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<p>Electronic publishing Traditional book Art-oriented publisher Design-oriented publishing Hybrid publishing Printed publishing Word Processors (Microsoft Word) Desktop publishing suites (DTP)(Adobe Indesign) Do-it-yourself (DIY) EPUB3: Electronic publication format Markdown: Word processing format Small-edition Low cost Ease to use Sustainability Platform independence Open Source Layout E-reader hardware E-reader software WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Logical-semantic markup HTML(hypertext Markup Language) Electronic text Paged-centered Reflowable layout Optical character recognition(OCR) Hyperlinks Bitstreams One-to-one: single book published in different media One-to-many: single book that has different appearances in different media One-to-database: book based on the content of the data base which can be used in a number of ways Table con tontines Footnotes Endnotes cross.references citations bibliography Real-time data</p>