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48 lines
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"updates": [
"date": "October the 21st, 2021",
"title": "",
"text": "",
"media": {
"type": "img",
"src": "./assets/karaokedocu.jpg",
"alt": "Late night programming the custom karaoke software with L'Era del Cinghiale Bianco from Battiato as demo song",
"caption": "Tryouts for a custom karaoke software made with vvvv"
"date": "October the 21st, 2021",
"title": "2nd hand lifeboat script",
"text": "Labore eiusmod labore pariatur elit nostrud ut magna cupidatat minim amet deserunt cillum id. Lorem consectetur incididunt anim sit do eu minim nisi id.",
"media": {
"type": "video",
"src": "./assets/test-js.mp4",
"alt": "An excerpt from 'When did software gone wrong?' highlighted progressively as in karaoke",
"caption": "In every karaoke there are at least 2 voices: a text and a choir"
"date": "October the 22nd, 2021",
"title": "This thing is fun and funny on many levels",
"text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Semper viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit amet cursus. Ut faucibus pulvinar elementum integer.",
"media": {
"type": "img",
"src": "./assets/keta_laibach.jpg",
"alt": "Myss Keta performing Giovanna Hardcore b2b with Laibach performing Life is Life",
"caption": "The painfull necessity of contingency between the aesthetics of Laibach and Myss Keta"
"date": "October the 22nd, 2021",
"title": "He llo wo rld",
"text": "",
"media": {
"type": "video",
"src": "./assets/helllo_world.mp4",
"alt": "Tirst words from our custom karaoke are he llo wo rld",
"caption": "firsts words from the caraoki"