You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

295 lines
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<b-container fluid class="p-0">
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<b-col md="12" class="arrows">
<router-link to="/twoberries" id="leftarrow"><b-img src="media/left-arrow.png"></b-img></router-link>
<p id="onhover_left">Floating on Habit</p>
<b-col md="4" class="color_back">
<b-col md="12">
<p class="title_story">Freestyle Platouaș</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">by Ileana Sebe</p>
<div class='content'>
<p>Work from home has come with new eating habits, <br>
some of them not the healthiest ones,<br>
at least not what was considered healthy before the covid period.
<div class="image_container">
<b-col md="12">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_1.jpg"> </b-img>
I for myself took the lunch break very late in the afternoon, <br>
when hunger was beyond its peak point.
<b-col md="12">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_2.jpg"> </b-img>
I ate more often by the computer which never happened while working in an office building and sharing lunch with colleagues.
<b-col md="12">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_3.jpg"> </b-img>
So, when hunger kicked in big time, the only thing to do was to grab on a plate of food I like and had in the fridge or pantry and create a freestyle salty & sweet mix.
<b-col md="12">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_4.jpg"> </b-img>
Not the usual combinations, but very satisfying for my taste buds and so easy to make.
<b-col md="12">
<b-img class="photo" src="media/ileana/ileana_5.jpg"> </b-img>
<b-col md="4" class="color_next">
<b-row class="controls">
<b-col md="12" class="arrows">
<router-link to="/bananas" id="rightarrow"><b-img src="media/right-arrow.png"></b-img></router-link>
<p id="onhover_right">[each] Tuesday Afternoon</p>
<b-col md="4" >
<b-img id="illustration" src="media/illustrations_3/mouse_small.png"></b-img>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'workfromhome',
data: function() {
return {
components: {