) + try: + value = int(value) except ValueError: done[name] = value.strip() else: done[name] = value del notdone[name] - if name.startswith('PY_') \ - and name[3:] in renamed_variables: + if name.startswith('PY_') and name[3:] in renamed_variables: name = name[3:] if name not in done: @@ -447,45 +521,6 @@ def expand_makefile_vars(s, vars): _config_vars = None -def _init_posix(): - """Initialize the module as appropriate for POSIX systems.""" - # _sysconfigdata is generated at build time, see the sysconfig module - name = os.environ.get('_PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME', - '_sysconfigdata_{abi}_{platform}_{multiarch}'.format( - abi=sys.abiflags, - platform=sys.platform, - multiarch=getattr(sys.implementation, '_multiarch', ''), - )) - try: - _temp = __import__(name, globals(), locals(), ['build_time_vars'], 0) - except ImportError: - # Python 3.5 and pypy 7.3.1 - _temp = __import__( - '_sysconfigdata', globals(), locals(), ['build_time_vars'], 0) - build_time_vars = _temp.build_time_vars - global _config_vars - _config_vars = {} - _config_vars.update(build_time_vars) - - -def _init_nt(): - """Initialize the module as appropriate for NT""" - g = {} - # set basic install directories - g['LIBDEST'] = get_python_lib(plat_specific=0, standard_lib=1) - g['BINLIBDEST'] = get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=1) - - # XXX hmmm.. a normal install puts include files here - g['INCLUDEPY'] = get_python_inc(plat_specific=0) - - g['EXT_SUFFIX'] = _imp.extension_suffixes()[0] - g['EXE'] = ".exe" - g['VERSION'] = get_python_version().replace(".", "") - g['BINDIR'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.executable)) - - global _config_vars - _config_vars = g - def get_config_vars(*args): """With no arguments, return a dictionary of all configuration @@ -499,60 +534,8 @@ def get_config_vars(*args): """ global _config_vars if _config_vars is None: - func = globals().get("_init_" + os.name) - if func: - func() - else: - _config_vars = {} - - # Normalized versions of prefix and exec_prefix are handy to have; - # in fact, these are the standard versions used most places in the - # Distutils. - _config_vars['prefix'] = PREFIX - _config_vars['exec_prefix'] = EXEC_PREFIX - - if not IS_PYPY: - # For backward compatibility, see issue19555 - SO = _config_vars.get('EXT_SUFFIX') - if SO is not None: - _config_vars['SO'] = SO - - # Always convert srcdir to an absolute path - srcdir = _config_vars.get('srcdir', project_base) - if os.name == 'posix': - if python_build: - # If srcdir is a relative path (typically '.' or '..') - # then it should be interpreted relative to the directory - # containing Makefile. - base = os.path.dirname(get_makefile_filename()) - srcdir = os.path.join(base, srcdir) - else: - # srcdir is not meaningful since the installation is - # spread about the filesystem. We choose the - # directory containing the Makefile since we know it - # exists. - srcdir = os.path.dirname(get_makefile_filename()) - _config_vars['srcdir'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(srcdir)) - - # Convert srcdir into an absolute path if it appears necessary. - # Normally it is relative to the build directory. However, during - # testing, for example, we might be running a non-installed python - # from a different directory. - if python_build and os.name == "posix": - base = project_base - if (not os.path.isabs(_config_vars['srcdir']) and - base != os.getcwd()): - # srcdir is relative and we are not in the same directory - # as the executable. Assume executable is in the build - # directory and make srcdir absolute. - srcdir = os.path.join(base, _config_vars['srcdir']) - _config_vars['srcdir'] = os.path.normpath(srcdir) - - # OS X platforms require special customization to handle - # multi-architecture, multi-os-version installers - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - import _osx_support - _osx_support.customize_config_vars(_config_vars) + _config_vars = sysconfig.get_config_vars().copy() + py39compat.add_ext_suffix(_config_vars) if args: vals = [] @@ -562,6 +545,7 @@ def get_config_vars(*args): else: return _config_vars + def get_config_var(name): """Return the value of a single variable using the dictionary returned by 'get_config_vars()'. Equivalent to @@ -569,5 +553,6 @@ def get_config_var(name): """ if name == 'SO': import warnings + warnings.warn('SO is deprecated, use EXT_SUFFIX', DeprecationWarning, 2) return get_config_vars().get(name) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/text_file.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/text_file.py index 93abad3..7274d4b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/text_file.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/text_file.py @@ -4,84 +4,87 @@ provides the TextFile class, which gives an interface to text files that (optionally) takes care of stripping comments, ignoring blank lines, and joining lines with backslashes.""" -import sys, io +import sys class TextFile: """Provides a file-like object that takes care of all the things you - commonly want to do when processing a text file that has some - line-by-line syntax: strip comments (as long as "#" is your - comment character), skip blank lines, join adjacent lines by - escaping the newline (ie. backslash at end of line), strip - leading and/or trailing whitespace. All of these are optional - and independently controllable. - - Provides a 'warn()' method so you can generate warning messages that - report physical line number, even if the logical line in question - spans multiple physical lines. Also provides 'unreadline()' for - implementing line-at-a-time lookahead. - - Constructor is called as: - - TextFile (filename=None, file=None, **options) - - It bombs (RuntimeError) if both 'filename' and 'file' are None; - 'filename' should be a string, and 'file' a file object (or - something that provides 'readline()' and 'close()' methods). It is - recommended that you supply at least 'filename', so that TextFile - can include it in warning messages. If 'file' is not supplied, - TextFile creates its own using 'io.open()'. - - The options are all boolean, and affect the value returned by - 'readline()': - strip_comments [default: true] - strip from "#" to end-of-line, as well as any whitespace - leading up to the "#" -- unless it is escaped by a backslash - lstrip_ws [default: false] - strip leading whitespace from each line before returning it - rstrip_ws [default: true] - strip trailing whitespace (including line terminator!) from - each line before returning it - skip_blanks [default: true} - skip lines that are empty *after* stripping comments and - whitespace. (If both lstrip_ws and rstrip_ws are false, - then some lines may consist of solely whitespace: these will - *not* be skipped, even if 'skip_blanks' is true.) - join_lines [default: false] - if a backslash is the last non-newline character on a line - after stripping comments and whitespace, join the following line - to it to form one "logical line"; if N consecutive lines end - with a backslash, then N+1 physical lines will be joined to - form one logical line. - collapse_join [default: false] - strip leading whitespace from lines that are joined to their - predecessor; only matters if (join_lines and not lstrip_ws) - errors [default: 'strict'] - error handler used to decode the file content - - Note that since 'rstrip_ws' can strip the trailing newline, the - semantics of 'readline()' must differ from those of the builtin file - object's 'readline()' method! In particular, 'readline()' returns - None for end-of-file: an empty string might just be a blank line (or - an all-whitespace line), if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'skip_blanks' is - not.""" - - default_options = { 'strip_comments': 1, - 'skip_blanks': 1, - 'lstrip_ws': 0, - 'rstrip_ws': 1, - 'join_lines': 0, - 'collapse_join': 0, - 'errors': 'strict', - } + commonly want to do when processing a text file that has some + line-by-line syntax: strip comments (as long as "#" is your + comment character), skip blank lines, join adjacent lines by + escaping the newline (ie. backslash at end of line), strip + leading and/or trailing whitespace. All of these are optional + and independently controllable. + + Provides a 'warn()' method so you can generate warning messages that + report physical line number, even if the logical line in question + spans multiple physical lines. Also provides 'unreadline()' for + implementing line-at-a-time lookahead. + + Constructor is called as: + + TextFile (filename=None, file=None, **options) + + It bombs (RuntimeError) if both 'filename' and 'file' are None; + 'filename' should be a string, and 'file' a file object (or + something that provides 'readline()' and 'close()' methods). It is + recommended that you supply at least 'filename', so that TextFile + can include it in warning messages. If 'file' is not supplied, + TextFile creates its own using 'io.open()'. + + The options are all boolean, and affect the value returned by + 'readline()': + strip_comments [default: true] + strip from "#" to end-of-line, as well as any whitespace + leading up to the "#" -- unless it is escaped by a backslash + lstrip_ws [default: false] + strip leading whitespace from each line before returning it + rstrip_ws [default: true] + strip trailing whitespace (including line terminator!) from + each line before returning it + skip_blanks [default: true} + skip lines that are empty *after* stripping comments and + whitespace. (If both lstrip_ws and rstrip_ws are false, + then some lines may consist of solely whitespace: these will + *not* be skipped, even if 'skip_blanks' is true.) + join_lines [default: false] + if a backslash is the last non-newline character on a line + after stripping comments and whitespace, join the following line + to it to form one "logical line"; if N consecutive lines end + with a backslash, then N+1 physical lines will be joined to + form one logical line. + collapse_join [default: false] + strip leading whitespace from lines that are joined to their + predecessor; only matters if (join_lines and not lstrip_ws) + errors [default: 'strict'] + error handler used to decode the file content + + Note that since 'rstrip_ws' can strip the trailing newline, the + semantics of 'readline()' must differ from those of the builtin file + object's 'readline()' method! In particular, 'readline()' returns + None for end-of-file: an empty string might just be a blank line (or + an all-whitespace line), if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'skip_blanks' is + not.""" + + default_options = { + 'strip_comments': 1, + 'skip_blanks': 1, + 'lstrip_ws': 0, + 'rstrip_ws': 1, + 'join_lines': 0, + 'collapse_join': 0, + 'errors': 'strict', + } def __init__(self, filename=None, file=None, **options): """Construct a new TextFile object. At least one of 'filename' - (a string) and 'file' (a file-like object) must be supplied. - They keyword argument options are described above and affect - the values returned by 'readline()'.""" + (a string) and 'file' (a file-like object) must be supplied. + They keyword argument options are described above and affect + the values returned by 'readline()'.""" if filename is None and file is None: - raise RuntimeError("you must supply either or both of 'filename' and 'file'") + raise RuntimeError( + "you must supply either or both of 'filename' and 'file'" + ) # set values for all options -- either from client option hash # or fallback to default_options @@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ class TextFile: else: self.filename = filename self.file = file - self.current_line = 0 # assuming that file is at BOF! + self.current_line = 0 # assuming that file is at BOF! # 'linebuf' is a stack of lines that will be emptied before we # actually read from the file; it's only populated by an @@ -110,14 +113,14 @@ class TextFile: def open(self, filename): """Open a new file named 'filename'. This overrides both the - 'filename' and 'file' arguments to the constructor.""" + 'filename' and 'file' arguments to the constructor.""" self.filename = filename - self.file = io.open(self.filename, 'r', errors=self.errors) + self.file = open(self.filename, errors=self.errors) self.current_line = 0 def close(self): """Close the current file and forget everything we know about it - (filename, current line number).""" + (filename, current line number).""" file = self.file self.file = None self.filename = None @@ -141,24 +144,24 @@ class TextFile: def warn(self, msg, line=None): """Print (to stderr) a warning message tied to the current logical - line in the current file. If the current logical line in the - file spans multiple physical lines, the warning refers to the - whole range, eg. "lines 3-5". If 'line' supplied, it overrides - the current line number; it may be a list or tuple to indicate a - range of physical lines, or an integer for a single physical - line.""" + line in the current file. If the current logical line in the + file spans multiple physical lines, the warning refers to the + whole range, eg. "lines 3-5". If 'line' supplied, it overrides + the current line number; it may be a list or tuple to indicate a + range of physical lines, or an integer for a single physical + line.""" sys.stderr.write("warning: " + self.gen_error(msg, line) + "\n") - def readline(self): + def readline(self): # noqa: C901 """Read and return a single logical line from the current file (or - from an internal buffer if lines have previously been "unread" - with 'unreadline()'). If the 'join_lines' option is true, this - may involve reading multiple physical lines concatenated into a - single string. Updates the current line number, so calling - 'warn()' after 'readline()' emits a warning about the physical - line(s) just read. Returns None on end-of-file, since the empty - string can occur if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'strip_blanks' is - not.""" + from an internal buffer if lines have previously been "unread" + with 'unreadline()'). If the 'join_lines' option is true, this + may involve reading multiple physical lines concatenated into a + single string. Updates the current line number, so calling + 'warn()' after 'readline()' emits a warning about the physical + line(s) just read. Returns None on end-of-file, since the empty + string can occur if 'rstrip_ws' is true but 'strip_blanks' is + not.""" # If any "unread" lines waiting in 'linebuf', return the top # one. (We don't actually buffer read-ahead data -- lines only # get put in 'linebuf' if the client explicitly does an @@ -187,12 +190,12 @@ class TextFile: # lurking in there) and otherwise leave the line alone. pos = line.find("#") - if pos == -1: # no "#" -- no comments + if pos == -1: # no "#" -- no comments pass # It's definitely a comment -- either "#" is the first # character, or it's elsewhere and unescaped. - elif pos == 0 or line[pos-1] != "\\": + elif pos == 0 or line[pos - 1] != "\\": # Have to preserve the trailing newline, because it's # the job of a later step (rstrip_ws) to remove it -- # and if rstrip_ws is false, we'd better preserve it! @@ -211,15 +214,14 @@ class TextFile: # result in "hello there". if line.strip() == "": continue - else: # it's an escaped "#" + else: # it's an escaped "#" line = line.replace("\\#", "#") # did previous line end with a backslash? then accumulate if self.join_lines and buildup_line: # oops: end of file if line is None: - self.warn("continuation line immediately precedes " - "end-of-file") + self.warn("continuation line immediately precedes " "end-of-file") return buildup_line if self.collapse_join: @@ -230,11 +232,10 @@ class TextFile: if isinstance(self.current_line, list): self.current_line[1] = self.current_line[1] + 1 else: - self.current_line = [self.current_line, - self.current_line + 1] + self.current_line = [self.current_line, self.current_line + 1] # just an ordinary line, read it as usual else: - if line is None: # eof + if line is None: # eof return None # still have to be careful about incrementing the line number! @@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ class TextFile: def readlines(self): """Read and return the list of all logical lines remaining in the - current file.""" + current file.""" lines = [] while True: line = self.readline() @@ -281,6 +282,6 @@ class TextFile: def unreadline(self, line): """Push 'line' (a string) onto an internal buffer that will be - checked by future 'readline()' calls. Handy for implementing - a parser with line-at-a-time lookahead.""" + checked by future 'readline()' calls. Handy for implementing + a parser with line-at-a-time lookahead.""" self.linebuf.append(line) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/unixccompiler.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/unixccompiler.py index f51977a..4ab771a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/unixccompiler.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/unixccompiler.py @@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ the "typical" Unix-style command-line C compiler: * link shared library handled by 'cc -shared' """ -import os, sys, re +import os +import sys +import re +import shlex +import itertools from distutils import sysconfig from distutils.dep_util import newer -from distutils.ccompiler import \ - CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options -from distutils.errors import \ - DistutilsExecError, CompileError, LibError, LinkError +from distutils.ccompiler import CCompiler, gen_preprocess_options, gen_lib_options +from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, CompileError, LibError, LinkError from distutils import log - -if sys.platform == 'darwin': - import _osx_support +from ._macos_compat import compiler_fixup # XXX Things not currently handled: # * optimization/debug/warning flags; we just use whatever's in Python's @@ -42,6 +42,66 @@ if sys.platform == 'darwin': # options and carry on. +def _split_env(cmd): + """ + For macOS, split command into 'env' portion (if any) + and the rest of the linker command. + + >>> _split_env(['a', 'b', 'c']) + ([], ['a', 'b', 'c']) + >>> _split_env(['/usr/bin/env', 'A=3', 'gcc']) + (['/usr/bin/env', 'A=3'], ['gcc']) + """ + pivot = 0 + if os.path.basename(cmd[0]) == "env": + pivot = 1 + while '=' in cmd[pivot]: + pivot += 1 + return cmd[:pivot], cmd[pivot:] + + +def _split_aix(cmd): + """ + AIX platforms prefix the compiler with the ld_so_aix + script, so split that from the linker command. + + >>> _split_aix(['a', 'b', 'c']) + ([], ['a', 'b', 'c']) + >>> _split_aix(['/bin/foo/ld_so_aix', 'gcc']) + (['/bin/foo/ld_so_aix'], ['gcc']) + """ + pivot = os.path.basename(cmd[0]) == 'ld_so_aix' + return cmd[:pivot], cmd[pivot:] + + +def _linker_params(linker_cmd, compiler_cmd): + """ + The linker command usually begins with the compiler + command (possibly multiple elements), followed by zero or more + params for shared library building. + + If the LDSHARED env variable overrides the linker command, + however, the commands may not match. + + Return the best guess of the linker parameters by stripping + the linker command. If the compiler command does not + match the linker command, assume the linker command is + just the first element. + + >>> _linker_params('gcc foo bar'.split(), ['gcc']) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> _linker_params('gcc foo bar'.split(), ['other']) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> _linker_params('ccache gcc foo bar'.split(), 'ccache gcc'.split()) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> _linker_params(['gcc'], ['gcc']) + [] + """ + c_len = len(compiler_cmd) + pivot = c_len if linker_cmd[:c_len] == compiler_cmd else 1 + return linker_cmd[pivot:] + + class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): compiler_type = 'unix' @@ -52,15 +112,16 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): # are pretty generic; they will probably have to be set by an outsider # (eg. using information discovered by the sysconfig about building # Python extensions). - executables = {'preprocessor' : None, - 'compiler' : ["cc"], - 'compiler_so' : ["cc"], - 'compiler_cxx' : ["cc"], - 'linker_so' : ["cc", "-shared"], - 'linker_exe' : ["cc"], - 'archiver' : ["ar", "-cr"], - 'ranlib' : None, - } + executables = { + 'preprocessor': None, + 'compiler': ["cc"], + 'compiler_so': ["cc"], + 'compiler_cxx': ["cc"], + 'linker_so': ["cc", "-shared"], + 'linker_exe': ["cc"], + 'archiver': ["ar", "-cr"], + 'ranlib': None, + } if sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": executables['ranlib'] = ["ranlib"] @@ -71,7 +132,7 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): # reasonable common default here, but it's not necessarily used on all # Unices! - src_extensions = [".c",".C",".cc",".cxx",".cpp",".m"] + src_extensions = [".c", ".C", ".cc", ".cxx", ".cpp", ".m"] obj_extension = ".o" static_lib_extension = ".a" shared_lib_extension = ".so" @@ -82,8 +143,15 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): if sys.platform == "cygwin": exe_extension = ".exe" - def preprocess(self, source, output_file=None, macros=None, - include_dirs=None, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None): + def preprocess( + self, + source, + output_file=None, + macros=None, + include_dirs=None, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + ): fixed_args = self._fix_compile_args(None, macros, include_dirs) ignore, macros, include_dirs = fixed_args pp_opts = gen_preprocess_options(macros, include_dirs) @@ -96,41 +164,39 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): pp_args.extend(extra_postargs) pp_args.append(source) - # We need to preprocess: either we're being forced to, or we're - # generating output to stdout, or there's a target output file and - # the source file is newer than the target (or the target doesn't - # exist). - if self.force or output_file is None or newer(source, output_file): - if output_file: - self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_file)) - try: - self.spawn(pp_args) - except DistutilsExecError as msg: - raise CompileError(msg) + # reasons to preprocess: + # - force is indicated + # - output is directed to stdout + # - source file is newer than the target + preprocess = self.force or output_file is None or newer(source, output_file) + if not preprocess: + return + + if output_file: + self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_file)) + + try: + self.spawn(pp_args) + except DistutilsExecError as msg: + raise CompileError(msg) def _compile(self, obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts): - compiler_so = self.compiler_so - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - compiler_so = _osx_support.compiler_fixup(compiler_so, - cc_args + extra_postargs) + compiler_so = compiler_fixup(self.compiler_so, cc_args + extra_postargs) try: - self.spawn(compiler_so + cc_args + [src, '-o', obj] + - extra_postargs) + self.spawn(compiler_so + cc_args + [src, '-o', obj] + extra_postargs) except DistutilsExecError as msg: raise CompileError(msg) - def create_static_lib(self, objects, output_libname, - output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None): + def create_static_lib( + self, objects, output_libname, output_dir=None, debug=0, target_lang=None + ): objects, output_dir = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - output_filename = \ - self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) + output_filename = self.library_filename(output_libname, output_dir=output_dir) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_filename)) - self.spawn(self.archiver + - [output_filename] + - objects + self.objects) + self.spawn(self.archiver + [output_filename] + objects + self.objects) # Not many Unices required ranlib anymore -- SunOS 4.x is, I # think the only major Unix that does. Maybe we need some @@ -145,26 +211,34 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): else: log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename) - def link(self, target_desc, objects, - output_filename, output_dir=None, libraries=None, - library_dirs=None, runtime_library_dirs=None, - export_symbols=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, - extra_postargs=None, build_temp=None, target_lang=None): + def link( + self, + target_desc, + objects, + output_filename, + output_dir=None, + libraries=None, + library_dirs=None, + runtime_library_dirs=None, + export_symbols=None, + debug=0, + extra_preargs=None, + extra_postargs=None, + build_temp=None, + target_lang=None, + ): objects, output_dir = self._fix_object_args(objects, output_dir) - fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, - runtime_library_dirs) + fixed_args = self._fix_lib_args(libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs) libraries, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs = fixed_args - lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, - libraries) + lib_opts = gen_lib_options(self, library_dirs, runtime_library_dirs, libraries) if not isinstance(output_dir, (str, type(None))): raise TypeError("'output_dir' must be a string or None") if output_dir is not None: output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename) if self._need_link(objects, output_filename): - ld_args = (objects + self.objects + - lib_opts + ['-o', output_filename]) + ld_args = objects + self.objects + lib_opts + ['-o', output_filename] if debug: ld_args[:0] = ['-g'] if extra_preargs: @@ -173,33 +247,22 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): ld_args.extend(extra_postargs) self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(output_filename)) try: - if target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE: - linker = self.linker_exe[:] - else: - linker = self.linker_so[:] + # Select a linker based on context: linker_exe when + # building an executable or linker_so (with shared options) + # when building a shared library. + building_exe = target_desc == CCompiler.EXECUTABLE + linker = (self.linker_exe if building_exe else self.linker_so)[:] + if target_lang == "c++" and self.compiler_cxx: - # skip over environment variable settings if /usr/bin/env - # is used to set up the linker's environment. - # This is needed on OSX. Note: this assumes that the - # normal and C++ compiler have the same environment - # settings. - i = 0 - if os.path.basename(linker[0]) == "env": - i = 1 - while '=' in linker[i]: - i += 1 - - if os.path.basename(linker[i]) == 'ld_so_aix': - # AIX platforms prefix the compiler with the ld_so_aix - # script, so we need to adjust our linker index - offset = 1 - else: - offset = 0 - - linker[i+offset] = self.compiler_cxx[i] - - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - linker = _osx_support.compiler_fixup(linker, ld_args) + env, linker_ne = _split_env(linker) + aix, linker_na = _split_aix(linker_ne) + _, compiler_cxx_ne = _split_env(self.compiler_cxx) + _, linker_exe_ne = _split_env(self.linker_exe) + + params = _linker_params(linker_na, linker_exe_ne) + linker = env + aix + compiler_cxx_ne + params + + linker = compiler_fixup(linker, ld_args) self.spawn(linker + ld_args) except DistutilsExecError as msg: @@ -214,8 +277,10 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): def library_dir_option(self, dir): return "-L" + dir - def _is_gcc(self, compiler_name): - return "gcc" in compiler_name or "g++" in compiler_name + def _is_gcc(self): + cc_var = sysconfig.get_config_var("CC") + compiler = os.path.basename(shlex.split(cc_var)[0]) + return "gcc" in compiler or "g++" in compiler def runtime_library_dir_option(self, dir): # XXX Hackish, at the very least. See Python bug #445902: @@ -231,102 +296,106 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler): # this time, there's no way to determine this information from # the configuration data stored in the Python installation, so # we use this hack. - compiler = os.path.basename(sysconfig.get_config_var("CC")) if sys.platform[:6] == "darwin": from distutils.util import get_macosx_target_ver, split_version + macosx_target_ver = get_macosx_target_ver() if macosx_target_ver and split_version(macosx_target_ver) >= [10, 5]: return "-Wl,-rpath," + dir - else: # no support for -rpath on earlier macOS versions + else: # no support for -rpath on earlier macOS versions return "-L" + dir elif sys.platform[:7] == "freebsd": return "-Wl,-rpath=" + dir elif sys.platform[:5] == "hp-ux": - if self._is_gcc(compiler): - return ["-Wl,+s", "-L" + dir] - return ["+s", "-L" + dir] + return [ + "-Wl,+s" if self._is_gcc() else "+s", + "-L" + dir, + ] + + # For all compilers, `-Wl` is the presumed way to + # pass a compiler option to the linker and `-R` is + # the way to pass an RPATH. + if sysconfig.get_config_var("GNULD") == "yes": + # GNU ld needs an extra option to get a RUNPATH + # instead of just an RPATH. + return "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags,-R" + dir else: - if self._is_gcc(compiler): - # gcc on non-GNU systems does not need -Wl, but can - # use it anyway. Since distutils has always passed in - # -Wl whenever gcc was used in the past it is probably - # safest to keep doing so. - if sysconfig.get_config_var("GNULD") == "yes": - # GNU ld needs an extra option to get a RUNPATH - # instead of just an RPATH. - return "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags,-R" + dir - else: - return "-Wl,-R" + dir - else: - # No idea how --enable-new-dtags would be passed on to - # ld if this system was using GNU ld. Don't know if a - # system like this even exists. - return "-R" + dir + return "-Wl,-R" + dir def library_option(self, lib): return "-l" + lib + @staticmethod + def _library_root(dir): + """ + macOS users can specify an alternate SDK using'-isysroot'. + Calculate the SDK root if it is specified. + + Note that, as of Xcode 7, Apple SDKs may contain textual stub + libraries with .tbd extensions rather than the normal .dylib + shared libraries installed in /. The Apple compiler tool + chain handles this transparently but it can cause problems + for programs that are being built with an SDK and searching + for specific libraries. Callers of find_library_file need to + keep in mind that the base filename of the returned SDK library + file might have a different extension from that of the library + file installed on the running system, for example: + /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/ + MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk/ + usr/lib/libedit.tbd + vs + /usr/lib/libedit.dylib + """ + cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS') + match = re.search(r'-isysroot\s*(\S+)', cflags) + + apply_root = ( + sys.platform == 'darwin' + and match + and ( + dir.startswith('/System/') + or (dir.startswith('/usr/') and not dir.startswith('/usr/local/')) + ) + ) + + return os.path.join(match.group(1), dir[1:]) if apply_root else dir + def find_library_file(self, dirs, lib, debug=0): - shared_f = self.library_filename(lib, lib_type='shared') - dylib_f = self.library_filename(lib, lib_type='dylib') - xcode_stub_f = self.library_filename(lib, lib_type='xcode_stub') - static_f = self.library_filename(lib, lib_type='static') - - if sys.platform == 'darwin': - # On OSX users can specify an alternate SDK using - # '-isysroot', calculate the SDK root if it is specified - # (and use it further on) - # - # Note that, as of Xcode 7, Apple SDKs may contain textual stub - # libraries with .tbd extensions rather than the normal .dylib - # shared libraries installed in /. The Apple compiler tool - # chain handles this transparently but it can cause problems - # for programs that are being built with an SDK and searching - # for specific libraries. Callers of find_library_file need to - # keep in mind that the base filename of the returned SDK library - # file might have a different extension from that of the library - # file installed on the running system, for example: - # /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/ - # MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.11.sdk/ - # usr/lib/libedit.tbd - # vs - # /usr/lib/libedit.dylib - cflags = sysconfig.get_config_var('CFLAGS') - m = re.search(r'-isysroot\s*(\S+)', cflags) - if m is None: - sysroot = '/' - else: - sysroot = m.group(1) - - - - for dir in dirs: - shared = os.path.join(dir, shared_f) - dylib = os.path.join(dir, dylib_f) - static = os.path.join(dir, static_f) - xcode_stub = os.path.join(dir, xcode_stub_f) - - if sys.platform == 'darwin' and ( - dir.startswith('/System/') or ( - dir.startswith('/usr/') and not dir.startswith('/usr/local/'))): - - shared = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], shared_f) - dylib = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], dylib_f) - static = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], static_f) - xcode_stub = os.path.join(sysroot, dir[1:], xcode_stub_f) - - # We're second-guessing the linker here, with not much hard - # data to go on: GCC seems to prefer the shared library, so I'm - # assuming that *all* Unix C compilers do. And of course I'm - # ignoring even GCC's "-static" option. So sue me. - if os.path.exists(dylib): - return dylib - elif os.path.exists(xcode_stub): - return xcode_stub - elif os.path.exists(shared): - return shared - elif os.path.exists(static): - return static - - # Oops, didn't find it in *any* of 'dirs' - return None + r""" + Second-guess the linker with not much hard + data to go on: GCC seems to prefer the shared library, so + assume that *all* Unix C compilers do, + ignoring even GCC's "-static" option. + + >>> compiler = UnixCCompiler() + >>> compiler._library_root = lambda dir: dir + >>> monkeypatch = getfixture('monkeypatch') + >>> monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', lambda d: 'existing' in d) + >>> dirs = ('/foo/bar/missing', '/foo/bar/existing') + >>> compiler.find_library_file(dirs, 'abc').replace('\\', '/') + '/foo/bar/existing/libabc.dylib' + >>> compiler.find_library_file(reversed(dirs), 'abc').replace('\\', '/') + '/foo/bar/existing/libabc.dylib' + >>> monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, 'exists', + ... lambda d: 'existing' in d and '.a' in d) + >>> compiler.find_library_file(dirs, 'abc').replace('\\', '/') + '/foo/bar/existing/libabc.a' + >>> compiler.find_library_file(reversed(dirs), 'abc').replace('\\', '/') + '/foo/bar/existing/libabc.a' + """ + lib_names = ( + self.library_filename(lib, lib_type=type) + for type in 'dylib xcode_stub shared static'.split() + ) + + roots = map(self._library_root, dirs) + + searched = ( + os.path.join(root, lib_name) + for root, lib_name in itertools.product(roots, lib_names) + ) + + found = filter(os.path.exists, searched) + + # Return None if it could not be found in any dir. + return next(found, None) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/util.py index 4232fd2..4763202 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/util.py @@ -4,155 +4,114 @@ Miscellaneous utility functions -- anything that doesn't fit into one of the other *util.py modules. """ +import importlib.util import os import re -import importlib.util import string +import subprocess import sys -from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError +import sysconfig +import functools + +from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError, DistutilsByteCompileError from distutils.dep_util import newer from distutils.spawn import spawn from distutils import log -from distutils.errors import DistutilsByteCompileError -from .py35compat import _optim_args_from_interpreter_flags def get_host_platform(): - """Return a string that identifies the current platform. This is used mainly to - distinguish platform-specific build directories and platform-specific built - distributions. Typically includes the OS name and version and the - architecture (as supplied by 'os.uname()'), although the exact information - included depends on the OS; eg. on Linux, the kernel version isn't - particularly important. + """ + Return a string that identifies the current platform. Use this + function to distinguish platform-specific build directories and + platform-specific built distributions. + """ - Examples of returned values: - linux-i586 - linux-alpha (?) - solaris-2.6-sun4u + # This function initially exposed platforms as defined in Python 3.9 + # even with older Python versions when distutils was split out. + # Now it delegates to stdlib sysconfig, but maintains compatibility. - Windows will return one of: - win-amd64 (64bit Windows on AMD64 (aka x86_64, Intel64, EM64T, etc) - win32 (all others - specifically, sys.platform is returned) + if sys.version_info < (3, 8): + if os.name == 'nt': + if '(arm)' in sys.version.lower(): + return 'win-arm32' + if '(arm64)' in sys.version.lower(): + return 'win-arm64' - For other non-POSIX platforms, currently just returns 'sys.platform'. + if sys.version_info < (3, 9): + if os.name == "posix" and hasattr(os, 'uname'): + osname, host, release, version, machine = os.uname() + if osname[:3] == "aix": + from .py38compat import aix_platform + + return aix_platform(osname, version, release) + + return sysconfig.get_platform() - """ - if os.name == 'nt': - if 'amd64' in sys.version.lower(): - return 'win-amd64' - if '(arm)' in sys.version.lower(): - return 'win-arm32' - if '(arm64)' in sys.version.lower(): - return 'win-arm64' - return sys.platform - - # Set for cross builds explicitly - if "_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM" in os.environ: - return os.environ["_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM"] - - if os.name != "posix" or not hasattr(os, 'uname'): - # XXX what about the architecture? NT is Intel or Alpha, - # Mac OS is M68k or PPC, etc. - return sys.platform - - # Try to distinguish various flavours of Unix - - (osname, host, release, version, machine) = os.uname() - - # Convert the OS name to lowercase, remove '/' characters, and translate - # spaces (for "Power Macintosh") - osname = osname.lower().replace('/', '') - machine = machine.replace(' ', '_') - machine = machine.replace('/', '-') - - if osname[:5] == "linux": - # At least on Linux/Intel, 'machine' is the processor -- - # i386, etc. - # XXX what about Alpha, SPARC, etc? - return "%s-%s" % (osname, machine) - elif osname[:5] == "sunos": - if release[0] >= "5": # SunOS 5 == Solaris 2 - osname = "solaris" - release = "%d.%s" % (int(release[0]) - 3, release[2:]) - # We can't use "platform.architecture()[0]" because a - # bootstrap problem. We use a dict to get an error - # if some suspicious happens. - bitness = {2147483647:"32bit", 9223372036854775807:"64bit"} - machine += ".%s" % bitness[sys.maxsize] - # fall through to standard osname-release-machine representation - elif osname[:3] == "aix": - from .py38compat import aix_platform - return aix_platform(osname, version, release) - elif osname[:6] == "cygwin": - osname = "cygwin" - rel_re = re.compile (r'[\d.]+', re.ASCII) - m = rel_re.match(release) - if m: - release = m.group() - elif osname[:6] == "darwin": - import _osx_support, distutils.sysconfig - osname, release, machine = _osx_support.get_platform_osx( - distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars(), - osname, release, machine) - - return "%s-%s-%s" % (osname, release, machine) def get_platform(): if os.name == 'nt': TARGET_TO_PLAT = { - 'x86' : 'win32', - 'x64' : 'win-amd64', - 'arm' : 'win-arm32', + 'x86': 'win32', + 'x64': 'win-amd64', + 'arm': 'win-arm32', 'arm64': 'win-arm64', } - return TARGET_TO_PLAT.get(os.environ.get('VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH')) or get_host_platform() - else: - return get_host_platform() + target = os.environ.get('VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH') + return TARGET_TO_PLAT.get(target) or get_host_platform() + return get_host_platform() if sys.platform == 'darwin': - _syscfg_macosx_ver = None # cache the version pulled from sysconfig + _syscfg_macosx_ver = None # cache the version pulled from sysconfig MACOSX_VERSION_VAR = 'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' + def _clear_cached_macosx_ver(): """For testing only. Do not call.""" global _syscfg_macosx_ver _syscfg_macosx_ver = None + def get_macosx_target_ver_from_syscfg(): """Get the version of macOS latched in the Python interpreter configuration. Returns the version as a string or None if can't obtain one. Cached.""" global _syscfg_macosx_ver if _syscfg_macosx_ver is None: from distutils import sysconfig + ver = sysconfig.get_config_var(MACOSX_VERSION_VAR) or '' if ver: _syscfg_macosx_ver = ver return _syscfg_macosx_ver + def get_macosx_target_ver(): """Return the version of macOS for which we are building. The target version defaults to the version in sysconfig latched at time - the Python interpreter was built, unless overriden by an environment + the Python interpreter was built, unless overridden by an environment variable. If neither source has a value, then None is returned""" syscfg_ver = get_macosx_target_ver_from_syscfg() env_ver = os.environ.get(MACOSX_VERSION_VAR) if env_ver: - # Validate overriden version against sysconfig version, if have both. + # Validate overridden version against sysconfig version, if have both. # Ensure that the deployment target of the build process is not less # than 10.3 if the interpreter was built for 10.3 or later. This # ensures extension modules are built with correct compatibility # values, specifically LDSHARED which can use # '-undefined dynamic_lookup' which only works on >= 10.3. - if syscfg_ver and split_version(syscfg_ver) >= [10, 3] and \ - split_version(env_ver) < [10, 3]: - my_msg = ('$' + MACOSX_VERSION_VAR + ' mismatch: ' - 'now "%s" but "%s" during configure; ' - 'must use 10.3 or later' - % (env_ver, syscfg_ver)) + if ( + syscfg_ver + and split_version(syscfg_ver) >= [10, 3] + and split_version(env_ver) < [10, 3] + ): + my_msg = ( + '$' + MACOSX_VERSION_VAR + ' mismatch: ' + 'now "%s" but "%s" during configure; ' + 'must use 10.3 or later' % (env_ver, syscfg_ver) + ) raise DistutilsPlatformError(my_msg) return env_ver return syscfg_ver @@ -163,7 +122,7 @@ def split_version(s): return [int(n) for n in s.split('.')] -def convert_path (pathname): +def convert_path(pathname): """Return 'pathname' as a name that will work on the native filesystem, i.e. split it on '/' and put it back together again using the current directory separator. Needed because filenames in the setup script are @@ -188,10 +147,11 @@ def convert_path (pathname): return os.curdir return os.path.join(*paths) + # convert_path () -def change_root (new_root, pathname): +def change_root(new_root, pathname): """Return 'pathname' with 'new_root' prepended. If 'pathname' is relative, this is equivalent to "os.path.join(new_root,pathname)". Otherwise, it requires making 'pathname' relative and then joining the @@ -209,12 +169,11 @@ def change_root (new_root, pathname): path = path[1:] return os.path.join(new_root, path) - else: - raise DistutilsPlatformError("nothing known about platform '%s'" % os.name) + raise DistutilsPlatformError(f"nothing known about platform '{os.name}'") -_environ_checked = 0 -def check_environ (): +@functools.lru_cache() +def check_environ(): """Ensure that 'os.environ' has all the environment variables we guarantee that users can use in config files, command-line options, etc. Currently this includes: @@ -222,13 +181,10 @@ def check_environ (): PLAT - description of the current platform, including hardware and OS (see 'get_platform()') """ - global _environ_checked - if _environ_checked: - return - if os.name == 'posix' and 'HOME' not in os.environ: try: import pwd + os.environ['HOME'] = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[5] except (ImportError, KeyError): # bpo-10496: if the current user identifier doesn't exist in the @@ -238,35 +194,47 @@ def check_environ (): if 'PLAT' not in os.environ: os.environ['PLAT'] = get_platform() - _environ_checked = 1 - -def subst_vars (s, local_vars): - """Perform shell/Perl-style variable substitution on 'string'. Every - occurrence of '$' followed by a name is considered a variable, and - variable is substituted by the value found in the 'local_vars' - dictionary, or in 'os.environ' if it's not in 'local_vars'. +def subst_vars(s, local_vars): + """ + Perform variable substitution on 'string'. + Variables are indicated by format-style braces ("{var}"). + Variable is substituted by the value found in the 'local_vars' + dictionary or in 'os.environ' if it's not in 'local_vars'. 'os.environ' is first checked/augmented to guarantee that it contains certain values: see 'check_environ()'. Raise ValueError for any variables not found in either 'local_vars' or 'os.environ'. """ check_environ() - def _subst (match, local_vars=local_vars): - var_name = match.group(1) - if var_name in local_vars: - return str(local_vars[var_name]) - else: - return os.environ[var_name] - + lookup = dict(os.environ) + lookup.update((name, str(value)) for name, value in local_vars.items()) try: - return re.sub(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', _subst, s) + return _subst_compat(s).format_map(lookup) except KeyError as var: - raise ValueError("invalid variable '$%s'" % var) + raise ValueError(f"invalid variable {var}") + + +def _subst_compat(s): + """ + Replace shell/Perl-style variable substitution with + format-style. For compatibility. + """ -# subst_vars () + def _subst(match): + return f'{{{match.group(1)}}}' + repl = re.sub(r'\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', _subst, s) + if repl != s: + import warnings -def grok_environment_error (exc, prefix="error: "): + warnings.warn( + "shell/Perl-style substitions are deprecated", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + return repl + + +def grok_environment_error(exc, prefix="error: "): # Function kept for backward compatibility. # Used to try clever things with EnvironmentErrors, # but nowadays str(exception) produces good messages. @@ -275,13 +243,16 @@ def grok_environment_error (exc, prefix="error: "): # Needed by 'split_quoted()' _wordchars_re = _squote_re = _dquote_re = None + + def _init_regex(): global _wordchars_re, _squote_re, _dquote_re _wordchars_re = re.compile(r'[^\\\'\"%s ]*' % string.whitespace) _squote_re = re.compile(r"'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'") _dquote_re = re.compile(r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"') -def split_quoted (s): + +def split_quoted(s): """Split a string up according to Unix shell-like rules for quotes and backslashes. In short: words are delimited by spaces, as long as those spaces are not escaped by a backslash, or inside a quoted string. @@ -295,7 +266,8 @@ def split_quoted (s): # This is a nice algorithm for splitting up a single string, since it # doesn't require character-by-character examination. It was a little # bit of a brain-bender to get it working right, though... - if _wordchars_re is None: _init_regex() + if _wordchars_re is None: + _init_regex() s = s.strip() words = [] @@ -308,20 +280,23 @@ def split_quoted (s): words.append(s[:end]) break - if s[end] in string.whitespace: # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now - words.append(s[:end]) # we definitely have a word delimiter + if s[end] in string.whitespace: + # unescaped, unquoted whitespace: now + # we definitely have a word delimiter + words.append(s[:end]) s = s[end:].lstrip() pos = 0 - elif s[end] == '\\': # preserve whatever is being escaped; - # will become part of the current word - s = s[:end] + s[end+1:] - pos = end+1 + elif s[end] == '\\': + # preserve whatever is being escaped; + # will become part of the current word + s = s[:end] + s[end + 1 :] + pos = end + 1 else: - if s[end] == "'": # slurp singly-quoted string + if s[end] == "'": # slurp singly-quoted string m = _squote_re.match(s, end) - elif s[end] == '"': # slurp doubly-quoted string + elif s[end] == '"': # slurp doubly-quoted string m = _dquote_re.match(s, end) else: raise RuntimeError("this can't happen (bad char '%c')" % s[end]) @@ -330,7 +305,7 @@ def split_quoted (s): raise ValueError("bad string (mismatched %s quotes?)" % s[end]) (beg, end) = m.span() - s = s[:beg] + s[beg+1:end-1] + s[end:] + s = s[:beg] + s[beg + 1 : end - 1] + s[end:] pos = m.end() - 2 if pos >= len(s): @@ -339,10 +314,11 @@ def split_quoted (s): return words + # split_quoted () -def execute (func, args, msg=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0): +def execute(func, args, msg=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0): """Perform some action that affects the outside world (eg. by writing to the filesystem). Such actions are special because they are disabled by the 'dry_run' flag. This method takes care of all @@ -352,8 +328,8 @@ def execute (func, args, msg=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0): print. """ if msg is None: - msg = "%s%r" % (func.__name__, args) - if msg[-2:] == ',)': # correct for singleton tuple + msg = "{}{!r}".format(func.__name__, args) + if msg[-2:] == ',)': # correct for singleton tuple msg = msg[0:-2] + ')' log.info(msg) @@ -361,7 +337,7 @@ def execute (func, args, msg=None, verbose=0, dry_run=0): func(*args) -def strtobool (val): +def strtobool(val): """Convert a string representation of truth to true (1) or false (0). True values are 'y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', and '1'; false values @@ -374,14 +350,19 @@ def strtobool (val): elif val in ('n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0'): return 0 else: - raise ValueError("invalid truth value %r" % (val,)) - - -def byte_compile (py_files, - optimize=0, force=0, - prefix=None, base_dir=None, - verbose=1, dry_run=0, - direct=None): + raise ValueError("invalid truth value {!r}".format(val)) + + +def byte_compile( # noqa: C901 + py_files, + optimize=0, + force=0, + prefix=None, + base_dir=None, + verbose=1, + dry_run=0, + direct=None, +): """Byte-compile a collection of Python source files to .pyc files in a __pycache__ subdirectory. 'py_files' is a list of files to compile; any files that don't end in ".py" are silently @@ -411,10 +392,6 @@ def byte_compile (py_files, it set to None. """ - # Late import to fix a bootstrap issue: _posixsubprocess is built by - # setup.py, but setup.py uses distutils. - import subprocess - # nothing is done if sys.dont_write_bytecode is True if sys.dont_write_bytecode: raise DistutilsByteCompileError('byte-compiling is disabled.') @@ -430,16 +407,18 @@ def byte_compile (py_files, # optimize mode, or if either optimization level was requested by # the caller. if direct is None: - direct = (__debug__ and optimize == 0) + direct = __debug__ and optimize == 0 # "Indirect" byte-compilation: write a temporary script and then # run it with the appropriate flags. if not direct: try: from tempfile import mkstemp + (script_fd, script_name) = mkstemp(".py") except ImportError: from tempfile import mktemp + (script_fd, script_name) = None, mktemp(".py") log.info("writing byte-compilation script '%s'", script_name) if not dry_run: @@ -449,10 +428,12 @@ def byte_compile (py_files, script = open(script_name, "w") with script: - script.write("""\ + script.write( + """\ from distutils.util import byte_compile files = [ -""") +""" + ) # XXX would be nice to write absolute filenames, just for # safety's sake (script should be more robust in the face of @@ -464,24 +445,22 @@ files = [ # problem is that it's really a directory, but I'm treating it # as a dumb string, so trailing slashes and so forth matter. - #py_files = map(os.path.abspath, py_files) - #if prefix: - # prefix = os.path.abspath(prefix) - script.write(",\n".join(map(repr, py_files)) + "]\n") - script.write(""" + script.write( + """ byte_compile(files, optimize=%r, force=%r, prefix=%r, base_dir=%r, verbose=%r, dry_run=0, direct=1) -""" % (optimize, force, prefix, base_dir, verbose)) +""" + % (optimize, force, prefix, base_dir, verbose) + ) cmd = [sys.executable] - cmd.extend(_optim_args_from_interpreter_flags()) + cmd.extend(subprocess._optim_args_from_interpreter_flags()) cmd.append(script_name) spawn(cmd, dry_run=dry_run) - execute(os.remove, (script_name,), "removing %s" % script_name, - dry_run=dry_run) + execute(os.remove, (script_name,), "removing %s" % script_name, dry_run=dry_run) # "Direct" byte-compilation: use the py_compile module to compile # right here, right now. Note that the script generated in indirect @@ -501,16 +480,17 @@ byte_compile(files, optimize=%r, force=%r, # dfile - purported source filename (same as 'file' by default) if optimize >= 0: opt = '' if optimize == 0 else optimize - cfile = importlib.util.cache_from_source( - file, optimization=opt) + cfile = importlib.util.cache_from_source(file, optimization=opt) else: cfile = importlib.util.cache_from_source(file) dfile = file if prefix: - if file[:len(prefix)] != prefix: - raise ValueError("invalid prefix: filename %r doesn't start with %r" - % (file, prefix)) - dfile = dfile[len(prefix):] + if file[: len(prefix)] != prefix: + raise ValueError( + "invalid prefix: filename %r doesn't start with %r" + % (file, prefix) + ) + dfile = dfile[len(prefix) :] if base_dir: dfile = os.path.join(base_dir, dfile) @@ -521,96 +501,13 @@ byte_compile(files, optimize=%r, force=%r, if not dry_run: compile(file, cfile, dfile) else: - log.debug("skipping byte-compilation of %s to %s", - file, cfile_base) + log.debug("skipping byte-compilation of %s to %s", file, cfile_base) -# byte_compile () -def rfc822_escape (header): +def rfc822_escape(header): """Return a version of the string escaped for inclusion in an RFC-822 header, by ensuring there are 8 spaces space after each newline. """ lines = header.split('\n') sep = '\n' + 8 * ' ' return sep.join(lines) - -# 2to3 support - -def run_2to3(files, fixer_names=None, options=None, explicit=None): - """Invoke 2to3 on a list of Python files. - The files should all come from the build area, as the - modification is done in-place. To reduce the build time, - only files modified since the last invocation of this - function should be passed in the files argument.""" - - if not files: - return - - # Make this class local, to delay import of 2to3 - from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package - class DistutilsRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool): - def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kw): - log.error(msg, *args) - - def log_message(self, msg, *args): - log.info(msg, *args) - - def log_debug(self, msg, *args): - log.debug(msg, *args) - - if fixer_names is None: - fixer_names = get_fixers_from_package('lib2to3.fixes') - r = DistutilsRefactoringTool(fixer_names, options=options) - r.refactor(files, write=True) - -def copydir_run_2to3(src, dest, template=None, fixer_names=None, - options=None, explicit=None): - """Recursively copy a directory, only copying new and changed files, - running run_2to3 over all newly copied Python modules afterward. - - If you give a template string, it's parsed like a MANIFEST.in. - """ - from distutils.dir_util import mkpath - from distutils.file_util import copy_file - from distutils.filelist import FileList - filelist = FileList() - curdir = os.getcwd() - os.chdir(src) - try: - filelist.findall() - finally: - os.chdir(curdir) - filelist.files[:] = filelist.allfiles - if template: - for line in template.splitlines(): - line = line.strip() - if not line: continue - filelist.process_template_line(line) - copied = [] - for filename in filelist.files: - outname = os.path.join(dest, filename) - mkpath(os.path.dirname(outname)) - res = copy_file(os.path.join(src, filename), outname, update=1) - if res[1]: copied.append(outname) - run_2to3([fn for fn in copied if fn.lower().endswith('.py')], - fixer_names=fixer_names, options=options, explicit=explicit) - return copied - -class Mixin2to3: - '''Mixin class for commands that run 2to3. - To configure 2to3, setup scripts may either change - the class variables, or inherit from individual commands - to override how 2to3 is invoked.''' - - # provide list of fixers to run; - # defaults to all from lib2to3.fixers - fixer_names = None - - # options dictionary - options = None - - # list of fixers to invoke even though they are marked as explicit - explicit = None - - def run_2to3(self, files): - return run_2to3(files, self.fixer_names, self.options, self.explicit) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/version.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/version.py index c33beba..e29e265 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/version.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/version.py @@ -27,6 +27,20 @@ Every version number class implements the following interface: """ import re +import warnings +import contextlib + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def suppress_known_deprecation(): + with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as ctx: + warnings.filterwarnings( + action='default', + category=DeprecationWarning, + message="distutils Version classes are deprecated.", + ) + yield ctx + class Version: """Abstract base class for version numbering classes. Just provides @@ -35,12 +49,18 @@ class Version: rich comparisons to _cmp. """ - def __init__ (self, vstring=None): + def __init__(self, vstring=None): if vstring: self.parse(vstring) + warnings.warn( + "distutils Version classes are deprecated. " + "Use packaging.version instead.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) - def __repr__ (self): - return "%s ('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) + def __repr__(self): + return "{} ('{}')".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def __eq__(self, other): c = self._cmp(other) @@ -90,7 +110,7 @@ class Version: # instance of your version class) -class StrictVersion (Version): +class StrictVersion(Version): """Version numbering for anal retentives and software idealists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as @@ -127,17 +147,16 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): in the distutils documentation. """ - version_re = re.compile(r'^(\d+) \. (\d+) (\. (\d+))? ([ab](\d+))?$', - re.VERBOSE | re.ASCII) - + version_re = re.compile( + r'^(\d+) \. (\d+) (\. (\d+))? ([ab](\d+))?$', re.VERBOSE | re.ASCII + ) - def parse (self, vstring): + def parse(self, vstring): match = self.version_re.match(vstring) if not match: raise ValueError("invalid version number '%s'" % vstring) - (major, minor, patch, prerelease, prerelease_num) = \ - match.group(1, 2, 4, 5, 6) + (major, minor, patch, prerelease, prerelease_num) = match.group(1, 2, 4, 5, 6) if patch: self.version = tuple(map(int, [major, minor, patch])) @@ -149,8 +168,7 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): else: self.prerelease = None - - def __str__ (self): + def __str__(self): if self.version[2] == 0: vstring = '.'.join(map(str, self.version[0:2])) @@ -162,10 +180,10 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): return vstring - - def _cmp (self, other): + def _cmp(self, other): # noqa: C901 if isinstance(other, str): - other = StrictVersion(other) + with suppress_known_deprecation(): + other = StrictVersion(other) elif not isinstance(other, StrictVersion): return NotImplemented @@ -183,13 +201,13 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): # case 3: self doesn't have prerelease, other does: self is greater # case 4: both have prerelease: must compare them! - if (not self.prerelease and not other.prerelease): + if not self.prerelease and not other.prerelease: return 0 - elif (self.prerelease and not other.prerelease): + elif self.prerelease and not other.prerelease: return -1 - elif (not self.prerelease and other.prerelease): + elif not self.prerelease and other.prerelease: return 1 - elif (self.prerelease and other.prerelease): + elif self.prerelease and other.prerelease: if self.prerelease == other.prerelease: return 0 elif self.prerelease < other.prerelease: @@ -199,6 +217,7 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): else: assert False, "never get here" + # end class StrictVersion @@ -266,7 +285,8 @@ class StrictVersion (Version): # the Right Thing" (ie. the code matches the conception). But I'd rather # have a conception that matches common notions about version numbers. -class LooseVersion (Version): + +class LooseVersion(Version): """Version numbering for anarchists and software realists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as @@ -301,18 +321,12 @@ class LooseVersion (Version): component_re = re.compile(r'(\d+ | [a-z]+ | \.)', re.VERBOSE) - def __init__ (self, vstring=None): - if vstring: - self.parse(vstring) - - - def parse (self, vstring): + def parse(self, vstring): # I've given up on thinking I can reconstruct the version string # from the parsed tuple -- so I just store the string here for # use by __str__ self.vstring = vstring - components = [x for x in self.component_re.split(vstring) - if x and x != '.'] + components = [x for x in self.component_re.split(vstring) if x and x != '.'] for i, obj in enumerate(components): try: components[i] = int(obj) @@ -321,16 +335,13 @@ class LooseVersion (Version): self.version = components - - def __str__ (self): + def __str__(self): return self.vstring - - def __repr__ (self): + def __repr__(self): return "LooseVersion ('%s')" % str(self) - - def _cmp (self, other): + def _cmp(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = LooseVersion(other) elif not isinstance(other, LooseVersion): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/versionpredicate.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/versionpredicate.py index 062c98f..6ea1192 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/versionpredicate.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_distutils/versionpredicate.py @@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import distutils.version import operator -re_validPackage = re.compile(r"(?i)^\s*([a-z_]\w*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)", - re.ASCII) +re_validPackage = re.compile(r"(?i)^\s*([a-z_]\w*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)", re.ASCII) # (package) (rest) -re_paren = re.compile(r"^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$") # (list) inside of parentheses +re_paren = re.compile(r"^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$") # (list) inside of parentheses re_splitComparison = re.compile(r"^\s*(<=|>=|<|>|!=|==)\s*([^\s,]+)\s*$") # (comp) (version) @@ -23,10 +22,20 @@ def splitUp(pred): if not res: raise ValueError("bad package restriction syntax: %r" % pred) comp, verStr = res.groups() - return (comp, distutils.version.StrictVersion(verStr)) + with distutils.version.suppress_known_deprecation(): + other = distutils.version.StrictVersion(verStr) + return (comp, other) + + +compmap = { + "<": operator.lt, + "<=": operator.le, + "==": operator.eq, + ">": operator.gt, + ">=": operator.ge, + "!=": operator.ne, +} -compmap = {"<": operator.lt, "<=": operator.le, "==": operator.eq, - ">": operator.gt, ">=": operator.ge, "!=": operator.ne} class VersionPredicate: """Parse and test package version predicates. @@ -94,8 +103,7 @@ class VersionPredicate: """ def __init__(self, versionPredicateStr): - """Parse a version predicate string. - """ + """Parse a version predicate string.""" # Fields: # name: package name # pred: list of (comparison string, StrictVersion) @@ -115,8 +123,7 @@ class VersionPredicate: str = match.groups()[0] self.pred = [splitUp(aPred) for aPred in str.split(",")] if not self.pred: - raise ValueError("empty parenthesized list in %r" - % versionPredicateStr) + raise ValueError("empty parenthesized list in %r" % versionPredicateStr) else: self.pred = [] @@ -140,6 +147,7 @@ class VersionPredicate: _provision_rx = None + def split_provision(value): """Return the name and optional version number of a provision. @@ -154,13 +162,14 @@ def split_provision(value): global _provision_rx if _provision_rx is None: _provision_rx = re.compile( - r"([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)(?:\s*\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))?$", - re.ASCII) + r"([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)(?:\s*\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))?$", re.ASCII + ) value = value.strip() m = _provision_rx.match(value) if not m: raise ValueError("illegal provides specification: %r" % value) ver = m.group(2) or None if ver: - ver = distutils.version.StrictVersion(ver) + with distutils.version.suppress_known_deprecation(): + ver = distutils.version.StrictVersion(ver) return m.group(1), ver diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_entry_points.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_entry_points.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f087681 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_entry_points.py @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +import functools +import operator +import itertools + +from .extern.jaraco.text import yield_lines +from .extern.jaraco.functools import pass_none +from ._importlib import metadata +from ._itertools import ensure_unique +from .extern.more_itertools import consume + + +def ensure_valid(ep): + """ + Exercise one of the dynamic properties to trigger + the pattern match. + """ + ep.extras + + +def load_group(value, group): + """ + Given a value of an entry point or series of entry points, + return each as an EntryPoint. + """ + # normalize to a single sequence of lines + lines = yield_lines(value) + text = f'[{group}]\n' + '\n'.join(lines) + return metadata.EntryPoints._from_text(text) + + +def by_group_and_name(ep): + return ep.group, ep.name + + +def validate(eps: metadata.EntryPoints): + """ + Ensure entry points are unique by group and name and validate each. + """ + consume(map(ensure_valid, ensure_unique(eps, key=by_group_and_name))) + return eps + + +@functools.singledispatch +def load(eps): + """ + Given a Distribution.entry_points, produce EntryPoints. + """ + groups = itertools.chain.from_iterable( + load_group(value, group) + for group, value in eps.items()) + return validate(metadata.EntryPoints(groups)) + + +@load.register(str) +def _(eps): + r""" + >>> ep, = load('[console_scripts]\nfoo=bar') + >>> ep.group + 'console_scripts' + >>> ep.name + 'foo' + >>> ep.value + 'bar' + """ + return validate(metadata.EntryPoints(metadata.EntryPoints._from_text(eps))) + + +load.register(type(None), lambda x: x) + + +@pass_none +def render(eps: metadata.EntryPoints): + by_group = operator.attrgetter('group') + groups = itertools.groupby(sorted(eps, key=by_group), by_group) + + return '\n'.join( + f'[{group}]\n{render_items(items)}\n' + for group, items in groups + ) + + +def render_items(eps): + return '\n'.join( + f'{ep.name} = {ep.value}' + for ep in sorted(eps) + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_importlib.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_importlib.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..819bf5d --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_importlib.py @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +import sys + + +def disable_importlib_metadata_finder(metadata): + """ + Ensure importlib_metadata doesn't provide older, incompatible + Distributions. + + Workaround for #3102. + """ + try: + import importlib_metadata + except ImportError: + return + except AttributeError: + import warnings + + msg = ( + "`importlib-metadata` version is incompatible with `setuptools`.\n" + "This problem is likely to be solved by installing an updated version of " + "`importlib-metadata`." + ) + warnings.warn(msg) # Ensure a descriptive message is shown. + raise # This exception can be suppressed by _distutils_hack + + if importlib_metadata is metadata: + return + to_remove = [ + ob + for ob in sys.meta_path + if isinstance(ob, importlib_metadata.MetadataPathFinder) + ] + for item in to_remove: + sys.meta_path.remove(item) + + +if sys.version_info < (3, 10): + from setuptools.extern import importlib_metadata as metadata + disable_importlib_metadata_finder(metadata) +else: + import importlib.metadata as metadata # noqa: F401 + + +if sys.version_info < (3, 9): + from setuptools.extern import importlib_resources as resources +else: + import importlib.resources as resources # noqa: F401 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_itertools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_itertools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8bf6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_itertools.py @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import consume # noqa: F401 + + +# copied from jaraco.itertools 6.1 +def ensure_unique(iterable, key=lambda x: x): + """ + Wrap an iterable to raise a ValueError if non-unique values are encountered. + + >>> list(ensure_unique('abc')) + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + >>> consume(ensure_unique('abca')) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + ValueError: Duplicate element 'a' encountered. + """ + seen = set() + seen_add = seen.add + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) + if k in seen: + raise ValueError(f"Duplicate element {element!r} encountered.") + seen_add(k) + yield element diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_path.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_path.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3767523 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_path.py @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +import os +from typing import Union + +_Path = Union[str, os.PathLike] + + +def ensure_directory(path): + """Ensure that the parent directory of `path` exists""" + dirname = os.path.dirname(path) + os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) + + +def same_path(p1: _Path, p2: _Path) -> bool: + """Differs from os.path.samefile because it does not require paths to exist. + Purely string based (no comparison between i-nodes). + >>> same_path("a/b", "./a/b") + True + >>> same_path("a/b", "a/./b") + True + >>> same_path("a/b", "././a/b") + True + >>> same_path("a/b", "./a/b/c/..") + True + >>> same_path("a/b", "../a/b/c") + False + >>> same_path("a", "a/b") + False + """ + return os.path.normpath(p1) == os.path.normpath(p2) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_reqs.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_reqs.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca72417 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_reqs.py @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +import setuptools.extern.jaraco.text as text + +from pkg_resources import Requirement + + +def parse_strings(strs): + """ + Yield requirement strings for each specification in `strs`. + + `strs` must be a string, or a (possibly-nested) iterable thereof. + """ + return text.join_continuation(map(text.drop_comment, text.yield_lines(strs))) + + +def parse(strs): + """ + Deprecated drop-in replacement for pkg_resources.parse_requirements. + """ + return map(Requirement, parse_strings(strs)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index da5ad50..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a05a350 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 830f363..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6bf2577 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/ordered_set.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5ad4f72..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/pyparsing.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d277fe7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/typing_extensions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94da87c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/__pycache__/zipp.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..292e0c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@ +import os +import re +import abc +import csv +import sys +from .. import zipp +import email +import pathlib +import operator +import textwrap +import warnings +import functools +import itertools +import posixpath +import collections + +from . import _adapters, _meta +from ._collections import FreezableDefaultDict, Pair +from ._compat import ( + NullFinder, + install, + pypy_partial, +) +from ._functools import method_cache, pass_none +from ._itertools import always_iterable, unique_everseen +from ._meta import PackageMetadata, SimplePath + +from contextlib import suppress +from importlib import import_module +from importlib.abc import MetaPathFinder +from itertools import starmap +from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Union + + +__all__ = [ + 'Distribution', + 'DistributionFinder', + 'PackageMetadata', + 'PackageNotFoundError', + 'distribution', + 'distributions', + 'entry_points', + 'files', + 'metadata', + 'packages_distributions', + 'requires', + 'version', +] + + +class PackageNotFoundError(ModuleNotFoundError): + """The package was not found.""" + + def __str__(self): + return f"No package metadata was found for {self.name}" + + @property + def name(self): + (name,) = self.args + return name + + +class Sectioned: + """ + A simple entry point config parser for performance + + >>> for item in Sectioned.read(Sectioned._sample): + ... print(item) + Pair(name='sec1', value='# comments ignored') + Pair(name='sec1', value='a = 1') + Pair(name='sec1', value='b = 2') + Pair(name='sec2', value='a = 2') + + >>> res = Sectioned.section_pairs(Sectioned._sample) + >>> item = next(res) + >>> item.name + 'sec1' + >>> item.value + Pair(name='a', value='1') + >>> item = next(res) + >>> item.value + Pair(name='b', value='2') + >>> item = next(res) + >>> item.name + 'sec2' + >>> item.value + Pair(name='a', value='2') + >>> list(res) + [] + """ + + _sample = textwrap.dedent( + """ + [sec1] + # comments ignored + a = 1 + b = 2 + + [sec2] + a = 2 + """ + ).lstrip() + + @classmethod + def section_pairs(cls, text): + return ( + section._replace(value=Pair.parse(section.value)) + for section in cls.read(text, filter_=cls.valid) + if section.name is not None + ) + + @staticmethod + def read(text, filter_=None): + lines = filter(filter_, map(str.strip, text.splitlines())) + name = None + for value in lines: + section_match = value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']') + if section_match: + name = value.strip('[]') + continue + yield Pair(name, value) + + @staticmethod + def valid(line): + return line and not line.startswith('#') + + +class DeprecatedTuple: + """ + Provide subscript item access for backward compatibility. + + >>> recwarn = getfixture('recwarn') + >>> ep = EntryPoint(name='name', value='value', group='group') + >>> ep[:] + ('name', 'value', 'group') + >>> ep[0] + 'name' + >>> len(recwarn) + 1 + """ + + _warn = functools.partial( + warnings.warn, + "EntryPoint tuple interface is deprecated. Access members by name.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=pypy_partial(2), + ) + + def __getitem__(self, item): + self._warn() + return self._key()[item] + + +class EntryPoint(DeprecatedTuple): + """An entry point as defined by Python packaging conventions. + + See `the packaging docs on entry points + `_ + for more information. + """ + + pattern = re.compile( + r'(?P[\w.]+)\s*' + r'(:\s*(?P[\w.]+)\s*)?' + r'((?P\[.*\])\s*)?$' + ) + """ + A regular expression describing the syntax for an entry point, + which might look like: + + - module + - package.module + - package.module:attribute + - package.module:object.attribute + - package.module:attr [extra1, extra2] + + Other combinations are possible as well. + + The expression is lenient about whitespace around the ':', + following the attr, and following any extras. + """ + + dist: Optional['Distribution'] = None + + def __init__(self, name, value, group): + vars(self).update(name=name, value=value, group=group) + + def load(self): + """Load the entry point from its definition. If only a module + is indicated by the value, return that module. Otherwise, + return the named object. + """ + match = self.pattern.match(self.value) + module = import_module(match.group('module')) + attrs = filter(None, (match.group('attr') or '').split('.')) + return functools.reduce(getattr, attrs, module) + + @property + def module(self): + match = self.pattern.match(self.value) + return match.group('module') + + @property + def attr(self): + match = self.pattern.match(self.value) + return match.group('attr') + + @property + def extras(self): + match = self.pattern.match(self.value) + return list(re.finditer(r'\w+', match.group('extras') or '')) + + def _for(self, dist): + vars(self).update(dist=dist) + return self + + def __iter__(self): + """ + Supply iter so one may construct dicts of EntryPoints by name. + """ + msg = ( + "Construction of dict of EntryPoints is deprecated in " + "favor of EntryPoints." + ) + warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) + return iter((self.name, self)) + + def matches(self, **params): + attrs = (getattr(self, param) for param in params) + return all(map(operator.eq, params.values(), attrs)) + + def _key(self): + return self.name, self.value, self.group + + def __lt__(self, other): + return self._key() < other._key() + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self._key() == other._key() + + def __setattr__(self, name, value): + raise AttributeError("EntryPoint objects are immutable.") + + def __repr__(self): + return ( + f'EntryPoint(name={self.name!r}, value={self.value!r}, ' + f'group={self.group!r})' + ) + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(self._key()) + + +class DeprecatedList(list): + """ + Allow an otherwise immutable object to implement mutability + for compatibility. + + >>> recwarn = getfixture('recwarn') + >>> dl = DeprecatedList(range(3)) + >>> dl[0] = 1 + >>> dl.append(3) + >>> del dl[3] + >>> dl.reverse() + >>> dl.sort() + >>> dl.extend([4]) + >>> dl.pop(-1) + 4 + >>> dl.remove(1) + >>> dl += [5] + >>> dl + [6] + [1, 2, 5, 6] + >>> dl + (6,) + [1, 2, 5, 6] + >>> dl.insert(0, 0) + >>> dl + [0, 1, 2, 5] + >>> dl == [0, 1, 2, 5] + True + >>> dl == (0, 1, 2, 5) + True + >>> len(recwarn) + 1 + """ + + __slots__ = () + + _warn = functools.partial( + warnings.warn, + "EntryPoints list interface is deprecated. Cast to list if needed.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=pypy_partial(2), + ) + + def _wrap_deprecated_method(method_name: str): # type: ignore + def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): + self._warn() + return getattr(super(), method_name)(*args, **kwargs) + + return method_name, wrapped + + locals().update( + map( + _wrap_deprecated_method, + '__setitem__ __delitem__ append reverse extend pop remove ' + '__iadd__ insert sort'.split(), + ) + ) + + def __add__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, tuple): + self._warn() + other = tuple(other) + return self.__class__(tuple(self) + other) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, tuple): + self._warn() + other = tuple(other) + + return tuple(self).__eq__(other) + + +class EntryPoints(DeprecatedList): + """ + An immutable collection of selectable EntryPoint objects. + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __getitem__(self, name): # -> EntryPoint: + """ + Get the EntryPoint in self matching name. + """ + if isinstance(name, int): + warnings.warn( + "Accessing entry points by index is deprecated. " + "Cast to tuple if needed.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + return super().__getitem__(name) + try: + return next(iter(self.select(name=name))) + except StopIteration: + raise KeyError(name) + + def select(self, **params): + """ + Select entry points from self that match the + given parameters (typically group and/or name). + """ + return EntryPoints(ep for ep in self if ep.matches(**params)) + + @property + def names(self): + """ + Return the set of all names of all entry points. + """ + return {ep.name for ep in self} + + @property + def groups(self): + """ + Return the set of all groups of all entry points. + + For coverage while SelectableGroups is present. + >>> EntryPoints().groups + set() + """ + return {ep.group for ep in self} + + @classmethod + def _from_text_for(cls, text, dist): + return cls(ep._for(dist) for ep in cls._from_text(text)) + + @staticmethod + def _from_text(text): + return ( + EntryPoint(name=item.value.name, value=item.value.value, group=item.name) + for item in Sectioned.section_pairs(text or '') + ) + + +class Deprecated: + """ + Compatibility add-in for mapping to indicate that + mapping behavior is deprecated. + + >>> recwarn = getfixture('recwarn') + >>> class DeprecatedDict(Deprecated, dict): pass + >>> dd = DeprecatedDict(foo='bar') + >>> dd.get('baz', None) + >>> dd['foo'] + 'bar' + >>> list(dd) + ['foo'] + >>> list(dd.keys()) + ['foo'] + >>> 'foo' in dd + True + >>> list(dd.values()) + ['bar'] + >>> len(recwarn) + 1 + """ + + _warn = functools.partial( + warnings.warn, + "SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=pypy_partial(2), + ) + + def __getitem__(self, name): + self._warn() + return super().__getitem__(name) + + def get(self, name, default=None): + self._warn() + return super().get(name, default) + + def __iter__(self): + self._warn() + return super().__iter__() + + def __contains__(self, *args): + self._warn() + return super().__contains__(*args) + + def keys(self): + self._warn() + return super().keys() + + def values(self): + self._warn() + return super().values() + + +class SelectableGroups(Deprecated, dict): + """ + A backward- and forward-compatible result from + entry_points that fully implements the dict interface. + """ + + @classmethod + def load(cls, eps): + by_group = operator.attrgetter('group') + ordered = sorted(eps, key=by_group) + grouped = itertools.groupby(ordered, by_group) + return cls((group, EntryPoints(eps)) for group, eps in grouped) + + @property + def _all(self): + """ + Reconstruct a list of all entrypoints from the groups. + """ + groups = super(Deprecated, self).values() + return EntryPoints(itertools.chain.from_iterable(groups)) + + @property + def groups(self): + return self._all.groups + + @property + def names(self): + """ + for coverage: + >>> SelectableGroups().names + set() + """ + return self._all.names + + def select(self, **params): + if not params: + return self + return self._all.select(**params) + + +class PackagePath(pathlib.PurePosixPath): + """A reference to a path in a package""" + + def read_text(self, encoding='utf-8'): + with self.locate().open(encoding=encoding) as stream: + return stream.read() + + def read_binary(self): + with self.locate().open('rb') as stream: + return stream.read() + + def locate(self): + """Return a path-like object for this path""" + return self.dist.locate_file(self) + + +class FileHash: + def __init__(self, spec): + self.mode, _, self.value = spec.partition('=') + + def __repr__(self): + return f'' + + +class Distribution: + """A Python distribution package.""" + + @abc.abstractmethod + def read_text(self, filename): + """Attempt to load metadata file given by the name. + + :param filename: The name of the file in the distribution info. + :return: The text if found, otherwise None. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def locate_file(self, path): + """ + Given a path to a file in this distribution, return a path + to it. + """ + + @classmethod + def from_name(cls, name): + """Return the Distribution for the given package name. + + :param name: The name of the distribution package to search for. + :return: The Distribution instance (or subclass thereof) for the named + package, if found. + :raises PackageNotFoundError: When the named package's distribution + metadata cannot be found. + """ + for resolver in cls._discover_resolvers(): + dists = resolver(DistributionFinder.Context(name=name)) + dist = next(iter(dists), None) + if dist is not None: + return dist + else: + raise PackageNotFoundError(name) + + @classmethod + def discover(cls, **kwargs): + """Return an iterable of Distribution objects for all packages. + + Pass a ``context`` or pass keyword arguments for constructing + a context. + + :context: A ``DistributionFinder.Context`` object. + :return: Iterable of Distribution objects for all packages. + """ + context = kwargs.pop('context', None) + if context and kwargs: + raise ValueError("cannot accept context and kwargs") + context = context or DistributionFinder.Context(**kwargs) + return itertools.chain.from_iterable( + resolver(context) for resolver in cls._discover_resolvers() + ) + + @staticmethod + def at(path): + """Return a Distribution for the indicated metadata path + + :param path: a string or path-like object + :return: a concrete Distribution instance for the path + """ + return PathDistribution(pathlib.Path(path)) + + @staticmethod + def _discover_resolvers(): + """Search the meta_path for resolvers.""" + declared = ( + getattr(finder, 'find_distributions', None) for finder in sys.meta_path + ) + return filter(None, declared) + + @property + def metadata(self) -> _meta.PackageMetadata: + """Return the parsed metadata for this Distribution. + + The returned object will have keys that name the various bits of + metadata. See PEP 566 for details. + """ + text = ( + self.read_text('METADATA') + or self.read_text('PKG-INFO') + # This last clause is here to support old egg-info files. Its + # effect is to just end up using the PathDistribution's self._path + # (which points to the egg-info file) attribute unchanged. + or self.read_text('') + ) + return _adapters.Message(email.message_from_string(text)) + + @property + def name(self): + """Return the 'Name' metadata for the distribution package.""" + return self.metadata['Name'] + + @property + def _normalized_name(self): + """Return a normalized version of the name.""" + return Prepared.normalize(self.name) + + @property + def version(self): + """Return the 'Version' metadata for the distribution package.""" + return self.metadata['Version'] + + @property + def entry_points(self): + return EntryPoints._from_text_for(self.read_text('entry_points.txt'), self) + + @property + def files(self): + """Files in this distribution. + + :return: List of PackagePath for this distribution or None + + Result is `None` if the metadata file that enumerates files + (i.e. RECORD for dist-info or SOURCES.txt for egg-info) is + missing. + Result may be empty if the metadata exists but is empty. + """ + + def make_file(name, hash=None, size_str=None): + result = PackagePath(name) + result.hash = FileHash(hash) if hash else None + result.size = int(size_str) if size_str else None + result.dist = self + return result + + @pass_none + def make_files(lines): + return list(starmap(make_file, csv.reader(lines))) + + return make_files(self._read_files_distinfo() or self._read_files_egginfo()) + + def _read_files_distinfo(self): + """ + Read the lines of RECORD + """ + text = self.read_text('RECORD') + return text and text.splitlines() + + def _read_files_egginfo(self): + """ + SOURCES.txt might contain literal commas, so wrap each line + in quotes. + """ + text = self.read_text('SOURCES.txt') + return text and map('"{}"'.format, text.splitlines()) + + @property + def requires(self): + """Generated requirements specified for this Distribution""" + reqs = self._read_dist_info_reqs() or self._read_egg_info_reqs() + return reqs and list(reqs) + + def _read_dist_info_reqs(self): + return self.metadata.get_all('Requires-Dist') + + def _read_egg_info_reqs(self): + source = self.read_text('requires.txt') + return pass_none(self._deps_from_requires_text)(source) + + @classmethod + def _deps_from_requires_text(cls, source): + return cls._convert_egg_info_reqs_to_simple_reqs(Sectioned.read(source)) + + @staticmethod + def _convert_egg_info_reqs_to_simple_reqs(sections): + """ + Historically, setuptools would solicit and store 'extra' + requirements, including those with environment markers, + in separate sections. More modern tools expect each + dependency to be defined separately, with any relevant + extras and environment markers attached directly to that + requirement. This method converts the former to the + latter. See _test_deps_from_requires_text for an example. + """ + + def make_condition(name): + return name and f'extra == "{name}"' + + def quoted_marker(section): + section = section or '' + extra, sep, markers = section.partition(':') + if extra and markers: + markers = f'({markers})' + conditions = list(filter(None, [markers, make_condition(extra)])) + return '; ' + ' and '.join(conditions) if conditions else '' + + def url_req_space(req): + """ + PEP 508 requires a space between the url_spec and the quoted_marker. + Ref python/importlib_metadata#357. + """ + # '@' is uniquely indicative of a url_req. + return ' ' * ('@' in req) + + for section in sections: + space = url_req_space(section.value) + yield section.value + space + quoted_marker(section.name) + + +class DistributionFinder(MetaPathFinder): + """ + A MetaPathFinder capable of discovering installed distributions. + """ + + class Context: + """ + Keyword arguments presented by the caller to + ``distributions()`` or ``Distribution.discover()`` + to narrow the scope of a search for distributions + in all DistributionFinders. + + Each DistributionFinder may expect any parameters + and should attempt to honor the canonical + parameters defined below when appropriate. + """ + + name = None + """ + Specific name for which a distribution finder should match. + A name of ``None`` matches all distributions. + """ + + def __init__(self, **kwargs): + vars(self).update(kwargs) + + @property + def path(self): + """ + The sequence of directory path that a distribution finder + should search. + + Typically refers to Python installed package paths such as + "site-packages" directories and defaults to ``sys.path``. + """ + return vars(self).get('path', sys.path) + + @abc.abstractmethod + def find_distributions(self, context=Context()): + """ + Find distributions. + + Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of + loading the metadata for packages matching the ``context``, + a DistributionFinder.Context instance. + """ + + +class FastPath: + """ + Micro-optimized class for searching a path for + children. + + >>> FastPath('').children() + ['...'] + """ + + @functools.lru_cache() # type: ignore + def __new__(cls, root): + return super().__new__(cls) + + def __init__(self, root): + self.root = str(root) + + def joinpath(self, child): + return pathlib.Path(self.root, child) + + def children(self): + with suppress(Exception): + return os.listdir(self.root or '.') + with suppress(Exception): + return self.zip_children() + return [] + + def zip_children(self): + zip_path = zipp.Path(self.root) + names = zip_path.root.namelist() + self.joinpath = zip_path.joinpath + + return dict.fromkeys(child.split(posixpath.sep, 1)[0] for child in names) + + def search(self, name): + return self.lookup(self.mtime).search(name) + + @property + def mtime(self): + with suppress(OSError): + return os.stat(self.root).st_mtime + self.lookup.cache_clear() + + @method_cache + def lookup(self, mtime): + return Lookup(self) + + +class Lookup: + def __init__(self, path: FastPath): + base = os.path.basename(path.root).lower() + base_is_egg = base.endswith(".egg") + self.infos = FreezableDefaultDict(list) + self.eggs = FreezableDefaultDict(list) + + for child in path.children(): + low = child.lower() + if low.endswith((".dist-info", ".egg-info")): + # rpartition is faster than splitext and suitable for this purpose. + name = low.rpartition(".")[0].partition("-")[0] + normalized = Prepared.normalize(name) + self.infos[normalized].append(path.joinpath(child)) + elif base_is_egg and low == "egg-info": + name = base.rpartition(".")[0].partition("-")[0] + legacy_normalized = Prepared.legacy_normalize(name) + self.eggs[legacy_normalized].append(path.joinpath(child)) + + self.infos.freeze() + self.eggs.freeze() + + def search(self, prepared): + infos = ( + self.infos[prepared.normalized] + if prepared + else itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.infos.values()) + ) + eggs = ( + self.eggs[prepared.legacy_normalized] + if prepared + else itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.eggs.values()) + ) + return itertools.chain(infos, eggs) + + +class Prepared: + """ + A prepared search for metadata on a possibly-named package. + """ + + normalized = None + legacy_normalized = None + + def __init__(self, name): + self.name = name + if name is None: + return + self.normalized = self.normalize(name) + self.legacy_normalized = self.legacy_normalize(name) + + @staticmethod + def normalize(name): + """ + PEP 503 normalization plus dashes as underscores. + """ + return re.sub(r"[-_.]+", "-", name).lower().replace('-', '_') + + @staticmethod + def legacy_normalize(name): + """ + Normalize the package name as found in the convention in + older packaging tools versions and specs. + """ + return name.lower().replace('-', '_') + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.name) + + +@install +class MetadataPathFinder(NullFinder, DistributionFinder): + """A degenerate finder for distribution packages on the file system. + + This finder supplies only a find_distributions() method for versions + of Python that do not have a PathFinder find_distributions(). + """ + + def find_distributions(self, context=DistributionFinder.Context()): + """ + Find distributions. + + Return an iterable of all Distribution instances capable of + loading the metadata for packages matching ``context.name`` + (or all names if ``None`` indicated) along the paths in the list + of directories ``context.path``. + """ + found = self._search_paths(context.name, context.path) + return map(PathDistribution, found) + + @classmethod + def _search_paths(cls, name, paths): + """Find metadata directories in paths heuristically.""" + prepared = Prepared(name) + return itertools.chain.from_iterable( + path.search(prepared) for path in map(FastPath, paths) + ) + + def invalidate_caches(cls): + FastPath.__new__.cache_clear() + + +class PathDistribution(Distribution): + def __init__(self, path: SimplePath): + """Construct a distribution. + + :param path: SimplePath indicating the metadata directory. + """ + self._path = path + + def read_text(self, filename): + with suppress( + FileNotFoundError, + IsADirectoryError, + KeyError, + NotADirectoryError, + PermissionError, + ): + return self._path.joinpath(filename).read_text(encoding='utf-8') + + read_text.__doc__ = Distribution.read_text.__doc__ + + def locate_file(self, path): + return self._path.parent / path + + @property + def _normalized_name(self): + """ + Performance optimization: where possible, resolve the + normalized name from the file system path. + """ + stem = os.path.basename(str(self._path)) + return self._name_from_stem(stem) or super()._normalized_name + + def _name_from_stem(self, stem): + name, ext = os.path.splitext(stem) + if ext not in ('.dist-info', '.egg-info'): + return + name, sep, rest = stem.partition('-') + return name + + +def distribution(distribution_name): + """Get the ``Distribution`` instance for the named package. + + :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package as a string. + :return: A ``Distribution`` instance (or subclass thereof). + """ + return Distribution.from_name(distribution_name) + + +def distributions(**kwargs): + """Get all ``Distribution`` instances in the current environment. + + :return: An iterable of ``Distribution`` instances. + """ + return Distribution.discover(**kwargs) + + +def metadata(distribution_name) -> _meta.PackageMetadata: + """Get the metadata for the named package. + + :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query. + :return: A PackageMetadata containing the parsed metadata. + """ + return Distribution.from_name(distribution_name).metadata + + +def version(distribution_name): + """Get the version string for the named package. + + :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query. + :return: The version string for the package as defined in the package's + "Version" metadata key. + """ + return distribution(distribution_name).version + + +def entry_points(**params) -> Union[EntryPoints, SelectableGroups]: + """Return EntryPoint objects for all installed packages. + + Pass selection parameters (group or name) to filter the + result to entry points matching those properties (see + EntryPoints.select()). + + For compatibility, returns ``SelectableGroups`` object unless + selection parameters are supplied. In the future, this function + will return ``EntryPoints`` instead of ``SelectableGroups`` + even when no selection parameters are supplied. + + For maximum future compatibility, pass selection parameters + or invoke ``.select`` with parameters on the result. + + :return: EntryPoints or SelectableGroups for all installed packages. + """ + norm_name = operator.attrgetter('_normalized_name') + unique = functools.partial(unique_everseen, key=norm_name) + eps = itertools.chain.from_iterable( + dist.entry_points for dist in unique(distributions()) + ) + return SelectableGroups.load(eps).select(**params) + + +def files(distribution_name): + """Return a list of files for the named package. + + :param distribution_name: The name of the distribution package to query. + :return: List of files composing the distribution. + """ + return distribution(distribution_name).files + + +def requires(distribution_name): + """ + Return a list of requirements for the named package. + + :return: An iterator of requirements, suitable for + packaging.requirement.Requirement. + """ + return distribution(distribution_name).requires + + +def packages_distributions() -> Mapping[str, List[str]]: + """ + Return a mapping of top-level packages to their + distributions. + + >>> import collections.abc + >>> pkgs = packages_distributions() + >>> all(isinstance(dist, collections.abc.Sequence) for dist in pkgs.values()) + True + """ + pkg_to_dist = collections.defaultdict(list) + for dist in distributions(): + for pkg in _top_level_declared(dist) or _top_level_inferred(dist): + pkg_to_dist[pkg].append(dist.metadata['Name']) + return dict(pkg_to_dist) + + +def _top_level_declared(dist): + return (dist.read_text('top_level.txt') or '').split() + + +def _top_level_inferred(dist): + return { + f.parts[0] if len(f.parts) > 1 else f.with_suffix('').name + for f in always_iterable(dist.files) + if f.suffix == ".py" + } diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e7e945 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8c417c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..732b692 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_collections.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edfe352 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4cebe7b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_functools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01b6203 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_meta.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_meta.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3c751a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_meta.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_text.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_text.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eae56f9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/__pycache__/_text.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_adapters.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_adapters.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aa460d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_adapters.py @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +import re +import textwrap +import email.message + +from ._text import FoldedCase + + +class Message(email.message.Message): + multiple_use_keys = set( + map( + FoldedCase, + [ + 'Classifier', + 'Obsoletes-Dist', + 'Platform', + 'Project-URL', + 'Provides-Dist', + 'Provides-Extra', + 'Requires-Dist', + 'Requires-External', + 'Supported-Platform', + 'Dynamic', + ], + ) + ) + """ + Keys that may be indicated multiple times per PEP 566. + """ + + def __new__(cls, orig: email.message.Message): + res = super().__new__(cls) + vars(res).update(vars(orig)) + return res + + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self._headers = self._repair_headers() + + # suppress spurious error from mypy + def __iter__(self): + return super().__iter__() + + def _repair_headers(self): + def redent(value): + "Correct for RFC822 indentation" + if not value or '\n' not in value: + return value + return textwrap.dedent(' ' * 8 + value) + + headers = [(key, redent(value)) for key, value in vars(self)['_headers']] + if self._payload: + headers.append(('Description', self.get_payload())) + return headers + + @property + def json(self): + """ + Convert PackageMetadata to a JSON-compatible format + per PEP 0566. + """ + + def transform(key): + value = self.get_all(key) if key in self.multiple_use_keys else self[key] + if key == 'Keywords': + value = re.split(r'\s+', value) + tk = key.lower().replace('-', '_') + return tk, value + + return dict(map(transform, map(FoldedCase, self))) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_collections.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_collections.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf0954e --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_collections.py @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +import collections + + +# from jaraco.collections 3.3 +class FreezableDefaultDict(collections.defaultdict): + """ + Often it is desirable to prevent the mutation of + a default dict after its initial construction, such + as to prevent mutation during iteration. + + >>> dd = FreezableDefaultDict(list) + >>> dd[0].append('1') + >>> dd.freeze() + >>> dd[1] + [] + >>> len(dd) + 1 + """ + + def __missing__(self, key): + return getattr(self, '_frozen', super().__missing__)(key) + + def freeze(self): + self._frozen = lambda key: self.default_factory() + + +class Pair(collections.namedtuple('Pair', 'name value')): + @classmethod + def parse(cls, text): + return cls(*map(str.strip, text.split("=", 1))) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef3136f --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import sys +import platform + + +__all__ = ['install', 'NullFinder', 'Protocol'] + + +try: + from typing import Protocol +except ImportError: # pragma: no cover + from ..typing_extensions import Protocol # type: ignore + + +def install(cls): + """ + Class decorator for installation on sys.meta_path. + + Adds the backport DistributionFinder to sys.meta_path and + attempts to disable the finder functionality of the stdlib + DistributionFinder. + """ + sys.meta_path.append(cls()) + disable_stdlib_finder() + return cls + + +def disable_stdlib_finder(): + """ + Give the backport primacy for discovering path-based distributions + by monkey-patching the stdlib O_O. + + See #91 for more background for rationale on this sketchy + behavior. + """ + + def matches(finder): + return getattr( + finder, '__module__', None + ) == '_frozen_importlib_external' and hasattr(finder, 'find_distributions') + + for finder in filter(matches, sys.meta_path): # pragma: nocover + del finder.find_distributions + + +class NullFinder: + """ + A "Finder" (aka "MetaClassFinder") that never finds any modules, + but may find distributions. + """ + + @staticmethod + def find_spec(*args, **kwargs): + return None + + # In Python 2, the import system requires finders + # to have a find_module() method, but this usage + # is deprecated in Python 3 in favor of find_spec(). + # For the purposes of this finder (i.e. being present + # on sys.meta_path but having no other import + # system functionality), the two methods are identical. + find_module = find_spec + + +def pypy_partial(val): + """ + Adjust for variable stacklevel on partial under PyPy. + + Workaround for #327. + """ + is_pypy = platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy' + return val + is_pypy diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_functools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_functools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71f66bd --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_functools.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +import types +import functools + + +# from jaraco.functools 3.3 +def method_cache(method, cache_wrapper=None): + """ + Wrap lru_cache to support storing the cache data in the object instances. + + Abstracts the common paradigm where the method explicitly saves an + underscore-prefixed protected property on first call and returns that + subsequently. + + >>> class MyClass: + ... calls = 0 + ... + ... @method_cache + ... def method(self, value): + ... self.calls += 1 + ... return value + + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method(3) + 3 + >>> for x in range(75): + ... res = a.method(x) + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that the apparent behavior will be exactly like that of lru_cache + except that the cache is stored on each instance, so values in one + instance will not flush values from another, and when an instance is + deleted, so are the cached values for that instance. + + >>> b = MyClass() + >>> for x in range(35): + ... res = b.method(x) + >>> b.calls + 35 + >>> a.method(0) + 0 + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that if method had been decorated with ``functools.lru_cache()``, + a.calls would have been 76 (due to the cached value of 0 having been + flushed by the 'b' instance). + + Clear the cache with ``.cache_clear()`` + + >>> a.method.cache_clear() + + Same for a method that hasn't yet been called. + + >>> c = MyClass() + >>> c.method.cache_clear() + + Another cache wrapper may be supplied: + + >>> cache = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) + >>> MyClass.method2 = method_cache(lambda self: 3, cache_wrapper=cache) + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method2() + 3 + + Caution - do not subsequently wrap the method with another decorator, such + as ``@property``, which changes the semantics of the function. + + See also + http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577452-a-memoize-decorator-for-instance-methods/ + for another implementation and additional justification. + """ + cache_wrapper = cache_wrapper or functools.lru_cache() + + def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): + # it's the first call, replace the method with a cached, bound method + bound_method = types.MethodType(method, self) + cached_method = cache_wrapper(bound_method) + setattr(self, method.__name__, cached_method) + return cached_method(*args, **kwargs) + + # Support cache clear even before cache has been created. + wrapper.cache_clear = lambda: None + + return wrapper + + +# From jaraco.functools 3.3 +def pass_none(func): + """ + Wrap func so it's not called if its first param is None + + >>> print_text = pass_none(print) + >>> print_text('text') + text + >>> print_text(None) + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(param, *args, **kwargs): + if param is not None: + return func(param, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_itertools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_itertools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4ca9b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_itertools.py @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +from itertools import filterfalse + + +def unique_everseen(iterable, key=None): + "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." + # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D + # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D + seen = set() + seen_add = seen.add + if key is None: + for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable): + seen_add(element) + yield element + else: + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) + if k not in seen: + seen_add(k) + yield element + + +# copied from more_itertools 8.8 +def always_iterable(obj, base_type=(str, bytes)): + """If *obj* is iterable, return an iterator over its items:: + + >>> obj = (1, 2, 3) + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + [1, 2, 3] + + If *obj* is not iterable, return a one-item iterable containing *obj*:: + + >>> obj = 1 + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + [1] + + If *obj* is ``None``, return an empty iterable: + + >>> obj = None + >>> list(always_iterable(None)) + [] + + By default, binary and text strings are not considered iterable:: + + >>> obj = 'foo' + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) + ['foo'] + + If *base_type* is set, objects for which ``isinstance(obj, base_type)`` + returns ``True`` won't be considered iterable. + + >>> obj = {'a': 1} + >>> list(always_iterable(obj)) # Iterate over the dict's keys + ['a'] + >>> list(always_iterable(obj, base_type=dict)) # Treat dicts as a unit + [{'a': 1}] + + Set *base_type* to ``None`` to avoid any special handling and treat objects + Python considers iterable as iterable: + + >>> obj = 'foo' + >>> list(always_iterable(obj, base_type=None)) + ['f', 'o', 'o'] + """ + if obj is None: + return iter(()) + + if (base_type is not None) and isinstance(obj, base_type): + return iter((obj,)) + + try: + return iter(obj) + except TypeError: + return iter((obj,)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_meta.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_meta.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37ee43e --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_meta.py @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +from ._compat import Protocol +from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, TypeVar, Union + + +_T = TypeVar("_T") + + +class PackageMetadata(Protocol): + def __len__(self) -> int: + ... # pragma: no cover + + def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: + ... # pragma: no cover + + def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str: + ... # pragma: no cover + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: + ... # pragma: no cover + + def get_all(self, name: str, failobj: _T = ...) -> Union[List[Any], _T]: + """ + Return all values associated with a possibly multi-valued key. + """ + + @property + def json(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]: + """ + A JSON-compatible form of the metadata. + """ + + +class SimplePath(Protocol): + """ + A minimal subset of pathlib.Path required by PathDistribution. + """ + + def joinpath(self) -> 'SimplePath': + ... # pragma: no cover + + def __truediv__(self) -> 'SimplePath': + ... # pragma: no cover + + def parent(self) -> 'SimplePath': + ... # pragma: no cover + + def read_text(self) -> str: + ... # pragma: no cover diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_text.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_text.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c88cfbb --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_metadata/_text.py @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +import re + +from ._functools import method_cache + + +# from jaraco.text 3.5 +class FoldedCase(str): + """ + A case insensitive string class; behaves just like str + except compares equal when the only variation is case. + + >>> s = FoldedCase('hello world') + + >>> s == 'Hello World' + True + + >>> 'Hello World' == s + True + + >>> s != 'Hello World' + False + + >>> s.index('O') + 4 + + >>> s.split('O') + ['hell', ' w', 'rld'] + + >>> sorted(map(FoldedCase, ['GAMMA', 'alpha', 'Beta'])) + ['alpha', 'Beta', 'GAMMA'] + + Sequence membership is straightforward. + + >>> "Hello World" in [s] + True + >>> s in ["Hello World"] + True + + You may test for set inclusion, but candidate and elements + must both be folded. + + >>> FoldedCase("Hello World") in {s} + True + >>> s in {FoldedCase("Hello World")} + True + + String inclusion works as long as the FoldedCase object + is on the right. + + >>> "hello" in FoldedCase("Hello World") + True + + But not if the FoldedCase object is on the left: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') in 'Hello World' + False + + In that case, use in_: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello').in_('Hello World') + True + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') > FoldedCase('Hello') + False + """ + + def __lt__(self, other): + return self.lower() < other.lower() + + def __gt__(self, other): + return self.lower() > other.lower() + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self.lower() == other.lower() + + def __ne__(self, other): + return self.lower() != other.lower() + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(self.lower()) + + def __contains__(self, other): + return super().lower().__contains__(other.lower()) + + def in_(self, other): + "Does self appear in other?" + return self in FoldedCase(other) + + # cache lower since it's likely to be called frequently. + @method_cache + def lower(self): + return super().lower() + + def index(self, sub): + return self.lower().index(sub.lower()) + + def split(self, splitter=' ', maxsplit=0): + pattern = re.compile(re.escape(splitter), re.I) + return pattern.split(self, maxsplit) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34e3a99 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +"""Read resources contained within a package.""" + +from ._common import ( + as_file, + files, + Package, +) + +from ._legacy import ( + contents, + open_binary, + read_binary, + open_text, + read_text, + is_resource, + path, + Resource, +) + +from .abc import ResourceReader + + +__all__ = [ + 'Package', + 'Resource', + 'ResourceReader', + 'as_file', + 'contents', + 'files', + 'is_resource', + 'open_binary', + 'open_text', + 'path', + 'read_binary', + 'read_text', +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6012e8a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e19a19 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_adapters.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c80821 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_common.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..627bcde Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7143747 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_itertools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4a94b2c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/_legacy.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97126bd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/abc.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c3546b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/readers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9119a8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/__pycache__/simple.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea363d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_adapters.py @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +from contextlib import suppress +from io import TextIOWrapper + +from . import abc + + +class SpecLoaderAdapter: + """ + Adapt a package spec to adapt the underlying loader. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec, adapter=lambda spec: spec.loader): + self.spec = spec + self.loader = adapter(spec) + + def __getattr__(self, name): + return getattr(self.spec, name) + + +class TraversableResourcesLoader: + """ + Adapt a loader to provide TraversableResources. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + def get_resource_reader(self, name): + return CompatibilityFiles(self.spec)._native() + + +def _io_wrapper(file, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + if mode == 'r': + return TextIOWrapper(file, *args, **kwargs) + elif mode == 'rb': + return file + raise ValueError( + "Invalid mode value '{}', only 'r' and 'rb' are supported".format(mode) + ) + + +class CompatibilityFiles: + """ + Adapter for an existing or non-existent resource reader + to provide a compatibility .files(). + """ + + class SpecPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Path tied to a module spec. + Can be read and exposes the resource reader children. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec, reader): + self._spec = spec + self._reader = reader + + def iterdir(self): + if not self._reader: + return iter(()) + return iter( + CompatibilityFiles.ChildPath(self._reader, path) + for path in self._reader.contents() + ) + + def is_file(self): + return False + + is_dir = is_file + + def joinpath(self, other): + if not self._reader: + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(other) + return CompatibilityFiles.ChildPath(self._reader, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._spec.name + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + return _io_wrapper(self._reader.open_resource(None), mode, *args, **kwargs) + + class ChildPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Path tied to a resource reader child. + Can be read but doesn't expose any meaningful children. + """ + + def __init__(self, reader, name): + self._reader = reader + self._name = name + + def iterdir(self): + return iter(()) + + def is_file(self): + return self._reader.is_resource(self.name) + + def is_dir(self): + return not self.is_file() + + def joinpath(self, other): + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(self.name, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._name + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + return _io_wrapper( + self._reader.open_resource(self.name), mode, *args, **kwargs + ) + + class OrphanPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Orphan path, not tied to a module spec or resource reader. + Can't be read and doesn't expose any meaningful children. + """ + + def __init__(self, *path_parts): + if len(path_parts) < 1: + raise ValueError('Need at least one path part to construct a path') + self._path = path_parts + + def iterdir(self): + return iter(()) + + def is_file(self): + return False + + is_dir = is_file + + def joinpath(self, other): + return CompatibilityFiles.OrphanPath(*self._path, other) + + @property + def name(self): + return self._path[-1] + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError("Can't open orphan path") + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + @property + def _reader(self): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return self.spec.loader.get_resource_reader(self.spec.name) + + def _native(self): + """ + Return the native reader if it supports files(). + """ + reader = self._reader + return reader if hasattr(reader, 'files') else self + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + return getattr(self._reader, attr) + + def files(self): + return CompatibilityFiles.SpecPath(self.spec, self._reader) + + +def wrap_spec(package): + """ + Construct a package spec with traversable compatibility + on the spec/loader/reader. + """ + return SpecLoaderAdapter(package.__spec__, TraversableResourcesLoader) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a12e2c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_common.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +import os +import pathlib +import tempfile +import functools +import contextlib +import types +import importlib + +from typing import Union, Optional +from .abc import ResourceReader, Traversable + +from ._compat import wrap_spec + +Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str] + + +def files(package): + # type: (Package) -> Traversable + """ + Get a Traversable resource from a package + """ + return from_package(get_package(package)) + + +def get_resource_reader(package): + # type: (types.ModuleType) -> Optional[ResourceReader] + """ + Return the package's loader if it's a ResourceReader. + """ + # We can't use + # a issubclass() check here because apparently abc.'s __subclasscheck__() + # hook wants to create a weak reference to the object, but + # zipimport.zipimporter does not support weak references, resulting in a + # TypeError. That seems terrible. + spec = package.__spec__ + reader = getattr(spec.loader, 'get_resource_reader', None) # type: ignore + if reader is None: + return None + return reader(spec.name) # type: ignore + + +def resolve(cand): + # type: (Package) -> types.ModuleType + return cand if isinstance(cand, types.ModuleType) else importlib.import_module(cand) + + +def get_package(package): + # type: (Package) -> types.ModuleType + """Take a package name or module object and return the module. + + Raise an exception if the resolved module is not a package. + """ + resolved = resolve(package) + if wrap_spec(resolved).submodule_search_locations is None: + raise TypeError(f'{package!r} is not a package') + return resolved + + +def from_package(package): + """ + Return a Traversable object for the given package. + + """ + spec = wrap_spec(package) + reader = spec.loader.get_resource_reader(spec.name) + return reader.files() + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def _tempfile(reader, suffix=''): + # Not using tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile as it leads to deeper 'try' + # blocks due to the need to close the temporary file to work on Windows + # properly. + fd, raw_path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix) + try: + try: + os.write(fd, reader()) + finally: + os.close(fd) + del reader + yield pathlib.Path(raw_path) + finally: + try: + os.remove(raw_path) + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + + +@functools.singledispatch +def as_file(path): + """ + Given a Traversable object, return that object as a + path on the local file system in a context manager. + """ + return _tempfile(path.read_bytes, suffix=path.name) + + +@as_file.register(pathlib.Path) +@contextlib.contextmanager +def _(path): + """ + Degenerate behavior for pathlib.Path objects. + """ + yield path diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb9fc82 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_compat.py @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +# flake8: noqa + +import abc +import sys +import pathlib +from contextlib import suppress + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): + from zipfile import Path as ZipPath # type: ignore +else: + from ..zipp import Path as ZipPath # type: ignore + + +try: + from typing import runtime_checkable # type: ignore +except ImportError: + + def runtime_checkable(cls): # type: ignore + return cls + + +try: + from typing import Protocol # type: ignore +except ImportError: + Protocol = abc.ABC # type: ignore + + +class TraversableResourcesLoader: + """ + Adapt loaders to provide TraversableResources and other + compatibility. + + Used primarily for Python 3.9 and earlier where the native + loaders do not yet implement TraversableResources. + """ + + def __init__(self, spec): + self.spec = spec + + @property + def path(self): + return self.spec.origin + + def get_resource_reader(self, name): + from . import readers, _adapters + + def _zip_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return readers.ZipReader(spec.loader, spec.name) + + def _namespace_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError, ValueError): + return readers.NamespaceReader(spec.submodule_search_locations) + + def _available_reader(spec): + with suppress(AttributeError): + return spec.loader.get_resource_reader(spec.name) + + def _native_reader(spec): + reader = _available_reader(spec) + return reader if hasattr(reader, 'files') else None + + def _file_reader(spec): + try: + path = pathlib.Path(self.path) + except TypeError: + return None + if path.exists(): + return readers.FileReader(self) + + return ( + # native reader if it supplies 'files' + _native_reader(self.spec) + or + # local ZipReader if a zip module + _zip_reader(self.spec) + or + # local NamespaceReader if a namespace module + _namespace_reader(self.spec) + or + # local FileReader + _file_reader(self.spec) + # fallback - adapt the spec ResourceReader to TraversableReader + or _adapters.CompatibilityFiles(self.spec) + ) + + +def wrap_spec(package): + """ + Construct a package spec with traversable compatibility + on the spec/loader/reader. + + Supersedes _adapters.wrap_spec to use TraversableResourcesLoader + from above for older Python compatibility (<3.10). + """ + from . import _adapters + + return _adapters.SpecLoaderAdapter(package.__spec__, TraversableResourcesLoader) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cce0558 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_itertools.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +from itertools import filterfalse + +from typing import ( + Callable, + Iterable, + Iterator, + Optional, + Set, + TypeVar, + Union, +) + +# Type and type variable definitions +_T = TypeVar('_T') +_U = TypeVar('_U') + + +def unique_everseen( + iterable: Iterable[_T], key: Optional[Callable[[_T], _U]] = None +) -> Iterator[_T]: + "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." + # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D + # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D + seen: Set[Union[_T, _U]] = set() + seen_add = seen.add + if key is None: + for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable): + seen_add(element) + yield element + else: + for element in iterable: + k = key(element) + if k not in seen: + seen_add(k) + yield element diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d5d3f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/_legacy.py @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +import functools +import os +import pathlib +import types +import warnings + +from typing import Union, Iterable, ContextManager, BinaryIO, TextIO, Any + +from . import _common + +Package = Union[types.ModuleType, str] +Resource = str + + +def deprecated(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + warnings.warn( + f"{func.__name__} is deprecated. Use files() instead. " + "Refer to https://importlib-resources.readthedocs.io" + "/en/latest/using.html#migrating-from-legacy for migration advice.", + DeprecationWarning, + stacklevel=2, + ) + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def normalize_path(path): + # type: (Any) -> str + """Normalize a path by ensuring it is a string. + + If the resulting string contains path separators, an exception is raised. + """ + str_path = str(path) + parent, file_name = os.path.split(str_path) + if parent: + raise ValueError(f'{path!r} must be only a file name') + return file_name + + +@deprecated +def open_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> BinaryIO: + """Return a file-like object opened for binary reading of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open('rb') + + +@deprecated +def read_binary(package: Package, resource: Resource) -> bytes: + """Return the binary contents of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).read_bytes() + + +@deprecated +def open_text( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, + encoding: str = 'utf-8', + errors: str = 'strict', +) -> TextIO: + """Return a file-like object opened for text reading of the resource.""" + return (_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)).open( + 'r', encoding=encoding, errors=errors + ) + + +@deprecated +def read_text( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, + encoding: str = 'utf-8', + errors: str = 'strict', +) -> str: + """Return the decoded string of the resource. + + The decoding-related arguments have the same semantics as those of + bytes.decode(). + """ + with open_text(package, resource, encoding, errors) as fp: + return fp.read() + + +@deprecated +def contents(package: Package) -> Iterable[str]: + """Return an iterable of entries in `package`. + + Note that not all entries are resources. Specifically, directories are + not considered resources. Use `is_resource()` on each entry returned here + to check if it is a resource or not. + """ + return [path.name for path in _common.files(package).iterdir()] + + +@deprecated +def is_resource(package: Package, name: str) -> bool: + """True if `name` is a resource inside `package`. + + Directories are *not* resources. + """ + resource = normalize_path(name) + return any( + traversable.name == resource and traversable.is_file() + for traversable in _common.files(package).iterdir() + ) + + +@deprecated +def path( + package: Package, + resource: Resource, +) -> ContextManager[pathlib.Path]: + """A context manager providing a file path object to the resource. + + If the resource does not already exist on its own on the file system, + a temporary file will be created. If the file was created, the file + will be deleted upon exiting the context manager (no exception is + raised if the file was deleted prior to the context manager + exiting). + """ + return _common.as_file(_common.files(package) / normalize_path(resource)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d39dc1a --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/abc.py @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +import abc +from typing import BinaryIO, Iterable, Text + +from ._compat import runtime_checkable, Protocol + + +class ResourceReader(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): + """Abstract base class for loaders to provide resource reading support.""" + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open_resource(self, resource: Text) -> BinaryIO: + """Return an opened, file-like object for binary reading. + + The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. + If the resource cannot be found, FileNotFoundError is raised. + """ + # This deliberately raises FileNotFoundError instead of + # NotImplementedError so that if this method is accidentally called, + # it'll still do the right thing. + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def resource_path(self, resource: Text) -> Text: + """Return the file system path to the specified resource. + + The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. + If the resource does not exist on the file system, raise + FileNotFoundError. + """ + # This deliberately raises FileNotFoundError instead of + # NotImplementedError so that if this method is accidentally called, + # it'll still do the right thing. + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_resource(self, path: Text) -> bool: + """Return True if the named 'path' is a resource. + + Files are resources, directories are not. + """ + raise FileNotFoundError + + @abc.abstractmethod + def contents(self) -> Iterable[str]: + """Return an iterable of entries in `package`.""" + raise FileNotFoundError + + +@runtime_checkable +class Traversable(Protocol): + """ + An object with a subset of pathlib.Path methods suitable for + traversing directories and opening files. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def iterdir(self): + """ + Yield Traversable objects in self + """ + + def read_bytes(self): + """ + Read contents of self as bytes + """ + with self.open('rb') as strm: + return strm.read() + + def read_text(self, encoding=None): + """ + Read contents of self as text + """ + with self.open(encoding=encoding) as strm: + return strm.read() + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_dir(self) -> bool: + """ + Return True if self is a directory + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def is_file(self) -> bool: + """ + Return True if self is a file + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def joinpath(self, child): + """ + Return Traversable child in self + """ + + def __truediv__(self, child): + """ + Return Traversable child in self + """ + return self.joinpath(child) + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + """ + mode may be 'r' or 'rb' to open as text or binary. Return a handle + suitable for reading (same as pathlib.Path.open). + + When opening as text, accepts encoding parameters such as those + accepted by io.TextIOWrapper. + """ + + @abc.abstractproperty + def name(self) -> str: + """ + The base name of this object without any parent references. + """ + + +class TraversableResources(ResourceReader): + """ + The required interface for providing traversable + resources. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def files(self): + """Return a Traversable object for the loaded package.""" + + def open_resource(self, resource): + return self.files().joinpath(resource).open('rb') + + def resource_path(self, resource): + raise FileNotFoundError(resource) + + def is_resource(self, path): + return self.files().joinpath(path).is_file() + + def contents(self): + return (item.name for item in self.files().iterdir()) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1190ca --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/readers.py @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +import collections +import pathlib +import operator + +from . import abc + +from ._itertools import unique_everseen +from ._compat import ZipPath + + +def remove_duplicates(items): + return iter(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(items)) + + +class FileReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, loader): + self.path = pathlib.Path(loader.path).parent + + def resource_path(self, resource): + """ + Return the file system path to prevent + `resources.path()` from creating a temporary + copy. + """ + return str(self.path.joinpath(resource)) + + def files(self): + return self.path + + +class ZipReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, loader, module): + _, _, name = module.rpartition('.') + self.prefix = loader.prefix.replace('\\', '/') + name + '/' + self.archive = loader.archive + + def open_resource(self, resource): + try: + return super().open_resource(resource) + except KeyError as exc: + raise FileNotFoundError(exc.args[0]) + + def is_resource(self, path): + # workaround for `zipfile.Path.is_file` returning true + # for non-existent paths. + target = self.files().joinpath(path) + return target.is_file() and target.exists() + + def files(self): + return ZipPath(self.archive, self.prefix) + + +class MultiplexedPath(abc.Traversable): + """ + Given a series of Traversable objects, implement a merged + version of the interface across all objects. Useful for + namespace packages which may be multihomed at a single + name. + """ + + def __init__(self, *paths): + self._paths = list(map(pathlib.Path, remove_duplicates(paths))) + if not self._paths: + message = 'MultiplexedPath must contain at least one path' + raise FileNotFoundError(message) + if not all(path.is_dir() for path in self._paths): + raise NotADirectoryError('MultiplexedPath only supports directories') + + def iterdir(self): + files = (file for path in self._paths for file in path.iterdir()) + return unique_everseen(files, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) + + def read_bytes(self): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + def read_text(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + def is_dir(self): + return True + + def is_file(self): + return False + + def joinpath(self, child): + # first try to find child in current paths + for file in self.iterdir(): + if file.name == child: + return file + # if it does not exist, construct it with the first path + return self._paths[0] / child + + __truediv__ = joinpath + + def open(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise FileNotFoundError(f'{self} is not a file') + + @property + def name(self): + return self._paths[0].name + + def __repr__(self): + paths = ', '.join(f"'{path}'" for path in self._paths) + return f'MultiplexedPath({paths})' + + +class NamespaceReader(abc.TraversableResources): + def __init__(self, namespace_path): + if 'NamespacePath' not in str(namespace_path): + raise ValueError('Invalid path') + self.path = MultiplexedPath(*list(namespace_path)) + + def resource_path(self, resource): + """ + Return the file system path to prevent + `resources.path()` from creating a temporary + copy. + """ + return str(self.path.joinpath(resource)) + + def files(self): + return self.path diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da073cb --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/importlib_resources/simple.py @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +""" +Interface adapters for low-level readers. +""" + +import abc +import io +import itertools +from typing import BinaryIO, List + +from .abc import Traversable, TraversableResources + + +class SimpleReader(abc.ABC): + """ + The minimum, low-level interface required from a resource + provider. + """ + + @abc.abstractproperty + def package(self): + # type: () -> str + """ + The name of the package for which this reader loads resources. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def children(self): + # type: () -> List['SimpleReader'] + """ + Obtain an iterable of SimpleReader for available + child containers (e.g. directories). + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def resources(self): + # type: () -> List[str] + """ + Obtain available named resources for this virtual package. + """ + + @abc.abstractmethod + def open_binary(self, resource): + # type: (str) -> BinaryIO + """ + Obtain a File-like for a named resource. + """ + + @property + def name(self): + return self.package.split('.')[-1] + + +class ResourceHandle(Traversable): + """ + Handle to a named resource in a ResourceReader. + """ + + def __init__(self, parent, name): + # type: (ResourceContainer, str) -> None + self.parent = parent + self.name = name # type: ignore + + def is_file(self): + return True + + def is_dir(self): + return False + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs): + stream = self.parent.reader.open_binary(self.name) + if 'b' not in mode: + stream = io.TextIOWrapper(*args, **kwargs) + return stream + + def joinpath(self, name): + raise RuntimeError("Cannot traverse into a resource") + + +class ResourceContainer(Traversable): + """ + Traversable container for a package's resources via its reader. + """ + + def __init__(self, reader): + # type: (SimpleReader) -> None + self.reader = reader + + def is_dir(self): + return True + + def is_file(self): + return False + + def iterdir(self): + files = (ResourceHandle(self, name) for name in self.reader.resources) + dirs = map(ResourceContainer, self.reader.children()) + return itertools.chain(files, dirs) + + def open(self, *args, **kwargs): + raise IsADirectoryError() + + def joinpath(self, name): + return next( + traversable for traversable in self.iterdir() if traversable.name == name + ) + + +class TraversableReader(TraversableResources, SimpleReader): + """ + A TraversableResources based on SimpleReader. Resource providers + may derive from this class to provide the TraversableResources + interface by supplying the SimpleReader interface. + """ + + def files(self): + return ResourceContainer(self) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9f7a54 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68fd884 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/context.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20862e7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/__pycache__/functools.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/context.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/context.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87a4e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/context.py @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +import os +import subprocess +import contextlib +import functools +import tempfile +import shutil +import operator + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def pushd(dir): + orig = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(dir) + try: + yield dir + finally: + os.chdir(orig) + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def tarball_context(url, target_dir=None, runner=None, pushd=pushd): + """ + Get a tarball, extract it, change to that directory, yield, then + clean up. + `runner` is the function to invoke commands. + `pushd` is a context manager for changing the directory. + """ + if target_dir is None: + target_dir = os.path.basename(url).replace('.tar.gz', '').replace('.tgz', '') + if runner is None: + runner = functools.partial(subprocess.check_call, shell=True) + # In the tar command, use --strip-components=1 to strip the first path and + # then + # use -C to cause the files to be extracted to {target_dir}. This ensures + # that we always know where the files were extracted. + runner('mkdir {target_dir}'.format(**vars())) + try: + getter = 'wget {url} -O -' + extract = 'tar x{compression} --strip-components=1 -C {target_dir}' + cmd = ' | '.join((getter, extract)) + runner(cmd.format(compression=infer_compression(url), **vars())) + with pushd(target_dir): + yield target_dir + finally: + runner('rm -Rf {target_dir}'.format(**vars())) + + +def infer_compression(url): + """ + Given a URL or filename, infer the compression code for tar. + """ + # cheat and just assume it's the last two characters + compression_indicator = url[-2:] + mapping = dict(gz='z', bz='j', xz='J') + # Assume 'z' (gzip) if no match + return mapping.get(compression_indicator, 'z') + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def temp_dir(remover=shutil.rmtree): + """ + Create a temporary directory context. Pass a custom remover + to override the removal behavior. + """ + temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() + try: + yield temp_dir + finally: + remover(temp_dir) + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def repo_context(url, branch=None, quiet=True, dest_ctx=temp_dir): + """ + Check out the repo indicated by url. + + If dest_ctx is supplied, it should be a context manager + to yield the target directory for the check out. + """ + exe = 'git' if 'git' in url else 'hg' + with dest_ctx() as repo_dir: + cmd = [exe, 'clone', url, repo_dir] + if branch: + cmd.extend(['--branch', branch]) + devnull = open(os.path.devnull, 'w') + stdout = devnull if quiet else None + subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=stdout) + yield repo_dir + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def null(): + yield + + +class ExceptionTrap: + """ + A context manager that will catch certain exceptions and provide an + indication they occurred. + + >>> with ExceptionTrap() as trap: + ... raise Exception() + >>> bool(trap) + True + + >>> with ExceptionTrap() as trap: + ... pass + >>> bool(trap) + False + + >>> with ExceptionTrap(ValueError) as trap: + ... raise ValueError("1 + 1 is not 3") + >>> bool(trap) + True + + >>> with ExceptionTrap(ValueError) as trap: + ... raise Exception() + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + Exception + + >>> bool(trap) + False + """ + + exc_info = None, None, None + + def __init__(self, exceptions=(Exception,)): + self.exceptions = exceptions + + def __enter__(self): + return self + + @property + def type(self): + return self.exc_info[0] + + @property + def value(self): + return self.exc_info[1] + + @property + def tb(self): + return self.exc_info[2] + + def __exit__(self, *exc_info): + type = exc_info[0] + matches = type and issubclass(type, self.exceptions) + if matches: + self.exc_info = exc_info + return matches + + def __bool__(self): + return bool(self.type) + + def raises(self, func, *, _test=bool): + """ + Wrap func and replace the result with the truth + value of the trap (True if an exception occurred). + + First, give the decorator an alias to support Python 3.8 + Syntax. + + >>> raises = ExceptionTrap(ValueError).raises + + Now decorate a function that always fails. + + >>> @raises + ... def fail(): + ... raise ValueError('failed') + >>> fail() + True + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + with ExceptionTrap(self.exceptions) as trap: + func(*args, **kwargs) + return _test(trap) + + return wrapper + + def passes(self, func): + """ + Wrap func and replace the result with the truth + value of the trap (True if no exception). + + First, give the decorator an alias to support Python 3.8 + Syntax. + + >>> passes = ExceptionTrap(ValueError).passes + + Now decorate a function that always fails. + + >>> @passes + ... def fail(): + ... raise ValueError('failed') + + >>> fail() + False + """ + return self.raises(func, _test=operator.not_) + + +class suppress(contextlib.suppress, contextlib.ContextDecorator): + """ + A version of contextlib.suppress with decorator support. + + >>> @suppress(KeyError) + ... def key_error(): + ... {}[''] + >>> key_error() + """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbd8b29 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py @@ -0,0 +1,525 @@ +import functools +import time +import inspect +import collections +import types +import itertools + +import setuptools.extern.more_itertools + +from typing import Callable, TypeVar + + +CallableT = TypeVar("CallableT", bound=Callable[..., object]) + + +def compose(*funcs): + """ + Compose any number of unary functions into a single unary function. + + >>> import textwrap + >>> expected = str.strip(textwrap.dedent(compose.__doc__)) + >>> strip_and_dedent = compose(str.strip, textwrap.dedent) + >>> strip_and_dedent(compose.__doc__) == expected + True + + Compose also allows the innermost function to take arbitrary arguments. + + >>> round_three = lambda x: round(x, ndigits=3) + >>> f = compose(round_three, int.__truediv__) + >>> [f(3*x, x+1) for x in range(1,10)] + [1.5, 2.0, 2.25, 2.4, 2.5, 2.571, 2.625, 2.667, 2.7] + """ + + def compose_two(f1, f2): + return lambda *args, **kwargs: f1(f2(*args, **kwargs)) + + return functools.reduce(compose_two, funcs) + + +def method_caller(method_name, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Return a function that will call a named method on the + target object with optional positional and keyword + arguments. + + >>> lower = method_caller('lower') + >>> lower('MyString') + 'mystring' + """ + + def call_method(target): + func = getattr(target, method_name) + return func(*args, **kwargs) + + return call_method + + +def once(func): + """ + Decorate func so it's only ever called the first time. + + This decorator can ensure that an expensive or non-idempotent function + will not be expensive on subsequent calls and is idempotent. + + >>> add_three = once(lambda a: a+3) + >>> add_three(3) + 6 + >>> add_three(9) + 6 + >>> add_three('12') + 6 + + To reset the stored value, simply clear the property ``saved_result``. + + >>> del add_three.saved_result + >>> add_three(9) + 12 + >>> add_three(8) + 12 + + Or invoke 'reset()' on it. + + >>> add_three.reset() + >>> add_three(-3) + 0 + >>> add_three(0) + 0 + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + if not hasattr(wrapper, 'saved_result'): + wrapper.saved_result = func(*args, **kwargs) + return wrapper.saved_result + + wrapper.reset = lambda: vars(wrapper).__delitem__('saved_result') + return wrapper + + +def method_cache( + method: CallableT, + cache_wrapper: Callable[ + [CallableT], CallableT + ] = functools.lru_cache(), # type: ignore[assignment] +) -> CallableT: + """ + Wrap lru_cache to support storing the cache data in the object instances. + + Abstracts the common paradigm where the method explicitly saves an + underscore-prefixed protected property on first call and returns that + subsequently. + + >>> class MyClass: + ... calls = 0 + ... + ... @method_cache + ... def method(self, value): + ... self.calls += 1 + ... return value + + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method(3) + 3 + >>> for x in range(75): + ... res = a.method(x) + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that the apparent behavior will be exactly like that of lru_cache + except that the cache is stored on each instance, so values in one + instance will not flush values from another, and when an instance is + deleted, so are the cached values for that instance. + + >>> b = MyClass() + >>> for x in range(35): + ... res = b.method(x) + >>> b.calls + 35 + >>> a.method(0) + 0 + >>> a.calls + 75 + + Note that if method had been decorated with ``functools.lru_cache()``, + a.calls would have been 76 (due to the cached value of 0 having been + flushed by the 'b' instance). + + Clear the cache with ``.cache_clear()`` + + >>> a.method.cache_clear() + + Same for a method that hasn't yet been called. + + >>> c = MyClass() + >>> c.method.cache_clear() + + Another cache wrapper may be supplied: + + >>> cache = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=2) + >>> MyClass.method2 = method_cache(lambda self: 3, cache_wrapper=cache) + >>> a = MyClass() + >>> a.method2() + 3 + + Caution - do not subsequently wrap the method with another decorator, such + as ``@property``, which changes the semantics of the function. + + See also + http://code.activestate.com/recipes/577452-a-memoize-decorator-for-instance-methods/ + for another implementation and additional justification. + """ + + def wrapper(self: object, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> object: + # it's the first call, replace the method with a cached, bound method + bound_method: CallableT = types.MethodType( # type: ignore[assignment] + method, self + ) + cached_method = cache_wrapper(bound_method) + setattr(self, method.__name__, cached_method) + return cached_method(*args, **kwargs) + + # Support cache clear even before cache has been created. + wrapper.cache_clear = lambda: None # type: ignore[attr-defined] + + return ( # type: ignore[return-value] + _special_method_cache(method, cache_wrapper) or wrapper + ) + + +def _special_method_cache(method, cache_wrapper): + """ + Because Python treats special methods differently, it's not + possible to use instance attributes to implement the cached + methods. + + Instead, install the wrapper method under a different name + and return a simple proxy to that wrapper. + + https://github.com/jaraco/jaraco.functools/issues/5 + """ + name = method.__name__ + special_names = '__getattr__', '__getitem__' + if name not in special_names: + return + + wrapper_name = '__cached' + name + + def proxy(self, *args, **kwargs): + if wrapper_name not in vars(self): + bound = types.MethodType(method, self) + cache = cache_wrapper(bound) + setattr(self, wrapper_name, cache) + else: + cache = getattr(self, wrapper_name) + return cache(*args, **kwargs) + + return proxy + + +def apply(transform): + """ + Decorate a function with a transform function that is + invoked on results returned from the decorated function. + + >>> @apply(reversed) + ... def get_numbers(start): + ... "doc for get_numbers" + ... return range(start, start+3) + >>> list(get_numbers(4)) + [6, 5, 4] + >>> get_numbers.__doc__ + 'doc for get_numbers' + """ + + def wrap(func): + return functools.wraps(func)(compose(transform, func)) + + return wrap + + +def result_invoke(action): + r""" + Decorate a function with an action function that is + invoked on the results returned from the decorated + function (for its side-effect), then return the original + result. + + >>> @result_invoke(print) + ... def add_two(a, b): + ... return a + b + >>> x = add_two(2, 3) + 5 + >>> x + 5 + """ + + def wrap(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + result = func(*args, **kwargs) + action(result) + return result + + return wrapper + + return wrap + + +def call_aside(f, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Call a function for its side effect after initialization. + + >>> @call_aside + ... def func(): print("called") + called + >>> func() + called + + Use functools.partial to pass parameters to the initial call + + >>> @functools.partial(call_aside, name='bingo') + ... def func(name): print("called with", name) + called with bingo + """ + f(*args, **kwargs) + return f + + +class Throttler: + """ + Rate-limit a function (or other callable) + """ + + def __init__(self, func, max_rate=float('Inf')): + if isinstance(func, Throttler): + func = func.func + self.func = func + self.max_rate = max_rate + self.reset() + + def reset(self): + self.last_called = 0 + + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + self._wait() + return self.func(*args, **kwargs) + + def _wait(self): + "ensure at least 1/max_rate seconds from last call" + elapsed = time.time() - self.last_called + must_wait = 1 / self.max_rate - elapsed + time.sleep(max(0, must_wait)) + self.last_called = time.time() + + def __get__(self, obj, type=None): + return first_invoke(self._wait, functools.partial(self.func, obj)) + + +def first_invoke(func1, func2): + """ + Return a function that when invoked will invoke func1 without + any parameters (for its side-effect) and then invoke func2 + with whatever parameters were passed, returning its result. + """ + + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + func1() + return func2(*args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def retry_call(func, cleanup=lambda: None, retries=0, trap=()): + """ + Given a callable func, trap the indicated exceptions + for up to 'retries' times, invoking cleanup on the + exception. On the final attempt, allow any exceptions + to propagate. + """ + attempts = itertools.count() if retries == float('inf') else range(retries) + for attempt in attempts: + try: + return func() + except trap: + cleanup() + + return func() + + +def retry(*r_args, **r_kwargs): + """ + Decorator wrapper for retry_call. Accepts arguments to retry_call + except func and then returns a decorator for the decorated function. + + Ex: + + >>> @retry(retries=3) + ... def my_func(a, b): + ... "this is my funk" + ... print(a, b) + >>> my_func.__doc__ + 'this is my funk' + """ + + def decorate(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*f_args, **f_kwargs): + bound = functools.partial(func, *f_args, **f_kwargs) + return retry_call(bound, *r_args, **r_kwargs) + + return wrapper + + return decorate + + +def print_yielded(func): + """ + Convert a generator into a function that prints all yielded elements + + >>> @print_yielded + ... def x(): + ... yield 3; yield None + >>> x() + 3 + None + """ + print_all = functools.partial(map, print) + print_results = compose(more_itertools.consume, print_all, func) + return functools.wraps(func)(print_results) + + +def pass_none(func): + """ + Wrap func so it's not called if its first param is None + + >>> print_text = pass_none(print) + >>> print_text('text') + text + >>> print_text(None) + """ + + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(param, *args, **kwargs): + if param is not None: + return func(param, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def assign_params(func, namespace): + """ + Assign parameters from namespace where func solicits. + + >>> def func(x, y=3): + ... print(x, y) + >>> assigned = assign_params(func, dict(x=2, z=4)) + >>> assigned() + 2 3 + + The usual errors are raised if a function doesn't receive + its required parameters: + + >>> assigned = assign_params(func, dict(y=3, z=4)) + >>> assigned() + Traceback (most recent call last): + TypeError: func() ...argument... + + It even works on methods: + + >>> class Handler: + ... def meth(self, arg): + ... print(arg) + >>> assign_params(Handler().meth, dict(arg='crystal', foo='clear'))() + crystal + """ + sig = inspect.signature(func) + params = sig.parameters.keys() + call_ns = {k: namespace[k] for k in params if k in namespace} + return functools.partial(func, **call_ns) + + +def save_method_args(method): + """ + Wrap a method such that when it is called, the args and kwargs are + saved on the method. + + >>> class MyClass: + ... @save_method_args + ... def method(self, a, b): + ... print(a, b) + >>> my_ob = MyClass() + >>> my_ob.method(1, 2) + 1 2 + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + (1, 2) + >>> my_ob._saved_method.kwargs + {} + >>> my_ob.method(a=3, b='foo') + 3 foo + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + () + >>> my_ob._saved_method.kwargs == dict(a=3, b='foo') + True + + The arguments are stored on the instance, allowing for + different instance to save different args. + + >>> your_ob = MyClass() + >>> your_ob.method({str('x'): 3}, b=[4]) + {'x': 3} [4] + >>> your_ob._saved_method.args + ({'x': 3},) + >>> my_ob._saved_method.args + () + """ + args_and_kwargs = collections.namedtuple('args_and_kwargs', 'args kwargs') + + @functools.wraps(method) + def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): + attr_name = '_saved_' + method.__name__ + attr = args_and_kwargs(args, kwargs) + setattr(self, attr_name, attr) + return method(self, *args, **kwargs) + + return wrapper + + +def except_(*exceptions, replace=None, use=None): + """ + Replace the indicated exceptions, if raised, with the indicated + literal replacement or evaluated expression (if present). + + >>> safe_int = except_(ValueError)(int) + >>> safe_int('five') + >>> safe_int('5') + 5 + + Specify a literal replacement with ``replace``. + + >>> safe_int_r = except_(ValueError, replace=0)(int) + >>> safe_int_r('five') + 0 + + Provide an expression to ``use`` to pass through particular parameters. + + >>> safe_int_pt = except_(ValueError, use='args[0]')(int) + >>> safe_int_pt('five') + 'five' + + """ + + def decorate(func): + @functools.wraps(func) + def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + try: + return func(*args, **kwargs) + except exceptions: + try: + return eval(use) + except TypeError: + return replace + + return wrapper + + return decorate diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0306d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,599 @@ +import re +import itertools +import textwrap +import functools + +try: + from importlib.resources import files # type: ignore +except ImportError: # pragma: nocover + from setuptools.extern.importlib_resources import files # type: ignore + +from setuptools.extern.jaraco.functools import compose, method_cache +from setuptools.extern.jaraco.context import ExceptionTrap + + +def substitution(old, new): + """ + Return a function that will perform a substitution on a string + """ + return lambda s: s.replace(old, new) + + +def multi_substitution(*substitutions): + """ + Take a sequence of pairs specifying substitutions, and create + a function that performs those substitutions. + + >>> multi_substitution(('foo', 'bar'), ('bar', 'baz'))('foo') + 'baz' + """ + substitutions = itertools.starmap(substitution, substitutions) + # compose function applies last function first, so reverse the + # substitutions to get the expected order. + substitutions = reversed(tuple(substitutions)) + return compose(*substitutions) + + +class FoldedCase(str): + """ + A case insensitive string class; behaves just like str + except compares equal when the only variation is case. + + >>> s = FoldedCase('hello world') + + >>> s == 'Hello World' + True + + >>> 'Hello World' == s + True + + >>> s != 'Hello World' + False + + >>> s.index('O') + 4 + + >>> s.split('O') + ['hell', ' w', 'rld'] + + >>> sorted(map(FoldedCase, ['GAMMA', 'alpha', 'Beta'])) + ['alpha', 'Beta', 'GAMMA'] + + Sequence membership is straightforward. + + >>> "Hello World" in [s] + True + >>> s in ["Hello World"] + True + + You may test for set inclusion, but candidate and elements + must both be folded. + + >>> FoldedCase("Hello World") in {s} + True + >>> s in {FoldedCase("Hello World")} + True + + String inclusion works as long as the FoldedCase object + is on the right. + + >>> "hello" in FoldedCase("Hello World") + True + + But not if the FoldedCase object is on the left: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') in 'Hello World' + False + + In that case, use ``in_``: + + >>> FoldedCase('hello').in_('Hello World') + True + + >>> FoldedCase('hello') > FoldedCase('Hello') + False + """ + + def __lt__(self, other): + return self.lower() < other.lower() + + def __gt__(self, other): + return self.lower() > other.lower() + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self.lower() == other.lower() + + def __ne__(self, other): + return self.lower() != other.lower() + + def __hash__(self): + return hash(self.lower()) + + def __contains__(self, other): + return super().lower().__contains__(other.lower()) + + def in_(self, other): + "Does self appear in other?" + return self in FoldedCase(other) + + # cache lower since it's likely to be called frequently. + @method_cache + def lower(self): + return super().lower() + + def index(self, sub): + return self.lower().index(sub.lower()) + + def split(self, splitter=' ', maxsplit=0): + pattern = re.compile(re.escape(splitter), re.I) + return pattern.split(self, maxsplit) + + +# Python 3.8 compatibility +_unicode_trap = ExceptionTrap(UnicodeDecodeError) + + +@_unicode_trap.passes +def is_decodable(value): + r""" + Return True if the supplied value is decodable (using the default + encoding). + + >>> is_decodable(b'\xff') + False + >>> is_decodable(b'\x32') + True + """ + value.decode() + + +def is_binary(value): + r""" + Return True if the value appears to be binary (that is, it's a byte + string and isn't decodable). + + >>> is_binary(b'\xff') + True + >>> is_binary('\xff') + False + """ + return isinstance(value, bytes) and not is_decodable(value) + + +def trim(s): + r""" + Trim something like a docstring to remove the whitespace that + is common due to indentation and formatting. + + >>> trim("\n\tfoo = bar\n\t\tbar = baz\n") + 'foo = bar\n\tbar = baz' + """ + return textwrap.dedent(s).strip() + + +def wrap(s): + """ + Wrap lines of text, retaining existing newlines as + paragraph markers. + + >>> print(wrap(lorem_ipsum)) + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do + eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad + minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut + aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in + reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla + pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in + culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. + + Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci a odio. Nullam + varius, turpis et commodo pharetra, est eros bibendum elit, nec luctus + magna felis sollicitudin mauris. Integer in mauris eu nibh euismod + gravida. Duis ac tellus et risus vulputate vehicula. Donec lobortis + risus a elit. Etiam tempor. Ut ullamcorper, ligula eu tempor congue, + eros est euismod turpis, id tincidunt sapien risus a quam. Maecenas + fermentum consequat mi. Donec fermentum. Pellentesque malesuada nulla + a mi. Duis sapien sem, aliquet nec, commodo eget, consequat quis, + neque. Aliquam faucibus, elit ut dictum aliquet, felis nisl adipiscing + sapien, sed malesuada diam lacus eget erat. Cras mollis scelerisque + nunc. Nullam arcu. Aliquam consequat. Curabitur augue lorem, dapibus + quis, laoreet et, pretium ac, nisi. Aenean magna nisl, mollis quis, + molestie eu, feugiat in, orci. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. + """ + paragraphs = s.splitlines() + wrapped = ('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(para)) for para in paragraphs) + return '\n\n'.join(wrapped) + + +def unwrap(s): + r""" + Given a multi-line string, return an unwrapped version. + + >>> wrapped = wrap(lorem_ipsum) + >>> wrapped.count('\n') + 20 + >>> unwrapped = unwrap(wrapped) + >>> unwrapped.count('\n') + 1 + >>> print(unwrapped) + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing ... + Curabitur pretium tincidunt lacus. Nulla gravida orci ... + + """ + paragraphs = re.split(r'\n\n+', s) + cleaned = (para.replace('\n', ' ') for para in paragraphs) + return '\n'.join(cleaned) + + + + +class Splitter(object): + """object that will split a string with the given arguments for each call + + >>> s = Splitter(',') + >>> s('hello, world, this is your, master calling') + ['hello', ' world', ' this is your', ' master calling'] + """ + + def __init__(self, *args): + self.args = args + + def __call__(self, s): + return s.split(*self.args) + + +def indent(string, prefix=' ' * 4): + """ + >>> indent('foo') + ' foo' + """ + return prefix + string + + +class WordSet(tuple): + """ + Given an identifier, return the words that identifier represents, + whether in camel case, underscore-separated, etc. + + >>> WordSet.parse("camelCase") + ('camel', 'Case') + + >>> WordSet.parse("under_sep") + ('under', 'sep') + + Acronyms should be retained + + >>> WordSet.parse("firstSNL") + ('first', 'SNL') + + >>> WordSet.parse("you_and_I") + ('you', 'and', 'I') + + >>> WordSet.parse("A simple test") + ('A', 'simple', 'test') + + Multiple caps should not interfere with the first cap of another word. + + >>> WordSet.parse("myABCClass") + ('my', 'ABC', 'Class') + + The result is a WordSet, so you can get the form you need. + + >>> WordSet.parse("myABCClass").underscore_separated() + 'my_ABC_Class' + + >>> WordSet.parse('a-command').camel_case() + 'ACommand' + + >>> WordSet.parse('someIdentifier').lowered().space_separated() + 'some identifier' + + Slices of the result should return another WordSet. + + >>> WordSet.parse('taken-out-of-context')[1:].underscore_separated() + 'out_of_context' + + >>> WordSet.from_class_name(WordSet()).lowered().space_separated() + 'word set' + + >>> example = WordSet.parse('figured it out') + >>> example.headless_camel_case() + 'figuredItOut' + >>> example.dash_separated() + 'figured-it-out' + + """ + + _pattern = re.compile('([A-Z]?[a-z]+)|([A-Z]+(?![a-z]))') + + def capitalized(self): + return WordSet(word.capitalize() for word in self) + + def lowered(self): + return WordSet(word.lower() for word in self) + + def camel_case(self): + return ''.join(self.capitalized()) + + def headless_camel_case(self): + words = iter(self) + first = next(words).lower() + new_words = itertools.chain((first,), WordSet(words).camel_case()) + return ''.join(new_words) + + def underscore_separated(self): + return '_'.join(self) + + def dash_separated(self): + return '-'.join(self) + + def space_separated(self): + return ' '.join(self) + + def trim_right(self, item): + """ + Remove the item from the end of the set. + + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_right('foo') + ('foo', 'bar') + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_right('bar') + ('foo',) + >>> WordSet.parse('').trim_right('bar') + () + """ + return self[:-1] if self and self[-1] == item else self + + def trim_left(self, item): + """ + Remove the item from the beginning of the set. + + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_left('foo') + ('bar',) + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim_left('bar') + ('foo', 'bar') + >>> WordSet.parse('').trim_left('bar') + () + """ + return self[1:] if self and self[0] == item else self + + def trim(self, item): + """ + >>> WordSet.parse('foo bar').trim('foo') + ('bar',) + """ + return self.trim_left(item).trim_right(item) + + def __getitem__(self, item): + result = super(WordSet, self).__getitem__(item) + if isinstance(item, slice): + result = WordSet(result) + return result + + @classmethod + def parse(cls, identifier): + matches = cls._pattern.finditer(identifier) + return WordSet(match.group(0) for match in matches) + + @classmethod + def from_class_name(cls, subject): + return cls.parse(subject.__class__.__name__) + + +# for backward compatibility +words = WordSet.parse + + +def simple_html_strip(s): + r""" + Remove HTML from the string `s`. + + >>> str(simple_html_strip('')) + '' + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('A stormy day in paradise')) + A stormy day in paradise + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('Somebody tell the truth.')) + Somebody tell the truth. + + >>> print(simple_html_strip('What about
\nmultiple lines?')) + What about + multiple lines? + """ + html_stripper = re.compile('()|(<[^>]*>)|([^<]+)', re.DOTALL) + texts = (match.group(3) or '' for match in html_stripper.finditer(s)) + return ''.join(texts) + + +class SeparatedValues(str): + """ + A string separated by a separator. Overrides __iter__ for getting + the values. + + >>> list(SeparatedValues('a,b,c')) + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + + Whitespace is stripped and empty values are discarded. + + >>> list(SeparatedValues(' a, b , c, ')) + ['a', 'b', 'c'] + """ + + separator = ',' + + def __iter__(self): + parts = self.split(self.separator) + return filter(None, (part.strip() for part in parts)) + + +class Stripper: + r""" + Given a series of lines, find the common prefix and strip it from them. + + >>> lines = [ + ... 'abcdefg\n', + ... 'abc\n', + ... 'abcde\n', + ... ] + >>> res = Stripper.strip_prefix(lines) + >>> res.prefix + 'abc' + >>> list(res.lines) + ['defg\n', '\n', 'de\n'] + + If no prefix is common, nothing should be stripped. + + >>> lines = [ + ... 'abcd\n', + ... '1234\n', + ... ] + >>> res = Stripper.strip_prefix(lines) + >>> res.prefix = '' + >>> list(res.lines) + ['abcd\n', '1234\n'] + """ + + def __init__(self, prefix, lines): + self.prefix = prefix + self.lines = map(self, lines) + + @classmethod + def strip_prefix(cls, lines): + prefix_lines, lines = itertools.tee(lines) + prefix = functools.reduce(cls.common_prefix, prefix_lines) + return cls(prefix, lines) + + def __call__(self, line): + if not self.prefix: + return line + null, prefix, rest = line.partition(self.prefix) + return rest + + @staticmethod + def common_prefix(s1, s2): + """ + Return the common prefix of two lines. + """ + index = min(len(s1), len(s2)) + while s1[:index] != s2[:index]: + index -= 1 + return s1[:index] + + +def remove_prefix(text, prefix): + """ + Remove the prefix from the text if it exists. + + >>> remove_prefix('underwhelming performance', 'underwhelming ') + 'performance' + + >>> remove_prefix('something special', 'sample') + 'something special' + """ + null, prefix, rest = text.rpartition(prefix) + return rest + + +def remove_suffix(text, suffix): + """ + Remove the suffix from the text if it exists. + + >>> remove_suffix('name.git', '.git') + 'name' + + >>> remove_suffix('something special', 'sample') + 'something special' + """ + rest, suffix, null = text.partition(suffix) + return rest + + +def normalize_newlines(text): + r""" + Replace alternate newlines with the canonical newline. + + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\u2029') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\r\n') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + >>> normalize_newlines('Lorem Ipsum\x85') + 'Lorem Ipsum\n' + """ + newlines = ['\r\n', '\r', '\n', '\u0085', '\u2028', '\u2029'] + pattern = '|'.join(newlines) + return re.sub(pattern, '\n', text) + + +def _nonblank(str): + return str and not str.startswith('#') + + +@functools.singledispatch +def yield_lines(iterable): + r""" + Yield valid lines of a string or iterable. + + >>> list(yield_lines('')) + [] + >>> list(yield_lines(['foo', 'bar'])) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> list(yield_lines('foo\nbar')) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> list(yield_lines('\nfoo\n#bar\nbaz #comment')) + ['foo', 'baz #comment'] + >>> list(yield_lines(['foo\nbar', 'baz', 'bing\n\n\n'])) + ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'bing'] + """ + return itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(yield_lines, iterable)) + + +@yield_lines.register(str) +def _(text): + return filter(_nonblank, map(str.strip, text.splitlines())) + + +def drop_comment(line): + """ + Drop comments. + + >>> drop_comment('foo # bar') + 'foo' + + A hash without a space may be in a URL. + + >>> drop_comment('http://example.com/foo#bar') + 'http://example.com/foo#bar' + """ + return line.partition(' #')[0] + + +def join_continuation(lines): + r""" + Join lines continued by a trailing backslash. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar', 'baz'])) + ['foobar', 'baz'] + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar', 'baz'])) + ['foobar', 'baz'] + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo \\', 'bar \\', 'baz'])) + ['foobarbaz'] + + Not sure why, but... + The character preceeding the backslash is also elided. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['goo\\', 'dly'])) + ['godly'] + + A terrible idea, but... + If no line is available to continue, suppress the lines. + + >>> list(join_continuation(['foo', 'bar\\', 'baz\\'])) + ['foo'] + """ + lines = iter(lines) + for item in lines: + while item.endswith('\\'): + try: + item = item[:-2].strip() + next(lines) + except StopIteration: + return + yield item diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b76590f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/text/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d38a2d6..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cad3c9b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index ff22851..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a9d1a2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/more.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index feeeea9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..973e00a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/__pycache__/recipes.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py index 0f7d282..e6fca4d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import warnings from collections import Counter, defaultdict, deque, abc from collections.abc import Sequence -from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial, reduce, wraps from heapq import merge, heapify, heapreplace, heappop from itertools import ( @@ -3454,7 +3453,7 @@ class callback_iter: self._aborted = False self._future = None self._wait_seconds = wait_seconds - self._executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) + self._executor = __import__("concurrent.futures").futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) self._iterator = self._reader() def __enter__(self): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py index 4d99857..3551bc2 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__about__.py @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __all__ = [ "__title__", @@ -18,10 +17,10 @@ __title__ = "packaging" __summary__ = "Core utilities for Python packages" __uri__ = "https://github.com/pypa/packaging" -__version__ = "20.4" +__version__ = "21.3" __author__ = "Donald Stufft and individual contributors" __email__ = "donald@stufft.io" __license__ = "BSD-2-Clause or Apache-2.0" -__copyright__ = "Copyright 2014-2019 %s" % __author__ +__copyright__ = "2014-2019 %s" % __author__ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py index a0cf67d..3c50c5d 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__init__.py @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from .__about__ import ( __author__, diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5cffa78..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e72464 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__about__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index fa2c86f..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b95746d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b4f7be1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5150cb4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_manylinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8863f90 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_musllinux.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3f83b96..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e31c0b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_structures.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4d58d63..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/_typing.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f5fb730..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..31d52ca Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/markers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 709efe1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8f4c12 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/requirements.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d8ee6ca..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a981924 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/specifiers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 92afe55..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5495bca Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/tags.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 633c922..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9189498 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3aefad5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f38ad7f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/__pycache__/version.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py deleted file mode 100644 index e54bd4e..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_compat.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version -# 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository -# for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function - -import sys - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple, Type - - -PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 -PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 - -# flake8: noqa - -if PY3: - string_types = (str,) -else: - string_types = (basestring,) - - -def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): - # type: (Type[Any], Tuple[Type[Any], ...]) -> Any - """ - Create a base class with a metaclass. - """ - # This requires a bit of explanation: the basic idea is to make a dummy - # metaclass for one level of class instantiation that replaces itself with - # the actual metaclass. - class metaclass(meta): # type: ignore - def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): - # type: (Type[Any], str, Tuple[Any], Dict[Any, Any]) -> Any - return meta(name, bases, d) - - return type.__new__(metaclass, "temporary_class", (), {}) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c379aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_manylinux.py @@ -0,0 +1,301 @@ +import collections +import functools +import os +import re +import struct +import sys +import warnings +from typing import IO, Dict, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple + + +# Python does not provide platform information at sufficient granularity to +# identify the architecture of the running executable in some cases, so we +# determine it dynamically by reading the information from the running +# process. This only applies on Linux, which uses the ELF format. +class _ELFFileHeader: + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format#File_header + class _InvalidELFFileHeader(ValueError): + """ + An invalid ELF file header was found. + """ + + ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x7F454C46 + ELFCLASS32 = 1 + ELFCLASS64 = 2 + ELFDATA2LSB = 1 + ELFDATA2MSB = 2 + EM_386 = 3 + EM_S390 = 22 + EM_ARM = 40 + EM_X86_64 = 62 + EF_ARM_ABIMASK = 0xFF000000 + EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 = 0x05000000 + EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD = 0x00000400 + + def __init__(self, file: IO[bytes]) -> None: + def unpack(fmt: str) -> int: + try: + data = file.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)) + result: Tuple[int, ...] = struct.unpack(fmt, data) + except struct.error: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + return result[0] + + self.e_ident_magic = unpack(">I") + if self.e_ident_magic != self.ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_class = unpack("B") + if self.e_ident_class not in {self.ELFCLASS32, self.ELFCLASS64}: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_data = unpack("B") + if self.e_ident_data not in {self.ELFDATA2LSB, self.ELFDATA2MSB}: + raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() + self.e_ident_version = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_osabi = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_abiversion = unpack("B") + self.e_ident_pad = file.read(7) + format_h = "H" + format_i = "I" + format_q = "Q" + format_p = format_i if self.e_ident_class == self.ELFCLASS32 else format_q + self.e_type = unpack(format_h) + self.e_machine = unpack(format_h) + self.e_version = unpack(format_i) + self.e_entry = unpack(format_p) + self.e_phoff = unpack(format_p) + self.e_shoff = unpack(format_p) + self.e_flags = unpack(format_i) + self.e_ehsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_phentsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_phnum = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shentsize = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shnum = unpack(format_h) + self.e_shstrndx = unpack(format_h) + + +def _get_elf_header() -> Optional[_ELFFileHeader]: + try: + with open(sys.executable, "rb") as f: + elf_header = _ELFFileHeader(f) + except (OSError, TypeError, _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader): + return None + return elf_header + + +def _is_linux_armhf() -> bool: + # hard-float ABI can be detected from the ELF header of the running + # process + # https://static.docs.arm.com/ihi0044/g/aaelf32.pdf + elf_header = _get_elf_header() + if elf_header is None: + return False + result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 + result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB + result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_ARM + result &= ( + elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABIMASK + ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 + result &= ( + elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD + ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD + return result + + +def _is_linux_i686() -> bool: + elf_header = _get_elf_header() + if elf_header is None: + return False + result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 + result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB + result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_386 + return result + + +def _have_compatible_abi(arch: str) -> bool: + if arch == "armv7l": + return _is_linux_armhf() + if arch == "i686": + return _is_linux_i686() + return arch in {"x86_64", "aarch64", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "s390x"} + + +# If glibc ever changes its major version, we need to know what the last +# minor version was, so we can build the complete list of all versions. +# For now, guess what the highest minor version might be, assume it will +# be 50 for testing. Once this actually happens, update the dictionary +# with the actual value. +_LAST_GLIBC_MINOR: Dict[int, int] = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 50) + + +class _GLibCVersion(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + + +def _glibc_version_string_confstr() -> Optional[str]: + """ + Primary implementation of glibc_version_string using os.confstr. + """ + # os.confstr is quite a bit faster than ctypes.DLL. It's also less likely + # to be broken or missing. This strategy is used in the standard library + # platform module. + # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/fcf1d003bf4f0100c/Lib/platform.py#L175-L183 + try: + # os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") returns a string like "glibc 2.17". + version_string = os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") + assert version_string is not None + _, version = version_string.split() + except (AssertionError, AttributeError, OSError, ValueError): + # os.confstr() or CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION not available (or a bad value)... + return None + return version + + +def _glibc_version_string_ctypes() -> Optional[str]: + """ + Fallback implementation of glibc_version_string using ctypes. + """ + try: + import ctypes + except ImportError: + return None + + # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen + # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the + # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out + # which libc our process is actually using. + # + # We must also handle the special case where the executable is not a + # dynamically linked executable. This can occur when using musl libc, + # for example. In this situation, dlopen() will error, leading to an + # OSError. Interestingly, at least in the case of musl, there is no + # errno set on the OSError. The single string argument used to construct + # OSError comes from libc itself and is therefore not portable to + # hard code here. In any case, failure to call dlopen() means we + # can proceed, so we bail on our attempt. + try: + process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None) + except OSError: + return None + + try: + gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version + except AttributeError: + # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to + # glibc. + return None + + # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5" + gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p + version_str: str = gnu_get_libc_version() + # py2 / py3 compatibility: + if not isinstance(version_str, str): + version_str = version_str.decode("ascii") + + return version_str + + +def _glibc_version_string() -> Optional[str]: + """Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc.""" + return _glibc_version_string_confstr() or _glibc_version_string_ctypes() + + +def _parse_glibc_version(version_str: str) -> Tuple[int, int]: + """Parse glibc version. + + We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any + random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen + in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc + uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588. + """ + m = re.match(r"(?P[0-9]+)\.(?P[0-9]+)", version_str) + if not m: + warnings.warn( + "Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor," + " got: %s" % version_str, + RuntimeWarning, + ) + return -1, -1 + return int(m.group("major")), int(m.group("minor")) + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def _get_glibc_version() -> Tuple[int, int]: + version_str = _glibc_version_string() + if version_str is None: + return (-1, -1) + return _parse_glibc_version(version_str) + + +# From PEP 513, PEP 600 +def _is_compatible(name: str, arch: str, version: _GLibCVersion) -> bool: + sys_glibc = _get_glibc_version() + if sys_glibc < version: + return False + # Check for presence of _manylinux module. + try: + import _manylinux # noqa + except ImportError: + return True + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux_compatible"): + result = _manylinux.manylinux_compatible(version[0], version[1], arch) + if result is not None: + return bool(result) + return True + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 5): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux1_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux1_compatible) + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 12): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux2010_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux2010_compatible) + if version == _GLibCVersion(2, 17): + if hasattr(_manylinux, "manylinux2014_compatible"): + return bool(_manylinux.manylinux2014_compatible) + return True + + +_LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP = { + # CentOS 7 w/ glibc 2.17 (PEP 599) + (2, 17): "manylinux2014", + # CentOS 6 w/ glibc 2.12 (PEP 571) + (2, 12): "manylinux2010", + # CentOS 5 w/ glibc 2.5 (PEP 513) + (2, 5): "manylinux1", +} + + +def platform_tags(linux: str, arch: str) -> Iterator[str]: + if not _have_compatible_abi(arch): + return + # Oldest glibc to be supported regardless of architecture is (2, 17). + too_old_glibc2 = _GLibCVersion(2, 16) + if arch in {"x86_64", "i686"}: + # On x86/i686 also oldest glibc to be supported is (2, 5). + too_old_glibc2 = _GLibCVersion(2, 4) + current_glibc = _GLibCVersion(*_get_glibc_version()) + glibc_max_list = [current_glibc] + # We can assume compatibility across glibc major versions. + # https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=24636 + # + # Build a list of maximum glibc versions so that we can + # output the canonical list of all glibc from current_glibc + # down to too_old_glibc2, including all intermediary versions. + for glibc_major in range(current_glibc.major - 1, 1, -1): + glibc_minor = _LAST_GLIBC_MINOR[glibc_major] + glibc_max_list.append(_GLibCVersion(glibc_major, glibc_minor)) + for glibc_max in glibc_max_list: + if glibc_max.major == too_old_glibc2.major: + min_minor = too_old_glibc2.minor + else: + # For other glibc major versions oldest supported is (x, 0). + min_minor = -1 + for glibc_minor in range(glibc_max.minor, min_minor, -1): + glibc_version = _GLibCVersion(glibc_max.major, glibc_minor) + tag = "manylinux_{}_{}".format(*glibc_version) + if _is_compatible(tag, arch, glibc_version): + yield linux.replace("linux", tag) + # Handle the legacy manylinux1, manylinux2010, manylinux2014 tags. + if glibc_version in _LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP: + legacy_tag = _LEGACY_MANYLINUX_MAP[glibc_version] + if _is_compatible(legacy_tag, arch, glibc_version): + yield linux.replace("linux", legacy_tag) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ac3059 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_musllinux.py @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +"""PEP 656 support. + +This module implements logic to detect if the currently running Python is +linked against musl, and what musl version is used. +""" + +import contextlib +import functools +import operator +import os +import re +import struct +import subprocess +import sys +from typing import IO, Iterator, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple + + +def _read_unpacked(f: IO[bytes], fmt: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: + return struct.unpack(fmt, f.read(struct.calcsize(fmt))) + + +def _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f: IO[bytes]) -> Optional[str]: + """Detect musl libc location by parsing the Python executable. + + Based on: https://gist.github.com/lyssdod/f51579ae8d93c8657a5564aefc2ffbca + ELF header: https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/elf/gabi4+/ch4.eheader.html + """ + f.seek(0) + try: + ident = _read_unpacked(f, "16B") + except struct.error: + return None + if ident[:4] != tuple(b"\x7fELF"): # Invalid magic, not ELF. + return None + f.seek(struct.calcsize("HHI"), 1) # Skip file type, machine, and version. + + try: + # e_fmt: Format for program header. + # p_fmt: Format for section header. + # p_idx: Indexes to find p_type, p_offset, and p_filesz. + e_fmt, p_fmt, p_idx = { + 1: ("IIIIHHH", "IIIIIIII", (0, 1, 4)), # 32-bit. + 2: ("QQQIHHH", "IIQQQQQQ", (0, 2, 5)), # 64-bit. + }[ident[4]] + except KeyError: + return None + else: + p_get = operator.itemgetter(*p_idx) + + # Find the interpreter section and return its content. + try: + _, e_phoff, _, _, _, e_phentsize, e_phnum = _read_unpacked(f, e_fmt) + except struct.error: + return None + for i in range(e_phnum + 1): + f.seek(e_phoff + e_phentsize * i) + try: + p_type, p_offset, p_filesz = p_get(_read_unpacked(f, p_fmt)) + except struct.error: + return None + if p_type != 3: # Not PT_INTERP. + continue + f.seek(p_offset) + interpreter = os.fsdecode(f.read(p_filesz)).strip("\0") + if "musl" not in interpreter: + return None + return interpreter + return None + + +class _MuslVersion(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + + +def _parse_musl_version(output: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]: + lines = [n for n in (n.strip() for n in output.splitlines()) if n] + if len(lines) < 2 or lines[0][:4] != "musl": + return None + m = re.match(r"Version (\d+)\.(\d+)", lines[1]) + if not m: + return None + return _MuslVersion(major=int(m.group(1)), minor=int(m.group(2))) + + +@functools.lru_cache() +def _get_musl_version(executable: str) -> Optional[_MuslVersion]: + """Detect currently-running musl runtime version. + + This is done by checking the specified executable's dynamic linking + information, and invoking the loader to parse its output for a version + string. If the loader is musl, the output would be something like:: + + musl libc (x86_64) + Version 1.2.2 + Dynamic Program Loader + """ + with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: + try: + f = stack.enter_context(open(executable, "rb")) + except OSError: + return None + ld = _parse_ld_musl_from_elf(f) + if not ld: + return None + proc = subprocess.run([ld], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) + return _parse_musl_version(proc.stderr) + + +def platform_tags(arch: str) -> Iterator[str]: + """Generate musllinux tags compatible to the current platform. + + :param arch: Should be the part of platform tag after the ``linux_`` + prefix, e.g. ``x86_64``. The ``linux_`` prefix is assumed as a + prerequisite for the current platform to be musllinux-compatible. + + :returns: An iterator of compatible musllinux tags. + """ + sys_musl = _get_musl_version(sys.executable) + if sys_musl is None: # Python not dynamically linked against musl. + return + for minor in range(sys_musl.minor, -1, -1): + yield f"musllinux_{sys_musl.major}_{minor}_{arch}" + + +if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover + import sysconfig + + plat = sysconfig.get_platform() + assert plat.startswith("linux-"), "not linux" + + print("plat:", plat) + print("musl:", _get_musl_version(sys.executable)) + print("tags:", end=" ") + for t in platform_tags(re.sub(r"[.-]", "_", plat.split("-", 1)[-1])): + print(t, end="\n ") diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py index 800d5c5..90a6465 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_structures.py @@ -1,85 +1,60 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function -class InfinityType(object): - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str +class InfinityType: + def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Infinity" - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self)) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return not isinstance(other, self.__class__) - - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __neg__(self): - # type: (object) -> NegativeInfinityType + def __neg__(self: object) -> "NegativeInfinityType": return NegativeInfinity Infinity = InfinityType() -class NegativeInfinityType(object): - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str +class NegativeInfinityType: + def __repr__(self) -> str: return "-Infinity" - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self)) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __lt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __le__(self, other: object) -> bool: return True - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, self.__class__) - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return not isinstance(other, self.__class__) - - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __gt__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __ge__(self, other: object) -> bool: return False - def __neg__(self): - # type: (object) -> InfinityType + def __neg__(self: object) -> InfinityType: return Infinity diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py deleted file mode 100644 index 77a8b91..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/_typing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -"""For neatly implementing static typing in packaging. - -`mypy` - the static type analysis tool we use - uses the `typing` module, which -provides core functionality fundamental to mypy's functioning. - -Generally, `typing` would be imported at runtime and used in that fashion - -it acts as a no-op at runtime and does not have any run-time overhead by -design. - -As it turns out, `typing` is not vendorable - it uses separate sources for -Python 2/Python 3. Thus, this codebase can not expect it to be present. -To work around this, mypy allows the typing import to be behind a False-y -optional to prevent it from running at runtime and type-comments can be used -to remove the need for the types to be accessible directly during runtime. - -This module provides the False-y guard in a nicely named fashion so that a -curious maintainer can reach here to read this. - -In packaging, all static-typing related imports should be guarded as follows: - - from packaging._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - - if TYPE_CHECKING: - from typing import ... - -Ref: https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3216 -""" - -__all__ = ["TYPE_CHECKING", "cast"] - -# The TYPE_CHECKING constant defined by the typing module is False at runtime -# but True while type checking. -if False: # pragma: no cover - from typing import TYPE_CHECKING -else: - TYPE_CHECKING = False - -# typing's cast syntax requires calling typing.cast at runtime, but we don't -# want to import typing at runtime. Here, we inform the type checkers that -# we're importing `typing.cast` as `cast` and re-implement typing.cast's -# runtime behavior in a block that is ignored by type checkers. -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - # not executed at runtime - from typing import cast -else: - # executed at runtime - def cast(type_, value): # noqa - return value diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/markers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/markers.py index 03fbdfc..eb0541b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/markers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/markers.py @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import operator import os import platform import sys +from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union + +from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ( # noqa: N817 + Forward, + Group, + Literal as L, + ParseException, + ParseResults, + QuotedString, + ZeroOrMore, + stringEnd, + stringStart, +) -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ParseException, ParseResults, stringStart, stringEnd -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore, Group, Forward, QuotedString -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import Literal as L # noqa - -from ._compat import string_types -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING -from .specifiers import Specifier, InvalidSpecifier - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union - - Operator = Callable[[str, str], bool] - +from .specifiers import InvalidSpecifier, Specifier __all__ = [ "InvalidMarker", @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ __all__ = [ "default_environment", ] +Operator = Callable[[str, str], bool] + class InvalidMarker(ValueError): """ @@ -50,39 +52,32 @@ class UndefinedEnvironmentName(ValueError): """ -class Node(object): - def __init__(self, value): - # type: (Any) -> None +class Node: + def __init__(self, value: Any) -> None: self.value = value - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.value) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "<{0}({1!r})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}('{self}')>" - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError class Variable(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: return str(self) class Value(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str - return '"{0}"'.format(self) + def serialize(self) -> str: + return f'"{self}"' class Op(Node): - def serialize(self): - # type: () -> str + def serialize(self) -> str: return str(self) @@ -143,18 +138,18 @@ MARKER_EXPR << MARKER_ATOM + ZeroOrMore(BOOLOP + MARKER_EXPR) MARKER = stringStart + MARKER_EXPR + stringEnd -def _coerce_parse_result(results): - # type: (Union[ParseResults, List[Any]]) -> List[Any] +def _coerce_parse_result(results: Union[ParseResults, List[Any]]) -> List[Any]: if isinstance(results, ParseResults): return [_coerce_parse_result(i) for i in results] else: return results -def _format_marker(marker, first=True): - # type: (Union[List[str], Tuple[Node, ...], str], Optional[bool]) -> str +def _format_marker( + marker: Union[List[str], Tuple[Node, ...], str], first: Optional[bool] = True +) -> str: - assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types)) + assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, str)) # Sometimes we have a structure like [[...]] which is a single item list # where the single item is itself it's own list. In that case we want skip @@ -179,7 +174,7 @@ def _format_marker(marker, first=True): return marker -_operators = { +_operators: Dict[str, Operator] = { "in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs in rhs, "not in": lambda lhs, rhs: lhs not in rhs, "<": operator.lt, @@ -188,11 +183,10 @@ _operators = { "!=": operator.ne, ">=": operator.ge, ">": operator.gt, -} # type: Dict[str, Operator] +} -def _eval_op(lhs, op, rhs): - # type: (str, Op, str) -> bool +def _eval_op(lhs: str, op: Op, rhs: str) -> bool: try: spec = Specifier("".join([op.serialize(), rhs])) except InvalidSpecifier: @@ -200,40 +194,36 @@ def _eval_op(lhs, op, rhs): else: return spec.contains(lhs) - oper = _operators.get(op.serialize()) # type: Optional[Operator] + oper: Optional[Operator] = _operators.get(op.serialize()) if oper is None: - raise UndefinedComparison( - "Undefined {0!r} on {1!r} and {2!r}.".format(op, lhs, rhs) - ) + raise UndefinedComparison(f"Undefined {op!r} on {lhs!r} and {rhs!r}.") return oper(lhs, rhs) -class Undefined(object): +class Undefined: pass _undefined = Undefined() -def _get_env(environment, name): - # type: (Dict[str, str], str) -> str - value = environment.get(name, _undefined) # type: Union[str, Undefined] +def _get_env(environment: Dict[str, str], name: str) -> str: + value: Union[str, Undefined] = environment.get(name, _undefined) if isinstance(value, Undefined): raise UndefinedEnvironmentName( - "{0!r} does not exist in evaluation environment.".format(name) + f"{name!r} does not exist in evaluation environment." ) return value -def _evaluate_markers(markers, environment): - # type: (List[Any], Dict[str, str]) -> bool - groups = [[]] # type: List[List[bool]] +def _evaluate_markers(markers: List[Any], environment: Dict[str, str]) -> bool: + groups: List[List[bool]] = [[]] for marker in markers: - assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, string_types)) + assert isinstance(marker, (list, tuple, str)) if isinstance(marker, list): groups[-1].append(_evaluate_markers(marker, environment)) @@ -256,8 +246,7 @@ def _evaluate_markers(markers, environment): return any(all(item) for item in groups) -def format_full_version(info): - # type: (sys._version_info) -> str +def format_full_version(info: "sys._version_info") -> str: version = "{0.major}.{0.minor}.{0.micro}".format(info) kind = info.releaselevel if kind != "final": @@ -265,18 +254,9 @@ def format_full_version(info): return version -def default_environment(): - # type: () -> Dict[str, str] - if hasattr(sys, "implementation"): - # Ignoring the `sys.implementation` reference for type checking due to - # mypy not liking that the attribute doesn't exist in Python 2.7 when - # run with the `--py27` flag. - iver = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version) # type: ignore - implementation_name = sys.implementation.name # type: ignore - else: - iver = "0" - implementation_name = "" - +def default_environment() -> Dict[str, str]: + iver = format_full_version(sys.implementation.version) + implementation_name = sys.implementation.name return { "implementation_name": implementation_name, "implementation_version": iver, @@ -292,27 +272,23 @@ def default_environment(): } -class Marker(object): - def __init__(self, marker): - # type: (str) -> None +class Marker: + def __init__(self, marker: str) -> None: try: self._markers = _coerce_parse_result(MARKER.parseString(marker)) except ParseException as e: - err_str = "Invalid marker: {0!r}, parse error at {1!r}".format( - marker, marker[e.loc : e.loc + 8] + raise InvalidMarker( + f"Invalid marker: {marker!r}, parse error at " + f"{marker[e.loc : e.loc + 8]!r}" ) - raise InvalidMarker(err_str) - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return _format_marker(self._markers) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" - def evaluate(self, environment=None): - # type: (Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> bool + def evaluate(self, environment: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None) -> bool: """Evaluate a marker. Return the boolean from evaluating the given marker against the diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py index 5d50c7d..0d93231 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/requirements.py @@ -1,23 +1,28 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function -import string import re +import string +import urllib.parse +from typing import List, Optional as TOptional, Set + +from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ( # noqa + Combine, + Literal as L, + Optional, + ParseException, + Regex, + Word, + ZeroOrMore, + originalTextFor, + stringEnd, + stringStart, +) -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import stringStart, stringEnd, originalTextFor, ParseException -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import ZeroOrMore, Word, Optional, Regex, Combine -from setuptools.extern.pyparsing import Literal as L # noqa -from urllib import parse as urlparse - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .markers import MARKER_EXPR, Marker from .specifiers import LegacySpecifier, Specifier, SpecifierSet -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import List - class InvalidRequirement(ValueError): """ @@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ VERSION_ONE = VERSION_PEP440 ^ VERSION_LEGACY VERSION_MANY = Combine( VERSION_ONE + ZeroOrMore(COMMA + VERSION_ONE), joinString=",", adjacent=False )("_raw_spec") -_VERSION_SPEC = Optional(((LPAREN + VERSION_MANY + RPAREN) | VERSION_MANY)) +_VERSION_SPEC = Optional((LPAREN + VERSION_MANY + RPAREN) | VERSION_MANY) _VERSION_SPEC.setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: t._raw_spec or "") VERSION_SPEC = originalTextFor(_VERSION_SPEC)("specifier") @@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ REQUIREMENT = stringStart + NAMED_REQUIREMENT + stringEnd REQUIREMENT.parseString("x[]") -class Requirement(object): +class Requirement: """Parse a requirement. Parse a given requirement string into its parts, such as name, specifier, @@ -92,54 +97,50 @@ class Requirement(object): # the thing as well as the version? What about the markers? # TODO: Can we normalize the name and extra name? - def __init__(self, requirement_string): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, requirement_string: str) -> None: try: req = REQUIREMENT.parseString(requirement_string) except ParseException as e: raise InvalidRequirement( - 'Parse error at "{0!r}": {1}'.format( - requirement_string[e.loc : e.loc + 8], e.msg - ) + f'Parse error at "{ requirement_string[e.loc : e.loc + 8]!r}": {e.msg}' ) - self.name = req.name + self.name: str = req.name if req.url: - parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(req.url) + parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(req.url) if parsed_url.scheme == "file": - if urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_url) != req.url: + if urllib.parse.urlunparse(parsed_url) != req.url: raise InvalidRequirement("Invalid URL given") elif not (parsed_url.scheme and parsed_url.netloc) or ( not parsed_url.scheme and not parsed_url.netloc ): - raise InvalidRequirement("Invalid URL: {0}".format(req.url)) - self.url = req.url + raise InvalidRequirement(f"Invalid URL: {req.url}") + self.url: TOptional[str] = req.url else: self.url = None - self.extras = set(req.extras.asList() if req.extras else []) - self.specifier = SpecifierSet(req.specifier) - self.marker = req.marker if req.marker else None + self.extras: Set[str] = set(req.extras.asList() if req.extras else []) + self.specifier: SpecifierSet = SpecifierSet(req.specifier) + self.marker: TOptional[Marker] = req.marker if req.marker else None - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - parts = [self.name] # type: List[str] + def __str__(self) -> str: + parts: List[str] = [self.name] if self.extras: - parts.append("[{0}]".format(",".join(sorted(self.extras)))) + formatted_extras = ",".join(sorted(self.extras)) + parts.append(f"[{formatted_extras}]") if self.specifier: parts.append(str(self.specifier)) if self.url: - parts.append("@ {0}".format(self.url)) + parts.append(f"@ {self.url}") if self.marker: parts.append(" ") if self.marker: - parts.append("; {0}".format(self.marker)) + parts.append(f"; {self.marker}") return "".join(parts) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(str(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py index fe09bb1..0e218a6 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/specifiers.py @@ -1,34 +1,33 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import abc import functools import itertools import re +import warnings +from typing import ( + Callable, + Dict, + Iterable, + Iterator, + List, + Optional, + Pattern, + Set, + Tuple, + TypeVar, + Union, +) -from ._compat import string_types, with_metaclass -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING from .utils import canonicalize_version -from .version import Version, LegacyVersion, parse - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import ( - List, - Dict, - Union, - Iterable, - Iterator, - Optional, - Callable, - Tuple, - FrozenSet, - ) +from .version import LegacyVersion, Version, parse - ParsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion] - UnparsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion, str] - CallableOperator = Callable[[ParsedVersion, str], bool] +ParsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion] +UnparsedVersion = Union[Version, LegacyVersion, str] +VersionTypeVar = TypeVar("VersionTypeVar", bound=UnparsedVersion) +CallableOperator = Callable[[ParsedVersion, str], bool] class InvalidSpecifier(ValueError): @@ -37,64 +36,51 @@ class InvalidSpecifier(ValueError): """ -class BaseSpecifier(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): # type: ignore +class BaseSpecifier(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): @abc.abstractmethod - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: """ Returns the str representation of this Specifier like object. This should be representative of the Specifier itself. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: """ Returns a hash value for this Specifier like object. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like objects are equal. """ - @abc.abstractmethod - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - """ - Returns a boolean representing whether or not the two Specifier like - objects are not equal. - """ - @abc.abstractproperty - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: """ Returns whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this specifier. """ @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: """ Sets whether or not pre-releases as a whole are allowed by this specifier. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains(self, item: str, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool: """ Determines if the given item is contained within this specifier. """ @abc.abstractmethod - def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None): - # type: (Iterable[UnparsedVersion], Optional[bool]) -> Iterable[UnparsedVersion] + def filter( + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: """ Takes an iterable of items and filters them so that only items which are contained within this specifier are allowed in it. @@ -103,48 +89,43 @@ class BaseSpecifier(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): # type: ignore class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): - _operators = {} # type: Dict[str, str] + _operators: Dict[str, str] = {} + _regex: Pattern[str] - def __init__(self, spec="", prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> None + def __init__(self, spec: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: match = self._regex.search(spec) if not match: - raise InvalidSpecifier("Invalid specifier: '{0}'".format(spec)) + raise InvalidSpecifier(f"Invalid specifier: '{spec}'") - self._spec = ( + self._spec: Tuple[str, str] = ( match.group("operator").strip(), match.group("version").strip(), - ) # type: Tuple[str, str] + ) # Store whether or not this Specifier should accept prereleases self._prereleases = prereleases - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __repr__(self) -> str: pre = ( - ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases) + f", prereleases={self.prereleases!r}" if self._prereleases is not None else "" ) - return "<{0}({1!r}{2})>".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self), pre) + return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)!r}{pre})>" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "{0}{1}".format(*self._spec) + def __str__(self) -> str: + return "{}{}".format(*self._spec) @property - def _canonical_spec(self): - # type: () -> Tuple[str, Union[Version, str]] + def _canonical_spec(self) -> Tuple[str, str]: return self._spec[0], canonicalize_version(self._spec[1]) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._canonical_spec) - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, string_types): + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if isinstance(other, str): try: other = self.__class__(str(other)) except InvalidSpecifier: @@ -154,57 +135,39 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): return self._canonical_spec == other._canonical_spec - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, string_types): - try: - other = self.__class__(str(other)) - except InvalidSpecifier: - return NotImplemented - elif not isinstance(other, self.__class__): - return NotImplemented - - return self._spec != other._spec - - def _get_operator(self, op): - # type: (str) -> CallableOperator - operator_callable = getattr( - self, "_compare_{0}".format(self._operators[op]) - ) # type: CallableOperator + def _get_operator(self, op: str) -> CallableOperator: + operator_callable: CallableOperator = getattr( + self, f"_compare_{self._operators[op]}" + ) return operator_callable - def _coerce_version(self, version): - # type: (UnparsedVersion) -> ParsedVersion + def _coerce_version(self, version: UnparsedVersion) -> ParsedVersion: if not isinstance(version, (LegacyVersion, Version)): version = parse(version) return version @property - def operator(self): - # type: () -> str + def operator(self) -> str: return self._spec[0] @property - def version(self): - # type: () -> str + def version(self) -> str: return self._spec[1] @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: return self._prereleases @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value - def __contains__(self, item): - # type: (str) -> bool + def __contains__(self, item: str) -> bool: return self.contains(item) - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (UnparsedVersion, Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains( + self, item: UnparsedVersion, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> bool: # Determine if prereleases are to be allowed or not. if prereleases is None: @@ -222,11 +185,12 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): # Actually do the comparison to determine if this item is contained # within this Specifier or not. - operator_callable = self._get_operator(self.operator) # type: CallableOperator + operator_callable: CallableOperator = self._get_operator(self.operator) return operator_callable(normalized_item, self.version) - def filter(self, iterable, prereleases=None): - # type: (Iterable[UnparsedVersion], Optional[bool]) -> Iterable[UnparsedVersion] + def filter( + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: yielded = False found_prereleases = [] @@ -240,7 +204,7 @@ class _IndividualSpecifier(BaseSpecifier): if self.contains(parsed_version, **kw): # If our version is a prerelease, and we were not set to allow - # prereleases, then we'll store it for later incase nothing + # prereleases, then we'll store it for later in case nothing # else matches this specifier. if parsed_version.is_prerelease and not ( prereleases or self.prereleases @@ -285,44 +249,46 @@ class LegacySpecifier(_IndividualSpecifier): ">": "greater_than", } - def _coerce_version(self, version): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str]) -> LegacyVersion + def __init__(self, spec: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None) -> None: + super().__init__(spec, prereleases) + + warnings.warn( + "Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be " + "removed in the next major release", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + + def _coerce_version(self, version: UnparsedVersion) -> LegacyVersion: if not isinstance(version, LegacyVersion): version = LegacyVersion(str(version)) return version - def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective == self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective != self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective <= self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than_equal( + self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str + ) -> bool: return prospective >= self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective < self._coerce_version(spec) - def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (LegacyVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective: LegacyVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return prospective > self._coerce_version(spec) def _require_version_compare( - fn # type: (Callable[[Specifier, ParsedVersion, str], bool]) -): - # type: (...) -> Callable[[Specifier, ParsedVersion, str], bool] + fn: Callable[["Specifier", ParsedVersion, str], bool] +) -> Callable[["Specifier", ParsedVersion, str], bool]: @functools.wraps(fn) - def wrapped(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (Specifier, ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def wrapped(self: "Specifier", prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: if not isinstance(prospective, Version): return False return fn(self, prospective, spec) @@ -439,8 +405,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): } @_require_version_compare - def _compare_compatible(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_compatible(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # Compatible releases have an equivalent combination of >= and ==. That # is that ~=2.2 is equivalent to >=2.2,==2.*. This allows us to @@ -449,15 +414,9 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): # the other specifiers. # We want everything but the last item in the version, but we want to - # ignore post and dev releases and we want to treat the pre-release as - # it's own separate segment. + # ignore suffix segments. prefix = ".".join( - list( - itertools.takewhile( - lambda x: (not x.startswith("post") and not x.startswith("dev")), - _version_split(spec), - ) - )[:-1] + list(itertools.takewhile(_is_not_suffix, _version_split(spec)))[:-1] ) # Add the prefix notation to the end of our string @@ -468,8 +427,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): ) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # We need special logic to handle prefix matching if spec.endswith(".*"): @@ -509,13 +467,11 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return prospective == spec_version @_require_version_compare - def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_not_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: return not self._compare_equal(prospective, spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than_equal(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str) -> bool: # NB: Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in the version # specifier, so local version labels can be universally removed from @@ -523,8 +479,9 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return Version(prospective.public) <= Version(spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_greater_than_equal(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than_equal( + self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec: str + ) -> bool: # NB: Local version identifiers are NOT permitted in the version # specifier, so local version labels can be universally removed from @@ -532,8 +489,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return Version(prospective.public) >= Version(spec) @_require_version_compare - def _compare_less_than(self, prospective, spec_str): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_less_than(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec_str: str) -> bool: # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with # it as a version. @@ -559,8 +515,7 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return True @_require_version_compare - def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective, spec_str): - # type: (ParsedVersion, str) -> bool + def _compare_greater_than(self, prospective: ParsedVersion, spec_str: str) -> bool: # Convert our spec to a Version instance, since we'll want to work with # it as a version. @@ -591,13 +546,11 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): # same version in the spec. return True - def _compare_arbitrary(self, prospective, spec): - # type: (Version, str) -> bool + def _compare_arbitrary(self, prospective: Version, spec: str) -> bool: return str(prospective).lower() == str(spec).lower() @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> bool + def prereleases(self) -> bool: # If there is an explicit prereleases set for this, then we'll just # blindly use that. @@ -622,17 +575,15 @@ class Specifier(_IndividualSpecifier): return False @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value _prefix_regex = re.compile(r"^([0-9]+)((?:a|b|c|rc)[0-9]+)$") -def _version_split(version): - # type: (str) -> List[str] - result = [] # type: List[str] +def _version_split(version: str) -> List[str]: + result: List[str] = [] for item in version.split("."): match = _prefix_regex.search(item) if match: @@ -642,8 +593,13 @@ def _version_split(version): return result -def _pad_version(left, right): - # type: (List[str], List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]] +def _is_not_suffix(segment: str) -> bool: + return not any( + segment.startswith(prefix) for prefix in ("dev", "a", "b", "rc", "post") + ) + + +def _pad_version(left: List[str], right: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: left_split, right_split = [], [] # Get the release segment of our versions @@ -662,8 +618,9 @@ def _pad_version(left, right): class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): - def __init__(self, specifiers="", prereleases=None): - # type: (str, Optional[bool]) -> None + def __init__( + self, specifiers: str = "", prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> None: # Split on , to break each individual specifier into it's own item, and # strip each item to remove leading/trailing whitespace. @@ -671,7 +628,7 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # Parsed each individual specifier, attempting first to make it a # Specifier and falling back to a LegacySpecifier. - parsed = set() + parsed: Set[_IndividualSpecifier] = set() for specifier in split_specifiers: try: parsed.add(Specifier(specifier)) @@ -685,27 +642,23 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # we accept prereleases or not. self._prereleases = prereleases - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __repr__(self) -> str: pre = ( - ", prereleases={0!r}".format(self.prereleases) + f", prereleases={self.prereleases!r}" if self._prereleases is not None else "" ) - return "".format(str(self), pre) + return f"" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: return ",".join(sorted(str(s) for s in self._specs)) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._specs) - def __and__(self, other): - # type: (Union[SpecifierSet, str]) -> SpecifierSet - if isinstance(other, string_types): + def __and__(self, other: Union["SpecifierSet", str]) -> "SpecifierSet": + if isinstance(other, str): other = SpecifierSet(other) elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): return NotImplemented @@ -727,35 +680,22 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return specifier - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, (string_types, _IndividualSpecifier)): + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if isinstance(other, (str, _IndividualSpecifier)): other = SpecifierSet(str(other)) elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): return NotImplemented return self._specs == other._specs - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - if isinstance(other, (string_types, _IndividualSpecifier)): - other = SpecifierSet(str(other)) - elif not isinstance(other, SpecifierSet): - return NotImplemented - - return self._specs != other._specs - - def __len__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._specs) - def __iter__(self): - # type: () -> Iterator[FrozenSet[_IndividualSpecifier]] + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_IndividualSpecifier]: return iter(self._specs) @property - def prereleases(self): - # type: () -> Optional[bool] + def prereleases(self) -> Optional[bool]: # If we have been given an explicit prerelease modifier, then we'll # pass that through here. @@ -773,16 +713,15 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return any(s.prereleases for s in self._specs) @prereleases.setter - def prereleases(self, value): - # type: (bool) -> None + def prereleases(self, value: bool) -> None: self._prereleases = value - def __contains__(self, item): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str]) -> bool + def __contains__(self, item: UnparsedVersion) -> bool: return self.contains(item) - def contains(self, item, prereleases=None): - # type: (Union[ParsedVersion, str], Optional[bool]) -> bool + def contains( + self, item: UnparsedVersion, prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> bool: # Ensure that our item is a Version or LegacyVersion instance. if not isinstance(item, (LegacyVersion, Version)): @@ -810,11 +749,8 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): return all(s.contains(item, prereleases=prereleases) for s in self._specs) def filter( - self, - iterable, # type: Iterable[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] - prereleases=None, # type: Optional[bool] - ): - # type: (...) -> Iterable[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] + self, iterable: Iterable[VersionTypeVar], prereleases: Optional[bool] = None + ) -> Iterable[VersionTypeVar]: # Determine if we're forcing a prerelease or not, if we're not forcing # one for this particular filter call, then we'll use whatever the @@ -833,8 +769,11 @@ class SpecifierSet(BaseSpecifier): # which will filter out any pre-releases, unless there are no final # releases, and which will filter out LegacyVersion in general. else: - filtered = [] # type: List[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] - found_prereleases = [] # type: List[Union[ParsedVersion, str]] + filtered: List[VersionTypeVar] = [] + found_prereleases: List[VersionTypeVar] = [] + + item: UnparsedVersion + parsed_version: Union[Version, LegacyVersion] for item in iterable: # Ensure that we some kind of Version class for this item. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/tags.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/tags.py index 9064910..9a3d25a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/tags.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/tags.py @@ -2,62 +2,44 @@ # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import - -import distutils.util - -try: - from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES -except ImportError: # pragma: no cover - import imp - - EXTENSION_SUFFIXES = [x[0] for x in imp.get_suffixes()] - del imp import logging -import os import platform -import re -import struct import sys import sysconfig -import warnings - -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import ( - Dict, - FrozenSet, - IO, - Iterable, - Iterator, - List, - Optional, - Sequence, - Tuple, - Union, - ) - - PythonVersion = Sequence[int] - MacVersion = Tuple[int, int] - GlibcVersion = Tuple[int, int] - +from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES +from typing import ( + Dict, + FrozenSet, + Iterable, + Iterator, + List, + Optional, + Sequence, + Tuple, + Union, + cast, +) + +from . import _manylinux, _musllinux logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) -INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES = { +PythonVersion = Sequence[int] +MacVersion = Tuple[int, int] + +INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES: Dict[str, str] = { "python": "py", # Generic. "cpython": "cp", "pypy": "pp", "ironpython": "ip", "jython": "jy", -} # type: Dict[str, str] +} _32_BIT_INTERPRETER = sys.maxsize <= 2 ** 32 -class Tag(object): +class Tag: """ A representation of the tag triple for a wheel. @@ -65,55 +47,53 @@ class Tag(object): is also supported. """ - __slots__ = ["_interpreter", "_abi", "_platform"] + __slots__ = ["_interpreter", "_abi", "_platform", "_hash"] - def __init__(self, interpreter, abi, platform): - # type: (str, str, str) -> None + def __init__(self, interpreter: str, abi: str, platform: str) -> None: self._interpreter = interpreter.lower() self._abi = abi.lower() self._platform = platform.lower() + # The __hash__ of every single element in a Set[Tag] will be evaluated each time + # that a set calls its `.disjoint()` method, which may be called hundreds of + # times when scanning a page of links for packages with tags matching that + # Set[Tag]. Pre-computing the value here produces significant speedups for + # downstream consumers. + self._hash = hash((self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform)) @property - def interpreter(self): - # type: () -> str + def interpreter(self) -> str: return self._interpreter @property - def abi(self): - # type: () -> str + def abi(self) -> str: return self._abi @property - def platform(self): - # type: () -> str + def platform(self) -> str: return self._platform - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, Tag): return NotImplemented return ( - (self.platform == other.platform) - and (self.abi == other.abi) - and (self.interpreter == other.interpreter) + (self._hash == other._hash) # Short-circuit ASAP for perf reasons. + and (self._platform == other._platform) + and (self._abi == other._abi) + and (self._interpreter == other._interpreter) ) - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int - return hash((self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform)) + def __hash__(self) -> int: + return self._hash - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "{}-{}-{}".format(self._interpreter, self._abi, self._platform) + def __str__(self) -> str: + return f"{self._interpreter}-{self._abi}-{self._platform}" - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "<{self} @ {self_id}>".format(self=self, self_id=id(self)) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"<{self} @ {id(self)}>" -def parse_tag(tag): - # type: (str) -> FrozenSet[Tag] +def parse_tag(tag: str) -> FrozenSet[Tag]: """ Parses the provided tag (e.g. `py3-none-any`) into a frozenset of Tag instances. @@ -129,24 +109,7 @@ def parse_tag(tag): return frozenset(tags) -def _warn_keyword_parameter(func_name, kwargs): - # type: (str, Dict[str, bool]) -> bool - """ - Backwards-compatibility with Python 2.7 to allow treating 'warn' as keyword-only. - """ - if not kwargs: - return False - elif len(kwargs) > 1 or "warn" not in kwargs: - kwargs.pop("warn", None) - arg = next(iter(kwargs.keys())) - raise TypeError( - "{}() got an unexpected keyword argument {!r}".format(func_name, arg) - ) - return kwargs["warn"] - - -def _get_config_var(name, warn=False): - # type: (str, bool) -> Union[int, str, None] +def _get_config_var(name: str, warn: bool = False) -> Union[int, str, None]: value = sysconfig.get_config_var(name) if value is None and warn: logger.debug( @@ -155,13 +118,11 @@ def _get_config_var(name, warn=False): return value -def _normalize_string(string): - # type: (str) -> str +def _normalize_string(string: str) -> str: return string.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_") -def _abi3_applies(python_version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> bool +def _abi3_applies(python_version: PythonVersion) -> bool: """ Determine if the Python version supports abi3. @@ -170,8 +131,7 @@ def _abi3_applies(python_version): return len(python_version) > 1 and tuple(python_version) >= (3, 2) -def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): - # type: (PythonVersion, bool) -> List[str] +def _cpython_abis(py_version: PythonVersion, warn: bool = False) -> List[str]: py_version = tuple(py_version) # To allow for version comparison. abis = [] version = _version_nodot(py_version[:2]) @@ -197,7 +157,7 @@ def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): elif debug: # Debug builds can also load "normal" extension modules. # We can also assume no UCS-4 or pymalloc requirement. - abis.append("cp{version}".format(version=version)) + abis.append(f"cp{version}") abis.insert( 0, "cp{version}{debug}{pymalloc}{ucs4}".format( @@ -208,12 +168,12 @@ def _cpython_abis(py_version, warn=False): def cpython_tags( - python_version=None, # type: Optional[PythonVersion] - abis=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - **kwargs # type: bool -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + python_version: Optional[PythonVersion] = None, + abis: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + *, + warn: bool = False, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the tags for a CPython interpreter. @@ -229,11 +189,10 @@ def cpython_tags( If 'abi3' or 'none' are specified in 'abis' then they will be yielded at their normal position and not at the beginning. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("cpython_tags", kwargs) if not python_version: python_version = sys.version_info[:2] - interpreter = "cp{}".format(_version_nodot(python_version[:2])) + interpreter = f"cp{_version_nodot(python_version[:2])}" if abis is None: if len(python_version) > 1: @@ -248,15 +207,13 @@ def cpython_tags( except ValueError: pass - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) for abi in abis: for platform_ in platforms: yield Tag(interpreter, abi, platform_) if _abi3_applies(python_version): - for tag in (Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) for platform_ in platforms): - yield tag - for tag in (Tag(interpreter, "none", platform_) for platform_ in platforms): - yield tag + yield from (Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) for platform_ in platforms) + yield from (Tag(interpreter, "none", platform_) for platform_ in platforms) if _abi3_applies(python_version): for minor_version in range(python_version[1] - 1, 1, -1): @@ -267,20 +224,19 @@ def cpython_tags( yield Tag(interpreter, "abi3", platform_) -def _generic_abi(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] +def _generic_abi() -> Iterator[str]: abi = sysconfig.get_config_var("SOABI") if abi: yield _normalize_string(abi) def generic_tags( - interpreter=None, # type: Optional[str] - abis=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] - **kwargs # type: bool -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + interpreter: Optional[str] = None, + abis: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, + *, + warn: bool = False, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the tags for a generic interpreter. @@ -289,14 +245,13 @@ def generic_tags( The "none" ABI will be added if it was not explicitly provided. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("generic_tags", kwargs) if not interpreter: interp_name = interpreter_name() interp_version = interpreter_version(warn=warn) interpreter = "".join([interp_name, interp_version]) if abis is None: abis = _generic_abi() - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) abis = list(abis) if "none" not in abis: abis.append("none") @@ -305,8 +260,7 @@ def generic_tags( yield Tag(interpreter, abi, platform_) -def _py_interpreter_range(py_version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> Iterator[str] +def _py_interpreter_range(py_version: PythonVersion) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields Python versions in descending order. @@ -314,19 +268,18 @@ def _py_interpreter_range(py_version): all previous versions of that major version. """ if len(py_version) > 1: - yield "py{version}".format(version=_version_nodot(py_version[:2])) - yield "py{major}".format(major=py_version[0]) + yield f"py{_version_nodot(py_version[:2])}" + yield f"py{py_version[0]}" if len(py_version) > 1: for minor in range(py_version[1] - 1, -1, -1): - yield "py{version}".format(version=_version_nodot((py_version[0], minor))) + yield f"py{_version_nodot((py_version[0], minor))}" def compatible_tags( - python_version=None, # type: Optional[PythonVersion] - interpreter=None, # type: Optional[str] - platforms=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] -): - # type: (...) -> Iterator[Tag] + python_version: Optional[PythonVersion] = None, + interpreter: Optional[str] = None, + platforms: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, +) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Yields the sequence of tags that are compatible with a specific version of Python. @@ -337,7 +290,7 @@ def compatible_tags( """ if not python_version: python_version = sys.version_info[:2] - platforms = list(platforms or _platform_tags()) + platforms = list(platforms or platform_tags()) for version in _py_interpreter_range(python_version): for platform_ in platforms: yield Tag(version, "none", platform_) @@ -347,8 +300,7 @@ def compatible_tags( yield Tag(version, "none", "any") -def _mac_arch(arch, is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): - # type: (str, bool) -> str +def _mac_arch(arch: str, is_32bit: bool = _32_BIT_INTERPRETER) -> str: if not is_32bit: return arch @@ -358,8 +310,7 @@ def _mac_arch(arch, is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): return "i386" -def _mac_binary_formats(version, cpu_arch): - # type: (MacVersion, str) -> List[str] +def _mac_binary_formats(version: MacVersion, cpu_arch: str) -> List[str]: formats = [cpu_arch] if cpu_arch == "x86_64": if version < (10, 4): @@ -382,12 +333,18 @@ def _mac_binary_formats(version, cpu_arch): return [] formats.extend(["fat32", "fat"]) - formats.append("universal") + if cpu_arch in {"arm64", "x86_64"}: + formats.append("universal2") + + if cpu_arch in {"x86_64", "i386", "ppc64", "ppc", "intel"}: + formats.append("universal") + return formats -def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): - # type: (Optional[MacVersion], Optional[str]) -> Iterator[str] +def mac_platforms( + version: Optional[MacVersion] = None, arch: Optional[str] = None +) -> Iterator[str]: """ Yields the platform tags for a macOS system. @@ -396,7 +353,7 @@ def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): generate platform tags for. Both parameters default to the appropriate value for the current system. """ - version_str, _, cpu_arch = platform.mac_ver() # type: ignore + version_str, _, cpu_arch = platform.mac_ver() if version is None: version = cast("MacVersion", tuple(map(int, version_str.split(".")[:2]))) else: @@ -405,283 +362,76 @@ def mac_platforms(version=None, arch=None): arch = _mac_arch(cpu_arch) else: arch = arch - for minor_version in range(version[1], -1, -1): - compat_version = version[0], minor_version - binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) - for binary_format in binary_formats: - yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( - major=compat_version[0], - minor=compat_version[1], - binary_format=binary_format, - ) - - -# From PEP 513. -def _is_manylinux_compatible(name, glibc_version): - # type: (str, GlibcVersion) -> bool - # Check for presence of _manylinux module. - try: - import _manylinux # noqa - - return bool(getattr(_manylinux, name + "_compatible")) - except (ImportError, AttributeError): - # Fall through to heuristic check below. - pass - - return _have_compatible_glibc(*glibc_version) + if (10, 0) <= version and version < (11, 0): + # Prior to Mac OS 11, each yearly release of Mac OS bumped the + # "minor" version number. The major version was always 10. + for minor_version in range(version[1], -1, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=10, minor=minor_version, binary_format=binary_format + ) -def _glibc_version_string(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - # Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc. - return _glibc_version_string_confstr() or _glibc_version_string_ctypes() - - -def _glibc_version_string_confstr(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - """ - Primary implementation of glibc_version_string using os.confstr. - """ - # os.confstr is quite a bit faster than ctypes.DLL. It's also less likely - # to be broken or missing. This strategy is used in the standard library - # platform module. - # https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/fcf1d003bf4f0100c9d0921ff3d70e1127ca1b71/Lib/platform.py#L175-L183 - try: - # os.confstr("CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION") returns a string like "glibc 2.17". - version_string = os.confstr( # type: ignore[attr-defined] # noqa: F821 - "CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION" - ) - assert version_string is not None - _, version = version_string.split() # type: Tuple[str, str] - except (AssertionError, AttributeError, OSError, ValueError): - # os.confstr() or CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION not available (or a bad value)... - return None - return version - + if version >= (11, 0): + # Starting with Mac OS 11, each yearly release bumps the major version + # number. The minor versions are now the midyear updates. + for major_version in range(version[0], 10, -1): + compat_version = major_version, 0 + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=major_version, minor=0, binary_format=binary_format + ) -def _glibc_version_string_ctypes(): - # type: () -> Optional[str] - """ - Fallback implementation of glibc_version_string using ctypes. - """ - try: - import ctypes - except ImportError: - return None - - # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen - # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the - # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out - # which libc our process is actually using. - # - # Note: typeshed is wrong here so we are ignoring this line. - process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None) # type: ignore - try: - gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version - except AttributeError: - # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to - # glibc. - return None - - # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5" - gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p - version_str = gnu_get_libc_version() # type: str - # py2 / py3 compatibility: - if not isinstance(version_str, str): - version_str = version_str.decode("ascii") - - return version_str - - -# Separated out from have_compatible_glibc for easier unit testing. -def _check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor): - # type: (str, int, int) -> bool - # Parse string and check against requested version. - # - # We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any - # random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen - # in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc - # uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588. - m = re.match(r"(?P[0-9]+)\.(?P[0-9]+)", version_str) - if not m: - warnings.warn( - "Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor," - " got: %s" % version_str, - RuntimeWarning, - ) - return False - return ( - int(m.group("major")) == required_major - and int(m.group("minor")) >= minimum_minor - ) + if version >= (11, 0): + # Mac OS 11 on x86_64 is compatible with binaries from previous releases. + # Arm64 support was introduced in 11.0, so no Arm binaries from previous + # releases exist. + # + # However, the "universal2" binary format can have a + # macOS version earlier than 11.0 when the x86_64 part of the binary supports + # that version of macOS. + if arch == "x86_64": + for minor_version in range(16, 3, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_formats = _mac_binary_formats(compat_version, arch) + for binary_format in binary_formats: + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=compat_version[0], + minor=compat_version[1], + binary_format=binary_format, + ) + else: + for minor_version in range(16, 3, -1): + compat_version = 10, minor_version + binary_format = "universal2" + yield "macosx_{major}_{minor}_{binary_format}".format( + major=compat_version[0], + minor=compat_version[1], + binary_format=binary_format, + ) -def _have_compatible_glibc(required_major, minimum_minor): - # type: (int, int) -> bool - version_str = _glibc_version_string() - if version_str is None: - return False - return _check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor) - - -# Python does not provide platform information at sufficient granularity to -# identify the architecture of the running executable in some cases, so we -# determine it dynamically by reading the information from the running -# process. This only applies on Linux, which uses the ELF format. -class _ELFFileHeader(object): - # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format#File_header - class _InvalidELFFileHeader(ValueError): - """ - An invalid ELF file header was found. - """ - - ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0x7F454C46 - ELFCLASS32 = 1 - ELFCLASS64 = 2 - ELFDATA2LSB = 1 - ELFDATA2MSB = 2 - EM_386 = 3 - EM_S390 = 22 - EM_ARM = 40 - EM_X86_64 = 62 - EF_ARM_ABIMASK = 0xFF000000 - EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 = 0x05000000 - EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD = 0x00000400 - - def __init__(self, file): - # type: (IO[bytes]) -> None - def unpack(fmt): - # type: (str) -> int - try: - (result,) = struct.unpack( - fmt, file.read(struct.calcsize(fmt)) - ) # type: (int, ) - except struct.error: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - return result - - self.e_ident_magic = unpack(">I") - if self.e_ident_magic != self.ELF_MAGIC_NUMBER: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_class = unpack("B") - if self.e_ident_class not in {self.ELFCLASS32, self.ELFCLASS64}: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_data = unpack("B") - if self.e_ident_data not in {self.ELFDATA2LSB, self.ELFDATA2MSB}: - raise _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader() - self.e_ident_version = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_osabi = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_abiversion = unpack("B") - self.e_ident_pad = file.read(7) - format_h = "H" - format_i = "I" - format_q = "Q" - format_p = format_i if self.e_ident_class == self.ELFCLASS32 else format_q - self.e_type = unpack(format_h) - self.e_machine = unpack(format_h) - self.e_version = unpack(format_i) - self.e_entry = unpack(format_p) - self.e_phoff = unpack(format_p) - self.e_shoff = unpack(format_p) - self.e_flags = unpack(format_i) - self.e_ehsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_phentsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_phnum = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shentsize = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shnum = unpack(format_h) - self.e_shstrndx = unpack(format_h) - - -def _get_elf_header(): - # type: () -> Optional[_ELFFileHeader] - try: - with open(sys.executable, "rb") as f: - elf_header = _ELFFileHeader(f) - except (IOError, OSError, TypeError, _ELFFileHeader._InvalidELFFileHeader): - return None - return elf_header - - -def _is_linux_armhf(): - # type: () -> bool - # hard-float ABI can be detected from the ELF header of the running - # process - # https://static.docs.arm.com/ihi0044/g/aaelf32.pdf - elf_header = _get_elf_header() - if elf_header is None: - return False - result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 - result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB - result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_ARM - result &= ( - elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABIMASK - ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_VER5 - result &= ( - elf_header.e_flags & elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD - ) == elf_header.EF_ARM_ABI_FLOAT_HARD - return result - - -def _is_linux_i686(): - # type: () -> bool - elf_header = _get_elf_header() - if elf_header is None: - return False - result = elf_header.e_ident_class == elf_header.ELFCLASS32 - result &= elf_header.e_ident_data == elf_header.ELFDATA2LSB - result &= elf_header.e_machine == elf_header.EM_386 - return result - - -def _have_compatible_manylinux_abi(arch): - # type: (str) -> bool - if arch == "armv7l": - return _is_linux_armhf() - if arch == "i686": - return _is_linux_i686() - return True - - -def _linux_platforms(is_32bit=_32_BIT_INTERPRETER): - # type: (bool) -> Iterator[str] - linux = _normalize_string(distutils.util.get_platform()) +def _linux_platforms(is_32bit: bool = _32_BIT_INTERPRETER) -> Iterator[str]: + linux = _normalize_string(sysconfig.get_platform()) if is_32bit: if linux == "linux_x86_64": linux = "linux_i686" elif linux == "linux_aarch64": linux = "linux_armv7l" - manylinux_support = [] _, arch = linux.split("_", 1) - if _have_compatible_manylinux_abi(arch): - if arch in {"x86_64", "i686", "aarch64", "armv7l", "ppc64", "ppc64le", "s390x"}: - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux2014", (2, 17)) - ) # CentOS 7 w/ glibc 2.17 (PEP 599) - if arch in {"x86_64", "i686"}: - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux2010", (2, 12)) - ) # CentOS 6 w/ glibc 2.12 (PEP 571) - manylinux_support.append( - ("manylinux1", (2, 5)) - ) # CentOS 5 w/ glibc 2.5 (PEP 513) - manylinux_support_iter = iter(manylinux_support) - for name, glibc_version in manylinux_support_iter: - if _is_manylinux_compatible(name, glibc_version): - yield linux.replace("linux", name) - break - # Support for a later manylinux implies support for an earlier version. - for name, _ in manylinux_support_iter: - yield linux.replace("linux", name) + yield from _manylinux.platform_tags(linux, arch) + yield from _musllinux.platform_tags(arch) yield linux -def _generic_platforms(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] - yield _normalize_string(distutils.util.get_platform()) +def _generic_platforms() -> Iterator[str]: + yield _normalize_string(sysconfig.get_platform()) -def _platform_tags(): - # type: () -> Iterator[str] +def platform_tags() -> Iterator[str]: """ Provides the platform tags for this installation. """ @@ -693,25 +443,18 @@ def _platform_tags(): return _generic_platforms() -def interpreter_name(): - # type: () -> str +def interpreter_name() -> str: """ Returns the name of the running interpreter. """ - try: - name = sys.implementation.name # type: ignore - except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover - # Python 2.7 compatibility. - name = platform.python_implementation().lower() + name = sys.implementation.name return INTERPRETER_SHORT_NAMES.get(name) or name -def interpreter_version(**kwargs): - # type: (bool) -> str +def interpreter_version(*, warn: bool = False) -> str: """ Returns the version of the running interpreter. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("interpreter_version", kwargs) version = _get_config_var("py_version_nodot", warn=warn) if version: version = str(version) @@ -720,32 +463,25 @@ def interpreter_version(**kwargs): return version -def _version_nodot(version): - # type: (PythonVersion) -> str - if any(v >= 10 for v in version): - sep = "_" - else: - sep = "" - return sep.join(map(str, version)) +def _version_nodot(version: PythonVersion) -> str: + return "".join(map(str, version)) -def sys_tags(**kwargs): - # type: (bool) -> Iterator[Tag] +def sys_tags(*, warn: bool = False) -> Iterator[Tag]: """ Returns the sequence of tag triples for the running interpreter. The order of the sequence corresponds to priority order for the interpreter, from most to least important. """ - warn = _warn_keyword_parameter("sys_tags", kwargs) interp_name = interpreter_name() if interp_name == "cp": - for tag in cpython_tags(warn=warn): - yield tag + yield from cpython_tags(warn=warn) else: - for tag in generic_tags(): - yield tag + yield from generic_tags() - for tag in compatible_tags(): - yield tag + if interp_name == "pp": + yield from compatible_tags(interpreter="pp3") + else: + yield from compatible_tags() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/utils.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/utils.py index 19579c1..bab11b8 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/utils.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/utils.py @@ -1,65 +1,136 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import re +from typing import FrozenSet, NewType, Tuple, Union, cast -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast +from .tags import Tag, parse_tag from .version import InvalidVersion, Version -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import NewType, Union +BuildTag = Union[Tuple[()], Tuple[int, str]] +NormalizedName = NewType("NormalizedName", str) + + +class InvalidWheelFilename(ValueError): + """ + An invalid wheel filename was found, users should refer to PEP 427. + """ + + +class InvalidSdistFilename(ValueError): + """ + An invalid sdist filename was found, users should refer to the packaging user guide. + """ - NormalizedName = NewType("NormalizedName", str) _canonicalize_regex = re.compile(r"[-_.]+") +# PEP 427: The build number must start with a digit. +_build_tag_regex = re.compile(r"(\d+)(.*)") -def canonicalize_name(name): - # type: (str) -> NormalizedName +def canonicalize_name(name: str) -> NormalizedName: # This is taken from PEP 503. value = _canonicalize_regex.sub("-", name).lower() - return cast("NormalizedName", value) + return cast(NormalizedName, value) -def canonicalize_version(_version): - # type: (str) -> Union[Version, str] +def canonicalize_version(version: Union[Version, str]) -> str: """ This is very similar to Version.__str__, but has one subtle difference with the way it handles the release segment. """ - - try: - version = Version(_version) - except InvalidVersion: - # Legacy versions cannot be normalized - return _version + if isinstance(version, str): + try: + parsed = Version(version) + except InvalidVersion: + # Legacy versions cannot be normalized + return version + else: + parsed = version parts = [] # Epoch - if version.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(version.epoch)) + if parsed.epoch != 0: + parts.append(f"{parsed.epoch}!") # Release segment # NB: This strips trailing '.0's to normalize - parts.append(re.sub(r"(\.0)+$", "", ".".join(str(x) for x in version.release))) + parts.append(re.sub(r"(\.0)+$", "", ".".join(str(x) for x in parsed.release))) # Pre-release - if version.pre is not None: - parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in version.pre)) + if parsed.pre is not None: + parts.append("".join(str(x) for x in parsed.pre)) # Post-release - if version.post is not None: - parts.append(".post{0}".format(version.post)) + if parsed.post is not None: + parts.append(f".post{parsed.post}") # Development release - if version.dev is not None: - parts.append(".dev{0}".format(version.dev)) + if parsed.dev is not None: + parts.append(f".dev{parsed.dev}") # Local version segment - if version.local is not None: - parts.append("+{0}".format(version.local)) + if parsed.local is not None: + parts.append(f"+{parsed.local}") return "".join(parts) + + +def parse_wheel_filename( + filename: str, +) -> Tuple[NormalizedName, Version, BuildTag, FrozenSet[Tag]]: + if not filename.endswith(".whl"): + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid wheel filename (extension must be '.whl'): {filename}" + ) + + filename = filename[:-4] + dashes = filename.count("-") + if dashes not in (4, 5): + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid wheel filename (wrong number of parts): {filename}" + ) + + parts = filename.split("-", dashes - 2) + name_part = parts[0] + # See PEP 427 for the rules on escaping the project name + if "__" in name_part or re.match(r"^[\w\d._]*$", name_part, re.UNICODE) is None: + raise InvalidWheelFilename(f"Invalid project name: {filename}") + name = canonicalize_name(name_part) + version = Version(parts[1]) + if dashes == 5: + build_part = parts[2] + build_match = _build_tag_regex.match(build_part) + if build_match is None: + raise InvalidWheelFilename( + f"Invalid build number: {build_part} in '{filename}'" + ) + build = cast(BuildTag, (int(build_match.group(1)), build_match.group(2))) + else: + build = () + tags = parse_tag(parts[-1]) + return (name, version, build, tags) + + +def parse_sdist_filename(filename: str) -> Tuple[NormalizedName, Version]: + if filename.endswith(".tar.gz"): + file_stem = filename[: -len(".tar.gz")] + elif filename.endswith(".zip"): + file_stem = filename[: -len(".zip")] + else: + raise InvalidSdistFilename( + f"Invalid sdist filename (extension must be '.tar.gz' or '.zip'):" + f" {filename}" + ) + + # We are requiring a PEP 440 version, which cannot contain dashes, + # so we split on the last dash. + name_part, sep, version_part = file_stem.rpartition("-") + if not sep: + raise InvalidSdistFilename(f"Invalid sdist filename: {filename}") + + name = canonicalize_name(name_part) + version = Version(version_part) + return (name, version) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/version.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/version.py index 00371e8..de9a09a 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/version.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/packaging/version.py @@ -1,52 +1,45 @@ # This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. -from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import collections import itertools import re +import warnings +from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Union -from ._structures import Infinity, NegativeInfinity -from ._typing import TYPE_CHECKING - -if TYPE_CHECKING: # pragma: no cover - from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Union - - from ._structures import InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType - - InfiniteTypes = Union[InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType] - PrePostDevType = Union[InfiniteTypes, Tuple[str, int]] - SubLocalType = Union[InfiniteTypes, int, str] - LocalType = Union[ - NegativeInfinityType, - Tuple[ - Union[ - SubLocalType, - Tuple[SubLocalType, str], - Tuple[NegativeInfinityType, SubLocalType], - ], - ..., - ], - ] - CmpKey = Tuple[ - int, Tuple[int, ...], PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, LocalType - ] - LegacyCmpKey = Tuple[int, Tuple[str, ...]] - VersionComparisonMethod = Callable[ - [Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey], Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey]], bool - ] +from ._structures import Infinity, InfinityType, NegativeInfinity, NegativeInfinityType __all__ = ["parse", "Version", "LegacyVersion", "InvalidVersion", "VERSION_PATTERN"] +InfiniteTypes = Union[InfinityType, NegativeInfinityType] +PrePostDevType = Union[InfiniteTypes, Tuple[str, int]] +SubLocalType = Union[InfiniteTypes, int, str] +LocalType = Union[ + NegativeInfinityType, + Tuple[ + Union[ + SubLocalType, + Tuple[SubLocalType, str], + Tuple[NegativeInfinityType, SubLocalType], + ], + ..., + ], +] +CmpKey = Tuple[ + int, Tuple[int, ...], PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, PrePostDevType, LocalType +] +LegacyCmpKey = Tuple[int, Tuple[str, ...]] +VersionComparisonMethod = Callable[ + [Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey], Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey]], bool +] _Version = collections.namedtuple( "_Version", ["epoch", "release", "dev", "pre", "post", "local"] ) -def parse(version): - # type: (str) -> Union[LegacyVersion, Version] +def parse(version: str) -> Union["LegacyVersion", "Version"]: """ Parse the given version string and return either a :class:`Version` object or a :class:`LegacyVersion` object depending on if the given version is @@ -64,112 +57,111 @@ class InvalidVersion(ValueError): """ -class _BaseVersion(object): - _key = None # type: Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey] +class _BaseVersion: + _key: Union[CmpKey, LegacyCmpKey] - def __hash__(self): - # type: () -> int + def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self._key) - def __lt__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s < o) + # Please keep the duplicated `isinstance` check + # in the six comparisons hereunder + # unless you find a way to avoid adding overhead function calls. + def __lt__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key < other._key + + def __le__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key <= other._key - def __le__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s <= o) + def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented - def __eq__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s == o) + return self._key == other._key - def __ge__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s >= o) + def __ge__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented - def __gt__(self, other): - # type: (_BaseVersion) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s > o) + return self._key >= other._key - def __ne__(self, other): - # type: (object) -> bool - return self._compare(other, lambda s, o: s != o) + def __gt__(self, other: "_BaseVersion") -> bool: + if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): + return NotImplemented + + return self._key > other._key - def _compare(self, other, method): - # type: (object, VersionComparisonMethod) -> Union[bool, NotImplemented] + def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, _BaseVersion): return NotImplemented - return method(self._key, other._key) + return self._key != other._key class LegacyVersion(_BaseVersion): - def __init__(self, version): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, version: str) -> None: self._version = str(version) self._key = _legacy_cmpkey(self._version) - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + warnings.warn( + "Creating a LegacyVersion has been deprecated and will be " + "removed in the next major release", + DeprecationWarning, + ) + + def __str__(self) -> str: return self._version - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(repr(str(self))) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" @property - def public(self): - # type: () -> str + def public(self) -> str: return self._version @property - def base_version(self): - # type: () -> str + def base_version(self) -> str: return self._version @property - def epoch(self): - # type: () -> int + def epoch(self) -> int: return -1 @property - def release(self): - # type: () -> None + def release(self) -> None: return None @property - def pre(self): - # type: () -> None + def pre(self) -> None: return None @property - def post(self): - # type: () -> None + def post(self) -> None: return None @property - def dev(self): - # type: () -> None + def dev(self) -> None: return None @property - def local(self): - # type: () -> None + def local(self) -> None: return None @property - def is_prerelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_prerelease(self) -> bool: return False @property - def is_postrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_postrelease(self) -> bool: return False @property - def is_devrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_devrelease(self) -> bool: return False @@ -184,8 +176,7 @@ _legacy_version_replacement_map = { } -def _parse_version_parts(s): - # type: (str) -> Iterator[str] +def _parse_version_parts(s: str) -> Iterator[str]: for part in _legacy_version_component_re.split(s): part = _legacy_version_replacement_map.get(part, part) @@ -202,8 +193,7 @@ def _parse_version_parts(s): yield "*final" -def _legacy_cmpkey(version): - # type: (str) -> LegacyCmpKey +def _legacy_cmpkey(version: str) -> LegacyCmpKey: # We hardcode an epoch of -1 here. A PEP 440 version can only have a epoch # greater than or equal to 0. This will effectively put the LegacyVersion, @@ -213,7 +203,7 @@ def _legacy_cmpkey(version): # This scheme is taken from pkg_resources.parse_version setuptools prior to # it's adoption of the packaging library. - parts = [] # type: List[str] + parts: List[str] = [] for part in _parse_version_parts(version.lower()): if part.startswith("*"): # remove "-" before a prerelease tag @@ -268,13 +258,12 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): _regex = re.compile(r"^\s*" + VERSION_PATTERN + r"\s*$", re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE) - def __init__(self, version): - # type: (str) -> None + def __init__(self, version: str) -> None: # Validate the version and parse it into pieces match = self._regex.search(version) if not match: - raise InvalidVersion("Invalid version: '{0}'".format(version)) + raise InvalidVersion(f"Invalid version: '{version}'") # Store the parsed out pieces of the version self._version = _Version( @@ -298,17 +287,15 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): self._version.local, ) - def __repr__(self): - # type: () -> str - return "".format(repr(str(self))) + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"" - def __str__(self): - # type: () -> str + def __str__(self) -> str: parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) + parts.append(f"{self.epoch}!") # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) @@ -319,67 +306,59 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): # Post-release if self.post is not None: - parts.append(".post{0}".format(self.post)) + parts.append(f".post{self.post}") # Development release if self.dev is not None: - parts.append(".dev{0}".format(self.dev)) + parts.append(f".dev{self.dev}") # Local version segment if self.local is not None: - parts.append("+{0}".format(self.local)) + parts.append(f"+{self.local}") return "".join(parts) @property - def epoch(self): - # type: () -> int - _epoch = self._version.epoch # type: int + def epoch(self) -> int: + _epoch: int = self._version.epoch return _epoch @property - def release(self): - # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...] - _release = self._version.release # type: Tuple[int, ...] + def release(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]: + _release: Tuple[int, ...] = self._version.release return _release @property - def pre(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - _pre = self._version.pre # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def pre(self) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]]: + _pre: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = self._version.pre return _pre @property - def post(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def post(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._version.post[1] if self._version.post else None @property - def dev(self): - # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + def dev(self) -> Optional[int]: return self._version.dev[1] if self._version.dev else None @property - def local(self): - # type: () -> Optional[str] + def local(self) -> Optional[str]: if self._version.local: return ".".join(str(x) for x in self._version.local) else: return None @property - def public(self): - # type: () -> str + def public(self) -> str: return str(self).split("+", 1)[0] @property - def base_version(self): - # type: () -> str + def base_version(self) -> str: parts = [] # Epoch if self.epoch != 0: - parts.append("{0}!".format(self.epoch)) + parts.append(f"{self.epoch}!") # Release segment parts.append(".".join(str(x) for x in self.release)) @@ -387,41 +366,33 @@ class Version(_BaseVersion): return "".join(parts) @property - def is_prerelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_prerelease(self) -> bool: return self.dev is not None or self.pre is not None @property - def is_postrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_postrelease(self) -> bool: return self.post is not None @property - def is_devrelease(self): - # type: () -> bool + def is_devrelease(self) -> bool: return self.dev is not None @property - def major(self): - # type: () -> int + def major(self) -> int: return self.release[0] if len(self.release) >= 1 else 0 @property - def minor(self): - # type: () -> int + def minor(self) -> int: return self.release[1] if len(self.release) >= 2 else 0 @property - def micro(self): - # type: () -> int + def micro(self) -> int: return self.release[2] if len(self.release) >= 3 else 0 def _parse_letter_version( - letter, # type: str - number, # type: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt] -): - # type: (...) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]] + letter: str, number: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt] +) -> Optional[Tuple[str, int]]: if letter: # We consider there to be an implicit 0 in a pre-release if there is @@ -458,8 +429,7 @@ def _parse_letter_version( _local_version_separators = re.compile(r"[\._-]") -def _parse_local_version(local): - # type: (str) -> Optional[LocalType] +def _parse_local_version(local: str) -> Optional[LocalType]: """ Takes a string like abc.1.twelve and turns it into ("abc", 1, "twelve"). """ @@ -472,14 +442,13 @@ def _parse_local_version(local): def _cmpkey( - epoch, # type: int - release, # type: Tuple[int, ...] - pre, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - post, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - dev, # type: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] - local, # type: Optional[Tuple[SubLocalType]] -): - # type: (...) -> CmpKey + epoch: int, + release: Tuple[int, ...], + pre: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + post: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + dev: Optional[Tuple[str, int]], + local: Optional[Tuple[SubLocalType]], +) -> CmpKey: # When we compare a release version, we want to compare it with all of the # trailing zeros removed. So we'll use a reverse the list, drop all the now @@ -495,7 +464,7 @@ def _cmpkey( # if there is not a pre or a post segment. If we have one of those then # the normal sorting rules will handle this case correctly. if pre is None and post is None and dev is not None: - _pre = NegativeInfinity # type: PrePostDevType + _pre: PrePostDevType = NegativeInfinity # Versions without a pre-release (except as noted above) should sort after # those with one. elif pre is None: @@ -505,21 +474,21 @@ def _cmpkey( # Versions without a post segment should sort before those with one. if post is None: - _post = NegativeInfinity # type: PrePostDevType + _post: PrePostDevType = NegativeInfinity else: _post = post # Versions without a development segment should sort after those with one. if dev is None: - _dev = Infinity # type: PrePostDevType + _dev: PrePostDevType = Infinity else: _dev = dev if local is None: # Versions without a local segment should sort before those with one. - _local = NegativeInfinity # type: LocalType + _local: LocalType = NegativeInfinity else: # Versions with a local segment need that segment parsed to implement # the sorting rules in PEP440. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing.py deleted file mode 100644 index 1333c00..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5742 +0,0 @@ -# module pyparsing.py -# -# Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Paul T. McGuire -# -# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -# the following conditions: -# -# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -# -# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -# - -__doc__ = \ -""" -pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars -============================================================================= - -The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and executing simple grammars, -vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the use of regular expressions. With pyparsing, you -don't need to learn a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing module -provides a library of classes that you use to construct the grammar directly in Python. - -Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form -C{", !"}), built up using L{Word}, L{Literal}, and L{And} elements -(L{'+'} operator gives L{And} expressions, strings are auto-converted to -L{Literal} expressions):: - - from pyparsing import Word, alphas - - # define grammar of a greeting - greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" - - hello = "Hello, World!" - print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) - -The program outputs the following:: - - Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] - -The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the self-explanatory -class names, and the use of '+', '|' and '^' operators. - -The L{ParseResults} object returned from L{ParserElement.parseString} can be accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an -object with named attributes. - -The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically vexing when writing text parsers: - - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle "Hello,World!", "Hello , World !", etc.) - - quoted strings - - embedded comments - - -Getting Started - ------------------ -Visit the classes L{ParserElement} and L{ParseResults} to see the base classes that most other pyparsing -classes inherit from. Use the docstrings for examples of how to: - - construct literal match expressions from L{Literal} and L{CaselessLiteral} classes - - construct character word-group expressions using the L{Word} class - - see how to create repetitive expressions using L{ZeroOrMore} and L{OneOrMore} classes - - use L{'+'}, L{'|'}, L{'^'}, and L{'&'} operators to combine simple expressions into more complex ones - - associate names with your parsed results using L{ParserElement.setResultsName} - - find some helpful expression short-cuts like L{delimitedList} and L{oneOf} - - find more useful common expressions in the L{pyparsing_common} namespace class -""" - -__version__ = "2.2.1" -__versionTime__ = "18 Sep 2018 00:49 UTC" -__author__ = "Paul McGuire " - -import string -from weakref import ref as wkref -import copy -import sys -import warnings -import re -import sre_constants -import collections -import pprint -import traceback -import types -from datetime import datetime - -try: - from _thread import RLock -except ImportError: - from threading import RLock - -try: - # Python 3 - from collections.abc import Iterable - from collections.abc import MutableMapping -except ImportError: - # Python 2.7 - from collections import Iterable - from collections import MutableMapping - -try: - from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict -except ImportError: - try: - from ordereddict import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict - except ImportError: - _OrderedDict = None - -#~ sys.stderr.write( "testing pyparsing module, version %s, %s\n" % (__version__,__versionTime__ ) ) - -__all__ = [ -'And', 'CaselessKeyword', 'CaselessLiteral', 'CharsNotIn', 'Combine', 'Dict', 'Each', 'Empty', -'FollowedBy', 'Forward', 'GoToColumn', 'Group', 'Keyword', 'LineEnd', 'LineStart', 'Literal', -'MatchFirst', 'NoMatch', 'NotAny', 'OneOrMore', 'OnlyOnce', 'Optional', 'Or', -'ParseBaseException', 'ParseElementEnhance', 'ParseException', 'ParseExpression', 'ParseFatalException', -'ParseResults', 'ParseSyntaxException', 'ParserElement', 'QuotedString', 'RecursiveGrammarException', -'Regex', 'SkipTo', 'StringEnd', 'StringStart', 'Suppress', 'Token', 'TokenConverter', -'White', 'Word', 'WordEnd', 'WordStart', 'ZeroOrMore', -'alphanums', 'alphas', 'alphas8bit', 'anyCloseTag', 'anyOpenTag', 'cStyleComment', 'col', -'commaSeparatedList', 'commonHTMLEntity', 'countedArray', 'cppStyleComment', 'dblQuotedString', -'dblSlashComment', 'delimitedList', 'dictOf', 'downcaseTokens', 'empty', 'hexnums', -'htmlComment', 'javaStyleComment', 'line', 'lineEnd', 'lineStart', 'lineno', -'makeHTMLTags', 'makeXMLTags', 'matchOnlyAtCol', 'matchPreviousExpr', 'matchPreviousLiteral', -'nestedExpr', 'nullDebugAction', 'nums', 'oneOf', 'opAssoc', 'operatorPrecedence', 'printables', -'punc8bit', 'pythonStyleComment', 'quotedString', 'removeQuotes', 'replaceHTMLEntity', -'replaceWith', 'restOfLine', 'sglQuotedString', 'srange', 'stringEnd', -'stringStart', 'traceParseAction', 'unicodeString', 'upcaseTokens', 'withAttribute', -'indentedBlock', 'originalTextFor', 'ungroup', 'infixNotation','locatedExpr', 'withClass', -'CloseMatch', 'tokenMap', 'pyparsing_common', -] - -system_version = tuple(sys.version_info)[:3] -PY_3 = system_version[0] == 3 -if PY_3: - _MAX_INT = sys.maxsize - basestring = str - unichr = chr - _ustr = str - - # build list of single arg builtins, that can be used as parse actions - singleArgBuiltins = [sum, len, sorted, reversed, list, tuple, set, any, all, min, max] - -else: - _MAX_INT = sys.maxint - range = xrange - - def _ustr(obj): - """Drop-in replacement for str(obj) that tries to be Unicode friendly. It first tries - str(obj). If that fails with a UnicodeEncodeError, then it tries unicode(obj). It - then < returns the unicode object | encodes it with the default encoding | ... >. - """ - if isinstance(obj,unicode): - return obj - - try: - # If this works, then _ustr(obj) has the same behaviour as str(obj), so - # it won't break any existing code. - return str(obj) - - except UnicodeEncodeError: - # Else encode it - ret = unicode(obj).encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'xmlcharrefreplace') - xmlcharref = Regex(r'&#\d+;') - xmlcharref.setParseAction(lambda t: '\\u' + hex(int(t[0][2:-1]))[2:]) - return xmlcharref.transformString(ret) - - # build list of single arg builtins, tolerant of Python version, that can be used as parse actions - singleArgBuiltins = [] - import __builtin__ - for fname in "sum len sorted reversed list tuple set any all min max".split(): - try: - singleArgBuiltins.append(getattr(__builtin__,fname)) - except AttributeError: - continue - -_generatorType = type((y for y in range(1))) - -def _xml_escape(data): - """Escape &, <, >, ", ', etc. in a string of data.""" - - # ampersand must be replaced first - from_symbols = '&><"\'' - to_symbols = ('&'+s+';' for s in "amp gt lt quot apos".split()) - for from_,to_ in zip(from_symbols, to_symbols): - data = data.replace(from_, to_) - return data - -class _Constants(object): - pass - -alphas = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase -nums = "0123456789" -hexnums = nums + "ABCDEFabcdef" -alphanums = alphas + nums -_bslash = chr(92) -printables = "".join(c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace) - -class ParseBaseException(Exception): - """base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptions""" - # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this - # constructor as small and fast as possible - def __init__( self, pstr, loc=0, msg=None, elem=None ): - self.loc = loc - if msg is None: - self.msg = pstr - self.pstr = "" - else: - self.msg = msg - self.pstr = pstr - self.parserElement = elem - self.args = (pstr, loc, msg) - - @classmethod - def _from_exception(cls, pe): - """ - internal factory method to simplify creating one type of ParseException - from another - avoids having __init__ signature conflicts among subclasses - """ - return cls(pe.pstr, pe.loc, pe.msg, pe.parserElement) - - def __getattr__( self, aname ): - """supported attributes by name are: - - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text - - col - returns the column number of the exception text - - line - returns the line containing the exception text - """ - if( aname == "lineno" ): - return lineno( self.loc, self.pstr ) - elif( aname in ("col", "column") ): - return col( self.loc, self.pstr ) - elif( aname == "line" ): - return line( self.loc, self.pstr ) - else: - raise AttributeError(aname) - - def __str__( self ): - return "%s (at char %d), (line:%d, col:%d)" % \ - ( self.msg, self.loc, self.lineno, self.column ) - def __repr__( self ): - return _ustr(self) - def markInputline( self, markerString = ">!<" ): - """Extracts the exception line from the input string, and marks - the location of the exception with a special symbol. - """ - line_str = self.line - line_column = self.column - 1 - if markerString: - line_str = "".join((line_str[:line_column], - markerString, line_str[line_column:])) - return line_str.strip() - def __dir__(self): - return "lineno col line".split() + dir(type(self)) - -class ParseException(ParseBaseException): - """ - Exception thrown when parse expressions don't match class; - supported attributes by name are: - - lineno - returns the line number of the exception text - - col - returns the column number of the exception text - - line - returns the line containing the exception text - - Example:: - try: - Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC") - except ParseException as pe: - print(pe) - print("column: {}".format(pe.col)) - - prints:: - Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - column: 1 - """ - pass - -class ParseFatalException(ParseBaseException): - """user-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content - is found; stops all parsing immediately""" - pass - -class ParseSyntaxException(ParseFatalException): - """just like L{ParseFatalException}, but thrown internally when an - L{ErrorStop} ('-' operator) indicates that parsing is to stop - immediately because an unbacktrackable syntax error has been found""" - pass - -#~ class ReparseException(ParseBaseException): - #~ """Experimental class - parse actions can raise this exception to cause - #~ pyparsing to reparse the input string: - #~ - with a modified input string, and/or - #~ - with a modified start location - #~ Set the values of the ReparseException in the constructor, and raise the - #~ exception in a parse action to cause pyparsing to use the new string/location. - #~ Setting the values as None causes no change to be made. - #~ """ - #~ def __init_( self, newstring, restartLoc ): - #~ self.newParseText = newstring - #~ self.reparseLoc = restartLoc - -class RecursiveGrammarException(Exception): - """exception thrown by L{ParserElement.validate} if the grammar could be improperly recursive""" - def __init__( self, parseElementList ): - self.parseElementTrace = parseElementList - - def __str__( self ): - return "RecursiveGrammarException: %s" % self.parseElementTrace - -class _ParseResultsWithOffset(object): - def __init__(self,p1,p2): - self.tup = (p1,p2) - def __getitem__(self,i): - return self.tup[i] - def __repr__(self): - return repr(self.tup[0]) - def setOffset(self,i): - self.tup = (self.tup[0],i) - -class ParseResults(object): - """ - Structured parse results, to provide multiple means of access to the parsed data: - - as a list (C{len(results)}) - - by list index (C{results[0], results[1]}, etc.) - - by attribute (C{results.} - see L{ParserElement.setResultsName}) - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("day")) - # equivalent form: - # date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - # parseString returns a ParseResults object - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") - - def test(s, fn=repr): - print("%s -> %s" % (s, fn(eval(s)))) - test("list(result)") - test("result[0]") - test("result['month']") - test("result.day") - test("'month' in result") - test("'minutes' in result") - test("result.dump()", str) - prints:: - list(result) -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - result[0] -> '1999' - result['month'] -> '12' - result.day -> '31' - 'month' in result -> True - 'minutes' in result -> False - result.dump() -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - day: 31 - - month: 12 - - year: 1999 - """ - def __new__(cls, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True ): - if isinstance(toklist, cls): - return toklist - retobj = object.__new__(cls) - retobj.__doinit = True - return retobj - - # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this - # constructor as small and fast as possible - def __init__( self, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True, isinstance=isinstance ): - if self.__doinit: - self.__doinit = False - self.__name = None - self.__parent = None - self.__accumNames = {} - self.__asList = asList - self.__modal = modal - if toklist is None: - toklist = [] - if isinstance(toklist, list): - self.__toklist = toklist[:] - elif isinstance(toklist, _generatorType): - self.__toklist = list(toklist) - else: - self.__toklist = [toklist] - self.__tokdict = dict() - - if name is not None and name: - if not modal: - self.__accumNames[name] = 0 - if isinstance(name,int): - name = _ustr(name) # will always return a str, but use _ustr for consistency - self.__name = name - if not (isinstance(toklist, (type(None), basestring, list)) and toklist in (None,'',[])): - if isinstance(toklist,basestring): - toklist = [ toklist ] - if asList: - if isinstance(toklist,ParseResults): - self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(toklist.copy(),0) - else: - self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(ParseResults(toklist[0]),0) - self[name].__name = name - else: - try: - self[name] = toklist[0] - except (KeyError,TypeError,IndexError): - self[name] = toklist - - def __getitem__( self, i ): - if isinstance( i, (int,slice) ): - return self.__toklist[i] - else: - if i not in self.__accumNames: - return self.__tokdict[i][-1][0] - else: - return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[i] ]) - - def __setitem__( self, k, v, isinstance=isinstance ): - if isinstance(v,_ParseResultsWithOffset): - self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [v] - sub = v[0] - elif isinstance(k,(int,slice)): - self.__toklist[k] = v - sub = v - else: - self.__tokdict[k] = self.__tokdict.get(k,list()) + [_ParseResultsWithOffset(v,0)] - sub = v - if isinstance(sub,ParseResults): - sub.__parent = wkref(self) - - def __delitem__( self, i ): - if isinstance(i,(int,slice)): - mylen = len( self.__toklist ) - del self.__toklist[i] - - # convert int to slice - if isinstance(i, int): - if i < 0: - i += mylen - i = slice(i, i+1) - # get removed indices - removed = list(range(*i.indices(mylen))) - removed.reverse() - # fixup indices in token dictionary - for name,occurrences in self.__tokdict.items(): - for j in removed: - for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): - occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(value, position - (position > j)) - else: - del self.__tokdict[i] - - def __contains__( self, k ): - return k in self.__tokdict - - def __len__( self ): return len( self.__toklist ) - def __bool__(self): return ( not not self.__toklist ) - __nonzero__ = __bool__ - def __iter__( self ): return iter( self.__toklist ) - def __reversed__( self ): return iter( self.__toklist[::-1] ) - def _iterkeys( self ): - if hasattr(self.__tokdict, "iterkeys"): - return self.__tokdict.iterkeys() - else: - return iter(self.__tokdict) - - def _itervalues( self ): - return (self[k] for k in self._iterkeys()) - - def _iteritems( self ): - return ((k, self[k]) for k in self._iterkeys()) - - if PY_3: - keys = _iterkeys - """Returns an iterator of all named result keys (Python 3.x only).""" - - values = _itervalues - """Returns an iterator of all named result values (Python 3.x only).""" - - items = _iteritems - """Returns an iterator of all named result key-value tuples (Python 3.x only).""" - - else: - iterkeys = _iterkeys - """Returns an iterator of all named result keys (Python 2.x only).""" - - itervalues = _itervalues - """Returns an iterator of all named result values (Python 2.x only).""" - - iteritems = _iteritems - """Returns an iterator of all named result key-value tuples (Python 2.x only).""" - - def keys( self ): - """Returns all named result keys (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.iterkeys()) - - def values( self ): - """Returns all named result values (as a list in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.itervalues()) - - def items( self ): - """Returns all named result key-values (as a list of tuples in Python 2.x, as an iterator in Python 3.x).""" - return list(self.iteritems()) - - def haskeys( self ): - """Since keys() returns an iterator, this method is helpful in bypassing - code that looks for the existence of any defined results names.""" - return bool(self.__tokdict) - - def pop( self, *args, **kwargs): - """ - Removes and returns item at specified index (default=C{last}). - Supports both C{list} and C{dict} semantics for C{pop()}. If passed no - argument or an integer argument, it will use C{list} semantics - and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed a - non-integer argument (most likely a string), it will use C{dict} - semantics and pop the corresponding value from any defined - results names. A second default return value argument is - supported, just as in C{dict.pop()}. - - Example:: - def remove_first(tokens): - tokens.pop(0) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(remove_first).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['123', '321'] - - label = Word(alphas) - patt = label("LABEL") + OneOrMore(Word(nums)) - print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) - - # Use pop() in a parse action to remove named result (note that corresponding value is not - # removed from list form of results) - def remove_LABEL(tokens): - tokens.pop("LABEL") - return tokens - patt.addParseAction(remove_LABEL) - print(patt.parseString("AAB 123 321").dump()) - prints:: - ['AAB', '123', '321'] - - LABEL: AAB - - ['AAB', '123', '321'] - """ - if not args: - args = [-1] - for k,v in kwargs.items(): - if k == 'default': - args = (args[0], v) - else: - raise TypeError("pop() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % k) - if (isinstance(args[0], int) or - len(args) == 1 or - args[0] in self): - index = args[0] - ret = self[index] - del self[index] - return ret - else: - defaultvalue = args[1] - return defaultvalue - - def get(self, key, defaultValue=None): - """ - Returns named result matching the given key, or if there is no - such name, then returns the given C{defaultValue} or C{None} if no - C{defaultValue} is specified. - - Similar to C{dict.get()}. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") - print(result.get("year")) # -> '1999' - print(result.get("hour", "not specified")) # -> 'not specified' - print(result.get("hour")) # -> None - """ - if key in self: - return self[key] - else: - return defaultValue - - def insert( self, index, insStr ): - """ - Inserts new element at location index in the list of parsed tokens. - - Similar to C{list.insert()}. - - Example:: - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - - # use a parse action to insert the parse location in the front of the parsed results - def insert_locn(locn, tokens): - tokens.insert(0, locn) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(insert_locn).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> [0, '0', '123', '321'] - """ - self.__toklist.insert(index, insStr) - # fixup indices in token dictionary - for name,occurrences in self.__tokdict.items(): - for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): - occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(value, position + (position > index)) - - def append( self, item ): - """ - Add single element to end of ParseResults list of elements. - - Example:: - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] - - # use a parse action to compute the sum of the parsed integers, and add it to the end - def append_sum(tokens): - tokens.append(sum(map(int, tokens))) - print(OneOrMore(Word(nums)).addParseAction(append_sum).parseString("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321', 444] - """ - self.__toklist.append(item) - - def extend( self, itemseq ): - """ - Add sequence of elements to end of ParseResults list of elements. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - - # use a parse action to append the reverse of the matched strings, to make a palindrome - def make_palindrome(tokens): - tokens.extend(reversed([t[::-1] for t in tokens])) - return ''.join(tokens) - print(patt.addParseAction(make_palindrome).parseString("lskdj sdlkjf lksd")) # -> 'lskdjsdlkjflksddsklfjkldsjdksl' - """ - if isinstance(itemseq, ParseResults): - self += itemseq - else: - self.__toklist.extend(itemseq) - - def clear( self ): - """ - Clear all elements and results names. - """ - del self.__toklist[:] - self.__tokdict.clear() - - def __getattr__( self, name ): - try: - return self[name] - except KeyError: - return "" - - if name in self.__tokdict: - if name not in self.__accumNames: - return self.__tokdict[name][-1][0] - else: - return ParseResults([ v[0] for v in self.__tokdict[name] ]) - else: - return "" - - def __add__( self, other ): - ret = self.copy() - ret += other - return ret - - def __iadd__( self, other ): - if other.__tokdict: - offset = len(self.__toklist) - addoffset = lambda a: offset if a<0 else a+offset - otheritems = other.__tokdict.items() - otherdictitems = [(k, _ParseResultsWithOffset(v[0],addoffset(v[1])) ) - for (k,vlist) in otheritems for v in vlist] - for k,v in otherdictitems: - self[k] = v - if isinstance(v[0],ParseResults): - v[0].__parent = wkref(self) - - self.__toklist += other.__toklist - self.__accumNames.update( other.__accumNames ) - return self - - def __radd__(self, other): - if isinstance(other,int) and other == 0: - # useful for merging many ParseResults using sum() builtin - return self.copy() - else: - # this may raise a TypeError - so be it - return other + self - - def __repr__( self ): - return "(%s, %s)" % ( repr( self.__toklist ), repr( self.__tokdict ) ) - - def __str__( self ): - return '[' + ', '.join(_ustr(i) if isinstance(i, ParseResults) else repr(i) for i in self.__toklist) + ']' - - def _asStringList( self, sep='' ): - out = [] - for item in self.__toklist: - if out and sep: - out.append(sep) - if isinstance( item, ParseResults ): - out += item._asStringList() - else: - out.append( _ustr(item) ) - return out - - def asList( self ): - """ - Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - result = patt.parseString("sldkj lsdkj sldkj") - # even though the result prints in string-like form, it is actually a pyparsing ParseResults - print(type(result), result) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] - - # Use asList() to create an actual list - result_list = result.asList() - print(type(result_list), result_list) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] - """ - return [res.asList() if isinstance(res,ParseResults) else res for res in self.__toklist] - - def asDict( self ): - """ - Returns the named parse results as a nested dictionary. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString('12/31/1999') - print(type(result), repr(result)) # -> (['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'], {'day': [('1999', 4)], 'year': [('12', 0)], 'month': [('31', 2)]}) - - result_dict = result.asDict() - print(type(result_dict), repr(result_dict)) # -> {'day': '1999', 'year': '12', 'month': '31'} - - # even though a ParseResults supports dict-like access, sometime you just need to have a dict - import json - print(json.dumps(result)) # -> Exception: TypeError: ... is not JSON serializable - print(json.dumps(result.asDict())) # -> {"month": "31", "day": "1999", "year": "12"} - """ - if PY_3: - item_fn = self.items - else: - item_fn = self.iteritems - - def toItem(obj): - if isinstance(obj, ParseResults): - if obj.haskeys(): - return obj.asDict() - else: - return [toItem(v) for v in obj] - else: - return obj - - return dict((k,toItem(v)) for k,v in item_fn()) - - def copy( self ): - """ - Returns a new copy of a C{ParseResults} object. - """ - ret = ParseResults( self.__toklist ) - ret.__tokdict = self.__tokdict.copy() - ret.__parent = self.__parent - ret.__accumNames.update( self.__accumNames ) - ret.__name = self.__name - return ret - - def asXML( self, doctag=None, namedItemsOnly=False, indent="", formatted=True ): - """ - (Deprecated) Returns the parse results as XML. Tags are created for tokens and lists that have defined results names. - """ - nl = "\n" - out = [] - namedItems = dict((v[1],k) for (k,vlist) in self.__tokdict.items() - for v in vlist) - nextLevelIndent = indent + " " - - # collapse out indents if formatting is not desired - if not formatted: - indent = "" - nextLevelIndent = "" - nl = "" - - selfTag = None - if doctag is not None: - selfTag = doctag - else: - if self.__name: - selfTag = self.__name - - if not selfTag: - if namedItemsOnly: - return "" - else: - selfTag = "ITEM" - - out += [ nl, indent, "<", selfTag, ">" ] - - for i,res in enumerate(self.__toklist): - if isinstance(res,ParseResults): - if i in namedItems: - out += [ res.asXML(namedItems[i], - namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, - nextLevelIndent, - formatted)] - else: - out += [ res.asXML(None, - namedItemsOnly and doctag is None, - nextLevelIndent, - formatted)] - else: - # individual token, see if there is a name for it - resTag = None - if i in namedItems: - resTag = namedItems[i] - if not resTag: - if namedItemsOnly: - continue - else: - resTag = "ITEM" - xmlBodyText = _xml_escape(_ustr(res)) - out += [ nl, nextLevelIndent, "<", resTag, ">", - xmlBodyText, - "" ] - - out += [ nl, indent, "" ] - return "".join(out) - - def __lookup(self,sub): - for k,vlist in self.__tokdict.items(): - for v,loc in vlist: - if sub is v: - return k - return None - - def getName(self): - r""" - Returns the results name for this token expression. Useful when several - different expressions might match at a particular location. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - ssn_expr = Regex(r"\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d") - house_number_expr = Suppress('#') + Word(nums, alphanums) - user_data = (Group(house_number_expr)("house_number") - | Group(ssn_expr)("ssn") - | Group(integer)("age")) - user_info = OneOrMore(user_data) - - result = user_info.parseString("22 111-22-3333 #221B") - for item in result: - print(item.getName(), ':', item[0]) - prints:: - age : 22 - ssn : 111-22-3333 - house_number : 221B - """ - if self.__name: - return self.__name - elif self.__parent: - par = self.__parent() - if par: - return par.__lookup(self) - else: - return None - elif (len(self) == 1 and - len(self.__tokdict) == 1 and - next(iter(self.__tokdict.values()))[0][1] in (0,-1)): - return next(iter(self.__tokdict.keys())) - else: - return None - - def dump(self, indent='', depth=0, full=True): - """ - Diagnostic method for listing out the contents of a C{ParseResults}. - Accepts an optional C{indent} argument so that this string can be embedded - in a nested display of other data. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - result = date_str.parseString('12/31/1999') - print(result.dump()) - prints:: - ['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'] - - day: 1999 - - month: 31 - - year: 12 - """ - out = [] - NL = '\n' - out.append( indent+_ustr(self.asList()) ) - if full: - if self.haskeys(): - items = sorted((str(k), v) for k,v in self.items()) - for k,v in items: - if out: - out.append(NL) - out.append( "%s%s- %s: " % (indent,(' '*depth), k) ) - if isinstance(v,ParseResults): - if v: - out.append( v.dump(indent,depth+1) ) - else: - out.append(_ustr(v)) - else: - out.append(repr(v)) - elif any(isinstance(vv,ParseResults) for vv in self): - v = self - for i,vv in enumerate(v): - if isinstance(vv,ParseResults): - out.append("\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" % (indent,(' '*(depth)),i,indent,(' '*(depth+1)),vv.dump(indent,depth+1) )) - else: - out.append("\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" % (indent,(' '*(depth)),i,indent,(' '*(depth+1)),_ustr(vv))) - - return "".join(out) - - def pprint(self, *args, **kwargs): - """ - Pretty-printer for parsed results as a list, using the C{pprint} module. - Accepts additional positional or keyword args as defined for the - C{pprint.pprint} method. (U{http://docs.python.org/3/library/pprint.html#pprint.pprint}) - - Example:: - ident = Word(alphas, alphanums) - num = Word(nums) - func = Forward() - term = ident | num | Group('(' + func + ')') - func <<= ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) - result = func.parseString("fna a,b,(fnb c,d,200),100") - result.pprint(width=40) - prints:: - ['fna', - ['a', - 'b', - ['(', 'fnb', ['c', 'd', '200'], ')'], - '100']] - """ - pprint.pprint(self.asList(), *args, **kwargs) - - # add support for pickle protocol - def __getstate__(self): - return ( self.__toklist, - ( self.__tokdict.copy(), - self.__parent is not None and self.__parent() or None, - self.__accumNames, - self.__name ) ) - - def __setstate__(self,state): - self.__toklist = state[0] - (self.__tokdict, - par, - inAccumNames, - self.__name) = state[1] - self.__accumNames = {} - self.__accumNames.update(inAccumNames) - if par is not None: - self.__parent = wkref(par) - else: - self.__parent = None - - def __getnewargs__(self): - return self.__toklist, self.__name, self.__asList, self.__modal - - def __dir__(self): - return (dir(type(self)) + list(self.keys())) - -MutableMapping.register(ParseResults) - -def col (loc,strg): - """Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators. - The first column is number 1. - - Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string - before starting the parsing process. See L{I{ParserElement.parseString}} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - """ - s = strg - return 1 if 0} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - """ - return strg.count("\n",0,loc) + 1 - -def line( loc, strg ): - """Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators. - """ - lastCR = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc) - nextCR = strg.find("\n", loc) - if nextCR >= 0: - return strg[lastCR+1:nextCR] - else: - return strg[lastCR+1:] - -def _defaultStartDebugAction( instring, loc, expr ): - print (("Match " + _ustr(expr) + " at loc " + _ustr(loc) + "(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) ))) - -def _defaultSuccessDebugAction( instring, startloc, endloc, expr, toks ): - print ("Matched " + _ustr(expr) + " -> " + str(toks.asList())) - -def _defaultExceptionDebugAction( instring, loc, expr, exc ): - print ("Exception raised:" + _ustr(exc)) - -def nullDebugAction(*args): - """'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing.""" - pass - -# Only works on Python 3.x - nonlocal is toxic to Python 2 installs -#~ 'decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target' -#~ def _trim_arity(func, maxargs=3): - #~ if func in singleArgBuiltins: - #~ return lambda s,l,t: func(t) - #~ limit = 0 - #~ foundArity = False - #~ def wrapper(*args): - #~ nonlocal limit,foundArity - #~ while 1: - #~ try: - #~ ret = func(*args[limit:]) - #~ foundArity = True - #~ return ret - #~ except TypeError: - #~ if limit == maxargs or foundArity: - #~ raise - #~ limit += 1 - #~ continue - #~ return wrapper - -# this version is Python 2.x-3.x cross-compatible -'decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target' -def _trim_arity(func, maxargs=2): - if func in singleArgBuiltins: - return lambda s,l,t: func(t) - limit = [0] - foundArity = [False] - - # traceback return data structure changed in Py3.5 - normalize back to plain tuples - if system_version[:2] >= (3,5): - def extract_stack(limit=0): - # special handling for Python 3.5.0 - extra deep call stack by 1 - offset = -3 if system_version == (3,5,0) else -2 - frame_summary = traceback.extract_stack(limit=-offset+limit-1)[offset] - return [frame_summary[:2]] - def extract_tb(tb, limit=0): - frames = traceback.extract_tb(tb, limit=limit) - frame_summary = frames[-1] - return [frame_summary[:2]] - else: - extract_stack = traceback.extract_stack - extract_tb = traceback.extract_tb - - # synthesize what would be returned by traceback.extract_stack at the call to - # user's parse action 'func', so that we don't incur call penalty at parse time - - LINE_DIFF = 6 - # IF ANY CODE CHANGES, EVEN JUST COMMENTS OR BLANK LINES, BETWEEN THE NEXT LINE AND - # THE CALL TO FUNC INSIDE WRAPPER, LINE_DIFF MUST BE MODIFIED!!!! - this_line = extract_stack(limit=2)[-1] - pa_call_line_synth = (this_line[0], this_line[1]+LINE_DIFF) - - def wrapper(*args): - while 1: - try: - ret = func(*args[limit[0]:]) - foundArity[0] = True - return ret - except TypeError: - # re-raise TypeErrors if they did not come from our arity testing - if foundArity[0]: - raise - else: - try: - tb = sys.exc_info()[-1] - if not extract_tb(tb, limit=2)[-1][:2] == pa_call_line_synth: - raise - finally: - del tb - - if limit[0] <= maxargs: - limit[0] += 1 - continue - raise - - # copy func name to wrapper for sensible debug output - func_name = "" - try: - func_name = getattr(func, '__name__', - getattr(func, '__class__').__name__) - except Exception: - func_name = str(func) - wrapper.__name__ = func_name - - return wrapper - -class ParserElement(object): - """Abstract base level parser element class.""" - DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = " \n\t\r" - verbose_stacktrace = False - - @staticmethod - def setDefaultWhitespaceChars( chars ): - r""" - Overrides the default whitespace chars - - Example:: - # default whitespace chars are space, and newline - OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] - - # change to just treat newline as significant - ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(" \t") - OneOrMore(Word(alphas)).parseString("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def'] - """ - ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = chars - - @staticmethod - def inlineLiteralsUsing(cls): - """ - Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser. - - Example:: - # default literal class used is Literal - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - - # change to Suppress - ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '12', '31'] - """ - ParserElement._literalStringClass = cls - - def __init__( self, savelist=False ): - self.parseAction = list() - self.failAction = None - #~ self.name = "" # don't define self.name, let subclasses try/except upcall - self.strRepr = None - self.resultsName = None - self.saveAsList = savelist - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = True - self.mayReturnEmpty = False # used when checking for left-recursion - self.keepTabs = False - self.ignoreExprs = list() - self.debug = False - self.streamlined = False - self.mayIndexError = True # used to optimize exception handling for subclasses that don't advance parse index - self.errmsg = "" - self.modalResults = True # used to mark results names as modal (report only last) or cumulative (list all) - self.debugActions = ( None, None, None ) #custom debug actions - self.re = None - self.callPreparse = True # used to avoid redundant calls to preParse - self.callDuringTry = False - - def copy( self ): - """ - Make a copy of this C{ParserElement}. Useful for defining different parse actions - for the same parsing pattern, using copies of the original parse element. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - integerK = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024) + Suppress("K") - integerM = integer.copy().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M") - - print(OneOrMore(integerK | integerM | integer).parseString("5K 100 640K 256M")) - prints:: - [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456] - Equivalent form of C{expr.copy()} is just C{expr()}:: - integerM = integer().addParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0]*1024*1024) + Suppress("M") - """ - cpy = copy.copy( self ) - cpy.parseAction = self.parseAction[:] - cpy.ignoreExprs = self.ignoreExprs[:] - if self.copyDefaultWhiteChars: - cpy.whiteChars = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - return cpy - - def setName( self, name ): - """ - Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer. - - Example:: - Word(nums).parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - Word(nums).setName("integer").parseString("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - """ - self.name = name - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - if hasattr(self,"exception"): - self.exception.msg = self.errmsg - return self - - def setResultsName( self, name, listAllMatches=False ): - """ - Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute - of the returned parse results. - NOTE: this returns a *copy* of the original C{ParserElement} object; - this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an - integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names. - - You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, - C{expr("name")} in place of C{expr.setResultsName("name")} - - see L{I{__call__}<__call__>}. - - Example:: - date_str = (integer.setResultsName("year") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("month") + '/' - + integer.setResultsName("day")) - - # equivalent form: - date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") - """ - newself = self.copy() - if name.endswith("*"): - name = name[:-1] - listAllMatches=True - newself.resultsName = name - newself.modalResults = not listAllMatches - return newself - - def setBreak(self,breakFlag = True): - """Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is - about to be parsed. Set C{breakFlag} to True to enable, False to - disable. - """ - if breakFlag: - _parseMethod = self._parse - def breaker(instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True): - import pdb - pdb.set_trace() - return _parseMethod( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse ) - breaker._originalParseMethod = _parseMethod - self._parse = breaker - else: - if hasattr(self._parse,"_originalParseMethod"): - self._parse = self._parse._originalParseMethod - return self - - def setParseAction( self, *fns, **kwargs ): - """ - Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition. - Parse action fn is a callable method with 0-3 arguments, called as C{fn(s,loc,toks)}, - C{fn(loc,toks)}, C{fn(toks)}, or just C{fn()}, where: - - s = the original string being parsed (see note below) - - loc = the location of the matching substring - - toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a C{L{ParseResults}} object - If the functions in fns modify the tokens, they can return them as the return - value from fn, and the modified list of tokens will replace the original. - Otherwise, fn does not need to return any value. - - Optional keyword arguments: - - callDuringTry = (default=C{False}) indicate if parse action should be run during lookaheads and alternate testing - - Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string - before starting the parsing process. See L{I{parseString}} for more information - on parsing strings containing C{}s, and suggested methods to maintain a - consistent view of the parsed string, the parse location, and line and column - positions within the parsed string. - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums) - date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] - - # use parse action to convert to ints at parse time - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings - date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> [1999, '/', 12, '/', 31] - """ - self.parseAction = list(map(_trim_arity, list(fns))) - self.callDuringTry = kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def addParseAction( self, *fns, **kwargs ): - """ - Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See L{I{setParseAction}}. - - See examples in L{I{copy}}. - """ - self.parseAction += list(map(_trim_arity, list(fns))) - self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def addCondition(self, *fns, **kwargs): - """Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See - L{I{setParseAction}} for function call signatures. Unlike C{setParseAction}, - functions passed to C{addCondition} need to return boolean success/fail of the condition. - - Optional keyword arguments: - - message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception - - fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise ParseException - - Example:: - integer = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - year_int = integer.copy() - year_int.addCondition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later") - date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer - - result = date_str.parseString("1999/12/31") # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - """ - msg = kwargs.get("message", "failed user-defined condition") - exc_type = ParseFatalException if kwargs.get("fatal", False) else ParseException - for fn in fns: - def pa(s,l,t): - if not bool(_trim_arity(fn)(s,l,t)): - raise exc_type(s,l,msg) - self.parseAction.append(pa) - self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) - return self - - def setFailAction( self, fn ): - """Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. - Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments - C{fn(s,loc,expr,err)} where: - - s = string being parsed - - loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed - - expr = the parse expression that failed - - err = the exception thrown - The function returns no value. It may throw C{L{ParseFatalException}} - if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.""" - self.failAction = fn - return self - - def _skipIgnorables( self, instring, loc ): - exprsFound = True - while exprsFound: - exprsFound = False - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - try: - while 1: - loc,dummy = e._parse( instring, loc ) - exprsFound = True - except ParseException: - pass - return loc - - def preParse( self, instring, loc ): - if self.ignoreExprs: - loc = self._skipIgnorables( instring, loc ) - - if self.skipWhitespace: - wt = self.whiteChars - instrlen = len(instring) - while loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in wt: - loc += 1 - - return loc - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - return loc, [] - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return tokenlist - - #~ @profile - def _parseNoCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ): - debugging = ( self.debug ) #and doActions ) - - if debugging or self.failAction: - #~ print ("Match",self,"at loc",loc,"(%d,%d)" % ( lineno(loc,instring), col(loc,instring) )) - if (self.debugActions[0] ): - self.debugActions[0]( instring, loc, self ) - if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: - preloc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - tokensStart = preloc - try: - try: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - except IndexError: - raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self ) - except ParseBaseException as err: - #~ print ("Exception raised:", err) - if self.debugActions[2]: - self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - if self.failAction: - self.failAction( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - raise - else: - if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: - preloc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - tokensStart = preloc - if self.mayIndexError or preloc >= len(instring): - try: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - except IndexError: - raise ParseException( instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self ) - else: - loc,tokens = self.parseImpl( instring, preloc, doActions ) - - tokens = self.postParse( instring, loc, tokens ) - - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, self.resultsName, asList=self.saveAsList, modal=self.modalResults ) - if self.parseAction and (doActions or self.callDuringTry): - if debugging: - try: - for fn in self.parseAction: - tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens ) - if tokens is not None: - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, - self.resultsName, - asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), - modal=self.modalResults ) - except ParseBaseException as err: - #~ print "Exception raised in user parse action:", err - if (self.debugActions[2] ): - self.debugActions[2]( instring, tokensStart, self, err ) - raise - else: - for fn in self.parseAction: - tokens = fn( instring, tokensStart, retTokens ) - if tokens is not None: - retTokens = ParseResults( tokens, - self.resultsName, - asList=self.saveAsList and isinstance(tokens,(ParseResults,list)), - modal=self.modalResults ) - if debugging: - #~ print ("Matched",self,"->",retTokens.asList()) - if (self.debugActions[1] ): - self.debugActions[1]( instring, tokensStart, loc, self, retTokens ) - - return loc, retTokens - - def tryParse( self, instring, loc ): - try: - return self._parse( instring, loc, doActions=False )[0] - except ParseFatalException: - raise ParseException( instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - def canParseNext(self, instring, loc): - try: - self.tryParse(instring, loc) - except (ParseException, IndexError): - return False - else: - return True - - class _UnboundedCache(object): - def __init__(self): - cache = {} - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - if _OrderedDict is not None: - class _FifoCache(object): - def __init__(self, size): - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - cache = _OrderedDict() - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - while len(cache) > size: - try: - cache.popitem(False) - except KeyError: - pass - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - else: - class _FifoCache(object): - def __init__(self, size): - self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() - - cache = {} - key_fifo = collections.deque([], size) - - def get(self, key): - return cache.get(key, not_in_cache) - - def set(self, key, value): - cache[key] = value - while len(key_fifo) > size: - cache.pop(key_fifo.popleft(), None) - key_fifo.append(key) - - def clear(self): - cache.clear() - key_fifo.clear() - - def cache_len(self): - return len(cache) - - self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) - self.set = types.MethodType(set, self) - self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) - self.__len__ = types.MethodType(cache_len, self) - - # argument cache for optimizing repeated calls when backtracking through recursive expressions - packrat_cache = {} # this is set later by enabledPackrat(); this is here so that resetCache() doesn't fail - packrat_cache_lock = RLock() - packrat_cache_stats = [0, 0] - - # this method gets repeatedly called during backtracking with the same arguments - - # we can cache these arguments and save ourselves the trouble of re-parsing the contained expression - def _parseCache( self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True ): - HIT, MISS = 0, 1 - lookup = (self, instring, loc, callPreParse, doActions) - with ParserElement.packrat_cache_lock: - cache = ParserElement.packrat_cache - value = cache.get(lookup) - if value is cache.not_in_cache: - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[MISS] += 1 - try: - value = self._parseNoCache(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) - except ParseBaseException as pe: - # cache a copy of the exception, without the traceback - cache.set(lookup, pe.__class__(*pe.args)) - raise - else: - cache.set(lookup, (value[0], value[1].copy())) - return value - else: - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[HIT] += 1 - if isinstance(value, Exception): - raise value - return (value[0], value[1].copy()) - - _parse = _parseNoCache - - @staticmethod - def resetCache(): - ParserElement.packrat_cache.clear() - ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[:] = [0] * len(ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats) - - _packratEnabled = False - @staticmethod - def enablePackrat(cache_size_limit=128): - """Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. - Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens - often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, - instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of - both valid results and parsing exceptions. - - Parameters: - - cache_size_limit - (default=C{128}) - if an integer value is provided - will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then - the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will - be effectively disabled. - - This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that - have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when - you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your - program must call the class method C{ParserElement.enablePackrat()}. If - your program uses C{psyco} to "compile as you go", you must call - C{enablePackrat} before calling C{psyco.full()}. If you do not do this, - Python will crash. For best results, call C{enablePackrat()} immediately - after importing pyparsing. - - Example:: - import pyparsing - pyparsing.ParserElement.enablePackrat() - """ - if not ParserElement._packratEnabled: - ParserElement._packratEnabled = True - if cache_size_limit is None: - ParserElement.packrat_cache = ParserElement._UnboundedCache() - else: - ParserElement.packrat_cache = ParserElement._FifoCache(cache_size_limit) - ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseCache - - def parseString( self, instring, parseAll=False ): - """ - Execute the parse expression with the given string. - This is the main interface to the client code, once the complete - expression has been built. - - If you want the grammar to require that the entire input string be - successfully parsed, then set C{parseAll} to True (equivalent to ending - the grammar with C{L{StringEnd()}}). - - Note: C{parseString} implicitly calls C{expandtabs()} on the input string, - in order to report proper column numbers in parse actions. - If the input string contains tabs and - the grammar uses parse actions that use the C{loc} argument to index into the - string being parsed, you can ensure you have a consistent view of the input - string by: - - calling C{parseWithTabs} on your grammar before calling C{parseString} - (see L{I{parseWithTabs}}) - - define your parse action using the full C{(s,loc,toks)} signature, and - reference the input string using the parse action's C{s} argument - - explicitly expand the tabs in your input string before calling - C{parseString} - - Example:: - Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa') # -> ['aaaaa'] - Word('a').parseString('aaaaabaaa', parseAll=True) # -> Exception: Expected end of text - """ - ParserElement.resetCache() - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamline() - #~ self.saveAsList = True - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - e.streamline() - if not self.keepTabs: - instring = instring.expandtabs() - try: - loc, tokens = self._parse( instring, 0 ) - if parseAll: - loc = self.preParse( instring, loc ) - se = Empty() + StringEnd() - se._parse( instring, loc ) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - else: - return tokens - - def scanString( self, instring, maxMatches=_MAX_INT, overlap=False ): - """ - Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the - matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional - C{maxMatches} argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If - C{overlap} is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported. - - Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string - being parsed. See L{I{parseString}} for more information on parsing - strings with embedded tabs. - - Example:: - source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987" - print(source) - for tokens,start,end in Word(alphas).scanString(source): - print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start)) - print(' '*start + tokens[0]) - - prints:: - - sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987 - ^^^^^ - sldjf - ^^^^^^^ - lsdjjkf - ^^^^^^ - sldkjf - ^^^^^^ - lkjsfd - """ - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamline() - for e in self.ignoreExprs: - e.streamline() - - if not self.keepTabs: - instring = _ustr(instring).expandtabs() - instrlen = len(instring) - loc = 0 - preparseFn = self.preParse - parseFn = self._parse - ParserElement.resetCache() - matches = 0 - try: - while loc <= instrlen and matches < maxMatches: - try: - preloc = preparseFn( instring, loc ) - nextLoc,tokens = parseFn( instring, preloc, callPreParse=False ) - except ParseException: - loc = preloc+1 - else: - if nextLoc > loc: - matches += 1 - yield tokens, preloc, nextLoc - if overlap: - nextloc = preparseFn( instring, loc ) - if nextloc > loc: - loc = nextLoc - else: - loc += 1 - else: - loc = nextLoc - else: - loc = preloc+1 - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def transformString( self, instring ): - """ - Extension to C{L{scanString}}, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may - be returned from a parse action. To use C{transformString}, define a grammar and - attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. - Invoking C{transformString()} on a target string will then scan for matches, - and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse - action. C{transformString()} returns the resulting transformed string. