Boiler Inspection

Reflections on the self-administered survival of digital solidarity networks

FAL 1.3 2023



A boiler inspection is a situated and collective observation of the problem of maintenance in self-organized cultural initiatives which work with and gather around free software and self-hosted technologies.

The present form accompanies and supports the inspection and it functions as a prop to trigger and facilitate further discussion on WHAT NEEDS TO BE MAINTAINED AND HOW? WHAT IS DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN? WHAT NEEDS TO NOT BE MAINTAINED? WHICH COLLECTIVITY IS ACTUALLY INVOLVED IN THE MAINTENANCE?

The boiler inspection embraces the aesthetics of maintenance in the hope of addressing invisible labor or neglected well-being, starting from the infrastructure as a boiler-body to be inspected.

The questions in the form are calibrated on issues like governace, autonomy, administration, working conditions and well-being, but FEEL FREE TO ANNOTATE AND FORMULATE NEW QUESTIONS, using the existing ones as a starting point. You can use the stickers in the attachment "Sticky form" if you prefer


The boiler inspection will take around 60min, but obstacles and difficult conversation might stretch the inspection time up to 3 hours. The questions present in the inspection might not encompass all the issues and might generate even more questions; yet they might be used to address internal and/or external unspoken conflicts in a formalized way. Answers to the questions do not pretend to be exhaustive, and solutions MIGHT NOT BE GRANTED.

The following questions have been formulated and calibrated on the basis of past boiler inspections. Feel free to correct or modify both questions and answers according the specificities of your organizational urgencies.

Please, be wary that some of the questions might trigger anxiety, dizziness, headache, tension and/or confusion. If you experience any of these symptoms feel free to verbalize and discuss them, or to take a break, or to have a walk, or to leave blank spaces, or to leave thick black marks, or to fold the corners of the form, ot to rip them off, or to crumple up the whole form.

PLEASE MARK WITH THE SYMBOLS ⚠️ or 🔥 or 😡 ANY SENSITIVE INFORMATION YOU WISH NOT TO BE PUBLIC. Such information will be held as professional secret.


Find the appropriate time and space for the boiler inspection. Ideally, the inspection may be conducted togheter with everyone involved in your organization, but if this is not possible it's ok to do it with fewer people.
Ask not to be disturbed. Find a comfortable position, and take a deep breath.

Now you can turn the page and start the boiler inspection.

Inspection form

Description of the boiler
Age of the organization:

The following infrastructural elements are collectively used by the organization for its activities (select multiple):

All the people inside the organization have "equal" access and/or basic knowledge of the infrastructural elements marked above and drawed on the map.
Write T (true) or F (false) next to their checkboxes and mark them with a cross on the map.

Is the organization ONLY using FLOSS (Free Open Source) software for their activities?
yes yes, but... no

If no, which proprietary softare are present?

Governance and autonomy
Formal number of people inside the organization
Actual number of people involved in activities of governance and maintenance of the organization

Are tasks clearly and fairly distributed (for example, not only based on the skills and knowledge of each individual)?
yes yes, Formal number of people inside the organization
Actual number of people involved in activities of governance and maintenance of the organization

Which other actors are involved in the production, the distribution and the maintenance of the organization's works? (Elaborate in a list format)

Who can make decisions?

How are decision making processes moderated?

Is the organization taking all the necessary caring procedures for eventual turnover (for example with exhaustive documentation)? How?


What are the sources of income? (select multiple)

Average number of other jobs that the organization's members have:

Dependency of the members on the organization's income stream. Score from 1 (not at all) to 10 (a lot.)

Is the current funding model/schema sustainable and wage fairly distributed? (Please elaborate)

Working conditions
Do people work:

Working hours:

The following questions are intended to be answered individually. Score the following from 1 to 10 ( 1 = not at all, 10 = a lot).
Space and resources for failure

Autonomy from bigger cultural institutions and their agenda

Space and resource for learning administration work

Space and resources for learning technical things

Space and resources for research and experimentation

Frustration due to technical issues

Time dedicated to connect with the components(members) of the organization

Time dedicated to repair broken things?

The following questions are intended to be answered individually. Score the following from 1 to 10 ( 1 = not at all, 10 = a lot).

Time dedicated to the organization outside of designated moments

Mental load*: check as many as you feel metally loaded.
* It indicates the feeling of saturation and overload due to extra time dedicated to think and worry about the organization outside of designated working hours.

Anxiety experienced

How many nervous breakdown in the past year?

Frustration due to inter-personal misunderstandings

Is time dedicated to address unsolved conflicts among the members of the organization?
yes yes, but... no

Are there space and resources for emotional support?
score from 1 to 10 (1 = there's none, 10 = there's a loooot)

Space for more questions: