wiki scroll

to calm anxiety

wiki scroll

hard cover

I need a notebook for ideas sketching and development = where to write down a sudden idea fast and easy and then have the space to develop it in the future = organised but free space to express maybe with sum-up window/space I always feel like when I write on my paper notebooks is never definitive, i feel it like a work in progress that then is completed when I move the notes on my laptop. If I move them on my laptop not organised I feel stressed because it doesn't allow me to think/reason/process but it doesn't even allow my brain to relax because things are in order.

with space for marginalia

wiki scroll

to add content after the page is already full

I need a notebook for ideas sketching and development = where to write down a sudden idea fast and easy and then have the space to develop it in the future = organised but free space to express maybe with sum-up window/space I always feel like when I write on my paper notebooks is never definitive, i feel it like a work in progress that then is completed when I move the notes on my laptop. If I move them on my laptop not organised I feel stressed because it doesn't allow me to think/reason/process but it doesn't even allow my brain to relax because things are in order.

for personal thoughts


soft cover

wiki scroll

smooth paper

I need a notebook for ideas sketching and development = where to write down a sudden idea fast and easy and then have the space to develop it in the future = organised but free space to express maybe with sum-up window/space I always feel like when I write on my paper notebooks is never definitive, i feel it like a work in progress that then is completed when I move the notes on my laptop. If I move them on my laptop not organised I feel stressed because it doesn't allow me to think/reason/process but it doesn't even allow my brain to relax because things are in order.

to separate content in different sections