{ "updates": [ { "date": "October the 21st, 2021", "title": "", "text": "", "media": { "type": "img", "src": "./assets/karaokedocu.jpg", "alt": "Late night programming the custom karaoke software with L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco from Battiato as demo song", "caption": "Tryouts for a custom karaoke software made with vvvv" } }, { "date": "October the 21st, 2021", "title": "2nd hand lifeboat script", "text": "", "media": { "type": "video", "src": "./assets/test-js.mp4", "alt": "An excerpt from 'When did software gone wrong?' highlighted progressively as in karaoke", "caption": "In every karaoke there are at least 2 voices: a text and a choir" } }, { "date": "October the 22nd, 2021", "title": "This thing is fun and funny on many levels", "text": "", "media": { "type": "img", "src": "./assets/keta_laibach.jpg", "alt": "Myss Keta performing Giovanna Hardcore b2b with Laibach performing Life is Life", "caption": "The painfull necessity of contingency between the aesthetics of Laibach and Myss Keta" } }, { "date": "October the 22nd, 2021", "title": "He llo wo rld", "text": "", "media": { "type": "video", "src": "./assets/helllo_world.mp4", "alt": "Tirst words from our custom karaoke are he llo wo rld", "caption": "firsts words from the caraoki" } }, { "date": "October the 23rd, 2021", "title": "K-Scroll", "text": "We bought green curry from HJ 😶 and developed a scroll-to-highlight script starting from the idea behind these text lifeboats. We will use it as a small interactive feature for this diary-devlog, to stay in the karaoke mood. (the scroll-to-highlight, not the curry)", "media": null }, { "date": "October the 23rd, 2021", "title": "Re → cord ~ Re → play", "text": "Yesterday we studied how to write these infos back in a MIDI files at the right time, so now we just need to merge the two things. 1 last aspect to understand it's the conversion between the ticks of midi (like the framerate or something like that) and the simple timespan we are using. \n\nOften listening to Battiato you can grasp like an faint intuition of something really far away. It is not an explicit message or a revelation, but more like a mmoment of tuning with the elsewhere. In some really intimate song though, this feeling is replaced by something that points toward a inner reality. If the eclectism of his music generally excedes its borders to break the leevee of musical genres, these other tracks seem more like mantras, and they guide you down and down and down.", "media": { "type": "video", "src": "./assets/rec-rep.mp4", "alt": "A timeline where a quote from Simone Weil is being splitted in syllabes, and then the same timeline that scrolls highlighting the syllabes when they reach the time.", "caption": "First vvvv prototype for recording and replaying a text previously splitted in syllabes." } }, { "date": "October the 23rd, 2021", "title": "Graceful like a camel in a gutter", "text": "Both Battiato and Weil's writings are often like a spell of protection, a desire for preservation in the name of a higher, so to say, grace. The kind of state of consciousness that spans from the innermost esoteric knowledge of self-care, to the irrational acceptance of an utter disclosure of one's own intimacy.\nAs the Persian mathematician, philosopher and historian al-Bīrūnī used to compare his on language to \"a camel in a gutter\" to describe its inadequacy when it come to discuss scientific topics, so the entire realm of words has something awkwardly inappropriate when it comes to deal with such a state of grace. However, there's something like a confession in both Battiato and Weil's lyrics, and perhaps it is indeed this confession that somehow manages to carry the burden of this task through the means of the diary and of the song.", "media": null }, { "date": "October the 24th, 2021", "title": "Slicing text in real time", "text": "A loaf of text please. Yesterday after pushing everything on git and updating the Soupboat (at 4:30 AM... wtf is wrong with clocks in the Netherlands) this idea landed to mind: what if we could use a phisical slider like the ones on MIDI controller to choose how to split the text to insert in the karaoke file? This is fun and funny because it offers a layer of performativity in the karaoke transcription. Otherwise it would have been only a boring act of compilation. During the first lesson for the SI16, Cristina and Steve showed us Entropic Text Editor,from Allison Parrish and it was nice. I really like this kind of playful approach to composition and production.\n\nAnd so today after all the explorative wanderings through the lower layers of the Maslow scheme, we met at the library* to study how to do this art.", "media": { "type": "video", "src": "./assets/slider-test.mp4", "alt": "Moving a slider controls the amount of text sliced from a string. The video shows a test with a MIDI controller and the phrase: 'Man only escapes'", "caption": "Thanks for this the coliflowers curry with rice and 2 eggs" } }, { "date": "October the 24th, 2021", "title": "No Time No Space - live slice demo", "text": "Tried with the pitchwheel instead of the slider and it seems to work better, because it returns automatically at its default position and it's super handy: the reset smooths out the flow. Otherwise with the fader we would end up with the length of the previous selection already in place for the next one, and that could be annoying, i.e. if you need to select a long slice and then maybe a short one\n\nPS This update reminds me that we need to put some sort of controls for videos. This one has audio and cannot start by itself, try to play it", "media": { "type": "video", "src": "./assets/k-live-slice.mp4", "alt": "Live slicing of a quote from Simone Weil on the music of Battiato. The slicing is been done in real time with a MIDI controller.'", "caption": "Happy with it" } }, { "date": "October the 24th, 2021", "title": "", "text": "Also, these updates cover a lot of different aspects of this project and so maybe we could add some tags to filter the update? Maybe not complex as in the soup-gen or the chat-reader, but just some macro areas like Contents, Dev, Event ecc", "media": null } ] }