Oh jeez! The school's cooking staff turned into what appears to be a devil-worshippers gang!<br>
You still have fluoride with you though: use it to fight them back!<br>
<spanclass="instructions">Click on the school's staff to neutralize them with the poisonous chemical.</span>
<spanclass="instructions"><spanclass="instructions_arrow">→</span>Click on the school's staff to neutralize them with the poisonous chemical.</span>
<divclass="message3 "style="display: none;">
You managed to neutralize the enemy! Sadly, Ned was hit during the fight.
<divclass="message4 "style="display: none;">
<buttononclick="location.href='square_satanism.html';"><spanclass="button_text">Go to the village square</span></button> to inform the citizens of your discovery: you need to rescue the children from the trip.
If you are still in doubt, follow Ned's advice and <buttononclick="location.href='pleiadians_satanism.html';"><spanclass="button_text">look for the chemtrails</span></button> .
Ned passed ( ͡❛ ︹ ͡❛) , but you can still save the children. <buttononclick="location.href='square_satanism.html';"><spanclass="button_text">Go to the village square</span></button> to inform the citizens of your discovery: you need to rescue the children from the trip.
If you are still in doubt, follow his advice and <buttononclick="location.href='pleiadians_satanism.html';"><spanclass="button_text">look for the chemtrails</span></button> .
Click on the veggies to get the proofs you need: you must collect at least 5 poisoned corn cobs before the Monteferro's employees see you!
<spanclass="instructions_arrow">→</span> Click on the veggies to get the proofs you need: you must collect at least 5 poisoned corn cobs before the Monteferro's employees see you!
There is a nice kiosk close by: <buttonid="fries"><spanclass="button_text">go there to get fries</span></button> . You can still <buttonclass="open_newspaper_index"><spanclass="button_text">have a look at the news</span></button> or <buttononclick="location.href='park_dream.html';"><spanclass="button_text">go for a walk</span></button> .
<spanclass="instructions_arrow">→</span> Click on the kiosk to get the fries.
Pity! It looks like you are left with no option but to <buttononclick="location.href='park_dream.html';"><spanclass="button_text">go for a walk</span></button> .
<divclass="woman_bubble"style="display: none;">I don't know, you should try to ask the news vendor.</div>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<divclass="message1 instructions">
Move around the park with the arrows ←↑↓→ and click on the people to ask them if they saw the newspaper's owner.
<spanclass="instructions_arrow">→</span>Move around the park with the arrows ←↑↓→ and click on the people to ask them if they saw the newspaper's owner.
<divclass="message2"style="display: none;">
You found him! <buttonclass="ned_more"><spanclass="button_text">Hear more from Ned</span></button> .
You are in the village square. You must inform the villagers of what is going on in the school: the kids need to be rescued from the evil staff. <br>
<spanclass="instructions">Click on the villagers to share with them your findings!</span>
<spanclass="instructions"><spanclass="instructions_arrow">→</span>Click on the villagers to share with them your findings!</span>
<divclass="message2"style="display: none;">
It looks like you managed to reclute an impressive army: <buttononclick="location.href='river_bank.html';"><spanclass="button_text"> Guide them to the river bank</span></button> and raise anchor to Spring River.