# Libraries import json, pypandoc from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.parse import urlencode # Connecting via API with the pad with open("/opt/etherpad/APIKEY.txt") as f: api_key = f.read().strip() api_url = "https://hub.xpub.nl/soupboat/pad/api/1.2.15/" # wrap in a convenient function (APICALL) def ep (api_fn, api_url, api_key, **data): data['apikey'] = api_key return json.load(urlopen(f"{api_url}{api_fn}", data=urlencode(data).encode())) glossary = ep("getText", api_url, api_key, padID="camilo_glossary") text = glossary["data"]["text"] # Converting markdown text into html words = pypandoc.convert_text(text, 'html', format='md') # Defining a dictionary of properties properties = [ { 'title':'action', 'symbol':'A', 'color': 'green' }, { 'title':'situation', 'symbol':'S', 'color': 'aqua' }, { 'title':'logic', 'symbol':'L', 'color': 'orange' }, ] # Writing a legend using the properties legend = '' i = 0 for title, symbol, color in properties: title = properties[i]['title'] legend += f'''\n''' i += 1 # Adding property symbols in front of each word generating a Java script code: script = '' i = 0 for title, symbol, color in properties: title = properties[i]['title'] symbol = properties[i]['symbol'] script += (f"""const {title} = document.getElementsByClassName("{title}"); for (let i = 0; i < {title}.length; i++)"""'{\n' f"""{title}[i].innerHTML += "{symbol}";""" '\n}\n\n') i += 1 # Generating a css style using properties values: style = '' i = 0 for title, symbol, color in properties: title = properties[i]['title'] color = properties[i]['color'] style += f'''.{title}-s''' + '{' + f'''color:{color};''''}' i += 1 # Writing the glossary website # Note that here you are using the previous variables **style**, **legend**, and **script** body = f''' Attempt to Glossary

Glossary for a Diffractive Publishing Practice

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This glossary project is an ongoing and ever-transforming experiment that introduces a diffractive methodology inside the publishing practice. It is seen as a mutable and living publication result of collective workshops where participants are invited to think and converse around its words and annotations. During the workshop, diffraction performs a conscious interconnection of practices beyond reflection. The current state of the glossary gathers different annotations on each word instead of a closed definition for each one.

Concretly, the glossary as a publication uses questions as triggers and it aims to weave as a conversation the multiple{description}of the current practice, with other vocabularies that come from critical theory, new materialism and others. The final intention is not just to envision our future as publishers but to help to initiate conversations with others.


''' # Writing the `index.html` file ``` website = open('index.html','w') website.write(body) website.close()