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import logging
import os.path
import pathlib
import re
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
from pip._internal.exceptions import BadCommand, InstallationError
from pip._internal.utils.misc import HiddenText, display_path, hide_url
from pip._internal.utils.subprocess import make_command
from pip._internal.vcs.versioncontrol import (
urlsplit = urllib.parse.urlsplit
urlunsplit = urllib.parse.urlunsplit
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
GIT_VERSION_REGEX = re.compile(
r"^git version " # Prefix.
r"(\d+)" # Major.
r"\.(\d+)" # Dot, minor.
r"(?:\.(\d+))?" # Optional dot, patch.
r".*$" # Suffix, including any pre- and post-release segments we don't care about.
HASH_REGEX = re.compile('^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$')
# SCP (Secure copy protocol) shorthand. e.g. ''
SCP_REGEX = re.compile(r"""^
# Optional user, e.g. 'git@'
# Server, e.g. ''.
# The server-side path. e.g. 'user/project.git'. Must start with an
# alphanumeric character so as not to be confusable with a Windows paths
# like 'C:/foo/bar' or 'C:\foo\bar'.
$""", re.VERBOSE)
def looks_like_hash(sha):
# type: (str) -> bool
return bool(HASH_REGEX.match(sha))
class Git(VersionControl):
name = 'git'
dirname = '.git'
repo_name = 'clone'
schemes = (
'git+http', 'git+https', 'git+ssh', 'git+git', 'git+file',
# Prevent the user's environment variables from interfering with pip:
unset_environ = ('GIT_DIR', 'GIT_WORK_TREE')
default_arg_rev = 'HEAD'
def get_base_rev_args(rev):
# type: (str) -> List[str]
return [rev]
def is_immutable_rev_checkout(self, url, dest):
# type: (str, str) -> bool
_, rev_options = self.get_url_rev_options(hide_url(url))
if not rev_options.rev:
return False
if not self.is_commit_id_equal(dest, rev_options.rev):
# the current commit is different from rev,
# which means rev was something else than a commit hash
return False
# return False in the rare case rev is both a commit hash
# and a tag or a branch; we don't want to cache in that case
# because that branch/tag could point to something else in the future
is_tag_or_branch = bool(
self.get_revision_sha(dest, rev_options.rev)[0]
return not is_tag_or_branch
def get_git_version(self) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
version = self.run_command(
['version'], show_stdout=False, stdout_only=True
match = GIT_VERSION_REGEX.match(version)
if not match:
return ()
return tuple(int(c) for c in match.groups())
def get_current_branch(cls, location):
# type: (str) -> Optional[str]
Return the current branch, or None if HEAD isn't at a branch
(e.g. detached HEAD).
# git-symbolic-ref exits with empty stdout if "HEAD" is a detached
# HEAD rather than a symbolic ref. In addition, the -q causes the
# command to exit with status code 1 instead of 128 in this case
# and to suppress the message to stderr.
args = ['symbolic-ref', '-q', 'HEAD']
output = cls.run_command(
extra_ok_returncodes=(1, ),
ref = output.strip()
if ref.startswith('refs/heads/'):
return ref[len('refs/heads/'):]
return None
def get_revision_sha(cls, dest, rev):
# type: (str, str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], bool]
Return (sha_or_none, is_branch), where sha_or_none is a commit hash
if the revision names a remote branch or tag, otherwise None.
dest: the repository directory.
rev: the revision name.
# Pass rev to pre-filter the list.
output = cls.run_command(
['show-ref', rev],
refs = {}
# NOTE: We do not use splitlines here since that would split on other
# unicode separators, which can be maliciously used to install a
# different revision.
for line in output.strip().split("\n"):
line = line.rstrip("\r")
if not line:
ref_sha, ref_name = line.split(" ", maxsplit=2)
except ValueError:
# Include the offending line to simplify troubleshooting if
# this error ever occurs.
raise ValueError(f'unexpected show-ref line: {line!r}')
refs[ref_name] = ref_sha
branch_ref = f'refs/remotes/origin/{rev}'
tag_ref = f'refs/tags/{rev}'
sha = refs.get(branch_ref)
if sha is not None:
return (sha, True)
sha = refs.get(tag_ref)
return (sha, False)
def _should_fetch(cls, dest, rev):
# type: (str, str) -> bool
Return true if rev is a ref or is a commit that we don't have locally.
