""" Application Profiler ==================== This module provides a middleware that profiles each request with the :mod:`cProfile` module. This can help identify bottlenecks in your code that may be slowing down your application. .. autoclass:: ProfilerMiddleware :copyright: 2007 Pallets :license: BSD-3-Clause """ import os.path import sys import time import typing as t from pstats import Stats try: from cProfile import Profile except ImportError: from profile import Profile # type: ignore if t.TYPE_CHECKING: from _typeshed.wsgi import StartResponse from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIApplication from _typeshed.wsgi import WSGIEnvironment class ProfilerMiddleware: """Wrap a WSGI application and profile the execution of each request. Responses are buffered so that timings are more exact. If ``stream`` is given, :class:`pstats.Stats` are written to it after each request. If ``profile_dir`` is given, :mod:`cProfile` data files are saved to that directory, one file per request. The filename can be customized by passing ``filename_format``. If it is a string, it will be formatted using :meth:`str.format` with the following fields available: - ``{method}`` - The request method; GET, POST, etc. - ``{path}`` - The request path or 'root' should one not exist. - ``{elapsed}`` - The elapsed time of the request. - ``{time}`` - The time of the request. If it is a callable, it will be called with the WSGI ``environ`` dict and should return a filename. :param app: The WSGI application to wrap. :param stream: Write stats to this stream. Disable with ``None``. :param sort_by: A tuple of columns to sort stats by. See :meth:`pstats.Stats.sort_stats`. :param restrictions: A tuple of restrictions to filter stats by. See :meth:`pstats.Stats.print_stats`. :param profile_dir: Save profile data files to this directory. :param filename_format: Format string for profile data file names, or a callable returning a name. See explanation above. .. code-block:: python from werkzeug.middleware.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware app = ProfilerMiddleware(app) .. versionchanged:: 0.15 Stats are written even if ``profile_dir`` is given, and can be disable by passing ``stream=None``. .. versionadded:: 0.15 Added ``filename_format``. .. versionadded:: 0.9 Added ``restrictions`` and ``profile_dir``. """ def __init__( self, app: "WSGIApplication", stream: t.IO[str] = sys.stdout, sort_by: t.Iterable[str] = ("time", "calls"), restrictions: t.Iterable[t.Union[str, int, float]] = (), profile_dir: t.Optional[str] = None, filename_format: str = "{method}.{path}.{elapsed:.0f}ms.{time:.0f}.prof", ) -> None: self._app = app self._stream = stream self._sort_by = sort_by self._restrictions = restrictions self._profile_dir = profile_dir self._filename_format = filename_format def __call__( self, environ: "WSGIEnvironment", start_response: "StartResponse" ) -> t.Iterable[bytes]: response_body: t.List[bytes] = [] def catching_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): # type: ignore start_response(status, headers, exc_info) return response_body.append def runapp() -> None: app_iter = self._app( environ, t.cast("StartResponse", catching_start_response) ) response_body.extend(app_iter) if hasattr(app_iter, "close"): app_iter.close() # type: ignore profile = Profile() start = time.time() profile.runcall(runapp) body = b"".join(response_body) elapsed = time.time() - start if self._profile_dir is not None: if callable(self._filename_format): filename = self._filename_format(environ) else: filename = self._filename_format.format( method=environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], path=environ["PATH_INFO"].strip("/").replace("/", ".") or "root", elapsed=elapsed * 1000.0, time=time.time(), ) filename = os.path.join(self._profile_dir, filename) profile.dump_stats(filename) if self._stream is not None: stats = Stats(profile, stream=self._stream) stats.sort_stats(*self._sort_by) print("-" * 80, file=self._stream) path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO", "") print(f"PATH: {path_info!r}", file=self._stream) stats.print_stats(*self._restrictions) print(f"{'-' * 80}\n", file=self._stream) return [body]