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12 months ago
reading copy3 of the boiler inspection...
- can you provide a definition of maintenance?
"to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline"
- what do you mean with "NON exhaustive"?
- "maintenance has become an extremely delicate and contradicting practice for self-organized cultural initiatives which run and maintain independent digital infrastructures." !!!!!
- maybe rephrase your main question // add more sub questions
"What needs to be maintained and how?"
What can be maintained?
Who maintains what?
What is difficult to maintain?
what is needed to maintain (or not)? (what needs to be changed?)
how (format of form and inspection)
think out loud in the text, make space for multiple questions
expand on the idea of a non exhaustive investigation... hope of what the form will do
how it can be used
"this is just an attempt"
practical suggestive info
indication how long it will take for example
suggestions for ... setup
whoever is inspecting is the inspector...
colophon section:
reference to previous inspections
- "The organization is _characterized by_ the following infrastructural elements (select multiple)" → what do you mean with "is characterized by"? what infrastructural elements are present in the org?
add chat, email, image gallery, archive, file sharing, accounting software, bank account unpack everything
kvk subscription, insurances, coc, working agreements, pension....
- "All the people inside the organization have "equal" access" → implies that equal access is the only way to do it well? Maybe you can unpack this question with a small drawing exercise or something like that?
- skillsets
- time available
- trust
- desires / interests
- agreements
- knowledge, documentation
- how does the choice for FLOSS/proprietary relate back to the quesiton of maintenance?
what is the impact of these decisions?
- how this decision affects maintenance
- floss with who? and what does it mean to rely on others? (financial support?)
- if you're not relying on proprietary software, then who are you relying on?
- (related to above) introduce the question of dependencies?
possible governance
- "Are tasks clearly and fairly distributed (for example, not only based on the skills and knowledge of each individual)?" → Bit similar as above.. can you unpack this? How can we think about fairness? What do you mean with "not only based on skills and knowledge"?
Are the organisational structures present to exchange or rotate knowledge?
How is new knowledge acquired?
What role does documentation have here?
what are docu practices in the group?
how is new knowledge acquired? Is there organizational space for learning and where is it?
- the mental load could reappear in different sections?
- how can you add more playful elements? play with the form format? (the mental load checkboxes field + color picker is nice)
- how to build in the form that call back the main question, create loop moments...
- how can you loop back to the main question around maintenance in the form?
- what is there to maintained? and what not?
- [can you introduce more imagination, "IF" this "ELIF" that "ELSE" maintenance, into the form? More dreaming? More imagining how maintenance could be rethought?] maybe
--> it could be a too big of a shift in approach/tone.... maybe just a last question?
- is it an idea to add narration to the form? possibly you can use your thesis? yes
- "in Shannon Matterns terms, maintenance “is necessarily a collective endeavor”"
→ who is part of this collective?
[internal] how can we think/map doing maintenance work together?
[transversal] but also, which things/crises/groups are shaping and having a big impact on the collective work?
add questions like:
- what is prioritized over satisfying salary?
= fun
= being together and having good relationship with colleagues
= collective learning
= nothing, having financial stability is top priority
- in a condition of time scarcity do you give up on:
= collective learning
= discussing and clearing up interpersonal misunderstanding... blablaba