
.                                .                  .                                         
.                  .              .                  .                     .           .      
       .      ____  ____   __   ____    __   __   _  _  ____  __  ____  _  _ 
             (  __)(  _ \ / _\ (  _ \ _(  ) /  \ / )( \/ ___)(  )/ ___)/ )( \
              ) _)  )   //    \ ) _ (/ \) \(  O )) \/ (\___ \ )( \___ \) __ (     .       .
  .          (__). (__\_)\_/\_/(____/\____/ \__/ \____/(____/(__)(____/\_)(_/
           .       ____  __  ___  ____  __ .__   __ _   __   ____  _  _              .
                  (    \(  )/ __)(_  _)(  )/  \ (  ( \ / _\ (  _ \( \/ )  . 
 .                 ) D ( )(( (__   )(   )((  O )/    //    \ )   / )  /       .    .-. 
                  (____/(__)\___) (__) (__)\__/ \_)__)\_/\_/(__\_)(__/            /o o\     
     .                                                 .                 .  
                      .                     .                                   /| `=' |\/

{%for key, word in database.items()%} {% for story in word.stories%} {% endfor%} {%endfor%}

Frabjousish Dictionary has been produced in the context of the graduation project of Euna Lee(https://www.euna-lee.com/) From the Experimental Publishing (XPUB) Master course at the Piet Zwart Institute, Willem de Kooning Academy in the 2022 summer.

I kindly invite you to contribute to Frabjousish word-making and take a look at updated Frabjousish words at https://hub.xpub.nl/frabjousish/world/.

Typeface: jgs7
