🔧 Boiler inspection 🔦


Bureaucratic introduction

Number of people legally associated to the organization
Actual number of people in the organization

Age of the organization:
Current warden of the toilet paper:
Current warden of cleaning procedures:
Current warden of budgeting-spreadsheets:
Current sys-admin:

The Boiler
Is the organization owning a IRL space?

If yes: what is the degree of ownership?

If no: where/how is the organization meeting?

The organization uses the following infrastructural elements collectively (select multiple):

All the people inside the organization have equal access and/or basic knowledge of the elements above mentioned:
Write T (true) or F (false) next to their checkboxes.


Schema of task distribution

Who can make decisions?

Is this system modifiable?

responsibility distribution
Who is legally liable for:
financial situation
what are the sources of income? (select multiple)

How is wage distributed inside the organization?

Is the current funding model/schema collectively sustainable? (Please elaborate)

Working conditions (conditions + contradictions)
All the questions of the following session are to be asked for each component of the organization.

Do people work:

score from 1 to 10 the presence of the following:
Dependency on the organization's income stream?

Time is dedicated to the organization outside of designated moments?

Mental load

Anxiety experienced

Panic mode before deadlines

frustration due to technical issues

frustration due to inter-personal misunderstandings


nervous breakdown

Time dedicated to repair broken things

Time dedicated to healing fights

Time dedicated to connect with the components of the organization

Time dedicated to address unsolved conflicts

space and resources for emotional support

space and resources for learning technical things

Space and resources for failure

Space and resource for learning administration work

space and resources for research and experimentation

Autonomy from bigger cultural institutions and their agenda


Space for more questions: