from urllib import request import json import requests import mwclient import os import urllib.parse data=request.urlopen('').read() print(data) json_data=json.loads(data) print(json_data) title=json_data['parse']['title'] print(title) images=json_data['parse']['images'] print(images) #['Inside_overview_(1).gif', 'Inside_overview_(2).gif', 'Inside_pocket.gif', 'Opened.jpeg', 'Outside_cover.jpeg', 'Paper_selection.jpeg', 'Side_view.jpeg', 'Inuse.jpg', 'Multicolumnednotebook_.jpg', 'Multicolumnednotebook_(1).jpg', 'Multicolumnednotebook_(2).jpg', 'Archive_01.jpg', 'Concertina2.jpg', 'Concertina1.jpg', 'Metalring5.jpg', 'Metalring6.jpg', 'Penholder.jpg', 'Paperfoldedupdate.jpg', 'Notesfrompellebyme3.jpg', 'M&Ms_results.jpg', 'Notebookworkflow_(8).jpg', 'Longletternotebook.jpg', 'Longletternotebooktext.jpg', 'Prototype.gif', 'First_notebook_kit.jpg', 'Annotation_scans_(1).jpg'] text=json_data['parse']['text']['*'] print(text) for image in images: #here we download images S = requests.Session() URL = "" #this is wrong, it gives me the images of all the media design instead of just one page PARAMS = { "action": "query", "format": "json", "list": "allimages", "aifrom": image, #using variable from the list above "ailimit": "1" #here i can say how many i want from the list } R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS) DATA = R.json() IMAGES = DATA["query"]["allimages"] for image in IMAGES: imageurl = image["url"] filename = image["title"].replace('File:', '').replace(' ', '_') print(imageurl) print(filename) response = requests.get(imageurl) #if response.status_code == 200: #what does this mean? with open(filename, 'wb') as f: #what is f? why in the other one we used fd? f.write(response.content) html=text.split("\n") new_html="" for line in html: for image in images: image=urllib.parse.quote_plus(image) #replace html img element if image in line: new=f"""
""" line=new print(line) new_html=new_html+line+"\n" print(new_html) template=f''' web-to-print hello {new_html} ''' wikicreate=open('notebook_json.html', mode='w') wikicreate.write(template) wikicreate.close()