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - wd.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks[0].title()) - - print(wd.transformString("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york.")) - Prints:: - Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York. - """ - out = [] - lastE = 0 - # force preservation of s, to minimize unwanted transformation of string, and to - # keep string locs straight between transformString and scanString - self.keepTabs = True - try: - for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring ): - out.append( instring[lastE:s] ) - if t: - if isinstance(t,ParseResults): - out += t.asList() - elif isinstance(t,list): - out += t - else: - out.append(t) - lastE = e - out.append(instring[lastE:]) - out = [o for o in out if o] - return "".join(map(_ustr,_flatten(out))) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def searchString( self, instring, maxMatches=_MAX_INT ): - """ - Another extension to C{L{scanString}}, simplifying the access to the tokens found - to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional - C{maxMatches} argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found. - - Example:: - # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters - cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) - - print(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")) - - # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object - print(sum(cap_word.searchString("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))) - prints:: - [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']] - ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity'] - """ - try: - return ParseResults([ t for t,s,e in self.scanString( instring, maxMatches ) ]) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def split(self, instring, maxsplit=_MAX_INT, includeSeparators=False): - """ - Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. - May be called with optional C{maxsplit} argument, to limit the number of splits; - and the optional C{includeSeparators} argument (default=C{False}), if the separating - matching text should be included in the split results. - - Example:: - punc = oneOf(list(".,;:/-!?")) - print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!"))) - prints:: - ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', ''] - """ - splits = 0 - last = 0 - for t,s,e in self.scanString(instring, maxMatches=maxsplit): - yield instring[last:s] - if includeSeparators: - yield t[0] - last = e - yield instring[last:] - - def __add__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of + operator - returns C{L{And}}. Adding strings to a ParserElement - converts them to L{Literal}s by default. - - Example:: - greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" - hello = "Hello, World!" - print (hello, "->", greet.parseString(hello)) - Prints:: - Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return And( [ self, other ] ) - - def __radd__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of + operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other + self - - def __sub__(self, other): - """ - Implementation of - operator, returns C{L{And}} with error stop - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return self + And._ErrorStop() + other - - def __rsub__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of - operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other - self - - def __mul__(self,other): - """ - Implementation of * operator, allows use of C{expr * 3} in place of - C{expr + expr + expr}. Expressions may also me multiplied by a 2-integer - tuple, similar to C{{min,max}} multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples - may also include C{None} as in: - - C{expr*(n,None)} or C{expr*(n,)} is equivalent - to C{expr*n + L{ZeroOrMore}(expr)} - (read as "at least n instances of C{expr}") - - C{expr*(None,n)} is equivalent to C{expr*(0,n)} - (read as "0 to n instances of C{expr}") - - C{expr*(None,None)} is equivalent to C{L{ZeroOrMore}(expr)} - - C{expr*(1,None)} is equivalent to C{L{OneOrMore}(expr)} - - Note that C{expr*(None,n)} does not raise an exception if - more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, - C{expr*(None,n)} does not enforce a maximum number of expr - occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write - C{expr*(None,n) + ~expr} - """ - if isinstance(other,int): - minElements, optElements = other,0 - elif isinstance(other,tuple): - other = (other + (None, None))[:2] - if other[0] is None: - other = (0, other[1]) - if isinstance(other[0],int) and other[1] is None: - if other[0] == 0: - return ZeroOrMore(self) - if other[0] == 1: - return OneOrMore(self) - else: - return self*other[0] + ZeroOrMore(self) - elif isinstance(other[0],int) and isinstance(other[1],int): - minElements, optElements = other - optElements -= minElements - else: - raise TypeError("cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and ('%s','%s') objects", type(other[0]),type(other[1])) - else: - raise TypeError("cannot multiply 'ParserElement' and '%s' objects", type(other)) - - if minElements < 0: - raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by negative value") - if optElements < 0: - raise ValueError("second tuple value must be greater or equal to first tuple value") - if minElements == optElements == 0: - raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by 0 or (0,0)") - - if (optElements): - def makeOptionalList(n): - if n>1: - return Optional(self + makeOptionalList(n-1)) - else: - return Optional(self) - if minElements: - if minElements == 1: - ret = self + makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - ret = And([self]*minElements) + makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - ret = makeOptionalList(optElements) - else: - if minElements == 1: - ret = self - else: - ret = And([self]*minElements) - return ret - - def __rmul__(self, other): - return self.__mul__(other) - - def __or__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of | operator - returns C{L{MatchFirst}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return MatchFirst( [ self, other ] ) - - def __ror__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of | operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other | self - - def __xor__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of ^ operator - returns C{L{Or}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return Or( [ self, other ] ) - - def __rxor__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of ^ operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other ^ self - - def __and__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of & operator - returns C{L{Each}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return Each( [ self, other ] ) - - def __rand__(self, other ): - """ - Implementation of & operator when left operand is not a C{L{ParserElement}} - """ - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - if not isinstance( other, ParserElement ): - warnings.warn("Cannot combine element of type %s with ParserElement" % type(other), - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - return None - return other & self - - def __invert__( self ): - """ - Implementation of ~ operator - returns C{L{NotAny}} - """ - return NotAny( self ) - - def __call__(self, name=None): - """ - Shortcut for C{L{setResultsName}}, with C{listAllMatches=False}. - - If C{name} is given with a trailing C{'*'} character, then C{listAllMatches} will be - passed as C{True}. - - If C{name} is omitted, same as calling C{L{copy}}. - - Example:: - # these are equivalent - userdata = Word(alphas).setResultsName("name") + Word(nums+"-").setResultsName("socsecno") - userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums+"-")("socsecno") - """ - if name is not None: - return self.setResultsName(name) - else: - return self.copy() - - def suppress( self ): - """ - Suppresses the output of this C{ParserElement}; useful to keep punctuation from - cluttering up returned output. - """ - return Suppress( self ) - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - """ - Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the - C{ParserElement}'s defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by - the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars. - """ - self.skipWhitespace = False - return self - - def setWhitespaceChars( self, chars ): - """ - Overrides the default whitespace chars - """ - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.whiteChars = chars - self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = False - return self - - def parseWithTabs( self ): - """ - Overrides default behavior to expand C{}s to spaces before parsing the input string. - Must be called before C{parseString} when the input grammar contains elements that - match C{} characters. - """ - self.keepTabs = True - return self - - def ignore( self, other ): - """ - Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern - matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other - ignorable patterns. - - Example:: - patt = OneOrMore(Word(alphas)) - patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj'] - - patt.ignore(cStyleComment) - patt.parseString('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd'] - """ - if isinstance(other, basestring): - other = Suppress(other) - - if isinstance( other, Suppress ): - if other not in self.ignoreExprs: - self.ignoreExprs.append(other) - else: - self.ignoreExprs.append( Suppress( other.copy() ) ) - return self - - def setDebugActions( self, startAction, successAction, exceptionAction ): - """ - Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. - """ - self.debugActions = (startAction or _defaultStartDebugAction, - successAction or _defaultSuccessDebugAction, - exceptionAction or _defaultExceptionDebugAction) - self.debug = True - return self - - def setDebug( self, flag=True ): - """ - Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. - Set C{flag} to True to enable, False to disable. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas).setName("alphaword") - integer = Word(nums).setName("numword") - term = wd | integer - - # turn on debugging for wd - wd.setDebug() - - OneOrMore(term).parseString("abc 123 xyz 890") - - prints:: - Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1) - Matched alphaword -> ['abc'] - Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) - Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8) - Matched alphaword -> ['xyz'] - Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13) - Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16) - Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16) - - The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be - specified using L{setDebugActions}. Prior to attempting - to match the C{wd} expression, the debugging message C{"Match at loc (,)"} - is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a C{"Matched"} message is shown, or an C{"Exception raised"} - message is shown. Also note the use of L{setName} to assign a human-readable name to the expression, - which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default - name created for the C{Word} expression without calling C{setName} is C{"W:(ABCD...)"}. - """ - if flag: - self.setDebugActions( _defaultStartDebugAction, _defaultSuccessDebugAction, _defaultExceptionDebugAction ) - else: - self.debug = False - return self - - def __str__( self ): - return self.name - - def __repr__( self ): - return _ustr(self) - - def streamline( self ): - self.streamlined = True - self.strRepr = None - return self - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - pass - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - """ - Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions. - """ - self.checkRecursion( [] ) - - def parseFile( self, file_or_filename, parseAll=False ): - """ - Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. - If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), - the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing. - """ - try: - file_contents = file_or_filename.read() - except AttributeError: - with open(file_or_filename, "r") as f: - file_contents = f.read() - try: - return self.parseString(file_contents, parseAll) - except ParseBaseException as exc: - if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: - raise - else: - # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace - raise exc - - def __eq__(self,other): - if isinstance(other, ParserElement): - return self is other or vars(self) == vars(other) - elif isinstance(other, basestring): - return self.matches(other) - else: - return super(ParserElement,self)==other - - def __ne__(self,other): - return not (self == other) - - def __hash__(self): - return hash(id(self)) - - def __req__(self,other): - return self == other - - def __rne__(self,other): - return not (self == other) - - def matches(self, testString, parseAll=True): - """ - Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple - inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser. - - Parameters: - - testString - to test against this expression for a match - - parseAll - (default=C{True}) - flag to pass to C{L{parseString}} when running tests - - Example:: - expr = Word(nums) - assert expr.matches("100") - """ - try: - self.parseString(_ustr(testString), parseAll=parseAll) - return True - except ParseBaseException: - return False - - def runTests(self, tests, parseAll=True, comment='#', fullDump=True, printResults=True, failureTests=False): - """ - Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each - test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to - run a parse expression against a list of sample strings. - - Parameters: - - tests - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings - - parseAll - (default=C{True}) - flag to pass to C{L{parseString}} when running tests - - comment - (default=C{'#'}) - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test - string; pass None to disable comment filtering - - fullDump - (default=C{True}) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; - if False, only dump nested list - - printResults - (default=C{True}) prints test output to stdout - - failureTests - (default=C{False}) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing - - Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded - (or failed if C{failureTests} is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each - test's output - - Example:: - number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy() - - result = number_expr.runTests(''' - # unsigned integer - 100 - # negative integer - -100 - # float with scientific notation - 6.02e23 - # integer with scientific notation - 1e-12 - ''') - print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") - - result = number_expr.runTests(''' - # stray character - 100Z - # missing leading digit before '.' - -.100 - # too many '.' - 3.14.159 - ''', failureTests=True) - print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") - prints:: - # unsigned integer - 100 - [100] - - # negative integer - -100 - [-100] - - # float with scientific notation - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - # integer with scientific notation - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - Success - - # stray character - 100Z - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4) - - # missing leading digit before '.' - -.100 - ^ - FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - - # too many '.' - 3.14.159 - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) - - Success - - Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple - lines, create a test like this:: - - expr.runTest(r"this is a test\\n of strings that spans \\n 3 lines") - - (Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading 'r'.) - """ - if isinstance(tests, basestring): - tests = list(map(str.strip, tests.rstrip().splitlines())) - if isinstance(comment, basestring): - comment = Literal(comment) - allResults = [] - comments = [] - success = True - for t in tests: - if comment is not None and comment.matches(t, False) or comments and not t: - comments.append(t) - continue - if not t: - continue - out = ['\n'.join(comments), t] - comments = [] - try: - t = t.replace(r'\n','\n') - result = self.parseString(t, parseAll=parseAll) - out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) - success = success and not failureTests - except ParseBaseException as pe: - fatal = "(FATAL)" if isinstance(pe, ParseFatalException) else "" - if '\n' in t: - out.append(line(pe.loc, t)) - out.append(' '*(col(pe.loc,t)-1) + '^' + fatal) - else: - out.append(' '*pe.loc + '^' + fatal) - out.append("FAIL: " + str(pe)) - success = success and failureTests - result = pe - except Exception as exc: - out.append("FAIL-EXCEPTION: " + str(exc)) - success = success and failureTests - result = exc - - if printResults: - if fullDump: - out.append('') - print('\n'.join(out)) - - allResults.append((t, result)) - - return success, allResults - - -class Token(ParserElement): - """ - Abstract C{ParserElement} subclass, for defining atomic matching patterns. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(Token,self).__init__( savelist=False ) - - -class Empty(Token): - """ - An empty token, will always match. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(Empty,self).__init__() - self.name = "Empty" - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - - -class NoMatch(Token): - """ - A token that will never match. - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(NoMatch,self).__init__() - self.name = "NoMatch" - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - self.errmsg = "Unmatchable token" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - -class Literal(Token): - """ - Token to exactly match a specified string. - - Example:: - Literal('blah').parseString('blah') # -> ['blah'] - Literal('blah').parseString('blahfooblah') # -> ['blah'] - Literal('blah').parseString('bla') # -> Exception: Expected "blah" - - For case-insensitive matching, use L{CaselessLiteral}. - - For keyword matching (force word break before and after the matched string), - use L{Keyword} or L{CaselessKeyword}. - """ - def __init__( self, matchString ): - super(Literal,self).__init__() - self.match = matchString - self.matchLen = len(matchString) - try: - self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0] - except IndexError: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - self.__class__ = Empty - self.name = '"%s"' % _ustr(self.match) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - self.mayIndexError = False - - # Performance tuning: this routine gets called a *lot* - # if this is a single character match string and the first character matches, - # short-circuit as quickly as possible, and avoid calling startswith - #~ @profile - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and - (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) -_L = Literal -ParserElement._literalStringClass = Literal - -class Keyword(Token): - """ - Token to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, it must be - immediately followed by a non-keyword character. Compare with C{L{Literal}}: - - C{Literal("if")} will match the leading C{'if'} in C{'ifAndOnlyIf'}. - - C{Keyword("if")} will not; it will only match the leading C{'if'} in C{'if x=1'}, or C{'if(y==2)'} - Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the keyword string: - - C{identChars} is a string of characters that would be valid identifier characters, - defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and "$" - - C{caseless} allows case-insensitive matching, default is C{False}. - - Example:: - Keyword("start").parseString("start") # -> ['start'] - Keyword("start").parseString("starting") # -> Exception - - For case-insensitive matching, use L{CaselessKeyword}. - """ - DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = alphanums+"_$" - - def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=None, caseless=False ): - super(Keyword,self).__init__() - if identChars is None: - identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS - self.match = matchString - self.matchLen = len(matchString) - try: - self.firstMatchChar = matchString[0] - except IndexError: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - self.name = '"%s"' % self.match - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - self.mayIndexError = False - self.caseless = caseless - if caseless: - self.caselessmatch = matchString.upper() - identChars = identChars.upper() - self.identChars = set(identChars) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.caseless: - if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) and - (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1].upper() not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - else: - if (instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and - (self.matchLen==1 or instring.startswith(self.match,loc)) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen] not in self.identChars) and - (loc == 0 or instring[loc-1] not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - def copy(self): - c = super(Keyword,self).copy() - c.identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS - return c - - @staticmethod - def setDefaultKeywordChars( chars ): - """Overrides the default Keyword chars - """ - Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = chars - -class CaselessLiteral(Literal): - """ - Token to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters. - Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given - match string, NOT the case of the input text. - - Example:: - OneOrMore(CaselessLiteral("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD', 'CMD'] - - (Contrast with example for L{CaselessKeyword}.) - """ - def __init__( self, matchString ): - super(CaselessLiteral,self).__init__( matchString.upper() ) - # Preserve the defining literal. - self.returnString = matchString - self.name = "'%s'" % self.returnString - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.match: - return loc+self.matchLen, self.returnString - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class CaselessKeyword(Keyword): - """ - Caseless version of L{Keyword}. - - Example:: - OneOrMore(CaselessKeyword("CMD")).parseString("cmd CMD Cmd10") # -> ['CMD', 'CMD'] - - (Contrast with example for L{CaselessLiteral}.) - """ - def __init__( self, matchString, identChars=None ): - super(CaselessKeyword,self).__init__( matchString, identChars, caseless=True ) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if ( (instring[ loc:loc+self.matchLen ].upper() == self.caselessmatch) and - (loc >= len(instring)-self.matchLen or instring[loc+self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars) ): - return loc+self.matchLen, self.match - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class CloseMatch(Token): - """ - A variation on L{Literal} which matches "close" matches, that is, - strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. C{CloseMatch} takes parameters: - - C{match_string} - string to be matched - - C{maxMismatches} - (C{default=1}) maximum number of mismatches allowed to count as a match - - The results from a successful parse will contain the matched text from the input string and the following named results: - - C{mismatches} - a list of the positions within the match_string where mismatches were found - - C{original} - the original match_string used to compare against the input string - - If C{mismatches} is an empty list, then the match was an exact match. - - Example:: - patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA") - patt.parseString("ATCATCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> Exception: Expected 'ATCATCGAATGGA' (with up to 1 mismatches) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) - - # exact match - patt.parseString("ATCATCGAATGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAATGGA'], {'mismatches': [[]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - - # close match allowing up to 2 mismatches - patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA", maxMismatches=2) - patt.parseString("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCAXCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[4, 9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) - """ - def __init__(self, match_string, maxMismatches=1): - super(CloseMatch,self).__init__() - self.name = match_string - self.match_string = match_string - self.maxMismatches = maxMismatches - self.errmsg = "Expected %r (with up to %d mismatches)" % (self.match_string, self.maxMismatches) - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = False - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - start = loc - instrlen = len(instring) - maxloc = start + len(self.match_string) - - if maxloc <= instrlen: - match_string = self.match_string - match_stringloc = 0 - mismatches = [] - maxMismatches = self.maxMismatches - - for match_stringloc,s_m in enumerate(zip(instring[loc:maxloc], self.match_string)): - src,mat = s_m - if src != mat: - mismatches.append(match_stringloc) - if len(mismatches) > maxMismatches: - break - else: - loc = match_stringloc + 1 - results = ParseResults([instring[start:loc]]) - results['original'] = self.match_string - results['mismatches'] = mismatches - return loc, results - - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - -class Word(Token): - """ - Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets. - Defined with string containing all allowed initial characters, - an optional string containing allowed body characters (if omitted, - defaults to the initial character set), and an optional minimum, - maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for C{min} is 1 (a - minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for C{max} and C{exact} - are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. An optional - C{excludeChars} parameter can list characters that might be found in - the input C{bodyChars} string; useful to define a word of all printables - except for one or two characters, for instance. - - L{srange} is useful for defining custom character set strings for defining - C{Word} expressions, using range notation from regular expression character sets. - - A common mistake is to use C{Word} to match a specific literal string, as in - C{Word("Address")}. Remember that C{Word} uses the string argument to define - I{sets} of matchable characters. This expression would match "Add", "AAA", - "dAred", or any other word made up of the characters 'A', 'd', 'r', 'e', and 's'. - To match an exact literal string, use L{Literal} or L{Keyword}. - - pyparsing includes helper strings for building Words: - - L{alphas} - - L{nums} - - L{alphanums} - - L{hexnums} - - L{alphas8bit} (alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - accented, tilded, umlauted, etc.) - - L{punc8bit} (non-alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 - currency, symbols, superscripts, diacriticals, etc.) - - L{printables} (any non-whitespace character) - - Example:: - # a word composed of digits - integer = Word(nums) # equivalent to Word("0123456789") or Word(srange("0-9")) - - # a word with a leading capital, and zero or more lowercase - capital_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) - - # hostnames are alphanumeric, with leading alpha, and '-' - hostname = Word(alphas, alphanums+'-') - - # roman numeral (not a strict parser, accepts invalid mix of characters) - roman = Word("IVXLCDM") - - # any string of non-whitespace characters, except for ',' - csv_value = Word(printables, excludeChars=",") - """ - def __init__( self, initChars, bodyChars=None, min=1, max=0, exact=0, asKeyword=False, excludeChars=None ): - super(Word,self).__init__() - if excludeChars: - initChars = ''.join(c for c in initChars if c not in excludeChars) - if bodyChars: - bodyChars = ''.join(c for c in bodyChars if c not in excludeChars) - self.initCharsOrig = initChars - self.initChars = set(initChars) - if bodyChars : - self.bodyCharsOrig = bodyChars - self.bodyChars = set(bodyChars) - else: - self.bodyCharsOrig = initChars - self.bodyChars = set(initChars) - - self.maxSpecified = max > 0 - - if min < 1: - raise ValueError("cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(Word()) if zero-length word is permitted") - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.asKeyword = asKeyword - - if ' ' not in self.initCharsOrig+self.bodyCharsOrig and (min==1 and max==0 and exact==0): - if self.bodyCharsOrig == self.initCharsOrig: - self.reString = "[%s]+" % _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig) - elif len(self.initCharsOrig) == 1: - self.reString = "%s[%s]*" % \ - (re.escape(self.initCharsOrig), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),) - else: - self.reString = "[%s][%s]*" % \ - (_escapeRegexRangeChars(self.initCharsOrig), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.bodyCharsOrig),) - if self.asKeyword: - self.reString = r"\b"+self.reString+r"\b" - try: - self.re = re.compile( self.reString ) - except Exception: - self.re = None - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.re: - result = self.re.match(instring,loc) - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - return loc, result.group() - - if not(instring[ loc ] in self.initChars): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - start = loc - loc += 1 - instrlen = len(instring) - bodychars = self.bodyChars - maxloc = start + self.maxLen - maxloc = min( maxloc, instrlen ) - while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in bodychars: - loc += 1 - - throwException = False - if loc - start < self.minLen: - throwException = True - if self.maxSpecified and loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in bodychars: - throwException = True - if self.asKeyword: - if (start>0 and instring[start-1] in bodychars) or (loc4: - return s[:4]+"..." - else: - return s - - if ( self.initCharsOrig != self.bodyCharsOrig ): - self.strRepr = "W:(%s,%s)" % ( charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig), charsAsStr(self.bodyCharsOrig) ) - else: - self.strRepr = "W:(%s)" % charsAsStr(self.initCharsOrig) - - return self.strRepr - - -class Regex(Token): - r""" - Token for matching strings that match a given regular expression. - Defined with string specifying the regular expression in a form recognized by the inbuilt Python re module. - If the given regex contains named groups (defined using C{(?P...)}), these will be preserved as - named parse results. - - Example:: - realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*") - date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d?)-(?P\d\d?)') - # ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression - roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})") - """ - compiledREtype = type(re.compile("[A-Z]")) - def __init__( self, pattern, flags=0): - """The parameters C{pattern} and C{flags} are passed to the C{re.compile()} function as-is. See the Python C{re} module for an explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags.""" - super(Regex,self).__init__() - - if isinstance(pattern, basestring): - if not pattern: - warnings.warn("null string passed to Regex; use Empty() instead", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - - self.pattern = pattern - self.flags = flags - - try: - self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) - self.reString = self.pattern - except sre_constants.error: - warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % pattern, - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - raise - - elif isinstance(pattern, Regex.compiledREtype): - self.re = pattern - self.pattern = \ - self.reString = str(pattern) - self.flags = flags - - else: - raise ValueError("Regex may only be constructed with a string or a compiled RE object") - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - result = self.re.match(instring,loc) - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - d = result.groupdict() - ret = ParseResults(result.group()) - if d: - for k in d: - ret[k] = d[k] - return loc,ret - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(Regex,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "Re:(%s)" % repr(self.pattern) - - return self.strRepr - - -class QuotedString(Token): - r""" - Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters. - - Defined with the following parameters: - - quoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the quote delimiting string - - escChar - character to escape quotes, typically backslash (default=C{None}) - - escQuote - special quote sequence to escape an embedded quote string (such as SQL's "" to escape an embedded ") (default=C{None}) - - multiline - boolean indicating whether quotes can span multiple lines (default=C{False}) - - unquoteResults - boolean indicating whether the matched text should be unquoted (default=C{True}) - - endQuoteChar - string of one or more characters defining the end of the quote delimited string (default=C{None} => same as quoteChar) - - convertWhitespaceEscapes - convert escaped whitespace (C{'\t'}, C{'\n'}, etc.) to actual whitespace (default=C{True}) - - Example:: - qs = QuotedString('"') - print(qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote" sldjf')) - complex_qs = QuotedString('{{', endQuoteChar='}}') - print(complex_qs.searchString('lsjdf {{This is the "quote"}} sldjf')) - sql_qs = QuotedString('"', escQuote='""') - print(sql_qs.searchString('lsjdf "This is the quote with ""embedded"" quotes" sldjf')) - prints:: - [['This is the quote']] - [['This is the "quote"']] - [['This is the quote with "embedded" quotes']] - """ - def __init__( self, quoteChar, escChar=None, escQuote=None, multiline=False, unquoteResults=True, endQuoteChar=None, convertWhitespaceEscapes=True): - super(QuotedString,self).__init__() - - # remove white space from quote chars - wont work anyway - quoteChar = quoteChar.strip() - if not quoteChar: - warnings.warn("quoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2) - raise SyntaxError() - - if endQuoteChar is None: - endQuoteChar = quoteChar - else: - endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar.strip() - if not endQuoteChar: - warnings.warn("endQuoteChar cannot be the empty string",SyntaxWarning,stacklevel=2) - raise SyntaxError() - - self.quoteChar = quoteChar - self.quoteCharLen = len(quoteChar) - self.firstQuoteChar = quoteChar[0] - self.endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar - self.endQuoteCharLen = len(endQuoteChar) - self.escChar = escChar - self.escQuote = escQuote - self.unquoteResults = unquoteResults - self.convertWhitespaceEscapes = convertWhitespaceEscapes - - if multiline: - self.flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL - self.pattern = r'%s(?:[^%s%s]' % \ - ( re.escape(self.quoteChar), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), - (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') ) - else: - self.flags = 0 - self.pattern = r'%s(?:[^%s\n\r%s]' % \ - ( re.escape(self.quoteChar), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), - (escChar is not None and _escapeRegexRangeChars(escChar) or '') ) - if len(self.endQuoteChar) > 1: - self.pattern += ( - '|(?:' + ')|(?:'.join("%s[^%s]" % (re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[:i]), - _escapeRegexRangeChars(self.endQuoteChar[i])) - for i in range(len(self.endQuoteChar)-1,0,-1)) + ')' - ) - if escQuote: - self.pattern += (r'|(?:%s)' % re.escape(escQuote)) - if escChar: - self.pattern += (r'|(?:%s.)' % re.escape(escChar)) - self.escCharReplacePattern = re.escape(self.escChar)+"(.)" - self.pattern += (r')*%s' % re.escape(self.endQuoteChar)) - - try: - self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) - self.reString = self.pattern - except sre_constants.error: - warnings.warn("invalid pattern (%s) passed to Regex" % self.pattern, - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - raise - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayIndexError = False - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - result = instring[loc] == self.firstQuoteChar and self.re.match(instring,loc) or None - if not result: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - loc = result.end() - ret = result.group() - - if self.unquoteResults: - - # strip off quotes - ret = ret[self.quoteCharLen:-self.endQuoteCharLen] - - if isinstance(ret,basestring): - # replace escaped whitespace - if '\\' in ret and self.convertWhitespaceEscapes: - ws_map = { - r'\t' : '\t', - r'\n' : '\n', - r'\f' : '\f', - r'\r' : '\r', - } - for wslit,wschar in ws_map.items(): - ret = ret.replace(wslit, wschar) - - # replace escaped characters - if self.escChar: - ret = re.sub(self.escCharReplacePattern, r"\g<1>", ret) - - # replace escaped quotes - if self.escQuote: - ret = ret.replace(self.escQuote, self.endQuoteChar) - - return loc, ret - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(QuotedString,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "quoted string, starting with %s ending with %s" % (self.quoteChar, self.endQuoteChar) - - return self.strRepr - - -class CharsNotIn(Token): - """ - Token for matching words composed of characters I{not} in a given set (will - include whitespace in matched characters if not listed in the provided exclusion set - see example). - Defined with string containing all disallowed characters, and an optional - minimum, maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for C{min} is 1 (a - minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for C{max} and C{exact} - are 0, meaning no maximum or exact length restriction. - - Example:: - # define a comma-separated-value as anything that is not a ',' - csv_value = CharsNotIn(',') - print(delimitedList(csv_value).parseString("dkls,lsdkjf,s12 34,@!#,213")) - prints:: - ['dkls', 'lsdkjf', 's12 34', '@!#', '213'] - """ - def __init__( self, notChars, min=1, max=0, exact=0 ): - super(CharsNotIn,self).__init__() - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.notChars = notChars - - if min < 1: - raise ValueError("cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Optional(CharsNotIn()) if zero-length char group is permitted") - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - self.name = _ustr(self) - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - self.mayReturnEmpty = ( self.minLen == 0 ) - self.mayIndexError = False - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if instring[loc] in self.notChars: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - start = loc - loc += 1 - notchars = self.notChars - maxlen = min( start+self.maxLen, len(instring) ) - while loc < maxlen and \ - (instring[loc] not in notchars): - loc += 1 - - if loc - start < self.minLen: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - return loc, instring[start:loc] - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(CharsNotIn, self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None: - if len(self.notChars) > 4: - self.strRepr = "!W:(%s...)" % self.notChars[:4] - else: - self.strRepr = "!W:(%s)" % self.notChars - - return self.strRepr - -class White(Token): - """ - Special matching class for matching whitespace. Normally, whitespace is ignored - by pyparsing grammars. This class is included when some whitespace structures - are significant. Define with a string containing the whitespace characters to be - matched; default is C{" \\t\\r\\n"}. Also takes optional C{min}, C{max}, and C{exact} arguments, - as defined for the C{L{Word}} class. - """ - whiteStrs = { - " " : "", - "\t": "", - "\n": "", - "\r": "", - "\f": "", - } - def __init__(self, ws=" \t\r\n", min=1, max=0, exact=0): - super(White,self).__init__() - self.matchWhite = ws - self.setWhitespaceChars( "".join(c for c in self.whiteChars if c not in self.matchWhite) ) - #~ self.leaveWhitespace() - self.name = ("".join(White.whiteStrs[c] for c in self.matchWhite)) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name - - self.minLen = min - - if max > 0: - self.maxLen = max - else: - self.maxLen = _MAX_INT - - if exact > 0: - self.maxLen = exact - self.minLen = exact - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if not(instring[ loc ] in self.matchWhite): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - start = loc - loc += 1 - maxloc = start + self.maxLen - maxloc = min( maxloc, len(instring) ) - while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in self.matchWhite: - loc += 1 - - if loc - start < self.minLen: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - return loc, instring[start:loc] - - -class _PositionToken(Token): - def __init__( self ): - super(_PositionToken,self).__init__() - self.name=self.__class__.__name__ - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - -class GoToColumn(_PositionToken): - """ - Token to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for tabular report scraping. - """ - def __init__( self, colno ): - super(GoToColumn,self).__init__() - self.col = colno - - def preParse( self, instring, loc ): - if col(loc,instring) != self.col: - instrlen = len(instring) - if self.ignoreExprs: - loc = self._skipIgnorables( instring, loc ) - while loc < instrlen and instring[loc].isspace() and col( loc, instring ) != self.col : - loc += 1 - return loc - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - thiscol = col( loc, instring ) - if thiscol > self.col: - raise ParseException( instring, loc, "Text not in expected column", self ) - newloc = loc + self.col - thiscol - ret = instring[ loc: newloc ] - return newloc, ret - - -class LineStart(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if current position is at the beginning of a line within the parse string - - Example:: - - test = '''\ - AAA this line - AAA and this line - AAA but not this one - B AAA and definitely not this one - ''' - - for t in (LineStart() + 'AAA' + restOfLine).searchString(test): - print(t) - - Prints:: - ['AAA', ' this line'] - ['AAA', ' and this line'] - - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(LineStart,self).__init__() - self.errmsg = "Expected start of line" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if col(loc, instring) == 1: - return loc, [] - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class LineEnd(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if current position is at the end of a line within the parse string - """ - def __init__( self ): - super(LineEnd,self).__init__() - self.setWhitespaceChars( ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS.replace("\n","") ) - self.errmsg = "Expected end of line" - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if loc len(instring): - return loc, [] - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - -class WordStart(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if the current position is at the beginning of a Word, and - is not preceded by any character in a given set of C{wordChars} - (default=C{printables}). To emulate the C{\b} behavior of regular expressions, - use C{WordStart(alphanums)}. C{WordStart} will also match at the beginning of - the string being parsed, or at the beginning of a line. - """ - def __init__(self, wordChars = printables): - super(WordStart,self).__init__() - self.wordChars = set(wordChars) - self.errmsg = "Not at the start of a word" - - def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if loc != 0: - if (instring[loc-1] in self.wordChars or - instring[loc] not in self.wordChars): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - return loc, [] - -class WordEnd(_PositionToken): - """ - Matches if the current position is at the end of a Word, and - is not followed by any character in a given set of C{wordChars} - (default=C{printables}). To emulate the C{\b} behavior of regular expressions, - use C{WordEnd(alphanums)}. C{WordEnd} will also match at the end of - the string being parsed, or at the end of a line. - """ - def __init__(self, wordChars = printables): - super(WordEnd,self).__init__() - self.wordChars = set(wordChars) - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.errmsg = "Not at the end of a word" - - def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - instrlen = len(instring) - if instrlen>0 and loc maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - except IndexError: - if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: - maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self) - maxExcLoc = len(instring) - else: - # save match among all matches, to retry longest to shortest - matches.append((loc2, e)) - - if matches: - matches.sort(key=lambda x: -x[0]) - for _,e in matches: - try: - return e._parse( instring, loc, doActions ) - except ParseException as err: - err.__traceback__ = None - if err.loc > maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - - if maxException is not None: - maxException.msg = self.errmsg - raise maxException - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self) - - - def __ixor__(self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - return self.append( other ) #Or( [ self, other ] ) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " ^ ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class MatchFirst(ParseExpression): - """ - Requires that at least one C{ParseExpression} is found. - If two expressions match, the first one listed is the one that will match. - May be constructed using the C{'|'} operator. - - Example:: - # construct MatchFirst using '|' operator - - # watch the order of expressions to match - number = Word(nums) | Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) - print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Fail! -> [['123'], ['3'], ['1416'], ['789']] - - # put more selective expression first - number = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) | Word(nums) - print(number.searchString("123 3.1416 789")) # Better -> [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] - """ - def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = False ): - super(MatchFirst,self).__init__(exprs, savelist) - if self.exprs: - self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) - else: - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - maxExcLoc = -1 - maxException = None - for e in self.exprs: - try: - ret = e._parse( instring, loc, doActions ) - return ret - except ParseException as err: - if err.loc > maxExcLoc: - maxException = err - maxExcLoc = err.loc - except IndexError: - if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: - maxException = ParseException(instring,len(instring),e.errmsg,self) - maxExcLoc = len(instring) - - # only got here if no expression matched, raise exception for match that made it the furthest - else: - if maxException is not None: - maxException.msg = self.errmsg - raise maxException - else: - raise ParseException(instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self) - - def __ior__(self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass( other ) - return self.append( other ) #MatchFirst( [ self, other ] ) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " | ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class Each(ParseExpression): - """ - Requires all given C{ParseExpression}s to be found, but in any order. - Expressions may be separated by whitespace. - May be constructed using the C{'&'} operator. - - Example:: - color = oneOf("RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE BROWN") - shape_type = oneOf("SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE STAR HEXAGON OCTAGON") - integer = Word(nums) - shape_attr = "shape:" + shape_type("shape") - posn_attr = "posn:" + Group(integer("x") + ',' + integer("y"))("posn") - color_attr = "color:" + color("color") - size_attr = "size:" + integer("size") - - # use Each (using operator '&') to accept attributes in any order - # (shape and posn are required, color and size are optional) - shape_spec = shape_attr & posn_attr & Optional(color_attr) & Optional(size_attr) - - shape_spec.runTests(''' - shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 - shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 - color:GREEN size:20 shape:TRIANGLE posn:20,40 - ''' - ) - prints:: - shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 - ['shape:', 'SQUARE', 'color:', 'BLACK', 'posn:', ['100', ',', '120']] - - color: BLACK - - posn: ['100', ',', '120'] - - x: 100 - - y: 120 - - shape: SQUARE - - - shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 - ['shape:', 'CIRCLE', 'size:', '50', 'color:', 'BLUE', 'posn:', ['50', ',', '80']] - - color: BLUE - - posn: ['50', ',', '80'] - - x: 50 - - y: 80 - - shape: CIRCLE - - size: 50 - - - color: GREEN size: 20 shape: TRIANGLE posn: 20,40 - ['color:', 'GREEN', 'size:', '20', 'shape:', 'TRIANGLE', 'posn:', ['20', ',', '40']] - - color: GREEN - - posn: ['20', ',', '40'] - - x: 20 - - y: 40 - - shape: TRIANGLE - - size: 20 - """ - def __init__( self, exprs, savelist = True ): - super(Each,self).__init__(exprs, savelist) - self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.initExprGroups = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.initExprGroups: - self.opt1map = dict((id(e.expr),e) for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional)) - opt1 = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional) ] - opt2 = [ e for e in self.exprs if e.mayReturnEmpty and not isinstance(e,Optional)] - self.optionals = opt1 + opt2 - self.multioptionals = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,ZeroOrMore) ] - self.multirequired = [ e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,OneOrMore) ] - self.required = [ e for e in self.exprs if not isinstance(e,(Optional,ZeroOrMore,OneOrMore)) ] - self.required += self.multirequired - self.initExprGroups = False - tmpLoc = loc - tmpReqd = self.required[:] - tmpOpt = self.optionals[:] - matchOrder = [] - - keepMatching = True - while keepMatching: - tmpExprs = tmpReqd + tmpOpt + self.multioptionals + self.multirequired - failed = [] - for e in tmpExprs: - try: - tmpLoc = e.tryParse( instring, tmpLoc ) - except ParseException: - failed.append(e) - else: - matchOrder.append(self.opt1map.get(id(e),e)) - if e in tmpReqd: - tmpReqd.remove(e) - elif e in tmpOpt: - tmpOpt.remove(e) - if len(failed) == len(tmpExprs): - keepMatching = False - - if tmpReqd: - missing = ", ".join(_ustr(e) for e in tmpReqd) - raise ParseException(instring,loc,"Missing one or more required elements (%s)" % missing ) - - # add any unmatched Optionals, in case they have default values defined - matchOrder += [e for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e,Optional) and e.expr in tmpOpt] - - resultlist = [] - for e in matchOrder: - loc,results = e._parse(instring,loc,doActions) - resultlist.append(results) - - finalResults = sum(resultlist, ParseResults([])) - return loc, finalResults - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + " & ".join(_ustr(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - for e in self.exprs: - e.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - -class ParseElementEnhance(ParserElement): - """ - Abstract subclass of C{ParserElement}, for combining and post-processing parsed tokens. - """ - def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ): - super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__init__(savelist) - if isinstance( expr, basestring ): - if issubclass(ParserElement._literalStringClass, Token): - expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) - else: - expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(Literal(expr)) - self.expr = expr - self.strRepr = None - if expr is not None: - self.mayIndexError = expr.mayIndexError - self.mayReturnEmpty = expr.mayReturnEmpty - self.setWhitespaceChars( expr.whiteChars ) - self.skipWhitespace = expr.skipWhitespace - self.saveAsList = expr.saveAsList - self.callPreparse = expr.callPreparse - self.ignoreExprs.extend(expr.ignoreExprs) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.expr is not None: - return self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - else: - raise ParseException("",loc,self.errmsg,self) - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - self.skipWhitespace = False - self.expr = self.expr.copy() - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.leaveWhitespace() - return self - - def ignore( self, other ): - if isinstance( other, Suppress ): - if other not in self.ignoreExprs: - super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other ) - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] ) - else: - super( ParseElementEnhance, self).ignore( other ) - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.ignore( self.ignoreExprs[-1] ) - return self - - def streamline( self ): - super(ParseElementEnhance,self).streamline() - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.streamline() - return self - - def checkRecursion( self, parseElementList ): - if self in parseElementList: - raise RecursiveGrammarException( parseElementList+[self] ) - subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [ self ] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.checkRecursion( subRecCheckList ) - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.validate(tmp) - self.checkRecursion( [] ) - - def __str__( self ): - try: - return super(ParseElementEnhance,self).__str__() - except Exception: - pass - - if self.strRepr is None and self.expr is not None: - self.strRepr = "%s:(%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, _ustr(self.expr) ) - return self.strRepr - - -class FollowedBy(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Lookahead matching of the given parse expression. C{FollowedBy} - does I{not} advance the parsing position within the input string, it only - verifies that the specified parse expression matches at the current - position. C{FollowedBy} always returns a null token list. - - Example:: - # use FollowedBy to match a label only if it is followed by a ':' - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString("shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: upper left").pprint() - prints:: - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['color', 'BLACK'], ['posn', 'upper left']] - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(FollowedBy,self).__init__(expr) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - self.expr.tryParse( instring, loc ) - return loc, [] - - -class NotAny(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Lookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression. C{NotAny} - does I{not} advance the parsing position within the input string, it only - verifies that the specified parse expression does I{not} match at the current - position. Also, C{NotAny} does I{not} skip over leading whitespace. C{NotAny} - always returns a null token list. May be constructed using the '~' operator. - - Example:: - - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(NotAny,self).__init__(expr) - #~ self.leaveWhitespace() - self.skipWhitespace = False # do NOT use self.leaveWhitespace(), don't want to propagate to exprs - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.errmsg = "Found unwanted token, "+_ustr(self.expr) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - if self.expr.canParseNext(instring, loc): - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - return loc, [] - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "~{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}" - - return self.strRepr - -class _MultipleMatch(ParseElementEnhance): - def __init__( self, expr, stopOn=None): - super(_MultipleMatch, self).__init__(expr) - self.saveAsList = True - ender = stopOn - if isinstance(ender, basestring): - ender = ParserElement._literalStringClass(ender) - self.not_ender = ~ender if ender is not None else None - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse - self_skip_ignorables = self._skipIgnorables - check_ender = self.not_ender is not None - if check_ender: - try_not_ender = self.not_ender.tryParse - - # must be at least one (but first see if we are the stopOn sentinel; - # if so, fail) - if check_ender: - try_not_ender(instring, loc) - loc, tokens = self_expr_parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - try: - hasIgnoreExprs = (not not self.ignoreExprs) - while 1: - if check_ender: - try_not_ender(instring, loc) - if hasIgnoreExprs: - preloc = self_skip_ignorables( instring, loc ) - else: - preloc = loc - loc, tmptokens = self_expr_parse( instring, preloc, doActions ) - if tmptokens or tmptokens.haskeys(): - tokens += tmptokens - except (ParseException,IndexError): - pass - - return loc, tokens - -class OneOrMore(_MultipleMatch): - """ - Repetition of one or more of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match one or more times - - stopOn - (default=C{None}) - expression for a terminating sentinel - (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition - expression) - - Example:: - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: BLACK" - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Fail! read 'color' as data instead of next label -> [['shape', 'SQUARE color']] - - # use stopOn attribute for OneOrMore to avoid reading label string as part of the data - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).pprint() # Better -> [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'BLACK']] - - # could also be written as - (attr_expr * (1,)).parseString(text).pprint() - """ - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "{" + _ustr(self.expr) + "}..." - - return self.strRepr - -class ZeroOrMore(_MultipleMatch): - """ - Optional repetition of zero or more of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - - stopOn - (default=C{None}) - expression for a terminating sentinel - (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition - expression) - - Example: similar to L{OneOrMore} - """ - def __init__( self, expr, stopOn=None): - super(ZeroOrMore,self).__init__(expr, stopOn=stopOn) - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - try: - return super(ZeroOrMore, self).parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) - except (ParseException,IndexError): - return loc, [] - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]..." - - return self.strRepr - -class _NullToken(object): - def __bool__(self): - return False - __nonzero__ = __bool__ - def __str__(self): - return "" - -_optionalNotMatched = _NullToken() -class Optional(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Optional matching of the given expression. - - Parameters: - - expr - expression that must match zero or more times - - default (optional) - value to be returned if the optional expression is not found. - - Example:: - # US postal code can be a 5-digit zip, plus optional 4-digit qualifier - zip = Combine(Word(nums, exact=5) + Optional('-' + Word(nums, exact=4))) - zip.runTests(''' - # traditional ZIP code - 12345 - - # ZIP+4 form - 12101-0001 - - # invalid ZIP - 98765- - ''') - prints:: - # traditional ZIP code - 12345 - ['12345'] - - # ZIP+4 form - 12101-0001 - ['12101-0001'] - - # invalid ZIP - 98765- - ^ - FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) - """ - def __init__( self, expr, default=_optionalNotMatched ): - super(Optional,self).__init__( expr, savelist=False ) - self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList - self.defaultValue = default - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - try: - loc, tokens = self.expr._parse( instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False ) - except (ParseException,IndexError): - if self.defaultValue is not _optionalNotMatched: - if self.expr.resultsName: - tokens = ParseResults([ self.defaultValue ]) - tokens[self.expr.resultsName] = self.defaultValue - else: - tokens = [ self.defaultValue ] - else: - tokens = [] - return loc, tokens - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - - if self.strRepr is None: - self.strRepr = "[" + _ustr(self.expr) + "]" - - return self.strRepr - -class SkipTo(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched expression is found. - - Parameters: - - expr - target expression marking the end of the data to be skipped - - include - (default=C{False}) if True, the target expression is also parsed - (the skipped text and target expression are returned as a 2-element list). - - ignore - (default=C{None}) used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and - comments) that might contain false matches to the target expression - - failOn - (default=C{None}) define expressions that are not allowed to be - included in the skipped test; if found before the target expression is found, - the SkipTo is not a match - - Example:: - report = ''' - Outstanding Issues Report - 1 Jan 2000 - - # | Severity | Description | Days Open - -----+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------- - 101 | Critical | Intermittent system crash | 6 - 94 | Cosmetic | Spelling error on Login ('log|n') | 14 - 79 | Minor | System slow when running too many reports | 47 - ''' - integer = Word(nums) - SEP = Suppress('|') - # use SkipTo to simply match everything up until the next SEP - # - ignore quoted strings, so that a '|' character inside a quoted string does not match - # - parse action will call token.strip() for each matched token, i.e., the description body - string_data = SkipTo(SEP, ignore=quotedString) - string_data.setParseAction(tokenMap(str.strip)) - ticket_expr = (integer("issue_num") + SEP - + string_data("sev") + SEP - + string_data("desc") + SEP - + integer("days_open")) - - for tkt in ticket_expr.searchString(report): - print tkt.dump() - prints:: - ['101', 'Critical', 'Intermittent system crash', '6'] - - days_open: 6 - - desc: Intermittent system crash - - issue_num: 101 - - sev: Critical - ['94', 'Cosmetic', "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')", '14'] - - days_open: 14 - - desc: Spelling error on Login ('log|n') - - issue_num: 94 - - sev: Cosmetic - ['79', 'Minor', 'System slow when running too many reports', '47'] - - days_open: 47 - - desc: System slow when running too many reports - - issue_num: 79 - - sev: Minor - """ - def __init__( self, other, include=False, ignore=None, failOn=None ): - super( SkipTo, self ).__init__( other ) - self.ignoreExpr = ignore - self.mayReturnEmpty = True - self.mayIndexError = False - self.includeMatch = include - self.asList = False - if isinstance(failOn, basestring): - self.failOn = ParserElement._literalStringClass(failOn) - else: - self.failOn = failOn - self.errmsg = "No match found for "+_ustr(self.expr) - - def parseImpl( self, instring, loc, doActions=True ): - startloc = loc - instrlen = len(instring) - expr = self.expr - expr_parse = self.expr._parse - self_failOn_canParseNext = self.failOn.canParseNext if self.failOn is not None else None - self_ignoreExpr_tryParse = self.ignoreExpr.tryParse if self.ignoreExpr is not None else None - - tmploc = loc - while tmploc <= instrlen: - if self_failOn_canParseNext is not None: - # break if failOn expression matches - if self_failOn_canParseNext(instring, tmploc): - break - - if self_ignoreExpr_tryParse is not None: - # advance past ignore expressions - while 1: - try: - tmploc = self_ignoreExpr_tryParse(instring, tmploc) - except ParseBaseException: - break - - try: - expr_parse(instring, tmploc, doActions=False, callPreParse=False) - except (ParseException, IndexError): - # no match, advance loc in string - tmploc += 1 - else: - # matched skipto expr, done - break - - else: - # ran off the end of the input string without matching skipto expr, fail - raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) - - # build up return values - loc = tmploc - skiptext = instring[startloc:loc] - skipresult = ParseResults(skiptext) - - if self.includeMatch: - loc, mat = expr_parse(instring,loc,doActions,callPreParse=False) - skipresult += mat - - return loc, skipresult - -class Forward(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later - - used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation. - When the expression is known, it is assigned to the C{Forward} variable using the '<<' operator. - - Note: take care when assigning to C{Forward} not to overlook precedence of operators. - Specifically, '|' has a lower precedence than '<<', so that:: - fwdExpr << a | b | c - will actually be evaluated as:: - (fwdExpr << a) | b | c - thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. It is recommended that you - explicitly group the values inserted into the C{Forward}:: - fwdExpr << (a | b | c) - Converting to use the '<<=' operator instead will avoid this problem. - - See L{ParseResults.pprint} for an example of a recursive parser created using - C{Forward}. - """ - def __init__( self, other=None ): - super(Forward,self).__init__( other, savelist=False ) - - def __lshift__( self, other ): - if isinstance( other, basestring ): - other = ParserElement._literalStringClass(other) - self.expr = other - self.strRepr = None - self.mayIndexError = self.expr.mayIndexError - self.mayReturnEmpty = self.expr.mayReturnEmpty - self.setWhitespaceChars( self.expr.whiteChars ) - self.skipWhitespace = self.expr.skipWhitespace - self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList - self.ignoreExprs.extend(self.expr.ignoreExprs) - return self - - def __ilshift__(self, other): - return self << other - - def leaveWhitespace( self ): - self.skipWhitespace = False - return self - - def streamline( self ): - if not self.streamlined: - self.streamlined = True - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.streamline() - return self - - def validate( self, validateTrace=[] ): - if self not in validateTrace: - tmp = validateTrace[:]+[self] - if self.expr is not None: - self.expr.validate(tmp) - self.checkRecursion([]) - - def __str__( self ): - if hasattr(self,"name"): - return self.name - return self.__class__.__name__ + ": ..." - - # stubbed out for now - creates awful memory and perf issues - self._revertClass = self.__class__ - self.__class__ = _ForwardNoRecurse - try: - if self.expr is not None: - retString = _ustr(self.expr) - else: - retString = "None" - finally: - self.__class__ = self._revertClass - return self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + retString - - def copy(self): - if self.expr is not None: - return super(Forward,self).copy() - else: - ret = Forward() - ret <<= self - return ret - -class _ForwardNoRecurse(Forward): - def __str__( self ): - return "..." - -class TokenConverter(ParseElementEnhance): - """ - Abstract subclass of C{ParseExpression}, for converting parsed results. - """ - def __init__( self, expr, savelist=False ): - super(TokenConverter,self).__init__( expr )#, savelist ) - self.saveAsList = False - -class Combine(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string. - By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the input string; - this can be disabled by specifying C{'adjacent=False'} in the constructor. - - Example:: - real = Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) - print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] - # will also erroneously match the following - print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] - - real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) - print(real.parseString('3.1416')) # -> ['3.1416'] - # no match when there are internal spaces - print(real.parseString('3. 1416')) # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) - """ - def __init__( self, expr, joinString="", adjacent=True ): - super(Combine,self).__init__( expr ) - # suppress whitespace-stripping in contained parse expressions, but re-enable it on the Combine itself - if adjacent: - self.leaveWhitespace() - self.adjacent = adjacent - self.skipWhitespace = True - self.joinString = joinString - self.callPreparse = True - - def ignore( self, other ): - if self.adjacent: - ParserElement.ignore(self, other) - else: - super( Combine, self).ignore( other ) - return self - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - retToks = tokenlist.copy() - del retToks[:] - retToks += ParseResults([ "".join(tokenlist._asStringList(self.joinString)) ], modal=self.modalResults) - - if self.resultsName and retToks.haskeys(): - return [ retToks ] - else: - return retToks - -class Group(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for returning tokens of C{L{ZeroOrMore}} and C{L{OneOrMore}} expressions. - - Example:: - ident = Word(alphas) - num = Word(nums) - term = ident | num - func = ident + Optional(delimitedList(term)) - print(func.parseString("fn a,b,100")) # -> ['fn', 'a', 'b', '100'] - - func = ident + Group(Optional(delimitedList(term))) - print(func.parseString("fn a,b,100")) # -> ['fn', ['a', 'b', '100']] - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(Group,self).__init__( expr ) - self.saveAsList = True - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return [ tokenlist ] - -class Dict(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also as a dictionary. - Each element can also be referenced using the first token in the expression as its key. - Useful for tabular report scraping when the first column can be used as a item key. - - Example:: - data_word = Word(alphas) - label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') - attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" - attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - - # print attributes as plain groups - print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) - - # instead of OneOrMore(expr), parse using Dict(OneOrMore(Group(expr))) - Dict will auto-assign names - result = Dict(OneOrMore(Group(attr_expr))).parseString(text) - print(result.dump()) - - # access named fields as dict entries, or output as dict - print(result['shape']) - print(result.asDict()) - prints:: - ['shape', 'SQUARE', 'posn', 'upper left', 'color', 'light blue', 'texture', 'burlap'] - - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - - color: light blue - - posn: upper left - - shape: SQUARE - - texture: burlap - SQUARE - {'color': 'light blue', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap', 'shape': 'SQUARE'} - See more examples at L{ParseResults} of accessing fields by results name. - """ - def __init__( self, expr ): - super(Dict,self).__init__( expr ) - self.saveAsList = True - - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - for i,tok in enumerate(tokenlist): - if len(tok) == 0: - continue - ikey = tok[0] - if isinstance(ikey,int): - ikey = _ustr(tok[0]).strip() - if len(tok)==1: - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset("",i) - elif len(tok)==2 and not isinstance(tok[1],ParseResults): - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(tok[1],i) - else: - dictvalue = tok.copy() #ParseResults(i) - del dictvalue[0] - if len(dictvalue)!= 1 or (isinstance(dictvalue,ParseResults) and dictvalue.haskeys()): - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue,i) - else: - tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue[0],i) - - if self.resultsName: - return [ tokenlist ] - else: - return tokenlist - - -class Suppress(TokenConverter): - """ - Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression. - - Example:: - source = "a, b, c,d" - wd = Word(alphas) - wd_list1 = wd + ZeroOrMore(',' + wd) - print(wd_list1.parseString(source)) - - # often, delimiters that are useful during parsing are just in the - # way afterward - use Suppress to keep them out of the parsed output - wd_list2 = wd + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + wd) - print(wd_list2.parseString(source)) - prints:: - ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c', ',', 'd'] - ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] - (See also L{delimitedList}.) - """ - def postParse( self, instring, loc, tokenlist ): - return [] - - def suppress( self ): - return self - - -class OnlyOnce(object): - """ - Wrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once. - """ - def __init__(self, methodCall): - self.callable = _trim_arity(methodCall) - self.called = False - def __call__(self,s,l,t): - if not self.called: - results = self.callable(s,l,t) - self.called = True - return results - raise ParseException(s,l,"") - def reset(self): - self.called = False - -def traceParseAction(f): - """ - Decorator for debugging parse actions. - - When the parse action is called, this decorator will print C{">> entering I{method-name}(line:I{current_source_line}, I{parse_location}, I{matched_tokens})".} - When the parse action completes, the decorator will print C{"<<"} followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised. - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - - @traceParseAction - def remove_duplicate_chars(tokens): - return ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(tokens)))) - - wds = OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(remove_duplicate_chars) - print(wds.parseString("slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf")) - prints:: - >>entering remove_duplicate_chars(line: 'slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf', 0, (['slkdjs', 'sld', 'sldd', 'sdlf', 'sdljf'], {})) - <3: - thisFunc = paArgs[0].__class__.__name__ + '.' + thisFunc - sys.stderr.write( ">>entering %s(line: '%s', %d, %r)\n" % (thisFunc,line(l,s),l,t) ) - try: - ret = f(*paArgs) - except Exception as exc: - sys.stderr.write( "< ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] - delimitedList(Word(hexnums), delim=':', combine=True).parseString("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE") # -> ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE'] - """ - dlName = _ustr(expr)+" ["+_ustr(delim)+" "+_ustr(expr)+"]..." - if combine: - return Combine( expr + ZeroOrMore( delim + expr ) ).setName(dlName) - else: - return ( expr + ZeroOrMore( Suppress( delim ) + expr ) ).setName(dlName) - -def countedArray( expr, intExpr=None ): - """ - Helper to define a counted list of expressions. - This helper defines a pattern of the form:: - integer expr expr expr... - where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow. - The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the leading count token is suppressed. - - If C{intExpr} is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression that produces an integer value. - - Example:: - countedArray(Word(alphas)).parseString('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] - - # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary, - # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array - binaryConstant = Word('01').setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0], 2)) - countedArray(Word(alphas), intExpr=binaryConstant).parseString('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] - """ - arrayExpr = Forward() - def countFieldParseAction(s,l,t): - n = t[0] - arrayExpr << (n and Group(And([expr]*n)) or Group(empty)) - return [] - if intExpr is None: - intExpr = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0])) - else: - intExpr = intExpr.copy() - intExpr.setName("arrayLen") - intExpr.addParseAction(countFieldParseAction, callDuringTry=True) - return ( intExpr + arrayExpr ).setName('(len) ' + _ustr(expr) + '...') - -def _flatten(L): - ret = [] - for i in L: - if isinstance(i,list): - ret.extend(_flatten(i)) - else: - ret.append(i) - return ret - -def matchPreviousLiteral(expr): - """ - Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from - the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks - for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: - first = Word(nums) - second = matchPreviousLiteral(first) - matchExpr = first + ":" + second - will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}. Because this matches a - previous literal, will also match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}. - If this is not desired, use C{matchPreviousExpr}. - Do I{not} use with packrat parsing enabled. - """ - rep = Forward() - def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t): - if t: - if len(t) == 1: - rep << t[0] - else: - # flatten t tokens - tflat = _flatten(t.asList()) - rep << And(Literal(tt) for tt in tflat) - else: - rep << Empty() - expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True) - rep.setName('(prev) ' + _ustr(expr)) - return rep - -def matchPreviousExpr(expr): - """ - Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from - the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks - for a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: - first = Word(nums) - second = matchPreviousExpr(first) - matchExpr = first + ":" + second - will match C{"1:1"}, but not C{"1:2"}. Because this matches by - expressions, will I{not} match the leading C{"1:1"} in C{"1:10"}; - the expressions are evaluated first, and then compared, so - C{"1"} is compared with C{"10"}. - Do I{not} use with packrat parsing enabled. - """ - rep = Forward() - e2 = expr.copy() - rep <<= e2 - def copyTokenToRepeater(s,l,t): - matchTokens = _flatten(t.asList()) - def mustMatchTheseTokens(s,l,t): - theseTokens = _flatten(t.asList()) - if theseTokens != matchTokens: - raise ParseException("",0,"") - rep.setParseAction( mustMatchTheseTokens, callDuringTry=True ) - expr.addParseAction(copyTokenToRepeater, callDuringTry=True) - rep.setName('(prev) ' + _ustr(expr)) - return rep - -def _escapeRegexRangeChars(s): - #~ escape these chars: ^-] - for c in r"\^-]": - s = s.replace(c,_bslash+c) - s = s.replace("\n",r"\n") - s = s.replace("\t",r"\t") - return _ustr(s) - -def oneOf( strs, caseless=False, useRegex=True ): - """ - Helper to quickly define a set of alternative Literals, and makes sure to do - longest-first testing when there is a conflict, regardless of the input order, - but returns a C{L{MatchFirst}} for best performance. - - Parameters: - - strs - a string of space-delimited literals, or a collection of string literals - - caseless - (default=C{False}) - treat all literals as caseless - - useRegex - (default=C{True}) - as an optimization, will generate a Regex - object; otherwise, will generate a C{MatchFirst} object (if C{caseless=True}, or - if creating a C{Regex} raises an exception) - - Example:: - comp_oper = oneOf("< = > <= >= !=") - var = Word(alphas) - number = Word(nums) - term = var | number - comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term - print(comparison_expr.searchString("B = 12 AA=23 B<=AA AA>12")) - prints:: - [['B', '=', '12'], ['AA', '=', '23'], ['B', '<=', 'AA'], ['AA', '>', '12']] - """ - if caseless: - isequal = ( lambda a,b: a.upper() == b.upper() ) - masks = ( lambda a,b: b.upper().startswith(a.upper()) ) - parseElementClass = CaselessLiteral - else: - isequal = ( lambda a,b: a == b ) - masks = ( lambda a,b: b.startswith(a) ) - parseElementClass = Literal - - symbols = [] - if isinstance(strs,basestring): - symbols = strs.split() - elif isinstance(strs, Iterable): - symbols = list(strs) - else: - warnings.warn("Invalid argument to oneOf, expected string or iterable", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - if not symbols: - return NoMatch() - - i = 0 - while i < len(symbols)-1: - cur = symbols[i] - for j,other in enumerate(symbols[i+1:]): - if ( isequal(other, cur) ): - del symbols[i+j+1] - break - elif ( masks(cur, other) ): - del symbols[i+j+1] - symbols.insert(i,other) - cur = other - break - else: - i += 1 - - if not caseless and useRegex: - #~ print (strs,"->", "|".join( [ _escapeRegexChars(sym) for sym in symbols] )) - try: - if len(symbols)==len("".join(symbols)): - return Regex( "[%s]" % "".join(_escapeRegexRangeChars(sym) for sym in symbols) ).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - else: - return Regex( "|".join(re.escape(sym) for sym in symbols) ).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - except Exception: - warnings.warn("Exception creating Regex for oneOf, building MatchFirst", - SyntaxWarning, stacklevel=2) - - - # last resort, just use MatchFirst - return MatchFirst(parseElementClass(sym) for sym in symbols).setName(' | '.join(symbols)) - -def dictOf( key, value ): - """ - Helper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying the respective patterns - for the key and value. Takes care of defining the C{L{Dict}}, C{L{ZeroOrMore}}, and C{L{Group}} tokens - in the proper order. The key pattern can include delimiting markers or punctuation, - as long as they are suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text. The value - pattern can include named results, so that the C{Dict} results can include named token - fields. - - Example:: - text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" - attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join)) - print(OneOrMore(attr_expr).parseString(text).dump()) - - attr_label = label - attr_value = Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stopOn=label).setParseAction(' '.join) - - # similar to Dict, but simpler call format - result = dictOf(attr_label, attr_value).parseString(text) - print(result.dump()) - print(result['shape']) - print(result.shape) # object attribute access works too - print(result.asDict()) - prints:: - [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] - - color: light blue - - posn: upper left - - shape: SQUARE - - texture: burlap - SQUARE - SQUARE - {'color': 'light blue', 'shape': 'SQUARE', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap'} - """ - return Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group ( key + value ) ) ) - -def originalTextFor(expr, asString=True): - """ - Helper to return the original, untokenized text for a given expression. Useful to - restore the parsed fields of an HTML start tag into the raw tag text itself, or to - revert separate tokens with intervening whitespace back to the original matching - input text. By default, returns astring containing the original parsed text. - - If the optional C{asString} argument is passed as C{False}, then the return value is a - C{L{ParseResults}} containing any results names that were originally matched, and a - single token containing the original matched text from the input string. So if - the expression passed to C{L{originalTextFor}} contains expressions with defined - results names, you must set C{asString} to C{False} if you want to preserve those - results name values. - - Example:: - src = "this is test bold text normal text " - for tag in ("b","i"): - opener,closer = makeHTMLTags(tag) - patt = originalTextFor(opener + SkipTo(closer) + closer) - print(patt.searchString(src)[0]) - prints:: - [' bold text '] - ['text'] - """ - locMarker = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s,loc,t: loc) - endlocMarker = locMarker.copy() - endlocMarker.callPreparse = False - matchExpr = locMarker("_original_start") + expr + endlocMarker("_original_end") - if asString: - extractText = lambda s,l,t: s[t._original_start:t._original_end] - else: - def extractText(s,l,t): - t[:] = [s[t.pop('_original_start'):t.pop('_original_end')]] - matchExpr.setParseAction(extractText) - matchExpr.ignoreExprs = expr.ignoreExprs - return matchExpr - -def ungroup(expr): - """ - Helper to undo pyparsing's default grouping of And expressions, even - if all but one are non-empty. - """ - return TokenConverter(expr).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0]) - -def locatedExpr(expr): - """ - Helper to decorate a returned token with its starting and ending locations in the input string. - This helper adds the following results names: - - locn_start = location where matched expression begins - - locn_end = location where matched expression ends - - value = the actual parsed results - - Be careful if the input text contains C{} characters, you may want to call - C{L{ParserElement.parseWithTabs}} - - Example:: - wd = Word(alphas) - for match in locatedExpr(wd).searchString("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): - print(match) - prints:: - [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] - [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] - [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] - """ - locator = Empty().setParseAction(lambda s,l,t: l) - return Group(locator("locn_start") + expr("value") + locator.copy().leaveWhitespace()("locn_end")) - - -# convenience constants for positional expressions -empty = Empty().setName("empty") -lineStart = LineStart().setName("lineStart") -lineEnd = LineEnd().setName("lineEnd") -stringStart = StringStart().setName("stringStart") -stringEnd = StringEnd().setName("stringEnd") - -_escapedPunc = Word( _bslash, r"\[]-*.$+^?()~ ", exact=2 ).setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0][1]) -_escapedHexChar = Regex(r"\\0?[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0].lstrip(r'\0x'),16))) -_escapedOctChar = Regex(r"\\0[0-7]+").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:unichr(int(t[0][1:],8))) -_singleChar = _escapedPunc | _escapedHexChar | _escapedOctChar | CharsNotIn(r'\]', exact=1) -_charRange = Group(_singleChar + Suppress("-") + _singleChar) -_reBracketExpr = Literal("[") + Optional("^").setResultsName("negate") + Group( OneOrMore( _charRange | _singleChar ) ).setResultsName("body") + "]" - -def srange(s): - r""" - Helper to easily define string ranges for use in Word construction. Borrows - syntax from regexp '[]' string range definitions:: - srange("[0-9]") -> "0123456789" - srange("[a-z]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" - srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_" - The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string is the expanded - character set joined into a single string. - The values enclosed in the []'s may be: - - a single character - - an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as C{\-} or C{\]}) - - an escaped hex character with a leading C{'\x'} (C{\x21}, which is a C{'!'} character) - (C{\0x##} is also supported for backwards compatibility) - - an escaped octal character with a leading C{'\0'} (C{\041}, which is a C{'!'} character) - - a range of any of the above, separated by a dash (C{'a-z'}, etc.) - - any combination of the above (C{'aeiouy'}, C{'a-zA-Z0-9_$'}, etc.) - """ - _expanded = lambda p: p if not isinstance(p,ParseResults) else ''.join(unichr(c) for c in range(ord(p[0]),ord(p[1])+1)) - try: - return "".join(_expanded(part) for part in _reBracketExpr.parseString(s).body) - except Exception: - return "" - -def matchOnlyAtCol(n): - """ - Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at a specific - column in the input text. - """ - def verifyCol(strg,locn,toks): - if col(locn,strg) != n: - raise ParseException(strg,locn,"matched token not at column %d" % n) - return verifyCol - -def replaceWith(replStr): - """ - Helper method for common parse actions that simply return a literal value. Especially - useful when used with C{L{transformString}()}. - - Example:: - num = Word(nums).setParseAction(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) - na = oneOf("N/A NA").setParseAction(replaceWith(math.nan)) - term = na | num - - OneOrMore(term).parseString("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234] - """ - return lambda s,l,t: [replStr] - -def removeQuotes(s,l,t): - """ - Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed quoted strings. - - Example:: - # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results - quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"] - - # use removeQuotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results - quotedString.setParseAction(removeQuotes) - quotedString.parseString("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"] - """ - return t[0][1:-1] - -def tokenMap(func, *args): - """ - Helper to define a parse action by mapping a function to all elements of a ParseResults list.If any additional - args are passed, they are forwarded to the given function as additional arguments after - the token, as in C{hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16))}, which will convert the - parsed data to an integer using base 16. - - Example (compare the last to example in L{ParserElement.transformString}:: - hex_ints = OneOrMore(Word(hexnums)).setParseAction(tokenMap(int, 16)) - hex_ints.runTests(''' - 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a - ''') - - upperword = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.upper)) - OneOrMore(upperword).runTests(''' - my kingdom for a horse - ''') - - wd = Word(alphas).setParseAction(tokenMap(str.title)) - OneOrMore(wd).setParseAction(' '.join).runTests(''' - now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york - ''') - prints:: - 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a - [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26] - - my kingdom for a horse - ['MY', 'KINGDOM', 'FOR', 'A', 'HORSE'] - - now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york - ['Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York'] - """ - def pa(s,l,t): - return [func(tokn, *args) for tokn in t] - - try: - func_name = getattr(func, '__name__', - getattr(func, '__class__').__name__) - except Exception: - func_name = str(func) - pa.__name__ = func_name - - return pa - -upcaseTokens = tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).upper()) -"""(Deprecated) Helper parse action to convert tokens to upper case. Deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.upcaseTokens}""" - -downcaseTokens = tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).lower()) -"""(Deprecated) Helper parse action to convert tokens to lower case. Deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.downcaseTokens}""" - -def _makeTags(tagStr, xml): - """Internal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name""" - if isinstance(tagStr,basestring): - resname = tagStr - tagStr = Keyword(tagStr, caseless=not xml) - else: - resname = tagStr.name - - tagAttrName = Word(alphas,alphanums+"_-:") - if (xml): - tagAttrValue = dblQuotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes ) - openTag = Suppress("<") + tagStr("tag") + \ - Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName + Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ))) + \ - Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">") - else: - printablesLessRAbrack = "".join(c for c in printables if c not in ">") - tagAttrValue = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes ) | Word(printablesLessRAbrack) - openTag = Suppress("<") + tagStr("tag") + \ - Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group( tagAttrName.setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + \ - Optional( Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue ) ))) + \ - Optional("/",default=[False]).setResultsName("empty").setParseAction(lambda s,l,t:t[0]=='/') + Suppress(">") - closeTag = Combine(_L("") - - openTag = openTag.setResultsName("start"+"".join(resname.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("<%s>" % resname) - closeTag = closeTag.setResultsName("end"+"".join(resname.replace(":"," ").title().split())).setName("" % resname) - openTag.tag = resname - closeTag.tag = resname - return openTag, closeTag - -def makeHTMLTags(tagStr): - """ - Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, given a tag name. Matches - tags in either upper or lower case, attributes with namespaces and with quoted or unquoted values. - - Example:: - text = 'More info at the
pyparsing wiki page' - # makeHTMLTags returns pyparsing expressions for the opening and closing tags as a 2-tuple - a,a_end = makeHTMLTags("A") - link_expr = a + SkipTo(a_end)("link_text") + a_end - - for link in link_expr.searchString(text): - # attributes in the tag (like "href" shown here) are also accessible as named results - print(link.link_text, '->', link.href) - prints:: - pyparsing -> http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com - """ - return _makeTags( tagStr, False ) - -def makeXMLTags(tagStr): - """ - Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, given a tag name. Matches - tags only in the given upper/lower case. - - Example: similar to L{makeHTMLTags} - """ - return _makeTags( tagStr, True ) - -def withAttribute(*args,**attrDict): - """ - Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start tags created - with C{L{makeXMLTags}} or C{L{makeHTMLTags}}. Use C{withAttribute} to qualify a starting tag - with a required attribute value, to avoid false matches on common tags such as - C{} or C{
}. - - Call C{withAttribute} with a series of attribute names and values. Specify the list - of filter attributes names and values as: - - keyword arguments, as in C{(align="right")}, or - - as an explicit dict with C{**} operator, when an attribute name is also a Python - reserved word, as in C{**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}} - - a list of name-value tuples, as in ( ("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align","right") ) - For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second form. Attribute - names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case. - - If just testing for C{class} (with or without a namespace), use C{L{withClass}}. - - To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value, pass - C{withAttribute.ANY_VALUE} as the value. - - Example:: - html = ''' -
- Some text -
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this has no type
- - ''' - div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") - - # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid" - div_grid = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type="grid")) - grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): - print(grid_header.body) - - # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value - div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withAttribute(type=withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) - div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): - print(div_header.body) - prints:: - 1 4 0 1 0 - - 1 4 0 1 0 - 1,3 2,3 1,1 - """ - if args: - attrs = args[:] - else: - attrs = attrDict.items() - attrs = [(k,v) for k,v in attrs] - def pa(s,l,tokens): - for attrName,attrValue in attrs: - if attrName not in tokens: - raise ParseException(s,l,"no matching attribute " + attrName) - if attrValue != withAttribute.ANY_VALUE and tokens[attrName] != attrValue: - raise ParseException(s,l,"attribute '%s' has value '%s', must be '%s'" % - (attrName, tokens[attrName], attrValue)) - return pa -withAttribute.ANY_VALUE = object() - -def withClass(classname, namespace=''): - """ - Simplified version of C{L{withAttribute}} when matching on a div class - made - difficult because C{class} is a reserved word in Python. - - Example:: - html = ''' -
- Some text -
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this <div> has no class
- - ''' - div,div_end = makeHTMLTags("div") - div_grid = div().setParseAction(withClass("grid")) - - grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for grid_header in grid_expr.searchString(html): - print(grid_header.body) - - div_any_type = div().setParseAction(withClass(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) - div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") - for div_header in div_expr.searchString(html): - print(div_header.body) - prints:: - 1 4 0 1 0 - - 1 4 0 1 0 - 1,3 2,3 1,1 - """ - classattr = "%s:class" % namespace if namespace else "class" - return withAttribute(**{classattr : classname}) - -opAssoc = _Constants() -opAssoc.LEFT = object() -opAssoc.RIGHT = object() - -def infixNotation( baseExpr, opList, lpar=Suppress('('), rpar=Suppress(')') ): - """ - Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of - operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary or - binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be attached - to operator expressions. The generated parser will also recognize the use - of parentheses to override operator precedences (see example below). - - Note: if you define a deep operator list, you may see performance issues - when using infixNotation. See L{ParserElement.enablePackrat} for a - mechanism to potentially improve your parser performance. - - Parameters: - - baseExpr - expression representing the most basic element for the nested - - opList - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level in the - expression grammar; each tuple is of the form - (opExpr, numTerms, rightLeftAssoc, parseAction), where: - - opExpr is the pyparsing expression for the operator; - may also be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; - if numTerms is 3, opExpr is a tuple of two expressions, for the - two operators separating the 3 terms - - numTerms is the number of terms for this operator (must - be 1, 2, or 3) - - rightLeftAssoc is the indicator whether the operator is - right or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined - constants C{opAssoc.RIGHT} and C{opAssoc.LEFT}. - - parseAction is the parse action to be associated with - expressions matching this operator expression (the - parse action tuple member may be omitted); if the parse action - is passed a tuple or list of functions, this is equivalent to - calling C{setParseAction(*fn)} (L{ParserElement.setParseAction}) - - lpar - expression for matching left-parentheses (default=C{Suppress('(')}) - - rpar - expression for matching right-parentheses (default=C{Suppress(')')}) - - Example:: - # simple example of four-function arithmetic with ints and variable names - integer = pyparsing_common.signed_integer - varname = pyparsing_common.identifier - - arith_expr = infixNotation(integer | varname, - [ - ('-', 1, opAssoc.RIGHT), - (oneOf('* /'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), - (oneOf('+ -'), 2, opAssoc.LEFT), - ]) - - arith_expr.runTests(''' - 5+3*6 - (5+3)*6 - -2--11 - ''', fullDump=False) - prints:: - 5+3*6 - [[5, '+', [3, '*', 6]]] - - (5+3)*6 - [[[5, '+', 3], '*', 6]] - - -2--11 - [[['-', 2], '-', ['-', 11]]] - """ - ret = Forward() - lastExpr = baseExpr | ( lpar + ret + rpar ) - for i,operDef in enumerate(opList): - opExpr,arity,rightLeftAssoc,pa = (operDef + (None,))[:4] - termName = "%s term" % opExpr if arity < 3 else "%s%s term" % opExpr - if arity == 3: - if opExpr is None or len(opExpr) != 2: - raise ValueError("if numterms=3, opExpr must be a tuple or list of two expressions") - opExpr1, opExpr2 = opExpr - thisExpr = Forward().setName(termName) - if rightLeftAssoc == opAssoc.LEFT: - if arity == 1: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr ) ) - elif arity == 2: - if opExpr is not None: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr + lastExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr + lastExpr ) ) - else: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr+lastExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore(lastExpr) ) - elif arity == 3: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr) + \ - Group( lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr ) - else: - raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") - elif rightLeftAssoc == opAssoc.RIGHT: - if arity == 1: - # try to avoid LR with this extra test - if not isinstance(opExpr, Optional): - opExpr = Optional(opExpr) - matchExpr = FollowedBy(opExpr.expr + thisExpr) + Group( opExpr + thisExpr ) - elif arity == 2: - if opExpr is not None: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr + thisExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( opExpr + thisExpr ) ) - else: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + thisExpr) + Group( lastExpr + OneOrMore( thisExpr ) ) - elif arity == 3: - matchExpr = FollowedBy(lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr) + \ - Group( lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr ) - else: - raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") - else: - raise ValueError("operator must indicate right or left associativity") - if pa: - if isinstance(pa, (tuple, list)): - matchExpr.setParseAction(*pa) - else: - matchExpr.setParseAction(pa) - thisExpr <<= ( matchExpr.setName(termName) | lastExpr ) - lastExpr = thisExpr - ret <<= lastExpr - return ret - -operatorPrecedence = infixNotation -"""(Deprecated) Former name of C{L{infixNotation}}, will be dropped in a future release.""" - -dblQuotedString = Combine(Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*')+'"').setName("string enclosed in double quotes") -sglQuotedString = Combine(Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*")+"'").setName("string enclosed in single quotes") -quotedString = Combine(Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*')+'"'| - Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*")+"'").setName("quotedString using single or double quotes") -unicodeString = Combine(_L('u') + quotedString.copy()).setName("unicode string literal") - -def nestedExpr(opener="(", closer=")", content=None, ignoreExpr=quotedString.copy()): - """ - Helper method for defining nested lists enclosed in opening and closing - delimiters ("(" and ")" are the default). - - Parameters: - - opener - opening character for a nested list (default=C{"("}); can also be a pyparsing expression - - closer - closing character for a nested list (default=C{")"}); can also be a pyparsing expression - - content - expression for items within the nested lists (default=C{None}) - - ignoreExpr - expression for ignoring opening and closing delimiters (default=C{quotedString}) - - If an expression is not provided for the content argument, the nested - expression will capture all whitespace-delimited content between delimiters - as a list of separate values. - - Use the C{ignoreExpr} argument to define expressions that may contain - opening or closing characters that should not be treated as opening - or closing characters for nesting, such as quotedString or a comment - expression. Specify multiple expressions using an C{L{Or}} or C{L{MatchFirst}}. - The default is L{quotedString}, but if no expressions are to be ignored, - then pass C{None} for this argument. - - Example:: - data_type = oneOf("void int short long char float double") - decl_data_type = Combine(data_type + Optional(Word('*'))) - ident = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_') - number = pyparsing_common.number - arg = Group(decl_data_type + ident) - LPAR,RPAR = map(Suppress, "()") - - code_body = nestedExpr('{', '}', ignoreExpr=(quotedString | cStyleComment)) - - c_function = (decl_data_type("type") - + ident("name") - + LPAR + Optional(delimitedList(arg), [])("args") + RPAR - + code_body("body")) - c_function.ignore(cStyleComment) - - source_code = ''' - int is_odd(int x) { - return (x%2); - } - - int dec_to_hex(char hchar) { - if (hchar >= '0' && hchar <= '9') { - return (ord(hchar)-ord('0')); - } else { - return (10+ord(hchar)-ord('A')); - } - } - ''' - for func in c_function.searchString(source_code): - print("%(name)s (%(type)s) args: %(args)s" % func) - - prints:: - is_odd (int) args: [['int', 'x']] - dec_to_hex (int) args: [['char', 'hchar']] - """ - if opener == closer: - raise ValueError("opening and closing strings cannot be the same") - if content is None: - if isinstance(opener,basestring) and isinstance(closer,basestring): - if len(opener) == 1 and len(closer)==1: - if ignoreExpr is not None: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~ignoreExpr + - CharsNotIn(opener+closer+ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - content = (empty.copy()+CharsNotIn(opener+closer+ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - if ignoreExpr is not None: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~ignoreExpr + - ~Literal(opener) + ~Literal(closer) + - CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - content = (Combine(OneOrMore(~Literal(opener) + ~Literal(closer) + - CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS,exact=1)) - ).setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].strip())) - else: - raise ValueError("opening and closing arguments must be strings if no content expression is given") - ret = Forward() - if ignoreExpr is not None: - ret <<= Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ignoreExpr | ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) - else: - ret <<= Group( Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore( ret | content ) + Suppress(closer) ) - ret.setName('nested %s%s expression' % (opener,closer)) - return ret - -def indentedBlock(blockStatementExpr, indentStack, indent=True): - """ - Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, such as - those used to define block statements in Python source code. - - Parameters: - - blockStatementExpr - expression defining syntax of statement that - is repeated within the indented block - - indentStack - list created by caller to manage indentation stack - (multiple statementWithIndentedBlock expressions within a single grammar - should share a common indentStack) - - indent - boolean indicating whether block must be indented beyond the - the current level; set to False for block of left-most statements - (default=C{True}) - - A valid block must contain at least one C{blockStatement}. - - Example:: - data = ''' - def A(z): - A1 - B = 100 - G = A2 - A2 - A3 - B - def BB(a,b,c): - BB1 - def BBA(): - bba1 - bba2 - bba3 - C - D - def spam(x,y): - def eggs(z): - pass - ''' - - - indentStack = [1] - stmt = Forward() - - identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums) - funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group( "(" + Optional( delimitedList(identifier) ) + ")" ) + ":") - func_body = indentedBlock(stmt, indentStack) - funcDef = Group( funcDecl + func_body ) - - rvalue = Forward() - funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Optional(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")") - rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums)) - assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue) - stmt << ( funcDef | assignment | identifier ) - - module_body = OneOrMore(stmt) - - parseTree = module_body.parseString(data) - parseTree.pprint() - prints:: - [['def', - 'A', - ['(', 'z', ')'], - ':', - [['A1'], [['B', '=', '100']], [['G', '=', 'A2']], ['A2'], ['A3']]], - 'B', - ['def', - 'BB', - ['(', 'a', 'b', 'c', ')'], - ':', - [['BB1'], [['def', 'BBA', ['(', ')'], ':', [['bba1'], ['bba2'], ['bba3']]]]]], - 'C', - 'D', - ['def', - 'spam', - ['(', 'x', 'y', ')'], - ':', - [[['def', 'eggs', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['pass']]]]]]] - """ - def checkPeerIndent(s,l,t): - if l >= len(s): return - curCol = col(l,s) - if curCol != indentStack[-1]: - if curCol > indentStack[-1]: - raise ParseFatalException(s,l,"illegal nesting") - raise ParseException(s,l,"not a peer entry") - - def checkSubIndent(s,l,t): - curCol = col(l,s) - if curCol > indentStack[-1]: - indentStack.append( curCol ) - else: - raise ParseException(s,l,"not a subentry") - - def checkUnindent(s,l,t): - if l >= len(s): return - curCol = col(l,s) - if not(indentStack and curCol < indentStack[-1] and curCol <= indentStack[-2]): - raise ParseException(s,l,"not an unindent") - indentStack.pop() - - NL = OneOrMore(LineEnd().setWhitespaceChars("\t ").suppress()) - INDENT = (Empty() + Empty().setParseAction(checkSubIndent)).setName('INDENT') - PEER = Empty().setParseAction(checkPeerIndent).setName('') - UNDENT = Empty().setParseAction(checkUnindent).setName('UNINDENT') - if indent: - smExpr = Group( Optional(NL) + - #~ FollowedBy(blockStatementExpr) + - INDENT + (OneOrMore( PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Optional(NL) )) + UNDENT) - else: - smExpr = Group( Optional(NL) + - (OneOrMore( PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Optional(NL) )) ) - blockStatementExpr.ignore(_bslash + LineEnd()) - return smExpr.setName('indented block') - -alphas8bit = srange(r"[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xff]") -punc8bit = srange(r"[\0xa1-\0xbf\0xd7\0xf7]") - -anyOpenTag,anyCloseTag = makeHTMLTags(Word(alphas,alphanums+"_:").setName('any tag')) -_htmlEntityMap = dict(zip("gt lt amp nbsp quot apos".split(),'><& "\'')) -commonHTMLEntity = Regex('&(?P' + '|'.join(_htmlEntityMap.keys()) +");").setName("common HTML entity") -def replaceHTMLEntity(t): - """Helper parser action to replace common HTML entities with their special characters""" - return _htmlEntityMap.get(t.entity) - -# it's easy to get these comment structures wrong - they're very common, so may as well make them available -cStyleComment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + '*/').setName("C style comment") -"Comment of the form C{/* ... */}" - -htmlComment = Regex(r"").setName("HTML comment") -"Comment of the form C{}" - -restOfLine = Regex(r".*").leaveWhitespace().setName("rest of line") -dblSlashComment = Regex(r"//(?:\\\n|[^\n])*").setName("// comment") -"Comment of the form C{// ... (to end of line)}" - -cppStyleComment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + '*/'| dblSlashComment).setName("C++ style comment") -"Comment of either form C{L{cStyleComment}} or C{L{dblSlashComment}}" - -javaStyleComment = cppStyleComment -"Same as C{L{cppStyleComment}}" - -pythonStyleComment = Regex(r"#.*").setName("Python style comment") -"Comment of the form C{# ... (to end of line)}" - -_commasepitem = Combine(OneOrMore(Word(printables, excludeChars=',') + - Optional( Word(" \t") + - ~Literal(",") + ~LineEnd() ) ) ).streamline().setName("commaItem") -commaSeparatedList = delimitedList( Optional( quotedString.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") ).setName("commaSeparatedList") -"""(Deprecated) Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas. - This expression is deprecated in favor of L{pyparsing_common.comma_separated_list}.""" - -# some other useful expressions - using lower-case class name since we are really using this as a namespace -class pyparsing_common: - """ - Here are some common low-level expressions that may be useful in jump-starting parser development: - - numeric forms (L{integers}, L{reals}, L{scientific notation}) - - common L{programming identifiers} - - network addresses (L{MAC}, L{IPv4}, L{IPv6}) - - ISO8601 L{dates} and L{datetime} - - L{UUID} - - L{comma-separated list} - Parse actions: - - C{L{convertToInteger}} - - C{L{convertToFloat}} - - C{L{convertToDate}} - - C{L{convertToDatetime}} - - C{L{stripHTMLTags}} - - C{L{upcaseTokens}} - - C{L{downcaseTokens}} - - Example:: - pyparsing_common.number.runTests(''' - # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(''' - # any int or real number, returned as float - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(''' - # hex numbers - 100 - FF - ''') - - pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests(''' - # fractions - 1/2 - -3/4 - ''') - - pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests(''' - # mixed fractions - 1 - 1/2 - -3/4 - 1-3/4 - ''') - - import uuid - pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) - pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(''' - # uuid - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - ''') - prints:: - # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type - 100 - [100] - - -100 - [-100] - - +100 - [100] - - 3.14159 - [3.14159] - - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - # any int or real number, returned as float - 100 - [100.0] - - -100 - [-100.0] - - +100 - [100.0] - - 3.14159 - [3.14159] - - 6.02e23 - [6.02e+23] - - 1e-12 - [1e-12] - - # hex numbers - 100 - [256] - - FF - [255] - - # fractions - 1/2 - [0.5] - - -3/4 - [-0.75] - - # mixed fractions - 1 - [1] - - 1/2 - [0.5] - - -3/4 - [-0.75] - - 1-3/4 - [1.75] - - # uuid - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - [UUID('12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678')] - """ - - convertToInteger = tokenMap(int) - """ - Parse action for converting parsed integers to Python int - """ - - convertToFloat = tokenMap(float) - """ - Parse action for converting parsed numbers to Python float - """ - - integer = Word(nums).setName("integer").setParseAction(convertToInteger) - """expression that parses an unsigned integer, returns an int""" - - hex_integer = Word(hexnums).setName("hex integer").setParseAction(tokenMap(int,16)) - """expression that parses a hexadecimal integer, returns an int""" - - signed_integer = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+').setName("signed integer").setParseAction(convertToInteger) - """expression that parses an integer with optional leading sign, returns an int""" - - fraction = (signed_integer().setParseAction(convertToFloat) + '/' + signed_integer().setParseAction(convertToFloat)).setName("fraction") - """fractional expression of an integer divided by an integer, returns a float""" - fraction.addParseAction(lambda t: t[0]/t[-1]) - - mixed_integer = (fraction | signed_integer + Optional(Optional('-').suppress() + fraction)).setName("fraction or mixed integer-fraction") - """mixed integer of the form 'integer - fraction', with optional leading integer, returns float""" - mixed_integer.addParseAction(sum) - - real = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+\.\d*').setName("real number").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """expression that parses a floating point number and returns a float""" - - sci_real = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+([eE][+-]?\d+|\.\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?)').setName("real number with scientific notation").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """expression that parses a floating point number with optional scientific notation and returns a float""" - - # streamlining this expression makes the docs nicer-looking - number = (sci_real | real | signed_integer).streamline() - """any numeric expression, returns the corresponding Python type""" - - fnumber = Regex(r'[+-]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?').setName("fnumber").setParseAction(convertToFloat) - """any int or real number, returned as float""" - - identifier = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_').setName("identifier") - """typical code identifier (leading alpha or '_', followed by 0 or more alphas, nums, or '_')""" - - ipv4_address = Regex(r'(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})){3}').setName("IPv4 address") - "IPv4 address (C{ -})" - - _ipv6_part = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}').setName("hex_integer") - _full_ipv6_address = (_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*7).setName("full IPv6 address") - _short_ipv6_address = (Optional(_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*(0,6)) + "::" + Optional(_ipv6_part + (':' + _ipv6_part)*(0,6))).setName("short IPv6 address") - _short_ipv6_address.addCondition(lambda t: sum(1 for tt in t if pyparsing_common._ipv6_part.matches(tt)) < 8) - _mixed_ipv6_address = ("::ffff:" + ipv4_address).setName("mixed IPv6 address") - ipv6_address = Combine((_full_ipv6_address | _mixed_ipv6_address | _short_ipv6_address).setName("IPv6 address")).setName("IPv6 address") - "IPv6 address (long, short, or mixed form)" - - mac_address = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([:.-])[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:\1[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){4}').setName("MAC address") - "MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (may also have '-' or '.' delimiters)" - - @staticmethod - def convertToDate(fmt="%Y-%m-%d"): - """ - Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed date string to Python datetime.date - - Params - - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default=C{"%Y-%m-%d"}) - - Example:: - date_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.copy() - date_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()) - print(date_expr.parseString("1999-12-31")) - prints:: - [datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)] - """ - def cvt_fn(s,l,t): - try: - return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt).date() - except ValueError as ve: - raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) - return cvt_fn - - @staticmethod - def convertToDatetime(fmt="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"): - """ - Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed datetime string to Python datetime.datetime - - Params - - - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default=C{"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"}) - - Example:: - dt_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.copy() - dt_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()) - print(dt_expr.parseString("1999-12-31T23:59:59.999")) - prints:: - [datetime.datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000)] - """ - def cvt_fn(s,l,t): - try: - return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt) - except ValueError as ve: - raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) - return cvt_fn - - iso8601_date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})(?:-(?P\d\d)(?:-(?P\d\d))?)?').setName("ISO8601 date") - "ISO8601 date (C{yyyy-mm-dd})" - - iso8601_datetime = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)[T ](?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)(:(?P\d\d(\.\d*)?)?)?(?PZ|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)?').setName("ISO8601 datetime") - "ISO8601 datetime (C{yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s(Z|+-00:00)}) - trailing seconds, milliseconds, and timezone optional; accepts separating C{'T'} or C{' '}" - - uuid = Regex(r'[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}').setName("UUID") - "UUID (C{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx})" - - _html_stripper = anyOpenTag.suppress() | anyCloseTag.suppress() - @staticmethod - def stripHTMLTags(s, l, tokens): - """ - Parse action to remove HTML tags from web page HTML source - - Example:: - # strip HTML links from normal text - text = 'More info at the
pyparsing wiki page' - td,td_end = makeHTMLTags("TD") - table_text = td + SkipTo(td_end).setParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)("body") + td_end - - print(table_text.parseString(text).body) # -> 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' - """ - return pyparsing_common._html_stripper.transformString(tokens[0]) - - _commasepitem = Combine(OneOrMore(~Literal(",") + ~LineEnd() + Word(printables, excludeChars=',') - + Optional( White(" \t") ) ) ).streamline().setName("commaItem") - comma_separated_list = delimitedList( Optional( quotedString.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") ).setName("comma separated list") - """Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas.""" - - upcaseTokens = staticmethod(tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).upper())) - """Parse action to convert tokens to upper case.""" - - downcaseTokens = staticmethod(tokenMap(lambda t: _ustr(t).lower())) - """Parse action to convert tokens to lower case.""" - - -if __name__ == "__main__": - - selectToken = CaselessLiteral("select") - fromToken = CaselessLiteral("from") - - ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_$") - - columnName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setParseAction(upcaseTokens) - columnNameList = Group(delimitedList(columnName)).setName("columns") - columnSpec = ('*' | columnNameList) - - tableName = delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True).setParseAction(upcaseTokens) - tableNameList = Group(delimitedList(tableName)).setName("tables") - - simpleSQL = selectToken("command") + columnSpec("columns") + fromToken + tableNameList("tables") - - # demo runTests method, including embedded comments in test string - simpleSQL.runTests(""" - # '*' as column list and dotted table name - select * from SYS.XYZZY - - # caseless match on "SELECT", and casts back to "select" - SELECT * from XYZZY, ABC - - # list of column names, and mixed case SELECT keyword - Select AA,BB,CC from Sys.dual - - # multiple tables - Select A, B, C from Sys.dual, Table2 - - # invalid SELECT keyword - should fail - Xelect A, B, C from Sys.dual - - # incomplete command - should fail - Select - - # invalid column name - should fail - Select ^^^ frox Sys.dual - - """) - - pyparsing_common.number.runTests(""" - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - """) - - # any int or real number, returned as float - pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(""" - 100 - -100 - +100 - 3.14159 - 6.02e23 - 1e-12 - """) - - pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(""" - 100 - FF - """) - - import uuid - pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) - pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(""" - 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 - """) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7802ff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +# module pyparsing.py +# +# Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Paul T. McGuire +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +# the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# + +__doc__ = """ +pyparsing module - Classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars +============================================================================= + +The pyparsing module is an alternative approach to creating and +executing simple grammars, vs. the traditional lex/yacc approach, or the +use of regular expressions. With pyparsing, you don't need to learn +a new syntax for defining grammars or matching expressions - the parsing +module provides a library of classes that you use to construct the +grammar directly in Python. + +Here is a program to parse "Hello, World!" (or any greeting of the form +``", !"``), built up using :class:`Word`, +:class:`Literal`, and :class:`And` elements +(the :meth:`'+'` operators create :class:`And` expressions, +and the strings are auto-converted to :class:`Literal` expressions):: + + from pyparsing import Word, alphas + + # define grammar of a greeting + greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" + + hello = "Hello, World!" + print(hello, "->", greet.parse_string(hello)) + +The program outputs the following:: + + Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] + +The Python representation of the grammar is quite readable, owing to the +self-explanatory class names, and the use of :class:`'+'`, +:class:`'|'`, :class:`'^'` and :class:`'&'` operators. + +The :class:`ParseResults` object returned from +:class:`ParserElement.parseString` can be +accessed as a nested list, a dictionary, or an object with named +attributes. + +The pyparsing module handles some of the problems that are typically +vexing when writing text parsers: + + - extra or missing whitespace (the above program will also handle + "Hello,World!", "Hello , World !", etc.) + - quoted strings + - embedded comments + + +Getting Started - +----------------- +Visit the classes :class:`ParserElement` and :class:`ParseResults` to +see the base classes that most other pyparsing +classes inherit from. Use the docstrings for examples of how to: + + - construct literal match expressions from :class:`Literal` and + :class:`CaselessLiteral` classes + - construct character word-group expressions using the :class:`Word` + class + - see how to create repetitive expressions using :class:`ZeroOrMore` + and :class:`OneOrMore` classes + - use :class:`'+'`, :class:`'|'`, :class:`'^'`, + and :class:`'&'` operators to combine simple expressions into + more complex ones + - associate names with your parsed results using + :class:`ParserElement.setResultsName` + - access the parsed data, which is returned as a :class:`ParseResults` + object + - find some helpful expression short-cuts like :class:`delimitedList` + and :class:`oneOf` + - find more useful common expressions in the :class:`pyparsing_common` + namespace class +""" +from typing import NamedTuple + + +class version_info(NamedTuple): + major: int + minor: int + micro: int + releaselevel: str + serial: int + + @property + def __version__(self): + return ( + "{}.{}.{}".format(self.major, self.minor, self.micro) + + ( + "{}{}{}".format( + "r" if self.releaselevel[0] == "c" else "", + self.releaselevel[0], + self.serial, + ), + "", + )[self.releaselevel == "final"] + ) + + def __str__(self): + return "{} {} / {}".format(__name__, self.__version__, __version_time__) + + def __repr__(self): + return "{}.{}({})".format( + __name__, + type(self).__name__, + ", ".join("{}={!r}".format(*nv) for nv in zip(self._fields, self)), + ) + + +__version_info__ = version_info(3, 0, 9, "final", 0) +__version_time__ = "05 May 2022 07:02 UTC" +__version__ = __version_info__.__version__ +__versionTime__ = __version_time__ +__author__ = "Paul McGuire " + +from .util import * +from .exceptions import * +from .actions import * +from .core import __diag__, __compat__ +from .results import * +from .core import * +from .core import _builtin_exprs as core_builtin_exprs +from .helpers import * +from .helpers import _builtin_exprs as helper_builtin_exprs + +from .unicode import unicode_set, UnicodeRangeList, pyparsing_unicode as unicode +from .testing import pyparsing_test as testing +from .common import ( + pyparsing_common as common, + _builtin_exprs as common_builtin_exprs, +) + +# define backward compat synonyms +if "pyparsing_unicode" not in globals(): + pyparsing_unicode = unicode +if "pyparsing_common" not in globals(): + pyparsing_common = common +if "pyparsing_test" not in globals(): + pyparsing_test = testing + +core_builtin_exprs += common_builtin_exprs + helper_builtin_exprs + + +__all__ = [ + "__version__", + "__version_time__", + "__author__", + "__compat__", + "__diag__", + "And", + "AtLineStart", + "AtStringStart", + "CaselessKeyword", + "CaselessLiteral", + "CharsNotIn", + "Combine", + "Dict", + "Each", + "Empty", + "FollowedBy", + "Forward", + "GoToColumn", + "Group", + "IndentedBlock", + "Keyword", + "LineEnd", + "LineStart", + "Literal", + "Located", + "PrecededBy", + "MatchFirst", + "NoMatch", + "NotAny", + "OneOrMore", + "OnlyOnce", + "OpAssoc", + "Opt", + "Optional", + "Or", + "ParseBaseException", + "ParseElementEnhance", + "ParseException", + "ParseExpression", + "ParseFatalException", + "ParseResults", + "ParseSyntaxException", + "ParserElement", + "PositionToken", + "QuotedString", + "RecursiveGrammarException", + "Regex", + "SkipTo", + "StringEnd", + "StringStart", + "Suppress", + "Token", + "TokenConverter", + "White", + "Word", + "WordEnd", + "WordStart", + "ZeroOrMore", + "Char", + "alphanums", + "alphas", + "alphas8bit", + "any_close_tag", + "any_open_tag", + "c_style_comment", + "col", + "common_html_entity", + "counted_array", + "cpp_style_comment", + "dbl_quoted_string", + "dbl_slash_comment", + "delimited_list", + "dict_of", + "empty", + "hexnums", + "html_comment", + "identchars", + "identbodychars", + "java_style_comment", + "line", + "line_end", + "line_start", + "lineno", + "make_html_tags", + "make_xml_tags", + "match_only_at_col", + "match_previous_expr", + "match_previous_literal", + "nested_expr", + "null_debug_action", + "nums", + "one_of", + "printables", + "punc8bit", + "python_style_comment", + "quoted_string", + "remove_quotes", + "replace_with", + "replace_html_entity", + "rest_of_line", + "sgl_quoted_string", + "srange", + "string_end", + "string_start", + "trace_parse_action", + "unicode_string", + "with_attribute", + "indentedBlock", + "original_text_for", + "ungroup", + "infix_notation", + "locatedExpr", + "with_class", + "CloseMatch", + "token_map", + "pyparsing_common", + "pyparsing_unicode", + "unicode_set", + "condition_as_parse_action", + "pyparsing_test", + # pre-PEP8 compatibility names + "__versionTime__", + "anyCloseTag", + "anyOpenTag", + "cStyleComment", + "commonHTMLEntity", + "countedArray", + "cppStyleComment", + "dblQuotedString", + "dblSlashComment", + "delimitedList", + "dictOf", + "htmlComment", + "javaStyleComment", + "lineEnd", + "lineStart", + "makeHTMLTags", + "makeXMLTags", + "matchOnlyAtCol", + "matchPreviousExpr", + "matchPreviousLiteral", + "nestedExpr", + "nullDebugAction", + "oneOf", + "opAssoc", + "pythonStyleComment", + "quotedString", + "removeQuotes", + "replaceHTMLEntity", + "replaceWith", + "restOfLine", + "sglQuotedString", + "stringEnd", + "stringStart", + "traceParseAction", + "unicodeString", + "withAttribute", + "indentedBlock", + "originalTextFor", + "infixNotation", + "locatedExpr", + "withClass", + "tokenMap", + "conditionAsParseAction", + "autoname_elements", +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2735b40 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b547dd Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/actions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d25d8af Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/common.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d90f71c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/core.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..534b40d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d306805 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/helpers.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea6c83a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/results.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20b9aef Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/testing.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e46873 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/unicode.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fffe2c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/__pycache__/util.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f72c66e --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/actions.py @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +# actions.py + +from .exceptions import ParseException +from .util import col + + +class OnlyOnce: + """ + Wrapper for parse actions, to ensure they are only called once. + """ + + def __init__(self, method_call): + from .core import _trim_arity + + self.callable = _trim_arity(method_call) + self.called = False + + def __call__(self, s, l, t): + if not self.called: + results = self.callable(s, l, t) + self.called = True + return results + raise ParseException(s, l, "OnlyOnce obj called multiple times w/out reset") + + def reset(self): + """ + Allow the associated parse action to be called once more. + """ + + self.called = False + + +def match_only_at_col(n): + """ + Helper method for defining parse actions that require matching at + a specific column in the input text. + """ + + def verify_col(strg, locn, toks): + if col(locn, strg) != n: + raise ParseException(strg, locn, "matched token not at column {}".format(n)) + + return verify_col + + +def replace_with(repl_str): + """ + Helper method for common parse actions that simply return + a literal value. Especially useful when used with + :class:`transform_string` (). + + Example:: + + num = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + na = one_of("N/A NA").set_parse_action(replace_with(math.nan)) + term = na | num + + term[1, ...].parse_string("324 234 N/A 234") # -> [324, 234, nan, 234] + """ + return lambda s, l, t: [repl_str] + + +def remove_quotes(s, l, t): + """ + Helper parse action for removing quotation marks from parsed + quoted strings. + + Example:: + + # by default, quotation marks are included in parsed results + quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'"] + + # use remove_quotes to strip quotation marks from parsed results + quoted_string.set_parse_action(remove_quotes) + quoted_string.parse_string("'Now is the Winter of our Discontent'") # -> ["Now is the Winter of our Discontent"] + """ + return t[0][1:-1] + + +def with_attribute(*args, **attr_dict): + """ + Helper to create a validating parse action to be used with start + tags created with :class:`make_xml_tags` or + :class:`make_html_tags`. Use ``with_attribute`` to qualify + a starting tag with a required attribute value, to avoid false + matches on common tags such as ```` or ``
``. + + Call ``with_attribute`` with a series of attribute names and + values. Specify the list of filter attributes names and values as: + + - keyword arguments, as in ``(align="right")``, or + - as an explicit dict with ``**`` operator, when an attribute + name is also a Python reserved word, as in ``**{"class":"Customer", "align":"right"}`` + - a list of name-value tuples, as in ``(("ns1:class", "Customer"), ("ns2:align", "right"))`` + + For attribute names with a namespace prefix, you must use the second + form. Attribute names are matched insensitive to upper/lower case. + + If just testing for ``class`` (with or without a namespace), use + :class:`with_class`. + + To verify that the attribute exists, but without specifying a value, + pass ``with_attribute.ANY_VALUE`` as the value. + + Example:: + + html = ''' +
+ Some text +
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this has no type
+ + ''' + div,div_end = make_html_tags("div") + + # only match div tag having a type attribute with value "grid" + div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type="grid")) + grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html): + print(grid_header.body) + + # construct a match with any div tag having a type attribute, regardless of the value + div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_attribute(type=with_attribute.ANY_VALUE)) + div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html): + print(div_header.body) + + prints:: + + 1 4 0 1 0 + + 1 4 0 1 0 + 1,3 2,3 1,1 + """ + if args: + attrs = args[:] + else: + attrs = attr_dict.items() + attrs = [(k, v) for k, v in attrs] + + def pa(s, l, tokens): + for attrName, attrValue in attrs: + if attrName not in tokens: + raise ParseException(s, l, "no matching attribute " + attrName) + if attrValue != with_attribute.ANY_VALUE and tokens[attrName] != attrValue: + raise ParseException( + s, + l, + "attribute {!r} has value {!r}, must be {!r}".format( + attrName, tokens[attrName], attrValue + ), + ) + + return pa + + +with_attribute.ANY_VALUE = object() + + +def with_class(classname, namespace=""): + """ + Simplified version of :class:`with_attribute` when + matching on a div class - made difficult because ``class`` is + a reserved word in Python. + + Example:: + + html = ''' +
+ Some text +
1 4 0 1 0
1,3 2,3 1,1
this <div> has no class
+ + ''' + div,div_end = make_html_tags("div") + div_grid = div().set_parse_action(with_class("grid")) + + grid_expr = div_grid + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for grid_header in grid_expr.search_string(html): + print(grid_header.body) + + div_any_type = div().set_parse_action(with_class(withAttribute.ANY_VALUE)) + div_expr = div_any_type + SkipTo(div | div_end)("body") + for div_header in div_expr.search_string(html): + print(div_header.body) + + prints:: + + 1 4 0 1 0 + + 1 4 0 1 0 + 1,3 2,3 1,1 + """ + classattr = "{}:class".format(namespace) if namespace else "class" + return with_attribute(**{classattr: classname}) + + +# pre-PEP8 compatibility symbols +replaceWith = replace_with +removeQuotes = remove_quotes +withAttribute = with_attribute +withClass = with_class +matchOnlyAtCol = match_only_at_col diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1859fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/common.py @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +# common.py +from .core import * +from .helpers import delimited_list, any_open_tag, any_close_tag +from datetime import datetime + + +# some other useful expressions - using lower-case class name since we are really using this as a namespace +class pyparsing_common: + """Here are some common low-level expressions that may be useful in + jump-starting parser development: + + - numeric forms (:class:`integers`, :class:`reals`, + :class:`scientific notation`) + - common :class:`programming identifiers` + - network addresses (:class:`MAC`, + :class:`IPv4`, :class:`IPv6`) + - ISO8601 :class:`dates` and + :class:`datetime` + - :class:`UUID` + - :class:`comma-separated list` + - :class:`url` + + Parse actions: + + - :class:`convertToInteger` + - :class:`convertToFloat` + - :class:`convertToDate` + - :class:`convertToDatetime` + - :class:`stripHTMLTags` + - :class:`upcaseTokens` + - :class:`downcaseTokens` + + Example:: + + pyparsing_common.number.runTests(''' + # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type + 100 + -100 + +100 + 3.14159 + 6.02e23 + 1e-12 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.fnumber.runTests(''' + # any int or real number, returned as float + 100 + -100 + +100 + 3.14159 + 6.02e23 + 1e-12 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.hex_integer.runTests(''' + # hex numbers + 100 + FF + ''') + + pyparsing_common.fraction.runTests(''' + # fractions + 1/2 + -3/4 + ''') + + pyparsing_common.mixed_integer.runTests(''' + # mixed fractions + 1 + 1/2 + -3/4 + 1-3/4 + ''') + + import uuid + pyparsing_common.uuid.setParseAction(tokenMap(uuid.UUID)) + pyparsing_common.uuid.runTests(''' + # uuid + 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 + ''') + + prints:: + + # any int or real number, returned as the appropriate type + 100 + [100] + + -100 + [-100] + + +100 + [100] + + 3.14159 + [3.14159] + + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + # any int or real number, returned as float + 100 + [100.0] + + -100 + [-100.0] + + +100 + [100.0] + + 3.14159 + [3.14159] + + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + # hex numbers + 100 + [256] + + FF + [255] + + # fractions + 1/2 + [0.5] + + -3/4 + [-0.75] + + # mixed fractions + 1 + [1] + + 1/2 + [0.5] + + -3/4 + [-0.75] + + 1-3/4 + [1.75] + + # uuid + 12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678 + [UUID('12345678-1234-5678-1234-567812345678')] + """ + + convert_to_integer = token_map(int) + """ + Parse action for converting parsed integers to Python int + """ + + convert_to_float = token_map(float) + """ + Parse action for converting parsed numbers to Python float + """ + + integer = Word(nums).set_name("integer").set_parse_action(convert_to_integer) + """expression that parses an unsigned integer, returns an int""" + + hex_integer = ( + Word(hexnums).set_name("hex integer").set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16)) + ) + """expression that parses a hexadecimal integer, returns an int""" + + signed_integer = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?\d+") + .set_name("signed integer") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_integer) + ) + """expression that parses an integer with optional leading sign, returns an int""" + + fraction = ( + signed_integer().set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + + "/" + + signed_integer().set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ).set_name("fraction") + """fractional expression of an integer divided by an integer, returns a float""" + fraction.add_parse_action(lambda tt: tt[0] / tt[-1]) + + mixed_integer = ( + fraction | signed_integer + Opt(Opt("-").suppress() + fraction) + ).set_name("fraction or mixed integer-fraction") + """mixed integer of the form 'integer - fraction', with optional leading integer, returns float""" + mixed_integer.add_parse_action(sum) + + real = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)") + .set_name("real number") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """expression that parses a floating point number and returns a float""" + + sci_real = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?(?:\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)|(?:\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)") + .set_name("real number with scientific notation") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """expression that parses a floating point number with optional + scientific notation and returns a float""" + + # streamlining this expression makes the docs nicer-looking + number = (sci_real | real | signed_integer).setName("number").streamline() + """any numeric expression, returns the corresponding Python type""" + + fnumber = ( + Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.?\d*([eE][+-]?\d+)?") + .set_name("fnumber") + .set_parse_action(convert_to_float) + ) + """any int or real number, returned as float""" + + identifier = Word(identchars, identbodychars).set_name("identifier") + """typical code identifier (leading alpha or '_', followed by 0 or more alphas, nums, or '_')""" + + ipv4_address = Regex( + r"(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})){3}" + ).set_name("IPv4 address") + "IPv4 address (`` -``)" + + _ipv6_part = Regex(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}").set_name("hex_integer") + _full_ipv6_address = (_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * 7).set_name( + "full IPv6 address" + ) + _short_ipv6_address = ( + Opt(_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * (0, 6)) + + "::" + + Opt(_ipv6_part + (":" + _ipv6_part) * (0, 6)) + ).set_name("short IPv6 address") + _short_ipv6_address.add_condition( + lambda t: sum(1 for tt in t if pyparsing_common._ipv6_part.matches(tt)) < 8 + ) + _mixed_ipv6_address = ("::ffff:" + ipv4_address).set_name("mixed IPv6 address") + ipv6_address = Combine( + (_full_ipv6_address | _mixed_ipv6_address | _short_ipv6_address).set_name( + "IPv6 address" + ) + ).set_name("IPv6 address") + "IPv6 address (long, short, or mixed form)" + + mac_address = Regex( + r"[0-9a-fA-F]{2}([:.-])[0-9a-fA-F]{2}(?:\1[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){4}" + ).set_name("MAC address") + "MAC address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (may also have '-' or '.' delimiters)" + + @staticmethod + def convert_to_date(fmt: str = "%Y-%m-%d"): + """ + Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed date string to Python datetime.date + + Params - + - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%d"``) + + Example:: + + date_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_date.copy() + date_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDate()) + print(date_expr.parseString("1999-12-31")) + + prints:: + + [datetime.date(1999, 12, 31)] + """ + + def cvt_fn(ss, ll, tt): + try: + return datetime.strptime(tt[0], fmt).date() + except ValueError as ve: + raise ParseException(ss, ll, str(ve)) + + return cvt_fn + + @staticmethod + def convert_to_datetime(fmt: str = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"): + """Helper to create a parse action for converting parsed + datetime string to Python datetime.datetime + + Params - + - fmt - format to be passed to datetime.strptime (default= ``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"``) + + Example:: + + dt_expr = pyparsing_common.iso8601_datetime.copy() + dt_expr.setParseAction(pyparsing_common.convertToDatetime()) + print(dt_expr.parseString("1999-12-31T23:59:59.999")) + + prints:: + + [datetime.datetime(1999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999000)] + """ + + def cvt_fn(s, l, t): + try: + return datetime.strptime(t[0], fmt) + except ValueError as ve: + raise ParseException(s, l, str(ve)) + + return cvt_fn + + iso8601_date = Regex( + r"(?P\d{4})(?:-(?P\d\d)(?:-(?P\d\d))?)?" + ).set_name("ISO8601 date") + "ISO8601 date (``yyyy-mm-dd``)" + + iso8601_datetime = Regex( + r"(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d)-(?P\d\d)[T ](?P\d\d):(?P\d\d)(:(?P\d\d(\.\d*)?)?)?(?PZ|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d)?" + ).set_name("ISO8601 datetime") + "ISO8601 datetime (``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.s(Z|+-00:00)``) - trailing seconds, milliseconds, and timezone optional; accepts separating ``'T'`` or ``' '``" + + uuid = Regex(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{8}(-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}){3}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}").set_name("UUID") + "UUID (``xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx``)" + + _html_stripper = any_open_tag.suppress() | any_close_tag.suppress() + + @staticmethod + def strip_html_tags(s: str, l: int, tokens: ParseResults): + """Parse action to remove HTML tags from web page HTML source + + Example:: + + # strip HTML links from normal text + text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' + td, td_end = makeHTMLTags("TD") + table_text = td + SkipTo(td_end).setParseAction(pyparsing_common.stripHTMLTags)("body") + td_end + print(table_text.parseString(text).body) + + Prints:: + + More info at the pyparsing wiki page + """ + return pyparsing_common._html_stripper.transform_string(tokens[0]) + + _commasepitem = ( + Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~Literal(",") + + ~LineEnd() + + Word(printables, exclude_chars=",") + + Opt(White(" \t") + ~FollowedBy(LineEnd() | ",")) + ) + ) + .streamline() + .set_name("commaItem") + ) + comma_separated_list = delimited_list( + Opt(quoted_string.copy() | _commasepitem, default="") + ).set_name("comma separated list") + """Predefined expression of 1 or more printable words or quoted strings, separated by commas.""" + + upcase_tokens = staticmethod(token_map(lambda t: t.upper())) + """Parse action to convert tokens to upper case.""" + + downcase_tokens = staticmethod(token_map(lambda t: t.lower())) + """Parse action to convert tokens to lower case.""" + + # fmt: off + url = Regex( + # https://mathiasbynens.be/demo/url-regex + # https://gist.github.com/dperini/729294 + r"^" + + # protocol identifier (optional) + # short syntax // still required + r"(?:(?:(?Phttps?|ftp):)?\/\/)" + + # user:pass BasicAuth (optional) + r"(?:(?P\S+(?::\S*)?)@)?" + + r"(?P" + + # IP address exclusion + # private & local networks + r"(?!(?:10|127)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3})" + + r"(?!(?:169\.254|192\.168)(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" + + r"(?!172\.(?:1[6-9]|2\d|3[0-1])(?:\.\d{1,3}){2})" + + # IP address dotted notation octets + # excludes loopback network + # excludes reserved space >= + # excludes network & broadcast addresses + # (first & last IP address of each class) + r"(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[01]\d|22[0-3])" + + r"(?:\.(?:1?\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])){2}" + + r"(?:\.(?:[1-9]\d?|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-4]))" + + r"|" + + # host & domain names, may end with dot + # can be replaced by a shortest alternative + # (?![-_])(?:[-\w\u00a1-\uffff]{0,63}[^-_]\.)+ + r"(?:" + + r"(?:" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff]" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff_-]{0,62}" + + r")?" + + r"[a-z0-9\u00a1-\uffff]\." + + r")+" + + # TLD identifier name, may end with dot + r"(?:[a-z\u00a1-\uffff]{2,}\.?)" + + r")" + + # port number (optional) + r"(:(?P\d{2,5}))?" + + # resource path (optional) + r"(?P\/[^?# ]*)?" + + # query string (optional) + r"(\?(?P[^#]*))?" + + # fragment (optional) + r"(#(?P\S*))?" + + r"$" + ).set_name("url") + # fmt: on + + # pre-PEP8 compatibility names + convertToInteger = convert_to_integer + convertToFloat = convert_to_float + convertToDate = convert_to_date + convertToDatetime = convert_to_datetime + stripHTMLTags = strip_html_tags + upcaseTokens = upcase_tokens + downcaseTokens = downcase_tokens + + +_builtin_exprs = [ + v for v in vars(pyparsing_common).values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9acba3f --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/core.py @@ -0,0 +1,5814 @@ +# +# core.py +# +import os +import typing +from typing import ( + NamedTuple, + Union, + Callable, + Any, + Generator, + Tuple, + List, + TextIO, + Set, + Sequence, +) +from abc import ABC, abstractmethod +from enum import Enum +import string +import copy +import warnings +import re +import sys +from collections.abc import Iterable +import traceback +import types +from operator import itemgetter +from functools import wraps +from threading import RLock +from pathlib import Path + +from .util import ( + _FifoCache, + _UnboundedCache, + __config_flags, + _collapse_string_to_ranges, + _escape_regex_range_chars, + _bslash, + _flatten, + LRUMemo as _LRUMemo, + UnboundedMemo as _UnboundedMemo, +) +from .exceptions import * +from .actions import * +from .results import ParseResults, _ParseResultsWithOffset +from .unicode import pyparsing_unicode + +_MAX_INT = sys.maxsize +str_type: Tuple[type, ...] = (str, bytes) + +# +# Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Paul T. McGuire +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +# the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +# EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +# IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +# CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +# TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +# SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# + + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): + from functools import cached_property +else: + + class cached_property: + def __init__(self, func): + self._func = func + + def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): + ret = instance.__dict__[self._func.__name__] = self._func(instance) + return ret + + +class __compat__(__config_flags): + """ + A cross-version compatibility configuration for pyparsing features that will be + released in a future version. By setting values in this configuration to True, + those features can be enabled in prior versions for compatibility development + and testing. + + - ``collect_all_And_tokens`` - flag to enable fix for Issue #63 that fixes erroneous grouping + of results names when an :class:`And` expression is nested within an :class:`Or` or :class:`MatchFirst`; + maintained for compatibility, but setting to ``False`` no longer restores pre-2.3.1 + behavior + """ + + _type_desc = "compatibility" + + collect_all_And_tokens = True + + _all_names = [__ for __ in locals() if not __.startswith("_")] + _fixed_names = """ + collect_all_And_tokens + """.split() + + +class __diag__(__config_flags): + _type_desc = "diagnostic" + + warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation = False + warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection = False + warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward = False + warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward = False + warn_on_assignment_to_Forward = False + warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof = False + warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator = False + enable_debug_on_named_expressions = False + + _all_names = [__ for __ in locals() if not __.startswith("_")] + _warning_names = [name for name in _all_names if name.startswith("warn")] + _debug_names = [name for name in _all_names if name.startswith("enable_debug")] + + @classmethod + def enable_all_warnings(cls) -> None: + for name in cls._warning_names: + cls.enable(name) + + +class Diagnostics(Enum): + """ + Diagnostic configuration (all default to disabled) + - ``warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation`` - flag to enable warnings when a results + name is defined on a :class:`MatchFirst` or :class:`Or` expression with one or more :class:`And` subexpressions + - ``warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection`` - flag to enable warnings when a results + name is defined on a containing expression with ungrouped subexpressions that also + have results names + - ``warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is defined + with a results name, but has no contents defined + - ``warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is + defined in a grammar but has never had an expression attached to it + - ``warn_on_assignment_to_Forward`` - flag to enable warnings when a :class:`Forward` is defined + but is overwritten by assigning using ``'='`` instead of ``'<<='`` or ``'<<'`` + - ``warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof`` - flag to enable warnings when :class:`one_of` is + incorrectly called with multiple str arguments + - ``enable_debug_on_named_expressions`` - flag to auto-enable debug on all subsequent + calls to :class:`ParserElement.set_name` + + Diagnostics are enabled/disabled by calling :class:`enable_diag` and :class:`disable_diag`. + All warnings can be enabled by calling :class:`enable_all_warnings`. + """ + + warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation = 0 + warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection = 1 + warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward = 2 + warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward = 3 + warn_on_assignment_to_Forward = 4 + warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof = 5 + warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator = 6 + enable_debug_on_named_expressions = 7 + + +def enable_diag(diag_enum: Diagnostics) -> None: + """ + Enable a global pyparsing diagnostic flag (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.enable(diag_enum.name) + + +def disable_diag(diag_enum: Diagnostics) -> None: + """ + Disable a global pyparsing diagnostic flag (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.disable(diag_enum.name) + + +def enable_all_warnings() -> None: + """ + Enable all global pyparsing diagnostic warnings (see :class:`Diagnostics`). + """ + __diag__.enable_all_warnings() + + +# hide abstract class +del __config_flags + + +def _should_enable_warnings( + cmd_line_warn_options: typing.Iterable[str], warn_env_var: typing.Optional[str] +) -> bool: + enable = bool(warn_env_var) + for warn_opt in cmd_line_warn_options: + w_action, w_message, w_category, w_module, w_line = (warn_opt + "::::").split( + ":" + )[:5] + if not w_action.lower().startswith("i") and ( + not (w_message or w_category or w_module) or w_module == "pyparsing" + ): + enable = True + elif w_action.lower().startswith("i") and w_module in ("pyparsing", ""): + enable = False + return enable + + +if _should_enable_warnings( + sys.warnoptions, os.environ.get("PYPARSINGENABLEALLWARNINGS") +): + enable_all_warnings() + + +# build list of single arg builtins, that can be used as parse actions +_single_arg_builtins = { + sum, + len, + sorted, + reversed, + list, + tuple, + set, + any, + all, + min, + max, +} + +_generatorType = types.GeneratorType +ParseAction = Union[ + Callable[[], Any], + Callable[[ParseResults], Any], + Callable[[int, ParseResults], Any], + Callable[[str, int, ParseResults], Any], +] +ParseCondition = Union[ + Callable[[], bool], + Callable[[ParseResults], bool], + Callable[[int, ParseResults], bool], + Callable[[str, int, ParseResults], bool], +] +ParseFailAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", Exception], None] +DebugStartAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", bool], None] +DebugSuccessAction = Callable[ + [str, int, int, "ParserElement", ParseResults, bool], None +] +DebugExceptionAction = Callable[[str, int, "ParserElement", Exception, bool], None] + + +alphas = string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase +identchars = pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.identchars +identbodychars = pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.identbodychars +nums = "0123456789" +hexnums = nums + "ABCDEFabcdef" +alphanums = alphas + nums +printables = "".join([c for c in string.printable if c not in string.whitespace]) + +_trim_arity_call_line: traceback.StackSummary = None + + +def _trim_arity(func, max_limit=3): + """decorator to trim function calls to match the arity of the target""" + global _trim_arity_call_line + + if func in _single_arg_builtins: + return lambda s, l, t: func(t) + + limit = 0 + found_arity = False + + def extract_tb(tb, limit=0): + frames = traceback.extract_tb(tb, limit=limit) + frame_summary = frames[-1] + return [frame_summary[:2]] + + # synthesize what would be returned by traceback.extract_stack at the call to + # user's parse action 'func', so that we don't incur call penalty at parse time + + # fmt: off + LINE_DIFF = 7 + # IF ANY CODE CHANGES, EVEN JUST COMMENTS OR BLANK LINES, BETWEEN THE NEXT LINE AND + # THE CALL TO FUNC INSIDE WRAPPER, LINE_DIFF MUST BE MODIFIED!!!! + _trim_arity_call_line = (_trim_arity_call_line or traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-1]) + pa_call_line_synth = (_trim_arity_call_line[0], _trim_arity_call_line[1] + LINE_DIFF) + + def wrapper(*args): + nonlocal found_arity, limit + while 1: + try: + ret = func(*args[limit:]) + found_arity = True + return ret + except TypeError as te: + # re-raise TypeErrors if they did not come from our arity testing + if found_arity: + raise + else: + tb = te.__traceback__ + trim_arity_type_error = ( + extract_tb(tb, limit=2)[-1][:2] == pa_call_line_synth + ) + del tb + + if trim_arity_type_error: + if limit < max_limit: + limit += 1 + continue + + raise + # fmt: on + + # copy func name to wrapper for sensible debug output + # (can't use functools.wraps, since that messes with function signature) + func_name = getattr(func, "__name__", getattr(func, "__class__").__name__) + wrapper.__name__ = func_name + wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ + + return wrapper + + +def condition_as_parse_action( + fn: ParseCondition, message: str = None, fatal: bool = False +) -> ParseAction: + """ + Function to convert a simple predicate function that returns ``True`` or ``False`` + into a parse action. Can be used in places when a parse action is required + and :class:`ParserElement.add_condition` cannot be used (such as when adding a condition + to an operator level in :class:`infix_notation`). + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - ``message`` - define a custom message to be used in the raised exception + - ``fatal`` - if True, will raise :class:`ParseFatalException` to stop parsing immediately; + otherwise will raise :class:`ParseException` + + """ + msg = message if message is not None else "failed user-defined condition" + exc_type = ParseFatalException if fatal else ParseException + fn = _trim_arity(fn) + + @wraps(fn) + def pa(s, l, t): + if not bool(fn(s, l, t)): + raise exc_type(s, l, msg) + + return pa + + +def _default_start_debug_action( + instring: str, loc: int, expr: "ParserElement", cache_hit: bool = False +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print( + ( + "{}Match {} at loc {}({},{})\n {}\n {}^".format( + cache_hit_str, + expr, + loc, + lineno(loc, instring), + col(loc, instring), + line(loc, instring), + " " * (col(loc, instring) - 1), + ) + ) + ) + + +def _default_success_debug_action( + instring: str, + startloc: int, + endloc: int, + expr: "ParserElement", + toks: ParseResults, + cache_hit: bool = False, +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print("{}Matched {} -> {}".format(cache_hit_str, expr, toks.as_list())) + + +def _default_exception_debug_action( + instring: str, + loc: int, + expr: "ParserElement", + exc: Exception, + cache_hit: bool = False, +): + cache_hit_str = "*" if cache_hit else "" + print( + "{}Match {} failed, {} raised: {}".format( + cache_hit_str, expr, type(exc).__name__, exc + ) + ) + + +def null_debug_action(*args): + """'Do-nothing' debug action, to suppress debugging output during parsing.""" + + +class ParserElement(ABC): + """Abstract base level parser element class.""" + + DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS: str = " \n\t\r" + verbose_stacktrace: bool = False + _literalStringClass: typing.Optional[type] = None + + @staticmethod + def set_default_whitespace_chars(chars: str) -> None: + r""" + Overrides the default whitespace chars + + Example:: + + # default whitespace chars are space, and newline + Word(alphas)[1, ...].parse_string("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] + + # change to just treat newline as significant + ParserElement.set_default_whitespace_chars(" \t") + Word(alphas)[1, ...].parse_string("abc def\nghi jkl") # -> ['abc', 'def'] + """ + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS = chars + + # update whitespace all parse expressions defined in this module + for expr in _builtin_exprs: + if expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars: + expr.whiteChars = set(chars) + + @staticmethod + def inline_literals_using(cls: type) -> None: + """ + Set class to be used for inclusion of string literals into a parser. + + Example:: + + # default literal class used is Literal + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + + + # change to Suppress + ParserElement.inline_literals_using(Suppress) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> ['1999', '12', '31'] + """ + ParserElement._literalStringClass = cls + + class DebugActions(NamedTuple): + debug_try: typing.Optional[DebugStartAction] + debug_match: typing.Optional[DebugSuccessAction] + debug_fail: typing.Optional[DebugExceptionAction] + + def __init__(self, savelist: bool = False): + self.parseAction: List[ParseAction] = list() + self.failAction: typing.Optional[ParseFailAction] = None + self.customName = None + self._defaultName = None + self.resultsName = None + self.saveAsList = savelist + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.whiteChars = set(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS) + self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = True + # used when checking for left-recursion + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.keepTabs = False + self.ignoreExprs: List["ParserElement"] = list() + self.debug = False + self.streamlined = False + # optimize exception handling for subclasses that don't advance parse index + self.mayIndexError = True + self.errmsg = "" + # mark results names as modal (report only last) or cumulative (list all) + self.modalResults = True + # custom debug actions + self.debugActions = self.DebugActions(None, None, None) + # avoid redundant calls to preParse + self.callPreparse = True + self.callDuringTry = False + self.suppress_warnings_: List[Diagnostics] = [] + + def suppress_warning(self, warning_type: Diagnostics) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Suppress warnings emitted for a particular diagnostic on this expression. + + Example:: + + base = pp.Forward() + base.suppress_warning(Diagnostics.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward) + + # statement would normally raise a warning, but is now suppressed + print(base.parseString("x")) + + """ + self.suppress_warnings_.append(warning_type) + return self + + def copy(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Make a copy of this :class:`ParserElement`. Useful for defining + different parse actions for the same parsing pattern, using copies of + the original parse element. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + integerK = integer.copy().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024) + Suppress("K") + integerM = integer.copy().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") + + print((integerK | integerM | integer)[1, ...].parse_string("5K 100 640K 256M")) + + prints:: + + [5120, 100, 655360, 268435456] + + Equivalent form of ``expr.copy()`` is just ``expr()``:: + + integerM = integer().add_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0] * 1024 * 1024) + Suppress("M") + """ + cpy = copy.copy(self) + cpy.parseAction = self.parseAction[:] + cpy.ignoreExprs = self.ignoreExprs[:] + if self.copyDefaultWhiteChars: + cpy.whiteChars = set(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS) + return cpy + + def set_results_name( + self, name: str, list_all_matches: bool = False, *, listAllMatches: bool = False + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define name for referencing matching tokens as a nested attribute + of the returned parse results. + + Normally, results names are assigned as you would assign keys in a dict: + any existing value is overwritten by later values. If it is necessary to + keep all values captured for a particular results name, call ``set_results_name`` + with ``list_all_matches`` = True. + + NOTE: ``set_results_name`` returns a *copy* of the original :class:`ParserElement` object; + this is so that the client can define a basic element, such as an + integer, and reference it in multiple places with different names. + + You can also set results names using the abbreviated syntax, + ``expr("name")`` in place of ``expr.set_results_name("name")`` + - see :class:`__call__`. If ``list_all_matches`` is required, use + ``expr("name*")``. + + Example:: + + date_str = (integer.set_results_name("year") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("month") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("day")) + + # equivalent form: + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + """ + listAllMatches = listAllMatches or list_all_matches + return self._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if name is None: + return self + newself = self.copy() + if name.endswith("*"): + name = name[:-1] + listAllMatches = True + newself.resultsName = name + newself.modalResults = not listAllMatches + return newself + + def set_break(self, break_flag: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Method to invoke the Python pdb debugger when this element is + about to be parsed. Set ``break_flag`` to ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to + disable. + """ + if break_flag: + _parseMethod = self._parse + + def breaker(instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True): + import pdb + + # this call to pdb.set_trace() is intentional, not a checkin error + pdb.set_trace() + return _parseMethod(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) + + breaker._originalParseMethod = _parseMethod + self._parse = breaker + else: + if hasattr(self._parse, "_originalParseMethod"): + self._parse = self._parse._originalParseMethod + return self + + def set_parse_action(self, *fns: ParseAction, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define one or more actions to perform when successfully matching parse element definition. + + Parse actions can be called to perform data conversions, do extra validation, + update external data structures, or enhance or replace the parsed tokens. + Each parse action ``fn`` is a callable method with 0-3 arguments, called as + ``fn(s, loc, toks)`` , ``fn(loc, toks)`` , ``fn(toks)`` , or just ``fn()`` , where: + + - s = the original string being parsed (see note below) + - loc = the location of the matching substring + - toks = a list of the matched tokens, packaged as a :class:`ParseResults` object + + The parsed tokens are passed to the parse action as ParseResults. They can be + modified in place using list-style append, extend, and pop operations to update + the parsed list elements; and with dictionary-style item set and del operations + to add, update, or remove any named results. If the tokens are modified in place, + it is not necessary to return them with a return statement. + + Parse actions can also completely replace the given tokens, with another ``ParseResults`` + object, or with some entirely different object (common for parse actions that perform data + conversions). A convenient way to build a new parse result is to define the values + using a dict, and then create the return value using :class:`ParseResults.from_dict`. + + If None is passed as the ``fn`` parse action, all previously added parse actions for this + expression are cleared. + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - call_during_try = (default= ``False``) indicate if parse action should be run during + lookaheads and alternate testing. For parse actions that have side effects, it is + important to only call the parse action once it is determined that it is being + called as part of a successful parse. For parse actions that perform additional + validation, then call_during_try should be passed as True, so that the validation + code is included in the preliminary "try" parses. + + Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See :class:`parse_string` for more + information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested + methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse + location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + + Example:: + + # parse dates in the form YYYY/MM/DD + + # use parse action to convert toks from str to int at parse time + def convert_to_int(toks): + return int(toks[0]) + + # use a parse action to verify that the date is a valid date + def is_valid_date(instring, loc, toks): + from datetime import date + year, month, day = toks[::2] + try: + date(year, month, day) + except ValueError: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "invalid date given") + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer + '/' + integer + '/' + integer + + # add parse actions + integer.set_parse_action(convert_to_int) + date_str.set_parse_action(is_valid_date) + + # note that integer fields are now ints, not strings + date_str.run_tests(''' + # successful parse - note that integer fields were converted to ints + 1999/12/31 + + # fail - invalid date + 1999/13/31 + ''') + """ + if list(fns) == [None]: + self.parseAction = [] + else: + if not all(callable(fn) for fn in fns): + raise TypeError("parse actions must be callable") + self.parseAction = [_trim_arity(fn) for fn in fns] + self.callDuringTry = kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def add_parse_action(self, *fns: ParseAction, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Add one or more parse actions to expression's list of parse actions. See :class:`set_parse_action`. + + See examples in :class:`copy`. + """ + self.parseAction += [_trim_arity(fn) for fn in fns] + self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def add_condition(self, *fns: ParseCondition, **kwargs) -> "ParserElement": + """Add a boolean predicate function to expression's list of parse actions. See + :class:`set_parse_action` for function call signatures. Unlike ``set_parse_action``, + functions passed to ``add_condition`` need to return boolean success/fail of the condition. + + Optional keyword arguments: + + - message = define a custom message to be used in the raised exception + - fatal = if True, will raise ParseFatalException to stop parsing immediately; otherwise will raise + ParseException + - call_during_try = boolean to indicate if this method should be called during internal tryParse calls, + default=False + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda toks: int(toks[0])) + year_int = integer.copy() + year_int.add_condition(lambda toks: toks[0] >= 2000, message="Only support years 2000 and later") + date_str = year_int + '/' + integer + '/' + integer + + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") # -> Exception: Only support years 2000 and later (at char 0), + (line:1, col:1) + """ + for fn in fns: + self.parseAction.append( + condition_as_parse_action( + fn, message=kwargs.get("message"), fatal=kwargs.get("fatal", False) + ) + ) + + self.callDuringTry = self.callDuringTry or kwargs.get( + "call_during_try", kwargs.get("callDuringTry", False) + ) + return self + + def set_fail_action(self, fn: ParseFailAction) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define action to perform if parsing fails at this expression. + Fail acton fn is a callable function that takes the arguments + ``fn(s, loc, expr, err)`` where: + + - s = string being parsed + - loc = location where expression match was attempted and failed + - expr = the parse expression that failed + - err = the exception thrown + + The function returns no value. It may throw :class:`ParseFatalException` + if it is desired to stop parsing immediately.""" + self.failAction = fn + return self + + def _skipIgnorables(self, instring, loc): + exprsFound = True + while exprsFound: + exprsFound = False + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + try: + while 1: + loc, dummy = e._parse(instring, loc) + exprsFound = True + except ParseException: + pass + return loc + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if self.ignoreExprs: + loc = self._skipIgnorables(instring, loc) + + if self.skipWhitespace: + instrlen = len(instring) + white_chars = self.whiteChars + while loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in white_chars: + loc += 1 + + return loc + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + return loc, [] + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + return tokenlist + + # @profile + def _parseNoCache( + self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True + ) -> Tuple[int, ParseResults]: + TRY, MATCH, FAIL = 0, 1, 2 + debugging = self.debug # and doActions) + len_instring = len(instring) + + if debugging or self.failAction: + # print("Match {} at loc {}({}, {})".format(self, loc, lineno(loc, instring), col(loc, instring))) + try: + if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: + pre_loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + else: + pre_loc = loc + tokens_start = pre_loc + if self.debugActions.debug_try: + self.debugActions.debug_try(instring, tokens_start, self, False) + if self.mayIndexError or pre_loc >= len_instring: + try: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except IndexError: + raise ParseException(instring, len_instring, self.errmsg, self) + else: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except Exception as err: + # print("Exception raised:", err) + if self.debugActions.debug_fail: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, tokens_start, self, err, False + ) + if self.failAction: + self.failAction(instring, tokens_start, self, err) + raise + else: + if callPreParse and self.callPreparse: + pre_loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + else: + pre_loc = loc + tokens_start = pre_loc + if self.mayIndexError or pre_loc >= len_instring: + try: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + except IndexError: + raise ParseException(instring, len_instring, self.errmsg, self) + else: + loc, tokens = self.parseImpl(instring, pre_loc, doActions) + + tokens = self.postParse(instring, loc, tokens) + + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, self.resultsName, asList=self.saveAsList, modal=self.modalResults + ) + if self.parseAction and (doActions or self.callDuringTry): + if debugging: + try: + for fn in self.parseAction: + try: + tokens = fn(instring, tokens_start, ret_tokens) + except IndexError as parse_action_exc: + exc = ParseException("exception raised in parse action") + raise exc from parse_action_exc + + if tokens is not None and tokens is not ret_tokens: + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, + self.resultsName, + asList=self.saveAsList + and isinstance(tokens, (ParseResults, list)), + modal=self.modalResults, + ) + except Exception as err: + # print "Exception raised in user parse action:", err + if self.debugActions.debug_fail: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, tokens_start, self, err, False + ) + raise + else: + for fn in self.parseAction: + try: + tokens = fn(instring, tokens_start, ret_tokens) + except IndexError as parse_action_exc: + exc = ParseException("exception raised in parse action") + raise exc from parse_action_exc + + if tokens is not None and tokens is not ret_tokens: + ret_tokens = ParseResults( + tokens, + self.resultsName, + asList=self.saveAsList + and isinstance(tokens, (ParseResults, list)), + modal=self.modalResults, + ) + if debugging: + # print("Matched", self, "->", ret_tokens.as_list()) + if self.debugActions.debug_match: + self.debugActions.debug_match( + instring, tokens_start, loc, self, ret_tokens, False + ) + + return loc, ret_tokens + + def try_parse(self, instring: str, loc: int, raise_fatal: bool = False) -> int: + try: + return self._parse(instring, loc, doActions=False)[0] + except ParseFatalException: + if raise_fatal: + raise + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + def can_parse_next(self, instring: str, loc: int) -> bool: + try: + self.try_parse(instring, loc) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + return False + else: + return True + + # cache for left-recursion in Forward references + recursion_lock = RLock() + recursion_memos: typing.Dict[ + Tuple[int, "Forward", bool], Tuple[int, Union[ParseResults, Exception]] + ] = {} + + # argument cache for optimizing repeated calls when backtracking through recursive expressions + packrat_cache = ( + {} + ) # this is set later by enabled_packrat(); this is here so that reset_cache() doesn't fail + packrat_cache_lock = RLock() + packrat_cache_stats = [0, 0] + + # this method gets repeatedly called during backtracking with the same arguments - + # we can cache these arguments and save ourselves the trouble of re-parsing the contained expression + def _parseCache( + self, instring, loc, doActions=True, callPreParse=True + ) -> Tuple[int, ParseResults]: + HIT, MISS = 0, 1 + TRY, MATCH, FAIL = 0, 1, 2 + lookup = (self, instring, loc, callPreParse, doActions) + with ParserElement.packrat_cache_lock: + cache = ParserElement.packrat_cache + value = cache.get(lookup) + if value is cache.not_in_cache: + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[MISS] += 1 + try: + value = self._parseNoCache(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse) + except ParseBaseException as pe: + # cache a copy of the exception, without the traceback + cache.set(lookup, pe.__class__(*pe.args)) + raise + else: + cache.set(lookup, (value[0], value[1].copy(), loc)) + return value + else: + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[HIT] += 1 + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_try: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_try(instring, loc, self, cache_hit=True) + except TypeError: + pass + if isinstance(value, Exception): + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_fail: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_fail( + instring, loc, self, value, cache_hit=True + ) + except TypeError: + pass + raise value + + loc_, result, endloc = value[0], value[1].copy(), value[2] + if self.debug and self.debugActions.debug_match: + try: + self.debugActions.debug_match( + instring, loc_, endloc, self, result, cache_hit=True + ) + except TypeError: + pass + + return loc_, result + + _parse = _parseNoCache + + @staticmethod + def reset_cache() -> None: + ParserElement.packrat_cache.clear() + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats[:] = [0] * len( + ParserElement.packrat_cache_stats + ) + ParserElement.recursion_memos.clear() + + _packratEnabled = False + _left_recursion_enabled = False + + @staticmethod + def disable_memoization() -> None: + """ + Disables active Packrat or Left Recursion parsing and their memoization + + This method also works if neither Packrat nor Left Recursion are enabled. + This makes it safe to call before activating Packrat nor Left Recursion + to clear any previous settings. + """ + ParserElement.reset_cache() + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = False + ParserElement._packratEnabled = False + ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseNoCache + + @staticmethod + def enable_left_recursion( + cache_size_limit: typing.Optional[int] = None, *, force=False + ) -> None: + """ + Enables "bounded recursion" parsing, which allows for both direct and indirect + left-recursion. During parsing, left-recursive :class:`Forward` elements are + repeatedly matched with a fixed recursion depth that is gradually increased + until finding the longest match. + + Example:: + + import pyparsing as pp + pp.ParserElement.enable_left_recursion() + + E = pp.Forward("E") + num = pp.Word(pp.nums) + # match `num`, or `num '+' num`, or `num '+' num '+' num`, ... + E <<= E + '+' - num | num + + print(E.parse_string("1+2+3")) + + Recursion search naturally memoizes matches of ``Forward`` elements and may + thus skip reevaluation of parse actions during backtracking. This may break + programs with parse actions which rely on strict ordering of side-effects. + + Parameters: + + - cache_size_limit - (default=``None``) - memoize at most this many + ``Forward`` elements during matching; if ``None`` (the default), + memoize all ``Forward`` elements. + + Bounded Recursion parsing works similar but not identical to Packrat parsing, + thus the two cannot be used together. Use ``force=True`` to disable any + previous, conflicting settings. + """ + if force: + ParserElement.disable_memoization() + elif ParserElement._packratEnabled: + raise RuntimeError("Packrat and Bounded Recursion are not compatible") + if cache_size_limit is None: + ParserElement.recursion_memos = _UnboundedMemo() + elif cache_size_limit > 0: + ParserElement.recursion_memos = _LRUMemo(capacity=cache_size_limit) + else: + raise NotImplementedError("Memo size of %s" % cache_size_limit) + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = True + + @staticmethod + def enable_packrat(cache_size_limit: int = 128, *, force: bool = False) -> None: + """ + Enables "packrat" parsing, which adds memoizing to the parsing logic. + Repeated parse attempts at the same string location (which happens + often in many complex grammars) can immediately return a cached value, + instead of re-executing parsing/validating code. Memoizing is done of + both valid results and parsing exceptions. + + Parameters: + + - cache_size_limit - (default= ``128``) - if an integer value is provided + will limit the size of the packrat cache; if None is passed, then + the cache size will be unbounded; if 0 is passed, the cache will + be effectively disabled. + + This speedup may break existing programs that use parse actions that + have side-effects. For this reason, packrat parsing is disabled when + you first import pyparsing. To activate the packrat feature, your + program must call the class method :class:`ParserElement.enable_packrat`. + For best results, call ``enable_packrat()`` immediately after + importing pyparsing. + + Example:: + + import pyparsing + pyparsing.ParserElement.enable_packrat() + + Packrat parsing works similar but not identical to Bounded Recursion parsing, + thus the two cannot be used together. Use ``force=True`` to disable any + previous, conflicting settings. + """ + if force: + ParserElement.disable_memoization() + elif ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled: + raise RuntimeError("Packrat and Bounded Recursion are not compatible") + if not ParserElement._packratEnabled: + ParserElement._packratEnabled = True + if cache_size_limit is None: + ParserElement.packrat_cache = _UnboundedCache() + else: + ParserElement.packrat_cache = _FifoCache(cache_size_limit) + ParserElement._parse = ParserElement._parseCache + + def parse_string( + self, instring: str, parse_all: bool = False, *, parseAll: bool = False + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Parse a string with respect to the parser definition. This function is intended as the primary interface to the + client code. + + :param instring: The input string to be parsed. + :param parse_all: If set, the entire input string must match the grammar. + :param parseAll: retained for pre-PEP8 compatibility, will be removed in a future release. + :raises ParseException: Raised if ``parse_all`` is set and the input string does not match the whole grammar. + :returns: the parsed data as a :class:`ParseResults` object, which may be accessed as a `list`, a `dict`, or + an object with attributes if the given parser includes results names. + + If the input string is required to match the entire grammar, ``parse_all`` flag must be set to ``True``. This + is also equivalent to ending the grammar with :class:`StringEnd`(). + + To report proper column numbers, ``parse_string`` operates on a copy of the input string where all tabs are + converted to spaces (8 spaces per tab, as per the default in ``string.expandtabs``). If the input string + contains tabs and the grammar uses parse actions that use the ``loc`` argument to index into the string + being parsed, one can ensure a consistent view of the input string by doing one of the following: + + - calling ``parse_with_tabs`` on your grammar before calling ``parse_string`` (see :class:`parse_with_tabs`), + - define your parse action using the full ``(s,loc,toks)`` signature, and reference the input string using the + parse action's ``s`` argument, or + - explicitly expand the tabs in your input string before calling ``parse_string``. + + Examples: + + By default, partial matches are OK. + + >>> res = Word('a').parse_string('aaaaabaaa') + >>> print(res) + ['aaaaa'] + + The parsing behavior varies by the inheriting class of this abstract class. Please refer to the children + directly to see more examples. + + It raises an exception if parse_all flag is set and instring does not match the whole grammar. + + >>> res = Word('a').parse_string('aaaaabaaa', parse_all=True) + Traceback (most recent call last): + ... + pyparsing.ParseException: Expected end of text, found 'b' (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) + """ + parseAll = parse_all or parseAll + + ParserElement.reset_cache() + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamline() + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + e.streamline() + if not self.keepTabs: + instring = instring.expandtabs() + try: + loc, tokens = self._parse(instring, 0) + if parseAll: + loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + se = Empty() + StringEnd() + se._parse(instring, loc) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clearing out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + else: + return tokens + + def scan_string( + self, + instring: str, + max_matches: int = _MAX_INT, + overlap: bool = False, + *, + debug: bool = False, + maxMatches: int = _MAX_INT, + ) -> Generator[Tuple[ParseResults, int, int], None, None]: + """ + Scan the input string for expression matches. Each match will return the + matching tokens, start location, and end location. May be called with optional + ``max_matches`` argument, to clip scanning after 'n' matches are found. If + ``overlap`` is specified, then overlapping matches will be reported. + + Note that the start and end locations are reported relative to the string + being parsed. See :class:`parse_string` for more information on parsing + strings with embedded tabs. + + Example:: + + source = "sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987" + print(source) + for tokens, start, end in Word(alphas).scan_string(source): + print(' '*start + '^'*(end-start)) + print(' '*start + tokens[0]) + + prints:: + + sldjf123lsdjjkf345sldkjf879lkjsfd987 + ^^^^^ + sldjf + ^^^^^^^ + lsdjjkf + ^^^^^^ + sldkjf + ^^^^^^ + lkjsfd + """ + maxMatches = min(maxMatches, max_matches) + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamline() + for e in self.ignoreExprs: + e.streamline() + + if not self.keepTabs: + instring = str(instring).expandtabs() + instrlen = len(instring) + loc = 0 + preparseFn = self.preParse + parseFn = self._parse + ParserElement.resetCache() + matches = 0 + try: + while loc <= instrlen and matches < maxMatches: + try: + preloc = preparseFn(instring, loc) + nextLoc, tokens = parseFn(instring, preloc, callPreParse=False) + except ParseException: + loc = preloc + 1 + else: + if nextLoc > loc: + matches += 1 + if debug: + print( + { + "tokens": tokens.asList(), + "start": preloc, + "end": nextLoc, + } + ) + yield tokens, preloc, nextLoc + if overlap: + nextloc = preparseFn(instring, loc) + if nextloc > loc: + loc = nextLoc + else: + loc += 1 + else: + loc = nextLoc + else: + loc = preloc + 1 + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def transform_string(self, instring: str, *, debug: bool = False) -> str: + """ + Extension to :class:`scan_string`, to modify matching text with modified tokens that may + be returned from a parse action. To use ``transform_string``, define a grammar and + attach a parse action to it that modifies the returned token list. + Invoking ``transform_string()`` on a target string will then scan for matches, + and replace the matched text patterns according to the logic in the parse + action. ``transform_string()`` returns the resulting transformed string. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + wd.set_parse_action(lambda toks: toks[0].title()) + + print(wd.transform_string("now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york.")) + + prints:: + + Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York. + """ + out: List[str] = [] + lastE = 0 + # force preservation of s, to minimize unwanted transformation of string, and to + # keep string locs straight between transform_string and scan_string + self.keepTabs = True + try: + for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, debug=debug): + out.append(instring[lastE:s]) + if t: + if isinstance(t, ParseResults): + out += t.as_list() + elif isinstance(t, Iterable) and not isinstance(t, str_type): + out.extend(t) + else: + out.append(t) + lastE = e + out.append(instring[lastE:]) + out = [o for o in out if o] + return "".join([str(s) for s in _flatten(out)]) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def search_string( + self, + instring: str, + max_matches: int = _MAX_INT, + *, + debug: bool = False, + maxMatches: int = _MAX_INT, + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Another extension to :class:`scan_string`, simplifying the access to the tokens found + to match the given parse expression. May be called with optional + ``max_matches`` argument, to clip searching after 'n' matches are found. + + Example:: + + # a capitalized word starts with an uppercase letter, followed by zero or more lowercase letters + cap_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) + + print(cap_word.search_string("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity")) + + # the sum() builtin can be used to merge results into a single ParseResults object + print(sum(cap_word.search_string("More than Iron, more than Lead, more than Gold I need Electricity"))) + + prints:: + + [['More'], ['Iron'], ['Lead'], ['Gold'], ['I'], ['Electricity']] + ['More', 'Iron', 'Lead', 'Gold', 'I', 'Electricity'] + """ + maxMatches = min(maxMatches, max_matches) + try: + return ParseResults( + [t for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, maxMatches, debug=debug)] + ) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def split( + self, + instring: str, + maxsplit: int = _MAX_INT, + include_separators: bool = False, + *, + includeSeparators=False, + ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: + """ + Generator method to split a string using the given expression as a separator. + May be called with optional ``maxsplit`` argument, to limit the number of splits; + and the optional ``include_separators`` argument (default= ``False``), if the separating + matching text should be included in the split results. + + Example:: + + punc = one_of(list(".,;:/-!?")) + print(list(punc.split("This, this?, this sentence, is badly punctuated!"))) + + prints:: + + ['This', ' this', '', ' this sentence', ' is badly punctuated', ''] + """ + includeSeparators = includeSeparators or include_separators + last = 0 + for t, s, e in self.scan_string(instring, max_matches=maxsplit): + yield instring[last:s] + if includeSeparators: + yield t[0] + last = e + yield instring[last:] + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``+`` operator - returns :class:`And`. Adding strings to a :class:`ParserElement` + converts them to :class:`Literal`s by default. + + Example:: + + greet = Word(alphas) + "," + Word(alphas) + "!" + hello = "Hello, World!" + print(hello, "->", greet.parse_string(hello)) + + prints:: + + Hello, World! -> ['Hello', ',', 'World', '!'] + + ``...`` may be used as a parse expression as a short form of :class:`SkipTo`. + + Literal('start') + ... + Literal('end') + + is equivalent to: + + Literal('start') + SkipTo('end')("_skipped*") + Literal('end') + + Note that the skipped text is returned with '_skipped' as a results name, + and to support having multiple skips in the same parser, the value returned is + a list of all skipped text. + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return _PendingSkip(self) + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return And([self, other]) + + def __radd__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``+`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return SkipTo(self)("_skipped*") + self + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other + self + + def __sub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``-`` operator, returns :class:`And` with error stop + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return self + And._ErrorStop() + other + + def __rsub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``-`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other - self + + def __mul__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``*`` operator, allows use of ``expr * 3`` in place of + ``expr + expr + expr``. Expressions may also be multiplied by a 2-integer + tuple, similar to ``{min, max}`` multipliers in regular expressions. Tuples + may also include ``None`` as in: + - ``expr*(n, None)`` or ``expr*(n, )`` is equivalent + to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr*(None, n)`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` + (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr*(None, None)`` is equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + - ``expr*(1, None)`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` + + Note that ``expr*(None, n)`` does not raise an exception if + more than n exprs exist in the input stream; that is, + ``expr*(None, n)`` does not enforce a maximum number of expr + occurrences. If this behavior is desired, then write + ``expr*(None, n) + ~expr`` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + other = (0, None) + elif isinstance(other, tuple) and other[:1] == (Ellipsis,): + other = ((0,) + other[1:] + (None,))[:2] + + if isinstance(other, int): + minElements, optElements = other, 0 + elif isinstance(other, tuple): + other = tuple(o if o is not Ellipsis else None for o in other) + other = (other + (None, None))[:2] + if other[0] is None: + other = (0, other[1]) + if isinstance(other[0], int) and other[1] is None: + if other[0] == 0: + return ZeroOrMore(self) + if other[0] == 1: + return OneOrMore(self) + else: + return self * other[0] + ZeroOrMore(self) + elif isinstance(other[0], int) and isinstance(other[1], int): + minElements, optElements = other + optElements -= minElements + else: + raise TypeError( + "cannot multiply ParserElement and ({}) objects".format( + ",".join(type(item).__name__ for item in other) + ) + ) + else: + raise TypeError( + "cannot multiply ParserElement and {} objects".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + + if minElements < 0: + raise ValueError("cannot multiply ParserElement by negative value") + if optElements < 0: + raise ValueError( + "second tuple value must be greater or equal to first tuple value" + ) + if minElements == optElements == 0: + return And([]) + + if optElements: + + def makeOptionalList(n): + if n > 1: + return Opt(self + makeOptionalList(n - 1)) + else: + return Opt(self) + + if minElements: + if minElements == 1: + ret = self + makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + ret = And([self] * minElements) + makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + ret = makeOptionalList(optElements) + else: + if minElements == 1: + ret = self + else: + ret = And([self] * minElements) + return ret + + def __rmul__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + return self.__mul__(other) + + def __or__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``|`` operator - returns :class:`MatchFirst` + """ + if other is Ellipsis: + return _PendingSkip(self, must_skip=True) + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return MatchFirst([self, other]) + + def __ror__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``|`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other | self + + def __xor__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``^`` operator - returns :class:`Or` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return Or([self, other]) + + def __rxor__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``^`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other ^ self + + def __and__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``&`` operator - returns :class:`Each` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return Each([self, other]) + + def __rand__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``&`` operator when left operand is not a :class:`ParserElement` + """ + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + if not isinstance(other, ParserElement): + raise TypeError( + "Cannot combine element of type {} with ParserElement".format( + type(other).__name__ + ) + ) + return other & self + + def __invert__(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Implementation of ``~`` operator - returns :class:`NotAny` + """ + return NotAny(self) + + # disable __iter__ to override legacy use of sequential access to __getitem__ to + # iterate over a sequence + __iter__ = None + + def __getitem__(self, key): + """ + use ``[]`` indexing notation as a short form for expression repetition: + + - ``expr[n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*n`` + - ``expr[m, n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(m, n)`` + - ``expr[n, ...]`` or ``expr[n,]`` is equivalent + to ``expr*n + ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + (read as "at least n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr[..., n]`` is equivalent to ``expr*(0, n)`` + (read as "0 to n instances of ``expr``") + - ``expr[...]`` and ``expr[0, ...]`` are equivalent to ``ZeroOrMore(expr)`` + - ``expr[1, ...]`` is equivalent to ``OneOrMore(expr)`` + + ``None`` may be used in place of ``...``. + + Note that ``expr[..., n]`` and ``expr[m, n]``do not raise an exception + if more than ``n`` ``expr``s exist in the input stream. If this behavior is + desired, then write ``expr[..., n] + ~expr``. + """ + + # convert single arg keys to tuples + try: + if isinstance(key, str_type): + key = (key,) + iter(key) + except TypeError: + key = (key, key) + + if len(key) > 2: + raise TypeError( + "only 1 or 2 index arguments supported ({}{})".format( + key[:5], "... [{}]".format(len(key)) if len(key) > 5 else "" + ) + ) + + # clip to 2 elements + ret = self * tuple(key[:2]) + return ret + + def __call__(self, name: str = None) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Shortcut for :class:`set_results_name`, with ``list_all_matches=False``. + + If ``name`` is given with a trailing ``'*'`` character, then ``list_all_matches`` will be + passed as ``True``. + + If ``name` is omitted, same as calling :class:`copy`. + + Example:: + + # these are equivalent + userdata = Word(alphas).set_results_name("name") + Word(nums + "-").set_results_name("socsecno") + userdata = Word(alphas)("name") + Word(nums + "-")("socsecno") + """ + if name is not None: + return self._setResultsName(name) + else: + return self.copy() + + def suppress(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Suppresses the output of this :class:`ParserElement`; useful to keep punctuation from + cluttering up returned output. + """ + return Suppress(self) + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Enables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the + :class:`ParserElement`'s defined pattern. + + :param recursive: If ``True`` (the default), also enable whitespace skipping in child elements (if any) + """ + self.skipWhitespace = True + return self + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Disables the skipping of whitespace before matching the characters in the + :class:`ParserElement`'s defined pattern. This is normally only used internally by + the pyparsing module, but may be needed in some whitespace-sensitive grammars. + + :param recursive: If true (the default), also disable whitespace skipping in child elements (if any) + """ + self.skipWhitespace = False + return self + + def set_whitespace_chars( + self, chars: Union[Set[str], str], copy_defaults: bool = False + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Overrides the default whitespace chars + """ + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.whiteChars = set(chars) + self.copyDefaultWhiteChars = copy_defaults + return self + + def parse_with_tabs(self) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Overrides default behavior to expand ```` s to spaces before parsing the input string. + Must be called before ``parse_string`` when the input grammar contains elements that + match ```` characters. + """ + self.keepTabs = True + return self + + def ignore(self, other: "ParserElement") -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define expression to be ignored (e.g., comments) while doing pattern + matching; may be called repeatedly, to define multiple comment or other + ignorable patterns. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + patt.parse_string('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') + # -> ['ablaj'] + + patt.ignore(c_style_comment) + patt.parse_string('ablaj /* comment */ lskjd') + # -> ['ablaj', 'lskjd'] + """ + import typing + + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = Suppress(other) + + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + self.ignoreExprs.append(other) + else: + self.ignoreExprs.append(Suppress(other.copy())) + return self + + def set_debug_actions( + self, + start_action: DebugStartAction, + success_action: DebugSuccessAction, + exception_action: DebugExceptionAction, + ) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Customize display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching: + + - ``start_action`` - method to be called when an expression is about to be parsed; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, location: int, expression: ParserElement, cache_hit: bool)`` + + - ``success_action`` - method to be called when an expression has successfully parsed; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, start_location: int, end_location: int, expression: ParserELement, parsed_tokens: ParseResults, cache_hit: bool)`` + + - ``exception_action`` - method to be called when expression fails to parse; + should have the signature ``fn(input_string: str, location: int, expression: ParserElement, exception: Exception, cache_hit: bool)`` + """ + self.debugActions = self.DebugActions( + start_action or _default_start_debug_action, + success_action or _default_success_debug_action, + exception_action or _default_exception_debug_action, + ) + self.debug = True + return self + + def set_debug(self, flag: bool = True) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Enable display of debugging messages while doing pattern matching. + Set ``flag`` to ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to disable. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas).set_name("alphaword") + integer = Word(nums).set_name("numword") + term = wd | integer + + # turn on debugging for wd + wd.set_debug() + + term[1, ...].parse_string("abc 123 xyz 890") + + prints:: + + Match alphaword at loc 0(1,1) + Matched alphaword -> ['abc'] + Match alphaword at loc 3(1,4) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) + Match alphaword at loc 7(1,8) + Matched alphaword -> ['xyz'] + Match alphaword at loc 11(1,12) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 12), (line:1, col:13) + Match alphaword at loc 15(1,16) + Exception raised:Expected alphaword (at char 15), (line:1, col:16) + + The output shown is that produced by the default debug actions - custom debug actions can be + specified using :class:`set_debug_actions`. Prior to attempting + to match the ``wd`` expression, the debugging message ``"Match at loc (,)"`` + is shown. Then if the parse succeeds, a ``"Matched"`` message is shown, or an ``"Exception raised"`` + message is shown. Also note the use of :class:`set_name` to assign a human-readable name to the expression, + which makes debugging and exception messages easier to understand - for instance, the default + name created for the :class:`Word` expression without calling ``set_name`` is ``"W:(A-Za-z)"``. + """ + if flag: + self.set_debug_actions( + _default_start_debug_action, + _default_success_debug_action, + _default_exception_debug_action, + ) + else: + self.debug = False + return self + + @property + def default_name(self) -> str: + if self._defaultName is None: + self._defaultName = self._generateDefaultName() + return self._defaultName + + @abstractmethod + def _generateDefaultName(self): + """ + Child classes must define this method, which defines how the ``default_name`` is set. + """ + + def set_name(self, name: str) -> "ParserElement": + """ + Define name for this expression, makes debugging and exception messages clearer. + Example:: + Word(nums).parse_string("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected W:(0-9) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + Word(nums).set_name("integer").parse_string("ABC") # -> Exception: Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + """ + self.customName = name + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + if __diag__.enable_debug_on_named_expressions: + self.set_debug() + return self + + @property + def name(self) -> str: + # This will use a user-defined name if available, but otherwise defaults back to the auto-generated name + return self.customName if self.customName is not None else self.default_name + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return self.name + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return str(self) + + def streamline(self) -> "ParserElement": + self.streamlined = True + self._defaultName = None + return self + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence["ParserElement"]: + return [] + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + for e in self.recurse(): + e._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + """ + Check defined expressions for valid structure, check for infinite recursive definitions. + """ + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def parse_file( + self, + file_or_filename: Union[str, Path, TextIO], + encoding: str = "utf-8", + parse_all: bool = False, + *, + parseAll: bool = False, + ) -> ParseResults: + """ + Execute the parse expression on the given file or filename. + If a filename is specified (instead of a file object), + the entire file is opened, read, and closed before parsing. + """ + parseAll = parseAll or parse_all + try: + file_contents = file_or_filename.read() + except AttributeError: + with open(file_or_filename, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: + file_contents = f.read() + try: + return self.parse_string(file_contents, parseAll) + except ParseBaseException as exc: + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + raise + else: + # catch and re-raise exception from here, clears out pyparsing internal stack trace + raise exc.with_traceback(None) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if self is other: + return True + elif isinstance(other, str_type): + return self.matches(other, parse_all=True) + elif isinstance(other, ParserElement): + return vars(self) == vars(other) + return False + + def __hash__(self): + return id(self) + + def matches( + self, test_string: str, parse_all: bool = True, *, parseAll: bool = True + ) -> bool: + """ + Method for quick testing of a parser against a test string. Good for simple + inline microtests of sub expressions while building up larger parser. + + Parameters: + - ``test_string`` - to test against this expression for a match + - ``parse_all`` - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parse_string` when running tests + + Example:: + + expr = Word(nums) + assert expr.matches("100") + """ + parseAll = parseAll and parse_all + try: + self.parse_string(str(test_string), parse_all=parseAll) + return True + except ParseBaseException: + return False + + def run_tests( + self, + tests: Union[str, List[str]], + parse_all: bool = True, + comment: typing.Optional[Union["ParserElement", str]] = "#", + full_dump: bool = True, + print_results: bool = True, + failure_tests: bool = False, + post_parse: Callable[[str, ParseResults], str] = None, + file: typing.Optional[TextIO] = None, + with_line_numbers: bool = False, + *, + parseAll: bool = True, + fullDump: bool = True, + printResults: bool = True, + failureTests: bool = False, + postParse: Callable[[str, ParseResults], str] = None, + ) -> Tuple[bool, List[Tuple[str, Union[ParseResults, Exception]]]]: + """ + Execute the parse expression on a series of test strings, showing each + test, the parsed results or where the parse failed. Quick and easy way to + run a parse expression against a list of sample strings. + + Parameters: + - ``tests`` - a list of separate test strings, or a multiline string of test strings + - ``parse_all`` - (default= ``True``) - flag to pass to :class:`parse_string` when running tests + - ``comment`` - (default= ``'#'``) - expression for indicating embedded comments in the test + string; pass None to disable comment filtering + - ``full_dump`` - (default= ``True``) - dump results as list followed by results names in nested outline; + if False, only dump nested list + - ``print_results`` - (default= ``True``) prints test output to stdout + - ``failure_tests`` - (default= ``False``) indicates if these tests are expected to fail parsing + - ``post_parse`` - (default= ``None``) optional callback for successful parse results; called as + `fn(test_string, parse_results)` and returns a string to be added to the test output + - ``file`` - (default= ``None``) optional file-like object to which test output will be written; + if None, will default to ``sys.stdout`` + - ``with_line_numbers`` - default= ``False``) show test strings with line and column numbers + + Returns: a (success, results) tuple, where success indicates that all tests succeeded + (or failed if ``failure_tests`` is True), and the results contain a list of lines of each + test's output + + Example:: + + number_expr = pyparsing_common.number.copy() + + result = number_expr.run_tests(''' + # unsigned integer + 100 + # negative integer + -100 + # float with scientific notation + 6.02e23 + # integer with scientific notation + 1e-12 + ''') + print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") + + result = number_expr.run_tests(''' + # stray character + 100Z + # missing leading digit before '.' + -.100 + # too many '.' + 3.14.159 + ''', failure_tests=True) + print("Success" if result[0] else "Failed!") + + prints:: + + # unsigned integer + 100 + [100] + + # negative integer + -100 + [-100] + + # float with scientific notation + 6.02e23 + [6.02e+23] + + # integer with scientific notation + 1e-12 + [1e-12] + + Success + + # stray character + 100Z + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 3), (line:1, col:4) + + # missing leading digit before '.' + -.100 + ^ + FAIL: Expected {real number with scientific notation | real number | signed integer} (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + + # too many '.' + 3.14.159 + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 4), (line:1, col:5) + + Success + + Each test string must be on a single line. If you want to test a string that spans multiple + lines, create a test like this:: + + expr.run_tests(r"this is a test\\n of strings that spans \\n 3 lines") + + (Note that this is a raw string literal, you must include the leading ``'r'``.) + """ + from .testing import pyparsing_test + + parseAll = parseAll and parse_all + fullDump = fullDump and full_dump + printResults = printResults and print_results + failureTests = failureTests or failure_tests + postParse = postParse or post_parse + if isinstance(tests, str_type): + line_strip = type(tests).strip + tests = [line_strip(test_line) for test_line in tests.rstrip().splitlines()] + if isinstance(comment, str_type): + comment = Literal(comment) + if file is None: + file = sys.stdout + print_ = file.write + + result: Union[ParseResults, Exception] + allResults = [] + comments = [] + success = True + NL = Literal(r"\n").add_parse_action(replace_with("\n")).ignore(quoted_string) + BOM = "\ufeff" + for t in tests: + if comment is not None and comment.matches(t, False) or comments and not t: + comments.append( + pyparsing_test.with_line_numbers(t) if with_line_numbers else t + ) + continue + if not t: + continue + out = [ + "\n" + "\n".join(comments) if comments else "", + pyparsing_test.with_line_numbers(t) if with_line_numbers else t, + ] + comments = [] + try: + # convert newline marks to actual newlines, and strip leading BOM if present + t = NL.transform_string(t.lstrip(BOM)) + result = self.parse_string(t, parse_all=parseAll) + except ParseBaseException as pe: + fatal = "(FATAL)" if isinstance(pe, ParseFatalException) else "" + out.append(pe.explain()) + out.append("FAIL: " + str(pe)) + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + out.extend(traceback.format_tb(pe.__traceback__)) + success = success and failureTests + result = pe + except Exception as exc: + out.append("FAIL-EXCEPTION: {}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, exc)) + if ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace: + out.extend(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__)) + success = success and failureTests + result = exc + else: + success = success and not failureTests + if postParse is not None: + try: + pp_value = postParse(t, result) + if pp_value is not None: + if isinstance(pp_value, ParseResults): + out.append(pp_value.dump()) + else: + out.append(str(pp_value)) + else: + out.append(result.dump()) + except Exception as e: + out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) + out.append( + "{} failed: {}: {}".format( + postParse.__name__, type(e).__name__, e + ) + ) + else: + out.append(result.dump(full=fullDump)) + out.append("") + + if printResults: + print_("\n".join(out)) + + allResults.append((t, result)) + + return success, allResults + + def create_diagram( + self, + output_html: Union[TextIO, Path, str], + vertical: int = 3, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, + **kwargs, + ) -> None: + """ + Create a railroad diagram for the parser. + + Parameters: + - output_html (str or file-like object) - output target for generated + diagram HTML + - vertical (int) - threshold for formatting multiple alternatives vertically + instead of horizontally (default=3) + - show_results_names - bool flag whether diagram should show annotations for + defined results names + - show_groups - bool flag whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled surrounding box + Additional diagram-formatting keyword arguments can also be included; + see railroad.Diagram class. + """ + + try: + from .diagram import to_railroad, railroad_to_html + except ImportError as ie: + raise Exception( + "must ``pip install pyparsing[diagrams]`` to generate parser railroad diagrams" + ) from ie + + self.streamline() + + railroad = to_railroad( + self, + vertical=vertical, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + diagram_kwargs=kwargs, + ) + if isinstance(output_html, (str, Path)): + with open(output_html, "w", encoding="utf-8") as diag_file: + diag_file.write(railroad_to_html(railroad)) + else: + # we were passed a file-like object, just write to it + output_html.write(railroad_to_html(railroad)) + + setDefaultWhitespaceChars = set_default_whitespace_chars + inlineLiteralsUsing = inline_literals_using + setResultsName = set_results_name + setBreak = set_break + setParseAction = set_parse_action + addParseAction = add_parse_action + addCondition = add_condition + setFailAction = set_fail_action + tryParse = try_parse + canParseNext = can_parse_next + resetCache = reset_cache + enableLeftRecursion = enable_left_recursion + enablePackrat = enable_packrat + parseString = parse_string + scanString = scan_string + searchString = search_string + transformString = transform_string + setWhitespaceChars = set_whitespace_chars + parseWithTabs = parse_with_tabs + setDebugActions = set_debug_actions + setDebug = set_debug + defaultName = default_name + setName = set_name + parseFile = parse_file + runTests = run_tests + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class _PendingSkip(ParserElement): + # internal placeholder class to hold a place were '...' is added to a parser element, + # once another ParserElement is added, this placeholder will be replaced with a SkipTo + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, must_skip: bool = False): + super().__init__() + self.anchor = expr + self.must_skip = must_skip + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return str(self.anchor + Empty()).replace("Empty", "...") + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + skipper = SkipTo(other).set_name("...")("_skipped*") + if self.must_skip: + + def must_skip(t): + if not t._skipped or t._skipped.as_list() == [""]: + del t[0] + t.pop("_skipped", None) + + def show_skip(t): + if t._skipped.as_list()[-1:] == [""]: + t.pop("_skipped") + t["_skipped"] = "missing <" + repr(self.anchor) + ">" + + return ( + self.anchor + skipper().add_parse_action(must_skip) + | skipper().add_parse_action(show_skip) + ) + other + + return self.anchor + skipper + other + + def __repr__(self): + return self.defaultName + + def parseImpl(self, *args): + raise Exception( + "use of `...` expression without following SkipTo target expression" + ) + + +class Token(ParserElement): + """Abstract :class:`ParserElement` subclass, for defining atomic + matching patterns. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__(savelist=False) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return type(self).__name__ + + +class Empty(Token): + """ + An empty token, will always match. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + + +class NoMatch(Token): + """ + A token that will never match. + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.errmsg = "Unmatchable token" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class Literal(Token): + """ + Token to exactly match a specified string. + + Example:: + + Literal('blah').parse_string('blah') # -> ['blah'] + Literal('blah').parse_string('blahfooblah') # -> ['blah'] + Literal('blah').parse_string('bla') # -> Exception: Expected "blah" + + For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessLiteral`. + + For keyword matching (force word break before and after the matched string), + use :class:`Keyword` or :class:`CaselessKeyword`. + """ + + def __init__(self, match_string: str = "", *, matchString: str = ""): + super().__init__() + match_string = matchString or match_string + self.match = match_string + self.matchLen = len(match_string) + try: + self.firstMatchChar = match_string[0] + except IndexError: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Literal; use Empty() instead") + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.mayIndexError = False + + # Performance tuning: modify __class__ to select + # a parseImpl optimized for single-character check + if self.matchLen == 1 and type(self) is Literal: + self.__class__ = _SingleCharLiteral + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return repr(self.match) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar and instring.startswith( + self.match, loc + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class _SingleCharLiteral(Literal): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar: + return loc + 1, self.match + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +ParserElement._literalStringClass = Literal + + +class Keyword(Token): + """ + Token to exactly match a specified string as a keyword, that is, + it must be immediately followed by a non-keyword character. Compare + with :class:`Literal`: + + - ``Literal("if")`` will match the leading ``'if'`` in + ``'ifAndOnlyIf'``. + - ``Keyword("if")`` will not; it will only match the leading + ``'if'`` in ``'if x=1'``, or ``'if(y==2)'`` + + Accepts two optional constructor arguments in addition to the + keyword string: + + - ``identChars`` is a string of characters that would be valid + identifier characters, defaulting to all alphanumerics + "_" and + "$" + - ``caseless`` allows case-insensitive matching, default is ``False``. + + Example:: + + Keyword("start").parse_string("start") # -> ['start'] + Keyword("start").parse_string("starting") # -> Exception + + For case-insensitive matching, use :class:`CaselessKeyword`. + """ + + DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = alphanums + "_$" + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str = "", + ident_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + caseless: bool = False, + *, + matchString: str = "", + identChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + super().__init__() + identChars = identChars or ident_chars + if identChars is None: + identChars = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS + match_string = matchString or match_string + self.match = match_string + self.matchLen = len(match_string) + try: + self.firstMatchChar = match_string[0] + except IndexError: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Keyword; use Empty() instead") + self.errmsg = "Expected {} {}".format(type(self).__name__, self.name) + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + self.mayIndexError = False + self.caseless = caseless + if caseless: + self.caselessmatch = match_string.upper() + identChars = identChars.upper() + self.identChars = set(identChars) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return repr(self.match) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + errmsg = self.errmsg + errloc = loc + if self.caseless: + if instring[loc : loc + self.matchLen].upper() == self.caselessmatch: + if loc == 0 or instring[loc - 1].upper() not in self.identChars: + if ( + loc >= len(instring) - self.matchLen + or instring[loc + self.matchLen].upper() not in self.identChars + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + else: + # followed by keyword char + errmsg += ", was immediately followed by keyword character" + errloc = loc + self.matchLen + else: + # preceded by keyword char + errmsg += ", keyword was immediately preceded by keyword character" + errloc = loc - 1 + # else no match just raise plain exception + + else: + if ( + instring[loc] == self.firstMatchChar + and self.matchLen == 1 + or instring.startswith(self.match, loc) + ): + if loc == 0 or instring[loc - 1] not in self.identChars: + if ( + loc >= len(instring) - self.matchLen + or instring[loc + self.matchLen] not in self.identChars + ): + return loc + self.matchLen, self.match + else: + # followed by keyword char + errmsg += ( + ", keyword was immediately followed by keyword character" + ) + errloc = loc + self.matchLen + else: + # preceded by keyword char + errmsg += ", keyword was immediately preceded by keyword character" + errloc = loc - 1 + # else no match just raise plain exception + + raise ParseException(instring, errloc, errmsg, self) + + @staticmethod + def set_default_keyword_chars(chars) -> None: + """ + Overrides the default characters used by :class:`Keyword` expressions. + """ + Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = chars + + setDefaultKeywordChars = set_default_keyword_chars + + +class CaselessLiteral(Literal): + """ + Token to match a specified string, ignoring case of letters. + Note: the matched results will always be in the case of the given + match string, NOT the case of the input text. + + Example:: + + CaselessLiteral("CMD")[1, ...].parse_string("cmd CMD Cmd10") + # -> ['CMD', 'CMD', 'CMD'] + + (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessKeyword`.) + """ + + def __init__(self, match_string: str = "", *, matchString: str = ""): + match_string = matchString or match_string + super().__init__(match_string.upper()) + # Preserve the defining literal. + self.returnString = match_string + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc : loc + self.matchLen].upper() == self.match: + return loc + self.matchLen, self.returnString + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class CaselessKeyword(Keyword): + """ + Caseless version of :class:`Keyword`. + + Example:: + + CaselessKeyword("CMD")[1, ...].parse_string("cmd CMD Cmd10") + # -> ['CMD', 'CMD'] + + (Contrast with example for :class:`CaselessLiteral`.) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str = "", + ident_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + matchString: str = "", + identChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + identChars = identChars or ident_chars + match_string = matchString or match_string + super().__init__(match_string, identChars, caseless=True) + + +class CloseMatch(Token): + """A variation on :class:`Literal` which matches "close" matches, + that is, strings with at most 'n' mismatching characters. + :class:`CloseMatch` takes parameters: + + - ``match_string`` - string to be matched + - ``caseless`` - a boolean indicating whether to ignore casing when comparing characters + - ``max_mismatches`` - (``default=1``) maximum number of + mismatches allowed to count as a match + + The results from a successful parse will contain the matched text + from the input string and the following named results: + + - ``mismatches`` - a list of the positions within the + match_string where mismatches were found + - ``original`` - the original match_string used to compare + against the input string + + If ``mismatches`` is an empty list, then the match was an exact + match. + + Example:: + + patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA") + patt.parse_string("ATCATCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + patt.parse_string("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> Exception: Expected 'ATCATCGAATGGA' (with up to 1 mismatches) (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + + # exact match + patt.parse_string("ATCATCGAATGGA") # -> (['ATCATCGAATGGA'], {'mismatches': [[]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + + # close match allowing up to 2 mismatches + patt = CloseMatch("ATCATCGAATGGA", max_mismatches=2) + patt.parse_string("ATCAXCGAAXGGA") # -> (['ATCAXCGAAXGGA'], {'mismatches': [[4, 9]], 'original': ['ATCATCGAATGGA']}) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + match_string: str, + max_mismatches: int = None, + *, + maxMismatches: int = 1, + caseless=False, + ): + maxMismatches = max_mismatches if max_mismatches is not None else maxMismatches + super().__init__() + self.match_string = match_string + self.maxMismatches = maxMismatches + self.errmsg = "Expected {!r} (with up to {} mismatches)".format( + self.match_string, self.maxMismatches + ) + self.caseless = caseless + self.mayIndexError = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = False + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:{!r}".format(type(self).__name__, self.match_string) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + start = loc + instrlen = len(instring) + maxloc = start + len(self.match_string) + + if maxloc <= instrlen: + match_string = self.match_string + match_stringloc = 0 + mismatches = [] + maxMismatches = self.maxMismatches + + for match_stringloc, s_m in enumerate( + zip(instring[loc:maxloc], match_string) + ): + src, mat = s_m + if self.caseless: + src, mat = src.lower(), mat.lower() + + if src != mat: + mismatches.append(match_stringloc) + if len(mismatches) > maxMismatches: + break + else: + loc = start + match_stringloc + 1 + results = ParseResults([instring[start:loc]]) + results["original"] = match_string + results["mismatches"] = mismatches + return loc, results + + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class Word(Token): + """Token for matching words composed of allowed character sets. + Parameters: + - ``init_chars`` - string of all characters that should be used to + match as a word; "ABC" will match "AAA", "ABAB", "CBAC", etc.; + if ``body_chars`` is also specified, then this is the string of + initial characters + - ``body_chars`` - string of characters that + can be used for matching after a matched initial character as + given in ``init_chars``; if omitted, same as the initial characters + (default=``None``) + - ``min`` - minimum number of characters to match (default=1) + - ``max`` - maximum number of characters to match (default=0) + - ``exact`` - exact number of characters to match (default=0) + - ``as_keyword`` - match as a keyword (default=``False``) + - ``exclude_chars`` - characters that might be + found in the input ``body_chars`` string but which should not be + accepted for matching ;useful to define a word of all + printables except for one or two characters, for instance + (default=``None``) + + :class:`srange` is useful for defining custom character set strings + for defining :class:`Word` expressions, using range notation from + regular expression character sets. + + A common mistake is to use :class:`Word` to match a specific literal + string, as in ``Word("Address")``. Remember that :class:`Word` + uses the string argument to define *sets* of matchable characters. + This expression would match "Add", "AAA", "dAred", or any other word + made up of the characters 'A', 'd', 'r', 'e', and 's'. To match an + exact literal string, use :class:`Literal` or :class:`Keyword`. + + pyparsing includes helper strings for building Words: + + - :class:`alphas` + - :class:`nums` + - :class:`alphanums` + - :class:`hexnums` + - :class:`alphas8bit` (alphabetic characters in ASCII range 128-255 + - accented, tilded, umlauted, etc.) + - :class:`punc8bit` (non-alphabetic characters in ASCII range + 128-255 - currency, symbols, superscripts, diacriticals, etc.) + - :class:`printables` (any non-whitespace character) + + ``alphas``, ``nums``, and ``printables`` are also defined in several + Unicode sets - see :class:`pyparsing_unicode``. + + Example:: + + # a word composed of digits + integer = Word(nums) # equivalent to Word("0123456789") or Word(srange("0-9")) + + # a word with a leading capital, and zero or more lowercase + capital_word = Word(alphas.upper(), alphas.lower()) + + # hostnames are alphanumeric, with leading alpha, and '-' + hostname = Word(alphas, alphanums + '-') + + # roman numeral (not a strict parser, accepts invalid mix of characters) + roman = Word("IVXLCDM") + + # any string of non-whitespace characters, except for ',' + csv_value = Word(printables, exclude_chars=",") + """ + + def __init__( + self, + init_chars: str = "", + body_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + min: int = 1, + max: int = 0, + exact: int = 0, + as_keyword: bool = False, + exclude_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + initChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + bodyChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + asKeyword: bool = False, + excludeChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + initChars = initChars or init_chars + bodyChars = bodyChars or body_chars + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + excludeChars = excludeChars or exclude_chars + super().__init__() + if not initChars: + raise ValueError( + "invalid {}, initChars cannot be empty string".format( + type(self).__name__ + ) + ) + + initChars = set(initChars) + self.initChars = initChars + if excludeChars: + excludeChars = set(excludeChars) + initChars -= excludeChars + if bodyChars: + bodyChars = set(bodyChars) - excludeChars + self.initCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(initChars)) + + if bodyChars: + self.bodyCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(bodyChars)) + self.bodyChars = set(bodyChars) + else: + self.bodyCharsOrig = "".join(sorted(initChars)) + self.bodyChars = set(initChars) + + self.maxSpecified = max > 0 + + if min < 1: + raise ValueError( + "cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use Opt(Word()) if zero-length word is permitted" + ) + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.asKeyword = asKeyword + + # see if we can make a regex for this Word + if " " not in self.initChars | self.bodyChars and (min == 1 and exact == 0): + if self.bodyChars == self.initChars: + if max == 0: + repeat = "+" + elif max == 1: + repeat = "" + else: + repeat = "{{{},{}}}".format( + self.minLen, "" if self.maxLen == _MAX_INT else self.maxLen + ) + self.reString = "[{}]{}".format( + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars), + repeat, + ) + elif len(self.initChars) == 1: + if max == 0: + repeat = "*" + else: + repeat = "{{0,{}}}".format(max - 1) + self.reString = "{}[{}]{}".format( + re.escape(self.initCharsOrig), + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.bodyChars), + repeat, + ) + else: + if max == 0: + repeat = "*" + elif max == 2: + repeat = "" + else: + repeat = "{{0,{}}}".format(max - 1) + self.reString = "[{}][{}]{}".format( + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars), + _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.bodyChars), + repeat, + ) + if self.asKeyword: + self.reString = r"\b" + self.reString + r"\b" + + try: + self.re = re.compile(self.reString) + except re.error: + self.re = None + else: + self.re_match = self.re.match + self.__class__ = _WordRegex + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + def charsAsStr(s): + max_repr_len = 16 + s = _collapse_string_to_ranges(s, re_escape=False) + if len(s) > max_repr_len: + return s[: max_repr_len - 3] + "..." + else: + return s + + if self.initChars != self.bodyChars: + base = "W:({}, {})".format( + charsAsStr(self.initChars), charsAsStr(self.bodyChars) + ) + else: + base = "W:({})".format(charsAsStr(self.initChars)) + + # add length specification + if self.minLen > 1 or self.maxLen != _MAX_INT: + if self.minLen == self.maxLen: + if self.minLen == 1: + return base[2:] + else: + return base + "{{{}}}".format(self.minLen) + elif self.maxLen == _MAX_INT: + return base + "{{{},...}}".format(self.minLen) + else: + return base + "{{{},{}}}".format(self.minLen, self.maxLen) + return base + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] not in self.initChars: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + start = loc + loc += 1 + instrlen = len(instring) + bodychars = self.bodyChars + maxloc = start + self.maxLen + maxloc = min(maxloc, instrlen) + while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in bodychars: + loc += 1 + + throwException = False + if loc - start < self.minLen: + throwException = True + elif self.maxSpecified and loc < instrlen and instring[loc] in bodychars: + throwException = True + elif self.asKeyword: + if ( + start > 0 + and instring[start - 1] in bodychars + or loc < instrlen + and instring[loc] in bodychars + ): + throwException = True + + if throwException: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class _WordRegex(Word): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + return loc, result.group() + + +class Char(_WordRegex): + """A short-cut class for defining :class:`Word` ``(characters, exact=1)``, + when defining a match of any single character in a string of + characters. + """ + + def __init__( + self, + charset: str, + as_keyword: bool = False, + exclude_chars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + *, + asKeyword: bool = False, + excludeChars: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + excludeChars = excludeChars or exclude_chars + super().__init__( + charset, exact=1, asKeyword=asKeyword, excludeChars=excludeChars + ) + self.reString = "[{}]".format(_collapse_string_to_ranges(self.initChars)) + if asKeyword: + self.reString = r"\b{}\b".format(self.reString) + self.re = re.compile(self.reString) + self.re_match = self.re.match + + +class Regex(Token): + r"""Token for matching strings that match a given regular + expression. Defined with string specifying the regular expression in + a form recognized by the stdlib Python `re module `_. + If the given regex contains named groups (defined using ``(?P...)``), + these will be preserved as named :class:`ParseResults`. + + If instead of the Python stdlib ``re`` module you wish to use a different RE module + (such as the ``regex`` module), you can do so by building your ``Regex`` object with + a compiled RE that was compiled using ``regex``. + + Example:: + + realnum = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*") + # ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/267399/how-do-you-match-only-valid-roman-numerals-with-a-regular-expression + roman = Regex(r"M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})") + + # named fields in a regex will be returned as named results + date = Regex(r'(?P\d{4})-(?P\d\d?)-(?P\d\d?)') + + # the Regex class will accept re's compiled using the regex module + import regex + parser = pp.Regex(regex.compile(r'[0-9]')) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + pattern: Any, + flags: Union[re.RegexFlag, int] = 0, + as_group_list: bool = False, + as_match: bool = False, + *, + asGroupList: bool = False, + asMatch: bool = False, + ): + """The parameters ``pattern`` and ``flags`` are passed + to the ``re.compile()`` function as-is. See the Python + `re module `_ module for an + explanation of the acceptable patterns and flags. + """ + super().__init__() + asGroupList = asGroupList or as_group_list + asMatch = asMatch or as_match + + if isinstance(pattern, str_type): + if not pattern: + raise ValueError("null string passed to Regex; use Empty() instead") + + self._re = None + self.reString = self.pattern = pattern + self.flags = flags + + elif hasattr(pattern, "pattern") and hasattr(pattern, "match"): + self._re = pattern + self.pattern = self.reString = pattern.pattern + self.flags = flags + + else: + raise TypeError( + "Regex may only be constructed with a string or a compiled RE object" + ) + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.asGroupList = asGroupList + self.asMatch = asMatch + if self.asGroupList: + self.parseImpl = self.parseImplAsGroupList + if self.asMatch: + self.parseImpl = self.parseImplAsMatch + + @cached_property + def re(self): + if self._re: + return self._re + else: + try: + return re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) + except re.error: + raise ValueError( + "invalid pattern ({!r}) passed to Regex".format(self.pattern) + ) + + @cached_property + def re_match(self): + return self.re.match + + @cached_property + def mayReturnEmpty(self): + return self.re_match("") is not None + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "Re:({})".format(repr(self.pattern).replace("\\\\", "\\")) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = ParseResults(result.group()) + d = result.groupdict() + if d: + for k, v in d.items(): + ret[k] = v + return loc, ret + + def parseImplAsGroupList(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result.groups() + return loc, ret + + def parseImplAsMatch(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = self.re_match(instring, loc) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result + return loc, ret + + def sub(self, repl: str) -> ParserElement: + r""" + Return :class:`Regex` with an attached parse action to transform the parsed + result as if called using `re.sub(expr, repl, string) `_. + + Example:: + + make_html = Regex(r"(\w+):(.*?):").sub(r"<\1>\2") + print(make_html.transform_string("h1:main title:")) + # prints "

main title

" + """ + if self.asGroupList: + raise TypeError("cannot use sub() with Regex(asGroupList=True)") + + if self.asMatch and callable(repl): + raise TypeError("cannot use sub() with a callable with Regex(asMatch=True)") + + if self.asMatch: + + def pa(tokens): + return tokens[0].expand(repl) + + else: + + def pa(tokens): + return self.re.sub(repl, tokens[0]) + + return self.add_parse_action(pa) + + +class QuotedString(Token): + r""" + Token for matching strings that are delimited by quoting characters. + + Defined with the following parameters: + + - ``quote_char`` - string of one or more characters defining the + quote delimiting string + - ``esc_char`` - character to re_escape quotes, typically backslash + (default= ``None``) + - ``esc_quote`` - special quote sequence to re_escape an embedded quote + string (such as SQL's ``""`` to re_escape an embedded ``"``) + (default= ``None``) + - ``multiline`` - boolean indicating whether quotes can span + multiple lines (default= ``False``) + - ``unquote_results`` - boolean indicating whether the matched text + should be unquoted (default= ``True``) + - ``end_quote_char`` - string of one or more characters defining the + end of the quote delimited string (default= ``None`` => same as + quote_char) + - ``convert_whitespace_escapes`` - convert escaped whitespace + (``'\t'``, ``'\n'``, etc.) to actual whitespace + (default= ``True``) + + Example:: + + qs = QuotedString('"') + print(qs.search_string('lsjdf "This is the quote" sldjf')) + complex_qs = QuotedString('{{', end_quote_char='}}') + print(complex_qs.search_string('lsjdf {{This is the "quote"}} sldjf')) + sql_qs = QuotedString('"', esc_quote='""') + print(sql_qs.search_string('lsjdf "This is the quote with ""embedded"" quotes" sldjf')) + + prints:: + + [['This is the quote']] + [['This is the "quote"']] + [['This is the quote with "embedded" quotes']] + """ + ws_map = ((r"\t", "\t"), (r"\n", "\n"), (r"\f", "\f"), (r"\r", "\r")) + + def __init__( + self, + quote_char: str = "", + esc_char: typing.Optional[str] = None, + esc_quote: typing.Optional[str] = None, + multiline: bool = False, + unquote_results: bool = True, + end_quote_char: typing.Optional[str] = None, + convert_whitespace_escapes: bool = True, + *, + quoteChar: str = "", + escChar: typing.Optional[str] = None, + escQuote: typing.Optional[str] = None, + unquoteResults: bool = True, + endQuoteChar: typing.Optional[str] = None, + convertWhitespaceEscapes: bool = True, + ): + super().__init__() + escChar = escChar or esc_char + escQuote = escQuote or esc_quote + unquoteResults = unquoteResults and unquote_results + endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar or end_quote_char + convertWhitespaceEscapes = ( + convertWhitespaceEscapes and convert_whitespace_escapes + ) + quote_char = quoteChar or quote_char + + # remove white space from quote chars - wont work anyway + quote_char = quote_char.strip() + if not quote_char: + raise ValueError("quote_char cannot be the empty string") + + if endQuoteChar is None: + endQuoteChar = quote_char + else: + endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar.strip() + if not endQuoteChar: + raise ValueError("endQuoteChar cannot be the empty string") + + self.quoteChar = quote_char + self.quoteCharLen = len(quote_char) + self.firstQuoteChar = quote_char[0] + self.endQuoteChar = endQuoteChar + self.endQuoteCharLen = len(endQuoteChar) + self.escChar = escChar + self.escQuote = escQuote + self.unquoteResults = unquoteResults + self.convertWhitespaceEscapes = convertWhitespaceEscapes + + sep = "" + inner_pattern = "" + + if escQuote: + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:{})".format(sep, re.escape(escQuote)) + sep = "|" + + if escChar: + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:{}.)".format(sep, re.escape(escChar)) + sep = "|" + self.escCharReplacePattern = re.escape(self.escChar) + "(.)" + + if len(self.endQuoteChar) > 1: + inner_pattern += ( + "{}(?:".format(sep) + + "|".join( + "(?:{}(?!{}))".format( + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[:i]), + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar[i:]), + ) + for i in range(len(self.endQuoteChar) - 1, 0, -1) + ) + + ")" + ) + sep = "|" + + if multiline: + self.flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:[^{}{}])".format( + sep, + _escape_regex_range_chars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), + (_escape_regex_range_chars(escChar) if escChar is not None else ""), + ) + else: + self.flags = 0 + inner_pattern += r"{}(?:[^{}\n\r{}])".format( + sep, + _escape_regex_range_chars(self.endQuoteChar[0]), + (_escape_regex_range_chars(escChar) if escChar is not None else ""), + ) + + self.pattern = "".join( + [ + re.escape(self.quoteChar), + "(?:", + inner_pattern, + ")*", + re.escape(self.endQuoteChar), + ] + ) + + try: + self.re = re.compile(self.pattern, self.flags) + self.reString = self.pattern + self.re_match = self.re.match + except re.error: + raise ValueError( + "invalid pattern {!r} passed to Regex".format(self.pattern) + ) + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayIndexError = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + if self.quoteChar == self.endQuoteChar and isinstance(self.quoteChar, str_type): + return "string enclosed in {!r}".format(self.quoteChar) + + return "quoted string, starting with {} ending with {}".format( + self.quoteChar, self.endQuoteChar + ) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + result = ( + instring[loc] == self.firstQuoteChar + and self.re_match(instring, loc) + or None + ) + if not result: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + loc = result.end() + ret = result.group() + + if self.unquoteResults: + + # strip off quotes + ret = ret[self.quoteCharLen : -self.endQuoteCharLen] + + if isinstance(ret, str_type): + # replace escaped whitespace + if "\\" in ret and self.convertWhitespaceEscapes: + for wslit, wschar in self.ws_map: + ret = ret.replace(wslit, wschar) + + # replace escaped characters + if self.escChar: + ret = re.sub(self.escCharReplacePattern, r"\g<1>", ret) + + # replace escaped quotes + if self.escQuote: + ret = ret.replace(self.escQuote, self.endQuoteChar) + + return loc, ret + + +class CharsNotIn(Token): + """Token for matching words composed of characters *not* in a given + set (will include whitespace in matched characters if not listed in + the provided exclusion set - see example). Defined with string + containing all disallowed characters, and an optional minimum, + maximum, and/or exact length. The default value for ``min`` is + 1 (a minimum value < 1 is not valid); the default values for + ``max`` and ``exact`` are 0, meaning no maximum or exact + length restriction. + + Example:: + + # define a comma-separated-value as anything that is not a ',' + csv_value = CharsNotIn(',') + print(delimited_list(csv_value).parse_string("dkls,lsdkjf,s12 34,@!#,213")) + + prints:: + + ['dkls', 'lsdkjf', 's12 34', '@!#', '213'] + """ + + def __init__( + self, + not_chars: str = "", + min: int = 1, + max: int = 0, + exact: int = 0, + *, + notChars: str = "", + ): + super().__init__() + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.notChars = not_chars or notChars + self.notCharsSet = set(self.notChars) + + if min < 1: + raise ValueError( + "cannot specify a minimum length < 1; use " + "Opt(CharsNotIn()) if zero-length char group is permitted" + ) + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + self.mayReturnEmpty = self.minLen == 0 + self.mayIndexError = False + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + not_chars_str = _collapse_string_to_ranges(self.notChars) + if len(not_chars_str) > 16: + return "!W:({}...)".format(self.notChars[: 16 - 3]) + else: + return "!W:({})".format(self.notChars) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + notchars = self.notCharsSet + if instring[loc] in notchars: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + start = loc + loc += 1 + maxlen = min(start + self.maxLen, len(instring)) + while loc < maxlen and instring[loc] not in notchars: + loc += 1 + + if loc - start < self.minLen: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class White(Token): + """Special matching class for matching whitespace. Normally, + whitespace is ignored by pyparsing grammars. This class is included + when some whitespace structures are significant. Define with + a string containing the whitespace characters to be matched; default + is ``" \\t\\r\\n"``. Also takes optional ``min``, + ``max``, and ``exact`` arguments, as defined for the + :class:`Word` class. + """ + + whiteStrs = { + " ": "", + "\t": "", + "\n": "", + "\r": "", + "\f": "", + "\u00A0": "", + "\u1680": "", + "\u180E": "", + "\u2000": "", + "\u2001": "", + "\u2002": "", + "\u2003": "", + "\u2004": "", + "\u2005": "", + "\u2006": "", + "\u2007": "", + "\u2008": "", + "\u2009": "", + "\u200A": "", + "\u200B": "", + "\u202F": "", + "\u205F": "", + "\u3000": "", + } + + def __init__(self, ws: str = " \t\r\n", min: int = 1, max: int = 0, exact: int = 0): + super().__init__() + self.matchWhite = ws + self.set_whitespace_chars( + "".join(c for c in self.whiteStrs if c not in self.matchWhite), + copy_defaults=True, + ) + # self.leave_whitespace() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.errmsg = "Expected " + self.name + + self.minLen = min + + if max > 0: + self.maxLen = max + else: + self.maxLen = _MAX_INT + + if exact > 0: + self.maxLen = exact + self.minLen = exact + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "".join(White.whiteStrs[c] for c in self.matchWhite) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if instring[loc] not in self.matchWhite: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + start = loc + loc += 1 + maxloc = start + self.maxLen + maxloc = min(maxloc, len(instring)) + while loc < maxloc and instring[loc] in self.matchWhite: + loc += 1 + + if loc - start < self.minLen: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + return loc, instring[start:loc] + + +class PositionToken(Token): + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + + +class GoToColumn(PositionToken): + """Token to advance to a specific column of input text; useful for + tabular report scraping. + """ + + def __init__(self, colno: int): + super().__init__() + self.col = colno + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if col(loc, instring) != self.col: + instrlen = len(instring) + if self.ignoreExprs: + loc = self._skipIgnorables(instring, loc) + while ( + loc < instrlen + and instring[loc].isspace() + and col(loc, instring) != self.col + ): + loc += 1 + return loc + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + thiscol = col(loc, instring) + if thiscol > self.col: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "Text not in expected column", self) + newloc = loc + self.col - thiscol + ret = instring[loc:newloc] + return newloc, ret + + +class LineStart(PositionToken): + r"""Matches if current position is at the beginning of a line within + the parse string + + Example:: + + test = '''\ + AAA this line + AAA and this line + AAA but not this one + B AAA and definitely not this one + ''' + + for t in (LineStart() + 'AAA' + restOfLine).search_string(test): + print(t) + + prints:: + + ['AAA', ' this line'] + ['AAA', ' and this line'] + + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.leave_whitespace() + self.orig_whiteChars = set() | self.whiteChars + self.whiteChars.discard("\n") + self.skipper = Empty().set_whitespace_chars(self.whiteChars) + self.errmsg = "Expected start of line" + + def preParse(self, instring, loc): + if loc == 0: + return loc + else: + ret = self.skipper.preParse(instring, loc) + if "\n" in self.orig_whiteChars: + while instring[ret : ret + 1] == "\n": + ret = self.skipper.preParse(instring, ret + 1) + return ret + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if col(loc, instring) == 1: + return loc, [] + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class LineEnd(PositionToken): + """Matches if current position is at the end of a line within the + parse string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.whiteChars.discard("\n") + self.set_whitespace_chars(self.whiteChars, copy_defaults=False) + self.errmsg = "Expected end of line" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc < len(instring): + if instring[loc] == "\n": + return loc + 1, "\n" + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + elif loc == len(instring): + return loc + 1, [] + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class StringStart(PositionToken): + """Matches if current position is at the beginning of the parse + string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "Expected start of text" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + # see if entire string up to here is just whitespace and ignoreables + if loc != self.preParse(instring, 0): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class StringEnd(PositionToken): + """ + Matches if current position is at the end of the parse string + """ + + def __init__(self): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "Expected end of text" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc < len(instring): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + elif loc == len(instring): + return loc + 1, [] + elif loc > len(instring): + return loc, [] + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + +class WordStart(PositionToken): + """Matches if the current position is at the beginning of a + :class:`Word`, and is not preceded by any character in a given + set of ``word_chars`` (default= ``printables``). To emulate the + ``\b`` behavior of regular expressions, use + ``WordStart(alphanums)``. ``WordStart`` will also match at + the beginning of the string being parsed, or at the beginning of + a line. + """ + + def __init__(self, word_chars: str = printables, *, wordChars: str = printables): + wordChars = word_chars if wordChars == printables else wordChars + super().__init__() + self.wordChars = set(wordChars) + self.errmsg = "Not at the start of a word" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + if ( + instring[loc - 1] in self.wordChars + or instring[loc] not in self.wordChars + ): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class WordEnd(PositionToken): + """Matches if the current position is at the end of a :class:`Word`, + and is not followed by any character in a given set of ``word_chars`` + (default= ``printables``). To emulate the ``\b`` behavior of + regular expressions, use ``WordEnd(alphanums)``. ``WordEnd`` + will also match at the end of the string being parsed, or at the end + of a line. + """ + + def __init__(self, word_chars: str = printables, *, wordChars: str = printables): + wordChars = word_chars if wordChars == printables else wordChars + super().__init__() + self.wordChars = set(wordChars) + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.errmsg = "Not at the end of a word" + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + instrlen = len(instring) + if instrlen > 0 and loc < instrlen: + if ( + instring[loc] in self.wordChars + or instring[loc - 1] not in self.wordChars + ): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + +class ParseExpression(ParserElement): + """Abstract subclass of ParserElement, for combining and + post-processing parsed tokens. + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(savelist) + self.exprs: List[ParserElement] + if isinstance(exprs, _generatorType): + exprs = list(exprs) + + if isinstance(exprs, str_type): + self.exprs = [self._literalStringClass(exprs)] + elif isinstance(exprs, ParserElement): + self.exprs = [exprs] + elif isinstance(exprs, Iterable): + exprs = list(exprs) + # if sequence of strings provided, wrap with Literal + if any(isinstance(expr, str_type) for expr in exprs): + exprs = ( + self._literalStringClass(e) if isinstance(e, str_type) else e + for e in exprs + ) + self.exprs = list(exprs) + else: + try: + self.exprs = list(exprs) + except TypeError: + self.exprs = [exprs] + self.callPreparse = False + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence[ParserElement]: + return self.exprs[:] + + def append(self, other) -> ParserElement: + self.exprs.append(other) + self._defaultName = None + return self + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + """ + Extends ``leave_whitespace`` defined in base class, and also invokes ``leave_whitespace`` on + all contained expressions. + """ + super().leave_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + for e in self.exprs: + e.leave_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + """ + Extends ``ignore_whitespace`` defined in base class, and also invokes ``leave_whitespace`` on + all contained expressions. + """ + super().ignore_whitespace(recursive) + if recursive: + self.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + super().ignore(other) + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + else: + super().ignore(other) + for e in self.exprs: + e.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + return self + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.exprs)) + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.streamlined: + return self + + super().streamline() + + for e in self.exprs: + e.streamline() + + # collapse nested :class:`And`'s of the form ``And(And(And(a, b), c), d)`` to ``And(a, b, c, d)`` + # but only if there are no parse actions or resultsNames on the nested And's + # (likewise for :class:`Or`'s and :class:`MatchFirst`'s) + if len(self.exprs) == 2: + other = self.exprs[0] + if ( + isinstance(other, self.__class__) + and not other.parseAction + and other.resultsName is None + and not other.debug + ): + self.exprs = other.exprs[:] + [self.exprs[1]] + self._defaultName = None + self.mayReturnEmpty |= other.mayReturnEmpty + self.mayIndexError |= other.mayIndexError + + other = self.exprs[-1] + if ( + isinstance(other, self.__class__) + and not other.parseAction + and other.resultsName is None + and not other.debug + ): + self.exprs = self.exprs[:-1] + other.exprs[:] + self._defaultName = None + self.mayReturnEmpty |= other.mayReturnEmpty + self.mayIndexError |= other.mayIndexError + + self.errmsg = "Expected " + str(self) + + return self + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + tmp = (validateTrace if validateTrace is not None else [])[:] + [self] + for e in self.exprs: + e.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def copy(self) -> ParserElement: + ret = super().copy() + ret.exprs = [e.copy() for e in self.exprs] + return ret + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + for e in self.exprs: + if ( + isinstance(e, ParserElement) + and e.resultsName + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "collides with {!r} on contained expression".format( + "warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection", + name, + type(self).__name__, + e.resultsName, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class And(ParseExpression): + """ + Requires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found in the given order. + Expressions may be separated by whitespace. + May be constructed using the ``'+'`` operator. + May also be constructed using the ``'-'`` operator, which will + suppress backtracking. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + name_expr = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + + expr = And([integer("id"), name_expr("name"), integer("age")]) + # more easily written as: + expr = integer("id") + name_expr("name") + integer("age") + """ + + class _ErrorStop(Empty): + def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + self.leave_whitespace() + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "-" + + def __init__( + self, exprs_arg: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = True + ): + exprs: List[ParserElement] = list(exprs_arg) + if exprs and Ellipsis in exprs: + tmp = [] + for i, expr in enumerate(exprs): + if expr is Ellipsis: + if i < len(exprs) - 1: + skipto_arg: ParserElement = (Empty() + exprs[i + 1]).exprs[-1] + tmp.append(SkipTo(skipto_arg)("_skipped*")) + else: + raise Exception( + "cannot construct And with sequence ending in ..." + ) + else: + tmp.append(expr) + exprs[:] = tmp + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + if not isinstance(self.exprs[0], White): + self.set_whitespace_chars( + self.exprs[0].whiteChars, + copy_defaults=self.exprs[0].copyDefaultWhiteChars, + ) + self.skipWhitespace = self.exprs[0].skipWhitespace + else: + self.skipWhitespace = False + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.callPreparse = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + # collapse any _PendingSkip's + if self.exprs: + if any( + isinstance(e, ParseExpression) + and e.exprs + and isinstance(e.exprs[-1], _PendingSkip) + for e in self.exprs[:-1] + ): + for i, e in enumerate(self.exprs[:-1]): + if e is None: + continue + if ( + isinstance(e, ParseExpression) + and e.exprs + and isinstance(e.exprs[-1], _PendingSkip) + ): + e.exprs[-1] = e.exprs[-1] + self.exprs[i + 1] + self.exprs[i + 1] = None + self.exprs = [e for e in self.exprs if e is not None] + + super().streamline() + + # link any IndentedBlocks to the prior expression + for prev, cur in zip(self.exprs, self.exprs[1:]): + # traverse cur or any first embedded expr of cur looking for an IndentedBlock + # (but watch out for recursive grammar) + seen = set() + while cur: + if id(cur) in seen: + break + seen.add(id(cur)) + if isinstance(cur, IndentedBlock): + prev.add_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t, cur_=cur: setattr( + cur_, "parent_anchor", col(l, s) + ) + ) + break + subs = cur.recurse() + cur = next(iter(subs), None) + + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # pass False as callPreParse arg to _parse for first element, since we already + # pre-parsed the string as part of our And pre-parsing + loc, resultlist = self.exprs[0]._parse( + instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False + ) + errorStop = False + for e in self.exprs[1:]: + # if isinstance(e, And._ErrorStop): + if type(e) is And._ErrorStop: + errorStop = True + continue + if errorStop: + try: + loc, exprtokens = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + except ParseSyntaxException: + raise + except ParseBaseException as pe: + pe.__traceback__ = None + raise ParseSyntaxException._from_exception(pe) + except IndexError: + raise ParseSyntaxException( + instring, len(instring), self.errmsg, self + ) + else: + loc, exprtokens = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + if exprtokens or exprtokens.haskeys(): + resultlist += exprtokens + return loc, resultlist + + def __iadd__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # And([self, other]) + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + for e in self.exprs: + e._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + if not e.mayReturnEmpty: + break + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + inner = " ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + # strip off redundant inner {}'s + while len(inner) > 1 and inner[0 :: len(inner) - 1] == "{}": + inner = inner[1:-1] + return "{" + inner + "}" + + +class Or(ParseExpression): + """Requires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If + two expressions match, the expression that matches the longest + string will be used. May be constructed using the ``'^'`` + operator. + + Example:: + + # construct Or using '^' operator + + number = Word(nums) ^ Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) + + prints:: + + [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all(e.skipWhitespace for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.saveAsList = any(e.saveAsList for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all( + e.skipWhitespace and not isinstance(e, White) for e in self.exprs + ) + else: + self.saveAsList = False + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + maxExcLoc = -1 + maxException = None + matches = [] + fatals = [] + if all(e.callPreparse for e in self.exprs): + loc = self.preParse(instring, loc) + for e in self.exprs: + try: + loc2 = e.try_parse(instring, loc, raise_fatal=True) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + fatals.append(pfe) + maxException = None + maxExcLoc = -1 + except ParseException as err: + if not fatals: + err.__traceback__ = None + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + except IndexError: + if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: + maxException = ParseException( + instring, len(instring), e.errmsg, self + ) + maxExcLoc = len(instring) + else: + # save match among all matches, to retry longest to shortest + matches.append((loc2, e)) + + if matches: + # re-evaluate all matches in descending order of length of match, in case attached actions + # might change whether or how much they match of the input. + matches.sort(key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True) + + if not doActions: + # no further conditions or parse actions to change the selection of + # alternative, so the first match will be the best match + best_expr = matches[0][1] + return best_expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + + longest = -1, None + for loc1, expr1 in matches: + if loc1 <= longest[0]: + # already have a longer match than this one will deliver, we are done + return longest + + try: + loc2, toks = expr1._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + except ParseException as err: + err.__traceback__ = None + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + else: + if loc2 >= loc1: + return loc2, toks + # didn't match as much as before + elif loc2 > longest[0]: + longest = loc2, toks + + if longest != (-1, None): + return longest + + if fatals: + if len(fatals) > 1: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: -e.loc) + if fatals[0].loc == fatals[1].loc: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: (-e.loc, -len(str(e.parserElement)))) + max_fatal = fatals[0] + raise max_fatal + + if maxException is not None: + maxException.msg = self.errmsg + raise maxException + else: + raise ParseException( + instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self + ) + + def __ixor__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # Or([self, other]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " ^ ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if any( + isinstance(e, And) + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + for e in self.exprs + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "will return a list of all parsed tokens in an And alternative, " + "in prior versions only the first token was returned; enclose " + "contained argument in Group".format( + "warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation", + name, + type(self).__name__, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class MatchFirst(ParseExpression): + """Requires that at least one :class:`ParseExpression` is found. If + more than one expression matches, the first one listed is the one that will + match. May be constructed using the ``'|'`` operator. + + Example:: + + # construct MatchFirst using '|' operator + + # watch the order of expressions to match + number = Word(nums) | Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) # Fail! -> [['123'], ['3'], ['1416'], ['789']] + + # put more selective expression first + number = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) | Word(nums) + print(number.search_string("123 3.1416 789")) # Better -> [['123'], ['3.1416'], ['789']] + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all(e.skipWhitespace for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.streamlined: + return self + + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.saveAsList = any(e.saveAsList for e in self.exprs) + self.mayReturnEmpty = any(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + self.skipWhitespace = all( + e.skipWhitespace and not isinstance(e, White) for e in self.exprs + ) + else: + self.saveAsList = False + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + maxExcLoc = -1 + maxException = None + + for e in self.exprs: + try: + return e._parse( + instring, + loc, + doActions, + ) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + raise + except ParseException as err: + if err.loc > maxExcLoc: + maxException = err + maxExcLoc = err.loc + except IndexError: + if len(instring) > maxExcLoc: + maxException = ParseException( + instring, len(instring), e.errmsg, self + ) + maxExcLoc = len(instring) + + if maxException is not None: + maxException.msg = self.errmsg + raise maxException + else: + raise ParseException( + instring, loc, "no defined alternatives to match", self + ) + + def __ior__(self, other): + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + return self.append(other) # MatchFirst([self, other]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " | ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if any( + isinstance(e, And) + and Diagnostics.warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + for e in self.exprs + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "will return a list of all parsed tokens in an And alternative, " + "in prior versions only the first token was returned; enclose " + "contained argument in Group".format( + "warn_multiple_tokens_in_named_alternation", + name, + type(self).__name__, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class Each(ParseExpression): + """Requires all given :class:`ParseExpression` s to be found, but in + any order. Expressions may be separated by whitespace. + + May be constructed using the ``'&'`` operator. + + Example:: + + color = one_of("RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN BLUE PURPLE BLACK WHITE BROWN") + shape_type = one_of("SQUARE CIRCLE TRIANGLE STAR HEXAGON OCTAGON") + integer = Word(nums) + shape_attr = "shape:" + shape_type("shape") + posn_attr = "posn:" + Group(integer("x") + ',' + integer("y"))("posn") + color_attr = "color:" + color("color") + size_attr = "size:" + integer("size") + + # use Each (using operator '&') to accept attributes in any order + # (shape and posn are required, color and size are optional) + shape_spec = shape_attr & posn_attr & Opt(color_attr) & Opt(size_attr) + + shape_spec.run_tests(''' + shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 + shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 + color:GREEN size:20 shape:TRIANGLE posn:20,40 + ''' + ) + + prints:: + + shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: 100, 120 + ['shape:', 'SQUARE', 'color:', 'BLACK', 'posn:', ['100', ',', '120']] + - color: BLACK + - posn: ['100', ',', '120'] + - x: 100 + - y: 120 + - shape: SQUARE + + + shape: CIRCLE size: 50 color: BLUE posn: 50,80 + ['shape:', 'CIRCLE', 'size:', '50', 'color:', 'BLUE', 'posn:', ['50', ',', '80']] + - color: BLUE + - posn: ['50', ',', '80'] + - x: 50 + - y: 80 + - shape: CIRCLE + - size: 50 + + + color: GREEN size: 20 shape: TRIANGLE posn: 20,40 + ['color:', 'GREEN', 'size:', '20', 'shape:', 'TRIANGLE', 'posn:', ['20', ',', '40']] + - color: GREEN + - posn: ['20', ',', '40'] + - x: 20 + - y: 40 + - shape: TRIANGLE + - size: 20 + """ + + def __init__(self, exprs: typing.Iterable[ParserElement], savelist: bool = True): + super().__init__(exprs, savelist) + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.initExprGroups = True + self.saveAsList = True + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.exprs: + self.mayReturnEmpty = all(e.mayReturnEmpty for e in self.exprs) + else: + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.initExprGroups: + self.opt1map = dict( + (id(e.expr), e) for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt) + ) + opt1 = [e.expr for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt)] + opt2 = [ + e + for e in self.exprs + if e.mayReturnEmpty and not isinstance(e, (Opt, Regex, ZeroOrMore)) + ] + self.optionals = opt1 + opt2 + self.multioptionals = [ + e.expr.set_results_name(e.resultsName, list_all_matches=True) + for e in self.exprs + if isinstance(e, _MultipleMatch) + ] + self.multirequired = [ + e.expr.set_results_name(e.resultsName, list_all_matches=True) + for e in self.exprs + if isinstance(e, OneOrMore) + ] + self.required = [ + e for e in self.exprs if not isinstance(e, (Opt, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore)) + ] + self.required += self.multirequired + self.initExprGroups = False + + tmpLoc = loc + tmpReqd = self.required[:] + tmpOpt = self.optionals[:] + multis = self.multioptionals[:] + matchOrder = [] + + keepMatching = True + failed = [] + fatals = [] + while keepMatching: + tmpExprs = tmpReqd + tmpOpt + multis + failed.clear() + fatals.clear() + for e in tmpExprs: + try: + tmpLoc = e.try_parse(instring, tmpLoc, raise_fatal=True) + except ParseFatalException as pfe: + pfe.__traceback__ = None + pfe.parserElement = e + fatals.append(pfe) + failed.append(e) + except ParseException: + failed.append(e) + else: + matchOrder.append(self.opt1map.get(id(e), e)) + if e in tmpReqd: + tmpReqd.remove(e) + elif e in tmpOpt: + tmpOpt.remove(e) + if len(failed) == len(tmpExprs): + keepMatching = False + + # look for any ParseFatalExceptions + if fatals: + if len(fatals) > 1: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: -e.loc) + if fatals[0].loc == fatals[1].loc: + fatals.sort(key=lambda e: (-e.loc, -len(str(e.parserElement)))) + max_fatal = fatals[0] + raise max_fatal + + if tmpReqd: + missing = ", ".join([str(e) for e in tmpReqd]) + raise ParseException( + instring, + loc, + "Missing one or more required elements ({})".format(missing), + ) + + # add any unmatched Opts, in case they have default values defined + matchOrder += [e for e in self.exprs if isinstance(e, Opt) and e.expr in tmpOpt] + + total_results = ParseResults([]) + for e in matchOrder: + loc, results = e._parse(instring, loc, doActions) + total_results += results + + return loc, total_results + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + " & ".join(str(e) for e in self.exprs) + "}" + + +class ParseElementEnhance(ParserElement): + """Abstract subclass of :class:`ParserElement`, for combining and + post-processing parsed tokens. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist: bool = False): + super().__init__(savelist) + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + if issubclass(self._literalStringClass, Token): + expr = self._literalStringClass(expr) + elif issubclass(type(self), self._literalStringClass): + expr = Literal(expr) + else: + expr = self._literalStringClass(Literal(expr)) + self.expr = expr + if expr is not None: + self.mayIndexError = expr.mayIndexError + self.mayReturnEmpty = expr.mayReturnEmpty + self.set_whitespace_chars( + expr.whiteChars, copy_defaults=expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars + ) + self.skipWhitespace = expr.skipWhitespace + self.saveAsList = expr.saveAsList + self.callPreparse = expr.callPreparse + self.ignoreExprs.extend(expr.ignoreExprs) + + def recurse(self) -> Sequence[ParserElement]: + return [self.expr] if self.expr is not None else [] + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.expr is not None: + return self.expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + else: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "No expression defined", self) + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + super().leave_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.expr = self.expr.copy() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.leave_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + super().ignore_whitespace(recursive) + + if recursive: + self.expr = self.expr.copy() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore_whitespace(recursive) + return self + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(other, Suppress): + if other not in self.ignoreExprs: + super().ignore(other) + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + else: + super().ignore(other) + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.ignore(self.ignoreExprs[-1]) + return self + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + super().streamline() + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.streamline() + return self + + def _checkRecursion(self, parseElementList): + if self in parseElementList: + raise RecursiveGrammarException(parseElementList + [self]) + subRecCheckList = parseElementList[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr._checkRecursion(subRecCheckList) + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + if validateTrace is None: + validateTrace = [] + tmp = validateTrace[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{}:({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self.expr)) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class IndentedBlock(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Expression to match one or more expressions at a given indentation level. + Useful for parsing text where structure is implied by indentation (like Python source code). + """ + + class _Indent(Empty): + def __init__(self, ref_col: int): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "expected indent at column {}".format(ref_col) + self.add_condition(lambda s, l, t: col(l, s) == ref_col) + + class _IndentGreater(Empty): + def __init__(self, ref_col: int): + super().__init__() + self.errmsg = "expected indent at column greater than {}".format(ref_col) + self.add_condition(lambda s, l, t: col(l, s) > ref_col) + + def __init__( + self, expr: ParserElement, *, recursive: bool = False, grouped: bool = True + ): + super().__init__(expr, savelist=True) + # if recursive: + # raise NotImplementedError("IndentedBlock with recursive is not implemented") + self._recursive = recursive + self._grouped = grouped + self.parent_anchor = 1 + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # advance parse position to non-whitespace by using an Empty() + # this should be the column to be used for all subsequent indented lines + anchor_loc = Empty().preParse(instring, loc) + + # see if self.expr matches at the current location - if not it will raise an exception + # and no further work is necessary + self.expr.try_parse(instring, anchor_loc, doActions) + + indent_col = col(anchor_loc, instring) + peer_detect_expr = self._Indent(indent_col) + + inner_expr = Empty() + peer_detect_expr + self.expr + if self._recursive: + sub_indent = self._IndentGreater(indent_col) + nested_block = IndentedBlock( + self.expr, recursive=self._recursive, grouped=self._grouped + ) + nested_block.set_debug(self.debug) + nested_block.parent_anchor = indent_col + inner_expr += Opt(sub_indent + nested_block) + + inner_expr.set_name(f"inner {hex(id(inner_expr))[-4:].upper()}@{indent_col}") + block = OneOrMore(inner_expr) + + trailing_undent = self._Indent(self.parent_anchor) | StringEnd() + + if self._grouped: + wrapper = Group + else: + wrapper = lambda expr: expr + return (wrapper(block) + Optional(trailing_undent)).parseImpl( + instring, anchor_loc, doActions + ) + + +class AtStringStart(ParseElementEnhance): + """Matches if expression matches at the beginning of the parse + string:: + + AtStringStart(Word(nums)).parse_string("123") + # prints ["123"] + + AtStringStart(Word(nums)).parse_string(" 123") + # raises ParseException + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.callPreparse = False + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if loc != 0: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "not found at string start") + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + + +class AtLineStart(ParseElementEnhance): + r"""Matches if an expression matches at the beginning of a line within + the parse string + + Example:: + + test = '''\ + AAA this line + AAA and this line + AAA but not this one + B AAA and definitely not this one + ''' + + for t in (AtLineStart('AAA') + restOfLine).search_string(test): + print(t) + + prints:: + + ['AAA', ' this line'] + ['AAA', ' and this line'] + + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.callPreparse = False + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if col(loc, instring) != 1: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, "not found at line start") + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + + +class FollowedBy(ParseElementEnhance): + """Lookahead matching of the given parse expression. + ``FollowedBy`` does *not* advance the parsing position within + the input string, it only verifies that the specified parse + expression matches at the current position. ``FollowedBy`` + always returns a null token list. If any results names are defined + in the lookahead expression, those *will* be returned for access by + name. + + Example:: + + # use FollowedBy to match a label only if it is followed by a ':' + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string("shape: SQUARE color: BLACK posn: upper left").pprint() + + prints:: + + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['color', 'BLACK'], ['posn', 'upper left']] + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + # by using self._expr.parse and deleting the contents of the returned ParseResults list + # we keep any named results that were defined in the FollowedBy expression + _, ret = self.expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions=doActions) + del ret[:] + + return loc, ret + + +class PrecededBy(ParseElementEnhance): + """Lookbehind matching of the given parse expression. + ``PrecededBy`` does not advance the parsing position within the + input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression + matches prior to the current position. ``PrecededBy`` always + returns a null token list, but if a results name is defined on the + given expression, it is returned. + + Parameters: + + - expr - expression that must match prior to the current parse + location + - retreat - (default= ``None``) - (int) maximum number of characters + to lookbehind prior to the current parse location + + If the lookbehind expression is a string, :class:`Literal`, + :class:`Keyword`, or a :class:`Word` or :class:`CharsNotIn` + with a specified exact or maximum length, then the retreat + parameter is not required. Otherwise, retreat must be specified to + give a maximum number of characters to look back from + the current parse position for a lookbehind match. + + Example:: + + # VB-style variable names with type prefixes + int_var = PrecededBy("#") + pyparsing_common.identifier + str_var = PrecededBy("$") + pyparsing_common.identifier + + """ + + def __init__( + self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], retreat: typing.Optional[int] = None + ): + super().__init__(expr) + self.expr = self.expr().leave_whitespace() + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.exact = False + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + retreat = len(expr) + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, (Literal, Keyword)): + retreat = expr.matchLen + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, (Word, CharsNotIn)) and expr.maxLen != _MAX_INT: + retreat = expr.maxLen + self.exact = True + elif isinstance(expr, PositionToken): + retreat = 0 + self.exact = True + self.retreat = retreat + self.errmsg = "not preceded by " + str(expr) + self.skipWhitespace = False + self.parseAction.append(lambda s, l, t: t.__delitem__(slice(None, None))) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc=0, doActions=True): + if self.exact: + if loc < self.retreat: + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg) + start = loc - self.retreat + _, ret = self.expr._parse(instring, start) + else: + # retreat specified a maximum lookbehind window, iterate + test_expr = self.expr + StringEnd() + instring_slice = instring[max(0, loc - self.retreat) : loc] + last_expr = ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg) + for offset in range(1, min(loc, self.retreat + 1) + 1): + try: + # print('trying', offset, instring_slice, repr(instring_slice[loc - offset:])) + _, ret = test_expr._parse( + instring_slice, len(instring_slice) - offset + ) + except ParseBaseException as pbe: + last_expr = pbe + else: + break + else: + raise last_expr + return loc, ret + + +class Located(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Decorates a returned token with its starting and ending + locations in the input string. + + This helper adds the following results names: + + - ``locn_start`` - location where matched expression begins + - ``locn_end`` - location where matched expression ends + - ``value`` - the actual parsed results + + Be careful if the input text contains ```` characters, you + may want to call :class:`ParserElement.parse_with_tabs` + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + for match in Located(wd).search_string("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): + print(match) + + prints:: + + [0, ['ljsdf'], 5] + [8, ['lksdjjf'], 15] + [18, ['lkkjj'], 23] + + """ + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + start = loc + loc, tokens = self.expr._parse(instring, start, doActions, callPreParse=False) + ret_tokens = ParseResults([start, tokens, loc]) + ret_tokens["locn_start"] = start + ret_tokens["value"] = tokens + ret_tokens["locn_end"] = loc + if self.resultsName: + # must return as a list, so that the name will be attached to the complete group + return loc, [ret_tokens] + else: + return loc, ret_tokens + + +class NotAny(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Lookahead to disallow matching with the given parse expression. + ``NotAny`` does *not* advance the parsing position within the + input string, it only verifies that the specified parse expression + does *not* match at the current position. Also, ``NotAny`` does + *not* skip over leading whitespace. ``NotAny`` always returns + a null token list. May be constructed using the ``'~'`` operator. + + Example:: + + AND, OR, NOT = map(CaselessKeyword, "AND OR NOT".split()) + + # take care not to mistake keywords for identifiers + ident = ~(AND | OR | NOT) + Word(alphas) + boolean_term = Opt(NOT) + ident + + # very crude boolean expression - to support parenthesis groups and + # operation hierarchy, use infix_notation + boolean_expr = boolean_term + ((AND | OR) + boolean_term)[...] + + # integers that are followed by "." are actually floats + integer = Word(nums) + ~Char(".") + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str]): + super().__init__(expr) + # do NOT use self.leave_whitespace(), don't want to propagate to exprs + # self.leave_whitespace() + self.skipWhitespace = False + + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.errmsg = "Found unwanted token, " + str(self.expr) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if self.expr.can_parse_next(instring, loc): + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + return loc, [] + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "~{" + str(self.expr) + "}" + + +class _MultipleMatch(ParseElementEnhance): + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + stop_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + stopOn: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr) + stopOn = stopOn or stop_on + self.saveAsList = True + ender = stopOn + if isinstance(ender, str_type): + ender = self._literalStringClass(ender) + self.stopOn(ender) + + def stopOn(self, ender) -> ParserElement: + if isinstance(ender, str_type): + ender = self._literalStringClass(ender) + self.not_ender = ~ender if ender is not None else None + return self + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse + self_skip_ignorables = self._skipIgnorables + check_ender = self.not_ender is not None + if check_ender: + try_not_ender = self.not_ender.tryParse + + # must be at least one (but first see if we are the stopOn sentinel; + # if so, fail) + if check_ender: + try_not_ender(instring, loc) + loc, tokens = self_expr_parse(instring, loc, doActions) + try: + hasIgnoreExprs = not not self.ignoreExprs + while 1: + if check_ender: + try_not_ender(instring, loc) + if hasIgnoreExprs: + preloc = self_skip_ignorables(instring, loc) + else: + preloc = loc + loc, tmptokens = self_expr_parse(instring, preloc, doActions) + if tmptokens or tmptokens.haskeys(): + tokens += tmptokens + except (ParseException, IndexError): + pass + + return loc, tokens + + def _setResultsName(self, name, listAllMatches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + for e in [self.expr] + self.expr.recurse(): + if ( + isinstance(e, ParserElement) + and e.resultsName + and Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection + not in e.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "collides with {!r} on contained expression".format( + "warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection", + name, + type(self).__name__, + e.resultsName, + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, listAllMatches) + + +class OneOrMore(_MultipleMatch): + """ + Repetition of one or more of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - expr - expression that must match one or more times + - stop_on - (default= ``None``) - expression for a terminating sentinel + (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition + expression) + + Example:: + + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: BLACK" + attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).pprint() # Fail! read 'color' as data instead of next label -> [['shape', 'SQUARE color']] + + # use stop_on attribute for OneOrMore to avoid reading label string as part of the data + attr_expr = Group(label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + OneOrMore(attr_expr).parse_string(text).pprint() # Better -> [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'BLACK']] + + # could also be written as + (attr_expr * (1,)).parse_string(text).pprint() + """ + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "{" + str(self.expr) + "}..." + + +class ZeroOrMore(_MultipleMatch): + """ + Optional repetition of zero or more of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - expression that must match zero or more times + - ``stop_on`` - expression for a terminating sentinel + (only required if the sentinel would ordinarily match the repetition + expression) - (default= ``None``) + + Example: similar to :class:`OneOrMore` + """ + + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + stop_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + stopOn: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr, stopOn=stopOn or stop_on) + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + try: + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + return loc, ParseResults([], name=self.resultsName) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + return "[" + str(self.expr) + "]..." + + +class _NullToken: + def __bool__(self): + return False + + def __str__(self): + return "" + + +class Opt(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Optional matching of the given expression. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - expression that must match zero or more times + - ``default`` (optional) - value to be returned if the optional expression is not found. + + Example:: + + # US postal code can be a 5-digit zip, plus optional 4-digit qualifier + zip = Combine(Word(nums, exact=5) + Opt('-' + Word(nums, exact=4))) + zip.run_tests(''' + # traditional ZIP code + 12345 + + # ZIP+4 form + 12101-0001 + + # invalid ZIP + 98765- + ''') + + prints:: + + # traditional ZIP code + 12345 + ['12345'] + + # ZIP+4 form + 12101-0001 + ['12101-0001'] + + # invalid ZIP + 98765- + ^ + FAIL: Expected end of text (at char 5), (line:1, col:6) + """ + + __optionalNotMatched = _NullToken() + + def __init__( + self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], default: Any = __optionalNotMatched + ): + super().__init__(expr, savelist=False) + self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList + self.defaultValue = default + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self_expr = self.expr + try: + loc, tokens = self_expr._parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + default_value = self.defaultValue + if default_value is not self.__optionalNotMatched: + if self_expr.resultsName: + tokens = ParseResults([default_value]) + tokens[self_expr.resultsName] = default_value + else: + tokens = [default_value] + else: + tokens = [] + return loc, tokens + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + inner = str(self.expr) + # strip off redundant inner {}'s + while len(inner) > 1 and inner[0 :: len(inner) - 1] == "{}": + inner = inner[1:-1] + return "[" + inner + "]" + + +Optional = Opt + + +class SkipTo(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Token for skipping over all undefined text until the matched + expression is found. + + Parameters: + - ``expr`` - target expression marking the end of the data to be skipped + - ``include`` - if ``True``, the target expression is also parsed + (the skipped text and target expression are returned as a 2-element + list) (default= ``False``). + - ``ignore`` - (default= ``None``) used to define grammars (typically quoted strings and + comments) that might contain false matches to the target expression + - ``fail_on`` - (default= ``None``) define expressions that are not allowed to be + included in the skipped test; if found before the target expression is found, + the :class:`SkipTo` is not a match + + Example:: + + report = ''' + Outstanding Issues Report - 1 Jan 2000 + + # | Severity | Description | Days Open + -----+----------+-------------------------------------------+----------- + 101 | Critical | Intermittent system crash | 6 + 94 | Cosmetic | Spelling error on Login ('log|n') | 14 + 79 | Minor | System slow when running too many reports | 47 + ''' + integer = Word(nums) + SEP = Suppress('|') + # use SkipTo to simply match everything up until the next SEP + # - ignore quoted strings, so that a '|' character inside a quoted string does not match + # - parse action will call token.strip() for each matched token, i.e., the description body + string_data = SkipTo(SEP, ignore=quoted_string) + string_data.set_parse_action(token_map(str.strip)) + ticket_expr = (integer("issue_num") + SEP + + string_data("sev") + SEP + + string_data("desc") + SEP + + integer("days_open")) + + for tkt in ticket_expr.search_string(report): + print tkt.dump() + + prints:: + + ['101', 'Critical', 'Intermittent system crash', '6'] + - days_open: '6' + - desc: 'Intermittent system crash' + - issue_num: '101' + - sev: 'Critical' + ['94', 'Cosmetic', "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')", '14'] + - days_open: '14' + - desc: "Spelling error on Login ('log|n')" + - issue_num: '94' + - sev: 'Cosmetic' + ['79', 'Minor', 'System slow when running too many reports', '47'] + - days_open: '47' + - desc: 'System slow when running too many reports' + - issue_num: '79' + - sev: 'Minor' + """ + + def __init__( + self, + other: Union[ParserElement, str], + include: bool = False, + ignore: bool = None, + fail_on: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None, + *, + failOn: Union[ParserElement, str] = None, + ): + super().__init__(other) + failOn = failOn or fail_on + self.ignoreExpr = ignore + self.mayReturnEmpty = True + self.mayIndexError = False + self.includeMatch = include + self.saveAsList = False + if isinstance(failOn, str_type): + self.failOn = self._literalStringClass(failOn) + else: + self.failOn = failOn + self.errmsg = "No match found for " + str(self.expr) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + startloc = loc + instrlen = len(instring) + self_expr_parse = self.expr._parse + self_failOn_canParseNext = ( + self.failOn.canParseNext if self.failOn is not None else None + ) + self_ignoreExpr_tryParse = ( + self.ignoreExpr.tryParse if self.ignoreExpr is not None else None + ) + + tmploc = loc + while tmploc <= instrlen: + if self_failOn_canParseNext is not None: + # break if failOn expression matches + if self_failOn_canParseNext(instring, tmploc): + break + + if self_ignoreExpr_tryParse is not None: + # advance past ignore expressions + while 1: + try: + tmploc = self_ignoreExpr_tryParse(instring, tmploc) + except ParseBaseException: + break + + try: + self_expr_parse(instring, tmploc, doActions=False, callPreParse=False) + except (ParseException, IndexError): + # no match, advance loc in string + tmploc += 1 + else: + # matched skipto expr, done + break + + else: + # ran off the end of the input string without matching skipto expr, fail + raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self) + + # build up return values + loc = tmploc + skiptext = instring[startloc:loc] + skipresult = ParseResults(skiptext) + + if self.includeMatch: + loc, mat = self_expr_parse(instring, loc, doActions, callPreParse=False) + skipresult += mat + + return loc, skipresult + + +class Forward(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Forward declaration of an expression to be defined later - + used for recursive grammars, such as algebraic infix notation. + When the expression is known, it is assigned to the ``Forward`` + variable using the ``'<<'`` operator. + + Note: take care when assigning to ``Forward`` not to overlook + precedence of operators. + + Specifically, ``'|'`` has a lower precedence than ``'<<'``, so that:: + + fwd_expr << a | b | c + + will actually be evaluated as:: + + (fwd_expr << a) | b | c + + thereby leaving b and c out as parseable alternatives. It is recommended that you + explicitly group the values inserted into the ``Forward``:: + + fwd_expr << (a | b | c) + + Converting to use the ``'<<='`` operator instead will avoid this problem. + + See :class:`ParseResults.pprint` for an example of a recursive + parser created using ``Forward``. + """ + + def __init__(self, other: typing.Optional[Union[ParserElement, str]] = None): + self.caller_frame = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] + super().__init__(other, savelist=False) + self.lshift_line = None + + def __lshift__(self, other): + if hasattr(self, "caller_frame"): + del self.caller_frame + if isinstance(other, str_type): + other = self._literalStringClass(other) + self.expr = other + self.mayIndexError = self.expr.mayIndexError + self.mayReturnEmpty = self.expr.mayReturnEmpty + self.set_whitespace_chars( + self.expr.whiteChars, copy_defaults=self.expr.copyDefaultWhiteChars + ) + self.skipWhitespace = self.expr.skipWhitespace + self.saveAsList = self.expr.saveAsList + self.ignoreExprs.extend(self.expr.ignoreExprs) + self.lshift_line = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2] + return self + + def __ilshift__(self, other): + return self << other + + def __or__(self, other): + caller_line = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[-2] + if ( + __diag__.warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator + and caller_line == self.lshift_line + and Diagnostics.warn_on_match_first_with_lshift_operator + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn( + "using '<<' operator with '|' is probably an error, use '<<='", + stacklevel=2, + ) + ret = super().__or__(other) + return ret + + def __del__(self): + # see if we are getting dropped because of '=' reassignment of var instead of '<<=' or '<<' + if ( + self.expr is None + and __diag__.warn_on_assignment_to_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_on_assignment_to_Forward not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + warnings.warn_explicit( + "Forward defined here but no expression attached later using '<<=' or '<<'", + UserWarning, + filename=self.caller_frame.filename, + lineno=self.caller_frame.lineno, + ) + + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + if ( + self.expr is None + and __diag__.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_on_parse_using_empty_Forward + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + # walk stack until parse_string, scan_string, search_string, or transform_string is found + parse_fns = [ + "parse_string", + "scan_string", + "search_string", + "transform_string", + ] + tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=200) + for i, frm in enumerate(reversed(tb), start=1): + if frm.name in parse_fns: + stacklevel = i + 1 + break + else: + stacklevel = 2 + warnings.warn( + "Forward expression was never assigned a value, will not parse any input", + stacklevel=stacklevel, + ) + if not ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled: + return super().parseImpl(instring, loc, doActions) + # ## Bounded Recursion algorithm ## + # Recursion only needs to be processed at ``Forward`` elements, since they are + # the only ones that can actually refer to themselves. The general idea is + # to handle recursion stepwise: We start at no recursion, then recurse once, + # recurse twice, ..., until more recursion offers no benefit (we hit the bound). + # + # The "trick" here is that each ``Forward`` gets evaluated in two contexts + # - to *match* a specific recursion level, and + # - to *search* the bounded recursion level + # and the two run concurrently. The *search* must *match* each recursion level + # to find the best possible match. This is handled by a memo table, which + # provides the previous match to the next level match attempt. + # + # See also "Left Recursion in Parsing Expression Grammars", Medeiros et al. + # + # There is a complication since we not only *parse* but also *transform* via + # actions: We do not want to run the actions too often while expanding. Thus, + # we expand using `doActions=False` and only run `doActions=True` if the next + # recursion level is acceptable. + with ParserElement.recursion_lock: + memo = ParserElement.recursion_memos + try: + # we are parsing at a specific recursion expansion - use it as-is + prev_loc, prev_result = memo[loc, self, doActions] + if isinstance(prev_result, Exception): + raise prev_result + return prev_loc, prev_result.copy() + except KeyError: + act_key = (loc, self, True) + peek_key = (loc, self, False) + # we are searching for the best recursion expansion - keep on improving + # both `doActions` cases must be tracked separately here! + prev_loc, prev_peek = memo[peek_key] = ( + loc - 1, + ParseException( + instring, loc, "Forward recursion without base case", self + ), + ) + if doActions: + memo[act_key] = memo[peek_key] + while True: + try: + new_loc, new_peek = super().parseImpl(instring, loc, False) + except ParseException: + # we failed before getting any match – do not hide the error + if isinstance(prev_peek, Exception): + raise + new_loc, new_peek = prev_loc, prev_peek + # the match did not get better: we are done + if new_loc <= prev_loc: + if doActions: + # replace the match for doActions=False as well, + # in case the action did backtrack + prev_loc, prev_result = memo[peek_key] = memo[act_key] + del memo[peek_key], memo[act_key] + return prev_loc, prev_result.copy() + del memo[peek_key] + return prev_loc, prev_peek.copy() + # the match did get better: see if we can improve further + else: + if doActions: + try: + memo[act_key] = super().parseImpl(instring, loc, True) + except ParseException as e: + memo[peek_key] = memo[act_key] = (new_loc, e) + raise + prev_loc, prev_peek = memo[peek_key] = new_loc, new_peek + + def leave_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + self.skipWhitespace = False + return self + + def ignore_whitespace(self, recursive: bool = True) -> ParserElement: + self.skipWhitespace = True + return self + + def streamline(self) -> ParserElement: + if not self.streamlined: + self.streamlined = True + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.streamline() + return self + + def validate(self, validateTrace=None) -> None: + if validateTrace is None: + validateTrace = [] + + if self not in validateTrace: + tmp = validateTrace[:] + [self] + if self.expr is not None: + self.expr.validate(tmp) + self._checkRecursion([]) + + def _generateDefaultName(self): + # Avoid infinite recursion by setting a temporary _defaultName + self._defaultName = ": ..." + + # Use the string representation of main expression. + retString = "..." + try: + if self.expr is not None: + retString = str(self.expr)[:1000] + else: + retString = "None" + finally: + return self.__class__.__name__ + ": " + retString + + def copy(self) -> ParserElement: + if self.expr is not None: + return super().copy() + else: + ret = Forward() + ret <<= self + return ret + + def _setResultsName(self, name, list_all_matches=False): + if ( + __diag__.warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward + and Diagnostics.warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward + not in self.suppress_warnings_ + ): + if self.expr is None: + warnings.warn( + "{}: setting results name {!r} on {} expression " + "that has no contained expression".format( + "warn_name_set_on_empty_Forward", name, type(self).__name__ + ), + stacklevel=3, + ) + + return super()._setResultsName(name, list_all_matches) + + ignoreWhitespace = ignore_whitespace + leaveWhitespace = leave_whitespace + + +class TokenConverter(ParseElementEnhance): + """ + Abstract subclass of :class:`ParseExpression`, for converting parsed results. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist=False): + super().__init__(expr) # , savelist) + self.saveAsList = False + + +class Combine(TokenConverter): + """Converter to concatenate all matching tokens to a single string. + By default, the matching patterns must also be contiguous in the + input string; this can be disabled by specifying + ``'adjacent=False'`` in the constructor. + + Example:: + + real = Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums) + print(real.parse_string('3.1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] + # will also erroneously match the following + print(real.parse_string('3. 1416')) # -> ['3', '.', '1416'] + + real = Combine(Word(nums) + '.' + Word(nums)) + print(real.parse_string('3.1416')) # -> ['3.1416'] + # no match when there are internal spaces + print(real.parse_string('3. 1416')) # -> Exception: Expected W:(0123...) + """ + + def __init__( + self, + expr: ParserElement, + join_string: str = "", + adjacent: bool = True, + *, + joinString: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ): + super().__init__(expr) + joinString = joinString if joinString is not None else join_string + # suppress whitespace-stripping in contained parse expressions, but re-enable it on the Combine itself + if adjacent: + self.leave_whitespace() + self.adjacent = adjacent + self.skipWhitespace = True + self.joinString = joinString + self.callPreparse = True + + def ignore(self, other) -> ParserElement: + if self.adjacent: + ParserElement.ignore(self, other) + else: + super().ignore(other) + return self + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + retToks = tokenlist.copy() + del retToks[:] + retToks += ParseResults( + ["".join(tokenlist._asStringList(self.joinString))], modal=self.modalResults + ) + + if self.resultsName and retToks.haskeys(): + return [retToks] + else: + return retToks + + +class Group(TokenConverter): + """Converter to return the matched tokens as a list - useful for + returning tokens of :class:`ZeroOrMore` and :class:`OneOrMore` expressions. + + The optional ``aslist`` argument when set to True will return the + parsed tokens as a Python list instead of a pyparsing ParseResults. + + Example:: + + ident = Word(alphas) + num = Word(nums) + term = ident | num + func = ident + Opt(delimited_list(term)) + print(func.parse_string("fn a, b, 100")) + # -> ['fn', 'a', 'b', '100'] + + func = ident + Group(Opt(delimited_list(term))) + print(func.parse_string("fn a, b, 100")) + # -> ['fn', ['a', 'b', '100']] + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, aslist: bool = False): + super().__init__(expr) + self.saveAsList = True + self._asPythonList = aslist + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + if self._asPythonList: + return ParseResults.List( + tokenlist.asList() + if isinstance(tokenlist, ParseResults) + else list(tokenlist) + ) + else: + return [tokenlist] + + +class Dict(TokenConverter): + """Converter to return a repetitive expression as a list, but also + as a dictionary. Each element can also be referenced using the first + token in the expression as its key. Useful for tabular report + scraping when the first column can be used as a item key. + + The optional ``asdict`` argument when set to True will return the + parsed tokens as a Python dict instead of a pyparsing ParseResults. + + Example:: + + data_word = Word(alphas) + label = data_word + FollowedBy(':') + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" + attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + + # print attributes as plain groups + print(attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).dump()) + + # instead of OneOrMore(expr), parse using Dict(Group(expr)[1, ...]) - Dict will auto-assign names + result = Dict(Group(attr_expr)[1, ...]).parse_string(text) + print(result.dump()) + + # access named fields as dict entries, or output as dict + print(result['shape']) + print(result.as_dict()) + + prints:: + + ['shape', 'SQUARE', 'posn', 'upper left', 'color', 'light blue', 'texture', 'burlap'] + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] + - color: 'light blue' + - posn: 'upper left' + - shape: 'SQUARE' + - texture: 'burlap' + SQUARE + {'color': 'light blue', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap', 'shape': 'SQUARE'} + + See more examples at :class:`ParseResults` of accessing fields by results name. + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: ParserElement, asdict: bool = False): + super().__init__(expr) + self.saveAsList = True + self._asPythonDict = asdict + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + for i, tok in enumerate(tokenlist): + if len(tok) == 0: + continue + + ikey = tok[0] + if isinstance(ikey, int): + ikey = str(ikey).strip() + + if len(tok) == 1: + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset("", i) + + elif len(tok) == 2 and not isinstance(tok[1], ParseResults): + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(tok[1], i) + + else: + try: + dictvalue = tok.copy() # ParseResults(i) + except Exception: + exc = TypeError( + "could not extract dict values from parsed results" + " - Dict expression must contain Grouped expressions" + ) + raise exc from None + + del dictvalue[0] + + if len(dictvalue) != 1 or ( + isinstance(dictvalue, ParseResults) and dictvalue.haskeys() + ): + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue, i) + else: + tokenlist[ikey] = _ParseResultsWithOffset(dictvalue[0], i) + + if self._asPythonDict: + return [tokenlist.as_dict()] if self.resultsName else tokenlist.as_dict() + else: + return [tokenlist] if self.resultsName else tokenlist + + +class Suppress(TokenConverter): + """Converter for ignoring the results of a parsed expression. + + Example:: + + source = "a, b, c,d" + wd = Word(alphas) + wd_list1 = wd + (',' + wd)[...] + print(wd_list1.parse_string(source)) + + # often, delimiters that are useful during parsing are just in the + # way afterward - use Suppress to keep them out of the parsed output + wd_list2 = wd + (Suppress(',') + wd)[...] + print(wd_list2.parse_string(source)) + + # Skipped text (using '...') can be suppressed as well + source = "lead in START relevant text END trailing text" + start_marker = Keyword("START") + end_marker = Keyword("END") + find_body = Suppress(...) + start_marker + ... + end_marker + print(find_body.parse_string(source) + + prints:: + + ['a', ',', 'b', ',', 'c', ',', 'd'] + ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] + ['START', 'relevant text ', 'END'] + + (See also :class:`delimited_list`.) + """ + + def __init__(self, expr: Union[ParserElement, str], savelist: bool = False): + if expr is ...: + expr = _PendingSkip(NoMatch()) + super().__init__(expr) + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + if isinstance(self.expr, _PendingSkip): + return Suppress(SkipTo(other)) + other + else: + return super().__add__(other) + + def __sub__(self, other) -> "ParserElement": + if isinstance(self.expr, _PendingSkip): + return Suppress(SkipTo(other)) - other + else: + return super().__sub__(other) + + def postParse(self, instring, loc, tokenlist): + return [] + + def suppress(self) -> ParserElement: + return self + + +def trace_parse_action(f: ParseAction) -> ParseAction: + """Decorator for debugging parse actions. + + When the parse action is called, this decorator will print + ``">> entering method-name(line:, , )"``. + When the parse action completes, the decorator will print + ``"<<"`` followed by the returned value, or any exception that the parse action raised. + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + + @trace_parse_action + def remove_duplicate_chars(tokens): + return ''.join(sorted(set(''.join(tokens)))) + + wds = wd[1, ...].set_parse_action(remove_duplicate_chars) + print(wds.parse_string("slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf")) + + prints:: + + >>entering remove_duplicate_chars(line: 'slkdjs sld sldd sdlf sdljf', 0, (['slkdjs', 'sld', 'sldd', 'sdlf', 'sdljf'], {})) + < 3: + thisFunc = paArgs[0].__class__.__name__ + "." + thisFunc + sys.stderr.write( + ">>entering {}(line: {!r}, {}, {!r})\n".format(thisFunc, line(l, s), l, t) + ) + try: + ret = f(*paArgs) + except Exception as exc: + sys.stderr.write("< str: + r"""Helper to easily define string ranges for use in :class:`Word` + construction. Borrows syntax from regexp ``'[]'`` string range + definitions:: + + srange("[0-9]") -> "0123456789" + srange("[a-z]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + srange("[a-z$_]") -> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz$_" + + The input string must be enclosed in []'s, and the returned string + is the expanded character set joined into a single string. The + values enclosed in the []'s may be: + + - a single character + - an escaped character with a leading backslash (such as ``\-`` + or ``\]``) + - an escaped hex character with a leading ``'\x'`` + (``\x21``, which is a ``'!'`` character) (``\0x##`` + is also supported for backwards compatibility) + - an escaped octal character with a leading ``'\0'`` + (``\041``, which is a ``'!'`` character) + - a range of any of the above, separated by a dash (``'a-z'``, + etc.) + - any combination of the above (``'aeiouy'``, + ``'a-zA-Z0-9_$'``, etc.) + """ + _expanded = ( + lambda p: p + if not isinstance(p, ParseResults) + else "".join(chr(c) for c in range(ord(p[0]), ord(p[1]) + 1)) + ) + try: + return "".join(_expanded(part) for part in _reBracketExpr.parse_string(s).body) + except Exception: + return "" + + +def token_map(func, *args) -> ParseAction: + """Helper to define a parse action by mapping a function to all + elements of a :class:`ParseResults` list. If any additional args are passed, + they are forwarded to the given function as additional arguments + after the token, as in + ``hex_integer = Word(hexnums).set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16))``, + which will convert the parsed data to an integer using base 16. + + Example (compare the last to example in :class:`ParserElement.transform_string`:: + + hex_ints = Word(hexnums)[1, ...].set_parse_action(token_map(int, 16)) + hex_ints.run_tests(''' + 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a + ''') + + upperword = Word(alphas).set_parse_action(token_map(str.upper)) + upperword[1, ...].run_tests(''' + my kingdom for a horse + ''') + + wd = Word(alphas).set_parse_action(token_map(str.title)) + wd[1, ...].set_parse_action(' '.join).run_tests(''' + now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york + ''') + + prints:: + + 00 11 22 aa FF 0a 0d 1a + [0, 17, 34, 170, 255, 10, 13, 26] + + my kingdom for a horse + ['MY', 'KINGDOM', 'FOR', 'A', 'HORSE'] + + now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of york + ['Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent Made Glorious Summer By This Sun Of York'] + """ + + def pa(s, l, t): + return [func(tokn, *args) for tokn in t] + + func_name = getattr(func, "__name__", getattr(func, "__class__").__name__) + pa.__name__ = func_name + + return pa + + +def autoname_elements() -> None: + """ + Utility to simplify mass-naming of parser elements, for + generating railroad diagram with named subdiagrams. + """ + for name, var in sys._getframe().f_back.f_locals.items(): + if isinstance(var, ParserElement) and not var.customName: + var.set_name(name) + + +dbl_quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*') + '"' +).set_name("string enclosed in double quotes") + +sgl_quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*") + "'" +).set_name("string enclosed in single quotes") + +quoted_string = Combine( + Regex(r'"(?:[^"\n\r\\]|(?:"")|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*') + '"' + | Regex(r"'(?:[^'\n\r\\]|(?:'')|(?:\\(?:[^x]|x[0-9a-fA-F]+)))*") + "'" +).set_name("quotedString using single or double quotes") + +unicode_string = Combine("u" + quoted_string.copy()).set_name("unicode string literal") + + +alphas8bit = srange(r"[\0xc0-\0xd6\0xd8-\0xf6\0xf8-\0xff]") +punc8bit = srange(r"[\0xa1-\0xbf\0xd7\0xf7]") + +# build list of built-in expressions, for future reference if a global default value +# gets updated +_builtin_exprs: List[ParserElement] = [ + v for v in vars().values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] + +# backward compatibility names +tokenMap = token_map +conditionAsParseAction = condition_as_parse_action +nullDebugAction = null_debug_action +sglQuotedString = sgl_quoted_string +dblQuotedString = dbl_quoted_string +quotedString = quoted_string +unicodeString = unicode_string +lineStart = line_start +lineEnd = line_end +stringStart = string_start +stringEnd = string_end +traceParseAction = trace_parse_action diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8986447 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ +import railroad +import pyparsing +import typing +from typing import ( + List, + NamedTuple, + Generic, + TypeVar, + Dict, + Callable, + Set, + Iterable, +) +from jinja2 import Template +from io import StringIO +import inspect + + +jinja2_template_source = """\ + + + + {% if not head %} + + {% else %} + {{ head | safe }} + {% endif %} + + +{{ body | safe }} +{% for diagram in diagrams %} +

{{ diagram.title }}

{{ diagram.text }}
+ {{ diagram.svg }} +
+{% endfor %} + + +""" + +template = Template(jinja2_template_source) + +# Note: ideally this would be a dataclass, but we're supporting Python 3.5+ so we can't do this yet +NamedDiagram = NamedTuple( + "NamedDiagram", + [("name", str), ("diagram", typing.Optional[railroad.DiagramItem]), ("index", int)], +) +""" +A simple structure for associating a name with a railroad diagram +""" + +T = TypeVar("T") + + +class EachItem(railroad.Group): + """ + Custom railroad item to compose a: + - Group containing a + - OneOrMore containing a + - Choice of the elements in the Each + with the group label indicating that all must be matched + """ + + all_label = "[ALL]" + + def __init__(self, *items): + choice_item = railroad.Choice(len(items) - 1, *items) + one_or_more_item = railroad.OneOrMore(item=choice_item) + super().__init__(one_or_more_item, label=self.all_label) + + +class AnnotatedItem(railroad.Group): + """ + Simple subclass of Group that creates an annotation label + """ + + def __init__(self, label: str, item): + super().__init__(item=item, label="[{}]".format(label) if label else label) + + +class EditablePartial(Generic[T]): + """ + Acts like a functools.partial, but can be edited. In other words, it represents a type that hasn't yet been + constructed. + """ + + # We need this here because the railroad constructors actually transform the data, so can't be called until the + # entire tree is assembled + + def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., T], args: list, kwargs: dict): + self.func = func + self.args = args + self.kwargs = kwargs + + @classmethod + def from_call(cls, func: Callable[..., T], *args, **kwargs) -> "EditablePartial[T]": + """ + If you call this function in the same way that you would call the constructor, it will store the arguments + as you expect. For example EditablePartial.from_call(Fraction, 1, 3)() == Fraction(1, 3) + """ + return EditablePartial(func=func, args=list(args), kwargs=kwargs) + + @property + def name(self): + return self.kwargs["name"] + + def __call__(self) -> T: + """ + Evaluate the partial and return the result + """ + args = self.args.copy() + kwargs = self.kwargs.copy() + + # This is a helpful hack to allow you to specify varargs parameters (e.g. *args) as keyword args (e.g. + # args=['list', 'of', 'things']) + arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(self.func) + if arg_spec.varargs in self.kwargs: + args += kwargs.pop(arg_spec.varargs) + + return self.func(*args, **kwargs) + + +def railroad_to_html(diagrams: List[NamedDiagram], **kwargs) -> str: + """ + Given a list of NamedDiagram, produce a single HTML string that visualises those diagrams + :params kwargs: kwargs to be passed in to the template + """ + data = [] + for diagram in diagrams: + if diagram.diagram is None: + continue + io = StringIO() + diagram.diagram.writeSvg(io.write) + title = diagram.name + if diagram.index == 0: + title += " (root)" + data.append({"title": title, "text": "", "svg": io.getvalue()}) + + return template.render(diagrams=data, **kwargs) + + +def resolve_partial(partial: "EditablePartial[T]") -> T: + """ + Recursively resolves a collection of Partials into whatever type they are + """ + if isinstance(partial, EditablePartial): + partial.args = resolve_partial(partial.args) + partial.kwargs = resolve_partial(partial.kwargs) + return partial() + elif isinstance(partial, list): + return [resolve_partial(x) for x in partial] + elif isinstance(partial, dict): + return {key: resolve_partial(x) for key, x in partial.items()} + else: + return partial + + +def to_railroad( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None, + vertical: int = 3, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, +) -> List[NamedDiagram]: + """ + Convert a pyparsing element tree into a list of diagrams. This is the recommended entrypoint to diagram + creation if you want to access the Railroad tree before it is converted to HTML + :param element: base element of the parser being diagrammed + :param diagram_kwargs: kwargs to pass to the Diagram() constructor + :param vertical: (optional) - int - limit at which number of alternatives should be + shown vertically instead of horizontally + :param show_results_names - bool to indicate whether results name annotations should be + included in the diagram + :param show_groups - bool to indicate whether groups should be highlighted with an unlabeled + surrounding box + """ + # Convert the whole tree underneath the root + lookup = ConverterState(diagram_kwargs=diagram_kwargs or {}) + _to_diagram_element( + element, + lookup=lookup, + parent=None, + vertical=vertical, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + root_id = id(element) + # Convert the root if it hasn't been already + if root_id in lookup: + if not element.customName: + lookup[root_id].name = "" + lookup[root_id].mark_for_extraction(root_id, lookup, force=True) + + # Now that we're finished, we can convert from intermediate structures into Railroad elements + diags = list(lookup.diagrams.values()) + if len(diags) > 1: + # collapse out duplicate diags with the same name + seen = set() + deduped_diags = [] + for d in diags: + # don't extract SkipTo elements, they are uninformative as subdiagrams + if d.name == "...": + continue + if d.name is not None and d.name not in seen: + seen.add(d.name) + deduped_diags.append(d) + resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in deduped_diags] + else: + # special case - if just one diagram, always display it, even if + # it has no name + resolved = [resolve_partial(partial) for partial in diags] + return sorted(resolved, key=lambda diag: diag.index) + + +def _should_vertical( + specification: int, exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement] +) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if we should return a vertical list of elements + """ + if specification is None: + return False + else: + return len(_visible_exprs(exprs)) >= specification + + +class ElementState: + """ + State recorded for an individual pyparsing Element + """ + + # Note: this should be a dataclass, but we have to support Python 3.5 + def __init__( + self, + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + converted: EditablePartial, + parent: EditablePartial, + number: int, + name: str = None, + parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = None, + ): + #: The pyparsing element that this represents + self.element: pyparsing.ParserElement = element + #: The name of the element + self.name: typing.Optional[str] = name + #: The output Railroad element in an unconverted state + self.converted: EditablePartial = converted + #: The parent Railroad element, which we store so that we can extract this if it's duplicated + self.parent: EditablePartial = parent + #: The order in which we found this element, used for sorting diagrams if this is extracted into a diagram + self.number: int = number + #: The index of this inside its parent + self.parent_index: typing.Optional[int] = parent_index + #: If true, we should extract this out into a subdiagram + self.extract: bool = False + #: If true, all of this element's children have been filled out + self.complete: bool = False + + def mark_for_extraction( + self, el_id: int, state: "ConverterState", name: str = None, force: bool = False + ): + """ + Called when this instance has been seen twice, and thus should eventually be extracted into a sub-diagram + :param el_id: id of the element + :param state: element/diagram state tracker + :param name: name to use for this element's text + :param force: If true, force extraction now, regardless of the state of this. Only useful for extracting the + root element when we know we're finished + """ + self.extract = True + + # Set the name + if not self.name: + if name: + # Allow forcing a custom name + self.name = name + elif self.element.customName: + self.name = self.element.customName + else: + self.name = "" + + # Just because this is marked for extraction doesn't mean we can do it yet. We may have to wait for children + # to be added + # Also, if this is just a string literal etc, don't bother extracting it + if force or (self.complete and _worth_extracting(self.element)): + state.extract_into_diagram(el_id) + + +class ConverterState: + """ + Stores some state that persists between recursions into the element tree + """ + + def __init__(self, diagram_kwargs: typing.Optional[dict] = None): + #: A dictionary mapping ParserElements to state relating to them + self._element_diagram_states: Dict[int, ElementState] = {} + #: A dictionary mapping ParserElement IDs to subdiagrams generated from them + self.diagrams: Dict[int, EditablePartial[NamedDiagram]] = {} + #: The index of the next unnamed element + self.unnamed_index: int = 1 + #: The index of the next element. This is used for sorting + self.index: int = 0 + #: Shared kwargs that are used to customize the construction of diagrams + self.diagram_kwargs: dict = diagram_kwargs or {} + self.extracted_diagram_names: Set[str] = set() + + def __setitem__(self, key: int, value: ElementState): + self._element_diagram_states[key] = value + + def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> ElementState: + return self._element_diagram_states[key] + + def __delitem__(self, key: int): + del self._element_diagram_states[key] + + def __contains__(self, key: int): + return key in self._element_diagram_states + + def generate_unnamed(self) -> int: + """ + Generate a number used in the name of an otherwise unnamed diagram + """ + self.unnamed_index += 1 + return self.unnamed_index + + def generate_index(self) -> int: + """ + Generate a number used to index a diagram + """ + self.index += 1 + return self.index + + def extract_into_diagram(self, el_id: int): + """ + Used when we encounter the same token twice in the same tree. When this + happens, we replace all instances of that token with a terminal, and + create a new subdiagram for the token + """ + position = self[el_id] + + # Replace the original definition of this element with a regular block + if position.parent: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=position.name) + if "item" in position.parent.kwargs: + position.parent.kwargs["item"] = ret + elif "items" in position.parent.kwargs: + position.parent.kwargs["items"][position.parent_index] = ret + + # If the element we're extracting is a group, skip to its content but keep the title + if position.converted.func == railroad.Group: + content = position.converted.kwargs["item"] + else: + content = position.converted + + self.diagrams[el_id] = EditablePartial.from_call( + NamedDiagram, + name=position.name, + diagram=EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Diagram, content, **self.diagram_kwargs + ), + index=position.number, + ) + + del self[el_id] + + +def _worth_extracting(element: pyparsing.ParserElement) -> bool: + """ + Returns true if this element is worth having its own sub-diagram. Simply, if any of its children + themselves have children, then its complex enough to extract + """ + children = element.recurse() + return any(child.recurse() for child in children) + + +def _apply_diagram_item_enhancements(fn): + """ + decorator to ensure enhancements to a diagram item (such as results name annotations) + get applied on return from _to_diagram_element (we do this since there are several + returns in _to_diagram_element) + """ + + def _inner( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial], + lookup: ConverterState = None, + vertical: int = None, + index: int = 0, + name_hint: str = None, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, + ) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]: + + ret = fn( + element, + parent, + lookup, + vertical, + index, + name_hint, + show_results_names, + show_groups, + ) + + # apply annotation for results name, if present + if show_results_names and ret is not None: + element_results_name = element.resultsName + if element_results_name: + # add "*" to indicate if this is a "list all results" name + element_results_name += "" if element.modalResults else "*" + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Group, item=ret, label=element_results_name + ) + + return ret + + return _inner + + +def _visible_exprs(exprs: Iterable[pyparsing.ParserElement]): + non_diagramming_exprs = ( + pyparsing.ParseElementEnhance, + pyparsing.PositionToken, + pyparsing.And._ErrorStop, + ) + return [ + e + for e in exprs + if not (e.customName or e.resultsName or isinstance(e, non_diagramming_exprs)) + ] + + +@_apply_diagram_item_enhancements +def _to_diagram_element( + element: pyparsing.ParserElement, + parent: typing.Optional[EditablePartial], + lookup: ConverterState = None, + vertical: int = None, + index: int = 0, + name_hint: str = None, + show_results_names: bool = False, + show_groups: bool = False, +) -> typing.Optional[EditablePartial]: + """ + Recursively converts a PyParsing Element to a railroad Element + :param lookup: The shared converter state that keeps track of useful things + :param index: The index of this element within the parent + :param parent: The parent of this element in the output tree + :param vertical: Controls at what point we make a list of elements vertical. If this is an integer (the default), + it sets the threshold of the number of items before we go vertical. If True, always go vertical, if False, never + do so + :param name_hint: If provided, this will override the generated name + :param show_results_names: bool flag indicating whether to add annotations for results names + :returns: The converted version of the input element, but as a Partial that hasn't yet been constructed + :param show_groups: bool flag indicating whether to show groups using bounding box + """ + exprs = element.recurse() + name = name_hint or element.customName or element.__class__.__name__ + + # Python's id() is used to provide a unique identifier for elements + el_id = id(element) + + element_results_name = element.resultsName + + # Here we basically bypass processing certain wrapper elements if they contribute nothing to the diagram + if not element.customName: + if isinstance( + element, + ( + # pyparsing.TokenConverter, + # pyparsing.Forward, + pyparsing.Located, + ), + ): + # However, if this element has a useful custom name, and its child does not, we can pass it on to the child + if exprs: + if not exprs[0].customName: + propagated_name = name + else: + propagated_name = None + + return _to_diagram_element( + element.expr, + parent=parent, + lookup=lookup, + vertical=vertical, + index=index, + name_hint=propagated_name, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + # If the element isn't worth extracting, we always treat it as the first time we say it + if _worth_extracting(element): + if el_id in lookup: + # If we've seen this element exactly once before, we are only just now finding out that it's a duplicate, + # so we have to extract it into a new diagram. + looked_up = lookup[el_id] + looked_up.mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, name=name_hint) + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.NonTerminal, text=looked_up.name) + return ret + + elif el_id in lookup.diagrams: + # If we have seen the element at least twice before, and have already extracted it into a subdiagram, we + # just put in a marker element that refers to the sub-diagram + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"] + ) + return ret + + # Recursively convert child elements + # Here we find the most relevant Railroad element for matching pyparsing Element + # We use ``items=[]`` here to hold the place for where the child elements will go once created + if isinstance(element, pyparsing.And): + # detect And's created with ``expr*N`` notation - for these use a OneOrMore with a repeat + # (all will have the same name, and resultsName) + if not exprs: + return None + if len(set((e.name, e.resultsName) for e in exprs)) == 1: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.OneOrMore, item="", repeat=str(len(exprs)) + ) + elif _should_vertical(vertical, exprs): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Stack, items=[]) + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, (pyparsing.Or, pyparsing.MatchFirst)): + if not exprs: + return None + if _should_vertical(vertical, exprs): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Choice, 0, items=[]) + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.HorizontalChoice, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Each): + if not exprs: + return None + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(EachItem, items=[]) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.NotAny): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="NOT", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.FollowedBy): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKAHEAD", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.PrecededBy): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="LOOKBEHIND", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group): + if show_groups: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(AnnotatedItem, label="", item="") + else: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, label="", item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.TokenConverter): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + AnnotatedItem, label=type(element).__name__.lower(), item="" + ) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Opt): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Optional, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.OneOrMore): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.OneOrMore, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.ZeroOrMore): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.ZeroOrMore, item="") + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Group): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.Group, item=None, label=element_results_name + ) + elif isinstance(element, pyparsing.Empty) and not element.customName: + # Skip unnamed "Empty" elements + ret = None + elif len(exprs) > 1: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Sequence, items=[]) + elif len(exprs) > 0 and not element_results_name: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Group, item="", label=name) + else: + terminal = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, element.defaultName) + ret = terminal + + if ret is None: + return + + # Indicate this element's position in the tree so we can extract it if necessary + lookup[el_id] = ElementState( + element=element, + converted=ret, + parent=parent, + parent_index=index, + number=lookup.generate_index(), + ) + if element.customName: + lookup[el_id].mark_for_extraction(el_id, lookup, element.customName) + + i = 0 + for expr in exprs: + # Add a placeholder index in case we have to extract the child before we even add it to the parent + if "items" in ret.kwargs: + ret.kwargs["items"].insert(i, None) + + item = _to_diagram_element( + expr, + parent=ret, + lookup=lookup, + vertical=vertical, + index=i, + show_results_names=show_results_names, + show_groups=show_groups, + ) + + # Some elements don't need to be shown in the diagram + if item is not None: + if "item" in ret.kwargs: + ret.kwargs["item"] = item + elif "items" in ret.kwargs: + # If we've already extracted the child, don't touch this index, since it's occupied by a nonterminal + ret.kwargs["items"][i] = item + i += 1 + elif "items" in ret.kwargs: + # If we're supposed to skip this element, remove it from the parent + del ret.kwargs["items"][i] + + # If all this items children are none, skip this item + if ret and ( + ("items" in ret.kwargs and len(ret.kwargs["items"]) == 0) + or ("item" in ret.kwargs and ret.kwargs["item"] is None) + ): + ret = EditablePartial.from_call(railroad.Terminal, name) + + # Mark this element as "complete", ie it has all of its children + if el_id in lookup: + lookup[el_id].complete = True + + if el_id in lookup and lookup[el_id].extract and lookup[el_id].complete: + lookup.extract_into_diagram(el_id) + if ret is not None: + ret = EditablePartial.from_call( + railroad.NonTerminal, text=lookup.diagrams[el_id].kwargs["name"] + ) + + return ret diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cccbdad Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/diagram/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a38447b --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/exceptions.py @@ -0,0 +1,267 @@ +# exceptions.py + +import re +import sys +import typing + +from .util import col, line, lineno, _collapse_string_to_ranges +from .unicode import pyparsing_unicode as ppu + + +class ExceptionWordUnicode(ppu.Latin1, ppu.LatinA, ppu.LatinB, ppu.Greek, ppu.Cyrillic): + pass + + +_extract_alphanums = _collapse_string_to_ranges(ExceptionWordUnicode.alphanums) +_exception_word_extractor = re.compile("([" + _extract_alphanums + "]{1,16})|.") + + +class ParseBaseException(Exception): + """base exception class for all parsing runtime exceptions""" + + # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this + # constructor as small and fast as possible + def __init__( + self, + pstr: str, + loc: int = 0, + msg: typing.Optional[str] = None, + elem=None, + ): + self.loc = loc + if msg is None: + self.msg = pstr + self.pstr = "" + else: + self.msg = msg + self.pstr = pstr + self.parser_element = self.parserElement = elem + self.args = (pstr, loc, msg) + + @staticmethod + def explain_exception(exc, depth=16): + """ + Method to take an exception and translate the Python internal traceback into a list + of the pyparsing expressions that caused the exception to be raised. + + Parameters: + + - exc - exception raised during parsing (need not be a ParseException, in support + of Python exceptions that might be raised in a parse action) + - depth (default=16) - number of levels back in the stack trace to list expression + and function names; if None, the full stack trace names will be listed; if 0, only + the failing input line, marker, and exception string will be shown + + Returns a multi-line string listing the ParserElements and/or function names in the + exception's stack trace. + """ + import inspect + from .core import ParserElement + + if depth is None: + depth = sys.getrecursionlimit() + ret = [] + if isinstance(exc, ParseBaseException): + ret.append(exc.line) + ret.append(" " * (exc.column - 1) + "^") + ret.append("{}: {}".format(type(exc).__name__, exc)) + + if depth > 0: + callers = inspect.getinnerframes(exc.__traceback__, context=depth) + seen = set() + for i, ff in enumerate(callers[-depth:]): + frm = ff[0] + + f_self = frm.f_locals.get("self", None) + if isinstance(f_self, ParserElement): + if frm.f_code.co_name not in ("parseImpl", "_parseNoCache"): + continue + if id(f_self) in seen: + continue + seen.add(id(f_self)) + + self_type = type(f_self) + ret.append( + "{}.{} - {}".format( + self_type.__module__, self_type.__name__, f_self + ) + ) + + elif f_self is not None: + self_type = type(f_self) + ret.append("{}.{}".format(self_type.__module__, self_type.__name__)) + + else: + code = frm.f_code + if code.co_name in ("wrapper", ""): + continue + + ret.append("{}".format(code.co_name)) + + depth -= 1 + if not depth: + break + + return "\n".join(ret) + + @classmethod + def _from_exception(cls, pe): + """ + internal factory method to simplify creating one type of ParseException + from another - avoids having __init__ signature conflicts among subclasses + """ + return cls(pe.pstr, pe.loc, pe.msg, pe.parserElement) + + @property + def line(self) -> str: + """ + Return the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return line(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def lineno(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based line number of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return lineno(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def col(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based column on the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return col(self.loc, self.pstr) + + @property + def column(self) -> int: + """ + Return the 1-based column on the line of text where the exception occurred. + """ + return col(self.loc, self.pstr) + + def __str__(self) -> str: + if self.pstr: + if self.loc >= len(self.pstr): + foundstr = ", found end of text" + else: + # pull out next word at error location + found_match = _exception_word_extractor.match(self.pstr, self.loc) + if found_match is not None: + found = found_match.group(0) + else: + found = self.pstr[self.loc : self.loc + 1] + foundstr = (", found %r" % found).replace(r"\\", "\\") + else: + foundstr = "" + return "{}{} (at char {}), (line:{}, col:{})".format( + self.msg, foundstr, self.loc, self.lineno, self.column + ) + + def __repr__(self): + return str(self) + + def mark_input_line(self, marker_string: str = None, *, markerString=">!<") -> str: + """ + Extracts the exception line from the input string, and marks + the location of the exception with a special symbol. + """ + markerString = marker_string if marker_string is not None else markerString + line_str = self.line + line_column = self.column - 1 + if markerString: + line_str = "".join( + (line_str[:line_column], markerString, line_str[line_column:]) + ) + return line_str.strip() + + def explain(self, depth=16) -> str: + """ + Method to translate the Python internal traceback into a list + of the pyparsing expressions that caused the exception to be raised. + + Parameters: + + - depth (default=16) - number of levels back in the stack trace to list expression + and function names; if None, the full stack trace names will be listed; if 0, only + the failing input line, marker, and exception string will be shown + + Returns a multi-line string listing the ParserElements and/or function names in the + exception's stack trace. + + Example:: + + expr = pp.Word(pp.nums) * 3 + try: + expr.parse_string("123 456 A789") + except pp.ParseException as pe: + print(pe.explain(depth=0)) + + prints:: + + 123 456 A789 + ^ + ParseException: Expected W:(0-9), found 'A' (at char 8), (line:1, col:9) + + Note: the diagnostic output will include string representations of the expressions + that failed to parse. These representations will be more helpful if you use `set_name` to + give identifiable names to your expressions. Otherwise they will use the default string + forms, which may be cryptic to read. + + Note: pyparsing's default truncation of exception tracebacks may also truncate the + stack of expressions that are displayed in the ``explain`` output. To get the full listing + of parser expressions, you may have to set ``ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace = True`` + """ + return self.explain_exception(self, depth) + + markInputline = mark_input_line + + +class ParseException(ParseBaseException): + """ + Exception thrown when a parse expression doesn't match the input string + + Example:: + + try: + Word(nums).set_name("integer").parse_string("ABC") + except ParseException as pe: + print(pe) + print("column: {}".format(pe.column)) + + prints:: + + Expected integer (at char 0), (line:1, col:1) + column: 1 + + """ + + +class ParseFatalException(ParseBaseException): + """ + User-throwable exception thrown when inconsistent parse content + is found; stops all parsing immediately + """ + + +class ParseSyntaxException(ParseFatalException): + """ + Just like :class:`ParseFatalException`, but thrown internally + when an :class:`ErrorStop` ('-' operator) indicates + that parsing is to stop immediately because an unbacktrackable + syntax error has been found. + """ + + +class RecursiveGrammarException(Exception): + """ + Exception thrown by :class:`ParserElement.validate` if the + grammar could be left-recursive; parser may need to enable + left recursion using :class:`ParserElement.enable_left_recursion` + """ + + def __init__(self, parseElementList): + self.parseElementTrace = parseElementList + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return "RecursiveGrammarException: {}".format(self.parseElementTrace) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9588b3b --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/helpers.py @@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@ +# helpers.py +import html.entities +import re +import typing + +from . import __diag__ +from .core import * +from .util import _bslash, _flatten, _escape_regex_range_chars + + +# +# global helpers +# +def delimited_list( + expr: Union[str, ParserElement], + delim: Union[str, ParserElement] = ",", + combine: bool = False, + min: typing.Optional[int] = None, + max: typing.Optional[int] = None, + *, + allow_trailing_delim: bool = False, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define a delimited list of expressions - the delimiter + defaults to ','. By default, the list elements and delimiters can + have intervening whitespace, and comments, but this can be + overridden by passing ``combine=True`` in the constructor. If + ``combine`` is set to ``True``, the matching tokens are + returned as a single token string, with the delimiters included; + otherwise, the matching tokens are returned as a list of tokens, + with the delimiters suppressed. + + If ``allow_trailing_delim`` is set to True, then the list may end with + a delimiter. + + Example:: + + delimited_list(Word(alphas)).parse_string("aa,bb,cc") # -> ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] + delimited_list(Word(hexnums), delim=':', combine=True).parse_string("AA:BB:CC:DD:EE") # -> ['AA:BB:CC:DD:EE'] + """ + if isinstance(expr, str_type): + expr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(expr) + + dlName = "{expr} [{delim} {expr}]...{end}".format( + expr=str(expr.copy().streamline()), + delim=str(delim), + end=" [{}]".format(str(delim)) if allow_trailing_delim else "", + ) + + if not combine: + delim = Suppress(delim) + + if min is not None: + if min < 1: + raise ValueError("min must be greater than 0") + min -= 1 + if max is not None: + if min is not None and max <= min: + raise ValueError("max must be greater than, or equal to min") + max -= 1 + delimited_list_expr = expr + (delim + expr)[min, max] + + if allow_trailing_delim: + delimited_list_expr += Opt(delim) + + if combine: + return Combine(delimited_list_expr).set_name(dlName) + else: + return delimited_list_expr.set_name(dlName) + + +def counted_array( + expr: ParserElement, + int_expr: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, + *, + intExpr: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define a counted list of expressions. + + This helper defines a pattern of the form:: + + integer expr expr expr... + + where the leading integer tells how many expr expressions follow. + The matched tokens returns the array of expr tokens as a list - the + leading count token is suppressed. + + If ``int_expr`` is specified, it should be a pyparsing expression + that produces an integer value. + + Example:: + + counted_array(Word(alphas)).parse_string('2 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] + + # in this parser, the leading integer value is given in binary, + # '10' indicating that 2 values are in the array + binary_constant = Word('01').set_parse_action(lambda t: int(t[0], 2)) + counted_array(Word(alphas), int_expr=binary_constant).parse_string('10 ab cd ef') # -> ['ab', 'cd'] + + # if other fields must be parsed after the count but before the + # list items, give the fields results names and they will + # be preserved in the returned ParseResults: + count_with_metadata = integer + Word(alphas)("type") + typed_array = counted_array(Word(alphanums), int_expr=count_with_metadata)("items") + result = typed_array.parse_string("3 bool True True False") + print(result.dump()) + + # prints + # ['True', 'True', 'False'] + # - items: ['True', 'True', 'False'] + # - type: 'bool' + """ + intExpr = intExpr or int_expr + array_expr = Forward() + + def count_field_parse_action(s, l, t): + nonlocal array_expr + n = t[0] + array_expr <<= (expr * n) if n else Empty() + # clear list contents, but keep any named results + del t[:] + + if intExpr is None: + intExpr = Word(nums).set_parse_action(lambda t: int(t[0])) + else: + intExpr = intExpr.copy() + intExpr.set_name("arrayLen") + intExpr.add_parse_action(count_field_parse_action, call_during_try=True) + return (intExpr + array_expr).set_name("(len) " + str(expr) + "...") + + +def match_previous_literal(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from + the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for + a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: + + first = Word(nums) + second = match_previous_literal(first) + match_expr = first + ":" + second + + will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this + matches a previous literal, will also match the leading + ``"1:1"`` in ``"1:10"``. If this is not desired, use + :class:`match_previous_expr`. Do *not* use with packrat parsing + enabled. + """ + rep = Forward() + + def copy_token_to_repeater(s, l, t): + if t: + if len(t) == 1: + rep << t[0] + else: + # flatten t tokens + tflat = _flatten(t.as_list()) + rep << And(Literal(tt) for tt in tflat) + else: + rep << Empty() + + expr.add_parse_action(copy_token_to_repeater, callDuringTry=True) + rep.set_name("(prev) " + str(expr)) + return rep + + +def match_previous_expr(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to define an expression that is indirectly defined from + the tokens matched in a previous expression, that is, it looks for + a 'repeat' of a previous expression. For example:: + + first = Word(nums) + second = match_previous_expr(first) + match_expr = first + ":" + second + + will match ``"1:1"``, but not ``"1:2"``. Because this + matches by expressions, will *not* match the leading ``"1:1"`` + in ``"1:10"``; the expressions are evaluated first, and then + compared, so ``"1"`` is compared with ``"10"``. Do *not* use + with packrat parsing enabled. + """ + rep = Forward() + e2 = expr.copy() + rep <<= e2 + + def copy_token_to_repeater(s, l, t): + matchTokens = _flatten(t.as_list()) + + def must_match_these_tokens(s, l, t): + theseTokens = _flatten(t.as_list()) + if theseTokens != matchTokens: + raise ParseException( + s, l, "Expected {}, found{}".format(matchTokens, theseTokens) + ) + + rep.set_parse_action(must_match_these_tokens, callDuringTry=True) + + expr.add_parse_action(copy_token_to_repeater, callDuringTry=True) + rep.set_name("(prev) " + str(expr)) + return rep + + +def one_of( + strs: Union[typing.Iterable[str], str], + caseless: bool = False, + use_regex: bool = True, + as_keyword: bool = False, + *, + useRegex: bool = True, + asKeyword: bool = False, +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to quickly define a set of alternative :class:`Literal` s, + and makes sure to do longest-first testing when there is a conflict, + regardless of the input order, but returns + a :class:`MatchFirst` for best performance. + + Parameters: + + - ``strs`` - a string of space-delimited literals, or a collection of + string literals + - ``caseless`` - treat all literals as caseless - (default= ``False``) + - ``use_regex`` - as an optimization, will + generate a :class:`Regex` object; otherwise, will generate + a :class:`MatchFirst` object (if ``caseless=True`` or ``asKeyword=True``, or if + creating a :class:`Regex` raises an exception) - (default= ``True``) + - ``as_keyword`` - enforce :class:`Keyword`-style matching on the + generated expressions - (default= ``False``) + - ``asKeyword`` and ``useRegex`` are retained for pre-PEP8 compatibility, + but will be removed in a future release + + Example:: + + comp_oper = one_of("< = > <= >= !=") + var = Word(alphas) + number = Word(nums) + term = var | number + comparison_expr = term + comp_oper + term + print(comparison_expr.search_string("B = 12 AA=23 B<=AA AA>12")) + + prints:: + + [['B', '=', '12'], ['AA', '=', '23'], ['B', '<=', 'AA'], ['AA', '>', '12']] + """ + asKeyword = asKeyword or as_keyword + useRegex = useRegex and use_regex + + if ( + isinstance(caseless, str_type) + and __diag__.warn_on_multiple_string_args_to_oneof + ): + warnings.warn( + "More than one string argument passed to one_of, pass" + " choices as a list or space-delimited string", + stacklevel=2, + ) + + if caseless: + isequal = lambda a, b: a.upper() == b.upper() + masks = lambda a, b: b.upper().startswith(a.upper()) + parseElementClass = CaselessKeyword if asKeyword else CaselessLiteral + else: + isequal = lambda a, b: a == b + masks = lambda a, b: b.startswith(a) + parseElementClass = Keyword if asKeyword else Literal + + symbols: List[str] = [] + if isinstance(strs, str_type): + symbols = strs.split() + elif isinstance(strs, Iterable): + symbols = list(strs) + else: + raise TypeError("Invalid argument to one_of, expected string or iterable") + if not symbols: + return NoMatch() + + # reorder given symbols to take care to avoid masking longer choices with shorter ones + # (but only if the given symbols are not just single characters) + if any(len(sym) > 1 for sym in symbols): + i = 0 + while i < len(symbols) - 1: + cur = symbols[i] + for j, other in enumerate(symbols[i + 1 :]): + if isequal(other, cur): + del symbols[i + j + 1] + break + elif masks(cur, other): + del symbols[i + j + 1] + symbols.insert(i, other) + break + else: + i += 1 + + if useRegex: + re_flags: int = re.IGNORECASE if caseless else 0 + + try: + if all(len(sym) == 1 for sym in symbols): + # symbols are just single characters, create range regex pattern + patt = "[{}]".format( + "".join(_escape_regex_range_chars(sym) for sym in symbols) + ) + else: + patt = "|".join(re.escape(sym) for sym in symbols) + + # wrap with \b word break markers if defining as keywords + if asKeyword: + patt = r"\b(?:{})\b".format(patt) + + ret = Regex(patt, flags=re_flags).set_name(" | ".join(symbols)) + + if caseless: + # add parse action to return symbols as specified, not in random + # casing as found in input string + symbol_map = {sym.lower(): sym for sym in symbols} + ret.add_parse_action(lambda s, l, t: symbol_map[t[0].lower()]) + + return ret + + except re.error: + warnings.warn( + "Exception creating Regex for one_of, building MatchFirst", stacklevel=2 + ) + + # last resort, just use MatchFirst + return MatchFirst(parseElementClass(sym) for sym in symbols).set_name( + " | ".join(symbols) + ) + + +def dict_of(key: ParserElement, value: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to easily and clearly define a dictionary by specifying + the respective patterns for the key and value. Takes care of + defining the :class:`Dict`, :class:`ZeroOrMore`, and + :class:`Group` tokens in the proper order. The key pattern + can include delimiting markers or punctuation, as long as they are + suppressed, thereby leaving the significant key text. The value + pattern can include named results, so that the :class:`Dict` results + can include named token fields. + + Example:: + + text = "shape: SQUARE posn: upper left color: light blue texture: burlap" + attr_expr = (label + Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join)) + print(attr_expr[1, ...].parse_string(text).dump()) + + attr_label = label + attr_value = Suppress(':') + OneOrMore(data_word, stop_on=label).set_parse_action(' '.join) + + # similar to Dict, but simpler call format + result = dict_of(attr_label, attr_value).parse_string(text) + print(result.dump()) + print(result['shape']) + print(result.shape) # object attribute access works too + print(result.as_dict()) + + prints:: + + [['shape', 'SQUARE'], ['posn', 'upper left'], ['color', 'light blue'], ['texture', 'burlap']] + - color: 'light blue' + - posn: 'upper left' + - shape: 'SQUARE' + - texture: 'burlap' + SQUARE + SQUARE + {'color': 'light blue', 'shape': 'SQUARE', 'posn': 'upper left', 'texture': 'burlap'} + """ + return Dict(OneOrMore(Group(key + value))) + + +def original_text_for( + expr: ParserElement, as_string: bool = True, *, asString: bool = True +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to return the original, untokenized text for a given + expression. Useful to restore the parsed fields of an HTML start + tag into the raw tag text itself, or to revert separate tokens with + intervening whitespace back to the original matching input text. By + default, returns astring containing the original parsed text. + + If the optional ``as_string`` argument is passed as + ``False``, then the return value is + a :class:`ParseResults` containing any results names that + were originally matched, and a single token containing the original + matched text from the input string. So if the expression passed to + :class:`original_text_for` contains expressions with defined + results names, you must set ``as_string`` to ``False`` if you + want to preserve those results name values. + + The ``asString`` pre-PEP8 argument is retained for compatibility, + but will be removed in a future release. + + Example:: + + src = "this is test bold text normal text " + for tag in ("b", "i"): + opener, closer = make_html_tags(tag) + patt = original_text_for(opener + SkipTo(closer) + closer) + print(patt.search_string(src)[0]) + + prints:: + + [' bold text '] + ['text'] + """ + asString = asString and as_string + + locMarker = Empty().set_parse_action(lambda s, loc, t: loc) + endlocMarker = locMarker.copy() + endlocMarker.callPreparse = False + matchExpr = locMarker("_original_start") + expr + endlocMarker("_original_end") + if asString: + extractText = lambda s, l, t: s[t._original_start : t._original_end] + else: + + def extractText(s, l, t): + t[:] = [s[t.pop("_original_start") : t.pop("_original_end")]] + + matchExpr.set_parse_action(extractText) + matchExpr.ignoreExprs = expr.ignoreExprs + matchExpr.suppress_warning(Diagnostics.warn_ungrouped_named_tokens_in_collection) + return matchExpr + + +def ungroup(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """Helper to undo pyparsing's default grouping of And expressions, + even if all but one are non-empty. + """ + return TokenConverter(expr).add_parse_action(lambda t: t[0]) + + +def locatedExpr(expr: ParserElement) -> ParserElement: + """ + (DEPRECATED - future code should use the Located class) + Helper to decorate a returned token with its starting and ending + locations in the input string. + + This helper adds the following results names: + + - ``locn_start`` - location where matched expression begins + - ``locn_end`` - location where matched expression ends + - ``value`` - the actual parsed results + + Be careful if the input text contains ```` characters, you + may want to call :class:`ParserElement.parseWithTabs` + + Example:: + + wd = Word(alphas) + for match in locatedExpr(wd).searchString("ljsdf123lksdjjf123lkkjj1222"): + print(match) + + prints:: + + [[0, 'ljsdf', 5]] + [[8, 'lksdjjf', 15]] + [[18, 'lkkjj', 23]] + """ + locator = Empty().set_parse_action(lambda ss, ll, tt: ll) + return Group( + locator("locn_start") + + expr("value") + + locator.copy().leaveWhitespace()("locn_end") + ) + + +def nested_expr( + opener: Union[str, ParserElement] = "(", + closer: Union[str, ParserElement] = ")", + content: typing.Optional[ParserElement] = None, + ignore_expr: ParserElement = quoted_string(), + *, + ignoreExpr: ParserElement = quoted_string(), +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper method for defining nested lists enclosed in opening and + closing delimiters (``"("`` and ``")"`` are the default). + + Parameters: + - ``opener`` - opening character for a nested list + (default= ``"("``); can also be a pyparsing expression + - ``closer`` - closing character for a nested list + (default= ``")"``); can also be a pyparsing expression + - ``content`` - expression for items within the nested lists + (default= ``None``) + - ``ignore_expr`` - expression for ignoring opening and closing delimiters + (default= :class:`quoted_string`) + - ``ignoreExpr`` - this pre-PEP8 argument is retained for compatibility + but will be removed in a future release + + If an expression is not provided for the content argument, the + nested expression will capture all whitespace-delimited content + between delimiters as a list of separate values. + + Use the ``ignore_expr`` argument to define expressions that may + contain opening or closing characters that should not be treated as + opening or closing characters for nesting, such as quoted_string or + a comment expression. Specify multiple expressions using an + :class:`Or` or :class:`MatchFirst`. The default is + :class:`quoted_string`, but if no expressions are to be ignored, then + pass ``None`` for this argument. + + Example:: + + data_type = one_of("void int short long char float double") + decl_data_type = Combine(data_type + Opt(Word('*'))) + ident = Word(alphas+'_', alphanums+'_') + number = pyparsing_common.number + arg = Group(decl_data_type + ident) + LPAR, RPAR = map(Suppress, "()") + + code_body = nested_expr('{', '}', ignore_expr=(quoted_string | c_style_comment)) + + c_function = (decl_data_type("type") + + ident("name") + + LPAR + Opt(delimited_list(arg), [])("args") + RPAR + + code_body("body")) + c_function.ignore(c_style_comment) + + source_code = ''' + int is_odd(int x) { + return (x%2); + } + + int dec_to_hex(char hchar) { + if (hchar >= '0' && hchar <= '9') { + return (ord(hchar)-ord('0')); + } else { + return (10+ord(hchar)-ord('A')); + } + } + ''' + for func in c_function.search_string(source_code): + print("%(name)s (%(type)s) args: %(args)s" % func) + + + prints:: + + is_odd (int) args: [['int', 'x']] + dec_to_hex (int) args: [['char', 'hchar']] + """ + if ignoreExpr != ignore_expr: + ignoreExpr = ignore_expr if ignoreExpr == quoted_string() else ignoreExpr + if opener == closer: + raise ValueError("opening and closing strings cannot be the same") + if content is None: + if isinstance(opener, str_type) and isinstance(closer, str_type): + if len(opener) == 1 and len(closer) == 1: + if ignoreExpr is not None: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~ignoreExpr + + CharsNotIn( + opener + closer + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, + exact=1, + ) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + content = empty.copy() + CharsNotIn( + opener + closer + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + if ignoreExpr is not None: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~ignoreExpr + + ~Literal(opener) + + ~Literal(closer) + + CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, exact=1) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + content = Combine( + OneOrMore( + ~Literal(opener) + + ~Literal(closer) + + CharsNotIn(ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS, exact=1) + ) + ).set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].strip()) + else: + raise ValueError( + "opening and closing arguments must be strings if no content expression is given" + ) + ret = Forward() + if ignoreExpr is not None: + ret <<= Group( + Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore(ignoreExpr | ret | content) + Suppress(closer) + ) + else: + ret <<= Group(Suppress(opener) + ZeroOrMore(ret | content) + Suppress(closer)) + ret.set_name("nested %s%s expression" % (opener, closer)) + return ret + + +def _makeTags(tagStr, xml, suppress_LT=Suppress("<"), suppress_GT=Suppress(">")): + """Internal helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions, given a tag name""" + if isinstance(tagStr, str_type): + resname = tagStr + tagStr = Keyword(tagStr, caseless=not xml) + else: + resname = tagStr.name + + tagAttrName = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_-:") + if xml: + tagAttrValue = dbl_quoted_string.copy().set_parse_action(remove_quotes) + openTag = ( + suppress_LT + + tagStr("tag") + + Dict(ZeroOrMore(Group(tagAttrName + Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue))) + + Opt("/", default=[False])("empty").set_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t: t[0] == "/" + ) + + suppress_GT + ) + else: + tagAttrValue = quoted_string.copy().set_parse_action(remove_quotes) | Word( + printables, exclude_chars=">" + ) + openTag = ( + suppress_LT + + tagStr("tag") + + Dict( + ZeroOrMore( + Group( + tagAttrName.set_parse_action(lambda t: t[0].lower()) + + Opt(Suppress("=") + tagAttrValue) + ) + ) + ) + + Opt("/", default=[False])("empty").set_parse_action( + lambda s, l, t: t[0] == "/" + ) + + suppress_GT + ) + closeTag = Combine(Literal("", adjacent=False) + + openTag.set_name("<%s>" % resname) + # add start results name in parse action now that ungrouped names are not reported at two levels + openTag.add_parse_action( + lambda t: t.__setitem__( + "start" + "".join(resname.replace(":", " ").title().split()), t.copy() + ) + ) + closeTag = closeTag( + "end" + "".join(resname.replace(":", " ").title().split()) + ).set_name("" % resname) + openTag.tag = resname + closeTag.tag = resname + openTag.tag_body = SkipTo(closeTag()) + return openTag, closeTag + + +def make_html_tags( + tag_str: Union[str, ParserElement] +) -> Tuple[ParserElement, ParserElement]: + """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for HTML, + given a tag name. Matches tags in either upper or lower case, + attributes with namespaces and with quoted or unquoted values. + + Example:: + + text = 'More info at the pyparsing wiki page' + # make_html_tags returns pyparsing expressions for the opening and + # closing tags as a 2-tuple + a, a_end = make_html_tags("A") + link_expr = a + SkipTo(a_end)("link_text") + a_end + + for link in link_expr.search_string(text): + # attributes in the tag (like "href" shown here) are + # also accessible as named results + print(link.link_text, '->', link.href) + + prints:: + + pyparsing -> https://github.com/pyparsing/pyparsing/wiki + """ + return _makeTags(tag_str, False) + + +def make_xml_tags( + tag_str: Union[str, ParserElement] +) -> Tuple[ParserElement, ParserElement]: + """Helper to construct opening and closing tag expressions for XML, + given a tag name. Matches tags only in the given upper/lower case. + + Example: similar to :class:`make_html_tags` + """ + return _makeTags(tag_str, True) + + +any_open_tag: ParserElement +any_close_tag: ParserElement +any_open_tag, any_close_tag = make_html_tags( + Word(alphas, alphanums + "_:").set_name("any tag") +) + +_htmlEntityMap = {k.rstrip(";"): v for k, v in html.entities.html5.items()} +common_html_entity = Regex("&(?P" + "|".join(_htmlEntityMap) + ");").set_name( + "common HTML entity" +) + + +def replace_html_entity(t): + """Helper parser action to replace common HTML entities with their special characters""" + return _htmlEntityMap.get(t.entity) + + +class OpAssoc(Enum): + LEFT = 1 + RIGHT = 2 + + +InfixNotationOperatorArgType = Union[ + ParserElement, str, Tuple[Union[ParserElement, str], Union[ParserElement, str]] +] +InfixNotationOperatorSpec = Union[ + Tuple[ + InfixNotationOperatorArgType, + int, + OpAssoc, + typing.Optional[ParseAction], + ], + Tuple[ + InfixNotationOperatorArgType, + int, + OpAssoc, + ], +] + + +def infix_notation( + base_expr: ParserElement, + op_list: List[InfixNotationOperatorSpec], + lpar: Union[str, ParserElement] = Suppress("("), + rpar: Union[str, ParserElement] = Suppress(")"), +) -> ParserElement: + """Helper method for constructing grammars of expressions made up of + operators working in a precedence hierarchy. Operators may be unary + or binary, left- or right-associative. Parse actions can also be + attached to operator expressions. The generated parser will also + recognize the use of parentheses to override operator precedences + (see example below). + + Note: if you define a deep operator list, you may see performance + issues when using infix_notation. See + :class:`ParserElement.enable_packrat` for a mechanism to potentially + improve your parser performance. + + Parameters: + - ``base_expr`` - expression representing the most basic operand to + be used in the expression + - ``op_list`` - list of tuples, one for each operator precedence level + in the expression grammar; each tuple is of the form ``(op_expr, + num_operands, right_left_assoc, (optional)parse_action)``, where: + + - ``op_expr`` is the pyparsing expression for the operator; may also + be a string, which will be converted to a Literal; if ``num_operands`` + is 3, ``op_expr`` is a tuple of two expressions, for the two + operators separating the 3 terms + - ``num_operands`` is the number of terms for this operator (must be 1, + 2, or 3) + - ``right_left_assoc`` is the indicator whether the operator is right + or left associative, using the pyparsing-defined constants + ``OpAssoc.RIGHT`` and ``OpAssoc.LEFT``. + - ``parse_action`` is the parse action to be associated with + expressions matching this operator expression (the parse action + tuple member may be omitted); if the parse action is passed + a tuple or list of functions, this is equivalent to calling + ``set_parse_action(*fn)`` + (:class:`ParserElement.set_parse_action`) + - ``lpar`` - expression for matching left-parentheses; if passed as a + str, then will be parsed as Suppress(lpar). If lpar is passed as + an expression (such as ``Literal('(')``), then it will be kept in + the parsed results, and grouped with them. (default= ``Suppress('(')``) + - ``rpar`` - expression for matching right-parentheses; if passed as a + str, then will be parsed as Suppress(rpar). If rpar is passed as + an expression (such as ``Literal(')')``), then it will be kept in + the parsed results, and grouped with them. (default= ``Suppress(')')``) + + Example:: + + # simple example of four-function arithmetic with ints and + # variable names + integer = pyparsing_common.signed_integer + varname = pyparsing_common.identifier + + arith_expr = infix_notation(integer | varname, + [ + ('-', 1, OpAssoc.RIGHT), + (one_of('* /'), 2, OpAssoc.LEFT), + (one_of('+ -'), 2, OpAssoc.LEFT), + ]) + + arith_expr.run_tests(''' + 5+3*6 + (5+3)*6 + -2--11 + ''', full_dump=False) + + prints:: + + 5+3*6 + [[5, '+', [3, '*', 6]]] + + (5+3)*6 + [[[5, '+', 3], '*', 6]] + + -2--11 + [[['-', 2], '-', ['-', 11]]] + """ + # captive version of FollowedBy that does not do parse actions or capture results names + class _FB(FollowedBy): + def parseImpl(self, instring, loc, doActions=True): + self.expr.try_parse(instring, loc) + return loc, [] + + _FB.__name__ = "FollowedBy>" + + ret = Forward() + if isinstance(lpar, str): + lpar = Suppress(lpar) + if isinstance(rpar, str): + rpar = Suppress(rpar) + + # if lpar and rpar are not suppressed, wrap in group + if not (isinstance(rpar, Suppress) and isinstance(rpar, Suppress)): + lastExpr = base_expr | Group(lpar + ret + rpar) + else: + lastExpr = base_expr | (lpar + ret + rpar) + + for i, operDef in enumerate(op_list): + opExpr, arity, rightLeftAssoc, pa = (operDef + (None,))[:4] + if isinstance(opExpr, str_type): + opExpr = ParserElement._literalStringClass(opExpr) + if arity == 3: + if not isinstance(opExpr, (tuple, list)) or len(opExpr) != 2: + raise ValueError( + "if numterms=3, opExpr must be a tuple or list of two expressions" + ) + opExpr1, opExpr2 = opExpr + term_name = "{}{} term".format(opExpr1, opExpr2) + else: + term_name = "{} term".format(opExpr) + + if not 1 <= arity <= 3: + raise ValueError("operator must be unary (1), binary (2), or ternary (3)") + + if rightLeftAssoc not in (OpAssoc.LEFT, OpAssoc.RIGHT): + raise ValueError("operator must indicate right or left associativity") + + thisExpr: Forward = Forward().set_name(term_name) + if rightLeftAssoc is OpAssoc.LEFT: + if arity == 1: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr) + Group(lastExpr + opExpr[1, ...]) + elif arity == 2: + if opExpr is not None: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr + lastExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + (opExpr + lastExpr)[1, ...] + ) + else: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + lastExpr) + Group(lastExpr[2, ...]) + elif arity == 3: + matchExpr = _FB( + lastExpr + opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr + ) + Group(lastExpr + OneOrMore(opExpr1 + lastExpr + opExpr2 + lastExpr)) + elif rightLeftAssoc is OpAssoc.RIGHT: + if arity == 1: + # try to avoid LR with this extra test + if not isinstance(opExpr, Opt): + opExpr = Opt(opExpr) + matchExpr = _FB(opExpr.expr + thisExpr) + Group(opExpr + thisExpr) + elif arity == 2: + if opExpr is not None: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + opExpr + thisExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + (opExpr + thisExpr)[1, ...] + ) + else: + matchExpr = _FB(lastExpr + thisExpr) + Group( + lastExpr + thisExpr[1, ...] + ) + elif arity == 3: + matchExpr = _FB( + lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr + ) + Group(lastExpr + opExpr1 + thisExpr + opExpr2 + thisExpr) + if pa: + if isinstance(pa, (tuple, list)): + matchExpr.set_parse_action(*pa) + else: + matchExpr.set_parse_action(pa) + thisExpr <<= (matchExpr | lastExpr).setName(term_name) + lastExpr = thisExpr + ret <<= lastExpr + return ret + + +def indentedBlock(blockStatementExpr, indentStack, indent=True, backup_stacks=[]): + """ + (DEPRECATED - use IndentedBlock class instead) + Helper method for defining space-delimited indentation blocks, + such as those used to define block statements in Python source code. + + Parameters: + + - ``blockStatementExpr`` - expression defining syntax of statement that + is repeated within the indented block + - ``indentStack`` - list created by caller to manage indentation stack + (multiple ``statementWithIndentedBlock`` expressions within a single + grammar should share a common ``indentStack``) + - ``indent`` - boolean indicating whether block must be indented beyond + the current level; set to ``False`` for block of left-most statements + (default= ``True``) + + A valid block must contain at least one ``blockStatement``. + + (Note that indentedBlock uses internal parse actions which make it + incompatible with packrat parsing.) + + Example:: + + data = ''' + def A(z): + A1 + B = 100 + G = A2 + A2 + A3 + B + def BB(a,b,c): + BB1 + def BBA(): + bba1 + bba2 + bba3 + C + D + def spam(x,y): + def eggs(z): + pass + ''' + + + indentStack = [1] + stmt = Forward() + + identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums) + funcDecl = ("def" + identifier + Group("(" + Opt(delimitedList(identifier)) + ")") + ":") + func_body = indentedBlock(stmt, indentStack) + funcDef = Group(funcDecl + func_body) + + rvalue = Forward() + funcCall = Group(identifier + "(" + Opt(delimitedList(rvalue)) + ")") + rvalue << (funcCall | identifier | Word(nums)) + assignment = Group(identifier + "=" + rvalue) + stmt << (funcDef | assignment | identifier) + + module_body = stmt[1, ...] + + parseTree = module_body.parseString(data) + parseTree.pprint() + + prints:: + + [['def', + 'A', + ['(', 'z', ')'], + ':', + [['A1'], [['B', '=', '100']], [['G', '=', 'A2']], ['A2'], ['A3']]], + 'B', + ['def', + 'BB', + ['(', 'a', 'b', 'c', ')'], + ':', + [['BB1'], [['def', 'BBA', ['(', ')'], ':', [['bba1'], ['bba2'], ['bba3']]]]]], + 'C', + 'D', + ['def', + 'spam', + ['(', 'x', 'y', ')'], + ':', + [[['def', 'eggs', ['(', 'z', ')'], ':', [['pass']]]]]]] + """ + backup_stacks.append(indentStack[:]) + + def reset_stack(): + indentStack[:] = backup_stacks[-1] + + def checkPeerIndent(s, l, t): + if l >= len(s): + return + curCol = col(l, s) + if curCol != indentStack[-1]: + if curCol > indentStack[-1]: + raise ParseException(s, l, "illegal nesting") + raise ParseException(s, l, "not a peer entry") + + def checkSubIndent(s, l, t): + curCol = col(l, s) + if curCol > indentStack[-1]: + indentStack.append(curCol) + else: + raise ParseException(s, l, "not a subentry") + + def checkUnindent(s, l, t): + if l >= len(s): + return + curCol = col(l, s) + if not (indentStack and curCol in indentStack): + raise ParseException(s, l, "not an unindent") + if curCol < indentStack[-1]: + indentStack.pop() + + NL = OneOrMore(LineEnd().set_whitespace_chars("\t ").suppress()) + INDENT = (Empty() + Empty().set_parse_action(checkSubIndent)).set_name("INDENT") + PEER = Empty().set_parse_action(checkPeerIndent).set_name("") + UNDENT = Empty().set_parse_action(checkUnindent).set_name("UNINDENT") + if indent: + smExpr = Group( + Opt(NL) + + INDENT + + OneOrMore(PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Opt(NL)) + + UNDENT + ) + else: + smExpr = Group( + Opt(NL) + + OneOrMore(PEER + Group(blockStatementExpr) + Opt(NL)) + + Opt(UNDENT) + ) + + # add a parse action to remove backup_stack from list of backups + smExpr.add_parse_action( + lambda: backup_stacks.pop(-1) and None if backup_stacks else None + ) + smExpr.set_fail_action(lambda a, b, c, d: reset_stack()) + blockStatementExpr.ignore(_bslash + LineEnd()) + return smExpr.set_name("indented block") + + +# it's easy to get these comment structures wrong - they're very common, so may as well make them available +c_style_comment = Combine(Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + "*/").set_name( + "C style comment" +) +"Comment of the form ``/* ... */``" + +html_comment = Regex(r"").set_name("HTML comment") +"Comment of the form ````" + +rest_of_line = Regex(r".*").leave_whitespace().set_name("rest of line") +dbl_slash_comment = Regex(r"//(?:\\\n|[^\n])*").set_name("// comment") +"Comment of the form ``// ... (to end of line)``" + +cpp_style_comment = Combine( + Regex(r"/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!/))*") + "*/" | dbl_slash_comment +).set_name("C++ style comment") +"Comment of either form :class:`c_style_comment` or :class:`dbl_slash_comment`" + +java_style_comment = cpp_style_comment +"Same as :class:`cpp_style_comment`" + +python_style_comment = Regex(r"#.*").set_name("Python style comment") +"Comment of the form ``# ... (to end of line)``" + + +# build list of built-in expressions, for future reference if a global default value +# gets updated +_builtin_exprs: List[ParserElement] = [ + v for v in vars().values() if isinstance(v, ParserElement) +] + + +# pre-PEP8 compatible names +delimitedList = delimited_list +countedArray = counted_array +matchPreviousLiteral = match_previous_literal +matchPreviousExpr = match_previous_expr +oneOf = one_of +dictOf = dict_of +originalTextFor = original_text_for +nestedExpr = nested_expr +makeHTMLTags = make_html_tags +makeXMLTags = make_xml_tags +anyOpenTag, anyCloseTag = any_open_tag, any_close_tag +commonHTMLEntity = common_html_entity +replaceHTMLEntity = replace_html_entity +opAssoc = OpAssoc +infixNotation = infix_notation +cStyleComment = c_style_comment +htmlComment = html_comment +restOfLine = rest_of_line +dblSlashComment = dbl_slash_comment +cppStyleComment = cpp_style_comment +javaStyleComment = java_style_comment +pythonStyleComment = python_style_comment diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..00c9421 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/results.py @@ -0,0 +1,760 @@ +# results.py +from collections.abc import MutableMapping, Mapping, MutableSequence, Iterator +import pprint +from weakref import ref as wkref +from typing import Tuple, Any + +str_type: Tuple[type, ...] = (str, bytes) +_generator_type = type((_ for _ in ())) + + +class _ParseResultsWithOffset: + __slots__ = ["tup"] + + def __init__(self, p1, p2): + self.tup = (p1, p2) + + def __getitem__(self, i): + return self.tup[i] + + def __getstate__(self): + return self.tup + + def __setstate__(self, *args): + self.tup = args[0] + + +class ParseResults: + """Structured parse results, to provide multiple means of access to + the parsed data: + + - as a list (``len(results)``) + - by list index (``results[0], results[1]``, etc.) + - by attribute (``results.`` - see :class:`ParserElement.set_results_name`) + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = (integer.set_results_name("year") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("month") + '/' + + integer.set_results_name("day")) + # equivalent form: + # date_str = (integer("year") + '/' + # + integer("month") + '/' + # + integer("day")) + + # parse_string returns a ParseResults object + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") + + def test(s, fn=repr): + print("{} -> {}".format(s, fn(eval(s)))) + test("list(result)") + test("result[0]") + test("result['month']") + test("result.day") + test("'month' in result") + test("'minutes' in result") + test("result.dump()", str) + + prints:: + + list(result) -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + result[0] -> '1999' + result['month'] -> '12' + result.day -> '31' + 'month' in result -> True + 'minutes' in result -> False + result.dump() -> ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + - day: '31' + - month: '12' + - year: '1999' + """ + + _null_values: Tuple[Any, ...] = (None, [], "", ()) + + __slots__ = [ + "_name", + "_parent", + "_all_names", + "_modal", + "_toklist", + "_tokdict", + "__weakref__", + ] + + class List(list): + """ + Simple wrapper class to distinguish parsed list results that should be preserved + as actual Python lists, instead of being converted to :class:`ParseResults`: + + LBRACK, RBRACK = map(pp.Suppress, "[]") + element = pp.Forward() + item = ppc.integer + element_list = LBRACK + pp.delimited_list(element) + RBRACK + + # add parse actions to convert from ParseResults to actual Python collection types + def as_python_list(t): + return pp.ParseResults.List(t.as_list()) + element_list.add_parse_action(as_python_list) + + element <<= item | element_list + + element.run_tests(''' + 100 + [2,3,4] + [[2, 1],3,4] + [(2, 1),3,4] + (2,3,4) + ''', post_parse=lambda s, r: (r[0], type(r[0]))) + + prints: + + 100 + (100, ) + + [2,3,4] + ([2, 3, 4], ) + + [[2, 1],3,4] + ([[2, 1], 3, 4], ) + + (Used internally by :class:`Group` when `aslist=True`.) + """ + + def __new__(cls, contained=None): + if contained is None: + contained = [] + + if not isinstance(contained, list): + raise TypeError( + "{} may only be constructed with a list," + " not {}".format(cls.__name__, type(contained).__name__) + ) + + return list.__new__(cls) + + def __new__(cls, toklist=None, name=None, **kwargs): + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults): + return toklist + self = object.__new__(cls) + self._name = None + self._parent = None + self._all_names = set() + + if toklist is None: + self._toklist = [] + elif isinstance(toklist, (list, _generator_type)): + self._toklist = ( + [toklist[:]] + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults.List) + else list(toklist) + ) + else: + self._toklist = [toklist] + self._tokdict = dict() + return self + + # Performance tuning: we construct a *lot* of these, so keep this + # constructor as small and fast as possible + def __init__( + self, toklist=None, name=None, asList=True, modal=True, isinstance=isinstance + ): + self._modal = modal + if name is not None and name != "": + if isinstance(name, int): + name = str(name) + if not modal: + self._all_names = {name} + self._name = name + if toklist not in self._null_values: + if isinstance(toklist, (str_type, type)): + toklist = [toklist] + if asList: + if isinstance(toklist, ParseResults): + self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + ParseResults(toklist._toklist), 0 + ) + else: + self[name] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + ParseResults(toklist[0]), 0 + ) + self[name]._name = name + else: + try: + self[name] = toklist[0] + except (KeyError, TypeError, IndexError): + if toklist is not self: + self[name] = toklist + else: + self._name = name + + def __getitem__(self, i): + if isinstance(i, (int, slice)): + return self._toklist[i] + else: + if i not in self._all_names: + return self._tokdict[i][-1][0] + else: + return ParseResults([v[0] for v in self._tokdict[i]]) + + def __setitem__(self, k, v, isinstance=isinstance): + if isinstance(v, _ParseResultsWithOffset): + self._tokdict[k] = self._tokdict.get(k, list()) + [v] + sub = v[0] + elif isinstance(k, (int, slice)): + self._toklist[k] = v + sub = v + else: + self._tokdict[k] = self._tokdict.get(k, list()) + [ + _ParseResultsWithOffset(v, 0) + ] + sub = v + if isinstance(sub, ParseResults): + sub._parent = wkref(self) + + def __delitem__(self, i): + if isinstance(i, (int, slice)): + mylen = len(self._toklist) + del self._toklist[i] + + # convert int to slice + if isinstance(i, int): + if i < 0: + i += mylen + i = slice(i, i + 1) + # get removed indices + removed = list(range(*i.indices(mylen))) + removed.reverse() + # fixup indices in token dictionary + for name, occurrences in self._tokdict.items(): + for j in removed: + for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): + occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + value, position - (position > j) + ) + else: + del self._tokdict[i] + + def __contains__(self, k) -> bool: + return k in self._tokdict + + def __len__(self) -> int: + return len(self._toklist) + + def __bool__(self) -> bool: + return not not (self._toklist or self._tokdict) + + def __iter__(self) -> Iterator: + return iter(self._toklist) + + def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator: + return iter(self._toklist[::-1]) + + def keys(self): + return iter(self._tokdict) + + def values(self): + return (self[k] for k in self.keys()) + + def items(self): + return ((k, self[k]) for k in self.keys()) + + def haskeys(self) -> bool: + """ + Since ``keys()`` returns an iterator, this method is helpful in bypassing + code that looks for the existence of any defined results names.""" + return bool(self._tokdict) + + def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Removes and returns item at specified index (default= ``last``). + Supports both ``list`` and ``dict`` semantics for ``pop()``. If + passed no argument or an integer argument, it will use ``list`` + semantics and pop tokens from the list of parsed tokens. If passed + a non-integer argument (most likely a string), it will use ``dict`` + semantics and pop the corresponding value from any defined results + names. A second default return value argument is supported, just as in + ``dict.pop()``. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + def remove_first(tokens): + tokens.pop(0) + numlist.add_parse_action(remove_first) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['123', '321'] + + label = Word(alphas) + patt = label("LABEL") + Word(nums)[1, ...] + print(patt.parse_string("AAB 123 321").dump()) + + # Use pop() in a parse action to remove named result (note that corresponding value is not + # removed from list form of results) + def remove_LABEL(tokens): + tokens.pop("LABEL") + return tokens + patt.add_parse_action(remove_LABEL) + print(patt.parse_string("AAB 123 321").dump()) + + prints:: + + ['AAB', '123', '321'] + - LABEL: 'AAB' + + ['AAB', '123', '321'] + """ + if not args: + args = [-1] + for k, v in kwargs.items(): + if k == "default": + args = (args[0], v) + else: + raise TypeError( + "pop() got an unexpected keyword argument {!r}".format(k) + ) + if isinstance(args[0], int) or len(args) == 1 or args[0] in self: + index = args[0] + ret = self[index] + del self[index] + return ret + else: + defaultvalue = args[1] + return defaultvalue + + def get(self, key, default_value=None): + """ + Returns named result matching the given key, or if there is no + such name, then returns the given ``default_value`` or ``None`` if no + ``default_value`` is specified. + + Similar to ``dict.get()``. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string("1999/12/31") + print(result.get("year")) # -> '1999' + print(result.get("hour", "not specified")) # -> 'not specified' + print(result.get("hour")) # -> None + """ + if key in self: + return self[key] + else: + return default_value + + def insert(self, index, ins_string): + """ + Inserts new element at location index in the list of parsed tokens. + + Similar to ``list.insert()``. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + # use a parse action to insert the parse location in the front of the parsed results + def insert_locn(locn, tokens): + tokens.insert(0, locn) + numlist.add_parse_action(insert_locn) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> [0, '0', '123', '321'] + """ + self._toklist.insert(index, ins_string) + # fixup indices in token dictionary + for name, occurrences in self._tokdict.items(): + for k, (value, position) in enumerate(occurrences): + occurrences[k] = _ParseResultsWithOffset( + value, position + (position > index) + ) + + def append(self, item): + """ + Add single element to end of ``ParseResults`` list of elements. + + Example:: + + numlist = Word(nums)[...] + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321'] + + # use a parse action to compute the sum of the parsed integers, and add it to the end + def append_sum(tokens): + tokens.append(sum(map(int, tokens))) + numlist.add_parse_action(append_sum) + print(numlist.parse_string("0 123 321")) # -> ['0', '123', '321', 444] + """ + self._toklist.append(item) + + def extend(self, itemseq): + """ + Add sequence of elements to end of ``ParseResults`` list of elements. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + + # use a parse action to append the reverse of the matched strings, to make a palindrome + def make_palindrome(tokens): + tokens.extend(reversed([t[::-1] for t in tokens])) + return ''.join(tokens) + patt.add_parse_action(make_palindrome) + print(patt.parse_string("lskdj sdlkjf lksd")) # -> 'lskdjsdlkjflksddsklfjkldsjdksl' + """ + if isinstance(itemseq, ParseResults): + self.__iadd__(itemseq) + else: + self._toklist.extend(itemseq) + + def clear(self): + """ + Clear all elements and results names. + """ + del self._toklist[:] + self._tokdict.clear() + + def __getattr__(self, name): + try: + return self[name] + except KeyError: + if name.startswith("__"): + raise AttributeError(name) + return "" + + def __add__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + ret = self.copy() + ret += other + return ret + + def __iadd__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + if other._tokdict: + offset = len(self._toklist) + addoffset = lambda a: offset if a < 0 else a + offset + otheritems = other._tokdict.items() + otherdictitems = [ + (k, _ParseResultsWithOffset(v[0], addoffset(v[1]))) + for k, vlist in otheritems + for v in vlist + ] + for k, v in otherdictitems: + self[k] = v + if isinstance(v[0], ParseResults): + v[0]._parent = wkref(self) + + self._toklist += other._toklist + self._all_names |= other._all_names + return self + + def __radd__(self, other) -> "ParseResults": + if isinstance(other, int) and other == 0: + # useful for merging many ParseResults using sum() builtin + return self.copy() + else: + # this may raise a TypeError - so be it + return other + self + + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return "{}({!r}, {})".format(type(self).__name__, self._toklist, self.as_dict()) + + def __str__(self) -> str: + return ( + "[" + + ", ".join( + [ + str(i) if isinstance(i, ParseResults) else repr(i) + for i in self._toklist + ] + ) + + "]" + ) + + def _asStringList(self, sep=""): + out = [] + for item in self._toklist: + if out and sep: + out.append(sep) + if isinstance(item, ParseResults): + out += item._asStringList() + else: + out.append(str(item)) + return out + + def as_list(self) -> list: + """ + Returns the parse results as a nested list of matching tokens, all converted to strings. + + Example:: + + patt = Word(alphas)[1, ...] + result = patt.parse_string("sldkj lsdkj sldkj") + # even though the result prints in string-like form, it is actually a pyparsing ParseResults + print(type(result), result) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] + + # Use as_list() to create an actual list + result_list = result.as_list() + print(type(result_list), result_list) # -> ['sldkj', 'lsdkj', 'sldkj'] + """ + return [ + res.as_list() if isinstance(res, ParseResults) else res + for res in self._toklist + ] + + def as_dict(self) -> dict: + """ + Returns the named parse results as a nested dictionary. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string('12/31/1999') + print(type(result), repr(result)) # -> (['12', '/', '31', '/', '1999'], {'day': [('1999', 4)], 'year': [('12', 0)], 'month': [('31', 2)]}) + + result_dict = result.as_dict() + print(type(result_dict), repr(result_dict)) # -> {'day': '1999', 'year': '12', 'month': '31'} + + # even though a ParseResults supports dict-like access, sometime you just need to have a dict + import json + print(json.dumps(result)) # -> Exception: TypeError: ... is not JSON serializable + print(json.dumps(result.as_dict())) # -> {"month": "31", "day": "1999", "year": "12"} + """ + + def to_item(obj): + if isinstance(obj, ParseResults): + return obj.as_dict() if obj.haskeys() else [to_item(v) for v in obj] + else: + return obj + + return dict((k, to_item(v)) for k, v in self.items()) + + def copy(self) -> "ParseResults": + """ + Returns a new copy of a :class:`ParseResults` object. + """ + ret = ParseResults(self._toklist) + ret._tokdict = self._tokdict.copy() + ret._parent = self._parent + ret._all_names |= self._all_names + ret._name = self._name + return ret + + def get_name(self): + r""" + Returns the results name for this token expression. Useful when several + different expressions might match at a particular location. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + ssn_expr = Regex(r"\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d") + house_number_expr = Suppress('#') + Word(nums, alphanums) + user_data = (Group(house_number_expr)("house_number") + | Group(ssn_expr)("ssn") + | Group(integer)("age")) + user_info = user_data[1, ...] + + result = user_info.parse_string("22 111-22-3333 #221B") + for item in result: + print(item.get_name(), ':', item[0]) + + prints:: + + age : 22 + ssn : 111-22-3333 + house_number : 221B + """ + if self._name: + return self._name + elif self._parent: + par = self._parent() + + def find_in_parent(sub): + return next( + ( + k + for k, vlist in par._tokdict.items() + for v, loc in vlist + if sub is v + ), + None, + ) + + return find_in_parent(self) if par else None + elif ( + len(self) == 1 + and len(self._tokdict) == 1 + and next(iter(self._tokdict.values()))[0][1] in (0, -1) + ): + return next(iter(self._tokdict.keys())) + else: + return None + + def dump(self, indent="", full=True, include_list=True, _depth=0) -> str: + """ + Diagnostic method for listing out the contents of + a :class:`ParseResults`. Accepts an optional ``indent`` argument so + that this string can be embedded in a nested display of other data. + + Example:: + + integer = Word(nums) + date_str = integer("year") + '/' + integer("month") + '/' + integer("day") + + result = date_str.parse_string('1999/12/31') + print(result.dump()) + + prints:: + + ['1999', '/', '12', '/', '31'] + - day: '31' + - month: '12' + - year: '1999' + """ + out = [] + NL = "\n" + out.append(indent + str(self.as_list()) if include_list else "") + + if full: + if self.haskeys(): + items = sorted((str(k), v) for k, v in self.items()) + for k, v in items: + if out: + out.append(NL) + out.append("{}{}- {}: ".format(indent, (" " * _depth), k)) + if isinstance(v, ParseResults): + if v: + out.append( + v.dump( + indent=indent, + full=full, + include_list=include_list, + _depth=_depth + 1, + ) + ) + else: + out.append(str(v)) + else: + out.append(repr(v)) + if any(isinstance(vv, ParseResults) for vv in self): + v = self + for i, vv in enumerate(v): + if isinstance(vv, ParseResults): + out.append( + "\n{}{}[{}]:\n{}{}{}".format( + indent, + (" " * (_depth)), + i, + indent, + (" " * (_depth + 1)), + vv.dump( + indent=indent, + full=full, + include_list=include_list, + _depth=_depth + 1, + ), + ) + ) + else: + out.append( + "\n%s%s[%d]:\n%s%s%s" + % ( + indent, + (" " * (_depth)), + i, + indent, + (" " * (_depth + 1)), + str(vv), + ) + ) + + return "".join(out) + + def pprint(self, *args, **kwargs): + """ + Pretty-printer for parsed results as a list, using the + `pprint `_ module. + Accepts additional positional or keyword args as defined for + `pprint.pprint `_ . + + Example:: + + ident = Word(alphas, alphanums) + num = Word(nums) + func = Forward() + term = ident | num | Group('(' + func + ')') + func <<= ident + Group(Optional(delimited_list(term))) + result = func.parse_string("fna a,b,(fnb c,d,200),100") + result.pprint(width=40) + + prints:: + + ['fna', + ['a', + 'b', + ['(', 'fnb', ['c', 'd', '200'], ')'], + '100']] + """ + pprint.pprint(self.as_list(), *args, **kwargs) + + # add support for pickle protocol + def __getstate__(self): + return ( + self._toklist, + ( + self._tokdict.copy(), + self._parent is not None and self._parent() or None, + self._all_names, + self._name, + ), + ) + + def __setstate__(self, state): + self._toklist, (self._tokdict, par, inAccumNames, self._name) = state + self._all_names = set(inAccumNames) + if par is not None: + self._parent = wkref(par) + else: + self._parent = None + + def __getnewargs__(self): + return self._toklist, self._name + + def __dir__(self): + return dir(type(self)) + list(self.keys()) + + @classmethod + def from_dict(cls, other, name=None) -> "ParseResults": + """ + Helper classmethod to construct a ``ParseResults`` from a ``dict``, preserving the + name-value relations as results names. If an optional ``name`` argument is + given, a nested ``ParseResults`` will be returned. + """ + + def is_iterable(obj): + try: + iter(obj) + except Exception: + return False + else: + return not isinstance(obj, str_type) + + ret = cls([]) + for k, v in other.items(): + if isinstance(v, Mapping): + ret += cls.from_dict(v, name=k) + else: + ret += cls([v], name=k, asList=is_iterable(v)) + if name is not None: + ret = cls([ret], name=name) + return ret + + asList = as_list + asDict = as_dict + getName = get_name + + +MutableMapping.register(ParseResults) +MutableSequence.register(ParseResults) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84a0ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/testing.py @@ -0,0 +1,331 @@ +# testing.py + +from contextlib import contextmanager +import typing + +from .core import ( + ParserElement, + ParseException, + Keyword, + __diag__, + __compat__, +) + + +class pyparsing_test: + """ + namespace class for classes useful in writing unit tests + """ + + class reset_pyparsing_context: + """ + Context manager to be used when writing unit tests that modify pyparsing config values: + - packrat parsing + - bounded recursion parsing + - default whitespace characters. + - default keyword characters + - literal string auto-conversion class + - __diag__ settings + + Example:: + + with reset_pyparsing_context(): + # test that literals used to construct a grammar are automatically suppressed + ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing(Suppress) + + term = Word(alphas) | Word(nums) + group = Group('(' + term[...] + ')') + + # assert that the '()' characters are not included in the parsed tokens + self.assertParseAndCheckList(group, "(abc 123 def)", ['abc', '123', 'def']) + + # after exiting context manager, literals are converted to Literal expressions again + """ + + def __init__(self): + self._save_context = {} + + def save(self): + self._save_context["default_whitespace"] = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + self._save_context["default_keyword_chars"] = Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS + + self._save_context[ + "literal_string_class" + ] = ParserElement._literalStringClass + + self._save_context["verbose_stacktrace"] = ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace + + self._save_context["packrat_enabled"] = ParserElement._packratEnabled + if ParserElement._packratEnabled: + self._save_context[ + "packrat_cache_size" + ] = ParserElement.packrat_cache.size + else: + self._save_context["packrat_cache_size"] = None + self._save_context["packrat_parse"] = ParserElement._parse + self._save_context[ + "recursion_enabled" + ] = ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled + + self._save_context["__diag__"] = { + name: getattr(__diag__, name) for name in __diag__._all_names + } + + self._save_context["__compat__"] = { + "collect_all_And_tokens": __compat__.collect_all_And_tokens + } + + return self + + def restore(self): + # reset pyparsing global state + if ( + ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS + != self._save_context["default_whitespace"] + ): + ParserElement.set_default_whitespace_chars( + self._save_context["default_whitespace"] + ) + + ParserElement.verbose_stacktrace = self._save_context["verbose_stacktrace"] + + Keyword.DEFAULT_KEYWORD_CHARS = self._save_context["default_keyword_chars"] + ParserElement.inlineLiteralsUsing( + self._save_context["literal_string_class"] + ) + + for name, value in self._save_context["__diag__"].items(): + (__diag__.enable if value else __diag__.disable)(name) + + ParserElement._packratEnabled = False + if self._save_context["packrat_enabled"]: + ParserElement.enable_packrat(self._save_context["packrat_cache_size"]) + else: + ParserElement._parse = self._save_context["packrat_parse"] + ParserElement._left_recursion_enabled = self._save_context[ + "recursion_enabled" + ] + + __compat__.collect_all_And_tokens = self._save_context["__compat__"] + + return self + + def copy(self): + ret = type(self)() + ret._save_context.update(self._save_context) + return ret + + def __enter__(self): + return self.save() + + def __exit__(self, *args): + self.restore() + + class TestParseResultsAsserts: + """ + A mixin class to add parse results assertion methods to normal unittest.TestCase classes. + """ + + def assertParseResultsEquals( + self, result, expected_list=None, expected_dict=None, msg=None + ): + """ + Unit test assertion to compare a :class:`ParseResults` object with an optional ``expected_list``, + and compare any defined results names with an optional ``expected_dict``. + """ + if expected_list is not None: + self.assertEqual(expected_list, result.as_list(), msg=msg) + if expected_dict is not None: + self.assertEqual(expected_dict, result.as_dict(), msg=msg) + + def assertParseAndCheckList( + self, expr, test_string, expected_list, msg=None, verbose=True + ): + """ + Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that + the resulting ``ParseResults.asList()`` is equal to the ``expected_list``. + """ + result = expr.parse_string(test_string, parse_all=True) + if verbose: + print(result.dump()) + else: + print(result.as_list()) + self.assertParseResultsEquals(result, expected_list=expected_list, msg=msg) + + def assertParseAndCheckDict( + self, expr, test_string, expected_dict, msg=None, verbose=True + ): + """ + Convenience wrapper assert to test a parser element and input string, and assert that + the resulting ``ParseResults.asDict()`` is equal to the ``expected_dict``. + """ + result = expr.parse_string(test_string, parseAll=True) + if verbose: + print(result.dump()) + else: + print(result.as_list()) + self.assertParseResultsEquals(result, expected_dict=expected_dict, msg=msg) + + def assertRunTestResults( + self, run_tests_report, expected_parse_results=None, msg=None + ): + """ + Unit test assertion to evaluate output of ``ParserElement.runTests()``. If a list of + list-dict tuples is given as the ``expected_parse_results`` argument, then these are zipped + with the report tuples returned by ``runTests`` and evaluated using ``assertParseResultsEquals``. + Finally, asserts that the overall ``runTests()`` success value is ``True``. + + :param run_tests_report: tuple(bool, [tuple(str, ParseResults or Exception)]) returned from runTests + :param expected_parse_results (optional): [tuple(str, list, dict, Exception)] + """ + run_test_success, run_test_results = run_tests_report + + if expected_parse_results is not None: + merged = [ + (*rpt, expected) + for rpt, expected in zip(run_test_results, expected_parse_results) + ] + for test_string, result, expected in merged: + # expected should be a tuple containing a list and/or a dict or an exception, + # and optional failure message string + # an empty tuple will skip any result validation + fail_msg = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, str)), None + ) + expected_exception = next( + ( + exp + for exp in expected + if isinstance(exp, type) and issubclass(exp, Exception) + ), + None, + ) + if expected_exception is not None: + with self.assertRaises( + expected_exception=expected_exception, msg=fail_msg or msg + ): + if isinstance(result, Exception): + raise result + else: + expected_list = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, list)), None + ) + expected_dict = next( + (exp for exp in expected if isinstance(exp, dict)), None + ) + if (expected_list, expected_dict) != (None, None): + self.assertParseResultsEquals( + result, + expected_list=expected_list, + expected_dict=expected_dict, + msg=fail_msg or msg, + ) + else: + # warning here maybe? + print("no validation for {!r}".format(test_string)) + + # do this last, in case some specific test results can be reported instead + self.assertTrue( + run_test_success, msg=msg if msg is not None else "failed runTests" + ) + + @contextmanager + def assertRaisesParseException(self, exc_type=ParseException, msg=None): + with self.assertRaises(exc_type, msg=msg): + yield + + @staticmethod + def with_line_numbers( + s: str, + start_line: typing.Optional[int] = None, + end_line: typing.Optional[int] = None, + expand_tabs: bool = True, + eol_mark: str = "|", + mark_spaces: typing.Optional[str] = None, + mark_control: typing.Optional[str] = None, + ) -> str: + """ + Helpful method for debugging a parser - prints a string with line and column numbers. + (Line and column numbers are 1-based.) + + :param s: tuple(bool, str - string to be printed with line and column numbers + :param start_line: int - (optional) starting line number in s to print (default=1) + :param end_line: int - (optional) ending line number in s to print (default=len(s)) + :param expand_tabs: bool - (optional) expand tabs to spaces, to match the pyparsing default + :param eol_mark: str - (optional) string to mark the end of lines, helps visualize trailing spaces (default="|") + :param mark_spaces: str - (optional) special character to display in place of spaces + :param mark_control: str - (optional) convert non-printing control characters to a placeholding + character; valid values: + - "unicode" - replaces control chars with Unicode symbols, such as "␍" and "␊" + - any single character string - replace control characters with given string + - None (default) - string is displayed as-is + + :return: str - input string with leading line numbers and column number headers + """ + if expand_tabs: + s = s.expandtabs() + if mark_control is not None: + if mark_control == "unicode": + tbl = str.maketrans( + {c: u for c, u in zip(range(0, 33), range(0x2400, 0x2433))} + | {127: 0x2421} + ) + eol_mark = "" + else: + tbl = str.maketrans( + {c: mark_control for c in list(range(0, 32)) + [127]} + ) + s = s.translate(tbl) + if mark_spaces is not None and mark_spaces != " ": + if mark_spaces == "unicode": + tbl = str.maketrans({9: 0x2409, 32: 0x2423}) + s = s.translate(tbl) + else: + s = s.replace(" ", mark_spaces) + if start_line is None: + start_line = 1 + if end_line is None: + end_line = len(s) + end_line = min(end_line, len(s)) + start_line = min(max(1, start_line), end_line) + + if mark_control != "unicode": + s_lines = s.splitlines()[start_line - 1 : end_line] + else: + s_lines = [line + "␊" for line in s.split("␊")[start_line - 1 : end_line]] + if not s_lines: + return "" + + lineno_width = len(str(end_line)) + max_line_len = max(len(line) for line in s_lines) + lead = " " * (lineno_width + 1) + if max_line_len >= 99: + header0 = ( + lead + + "".join( + "{}{}".format(" " * 99, (i + 1) % 100) + for i in range(max(max_line_len // 100, 1)) + ) + + "\n" + ) + else: + header0 = "" + header1 = ( + header0 + + lead + + "".join( + " {}".format((i + 1) % 10) + for i in range(-(-max_line_len // 10)) + ) + + "\n" + ) + header2 = lead + "1234567890" * (-(-max_line_len // 10)) + "\n" + return ( + header1 + + header2 + + "\n".join( + "{:{}d}:{}{}".format(i, lineno_width, line, eol_mark) + for i, line in enumerate(s_lines, start=start_line) + ) + + "\n" + ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0652620 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/unicode.py @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +# unicode.py + +import sys +from itertools import filterfalse +from typing import List, Tuple, Union + + +class _lazyclassproperty: + def __init__(self, fn): + self.fn = fn + self.__doc__ = fn.__doc__ + self.__name__ = fn.__name__ + + def __get__(self, obj, cls): + if cls is None: + cls = type(obj) + if not hasattr(cls, "_intern") or any( + cls._intern is getattr(superclass, "_intern", []) + for superclass in cls.__mro__[1:] + ): + cls._intern = {} + attrname = self.fn.__name__ + if attrname not in cls._intern: + cls._intern[attrname] = self.fn(cls) + return cls._intern[attrname] + + +UnicodeRangeList = List[Union[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int]]] + + +class unicode_set: + """ + A set of Unicode characters, for language-specific strings for + ``alphas``, ``nums``, ``alphanums``, and ``printables``. + A unicode_set is defined by a list of ranges in the Unicode character + set, in a class attribute ``_ranges``. Ranges can be specified using + 2-tuples or a 1-tuple, such as:: + + _ranges = [ + (0x0020, 0x007e), + (0x00a0, 0x00ff), + (0x0100,), + ] + + Ranges are left- and right-inclusive. A 1-tuple of (x,) is treated as (x, x). + + A unicode set can also be defined using multiple inheritance of other unicode sets:: + + class CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Korean): + pass + """ + + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [] + + @_lazyclassproperty + def _chars_for_ranges(cls): + ret = [] + for cc in cls.__mro__: + if cc is unicode_set: + break + for rr in getattr(cc, "_ranges", ()): + ret.extend(range(rr[0], rr[-1] + 1)) + return [chr(c) for c in sorted(set(ret))] + + @_lazyclassproperty + def printables(cls): + "all non-whitespace characters in this range" + return "".join(filterfalse(str.isspace, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def alphas(cls): + "all alphabetic characters in this range" + return "".join(filter(str.isalpha, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def nums(cls): + "all numeric digit characters in this range" + return "".join(filter(str.isdigit, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def alphanums(cls): + "all alphanumeric characters in this range" + return cls.alphas + cls.nums + + @_lazyclassproperty + def identchars(cls): + "all characters in this range that are valid identifier characters, plus underscore '_'" + return "".join( + sorted( + set( + "".join(filter(str.isidentifier, cls._chars_for_ranges)) + + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzªµº" + + "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ" + + "_" + ) + ) + ) + + @_lazyclassproperty + def identbodychars(cls): + """ + all characters in this range that are valid identifier body characters, + plus the digits 0-9 + """ + return "".join( + sorted( + set( + cls.identchars + + "0123456789" + + "".join( + [c for c in cls._chars_for_ranges if ("_" + c).isidentifier()] + ) + ) + ) + ) + + +class pyparsing_unicode(unicode_set): + """ + A namespace class for defining common language unicode_sets. + """ + + # fmt: off + + # define ranges in language character sets + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, sys.maxunicode), + ] + + class BasicMultilingualPlane(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for the Basic Multilingual Plane" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, 0xFFFF), + ] + + class Latin1(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-1 Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0020, 0x007E), + (0x00A0, 0x00FF), + ] + + class LatinA(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-A Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0100, 0x017F), + ] + + class LatinB(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Latin-B Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0180, 0x024F), + ] + + class Greek(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Greek Unicode Character Ranges" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0342, 0x0345), + (0x0370, 0x0377), + (0x037A, 0x037F), + (0x0384, 0x038A), + (0x038C,), + (0x038E, 0x03A1), + (0x03A3, 0x03E1), + (0x03F0, 0x03FF), + (0x1D26, 0x1D2A), + (0x1D5E,), + (0x1D60,), + (0x1D66, 0x1D6A), + (0x1F00, 0x1F15), + (0x1F18, 0x1F1D), + (0x1F20, 0x1F45), + (0x1F48, 0x1F4D), + (0x1F50, 0x1F57), + (0x1F59,), + (0x1F5B,), + (0x1F5D,), + (0x1F5F, 0x1F7D), + (0x1F80, 0x1FB4), + (0x1FB6, 0x1FC4), + (0x1FC6, 0x1FD3), + (0x1FD6, 0x1FDB), + (0x1FDD, 0x1FEF), + (0x1FF2, 0x1FF4), + (0x1FF6, 0x1FFE), + (0x2129,), + (0x2719, 0x271A), + (0xAB65,), + (0x10140, 0x1018D), + (0x101A0,), + (0x1D200, 0x1D245), + (0x1F7A1, 0x1F7A7), + ] + + class Cyrillic(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Cyrillic Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0400, 0x052F), + (0x1C80, 0x1C88), + (0x1D2B,), + (0x1D78,), + (0x2DE0, 0x2DFF), + (0xA640, 0xA672), + (0xA674, 0xA69F), + (0xFE2E, 0xFE2F), + ] + + class Chinese(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Chinese Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x2E80, 0x2E99), + (0x2E9B, 0x2EF3), + (0x31C0, 0x31E3), + (0x3400, 0x4DB5), + (0x4E00, 0x9FEF), + (0xA700, 0xA707), + (0xF900, 0xFA6D), + (0xFA70, 0xFAD9), + (0x16FE2, 0x16FE3), + (0x1F210, 0x1F212), + (0x1F214, 0x1F23B), + (0x1F240, 0x1F248), + (0x20000, 0x2A6D6), + (0x2A700, 0x2B734), + (0x2B740, 0x2B81D), + (0x2B820, 0x2CEA1), + (0x2CEB0, 0x2EBE0), + (0x2F800, 0x2FA1D), + ] + + class Japanese(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Japanese Unicode Character Range, combining Kanji, Hiragana, and Katakana ranges" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [] + + class Kanji(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Kanji Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x4E00, 0x9FBF), + (0x3000, 0x303F), + ] + + class Hiragana(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hiragana Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x3041, 0x3096), + (0x3099, 0x30A0), + (0x30FC,), + (0xFF70,), + (0x1B001,), + (0x1B150, 0x1B152), + (0x1F200,), + ] + + class Katakana(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Katakana Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x3099, 0x309C), + (0x30A0, 0x30FF), + (0x31F0, 0x31FF), + (0x32D0, 0x32FE), + (0xFF65, 0xFF9F), + (0x1B000,), + (0x1B164, 0x1B167), + (0x1F201, 0x1F202), + (0x1F213,), + ] + + class Hangul(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hangul (Korean) Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x1100, 0x11FF), + (0x302E, 0x302F), + (0x3131, 0x318E), + (0x3200, 0x321C), + (0x3260, 0x327B), + (0x327E,), + (0xA960, 0xA97C), + (0xAC00, 0xD7A3), + (0xD7B0, 0xD7C6), + (0xD7CB, 0xD7FB), + (0xFFA0, 0xFFBE), + (0xFFC2, 0xFFC7), + (0xFFCA, 0xFFCF), + (0xFFD2, 0xFFD7), + (0xFFDA, 0xFFDC), + ] + + Korean = Hangul + + class CJK(Chinese, Japanese, Hangul): + "Unicode set for combined Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) Unicode Character Range" + + class Thai(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Thai Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0E01, 0x0E3A), + (0x0E3F, 0x0E5B) + ] + + class Arabic(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Arabic Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0600, 0x061B), + (0x061E, 0x06FF), + (0x0700, 0x077F), + ] + + class Hebrew(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Hebrew Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0591, 0x05C7), + (0x05D0, 0x05EA), + (0x05EF, 0x05F4), + (0xFB1D, 0xFB36), + (0xFB38, 0xFB3C), + (0xFB3E,), + (0xFB40, 0xFB41), + (0xFB43, 0xFB44), + (0xFB46, 0xFB4F), + ] + + class Devanagari(unicode_set): + "Unicode set for Devanagari Unicode Character Range" + _ranges: UnicodeRangeList = [ + (0x0900, 0x097F), + (0xA8E0, 0xA8FF) + ] + + # fmt: on + + +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese._ranges = ( + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Kanji._ranges + + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Hiragana._ranges + + pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Katakana._ranges +) + +pyparsing_unicode.BMP = pyparsing_unicode.BasicMultilingualPlane + +# add language identifiers using language Unicode +pyparsing_unicode.العربية = pyparsing_unicode.Arabic +pyparsing_unicode.中文 = pyparsing_unicode.Chinese +pyparsing_unicode.кириллица = pyparsing_unicode.Cyrillic +pyparsing_unicode.Ελληνικά = pyparsing_unicode.Greek +pyparsing_unicode.עִברִית = pyparsing_unicode.Hebrew +pyparsing_unicode.日本語 = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.漢字 = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Kanji +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.カタカナ = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Katakana +pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.ひらがな = pyparsing_unicode.Japanese.Hiragana +pyparsing_unicode.한국어 = pyparsing_unicode.Korean +pyparsing_unicode.ไทย = pyparsing_unicode.Thai +pyparsing_unicode.देवनागरी = pyparsing_unicode.Devanagari diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34ce092 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/pyparsing/util.py @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +# util.py +import warnings +import types +import collections +import itertools +from functools import lru_cache +from typing import List, Union, Iterable + +_bslash = chr(92) + + +class __config_flags: + """Internal class for defining compatibility and debugging flags""" + + _all_names: List[str] = [] + _fixed_names: List[str] = [] + _type_desc = "configuration" + + @classmethod + def _set(cls, dname, value): + if dname in cls._fixed_names: + warnings.warn( + "{}.{} {} is {} and cannot be overridden".format( + cls.__name__, + dname, + cls._type_desc, + str(getattr(cls, dname)).upper(), + ) + ) + return + if dname in cls._all_names: + setattr(cls, dname, value) + else: + raise ValueError("no such {} {!r}".format(cls._type_desc, dname)) + + enable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, True)) + disable = classmethod(lambda cls, name: cls._set(name, False)) + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def col(loc: int, strg: str) -> int: + """ + Returns current column within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + The first column is number 1. + + Note: the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See + :class:`ParserElement.parseString` for more + information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and suggested + methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the parse + location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + """ + s = strg + return 1 if 0 < loc < len(s) and s[loc - 1] == "\n" else loc - s.rfind("\n", 0, loc) + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def lineno(loc: int, strg: str) -> int: + """Returns current line number within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + The first line is number 1. + + Note - the default parsing behavior is to expand tabs in the input string + before starting the parsing process. See :class:`ParserElement.parseString` + for more information on parsing strings containing ```` s, and + suggested methods to maintain a consistent view of the parsed string, the + parse location, and line and column positions within the parsed string. + """ + return strg.count("\n", 0, loc) + 1 + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=128) +def line(loc: int, strg: str) -> str: + """ + Returns the line of text containing loc within a string, counting newlines as line separators. + """ + last_cr = strg.rfind("\n", 0, loc) + next_cr = strg.find("\n", loc) + return strg[last_cr + 1 : next_cr] if next_cr >= 0 else strg[last_cr + 1 :] + + +class _UnboundedCache: + def __init__(self): + cache = {} + cache_get = cache.get + self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() + + def get(_, key): + return cache_get(key, not_in_cache) + + def set_(_, key, value): + cache[key] = value + + def clear(_): + cache.clear() + + self.size = None + self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) + self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self) + self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) + + +class _FifoCache: + def __init__(self, size): + self.not_in_cache = not_in_cache = object() + cache = collections.OrderedDict() + cache_get = cache.get + + def get(_, key): + return cache_get(key, not_in_cache) + + def set_(_, key, value): + cache[key] = value + while len(cache) > size: + cache.popitem(last=False) + + def clear(_): + cache.clear() + + self.size = size + self.get = types.MethodType(get, self) + self.set = types.MethodType(set_, self) + self.clear = types.MethodType(clear, self) + + +class LRUMemo: + """ + A memoizing mapping that retains `capacity` deleted items + + The memo tracks retained items by their access order; once `capacity` items + are retained, the least recently used item is discarded. + """ + + def __init__(self, capacity): + self._capacity = capacity + self._active = {} + self._memory = collections.OrderedDict() + + def __getitem__(self, key): + try: + return self._active[key] + except KeyError: + self._memory.move_to_end(key) + return self._memory[key] + + def __setitem__(self, key, value): + self._memory.pop(key, None) + self._active[key] = value + + def __delitem__(self, key): + try: + value = self._active.pop(key) + except KeyError: + pass + else: + while len(self._memory) >= self._capacity: + self._memory.popitem(last=False) + self._memory[key] = value + + def clear(self): + self._active.clear() + self._memory.clear() + + +class UnboundedMemo(dict): + """ + A memoizing mapping that retains all deleted items + """ + + def __delitem__(self, key): + pass + + +def _escape_regex_range_chars(s: str) -> str: + # escape these chars: ^-[] + for c in r"\^-[]": + s = s.replace(c, _bslash + c) + s = s.replace("\n", r"\n") + s = s.replace("\t", r"\t") + return str(s) + + +def _collapse_string_to_ranges( + s: Union[str, Iterable[str]], re_escape: bool = True +) -> str: + def is_consecutive(c): + c_int = ord(c) + is_consecutive.prev, prev = c_int, is_consecutive.prev + if c_int - prev > 1: + is_consecutive.value = next(is_consecutive.counter) + return is_consecutive.value + + is_consecutive.prev = 0 + is_consecutive.counter = itertools.count() + is_consecutive.value = -1 + + def escape_re_range_char(c): + return "\\" + c if c in r"\^-][" else c + + def no_escape_re_range_char(c): + return c + + if not re_escape: + escape_re_range_char = no_escape_re_range_char + + ret = [] + s = "".join(sorted(set(s))) + if len(s) > 3: + for _, chars in itertools.groupby(s, key=is_consecutive): + first = last = next(chars) + last = collections.deque( + itertools.chain(iter([last]), chars), maxlen=1 + ).pop() + if first == last: + ret.append(escape_re_range_char(first)) + else: + sep = "" if ord(last) == ord(first) + 1 else "-" + ret.append( + "{}{}{}".format( + escape_re_range_char(first), sep, escape_re_range_char(last) + ) + ) + else: + ret = [escape_re_range_char(c) for c in s] + + return "".join(ret) + + +def _flatten(ll: list) -> list: + ret = [] + for i in ll: + if isinstance(i, list): + ret.extend(_flatten(i)) + else: + ret.append(i) + return ret diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c6ec97 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Taneli Hukkinen +# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. + +__all__ = ("loads", "load", "TOMLDecodeError") +__version__ = "2.0.1" # DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE MANUALLY. LET bump2version UTILITY DO IT + +from ._parser import TOMLDecodeError, load, loads + +# Pretend this exception was created here. +TOMLDecodeError.__module__ = __name__ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fbe84d9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..602d1b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_parser.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a633a32 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_re.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f1f520 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/__pycache__/_types.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_parser.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_parser.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1bb0aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_parser.py @@ -0,0 +1,691 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Taneli Hukkinen +# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. + +from __future__ import annotations + +from collections.abc import Iterable +import string +from types import MappingProxyType +from typing import Any, BinaryIO, NamedTuple + +from ._re import ( + RE_DATETIME, + RE_LOCALTIME, + RE_NUMBER, + match_to_datetime, + match_to_localtime, + match_to_number, +) +from ._types import Key, ParseFloat, Pos + +ASCII_CTRL = frozenset(chr(i) for i in range(32)) | frozenset(chr(127)) + +# Neither of these sets include quotation mark or backslash. They are +# currently handled as separate cases in the parser functions. +ILLEGAL_BASIC_STR_CHARS = ASCII_CTRL - frozenset("\t") +ILLEGAL_MULTILINE_BASIC_STR_CHARS = ASCII_CTRL - frozenset("\t\n") + +ILLEGAL_LITERAL_STR_CHARS = ILLEGAL_BASIC_STR_CHARS +ILLEGAL_MULTILINE_LITERAL_STR_CHARS = ILLEGAL_MULTILINE_BASIC_STR_CHARS + +ILLEGAL_COMMENT_CHARS = ILLEGAL_BASIC_STR_CHARS + +TOML_WS = frozenset(" \t") +TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE = TOML_WS | frozenset("\n") +BARE_KEY_CHARS = frozenset(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-_") +KEY_INITIAL_CHARS = BARE_KEY_CHARS | frozenset("\"'") +HEXDIGIT_CHARS = frozenset(string.hexdigits) + +BASIC_STR_ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS = MappingProxyType( + { + "\\b": "\u0008", # backspace + "\\t": "\u0009", # tab + "\\n": "\u000A", # linefeed + "\\f": "\u000C", # form feed + "\\r": "\u000D", # carriage return + '\\"': "\u0022", # quote + "\\\\": "\u005C", # backslash + } +) + + +class TOMLDecodeError(ValueError): + """An error raised if a document is not valid TOML.""" + + +def load(__fp: BinaryIO, *, parse_float: ParseFloat = float) -> dict[str, Any]: + """Parse TOML from a binary file object.""" + b = __fp.read() + try: + s = b.decode() + except AttributeError: + raise TypeError( + "File must be opened in binary mode, e.g. use `open('foo.toml', 'rb')`" + ) from None + return loads(s, parse_float=parse_float) + + +def loads(__s: str, *, parse_float: ParseFloat = float) -> dict[str, Any]: # noqa: C901 + """Parse TOML from a string.""" + + # The spec allows converting "\r\n" to "\n", even in string + # literals. Let's do so to simplify parsing. + src = __s.replace("\r\n", "\n") + pos = 0 + out = Output(NestedDict(), Flags()) + header: Key = () + parse_float = make_safe_parse_float(parse_float) + + # Parse one statement at a time + # (typically means one line in TOML source) + while True: + # 1. Skip line leading whitespace + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + + # 2. Parse rules. Expect one of the following: + # - end of file + # - end of line + # - comment + # - key/value pair + # - append dict to list (and move to its namespace) + # - create dict (and move to its namespace) + # Skip trailing whitespace when applicable. + try: + char = src[pos] + except IndexError: + break + if char == "\n": + pos += 1 + continue + if char in KEY_INITIAL_CHARS: + pos = key_value_rule(src, pos, out, header, parse_float) + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + elif char == "[": + try: + second_char: str | None = src[pos + 1] + except IndexError: + second_char = None + out.flags.finalize_pending() + if second_char == "[": + pos, header = create_list_rule(src, pos, out) + else: + pos, header = create_dict_rule(src, pos, out) + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + elif char != "#": + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid statement") + + # 3. Skip comment + pos = skip_comment(src, pos) + + # 4. Expect end of line or end of file + try: + char = src[pos] + except IndexError: + break + if char != "\n": + raise suffixed_err( + src, pos, "Expected newline or end of document after a statement" + ) + pos += 1 + + return out.data.dict + + +class Flags: + """Flags that map to parsed keys/namespaces.""" + + # Marks an immutable namespace (inline array or inline table). + FROZEN = 0 + # Marks a nest that has been explicitly created and can no longer + # be opened using the "[table]" syntax. + EXPLICIT_NEST = 1 + + def __init__(self) -> None: + self._flags: dict[str, dict] = {} + self._pending_flags: set[tuple[Key, int]] = set() + + def add_pending(self, key: Key, flag: int) -> None: + self._pending_flags.add((key, flag)) + + def finalize_pending(self) -> None: + for key, flag in self._pending_flags: + self.set(key, flag, recursive=False) + self._pending_flags.clear() + + def unset_all(self, key: Key) -> None: + cont = self._flags + for k in key[:-1]: + if k not in cont: + return + cont = cont[k]["nested"] + cont.pop(key[-1], None) + + def set(self, key: Key, flag: int, *, recursive: bool) -> None: # noqa: A003 + cont = self._flags + key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1] + for k in key_parent: + if k not in cont: + cont[k] = {"flags": set(), "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}} + cont = cont[k]["nested"] + if key_stem not in cont: + cont[key_stem] = {"flags": set(), "recursive_flags": set(), "nested": {}} + cont[key_stem]["recursive_flags" if recursive else "flags"].add(flag) + + def is_(self, key: Key, flag: int) -> bool: + if not key: + return False # document root has no flags + cont = self._flags + for k in key[:-1]: + if k not in cont: + return False + inner_cont = cont[k] + if flag in inner_cont["recursive_flags"]: + return True + cont = inner_cont["nested"] + key_stem = key[-1] + if key_stem in cont: + cont = cont[key_stem] + return flag in cont["flags"] or flag in cont["recursive_flags"] + return False + + +class NestedDict: + def __init__(self) -> None: + # The parsed content of the TOML document + self.dict: dict[str, Any] = {} + + def get_or_create_nest( + self, + key: Key, + *, + access_lists: bool = True, + ) -> dict: + cont: Any = self.dict + for k in key: + if k not in cont: + cont[k] = {} + cont = cont[k] + if access_lists and isinstance(cont, list): + cont = cont[-1] + if not isinstance(cont, dict): + raise KeyError("There is no nest behind this key") + return cont + + def append_nest_to_list(self, key: Key) -> None: + cont = self.get_or_create_nest(key[:-1]) + last_key = key[-1] + if last_key in cont: + list_ = cont[last_key] + if not isinstance(list_, list): + raise KeyError("An object other than list found behind this key") + list_.append({}) + else: + cont[last_key] = [{}] + + +class Output(NamedTuple): + data: NestedDict + flags: Flags + + +def skip_chars(src: str, pos: Pos, chars: Iterable[str]) -> Pos: + try: + while src[pos] in chars: + pos += 1 + except IndexError: + pass + return pos + + +def skip_until( + src: str, + pos: Pos, + expect: str, + *, + error_on: frozenset[str], + error_on_eof: bool, +) -> Pos: + try: + new_pos = src.index(expect, pos) + except ValueError: + new_pos = len(src) + if error_on_eof: + raise suffixed_err(src, new_pos, f"Expected {expect!r}") from None + + if not error_on.isdisjoint(src[pos:new_pos]): + while src[pos] not in error_on: + pos += 1 + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Found invalid character {src[pos]!r}") + return new_pos + + +def skip_comment(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Pos: + try: + char: str | None = src[pos] + except IndexError: + char = None + if char == "#": + return skip_until( + src, pos + 1, "\n", error_on=ILLEGAL_COMMENT_CHARS, error_on_eof=False + ) + return pos + + +def skip_comments_and_array_ws(src: str, pos: Pos) -> Pos: + while True: + pos_before_skip = pos + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE) + pos = skip_comment(src, pos) + if pos == pos_before_skip: + return pos + + +def create_dict_rule(src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output) -> tuple[Pos, Key]: + pos += 1 # Skip "[" + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + pos, key = parse_key(src, pos) + + if out.flags.is_(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST) or out.flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Cannot declare {key} twice") + out.flags.set(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST, recursive=False) + try: + out.data.get_or_create_nest(key) + except KeyError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Cannot overwrite a value") from None + + if not src.startswith("]", pos): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Expected ']' at the end of a table declaration") + return pos + 1, key + + +def create_list_rule(src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output) -> tuple[Pos, Key]: + pos += 2 # Skip "[[" + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + pos, key = parse_key(src, pos) + + if out.flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Cannot mutate immutable namespace {key}") + # Free the namespace now that it points to another empty list item... + out.flags.unset_all(key) + # ...but this key precisely is still prohibited from table declaration + out.flags.set(key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST, recursive=False) + try: + out.data.append_nest_to_list(key) + except KeyError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Cannot overwrite a value") from None + + if not src.startswith("]]", pos): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Expected ']]' at the end of an array declaration") + return pos + 2, key + + +def key_value_rule( + src: str, pos: Pos, out: Output, header: Key, parse_float: ParseFloat +) -> Pos: + pos, key, value = parse_key_value_pair(src, pos, parse_float) + key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1] + abs_key_parent = header + key_parent + + relative_path_cont_keys = (header + key[:i] for i in range(1, len(key))) + for cont_key in relative_path_cont_keys: + # Check that dotted key syntax does not redefine an existing table + if out.flags.is_(cont_key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Cannot redefine namespace {cont_key}") + # Containers in the relative path can't be opened with the table syntax or + # dotted key/value syntax in following table sections. + out.flags.add_pending(cont_key, Flags.EXPLICIT_NEST) + + if out.flags.is_(abs_key_parent, Flags.FROZEN): + raise suffixed_err( + src, pos, f"Cannot mutate immutable namespace {abs_key_parent}" + ) + + try: + nest = out.data.get_or_create_nest(abs_key_parent) + except KeyError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Cannot overwrite a value") from None + if key_stem in nest: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Cannot overwrite a value") + # Mark inline table and array namespaces recursively immutable + if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): + out.flags.set(header + key, Flags.FROZEN, recursive=True) + nest[key_stem] = value + return pos + + +def parse_key_value_pair( + src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat +) -> tuple[Pos, Key, Any]: + pos, key = parse_key(src, pos) + try: + char: str | None = src[pos] + except IndexError: + char = None + if char != "=": + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Expected '=' after a key in a key/value pair") + pos += 1 + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + pos, value = parse_value(src, pos, parse_float) + return pos, key, value + + +def parse_key(src: str, pos: Pos) -> tuple[Pos, Key]: + pos, key_part = parse_key_part(src, pos) + key: Key = (key_part,) + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + while True: + try: + char: str | None = src[pos] + except IndexError: + char = None + if char != ".": + return pos, key + pos += 1 + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + pos, key_part = parse_key_part(src, pos) + key += (key_part,) + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + + +def parse_key_part(src: str, pos: Pos) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + try: + char: str | None = src[pos] + except IndexError: + char = None + if char in BARE_KEY_CHARS: + start_pos = pos + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, BARE_KEY_CHARS) + return pos, src[start_pos:pos] + if char == "'": + return parse_literal_str(src, pos) + if char == '"': + return parse_one_line_basic_str(src, pos) + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid initial character for a key part") + + +def parse_one_line_basic_str(src: str, pos: Pos) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + pos += 1 + return parse_basic_str(src, pos, multiline=False) + + +def parse_array(src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat) -> tuple[Pos, list]: + pos += 1 + array: list = [] + + pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos) + if src.startswith("]", pos): + return pos + 1, array + while True: + pos, val = parse_value(src, pos, parse_float) + array.append(val) + pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos) + + c = src[pos : pos + 1] + if c == "]": + return pos + 1, array + if c != ",": + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unclosed array") + pos += 1 + + pos = skip_comments_and_array_ws(src, pos) + if src.startswith("]", pos): + return pos + 1, array + + +def parse_inline_table(src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat) -> tuple[Pos, dict]: + pos += 1 + nested_dict = NestedDict() + flags = Flags() + + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + if src.startswith("}", pos): + return pos + 1, nested_dict.dict + while True: + pos, key, value = parse_key_value_pair(src, pos, parse_float) + key_parent, key_stem = key[:-1], key[-1] + if flags.is_(key, Flags.FROZEN): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Cannot mutate immutable namespace {key}") + try: + nest = nested_dict.get_or_create_nest(key_parent, access_lists=False) + except KeyError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Cannot overwrite a value") from None + if key_stem in nest: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Duplicate inline table key {key_stem!r}") + nest[key_stem] = value + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + c = src[pos : pos + 1] + if c == "}": + return pos + 1, nested_dict.dict + if c != ",": + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unclosed inline table") + if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): + flags.set(key, Flags.FROZEN, recursive=True) + pos += 1 + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + + +def parse_basic_str_escape( + src: str, pos: Pos, *, multiline: bool = False +) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + escape_id = src[pos : pos + 2] + pos += 2 + if multiline and escape_id in {"\\ ", "\\\t", "\\\n"}: + # Skip whitespace until next non-whitespace character or end of + # the doc. Error if non-whitespace is found before newline. + if escape_id != "\\\n": + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS) + try: + char = src[pos] + except IndexError: + return pos, "" + if char != "\n": + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unescaped '\\' in a string") + pos += 1 + pos = skip_chars(src, pos, TOML_WS_AND_NEWLINE) + return pos, "" + if escape_id == "\\u": + return parse_hex_char(src, pos, 4) + if escape_id == "\\U": + return parse_hex_char(src, pos, 8) + try: + return pos, BASIC_STR_ESCAPE_REPLACEMENTS[escape_id] + except KeyError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unescaped '\\' in a string") from None + + +def parse_basic_str_escape_multiline(src: str, pos: Pos) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + return parse_basic_str_escape(src, pos, multiline=True) + + +def parse_hex_char(src: str, pos: Pos, hex_len: int) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + hex_str = src[pos : pos + hex_len] + if len(hex_str) != hex_len or not HEXDIGIT_CHARS.issuperset(hex_str): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid hex value") + pos += hex_len + hex_int = int(hex_str, 16) + if not is_unicode_scalar_value(hex_int): + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Escaped character is not a Unicode scalar value") + return pos, chr(hex_int) + + +def parse_literal_str(src: str, pos: Pos) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + pos += 1 # Skip starting apostrophe + start_pos = pos + pos = skip_until( + src, pos, "'", error_on=ILLEGAL_LITERAL_STR_CHARS, error_on_eof=True + ) + return pos + 1, src[start_pos:pos] # Skip ending apostrophe + + +def parse_multiline_str(src: str, pos: Pos, *, literal: bool) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + pos += 3 + if src.startswith("\n", pos): + pos += 1 + + if literal: + delim = "'" + end_pos = skip_until( + src, + pos, + "'''", + error_on=ILLEGAL_MULTILINE_LITERAL_STR_CHARS, + error_on_eof=True, + ) + result = src[pos:end_pos] + pos = end_pos + 3 + else: + delim = '"' + pos, result = parse_basic_str(src, pos, multiline=True) + + # Add at maximum two extra apostrophes/quotes if the end sequence + # is 4 or 5 chars long instead of just 3. + if not src.startswith(delim, pos): + return pos, result + pos += 1 + if not src.startswith(delim, pos): + return pos, result + delim + pos += 1 + return pos, result + (delim * 2) + + +def parse_basic_str(src: str, pos: Pos, *, multiline: bool) -> tuple[Pos, str]: + if multiline: + error_on = ILLEGAL_MULTILINE_BASIC_STR_CHARS + parse_escapes = parse_basic_str_escape_multiline + else: + error_on = ILLEGAL_BASIC_STR_CHARS + parse_escapes = parse_basic_str_escape + result = "" + start_pos = pos + while True: + try: + char = src[pos] + except IndexError: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Unterminated string") from None + if char == '"': + if not multiline: + return pos + 1, result + src[start_pos:pos] + if src.startswith('"""', pos): + return pos + 3, result + src[start_pos:pos] + pos += 1 + continue + if char == "\\": + result += src[start_pos:pos] + pos, parsed_escape = parse_escapes(src, pos) + result += parsed_escape + start_pos = pos + continue + if char in error_on: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, f"Illegal character {char!r}") + pos += 1 + + +def parse_value( # noqa: C901 + src: str, pos: Pos, parse_float: ParseFloat +) -> tuple[Pos, Any]: + try: + char: str | None = src[pos] + except IndexError: + char = None + + # IMPORTANT: order conditions based on speed of checking and likelihood + + # Basic strings + if char == '"': + if src.startswith('"""', pos): + return parse_multiline_str(src, pos, literal=False) + return parse_one_line_basic_str(src, pos) + + # Literal strings + if char == "'": + if src.startswith("'''", pos): + return parse_multiline_str(src, pos, literal=True) + return parse_literal_str(src, pos) + + # Booleans + if char == "t": + if src.startswith("true", pos): + return pos + 4, True + if char == "f": + if src.startswith("false", pos): + return pos + 5, False + + # Arrays + if char == "[": + return parse_array(src, pos, parse_float) + + # Inline tables + if char == "{": + return parse_inline_table(src, pos, parse_float) + + # Dates and times + datetime_match = RE_DATETIME.match(src, pos) + if datetime_match: + try: + datetime_obj = match_to_datetime(datetime_match) + except ValueError as e: + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid date or datetime") from e + return datetime_match.end(), datetime_obj + localtime_match = RE_LOCALTIME.match(src, pos) + if localtime_match: + return localtime_match.end(), match_to_localtime(localtime_match) + + # Integers and "normal" floats. + # The regex will greedily match any type starting with a decimal + # char, so needs to be located after handling of dates and times. + number_match = RE_NUMBER.match(src, pos) + if number_match: + return number_match.end(), match_to_number(number_match, parse_float) + + # Special floats + first_three = src[pos : pos + 3] + if first_three in {"inf", "nan"}: + return pos + 3, parse_float(first_three) + first_four = src[pos : pos + 4] + if first_four in {"-inf", "+inf", "-nan", "+nan"}: + return pos + 4, parse_float(first_four) + + raise suffixed_err(src, pos, "Invalid value") + + +def suffixed_err(src: str, pos: Pos, msg: str) -> TOMLDecodeError: + """Return a `TOMLDecodeError` where error message is suffixed with + coordinates in source.""" + + def coord_repr(src: str, pos: Pos) -> str: + if pos >= len(src): + return "end of document" + line = src.count("\n", 0, pos) + 1 + if line == 1: + column = pos + 1 + else: + column = pos - src.rindex("\n", 0, pos) + return f"line {line}, column {column}" + + return TOMLDecodeError(f"{msg} (at {coord_repr(src, pos)})") + + +def is_unicode_scalar_value(codepoint: int) -> bool: + return (0 <= codepoint <= 55295) or (57344 <= codepoint <= 1114111) + + +def make_safe_parse_float(parse_float: ParseFloat) -> ParseFloat: + """A decorator to make `parse_float` safe. + + `parse_float` must not return dicts or lists, because these types + would be mixed with parsed TOML tables and arrays, thus confusing + the parser. The returned decorated callable raises `ValueError` + instead of returning illegal types. + """ + # The default `float` callable never returns illegal types. Optimize it. + if parse_float is float: # type: ignore[comparison-overlap] + return float + + def safe_parse_float(float_str: str) -> Any: + float_value = parse_float(float_str) + if isinstance(float_value, (dict, list)): + raise ValueError("parse_float must not return dicts or lists") + return float_value + + return safe_parse_float diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_re.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_re.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..994bb74 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_re.py @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Taneli Hukkinen +# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. + +from __future__ import annotations + +from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta, timezone, tzinfo +from functools import lru_cache +import re +from typing import Any + +from ._types import ParseFloat + +# E.g. +# - 00:32:00.999999 +# - 00:32:00 +_TIME_RE_STR = r"([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(?:\.([0-9]{1,6})[0-9]*)?" + +RE_NUMBER = re.compile( + r""" +0 +(?: + x[0-9A-Fa-f](?:_?[0-9A-Fa-f])* # hex + | + b[01](?:_?[01])* # bin + | + o[0-7](?:_?[0-7])* # oct +) +| +[+-]?(?:0|[1-9](?:_?[0-9])*) # dec, integer part +(?P + (?:\.[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)? # optional fractional part + (?:[eE][+-]?[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)? # optional exponent part +) +""", + flags=re.VERBOSE, +) +RE_LOCALTIME = re.compile(_TIME_RE_STR) +RE_DATETIME = re.compile( + rf""" +([0-9]{{4}})-(0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) # date, e.g. 1988-10-27 +(?: + [Tt ] + {_TIME_RE_STR} + (?:([Zz])|([+-])([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]))? # optional time offset +)? +""", + flags=re.VERBOSE, +) + + +def match_to_datetime(match: re.Match) -> datetime | date: + """Convert a `RE_DATETIME` match to `datetime.datetime` or `datetime.date`. + + Raises ValueError if the match does not correspond to a valid date + or datetime. + """ + ( + year_str, + month_str, + day_str, + hour_str, + minute_str, + sec_str, + micros_str, + zulu_time, + offset_sign_str, + offset_hour_str, + offset_minute_str, + ) = match.groups() + year, month, day = int(year_str), int(month_str), int(day_str) + if hour_str is None: + return date(year, month, day) + hour, minute, sec = int(hour_str), int(minute_str), int(sec_str) + micros = int(micros_str.ljust(6, "0")) if micros_str else 0 + if offset_sign_str: + tz: tzinfo | None = cached_tz( + offset_hour_str, offset_minute_str, offset_sign_str + ) + elif zulu_time: + tz = timezone.utc + else: # local date-time + tz = None + return datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, micros, tzinfo=tz) + + +@lru_cache(maxsize=None) +def cached_tz(hour_str: str, minute_str: str, sign_str: str) -> timezone: + sign = 1 if sign_str == "+" else -1 + return timezone( + timedelta( + hours=sign * int(hour_str), + minutes=sign * int(minute_str), + ) + ) + + +def match_to_localtime(match: re.Match) -> time: + hour_str, minute_str, sec_str, micros_str = match.groups() + micros = int(micros_str.ljust(6, "0")) if micros_str else 0 + return time(int(hour_str), int(minute_str), int(sec_str), micros) + + +def match_to_number(match: re.Match, parse_float: ParseFloat) -> Any: + if match.group("floatpart"): + return parse_float(match.group()) + return int(match.group(), 0) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_types.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_types.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d949412 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/tomli/_types.py @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT +# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Taneli Hukkinen +# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. + +from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple + +# Type annotations +ParseFloat = Callable[[str], Any] +Key = Tuple[str, ...] +Pos = int diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/typing_extensions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/typing_extensions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f1c7aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/typing_extensions.py @@ -0,0 +1,2296 @@ +import abc +import collections +import collections.abc +import operator +import sys +import typing + +# After PEP 560, internal typing API was substantially reworked. +# This is especially important for Protocol class which uses internal APIs +# quite extensively. +PEP_560 = sys.version_info[:3] >= (3, 7, 0) + +if PEP_560: + GenericMeta = type +else: + # 3.6 + from typing import GenericMeta, _type_vars # noqa + +# The two functions below are copies of typing internal helpers. +# They are needed by _ProtocolMeta + + +def _no_slots_copy(dct): + dict_copy = dict(dct) + if '__slots__' in dict_copy: + for slot in dict_copy['__slots__']: + dict_copy.pop(slot, None) + return dict_copy + + +def _check_generic(cls, parameters): + if not cls.__parameters__: + raise TypeError(f"{cls} is not a generic class") + alen = len(parameters) + elen = len(cls.__parameters__) + if alen != elen: + raise TypeError(f"Too {'many' if alen > elen else 'few'} arguments for {cls};" + f" actual {alen}, expected {elen}") + + +# Please keep __all__ alphabetized within each category. +__all__ = [ + # Super-special typing primitives. + 'ClassVar', + 'Concatenate', + 'Final', + 'ParamSpec', + 'Self', + 'Type', + + # ABCs (from collections.abc). + 'Awaitable', + 'AsyncIterator', + 'AsyncIterable', + 'Coroutine', + 'AsyncGenerator', + 'AsyncContextManager', + 'ChainMap', + + # Concrete collection types. + 'ContextManager', + 'Counter', + 'Deque', + 'DefaultDict', + 'OrderedDict', + 'TypedDict', + + # Structural checks, a.k.a. protocols. + 'SupportsIndex', + + # One-off things. + 'Annotated', + 'final', + 'IntVar', + 'Literal', + 'NewType', + 'overload', + 'Protocol', + 'runtime', + 'runtime_checkable', + 'Text', + 'TypeAlias', + 'TypeGuard', + 'TYPE_CHECKING', +] + +if PEP_560: + __all__.extend(["get_args", "get_origin", "get_type_hints"]) + +# 3.6.2+ +if hasattr(typing, 'NoReturn'): + NoReturn = typing.NoReturn +# 3.6.0-3.6.1 +else: + class _NoReturn(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + """Special type indicating functions that never return. + Example:: + + from typing import NoReturn + + def stop() -> NoReturn: + raise Exception('no way') + + This type is invalid in other positions, e.g., ``List[NoReturn]`` + will fail in static type checkers. + """ + __slots__ = () + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError("NoReturn cannot be used with isinstance().") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError("NoReturn cannot be used with issubclass().") + + NoReturn = _NoReturn(_root=True) + +# Some unconstrained type variables. These are used by the container types. +# (These are not for export.) +T = typing.TypeVar('T') # Any type. +KT = typing.TypeVar('KT') # Key type. +VT = typing.TypeVar('VT') # Value type. +T_co = typing.TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True) # Any type covariant containers. +T_contra = typing.TypeVar('T_contra', contravariant=True) # Ditto contravariant. + +ClassVar = typing.ClassVar + +# On older versions of typing there is an internal class named "Final". +# 3.8+ +if hasattr(typing, 'Final') and sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + Final = typing.Final +# 3.7 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _FinalForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + item = typing._type_check(parameters, + f'{self._name} accepts only single type') + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) + + Final = _FinalForm('Final', + doc="""A special typing construct to indicate that a name + cannot be re-assigned or overridden in a subclass. + For example: + + MAX_SIZE: Final = 9000 + MAX_SIZE += 1 # Error reported by type checker + + class Connection: + TIMEOUT: Final[int] = 10 + class FastConnector(Connection): + TIMEOUT = 1 # Error reported by type checker + + There is no runtime checking of these properties.""") +# 3.6 +else: + class _Final(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + """A special typing construct to indicate that a name + cannot be re-assigned or overridden in a subclass. + For example: + + MAX_SIZE: Final = 9000 + MAX_SIZE += 1 # Error reported by type checker + + class Connection: + TIMEOUT: Final[int] = 10 + class FastConnector(Connection): + TIMEOUT = 1 # Error reported by type checker + + There is no runtime checking of these properties. + """ + + __slots__ = ('__type__',) + + def __init__(self, tp=None, **kwds): + self.__type__ = tp + + def __getitem__(self, item): + cls = type(self) + if self.__type__ is None: + return cls(typing._type_check(item, + f'{cls.__name__[1:]} accepts only single type.'), + _root=True) + raise TypeError(f'{cls.__name__[1:]} cannot be further subscripted') + + def _eval_type(self, globalns, localns): + new_tp = typing._eval_type(self.__type__, globalns, localns) + if new_tp == self.__type__: + return self + return type(self)(new_tp, _root=True) + + def __repr__(self): + r = super().__repr__() + if self.__type__ is not None: + r += f'[{typing._type_repr(self.__type__)}]' + return r + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((type(self).__name__, self.__type__)) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, _Final): + return NotImplemented + if self.__type__ is not None: + return self.__type__ == other.__type__ + return self is other + + Final = _Final(_root=True) + + +# 3.8+ +if hasattr(typing, 'final'): + final = typing.final +# 3.6-3.7 +else: + def final(f): + """This decorator can be used to indicate to type checkers that + the decorated method cannot be overridden, and decorated class + cannot be subclassed. For example: + + class Base: + @final + def done(self) -> None: + ... + class Sub(Base): + def done(self) -> None: # Error reported by type checker + ... + @final + class Leaf: + ... + class Other(Leaf): # Error reported by type checker + ... + + There is no runtime checking of these properties. + """ + return f + + +def IntVar(name): + return typing.TypeVar(name) + + +# 3.8+: +if hasattr(typing, 'Literal'): + Literal = typing.Literal +# 3.7: +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _LiteralForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + return typing._GenericAlias(self, parameters) + + Literal = _LiteralForm('Literal', + doc="""A type that can be used to indicate to type checkers + that the corresponding value has a value literally equivalent + to the provided parameter. For example: + + var: Literal[4] = 4 + + The type checker understands that 'var' is literally equal to + the value 4 and no other value. + + Literal[...] cannot be subclassed. There is no runtime + checking verifying that the parameter is actually a value + instead of a type.""") +# 3.6: +else: + class _Literal(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + """A type that can be used to indicate to type checkers that the + corresponding value has a value literally equivalent to the + provided parameter. For example: + + var: Literal[4] = 4 + + The type checker understands that 'var' is literally equal to the + value 4 and no other value. + + Literal[...] cannot be subclassed. There is no runtime checking + verifying that the parameter is actually a value instead of a type. + """ + + __slots__ = ('__values__',) + + def __init__(self, values=None, **kwds): + self.__values__ = values + + def __getitem__(self, values): + cls = type(self) + if self.__values__ is None: + if not isinstance(values, tuple): + values = (values,) + return cls(values, _root=True) + raise TypeError(f'{cls.__name__[1:]} cannot be further subscripted') + + def _eval_type(self, globalns, localns): + return self + + def __repr__(self): + r = super().__repr__() + if self.__values__ is not None: + r += f'[{", ".join(map(typing._type_repr, self.__values__))}]' + return r + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((type(self).__name__, self.__values__)) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, _Literal): + return NotImplemented + if self.__values__ is not None: + return self.__values__ == other.__values__ + return self is other + + Literal = _Literal(_root=True) + + +_overload_dummy = typing._overload_dummy # noqa +overload = typing.overload + + +# This is not a real generic class. Don't use outside annotations. +Type = typing.Type + +# Various ABCs mimicking those in collections.abc. +# A few are simply re-exported for completeness. + + +class _ExtensionsGenericMeta(GenericMeta): + def __subclasscheck__(self, subclass): + """This mimics a more modern GenericMeta.__subclasscheck__() logic + (that does not have problems with recursion) to work around interactions + between collections, typing, and typing_extensions on older + versions of Python, see https://github.com/python/typing/issues/501. + """ + if self.__origin__ is not None: + if sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] not in ['abc', 'functools']: + raise TypeError("Parameterized generics cannot be used with class " + "or instance checks") + return False + if not self.__extra__: + return super().__subclasscheck__(subclass) + res = self.__extra__.__subclasshook__(subclass) + if res is not NotImplemented: + return res + if self.__extra__ in subclass.__mro__: + return True + for scls in self.__extra__.__subclasses__(): + if isinstance(scls, GenericMeta): + continue + if issubclass(subclass, scls): + return True + return False + + +Awaitable = typing.Awaitable +Coroutine = typing.Coroutine +AsyncIterable = typing.AsyncIterable +AsyncIterator = typing.AsyncIterator + +# 3.6.1+ +if hasattr(typing, 'Deque'): + Deque = typing.Deque +# 3.6.0 +else: + class Deque(collections.deque, typing.MutableSequence[T], + metaclass=_ExtensionsGenericMeta, + extra=collections.deque): + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if cls._gorg is Deque: + return collections.deque(*args, **kwds) + return typing._generic_new(collections.deque, cls, *args, **kwds) + +ContextManager = typing.ContextManager +# 3.6.2+ +if hasattr(typing, 'AsyncContextManager'): + AsyncContextManager = typing.AsyncContextManager +# 3.6.0-3.6.1 +else: + from _collections_abc import _check_methods as _check_methods_in_mro # noqa + + class AsyncContextManager(typing.Generic[T_co]): + __slots__ = () + + async def __aenter__(self): + return self + + @abc.abstractmethod + async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): + return None + + @classmethod + def __subclasshook__(cls, C): + if cls is AsyncContextManager: + return _check_methods_in_mro(C, "__aenter__", "__aexit__") + return NotImplemented + +DefaultDict = typing.DefaultDict + +# 3.7.2+ +if hasattr(typing, 'OrderedDict'): + OrderedDict = typing.OrderedDict +# 3.7.0-3.7.2 +elif (3, 7, 0) <= sys.version_info[:3] < (3, 7, 2): + OrderedDict = typing._alias(collections.OrderedDict, (KT, VT)) +# 3.6 +else: + class OrderedDict(collections.OrderedDict, typing.MutableMapping[KT, VT], + metaclass=_ExtensionsGenericMeta, + extra=collections.OrderedDict): + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if cls._gorg is OrderedDict: + return collections.OrderedDict(*args, **kwds) + return typing._generic_new(collections.OrderedDict, cls, *args, **kwds) + +# 3.6.2+ +if hasattr(typing, 'Counter'): + Counter = typing.Counter +# 3.6.0-3.6.1 +else: + class Counter(collections.Counter, + typing.Dict[T, int], + metaclass=_ExtensionsGenericMeta, extra=collections.Counter): + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if cls._gorg is Counter: + return collections.Counter(*args, **kwds) + return typing._generic_new(collections.Counter, cls, *args, **kwds) + +# 3.6.1+ +if hasattr(typing, 'ChainMap'): + ChainMap = typing.ChainMap +elif hasattr(collections, 'ChainMap'): + class ChainMap(collections.ChainMap, typing.MutableMapping[KT, VT], + metaclass=_ExtensionsGenericMeta, + extra=collections.ChainMap): + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if cls._gorg is ChainMap: + return collections.ChainMap(*args, **kwds) + return typing._generic_new(collections.ChainMap, cls, *args, **kwds) + +# 3.6.1+ +if hasattr(typing, 'AsyncGenerator'): + AsyncGenerator = typing.AsyncGenerator +# 3.6.0 +else: + class AsyncGenerator(AsyncIterator[T_co], typing.Generic[T_co, T_contra], + metaclass=_ExtensionsGenericMeta, + extra=collections.abc.AsyncGenerator): + __slots__ = () + +NewType = typing.NewType +Text = typing.Text +TYPE_CHECKING = typing.TYPE_CHECKING + + +def _gorg(cls): + """This function exists for compatibility with old typing versions.""" + assert isinstance(cls, GenericMeta) + if hasattr(cls, '_gorg'): + return cls._gorg + while cls.__origin__ is not None: + cls = cls.__origin__ + return cls + + +_PROTO_WHITELIST = ['Callable', 'Awaitable', + 'Iterable', 'Iterator', 'AsyncIterable', 'AsyncIterator', + 'Hashable', 'Sized', 'Container', 'Collection', 'Reversible', + 'ContextManager', 'AsyncContextManager'] + + +def _get_protocol_attrs(cls): + attrs = set() + for base in cls.__mro__[:-1]: # without object + if base.__name__ in ('Protocol', 'Generic'): + continue + annotations = getattr(base, '__annotations__', {}) + for attr in list(base.__dict__.keys()) + list(annotations.keys()): + if (not attr.startswith('_abc_') and attr not in ( + '__abstractmethods__', '__annotations__', '__weakref__', + '_is_protocol', '_is_runtime_protocol', '__dict__', + '__args__', '__slots__', + '__next_in_mro__', '__parameters__', '__origin__', + '__orig_bases__', '__extra__', '__tree_hash__', + '__doc__', '__subclasshook__', '__init__', '__new__', + '__module__', '_MutableMapping__marker', '_gorg')): + attrs.add(attr) + return attrs + + +def _is_callable_members_only(cls): + return all(callable(getattr(cls, attr, None)) for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(cls)) + + +# 3.8+ +if hasattr(typing, 'Protocol'): + Protocol = typing.Protocol +# 3.7 +elif PEP_560: + from typing import _collect_type_vars # noqa + + def _no_init(self, *args, **kwargs): + if type(self)._is_protocol: + raise TypeError('Protocols cannot be instantiated') + + class _ProtocolMeta(abc.ABCMeta): + # This metaclass is a bit unfortunate and exists only because of the lack + # of __instancehook__. + def __instancecheck__(cls, instance): + # We need this method for situations where attributes are + # assigned in __init__. + if ((not getattr(cls, '_is_protocol', False) or + _is_callable_members_only(cls)) and + issubclass(instance.__class__, cls)): + return True + if cls._is_protocol: + if all(hasattr(instance, attr) and + (not callable(getattr(cls, attr, None)) or + getattr(instance, attr) is not None) + for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(cls)): + return True + return super().__instancecheck__(instance) + + class Protocol(metaclass=_ProtocolMeta): + # There is quite a lot of overlapping code with typing.Generic. + # Unfortunately it is hard to avoid this while these live in two different + # modules. The duplicated code will be removed when Protocol is moved to typing. + """Base class for protocol classes. Protocol classes are defined as:: + + class Proto(Protocol): + def meth(self) -> int: + ... + + Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize + structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example:: + + class C: + def meth(self) -> int: + return 0 + + def func(x: Proto) -> int: + return x.meth() + + func(C()) # Passes static type check + + See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with + @typing_extensions.runtime act as simple-minded runtime protocol that checks + only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. + + Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:: + + class GenProto(Protocol[T]): + def meth(self) -> T: + ... + """ + __slots__ = () + _is_protocol = True + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if cls is Protocol: + raise TypeError("Type Protocol cannot be instantiated; " + "it can only be used as a base class") + return super().__new__(cls) + + @typing._tp_cache + def __class_getitem__(cls, params): + if not isinstance(params, tuple): + params = (params,) + if not params and cls is not typing.Tuple: + raise TypeError( + f"Parameter list to {cls.__qualname__}[...] cannot be empty") + msg = "Parameters to generic types must be types." + params = tuple(typing._type_check(p, msg) for p in params) # noqa + if cls is Protocol: + # Generic can only be subscripted with unique type variables. + if not all(isinstance(p, typing.TypeVar) for p in params): + i = 0 + while isinstance(params[i], typing.TypeVar): + i += 1 + raise TypeError( + "Parameters to Protocol[...] must all be type variables." + f" Parameter {i + 1} is {params[i]}") + if len(set(params)) != len(params): + raise TypeError( + "Parameters to Protocol[...] must all be unique") + else: + # Subscripting a regular Generic subclass. + _check_generic(cls, params) + return typing._GenericAlias(cls, params) + + def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + tvars = [] + if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__: + error = typing.Generic in cls.__orig_bases__ + else: + error = typing.Generic in cls.__bases__ + if error: + raise TypeError("Cannot inherit from plain Generic") + if '__orig_bases__' in cls.__dict__: + tvars = _collect_type_vars(cls.__orig_bases__) + # Look for Generic[T1, ..., Tn] or Protocol[T1, ..., Tn]. + # If found, tvars must be a subset of it. + # If not found, tvars is it. + # Also check for and reject plain Generic, + # and reject multiple Generic[...] and/or Protocol[...]. + gvars = None + for base in cls.__orig_bases__: + if (isinstance(base, typing._GenericAlias) and + base.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol)): + # for error messages + the_base = base.__origin__.__name__ + if gvars is not None: + raise TypeError( + "Cannot inherit from Generic[...]" + " and/or Protocol[...] multiple types.") + gvars = base.__parameters__ + if gvars is None: + gvars = tvars + else: + tvarset = set(tvars) + gvarset = set(gvars) + if not tvarset <= gvarset: + s_vars = ', '.join(str(t) for t in tvars if t not in gvarset) + s_args = ', '.join(str(g) for g in gvars) + raise TypeError(f"Some type variables ({s_vars}) are" + f" not listed in {the_base}[{s_args}]") + tvars = gvars + cls.__parameters__ = tuple(tvars) + + # Determine if this is a protocol or a concrete subclass. + if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None): + cls._is_protocol = any(b is Protocol for b in cls.__bases__) + + # Set (or override) the protocol subclass hook. + def _proto_hook(other): + if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None): + return NotImplemented + if not getattr(cls, '_is_runtime_protocol', False): + if sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__name__'] in ['abc', 'functools']: + return NotImplemented + raise TypeError("Instance and class checks can only be used with" + " @runtime protocols") + if not _is_callable_members_only(cls): + if sys._getframe(2).f_globals['__name__'] in ['abc', 'functools']: + return NotImplemented + raise TypeError("Protocols with non-method members" + " don't support issubclass()") + if not isinstance(other, type): + # Same error as for issubclass(1, int) + raise TypeError('issubclass() arg 1 must be a class') + for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(cls): + for base in other.__mro__: + if attr in base.__dict__: + if base.__dict__[attr] is None: + return NotImplemented + break + annotations = getattr(base, '__annotations__', {}) + if (isinstance(annotations, typing.Mapping) and + attr in annotations and + isinstance(other, _ProtocolMeta) and + other._is_protocol): + break + else: + return NotImplemented + return True + if '__subclasshook__' not in cls.__dict__: + cls.__subclasshook__ = _proto_hook + + # We have nothing more to do for non-protocols. + if not cls._is_protocol: + return + + # Check consistency of bases. + for base in cls.__bases__: + if not (base in (object, typing.Generic) or + base.__module__ == 'collections.abc' and + base.__name__ in _PROTO_WHITELIST or + isinstance(base, _ProtocolMeta) and base._is_protocol): + raise TypeError('Protocols can only inherit from other' + f' protocols, got {repr(base)}') + cls.__init__ = _no_init +# 3.6 +else: + from typing import _next_in_mro, _type_check # noqa + + def _no_init(self, *args, **kwargs): + if type(self)._is_protocol: + raise TypeError('Protocols cannot be instantiated') + + class _ProtocolMeta(GenericMeta): + """Internal metaclass for Protocol. + + This exists so Protocol classes can be generic without deriving + from Generic. + """ + def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, + tvars=None, args=None, origin=None, extra=None, orig_bases=None): + # This is just a version copied from GenericMeta.__new__ that + # includes "Protocol" special treatment. (Comments removed for brevity.) + assert extra is None # Protocols should not have extra + if tvars is not None: + assert origin is not None + assert all(isinstance(t, typing.TypeVar) for t in tvars), tvars + else: + tvars = _type_vars(bases) + gvars = None + for base in bases: + if base is typing.Generic: + raise TypeError("Cannot inherit from plain Generic") + if (isinstance(base, GenericMeta) and + base.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol)): + if gvars is not None: + raise TypeError( + "Cannot inherit from Generic[...] or" + " Protocol[...] multiple times.") + gvars = base.__parameters__ + if gvars is None: + gvars = tvars + else: + tvarset = set(tvars) + gvarset = set(gvars) + if not tvarset <= gvarset: + s_vars = ", ".join(str(t) for t in tvars if t not in gvarset) + s_args = ", ".join(str(g) for g in gvars) + cls_name = "Generic" if any(b.__origin__ is typing.Generic + for b in bases) else "Protocol" + raise TypeError(f"Some type variables ({s_vars}) are" + f" not listed in {cls_name}[{s_args}]") + tvars = gvars + + initial_bases = bases + if (extra is not None and type(extra) is abc.ABCMeta and + extra not in bases): + bases = (extra,) + bases + bases = tuple(_gorg(b) if isinstance(b, GenericMeta) else b + for b in bases) + if any(isinstance(b, GenericMeta) and b is not typing.Generic for b in bases): + bases = tuple(b for b in bases if b is not typing.Generic) + namespace.update({'__origin__': origin, '__extra__': extra}) + self = super(GenericMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, + _root=True) + super(GenericMeta, self).__setattr__('_gorg', + self if not origin else + _gorg(origin)) + self.__parameters__ = tvars + self.__args__ = tuple(... if a is typing._TypingEllipsis else + () if a is typing._TypingEmpty else + a for a in args) if args else None + self.__next_in_mro__ = _next_in_mro(self) + if orig_bases is None: + self.__orig_bases__ = initial_bases + elif origin is not None: + self._abc_registry = origin._abc_registry + self._abc_cache = origin._abc_cache + if hasattr(self, '_subs_tree'): + self.__tree_hash__ = (hash(self._subs_tree()) if origin else + super(GenericMeta, self).__hash__()) + return self + + def __init__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) + if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None): + cls._is_protocol = any(b is Protocol or + isinstance(b, _ProtocolMeta) and + b.__origin__ is Protocol + for b in cls.__bases__) + if cls._is_protocol: + for base in cls.__mro__[1:]: + if not (base in (object, typing.Generic) or + base.__module__ == 'collections.abc' and + base.__name__ in _PROTO_WHITELIST or + isinstance(base, typing.TypingMeta) and base._is_protocol or + isinstance(base, GenericMeta) and + base.__origin__ is typing.Generic): + raise TypeError(f'Protocols can only inherit from other' + f' protocols, got {repr(base)}') + + cls.__init__ = _no_init + + def _proto_hook(other): + if not cls.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None): + return NotImplemented + if not isinstance(other, type): + # Same error as for issubclass(1, int) + raise TypeError('issubclass() arg 1 must be a class') + for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(cls): + for base in other.__mro__: + if attr in base.__dict__: + if base.__dict__[attr] is None: + return NotImplemented + break + annotations = getattr(base, '__annotations__', {}) + if (isinstance(annotations, typing.Mapping) and + attr in annotations and + isinstance(other, _ProtocolMeta) and + other._is_protocol): + break + else: + return NotImplemented + return True + if '__subclasshook__' not in cls.__dict__: + cls.__subclasshook__ = _proto_hook + + def __instancecheck__(self, instance): + # We need this method for situations where attributes are + # assigned in __init__. + if ((not getattr(self, '_is_protocol', False) or + _is_callable_members_only(self)) and + issubclass(instance.__class__, self)): + return True + if self._is_protocol: + if all(hasattr(instance, attr) and + (not callable(getattr(self, attr, None)) or + getattr(instance, attr) is not None) + for attr in _get_protocol_attrs(self)): + return True + return super(GenericMeta, self).__instancecheck__(instance) + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + if self.__origin__ is not None: + if sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] not in ['abc', 'functools']: + raise TypeError("Parameterized generics cannot be used with class " + "or instance checks") + return False + if (self.__dict__.get('_is_protocol', None) and + not self.__dict__.get('_is_runtime_protocol', None)): + if sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] in ['abc', + 'functools', + 'typing']: + return False + raise TypeError("Instance and class checks can only be used with" + " @runtime protocols") + if (self.__dict__.get('_is_runtime_protocol', None) and + not _is_callable_members_only(self)): + if sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] in ['abc', + 'functools', + 'typing']: + return super(GenericMeta, self).__subclasscheck__(cls) + raise TypeError("Protocols with non-method members" + " don't support issubclass()") + return super(GenericMeta, self).__subclasscheck__(cls) + + @typing._tp_cache + def __getitem__(self, params): + # We also need to copy this from GenericMeta.__getitem__ to get + # special treatment of "Protocol". (Comments removed for brevity.) + if not isinstance(params, tuple): + params = (params,) + if not params and _gorg(self) is not typing.Tuple: + raise TypeError( + f"Parameter list to {self.__qualname__}[...] cannot be empty") + msg = "Parameters to generic types must be types." + params = tuple(_type_check(p, msg) for p in params) + if self in (typing.Generic, Protocol): + if not all(isinstance(p, typing.TypeVar) for p in params): + raise TypeError( + f"Parameters to {repr(self)}[...] must all be type variables") + if len(set(params)) != len(params): + raise TypeError( + f"Parameters to {repr(self)}[...] must all be unique") + tvars = params + args = params + elif self in (typing.Tuple, typing.Callable): + tvars = _type_vars(params) + args = params + elif self.__origin__ in (typing.Generic, Protocol): + raise TypeError(f"Cannot subscript already-subscripted {repr(self)}") + else: + _check_generic(self, params) + tvars = _type_vars(params) + args = params + + prepend = (self,) if self.__origin__ is None else () + return self.__class__(self.__name__, + prepend + self.__bases__, + _no_slots_copy(self.__dict__), + tvars=tvars, + args=args, + origin=self, + extra=self.__extra__, + orig_bases=self.__orig_bases__) + + class Protocol(metaclass=_ProtocolMeta): + """Base class for protocol classes. Protocol classes are defined as:: + + class Proto(Protocol): + def meth(self) -> int: + ... + + Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize + structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example:: + + class C: + def meth(self) -> int: + return 0 + + def func(x: Proto) -> int: + return x.meth() + + func(C()) # Passes static type check + + See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with + @typing_extensions.runtime act as simple-minded runtime protocol that checks + only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. + + Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:: + + class GenProto(Protocol[T]): + def meth(self) -> T: + ... + """ + __slots__ = () + _is_protocol = True + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): + if _gorg(cls) is Protocol: + raise TypeError("Type Protocol cannot be instantiated; " + "it can be used only as a base class") + return typing._generic_new(cls.__next_in_mro__, cls, *args, **kwds) + + +# 3.8+ +if hasattr(typing, 'runtime_checkable'): + runtime_checkable = typing.runtime_checkable +# 3.6-3.7 +else: + def runtime_checkable(cls): + """Mark a protocol class as a runtime protocol, so that it + can be used with isinstance() and issubclass(). Raise TypeError + if applied to a non-protocol class. + + This allows a simple-minded structural check very similar to the + one-offs in collections.abc such as Hashable. + """ + if not isinstance(cls, _ProtocolMeta) or not cls._is_protocol: + raise TypeError('@runtime_checkable can be only applied to protocol classes,' + f' got {cls!r}') + cls._is_runtime_protocol = True + return cls + + +# Exists for backwards compatibility. +runtime = runtime_checkable + + +# 3.8+ +if hasattr(typing, 'SupportsIndex'): + SupportsIndex = typing.SupportsIndex +# 3.6-3.7 +else: + @runtime_checkable + class SupportsIndex(Protocol): + __slots__ = () + + @abc.abstractmethod + def __index__(self) -> int: + pass + + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 9, 2): + # The standard library TypedDict in Python 3.8 does not store runtime information + # about which (if any) keys are optional. See https://bugs.python.org/issue38834 + # The standard library TypedDict in Python 3.9.0/1 does not honour the "total" + # keyword with old-style TypedDict(). See https://bugs.python.org/issue42059 + TypedDict = typing.TypedDict +else: + def _check_fails(cls, other): + try: + if sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__'] not in ['abc', + 'functools', + 'typing']: + # Typed dicts are only for static structural subtyping. + raise TypeError('TypedDict does not support instance and class checks') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + pass + return False + + def _dict_new(*args, **kwargs): + if not args: + raise TypeError('TypedDict.__new__(): not enough arguments') + _, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "cls" keyword be passed + return dict(*args, **kwargs) + + _dict_new.__text_signature__ = '($cls, _typename, _fields=None, /, **kwargs)' + + def _typeddict_new(*args, total=True, **kwargs): + if not args: + raise TypeError('TypedDict.__new__(): not enough arguments') + _, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "cls" keyword be passed + if args: + typename, args = args[0], args[1:] # allow the "_typename" keyword be passed + elif '_typename' in kwargs: + typename = kwargs.pop('_typename') + import warnings + warnings.warn("Passing '_typename' as keyword argument is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + else: + raise TypeError("TypedDict.__new__() missing 1 required positional " + "argument: '_typename'") + if args: + try: + fields, = args # allow the "_fields" keyword be passed + except ValueError: + raise TypeError('TypedDict.__new__() takes from 2 to 3 ' + f'positional arguments but {len(args) + 2} ' + 'were given') + elif '_fields' in kwargs and len(kwargs) == 1: + fields = kwargs.pop('_fields') + import warnings + warnings.warn("Passing '_fields' as keyword argument is deprecated", + DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + else: + fields = None + + if fields is None: + fields = kwargs + elif kwargs: + raise TypeError("TypedDict takes either a dict or keyword arguments," + " but not both") + + ns = {'__annotations__': dict(fields)} + try: + # Setting correct module is necessary to make typed dict classes pickleable. + ns['__module__'] = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + pass + + return _TypedDictMeta(typename, (), ns, total=total) + + _typeddict_new.__text_signature__ = ('($cls, _typename, _fields=None,' + ' /, *, total=True, **kwargs)') + + class _TypedDictMeta(type): + def __init__(cls, name, bases, ns, total=True): + super().__init__(name, bases, ns) + + def __new__(cls, name, bases, ns, total=True): + # Create new typed dict class object. + # This method is called directly when TypedDict is subclassed, + # or via _typeddict_new when TypedDict is instantiated. This way + # TypedDict supports all three syntaxes described in its docstring. + # Subclasses and instances of TypedDict return actual dictionaries + # via _dict_new. + ns['__new__'] = _typeddict_new if name == 'TypedDict' else _dict_new + tp_dict = super().__new__(cls, name, (dict,), ns) + + annotations = {} + own_annotations = ns.get('__annotations__', {}) + own_annotation_keys = set(own_annotations.keys()) + msg = "TypedDict('Name', {f0: t0, f1: t1, ...}); each t must be a type" + own_annotations = { + n: typing._type_check(tp, msg) for n, tp in own_annotations.items() + } + required_keys = set() + optional_keys = set() + + for base in bases: + annotations.update(base.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {})) + required_keys.update(base.__dict__.get('__required_keys__', ())) + optional_keys.update(base.__dict__.get('__optional_keys__', ())) + + annotations.update(own_annotations) + if total: + required_keys.update(own_annotation_keys) + else: + optional_keys.update(own_annotation_keys) + + tp_dict.__annotations__ = annotations + tp_dict.__required_keys__ = frozenset(required_keys) + tp_dict.__optional_keys__ = frozenset(optional_keys) + if not hasattr(tp_dict, '__total__'): + tp_dict.__total__ = total + return tp_dict + + __instancecheck__ = __subclasscheck__ = _check_fails + + TypedDict = _TypedDictMeta('TypedDict', (dict,), {}) + TypedDict.__module__ = __name__ + TypedDict.__doc__ = \ + """A simple typed name space. At runtime it is equivalent to a plain dict. + + TypedDict creates a dictionary type that expects all of its + instances to have a certain set of keys, with each key + associated with a value of a consistent type. This expectation + is not checked at runtime but is only enforced by type checkers. + Usage:: + + class Point2D(TypedDict): + x: int + y: int + label: str + + a: Point2D = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'label': 'good'} # OK + b: Point2D = {'z': 3, 'label': 'bad'} # Fails type check + + assert Point2D(x=1, y=2, label='first') == dict(x=1, y=2, label='first') + + The type info can be accessed via the Point2D.__annotations__ dict, and + the Point2D.__required_keys__ and Point2D.__optional_keys__ frozensets. + TypedDict supports two additional equivalent forms:: + + Point2D = TypedDict('Point2D', x=int, y=int, label=str) + Point2D = TypedDict('Point2D', {'x': int, 'y': int, 'label': str}) + + The class syntax is only supported in Python 3.6+, while two other + syntax forms work for Python 2.7 and 3.2+ + """ + + +# Python 3.9+ has PEP 593 (Annotated and modified get_type_hints) +if hasattr(typing, 'Annotated'): + Annotated = typing.Annotated + get_type_hints = typing.get_type_hints + # Not exported and not a public API, but needed for get_origin() and get_args() + # to work. + _AnnotatedAlias = typing._AnnotatedAlias +# 3.7-3.8 +elif PEP_560: + class _AnnotatedAlias(typing._GenericAlias, _root=True): + """Runtime representation of an annotated type. + + At its core 'Annotated[t, dec1, dec2, ...]' is an alias for the type 't' + with extra annotations. The alias behaves like a normal typing alias, + instantiating is the same as instantiating the underlying type, binding + it to types is also the same. + """ + def __init__(self, origin, metadata): + if isinstance(origin, _AnnotatedAlias): + metadata = origin.__metadata__ + metadata + origin = origin.__origin__ + super().__init__(origin, origin) + self.__metadata__ = metadata + + def copy_with(self, params): + assert len(params) == 1 + new_type = params[0] + return _AnnotatedAlias(new_type, self.__metadata__) + + def __repr__(self): + return (f"typing_extensions.Annotated[{typing._type_repr(self.__origin__)}, " + f"{', '.join(repr(a) for a in self.__metadata__)}]") + + def __reduce__(self): + return operator.getitem, ( + Annotated, (self.__origin__,) + self.__metadata__ + ) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, _AnnotatedAlias): + return NotImplemented + if self.__origin__ != other.__origin__: + return False + return self.__metadata__ == other.__metadata__ + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((self.__origin__, self.__metadata__)) + + class Annotated: + """Add context specific metadata to a type. + + Example: Annotated[int, runtime_check.Unsigned] indicates to the + hypothetical runtime_check module that this type is an unsigned int. + Every other consumer of this type can ignore this metadata and treat + this type as int. + + The first argument to Annotated must be a valid type (and will be in + the __origin__ field), the remaining arguments are kept as a tuple in + the __extra__ field. + + Details: + + - It's an error to call `Annotated` with less than two arguments. + - Nested Annotated are flattened:: + + Annotated[Annotated[T, Ann1, Ann2], Ann3] == Annotated[T, Ann1, Ann2, Ann3] + + - Instantiating an annotated type is equivalent to instantiating the + underlying type:: + + Annotated[C, Ann1](5) == C(5) + + - Annotated can be used as a generic type alias:: + + Optimized = Annotated[T, runtime.Optimize()] + Optimized[int] == Annotated[int, runtime.Optimize()] + + OptimizedList = Annotated[List[T], runtime.Optimize()] + OptimizedList[int] == Annotated[List[int], runtime.Optimize()] + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + raise TypeError("Type Annotated cannot be instantiated.") + + @typing._tp_cache + def __class_getitem__(cls, params): + if not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) < 2: + raise TypeError("Annotated[...] should be used " + "with at least two arguments (a type and an " + "annotation).") + msg = "Annotated[t, ...]: t must be a type." + origin = typing._type_check(params[0], msg) + metadata = tuple(params[1:]) + return _AnnotatedAlias(origin, metadata) + + def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs): + raise TypeError( + f"Cannot subclass {cls.__module__}.Annotated" + ) + + def _strip_annotations(t): + """Strips the annotations from a given type. + """ + if isinstance(t, _AnnotatedAlias): + return _strip_annotations(t.__origin__) + if isinstance(t, typing._GenericAlias): + stripped_args = tuple(_strip_annotations(a) for a in t.__args__) + if stripped_args == t.__args__: + return t + res = t.copy_with(stripped_args) + res._special = t._special + return res + return t + + def get_type_hints(obj, globalns=None, localns=None, include_extras=False): + """Return type hints for an object. + + This is often the same as obj.__annotations__, but it handles + forward references encoded as string literals, adds Optional[t] if a + default value equal to None is set and recursively replaces all + 'Annotated[T, ...]' with 'T' (unless 'include_extras=True'). + + The argument may be a module, class, method, or function. The annotations + are returned as a dictionary. For classes, annotations include also + inherited members. + + TypeError is raised if the argument is not of a type that can contain + annotations, and an empty dictionary is returned if no annotations are + present. + + BEWARE -- the behavior of globalns and localns is counterintuitive + (unless you are familiar with how eval() and exec() work). The + search order is locals first, then globals. + + - If no dict arguments are passed, an attempt is made to use the + globals from obj (or the respective module's globals for classes), + and these are also used as the locals. If the object does not appear + to have globals, an empty dictionary is used. + + - If one dict argument is passed, it is used for both globals and + locals. + + - If two dict arguments are passed, they specify globals and + locals, respectively. + """ + hint = typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns=globalns, localns=localns) + if include_extras: + return hint + return {k: _strip_annotations(t) for k, t in hint.items()} +# 3.6 +else: + + def _is_dunder(name): + """Returns True if name is a __dunder_variable_name__.""" + return len(name) > 4 and name.startswith('__') and name.endswith('__') + + # Prior to Python 3.7 types did not have `copy_with`. A lot of the equality + # checks, argument expansion etc. are done on the _subs_tre. As a result we + # can't provide a get_type_hints function that strips out annotations. + + class AnnotatedMeta(typing.GenericMeta): + """Metaclass for Annotated""" + + def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): + if any(b is not object for b in bases): + raise TypeError("Cannot subclass " + str(Annotated)) + return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) + + @property + def __metadata__(self): + return self._subs_tree()[2] + + def _tree_repr(self, tree): + cls, origin, metadata = tree + if not isinstance(origin, tuple): + tp_repr = typing._type_repr(origin) + else: + tp_repr = origin[0]._tree_repr(origin) + metadata_reprs = ", ".join(repr(arg) for arg in metadata) + return f'{cls}[{tp_repr}, {metadata_reprs}]' + + def _subs_tree(self, tvars=None, args=None): # noqa + if self is Annotated: + return Annotated + res = super()._subs_tree(tvars=tvars, args=args) + # Flatten nested Annotated + if isinstance(res[1], tuple) and res[1][0] is Annotated: + sub_tp = res[1][1] + sub_annot = res[1][2] + return (Annotated, sub_tp, sub_annot + res[2]) + return res + + def _get_cons(self): + """Return the class used to create instance of this type.""" + if self.__origin__ is None: + raise TypeError("Cannot get the underlying type of a " + "non-specialized Annotated type.") + tree = self._subs_tree() + while isinstance(tree, tuple) and tree[0] is Annotated: + tree = tree[1] + if isinstance(tree, tuple): + return tree[0] + else: + return tree + + @typing._tp_cache + def __getitem__(self, params): + if not isinstance(params, tuple): + params = (params,) + if self.__origin__ is not None: # specializing an instantiated type + return super().__getitem__(params) + elif not isinstance(params, tuple) or len(params) < 2: + raise TypeError("Annotated[...] should be instantiated " + "with at least two arguments (a type and an " + "annotation).") + else: + msg = "Annotated[t, ...]: t must be a type." + tp = typing._type_check(params[0], msg) + metadata = tuple(params[1:]) + return self.__class__( + self.__name__, + self.__bases__, + _no_slots_copy(self.__dict__), + tvars=_type_vars((tp,)), + # Metadata is a tuple so it won't be touched by _replace_args et al. + args=(tp, metadata), + origin=self, + ) + + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + cons = self._get_cons() + result = cons(*args, **kwargs) + try: + result.__orig_class__ = self + except AttributeError: + pass + return result + + def __getattr__(self, attr): + # For simplicity we just don't relay all dunder names + if self.__origin__ is not None and not _is_dunder(attr): + return getattr(self._get_cons(), attr) + raise AttributeError(attr) + + def __setattr__(self, attr, value): + if _is_dunder(attr) or attr.startswith('_abc_'): + super().__setattr__(attr, value) + elif self.__origin__ is None: + raise AttributeError(attr) + else: + setattr(self._get_cons(), attr, value) + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError("Annotated cannot be used with isinstance().") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError("Annotated cannot be used with issubclass().") + + class Annotated(metaclass=AnnotatedMeta): + """Add context specific metadata to a type. + + Example: Annotated[int, runtime_check.Unsigned] indicates to the + hypothetical runtime_check module that this type is an unsigned int. + Every other consumer of this type can ignore this metadata and treat + this type as int. + + The first argument to Annotated must be a valid type, the remaining + arguments are kept as a tuple in the __metadata__ field. + + Details: + + - It's an error to call `Annotated` with less than two arguments. + - Nested Annotated are flattened:: + + Annotated[Annotated[T, Ann1, Ann2], Ann3] == Annotated[T, Ann1, Ann2, Ann3] + + - Instantiating an annotated type is equivalent to instantiating the + underlying type:: + + Annotated[C, Ann1](5) == C(5) + + - Annotated can be used as a generic type alias:: + + Optimized = Annotated[T, runtime.Optimize()] + Optimized[int] == Annotated[int, runtime.Optimize()] + + OptimizedList = Annotated[List[T], runtime.Optimize()] + OptimizedList[int] == Annotated[List[int], runtime.Optimize()] + """ + +# Python 3.8 has get_origin() and get_args() but those implementations aren't +# Annotated-aware, so we can't use those. Python 3.9's versions don't support +# ParamSpecArgs and ParamSpecKwargs, so only Python 3.10's versions will do. +if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10): + get_origin = typing.get_origin + get_args = typing.get_args +# 3.7-3.9 +elif PEP_560: + try: + # 3.9+ + from typing import _BaseGenericAlias + except ImportError: + _BaseGenericAlias = typing._GenericAlias + try: + # 3.9+ + from typing import GenericAlias + except ImportError: + GenericAlias = typing._GenericAlias + + def get_origin(tp): + """Get the unsubscripted version of a type. + + This supports generic types, Callable, Tuple, Union, Literal, Final, ClassVar + and Annotated. Return None for unsupported types. Examples:: + + get_origin(Literal[42]) is Literal + get_origin(int) is None + get_origin(ClassVar[int]) is ClassVar + get_origin(Generic) is Generic + get_origin(Generic[T]) is Generic + get_origin(Union[T, int]) is Union + get_origin(List[Tuple[T, T]][int]) == list + get_origin(P.args) is P + """ + if isinstance(tp, _AnnotatedAlias): + return Annotated + if isinstance(tp, (typing._GenericAlias, GenericAlias, _BaseGenericAlias, + ParamSpecArgs, ParamSpecKwargs)): + return tp.__origin__ + if tp is typing.Generic: + return typing.Generic + return None + + def get_args(tp): + """Get type arguments with all substitutions performed. + + For unions, basic simplifications used by Union constructor are performed. + Examples:: + get_args(Dict[str, int]) == (str, int) + get_args(int) == () + get_args(Union[int, Union[T, int], str][int]) == (int, str) + get_args(Union[int, Tuple[T, int]][str]) == (int, Tuple[str, int]) + get_args(Callable[[], T][int]) == ([], int) + """ + if isinstance(tp, _AnnotatedAlias): + return (tp.__origin__,) + tp.__metadata__ + if isinstance(tp, (typing._GenericAlias, GenericAlias)): + if getattr(tp, "_special", False): + return () + res = tp.__args__ + if get_origin(tp) is collections.abc.Callable and res[0] is not Ellipsis: + res = (list(res[:-1]), res[-1]) + return res + return () + + +# 3.10+ +if hasattr(typing, 'TypeAlias'): + TypeAlias = typing.TypeAlias +# 3.9 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): + class _TypeAliasForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + @_TypeAliasForm + def TypeAlias(self, parameters): + """Special marker indicating that an assignment should + be recognized as a proper type alias definition by type + checkers. + + For example:: + + Predicate: TypeAlias = Callable[..., bool] + + It's invalid when used anywhere except as in the example above. + """ + raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable") +# 3.7-3.8 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _TypeAliasForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + TypeAlias = _TypeAliasForm('TypeAlias', + doc="""Special marker indicating that an assignment should + be recognized as a proper type alias definition by type + checkers. + + For example:: + + Predicate: TypeAlias = Callable[..., bool] + + It's invalid when used anywhere except as in the example + above.""") +# 3.6 +else: + class _TypeAliasMeta(typing.TypingMeta): + """Metaclass for TypeAlias""" + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.TypeAlias' + + class _TypeAliasBase(typing._FinalTypingBase, metaclass=_TypeAliasMeta, _root=True): + """Special marker indicating that an assignment should + be recognized as a proper type alias definition by type + checkers. + + For example:: + + Predicate: TypeAlias = Callable[..., bool] + + It's invalid when used anywhere except as in the example above. + """ + __slots__ = () + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError("TypeAlias cannot be used with isinstance().") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError("TypeAlias cannot be used with issubclass().") + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.TypeAlias' + + TypeAlias = _TypeAliasBase(_root=True) + + +# Python 3.10+ has PEP 612 +if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpecArgs'): + ParamSpecArgs = typing.ParamSpecArgs + ParamSpecKwargs = typing.ParamSpecKwargs +# 3.6-3.9 +else: + class _Immutable: + """Mixin to indicate that object should not be copied.""" + __slots__ = () + + def __copy__(self): + return self + + def __deepcopy__(self, memo): + return self + + class ParamSpecArgs(_Immutable): + """The args for a ParamSpec object. + + Given a ParamSpec object P, P.args is an instance of ParamSpecArgs. + + ParamSpecArgs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec: + + P.args.__origin__ is P + + This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to + static type checkers. + """ + def __init__(self, origin): + self.__origin__ = origin + + def __repr__(self): + return f"{self.__origin__.__name__}.args" + + class ParamSpecKwargs(_Immutable): + """The kwargs for a ParamSpec object. + + Given a ParamSpec object P, P.kwargs is an instance of ParamSpecKwargs. + + ParamSpecKwargs objects have a reference back to their ParamSpec: + + P.kwargs.__origin__ is P + + This type is meant for runtime introspection and has no special meaning to + static type checkers. + """ + def __init__(self, origin): + self.__origin__ = origin + + def __repr__(self): + return f"{self.__origin__.__name__}.kwargs" + +# 3.10+ +if hasattr(typing, 'ParamSpec'): + ParamSpec = typing.ParamSpec +# 3.6-3.9 +else: + + # Inherits from list as a workaround for Callable checks in Python < 3.9.2. + class ParamSpec(list): + """Parameter specification variable. + + Usage:: + + P = ParamSpec('P') + + Parameter specification variables exist primarily for the benefit of static + type checkers. They are used to forward the parameter types of one + callable to another callable, a pattern commonly found in higher order + functions and decorators. They are only valid when used in ``Concatenate``, + or s the first argument to ``Callable``. In Python 3.10 and higher, + they are also supported in user-defined Generics at runtime. + See class Generic for more information on generic types. An + example for annotating a decorator:: + + T = TypeVar('T') + P = ParamSpec('P') + + def add_logging(f: Callable[P, T]) -> Callable[P, T]: + '''A type-safe decorator to add logging to a function.''' + def inner(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> T: + logging.info(f'{f.__name__} was called') + return f(*args, **kwargs) + return inner + + @add_logging + def add_two(x: float, y: float) -> float: + '''Add two numbers together.''' + return x + y + + Parameter specification variables defined with covariant=True or + contravariant=True can be used to declare covariant or contravariant + generic types. These keyword arguments are valid, but their actual semantics + are yet to be decided. See PEP 612 for details. + + Parameter specification variables can be introspected. e.g.: + + P.__name__ == 'T' + P.__bound__ == None + P.__covariant__ == False + P.__contravariant__ == False + + Note that only parameter specification variables defined in global scope can + be pickled. + """ + + # Trick Generic __parameters__. + __class__ = typing.TypeVar + + @property + def args(self): + return ParamSpecArgs(self) + + @property + def kwargs(self): + return ParamSpecKwargs(self) + + def __init__(self, name, *, bound=None, covariant=False, contravariant=False): + super().__init__([self]) + self.__name__ = name + self.__covariant__ = bool(covariant) + self.__contravariant__ = bool(contravariant) + if bound: + self.__bound__ = typing._type_check(bound, 'Bound must be a type.') + else: + self.__bound__ = None + + # for pickling: + try: + def_mod = sys._getframe(1).f_globals.get('__name__', '__main__') + except (AttributeError, ValueError): + def_mod = None + if def_mod != 'typing_extensions': + self.__module__ = def_mod + + def __repr__(self): + if self.__covariant__: + prefix = '+' + elif self.__contravariant__: + prefix = '-' + else: + prefix = '~' + return prefix + self.__name__ + + def __hash__(self): + return object.__hash__(self) + + def __eq__(self, other): + return self is other + + def __reduce__(self): + return self.__name__ + + # Hack to get typing._type_check to pass. + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + pass + + if not PEP_560: + # Only needed in 3.6. + def _get_type_vars(self, tvars): + if self not in tvars: + tvars.append(self) + + +# 3.6-3.9 +if not hasattr(typing, 'Concatenate'): + # Inherits from list as a workaround for Callable checks in Python < 3.9.2. + class _ConcatenateGenericAlias(list): + + # Trick Generic into looking into this for __parameters__. + if PEP_560: + __class__ = typing._GenericAlias + else: + __class__ = typing._TypingBase + + # Flag in 3.8. + _special = False + # Attribute in 3.6 and earlier. + _gorg = typing.Generic + + def __init__(self, origin, args): + super().__init__(args) + self.__origin__ = origin + self.__args__ = args + + def __repr__(self): + _type_repr = typing._type_repr + return (f'{_type_repr(self.__origin__)}' + f'[{", ".join(_type_repr(arg) for arg in self.__args__)}]') + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((self.__origin__, self.__args__)) + + # Hack to get typing._type_check to pass in Generic. + def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): + pass + + @property + def __parameters__(self): + return tuple( + tp for tp in self.__args__ if isinstance(tp, (typing.TypeVar, ParamSpec)) + ) + + if not PEP_560: + # Only required in 3.6. + def _get_type_vars(self, tvars): + if self.__origin__ and self.__parameters__: + typing._get_type_vars(self.__parameters__, tvars) + + +# 3.6-3.9 +@typing._tp_cache +def _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters): + if parameters == (): + raise TypeError("Cannot take a Concatenate of no types.") + if not isinstance(parameters, tuple): + parameters = (parameters,) + if not isinstance(parameters[-1], ParamSpec): + raise TypeError("The last parameter to Concatenate should be a " + "ParamSpec variable.") + msg = "Concatenate[arg, ...]: each arg must be a type." + parameters = tuple(typing._type_check(p, msg) for p in parameters) + return _ConcatenateGenericAlias(self, parameters) + + +# 3.10+ +if hasattr(typing, 'Concatenate'): + Concatenate = typing.Concatenate + _ConcatenateGenericAlias = typing._ConcatenateGenericAlias # noqa +# 3.9 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): + @_TypeAliasForm + def Concatenate(self, parameters): + """Used in conjunction with ``ParamSpec`` and ``Callable`` to represent a + higher order function which adds, removes or transforms parameters of a + callable. + + For example:: + + Callable[Concatenate[int, P], int] + + See PEP 612 for detailed information. + """ + return _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters) +# 3.7-8 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _ConcatenateForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + return _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters) + + Concatenate = _ConcatenateForm( + 'Concatenate', + doc="""Used in conjunction with ``ParamSpec`` and ``Callable`` to represent a + higher order function which adds, removes or transforms parameters of a + callable. + + For example:: + + Callable[Concatenate[int, P], int] + + See PEP 612 for detailed information. + """) +# 3.6 +else: + class _ConcatenateAliasMeta(typing.TypingMeta): + """Metaclass for Concatenate.""" + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.Concatenate' + + class _ConcatenateAliasBase(typing._FinalTypingBase, + metaclass=_ConcatenateAliasMeta, + _root=True): + """Used in conjunction with ``ParamSpec`` and ``Callable`` to represent a + higher order function which adds, removes or transforms parameters of a + callable. + + For example:: + + Callable[Concatenate[int, P], int] + + See PEP 612 for detailed information. + """ + __slots__ = () + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError("Concatenate cannot be used with isinstance().") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError("Concatenate cannot be used with issubclass().") + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.Concatenate' + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + return _concatenate_getitem(self, parameters) + + Concatenate = _ConcatenateAliasBase(_root=True) + +# 3.10+ +if hasattr(typing, 'TypeGuard'): + TypeGuard = typing.TypeGuard +# 3.9 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): + class _TypeGuardForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + @_TypeGuardForm + def TypeGuard(self, parameters): + """Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined + type guard function. ``TypeGuard`` only accepts a single type argument. + At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean. + + ``TypeGuard`` aims to benefit *type narrowing* -- a technique used by static + type checkers to determine a more precise type of an expression within a + program's code flow. Usually type narrowing is done by analyzing + conditional code flow and applying the narrowing to a block of code. The + conditional expression here is sometimes referred to as a "type guard". + + Sometimes it would be convenient to use a user-defined boolean function + as a type guard. Such a function should use ``TypeGuard[...]`` as its + return type to alert static type checkers to this intention. + + Using ``-> TypeGuard`` tells the static type checker that for a given + function: + + 1. The return value is a boolean. + 2. If the return value is ``True``, the type of its argument + is the type inside ``TypeGuard``. + + For example:: + + def is_str(val: Union[str, float]): + # "isinstance" type guard + if isinstance(val, str): + # Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``str`` + ... + else: + # Else, type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``float``. + ... + + Strict type narrowing is not enforced -- ``TypeB`` need not be a narrower + form of ``TypeA`` (it can even be a wider form) and this may lead to + type-unsafe results. The main reason is to allow for things like + narrowing ``List[object]`` to ``List[str]`` even though the latter is not + a subtype of the former, since ``List`` is invariant. The responsibility of + writing type-safe type guards is left to the user. + + ``TypeGuard`` also works with type variables. For more information, see + PEP 647 (User-Defined Type Guards). + """ + item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self} accepts only single type.') + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) +# 3.7-3.8 +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _TypeGuardForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + item = typing._type_check(parameters, + f'{self._name} accepts only a single type') + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) + + TypeGuard = _TypeGuardForm( + 'TypeGuard', + doc="""Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined + type guard function. ``TypeGuard`` only accepts a single type argument. + At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean. + + ``TypeGuard`` aims to benefit *type narrowing* -- a technique used by static + type checkers to determine a more precise type of an expression within a + program's code flow. Usually type narrowing is done by analyzing + conditional code flow and applying the narrowing to a block of code. The + conditional expression here is sometimes referred to as a "type guard". + + Sometimes it would be convenient to use a user-defined boolean function + as a type guard. Such a function should use ``TypeGuard[...]`` as its + return type to alert static type checkers to this intention. + + Using ``-> TypeGuard`` tells the static type checker that for a given + function: + + 1. The return value is a boolean. + 2. If the return value is ``True``, the type of its argument + is the type inside ``TypeGuard``. + + For example:: + + def is_str(val: Union[str, float]): + # "isinstance" type guard + if isinstance(val, str): + # Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``str`` + ... + else: + # Else, type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``float``. + ... + + Strict type narrowing is not enforced -- ``TypeB`` need not be a narrower + form of ``TypeA`` (it can even be a wider form) and this may lead to + type-unsafe results. The main reason is to allow for things like + narrowing ``List[object]`` to ``List[str]`` even though the latter is not + a subtype of the former, since ``List`` is invariant. The responsibility of + writing type-safe type guards is left to the user. + + ``TypeGuard`` also works with type variables. For more information, see + PEP 647 (User-Defined Type Guards). + """) +# 3.6 +else: + class _TypeGuard(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + """Special typing form used to annotate the return type of a user-defined + type guard function. ``TypeGuard`` only accepts a single type argument. + At runtime, functions marked this way should return a boolean. + + ``TypeGuard`` aims to benefit *type narrowing* -- a technique used by static + type checkers to determine a more precise type of an expression within a + program's code flow. Usually type narrowing is done by analyzing + conditional code flow and applying the narrowing to a block of code. The + conditional expression here is sometimes referred to as a "type guard". + + Sometimes it would be convenient to use a user-defined boolean function + as a type guard. Such a function should use ``TypeGuard[...]`` as its + return type to alert static type checkers to this intention. + + Using ``-> TypeGuard`` tells the static type checker that for a given + function: + + 1. The return value is a boolean. + 2. If the return value is ``True``, the type of its argument + is the type inside ``TypeGuard``. + + For example:: + + def is_str(val: Union[str, float]): + # "isinstance" type guard + if isinstance(val, str): + # Type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``str`` + ... + else: + # Else, type of ``val`` is narrowed to ``float``. + ... + + Strict type narrowing is not enforced -- ``TypeB`` need not be a narrower + form of ``TypeA`` (it can even be a wider form) and this may lead to + type-unsafe results. The main reason is to allow for things like + narrowing ``List[object]`` to ``List[str]`` even though the latter is not + a subtype of the former, since ``List`` is invariant. The responsibility of + writing type-safe type guards is left to the user. + + ``TypeGuard`` also works with type variables. For more information, see + PEP 647 (User-Defined Type Guards). + """ + + __slots__ = ('__type__',) + + def __init__(self, tp=None, **kwds): + self.__type__ = tp + + def __getitem__(self, item): + cls = type(self) + if self.__type__ is None: + return cls(typing._type_check(item, + f'{cls.__name__[1:]} accepts only a single type.'), + _root=True) + raise TypeError(f'{cls.__name__[1:]} cannot be further subscripted') + + def _eval_type(self, globalns, localns): + new_tp = typing._eval_type(self.__type__, globalns, localns) + if new_tp == self.__type__: + return self + return type(self)(new_tp, _root=True) + + def __repr__(self): + r = super().__repr__() + if self.__type__ is not None: + r += f'[{typing._type_repr(self.__type__)}]' + return r + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((type(self).__name__, self.__type__)) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, _TypeGuard): + return NotImplemented + if self.__type__ is not None: + return self.__type__ == other.__type__ + return self is other + + TypeGuard = _TypeGuard(_root=True) + +if hasattr(typing, "Self"): + Self = typing.Self +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + # Vendored from cpython typing._SpecialFrom + class _SpecialForm(typing._Final, _root=True): + __slots__ = ('_name', '__doc__', '_getitem') + + def __init__(self, getitem): + self._getitem = getitem + self._name = getitem.__name__ + self.__doc__ = getitem.__doc__ + + def __getattr__(self, item): + if item in {'__name__', '__qualname__'}: + return self._name + + raise AttributeError(item) + + def __mro_entries__(self, bases): + raise TypeError(f"Cannot subclass {self!r}") + + def __repr__(self): + return f'typing_extensions.{self._name}' + + def __reduce__(self): + return self._name + + def __call__(self, *args, **kwds): + raise TypeError(f"Cannot instantiate {self!r}") + + def __or__(self, other): + return typing.Union[self, other] + + def __ror__(self, other): + return typing.Union[other, self] + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with isinstance()") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with issubclass()") + + @typing._tp_cache + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + return self._getitem(self, parameters) + + @_SpecialForm + def Self(self, params): + """Used to spell the type of "self" in classes. + + Example:: + + from typing import Self + + class ReturnsSelf: + def parse(self, data: bytes) -> Self: + ... + return self + + """ + + raise TypeError(f"{self} is not subscriptable") +else: + class _Self(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + """Used to spell the type of "self" in classes. + + Example:: + + from typing import Self + + class ReturnsSelf: + def parse(self, data: bytes) -> Self: + ... + return self + + """ + + __slots__ = () + + def __instancecheck__(self, obj): + raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with isinstance().") + + def __subclasscheck__(self, cls): + raise TypeError(f"{self} cannot be used with issubclass().") + + Self = _Self(_root=True) + + +if hasattr(typing, 'Required'): + Required = typing.Required + NotRequired = typing.NotRequired +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9): + class _ExtensionsSpecialForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + @_ExtensionsSpecialForm + def Required(self, parameters): + """A special typing construct to mark a key of a total=False TypedDict + as required. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict, total=False): + title: Required[str] + year: int + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + + There is no runtime checking that a required key is actually provided + when instantiating a related TypedDict. + """ + item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self._name} accepts only single type') + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) + + @_ExtensionsSpecialForm + def NotRequired(self, parameters): + """A special typing construct to mark a key of a TypedDict as + potentially missing. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict): + title: str + year: NotRequired[int] + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + """ + item = typing._type_check(parameters, f'{self._name} accepts only single type') + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) + +elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 7): + class _RequiredForm(typing._SpecialForm, _root=True): + def __repr__(self): + return 'typing_extensions.' + self._name + + def __getitem__(self, parameters): + item = typing._type_check(parameters, + '{} accepts only single type'.format(self._name)) + return typing._GenericAlias(self, (item,)) + + Required = _RequiredForm( + 'Required', + doc="""A special typing construct to mark a key of a total=False TypedDict + as required. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict, total=False): + title: Required[str] + year: int + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + + There is no runtime checking that a required key is actually provided + when instantiating a related TypedDict. + """) + NotRequired = _RequiredForm( + 'NotRequired', + doc="""A special typing construct to mark a key of a TypedDict as + potentially missing. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict): + title: str + year: NotRequired[int] + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + """) +else: + # NOTE: Modeled after _Final's implementation when _FinalTypingBase available + class _MaybeRequired(typing._FinalTypingBase, _root=True): + __slots__ = ('__type__',) + + def __init__(self, tp=None, **kwds): + self.__type__ = tp + + def __getitem__(self, item): + cls = type(self) + if self.__type__ is None: + return cls(typing._type_check(item, + '{} accepts only single type.'.format(cls.__name__[1:])), + _root=True) + raise TypeError('{} cannot be further subscripted' + .format(cls.__name__[1:])) + + def _eval_type(self, globalns, localns): + new_tp = typing._eval_type(self.__type__, globalns, localns) + if new_tp == self.__type__: + return self + return type(self)(new_tp, _root=True) + + def __repr__(self): + r = super().__repr__() + if self.__type__ is not None: + r += '[{}]'.format(typing._type_repr(self.__type__)) + return r + + def __hash__(self): + return hash((type(self).__name__, self.__type__)) + + def __eq__(self, other): + if not isinstance(other, type(self)): + return NotImplemented + if self.__type__ is not None: + return self.__type__ == other.__type__ + return self is other + + class _Required(_MaybeRequired, _root=True): + """A special typing construct to mark a key of a total=False TypedDict + as required. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict, total=False): + title: Required[str] + year: int + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + + There is no runtime checking that a required key is actually provided + when instantiating a related TypedDict. + """ + + class _NotRequired(_MaybeRequired, _root=True): + """A special typing construct to mark a key of a TypedDict as + potentially missing. For example: + + class Movie(TypedDict): + title: str + year: NotRequired[int] + + m = Movie( + title='The Matrix', # typechecker error if key is omitted + year=1999, + ) + """ + + Required = _Required(_root=True) + NotRequired = _NotRequired(_root=True) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/zipp.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/zipp.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26b723c --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/zipp.py @@ -0,0 +1,329 @@ +import io +import posixpath +import zipfile +import itertools +import contextlib +import sys +import pathlib + +if sys.version_info < (3, 7): + from collections import OrderedDict +else: + OrderedDict = dict + + +__all__ = ['Path'] + + +def _parents(path): + """ + Given a path with elements separated by + posixpath.sep, generate all parents of that path. + + >>> list(_parents('b/d')) + ['b'] + >>> list(_parents('/b/d/')) + ['/b'] + >>> list(_parents('b/d/f/')) + ['b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_parents('b')) + [] + >>> list(_parents('')) + [] + """ + return itertools.islice(_ancestry(path), 1, None) + + +def _ancestry(path): + """ + Given a path with elements separated by + posixpath.sep, generate all elements of that path + + >>> list(_ancestry('b/d')) + ['b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('/b/d/')) + ['/b/d', '/b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('b/d/f/')) + ['b/d/f', 'b/d', 'b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('b')) + ['b'] + >>> list(_ancestry('')) + [] + """ + path = path.rstrip(posixpath.sep) + while path and path != posixpath.sep: + yield path + path, tail = posixpath.split(path) + + +_dedupe = OrderedDict.fromkeys +"""Deduplicate an iterable in original order""" + + +def _difference(minuend, subtrahend): + """ + Return items in minuend not in subtrahend, retaining order + with O(1) lookup. + """ + return itertools.filterfalse(set(subtrahend).__contains__, minuend) + + +class CompleteDirs(zipfile.ZipFile): + """ + A ZipFile subclass that ensures that implied directories + are always included in the namelist. + """ + + @staticmethod + def _implied_dirs(names): + parents = itertools.chain.from_iterable(map(_parents, names)) + as_dirs = (p + posixpath.sep for p in parents) + return _dedupe(_difference(as_dirs, names)) + + def namelist(self): + names = super(CompleteDirs, self).namelist() + return names + list(self._implied_dirs(names)) + + def _name_set(self): + return set(self.namelist()) + + def resolve_dir(self, name): + """ + If the name represents a directory, return that name + as a directory (with the trailing slash). + """ + names = self._name_set() + dirname = name + '/' + dir_match = name not in names and dirname in names + return dirname if dir_match else name + + @classmethod + def make(cls, source): + """ + Given a source (filename or zipfile), return an + appropriate CompleteDirs subclass. + """ + if isinstance(source, CompleteDirs): + return source + + if not isinstance(source, zipfile.ZipFile): + return cls(_pathlib_compat(source)) + + # Only allow for FastLookup when supplied zipfile is read-only + if 'r' not in source.mode: + cls = CompleteDirs + + source.__class__ = cls + return source + + +class FastLookup(CompleteDirs): + """ + ZipFile subclass to ensure implicit + dirs exist and are resolved rapidly. + """ + + def namelist(self): + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + return self.__names + self.__names = super(FastLookup, self).namelist() + return self.__names + + def _name_set(self): + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + return self.__lookup + self.__lookup = super(FastLookup, self)._name_set() + return self.__lookup + + +def _pathlib_compat(path): + """ + For path-like objects, convert to a filename for compatibility + on Python 3.6.1 and earlier. + """ + try: + return path.__fspath__() + except AttributeError: + return str(path) + + +class Path: + """ + A pathlib-compatible interface for zip files. + + Consider a zip file with this structure:: + + . + ├── a.txt + └── b + ├── c.txt + └── d + └── e.txt + + >>> data = io.BytesIO() + >>> zf = zipfile.ZipFile(data, 'w') + >>> zf.writestr('a.txt', 'content of a') + >>> zf.writestr('b/c.txt', 'content of c') + >>> zf.writestr('b/d/e.txt', 'content of e') + >>> zf.filename = 'mem/abcde.zip' + + Path accepts the zipfile object itself or a filename + + >>> root = Path(zf) + + From there, several path operations are available. + + Directory iteration (including the zip file itself): + + >>> a, b = root.iterdir() + >>> a + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'a.txt') + >>> b + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'b/') + + name property: + + >>> b.name + 'b' + + join with divide operator: + + >>> c = b / 'c.txt' + >>> c + Path('mem/abcde.zip', 'b/c.txt') + >>> c.name + 'c.txt' + + Read text: + + >>> c.read_text() + 'content of c' + + existence: + + >>> c.exists() + True + >>> (b / 'missing.txt').exists() + False + + Coercion to string: + + >>> import os + >>> str(c).replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + 'mem/abcde.zip/b/c.txt' + + At the root, ``name``, ``filename``, and ``parent`` + resolve to the zipfile. Note these attributes are not + valid and will raise a ``ValueError`` if the zipfile + has no filename. + + >>> root.name + 'abcde.zip' + >>> str(root.filename).replace(os.sep, posixpath.sep) + 'mem/abcde.zip' + >>> str(root.parent) + 'mem' + """ + + __repr = "{self.__class__.__name__}({self.root.filename!r}, {self.at!r})" + + def __init__(self, root, at=""): + """ + Construct a Path from a ZipFile or filename. + + Note: When the source is an existing ZipFile object, + its type (__class__) will be mutated to a + specialized type. If the caller wishes to retain the + original type, the caller should either create a + separate ZipFile object or pass a filename. + """ + self.root = FastLookup.make(root) + self.at = at + + def open(self, mode='r', *args, pwd=None, **kwargs): + """ + Open this entry as text or binary following the semantics + of ``pathlib.Path.open()`` by passing arguments through + to io.TextIOWrapper(). + """ + if self.is_dir(): + raise IsADirectoryError(self) + zip_mode = mode[0] + if not self.exists() and zip_mode == 'r': + raise FileNotFoundError(self) + stream = self.root.open(self.at, zip_mode, pwd=pwd) + if 'b' in mode: + if args or kwargs: + raise ValueError("encoding args invalid for binary operation") + return stream + return io.TextIOWrapper(stream, *args, **kwargs) + + @property + def name(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).name or self.filename.name + + @property + def suffix(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).suffix or self.filename.suffix + + @property + def suffixes(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).suffixes or self.filename.suffixes + + @property + def stem(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.at).stem or self.filename.stem + + @property + def filename(self): + return pathlib.Path(self.root.filename).joinpath(self.at) + + def read_text(self, *args, **kwargs): + with self.open('r', *args, **kwargs) as strm: + return strm.read() + + def read_bytes(self): + with self.open('rb') as strm: + return strm.read() + + def _is_child(self, path): + return posixpath.dirname(path.at.rstrip("/")) == self.at.rstrip("/") + + def _next(self, at): + return self.__class__(self.root, at) + + def is_dir(self): + return not self.at or self.at.endswith("/") + + def is_file(self): + return self.exists() and not self.is_dir() + + def exists(self): + return self.at in self.root._name_set() + + def iterdir(self): + if not self.is_dir(): + raise ValueError("Can't listdir a file") + subs = map(self._next, self.root.namelist()) + return filter(self._is_child, subs) + + def __str__(self): + return posixpath.join(self.root.filename, self.at) + + def __repr__(self): + return self.__repr.format(self=self) + + def joinpath(self, *other): + next = posixpath.join(self.at, *map(_pathlib_compat, other)) + return self._next(self.root.resolve_dir(next)) + + __truediv__ = joinpath + + @property + def parent(self): + if not self.at: + return self.filename.parent + parent_at = posixpath.dirname(self.at.rstrip('/')) + if parent_at: + parent_at += '/' + return self._next(parent_at) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/archive_util.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/archive_util.py index 0f70284..d8e10c1 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/archive_util.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/archive_util.py @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import posixpath import contextlib from distutils.errors import DistutilsError -from pkg_resources import ensure_directory +from ._path import ensure_directory __all__ = [ "unpack_archive", "unpack_zipfile", "unpack_tarfile", "default_filter", @@ -100,29 +100,37 @@ def unpack_zipfile(filename, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter): raise UnrecognizedFormat("%s is not a zip file" % (filename,)) with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as z: - for info in z.infolist(): - name = info.filename + _unpack_zipfile_obj(z, extract_dir, progress_filter) - # don't extract absolute paths or ones with .. in them - if name.startswith('/') or '..' in name.split('/'): - continue - target = os.path.join(extract_dir, *name.split('/')) - target = progress_filter(name, target) - if not target: - continue - if name.endswith('/'): - # directory - ensure_directory(target) - else: - # file - ensure_directory(target) - data = z.read(info.filename) - with open(target, 'wb') as f: - f.write(data) - unix_attributes = info.external_attr >> 16 - if unix_attributes: - os.chmod(target, unix_attributes) +def _unpack_zipfile_obj(zipfile_obj, extract_dir, progress_filter=default_filter): + """Internal/private API used by other parts of setuptools. + Similar to ``unpack_zipfile``, but receives an already opened :obj:`zipfile.ZipFile` + object instead of a filename. + """ + for info in zipfile_obj.infolist(): + name = info.filename + + # don't extract absolute paths or ones with .. in them + if name.startswith('/') or '..' in name.split('/'): + continue + + target = os.path.join(extract_dir, *name.split('/')) + target = progress_filter(name, target) + if not target: + continue + if name.endswith('/'): + # directory + ensure_directory(target) + else: + # file + ensure_directory(target) + data = zipfile_obj.read(info.filename) + with open(target, 'wb') as f: + f.write(data) + unix_attributes = info.external_attr >> 16 + if unix_attributes: + os.chmod(target, unix_attributes) def _resolve_tar_file_or_dir(tar_obj, tar_member_obj): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py index 9dfb2f2..e8f1c72 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/build_meta.py @@ -28,25 +28,39 @@ Again, this is not a formal definition! Just a "taste" of the module. import io import os +import shlex import sys import tokenize import shutil import contextlib import tempfile +import warnings +from pathlib import Path +from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union import setuptools import distutils +from . import errors +from ._path import same_path +from ._reqs import parse_strings +from ._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning +from distutils.util import strtobool -from pkg_resources import parse_requirements __all__ = ['get_requires_for_build_sdist', 'get_requires_for_build_wheel', 'prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel', 'build_wheel', 'build_sdist', + 'get_requires_for_build_editable', + 'prepare_metadata_for_build_editable', + 'build_editable', '__legacy__', 'SetupRequirementsError'] +SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES = os.getenv("SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES", "").lower() +LEGACY_EDITABLE = "legacy-editable" in SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES.replace("_", "-") + class SetupRequirementsError(BaseException): def __init__(self, specifiers): @@ -55,7 +69,7 @@ class SetupRequirementsError(BaseException): class Distribution(setuptools.dist.Distribution): def fetch_build_eggs(self, specifiers): - specifier_list = list(map(str, parse_requirements(specifiers))) + specifier_list = list(parse_strings(specifiers)) raise SetupRequirementsError(specifier_list) @@ -118,18 +132,189 @@ def _open_setup_script(setup_script): return getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(setup_script) -class _BuildMetaBackend(object): +@contextlib.contextmanager +def suppress_known_deprecation(): + with warnings.catch_warnings(): + warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'setup.py install is deprecated') + yield + - def _fix_config(self, config_settings): - config_settings = config_settings or {} - config_settings.setdefault('--global-option', []) - return config_settings +_ConfigSettings = Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], None]]] +""" +Currently the user can run:: - def _get_build_requires(self, config_settings, requirements): - config_settings = self._fix_config(config_settings) + pip install -e . --config-settings key=value + python -m build -C--key=value -C key=value + +- pip will pass both key and value as strings and overwriting repeated keys + (pypa/pip#11059). +- build will accumulate values associated with repeated keys in a list. + It will also accept keys with no associated value. + This means that an option passed by build can be ``str | list[str] | None``. +- PEP 517 specifies that ``config_settings`` is an optional dict. +""" + + +class _ConfigSettingsTranslator: + """Translate ``config_settings`` into distutils-style command arguments. + Only a limited number of options is currently supported. + """ + # See pypa/setuptools#1928 pypa/setuptools#2491 - sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + ['egg_info'] + \ - config_settings["--global-option"] + def _get_config(self, key: str, config_settings: _ConfigSettings) -> List[str]: + """ + Get the value of a specific key in ``config_settings`` as a list of strings. + + >>> fn = _ConfigSettingsTranslator()._get_config + >>> fn("--global-option", None) + [] + >>> fn("--global-option", {}) + [] + >>> fn("--global-option", {'--global-option': 'foo'}) + ['foo'] + >>> fn("--global-option", {'--global-option': ['foo']}) + ['foo'] + >>> fn("--global-option", {'--global-option': 'foo'}) + ['foo'] + >>> fn("--global-option", {'--global-option': 'foo bar'}) + ['foo', 'bar'] + """ + cfg = config_settings or {} + opts = cfg.get(key) or [] + return shlex.split(opts) if isinstance(opts, str) else opts + + def _valid_global_options(self): + """Global options accepted by setuptools (e.g. quiet or verbose).""" + options = (opt[:2] for opt in setuptools.dist.Distribution.global_options) + return {flag for long_and_short in options for flag in long_and_short if flag} + + def _global_args(self, config_settings: _ConfigSettings) -> Iterator[str]: + """ + Let the user specify ``verbose`` or ``quiet`` + escape hatch via + ``--global-option``. + Note: ``-v``, ``-vv``, ``-vvv`` have similar effects in setuptools, + so we just have to cover the basic scenario ``-v``. + + >>> fn = _ConfigSettingsTranslator()._global_args + >>> list(fn(None)) + [] + >>> list(fn({"verbose": "False"})) + ['-q'] + >>> list(fn({"verbose": "1"})) + ['-v'] + >>> list(fn({"--verbose": None})) + ['-v'] + >>> list(fn({"verbose": "true", "--global-option": "-q --no-user-cfg"})) + ['-v', '-q', '--no-user-cfg'] + >>> list(fn({"--quiet": None})) + ['-q'] + """ + cfg = config_settings or {} + falsey = {"false", "no", "0", "off"} + if "verbose" in cfg or "--verbose" in cfg: + level = str(cfg.get("verbose") or cfg.get("--verbose") or "1") + yield ("-q" if level.lower() in falsey else "-v") + if "quiet" in cfg or "--quiet" in cfg: + level = str(cfg.get("quiet") or cfg.get("--quiet") or "1") + yield ("-v" if level.lower() in falsey else "-q") + + valid = self._valid_global_options() + args = self._get_config("--global-option", config_settings) + yield from (arg for arg in args if arg.strip("-") in valid) + + def __dist_info_args(self, config_settings: _ConfigSettings) -> Iterator[str]: + """ + The ``dist_info`` command accepts ``tag-date`` and ``tag-build``. + + .. warning:: + We cannot use this yet as it requires the ``sdist`` and ``bdist_wheel`` + commands run in ``build_sdist`` and ``build_wheel`` to re-use the egg-info + directory created in ``prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel``. + + >>> fn = _ConfigSettingsTranslator()._ConfigSettingsTranslator__dist_info_args + >>> list(fn(None)) + [] + >>> list(fn({"tag-date": "False"})) + ['--no-date'] + >>> list(fn({"tag-date": None})) + ['--no-date'] + >>> list(fn({"tag-date": "true", "tag-build": ".a"})) + ['--tag-date', '--tag-build', '.a'] + """ + cfg = config_settings or {} + if "tag-date" in cfg: + val = strtobool(str(cfg["tag-date"] or "false")) + yield ("--tag-date" if val else "--no-date") + if "tag-build" in cfg: + yield from ["--tag-build", str(cfg["tag-build"])] + + def _editable_args(self, config_settings: _ConfigSettings) -> Iterator[str]: + """ + The ``editable_wheel`` command accepts ``editable-mode=strict``. + + >>> fn = _ConfigSettingsTranslator()._editable_args + >>> list(fn(None)) + [] + >>> list(fn({"editable-mode": "strict"})) + ['--mode', 'strict'] + """ + cfg = config_settings or {} + mode = cfg.get("editable-mode") or cfg.get("editable_mode") + if not mode: + return + yield from ["--mode", str(mode)] + + def _arbitrary_args(self, config_settings: _ConfigSettings) -> Iterator[str]: + """ + Users may expect to pass arbitrary lists of arguments to a command + via "--global-option" (example provided in PEP 517 of a "escape hatch"). + + >>> fn = _ConfigSettingsTranslator()._arbitrary_args + >>> list(fn(None)) + [] + >>> list(fn({})) + [] + >>> list(fn({'--build-option': 'foo'})) + ['foo'] + >>> list(fn({'--build-option': ['foo']})) + ['foo'] + >>> list(fn({'--build-option': 'foo'})) + ['foo'] + >>> list(fn({'--build-option': 'foo bar'})) + ['foo', 'bar'] + >>> warnings.simplefilter('error', SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + >>> list(fn({'--global-option': 'foo'})) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL + Traceback (most recent call last): + SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: ...arguments given via `--global-option`... + """ + args = self._get_config("--global-option", config_settings) + global_opts = self._valid_global_options() + bad_args = [] + + for arg in args: + if arg.strip("-") not in global_opts: + bad_args.append(arg) + yield arg + + yield from self._get_config("--build-option", config_settings) + + if bad_args: + msg = f""" + The arguments {bad_args!r} were given via `--global-option`. + Please use `--build-option` instead, + `--global-option` is reserved to flags like `--verbose` or `--quiet`. + """ + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + + +class _BuildMetaBackend(_ConfigSettingsTranslator): + def _get_build_requires(self, config_settings, requirements): + sys.argv = [ + *sys.argv[:1], + *self._global_args(config_settings), + "egg_info", + *self._arbitrary_args(config_settings), + ] try: with Distribution.patch(): self.run_setup() @@ -147,62 +332,67 @@ class _BuildMetaBackend(object): with _open_setup_script(__file__) as f: code = f.read().replace(r'\r\n', r'\n') - exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'), locals()) + exec(code, locals()) def get_requires_for_build_wheel(self, config_settings=None): - config_settings = self._fix_config(config_settings) - return self._get_build_requires( - config_settings, requirements=['wheel']) + return self._get_build_requires(config_settings, requirements=['wheel']) def get_requires_for_build_sdist(self, config_settings=None): - config_settings = self._fix_config(config_settings) return self._get_build_requires(config_settings, requirements=[]) - def prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(self, metadata_directory, - config_settings=None): - sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + [ - 'dist_info', '--egg-base', metadata_directory] - with no_install_setup_requires(): - self.run_setup() + def _bubble_up_info_directory(self, metadata_directory: str, suffix: str) -> str: + """ + PEP 517 requires that the .dist-info directory be placed in the + metadata_directory. To comply, we MUST copy the directory to the root. - dist_info_directory = metadata_directory - while True: - dist_infos = [f for f in os.listdir(dist_info_directory) - if f.endswith('.dist-info')] + Returns the basename of the info directory, e.g. `proj-0.0.0.dist-info`. + """ + info_dir = self._find_info_directory(metadata_directory, suffix) + if not same_path(info_dir.parent, metadata_directory): + shutil.move(str(info_dir), metadata_directory) + # PEP 517 allow other files and dirs to exist in metadata_directory + return info_dir.name - if ( - len(dist_infos) == 0 and - len(_get_immediate_subdirectories(dist_info_directory)) == 1 - ): + def _find_info_directory(self, metadata_directory: str, suffix: str) -> Path: + for parent, dirs, _ in os.walk(metadata_directory): + candidates = [f for f in dirs if f.endswith(suffix)] - dist_info_directory = os.path.join( - dist_info_directory, os.listdir(dist_info_directory)[0]) - continue + if len(candidates) != 0 or len(dirs) != 1: + assert len(candidates) == 1, f"Multiple {suffix} directories found" + return Path(parent, candidates[0]) - assert len(dist_infos) == 1 - break + msg = f"No {suffix} directory found in {metadata_directory}" + raise errors.InternalError(msg) - # PEP 517 requires that the .dist-info directory be placed in the - # metadata_directory. To comply, we MUST copy the directory to the root - if dist_info_directory != metadata_directory: - shutil.move( - os.path.join(dist_info_directory, dist_infos[0]), - metadata_directory) - shutil.rmtree(dist_info_directory, ignore_errors=True) + def prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel(self, metadata_directory, + config_settings=None): + sys.argv = [ + *sys.argv[:1], + *self._global_args(config_settings), + "dist_info", + "--output-dir", metadata_directory, + "--keep-egg-info", + ] + with no_install_setup_requires(): + self.run_setup() - return dist_infos[0] + self._bubble_up_info_directory(metadata_directory, ".egg-info") + return self._bubble_up_info_directory(metadata_directory, ".dist-info") def _build_with_temp_dir(self, setup_command, result_extension, result_directory, config_settings): - config_settings = self._fix_config(config_settings) result_directory = os.path.abspath(result_directory) # Build in a temporary directory, then copy to the target. os.makedirs(result_directory, exist_ok=True) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=result_directory) as tmp_dist_dir: - sys.argv = (sys.argv[:1] + setup_command + - ['--dist-dir', tmp_dist_dir] + - config_settings["--global-option"]) + sys.argv = [ + *sys.argv[:1], + *self._global_args(config_settings), + *setup_command, + "--dist-dir", tmp_dist_dir, + *self._arbitrary_args(config_settings), + ] with no_install_setup_requires(): self.run_setup() @@ -218,14 +408,49 @@ class _BuildMetaBackend(object): def build_wheel(self, wheel_directory, config_settings=None, metadata_directory=None): - return self._build_with_temp_dir(['bdist_wheel'], '.whl', - wheel_directory, config_settings) + with suppress_known_deprecation(): + return self._build_with_temp_dir(['bdist_wheel'], '.whl', + wheel_directory, config_settings) def build_sdist(self, sdist_directory, config_settings=None): return self._build_with_temp_dir(['sdist', '--formats', 'gztar'], '.tar.gz', sdist_directory, config_settings) + def _get_dist_info_dir(self, metadata_directory: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: + if not metadata_directory: + return None + dist_info_candidates = list(Path(metadata_directory).glob("*.dist-info")) + assert len(dist_info_candidates) <= 1 + return str(dist_info_candidates[0]) if dist_info_candidates else None + + if not LEGACY_EDITABLE: + + # PEP660 hooks: + # build_editable + # get_requires_for_build_editable + # prepare_metadata_for_build_editable + def build_editable( + self, wheel_directory, config_settings=None, metadata_directory=None + ): + # XXX can or should we hide our editable_wheel command normally? + info_dir = self._get_dist_info_dir(metadata_directory) + opts = ["--dist-info-dir", info_dir] if info_dir else [] + cmd = ["editable_wheel", *opts, *self._editable_args(config_settings)] + with suppress_known_deprecation(): + return self._build_with_temp_dir( + cmd, ".whl", wheel_directory, config_settings + ) + + def get_requires_for_build_editable(self, config_settings=None): + return self.get_requires_for_build_wheel(config_settings) + + def prepare_metadata_for_build_editable(self, metadata_directory, + config_settings=None): + return self.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel( + metadata_directory, config_settings + ) + class _BuildMetaLegacyBackend(_BuildMetaBackend): """Compatibility backend for setuptools @@ -276,6 +501,11 @@ prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel = _BACKEND.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel build_wheel = _BACKEND.build_wheel build_sdist = _BACKEND.build_sdist +if not LEGACY_EDITABLE: + get_requires_for_build_editable = _BACKEND.get_requires_for_build_editable + prepare_metadata_for_build_editable = _BACKEND.prepare_metadata_for_build_editable + build_editable = _BACKEND.build_editable + # The legacy backend __legacy__ = _BuildMetaLegacyBackend() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/cli-arm64.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/cli-arm64.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a87ce4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/cli-arm64.exe differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__init__.py index b966dce..5acd768 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__init__.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__init__.py @@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ from distutils.command.bdist import bdist import sys if 'egg' not in bdist.format_commands: - bdist.format_command['egg'] = ('bdist_egg', "Python .egg file") - bdist.format_commands.append('egg') + try: + bdist.format_commands['egg'] = ('bdist_egg', "Python .egg file") + except TypeError: + # For backward compatibility with older distutils (stdlib) + bdist.format_command['egg'] = ('bdist_egg', "Python .egg file") + bdist.format_commands.append('egg') del bdist, sys diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 80724c4..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e18980d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 96340e9..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e5e68c8 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/alias.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 843e645..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..859fd0d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_egg.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3ef91f5..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6446787 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/bdist_rpm.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1e3fed Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d2b70fb..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6330994 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_clib.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index f4d95e7..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4895308 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_ext.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b694904..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b944710 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/build_py.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index d5b142e..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8441c9 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/develop.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 4c54e2b..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..841466e Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/dist_info.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b54945d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8f612c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/easy_install.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/editable_wheel.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/editable_wheel.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63a441b Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/editable_wheel.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index cbfe753..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c79e48 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/egg_info.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 42a8f8c..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68cbed2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 94f0961..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7296b15 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_egg_info.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 2c3cdec..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9e779d Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_lib.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index b760c6d..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d30363c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/install_scripts.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 404ef81..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c1e05ce Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/py36compat.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 3f66a73..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6a7c53 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/register.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 49d0ddf..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ea740c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/rotate.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 5d8a008..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af412ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/saveopts.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 0f28d26..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c83ecf3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/sdist.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 70c9f20..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14535fa Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/setopt.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index df0cbe1..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9593cf Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index deccf45..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e18583 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-310.pyc deleted file mode 100644 index 9a49437..0000000 Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd05da0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/__pycache__/upload_docs.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.py index e6b1609..11a1c6b 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_egg.py @@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ import re import textwrap import marshal -from pkg_resources import get_build_platform, Distribution, ensure_directory +from pkg_resources import get_build_platform, Distribution from setuptools.extension import Library from setuptools import Command +from .._path import ensure_directory from sysconfig import get_path, get_python_version diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_rpm.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_rpm.py index 0eb1b9c..98bf5de 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_rpm.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/bdist_rpm.py @@ -1,4 +1,7 @@ import distutils.command.bdist_rpm as orig +import warnings + +from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning class bdist_rpm(orig.bdist_rpm): @@ -11,6 +14,12 @@ class bdist_rpm(orig.bdist_rpm): """ def run(self): + warnings.warn( + "bdist_rpm is deprecated and will be removed in a future " + "version. Use bdist_wheel (wheel packages) instead.", + SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, + ) + # ensure distro name is up-to-date self.run_command('egg_info') diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c0676d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build.py @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +import sys +import warnings +from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Dict +from distutils.command.build import build as _build + +from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): + from typing import Protocol +elif TYPE_CHECKING: + from typing_extensions import Protocol +else: + from abc import ABC as Protocol + + +_ORIGINAL_SUBCOMMANDS = {"build_py", "build_clib", "build_ext", "build_scripts"} + + +class build(_build): + # copy to avoid sharing the object with parent class + sub_commands = _build.sub_commands[:] + + def get_sub_commands(self): + subcommands = {cmd[0] for cmd in _build.sub_commands} + if subcommands - _ORIGINAL_SUBCOMMANDS: + msg = """ + It seems that you are using `distutils.command.build` to add + new subcommands. Using `distutils` directly is considered deprecated, + please use `setuptools.command.build`. + """ + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + self.sub_commands = _build.sub_commands + return super().get_sub_commands() + + +class SubCommand(Protocol): + """In order to support editable installations (see :pep:`660`) all + build subcommands **SHOULD** implement this protocol. They also **MUST** inherit + from ``setuptools.Command``. + + When creating an :pep:`editable wheel <660>`, ``setuptools`` will try to evaluate + custom ``build`` subcommands using the following procedure: + + 1. ``setuptools`` will set the ``editable_mode`` attribute to ``True`` + 2. ``setuptools`` will execute the ``run()`` command. + + .. important:: + Subcommands **SHOULD** take advantage of ``editable_mode=True`` to adequate + its behaviour or perform optimisations. + + For example, if a subcommand don't need to generate any extra file and + everything it does is to copy a source file into the build directory, + ``run()`` **SHOULD** simply "early return". + + Similarly, if the subcommand creates files that would be placed alongside + Python files in the final distribution, during an editable install + the command **SHOULD** generate these files "in place" (i.e. write them to + the original source directory, instead of using the build directory). + Note that ``get_output_mapping()`` should reflect that and include mappings + for "in place" builds accordingly. + + 3. ``setuptools`` use any knowledge it can derive from the return values of + ``get_outputs()`` and ``get_output_mapping()`` to create an editable wheel. + When relevant ``setuptools`` **MAY** attempt to use file links based on the value + of ``get_output_mapping()``. Alternatively, ``setuptools`` **MAY** attempt to use + :doc:`import hooks ` to redirect any attempt to import + to the directory with the original source code and other files built in place. + + Please note that custom sub-commands **SHOULD NOT** rely on ``run()`` being + executed (or not) to provide correct return values for ``get_outputs()``, + ``get_output_mapping()`` or ``get_source_files()``. The ``get_*`` methods should + work independently of ``run()``. + """ + + editable_mode: bool = False + """Boolean flag that will be set to ``True`` when setuptools is used for an + editable installation (see :pep:`660`). + Implementations **SHOULD** explicitly set the default value of this attribute to + ``False``. + When subcommands run, they can use this flag to perform optimizations or change + their behaviour accordingly. + """ + + build_lib: str + """String representing the directory where the build artifacts should be stored, + e.g. ``build/lib``. + For example, if a distribution wants to provide a Python module named ``pkg.mod``, + then a corresponding file should be written to ``{build_lib}/package/module.py``. + A way of thinking about this is that the files saved under ``build_lib`` + would be eventually copied to one of the directories in :obj:`site.PREFIXES` + upon installation. + + A command that produces platform-independent files (e.g. compiling text templates + into Python functions), **CAN** initialize ``build_lib`` by copying its value from + the ``build_py`` command. On the other hand, a command that produces + platform-specific files **CAN** initialize ``build_lib`` by copying its value from + the ``build_ext`` command. In general this is done inside the ``finalize_options`` + method with the help of the ``set_undefined_options`` command:: + + def finalize_options(self): + self.set_undefined_options("build_py", ("build_lib", "build_lib")) + ... + """ + + def initialize_options(self): + """(Required by the original :class:`setuptools.Command` interface)""" + + def finalize_options(self): + """(Required by the original :class:`setuptools.Command` interface)""" + + def run(self): + """(Required by the original :class:`setuptools.Command` interface)""" + + def get_source_files(self) -> List[str]: + """ + Return a list of all files that are used by the command to create the expected + outputs. + For example, if your build command transpiles Java files into Python, you should + list here all the Java files. + The primary purpose of this function is to help populating the ``sdist`` + with all the files necessary to build the distribution. + All files should be strings relative to the project root directory. + """ + + def get_outputs(self) -> List[str]: + """ + Return a list of files intended for distribution as they would have been + produced by the build. + These files should be strings in the form of + ``"{build_lib}/destination/file/path"``. + + .. note:: + The return value of ``get_output()`` should include all files used as keys + in ``get_output_mapping()`` plus files that are generated during the build + and don't correspond to any source file already present in the project. + """ + + def get_output_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: + """ + Return a mapping between destination files as they would be produced by the + build (dict keys) into the respective existing (source) files (dict values). + Existing (source) files should be represented as strings relative to the project + root directory. + Destination files should be strings in the form of + ``"{build_lib}/destination/file/path"``. + """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_ext.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_ext.py index c59eff8..cbfe3ec 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_ext.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_ext.py @@ -2,14 +2,16 @@ import os import sys import itertools from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES +from importlib.util import cache_from_source as _compiled_file_name +from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple + from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _du_build_ext -from distutils.file_util import copy_file from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler from distutils.sysconfig import customize_compiler, get_config_var -from distutils.errors import DistutilsError from distutils import log -from setuptools.extension import Library +from setuptools.errors import BaseError +from setuptools.extension import Extension, Library try: # Attempt to use Cython for building extensions, if available @@ -73,6 +75,9 @@ def get_abi3_suffix(): class build_ext(_build_ext): + editable_mode: bool = False + inplace: bool = False + def run(self): """Build extensions in build directory, then copy if --inplace""" old_inplace, self.inplace = self.inplace, 0 @@ -81,27 +86,62 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): if old_inplace: self.copy_extensions_to_source() + def _get_inplace_equivalent(self, build_py, ext: Extension) -> Tuple[str, str]: + fullname = self.get_ext_fullname(ext.name) + filename = self.get_ext_filename(fullname) + modpath = fullname.split('.') + package = '.'.join(modpath[:-1]) + package_dir = build_py.get_package_dir(package) + inplace_file = os.path.join(package_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) + regular_file = os.path.join(self.build_lib, filename) + return (inplace_file, regular_file) + def copy_extensions_to_source(self): build_py = self.get_finalized_command('build_py') for ext in self.extensions: - fullname = self.get_ext_fullname(ext.name) - filename = self.get_ext_filename(fullname) - modpath = fullname.split('.') - package = '.'.join(modpath[:-1]) - package_dir = build_py.get_package_dir(package) - dest_filename = os.path.join(package_dir, - os.path.basename(filename)) - src_filename = os.path.join(self.build_lib, filename) + inplace_file, regular_file = self._get_inplace_equivalent(build_py, ext) # Always copy, even if source is older than destination, to ensure # that the right extensions for the current Python/platform are # used. - copy_file( - src_filename, dest_filename, verbose=self.verbose, - dry_run=self.dry_run - ) + if os.path.exists(regular_file) or not ext.optional: + self.copy_file(regular_file, inplace_file, level=self.verbose) + if ext._needs_stub: - self.write_stub(package_dir or os.curdir, ext, True) + inplace_stub = self._get_equivalent_stub(ext, inplace_file) + self._write_stub_file(inplace_stub, ext, compile=True) + # Always compile stub and remove the original (leave the cache behind) + # (this behaviour was observed in previous iterations of the code) + + def _get_equivalent_stub(self, ext: Extension, output_file: str) -> str: + dir_ = os.path.dirname(output_file) + _, _, name = ext.name.rpartition(".") + return f"{os.path.join(dir_, name)}.py" + + def _get_output_mapping(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: + if not self.inplace: + return + + build_py = self.get_finalized_command('build_py') + opt = self.get_finalized_command('install_lib').optimize or "" + + for ext in self.extensions: + inplace_file, regular_file = self._get_inplace_equivalent(build_py, ext) + yield (regular_file, inplace_file) + + if ext._needs_stub: + # This version of `build_ext` always builds artifacts in another dir, + # when "inplace=True" is given it just copies them back. + # This is done in the `copy_extensions_to_source` function, which + # always compile stub files via `_compile_and_remove_stub`. + # At the end of the process, a `.pyc` stub file is created without the + # corresponding `.py`. + + inplace_stub = self._get_equivalent_stub(ext, inplace_file) + regular_stub = self._get_equivalent_stub(ext, regular_file) + inplace_cache = _compiled_file_name(inplace_stub, optimization=opt) + output_cache = _compiled_file_name(regular_stub, optimization=opt) + yield (output_cache, inplace_cache) def get_ext_filename(self, fullname): so_ext = os.getenv('SETUPTOOLS_EXT_SUFFIX') @@ -131,6 +171,7 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): self.shlib_compiler = None self.shlibs = [] self.ext_map = {} + self.editable_mode = False def finalize_options(self): _build_ext.finalize_options(self) @@ -161,6 +202,9 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): if ltd and use_stubs and os.curdir not in ext.runtime_library_dirs: ext.runtime_library_dirs.append(os.curdir) + if self.editable_mode: + self.inplace = True + def setup_shlib_compiler(self): compiler = self.shlib_compiler = new_compiler( compiler=self.compiler, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force @@ -201,8 +245,8 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): self.compiler = self.shlib_compiler _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext) if ext._needs_stub: - cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_py').build_lib - self.write_stub(cmd, ext) + build_lib = self.get_finalized_command('build_py').build_lib + self.write_stub(build_lib, ext) finally: self.compiler = _compiler @@ -215,8 +259,15 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): pkg = '.'.join(ext._full_name.split('.')[:-1] + ['']) return any(pkg + libname in libnames for libname in ext.libraries) - def get_outputs(self): - return _build_ext.get_outputs(self) + self.__get_stubs_outputs() + def get_outputs(self) -> List[str]: + if self.inplace: + return list(self.get_output_mapping().keys()) + return sorted(_build_ext.get_outputs(self) + self.__get_stubs_outputs()) + + def get_output_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: + """See :class:`setuptools.commands.build.SubCommand`""" + mapping = self._get_output_mapping() + return dict(sorted(mapping, key=lambda x: x[0])) def __get_stubs_outputs(self): # assemble the base name for each extension that needs a stub @@ -236,12 +287,13 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): yield '.pyo' def write_stub(self, output_dir, ext, compile=False): - log.info("writing stub loader for %s to %s", ext._full_name, - output_dir) - stub_file = (os.path.join(output_dir, *ext._full_name.split('.')) + - '.py') + stub_file = os.path.join(output_dir, *ext._full_name.split('.')) + '.py' + self._write_stub_file(stub_file, ext, compile) + + def _write_stub_file(self, stub_file: str, ext: Extension, compile=False): + log.info("writing stub loader for %s to %s", ext._full_name, stub_file) if compile and os.path.exists(stub_file): - raise DistutilsError(stub_file + " already exists! Please delete.") + raise BaseError(stub_file + " already exists! Please delete.") if not self.dry_run: f = open(stub_file, 'w') f.write( @@ -274,16 +326,19 @@ class build_ext(_build_ext): ) f.close() if compile: - from distutils.util import byte_compile + self._compile_and_remove_stub(stub_file) + + def _compile_and_remove_stub(self, stub_file: str): + from distutils.util import byte_compile - byte_compile([stub_file], optimize=0, + byte_compile([stub_file], optimize=0, + force=True, dry_run=self.dry_run) + optimize = self.get_finalized_command('install_lib').optimize + if optimize > 0: + byte_compile([stub_file], optimize=optimize, force=True, dry_run=self.dry_run) - optimize = self.get_finalized_command('install_lib').optimize - if optimize > 0: - byte_compile([stub_file], optimize=optimize, - force=True, dry_run=self.dry_run) - if os.path.exists(stub_file) and not self.dry_run: - os.unlink(stub_file) + if os.path.exists(stub_file) and not self.dry_run: + os.unlink(stub_file) if use_stubs or os.name == 'nt': diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_py.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_py.py index df6fd32..ec06274 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_py.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/build_py.py @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +from functools import partial from glob import glob from distutils.util import convert_path import distutils.command.build_py as orig @@ -8,22 +9,19 @@ import io import distutils.errors import itertools import stat -from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen - -try: - from setuptools.lib2to3_ex import Mixin2to3 -except Exception: +import warnings +from pathlib import Path +from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple - class Mixin2to3: - def run_2to3(self, files, doctests=True): - "do nothing" +from setuptools._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning +from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen def make_writable(target): os.chmod(target, os.stat(target).st_mode | stat.S_IWRITE) -class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): +class build_py(orig.build_py): """Enhanced 'build_py' command that includes data files with packages The data files are specified via a 'package_data' argument to 'setup()'. @@ -32,20 +30,29 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): Also, this version of the 'build_py' command allows you to specify both 'py_modules' and 'packages' in the same setup operation. """ + editable_mode: bool = False + existing_egg_info_dir: Optional[str] = None #: Private API, internal use only. def finalize_options(self): orig.build_py.finalize_options(self) self.package_data = self.distribution.package_data - self.exclude_package_data = (self.distribution.exclude_package_data or - {}) + self.exclude_package_data = self.distribution.exclude_package_data or {} if 'data_files' in self.__dict__: del self.__dict__['data_files'] self.__updated_files = [] - self.__doctests_2to3 = [] + + def copy_file(self, infile, outfile, preserve_mode=1, preserve_times=1, + link=None, level=1): + # Overwrite base class to allow using links + if link: + infile = str(Path(infile).resolve()) + outfile = str(Path(outfile).resolve()) + return super().copy_file(infile, outfile, preserve_mode, preserve_times, + link, level) def run(self): """Build modules, packages, and copy data files to build directory""" - if not self.py_modules and not self.packages: + if not (self.py_modules or self.packages) or self.editable_mode: return if self.py_modules: @@ -55,10 +62,6 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): self.build_packages() self.build_package_data() - self.run_2to3(self.__updated_files, False) - self.run_2to3(self.__updated_files, True) - self.run_2to3(self.__doctests_2to3, True) - # Only compile actual .py files, using our base class' idea of what our # output files are. self.byte_compile(orig.build_py.get_outputs(self, include_bytecode=0)) @@ -71,8 +74,7 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): return orig.build_py.__getattr__(self, attr) def build_module(self, module, module_file, package): - outfile, copied = orig.build_py.build_module(self, module, module_file, - package) + outfile, copied = orig.build_py.build_module(self, module, module_file, package) if copied: self.__updated_files.append(outfile) return outfile, copied @@ -82,6 +84,16 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): self.analyze_manifest() return list(map(self._get_pkg_data_files, self.packages or ())) + def get_data_files_without_manifest(self): + """ + Generate list of ``(package,src_dir,build_dir,filenames)`` tuples, + but without triggering any attempt to analyze or build the manifest. + """ + # Prevent eventual errors from unset `manifest_files` + # (that would otherwise be set by `analyze_manifest`) + self.__dict__.setdefault('manifest_files', {}) + return list(map(self._get_pkg_data_files, self.packages or ())) + def _get_pkg_data_files(self, package): # Locate package source directory src_dir = self.get_package_dir(package) @@ -103,7 +115,7 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): package, src_dir, ) - globs_expanded = map(glob, patterns) + globs_expanded = map(partial(glob, recursive=True), patterns) # flatten the expanded globs into an iterable of matches globs_matches = itertools.chain.from_iterable(globs_expanded) glob_files = filter(os.path.isfile, globs_matches) @@ -113,19 +125,41 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): ) return self.exclude_data_files(package, src_dir, files) - def build_package_data(self): - """Copy data files into build directory""" + def get_outputs(self, include_bytecode=1) -> List[str]: + """See :class:`setuptools.commands.build.SubCommand`""" + if self.editable_mode: + return list(self.get_output_mapping().keys()) + return super().get_outputs(include_bytecode) + + def get_output_mapping(self) -> Dict[str, str]: + """See :class:`setuptools.commands.build.SubCommand`""" + mapping = itertools.chain( + self._get_package_data_output_mapping(), + self._get_module_mapping(), + ) + return dict(sorted(mapping, key=lambda x: x[0])) + + def _get_module_mapping(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: + """Iterate over all modules producing (dest, src) pairs.""" + for (package, module, module_file) in self.find_all_modules(): + package = package.split('.') + filename = self.get_module_outfile(self.build_lib, package, module) + yield (filename, module_file) + + def _get_package_data_output_mapping(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: + """Iterate over package data producing (dest, src) pairs.""" for package, src_dir, build_dir, filenames in self.data_files: for filename in filenames: target = os.path.join(build_dir, filename) - self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(target)) srcfile = os.path.join(src_dir, filename) - outf, copied = self.copy_file(srcfile, target) - make_writable(target) - srcfile = os.path.abspath(srcfile) - if (copied and - srcfile in self.distribution.convert_2to3_doctests): - self.__doctests_2to3.append(outf) + yield (target, srcfile) + + def build_package_data(self): + """Copy data files into build directory""" + for target, srcfile in self._get_package_data_output_mapping(): + self.mkpath(os.path.dirname(target)) + _outf, _copied = self.copy_file(srcfile, target) + make_writable(target) def analyze_manifest(self): self.manifest_files = mf = {} @@ -136,9 +170,21 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): # Locate package source directory src_dirs[assert_relative(self.get_package_dir(package))] = package - self.run_command('egg_info') - ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') - for path in ei_cmd.filelist.files: + if ( + getattr(self, 'existing_egg_info_dir', None) + and Path(self.existing_egg_info_dir, "SOURCES.txt").exists() + ): + egg_info_dir = self.existing_egg_info_dir + manifest = Path(egg_info_dir, "SOURCES.txt") + files = manifest.read_text(encoding="utf-8").splitlines() + else: + self.run_command('egg_info') + ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') + egg_info_dir = ei_cmd.egg_info + files = ei_cmd.filelist.files + + check = _IncludePackageDataAbuse() + for path in self._filter_build_files(files, egg_info_dir): d, f = os.path.split(assert_relative(path)) prev = None oldf = f @@ -147,10 +193,34 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): d, df = os.path.split(d) f = os.path.join(df, f) if d in src_dirs: - if path.endswith('.py') and f == oldf: - continue # it's a module, not data + if f == oldf: + if check.is_module(f): + continue # it's a module, not data + else: + importable = check.importable_subpackage(src_dirs[d], f) + if importable: + check.warn(importable) mf.setdefault(src_dirs[d], []).append(path) + def _filter_build_files(self, files: Iterable[str], egg_info: str) -> Iterator[str]: + """ + ``build_meta`` may try to create egg_info outside of the project directory, + and this can be problematic for certain plugins (reported in issue #3500). + + Extensions might also include between their sources files created on the + ``build_lib`` and ``build_temp`` directories. + + This function should filter this case of invalid files out. + """ + build = self.get_finalized_command("build") + build_dirs = (egg_info, self.build_lib, build.build_temp, build.build_base) + norm_dirs = [os.path.normpath(p) for p in build_dirs if p] + + for file in files: + norm_path = os.path.normpath(file) + if not os.path.isabs(file) or all(d not in norm_path for d in norm_dirs): + yield file + def get_data_files(self): pass # Lazily compute data files in _get_data_files() function. @@ -187,6 +257,8 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): def initialize_options(self): self.packages_checked = {} orig.build_py.initialize_options(self) + self.editable_mode = False + self.existing_egg_info_dir = None def get_package_dir(self, package): res = orig.build_py.get_package_dir(self, package) @@ -202,18 +274,11 @@ class build_py(orig.build_py, Mixin2to3): package, src_dir, ) - match_groups = ( - fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) - for pattern in patterns - ) + match_groups = (fnmatch.filter(files, pattern) for pattern in patterns) # flatten the groups of matches into an iterable of matches matches = itertools.chain.from_iterable(match_groups) bad = set(matches) - keepers = ( - fn - for fn in files - if fn not in bad - ) + keepers = (fn for fn in files if fn not in bad) # ditch dupes return list(unique_everseen(keepers)) @@ -241,12 +306,63 @@ def assert_relative(path): return path from distutils.errors import DistutilsSetupError - msg = textwrap.dedent(""" + msg = ( + textwrap.dedent( + """ Error: setup script specifies an absolute path: %s setup() arguments must *always* be /-separated paths relative to the setup.py directory, *never* absolute paths. - """).lstrip() % path + """ + ).lstrip() + % path + ) raise DistutilsSetupError(msg) + + +class _IncludePackageDataAbuse: + """Inform users that package or module is included as 'data file'""" + + MESSAGE = """\ + Installing {importable!r} as data is deprecated, please list it in `packages`. + !!\n\n + ############################ + # Package would be ignored # + ############################ + Python recognizes {importable!r} as an importable package, + but it is not listed in the `packages` configuration of setuptools. + + {importable!r} has been automatically added to the distribution only + because it may contain data files, but this behavior is likely to change + in future versions of setuptools (and therefore is considered deprecated). + + Please make sure that {importable!r} is included as a package by using + the `packages` configuration field or the proper discovery methods + (for example by using `find_namespace_packages(...)`/`find_namespace:` + instead of `find_packages(...)`/`find:`). + + You can read more about "package discovery" and "data files" on setuptools + documentation page. + \n\n!! + """ + + def __init__(self): + self._already_warned = set() + + def is_module(self, file): + return file.endswith(".py") and file[:-len(".py")].isidentifier() + + def importable_subpackage(self, parent, file): + pkg = Path(file).parent + parts = list(itertools.takewhile(str.isidentifier, pkg.parts)) + if parts: + return ".".join([parent, *parts]) + return None + + def warn(self, importable): + if importable not in self._already_warned: + msg = textwrap.dedent(self.MESSAGE).format(importable=importable) + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + self._already_warned.add(importable) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.py index faf8c98..24fb0a7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/develop.py @@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ class develop(namespaces.DevelopInstaller, easy_install): target = pkg_resources.normalize_path(self.egg_base) egg_path = pkg_resources.normalize_path( - os.path.join(self.install_dir, self.egg_path)) + os.path.join(self.install_dir, self.egg_path) + ) if egg_path != target: raise DistutilsOptionError( "--egg-path must be a relative path from the install" @@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ class develop(namespaces.DevelopInstaller, easy_install): self.dist = pkg_resources.Distribution( target, pkg_resources.PathMetadata(target, os.path.abspath(ei.egg_info)), - project_name=ei.egg_name + project_name=ei.egg_name, ) self.setup_path = self._resolve_setup_path( @@ -99,41 +100,18 @@ class develop(namespaces.DevelopInstaller, easy_install): if resolved != pkg_resources.normalize_path(os.curdir): raise DistutilsOptionError( "Can't get a consistent path to setup script from" - " installation directory", resolved, - pkg_resources.normalize_path(os.curdir)) + " installation directory", + resolved, + pkg_resources.normalize_path(os.curdir), + ) return path_to_setup def install_for_development(self): - if getattr(self.distribution, 'use_2to3', False): - # If we run 2to3 we can not do this inplace: - - # Ensure metadata is up-to-date - self.reinitialize_command('build_py', inplace=0) - self.run_command('build_py') - bpy_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("build_py") - build_path = pkg_resources.normalize_path(bpy_cmd.build_lib) - - # Build extensions - self.reinitialize_command('egg_info', egg_base=build_path) - self.run_command('egg_info') - - self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=0) - self.run_command('build_ext') - - # Fixup egg-link and easy-install.pth - ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info") - self.egg_path = build_path - self.dist.location = build_path - # XXX - self.dist._provider = pkg_resources.PathMetadata( - build_path, ei_cmd.egg_info) - else: - # Without 2to3 inplace works fine: - self.run_command('egg_info') + self.run_command('egg_info') - # Build extensions in-place - self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=1) - self.run_command('build_ext') + # Build extensions in-place + self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=1) + self.run_command('build_ext') if setuptools.bootstrap_install_from: self.easy_install(setuptools.bootstrap_install_from) @@ -156,8 +134,7 @@ class develop(namespaces.DevelopInstaller, easy_install): egg_link_file = open(self.egg_link) contents = [line.rstrip() for line in egg_link_file] egg_link_file.close() - if contents not in ([self.egg_path], - [self.egg_path, self.setup_path]): + if contents not in ([self.egg_path], [self.egg_path, self.setup_path]): log.warn("Link points to %s: uninstall aborted", contents) return if not self.dry_run: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.py index c45258f..0685c94 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/dist_info.py @@ -4,9 +4,18 @@ As defined in the wheel specification """ import os +import re +import shutil +import sys +import warnings +from contextlib import contextmanager +from inspect import cleandoc +from pathlib import Path from distutils.core import Command from distutils import log +from setuptools.extern import packaging +from setuptools._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning class dist_info(Command): @@ -15,22 +24,119 @@ class dist_info(Command): user_options = [ ('egg-base=', 'e', "directory containing .egg-info directories" - " (default: top of the source tree)"), + " (default: top of the source tree)" + " DEPRECATED: use --output-dir."), + ('output-dir=', 'o', "directory inside of which the .dist-info will be" + "created (default: top of the source tree)"), + ('tag-date', 'd', "Add date stamp (e.g. 20050528) to version number"), + ('tag-build=', 'b', "Specify explicit tag to add to version number"), + ('no-date', 'D', "Don't include date stamp [default]"), + ('keep-egg-info', None, "*TRANSITIONAL* will be removed in the future"), ] + boolean_options = ['tag-date', 'keep-egg-info'] + negative_opt = {'no-date': 'tag-date'} + def initialize_options(self): self.egg_base = None + self.output_dir = None + self.name = None + self.dist_info_dir = None + self.tag_date = None + self.tag_build = None + self.keep_egg_info = False def finalize_options(self): - pass + if self.egg_base: + msg = "--egg-base is deprecated for dist_info command. Use --output-dir." + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + self.output_dir = self.egg_base or self.output_dir + + dist = self.distribution + project_dir = dist.src_root or os.curdir + self.output_dir = Path(self.output_dir or project_dir) + + egg_info = self.reinitialize_command("egg_info") + egg_info.egg_base = str(self.output_dir) + + if self.tag_date: + egg_info.tag_date = self.tag_date + else: + self.tag_date = egg_info.tag_date + + if self.tag_build: + egg_info.tag_build = self.tag_build + else: + self.tag_build = egg_info.tag_build - def run(self): - egg_info = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') - egg_info.egg_base = self.egg_base egg_info.finalize_options() - egg_info.run() - dist_info_dir = egg_info.egg_info[:-len('.egg-info')] + '.dist-info' - log.info("creating '{}'".format(os.path.abspath(dist_info_dir))) + self.egg_info = egg_info + + name = _safe(dist.get_name()) + version = _version(dist.get_version()) + self.name = f"{name}-{version}" + self.dist_info_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, f"{self.name}.dist-info") + + @contextmanager + def _maybe_bkp_dir(self, dir_path: str, requires_bkp: bool): + if requires_bkp: + bkp_name = f"{dir_path}.__bkp__" + _rm(bkp_name, ignore_errors=True) + _copy(dir_path, bkp_name, dirs_exist_ok=True, symlinks=True) + try: + yield + finally: + _rm(dir_path, ignore_errors=True) + shutil.move(bkp_name, dir_path) + else: + yield + + def run(self): + self.output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + self.egg_info.run() + egg_info_dir = self.egg_info.egg_info + assert os.path.isdir(egg_info_dir), ".egg-info dir should have been created" + log.info("creating '{}'".format(os.path.abspath(self.dist_info_dir))) bdist_wheel = self.get_finalized_command('bdist_wheel') - bdist_wheel.egg2dist(egg_info.egg_info, dist_info_dir) + + # TODO: if bdist_wheel if merged into setuptools, just add "keep_egg_info" there + with self._maybe_bkp_dir(egg_info_dir, self.keep_egg_info): + bdist_wheel.egg2dist(egg_info_dir, self.dist_info_dir) + + +def _safe(component: str) -> str: + """Escape a component used to form a wheel name according to PEP 491""" + return re.sub(r"[^\w\d.]+", "_", component) + + +def _version(version: str) -> str: + """Convert an arbitrary string to a version string.""" + v = version.replace(' ', '.') + try: + return str(packaging.version.Version(v)).replace("-", "_") + except packaging.version.InvalidVersion: + msg = f"""Invalid version: {version!r}. + !!\n\n + ################### + # Invalid version # + ################### + {version!r} is not valid according to PEP 440.\n + Please make sure specify a valid version for your package. + Also note that future releases of setuptools may halt the build process + if an invalid version is given. + \n\n!! + """ + warnings.warn(cleandoc(msg)) + return _safe(v).strip("_") + + +def _rm(dir_name, **opts): + if os.path.isdir(dir_name): + shutil.rmtree(dir_name, **opts) + + +def _copy(src, dst, **opts): + if sys.version_info < (3, 8): + opts.pop("dirs_exist_ok", None) + shutil.copytree(src, dst, **opts) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py index 45adb6a..444d3b3 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/easy_install.py @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ A tool for doing automatic download/extract/build of distutils-based Python packages. For detailed documentation, see the accompanying EasyInstall.txt file, or visit the `EasyInstall home page`__. -__ https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/easy_install.html +__ https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/deprecated/easy_install.html """ @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ from distutils.errors import ( DistutilsArgError, DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsError, DistutilsPlatformError, ) -from distutils.command.install import INSTALL_SCHEMES, SCHEME_KEYS from distutils import log, dir_util from distutils.command.build_scripts import first_line_re from distutils.spawn import find_executable +from distutils.command import install import sys import os import zipimport @@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ import subprocess import shlex import io import configparser +import sysconfig -from sysconfig import get_config_vars, get_path +from sysconfig import get_path from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning @@ -55,18 +56,21 @@ from setuptools.package_index import ( from setuptools.command import bdist_egg, egg_info from setuptools.wheel import Wheel from pkg_resources import ( - yield_lines, normalize_path, resource_string, ensure_directory, + normalize_path, resource_string, get_distribution, find_distributions, Environment, Requirement, Distribution, PathMetadata, EggMetadata, WorkingSet, DistributionNotFound, VersionConflict, DEVELOP_DIST, ) import pkg_resources +from .._path import ensure_directory +from ..extern.jaraco.text import yield_lines + # Turn on PEP440Warnings warnings.filterwarnings("default", category=pkg_resources.PEP440Warning) __all__ = [ - 'samefile', 'easy_install', 'PthDistributions', 'extract_wininst_cfg', + 'easy_install', 'PthDistributions', 'extract_wininst_cfg', 'get_exe_prefixes', ] @@ -75,22 +79,6 @@ def is_64bit(): return struct.calcsize("P") == 8 -def samefile(p1, p2): - """ - Determine if two paths reference the same file. - - Augments os.path.samefile to work on Windows and - suppresses errors if the path doesn't exist. - """ - both_exist = os.path.exists(p1) and os.path.exists(p2) - use_samefile = hasattr(os.path, 'samefile') and both_exist - if use_samefile: - return os.path.samefile(p1, p2) - norm_p1 = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(p1)) - norm_p2 = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(p2)) - return norm_p1 == norm_p2 - - def _to_bytes(s): return s.encode('utf8') @@ -153,6 +141,12 @@ class easy_install(Command): create_index = PackageIndex def initialize_options(self): + warnings.warn( + "easy_install command is deprecated. " + "Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.", + EasyInstallDeprecationWarning, + ) + # the --user option seems to be an opt-in one, # so the default should be False. self.user = 0 @@ -175,12 +169,8 @@ class easy_install(Command): self.install_data = None self.install_base = None self.install_platbase = None - if site.ENABLE_USER_SITE: - self.install_userbase = site.USER_BASE - self.install_usersite = site.USER_SITE - else: - self.install_userbase = None - self.install_usersite = None + self.install_userbase = site.USER_BASE + self.install_usersite = site.USER_SITE self.no_find_links = None # Options not specifiable via command line @@ -230,28 +220,38 @@ class easy_install(Command): self.version and self._render_version() py_version = sys.version.split()[0] - prefix, exec_prefix = get_config_vars('prefix', 'exec_prefix') - self.config_vars = { + self.config_vars = dict(sysconfig.get_config_vars()) + + self.config_vars.update({ 'dist_name': self.distribution.get_name(), 'dist_version': self.distribution.get_version(), 'dist_fullname': self.distribution.get_fullname(), 'py_version': py_version, - 'py_version_short': py_version[0:3], - 'py_version_nodot': py_version[0] + py_version[2], - 'sys_prefix': prefix, - 'prefix': prefix, - 'sys_exec_prefix': exec_prefix, - 'exec_prefix': exec_prefix, + 'py_version_short': f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}', + 'py_version_nodot': f'{sys.version_info.major}{sys.version_info.minor}', + 'sys_prefix': self.config_vars['prefix'], + 'sys_exec_prefix': self.config_vars['exec_prefix'], # Only python 3.2+ has abiflags 'abiflags': getattr(sys, 'abiflags', ''), - } - - if site.ENABLE_USER_SITE: - self.config_vars['userbase'] = self.install_userbase - self.config_vars['usersite'] = self.install_usersite + 'platlibdir': getattr(sys, 'platlibdir', 'lib'), + }) + with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): + # only for distutils outside stdlib + self.config_vars.update({ + 'implementation_lower': install._get_implementation().lower(), + 'implementation': install._get_implementation(), + }) + + # pypa/distutils#113 Python 3.9 compat + self.config_vars.setdefault( + 'py_version_nodot_plat', + getattr(sys, 'windir', '').replace('.', ''), + ) - elif self.user: + self.config_vars['userbase'] = self.install_userbase + self.config_vars['usersite'] = self.install_usersite + if self.user and not site.ENABLE_USER_SITE: log.warn("WARNING: The user site-packages directory is disabled.") self._fix_install_dir_for_user_site() @@ -287,27 +287,14 @@ class easy_install(Command): self.script_dir = self.install_scripts # default --record from the install command self.set_undefined_options('install', ('record', 'record')) - # Should this be moved to the if statement below? It's not used - # elsewhere - normpath = map(normalize_path, sys.path) self.all_site_dirs = get_site_dirs() - if self.site_dirs is not None: - site_dirs = [ - os.path.expanduser(s.strip()) for s in - self.site_dirs.split(',') - ] - for d in site_dirs: - if not os.path.isdir(d): - log.warn("%s (in --site-dirs) does not exist", d) - elif normalize_path(d) not in normpath: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - d + " (in --site-dirs) is not on sys.path" - ) - else: - self.all_site_dirs.append(normalize_path(d)) + self.all_site_dirs.extend(self._process_site_dirs(self.site_dirs)) + if not self.editable: self.check_site_dir() - self.index_url = self.index_url or "https://pypi.org/simple/" + default_index = os.getenv("__EASYINSTALL_INDEX", "https://pypi.org/simple/") + # ^ Private API for testing purposes only + self.index_url = self.index_url or default_index self.shadow_path = self.all_site_dirs[:] for path_item in self.install_dir, normalize_path(self.script_dir): if path_item not in self.shadow_path: @@ -333,15 +320,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): if not self.no_find_links: self.package_index.add_find_links(self.find_links) self.set_undefined_options('install_lib', ('optimize', 'optimize')) - if not isinstance(self.optimize, int): - try: - self.optimize = int(self.optimize) - if not (0 <= self.optimize <= 2): - raise ValueError - except ValueError as e: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - "--optimize must be 0, 1, or 2" - ) from e + self.optimize = self._validate_optimize(self.optimize) if self.editable and not self.build_directory: raise DistutilsArgError( @@ -353,11 +332,44 @@ class easy_install(Command): self.outputs = [] + @staticmethod + def _process_site_dirs(site_dirs): + if site_dirs is None: + return + + normpath = map(normalize_path, sys.path) + site_dirs = [ + os.path.expanduser(s.strip()) for s in + site_dirs.split(',') + ] + for d in site_dirs: + if not os.path.isdir(d): + log.warn("%s (in --site-dirs) does not exist", d) + elif normalize_path(d) not in normpath: + raise DistutilsOptionError( + d + " (in --site-dirs) is not on sys.path" + ) + else: + yield normalize_path(d) + + @staticmethod + def _validate_optimize(value): + try: + value = int(value) + if value not in range(3): + raise ValueError + except ValueError as e: + raise DistutilsOptionError( + "--optimize must be 0, 1, or 2" + ) from e + + return value + def _fix_install_dir_for_user_site(self): """ Fix the install_dir if "--user" was used. """ - if not self.user or not site.ENABLE_USER_SITE: + if not self.user: return self.create_home_path() @@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): msg = "User base directory is not specified" raise DistutilsPlatformError(msg) self.install_base = self.install_platbase = self.install_userbase - scheme_name = os.name.replace('posix', 'unix') + '_user' + scheme_name = f'{os.name}_user' self.select_scheme(scheme_name) def _expand_attrs(self, attrs): @@ -513,7 +525,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): For information on other options, you may wish to consult the documentation at: - https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/easy_install.html + https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/deprecated/easy_install.html Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again. """).lstrip() # noqa @@ -705,13 +717,11 @@ class easy_install(Command): return dist def select_scheme(self, name): - """Sets the install directories by applying the install schemes.""" - # it's the caller's problem if they supply a bad name! - scheme = INSTALL_SCHEMES[name] - for key in SCHEME_KEYS: - attrname = 'install_' + key - if getattr(self, attrname) is None: - setattr(self, attrname, scheme[key]) + try: + install._select_scheme(self, name) + except AttributeError: + # stdlib distutils + install.install.select_scheme(self, name.replace('posix', 'unix')) # FIXME: 'easy_install.process_distribution' is too complex (12) def process_distribution( # noqa: C901 @@ -908,7 +918,9 @@ class easy_install(Command): ensure_directory(destination) dist = self.egg_distribution(egg_path) - if not samefile(egg_path, destination): + if not ( + os.path.exists(destination) and os.path.samefile(egg_path, destination) + ): if os.path.isdir(destination) and not os.path.islink(destination): dir_util.remove_tree(destination, dry_run=self.dry_run) elif os.path.exists(destination): @@ -1306,7 +1318,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): * You can set up the installation directory to support ".pth" files by using one of the approaches described here: - https://setuptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/easy_install.html#custom-installation-locations + https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/deprecated/easy_install.html#custom-installation-locations Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again. @@ -1317,7 +1329,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): if not self.user: return home = convert_path(os.path.expanduser("~")) - for name, path in self.config_vars.items(): + for path in only_strs(self.config_vars.values()): if path.startswith(home) and not os.path.isdir(path): self.debug_print("os.makedirs('%s', 0o700)" % path) os.makedirs(path, 0o700) @@ -1339,7 +1351,7 @@ class easy_install(Command): if self.prefix: # Set default install_dir/scripts from --prefix - config_vars = config_vars.copy() + config_vars = dict(config_vars) config_vars['base'] = self.prefix scheme = self.INSTALL_SCHEMES.get(os.name, self.DEFAULT_SCHEME) for attr, val in scheme.items(): @@ -1508,7 +1520,7 @@ def extract_wininst_cfg(dist_filename): # Now the config is in bytes, but for RawConfigParser, it should # be text, so decode it. config = config.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) - cfg.readfp(io.StringIO(config)) + cfg.read_file(io.StringIO(config)) except configparser.Error: return None if not cfg.has_section('metadata') or not cfg.has_section('Setup'): @@ -1566,7 +1578,7 @@ class PthDistributions(Environment): self.sitedirs = list(map(normalize_path, sitedirs)) self.basedir = normalize_path(os.path.dirname(self.filename)) self._load() - Environment.__init__(self, [], None, None) + super().__init__([], None, None) for path in yield_lines(self.paths): list(map(self.add, find_distributions(path, True))) @@ -1639,14 +1651,14 @@ class PthDistributions(Environment): if new_path: self.paths.append(dist.location) self.dirty = True - Environment.add(self, dist) + super().add(dist) def remove(self, dist): """Remove `dist` from the distribution map""" while dist.location in self.paths: self.paths.remove(dist.location) self.dirty = True - Environment.remove(self, dist) + super().remove(dist) def make_relative(self, path): npath, last = os.path.split(normalize_path(path)) @@ -2263,7 +2275,10 @@ def get_win_launcher(type): """ launcher_fn = '%s.exe' % type if is_64bit(): - launcher_fn = launcher_fn.replace(".", "-64.") + if get_platform() == "win-arm64": + launcher_fn = launcher_fn.replace(".", "-arm64.") + else: + launcher_fn = launcher_fn.replace(".", "-64.") else: launcher_fn = launcher_fn.replace(".", "-32.") return resource_string('setuptools', launcher_fn) @@ -2284,6 +2299,13 @@ def current_umask(): return tmp +def only_strs(values): + """ + Exclude non-str values. Ref #3063. + """ + return filter(lambda val: isinstance(val, str), values) + + class EasyInstallDeprecationWarning(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning): """ Warning for EasyInstall deprecations, bypassing suppression. diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/editable_wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/editable_wheel.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d60cfbe --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/editable_wheel.py @@ -0,0 +1,844 @@ +""" +Create a wheel that, when installed, will make the source package 'editable' +(add it to the interpreter's path, including metadata) per PEP 660. Replaces +'setup.py develop'. + +.. note:: + One of the mechanisms briefly mentioned in PEP 660 to implement editable installs is + to create a separated directory inside ``build`` and use a .pth file to point to that + directory. In the context of this file such directory is referred as + *auxiliary build directory* or ``auxiliary_dir``. +""" + +import logging +import os +import re +import shutil +import sys +import traceback +import warnings +from contextlib import suppress +from enum import Enum +from inspect import cleandoc +from itertools import chain +from pathlib import Path +from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory +from typing import ( + TYPE_CHECKING, + Dict, + Iterable, + Iterator, + List, + Mapping, + Optional, + Tuple, + TypeVar, + Union, +) + +from setuptools import Command, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, errors, namespaces +from setuptools.command.build_py import build_py as build_py_cls +from setuptools.discovery import find_package_path +from setuptools.dist import Distribution + +if TYPE_CHECKING: + from wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile # noqa + +if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): + from typing import Protocol +elif TYPE_CHECKING: + from typing_extensions import Protocol +else: + from abc import ABC as Protocol + +_Path = Union[str, Path] +_P = TypeVar("_P", bound=_Path) +_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +class _EditableMode(Enum): + """ + Possible editable installation modes: + `lenient` (new files automatically added to the package - DEFAULT); + `strict` (requires a new installation when files are added/removed); or + `compat` (attempts to emulate `python setup.py develop` - DEPRECATED). + """ + + STRICT = "strict" + LENIENT = "lenient" + COMPAT = "compat" # TODO: Remove `compat` after Dec/2022. + + @classmethod + def convert(cls, mode: Optional[str]) -> "_EditableMode": + if not mode: + return _EditableMode.LENIENT # default + + _mode = mode.upper() + if _mode not in _EditableMode.__members__: + raise errors.OptionError(f"Invalid editable mode: {mode!r}. Try: 'strict'.") + + if _mode == "COMPAT": + msg = """ + The 'compat' editable mode is transitional and will be removed + in future versions of `setuptools`. + Please adapt your code accordingly to use either the 'strict' or the + 'lenient' modes. + + For more information, please check: + https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/development_mode.html + """ + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + + return _EditableMode[_mode] + + +_STRICT_WARNING = """ +New or renamed files may not be automatically picked up without a new installation. +""" + +_LENIENT_WARNING = """ +Options like `package-data`, `include/exclude-package-data` or +`packages.find.exclude/include` may have no effect. +""" + + +class editable_wheel(Command): + """Build 'editable' wheel for development. + (This command is reserved for internal use of setuptools). + """ + + description = "create a PEP 660 'editable' wheel" + + user_options = [ + ("dist-dir=", "d", "directory to put final built distributions in"), + ("dist-info-dir=", "I", "path to a pre-build .dist-info directory"), + ("mode=", None, cleandoc(_EditableMode.__doc__ or "")), + ] + + def initialize_options(self): + self.dist_dir = None + self.dist_info_dir = None + self.project_dir = None + self.mode = None + + def finalize_options(self): + dist = self.distribution + self.project_dir = dist.src_root or os.curdir + self.package_dir = dist.package_dir or {} + self.dist_dir = Path(self.dist_dir or os.path.join(self.project_dir, "dist")) + + def run(self): + try: + self.dist_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) + self._ensure_dist_info() + + # Add missing dist_info files + self.reinitialize_command("bdist_wheel") + bdist_wheel = self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wheel") + bdist_wheel.write_wheelfile(self.dist_info_dir) + + self._create_wheel_file(bdist_wheel) + except Exception as ex: + traceback.print_exc() + msg = """ + Support for editable installs via PEP 660 was recently introduced + in `setuptools`. If you are seeing this error, please report to: + + https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues + + Meanwhile you can try the legacy behavior by setting an + environment variable and trying to install again: + + SETUPTOOLS_ENABLE_FEATURES="legacy-editable" + """ + raise errors.InternalError(cleandoc(msg)) from ex + + def _ensure_dist_info(self): + if self.dist_info_dir is None: + dist_info = self.reinitialize_command("dist_info") + dist_info.output_dir = self.dist_dir + dist_info.ensure_finalized() + dist_info.run() + self.dist_info_dir = dist_info.dist_info_dir + else: + assert str(self.dist_info_dir).endswith(".dist-info") + assert Path(self.dist_info_dir, "METADATA").exists() + + def _install_namespaces(self, installation_dir, pth_prefix): + # XXX: Only required to support the deprecated namespace practice + dist = self.distribution + if not dist.namespace_packages: + return + + src_root = Path(self.project_dir, self.package_dir.get("", ".")).resolve() + installer = _NamespaceInstaller(dist, installation_dir, pth_prefix, src_root) + installer.install_namespaces() + + def _find_egg_info_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: + parent_dir = Path(self.dist_info_dir).parent if self.dist_info_dir else Path() + candidates = map(str, parent_dir.glob("*.egg-info")) + return next(candidates, None) + + def _configure_build( + self, name: str, unpacked_wheel: _Path, build_lib: _Path, tmp_dir: _Path + ): + """Configure commands to behave in the following ways: + + - Build commands can write to ``build_lib`` if they really want to... + (but this folder is expected to be ignored and modules are expected to live + in the project directory...) + - Binary extensions should be built in-place (editable_mode = True) + - Data/header/script files are not part of the "editable" specification + so they are written directly to the unpacked_wheel directory. + """ + # Non-editable files (data, headers, scripts) are written directly to the + # unpacked_wheel + + dist = self.distribution + wheel = str(unpacked_wheel) + build_lib = str(build_lib) + data = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "data")) + headers = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "headers")) + scripts = str(Path(unpacked_wheel, f"{name}.data", "scripts")) + + # egg-info may be generated again to create a manifest (used for package data) + egg_info = dist.reinitialize_command("egg_info", reinit_subcommands=True) + egg_info.egg_base = str(tmp_dir) + egg_info.ignore_egg_info_in_manifest = True + + build = dist.reinitialize_command("build", reinit_subcommands=True) + install = dist.reinitialize_command("install", reinit_subcommands=True) + + build.build_platlib = build.build_purelib = build.build_lib = build_lib + install.install_purelib = install.install_platlib = install.install_lib = wheel + install.install_scripts = build.build_scripts = scripts + install.install_headers = headers + install.install_data = data + + install_scripts = dist.get_command_obj("install_scripts") + install_scripts.no_ep = True + + build.build_temp = str(tmp_dir) + + build_py = dist.get_command_obj("build_py") + build_py.compile = False + build_py.existing_egg_info_dir = self._find_egg_info_dir() + + self._set_editable_mode() + + build.ensure_finalized() + install.ensure_finalized() + + def _set_editable_mode(self): + """Set the ``editable_mode`` flag in the build sub-commands""" + dist = self.distribution + build = dist.get_command_obj("build") + for cmd_name in build.get_sub_commands(): + cmd = dist.get_command_obj(cmd_name) + if hasattr(cmd, "editable_mode"): + cmd.editable_mode = True + elif hasattr(cmd, "inplace"): + cmd.inplace = True # backward compatibility with distutils + + def _collect_build_outputs(self) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, str]]: + files: List[str] = [] + mapping: Dict[str, str] = {} + build = self.get_finalized_command("build") + + for cmd_name in build.get_sub_commands(): + cmd = self.get_finalized_command(cmd_name) + if hasattr(cmd, "get_outputs"): + files.extend(cmd.get_outputs() or []) + if hasattr(cmd, "get_output_mapping"): + mapping.update(cmd.get_output_mapping() or {}) + + return files, mapping + + def _run_build_commands( + self, dist_name: str, unpacked_wheel: _Path, build_lib: _Path, tmp_dir: _Path + ) -> Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, str]]: + self._configure_build(dist_name, unpacked_wheel, build_lib, tmp_dir) + self._run_build_subcommands() + files, mapping = self._collect_build_outputs() + self._run_install("headers") + self._run_install("scripts") + self._run_install("data") + return files, mapping + + def _run_build_subcommands(self): + """ + Issue #3501 indicates that some plugins/customizations might rely on: + + 1. ``build_py`` not running + 2. ``build_py`` always copying files to ``build_lib`` + + However both these assumptions may be false in editable_wheel. + This method implements a temporary workaround to support the ecosystem + while the implementations catch up. + """ + # TODO: Once plugins/customisations had the chance to catch up, replace + # `self._run_build_subcommands()` with `self.run_command("build")`. + # Also remove _safely_run, TestCustomBuildPy. Suggested date: Aug/2023. + build: Command = self.get_finalized_command("build") + for name in build.get_sub_commands(): + cmd = self.get_finalized_command(name) + if name == "build_py" and type(cmd) != build_py_cls: + self._safely_run(name) + else: + self.run_command(name) + + def _safely_run(self, cmd_name: str): + try: + return self.run_command(cmd_name) + except Exception: + msg = f"""{traceback.format_exc()}\n + If you are seeing this warning it is very likely that a setuptools + plugin or customization overrides the `{cmd_name}` command, without + taking into consideration how editable installs run build steps + starting from v64.0.0. + + Plugin authors and developers relying on custom build steps are encouraged + to update their `{cmd_name}` implementation considering the information in + https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/extension.html + about editable installs. + + For the time being `setuptools` will silence this error and ignore + the faulty command, but this behaviour will change in future versions.\n + """ + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + + def _create_wheel_file(self, bdist_wheel): + from wheel.wheelfile import WheelFile + + dist_info = self.get_finalized_command("dist_info") + dist_name = dist_info.name + tag = "-".join(bdist_wheel.get_tag()) + build_tag = "0.editable" # According to PEP 427 needs to start with digit + archive_name = f"{dist_name}-{build_tag}-{tag}.whl" + wheel_path = Path(self.dist_dir, archive_name) + if wheel_path.exists(): + wheel_path.unlink() + + unpacked_wheel = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=archive_name) + build_lib = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".build-lib") + build_tmp = TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".build-temp") + + with unpacked_wheel as unpacked, build_lib as lib, build_tmp as tmp: + unpacked_dist_info = Path(unpacked, Path(self.dist_info_dir).name) + shutil.copytree(self.dist_info_dir, unpacked_dist_info) + self._install_namespaces(unpacked, dist_info.name) + files, mapping = self._run_build_commands(dist_name, unpacked, lib, tmp) + strategy = self._select_strategy(dist_name, tag, lib) + with strategy, WheelFile(wheel_path, "w") as wheel_obj: + strategy(wheel_obj, files, mapping) + wheel_obj.write_files(unpacked) + + return wheel_path + + def _run_install(self, category: str): + has_category = getattr(self.distribution, f"has_{category}", None) + if has_category and has_category(): + _logger.info(f"Installing {category} as non editable") + self.run_command(f"install_{category}") + + def _select_strategy( + self, + name: str, + tag: str, + build_lib: _Path, + ) -> "EditableStrategy": + """Decides which strategy to use to implement an editable installation.""" + build_name = f"__editable__.{name}-{tag}" + project_dir = Path(self.project_dir) + mode = _EditableMode.convert(self.mode) + + if mode is _EditableMode.STRICT: + auxiliary_dir = _empty_dir(Path(self.project_dir, "build", build_name)) + return _LinkTree(self.distribution, name, auxiliary_dir, build_lib) + + packages = _find_packages(self.distribution) + has_simple_layout = _simple_layout(packages, self.package_dir, project_dir) + is_compat_mode = mode is _EditableMode.COMPAT + if set(self.package_dir) == {""} and has_simple_layout or is_compat_mode: + # src-layout(ish) is relatively safe for a simple pth file + src_dir = self.package_dir.get("", ".") + return _StaticPth(self.distribution, name, [Path(project_dir, src_dir)]) + + # Use a MetaPathFinder to avoid adding accidental top-level packages/modules + return _TopLevelFinder(self.distribution, name) + + +class EditableStrategy(Protocol): + def __call__(self, wheel: "WheelFile", files: List[str], mapping: Dict[str, str]): + ... + + def __enter__(self): + ... + + def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): + ... + + +class _StaticPth: + def __init__(self, dist: Distribution, name: str, path_entries: List[Path]): + self.dist = dist + self.name = name + self.path_entries = path_entries + + def __call__(self, wheel: "WheelFile", files: List[str], mapping: Dict[str, str]): + entries = "\n".join((str(p.resolve()) for p in self.path_entries)) + contents = bytes(f"{entries}\n", "utf-8") + wheel.writestr(f"__editable__.{self.name}.pth", contents) + + def __enter__(self): + msg = f""" + Editable install will be performed using .pth file to extend `sys.path` with: + {list(map(os.fspath, self.path_entries))!r} + """ + _logger.warning(msg + _LENIENT_WARNING) + return self + + def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): + ... + + +class _LinkTree(_StaticPth): + """ + Creates a ``.pth`` file that points to a link tree in the ``auxiliary_dir``. + + This strategy will only link files (not dirs), so it can be implemented in + any OS, even if that means using hardlinks instead of symlinks. + + By collocating ``auxiliary_dir`` and the original source code, limitations + with hardlinks should be avoided. + """ + def __init__( + self, dist: Distribution, + name: str, + auxiliary_dir: _Path, + build_lib: _Path, + ): + self.auxiliary_dir = Path(auxiliary_dir) + self.build_lib = Path(build_lib).resolve() + self._file = dist.get_command_obj("build_py").copy_file + super().__init__(dist, name, [self.auxiliary_dir]) + + def __call__(self, wheel: "WheelFile", files: List[str], mapping: Dict[str, str]): + self._create_links(files, mapping) + super().__call__(wheel, files, mapping) + + def _normalize_output(self, file: str) -> Optional[str]: + # Files relative to build_lib will be normalized to None + with suppress(ValueError): + path = Path(file).resolve().relative_to(self.build_lib) + return str(path).replace(os.sep, '/') + return None + + def _create_file(self, relative_output: str, src_file: str, link=None): + dest = self.auxiliary_dir / relative_output + if not dest.parent.is_dir(): + dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True) + self._file(src_file, dest, link=link) + + def _create_links(self, outputs, output_mapping): + self.auxiliary_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) + link_type = "sym" if _can_symlink_files(self.auxiliary_dir) else "hard" + mappings = { + self._normalize_output(k): v + for k, v in output_mapping.items() + } + mappings.pop(None, None) # remove files that are not relative to build_lib + + for output in outputs: + relative = self._normalize_output(output) + if relative and relative not in mappings: + self._create_file(relative, output) + + for relative, src in mappings.items(): + self._create_file(relative, src, link=link_type) + + def __enter__(self): + msg = "Strict editable install will be performed using a link tree.\n" + _logger.warning(msg + _STRICT_WARNING) + return self + + def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): + msg = f"""\n + Strict editable installation performed using the auxiliary directory: + {self.auxiliary_dir} + + Please be careful to not remove this directory, otherwise you might not be able + to import/use your package. + """ + warnings.warn(msg, InformationOnly) + + +class _TopLevelFinder: + def __init__(self, dist: Distribution, name: str): + self.dist = dist + self.name = name + + def __call__(self, wheel: "WheelFile", files: List[str], mapping: Dict[str, str]): + src_root = self.dist.src_root or os.curdir + top_level = chain(_find_packages(self.dist), _find_top_level_modules(self.dist)) + package_dir = self.dist.package_dir or {} + roots = _find_package_roots(top_level, package_dir, src_root) + + namespaces_: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict(chain( + _find_namespaces(self.dist.packages or [], roots), + ((ns, []) for ns in _find_virtual_namespaces(roots)), + )) + + name = f"__editable__.{self.name}.finder" + finder = _make_identifier(name) + content = bytes(_finder_template(name, roots, namespaces_), "utf-8") + wheel.writestr(f"{finder}.py", content) + + content = bytes(f"import {finder}; {finder}.install()", "utf-8") + wheel.writestr(f"__editable__.{self.name}.pth", content) + + def __enter__(self): + msg = "Editable install will be performed using a meta path finder.\n" + _logger.warning(msg + _LENIENT_WARNING) + return self + + def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): + msg = """\n + Please be careful with folders in your working directory with the same + name as your package as they may take precedence during imports. + """ + warnings.warn(msg, InformationOnly) + + +def _can_symlink_files(base_dir: Path) -> bool: + with TemporaryDirectory(dir=str(base_dir.resolve())) as tmp: + path1, path2 = Path(tmp, "file1.txt"), Path(tmp, "file2.txt") + path1.write_text("file1", encoding="utf-8") + with suppress(AttributeError, NotImplementedError, OSError): + os.symlink(path1, path2) + if path2.is_symlink() and path2.read_text(encoding="utf-8") == "file1": + return True + + try: + os.link(path1, path2) # Ensure hard links can be created + except Exception as ex: + msg = ( + "File system does not seem to support either symlinks or hard links. " + "Strict editable installs require one of them to be supported." + ) + raise LinksNotSupported(msg) from ex + return False + + +def _simple_layout( + packages: Iterable[str], package_dir: Dict[str, str], project_dir: Path +) -> bool: + """Return ``True`` if: + - all packages are contained by the same parent directory, **and** + - all packages become importable if the parent directory is added to ``sys.path``. + + >>> _simple_layout(['a'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") + True + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") + True + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {}, "/tmp/myproj") + True + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") + True + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "a", "b": "b"}, ".") + True + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "_a", "b": "_b"}, ".") + False + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a": "_a"}, "/tmp/myproj") + False + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.a1', 'a.a1.a2', 'b'], {"a.a1.a2": "_a2"}, ".") + False + >>> _simple_layout(['a', 'a.b'], {"": "src", "a.b": "_ab"}, "/tmp/myproj") + False + >>> # Special cases, no packages yet: + >>> _simple_layout([], {"": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") + True + >>> _simple_layout([], {"a": "_a", "": "src"}, "/tmp/myproj") + False + """ + layout = { + pkg: find_package_path(pkg, package_dir, project_dir) + for pkg in packages + } + if not layout: + return set(package_dir) in ({}, {""}) + parent = os.path.commonpath([_parent_path(k, v) for k, v in layout.items()]) + return all( + _normalize_path(Path(parent, *key.split('.'))) == _normalize_path(value) + for key, value in layout.items() + ) + + +def _parent_path(pkg, pkg_path): + """Infer the parent path containing a package, that if added to ``sys.path`` would + allow importing that package. + When ``pkg`` is directly mapped into a directory with a different name, return its + own path. + >>> _parent_path("a", "src/a") + 'src' + >>> _parent_path("b", "src/c") + 'src/c' + """ + parent = pkg_path[:-len(pkg)] if pkg_path.endswith(pkg) else pkg_path + return parent.rstrip("/" + os.sep) + + +def _find_packages(dist: Distribution) -> Iterator[str]: + yield from iter(dist.packages or []) + + py_modules = dist.py_modules or [] + nested_modules = [mod for mod in py_modules if "." in mod] + if dist.ext_package: + yield dist.ext_package + else: + ext_modules = dist.ext_modules or [] + nested_modules += [x.name for x in ext_modules if "." in x.name] + + for module in nested_modules: + package, _, _ = module.rpartition(".") + yield package + + +def _find_top_level_modules(dist: Distribution) -> Iterator[str]: + py_modules = dist.py_modules or [] + yield from (mod for mod in py_modules if "." not in mod) + + if not dist.ext_package: + ext_modules = dist.ext_modules or [] + yield from (x.name for x in ext_modules if "." not in x.name) + + +def _find_package_roots( + packages: Iterable[str], + package_dir: Mapping[str, str], + src_root: _Path, +) -> Dict[str, str]: + pkg_roots: Dict[str, str] = { + pkg: _absolute_root(find_package_path(pkg, package_dir, src_root)) + for pkg in sorted(packages) + } + + return _remove_nested(pkg_roots) + + +def _absolute_root(path: _Path) -> str: + """Works for packages and top-level modules""" + path_ = Path(path) + parent = path_.parent + + if path_.exists(): + return str(path_.resolve()) + else: + return str(parent.resolve() / path_.name) + + +def _find_virtual_namespaces(pkg_roots: Dict[str, str]) -> Iterator[str]: + """By carefully designing ``package_dir``, it is possible to implement the logical + structure of PEP 420 in a package without the corresponding directories. + + Moreover a parent package can be purposefully/accidentally skipped in the discovery + phase (e.g. ``find_packages(include=["mypkg.*"])``, when ``mypkg.foo`` is included + by ``mypkg`` itself is not). + We consider this case to also be a virtual namespace (ignoring the original + directory) to emulate a non-editable installation. + + This function will try to find these kinds of namespaces. + """ + for pkg in pkg_roots: + if "." not in pkg: + continue + parts = pkg.split(".") + for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1): + partial_name = ".".join(parts[:i]) + path = Path(find_package_path(partial_name, pkg_roots, "")) + if not path.exists() or partial_name not in pkg_roots: + # partial_name not in pkg_roots ==> purposefully/accidentally skipped + yield partial_name + + +def _find_namespaces( + packages: List[str], pkg_roots: Dict[str, str] +) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, List[str]]]: + for pkg in packages: + path = find_package_path(pkg, pkg_roots, "") + if Path(path).exists() and not Path(path, "__init__.py").exists(): + yield (pkg, [path]) + + +def _remove_nested(pkg_roots: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: + output = dict(pkg_roots.copy()) + + for pkg, path in reversed(list(pkg_roots.items())): + if any( + pkg != other and _is_nested(pkg, path, other, other_path) + for other, other_path in pkg_roots.items() + ): + output.pop(pkg) + + return output + + +def _is_nested(pkg: str, pkg_path: str, parent: str, parent_path: str) -> bool: + """ + Return ``True`` if ``pkg`` is nested inside ``parent`` both logically and in the + file system. + >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "a", "path/a") + True + >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "a", "otherpath/a") + False + >>> _is_nested("a.b", "path/a/b", "c", "path/c") + False + >>> _is_nested("a.a", "path/a/a", "a", "path/a") + True + >>> _is_nested("b.a", "path/b/a", "a", "path/a") + False + """ + norm_pkg_path = _normalize_path(pkg_path) + rest = pkg.replace(parent, "", 1).strip(".").split(".") + return ( + pkg.startswith(parent) + and norm_pkg_path == _normalize_path(Path(parent_path, *rest)) + ) + + +def _normalize_path(filename: _Path) -> str: + """Normalize a file/dir name for comparison purposes""" + # See pkg_resources.normalize_path + file = os.path.abspath(filename) if sys.platform == 'cygwin' else filename + return os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(os.path.normpath(file))) + + +def _empty_dir(dir_: _P) -> _P: + """Create a directory ensured to be empty. Existing files may be removed.""" + shutil.rmtree(dir_, ignore_errors=True) + os.makedirs(dir_) + return dir_ + + +def _make_identifier(name: str) -> str: + """Make a string safe to be used as Python identifier. + >>> _make_identifier("12abc") + '_12abc' + >>> _make_identifier("__editable__.myns.pkg-78.9.3_local") + '__editable___myns_pkg_78_9_3_local' + """ + safe = re.sub(r'\W|^(?=\d)', '_', name) + assert safe.isidentifier() + return safe + + +class _NamespaceInstaller(namespaces.Installer): + def __init__(self, distribution, installation_dir, editable_name, src_root): + self.distribution = distribution + self.src_root = src_root + self.installation_dir = installation_dir + self.editable_name = editable_name + self.outputs = [] + self.dry_run = False + + def _get_target(self): + """Installation target.""" + return os.path.join(self.installation_dir, self.editable_name) + + def _get_root(self): + """Where the modules/packages should be loaded from.""" + return repr(str(self.src_root)) + + +_FINDER_TEMPLATE = """\ +import sys +from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec +from importlib.machinery import all_suffixes as module_suffixes +from importlib.util import spec_from_file_location +from itertools import chain +from pathlib import Path + +MAPPING = {mapping!r} +NAMESPACES = {namespaces!r} +PATH_PLACEHOLDER = {name!r} + ".__path_hook__" + + +class _EditableFinder: # MetaPathFinder + @classmethod + def find_spec(cls, fullname, path=None, target=None): + for pkg, pkg_path in reversed(list(MAPPING.items())): + if fullname == pkg or fullname.startswith(f"{{pkg}}."): + rest = fullname.replace(pkg, "", 1).strip(".").split(".") + return cls._find_spec(fullname, Path(pkg_path, *rest)) + + return None + + @classmethod + def _find_spec(cls, fullname, candidate_path): + init = candidate_path / "__init__.py" + candidates = (candidate_path.with_suffix(x) for x in module_suffixes()) + for candidate in chain([init], candidates): + if candidate.exists(): + return spec_from_file_location(fullname, candidate) + + +class _EditableNamespaceFinder: # PathEntryFinder + @classmethod + def _path_hook(cls, path): + if path == PATH_PLACEHOLDER: + return cls + raise ImportError + + @classmethod + def _paths(cls, fullname): + # Ensure __path__ is not empty for the spec to be considered a namespace. + return NAMESPACES[fullname] or MAPPING.get(fullname) or [PATH_PLACEHOLDER] + + @classmethod + def find_spec(cls, fullname, target=None): + if fullname in NAMESPACES: + spec = ModuleSpec(fullname, None, is_package=True) + spec.submodule_search_locations = cls._paths(fullname) + return spec + return None + + @classmethod + def find_module(cls, fullname): + return None + + +def install(): + if not any(finder == _EditableFinder for finder in sys.meta_path): + sys.meta_path.append(_EditableFinder) + + if not NAMESPACES: + return + + if not any(hook == _EditableNamespaceFinder._path_hook for hook in sys.path_hooks): + # PathEntryFinder is needed to create NamespaceSpec without private APIS + sys.path_hooks.append(_EditableNamespaceFinder._path_hook) + if PATH_PLACEHOLDER not in sys.path: + sys.path.append(PATH_PLACEHOLDER) # Used just to trigger the path hook +""" + + +def _finder_template( + name: str, mapping: Mapping[str, str], namespaces: Dict[str, List[str]] +) -> str: + """Create a string containing the code for the``MetaPathFinder`` and + ``PathEntryFinder``. + """ + mapping = dict(sorted(mapping.items(), key=lambda p: p[0])) + return _FINDER_TEMPLATE.format(name=name, mapping=mapping, namespaces=namespaces) + + +class InformationOnly(UserWarning): + """Currently there is no clear way of displaying messages to the users + that use the setuptools backend directly via ``pip``. + The only thing that might work is a warning, although it is not the + most appropriate tool for the job... + """ + + +class LinksNotSupported(errors.FileError): + """File system does not seem to support either symlinks or hard links.""" diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.py index 18b8134..25888ed 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.py @@ -17,18 +17,22 @@ import warnings import time import collections +from .._importlib import metadata +from .. import _entry_points + from setuptools import Command from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist from setuptools.command.sdist import walk_revctrl from setuptools.command.setopt import edit_config from setuptools.command import bdist_egg from pkg_resources import ( - parse_requirements, safe_name, parse_version, - safe_version, yield_lines, EntryPoint, iter_entry_points, to_filename) + Requirement, safe_name, parse_version, + safe_version, to_filename) import setuptools.unicode_utils as unicode_utils from setuptools.glob import glob from setuptools.extern import packaging +from setuptools.extern.jaraco.text import yield_lines from setuptools import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning @@ -132,11 +136,21 @@ class InfoCommon: in which case the version string already contains all tags. """ return ( - version if self.vtags and version.endswith(self.vtags) + version if self.vtags and self._already_tagged(version) else version + self.vtags ) - def tags(self): + def _already_tagged(self, version: str) -> bool: + # Depending on their format, tags may change with version normalization. + # So in addition the regular tags, we have to search for the normalized ones. + return version.endswith(self.vtags) or version.endswith(self._safe_tags()) + + def _safe_tags(self) -> str: + # To implement this we can rely on `safe_version` pretending to be version 0 + # followed by tags. Then we simply discard the starting 0 (fake version number) + return safe_version(f"0{self.vtags}")[1:] + + def tags(self) -> str: version = '' if self.tag_build: version += self.tag_build @@ -168,6 +182,7 @@ class egg_info(InfoCommon, Command): self.egg_info = None self.egg_version = None self.broken_egg_info = False + self.ignore_egg_info_in_manifest = False #################################### # allow the 'tag_svn_revision' to be detected and @@ -205,12 +220,8 @@ class egg_info(InfoCommon, Command): try: is_version = isinstance(parsed_version, packaging.version.Version) - spec = ( - "%s==%s" if is_version else "%s===%s" - ) - list( - parse_requirements(spec % (self.egg_name, self.egg_version)) - ) + spec = "%s==%s" if is_version else "%s===%s" + Requirement(spec % (self.egg_name, self.egg_version)) except ValueError as e: raise distutils.errors.DistutilsOptionError( "Invalid distribution name or version syntax: %s-%s" % @@ -285,10 +296,8 @@ class egg_info(InfoCommon, Command): def run(self): self.mkpath(self.egg_info) os.utime(self.egg_info, None) - installer = self.distribution.fetch_build_egg - for ep in iter_entry_points('egg_info.writers'): - ep.require(installer=installer) - writer = ep.resolve() + for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='egg_info.writers'): + writer = ep.load() writer(self, ep.name, os.path.join(self.egg_info, ep.name)) # Get rid of native_libs.txt if it was put there by older bdist_egg @@ -302,6 +311,7 @@ class egg_info(InfoCommon, Command): """Generate SOURCES.txt manifest file""" manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.egg_info, "SOURCES.txt") mm = manifest_maker(self.distribution) + mm.ignore_egg_info_dir = self.ignore_egg_info_in_manifest mm.manifest = manifest_filename mm.run() self.filelist = mm.filelist @@ -325,6 +335,10 @@ class egg_info(InfoCommon, Command): class FileList(_FileList): # Implementations of the various MANIFEST.in commands + def __init__(self, warn=None, debug_print=None, ignore_egg_info_dir=False): + super().__init__(warn, debug_print) + self.ignore_egg_info_dir = ignore_egg_info_dir + def process_template_line(self, line): # Parse the line: split it up, make sure the right number of words # is there, and return the relevant words. 'action' is always @@ -514,6 +528,10 @@ class FileList(_FileList): return False try: + # ignore egg-info paths + is_egg_info = ".egg-info" in u_path or b".egg-info" in utf8_path + if self.ignore_egg_info_dir and is_egg_info: + return False # accept is either way checks out if os.path.exists(u_path) or os.path.exists(utf8_path): return True @@ -530,12 +548,13 @@ class manifest_maker(sdist): self.prune = 1 self.manifest_only = 1 self.force_manifest = 1 + self.ignore_egg_info_dir = False def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): - self.filelist = FileList() + self.filelist = FileList(ignore_egg_info_dir=self.ignore_egg_info_dir) if not os.path.exists(self.manifest): self.write_manifest() # it must exist so it'll get in the list self.add_defaults() @@ -608,6 +627,27 @@ class manifest_maker(sdist): self.filelist.exclude_pattern(r'(^|' + sep + r')(RCS|CVS|\.svn)' + sep, is_regex=1) + def _safe_data_files(self, build_py): + """ + The parent class implementation of this method + (``sdist``) will try to include data files, which + might cause recursion problems when + ``include_package_data=True``. + + Therefore, avoid triggering any attempt of + analyzing/building the manifest again. + """ + if hasattr(build_py, 'get_data_files_without_manifest'): + return build_py.get_data_files_without_manifest() + + warnings.warn( + "Custom 'build_py' does not implement " + "'get_data_files_without_manifest'.\nPlease extend command classes" + " from setuptools instead of distutils.", + SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning + ) + return build_py.get_data_files() + def write_file(filename, contents): """Create a file with the specified name and write 'contents' (a @@ -698,20 +738,9 @@ def write_arg(cmd, basename, filename, force=False): def write_entries(cmd, basename, filename): - ep = cmd.distribution.entry_points - - if isinstance(ep, str) or ep is None: - data = ep - elif ep is not None: - data = [] - for section, contents in sorted(ep.items()): - if not isinstance(contents, str): - contents = EntryPoint.parse_group(section, contents) - contents = '\n'.join(sorted(map(str, contents.values()))) - data.append('[%s]\n%s\n\n' % (section, contents)) - data = ''.join(data) - - cmd.write_or_delete_file('entry points', filename, data, True) + eps = _entry_points.load(cmd.distribution.entry_points) + defn = _entry_points.render(eps) + cmd.write_or_delete_file('entry points', filename, defn, True) def get_pkg_info_revision(): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py index 72b9a3e..55fdb12 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install.py @@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ class install(orig.install): _nc = dict(new_commands) def initialize_options(self): + + warnings.warn( + "setup.py install is deprecated. " + "Use build and pip and other standards-based tools.", + setuptools.SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, + ) + orig.install.initialize_options(self) self.old_and_unmanageable = None self.single_version_externally_managed = None @@ -84,14 +91,21 @@ class install(orig.install): msg = "For best results, pass -X:Frames to enable call stack." warnings.warn(msg) return True - res = inspect.getouterframes(run_frame)[2] - caller, = res[:1] - info = inspect.getframeinfo(caller) - caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '') - return ( - caller_module == 'distutils.dist' - and info.function == 'run_commands' - ) + + frames = inspect.getouterframes(run_frame) + for frame in frames[2:4]: + caller, = frame[:1] + info = inspect.getframeinfo(caller) + caller_module = caller.f_globals.get('__name__', '') + + if caller_module == "setuptools.dist" and info.function == "run_command": + # Starting from v61.0.0 setuptools overwrites dist.run_command + continue + + return ( + caller_module == 'distutils.dist' + and info.function == 'run_commands' + ) def do_egg_install(self): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_egg_info.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_egg_info.py index edc4718..65ede40 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_egg_info.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_egg_info.py @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os from setuptools import Command from setuptools import namespaces from setuptools.archive_util import unpack_archive +from .._path import ensure_directory import pkg_resources @@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ class install_egg_info(namespaces.Installer, Command): elif os.path.exists(self.target): self.execute(os.unlink, (self.target,), "Removing " + self.target) if not self.dry_run: - pkg_resources.ensure_directory(self.target) + ensure_directory(self.target) self.execute( self.copytree, (), "Copying %s to %s" % (self.source, self.target) ) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_scripts.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_scripts.py index 9cd8eb0..aeb0e42 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_scripts.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/install_scripts.py @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ from distutils.errors import DistutilsModuleError import os import sys -from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, ensure_directory +from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata +from .._path import ensure_directory class install_scripts(orig.install_scripts): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/sdist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/sdist.py index 4a01428..4a8cde7 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/sdist.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/sdist.py @@ -4,17 +4,19 @@ import os import sys import io import contextlib +from itertools import chain from .py36compat import sdist_add_defaults -import pkg_resources +from .._importlib import metadata +from .build import _ORIGINAL_SUBCOMMANDS _default_revctrl = list def walk_revctrl(dirname=''): """Find all files under revision control""" - for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('setuptools.file_finders'): + for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='setuptools.file_finders'): for item in ep.load()(dirname): yield item @@ -31,6 +33,10 @@ class sdist(sdist_add_defaults, orig.sdist): ('dist-dir=', 'd', "directory to put the source distribution archive(s) in " "[default: dist]"), + ('owner=', 'u', + "Owner name used when creating a tar file [default: current user]"), + ('group=', 'g', + "Group name used when creating a tar file [default: current group]"), ] negative_opt = {} @@ -96,6 +102,10 @@ class sdist(sdist_add_defaults, orig.sdist): if orig_val is not NoValue: setattr(os, 'link', orig_val) + def add_defaults(self): + super().add_defaults() + self._add_defaults_build_sub_commands() + def _add_defaults_optional(self): super()._add_defaults_optional() if os.path.isfile('pyproject.toml'): @@ -108,14 +118,25 @@ class sdist(sdist_add_defaults, orig.sdist): self.filelist.extend(build_py.get_source_files()) self._add_data_files(self._safe_data_files(build_py)) + def _add_defaults_build_sub_commands(self): + build = self.get_finalized_command("build") + missing_cmds = set(build.get_sub_commands()) - _ORIGINAL_SUBCOMMANDS + # ^-- the original built-in sub-commands are already handled by default. + cmds = (self.get_finalized_command(c) for c in missing_cmds) + files = (c.get_source_files() for c in cmds if hasattr(c, "get_source_files")) + self.filelist.extend(chain.from_iterable(files)) + def _safe_data_files(self, build_py): """ - Extracting data_files from build_py is known to cause - infinite recursion errors when `include_package_data` - is enabled, so suppress it in that case. + Since the ``sdist`` class is also used to compute the MANIFEST + (via :obj:`setuptools.command.egg_info.manifest_maker`), + there might be recursion problems when trying to obtain the list of + data_files and ``include_package_data=True`` (which in turn depends on + the files included in the MANIFEST). + + To avoid that, ``manifest_maker`` should be able to overwrite this + method and avoid recursive attempts to build/analyze the MANIFEST. """ - if self.distribution.include_package_data: - return () return build_py.data_files def _add_data_files(self, data_files): diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.py index e18057c..6358c04 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/setopt.py @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ def edit_config(filename, settings, dry_run=False): """ log.debug("Reading configuration from %s", filename) opts = configparser.RawConfigParser() + opts.optionxform = lambda x: x opts.read([filename]) for section, options in settings.items(): if options is None: diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/test.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/test.py index de4f3d1..8dde513 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/test.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/test.py @@ -8,15 +8,22 @@ from distutils.errors import DistutilsError, DistutilsOptionError from distutils import log from unittest import TestLoader -from pkg_resources import (resource_listdir, resource_exists, normalize_path, - working_set, _namespace_packages, evaluate_marker, - add_activation_listener, require, EntryPoint) +from pkg_resources import ( + resource_listdir, + resource_exists, + normalize_path, + working_set, + evaluate_marker, + add_activation_listener, + require, +) +from .._importlib import metadata from setuptools import Command from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen +from setuptools.extern.jaraco.functools import pass_none class ScanningLoader(TestLoader): - def __init__(self): TestLoader.__init__(self) self._visited = set() @@ -73,8 +80,11 @@ class test(Command): user_options = [ ('test-module=', 'm', "Run 'test_suite' in specified module"), - ('test-suite=', 's', - "Run single test, case or suite (e.g. 'module.test_suite')"), + ( + 'test-suite=', + 's', + "Run single test, case or suite (e.g. 'module.test_suite')", + ), ('test-runner=', 'r', "Test runner to use"), ] @@ -108,7 +118,7 @@ class test(Command): return list(self._test_args()) def _test_args(self): - if not self.test_suite and sys.version_info >= (2, 7): + if not self.test_suite: yield 'discover' if self.verbose: yield '--verbose' @@ -124,30 +134,11 @@ class test(Command): @contextlib.contextmanager def project_on_sys_path(self, include_dists=[]): - with_2to3 = getattr(self.distribution, 'use_2to3', False) - - if with_2to3: - # If we run 2to3 we can not do this inplace: - - # Ensure metadata is up-to-date - self.reinitialize_command('build_py', inplace=0) - self.run_command('build_py') - bpy_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("build_py") - build_path = normalize_path(bpy_cmd.build_lib) - - # Build extensions - self.reinitialize_command('egg_info', egg_base=build_path) - self.run_command('egg_info') + self.run_command('egg_info') - self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=0) - self.run_command('build_ext') - else: - # Without 2to3 inplace works fine: - self.run_command('egg_info') - - # Build extensions in-place - self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=1) - self.run_command('build_ext') + # Build extensions in-place + self.reinitialize_command('build_ext', inplace=1) + self.run_command('build_ext') ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info") @@ -203,7 +194,8 @@ class test(Command): ir_d = dist.fetch_build_eggs(dist.install_requires) tr_d = dist.fetch_build_eggs(dist.tests_require or []) er_d = dist.fetch_build_eggs( - v for k, v in dist.extras_require.items() + v + for k, v in dist.extras_require.items() if k.startswith(':') and evaluate_marker(k[1:]) ) return itertools.chain(ir_d, tr_d, er_d) @@ -232,23 +224,10 @@ class test(Command): self.run_tests() def run_tests(self): - # Purge modules under test from sys.modules. The test loader will - # re-import them from the build location. Required when 2to3 is used - # with namespace packages. - if getattr(self.distribution, 'use_2to3', False): - module = self.test_suite.split('.')[0] - if module in _namespace_packages: - del_modules = [] - if module in sys.modules: - del_modules.append(module) - module += '.' - for name in sys.modules: - if name.startswith(module): - del_modules.append(name) - list(map(sys.modules.__delitem__, del_modules)) - test = unittest.main( - None, None, self._argv, + None, + None, + self._argv, testLoader=self._resolve_as_ep(self.test_loader), testRunner=self._resolve_as_ep(self.test_runner), exit=False, @@ -263,12 +242,10 @@ class test(Command): return ['unittest'] + self.test_args @staticmethod + @pass_none def _resolve_as_ep(val): """ Load the indicated attribute value, called, as a as if it were specified as an entry point. """ - if val is None: - return - parsed = EntryPoint.parse("x=" + val) - return parsed.resolve()() + return metadata.EntryPoint(value=val, name=None, group=None).load()() diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py index 845bff4..3263f07 100644 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/command/upload_docs.py @@ -17,8 +17,11 @@ import itertools import functools import http.client import urllib.parse +import warnings + +from .._importlib import metadata +from .. import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning -from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points from .upload import upload @@ -43,9 +46,10 @@ class upload_docs(upload): boolean_options = upload.boolean_options def has_sphinx(self): - if self.upload_dir is None: - for ep in iter_entry_points('distutils.commands', 'build_sphinx'): - return True + return bool( + self.upload_dir is None + and metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.commands', name='build_sphinx') + ) sub_commands = [('build_sphinx', has_sphinx)] @@ -55,6 +59,9 @@ class upload_docs(upload): self.target_dir = None def finalize_options(self): + log.warn( + "Upload_docs command is deprecated. Use Read the Docs " + "(https://readthedocs.org) instead.") upload.finalize_options(self) if self.upload_dir is None: if self.has_sphinx(): @@ -66,8 +73,6 @@ class upload_docs(upload): else: self.ensure_dirname('upload_dir') self.target_dir = self.upload_dir - if 'pypi.python.org' in self.repository: - log.warn("Upload_docs command is deprecated for PyPi. Use RTD instead.") self.announce('Using upload directory %s' % self.target_dir) def create_zipfile(self, filename): @@ -87,6 +92,12 @@ class upload_docs(upload): zip_file.close() def run(self): + warnings.warn( + "upload_docs is deprecated and will be removed in a future " + "version. Use tools like httpie or curl instead.", + SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, + ) + # Run sub commands for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands(): self.run_command(cmd_name) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config.py deleted file mode 100644 index 44de7cf..0000000 --- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,715 +0,0 @@ -import ast -import io -import os -import sys - -import warnings -import functools -import importlib -from collections import defaultdict -from functools import partial -from functools import wraps -import contextlib - -from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsFileError -from setuptools.extern.packaging.version import LegacyVersion, parse -from setuptools.extern.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet - - -class StaticModule: - """ - Attempt to load the module by the name - """ - def __init__(self, name): - spec = importlib.util.find_spec(name) - with open(spec.origin) as strm: - src = strm.read() - module = ast.parse(src) - vars(self).update(locals()) - del self.self - - def __getattr__(self, attr): - try: - return next( - ast.literal_eval(statement.value) - for statement in self.module.body - if isinstance(statement, ast.Assign) - for target in statement.targets - if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and target.id == attr - ) - except Exception as e: - raise AttributeError( - "{self.name} has no attribute {attr}".format(**locals()) - ) from e - - -@contextlib.contextmanager -def patch_path(path): - """ - Add path to front of sys.path for the duration of the context. - """ - try: - sys.path.insert(0, path) - yield - finally: - sys.path.remove(path) - - -def read_configuration( - filepath, find_others=False, ignore_option_errors=False): - """Read given configuration file and returns options from it as a dict. - - :param str|unicode filepath: Path to configuration file - to get options from. - - :param bool find_others: Whether to search for other configuration files - which could be on in various places. - - :param bool ignore_option_errors: Whether to silently ignore - options, values of which could not be resolved (e.g. due to exceptions - in directives such as file:, attr:, etc.). - If False exceptions are propagated as expected. - - :rtype: dict - """ - from setuptools.dist import Distribution, _Distribution - - filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath) - - if not os.path.isfile(filepath): - raise DistutilsFileError( - 'Configuration file %s does not exist.' % filepath) - - current_directory = os.getcwd() - os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filepath)) - - try: - dist = Distribution() - - filenames = dist.find_config_files() if find_others else [] - if filepath not in filenames: - filenames.append(filepath) - - _Distribution.parse_config_files(dist, filenames=filenames) - - handlers = parse_configuration( - dist, dist.command_options, - ignore_option_errors=ignore_option_errors) - - finally: - os.chdir(current_directory) - - return configuration_to_dict(handlers) - - -def _get_option(target_obj, key): - """ - Given a target object and option key, get that option from - the target object, either through a get_{key} method or - from an attribute directly. - """ - getter_name = 'get_{key}'.format(**locals()) - by_attribute = functools.partial(getattr, target_obj, key) - getter = getattr(target_obj, getter_name, by_attribute) - return getter() - - -def configuration_to_dict(handlers): - """Returns configuration data gathered by given handlers as a dict. - - :param list[ConfigHandler] handlers: Handlers list, - usually from parse_configuration() - - :rtype: dict - """ - config_dict = defaultdict(dict) - - for handler in handlers: - for option in handler.set_options: - value = _get_option(handler.target_obj, option) - config_dict[handler.section_prefix][option] = value - - return config_dict - - -def parse_configuration( - distribution, command_options, ignore_option_errors=False): - """Performs additional parsing of configuration options - for a distribution. - - Returns a list of used option handlers. - - :param Distribution distribution: - :param dict command_options: - :param bool ignore_option_errors: Whether to silently ignore - options, values of which could not be resolved (e.g. due to exceptions - in directives such as file:, attr:, etc.). - If False exceptions are propagated as expected. - :rtype: list - """ - options = ConfigOptionsHandler( - distribution, command_options, ignore_option_errors) - options.parse() - - meta = ConfigMetadataHandler( - distribution.metadata, command_options, ignore_option_errors, - distribution.package_dir) - meta.parse() - - return meta, options - - -class ConfigHandler: - """Handles metadata supplied in configuration files.""" - - section_prefix = None - """Prefix for config sections handled by this handler. - Must be provided by class heirs. - - """ - - aliases = {} - """Options aliases. - For compatibility with various packages. E.g.: d2to1 and pbr. - Note: `-` in keys is replaced with `_` by config parser. - - """ - - def __init__(self, target_obj, options, ignore_option_errors=False): - sections = {} - - section_prefix = self.section_prefix - for section_name, section_options in options.items(): - if not section_name.startswith(section_prefix): - continue - - section_name = section_name.replace(section_prefix, '').strip('.') - sections[section_name] = section_options - - self.ignore_option_errors = ignore_option_errors - self.target_obj = target_obj - self.sections = sections - self.set_options = [] - - @property - def parsers(self): - """Metadata item name to parser function mapping.""" - raise NotImplementedError( - '%s must provide .parsers property' % self.__class__.__name__) - - def __setitem__(self, option_name, value): - unknown = tuple() - target_obj = self.target_obj - - # Translate alias into real name. - option_name = self.aliases.get(option_name, option_name) - - current_value = getattr(target_obj, option_name, unknown) - - if current_value is unknown: - raise KeyError(option_name) - - if current_value: - # Already inhabited. Skipping. - return - - skip_option = False - parser = self.parsers.get(option_name) - if parser: - try: - value = parser(value) - - except Exception: - skip_option = True - if not self.ignore_option_errors: - raise - - if skip_option: - return - - setter = getattr(target_obj, 'set_%s' % option_name, None) - if setter is None: - setattr(target_obj, option_name, value) - else: - setter(value) - - self.set_options.append(option_name) - - @classmethod - def _parse_list(cls, value, separator=','): - """Represents value as a list. - - Value is split either by separator (defaults to comma) or by lines. - - :param value: - :param separator: List items separator character. - :rtype: list - """ - if isinstance(value, list): # _get_parser_compound case - return value - - if '\n' in value: - value = value.splitlines() - else: - value = value.split(separator) - - return [chunk.strip() for chunk in value if chunk.strip()] - - @classmethod - def _parse_dict(cls, value): - """Represents value as a dict. - - :param value: - :rtype: dict - """ - separator = '=' - result = {} - for line in cls._parse_list(value): - key, sep, val = line.partition(separator) - if sep != separator: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - 'Unable to parse option value to dict: %s' % value) - result[key.strip()] = val.strip() - - return result - - @classmethod - def _parse_bool(cls, value): - """Represents value as boolean. - - :param value: - :rtype: bool - """ - value = value.lower() - return value in ('1', 'true', 'yes') - - @classmethod - def _exclude_files_parser(cls, key): - """Returns a parser function to make sure field inputs - are not files. - - Parses a value after getting the key so error messages are - more informative. - - :param key: - :rtype: callable - """ - def parser(value): - exclude_directive = 'file:' - if value.startswith(exclude_directive): - raise ValueError( - 'Only strings are accepted for the {0} field, ' - 'files are not accepted'.format(key)) - return value - return parser - - @classmethod - def _parse_file(cls, value): - """Represents value as a string, allowing including text - from nearest files using `file:` directive. - - Directive is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside - directory with setup.py. - - Examples: - file: README.rst, CHANGELOG.md, src/file.txt - - :param str value: - :rtype: str - """ - include_directive = 'file:' - - if not isinstance(value, str): - return value - - if not value.startswith(include_directive): - return value - - spec = value[len(include_directive):] - filepaths = (os.path.abspath(path.strip()) for path in spec.split(',')) - return '\n'.join( - cls._read_file(path) - for path in filepaths - if (cls._assert_local(path) or True) - and os.path.isfile(path) - ) - - @staticmethod - def _assert_local(filepath): - if not filepath.startswith(os.getcwd()): - raise DistutilsOptionError( - '`file:` directive can not access %s' % filepath) - - @staticmethod - def _read_file(filepath): - with io.open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as f: - return f.read() - - @classmethod - def _parse_attr(cls, value, package_dir=None): - """Represents value as a module attribute. - - Examples: - attr: package.attr - attr: package.module.attr - - :param str value: - :rtype: str - """ - attr_directive = 'attr:' - if not value.startswith(attr_directive): - return value - - attrs_path = value.replace(attr_directive, '').strip().split('.') - attr_name = attrs_path.pop() - - module_name = '.'.join(attrs_path) - module_name = module_name or '__init__' - - parent_path = os.getcwd() - if package_dir: - if attrs_path[0] in package_dir: - # A custom path was specified for the module we want to import - custom_path = package_dir[attrs_path[0]] - parts = custom_path.rsplit('/', 1) - if len(parts) > 1: - parent_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), parts[0]) - module_name = parts[1] - else: - module_name = custom_path - elif '' in package_dir: - # A custom parent directory was specified for all root modules - parent_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), package_dir['']) - - with patch_path(parent_path): - try: - # attempt to load value statically - return getattr(StaticModule(module_name), attr_name) - except Exception: - # fallback to simple import - module = importlib.import_module(module_name) - - return getattr(module, attr_name) - - @classmethod - def _get_parser_compound(cls, *parse_methods): - """Returns parser function to represents value as a list. - - Parses a value applying given methods one after another. - - :param parse_methods: - :rtype: callable - """ - def parse(value): - parsed = value - - for method in parse_methods: - parsed = method(parsed) - - return parsed - - return parse - - @classmethod - def _parse_section_to_dict(cls, section_options, values_parser=None): - """Parses section options into a dictionary. - - Optionally applies a given parser to values. - - :param dict section_options: - :param callable values_parser: - :rtype: dict - """ - value = {} - values_parser = values_parser or (lambda val: val) - for key, (_, val) in section_options.items(): - value[key] = values_parser(val) - return value - - def parse_section(self, section_options): - """Parses configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - for (name, (_, value)) in section_options.items(): - try: - self[name] = value - - except KeyError: - pass # Keep silent for a new option may appear anytime. - - def parse(self): - """Parses configuration file items from one - or more related sections. - - """ - for section_name, section_options in self.sections.items(): - - method_postfix = '' - if section_name: # [section.option] variant - method_postfix = '_%s' % section_name - - section_parser_method = getattr( - self, - # Dots in section names are translated into dunderscores. - ('parse_section%s' % method_postfix).replace('.', '__'), - None) - - if section_parser_method is None: - raise DistutilsOptionError( - 'Unsupported distribution option section: [%s.%s]' % ( - self.section_prefix, section_name)) - - section_parser_method(section_options) - - def _deprecated_config_handler(self, func, msg, warning_class): - """ this function will wrap around parameters that are deprecated - - :param msg: deprecation message - :param warning_class: class of warning exception to be raised - :param func: function to be wrapped around - """ - @wraps(func) - def config_handler(*args, **kwargs): - warnings.warn(msg, warning_class) - return func(*args, **kwargs) - - return config_handler - - -class ConfigMetadataHandler(ConfigHandler): - - section_prefix = 'metadata' - - aliases = { - 'home_page': 'url', - 'summary': 'description', - 'classifier': 'classifiers', - 'platform': 'platforms', - } - - strict_mode = False - """We need to keep it loose, to be partially compatible with - `pbr` and `d2to1` packages which also uses `metadata` section. - - """ - - def __init__(self, target_obj, options, ignore_option_errors=False, - package_dir=None): - super(ConfigMetadataHandler, self).__init__(target_obj, options, - ignore_option_errors) - self.package_dir = package_dir - - @property - def parsers(self): - """Metadata item name to parser function mapping.""" - parse_list = self._parse_list - parse_file = self._parse_file - parse_dict = self._parse_dict - exclude_files_parser = self._exclude_files_parser - - return { - 'platforms': parse_list, - 'keywords': parse_list, - 'provides': parse_list, - 'requires': self._deprecated_config_handler( - parse_list, - "The requires parameter is deprecated, please use " - "install_requires for runtime dependencies.", - DeprecationWarning), - 'obsoletes': parse_list, - 'classifiers': self._get_parser_compound(parse_file, parse_list), - 'license': exclude_files_parser('license'), - 'license_file': self._deprecated_config_handler( - exclude_files_parser('license_file'), - "The license_file parameter is deprecated, " - "use license_files instead.", - DeprecationWarning), - 'license_files': parse_list, - 'description': parse_file, - 'long_description': parse_file, - 'version': self._parse_version, - 'project_urls': parse_dict, - } - - def _parse_version(self, value): - """Parses `version` option value. - - :param value: - :rtype: str - - """ - version = self._parse_file(value) - - if version != value: - version = version.strip() - # Be strict about versions loaded from file because it's easy to - # accidentally include newlines and other unintended content - if isinstance(parse(version), LegacyVersion): - tmpl = ( - 'Version loaded from {value} does not ' - 'comply with PEP 440: {version}' - ) - raise DistutilsOptionError(tmpl.format(**locals())) - - return version - - version = self._parse_attr(value, self.package_dir) - - if callable(version): - version = version() - - if not isinstance(version, str): - if hasattr(version, '__iter__'): - version = '.'.join(map(str, version)) - else: - version = '%s' % version - - return version - - -class ConfigOptionsHandler(ConfigHandler): - - section_prefix = 'options' - - @property - def parsers(self): - """Metadata item name to parser function mapping.""" - parse_list = self._parse_list - parse_list_semicolon = partial(self._parse_list, separator=';') - parse_bool = self._parse_bool - parse_dict = self._parse_dict - parse_cmdclass = self._parse_cmdclass - - return { - 'zip_safe': parse_bool, - 'use_2to3': parse_bool, - 'include_package_data': parse_bool, - 'package_dir': parse_dict, - 'use_2to3_fixers': parse_list, - 'use_2to3_exclude_fixers': parse_list, - 'convert_2to3_doctests': parse_list, - 'scripts': parse_list, - 'eager_resources': parse_list, - 'dependency_links': parse_list, - 'namespace_packages': parse_list, - 'install_requires': parse_list_semicolon, - 'setup_requires': parse_list_semicolon, - 'tests_require': parse_list_semicolon, - 'packages': self._parse_packages, - 'entry_points': self._parse_file, - 'py_modules': parse_list, - 'python_requires': SpecifierSet, - 'cmdclass': parse_cmdclass, - } - - def _parse_cmdclass(self, value): - def resolve_class(qualified_class_name): - idx = qualified_class_name.rfind('.') - class_name = qualified_class_name[idx+1:] - pkg_name = qualified_class_name[:idx] - - module = __import__(pkg_name) - - return getattr(module, class_name) - - return { - k: resolve_class(v) - for k, v in self._parse_dict(value).items() - } - - def _parse_packages(self, value): - """Parses `packages` option value. - - :param value: - :rtype: list - """ - find_directives = ['find:', 'find_namespace:'] - trimmed_value = value.strip() - - if trimmed_value not in find_directives: - return self._parse_list(value) - - findns = trimmed_value == find_directives[1] - - # Read function arguments from a dedicated section. - find_kwargs = self.parse_section_packages__find( - self.sections.get('packages.find', {})) - - if findns: - from setuptools import find_namespace_packages as find_packages - else: - from setuptools import find_packages - - return find_packages(**find_kwargs) - - def parse_section_packages__find(self, section_options): - """Parses `packages.find` configuration file section. - - To be used in conjunction with _parse_packages(). - - :param dict section_options: - """ - section_data = self._parse_section_to_dict( - section_options, self._parse_list) - - valid_keys = ['where', 'include', 'exclude'] - - find_kwargs = dict( - [(k, v) for k, v in section_data.items() if k in valid_keys and v]) - - where = find_kwargs.get('where') - if where is not None: - find_kwargs['where'] = where[0] # cast list to single val - - return find_kwargs - - def parse_section_entry_points(self, section_options): - """Parses `entry_points` configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list) - self['entry_points'] = parsed - - def _parse_package_data(self, section_options): - parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list) - - root = parsed.get('*') - if root: - parsed[''] = root - del parsed['*'] - - return parsed - - def parse_section_package_data(self, section_options): - """Parses `package_data` configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - self['package_data'] = self._parse_package_data(section_options) - - def parse_section_exclude_package_data(self, section_options): - """Parses `exclude_package_data` configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - self['exclude_package_data'] = self._parse_package_data( - section_options) - - def parse_section_extras_require(self, section_options): - """Parses `extras_require` configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - parse_list = partial(self._parse_list, separator=';') - self['extras_require'] = self._parse_section_to_dict( - section_options, parse_list) - - def parse_section_data_files(self, section_options): - """Parses `data_files` configuration file section. - - :param dict section_options: - """ - parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list) - self['data_files'] = [(k, v) for k, v in parsed.items()] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a5153a --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +"""For backward compatibility, expose main functions from +``setuptools.config.setupcfg`` +""" +import warnings +from functools import wraps +from textwrap import dedent +from typing import Callable, TypeVar, cast + +from .._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning +from . import setupcfg + +Fn = TypeVar("Fn", bound=Callable) + +__all__ = ('parse_configuration', 'read_configuration') + + +def _deprecation_notice(fn: Fn) -> Fn: + @wraps(fn) + def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): + msg = f"""\ + As setuptools moves its configuration towards `pyproject.toml`, + `{__name__}.{fn.__name__}` became deprecated. + + For the time being, you can use the `{setupcfg.__name__}` module + to access a backward compatible API, but this module is provisional + and might be removed in the future. + """ + warnings.warn(dedent(msg), SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) + return fn(*args, **kwargs) + + return cast(Fn, _wrapper) + + +read_configuration = _deprecation_notice(setupcfg.read_configuration) +parse_configuration = _deprecation_notice(setupcfg.parse_configuration) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..efc6e01 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/_apply_pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/_apply_pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d394602 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/_apply_pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/expand.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/expand.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4a4534 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/expand.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fe605f Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/pyprojecttoml.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/setupcfg.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/setupcfg.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4253e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/__pycache__/setupcfg.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_apply_pyprojecttoml.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_apply_pyprojecttoml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8af5561 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_apply_pyprojecttoml.py @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +"""Translation layer between pyproject config and setuptools distribution and +metadata objects. + +The distribution and metadata objects are modeled after (an old version of) +core metadata, therefore configs in the format specified for ``pyproject.toml`` +need to be processed before being applied. + +**PRIVATE MODULE**: API reserved for setuptools internal usage only. +""" +import logging +import os +import warnings +from collections.abc import Mapping +from email.headerregistry import Address +from functools import partial, reduce +from itertools import chain +from types import MappingProxyType +from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, + Type, Union) + +from setuptools._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning + +if TYPE_CHECKING: + from setuptools._importlib import metadata # noqa + from setuptools.dist import Distribution # noqa + +EMPTY: Mapping = MappingProxyType({}) # Immutable dict-like +_Path = Union[os.PathLike, str] +_DictOrStr = Union[dict, str] +_CorrespFn = Callable[["Distribution", Any, _Path], None] +_Correspondence = Union[str, _CorrespFn] + +_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + + +def apply(dist: "Distribution", config: dict, filename: _Path) -> "Distribution": + """Apply configuration dict read with :func:`read_configuration`""" + + if not config: + return dist # short-circuit unrelated pyproject.toml file + + root_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) or "." + + _apply_project_table(dist, config, root_dir) + _apply_tool_table(dist, config, filename) + + current_directory = os.getcwd() + os.chdir(root_dir) + try: + dist._finalize_requires() + dist._finalize_license_files() + finally: + os.chdir(current_directory) + + return dist + + +def _apply_project_table(dist: "Distribution", config: dict, root_dir: _Path): + project_table = config.get("project", {}).copy() + if not project_table: + return # short-circuit + + _handle_missing_dynamic(dist, project_table) + _unify_entry_points(project_table) + + for field, value in project_table.items(): + norm_key = json_compatible_key(field) + corresp = PYPROJECT_CORRESPONDENCE.get(norm_key, norm_key) + if callable(corresp): + corresp(dist, value, root_dir) + else: + _set_config(dist, corresp, value) + + +def _apply_tool_table(dist: "Distribution", config: dict, filename: _Path): + tool_table = config.get("tool", {}).get("setuptools", {}) + if not tool_table: + return # short-circuit + + for field, value in tool_table.items(): + norm_key = json_compatible_key(field) + + if norm_key in TOOL_TABLE_DEPRECATIONS: + suggestion = TOOL_TABLE_DEPRECATIONS[norm_key] + msg = f"The parameter `{norm_key}` is deprecated, {suggestion}" + warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning) + + norm_key = TOOL_TABLE_RENAMES.get(norm_key, norm_key) + _set_config(dist, norm_key, value) + + _copy_command_options(config, dist, filename) + + +def _handle_missing_dynamic(dist: "Distribution", project_table: dict): + """Be temporarily forgiving with ``dynamic`` fields not listed in ``dynamic``""" + # TODO: Set fields back to `None` once the feature stabilizes + dynamic = set(project_table.get("dynamic", [])) + for field, getter in _PREVIOUSLY_DEFINED.items(): + if not (field in project_table or field in dynamic): + value = getter(dist) + if value: + msg = _WouldIgnoreField.message(field, value) + warnings.warn(msg, _WouldIgnoreField) + + +def json_compatible_key(key: str) -> str: + """As defined in :pep:`566#json-compatible-metadata`""" + return key.lower().replace("-", "_") + + +def _set_config(dist: "Distribution", field: str, value: Any): + setter = getattr(dist.metadata, f"set_{field}", None) + if setter: + setter(value) + elif hasattr(dist.metadata, field) or field in SETUPTOOLS_PATCHES: + setattr(dist.metadata, field, value) + else: + setattr(dist, field, value) + + +_CONTENT_TYPES = { + ".md": "text/markdown", + ".rst": "text/x-rst", + ".txt": "text/plain", +} + + +def _guess_content_type(file: str) -> Optional[str]: + _, ext = os.path.splitext(file.lower()) + if not ext: + return None + + if ext in _CONTENT_TYPES: + return _CONTENT_TYPES[ext] + + valid = ", ".join(f"{k} ({v})" for k, v in _CONTENT_TYPES.items()) + msg = f"only the following file extensions are recognized: {valid}." + raise ValueError(f"Undefined content type for {file}, {msg}") + + +def _long_description(dist: "Distribution", val: _DictOrStr, root_dir: _Path): + from setuptools.config import expand + + if isinstance(val, str): + text = expand.read_files(val, root_dir) + ctype = _guess_content_type(val) + else: + text = val.get("text") or expand.read_files(val.get("file", []), root_dir) + ctype = val["content-type"] + + _set_config(dist, "long_description", text) + if ctype: + _set_config(dist, "long_description_content_type", ctype) + + +def _license(dist: "Distribution", val: dict, root_dir: _Path): + from setuptools.config import expand + + if "file" in val: + _set_config(dist, "license", expand.read_files([val["file"]], root_dir)) + else: + _set_config(dist, "license", val["text"]) + + +def _people(dist: "Distribution", val: List[dict], _root_dir: _Path, kind: str): + field = [] + email_field = [] + for person in val: + if "name" not in person: + email_field.append(person["email"]) + elif "email" not in person: + field.append(person["name"]) + else: + addr = Address(display_name=person["name"], addr_spec=person["email"]) + email_field.append(str(addr)) + + if field: + _set_config(dist, kind, ", ".join(field)) + if email_field: + _set_config(dist, f"{kind}_email", ", ".join(email_field)) + + +def _project_urls(dist: "Distribution", val: dict, _root_dir): + _set_config(dist, "project_urls", val) + + +def _python_requires(dist: "Distribution", val: dict, _root_dir): + from setuptools.extern.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet + + _set_config(dist, "python_requires", SpecifierSet(val)) + + +def _dependencies(dist: "Distribution", val: list, _root_dir): + if getattr(dist, "install_requires", []): + msg = "`install_requires` overwritten in `pyproject.toml` (dependencies)" + warnings.warn(msg) + _set_config(dist, "install_requires", val) + + +def _optional_dependencies(dist: "Distribution", val: dict, _root_dir): + existing = getattr(dist, "extras_require", {}) + _set_config(dist, "extras_require", {**existing, **val}) + + +def _unify_entry_points(project_table: dict): + project = project_table + entry_points = project.pop("entry-points", project.pop("entry_points", {})) + renaming = {"scripts": "console_scripts", "gui_scripts": "gui_scripts"} + for key, value in list(project.items()): # eager to allow modifications + norm_key = json_compatible_key(key) + if norm_key in renaming and value: + entry_points[renaming[norm_key]] = project.pop(key) + + if entry_points: + project["entry-points"] = { + name: [f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in group.items()] + for name, group in entry_points.items() + } + + +def _copy_command_options(pyproject: dict, dist: "Distribution", filename: _Path): + tool_table = pyproject.get("tool", {}) + cmdclass = tool_table.get("setuptools", {}).get("cmdclass", {}) + valid_options = _valid_command_options(cmdclass) + + cmd_opts = dist.command_options + for cmd, config in pyproject.get("tool", {}).get("distutils", {}).items(): + cmd = json_compatible_key(cmd) + valid = valid_options.get(cmd, set()) + cmd_opts.setdefault(cmd, {}) + for key, value in config.items(): + key = json_compatible_key(key) + cmd_opts[cmd][key] = (str(filename), value) + if key not in valid: + # To avoid removing options that are specified dynamically we + # just log a warn... + _logger.warning(f"Command option {cmd}.{key} is not defined") + + +def _valid_command_options(cmdclass: Mapping = EMPTY) -> Dict[str, Set[str]]: + from .._importlib import metadata + from setuptools.dist import Distribution + + valid_options = {"global": _normalise_cmd_options(Distribution.global_options)} + + unloaded_entry_points = metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.commands') + loaded_entry_points = (_load_ep(ep) for ep in unloaded_entry_points) + entry_points = (ep for ep in loaded_entry_points if ep) + for cmd, cmd_class in chain(entry_points, cmdclass.items()): + opts = valid_options.get(cmd, set()) + opts = opts | _normalise_cmd_options(getattr(cmd_class, "user_options", [])) + valid_options[cmd] = opts + + return valid_options + + +def _load_ep(ep: "metadata.EntryPoint") -> Optional[Tuple[str, Type]]: + # Ignore all the errors + try: + return (ep.name, ep.load()) + except Exception as ex: + msg = f"{ex.__class__.__name__} while trying to load entry-point {ep.name}" + _logger.warning(f"{msg}: {ex}") + return None + + +def _normalise_cmd_option_key(name: str) -> str: + return json_compatible_key(name).strip("_=") + + +def _normalise_cmd_options(desc: List[Tuple[str, Optional[str], str]]) -> Set[str]: + return {_normalise_cmd_option_key(fancy_option[0]) for fancy_option in desc} + + +def _attrgetter(attr): + """ + Similar to ``operator.attrgetter`` but returns None if ``attr`` is not found + >>> from types import SimpleNamespace + >>> obj = SimpleNamespace(a=42, b=SimpleNamespace(c=13)) + >>> _attrgetter("a")(obj) + 42 + >>> _attrgetter("b.c")(obj) + 13 + >>> _attrgetter("d")(obj) is None + True + """ + return partial(reduce, lambda acc, x: getattr(acc, x, None), attr.split(".")) + + +def _some_attrgetter(*items): + """ + Return the first "truth-y" attribute or None + >>> from types import SimpleNamespace + >>> obj = SimpleNamespace(a=42, b=SimpleNamespace(c=13)) + >>> _some_attrgetter("d", "a", "b.c")(obj) + 42 + >>> _some_attrgetter("d", "e", "b.c", "a")(obj) + 13 + >>> _some_attrgetter("d", "e", "f")(obj) is None + True + """ + def _acessor(obj): + values = (_attrgetter(i)(obj) for i in items) + return next((i for i in values if i is not None), None) + return _acessor + + +PYPROJECT_CORRESPONDENCE: Dict[str, _Correspondence] = { + "readme": _long_description, + "license": _license, + "authors": partial(_people, kind="author"), + "maintainers": partial(_people, kind="maintainer"), + "urls": _project_urls, + "dependencies": _dependencies, + "optional_dependencies": _optional_dependencies, + "requires_python": _python_requires, +} + +TOOL_TABLE_RENAMES = {"script_files": "scripts"} +TOOL_TABLE_DEPRECATIONS = { + "namespace_packages": "consider using implicit namespaces instead (PEP 420)." +} + +SETUPTOOLS_PATCHES = {"long_description_content_type", "project_urls", + "provides_extras", "license_file", "license_files"} + +_PREVIOUSLY_DEFINED = { + "name": _attrgetter("metadata.name"), + "version": _attrgetter("metadata.version"), + "description": _attrgetter("metadata.description"), + "readme": _attrgetter("metadata.long_description"), + "requires-python": _some_attrgetter("python_requires", "metadata.python_requires"), + "license": _attrgetter("metadata.license"), + "authors": _some_attrgetter("metadata.author", "metadata.author_email"), + "maintainers": _some_attrgetter("metadata.maintainer", "metadata.maintainer_email"), + "keywords": _attrgetter("metadata.keywords"), + "classifiers": _attrgetter("metadata.classifiers"), + "urls": _attrgetter("metadata.project_urls"), + "entry-points": _attrgetter("entry_points"), + "dependencies": _some_attrgetter("_orig_install_requires", "install_requires"), + "optional-dependencies": _some_attrgetter("_orig_extras_require", "extras_require"), +} + + +class _WouldIgnoreField(UserWarning): + """Inform users that ``pyproject.toml`` would overwrite previous metadata.""" + + MESSAGE = """\ + {field!r} defined outside of `pyproject.toml` would be ignored. + !!\n\n + ########################################################################## + # configuration would be ignored/result in error due to `pyproject.toml` # + ########################################################################## + + The following seems to be defined outside of `pyproject.toml`: + + `{field} = {value!r}` + + According to the spec (see the link below), however, setuptools CANNOT + consider this value unless {field!r} is listed as `dynamic`. + + https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/ + + For the time being, `setuptools` will still consider the given value (as a + **transitional** measure), but please note that future releases of setuptools will + follow strictly the standard. + + To prevent this warning, you can list {field!r} under `dynamic` or alternatively + remove the `[project]` table from your file and rely entirely on other means of + configuration. + \n\n!! + """ + + @classmethod + def message(cls, field, value): + from inspect import cleandoc + return cleandoc(cls.MESSAGE.format(field=field, value=value)) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbe6cb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +from functools import reduce +from typing import Any, Callable, Dict + +from . import formats +from .error_reporting import detailed_errors, ValidationError +from .extra_validations import EXTRA_VALIDATIONS +from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import JsonSchemaException, JsonSchemaValueException +from .fastjsonschema_validations import validate as _validate + +__all__ = [ + "validate", + "FORMAT_FUNCTIONS", + "EXTRA_VALIDATIONS", + "ValidationError", + "JsonSchemaException", + "JsonSchemaValueException", +] + + +FORMAT_FUNCTIONS: Dict[str, Callable[[str], bool]] = { + fn.__name__.replace("_", "-"): fn + for fn in formats.__dict__.values() + if callable(fn) and not fn.__name__.startswith("_") +} + + +def validate(data: Any) -> bool: + """Validate the given ``data`` object using JSON Schema + This function raises ``ValidationError`` if ``data`` is invalid. + """ + with detailed_errors(): + _validate(data, custom_formats=FORMAT_FUNCTIONS) + reduce(lambda acc, fn: fn(acc), EXTRA_VALIDATIONS, data) + return True diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c307407 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/error_reporting.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/error_reporting.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a96d9a0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/error_reporting.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/extra_validations.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/extra_validations.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..416a83a Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/extra_validations.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_exceptions.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..52d7c5c Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_validations.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_validations.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fa5b31 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/fastjsonschema_validations.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/formats.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/formats.cpython-311.pyc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23ce504 Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/__pycache__/formats.cpython-311.pyc differ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/error_reporting.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/error_reporting.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f78e483 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/error_reporting.py @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +import io +import json +import logging +import os +import re +from contextlib import contextmanager +from textwrap import indent, wrap +from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union, cast + +from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import JsonSchemaValueException + +_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +_MESSAGE_REPLACEMENTS = { + "must be named by propertyName definition": "keys must be named by", + "one of contains definition": "at least one item that matches", + " same as const definition:": "", + "only specified items": "only items matching the definition", +} + +_SKIP_DETAILS = ( + "must not be empty", + "is always invalid", + "must not be there", +) + +_NEED_DETAILS = {"anyOf", "oneOf", "anyOf", "contains", "propertyNames", "not", "items"} + +_CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER = re.compile(r"\W+|([A-Z][^A-Z\W]*)") +_IDENTIFIER = re.compile(r"^[\w_]+$", re.I) + +_TOML_JARGON = { + "object": "table", + "property": "key", + "properties": "keys", + "property names": "keys", +} + + +class ValidationError(JsonSchemaValueException): + """Report violations of a given JSON schema. + + This class extends :exc:`~fastjsonschema.JsonSchemaValueException` + by adding the following properties: + + - ``summary``: an improved version of the ``JsonSchemaValueException`` error message + with only the necessary information) + + - ``details``: more contextual information about the error like the failing schema + itself and the value that violates the schema. + + Depending on the level of the verbosity of the ``logging`` configuration + the exception message will be only ``summary`` (default) or a combination of + ``summary`` and ``details`` (when the logging level is set to :obj:`logging.DEBUG`). + """ + + summary = "" + details = "" + _original_message = "" + + @classmethod + def _from_jsonschema(cls, ex: JsonSchemaValueException): + formatter = _ErrorFormatting(ex) + obj = cls(str(formatter), ex.value, formatter.name, ex.definition, ex.rule) + debug_code = os.getenv("JSONSCHEMA_DEBUG_CODE_GENERATION", "false").lower() + if debug_code != "false": # pragma: no cover + obj.__cause__, obj.__traceback__ = ex.__cause__, ex.__traceback__ + obj._original_message = ex.message + obj.summary = formatter.summary + obj.details = formatter.details + return obj + + +@contextmanager +def detailed_errors(): + try: + yield + except JsonSchemaValueException as ex: + raise ValidationError._from_jsonschema(ex) from None + + +class _ErrorFormatting: + def __init__(self, ex: JsonSchemaValueException): + self.ex = ex + self.name = f"`{self._simplify_name(ex.name)}`" + self._original_message = self.ex.message.replace(ex.name, self.name) + self._summary = "" + self._details = "" + + def __str__(self) -> str: + if _logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG and self.details: + return f"{self.summary}\n\n{self.details}" + + return self.summary + + @property + def summary(self) -> str: + if not self._summary: + self._summary = self._expand_summary() + + return self._summary + + @property + def details(self) -> str: + if not self._details: + self._details = self._expand_details() + + return self._details + + def _simplify_name(self, name): + x = len("data.") + return name[x:] if name.startswith("data.") else name + + def _expand_summary(self): + msg = self._original_message + + for bad, repl in _MESSAGE_REPLACEMENTS.items(): + msg = msg.replace(bad, repl) + + if any(substring in msg for substring in _SKIP_DETAILS): + return msg + + schema = self.ex.rule_definition + if self.ex.rule in _NEED_DETAILS and schema: + summary = _SummaryWriter(_TOML_JARGON) + return f"{msg}:\n\n{indent(summary(schema), ' ')}" + + return msg + + def _expand_details(self) -> str: + optional = [] + desc_lines = self.ex.definition.pop("$$description", []) + desc = self.ex.definition.pop("description", None) or " ".join(desc_lines) + if desc: + description = "\n".join( + wrap( + desc, + width=80, + initial_indent=" ", + subsequent_indent=" ", + break_long_words=False, + ) + ) + optional.append(f"DESCRIPTION:\n{description}") + schema = json.dumps(self.ex.definition, indent=4) + value = json.dumps(self.ex.value, indent=4) + defaults = [ + f"GIVEN VALUE:\n{indent(value, ' ')}", + f"OFFENDING RULE: {self.ex.rule!r}", + f"DEFINITION:\n{indent(schema, ' ')}", + ] + return "\n\n".join(optional + defaults) + + +class _SummaryWriter: + _IGNORE = {"description", "default", "title", "examples"} + + def __init__(self, jargon: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None): + self.jargon: Dict[str, str] = jargon or {} + # Clarify confusing terms + self._terms = { + "anyOf": "at least one of the following", + "oneOf": "exactly one of the following", + "allOf": "all of the following", + "not": "(*NOT* the following)", + "prefixItems": f"{self._jargon('items')} (in order)", + "items": "items", + "contains": "contains at least one of", + "propertyNames": ( + f"non-predefined acceptable {self._jargon('property names')}" + ), + "patternProperties": f"{self._jargon('properties')} named via pattern", + "const": "predefined value", + "enum": "one of", + } + # Attributes that indicate that the definition is easy and can be done + # inline (e.g. string and number) + self._guess_inline_defs = [ + "enum", + "const", + "maxLength", + "minLength", + "pattern", + "format", + "minimum", + "maximum", + "exclusiveMinimum", + "exclusiveMaximum", + "multipleOf", + ] + + def _jargon(self, term: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Union[str, List[str]]: + if isinstance(term, list): + return [self.jargon.get(t, t) for t in term] + return self.jargon.get(term, term) + + def __call__( + self, + schema: Union[dict, List[dict]], + prefix: str = "", + *, + _path: Sequence[str] = (), + ) -> str: + if isinstance(schema, list): + return self._handle_list(schema, prefix, _path) + + filtered = self._filter_unecessary(schema, _path) + simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, _path) + if simple: + return f"{prefix}{simple}" + + child_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, " ") + item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ") + indent = len(prefix) * " " + with io.StringIO() as buffer: + for i, (key, value) in enumerate(filtered.items()): + child_path = [*_path, key] + line_prefix = prefix if i == 0 else indent + buffer.write(f"{line_prefix}{self._label(child_path)}:") + # ^ just the first item should receive the complete prefix + if isinstance(value, dict): + filtered = self._filter_unecessary(value, child_path) + simple = self._handle_simple_dict(filtered, child_path) + buffer.write( + f" {simple}" + if simple + else f"\n{self(value, child_prefix, _path=child_path)}" + ) + elif isinstance(value, list) and ( + key != "type" or self._is_property(child_path) + ): + children = self._handle_list(value, item_prefix, child_path) + sep = " " if children.startswith("[") else "\n" + buffer.write(f"{sep}{children}") + else: + buffer.write(f" {self._value(value, child_path)}\n") + return buffer.getvalue() + + def _is_unecessary(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> bool: + if self._is_property(path) or not path: # empty path => instruction @ root + return False + key = path[-1] + return any(key.startswith(k) for k in "$_") or key in self._IGNORE + + def _filter_unecessary(self, schema: dict, path: Sequence[str]): + return { + key: value + for key, value in schema.items() + if not self._is_unecessary([*path, key]) + } + + def _handle_simple_dict(self, value: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Optional[str]: + inline = any(p in value for p in self._guess_inline_defs) + simple = not any(isinstance(v, (list, dict)) for v in value.values()) + if inline or simple: + return f"{{{', '.join(self._inline_attrs(value, path))}}}\n" + return None + + def _handle_list( + self, schemas: list, prefix: str = "", path: Sequence[str] = () + ) -> str: + if self._is_unecessary(path): + return "" + + repr_ = repr(schemas) + if all(not isinstance(e, (dict, list)) for e in schemas) and len(repr_) < 60: + return f"{repr_}\n" + + item_prefix = self._child_prefix(prefix, "- ") + return "".join( + self(v, item_prefix, _path=[*path, f"[{i}]"]) for i, v in enumerate(schemas) + ) + + def _is_property(self, path: Sequence[str]): + """Check if the given path can correspond to an arbitrarily named property""" + counter = 0 + for key in path[-2::-1]: + if key not in {"properties", "patternProperties"}: + break + counter += 1 + + # If the counter if even, the path correspond to a JSON Schema keyword + # otherwise it can be any arbitrary string naming a property + return counter % 2 == 1 + + def _label(self, path: Sequence[str]) -> str: + *parents, key = path + if not self._is_property(path): + norm_key = _separate_terms(key) + return self._terms.get(key) or " ".join(self._jargon(norm_key)) + + if parents[-1] == "patternProperties": + return f"(regex {key!r})" + return repr(key) # property name + + def _value(self, value: Any, path: Sequence[str]) -> str: + if path[-1] == "type" and not self._is_property(path): + type_ = self._jargon(value) + return ( + f"[{', '.join(type_)}]" if isinstance(value, list) else cast(str, type_) + ) + return repr(value) + + def _inline_attrs(self, schema: dict, path: Sequence[str]) -> Iterator[str]: + for key, value in schema.items(): + child_path = [*path, key] + yield f"{self._label(child_path)}: {self._value(value, child_path)}" + + def _child_prefix(self, parent_prefix: str, child_prefix: str) -> str: + return len(parent_prefix) * " " + child_prefix + + +def _separate_terms(word: str) -> List[str]: + """ + >>> _separate_terms("FooBar-foo") + ['foo', 'bar', 'foo'] + """ + return [w.lower() for w in _CAMEL_CASE_SPLITTER.split(word) if w] diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/extra_validations.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/extra_validations.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4130a42 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/extra_validations.py @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +"""The purpose of this module is implement PEP 621 validations that are +difficult to express as a JSON Schema (or that are not supported by the current +JSON Schema library). +""" + +from typing import Mapping, TypeVar + +from .error_reporting import ValidationError + +T = TypeVar("T", bound=Mapping) + + +class RedefiningStaticFieldAsDynamic(ValidationError): + """According to PEP 621: + + Build back-ends MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies a field + statically as well as being listed in dynamic. + """ + + +def validate_project_dynamic(pyproject: T) -> T: + project_table = pyproject.get("project", {}) + dynamic = project_table.get("dynamic", []) + + for field in dynamic: + if field in project_table: + msg = f"You cannot provide a value for `project.{field}` and " + msg += "list it under `project.dynamic` at the same time" + name = f"data.project.{field}" + value = {field: project_table[field], "...": " # ...", "dynamic": dynamic} + raise RedefiningStaticFieldAsDynamic(msg, value, name, rule="PEP 621") + + return pyproject + + +EXTRA_VALIDATIONS = (validate_project_dynamic,) diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_exceptions.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_exceptions.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2dddd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_exceptions.py @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +import re + + +SPLIT_RE = re.compile(r'[\.\[\]]+') + + +class JsonSchemaException(ValueError): + """ + Base exception of ``fastjsonschema`` library. + """ + + +class JsonSchemaValueException(JsonSchemaException): + """ + Exception raised by validation function. Available properties: + + * ``message`` containing human-readable information what is wrong (e.g. ``data.property[index] must be smaller than or equal to 42``), + * invalid ``value`` (e.g. ``60``), + * ``name`` of a path in the data structure (e.g. ``data.property[index]``), + * ``path`` as an array in the data structure (e.g. ``['data', 'property', 'index']``), + * the whole ``definition`` which the ``value`` has to fulfil (e.g. ``{'type': 'number', 'maximum': 42}``), + * ``rule`` which the ``value`` is breaking (e.g. ``maximum``) + * and ``rule_definition`` (e.g. ``42``). + + .. versionchanged:: 2.14.0 + Added all extra properties. + """ + + def __init__(self, message, value=None, name=None, definition=None, rule=None): + super().__init__(message) + self.message = message + self.value = value + self.name = name + self.definition = definition + self.rule = rule + + @property + def path(self): + return [item for item in SPLIT_RE.split(self.name) if item != ''] + + @property + def rule_definition(self): + if not self.rule or not self.definition: + return None + return self.definition.get(self.rule) + + +class JsonSchemaDefinitionException(JsonSchemaException): + """ + Exception raised by generator of validation function. + """ diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_validations.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_validations.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad5ee31 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/fastjsonschema_validations.py @@ -0,0 +1,1035 @@ +# noqa +# type: ignore +# flake8: noqa +# pylint: skip-file +# mypy: ignore-errors +# yapf: disable +# pylama:skip=1 + + +# *** PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY: Automatically generated code *** + + +VERSION = "2.15.3" +import re +from .fastjsonschema_exceptions import JsonSchemaValueException + + +REGEX_PATTERNS = { + '^.*$': re.compile('^.*$'), + '.+': re.compile('.+'), + '^.+$': re.compile('^.+$'), + 'idn-email_re_pattern': re.compile('^[^@]+@[^@]+\\.[^@]+\\Z') +} + +NoneType = type(None) + +def validate(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_build_dependencies(data, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + "") + return data + +def validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_build_dependencies(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-build-dependencies/', 'title': 'Data structure for ``pyproject.toml`` files', '$$description': ['File format containing build-time configurations for the Python ecosystem. ', ':pep:`517` initially defined a build-system independent format for source trees', 'which was complemented by :pep:`518` to provide a way of specifying dependencies ', 'for building Python projects.', 'Please notice the ``project`` table (as initially defined in :pep:`621`) is not included', 'in this schema and should be considered separately.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'build-system': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Table used to store build-related data', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'requires': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'build-backend': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, 'backend-path': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}}, 'required': ['requires']}, 'project': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create command-line wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.']}, 'gui-scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create GUI wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.', 'The difference between ``scripts`` and ``gui-scripts`` is only relevant in', 'Windows.']}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group'}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}, 'tool': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'distutils': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://docs.python.org/3/install/', 'title': '``tool.distutils`` table', '$$description': ['Originally, ``distutils`` allowed developers to configure arguments for', '``setup.py`` scripts via `distutils configuration files', '`_.', '``tool.distutils`` subtables could be used with the same purpose', '(NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED).'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'global': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Global options applied to all ``distutils`` commands'}}, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'type': 'object'}}, '$comment': 'TODO: Is there a practical way of making this schema more specific?'}, 'setuptools': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html', 'title': '``tool.setuptools`` table', '$$description': ['Please notice for the time being the ``setuptools`` project does not specify', 'a way of configuring builds via ``pyproject.toml``.', 'Therefore this schema should be taken just as a *"thought experiment"* on how', 'this *might be done*, by following the principles established in', '`ini2toml `_.', 'It considers only ``setuptools`` `parameters', '`_', 'that can currently be configured via ``setup.cfg`` and are not covered by :pep:`621`', 'but intentionally excludes ``dependency_links`` and ``setup_requires``.', 'NOTE: ``scripts`` was renamed to ``script-files`` to avoid confusion with', 'entry-point based scripts (defined in :pep:`621`).'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'platforms': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'provides': {'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'obsoletes': {'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'zip-safe': {'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, 'script-files': {'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, 'eager-resources': {'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'packages': {'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/find-directive'}]}, 'package-dir': {'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, 'package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'include-package-data': {'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, 'exclude-package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'namespace-packages': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, 'py-modules': {'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, 'data-files': {'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'cmdclass': {'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, 'license-files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/attr-directive'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}]}, 'classifiers': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'description': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'dependencies': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'entry-points': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}}, 'definitions': {'file-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'attr-directive': {'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, 'find-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}}}}}}, 'project': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create command-line wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.']}, 'gui-scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create GUI wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.', 'The difference between ``scripts`` and ``gui-scripts`` is only relevant in', 'Windows.']}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group'}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "build-system" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("build-system") + data__buildsystem = data["build-system"] + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system must be object", value=data__buildsystem, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Table used to store build-related data', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'requires': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'build-backend': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, 'backend-path': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}}, 'required': ['requires']}, rule='type') + data__buildsystem_is_dict = isinstance(data__buildsystem, dict) + if data__buildsystem_is_dict: + data__buildsystem_len = len(data__buildsystem) + if not all(prop in data__buildsystem for prop in ['requires']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system must contain ['requires'] properties", value=data__buildsystem, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Table used to store build-related data', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'requires': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'build-backend': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, 'backend-path': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}}, 'required': ['requires']}, rule='required') + data__buildsystem_keys = set(data__buildsystem.keys()) + if "requires" in data__buildsystem_keys: + data__buildsystem_keys.remove("requires") + data__buildsystem__requires = data__buildsystem["requires"] + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem__requires, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.requires must be array", value=data__buildsystem__requires, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.requires", definition={'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__buildsystem__requires_is_list = isinstance(data__buildsystem__requires, (list, tuple)) + if data__buildsystem__requires_is_list: + data__buildsystem__requires_len = len(data__buildsystem__requires) + for data__buildsystem__requires_x, data__buildsystem__requires_item in enumerate(data__buildsystem__requires): + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem__requires_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.requires[{data__buildsystem__requires_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__buildsystem__requires_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.requires[{data__buildsystem__requires_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "build-backend" in data__buildsystem_keys: + data__buildsystem_keys.remove("build-backend") + data__buildsystem__buildbackend = data__buildsystem["build-backend"] + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem__buildbackend, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.build-backend must be string", value=data__buildsystem__buildbackend, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.build-backend", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__buildsystem__buildbackend, str): + if not custom_formats["pep517-backend-reference"](data__buildsystem__buildbackend): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.build-backend must be pep517-backend-reference", value=data__buildsystem__buildbackend, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.build-backend", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, rule='format') + if "backend-path" in data__buildsystem_keys: + data__buildsystem_keys.remove("backend-path") + data__buildsystem__backendpath = data__buildsystem["backend-path"] + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem__backendpath, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.backend-path must be array", value=data__buildsystem__backendpath, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.backend-path", definition={'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}, rule='type') + data__buildsystem__backendpath_is_list = isinstance(data__buildsystem__backendpath, (list, tuple)) + if data__buildsystem__backendpath_is_list: + data__buildsystem__backendpath_len = len(data__buildsystem__backendpath) + for data__buildsystem__backendpath_x, data__buildsystem__backendpath_item in enumerate(data__buildsystem__backendpath): + if not isinstance(data__buildsystem__backendpath_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.backend-path[{data__buildsystem__backendpath_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__buildsystem__backendpath_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system.backend-path[{data__buildsystem__backendpath_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}, rule='type') + if data__buildsystem_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system must not contain "+str(data__buildsystem_keys)+" properties", value=data__buildsystem, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".build-system", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Table used to store build-related data', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'requires': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'build-backend': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, 'backend-path': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}}, 'required': ['requires']}, rule='additionalProperties') + if "project" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("project") + data__project = data["project"] + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata(data__project, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".project") + if "tool" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("tool") + data__tool = data["tool"] + if not isinstance(data__tool, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".tool must be object", value=data__tool, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".tool", definition={'type': 'object', 'properties': {'distutils': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://docs.python.org/3/install/', 'title': '``tool.distutils`` table', '$$description': ['Originally, ``distutils`` allowed developers to configure arguments for', '``setup.py`` scripts via `distutils configuration files', '`_.', '``tool.distutils`` subtables could be used with the same purpose', '(NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED).'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'global': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Global options applied to all ``distutils`` commands'}}, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'type': 'object'}}, '$comment': 'TODO: Is there a practical way of making this schema more specific?'}, 'setuptools': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html', 'title': '``tool.setuptools`` table', '$$description': ['Please notice for the time being the ``setuptools`` project does not specify', 'a way of configuring builds via ``pyproject.toml``.', 'Therefore this schema should be taken just as a *"thought experiment"* on how', 'this *might be done*, by following the principles established in', '`ini2toml `_.', 'It considers only ``setuptools`` `parameters', '`_', 'that can currently be configured via ``setup.cfg`` and are not covered by :pep:`621`', 'but intentionally excludes ``dependency_links`` and ``setup_requires``.', 'NOTE: ``scripts`` was renamed to ``script-files`` to avoid confusion with', 'entry-point based scripts (defined in :pep:`621`).'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'platforms': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'provides': {'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'obsoletes': {'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'zip-safe': {'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, 'script-files': {'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, 'eager-resources': {'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'packages': {'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/find-directive'}]}, 'package-dir': {'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, 'package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'include-package-data': {'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, 'exclude-package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'namespace-packages': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, 'py-modules': {'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, 'data-files': {'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'cmdclass': {'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, 'license-files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/attr-directive'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}]}, 'classifiers': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'description': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'dependencies': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'entry-points': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}}, 'definitions': {'file-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'attr-directive': {'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, 'find-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}}}}}, rule='type') + data__tool_is_dict = isinstance(data__tool, dict) + if data__tool_is_dict: + data__tool_keys = set(data__tool.keys()) + if "distutils" in data__tool_keys: + data__tool_keys.remove("distutils") + data__tool__distutils = data__tool["distutils"] + validate_https___docs_python_org_3_install(data__tool__distutils, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".tool.distutils") + if "setuptools" in data__tool_keys: + data__tool_keys.remove("setuptools") + data__tool__setuptools = data__tool["setuptools"] + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html(data__tool__setuptools, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".tool.setuptools") + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-build-dependencies/', 'title': 'Data structure for ``pyproject.toml`` files', '$$description': ['File format containing build-time configurations for the Python ecosystem. ', ':pep:`517` initially defined a build-system independent format for source trees', 'which was complemented by :pep:`518` to provide a way of specifying dependencies ', 'for building Python projects.', 'Please notice the ``project`` table (as initially defined in :pep:`621`) is not included', 'in this schema and should be considered separately.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'build-system': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Table used to store build-related data', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'requires': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of dependencies in the :pep:`508` format required to execute the build', 'system. Please notice that the resulting dependency graph', '**MUST NOT contain cycles**'], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'build-backend': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Python object that will be used to perform the build according to :pep:`517`', 'format': 'pep517-backend-reference'}, 'backend-path': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['List of directories to be prepended to ``sys.path`` when loading the', 'back-end, and running its hooks'], 'items': {'type': 'string', '$comment': 'Should be a path (TODO: enforce it with format?)'}}}, 'required': ['requires']}, 'project': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create command-line wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.']}, 'gui-scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create GUI wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.', 'The difference between ``scripts`` and ``gui-scripts`` is only relevant in', 'Windows.']}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group'}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}, 'tool': {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'distutils': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://docs.python.org/3/install/', 'title': '``tool.distutils`` table', '$$description': ['Originally, ``distutils`` allowed developers to configure arguments for', '``setup.py`` scripts via `distutils configuration files', '`_.', '``tool.distutils`` subtables could be used with the same purpose', '(NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED).'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'global': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Global options applied to all ``distutils`` commands'}}, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'type': 'object'}}, '$comment': 'TODO: Is there a practical way of making this schema more specific?'}, 'setuptools': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html', 'title': '``tool.setuptools`` table', '$$description': ['Please notice for the time being the ``setuptools`` project does not specify', 'a way of configuring builds via ``pyproject.toml``.', 'Therefore this schema should be taken just as a *"thought experiment"* on how', 'this *might be done*, by following the principles established in', '`ini2toml `_.', 'It considers only ``setuptools`` `parameters', '`_', 'that can currently be configured via ``setup.cfg`` and are not covered by :pep:`621`', 'but intentionally excludes ``dependency_links`` and ``setup_requires``.', 'NOTE: ``scripts`` was renamed to ``script-files`` to avoid confusion with', 'entry-point based scripts (defined in :pep:`621`).'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'platforms': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'provides': {'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'obsoletes': {'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'zip-safe': {'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, 'script-files': {'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, 'eager-resources': {'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'packages': {'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/find-directive'}]}, 'package-dir': {'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, 'package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'include-package-data': {'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, 'exclude-package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'namespace-packages': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, 'py-modules': {'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, 'data-files': {'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'cmdclass': {'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, 'license-files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/attr-directive'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}]}, 'classifiers': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'description': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'dependencies': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'entry-points': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/file-directive'}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}}, 'definitions': {'file-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'attr-directive': {'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, 'find-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}}}}}}, 'project': {'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/author'}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create command-line wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.']}, 'gui-scripts': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', '$$description': ['Instruct the installer to create GUI wrappers for the given', '`entry points `_.', 'The difference between ``scripts`` and ``gui-scripts`` is only relevant in', 'Windows.']}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$ref': '#/definitions/entry-point-group'}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/dependency'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + return data + +def validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html', 'title': '``tool.setuptools`` table', '$$description': ['Please notice for the time being the ``setuptools`` project does not specify', 'a way of configuring builds via ``pyproject.toml``.', 'Therefore this schema should be taken just as a *"thought experiment"* on how', 'this *might be done*, by following the principles established in', '`ini2toml `_.', 'It considers only ``setuptools`` `parameters', '`_', 'that can currently be configured via ``setup.cfg`` and are not covered by :pep:`621`', 'but intentionally excludes ``dependency_links`` and ``setup_requires``.', 'NOTE: ``scripts`` was renamed to ``script-files`` to avoid confusion with', 'entry-point based scripts (defined in :pep:`621`).'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'platforms': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'provides': {'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'obsoletes': {'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'zip-safe': {'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, 'script-files': {'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, 'eager-resources': {'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'packages': {'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}]}, 'package-dir': {'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, 'package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'include-package-data': {'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, 'exclude-package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'namespace-packages': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, 'py-modules': {'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, 'data-files': {'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'cmdclass': {'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, 'license-files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}]}, 'classifiers': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'description': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'dependencies': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'entry-points': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}}, 'definitions': {'file-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'attr-directive': {'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, 'find-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "platforms" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("platforms") + data__platforms = data["platforms"] + if not isinstance(data__platforms, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".platforms must be array", value=data__platforms, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".platforms", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__platforms_is_list = isinstance(data__platforms, (list, tuple)) + if data__platforms_is_list: + data__platforms_len = len(data__platforms) + for data__platforms_x, data__platforms_item in enumerate(data__platforms): + if not isinstance(data__platforms_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".platforms[{data__platforms_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__platforms_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".platforms[{data__platforms_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "provides" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("provides") + data__provides = data["provides"] + if not isinstance(data__provides, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides must be array", value=data__provides, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides", definition={'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, rule='type') + data__provides_is_list = isinstance(data__provides, (list, tuple)) + if data__provides_is_list: + data__provides_len = len(data__provides) + for data__provides_x, data__provides_item in enumerate(data__provides): + if not isinstance(data__provides_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides[{data__provides_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__provides_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides[{data__provides_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__provides_item, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508-identifier"](data__provides_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides[{data__provides_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be pep508-identifier", value=data__provides_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".provides[{data__provides_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='format') + if "obsoletes" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("obsoletes") + data__obsoletes = data["obsoletes"] + if not isinstance(data__obsoletes, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes must be array", value=data__obsoletes, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes", definition={'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, rule='type') + data__obsoletes_is_list = isinstance(data__obsoletes, (list, tuple)) + if data__obsoletes_is_list: + data__obsoletes_len = len(data__obsoletes) + for data__obsoletes_x, data__obsoletes_item in enumerate(data__obsoletes): + if not isinstance(data__obsoletes_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes[{data__obsoletes_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__obsoletes_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes[{data__obsoletes_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__obsoletes_item, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508-identifier"](data__obsoletes_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes[{data__obsoletes_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be pep508-identifier", value=data__obsoletes_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".obsoletes[{data__obsoletes_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='format') + if "zip-safe" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("zip-safe") + data__zipsafe = data["zip-safe"] + if not isinstance(data__zipsafe, (bool)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".zip-safe must be boolean", value=data__zipsafe, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".zip-safe", definition={'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, rule='type') + if "script-files" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("script-files") + data__scriptfiles = data["script-files"] + if not isinstance(data__scriptfiles, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".script-files must be array", value=data__scriptfiles, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".script-files", definition={'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, rule='type') + data__scriptfiles_is_list = isinstance(data__scriptfiles, (list, tuple)) + if data__scriptfiles_is_list: + data__scriptfiles_len = len(data__scriptfiles) + for data__scriptfiles_x, data__scriptfiles_item in enumerate(data__scriptfiles): + if not isinstance(data__scriptfiles_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".script-files[{data__scriptfiles_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__scriptfiles_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".script-files[{data__scriptfiles_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "eager-resources" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("eager-resources") + data__eagerresources = data["eager-resources"] + if not isinstance(data__eagerresources, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".eager-resources must be array", value=data__eagerresources, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".eager-resources", definition={'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__eagerresources_is_list = isinstance(data__eagerresources, (list, tuple)) + if data__eagerresources_is_list: + data__eagerresources_len = len(data__eagerresources) + for data__eagerresources_x, data__eagerresources_item in enumerate(data__eagerresources): + if not isinstance(data__eagerresources_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".eager-resources[{data__eagerresources_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__eagerresources_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".eager-resources[{data__eagerresources_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "packages" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("packages") + data__packages = data["packages"] + data__packages_one_of_count1 = 0 + if data__packages_one_of_count1 < 2: + try: + if not isinstance(data__packages, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages must be array", value=data__packages, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages", definition={'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, rule='type') + data__packages_is_list = isinstance(data__packages, (list, tuple)) + if data__packages_is_list: + data__packages_len = len(data__packages) + for data__packages_x, data__packages_item in enumerate(data__packages): + if not isinstance(data__packages_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages[{data__packages_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__packages_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages[{data__packages_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__packages_item, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__packages_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages[{data__packages_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be python-module-name", value=data__packages_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages[{data__packages_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + data__packages_one_of_count1 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packages_one_of_count1 < 2: + try: + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_find_directive(data__packages, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages") + data__packages_one_of_count1 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packages_one_of_count1 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__packages_one_of_count1) + " matches found)"), value=data__packages, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".packages", definition={'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}]}, rule='oneOf') + if "package-dir" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("package-dir") + data__packagedir = data["package-dir"] + if not isinstance(data__packagedir, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must be object", value=data__packagedir, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, rule='type') + data__packagedir_is_dict = isinstance(data__packagedir, dict) + if data__packagedir_is_dict: + data__packagedir_keys = set(data__packagedir.keys()) + for data__packagedir_key, data__packagedir_val in data__packagedir.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.*$'].search(data__packagedir_key): + if data__packagedir_key in data__packagedir_keys: + data__packagedir_keys.remove(data__packagedir_key) + if not isinstance(data__packagedir_val, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir.{data__packagedir_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__packagedir_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir.{data__packagedir_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if data__packagedir_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must not contain "+str(data__packagedir_keys)+" properties", value=data__packagedir, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__packagedir_len = len(data__packagedir) + if data__packagedir_len != 0: + data__packagedir_property_names = True + for data__packagedir_key in data__packagedir: + try: + data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 = 0 + if data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 < 2: + try: + if isinstance(data__packagedir_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__packagedir_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must be python-module-name", value=data__packagedir_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 < 2: + try: + if data__packagedir_key != "": + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must be same as const definition: ", value=data__packagedir_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'const': ''}, rule='const') + data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__packagedir_key_one_of_count2) + " matches found)"), value=data__packagedir_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, rule='oneOf') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__packagedir_property_names = False + if not data__packagedir_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__packagedir, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-dir", definition={'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "package-data" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("package-data") + data__packagedata = data["package-data"] + if not isinstance(data__packagedata, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must be object", value=data__packagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='type') + data__packagedata_is_dict = isinstance(data__packagedata, dict) + if data__packagedata_is_dict: + data__packagedata_keys = set(data__packagedata.keys()) + for data__packagedata_key, data__packagedata_val in data__packagedata.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.*$'].search(data__packagedata_key): + if data__packagedata_key in data__packagedata_keys: + data__packagedata_keys.remove(data__packagedata_key) + if not isinstance(data__packagedata_val, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data.{data__packagedata_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be array", value=data__packagedata_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data.{data__packagedata_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__packagedata_val_is_list = isinstance(data__packagedata_val, (list, tuple)) + if data__packagedata_val_is_list: + data__packagedata_val_len = len(data__packagedata_val) + for data__packagedata_val_x, data__packagedata_val_item in enumerate(data__packagedata_val): + if not isinstance(data__packagedata_val_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data.{data__packagedata_key}[{data__packagedata_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__packagedata_val_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data.{data__packagedata_key}[{data__packagedata_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if data__packagedata_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must not contain "+str(data__packagedata_keys)+" properties", value=data__packagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__packagedata_len = len(data__packagedata) + if data__packagedata_len != 0: + data__packagedata_property_names = True + for data__packagedata_key in data__packagedata: + try: + data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 = 0 + if data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 < 2: + try: + if isinstance(data__packagedata_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__packagedata_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must be python-module-name", value=data__packagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 < 2: + try: + if data__packagedata_key != "*": + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must be same as const definition: *", value=data__packagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'const': '*'}, rule='const') + data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__packagedata_key_one_of_count3) + " matches found)"), value=data__packagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, rule='oneOf') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__packagedata_property_names = False + if not data__packagedata_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__packagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "include-package-data" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("include-package-data") + data__includepackagedata = data["include-package-data"] + if not isinstance(data__includepackagedata, (bool)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".include-package-data must be boolean", value=data__includepackagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".include-package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, rule='type') + if "exclude-package-data" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("exclude-package-data") + data__excludepackagedata = data["exclude-package-data"] + if not isinstance(data__excludepackagedata, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must be object", value=data__excludepackagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='type') + data__excludepackagedata_is_dict = isinstance(data__excludepackagedata, dict) + if data__excludepackagedata_is_dict: + data__excludepackagedata_keys = set(data__excludepackagedata.keys()) + for data__excludepackagedata_key, data__excludepackagedata_val in data__excludepackagedata.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.*$'].search(data__excludepackagedata_key): + if data__excludepackagedata_key in data__excludepackagedata_keys: + data__excludepackagedata_keys.remove(data__excludepackagedata_key) + if not isinstance(data__excludepackagedata_val, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data.{data__excludepackagedata_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be array", value=data__excludepackagedata_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data.{data__excludepackagedata_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__excludepackagedata_val_is_list = isinstance(data__excludepackagedata_val, (list, tuple)) + if data__excludepackagedata_val_is_list: + data__excludepackagedata_val_len = len(data__excludepackagedata_val) + for data__excludepackagedata_val_x, data__excludepackagedata_val_item in enumerate(data__excludepackagedata_val): + if not isinstance(data__excludepackagedata_val_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data.{data__excludepackagedata_key}[{data__excludepackagedata_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__excludepackagedata_val_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data.{data__excludepackagedata_key}[{data__excludepackagedata_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if data__excludepackagedata_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must not contain "+str(data__excludepackagedata_keys)+" properties", value=data__excludepackagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__excludepackagedata_len = len(data__excludepackagedata) + if data__excludepackagedata_len != 0: + data__excludepackagedata_property_names = True + for data__excludepackagedata_key in data__excludepackagedata: + try: + data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 = 0 + if data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 < 2: + try: + if isinstance(data__excludepackagedata_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__excludepackagedata_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must be python-module-name", value=data__excludepackagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 < 2: + try: + if data__excludepackagedata_key != "*": + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must be same as const definition: *", value=data__excludepackagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'const': '*'}, rule='const') + data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__excludepackagedata_key_one_of_count4) + " matches found)"), value=data__excludepackagedata_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, rule='oneOf') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__excludepackagedata_property_names = False + if not data__excludepackagedata_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__excludepackagedata, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".exclude-package-data", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "namespace-packages" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("namespace-packages") + data__namespacepackages = data["namespace-packages"] + if not isinstance(data__namespacepackages, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages must be array", value=data__namespacepackages, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, rule='type') + data__namespacepackages_is_list = isinstance(data__namespacepackages, (list, tuple)) + if data__namespacepackages_is_list: + data__namespacepackages_len = len(data__namespacepackages) + for data__namespacepackages_x, data__namespacepackages_item in enumerate(data__namespacepackages): + if not isinstance(data__namespacepackages_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages[{data__namespacepackages_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__namespacepackages_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages[{data__namespacepackages_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__namespacepackages_item, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__namespacepackages_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages[{data__namespacepackages_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be python-module-name", value=data__namespacepackages_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".namespace-packages[{data__namespacepackages_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + if "py-modules" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("py-modules") + data__pymodules = data["py-modules"] + if not isinstance(data__pymodules, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules must be array", value=data__pymodules, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules", definition={'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, rule='type') + data__pymodules_is_list = isinstance(data__pymodules, (list, tuple)) + if data__pymodules_is_list: + data__pymodules_len = len(data__pymodules) + for data__pymodules_x, data__pymodules_item in enumerate(data__pymodules): + if not isinstance(data__pymodules_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules[{data__pymodules_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__pymodules_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules[{data__pymodules_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__pymodules_item, str): + if not custom_formats["python-module-name"](data__pymodules_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules[{data__pymodules_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be python-module-name", value=data__pymodules_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".py-modules[{data__pymodules_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, rule='format') + if "data-files" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("data-files") + data__datafiles = data["data-files"] + if not isinstance(data__datafiles, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files must be object", value=data__datafiles, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files", definition={'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, rule='type') + data__datafiles_is_dict = isinstance(data__datafiles, dict) + if data__datafiles_is_dict: + data__datafiles_keys = set(data__datafiles.keys()) + for data__datafiles_key, data__datafiles_val in data__datafiles.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.*$'].search(data__datafiles_key): + if data__datafiles_key in data__datafiles_keys: + data__datafiles_keys.remove(data__datafiles_key) + if not isinstance(data__datafiles_val, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files.{data__datafiles_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be array", value=data__datafiles_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files.{data__datafiles_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__datafiles_val_is_list = isinstance(data__datafiles_val, (list, tuple)) + if data__datafiles_val_is_list: + data__datafiles_val_len = len(data__datafiles_val) + for data__datafiles_val_x, data__datafiles_val_item in enumerate(data__datafiles_val): + if not isinstance(data__datafiles_val_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files.{data__datafiles_key}[{data__datafiles_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__datafiles_val_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".data-files.{data__datafiles_key}[{data__datafiles_val_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "cmdclass" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("cmdclass") + data__cmdclass = data["cmdclass"] + if not isinstance(data__cmdclass, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass must be object", value=data__cmdclass, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass", definition={'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, rule='type') + data__cmdclass_is_dict = isinstance(data__cmdclass, dict) + if data__cmdclass_is_dict: + data__cmdclass_keys = set(data__cmdclass.keys()) + for data__cmdclass_key, data__cmdclass_val in data__cmdclass.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.*$'].search(data__cmdclass_key): + if data__cmdclass_key in data__cmdclass_keys: + data__cmdclass_keys.remove(data__cmdclass_key) + if not isinstance(data__cmdclass_val, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass.{data__cmdclass_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__cmdclass_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass.{data__cmdclass_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__cmdclass_val, str): + if not custom_formats["python-qualified-identifier"](data__cmdclass_val): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass.{data__cmdclass_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be python-qualified-identifier", value=data__cmdclass_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".cmdclass.{data__cmdclass_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}, rule='format') + if "license-files" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("license-files") + data__licensefiles = data["license-files"] + if not isinstance(data__licensefiles, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license-files must be array", value=data__licensefiles, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license-files", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, rule='type') + data__licensefiles_is_list = isinstance(data__licensefiles, (list, tuple)) + if data__licensefiles_is_list: + data__licensefiles_len = len(data__licensefiles) + for data__licensefiles_x, data__licensefiles_item in enumerate(data__licensefiles): + if not isinstance(data__licensefiles_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license-files[{data__licensefiles_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__licensefiles_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license-files[{data__licensefiles_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + else: data["license-files"] = ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'] + if "dynamic" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("dynamic") + data__dynamic = data["dynamic"] + if not isinstance(data__dynamic, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic must be object", value=data__dynamic, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}]}, 'classifiers': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'description': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'dependencies': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'entry-points': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}, rule='type') + data__dynamic_is_dict = isinstance(data__dynamic, dict) + if data__dynamic_is_dict: + data__dynamic_keys = set(data__dynamic.keys()) + if "version" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("version") + data__dynamic__version = data__dynamic["version"] + data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 = 0 + if data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 < 2: + try: + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_attr_directive(data__dynamic__version, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.version") + data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 < 2: + try: + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__version, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.version") + data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.version must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__dynamic__version_one_of_count5) + " matches found)"), value=data__dynamic__version, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.version", definition={'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}]}, rule='oneOf') + if "classifiers" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("classifiers") + data__dynamic__classifiers = data__dynamic["classifiers"] + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__classifiers, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.classifiers") + if "description" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("description") + data__dynamic__description = data__dynamic["description"] + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__description, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.description") + if "dependencies" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("dependencies") + data__dynamic__dependencies = data__dynamic["dependencies"] + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__dependencies, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.dependencies") + if "entry-points" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("entry-points") + data__dynamic__entrypoints = data__dynamic["entry-points"] + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__entrypoints, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.entry-points") + if "optional-dependencies" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("optional-dependencies") + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies = data__dynamic["optional-dependencies"] + if not isinstance(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies must be object", value=data__dynamic__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, rule='type') + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_is_dict = isinstance(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies, dict) + if data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_is_dict: + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_keys = set(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies.keys()) + for data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key, data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_val in data__dynamic__optionaldependencies.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['.+'].search(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key): + if data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key in data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_keys: + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_keys.remove(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key) + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_val, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies.{data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key}") + if data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies must not contain "+str(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_keys)+" properties", value=data__dynamic__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_len = len(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies) + if data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_len != 0: + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_property_names = True + for data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key in data__dynamic__optionaldependencies: + try: + if isinstance(data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-identifier"](data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies must be python-identifier", value=data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies", definition={'format': 'python-identifier'}, rule='format') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_property_names = False + if not data__dynamic__optionaldependencies_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__dynamic__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "readme" in data__dynamic_keys: + data__dynamic_keys.remove("readme") + data__dynamic__readme = data__dynamic["readme"] + data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6 = 0 + if not data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6: + try: + validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data__dynamic__readme, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme") + data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if not data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6: + try: + data__dynamic__readme_is_dict = isinstance(data__dynamic__readme, dict) + if data__dynamic__readme_is_dict: + data__dynamic__readme_keys = set(data__dynamic__readme.keys()) + if "content-type" in data__dynamic__readme_keys: + data__dynamic__readme_keys.remove("content-type") + data__dynamic__readme__contenttype = data__dynamic__readme["content-type"] + if not isinstance(data__dynamic__readme__contenttype, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme.content-type must be string", value=data__dynamic__readme__contenttype, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme.content-type", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if not data__dynamic__readme_any_of_count6: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme cannot be validated by any definition", value=data__dynamic__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme", definition={'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}, rule='anyOf') + data__dynamic__readme_is_dict = isinstance(data__dynamic__readme, dict) + if data__dynamic__readme_is_dict: + data__dynamic__readme_len = len(data__dynamic__readme) + if not all(prop in data__dynamic__readme for prop in ['file']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme must contain ['file'] properties", value=data__dynamic__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic.readme", definition={'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}, rule='required') + if data__dynamic_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic must not contain "+str(data__dynamic_keys)+" properties", value=data__dynamic, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}]}, 'classifiers': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'description': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'dependencies': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'entry-points': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/references/keywords.html', 'title': '``tool.setuptools`` table', '$$description': ['Please notice for the time being the ``setuptools`` project does not specify', 'a way of configuring builds via ``pyproject.toml``.', 'Therefore this schema should be taken just as a *"thought experiment"* on how', 'this *might be done*, by following the principles established in', '`ini2toml `_.', 'It considers only ``setuptools`` `parameters', '`_', 'that can currently be configured via ``setup.cfg`` and are not covered by :pep:`621`', 'but intentionally excludes ``dependency_links`` and ``setup_requires``.', 'NOTE: ``scripts`` was renamed to ``script-files`` to avoid confusion with', 'entry-point based scripts (defined in :pep:`621`).'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'platforms': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'provides': {'$$description': ['Package and virtual package names contained within this package', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'obsoletes': {'$$description': ['Packages which this package renders obsolete', '**(not supported by pip)**'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}}, 'zip-safe': {'description': 'Whether the project can be safely installed and run from a zip file.', 'type': 'boolean'}, 'script-files': {'description': 'Legacy way of defining scripts (entry-points are preferred).', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$comment': 'TODO: is this field deprecated/should be removed?'}, 'eager-resources': {'$$description': ['Resources that should be extracted together, if any of them is needed,', 'or if any C extensions included in the project are imported.'], 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'packages': {'$$description': ['Packages that should be included in the distribution.', 'It can be given either as a list of package identifiers', 'or as a ``dict``-like structure with a single key ``find``', 'which corresponds to a dynamic call to', '``setuptools.config.expand.find_packages`` function.', 'The ``find`` key is associated with a nested ``dict``-like structure that can', 'contain ``where``, ``include``, ``exclude`` and ``namespaces`` keys,', 'mimicking the keyword arguments of the associated function.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': 'Array of Python package identifiers', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}}, {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}]}, 'package-dir': {'$$description': [':class:`dict`-like structure mapping from package names to directories where their', 'code can be found.', 'The empty string (as key) means that all packages are contained inside', 'the given directory will be included in the distribution.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': ''}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string'}}}, 'package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns.', 'Usually this option is not needed when using ``include-package-data = true``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'include-package-data': {'$$description': ['Automatically include any data files inside the package directories', 'that are specified by ``MANIFEST.in``', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'boolean'}, 'exclude-package-data': {'$$description': ['Mapping from package names to lists of glob patterns that should be excluded', 'For more information on how to include data files, check ``setuptools`` `docs', '`_.'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'propertyNames': {'oneOf': [{'format': 'python-module-name'}, {'const': '*'}]}, 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'namespace-packages': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/package_discovery.html'}, 'py-modules': {'description': 'Modules that setuptools will manipulate', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-module-name'}, '$comment': 'TODO: clarify the relationship with ``packages``'}, 'data-files': {'$$description': ['**DEPRECATED**: dict-like structure where each key represents a directory and', 'the value is a list of glob patterns that should be installed in them.', "Please notice this don't work with wheels. See `data files support", '`_'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}}, 'cmdclass': {'$$description': ['Mapping of distutils-style command names to ``setuptools.Command`` subclasses', 'which in turn should be represented by strings with a qualified class name', '(i.e., "dotted" form with module), e.g.::\n\n', ' cmdclass = {mycmd = "pkg.subpkg.module.CommandClass"}\n\n', 'The command class should be a directly defined at the top-level of the', 'containing module (no class nesting).'], 'type': 'object', 'patternProperties': {'^.*$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'python-qualified-identifier'}}}, 'license-files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, '$$description': ['PROVISIONAL: List of glob patterns for all license files being distributed.', '(might become standard with PEP 639).'], 'default': ['LICEN[CS]E*', ' COPYING*', ' NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*'], '$comment': 'TODO: revise if PEP 639 is accepted. Probably ``project.license-files``?'}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Instructions for loading :pep:`621`-related metadata dynamically', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'version': {'$$description': ['A version dynamically loaded via either the ``attr:`` or ``file:``', 'directives. Please make sure the given file or attribute respects :pep:`440`.'], 'oneOf': [{'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}]}, 'classifiers': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'description': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'dependencies': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'entry-points': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}}}, 'readme': {'anyOf': [{'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'required': ['file']}}}}, 'definitions': {'file-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, 'attr-directive': {'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, 'find-directive': {'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + return data + +def validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_file_directive(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_len = len(data) + if not all(prop in data for prop in ['file']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must contain ['file'] properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, rule='required') + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "file" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("file") + data__file = data["file"] + data__file_one_of_count7 = 0 + if data__file_one_of_count7 < 2: + try: + if not isinstance(data__file, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file must be string", value=data__file, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + data__file_one_of_count7 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__file_one_of_count7 < 2: + try: + if not isinstance(data__file, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file must be array", value=data__file, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__file_is_list = isinstance(data__file, (list, tuple)) + if data__file_is_list: + data__file_len = len(data__file) + for data__file_x, data__file_item in enumerate(data__file): + if not isinstance(data__file_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file[{data__file_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__file_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file[{data__file_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + data__file_one_of_count7 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__file_one_of_count7 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__file_one_of_count7) + " matches found)"), value=data__file, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".file", definition={'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}, rule='oneOf') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/file-directive', 'title': "'file:' directive", 'description': 'Value is read from a file (or list of files and then concatenated)', 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'file': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}}, 'required': ['file']}, rule='additionalProperties') + return data + +def validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_attr_directive(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_len = len(data) + if not all(prop in data for prop in ['attr']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must contain ['attr'] properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, rule='required') + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "attr" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("attr") + data__attr = data["attr"] + if not isinstance(data__attr, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".attr must be string", value=data__attr, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".attr", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'title': "'attr:' directive", '$id': '#/definitions/attr-directive', '$$description': ['Value is read from a module attribute. Supports callables and iterables;', 'unsupported types are cast via ``str()``'], 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'attr': {'type': 'string'}}, 'required': ['attr']}, rule='additionalProperties') + return data + +def validate_https___setuptools_pypa_io_en_latest_references_keywords_html__definitions_find_directive(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "find" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("find") + data__find = data["find"] + if not isinstance(data__find, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find must be object", value=data__find, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find", definition={'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}, rule='type') + data__find_is_dict = isinstance(data__find, dict) + if data__find_is_dict: + data__find_keys = set(data__find.keys()) + if "where" in data__find_keys: + data__find_keys.remove("where") + data__find__where = data__find["where"] + if not isinstance(data__find__where, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.where must be array", value=data__find__where, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.where", definition={'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__find__where_is_list = isinstance(data__find__where, (list, tuple)) + if data__find__where_is_list: + data__find__where_len = len(data__find__where) + for data__find__where_x, data__find__where_item in enumerate(data__find__where): + if not isinstance(data__find__where_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.where[{data__find__where_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__find__where_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.where[{data__find__where_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "exclude" in data__find_keys: + data__find_keys.remove("exclude") + data__find__exclude = data__find["exclude"] + if not isinstance(data__find__exclude, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.exclude must be array", value=data__find__exclude, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.exclude", definition={'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__find__exclude_is_list = isinstance(data__find__exclude, (list, tuple)) + if data__find__exclude_is_list: + data__find__exclude_len = len(data__find__exclude) + for data__find__exclude_x, data__find__exclude_item in enumerate(data__find__exclude): + if not isinstance(data__find__exclude_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.exclude[{data__find__exclude_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__find__exclude_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.exclude[{data__find__exclude_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "include" in data__find_keys: + data__find_keys.remove("include") + data__find__include = data__find["include"] + if not isinstance(data__find__include, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.include must be array", value=data__find__include, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.include", definition={'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, rule='type') + data__find__include_is_list = isinstance(data__find__include, (list, tuple)) + if data__find__include_is_list: + data__find__include_len = len(data__find__include) + for data__find__include_x, data__find__include_item in enumerate(data__find__include): + if not isinstance(data__find__include_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.include[{data__find__include_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__find__include_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.include[{data__find__include_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "namespaces" in data__find_keys: + data__find_keys.remove("namespaces") + data__find__namespaces = data__find["namespaces"] + if not isinstance(data__find__namespaces, (bool)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.namespaces must be boolean", value=data__find__namespaces, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find.namespaces", definition={'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}, rule='type') + if data__find_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find must not contain "+str(data__find_keys)+" properties", value=data__find, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".find", definition={'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/find-directive', 'title': "'find:' directive", 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'find': {'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Dynamic `package discovery', '`_.'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'where': {'description': 'Directories to be searched for packages (Unix-style relative path)', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'exclude': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Exclude packages that match the values listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'include': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Restrict the found packages to just the ones listed in this field.', "Can container shell-style wildcards (e.g. ``'pkg.*'``)"], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'namespaces': {'type': 'boolean', '$$description': ['When ``True``, directories without a ``__init__.py`` file will also', 'be scanned for :pep:`420`-style implicit namespaces']}}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + return data + +def validate_https___docs_python_org_3_install(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://docs.python.org/3/install/', 'title': '``tool.distutils`` table', '$$description': ['Originally, ``distutils`` allowed developers to configure arguments for', '``setup.py`` scripts via `distutils configuration files', '`_.', '``tool.distutils`` subtables could be used with the same purpose', '(NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED).'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'global': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Global options applied to all ``distutils`` commands'}}, 'patternProperties': {'.+': {'type': 'object'}}, '$comment': 'TODO: Is there a practical way of making this schema more specific?'}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "global" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("global") + data__global = data["global"] + if not isinstance(data__global, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".global must be object", value=data__global, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".global", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Global options applied to all ``distutils`` commands'}, rule='type') + for data_key, data_val in data.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['.+'].search(data_key): + if data_key in data_keys: + data_keys.remove(data_key) + if not isinstance(data_val, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be object", value=data_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'object'}, rule='type') + return data + +def validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'gui-scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_len = len(data) + if not all(prop in data for prop in ['name']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must contain ['name'] properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'gui-scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}, rule='required') + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "name" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("name") + data__name = data["name"] + if not isinstance(data__name, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name must be string", value=data__name, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__name, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508-identifier"](data__name): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name must be pep508-identifier", value=data__name, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='format') + if "version" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("version") + data__version = data["version"] + if not isinstance(data__version, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".version must be string", value=data__version, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".version", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__version, str): + if not custom_formats["pep440"](data__version): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".version must be pep440", value=data__version, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".version", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, rule='format') + if "description" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("description") + data__description = data["description"] + if not isinstance(data__description, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".description must be string", value=data__description, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".description", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, rule='type') + if "readme" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("readme") + data__readme = data["readme"] + data__readme_one_of_count8 = 0 + if data__readme_one_of_count8 < 2: + try: + if not isinstance(data__readme, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must be string", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, rule='type') + data__readme_one_of_count8 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__readme_one_of_count8 < 2: + try: + if not isinstance(data__readme, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must be object", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}, rule='type') + data__readme_any_of_count9 = 0 + if not data__readme_any_of_count9: + try: + data__readme_is_dict = isinstance(data__readme, dict) + if data__readme_is_dict: + data__readme_len = len(data__readme) + if not all(prop in data__readme for prop in ['file']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must contain ['file'] properties", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, rule='required') + data__readme_keys = set(data__readme.keys()) + if "file" in data__readme_keys: + data__readme_keys.remove("file") + data__readme__file = data__readme["file"] + if not isinstance(data__readme__file, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.file must be string", value=data__readme__file, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.file", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}, rule='type') + data__readme_any_of_count9 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if not data__readme_any_of_count9: + try: + data__readme_is_dict = isinstance(data__readme, dict) + if data__readme_is_dict: + data__readme_len = len(data__readme) + if not all(prop in data__readme for prop in ['text']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must contain ['text'] properties", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}, rule='required') + data__readme_keys = set(data__readme.keys()) + if "text" in data__readme_keys: + data__readme_keys.remove("text") + data__readme__text = data__readme["text"] + if not isinstance(data__readme__text, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.text must be string", value=data__readme__text, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.text", definition={'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}, rule='type') + data__readme_any_of_count9 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if not data__readme_any_of_count9: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme cannot be validated by any definition", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, rule='anyOf') + data__readme_is_dict = isinstance(data__readme, dict) + if data__readme_is_dict: + data__readme_len = len(data__readme) + if not all(prop in data__readme for prop in ['content-type']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must contain ['content-type'] properties", value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}, rule='required') + data__readme_keys = set(data__readme.keys()) + if "content-type" in data__readme_keys: + data__readme_keys.remove("content-type") + data__readme__contenttype = data__readme["content-type"] + if not isinstance(data__readme__contenttype, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.content-type must be string", value=data__readme__contenttype, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme.content-type", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}, rule='type') + data__readme_one_of_count8 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__readme_one_of_count8 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__readme_one_of_count8) + " matches found)"), value=data__readme, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".readme", definition={'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, rule='oneOf') + if "requires-python" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("requires-python") + data__requirespython = data["requires-python"] + if not isinstance(data__requirespython, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".requires-python must be string", value=data__requirespython, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".requires-python", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__requirespython, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508-versionspec"](data__requirespython): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".requires-python must be pep508-versionspec", value=data__requirespython, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".requires-python", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, rule='format') + if "license" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("license") + data__license = data["license"] + data__license_one_of_count10 = 0 + if data__license_one_of_count10 < 2: + try: + data__license_is_dict = isinstance(data__license, dict) + if data__license_is_dict: + data__license_len = len(data__license) + if not all(prop in data__license for prop in ['file']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license must contain ['file'] properties", value=data__license, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license", definition={'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, rule='required') + data__license_keys = set(data__license.keys()) + if "file" in data__license_keys: + data__license_keys.remove("file") + data__license__file = data__license["file"] + if not isinstance(data__license__file, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license.file must be string", value=data__license__file, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license.file", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}, rule='type') + data__license_one_of_count10 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__license_one_of_count10 < 2: + try: + data__license_is_dict = isinstance(data__license, dict) + if data__license_is_dict: + data__license_len = len(data__license) + if not all(prop in data__license for prop in ['text']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license must contain ['text'] properties", value=data__license, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license", definition={'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}, rule='required') + data__license_keys = set(data__license.keys()) + if "text" in data__license_keys: + data__license_keys.remove("text") + data__license__text = data__license["text"] + if not isinstance(data__license__text, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license.text must be string", value=data__license__text, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license.text", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}, rule='type') + data__license_one_of_count10 += 1 + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if data__license_one_of_count10 != 1: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license must be valid exactly by one definition" + (" (" + str(data__license_one_of_count10) + " matches found)"), value=data__license, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".license", definition={'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, rule='oneOf') + if "authors" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("authors") + data__authors = data["authors"] + if not isinstance(data__authors, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".authors must be array", value=data__authors, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".authors", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, rule='type') + data__authors_is_list = isinstance(data__authors, (list, tuple)) + if data__authors_is_list: + data__authors_len = len(data__authors) + for data__authors_x, data__authors_item in enumerate(data__authors): + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_author(data__authors_item, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".authors[{data__authors_x}]") + if "maintainers" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("maintainers") + data__maintainers = data["maintainers"] + if not isinstance(data__maintainers, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".maintainers must be array", value=data__maintainers, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".maintainers", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, rule='type') + data__maintainers_is_list = isinstance(data__maintainers, (list, tuple)) + if data__maintainers_is_list: + data__maintainers_len = len(data__maintainers) + for data__maintainers_x, data__maintainers_item in enumerate(data__maintainers): + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_author(data__maintainers_item, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".maintainers[{data__maintainers_x}]") + if "keywords" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("keywords") + data__keywords = data["keywords"] + if not isinstance(data__keywords, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".keywords must be array", value=data__keywords, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".keywords", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, rule='type') + data__keywords_is_list = isinstance(data__keywords, (list, tuple)) + if data__keywords_is_list: + data__keywords_len = len(data__keywords) + for data__keywords_x, data__keywords_item in enumerate(data__keywords): + if not isinstance(data__keywords_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".keywords[{data__keywords_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__keywords_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".keywords[{data__keywords_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string'}, rule='type') + if "classifiers" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("classifiers") + data__classifiers = data["classifiers"] + if not isinstance(data__classifiers, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers must be array", value=data__classifiers, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, rule='type') + data__classifiers_is_list = isinstance(data__classifiers, (list, tuple)) + if data__classifiers_is_list: + data__classifiers_len = len(data__classifiers) + for data__classifiers_x, data__classifiers_item in enumerate(data__classifiers): + if not isinstance(data__classifiers_item, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers[{data__classifiers_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__classifiers_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers[{data__classifiers_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__classifiers_item, str): + if not custom_formats["trove-classifier"](data__classifiers_item): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers[{data__classifiers_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be trove-classifier", value=data__classifiers_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".classifiers[{data__classifiers_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, rule='format') + if "urls" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("urls") + data__urls = data["urls"] + if not isinstance(data__urls, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls must be object", value=data__urls, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, rule='type') + data__urls_is_dict = isinstance(data__urls, dict) + if data__urls_is_dict: + data__urls_keys = set(data__urls.keys()) + for data__urls_key, data__urls_val in data__urls.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.+$'].search(data__urls_key): + if data__urls_key in data__urls_keys: + data__urls_keys.remove(data__urls_key) + if not isinstance(data__urls_val, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls.{data__urls_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data__urls_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls.{data__urls_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__urls_val, str): + if not custom_formats["url"](data__urls_val): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls.{data__urls_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be url", value=data__urls_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls.{data__urls_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}, rule='format') + if data__urls_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls must not contain "+str(data__urls_keys)+" properties", value=data__urls, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".urls", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + if "scripts" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("scripts") + data__scripts = data["scripts"] + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_entry_point_group(data__scripts, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".scripts") + if "gui-scripts" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("gui-scripts") + data__guiscripts = data["gui-scripts"] + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_entry_point_group(data__guiscripts, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".gui-scripts") + if "entry-points" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("entry-points") + data__entrypoints = data["entry-points"] + data__entrypoints_is_dict = isinstance(data__entrypoints, dict) + if data__entrypoints_is_dict: + data__entrypoints_keys = set(data__entrypoints.keys()) + for data__entrypoints_key, data__entrypoints_val in data__entrypoints.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.+$'].search(data__entrypoints_key): + if data__entrypoints_key in data__entrypoints_keys: + data__entrypoints_keys.remove(data__entrypoints_key) + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_entry_point_group(data__entrypoints_val, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points.{data__entrypoints_key}") + if data__entrypoints_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points must not contain "+str(data__entrypoints_keys)+" properties", value=data__entrypoints, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points", definition={'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__entrypoints_len = len(data__entrypoints) + if data__entrypoints_len != 0: + data__entrypoints_property_names = True + for data__entrypoints_key in data__entrypoints: + try: + if isinstance(data__entrypoints_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-entrypoint-group"](data__entrypoints_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points must be python-entrypoint-group", value=data__entrypoints_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points", definition={'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, rule='format') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__entrypoints_property_names = False + if not data__entrypoints_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__entrypoints, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".entry-points", definition={'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "dependencies" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("dependencies") + data__dependencies = data["dependencies"] + if not isinstance(data__dependencies, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dependencies must be array", value=data__dependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dependencies", definition={'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}, rule='type') + data__dependencies_is_list = isinstance(data__dependencies, (list, tuple)) + if data__dependencies_is_list: + data__dependencies_len = len(data__dependencies) + for data__dependencies_x, data__dependencies_item in enumerate(data__dependencies): + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_dependency(data__dependencies_item, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".dependencies[{data__dependencies_x}]") + if "optional-dependencies" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("optional-dependencies") + data__optionaldependencies = data["optional-dependencies"] + if not isinstance(data__optionaldependencies, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies must be object", value=data__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, rule='type') + data__optionaldependencies_is_dict = isinstance(data__optionaldependencies, dict) + if data__optionaldependencies_is_dict: + data__optionaldependencies_keys = set(data__optionaldependencies.keys()) + for data__optionaldependencies_key, data__optionaldependencies_val in data__optionaldependencies.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.+$'].search(data__optionaldependencies_key): + if data__optionaldependencies_key in data__optionaldependencies_keys: + data__optionaldependencies_keys.remove(data__optionaldependencies_key) + if not isinstance(data__optionaldependencies_val, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies.{data__optionaldependencies_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be array", value=data__optionaldependencies_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies.{data__optionaldependencies_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}, rule='type') + data__optionaldependencies_val_is_list = isinstance(data__optionaldependencies_val, (list, tuple)) + if data__optionaldependencies_val_is_list: + data__optionaldependencies_val_len = len(data__optionaldependencies_val) + for data__optionaldependencies_val_x, data__optionaldependencies_val_item in enumerate(data__optionaldependencies_val): + validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_dependency(data__optionaldependencies_val_item, custom_formats, (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies.{data__optionaldependencies_key}[{data__optionaldependencies_val_x}]") + if data__optionaldependencies_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies must not contain "+str(data__optionaldependencies_keys)+" properties", value=data__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data__optionaldependencies_len = len(data__optionaldependencies) + if data__optionaldependencies_len != 0: + data__optionaldependencies_property_names = True + for data__optionaldependencies_key in data__optionaldependencies: + try: + if isinstance(data__optionaldependencies_key, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508-identifier"](data__optionaldependencies_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies must be pep508-identifier", value=data__optionaldependencies_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies", definition={'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, rule='format') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data__optionaldependencies_property_names = False + if not data__optionaldependencies_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies must be named by propertyName definition", value=data__optionaldependencies, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".optional-dependencies", definition={'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, rule='propertyNames') + if "dynamic" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("dynamic") + data__dynamic = data["dynamic"] + if not isinstance(data__dynamic, (list, tuple)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic must be array", value=data__dynamic, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic", definition={'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}, rule='type') + data__dynamic_is_list = isinstance(data__dynamic, (list, tuple)) + if data__dynamic_is_list: + data__dynamic_len = len(data__dynamic) + for data__dynamic_x, data__dynamic_item in enumerate(data__dynamic): + if data__dynamic_item not in ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic[{data__dynamic_x}]".format(**locals()) + " must be one of ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']", value=data__dynamic_item, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic[{data__dynamic_x}]".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}, rule='enum') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema', '$id': 'https://packaging.python.org/en/latest/specifications/declaring-project-metadata/', 'title': 'Package metadata stored in the ``project`` table', '$$description': ['Data structure for the **project** table inside ``pyproject.toml``', '(as initially defined in :pep:`621`)'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The name (primary identifier) of the project. MUST be statically defined.', 'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'version': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The version of the project as supported by :pep:`440`.', 'format': 'pep440'}, 'description': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The `summary description of the project', '`_']}, 'readme': {'$$description': ['`Full/detailed description of the project in the form of a README', '`_', "with meaning similar to the one defined in `core metadata's Description", '`_'], 'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file (UTF-8) containing the full description', 'of the project. If the file path ends in case-insensitive ``.md`` or', '``.rst`` suffixes, then the content-type is respectively', '``text/markdown`` or ``text/x-rst``']}, {'type': 'object', 'allOf': [{'anyOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to a text file containing the full description', 'of the project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Full text describing the project.'}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, {'properties': {'content-type': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Content-type (:rfc:`1341`) of the full description', '(e.g. ``text/markdown``). The ``charset`` parameter is assumed', 'UTF-8 when not present.'], '$comment': 'TODO: add regex pattern or format?'}}, 'required': ['content-type']}]}]}, 'requires-python': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'pep508-versionspec', '$$description': ['`The Python version requirements of the project', '`_.']}, 'license': {'description': '`Project license `_.', 'oneOf': [{'properties': {'file': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Relative path to the file (UTF-8) which contains the license for the', 'project.']}}, 'required': ['file']}, {'properties': {'text': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['The license of the project whose meaning is that of the', '`License field from the core metadata', '`_.']}}, 'required': ['text']}]}, 'authors': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'authors' of the project.", 'The exact meaning is open to interpretation (e.g. original or primary authors,', 'current maintainers, or owners of the package).']}, 'maintainers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, '$$description': ["The people or organizations considered to be the 'maintainers' of the project.", 'Similarly to ``authors``, the exact meaning is open to interpretation.']}, 'keywords': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'description': 'List of keywords to assist searching for the distribution in a larger catalog.'}, 'classifiers': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'trove-classifier', 'description': '`PyPI classifier `_.'}, '$$description': ['`Trove classifiers `_', 'which apply to the project.']}, 'urls': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'URLs associated with the project in the form ``label => value``.', 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'url'}}}, 'scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'gui-scripts': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'entry-points': {'$$description': ['Instruct the installer to expose the given modules/functions via', '``entry-point`` discovery mechanism (useful for plugins).', 'More information available in the `Python packaging guide', '`_.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-group'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}}}, 'dependencies': {'type': 'array', 'description': 'Project (mandatory) dependencies.', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}, 'optional-dependencies': {'type': 'object', 'description': 'Optional dependency for the project', 'propertyNames': {'format': 'pep508-identifier'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}}, 'dynamic': {'type': 'array', '$$description': ['Specifies which fields are intentionally unspecified and expected to be', 'dynamically provided by build tools'], 'items': {'enum': ['version', 'description', 'readme', 'requires-python', 'license', 'authors', 'maintainers', 'keywords', 'classifiers', 'urls', 'scripts', 'gui-scripts', 'entry-points', 'dependencies', 'optional-dependencies']}}}, 'required': ['name'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'if': {'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, 'then': {'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, 'definitions': {'author': {'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, 'entry-point-group': {'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, 'dependency': {'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + try: + try: + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_len = len(data) + if not all(prop in data for prop in ['dynamic']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must contain ['dynamic'] properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, rule='required') + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "dynamic" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("dynamic") + data__dynamic = data["dynamic"] + data__dynamic_is_list = isinstance(data__dynamic, (list, tuple)) + if data__dynamic_is_list: + data__dynamic_contains = False + for data__dynamic_key in data__dynamic: + try: + if data__dynamic_key != "version": + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic must be same as const definition: version", value=data__dynamic_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic", definition={'const': 'version'}, rule='const') + data__dynamic_contains = True + break + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + if not data__dynamic_contains: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic must contain one of contains definition", value=data__dynamic, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".dynamic", definition={'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}, rule='contains') + except JsonSchemaValueException: pass + else: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must NOT match a disallowed definition", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'not': {'required': ['dynamic'], 'properties': {'dynamic': {'contains': {'const': 'version'}, '$$description': ['version is listed in ``dynamic``']}}}, '$$comment': ['According to :pep:`621`:', ' If the core metadata specification lists a field as "Required", then', ' the metadata MUST specify the field statically or list it in dynamic', 'In turn, `core metadata`_ defines:', ' The required fields are: Metadata-Version, Name, Version.', ' All the other fields are optional.', 'Since ``Metadata-Version`` is defined by the build back-end, ``name`` and', '``version`` are the only mandatory information in ``pyproject.toml``.', '.. _core metadata: https://packaging.python.org/specifications/core-metadata/']}, rule='not') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + pass + else: + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_len = len(data) + if not all(prop in data for prop in ['version']): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must contain ['version'] properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'required': ['version'], '$$description': ['version should be statically defined in the ``version`` field']}, rule='required') + return data + +def validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_dependency(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be string", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data, str): + if not custom_formats["pep508"](data): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be pep508", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/dependency', 'title': 'Dependency', 'type': 'string', 'description': 'Project dependency specification according to PEP 508', 'format': 'pep508'}, rule='format') + return data + +def validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_entry_point_group(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + for data_key, data_val in data.items(): + if REGEX_PATTERNS['^.+$'].search(data_key): + if data_key in data_keys: + data_keys.remove(data_key) + if not isinstance(data_val, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be string", value=data_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data_val, str): + if not custom_formats["python-entrypoint-reference"](data_val): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + " must be python-entrypoint-reference", value=data_val, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".{data_key}".format(**locals()) + "", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}, rule='format') + if data_keys: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must not contain "+str(data_keys)+" properties", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, rule='additionalProperties') + data_len = len(data) + if data_len != 0: + data_property_names = True + for data_key in data: + try: + if isinstance(data_key, str): + if not custom_formats["python-entrypoint-name"](data_key): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be python-entrypoint-name", value=data_key, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, rule='format') + except JsonSchemaValueException: + data_property_names = False + if not data_property_names: + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be named by propertyName definition", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/entry-point-group', 'title': 'Entry-points', 'type': 'object', '$$description': ['Entry-points are grouped together to indicate what sort of capabilities they', 'provide.', 'See the `packaging guides', '`_', 'and `setuptools docs', '`_', 'for more information.'], 'propertyNames': {'format': 'python-entrypoint-name'}, 'additionalProperties': False, 'patternProperties': {'^.+$': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['Reference to a Python object. It is either in the form', '``importable.module``, or ``importable.module:object.attr``.'], 'format': 'python-entrypoint-reference', '$comment': 'https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/'}}}, rule='propertyNames') + return data + +def validate_https___packaging_python_org_en_latest_specifications_declaring_project_metadata___definitions_author(data, custom_formats={}, name_prefix=None): + if not isinstance(data, (dict)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + " must be object", value=data, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + "", definition={'$id': '#/definitions/author', 'title': 'Author or Maintainer', '$comment': 'https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0621/#authors-maintainers', 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'name': {'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, 'email': {'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}}}, rule='type') + data_is_dict = isinstance(data, dict) + if data_is_dict: + data_keys = set(data.keys()) + if "name" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("name") + data__name = data["name"] + if not isinstance(data__name, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name must be string", value=data__name, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".name", definition={'type': 'string', '$$description': ['MUST be a valid email name, i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an', 'email, in :rfc:`822`.']}, rule='type') + if "email" in data_keys: + data_keys.remove("email") + data__email = data["email"] + if not isinstance(data__email, (str)): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".email must be string", value=data__email, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".email", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}, rule='type') + if isinstance(data__email, str): + if not REGEX_PATTERNS["idn-email_re_pattern"].match(data__email): + raise JsonSchemaValueException("" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".email must be idn-email", value=data__email, name="" + (name_prefix or "data") + ".email", definition={'type': 'string', 'format': 'idn-email', 'description': 'MUST be a valid email address'}, rule='format') + return data \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/formats.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/formats.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..638ac11 --- /dev/null +++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/_validate_pyproject/formats.py @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +import logging +import os +import re +import string +import typing +from itertools import chain as _chain + +_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) + +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# PEP 440 + +VERSION_PATTERN = r""" + v? + (?: + (?:(?P[0-9]+)!)? # epoch + (?P[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*) # release segment + (?P
                                          # pre-release
+            [-_\.]?
+            (?P(a|b|c|rc|alpha|beta|pre|preview))
+            [-_\.]?
+            (?P[0-9]+)?
+        )?
+        (?P                                         # post release
+            (?:-(?P[0-9]+))
+            |
+            (?:
+                [-_\.]?
+                (?Ppost|rev|r)
+                [-_\.]?
+                (?P[0-9]+)?
+            )
+        )?
+        (?P                                          # dev release
+            [-_\.]?
+            (?Pdev)
+            [-_\.]?
+            (?P[0-9]+)?
+        )?
+    )
+    (?:\+(?P[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))?       # local version
+VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(r"^\s*" + VERSION_PATTERN + r"\s*$", re.X | re.I)
+def pep440(version: str) -> bool:
+    return VERSION_REGEX.match(version) is not None
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# PEP 508
+PEP508_IDENTIFIER_PATTERN = r"([A-Z0-9]|[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._-]*[A-Z0-9])"
+def pep508_identifier(name: str) -> bool:
+    return PEP508_IDENTIFIER_REGEX.match(name) is not None
+    try:
+        from packaging import requirements as _req
+    except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
+        # let's try setuptools vendored version
+        from setuptools._vendor.packaging import requirements as _req  # type: ignore
+    def pep508(value: str) -> bool:
+        try:
+            _req.Requirement(value)
+            return True
+        except _req.InvalidRequirement:
+            return False
+except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
+    _logger.warning(
+        "Could not find an installation of `packaging`. Requirements, dependencies and "
+        "versions might not be validated. "
+        "To enforce validation, please install `packaging`."
