🔧 Boiler inspection 🔦

what needs to be maintained and how?


Age of the organization:
Current warden of the toilet paper:
Current warden of cleaning procedures:
Current warden of budgeting-spreadsheets:

The organization is characterized by the following infrastructural elements (select multiple):

financial situation
The following section is optionally supported by an administrational hand massage, please consult the instructions appendix as indicated in the next question before proceeding.
You can ask the help of a colleague or a fellow inspector to perform the massage. For each question, read it out loud holding the hands, breath out, and start the massage while reading the answers and answering. Take your time to conclude the massage and write the answers on the form.
Switch roles for each question of this section.
If you don't want the massage, simply skip the next question and proceed with the filling of the form.

Select the desired administrational massage:

What are the sources of income? (select multiple)

How is wage distributed inside the organization?

Is the current funding model/schema sustainable? (Please elaborate)

working conditions
score the following from 1 to 10 ( 1 = not at all, 10 = ehm, a lot.)

Dependency of the members on the organization's income stream

Space and resources for failure

Autonomy from bigger cultural institutions and their agenda

Space and resource for learning administration work

Frustration due to technical issues

Time dedicated to connect with the components(members) of the organization

Space and resources for learning technical things

Space and resources for research and experimentation

Time is dedicated to the organization outside of designated moments?

Mental load

Anxiety experienced

Panic mode before deadlines

How many nervous breakdown in the past year?

Frustration due to inter-personal misunderstandings

Time dedicated to repair broken things, but what needs to be repaired and who decides how?

Is time dedicated to healing fights?

Time dedicated to address unsolved conflicts

If you answered yes to the previous 2 questions, HOW?

Are there space and resources for emotional support?
score from 1 to 10 (1 = there's none, 10 = there's a loooot)


Space for more questions: