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<b-container fluid class="p-0">
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<router-link to="/bananas" id="leftarrow"><b-img src="media/left-arrow.png"></b-img></router-link>
<p id="onhover_left">[each] Tuesday Afternoon</p>
<b-col md="4" class="color_back">
<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">Yes, Chef</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">by Esmeralda Anstrauta</p>
<div class='content'>
Trained food folk have the most fascinating relationship with food I've ever seen - never before have I been around so many people who make great food all day long and yet eat little of it. Coming from my sedentary housecat life of planning lunches and sleeping in, I was bound to have a rude awakening. In my first month on the line, I developed a callous at the base of my right pointer finger from wielding knives and became gaunt and sickly due to a habit of having cappuccinos for breakfast, cigarettes for lunch, and popcorn for dinner. As someone who has a history of disordered eating and a lifetime of romanticising the back of the house, my sudden career change kicked my ass. If you've worked in the trade, ever spoken to a chef, or at least read Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential, you know the addictive patterns the job entails. Though some aspects drastically differ between Bourdain's kitchen in the 1980s and a Northern European restaurant kitchen now (slightly less cocaine and no one wears a toque anymore), other things really haven't changed - most of all, the terrible eating habits of chefs. </p>
A few months after I started working in the kitchen, I began attending culinary school and quickly realised exactly how unsustainable my new lifestyle was. Not only was I tired all the time, but I had also begun feeling despondent because I had withdrawn the joy and creativity I'd always associated with food and replaced it with calculations and ruthless productivity. Things had to change; I'd chosen culinary over grad school and yet my love for food culture was nowhere to be found. Reintroducing cooking for myself was like learning to cook all over again. Recipes had to be simple at first; no more than five ingredients and little to no prep and cleanup. Most of all, the recipe couldn't keep me by the stove for longer than absolutely necessary. Behold, one dinner turned into many others, soon joined by breakfast. I'm still terrible at eating lunch.</p>
Don't get me wrong, I dearly love being a chef and the starched-white aesthetics of the kitchen, but I want to find a way to not let my job consume me and my love for food. Chefs still have a drastically lower life expectancy than most occupations and it's not all due to fumes and knee problems. Rather, it's the harsh lifestyle and its implications for our overall health. There must be a future in which hospitality industry workers don't have to work for fifteen hours without breaks and then rely on cigarettes and alcohol to cope with the stress, eventually becoming the bitter and jaded people we traditionally associate with the profession. There must be a way around it - I believe it starts with taking care of yourself first.
<b-col md="4" class="color_next">
<b-row class="controls">
<b-col md="12" class="arrows">
<router-link to="/potato" id="rightarrow"><b-img src="media/right-arrow.png"></b-img></router-link>
<p id="onhover_right">One Way with Potatoes</p>
<b-col md="4" >
<b-img id="illustration" src="media/illustrations_3/popcorn_small.png"></b-img>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'popcorn',
data: function() {
return {
components: {