<p>Ihavemadethemfourtimesnow(IgotdistractedbycopyingSpirit's scones), and tried a different recipe each time. I'mnotevenremotelyclosetoElise's version at all. Not even after I told her that if I can make these, and make them well, all the corona isolation will have had at least some... productive outcome, upon which she revealed her ingredients to me, and when I tried it like that, it still wasn'tthewayshemakesthem,butit'sbeenafunchallengetokeepworkingonadaptingtherecipe.Bynowitalmostfeelslike,thatifIfinallymanagetomakeitthewayElisemakesthem...Allthisendlesssolobaking,soloeating,willbeover,maybe?</p>
<p>BynowI've babbled on for way too long to have space for recipes, and you can figure out most of my simple baking on your own, so here'sthemainidea....</p>
<p>MyfamilyhasawiderangeoflikesanddislikesandIkeptthisinmindtoomuch.Momisonalowcarbdiettobalanceherinsulinlevels,soIreplacedapplejuicewithzerosugargingerale,servedcold.Mysisterdoesn't like warm alcoholic drinks, nor ginger. So she got plain cold spiced rum (already infused with ginger, I hoped she wouldn'tnoticeandshedidn't).Herboyfriendappreciatesfineliquors,soIaddedadoubledoseofrumtohismix.Intheend,theoriginalrecipewassocompletelywarped,thatIendedupmakingitagainformyselfonDecember31st,solo,thewayIwantedtomakeit.</p>
<p>Placeasmall,sturdyceramicbowlinsideapanwithwater.Usetheburnerthat's closest to your working area. Bring to a boil and let it simmer low. Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the bowl. Stir with a small wooden spoon until it'sallevenlymelted.</p>
<p>Throwacouplepiecesoffruit/nutsintothechocolateandmakesurethey're fully covered. Use chopsticks to retrieve them, let the excess drip back into the bowl. Lay the candy on the baking sheet, leave a bit of space in between. If you have any chocolate left at the end, you can drip it in a fun shape. When you'realldone,placethesheetinthefridgeforabout30minoruntilhard.</p>
<p>MyfamilyhasawiderangeoflikesanddislikesandIkeptthisinmindtoomuch.Momisonalowcarbdiettobalanceherinsulinlevels,soIreplacedapplejuicewithzerosugargingerale,servedcold.Mysisterdoesn't like warm alcoholic drinks, nor ginger. So she got plain cold spiced rum (already infused with ginger, I hoped she wouldn'tnoticeandshedidn't).Herboyfriendappreciatesfineliquors,soIaddedadoubledoseofrumtohismix.Intheend,theoriginalrecipewassocompletelywarped,thatIendedupmakingitagainformyselfonDecember31st,solo,thewayIwantedtomakeit.</p>
<p>Placeasmall,sturdyceramicbowlinsideapanwithwater.Usetheburnerthat's closest to your working area. Bring to a boil and let it simmer low. Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the bowl. Stir with a small wooden spoon until it'sallevenlymelted.</p>
<p>Throwacouplepiecesoffruit/nutsintothechocolateandmakesurethey're fully covered. Use chopsticks to retrieve them, let the excess drip back into the bowl. Lay the candy on the baking sheet, leave a bit of space in between. If you have any chocolate left at the end, you can drip it in a fun shape. When you'realldone,placethesheetinthefridgeforabout30minoruntilhard.</p>