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<h1>🔧 Report boiler inspection n. 03 🔦</h1>
<h3>zuppetta di ceci e melograno
<p style="font-size: 2em;">tthe report says:</p>
<h3> Helpdesk digestive soup</h3>
A soup to digest the loooong list of queued issues in your helpdesk software.
Chickpea, leek, water, onions, sweet potato, pomegranande, pepper
<li>open the list of queued issues</li>
<li>Cut the leeks and the onions</li>
<li>Pour some boiling water</li>
<li>Add the sweet potato and the chickpea (pre-soaked)</li>
<li>press delete on the first issue and stir the soup</li>
<li>press delete on the second issue and take a deep breath</li>
<li>When the vegetables are done blend everything with desperation and delete the remaining issues as fast as you can</li>
<li>pour the soup in a bowl and add the pomegranade and pepper</li>
<li>write a gratitude message as new issue to add to the empty queue</li>
<li>Sip the soup</li>
<li>turn off the laptop</li>