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/ETC - Eclectic Tech Carnival (2019) <i>About The Eclectic Tech Carnival.</i> Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a> <br><br>
<b>Email Drama</b><br>
We hope this email finds you well* - a radio drama series (n.d.). Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a><br><br>
<b>GenderChangers</b><br> (n.d.) Frequently Asked Questions. Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a> <br>
Metzlar, D. (2019) In person interview, 16 Nov 2019.<br><br>
<b>Hackerspace List</b><br> Mailing Lists (n.d.). Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a><br>
What is a Mailing List? - Definition from Techopedia (n.d.). Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a><br><br>
Maxigas, P. (2012) Hacklabs and Hackerspaces—Tracing Two Genealogies, <i>Journal of Peer Production</i>, 2. Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a>
<b>Hardware Crash</b><br>
Eclectic Tech Carnival ( (n.d.). Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "></a> <br>
Gryllaki, A. (2019) Computer hardware crash course in /ETC 2019. Athens: Personal Archive.<br>
Its begun (2018). Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a> <br>
Mauro-Flude, N. (n.d) <i>Presentation on theme: "The Genderchangers Academy [GCA] and The eclectic tech carnival [/etc.]</i> &nbsp;Available at: &nbsp; <a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=" "> </a> <br><br>
<b>Summon Spirits</b><br>
Light, J. (1999) 'When Computers Were Women', <i>Technology & Culture</i>, Vol. 40, No. 3 : 455483.<br><br>
<b>Systers List</b><br>
About Anita Borg, Co-Founder of GHC (n.d.). Available at: &nbsp;<a class="outerlinks" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> </a><br><br>
<b>Usenet Group</b><br>
Camp, L. J. (1996) We are geeks, and we are not guys: The systers mailing list, <i>Wired women: Gender and new realities in cyberspace</i>. Seattle, Wash.: Seal Press.<br><br>
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