Branches and tags are not considered in this method because they are
assumed to be always available locally (which is a normal outcome of
``git clone`` and ``git fetch --tags``).
if rev.startswith("refs/"):
# Always fetch remote refs.
return True
if not looks_like_hash(rev):
# Git fetch would fail with abbreviated commits.
return False
if cls.has_commit(dest, rev):
# Don't fetch if we have the commit locally.
return False
return True
def resolve_revision(cls, dest, url, rev_options):
# type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> RevOptions
Resolve a revision to a new RevOptions object with the SHA1 of the
branch, tag, or ref if found.
rev_options: a RevOptions object.
rev = rev_options.arg_rev
# The arg_rev property's implementation for Git ensures that the
# rev return value is always non-None.
assert rev is not None
sha, is_branch = cls.get_revision_sha(dest, rev)
if sha is not None:
rev_options = rev_options.make_new(sha)
rev_options.branch_name = rev if is_branch else None
return rev_options
# Do not show a warning for the common case of something that has
# the form of a Git commit hash.
if not looks_like_hash(rev):
"Did not find branch or tag '%s', assuming revision or ref.",
if not cls._should_fetch(dest, rev):
return rev_options
# fetch the requested revision
make_command('fetch', '-q', url, rev_options.to_args()),
# Change the revision to the SHA of the ref we fetched
sha = cls.get_revision(dest, rev='FETCH_HEAD')
rev_options = rev_options.make_new(sha)
return rev_options
def is_commit_id_equal(cls, dest, name):
# type: (str, Optional[str]) -> bool
Return whether the current commit hash equals the given name.
dest: the repository directory.
name: a string name.
if not name:
# Then avoid an unnecessary subprocess call.
return False
return cls.get_revision(dest) == name
def fetch_new(self, dest, url, rev_options):
# type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
rev_display = rev_options.to_display()'Cloning %s%s to %s', url, rev_display, display_path(dest))
self.run_command(make_command('clone', '-q', url, dest))
if rev_options.rev:
# Then a specific revision was requested.
rev_options = self.resolve_revision(dest, url, rev_options)
branch_name = getattr(rev_options, 'branch_name', None)
if branch_name is None:
# Only do a checkout if the current commit id doesn't match
# the requested revision.
if not self.is_commit_id_equal(dest, rev_options.rev):
cmd_args = make_command(
'checkout', '-q', rev_options.to_args(),
self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest)
elif self.get_current_branch(dest) != branch_name:
# Then a specific branch was requested, and that branch
# is not yet checked out.
track_branch = f'origin/{branch_name}'
cmd_args = [
'checkout', '-b', branch_name, '--track', track_branch,
self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest)
sha = self.get_revision(dest)
rev_options = rev_options.make_new(sha)"Resolved %s to commit %s", url, rev_options.rev)
#: repo may contain submodules
def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options):
# type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
make_command('config', 'remote.origin.url', url),
cmd_args = make_command('checkout', '-q', rev_options.to_args())
self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest)
def update(self, dest, url, rev_options):
# type: (str, HiddenText, RevOptions) -> None
# First fetch changes from the default remote
if self.get_git_version() >= (1, 9):
# fetch tags in addition to everything else
self.run_command(['fetch', '-q', '--tags'], cwd=dest)
self.run_command(['fetch', '-q'], cwd=dest)
# Then reset to wanted revision (maybe even origin/master)
rev_options = self.resolve_revision(dest, url, rev_options)
cmd_args = make_command('reset', '--hard', '-q', rev_options.to_args())
self.run_command(cmd_args, cwd=dest)
#: update submodules
def get_remote_url(cls, location):
# type: (str) -> str
Return URL of the first remote encountered.
Raises RemoteNotFoundError if the repository does not have a remote
url configured.
# We need to pass 1 for extra_ok_returncodes since the command
# exits with return code 1 if there are no matching lines.
stdout = cls.run_command(
['config', '--get-regexp', r'remote\..*\.url'],
extra_ok_returncodes=(1, ),
remotes = stdout.splitlines()
found_remote = remotes[0]
except IndexError:
raise RemoteNotFoundError
for remote in remotes:
if remote.startswith('remote.origin.url '):
found_remote = remote
url = found_remote.split(' ')[1]
return cls._git_remote_to_pip_url(url.strip())
def _git_remote_to_pip_url(url):
# type: (str) -> str
Convert a remote url from what git uses to what pip accepts.
There are 3 legal forms **url** may take:
1. A fully qualified url: ssh://
2. A local project.git folder: /path/to/bare/repository.git
3. SCP shorthand for form 1:
Form 1 is output as-is. Form 2 must be converted to URI and form 3 must
be converted to form 1.
See the corresponding test test_git_remote_url_to_pip() for examples of
sample inputs/outputs.
if re.match(r"\w+://", url):
# This is already valid. Pass it though as-is.
return url
if os.path.exists(url):
# A local bare remote (git clone --mirror).
# Needs a file:// prefix.
return pathlib.PurePath(url).as_uri()
scp_match = SCP_REGEX.match(url)
if scp_match:
# Add an ssh:// prefix and replace the ':' with a '/'.
return scp_match.expand(r"ssh://\1\2/\3")
# Otherwise, bail out.
raise RemoteNotValidError(url)
def has_commit(cls, location, rev):
# type: (str, str) -> bool
Check if rev is a commit that is available in the local repository.
['rev-parse', '-q', '--verify', "sha^" + rev],
except InstallationError:
return False
return True
def get_revision(cls, location, rev=None):
# type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str
if rev is None:
rev = 'HEAD'
current_rev = cls.run_command(
['rev-parse', rev],
return current_rev.strip()
def get_subdirectory(cls, location):
# type: (str) -> Optional[str]
Return the path to Python project root, relative to the repo root.
Return None if the project root is in the repo root.
# find the repo root
git_dir = cls.run_command(
['rev-parse', '--git-dir'],
if not os.path.isabs(git_dir):
git_dir = os.path.join(location, git_dir)
repo_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(git_dir, '..'))
return find_path_to_project_root_from_repo_root(location, repo_root)
def get_url_rev_and_auth(cls, url):
# type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str], AuthInfo]
Prefixes stub URLs like 'user@hostname:user/repo.git' with 'ssh://'.
That's required because although they use SSH they sometimes don't
work with a ssh:// scheme (e.g. GitHub). But we need a scheme for
parsing. Hence we remove it again afterwards and return it as a stub.
# Works around an apparent Git bug
# (see
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
if scheme.endswith('file'):
initial_slashes = path[:-len(path.lstrip('/'))]
newpath = (
initial_slashes +
.replace('\\', '/').lstrip('/')
after_plus = scheme.find('+') + 1
url = scheme[:after_plus] + urlunsplit(
(scheme[after_plus:], netloc, newpath, query, fragment),
if '://' not in url:
assert 'file:' not in url
url = url.replace('git+', 'git+ssh://')
url, rev, user_pass = super().get_url_rev_and_auth(url)
url = url.replace('ssh://', '')
url, rev, user_pass = super().get_url_rev_and_auth(url)
return url, rev, user_pass
def update_submodules(cls, location):
# type: (str) -> None
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, '.gitmodules')):
['submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive', '-q'],
def get_repository_root(cls, location):
# type: (str) -> Optional[str]
loc = super().get_repository_root(location)
if loc:
return loc
r = cls.run_command(
['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'],
except BadCommand:
logger.debug("could not determine if %s is under git control "
"because git is not available", location)
return None
except InstallationError:
return None
return os.path.normpath(r.rstrip('\r\n'))
def should_add_vcs_url_prefix(repo_url):
# type: (str) -> bool
"""In either https or ssh form, requirements must be prefixed with git+.
return True