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  .                    .           .                     .      .            .          .   .
           .    ____  _  _  _  _  ____  ____ . __   ____  ____  _____  _  _ 
               (_  _)( \( )( \/ )(_  _)(_  _) /__\ (_  _)(_  _)(  _  )( \( )       .      .
    .           _)(_  )  (  \  /  _)(_   )(  /(__)\  )(  ._)(_  )(_)(  )  (           .
               (____)(_)\_)  \/  (____) (__)(__)(__)(__) (____)(_____)(_)\_)
           .                __    ____  ____  ____  ____  ____                .              .
     .           .         (  )  ( ___)(_  _)(_  _)( ___)(  _ \      .              .
                        .   )(__  )__)   )(    )( . )__)  )   /                     
    .                      (____)(____) (__)  (__) (____)(_)\_)            .           
             .          .                       .                 .                  ._.   
 .                               .                          .           .       

    Hello my friend on the other side of the screen!

    When communicating in a second language, you may have accidentally made a slip 
  of the tongue that made people laugh, feel embarrassed, or enraged! As my mother tongue is 
  Korean and I learned English and French in Korea, I have experienced those situations. 
  Once, I proposed an "unanimous" vote instead of an "anonymous" vote and sometimes, I struggle 
  to pronounce “sheet” and “shit” differently. And even yesterday, Grammarly sentenced me a
  red dotted underline. According to the AI , I should've not use the word "humour", because 
  it doesn't suit me. Do I deserve to be blamed? Do I have to be ashamed of these errors?
  At first, does the "correct" language exist? Does anyone deserve to convict me as 
  a "linguistic criminal"? I confess, "I was and I believed so" before I discovered 
  the 'Looking-Screen World', a digital universe inspired by the looking-mirror world 
  in Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

    The first time I came here, every Frabjousish* welcomed me with open arms. Figuring out 
  that I’m from the “Real-world”, they asked me with a twinkle in their eyes, if I've 
  experienced a slip of tongue, which is an urban legend** for Frabjousish. As soon as 
  I finished my several anecdotes, a Frabjousish*** stepped up. "When I use a word," she said 
  in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean- neither more nor less.”
    We, as I am one of them by now, don't obey linguistic rules, but we all are the creator 
  of our language. For us, speaking or writing in an unknown way is a moment of growth 
  of Frabjousish. We register it on the Frabjousish Dictionary*** and from that moment, we 
  chat, read and make a poem in that way!

    This is why I'm writing this invitation to you. On behalf of Frabjousish, I kindly ask 
  you to come here, contribute to our language and to savour it together! You don't need 
  to worry if we don't like you. Your color, gender, political orientation, MBTI type, pet 
  or else don't matter to us. On the contrary, we are always seeking diversity and warmly 
  welcome anyone as they are. We look forward to meeting you here: 


  Your sincere friend from the Looking-Screen World,

    * A compound word of Frabjous(invented word by Lewis Carroll, fair + fabulous +joyous) 
  and ish(suffix meaning relating to)

    ** A steady seller in the Looking-screen world, "Urban legendarium Tome 1" is 
  about the language in other worlds. As the "correct" nor "wrong" language does not exist 
  in Frabjousish, the word "Slip of tongue", "pidgin", "rectify", "red underline", 
  "Grammarly" and others make Frabjousish tremble.

    *** She was an egg-shape person and sat on a wall.

    **** A ring bound book. Since Frabjousish never stops adding a new page, the bookmaker 
  refuses to bind with glue or thread.
