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<div class="comment1stpage baloons"id="baloon1" style="display: none;">
<p class="text_baloon1">
It looks like the previous owner of the newspaper highlighted something. <br>
They cannot be too far:<br> <a href="park_N.html"> look for them in the park ! </a>
<div class="comment1stpage baloons"id="baloon2" style="display: none;">
<p class="text_baloon1"></p>
The situation at the school looks serious.
Who is this N. writing? <br>They might know what is going on.
<div class="comment2stpage baloons"id="baloon3" style="display: none;">
<p class="text_baloon3">
Amanda often volunteers for the cat shelter.<br>
Can this be the reason why she is late?<br>
<a href="cat_shelter.html"> Look for her at the cat shelter! </a>
<div class="comment2stpage baloons"id="baloon4" style="display: none;">
<p class="text_baloon4"></p>
I hope Amanda will arrive soon, <br>
you still have to purchase the tickets!
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<p class="news_title_index"> </p>
<p class="news_index">
From the Pleasant Valley Elementary School: An educational trip surrounded by nature
<br>by the School Administration <br>
Suspected food poisoning at Pleasant Valley Elementary School <br>by N. <br>
Pleasant Valley Elementary School's trip: where are the children? <br>by N. <br>
Breaking news: Mysterious disappearance at the city-run Cat Shelter <br>by Juicy Local Stories editor <br>
Pleasant valley is showing excitement for the opening of the concert season <br>by Pleasant Valley's major
<div class="school2" style="display:none;">
<p class="news_title">Suspected food poisoning at Pleasant Valley Elementary School</p>
The situation of the local elementary school's canteen is starting to raise some serious concerns after some suspected food poisoning episodes occurred. Although the school's administration and its food provider --the <span class="clues">Monteferro Food Enterprise</span>-- already denied all charges some parents are not convinced by the declarations, asking for more clarity and controls over the food served at the canteen. One of them is Angela G., mother of a 9 years old child who experienced nausea and sickness since the beginning of the school year. Other parents are concerned about their children who often look distant and tired.
<p class="news_author">by N.</p>
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<div class="school4" style="display:none;">
<p class="news_title">Breaking news: Mysterious disappearance at the city-run cat shelter</p>
The notice has been sent this early morning by a group of volunteers who were visiting the shelter to feed the cats. At their arrival at the place, they only found empty kennels: all the guests of the shelter seem to have disappeared mysteriously.
Our editorial staff is kindly asking whoever has information regarding this occurrence to contact the local police department or to get in reach with the cat shelter's direction.
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<div class="right_page">
<div class="school1">
<p class="news_title">From the Pleasant Valley Elementary School: A trip surrounded by nature</p>
On behalf of all the staff, I am happy to announce that our annual educational trip is finally taking place. Teachers and students are participating in a three days camping experience surrounded by the beauties of the <span class="clues">Spring River</span> National Park, a beautiful and uncontaminated oasis off the beaten tourist track. The location has been appointed by our team after evaluating its suitability for the didactic activities planned for the weekend. Yesterday morning the participants left Pleasant Valley with a private water bus leaving from the river bank. The staff is kindly asking the parents of the participants to welcome back their children at the same location on Sunday at 18 pm.
<p class="news_author">by Pleasant Valley Elementary School Administration </p>
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<div class="school3" style="display:none;">
<p class="news_title">Pleasant Valley Elementary School's trip: where are the children?</p>
This year, the Pleasant Valley Elementary School announced, after 14 years, the change of the location of their annual educational trip. Yesterday, the students and the school's staff left for the first time for the <span class="clues">Spring River</span> National Park. The site, described by the school's administration as an unspoiled natural oasis on the river bank, is <span class="clues">not appearing</span> on any map, and no official information regarding the place or how to reach it is available. I am hoping that the school will soon shed light on this mysterious lack of information.
<p class="news_author">by N.</p>
<div id="arrow_go2"></div>
<div class="school5" style="display:none;">
<p class="news_title">Pleasant valley is showing excitement for the opening of the concert season</p>
Tonight the Pleasant Valley's arena will be happy to welcome the singer and performer Avril Lavigne who will open the new season of concerts. Tickets are still available at the town hall.
<p class="news_author">by Pleasant valley's major</p>
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<div class="bubble1" style="display: none;" >Sorry, no fries today ✜</div>
<div class="bubble2" style="display: none;" > Have you heard about the cat shelter?It looks like the cats disappeared during the night. They say they left no traces ■</div>
<div class="text_container">
<div class="message1">
It's Saturday morning. You are at the park waiting for your friend Amanda. She seems to be really late.
You spot a copy of today's newspaper on the bench close to you: maybe you want to give it a read. You can also <button onclick="location.href='park_N_clues.html';"><span class="button_text">go for a little walk</span></button> or just <button class="wait_for_amanda"><span class="button_text">wait for Amanda</span></button>.
<div class="message4" style="display:none;">
It looks like Amanda is not able to join you ( ͡❛ ︹ ͡❛).
There is a nice kiosk close by: go there to get fries. You can still have a look at the news or <button onclick="location.href='park_N_clues.html';"><span class="button_text">go for a walk</span></button> .
<div class="message5 " style="display:none;">
Amanda often volunteers for the cat shelter, maybe she went there to help.
Can this be the reason why she is late? <button onclick="location.href='cat_shelter.html';"><span class="button_text">Look for her at the cat shelter!</span></button>
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