+    )
+    def pep508(value: str) -> bool:
+        return True
+def pep508_versionspec(value: str) -> bool:
+    """Expression that can be used to specify/lock versions (including ranges)"""
+    if any(c in value for c in (";", "]", "@")):
+        # In PEP 508:
+        # conditional markers, extras and URL specs are not included in the
+        # versionspec
+        return False
+    # Let's pretend we have a dependency called `requirement` with the given
+    # version spec, then we can re-use the pep508 function for validation:
+    return pep508(f"requirement{value}")
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# PEP 517
+def pep517_backend_reference(value: str) -> bool:
+    module, _, obj = value.partition(":")
+    identifiers = (i.strip() for i in _chain(module.split("."), obj.split(".")))
+    return all(python_identifier(i) for i in identifiers if i)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Classifiers - PEP 301
+def _download_classifiers() -> str:
+    import ssl
+    from email.message import Message
+    from urllib.request import urlopen
+    url = "https://pypi.org/pypi?:action=list_classifiers"
+    context = ssl.create_default_context()
+    with urlopen(url, context=context) as response:
+        headers = Message()
+        headers["content_type"] = response.getheader("content-type", "text/plain")
+        return response.read().decode(headers.get_param("charset", "utf-8"))
+class _TroveClassifier:
+    """The ``trove_classifiers`` package is the official way of validating classifiers,
+    however this package might not be always available.
+    As a workaround we can still download a list from PyPI.
+    We also don't want to be over strict about it, so simply skipping silently is an
+    option (classifiers will be validated anyway during the upload to PyPI).
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.downloaded: typing.Union[None, False, typing.Set[str]] = None
+        self._skip_download = False
+        # None => not cached yet
+        # False => cache not available
+        self.__name__ = "trove_classifier"  # Emulate a public function
+    def _disable_download(self):
+        # This is a private API. Only setuptools has the consent of using it.
+        self._skip_download = True
+    def __call__(self, value: str) -> bool:
+        if self.downloaded is False or self._skip_download is True:
+            return True
+        if os.getenv("NO_NETWORK") or os.getenv("VALIDATE_PYPROJECT_NO_NETWORK"):
+            self.downloaded = False
+            msg = (
+                "Install ``trove-classifiers`` to ensure proper validation. "
+                "Skipping download of classifiers list from PyPI (NO_NETWORK)."
+            )
+            _logger.debug(msg)
+            return True
+        if self.downloaded is None:
+            msg = (
+                "Install ``trove-classifiers`` to ensure proper validation. "
+                "Meanwhile a list of classifiers will be downloaded from PyPI."
+            )
+            _logger.debug(msg)
+            try:
+                self.downloaded = set(_download_classifiers().splitlines())
+            except Exception:
+                self.downloaded = False
+                _logger.debug("Problem with download, skipping validation")
+                return True
+        return value in self.downloaded or value.lower().startswith("private ::")
+    from trove_classifiers import classifiers as _trove_classifiers
+    def trove_classifier(value: str) -> bool:
+        return value in _trove_classifiers or value.lower().startswith("private ::")
+except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
+    trove_classifier = _TroveClassifier()
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Non-PEP related
+def url(value: str) -> bool:
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse
+    try:
+        parts = urlparse(value)
+        if not parts.scheme:
+            _logger.warning(
+                "For maximum compatibility please make sure to include a "
+                "`scheme` prefix in your URL (e.g. 'http://'). "
+                f"Given value: {value}"
+            )
+            if not (value.startswith("/") or value.startswith("\\") or "@" in value):
+                parts = urlparse(f"http://{value}")
+        return bool(parts.scheme and parts.netloc)
+    except Exception:
+        return False
+# https://packaging.python.org/specifications/entry-points/
+ENTRYPOINT_PATTERN = r"[^\[\s=]([^=]*[^\s=])?"
+def python_identifier(value: str) -> bool:
+    return value.isidentifier()
+def python_qualified_identifier(value: str) -> bool:
+    if value.startswith(".") or value.endswith("."):
+        return False
+    return all(python_identifier(m) for m in value.split("."))
+def python_module_name(value: str) -> bool:
+    return python_qualified_identifier(value)
+def python_entrypoint_group(value: str) -> bool:
+    return ENTRYPOINT_GROUP_REGEX.match(value) is not None
+def python_entrypoint_name(value: str) -> bool:
+    if not ENTRYPOINT_REGEX.match(value):
+        return False
+    if not RECOMMEDED_ENTRYPOINT_REGEX.match(value):
+        msg = f"Entry point `{value}` does not follow recommended pattern: "
+        _logger.warning(msg)
+    return True
+def python_entrypoint_reference(value: str) -> bool:
+    module, _, rest = value.partition(":")
+    if "[" in rest:
+        obj, _, extras_ = rest.partition("[")
+        if extras_.strip()[-1] != "]":
+            return False
+        extras = (x.strip() for x in extras_.strip(string.whitespace + "[]").split(","))
+        if not all(pep508_identifier(e) for e in extras):
+            return False
+        _logger.warning(f"`{value}` - using extras for entry points is not recommended")
+    else:
+        obj = rest
+    module_parts = module.split(".")
+    identifiers = _chain(module_parts, obj.split(".")) if rest else module_parts
+    return all(python_identifier(i.strip()) for i in identifiers)
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/expand.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/expand.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8db2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/expand.py
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+"""Utility functions to expand configuration directives or special values
+(such glob patterns).
+We can split the process of interpreting configuration files into 2 steps:
+1. The parsing the file contents from strings to value objects
+   that can be understand by Python (for example a string with a comma
+   separated list of keywords into an actual Python list of strings).
+2. The expansion (or post-processing) of these values according to the
+   semantics ``setuptools`` assign to them (for example a configuration field
+   with the ``file:`` directive should be expanded from a list of file paths to
+   a single string with the contents of those files concatenated)
+This module focus on the second step, and therefore allow sharing the expansion
+functions among several configuration file formats.
+**PRIVATE MODULE**: API reserved for setuptools internal usage only.
+import ast
+import importlib
+import io
+import os
+import pathlib
+import sys
+import warnings
+from glob import iglob
+from configparser import ConfigParser
+from importlib.machinery import ModuleSpec
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import (
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    Iterable,
+    Iterator,
+    List,
+    Mapping,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
+    TypeVar,
+    Union,
+    cast
+from pathlib import Path
+from types import ModuleType
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError
+from .._path import same_path as _same_path
+    from setuptools.dist import Distribution  # noqa
+    from setuptools.discovery import ConfigDiscovery  # noqa
+    from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata  # noqa
+chain_iter = chain.from_iterable
+_Path = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+_K = TypeVar("_K")
+_V = TypeVar("_V", covariant=True)
+class StaticModule:
+    """Proxy to a module object that avoids executing arbitrary code."""
+    def __init__(self, name: str, spec: ModuleSpec):
+        module = ast.parse(pathlib.Path(spec.origin).read_bytes())
+        vars(self).update(locals())
+        del self.self
+    def _find_assignments(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[ast.AST, ast.AST]]:
+        for statement in self.module.body:
+            if isinstance(statement, ast.Assign):
+                yield from ((target, statement.value) for target in statement.targets)
+            elif isinstance(statement, ast.AnnAssign) and statement.value:
+                yield (statement.target, statement.value)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        """Attempt to load an attribute "statically", via :func:`ast.literal_eval`."""
+        try:
+            return next(
+                ast.literal_eval(value)
+                for target, value in self._find_assignments()
+                if isinstance(target, ast.Name) and target.id == attr
+            )
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise AttributeError(f"{self.name} has no attribute {attr}") from e
+def glob_relative(
+    patterns: Iterable[str], root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None
+) -> List[str]:
+    """Expand the list of glob patterns, but preserving relative paths.
+    :param list[str] patterns: List of glob patterns
+    :param str root_dir: Path to which globs should be relative
+                         (current directory by default)
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    glob_characters = {'*', '?', '[', ']', '{', '}'}
+    expanded_values = []
+    root_dir = root_dir or os.getcwd()
+    for value in patterns:
+        # Has globby characters?
+        if any(char in value for char in glob_characters):
+            # then expand the glob pattern while keeping paths *relative*:
+            glob_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root_dir, value))
+            expanded_values.extend(sorted(
+                os.path.relpath(path, root_dir).replace(os.sep, "/")
+                for path in iglob(glob_path, recursive=True)))
+        else:
+            # take the value as-is
+            path = os.path.relpath(value, root_dir).replace(os.sep, "/")
+            expanded_values.append(path)
+    return expanded_values
+def read_files(filepaths: Union[str, bytes, Iterable[_Path]], root_dir=None) -> str:
+    """Return the content of the files concatenated using ``\n`` as str
+    This function is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside ``root_dir``
+    (By default ``root_dir`` is the current directory).
+    """
+    from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import always_iterable
+    root_dir = os.path.abspath(root_dir or os.getcwd())
+    _filepaths = (os.path.join(root_dir, path) for path in always_iterable(filepaths))
+    return '\n'.join(
+        _read_file(path)
+        for path in _filter_existing_files(_filepaths)
+        if _assert_local(path, root_dir)
+    )
+def _filter_existing_files(filepaths: Iterable[_Path]) -> Iterator[_Path]:
+    for path in filepaths:
+        if os.path.isfile(path):
+            yield path
+        else:
+            warnings.warn(f"File {path!r} cannot be found")
+def _read_file(filepath: Union[bytes, _Path]) -> str:
+    with io.open(filepath, encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        return f.read()
+def _assert_local(filepath: _Path, root_dir: str):
+    if Path(os.path.abspath(root_dir)) not in Path(os.path.abspath(filepath)).parents:
+        msg = f"Cannot access {filepath!r} (or anything outside {root_dir!r})"
+        raise DistutilsOptionError(msg)
+    return True
+def read_attr(
+    attr_desc: str,
+    package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
+    root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None
+    """Reads the value of an attribute from a module.
+    This function will try to read the attributed statically first
+    (via :func:`ast.literal_eval`), and only evaluate the module if it fails.
+    Examples:
+        read_attr("package.attr")
+        read_attr("package.module.attr")
+    :param str attr_desc: Dot-separated string describing how to reach the
+        attribute (see examples above)
+    :param dict[str, str] package_dir: Mapping of package names to their
+        location in disk (represented by paths relative to ``root_dir``).
+    :param str root_dir: Path to directory containing all the packages in
+        ``package_dir`` (current directory by default).
+    :rtype: str
+    """
+    root_dir = root_dir or os.getcwd()
+    attrs_path = attr_desc.strip().split('.')
+    attr_name = attrs_path.pop()
+    module_name = '.'.join(attrs_path)
+    module_name = module_name or '__init__'
+    _parent_path, path, module_name = _find_module(module_name, package_dir, root_dir)
+    spec = _find_spec(module_name, path)
+    try:
+        return getattr(StaticModule(module_name, spec), attr_name)
+    except Exception:
+        # fallback to evaluate module
+        module = _load_spec(spec, module_name)
+        return getattr(module, attr_name)
+def _find_spec(module_name: str, module_path: Optional[_Path]) -> ModuleSpec:
+    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, module_path)
+    spec = spec or importlib.util.find_spec(module_name)
+    if spec is None:
+        raise ModuleNotFoundError(module_name)
+    return spec
+def _load_spec(spec: ModuleSpec, module_name: str) -> ModuleType:
+    name = getattr(spec, "__name__", module_name)
+    if name in sys.modules:
+        return sys.modules[name]
+    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+    sys.modules[name] = module  # cache (it also ensures `==` works on loaded items)
+    spec.loader.exec_module(module)  # type: ignore
+    return module
+def _find_module(
+    module_name: str, package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]], root_dir: _Path
+) -> Tuple[_Path, Optional[str], str]:
+    """Given a module (that could normally be imported by ``module_name``
+    after the build is complete), find the path to the parent directory where
+    it is contained and the canonical name that could be used to import it
+    considering the ``package_dir`` in the build configuration and ``root_dir``
+    """
+    parent_path = root_dir
+    module_parts = module_name.split('.')
+    if package_dir:
+        if module_parts[0] in package_dir:
+            # A custom path was specified for the module we want to import
+            custom_path = package_dir[module_parts[0]]
+            parts = custom_path.rsplit('/', 1)
+            if len(parts) > 1:
+                parent_path = os.path.join(root_dir, parts[0])
+                parent_module = parts[1]
+            else:
+                parent_module = custom_path
+            module_name = ".".join([parent_module, *module_parts[1:]])
+        elif '' in package_dir:
+            # A custom parent directory was specified for all root modules
+            parent_path = os.path.join(root_dir, package_dir[''])
+    path_start = os.path.join(parent_path, *module_name.split("."))
+    candidates = chain(
+        (f"{path_start}.py", os.path.join(path_start, "__init__.py")),
+        iglob(f"{path_start}.*")
+    )
+    module_path = next((x for x in candidates if os.path.isfile(x)), None)
+    return parent_path, module_path, module_name
+def resolve_class(
+    qualified_class_name: str,
+    package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
+    root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None
+) -> Callable:
+    """Given a qualified class name, return the associated class object"""
+    root_dir = root_dir or os.getcwd()
+    idx = qualified_class_name.rfind('.')
+    class_name = qualified_class_name[idx + 1 :]
+    pkg_name = qualified_class_name[:idx]
+    _parent_path, path, module_name = _find_module(pkg_name, package_dir, root_dir)
+    module = _load_spec(_find_spec(module_name, path), module_name)
+    return getattr(module, class_name)
+def cmdclass(
+    values: Dict[str, str],
+    package_dir: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
+    root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None
+) -> Dict[str, Callable]:
+    """Given a dictionary mapping command names to strings for qualified class
+    names, apply :func:`resolve_class` to the dict values.
+    """
+    return {k: resolve_class(v, package_dir, root_dir) for k, v in values.items()}
+def find_packages(
+    *,
+    namespaces=True,
+    fill_package_dir: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
+    root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None,
+    **kwargs
+) -> List[str]:
+    """Works similarly to :func:`setuptools.find_packages`, but with all
+    arguments given as keyword arguments. Moreover, ``where`` can be given
+    as a list (the results will be simply concatenated).
+    When the additional keyword argument ``namespaces`` is ``True``, it will
+    behave like :func:`setuptools.find_namespace_packages`` (i.e. include
+    implicit namespaces as per :pep:`420`).
+    The ``where`` argument will be considered relative to ``root_dir`` (or the current
+    working directory when ``root_dir`` is not given).
+    If the ``fill_package_dir`` argument is passed, this function will consider it as a
+    similar data structure to the ``package_dir`` configuration parameter add fill-in
+    any missing package location.
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    from setuptools.discovery import construct_package_dir
+    from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen, always_iterable
+    if namespaces:
+        from setuptools.discovery import PEP420PackageFinder as PackageFinder
+    else:
+        from setuptools.discovery import PackageFinder  # type: ignore
+    root_dir = root_dir or os.curdir
+    where = kwargs.pop('where', ['.'])
+    packages: List[str] = []
+    fill_package_dir = {} if fill_package_dir is None else fill_package_dir
+    search = list(unique_everseen(always_iterable(where)))
+    if len(search) == 1 and all(not _same_path(search[0], x) for x in (".", root_dir)):
+        fill_package_dir.setdefault("", search[0])
+    for path in search:
+        package_path = _nest_path(root_dir, path)
+        pkgs = PackageFinder.find(package_path, **kwargs)
+        packages.extend(pkgs)
+        if pkgs and not (
+            fill_package_dir.get("") == path
+            or os.path.samefile(package_path, root_dir)
+        ):
+            fill_package_dir.update(construct_package_dir(pkgs, path))
+    return packages
+def _nest_path(parent: _Path, path: _Path) -> str:
+    path = parent if path in {".", ""} else os.path.join(parent, path)
+    return os.path.normpath(path)
+def version(value: Union[Callable, Iterable[Union[str, int]], str]) -> str:
+    """When getting the version directly from an attribute,
+    it should be normalised to string.
+    """
+    if callable(value):
+        value = value()
+    value = cast(Iterable[Union[str, int]], value)
+    if not isinstance(value, str):
+        if hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
+            value = '.'.join(map(str, value))
+        else:
+            value = '%s' % value
+    return value
+def canonic_package_data(package_data: dict) -> dict:
+    if "*" in package_data:
+        package_data[""] = package_data.pop("*")
+    return package_data
+def canonic_data_files(
+    data_files: Union[list, dict], root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None
+) -> List[Tuple[str, List[str]]]:
+    """For compatibility with ``setup.py``, ``data_files`` should be a list
+    of pairs instead of a dict.
+    This function also expands glob patterns.
+    """
+    if isinstance(data_files, list):
+        return data_files
+    return [
+        (dest, glob_relative(patterns, root_dir))
+        for dest, patterns in data_files.items()
+    ]
+def entry_points(text: str, text_source="entry-points") -> Dict[str, dict]:
+    """Given the contents of entry-points file,
+    process it into a 2-level dictionary (``dict[str, dict[str, str]]``).
+    The first level keys are entry-point groups, the second level keys are
+    entry-point names, and the second level values are references to objects
+    (that correspond to the entry-point value).
+    """
+    parser = ConfigParser(default_section=None, delimiters=("=",))  # type: ignore
+    parser.optionxform = str  # case sensitive
+    parser.read_string(text, text_source)
+    groups = {k: dict(v.items()) for k, v in parser.items()}
+    groups.pop(parser.default_section, None)
+    return groups
+class EnsurePackagesDiscovered:
+    """Some expand functions require all the packages to already be discovered before
+    they run, e.g. :func:`read_attr`, :func:`resolve_class`, :func:`cmdclass`.
+    Therefore in some cases we will need to run autodiscovery during the evaluation of
+    the configuration. However, it is better to postpone calling package discovery as
+    much as possible, because some parameters can influence it (e.g. ``package_dir``),
+    and those might not have been processed yet.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, distribution: "Distribution"):
+        self._dist = distribution
+        self._called = False
+    def __call__(self):
+        """Trigger the automatic package discovery, if it is still necessary."""
+        if not self._called:
+            self._called = True
+            self._dist.set_defaults(name=False)  # Skip name, we can still be parsing
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback):
+        if self._called:
+            self._dist.set_defaults.analyse_name()  # Now we can set a default name
+    def _get_package_dir(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
+        self()
+        pkg_dir = self._dist.package_dir
+        return {} if pkg_dir is None else pkg_dir
+    @property
+    def package_dir(self) -> Mapping[str, str]:
+        """Proxy to ``package_dir`` that may trigger auto-discovery when used."""
+        return LazyMappingProxy(self._get_package_dir)
+class LazyMappingProxy(Mapping[_K, _V]):
+    """Mapping proxy that delays resolving the target object, until really needed.
+    >>> def obtain_mapping():
+    ...     print("Running expensive function!")
+    ...     return {"key": "value", "other key": "other value"}
+    >>> mapping = LazyMappingProxy(obtain_mapping)
+    >>> mapping["key"]
+    Running expensive function!
+    'value'
+    >>> mapping["other key"]
+    'other value'
+    """
+    def __init__(self, obtain_mapping_value: Callable[[], Mapping[_K, _V]]):
+        self._obtain = obtain_mapping_value
+        self._value: Optional[Mapping[_K, _V]] = None
+    def _target(self) -> Mapping[_K, _V]:
+        if self._value is None:
+            self._value = self._obtain()
+        return self._value
+    def __getitem__(self, key: _K) -> _V:
+        return self._target()[key]
+    def __len__(self) -> int:
+        return len(self._target())
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_K]:
+        return iter(self._target())
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/pyprojecttoml.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/pyprojecttoml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d995f0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/pyprojecttoml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+Load setuptools configuration from ``pyproject.toml`` files.
+**PRIVATE MODULE**: API reserved for setuptools internal usage only.
+import logging
+import os
+import warnings
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from functools import partial
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Dict, Optional, Mapping, Union
+from setuptools.errors import FileError, OptionError
+from . import expand as _expand
+from ._apply_pyprojecttoml import apply as _apply
+from ._apply_pyprojecttoml import _PREVIOUSLY_DEFINED, _WouldIgnoreField
+    from setuptools.dist import Distribution  # noqa
+_Path = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def load_file(filepath: _Path) -> dict:
+    from setuptools.extern import tomli  # type: ignore
+    with open(filepath, "rb") as file:
+        return tomli.load(file)
+def validate(config: dict, filepath: _Path) -> bool:
+    from . import _validate_pyproject as validator
+    trove_classifier = validator.FORMAT_FUNCTIONS.get("trove-classifier")
+    if hasattr(trove_classifier, "_disable_download"):
+        # Improve reproducibility by default. See issue 31 for validate-pyproject.
+        trove_classifier._disable_download()  # type: ignore
+    try:
+        return validator.validate(config)
+    except validator.ValidationError as ex:
+        summary = f"configuration error: {ex.summary}"
+        if ex.name.strip("`") != "project":
+            # Probably it is just a field missing/misnamed, not worthy the verbosity...
+            _logger.debug(summary)
+            _logger.debug(ex.details)
+        error = f"invalid pyproject.toml config: {ex.name}."
+        raise ValueError(f"{error}\n{summary}") from None
+def apply_configuration(
+    dist: "Distribution",
+    filepath: _Path,
+    ignore_option_errors=False,
+) -> "Distribution":
+    """Apply the configuration from a ``pyproject.toml`` file into an existing
+    distribution object.
+    """
+    config = read_configuration(filepath, True, ignore_option_errors, dist)
+    return _apply(dist, config, filepath)
+def read_configuration(
+    filepath: _Path,
+    expand=True,
+    ignore_option_errors=False,
+    dist: Optional["Distribution"] = None,
+    """Read given configuration file and returns options from it as a dict.
+    :param str|unicode filepath: Path to configuration file in the ``pyproject.toml``
+        format.
+    :param bool expand: Whether to expand directives and other computed values
+        (i.e. post-process the given configuration)
+    :param bool ignore_option_errors: Whether to silently ignore
+        options, values of which could not be resolved (e.g. due to exceptions
+        in directives such as file:, attr:, etc.).
+        If False exceptions are propagated as expected.
+    :param Distribution|None: Distribution object to which the configuration refers.
+        If not given a dummy object will be created and discarded after the
+        configuration is read. This is used for auto-discovery of packages in the case
+        a dynamic configuration (e.g. ``attr`` or ``cmdclass``) is expanded.
+        When ``expand=False`` this object is simply ignored.
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
+    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
+        raise FileError(f"Configuration file {filepath!r} does not exist.")
+    asdict = load_file(filepath) or {}
+    project_table = asdict.get("project", {})
+    tool_table = asdict.get("tool", {})
+    setuptools_table = tool_table.get("setuptools", {})
+    if not asdict or not (project_table or setuptools_table):
+        return {}  # User is not using pyproject to configure setuptools
+    if setuptools_table:
+        # TODO: Remove the following once the feature stabilizes:
+        msg = "Support for `[tool.setuptools]` in `pyproject.toml` is still *beta*."
+        warnings.warn(msg, _BetaConfiguration)
+    # There is an overall sense in the community that making include_package_data=True
+    # the default would be an improvement.
+    # `ini2toml` backfills include_package_data=False when nothing is explicitly given,
+    # therefore setting a default here is backwards compatible.
+    orig_setuptools_table = setuptools_table.copy()
+    if dist and getattr(dist, "include_package_data") is not None:
+        setuptools_table.setdefault("include-package-data", dist.include_package_data)
+    else:
+        setuptools_table.setdefault("include-package-data", True)
+    # Persist changes:
+    asdict["tool"] = tool_table
+    tool_table["setuptools"] = setuptools_table
+    try:
+        # Don't complain about unrelated errors (e.g. tools not using the "tool" table)
+        subset = {"project": project_table, "tool": {"setuptools": setuptools_table}}
+        validate(subset, filepath)
+    except Exception as ex:
+        # TODO: Remove the following once the feature stabilizes:
+        if _skip_bad_config(project_table, orig_setuptools_table, dist):
+            return {}
+        # TODO: After the previous statement is removed the try/except can be replaced
+        # by the _ignore_errors context manager.
+        if ignore_option_errors:
+            _logger.debug(f"ignored error: {ex.__class__.__name__} - {ex}")
+        else:
+            raise  # re-raise exception
+    if expand:
+        root_dir = os.path.dirname(filepath)
+        return expand_configuration(asdict, root_dir, ignore_option_errors, dist)
+    return asdict
+def _skip_bad_config(
+    project_cfg: dict, setuptools_cfg: dict, dist: Optional["Distribution"]
+) -> bool:
+    """Be temporarily forgiving with invalid ``pyproject.toml``"""
+    # See pypa/setuptools#3199 and pypa/cibuildwheel#1064
+    if dist is None or (
+        dist.metadata.name is None
+        and dist.metadata.version is None
+        and dist.install_requires is None
+    ):
+        # It seems that the build is not getting any configuration from other places
+        return False
+    if setuptools_cfg:
+        # If `[tool.setuptools]` is set, then `pyproject.toml` config is intentional
+        return False
+    given_config = set(project_cfg.keys())
+    popular_subset = {"name", "version", "python_requires", "requires-python"}
+    if given_config <= popular_subset:
+        # It seems that the docs in cibuildtool has been inadvertently encouraging users
+        # to create `pyproject.toml` files that are not compliant with the standards.
+        # Let's be forgiving for the time being.
+        warnings.warn(_InvalidFile.message(), _InvalidFile, stacklevel=2)
+        return True
+    return False
+def expand_configuration(
+    config: dict,
+    root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None,
+    ignore_option_errors: bool = False,
+    dist: Optional["Distribution"] = None,
+) -> dict:
+    """Given a configuration with unresolved fields (e.g. dynamic, cmdclass, ...)
+    find their final values.
+    :param dict config: Dict containing the configuration for the distribution
+    :param str root_dir: Top-level directory for the distribution/project
+        (the same directory where ``pyproject.toml`` is place)
+    :param bool ignore_option_errors: see :func:`read_configuration`
+    :param Distribution|None: Distribution object to which the configuration refers.
+        If not given a dummy object will be created and discarded after the
+        configuration is read. Used in the case a dynamic configuration
+        (e.g. ``attr`` or ``cmdclass``).
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    return _ConfigExpander(config, root_dir, ignore_option_errors, dist).expand()
+class _ConfigExpander:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        config: dict,
+        root_dir: Optional[_Path] = None,
+        ignore_option_errors: bool = False,
+        dist: Optional["Distribution"] = None,
+    ):
+        self.config = config
+        self.root_dir = root_dir or os.getcwd()
+        self.project_cfg = config.get("project", {})
+        self.dynamic = self.project_cfg.get("dynamic", [])
+        self.setuptools_cfg = config.get("tool", {}).get("setuptools", {})
+        self.dynamic_cfg = self.setuptools_cfg.get("dynamic", {})
+        self.ignore_option_errors = ignore_option_errors
+        self._dist = dist
+    def _ensure_dist(self) -> "Distribution":
+        from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+        attrs = {"src_root": self.root_dir, "name": self.project_cfg.get("name", None)}
+        return self._dist or Distribution(attrs)
+    def _process_field(self, container: dict, field: str, fn: Callable):
+        if field in container:
+            with _ignore_errors(self.ignore_option_errors):
+                container[field] = fn(container[field])
+    def _canonic_package_data(self, field="package-data"):
+        package_data = self.setuptools_cfg.get(field, {})
+        return _expand.canonic_package_data(package_data)
+    def expand(self):
+        self._expand_packages()
+        self._canonic_package_data()
+        self._canonic_package_data("exclude-package-data")
+        # A distribution object is required for discovering the correct package_dir
+        dist = self._ensure_dist()
+        ctx = _EnsurePackagesDiscovered(dist, self.project_cfg, self.setuptools_cfg)
+        with ctx as ensure_discovered:
+            package_dir = ensure_discovered.package_dir
+            self._expand_data_files()
+            self._expand_cmdclass(package_dir)
+            self._expand_all_dynamic(dist, package_dir)
+        return self.config
+    def _expand_packages(self):
+        packages = self.setuptools_cfg.get("packages")
+        if packages is None or isinstance(packages, (list, tuple)):
+            return
+        find = packages.get("find")
+        if isinstance(find, dict):
+            find["root_dir"] = self.root_dir
+            find["fill_package_dir"] = self.setuptools_cfg.setdefault("package-dir", {})
+            with _ignore_errors(self.ignore_option_errors):
+                self.setuptools_cfg["packages"] = _expand.find_packages(**find)
+    def _expand_data_files(self):
+        data_files = partial(_expand.canonic_data_files, root_dir=self.root_dir)
+        self._process_field(self.setuptools_cfg, "data-files", data_files)
+    def _expand_cmdclass(self, package_dir: Mapping[str, str]):
+        root_dir = self.root_dir
+        cmdclass = partial(_expand.cmdclass, package_dir=package_dir, root_dir=root_dir)
+        self._process_field(self.setuptools_cfg, "cmdclass", cmdclass)
+    def _expand_all_dynamic(self, dist: "Distribution", package_dir: Mapping[str, str]):
+        special = (  # need special handling
+            "version",
+            "readme",
+            "entry-points",
+            "scripts",
+            "gui-scripts",
+            "classifiers",
+            "dependencies",
+            "optional-dependencies",
+        )
+        # `_obtain` functions are assumed to raise appropriate exceptions/warnings.
+        obtained_dynamic = {
+            field: self._obtain(dist, field, package_dir)
+            for field in self.dynamic
+            if field not in special
+        }
+        obtained_dynamic.update(
+            self._obtain_entry_points(dist, package_dir) or {},
+            version=self._obtain_version(dist, package_dir),
+            readme=self._obtain_readme(dist),
+            classifiers=self._obtain_classifiers(dist),
+            dependencies=self._obtain_dependencies(dist),
+            optional_dependencies=self._obtain_optional_dependencies(dist),
+        )
+        # `None` indicates there is nothing in `tool.setuptools.dynamic` but the value
+        # might have already been set by setup.py/extensions, so avoid overwriting.
+        updates = {k: v for k, v in obtained_dynamic.items() if v is not None}
+        self.project_cfg.update(updates)
+    def _ensure_previously_set(self, dist: "Distribution", field: str):
+        previous = _PREVIOUSLY_DEFINED[field](dist)
+        if previous is None and not self.ignore_option_errors:
+            msg = (
+                f"No configuration found for dynamic {field!r}.\n"
+                "Some dynamic fields need to be specified via `tool.setuptools.dynamic`"
+                "\nothers must be specified via the equivalent attribute in `setup.py`."
+            )
+            raise OptionError(msg)
+    def _expand_directive(
+        self, specifier: str, directive, package_dir: Mapping[str, str]
+    ):
+        with _ignore_errors(self.ignore_option_errors):
+            root_dir = self.root_dir
+            if "file" in directive:
+                return _expand.read_files(directive["file"], root_dir)
+            if "attr" in directive:
+                return _expand.read_attr(directive["attr"], package_dir, root_dir)
+            raise ValueError(f"invalid `{specifier}`: {directive!r}")
+        return None
+    def _obtain(self, dist: "Distribution", field: str, package_dir: Mapping[str, str]):
+        if field in self.dynamic_cfg:
+            return self._expand_directive(
+                f"tool.setuptools.dynamic.{field}",
+                self.dynamic_cfg[field],
+                package_dir,
+            )
+        self._ensure_previously_set(dist, field)
+        return None
+    def _obtain_version(self, dist: "Distribution", package_dir: Mapping[str, str]):
+        # Since plugins can set version, let's silently skip if it cannot be obtained
+        if "version" in self.dynamic and "version" in self.dynamic_cfg:
+            return _expand.version(self._obtain(dist, "version", package_dir))
+        return None
+    def _obtain_readme(self, dist: "Distribution") -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]:
+        if "readme" not in self.dynamic:
+            return None
+        dynamic_cfg = self.dynamic_cfg
+        if "readme" in dynamic_cfg:
+            return {
+                "text": self._obtain(dist, "readme", {}),
+                "content-type": dynamic_cfg["readme"].get("content-type", "text/x-rst"),
+            }
+        self._ensure_previously_set(dist, "readme")
+        return None
+    def _obtain_entry_points(
+        self, dist: "Distribution", package_dir: Mapping[str, str]
+    ) -> Optional[Dict[str, dict]]:
+        fields = ("entry-points", "scripts", "gui-scripts")
+        if not any(field in self.dynamic for field in fields):
+            return None
+        text = self._obtain(dist, "entry-points", package_dir)
+        if text is None:
+            return None
+        groups = _expand.entry_points(text)
+        expanded = {"entry-points": groups}
+        def _set_scripts(field: str, group: str):
+            if group in groups:
+                value = groups.pop(group)
+                if field not in self.dynamic:
+                    msg = _WouldIgnoreField.message(field, value)
+                    warnings.warn(msg, _WouldIgnoreField)
+                # TODO: Don't set field when support for pyproject.toml stabilizes
+                #       instead raise an error as specified in PEP 621
+                expanded[field] = value
+        _set_scripts("scripts", "console_scripts")
+        _set_scripts("gui-scripts", "gui_scripts")
+        return expanded
+    def _obtain_classifiers(self, dist: "Distribution"):
+        if "classifiers" in self.dynamic:
+            value = self._obtain(dist, "classifiers", {})
+            if value:
+                return value.splitlines()
+        return None
+    def _obtain_dependencies(self, dist: "Distribution"):
+        if "dependencies" in self.dynamic:
+            value = self._obtain(dist, "dependencies", {})
+            if value:
+                return _parse_requirements_list(value)
+        return None
+    def _obtain_optional_dependencies(self, dist: "Distribution"):
+        if "optional-dependencies" not in self.dynamic:
+            return None
+        if "optional-dependencies" in self.dynamic_cfg:
+            optional_dependencies_map = self.dynamic_cfg["optional-dependencies"]
+            assert isinstance(optional_dependencies_map, dict)
+            return {
+                group: _parse_requirements_list(self._expand_directive(
+                    f"tool.setuptools.dynamic.optional-dependencies.{group}",
+                    directive,
+                    {},
+                ))
+                for group, directive in optional_dependencies_map.items()
+            }
+        self._ensure_previously_set(dist, "optional-dependencies")
+        return None
+def _parse_requirements_list(value):
+    return [
+        line
+        for line in value.splitlines()
+        if line.strip() and not line.strip().startswith("#")
+    ]
+def _ignore_errors(ignore_option_errors: bool):
+    if not ignore_option_errors:
+        yield
+        return
+    try:
+        yield
+    except Exception as ex:
+        _logger.debug(f"ignored error: {ex.__class__.__name__} - {ex}")
+class _EnsurePackagesDiscovered(_expand.EnsurePackagesDiscovered):
+    def __init__(
+        self, distribution: "Distribution", project_cfg: dict, setuptools_cfg: dict
+    ):
+        super().__init__(distribution)
+        self._project_cfg = project_cfg
+        self._setuptools_cfg = setuptools_cfg
+    def __enter__(self):
+        """When entering the context, the values of ``packages``, ``py_modules`` and
+        ``package_dir`` that are missing in ``dist`` are copied from ``setuptools_cfg``.
+        """
+        dist, cfg = self._dist, self._setuptools_cfg
+        package_dir: Dict[str, str] = cfg.setdefault("package-dir", {})
+        package_dir.update(dist.package_dir or {})
+        dist.package_dir = package_dir  # needs to be the same object
+        dist.set_defaults._ignore_ext_modules()  # pyproject.toml-specific behaviour
+        # Set `name`, `py_modules` and `packages` in dist to short-circuit
+        # auto-discovery, but avoid overwriting empty lists purposefully set by users.
+        if dist.metadata.name is None:
+            dist.metadata.name = self._project_cfg.get("name")
+        if dist.py_modules is None:
+            dist.py_modules = cfg.get("py-modules")
+        if dist.packages is None:
+            dist.packages = cfg.get("packages")
+        return super().__enter__()
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        """When exiting the context, if values of ``packages``, ``py_modules`` and
+        ``package_dir`` are missing in ``setuptools_cfg``, copy from ``dist``.
+        """
+        # If anything was discovered set them back, so they count in the final config.
+        self._setuptools_cfg.setdefault("packages", self._dist.packages)
+        self._setuptools_cfg.setdefault("py-modules", self._dist.py_modules)
+        return super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+class _BetaConfiguration(UserWarning):
+    """Explicitly inform users that some `pyproject.toml` configuration is *beta*"""
+class _InvalidFile(UserWarning):
+    """The given `pyproject.toml` file is invalid and would be ignored.
+    !!\n\n
+    ############################
+    # Invalid `pyproject.toml` #
+    ############################
+    Any configurations in `pyproject.toml` will be ignored.
+    Please note that future releases of setuptools will halt the build process
+    if an invalid file is given.
+    To prevent setuptools from considering `pyproject.toml` please
+    DO NOT include the `[project]` or `[tool.setuptools]` tables in your file.
+    \n\n!!
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def message(cls):
+        from inspect import cleandoc
+        return cleandoc(cls.__doc__)
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/setupcfg.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/setupcfg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2a974d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/config/setupcfg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+Load setuptools configuration from ``setup.cfg`` files.
+**API will be made private in the future**
+import os
+import contextlib
+import functools
+import warnings
+from collections import defaultdict
+from functools import partial
+from functools import wraps
+from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Any, Dict, Generic, Iterable, List,
+                    Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union)
+from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsFileError
+from setuptools.extern.packaging.requirements import Requirement, InvalidRequirement
+from setuptools.extern.packaging.version import Version, InvalidVersion
+from setuptools.extern.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet
+from setuptools._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
+from . import expand
+    from setuptools.dist import Distribution  # noqa
+    from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata  # noqa
+_Path = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+SingleCommandOptions = Dict["str", Tuple["str", Any]]
+"""Dict that associate the name of the options of a particular command to a
+tuple. The first element of the tuple indicates the origin of the option value
+(e.g. the name of the configuration file where it was read from),
+while the second element of the tuple is the option value itself
+AllCommandOptions = Dict["str", SingleCommandOptions]  # cmd name => its options
+Target = TypeVar("Target", bound=Union["Distribution", "DistributionMetadata"])
+def read_configuration(
+    filepath: _Path,
+    find_others=False,
+    ignore_option_errors=False
+) -> dict:
+    """Read given configuration file and returns options from it as a dict.
+    :param str|unicode filepath: Path to configuration file
+        to get options from.
+    :param bool find_others: Whether to search for other configuration files
+        which could be on in various places.
+    :param bool ignore_option_errors: Whether to silently ignore
+        options, values of which could not be resolved (e.g. due to exceptions
+        in directives such as file:, attr:, etc.).
+        If False exceptions are propagated as expected.
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    from setuptools.dist import Distribution
+    dist = Distribution()
+    filenames = dist.find_config_files() if find_others else []
+    handlers = _apply(dist, filepath, filenames, ignore_option_errors)
+    return configuration_to_dict(handlers)
+def apply_configuration(dist: "Distribution", filepath: _Path) -> "Distribution":
+    """Apply the configuration from a ``setup.cfg`` file into an existing
+    distribution object.
+    """
+    _apply(dist, filepath)
+    dist._finalize_requires()
+    return dist
+def _apply(
+    dist: "Distribution", filepath: _Path,
+    other_files: Iterable[_Path] = (),
+    ignore_option_errors: bool = False,
+) -> Tuple["ConfigHandler", ...]:
+    """Read configuration from ``filepath`` and applies to the ``dist`` object."""
+    from setuptools.dist import _Distribution
+    filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
+    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
+        raise DistutilsFileError('Configuration file %s does not exist.' % filepath)
+    current_directory = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filepath))
+    filenames = [*other_files, filepath]
+    try:
+        _Distribution.parse_config_files(dist, filenames=filenames)
+        handlers = parse_configuration(
+            dist, dist.command_options, ignore_option_errors=ignore_option_errors
+        )
+        dist._finalize_license_files()
+    finally:
+        os.chdir(current_directory)
+    return handlers
+def _get_option(target_obj: Target, key: str):
+    """
+    Given a target object and option key, get that option from
+    the target object, either through a get_{key} method or
+    from an attribute directly.
+    """
+    getter_name = 'get_{key}'.format(**locals())
+    by_attribute = functools.partial(getattr, target_obj, key)
+    getter = getattr(target_obj, getter_name, by_attribute)
+    return getter()
+def configuration_to_dict(handlers: Tuple["ConfigHandler", ...]) -> dict:
+    """Returns configuration data gathered by given handlers as a dict.
+    :param list[ConfigHandler] handlers: Handlers list,
+        usually from parse_configuration()
+    :rtype: dict
+    """
+    config_dict: dict = defaultdict(dict)
+    for handler in handlers:
+        for option in handler.set_options:
+            value = _get_option(handler.target_obj, option)
+            config_dict[handler.section_prefix][option] = value
+    return config_dict
+def parse_configuration(
+    distribution: "Distribution",
+    command_options: AllCommandOptions,
+    ignore_option_errors=False
+) -> Tuple["ConfigMetadataHandler", "ConfigOptionsHandler"]:
+    """Performs additional parsing of configuration options
+    for a distribution.
+    Returns a list of used option handlers.
+    :param Distribution distribution:
+    :param dict command_options:
+    :param bool ignore_option_errors: Whether to silently ignore
+        options, values of which could not be resolved (e.g. due to exceptions
+        in directives such as file:, attr:, etc.).
+        If False exceptions are propagated as expected.
+    :rtype: list
+    """
+    with expand.EnsurePackagesDiscovered(distribution) as ensure_discovered:
+        options = ConfigOptionsHandler(
+            distribution,
+            command_options,
+            ignore_option_errors,
+            ensure_discovered,
+        )
+        options.parse()
+        if not distribution.package_dir:
+            distribution.package_dir = options.package_dir  # Filled by `find_packages`
+        meta = ConfigMetadataHandler(
+            distribution.metadata,
+            command_options,
+            ignore_option_errors,
+            ensure_discovered,
+            distribution.package_dir,
+            distribution.src_root,
+        )
+        meta.parse()
+    return meta, options
+def _warn_accidental_env_marker_misconfig(label: str, orig_value: str, parsed: list):
+    """Because users sometimes misinterpret this configuration:
+    [options.extras_require]
+    foo = bar;python_version<"4"
+    It looks like one requirement with an environment marker
+    but because there is no newline, it's parsed as two requirements
+    with a semicolon as separator.
+    Therefore, if:
+        * input string does not contain a newline AND
+        * parsed result contains two requirements AND
+        * parsing of the two parts from the result (";")
+        leads in a valid Requirement with a valid marker
+    a UserWarning is shown to inform the user about the possible problem.
+    """
+    if "\n" in orig_value or len(parsed) != 2:
+        return
+    with contextlib.suppress(InvalidRequirement):
+        original_requirements_str = ";".join(parsed)
+        req = Requirement(original_requirements_str)
+        if req.marker is not None:
+            msg = (
+                f"One of the parsed requirements in `{label}` "
+                f"looks like a valid environment marker: '{parsed[1]}'\n"
+                "Make sure that the config is correct and check "
+                "https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide/declarative_config.html#opt-2"  # noqa: E501
+            )
+            warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
+class ConfigHandler(Generic[Target]):
+    """Handles metadata supplied in configuration files."""
+    section_prefix: str
+    """Prefix for config sections handled by this handler.
+    Must be provided by class heirs.
+    """
+    aliases: Dict[str, str] = {}
+    """Options aliases.
+    For compatibility with various packages. E.g.: d2to1 and pbr.
+    Note: `-` in keys is replaced with `_` by config parser.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        target_obj: Target,
+        options: AllCommandOptions,
+        ignore_option_errors,
+        ensure_discovered: expand.EnsurePackagesDiscovered,
+    ):
+        sections: AllCommandOptions = {}
+        section_prefix = self.section_prefix
+        for section_name, section_options in options.items():
+            if not section_name.startswith(section_prefix):
+                continue
+            section_name = section_name.replace(section_prefix, '').strip('.')
+            sections[section_name] = section_options
+        self.ignore_option_errors = ignore_option_errors
+        self.target_obj = target_obj
+        self.sections = sections
+        self.set_options: List[str] = []
+        self.ensure_discovered = ensure_discovered
+    @property
+    def parsers(self):
+        """Metadata item name to parser function mapping."""
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            '%s must provide .parsers property' % self.__class__.__name__
+        )
+    def __setitem__(self, option_name, value):
+        unknown = tuple()
+        target_obj = self.target_obj
+        # Translate alias into real name.
+        option_name = self.aliases.get(option_name, option_name)
+        current_value = getattr(target_obj, option_name, unknown)
+        if current_value is unknown:
+            raise KeyError(option_name)
+        if current_value:
+            # Already inhabited. Skipping.
+            return
+        skip_option = False
+        parser = self.parsers.get(option_name)
+        if parser:
+            try:
+                value = parser(value)
+            except Exception:
+                skip_option = True
+                if not self.ignore_option_errors:
+                    raise
+        if skip_option:
+            return
+        setter = getattr(target_obj, 'set_%s' % option_name, None)
+        if setter is None:
+            setattr(target_obj, option_name, value)
+        else:
+            setter(value)
+        self.set_options.append(option_name)
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_list(cls, value, separator=','):
+        """Represents value as a list.
+        Value is split either by separator (defaults to comma) or by lines.
+        :param value:
+        :param separator: List items separator character.
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        if isinstance(value, list):  # _get_parser_compound case
+            return value
+        if '\n' in value:
+            value = value.splitlines()
+        else:
+            value = value.split(separator)
+        return [chunk.strip() for chunk in value if chunk.strip()]
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_dict(cls, value):
+        """Represents value as a dict.
+        :param value:
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        separator = '='
+        result = {}
+        for line in cls._parse_list(value):
+            key, sep, val = line.partition(separator)
+            if sep != separator:
+                raise DistutilsOptionError(
+                    'Unable to parse option value to dict: %s' % value
+                )
+            result[key.strip()] = val.strip()
+        return result
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_bool(cls, value):
+        """Represents value as boolean.
+        :param value:
+        :rtype: bool
+        """
+        value = value.lower()
+        return value in ('1', 'true', 'yes')
+    @classmethod
+    def _exclude_files_parser(cls, key):
+        """Returns a parser function to make sure field inputs
+        are not files.
+        Parses a value after getting the key so error messages are
+        more informative.
+        :param key:
+        :rtype: callable
+        """
+        def parser(value):
+            exclude_directive = 'file:'
+            if value.startswith(exclude_directive):
+                raise ValueError(
+                    'Only strings are accepted for the {0} field, '
+                    'files are not accepted'.format(key)
+                )
+            return value
+        return parser
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_file(cls, value, root_dir: _Path):
+        """Represents value as a string, allowing including text
+        from nearest files using `file:` directive.
+        Directive is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside
+        directory with setup.py.
+        Examples:
+            file: README.rst, CHANGELOG.md, src/file.txt
+        :param str value:
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        include_directive = 'file:'
+        if not isinstance(value, str):
+            return value
+        if not value.startswith(include_directive):
+            return value
+        spec = value[len(include_directive) :]
+        filepaths = (path.strip() for path in spec.split(','))
+        return expand.read_files(filepaths, root_dir)
+    def _parse_attr(self, value, package_dir, root_dir: _Path):
+        """Represents value as a module attribute.
+        Examples:
+            attr: package.attr
+            attr: package.module.attr
+        :param str value:
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        attr_directive = 'attr:'
+        if not value.startswith(attr_directive):
+            return value
+        attr_desc = value.replace(attr_directive, '')
+        # Make sure package_dir is populated correctly, so `attr:` directives can work
+        package_dir.update(self.ensure_discovered.package_dir)
+        return expand.read_attr(attr_desc, package_dir, root_dir)
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_parser_compound(cls, *parse_methods):
+        """Returns parser function to represents value as a list.
+        Parses a value applying given methods one after another.
+        :param parse_methods:
+        :rtype: callable
+        """
+        def parse(value):
+            parsed = value
+            for method in parse_methods:
+                parsed = method(parsed)
+            return parsed
+        return parse
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_section_to_dict_with_key(cls, section_options, values_parser):
+        """Parses section options into a dictionary.
+        Applies a given parser to each option in a section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        :param callable values_parser: function with 2 args corresponding to key, value
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        value = {}
+        for key, (_, val) in section_options.items():
+            value[key] = values_parser(key, val)
+        return value
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_section_to_dict(cls, section_options, values_parser=None):
+        """Parses section options into a dictionary.
+        Optionally applies a given parser to each value.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        :param callable values_parser: function with 1 arg corresponding to option value
+        :rtype: dict
+        """
+        parser = (lambda _, v: values_parser(v)) if values_parser else (lambda _, v: v)
+        return cls._parse_section_to_dict_with_key(section_options, parser)
+    def parse_section(self, section_options):
+        """Parses configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        for (name, (_, value)) in section_options.items():
+            with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
+                # Keep silent for a new option may appear anytime.
+                self[name] = value
+    def parse(self):
+        """Parses configuration file items from one
+        or more related sections.
+        """
+        for section_name, section_options in self.sections.items():
+            method_postfix = ''
+            if section_name:  # [section.option] variant
+                method_postfix = '_%s' % section_name
+            section_parser_method: Optional[Callable] = getattr(
+                self,
+                # Dots in section names are translated into dunderscores.
+                ('parse_section%s' % method_postfix).replace('.', '__'),
+                None,
+            )
+            if section_parser_method is None:
+                raise DistutilsOptionError(
+                    'Unsupported distribution option section: [%s.%s]'
+                    % (self.section_prefix, section_name)
+                )
+            section_parser_method(section_options)
+    def _deprecated_config_handler(self, func, msg, warning_class):
+        """this function will wrap around parameters that are deprecated
+        :param msg: deprecation message
+        :param warning_class: class of warning exception to be raised
+        :param func: function to be wrapped around
+        """
+        @wraps(func)
+        def config_handler(*args, **kwargs):
+            warnings.warn(msg, warning_class)
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+        return config_handler
+class ConfigMetadataHandler(ConfigHandler["DistributionMetadata"]):
+    section_prefix = 'metadata'
+    aliases = {
+        'home_page': 'url',
+        'summary': 'description',
+        'classifier': 'classifiers',
+        'platform': 'platforms',
+    }
+    strict_mode = False
+    """We need to keep it loose, to be partially compatible with
+    `pbr` and `d2to1` packages which also uses `metadata` section.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        target_obj: "DistributionMetadata",
+        options: AllCommandOptions,
+        ignore_option_errors: bool,
+        ensure_discovered: expand.EnsurePackagesDiscovered,
+        package_dir: Optional[dict] = None,
+        root_dir: _Path = os.curdir
+    ):
+        super().__init__(target_obj, options, ignore_option_errors, ensure_discovered)
+        self.package_dir = package_dir
+        self.root_dir = root_dir
+    @property
+    def parsers(self):
+        """Metadata item name to parser function mapping."""
+        parse_list = self._parse_list
+        parse_file = partial(self._parse_file, root_dir=self.root_dir)
+        parse_dict = self._parse_dict
+        exclude_files_parser = self._exclude_files_parser
+        return {
+            'platforms': parse_list,
+            'keywords': parse_list,
+            'provides': parse_list,
+            'requires': self._deprecated_config_handler(
+                parse_list,
+                "The requires parameter is deprecated, please use "
+                "install_requires for runtime dependencies.",
+                SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning,
+            ),
+            'obsoletes': parse_list,
+            'classifiers': self._get_parser_compound(parse_file, parse_list),
+            'license': exclude_files_parser('license'),
+            'license_file': self._deprecated_config_handler(
+                exclude_files_parser('license_file'),
+                "The license_file parameter is deprecated, "
+                "use license_files instead.",
+                SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning,
+            ),
+            'license_files': parse_list,
+            'description': parse_file,
+            'long_description': parse_file,
+            'version': self._parse_version,
+            'project_urls': parse_dict,
+        }
+    def _parse_version(self, value):
+        """Parses `version` option value.
+        :param value:
+        :rtype: str
+        """
+        version = self._parse_file(value, self.root_dir)
+        if version != value:
+            version = version.strip()
+            # Be strict about versions loaded from file because it's easy to
+            # accidentally include newlines and other unintended content
+            try:
+                Version(version)
+            except InvalidVersion:
+                tmpl = (
+                    'Version loaded from {value} does not '
+                    'comply with PEP 440: {version}'
+                )
+                raise DistutilsOptionError(tmpl.format(**locals()))
+            return version
+        return expand.version(self._parse_attr(value, self.package_dir, self.root_dir))
+class ConfigOptionsHandler(ConfigHandler["Distribution"]):
+    section_prefix = 'options'
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        target_obj: "Distribution",
+        options: AllCommandOptions,
+        ignore_option_errors: bool,
+        ensure_discovered: expand.EnsurePackagesDiscovered,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(target_obj, options, ignore_option_errors, ensure_discovered)
+        self.root_dir = target_obj.src_root
+        self.package_dir: Dict[str, str] = {}  # To be filled by `find_packages`
+    @classmethod
+    def _parse_list_semicolon(cls, value):
+        return cls._parse_list(value, separator=';')
+    def _parse_file_in_root(self, value):
+        return self._parse_file(value, root_dir=self.root_dir)
+    def _parse_requirements_list(self, label: str, value: str):
+        # Parse a requirements list, either by reading in a `file:`, or a list.
+        parsed = self._parse_list_semicolon(self._parse_file_in_root(value))
+        _warn_accidental_env_marker_misconfig(label, value, parsed)
+        # Filter it to only include lines that are not comments. `parse_list`
+        # will have stripped each line and filtered out empties.
+        return [line for line in parsed if not line.startswith("#")]
+    @property
+    def parsers(self):
+        """Metadata item name to parser function mapping."""
+        parse_list = self._parse_list
+        parse_bool = self._parse_bool
+        parse_dict = self._parse_dict
+        parse_cmdclass = self._parse_cmdclass
+        return {
+            'zip_safe': parse_bool,
+            'include_package_data': parse_bool,
+            'package_dir': parse_dict,
+            'scripts': parse_list,
+            'eager_resources': parse_list,
+            'dependency_links': parse_list,
+            'namespace_packages': self._deprecated_config_handler(
+                parse_list,
+                "The namespace_packages parameter is deprecated, "
+                "consider using implicit namespaces instead (PEP 420).",
+                SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning,
+            ),
+            'install_requires': partial(
+                self._parse_requirements_list, "install_requires"
+            ),
+            'setup_requires': self._parse_list_semicolon,
+            'tests_require': self._parse_list_semicolon,
+            'packages': self._parse_packages,
+            'entry_points': self._parse_file_in_root,
+            'py_modules': parse_list,
+            'python_requires': SpecifierSet,
+            'cmdclass': parse_cmdclass,
+        }
+    def _parse_cmdclass(self, value):
+        package_dir = self.ensure_discovered.package_dir
+        return expand.cmdclass(self._parse_dict(value), package_dir, self.root_dir)
+    def _parse_packages(self, value):
+        """Parses `packages` option value.
+        :param value:
+        :rtype: list
+        """
+        find_directives = ['find:', 'find_namespace:']
+        trimmed_value = value.strip()
+        if trimmed_value not in find_directives:
+            return self._parse_list(value)
+        # Read function arguments from a dedicated section.
+        find_kwargs = self.parse_section_packages__find(
+            self.sections.get('packages.find', {})
+        )
+        find_kwargs.update(
+            namespaces=(trimmed_value == find_directives[1]),
+            root_dir=self.root_dir,
+            fill_package_dir=self.package_dir,
+        )
+        return expand.find_packages(**find_kwargs)
+    def parse_section_packages__find(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `packages.find` configuration file section.
+        To be used in conjunction with _parse_packages().
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        section_data = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list)
+        valid_keys = ['where', 'include', 'exclude']
+        find_kwargs = dict(
+            [(k, v) for k, v in section_data.items() if k in valid_keys and v]
+        )
+        where = find_kwargs.get('where')
+        if where is not None:
+            find_kwargs['where'] = where[0]  # cast list to single val
+        return find_kwargs
+    def parse_section_entry_points(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `entry_points` configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list)
+        self['entry_points'] = parsed
+    def _parse_package_data(self, section_options):
+        package_data = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list)
+        return expand.canonic_package_data(package_data)
+    def parse_section_package_data(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `package_data` configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        self['package_data'] = self._parse_package_data(section_options)
+    def parse_section_exclude_package_data(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `exclude_package_data` configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        self['exclude_package_data'] = self._parse_package_data(section_options)
+    def parse_section_extras_require(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `extras_require` configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict_with_key(
+            section_options,
+            lambda k, v: self._parse_requirements_list(f"extras_require[{k}]", v)
+        )
+        self['extras_require'] = parsed
+    def parse_section_data_files(self, section_options):
+        """Parses `data_files` configuration file section.
+        :param dict section_options:
+        """
+        parsed = self._parse_section_to_dict(section_options, self._parse_list)
+        self['data_files'] = expand.canonic_data_files(parsed, self.root_dir)
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/depends.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/depends.py
index 8be6928..adffd12 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/depends.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/depends.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ import sys
 import marshal
 import contextlib
 import dis
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+from setuptools.extern.packaging import version
 from ._imp import find_module, PY_COMPILED, PY_FROZEN, PY_SOURCE
 from . import _imp
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ class Require:
             attribute=None, format=None):
         if format is None and requested_version is not None:
-            format = StrictVersion
+            format = version.Version
         if format is not None:
             requested_version = format(requested_version)
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class Require:
     def version_ok(self, version):
         """Is 'version' sufficiently up-to-date?"""
         return self.attribute is None or self.format is None or \
-            str(version) != "unknown" and version >= self.requested_version
+            str(version) != "unknown" and self.format(version) >= self.requested_version
     def get_version(self, paths=None, default="unknown"):
         """Get version number of installed module, 'None', or 'default'
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ class Require:
         version = self.get_version(paths)
         if version is None:
             return False
-        return self.version_ok(version)
+        return self.version_ok(str(version))
 def maybe_close(f):
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/discovery.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/discovery.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98fc2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/discovery.py
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+"""Automatic discovery of Python modules and packages (for inclusion in the
+distribution) and other config values.
+For the purposes of this module, the following nomenclature is used:
+- "src-layout": a directory representing a Python project that contains a "src"
+  folder. Everything under the "src" folder is meant to be included in the
+  distribution when packaging the project. Example::
+    .
+    ├── tox.ini
+    ├── pyproject.toml
+    └── src/
+        └── mypkg/
+            ├── __init__.py
+            ├── mymodule.py
+            └── my_data_file.txt
+- "flat-layout": a Python project that does not use "src-layout" but instead
+  have a directory under the project root for each package::
+    .
+    ├── tox.ini
+    ├── pyproject.toml
+    └── mypkg/
+        ├── __init__.py
+        ├── mymodule.py
+        └── my_data_file.txt
+- "single-module": a project that contains a single Python script direct under
+  the project root (no directory used)::
+    .
+    ├── tox.ini
+    ├── pyproject.toml
+    └── mymodule.py
+import itertools
+import os
+from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
+from glob import glob
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import (
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    Iterable,
+    Iterator,
+    List,
+    Mapping,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
+    Union
+import _distutils_hack.override  # noqa: F401
+from distutils import log
+from distutils.util import convert_path
+_Path = Union[str, os.PathLike]
+_Filter = Callable[[str], bool]
+StrIter = Iterator[str]
+chain_iter = itertools.chain.from_iterable
+    from setuptools import Distribution  # noqa
+def _valid_name(path: _Path) -> bool:
+    # Ignore invalid names that cannot be imported directly
+    return os.path.basename(path).isidentifier()
+class _Finder:
+    """Base class that exposes functionality for module/package finders"""
+    ALWAYS_EXCLUDE: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
+    DEFAULT_EXCLUDE: Tuple[str, ...] = ()
+    @classmethod
+    def find(
+        cls,
+        where: _Path = '.',
+        exclude: Iterable[str] = (),
+        include: Iterable[str] = ('*',)
+    ) -> List[str]:
+        """Return a list of all Python items (packages or modules, depending on
+        the finder implementation) found within directory 'where'.
+        'where' is the root directory which will be searched.
+        It should be supplied as a "cross-platform" (i.e. URL-style) path;
+        it will be converted to the appropriate local path syntax.
+        'exclude' is a sequence of names to exclude; '*' can be used
+        as a wildcard in the names.
+        When finding packages, 'foo.*' will exclude all subpackages of 'foo'
+        (but not 'foo' itself).
+        'include' is a sequence of names to include.
+        If it's specified, only the named items will be included.
+        If it's not specified, all found items will be included.
+        'include' can contain shell style wildcard patterns just like
+        'exclude'.
+        """
+        exclude = exclude or cls.DEFAULT_EXCLUDE
+        return list(
+            cls._find_iter(
+                convert_path(str(where)),
+                cls._build_filter(*cls.ALWAYS_EXCLUDE, *exclude),
+                cls._build_filter(*include),
+            )
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def _find_iter(cls, where: _Path, exclude: _Filter, include: _Filter) -> StrIter:
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    @staticmethod
+    def _build_filter(*patterns: str) -> _Filter:
+        """
+        Given a list of patterns, return a callable that will be true only if
+        the input matches at least one of the patterns.
+        """
+        return lambda name: any(fnmatchcase(name, pat) for pat in patterns)
+class PackageFinder(_Finder):
+    """
+    Generate a list of all Python packages found within a directory
+    """
+    ALWAYS_EXCLUDE = ("ez_setup", "*__pycache__")
+    @classmethod
+    def _find_iter(cls, where: _Path, exclude: _Filter, include: _Filter) -> StrIter:
+        """
+        All the packages found in 'where' that pass the 'include' filter, but
+        not the 'exclude' filter.
+        """
+        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(str(where), followlinks=True):
+            # Copy dirs to iterate over it, then empty dirs.
+            all_dirs = dirs[:]
+            dirs[:] = []
+            for dir in all_dirs:
+                full_path = os.path.join(root, dir)
+                rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, where)
+                package = rel_path.replace(os.path.sep, '.')
+                # Skip directory trees that are not valid packages
+                if '.' in dir or not cls._looks_like_package(full_path, package):
+                    continue
+                # Should this package be included?
+                if include(package) and not exclude(package):
+                    yield package
+                # Keep searching subdirectories, as there may be more packages
+                # down there, even if the parent was excluded.
+                dirs.append(dir)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _looks_like_package(path: _Path, _package_name: str) -> bool:
+        """Does a directory look like a package?"""
+        return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, '__init__.py'))
+class PEP420PackageFinder(PackageFinder):
+    @staticmethod
+    def _looks_like_package(_path: _Path, _package_name: str) -> bool:
+        return True
+class ModuleFinder(_Finder):
+    """Find isolated Python modules.
+    This function will **not** recurse subdirectories.
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def _find_iter(cls, where: _Path, exclude: _Filter, include: _Filter) -> StrIter:
+        for file in glob(os.path.join(where, "*.py")):
+            module, _ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))
+            if not cls._looks_like_module(module):
+                continue
+            if include(module) and not exclude(module):
+                yield module
+    _looks_like_module = staticmethod(_valid_name)
+# We have to be extra careful in the case of flat layout to not include files
+# and directories not meant for distribution (e.g. tool-related)
+class FlatLayoutPackageFinder(PEP420PackageFinder):
+    _EXCLUDE = (
+        "ci",
+        "bin",
+        "doc",
+        "docs",
+        "documentation",
+        "manpages",
+        "news",
+        "changelog",
+        "test",
+        "tests",
+        "unit_test",
+        "unit_tests",
+        "example",
+        "examples",
+        "scripts",
+        "tools",
+        "util",
+        "utils",
+        "python",
+        "build",
+        "dist",
+        "venv",
+        "env",
+        "requirements",
+        # ---- Task runners / Build tools ----
+        "tasks",  # invoke
+        "fabfile",  # fabric
+        "site_scons",  # SCons
+        # ---- Other tools ----
+        "benchmark",
+        "benchmarks",
+        "exercise",
+        "exercises",
+        # ---- Hidden directories/Private packages ----
+        "[._]*",
+    )
+    DEFAULT_EXCLUDE = tuple(chain_iter((p, f"{p}.*") for p in _EXCLUDE))
+    """Reserved package names"""
+    @staticmethod
+    def _looks_like_package(_path: _Path, package_name: str) -> bool:
+        names = package_name.split('.')
+        # Consider PEP 561
+        root_pkg_is_valid = names[0].isidentifier() or names[0].endswith("-stubs")
+        return root_pkg_is_valid and all(name.isidentifier() for name in names[1:])
+class FlatLayoutModuleFinder(ModuleFinder):
+        "setup",
+        "conftest",
+        "test",
+        "tests",
+        "example",
+        "examples",
+        "build",
+        # ---- Task runners ----
+        "toxfile",
+        "noxfile",
+        "pavement",
+        "dodo",
+        "tasks",
+        "fabfile",
+        # ---- Other tools ----
+        "[Ss][Cc]onstruct",  # SCons
+        "conanfile",  # Connan: C/C++ build tool
+        "manage",  # Django
+        "benchmark",
+        "benchmarks",
+        "exercise",
+        "exercises",
+        # ---- Hidden files/Private modules ----
+        "[._]*",
+    )
+    """Reserved top-level module names"""
+def _find_packages_within(root_pkg: str, pkg_dir: _Path) -> List[str]:
+    nested = PEP420PackageFinder.find(pkg_dir)
+    return [root_pkg] + [".".join((root_pkg, n)) for n in nested]
+class ConfigDiscovery:
+    """Fill-in metadata and options that can be automatically derived
+    (from other metadata/options, the file system or conventions)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, distribution: "Distribution"):
+        self.dist = distribution
+        self._called = False
+        self._disabled = False
+        self._skip_ext_modules = False
+    def _disable(self):
+        """Internal API to disable automatic discovery"""
+        self._disabled = True
+    def _ignore_ext_modules(self):
+        """Internal API to disregard ext_modules.
+        Normally auto-discovery would not be triggered if ``ext_modules`` are set
+        (this is done for backward compatibility with existing packages relying on
+        ``setup.py`` or ``setup.cfg``). However, ``setuptools`` can call this function
+        to ignore given ``ext_modules`` and proceed with the auto-discovery if
+        ``packages`` and ``py_modules`` are not given (e.g. when using pyproject.toml
+        metadata).
+        """
+        self._skip_ext_modules = True
+    @property
+    def _root_dir(self) -> _Path:
+        # The best is to wait until `src_root` is set in dist, before using _root_dir.
+        return self.dist.src_root or os.curdir
+    @property
+    def _package_dir(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
+        if self.dist.package_dir is None:
+            return {}
+        return self.dist.package_dir
+    def __call__(self, force=False, name=True, ignore_ext_modules=False):
+        """Automatically discover missing configuration fields
+        and modifies the given ``distribution`` object in-place.
+        Note that by default this will only have an effect the first time the
+        ``ConfigDiscovery`` object is called.
+        To repeatedly invoke automatic discovery (e.g. when the project
+        directory changes), please use ``force=True`` (or create a new
+        ``ConfigDiscovery`` instance).
+        """
+        if force is False and (self._called or self._disabled):
+            # Avoid overhead of multiple calls
+            return
+        self._analyse_package_layout(ignore_ext_modules)
+        if name:
+            self.analyse_name()  # depends on ``packages`` and ``py_modules``
+        self._called = True
+    def _explicitly_specified(self, ignore_ext_modules: bool) -> bool:
+        """``True`` if the user has specified some form of package/module listing"""
+        ignore_ext_modules = ignore_ext_modules or self._skip_ext_modules
+        ext_modules = not (self.dist.ext_modules is None or ignore_ext_modules)
+        return (
+            self.dist.packages is not None
+            or self.dist.py_modules is not None
+            or ext_modules
+            or hasattr(self.dist, "configuration") and self.dist.configuration
+            # ^ Some projects use numpy.distutils.misc_util.Configuration
+        )
+    def _analyse_package_layout(self, ignore_ext_modules: bool) -> bool:
+        if self._explicitly_specified(ignore_ext_modules):
+            # For backward compatibility, just try to find modules/packages
+            # when nothing is given
+            return True
+        log.debug(
+            "No `packages` or `py_modules` configuration, performing "
+            "automatic discovery."
+        )
+        return (
+            self._analyse_explicit_layout()
+            or self._analyse_src_layout()
+            # flat-layout is the trickiest for discovery so it should be last
+            or self._analyse_flat_layout()
+        )
+    def _analyse_explicit_layout(self) -> bool:
+        """The user can explicitly give a package layout via ``package_dir``"""
+        package_dir = self._package_dir.copy()  # don't modify directly
+        package_dir.pop("", None)  # This falls under the "src-layout" umbrella
+        root_dir = self._root_dir
+        if not package_dir:
+            return False
+        log.debug(f"`explicit-layout` detected -- analysing {package_dir}")
+        pkgs = chain_iter(
+            _find_packages_within(pkg, os.path.join(root_dir, parent_dir))
+            for pkg, parent_dir in package_dir.items()
+        )
+        self.dist.packages = list(pkgs)
+        log.debug(f"discovered packages -- {self.dist.packages}")
+        return True
+    def _analyse_src_layout(self) -> bool:
+        """Try to find all packages or modules under the ``src`` directory
+        (or anything pointed by ``package_dir[""]``).
+        The "src-layout" is relatively safe for automatic discovery.
+        We assume that everything within is meant to be included in the
+        distribution.
+        If ``package_dir[""]`` is not given, but the ``src`` directory exists,
+        this function will set ``package_dir[""] = "src"``.
+        """
+        package_dir = self._package_dir
+        src_dir = os.path.join(self._root_dir, package_dir.get("", "src"))
+        if not os.path.isdir(src_dir):
+            return False
+        log.debug(f"`src-layout` detected -- analysing {src_dir}")
+        package_dir.setdefault("", os.path.basename(src_dir))
+        self.dist.package_dir = package_dir  # persist eventual modifications
+        self.dist.packages = PEP420PackageFinder.find(src_dir)
+        self.dist.py_modules = ModuleFinder.find(src_dir)
+        log.debug(f"discovered packages -- {self.dist.packages}")
+        log.debug(f"discovered py_modules -- {self.dist.py_modules}")
+        return True
+    def _analyse_flat_layout(self) -> bool:
+        """Try to find all packages and modules under the project root.
+        Since the ``flat-layout`` is more dangerous in terms of accidentally including
+        extra files/directories, this function is more conservative and will raise an
+        error if multiple packages or modules are found.
+        This assumes that multi-package dists are uncommon and refuse to support that
+        use case in order to be able to prevent unintended errors.
+        """
+        log.debug(f"`flat-layout` detected -- analysing {self._root_dir}")
+        return self._analyse_flat_packages() or self._analyse_flat_modules()
+    def _analyse_flat_packages(self) -> bool:
+        self.dist.packages = FlatLayoutPackageFinder.find(self._root_dir)
+        top_level = remove_nested_packages(remove_stubs(self.dist.packages))
+        log.debug(f"discovered packages -- {self.dist.packages}")
+        self._ensure_no_accidental_inclusion(top_level, "packages")
+        return bool(top_level)
+    def _analyse_flat_modules(self) -> bool:
+        self.dist.py_modules = FlatLayoutModuleFinder.find(self._root_dir)
+        log.debug(f"discovered py_modules -- {self.dist.py_modules}")
+        self._ensure_no_accidental_inclusion(self.dist.py_modules, "modules")
+        return bool(self.dist.py_modules)
+    def _ensure_no_accidental_inclusion(self, detected: List[str], kind: str):
+        if len(detected) > 1:
+            from inspect import cleandoc
+            from setuptools.errors import PackageDiscoveryError
+            msg = f"""Multiple top-level {kind} discovered in a flat-layout: {detected}.
+            To avoid accidental inclusion of unwanted files or directories,
+            setuptools will not proceed with this build.
+            If you are trying to create a single distribution with multiple {kind}
+            on purpose, you should not rely on automatic discovery.
+            Instead, consider the following options:
+            1. set up custom discovery (`find` directive with `include` or `exclude`)
+            2. use a `src-layout`
+            3. explicitly set `py_modules` or `packages` with a list of names
+            To find more information, look for "package discovery" on setuptools docs.
+            """
+            raise PackageDiscoveryError(cleandoc(msg))
+    def analyse_name(self):
+        """The packages/modules are the essential contribution of the author.
+        Therefore the name of the distribution can be derived from them.
+        """
+        if self.dist.metadata.name or self.dist.name:
+            # get_name() is not reliable (can return "UNKNOWN")
+            return None
+        log.debug("No `name` configuration, performing automatic discovery")
+        name = (
+            self._find_name_single_package_or_module()
+            or self._find_name_from_packages()
+        )
+        if name:
+            self.dist.metadata.name = name
+    def _find_name_single_package_or_module(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        """Exactly one module or package"""
+        for field in ('packages', 'py_modules'):
+            items = getattr(self.dist, field, None) or []
+            if items and len(items) == 1:
+                log.debug(f"Single module/package detected, name: {items[0]}")
+                return items[0]
+        return None
+    def _find_name_from_packages(self) -> Optional[str]:
+        """Try to find the root package that is not a PEP 420 namespace"""
+        if not self.dist.packages:
+            return None
+        packages = remove_stubs(sorted(self.dist.packages, key=len))
+        package_dir = self.dist.package_dir or {}
+        parent_pkg = find_parent_package(packages, package_dir, self._root_dir)
+        if parent_pkg:
+            log.debug(f"Common parent package detected, name: {parent_pkg}")
+            return parent_pkg
+        log.warn("No parent package detected, impossible to derive `name`")
+        return None
+def remove_nested_packages(packages: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+    """Remove nested packages from a list of packages.
+    >>> remove_nested_packages(["a", "a.b1", "a.b2", "a.b1.c1"])
+    ['a']
+    >>> remove_nested_packages(["a", "b", "c.d", "c.d.e.f", "g.h", "a.a1"])
+    ['a', 'b', 'c.d', 'g.h']
+    """
+    pkgs = sorted(packages, key=len)
+    top_level = pkgs[:]
+    size = len(pkgs)
+    for i, name in enumerate(reversed(pkgs)):
+        if any(name.startswith(f"{other}.") for other in top_level):
+            top_level.pop(size - i - 1)
+    return top_level
+def remove_stubs(packages: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+    """Remove type stubs (:pep:`561`) from a list of packages.
+    >>> remove_stubs(["a", "a.b", "a-stubs", "a-stubs.b.c", "b", "c-stubs"])
+    ['a', 'a.b', 'b']
+    """
+    return [pkg for pkg in packages if not pkg.split(".")[0].endswith("-stubs")]
+def find_parent_package(
+    packages: List[str], package_dir: Mapping[str, str], root_dir: _Path
+) -> Optional[str]:
+    """Find the parent package that is not a namespace."""
+    packages = sorted(packages, key=len)
+    common_ancestors = []
+    for i, name in enumerate(packages):
+        if not all(n.startswith(f"{name}.") for n in packages[i+1:]):
+            # Since packages are sorted by length, this condition is able
+            # to find a list of all common ancestors.
+            # When there is divergence (e.g. multiple root packages)
+            # the list will be empty
+            break
+        common_ancestors.append(name)
+    for name in common_ancestors:
+        pkg_path = find_package_path(name, package_dir, root_dir)
+        init = os.path.join(pkg_path, "__init__.py")
+        if os.path.isfile(init):
+            return name
+    return None
+def find_package_path(
+    name: str, package_dir: Mapping[str, str], root_dir: _Path
+) -> str:
+    """Given a package name, return the path where it should be found on
+    disk, considering the ``package_dir`` option.
+    >>> path = find_package_path("my.pkg", {"": "root/is/nested"}, ".")
+    >>> path.replace(os.sep, "/")
+    './root/is/nested/my/pkg'
+    >>> path = find_package_path("my.pkg", {"my": "root/is/nested"}, ".")
+    >>> path.replace(os.sep, "/")
+    './root/is/nested/pkg'
+    >>> path = find_package_path("my.pkg", {"my.pkg": "root/is/nested"}, ".")
+    >>> path.replace(os.sep, "/")
+    './root/is/nested'
+    >>> path = find_package_path("other.pkg", {"my.pkg": "root/is/nested"}, ".")
+    >>> path.replace(os.sep, "/")
+    './other/pkg'
+    """
+    parts = name.split(".")
+    for i in range(len(parts), 0, -1):
+        # Look backwards, the most specific package_dir first
+        partial_name = ".".join(parts[:i])
+        if partial_name in package_dir:
+            parent = package_dir[partial_name]
+            return os.path.join(root_dir, parent, *parts[i:])
+    parent = package_dir.get("") or ""
+    return os.path.join(root_dir, *parent.split("/"), *parts)
+def construct_package_dir(packages: List[str], package_path: _Path) -> Dict[str, str]:
+    parent_pkgs = remove_nested_packages(packages)
+    prefix = Path(package_path).parts
+    return {pkg: "/".join([*prefix, *pkg.split(".")]) for pkg in parent_pkgs}
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py
index df071c1..8242354 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/dist.py
@@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ from glob import iglob
 import itertools
 import textwrap
 from typing import List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
+from pathlib import Path
 from collections import defaultdict
 from email import message_from_file
 from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsSetupError
 from distutils.util import rfc822_escape
-from distutils.version import StrictVersion
 from setuptools.extern import packaging
 from setuptools.extern import ordered_set
-from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen
+from setuptools.extern.more_itertools import unique_everseen, partition
+from ._importlib import metadata
 from . import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
@@ -37,8 +39,13 @@ import setuptools
 import setuptools.command
 from setuptools import windows_support
 from setuptools.monkey import get_unpatched
-from setuptools.config import parse_configuration
+from setuptools.config import setupcfg, pyprojecttoml
+from setuptools.discovery import ConfigDiscovery
 import pkg_resources
+from setuptools.extern.packaging import version
+from . import _reqs
+from . import _entry_points
     from email.message import Message
@@ -55,7 +62,7 @@ def _get_unpatched(cls):
 def get_metadata_version(self):
     mv = getattr(self, 'metadata_version', None)
     if mv is None:
-        mv = StrictVersion('2.1')
+        mv = version.Version('2.1')
         self.metadata_version = mv
     return mv
@@ -65,9 +72,7 @@ def rfc822_unescape(content: str) -> str:
     lines = content.splitlines()
     if len(lines) == 1:
         return lines[0].lstrip()
-    return '\n'.join(
-        (lines[0].lstrip(),
-         textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:]))))
+    return '\n'.join((lines[0].lstrip(), textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:]))))
 def _read_field_from_msg(msg: "Message", field: str) -> Optional[str]:
@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ def _read_list_from_msg(msg: "Message", field: str) -> Optional[List[str]]:
 def _read_payload_from_msg(msg: "Message") -> Optional[str]:
     value = msg.get_payload().strip()
-    if value == 'UNKNOWN':
+    if value == 'UNKNOWN' or not value:
         return None
     return value
@@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ def read_pkg_file(self, file):
     """Reads the metadata values from a file object."""
     msg = message_from_file(file)
-    self.metadata_version = StrictVersion(msg['metadata-version'])
+    self.metadata_version = version.Version(msg['metadata-version'])
     self.name = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'name')
     self.version = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'version')
     self.description = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'summary')
@@ -115,15 +120,14 @@ def read_pkg_file(self, file):
     self.author_email = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'author-email')
     self.maintainer_email = None
     self.url = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'home-page')
+    self.download_url = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'download-url')
     self.license = _read_field_unescaped_from_msg(msg, 'license')
-    if 'download-url' in msg:
-        self.download_url = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'download-url')
-    else:
-        self.download_url = None
     self.long_description = _read_field_unescaped_from_msg(msg, 'description')
-    if self.long_description is None and self.metadata_version >= StrictVersion('2.1'):
+    if (
+        self.long_description is None and
+        self.metadata_version >= version.Version('2.1')
+    ):
         self.long_description = _read_payload_from_msg(msg)
     self.description = _read_field_from_msg(msg, 'summary')
@@ -134,7 +138,7 @@ def read_pkg_file(self, file):
     self.classifiers = _read_list_from_msg(msg, 'classifier')
     # PEP 314 - these fields only exist in 1.1
-    if self.metadata_version == StrictVersion('1.1'):
+    if self.metadata_version == version.Version('1.1'):
         self.requires = _read_list_from_msg(msg, 'requires')
         self.provides = _read_list_from_msg(msg, 'provides')
         self.obsoletes = _read_list_from_msg(msg, 'obsoletes')
@@ -147,18 +151,20 @@ def read_pkg_file(self, file):
 def single_line(val):
-    # quick and dirty validation for description pypa/setuptools#1390
+    """
+    Quick and dirty validation for Summary pypa/setuptools#1390.
+    """
     if '\n' in val:
-        # TODO after 2021-07-31: Replace with `raise ValueError("newlines not allowed")`
+        # TODO: Replace with `raise ValueError("newlines not allowed")`
+        # after reviewing #2893.
         warnings.warn("newlines not allowed and will break in the future")
-        val = val.replace('\n', ' ')
+        val = val.strip().split('\n')[0]
     return val
 # Based on Python 3.5 version
 def write_pkg_file(self, file):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (14)  # FIXME
-    """Write the PKG-INFO format data to a file object.
-    """
+    """Write the PKG-INFO format data to a file object."""
     version = self.get_metadata_version()
     def write_field(key, value):
@@ -167,10 +173,14 @@ def write_pkg_file(self, file):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (14)  # FIXME
     write_field('Metadata-Version', str(version))
     write_field('Name', self.get_name())
     write_field('Version', self.get_version())
-    write_field('Summary', single_line(self.get_description()))
-    write_field('Home-page', self.get_url())
+    summary = self.get_description()
+    if summary:
+        write_field('Summary', single_line(summary))
     optional_fields = (
+        ('Home-page', 'url'),
+        ('Download-URL', 'download_url'),
         ('Author', 'author'),
         ('Author-email', 'author_email'),
         ('Maintainer', 'maintainer'),
@@ -182,10 +192,10 @@ def write_pkg_file(self, file):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (14)  # FIXME
         if attr_val is not None:
             write_field(field, attr_val)
-    license = rfc822_escape(self.get_license())
-    write_field('License', license)
-    if self.download_url:
-        write_field('Download-URL', self.download_url)
+    license = self.get_license()
+    if license:
+        write_field('License', rfc822_escape(license))
     for project_url in self.project_urls.items():
         write_field('Project-URL', '%s, %s' % project_url)
@@ -193,7 +203,8 @@ def write_pkg_file(self, file):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (14)  # FIXME
     if keywords:
         write_field('Keywords', keywords)
-    for platform in self.get_platforms():
+    platforms = self.get_platforms() or []
+    for platform in platforms:
         write_field('Platform', platform)
     self._write_list(file, 'Classifier', self.get_classifiers())
@@ -209,17 +220,18 @@ def write_pkg_file(self, file):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (14)  # FIXME
     # PEP 566
     if self.long_description_content_type:
-        write_field(
-            'Description-Content-Type',
-            self.long_description_content_type
-        )
+        write_field('Description-Content-Type', self.long_description_content_type)
     if self.provides_extras:
         for extra in self.provides_extras:
             write_field('Provides-Extra', extra)
     self._write_list(file, 'License-File', self.license_files or [])
-    file.write("\n%s\n\n" % self.get_long_description())
+    long_description = self.get_long_description()
+    if long_description:
+        file.write("\n%s" % long_description)
+        if not long_description.endswith("\n"):
+            file.write("\n")
 sequence = tuple, list
@@ -227,12 +239,11 @@ sequence = tuple, list
 def check_importable(dist, attr, value):
-        ep = pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse('x=' + value)
+        ep = metadata.EntryPoint(value=value, name=None, group=None)
         assert not ep.extras
     except (TypeError, ValueError, AttributeError, AssertionError) as e:
         raise DistutilsSetupError(
-            "%r must be importable 'module:attrs' string (got %r)"
-            % (attr, value)
+            "%r must be importable 'module:attrs' string (got %r)" % (attr, value)
         ) from e
@@ -257,15 +268,22 @@ def check_nsp(dist, attr, value):
     for nsp in ns_packages:
         if not dist.has_contents_for(nsp):
             raise DistutilsSetupError(
-                "Distribution contains no modules or packages for " +
-                "namespace package %r" % nsp
+                "Distribution contains no modules or packages for "
+                + "namespace package %r" % nsp
         parent, sep, child = nsp.rpartition('.')
         if parent and parent not in ns_packages:
                 "WARNING: %r is declared as a package namespace, but %r"
-                " is not: please correct this in setup.py", nsp, parent
+                " is not: please correct this in setup.py",
+                nsp,
+                parent,
+        msg = (
+            "The namespace_packages parameter is deprecated, "
+            "consider using implicit namespaces instead (PEP 420)."
+        )
+        warnings.warn(msg, SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning)
 def check_extras(dist, attr, value):
@@ -284,7 +302,7 @@ def _check_extra(extra, reqs):
     name, sep, marker = extra.partition(':')
     if marker and pkg_resources.invalid_marker(marker):
         raise DistutilsSetupError("Invalid environment marker: " + marker)
-    list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(reqs))
+    list(_reqs.parse(reqs))
 def assert_bool(dist, attr, value):
@@ -294,10 +312,17 @@ def assert_bool(dist, attr, value):
         raise DistutilsSetupError(tmpl.format(attr=attr, value=value))
+def invalid_unless_false(dist, attr, value):
+    if not value:
+        warnings.warn(f"{attr} is ignored.", DistDeprecationWarning)
+        return
+    raise DistutilsSetupError(f"{attr} is invalid.")
 def check_requirements(dist, attr, value):
     """Verify that install_requires is a valid requirements list"""
-        list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(value))
+        list(_reqs.parse(value))
         if isinstance(value, (dict, set)):
             raise TypeError("Unordered types are not allowed")
     except (TypeError, ValueError) as error:
@@ -305,9 +330,7 @@ def check_requirements(dist, attr, value):
             "{attr!r} must be a string or list of strings "
             "containing valid project/version requirement specifiers; {error}"
-        raise DistutilsSetupError(
-            tmpl.format(attr=attr, error=error)
-        ) from error
+        raise DistutilsSetupError(tmpl.format(attr=attr, error=error)) from error
 def check_specifier(dist, attr, value):
@@ -316,19 +339,16 @@ def check_specifier(dist, attr, value):
     except (packaging.specifiers.InvalidSpecifier, AttributeError) as error:
         tmpl = (
-            "{attr!r} must be a string "
-            "containing valid version specifiers; {error}"
+            "{attr!r} must be a string " "containing valid version specifiers; {error}"
-        raise DistutilsSetupError(
-            tmpl.format(attr=attr, error=error)
-        ) from error
+        raise DistutilsSetupError(tmpl.format(attr=attr, error=error)) from error
 def check_entry_points(dist, attr, value):
     """Verify that entry_points map is parseable"""
-        pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse_map(value)
-    except ValueError as e:
+        _entry_points.load(value)
+    except Exception as e:
         raise DistutilsSetupError(e) from e
@@ -342,12 +362,12 @@ def check_package_data(dist, attr, value):
     if not isinstance(value, dict):
         raise DistutilsSetupError(
             "{!r} must be a dictionary mapping package names to lists of "
-            "string wildcard patterns".format(attr))
+            "string wildcard patterns".format(attr)
+        )
     for k, v in value.items():
         if not isinstance(k, str):
             raise DistutilsSetupError(
-                "keys of {!r} dict must be strings (got {!r})"
-                .format(attr, k)
+                "keys of {!r} dict must be strings (got {!r})".format(attr, k)
         assert_string_list(dist, 'values of {!r} dict'.format(attr), v)
@@ -357,7 +377,8 @@ def check_packages(dist, attr, value):
         if not re.match(r'\w+(\.\w+)*', pkgname):
                 "WARNING: %r not a valid package name; please use only "
-                ".-separated package names in setup.py", pkgname
+                ".-separated package names in setup.py",
+                pkgname,
@@ -450,19 +471,44 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         self.dependency_links = attrs.pop('dependency_links', [])
         self.setup_requires = attrs.pop('setup_requires', [])
-        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('distutils.setup_keywords'):
+        for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.setup_keywords'):
             vars(self).setdefault(ep.name, None)
-        _Distribution.__init__(self, {
-            k: v for k, v in attrs.items()
-            if k not in self._DISTUTILS_UNSUPPORTED_METADATA
-        })
+        _Distribution.__init__(
+            self,
+            {
+                k: v
+                for k, v in attrs.items()
+                if k not in self._DISTUTILS_UNSUPPORTED_METADATA
+            },
+        )
+        # Save the original dependencies before they are processed into the egg format
+        self._orig_extras_require = {}
+        self._orig_install_requires = []
+        self._tmp_extras_require = defaultdict(ordered_set.OrderedSet)
+        self.set_defaults = ConfigDiscovery(self)
         self.metadata.version = self._normalize_version(
-            self._validate_version(self.metadata.version))
+            self._validate_version(self.metadata.version)
+        )
+    def _validate_metadata(self):
+        required = {"name"}
+        provided = {
+            key
+            for key in vars(self.metadata)
+            if getattr(self.metadata, key, None) is not None
+        }
+        missing = required - provided
+        if missing:
+            msg = f"Required package metadata is missing: {missing}"
+            raise DistutilsSetupError(msg)
     def _set_metadata_defaults(self, attrs):
         Fill-in missing metadata fields not supported by distutils.
@@ -513,6 +559,8 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             self.metadata.python_requires = self.python_requires
         if getattr(self, 'extras_require', None):
+            # Save original before it is messed by _convert_extras_requirements
+            self._orig_extras_require = self._orig_extras_require or self.extras_require
             for extra in self.extras_require.keys():
                 # Since this gets called multiple times at points where the
                 # keys have become 'converted' extras, ensure that we are only
@@ -521,6 +569,10 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
                 if extra:
+        if getattr(self, 'install_requires', None) and not self._orig_install_requires:
+            # Save original before it is messed by _move_install_requirements_markers
+            self._orig_install_requires = self.install_requires
@@ -531,11 +583,12 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         `"extra:{marker}": ["barbazquux"]`.
         spec_ext_reqs = getattr(self, 'extras_require', None) or {}
-        self._tmp_extras_require = defaultdict(list)
+        tmp = defaultdict(ordered_set.OrderedSet)
+        self._tmp_extras_require = getattr(self, '_tmp_extras_require', tmp)
         for section, v in spec_ext_reqs.items():
             # Do not strip empty sections.
-            for r in pkg_resources.parse_requirements(v):
+            for r in _reqs.parse(v):
                 suffix = self._suffix_for(r)
                 self._tmp_extras_require[section + suffix].append(r)
@@ -561,7 +614,7 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             return not req.marker
         spec_inst_reqs = getattr(self, 'install_requires', None) or ()
-        inst_reqs = list(pkg_resources.parse_requirements(spec_inst_reqs))
+        inst_reqs = list(_reqs.parse(spec_inst_reqs))
         simple_reqs = filter(is_simple_req, inst_reqs)
         complex_reqs = itertools.filterfalse(is_simple_req, inst_reqs)
         self.install_requires = list(map(str, simple_reqs))
@@ -569,7 +622,8 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         for r in complex_reqs:
             self._tmp_extras_require[':' + str(r.marker)].append(r)
         self.extras_require = dict(
-            (k, [str(r) for r in map(self._clean_req, v)])
+            # list(dict.fromkeys(...))  ensures a list of unique strings
+            (k, list(dict.fromkeys(str(r) for r in map(self._clean_req, v))))
             for k, v in self._tmp_extras_require.items()
@@ -596,7 +650,8 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             patterns = ('LICEN[CS]E*', 'COPYING*', 'NOTICE*', 'AUTHORS*')
         self.metadata.license_files = list(
-            unique_everseen(self._expand_patterns(patterns)))
+            unique_everseen(self._expand_patterns(patterns))
+        )
     def _expand_patterns(patterns):
@@ -610,8 +665,7 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             for pattern in patterns
             for path in sorted(iglob(pattern))
-            if not path.endswith('~')
-            and os.path.isfile(path)
+            if not path.endswith('~') and os.path.isfile(path)
     # FIXME: 'Distribution._parse_config_files' is too complex (14)
@@ -624,12 +678,25 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         from configparser import ConfigParser
         # Ignore install directory options if we have a venv
-        ignore_options = [] if sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix else [
-            'install-base', 'install-platbase', 'install-lib',
-            'install-platlib', 'install-purelib', 'install-headers',
-            'install-scripts', 'install-data', 'prefix', 'exec-prefix',
-            'home', 'user', 'root',
-        ]
+        ignore_options = (
+            []
+            if sys.prefix == sys.base_prefix
+            else [
+                'install-base',
+                'install-platbase',
+                'install-lib',
+                'install-platlib',
+                'install-purelib',
+                'install-headers',
+                'install-scripts',
+                'install-data',
+                'prefix',
+                'exec-prefix',
+                'home',
+                'user',
+                'root',
+            ]
+        )
         ignore_options = frozenset(ignore_options)
@@ -683,28 +750,35 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
     def warn_dash_deprecation(self, opt, section):
         if section in (
-            'options.extras_require', 'options.data_files',
+            'options.extras_require',
+            'options.data_files',
             return opt
         underscore_opt = opt.replace('-', '_')
-        commands = distutils.command.__all__ + self._setuptools_commands()
-        if (not section.startswith('options') and section != 'metadata'
-                and section not in commands):
+        commands = list(itertools.chain(
+            distutils.command.__all__,
+            self._setuptools_commands(),
+        ))
+        if (
+            not section.startswith('options')
+            and section != 'metadata'
+            and section not in commands
+        ):
             return underscore_opt
         if '-' in opt:
                 "Usage of dash-separated '%s' will not be supported in future "
                 "versions. Please use the underscore name '%s' instead"
-                % (opt, underscore_opt))
+                % (opt, underscore_opt)
+            )
         return underscore_opt
     def _setuptools_commands(self):
-            dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('setuptools')
-            return list(dist.get_entry_map('distutils.commands'))
-        except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound:
+            return metadata.distribution('setuptools').entry_points.names
+        except metadata.PackageNotFoundError:
             # during bootstrapping, distribution doesn't exist
             return []
@@ -741,11 +815,9 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             self.announce("  setting options for '%s' command:" % command_name)
         for (option, (source, value)) in option_dict.items():
             if DEBUG:
-                self.announce("    %s = %s (from %s)" % (option, value,
-                                                         source))
+                self.announce("    %s = %s (from %s)" % (option, value, source))
-                bool_opts = [translate_longopt(o)
-                             for o in command_obj.boolean_options]
+                bool_opts = [translate_longopt(o) for o in command_obj.boolean_options]
             except AttributeError:
                 bool_opts = []
@@ -764,26 +836,44 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
                     raise DistutilsOptionError(
                         "error in %s: command '%s' has no such option '%s'"
-                        % (source, command_name, option))
+                        % (source, command_name, option)
+                    )
             except ValueError as e:
                 raise DistutilsOptionError(e) from e
+    def _get_project_config_files(self, filenames):
+        """Add default file and split between INI and TOML"""
+        tomlfiles = []
+        standard_project_metadata = Path(self.src_root or os.curdir, "pyproject.toml")
+        if filenames is not None:
+            parts = partition(lambda f: Path(f).suffix == ".toml", filenames)
+            filenames = list(parts[0])  # 1st element => predicate is False
+            tomlfiles = list(parts[1])  # 2nd element => predicate is True
+        elif standard_project_metadata.exists():
+            tomlfiles = [standard_project_metadata]
+        return filenames, tomlfiles
     def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None, ignore_option_errors=False):
         """Parses configuration files from various levels
         and loads configuration.
-        self._parse_config_files(filenames=filenames)
+        inifiles, tomlfiles = self._get_project_config_files(filenames)
+        self._parse_config_files(filenames=inifiles)
+        setupcfg.parse_configuration(
+            self, self.command_options, ignore_option_errors=ignore_option_errors
+        )
+        for filename in tomlfiles:
+            pyprojecttoml.apply_configuration(self, filename, ignore_option_errors)
-        parse_configuration(self, self.command_options,
-                            ignore_option_errors=ignore_option_errors)
     def fetch_build_eggs(self, requires):
         """Resolve pre-setup requirements"""
         resolved_dists = pkg_resources.working_set.resolve(
-            pkg_resources.parse_requirements(requires),
+            _reqs.parse(requires),
@@ -802,27 +892,33 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         def by_order(hook):
             return getattr(hook, 'order', 0)
-        eps = map(lambda e: e.load(), pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group))
-        for ep in sorted(eps, key=by_order):
+        defined = metadata.entry_points(group=group)
+        filtered = itertools.filterfalse(self._removed, defined)
+        loaded = map(lambda e: e.load(), filtered)
+        for ep in sorted(loaded, key=by_order):
+    @staticmethod
+    def _removed(ep):
+        """
+        When removing an entry point, if metadata is loaded
+        from an older version of Setuptools, that removed
+        entry point will attempt to be loaded and will fail.
+        See #2765 for more details.
+        """
+        removed = {
+            # removed 2021-09-05
+            '2to3_doctests',
+        }
+        return ep.name in removed
     def _finalize_setup_keywords(self):
-        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('distutils.setup_keywords'):
+        for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.setup_keywords'):
             value = getattr(self, ep.name, None)
             if value is not None:
-                ep.require(installer=self.fetch_build_egg)
                 ep.load()(self, ep.name, value)
-    def _finalize_2to3_doctests(self):
-        if getattr(self, 'convert_2to3_doctests', None):
-            # XXX may convert to set here when we can rely on set being builtin
-            self.convert_2to3_doctests = [
-                os.path.abspath(p)
-                for p in self.convert_2to3_doctests
-            ]
-        else:
-            self.convert_2to3_doctests = []
     def get_egg_cache_dir(self):
         egg_cache_dir = os.path.join(os.curdir, '.eggs')
         if not os.path.exists(egg_cache_dir):
@@ -830,10 +926,14 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             readme_txt_filename = os.path.join(egg_cache_dir, 'README.txt')
             with open(readme_txt_filename, 'w') as f:
-                f.write('This directory contains eggs that were downloaded '
-                        'by setuptools to build, test, and run plug-ins.\n\n')
-                f.write('This directory caches those eggs to prevent '
-                        'repeated downloads.\n\n')
+                f.write(
+                    'This directory contains eggs that were downloaded '
+                    'by setuptools to build, test, and run plug-ins.\n\n'
+                )
+                f.write(
+                    'This directory caches those eggs to prevent '
+                    'repeated downloads.\n\n'
+                )
                 f.write('However, it is safe to delete this directory.\n\n')
         return egg_cache_dir
@@ -841,6 +941,7 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
     def fetch_build_egg(self, req):
         """Fetch an egg needed for building"""
         from setuptools.installer import fetch_build_egg
         return fetch_build_egg(self, req)
     def get_command_class(self, command):
@@ -848,27 +949,24 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         if command in self.cmdclass:
             return self.cmdclass[command]
-        eps = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('distutils.commands', command)
+        eps = metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.commands', name=command)
         for ep in eps:
-            ep.require(installer=self.fetch_build_egg)
             self.cmdclass[command] = cmdclass = ep.load()
             return cmdclass
             return _Distribution.get_command_class(self, command)
     def print_commands(self):
-        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('distutils.commands'):
+        for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.commands'):
             if ep.name not in self.cmdclass:
-                # don't require extras as the commands won't be invoked
-                cmdclass = ep.resolve()
+                cmdclass = ep.load()
                 self.cmdclass[ep.name] = cmdclass
         return _Distribution.print_commands(self)
     def get_command_list(self):
-        for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('distutils.commands'):
+        for ep in metadata.entry_points(group='distutils.commands'):
             if ep.name not in self.cmdclass:
-                # don't require extras as the commands won't be invoked
-                cmdclass = ep.resolve()
+                cmdclass = ep.load()
                 self.cmdclass[ep.name] = cmdclass
         return _Distribution.get_command_list(self)
@@ -900,19 +998,18 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         pfx = package + '.'
         if self.packages:
             self.packages = [
-                p for p in self.packages
-                if p != package and not p.startswith(pfx)
+                p for p in self.packages if p != package and not p.startswith(pfx)
         if self.py_modules:
             self.py_modules = [
-                p for p in self.py_modules
-                if p != package and not p.startswith(pfx)
+                p for p in self.py_modules if p != package and not p.startswith(pfx)
         if self.ext_modules:
             self.ext_modules = [
-                p for p in self.ext_modules
+                p
+                for p in self.ext_modules
                 if p.name != package and not p.name.startswith(pfx)
@@ -934,9 +1031,7 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             old = getattr(self, name)
         except AttributeError as e:
-            raise DistutilsSetupError(
-                "%s: No such distribution setting" % name
-            ) from e
+            raise DistutilsSetupError("%s: No such distribution setting" % name) from e
         if old is not None and not isinstance(old, sequence):
             raise DistutilsSetupError(
                 name + ": this setting cannot be changed via include/exclude"
@@ -948,15 +1043,11 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         """Handle 'include()' for list/tuple attrs without a special handler"""
         if not isinstance(value, sequence):
-            raise DistutilsSetupError(
-                "%s: setting must be a list (%r)" % (name, value)
-            )
+            raise DistutilsSetupError("%s: setting must be a list (%r)" % (name, value))
             old = getattr(self, name)
         except AttributeError as e:
-            raise DistutilsSetupError(
-                "%s: No such distribution setting" % name
-            ) from e
+            raise DistutilsSetupError("%s: No such distribution setting" % name) from e
         if old is None:
             setattr(self, name, value)
         elif not isinstance(old, sequence):
@@ -1009,6 +1100,7 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
             src, alias = aliases[command]
             del aliases[command]  # ensure each alias can expand only once!
             import shlex
             args[:1] = shlex.split(alias, True)
             command = args[0]
@@ -1108,12 +1200,21 @@ class Distribution(_Distribution):
         line_buffering = sys.stdout.line_buffering
         sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(
-            sys.stdout.detach(), 'utf-8', errors, newline, line_buffering)
+            sys.stdout.detach(), 'utf-8', errors, newline, line_buffering
+        )
             return _Distribution.handle_display_options(self, option_order)
             sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(
-                sys.stdout.detach(), encoding, errors, newline, line_buffering)
+                sys.stdout.detach(), encoding, errors, newline, line_buffering
+            )
+    def run_command(self, command):
+        self.set_defaults()
+        # Postpone defaults until all explicit configuration is considered
+        # (setup() args, config files, command line and plugins)
+        super().run_command(command)
 class DistDeprecationWarning(SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning):
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/errors.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/errors.py
index 2701747..ec7fb3b 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/errors.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/errors.py
@@ -3,10 +3,33 @@
 Provides exceptions used by setuptools modules.
-from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
+from distutils import errors as _distutils_errors
-class RemovedCommandError(DistutilsError, RuntimeError):
+# Re-export errors from distutils to facilitate the migration to PEP632
+ByteCompileError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsByteCompileError
+CCompilerError = _distutils_errors.CCompilerError
+ClassError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsClassError
+CompileError = _distutils_errors.CompileError
+ExecError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsExecError
+FileError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsFileError
+InternalError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsInternalError
+LibError = _distutils_errors.LibError
+LinkError = _distutils_errors.LinkError
+ModuleError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsModuleError
+OptionError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsOptionError
+PlatformError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsPlatformError
+PreprocessError = _distutils_errors.PreprocessError
+SetupError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsSetupError
+TemplateError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsTemplateError
+UnknownFileError = _distutils_errors.UnknownFileError
+# The root error class in the hierarchy
+BaseError = _distutils_errors.DistutilsError
+class RemovedCommandError(BaseError, RuntimeError):
     """Error used for commands that have been removed in setuptools.
     Since ``setuptools`` is built on ``distutils``, simply removing a command
@@ -14,3 +37,22 @@ class RemovedCommandError(DistutilsError, RuntimeError):
     error is raised if a command exists in ``distutils`` but has been actively
     removed in ``setuptools``.
+class PackageDiscoveryError(BaseError, RuntimeError):
+    """Impossible to perform automatic discovery of packages and/or modules.
+    The current project layout or given discovery options can lead to problems when
+    scanning the project directory.
+    Setuptools might also refuse to complete auto-discovery if an error prone condition
+    is detected (e.g. when a project is organised as a flat-layout but contains
+    multiple directories that can be taken as top-level packages inside a single
+    distribution [*]_). In these situations the users are encouraged to be explicit
+    about which packages to include or to make the discovery parameters more specific.
+    .. [*] Since multi-package distributions are uncommon it is very likely that the
+       developers did not intend for all the directories to be packaged, and are just
+       leaving auxiliary code in the repository top-level, such as maintenance-related
+       scripts.
+    """
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extension.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extension.py
index 1820722..58c023f 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extension.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extension.py
@@ -28,13 +28,106 @@ _Extension = get_unpatched(distutils.core.Extension)
 class Extension(_Extension):
-    """Extension that uses '.c' files in place of '.pyx' files"""
+    """
+    Describes a single extension module.
+    This means that all source files will be compiled into a single binary file
+    ``.`` (with ```` derived from ``name`` and
+    ```` defined by one of the values in
+    ``importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES``).
+    In the case ``.pyx`` files are passed as ``sources and`` ``Cython`` is **not**
+    installed in the build environment, ``setuptools`` may also try to look for the
+    equivalent ``.cpp`` or ``.c`` files.
+    :arg str name:
+      the full name of the extension, including any packages -- ie.
+      *not* a filename or pathname, but Python dotted name
+    :arg list[str] sources:
+      list of source filenames, relative to the distribution root
+      (where the setup script lives), in Unix form (slash-separated)
+      for portability.  Source files may be C, C++, SWIG (.i),
+      platform-specific resource files, or whatever else is recognized
+      by the "build_ext" command as source for a Python extension.
+    :keyword list[str] include_dirs:
+      list of directories to search for C/C++ header files (in Unix
+      form for portability)
+    :keyword list[tuple[str, str|None]] define_macros:
+      list of macros to define; each macro is defined using a 2-tuple:
+      the first item corresponding to the name of the macro and the second
+      item either a string with its value or None to
+      define it without a particular value (equivalent of "#define
+      FOO" in source or -DFOO on Unix C compiler command line)
+    :keyword list[str] undef_macros:
+      list of macros to undefine explicitly
+    :keyword list[str] library_dirs:
+      list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at link time
+    :keyword list[str] libraries:
+      list of library names (not filenames or paths) to link against
+    :keyword list[str] runtime_library_dirs:
+      list of directories to search for C/C++ libraries at run time
+      (for shared extensions, this is when the extension is loaded).
+      Setting this will cause an exception during build on Windows
+      platforms.
+    :keyword list[str] extra_objects:
+      list of extra files to link with (eg. object files not implied
+      by 'sources', static library that must be explicitly specified,
+      binary resource files, etc.)
+    :keyword list[str] extra_compile_args:
+      any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use
+      when compiling the source files in 'sources'.  For platforms and
+      compilers where "command line" makes sense, this is typically a
+      list of command-line arguments, but for other platforms it could
+      be anything.
+    :keyword list[str] extra_link_args:
+      any extra platform- and compiler-specific information to use
+      when linking object files together to create the extension (or
+      to create a new static Python interpreter).  Similar
+      interpretation as for 'extra_compile_args'.
+    :keyword list[str] export_symbols:
+      list of symbols to be exported from a shared extension.  Not
+      used on all platforms, and not generally necessary for Python
+      extensions, which typically export exactly one symbol: "init" +
+      extension_name.
+    :keyword list[str] swig_opts:
+      any extra options to pass to SWIG if a source file has the .i
+      extension.
+    :keyword list[str] depends:
+      list of files that the extension depends on
+    :keyword str language:
+      extension language (i.e. "c", "c++", "objc"). Will be detected
+      from the source extensions if not provided.
+    :keyword bool optional:
+      specifies that a build failure in the extension should not abort the
+      build process, but simply not install the failing extension.
+    :keyword bool py_limited_api:
+      opt-in flag for the usage of :doc:`Python's limited API `.
+    :raises setuptools.errors.PlatformError: if 'runtime_library_dirs' is
+      specified on Windows. (since v63)
+    """
     def __init__(self, name, sources, *args, **kw):
         # The *args is needed for compatibility as calls may use positional
         # arguments. py_limited_api may be set only via keyword.
         self.py_limited_api = kw.pop("py_limited_api", False)
-        _Extension.__init__(self, name, sources, *args, **kw)
+        super().__init__(name, sources, *args, **kw)
     def _convert_pyx_sources_to_lang(self):
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__init__.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__init__.py
index baca1af..d3a6dc9 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__init__.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__init__.py
@@ -69,5 +69,8 @@ class VendorImporter:
-names = 'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'ordered_set', 'more_itertools',
+names = (
+    'packaging', 'pyparsing', 'ordered_set', 'more_itertools', 'importlib_metadata',
+    'zipp', 'importlib_resources', 'jaraco', 'typing_extensions', 'tomli',
 VendorImporter(__name__, names, 'setuptools._vendor').install()
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a82d7..0000000
Binary files a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.pyc and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c48cb3
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/extern/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/gui-arm64.exe b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/gui-arm64.exe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5730f11
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/gui-arm64.exe differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/installer.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/installer.py
index 57e2b58..b7096df 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/installer.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/installer.py
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ import os
 import subprocess
 import sys
 import tempfile
+import warnings
 from distutils import log
 from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
 import pkg_resources
 from setuptools.wheel import Wheel
+from ._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
 def _fixup_find_links(find_links):
@@ -22,6 +24,11 @@ def fetch_build_egg(dist, req):  # noqa: C901  # is too complex (16)  # FIXME
     """Fetch an egg needed for building.
     Use pip/wheel to fetch/build a wheel."""
+    warnings.warn(
+        "setuptools.installer is deprecated. Requirements should "
+        "be satisfied by a PEP 517 installer.",
+        SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning,
+    )
     # Warn if wheel is not available
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/lib2to3_ex.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/lib2to3_ex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c176abf..0000000
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/lib2to3_ex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Customized Mixin2to3 support:
- - adds support for converting doctests
-import warnings
-from distutils.util import Mixin2to3 as _Mixin2to3
-from distutils import log
-from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool, get_fixers_from_package
-import setuptools
-from ._deprecation_warning import SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning
-class DistutilsRefactoringTool(RefactoringTool):
-    def log_error(self, msg, *args, **kw):
-        log.error(msg, *args)
-    def log_message(self, msg, *args):
-        log.info(msg, *args)
-    def log_debug(self, msg, *args):
-        log.debug(msg, *args)
-class Mixin2to3(_Mixin2to3):
-    def run_2to3(self, files, doctests=False):
-        # See of the distribution option has been set, otherwise check the
-        # setuptools default.
-        if self.distribution.use_2to3 is not True:
-            return
-        if not files:
-            return
-        warnings.warn(
-            "2to3 support is deprecated. If the project still "
-            "requires Python 2 support, please migrate to "
-            "a single-codebase solution or employ an "
-            "independent conversion process.",
-            SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning)
-        log.info("Fixing " + " ".join(files))
-        self.__build_fixer_names()
-        self.__exclude_fixers()
-        if doctests:
-            if setuptools.run_2to3_on_doctests:
-                r = DistutilsRefactoringTool(self.fixer_names)
-                r.refactor(files, write=True, doctests_only=True)
-        else:
-            _Mixin2to3.run_2to3(self, files)
-    def __build_fixer_names(self):
-        if self.fixer_names:
-            return
-        self.fixer_names = []
-        for p in setuptools.lib2to3_fixer_packages:
-            self.fixer_names.extend(get_fixers_from_package(p))
-        if self.distribution.use_2to3_fixers is not None:
-            for p in self.distribution.use_2to3_fixers:
-                self.fixer_names.extend(get_fixers_from_package(p))
-    def __exclude_fixers(self):
-        excluded_fixers = getattr(self, 'exclude_fixers', [])
-        if self.distribution.use_2to3_exclude_fixers is not None:
-            excluded_fixers.extend(self.distribution.use_2to3_exclude_fixers)
-        for fixer_name in excluded_fixers:
-            if fixer_name in self.fixer_names:
-                self.fixer_names.remove(fixer_name)
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/logging.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/logging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e99c1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/logging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import sys
+import logging
+import distutils.log
+from . import monkey
+def _not_warning(record):
+    return record.levelno < logging.WARNING
+def configure():
+    """
+    Configure logging to emit warning and above to stderr
+    and everything else to stdout. This behavior is provided
+    for compatibility with distutils.log but may change in
+    the future.
+    """
+    err_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
+    err_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+    out_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+    out_handler.addFilter(_not_warning)
+    handlers = err_handler, out_handler
+    logging.basicConfig(
+        format="{message}", style='{', handlers=handlers, level=logging.DEBUG)
+    if hasattr(distutils.log, 'Log'):
+        monkey.patch_func(set_threshold, distutils.log, 'set_threshold')
+        # For some reason `distutils.log` module is getting cached in `distutils.dist`
+        # and then loaded again when patched,
+        # implying: id(distutils.log) != id(distutils.dist.log).
+        # Make sure the same module object is used everywhere:
+        distutils.dist.log = distutils.log
+def set_threshold(level):
+    logging.root.setLevel(level*10)
+    return set_threshold.unpatched(level)
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.py
index fb36dc1..77a7adc 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/monkey.py
@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ def patch_all():
         distutils.filelist.findall = setuptools.findall
     needs_warehouse = (
-        sys.version_info < (2, 7, 13)
-        or
         (3, 4) < sys.version_info < (3, 4, 6)
         (3, 5) < sys.version_info <= (3, 5, 3)
@@ -143,7 +141,7 @@ def patch_for_msvc_specialized_compiler():
         Prepare the parameters for patch_func to patch indicated function.
-        repl_prefix = 'msvc9_' if 'msvc9' in mod_name else 'msvc14_'
+        repl_prefix = 'msvc14_'
         repl_name = repl_prefix + func_name.lstrip('_')
         repl = getattr(msvc, repl_name)
         mod = import_module(mod_name)
@@ -151,19 +149,9 @@ def patch_for_msvc_specialized_compiler():
             raise ImportError(func_name)
         return repl, mod, func_name
-    # Python 2.7 to 3.4
-    msvc9 = functools.partial(patch_params, 'distutils.msvc9compiler')
     # Python 3.5+
     msvc14 = functools.partial(patch_params, 'distutils._msvccompiler')
-    try:
-        # Patch distutils.msvc9compiler
-        patch_func(*msvc9('find_vcvarsall'))
-        patch_func(*msvc9('query_vcvarsall'))
-    except ImportError:
-        pass
         # Patch distutils._msvccompiler._get_vc_env
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.py
index 281ea1c..5d4d775 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/msvc.py
@@ -3,14 +3,6 @@ Improved support for Microsoft Visual C++ compilers.
 Known supported compilers:
-Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0:
-    Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (x86, amd64)
-    Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
-    Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (x86, x64, ia64)
-Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0:
-    Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (x86, x64, ia64)
 Microsoft Visual C++ 14.X:
     Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 (x86, x64, arm)
     Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 (x86, x64, arm, arm64)
@@ -48,100 +40,6 @@ else:
     environ = dict()
-_msvc9_suppress_errors = (
-    # msvc9compiler isn't available on some platforms
-    ImportError,
-    # msvc9compiler raises DistutilsPlatformError in some
-    # environments. See #1118.
-    distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError,
-    from distutils.msvc9compiler import Reg
-except _msvc9_suppress_errors:
-    pass
-def msvc9_find_vcvarsall(version):
-    """
-    Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.find_vcvarsall" to use the standalone
-    compiler build for Python
-    (VCForPython / Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7).
-    Fall back to original behavior when the standalone compiler is not
-    available.
-    Redirect the path of "vcvarsall.bat".
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    version: float
-        Required Microsoft Visual C++ version.
-    Return
-    ------
-    str
-        vcvarsall.bat path
-    """
-    vc_base = r'Software\%sMicrosoft\DevDiv\VCForPython\%0.1f'
-    key = vc_base % ('', version)
-    try:
-        # Per-user installs register the compiler path here
-        productdir = Reg.get_value(key, "installdir")
-    except KeyError:
-        try:
-            # All-user installs on a 64-bit system register here
-            key = vc_base % ('Wow6432Node\\', version)
-            productdir = Reg.get_value(key, "installdir")
-        except KeyError:
-            productdir = None
-    if productdir:
-        vcvarsall = join(productdir, "vcvarsall.bat")
-        if isfile(vcvarsall):
-            return vcvarsall
-    return get_unpatched(msvc9_find_vcvarsall)(version)
-def msvc9_query_vcvarsall(ver, arch='x86', *args, **kwargs):
-    """
-    Patched "distutils.msvc9compiler.query_vcvarsall" for support extra
-    Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 and 10.0 compilers.
-    Set environment without use of "vcvarsall.bat".
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    ver: float
-        Required Microsoft Visual C++ version.
-    arch: str
-        Target architecture.
-    Return
-    ------
-    dict
-        environment
-    """
-    # Try to get environment from vcvarsall.bat (Classical way)
-    try:
-        orig = get_unpatched(msvc9_query_vcvarsall)
-        return orig(ver, arch, *args, **kwargs)
-    except distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError:
-        # Pass error if Vcvarsall.bat is missing
-        pass
-    except ValueError:
-        # Pass error if environment not set after executing vcvarsall.bat
-        pass
-    # If error, try to set environment directly
-    try:
-        return EnvironmentInfo(arch, ver).return_env()
-    except distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError as exc:
-        _augment_exception(exc, ver, arch)
-        raise
 def _msvc14_find_vc2015():
     """Python 3.8 "distutils/_msvccompiler.py" backport"""
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.py
index d818f44..14881d2 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/package_index.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import setuptools
 from pkg_resources import (
     CHECKOUT_DIST, Distribution, BINARY_DIST, normalize_path, SOURCE_DIST,
     Environment, find_distributions, safe_name, safe_version,
-    to_filename, Requirement, DEVELOP_DIST, EGG_DIST,
+    to_filename, Requirement, DEVELOP_DIST, EGG_DIST, parse_version,
 from distutils import log
 from distutils.errors import DistutilsError
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class PackageIndex(Environment):
             self, index_url="https://pypi.org/simple/", hosts=('*',),
             ca_bundle=None, verify_ssl=True, *args, **kw
-        Environment.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+        super().__init__(*args, **kw)
         self.index_url = index_url + "/" [:not index_url.endswith('/')]
         self.scanned_urls = {}
         self.fetched_urls = {}
@@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ class PackageIndex(Environment):
         self.to_scan = []
         self.opener = urllib.request.urlopen
+    def add(self, dist):
+        # ignore invalid versions
+        try:
+            parse_version(dist.version)
+        except Exception:
+            return
+        return super().add(dist)
     # FIXME: 'PackageIndex.process_url' is too complex (14)
     def process_url(self, url, retrieve=False):  # noqa: C901
         """Evaluate a URL as a possible download, and maybe retrieve it"""
@@ -672,8 +680,7 @@ class PackageIndex(Environment):
             # Make sure the file has been downloaded to the temp dir.
             if os.path.dirname(filename) != tmpdir:
                 dst = os.path.join(tmpdir, basename)
-                from setuptools.command.easy_install import samefile
-                if not samefile(filename, dst):
+                if not (os.path.exists(dst) and os.path.samefile(filename, dst)):
                     shutil.copy2(filename, dst)
                     filename = dst
@@ -994,7 +1001,7 @@ class PyPIConfig(configparser.RawConfigParser):
         Load from ~/.pypirc
         defaults = dict.fromkeys(['username', 'password', 'repository'], '')
-        configparser.RawConfigParser.__init__(self, defaults)
+        super().__init__(defaults)
         rc = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.pypirc')
         if os.path.exists(rc):
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/sandbox.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/sandbox.py
index 91b960d..034fc80 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/sandbox.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/sandbox.py
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ _open = open
 __all__ = [
-    "AbstractSandbox", "DirectorySandbox", "SandboxViolation", "run_setup",
+    "AbstractSandbox",
+    "DirectorySandbox",
+    "SandboxViolation",
+    "run_setup",
@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ class UnpickleableException(Exception):
         except Exception:
             # get UnpickleableException inside the sandbox
             from setuptools.sandbox import UnpickleableException as cls
             return cls.dump(cls, cls(repr(exc)))
@@ -154,7 +158,8 @@ def save_modules():
     # remove any modules imported since
     del_modules = (
-        mod_name for mod_name in sys.modules
+        mod_name
+        for mod_name in sys.modules
         if mod_name not in saved
         # exclude any encodings modules. See #285
         and not mod_name.startswith('encodings.')
@@ -265,7 +270,8 @@ class AbstractSandbox:
     def __init__(self):
         self._attrs = [
-            name for name in dir(_os)
+            name
+            for name in dir(_os)
             if not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(self, name)
@@ -320,9 +326,25 @@ class AbstractSandbox:
         _file = _mk_single_path_wrapper('file', _file)
     _open = _mk_single_path_wrapper('open', _open)
     for name in [
-        "stat", "listdir", "chdir", "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir",
-        "remove", "unlink", "rmdir", "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "lstat",
-        "startfile", "mkfifo", "mknod", "pathconf", "access"
+        "stat",
+        "listdir",
+        "chdir",
+        "open",
+        "chmod",
+        "chown",
+        "mkdir",
+        "remove",
+        "unlink",
+        "rmdir",
+        "utime",
+        "lchown",
+        "chroot",
+        "lstat",
+        "startfile",
+        "mkfifo",
+        "mknod",
+        "pathconf",
+        "access",
         if hasattr(_os, name):
             locals()[name] = _mk_single_path_wrapper(name)
@@ -373,7 +395,7 @@ class AbstractSandbox:
         """Called for path pairs like rename, link, and symlink operations"""
         return (
             self._remap_input(operation + '-from', src, *args, **kw),
-            self._remap_input(operation + '-to', dst, *args, **kw)
+            self._remap_input(operation + '-to', dst, *args, **kw),
@@ -386,28 +408,38 @@ else:
 class DirectorySandbox(AbstractSandbox):
     """Restrict operations to a single subdirectory - pseudo-chroot"""
-    write_ops = dict.fromkeys([
-        "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir", "remove", "unlink", "rmdir",
-        "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "mkfifo", "mknod", "tempnam",
-    ])
+    write_ops = dict.fromkeys(
+        [
+            "open",
+            "chmod",
+            "chown",
+            "mkdir",
+            "remove",
+            "unlink",
+            "rmdir",
+            "utime",
+            "lchown",
+            "chroot",
+            "mkfifo",
+            "mknod",
+            "tempnam",
+        ]
+    )
-    _exception_patterns = [
-        # Allow lib2to3 to attempt to save a pickled grammar object (#121)
-        r'.*lib2to3.*\.pickle$',
-    ]
+    _exception_patterns = []
     "exempt writing to paths that match the pattern"
     def __init__(self, sandbox, exceptions=_EXCEPTIONS):
         self._sandbox = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(sandbox))
         self._prefix = os.path.join(self._sandbox, '')
         self._exceptions = [
-            os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path))
-            for path in exceptions
+            os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path)) for path in exceptions
     def _violation(self, operation, *args, **kw):
         from setuptools.sandbox import SandboxViolation
         raise SandboxViolation(operation, args, kw)
     if _file:
@@ -440,12 +472,10 @@ class DirectorySandbox(AbstractSandbox):
     def _exempted(self, filepath):
         start_matches = (
-            filepath.startswith(exception)
-            for exception in self._exceptions
+            filepath.startswith(exception) for exception in self._exceptions
         pattern_matches = (
-            re.match(pattern, filepath)
-            for pattern in self._exception_patterns
+            re.match(pattern, filepath) for pattern in self._exception_patterns
         candidates = itertools.chain(start_matches, pattern_matches)
         return any(candidates)
@@ -470,16 +500,19 @@ class DirectorySandbox(AbstractSandbox):
 WRITE_FLAGS = functools.reduce(
-    operator.or_, [
-        getattr(_os, a, 0) for a in
+    operator.or_,
+    [
+        getattr(_os, a, 0)
+    ],
 class SandboxViolation(DistutilsError):
     """A setup script attempted to modify the filesystem outside the sandbox"""
-    tmpl = textwrap.dedent("""
+    tmpl = textwrap.dedent(
+        """
         SandboxViolation: {cmd}{args!r} {kwargs}
         The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
@@ -489,7 +522,8 @@ class SandboxViolation(DistutilsError):
         support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup
         script by hand.  Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall
         maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available.
-        """).lstrip()
+        """
+    ).lstrip()
     def __str__(self):
         cmd, args, kwargs = self.args
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/wheel.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/wheel.py
index 0be811a..527ed3b 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/wheel.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/wheel.py
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 """Wheels support."""
-from distutils.util import get_platform
-from distutils import log
 import email
 import itertools
 import os
 import posixpath
 import re
 import zipfile
+import contextlib
+from distutils.util import get_platform
 import pkg_resources
 import setuptools
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ from pkg_resources import parse_version
 from setuptools.extern.packaging.tags import sys_tags
 from setuptools.extern.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
 from setuptools.command.egg_info import write_requirements
+from setuptools.archive_util import _unpack_zipfile_obj
 WHEEL_NAME = re.compile(
@@ -49,6 +51,19 @@ def unpack(src_dir, dst_dir):
+def disable_info_traces():
+    """
+    Temporarily disable info traces.
+    """
+    from distutils import log
+    saved = log.set_threshold(log.WARN)
+    try:
+        yield
+    finally:
+        log.set_threshold(saved)
 class Wheel:
     def __init__(self, filename):
@@ -121,8 +136,7 @@ class Wheel:
             raise ValueError(
                 'unsupported wheel format version: %s' % wheel_version)
         # Extract to target directory.
-        os.mkdir(destination_eggdir)
-        zf.extractall(destination_eggdir)
+        _unpack_zipfile_obj(zf, destination_eggdir)
         # Convert metadata.
         dist_info = os.path.join(destination_eggdir, dist_info)
         dist = pkg_resources.Distribution.from_location(
@@ -136,13 +150,13 @@ class Wheel:
         def raw_req(req):
             req.marker = None
             return str(req)
-        install_requires = list(sorted(map(raw_req, dist.requires())))
+        install_requires = list(map(raw_req, dist.requires()))
         extras_require = {
-            extra: sorted(
+            extra: [
                 for req in map(raw_req, dist.requires((extra,)))
                 if req not in install_requires
-            )
+            ]
             for extra in dist.extras
         os.rename(dist_info, egg_info)
@@ -156,17 +170,12 @@ class Wheel:
-        # Temporarily disable info traces.
-        log_threshold = log._global_log.threshold
-        log.set_threshold(log.WARN)
-        try:
+        with disable_info_traces():
                 os.path.join(egg_info, 'requires.txt'),
-        finally:
-            log.set_threshold(log_threshold)
     def _move_data_entries(destination_eggdir, dist_data):
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/windows_support.py b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/windows_support.py
index cb977cf..1ca64fb 100644
--- a/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/windows_support.py
+++ b/.library/lib/site-packages/setuptools/windows_support.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 import platform
-import ctypes
 def windows_only(func):
@@ -17,6 +16,7 @@ def hide_file(path):
     `path` must be text.
+    import ctypes
     SetFileAttributes = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetFileAttributesW
     SetFileAttributes.argtypes = ctypes.wintypes.LPWSTR, ctypes.wintypes.DWORD
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8fb42
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/_internal.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/_internal.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f99ead
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/_internal.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/datastructures.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/datastructures.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5fd60c
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/datastructures.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c58c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/formparser.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/formparser.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc41c61
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/formparser.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..122907c
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/local.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/local.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d5c3c
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/local.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/security.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/security.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b721e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/security.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/serving.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/serving.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa71ae8
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/serving.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc9bdec
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/test.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..289e5ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/urls.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/user_agent.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/user_agent.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75a506d
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/user_agent.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb4627
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/wsgi.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/wsgi.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a85cc3
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/__pycache__/wsgi.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f84021f
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/converters.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/converters.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f38834f
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/converters.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f617d5f
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/exceptions.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/map.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/map.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a7f6f3
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/map.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/matcher.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/matcher.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..521e763
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/matcher.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/rules.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/rules.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5c2afb
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/routing/__pycache__/rules.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5cf7b2
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fae381
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/http.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/multipart.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/multipart.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdb4348
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/multipart.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac0c49
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12c527
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764a138
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/sansio/__pycache__/utils.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eb2fdd
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8356faf
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/request.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a86a826
Binary files /dev/null and b/.library/lib/site-packages/werkzeug/wrappers/__pycache__/response.cpython-311.pyc differ
diff --git a/.library/pyvenv.cfg b/.library/pyvenv.cfg
index e17c40b..a09a889 100644
--- a/.library/pyvenv.cfg
+++ b/.library/pyvenv.cfg
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
-home = C:\Python310
+home = C:\Users\erica\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311
 include-system-site-packages = false
-version = 3.10.0
+version = 3.11.1
+executable = C:\Users\erica\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe
+command = C:\Users\erica\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\python.exe -m venv C:\Users\erica\xpub\library-db\.library
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
index 19199e2..b33686d 100644
--- a/app.py
+++ b/app.py
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ def home():
         categories[k] = list(cards)
-    for cat, cards in categories.items():  # ♥ .items is a build in attribute of the dictionary(?)
+    for cat, cards in categories.items():  # ♥  dict.items () method is used to display the data elements of the dict in the form of a list of tuple pairs
         for card in cards:
             topicss = [t['content'] for t in card['topics']]
@@ -165,7 +165,20 @@ def edit(id):
     categories = conn.execute(
         'SELECT category_name FROM categories;').fetchall()
-    topics = conn.execute('SELECT content FROM topics;').fetchall()
+    # fetch all the topics' content from the topics table with a list comprehension    
+    all_topics = [t['content'] for t in conn.execute('SELECT content FROM topics;').fetchall()]
+    # print(all_topics)
+    # fetch the cuurent topics of the card to edit
+    fetchedtopics= conn.execute('SELECT t.id, t.content FROM topics t \
+                                JOIN topic_cards t_c \
+                                ON t.id = t_c.topic_id \
+                                WHERE t_c.card_id = ?',
+                                (id,)).fetchall()
+    current_topics = [t['content'] for t in fetchedtopics]
+    print('current topics are:', current_topics)
     if request.method == 'POST':
         content = request.form['content']
@@ -185,7 +198,7 @@ def edit(id):
         return redirect(url_for('home'))
-    return render_template('edit.html', todo=todo, categories=categories)
+    return render_template('edit.html', todo=todo, categories=categories, all_topics=all_topics, current_topics=current_topics)
 @ app.route('//delete/', methods=('POST',))
@@ -196,16 +209,16 @@ def delete(id):
     return redirect(url_for('home'))
-# app.run(port=3148)
 # TODO:
-# - categoryes are added to the wrong card, fix it
 # - check for double tags
 # - add more topic tags 
 # - add title to cards
 # - list the cards
-# - put its category inside
+# - put its category inside ?
diff --git a/library.db b/library.db
index 4ee6a6c..2ea512d 100644
Binary files a/library.db and b/library.db differ
diff --git a/static/style_default.css b/static/style_default.css
index e9c7245..97fb7f2 100644
--- a/static/style_default.css
+++ b/static/style_default.css
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ body{
 .card .topics > * {
     font-size: 1.8ch;
     color: white;
-    background-color: rgb(147, 93, 255);
+    /* background-color: rgb(147, 93, 255); */
-    content: "—";
+    background-color: rgb(147, 93, 255);
 .btn {
diff --git a/templates/edit.html b/templates/edit.html
index 0da249b..a4b63de 100644
--- a/templates/edit.html
+++ b/templates/edit.html
@@ -5,6 +5,18 @@

{% block title %} Edit an Item {% endblock %}

+ + {% if current_topics %} +
+ {% for topic in current_topics %} + + {{ topic }} + + {% endfor %} +
+ {% endif %} + +
- +