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<a href="/vodka" id="leftarrow"><b-img src="media/left-arrow.png"></b-img></a>
<p id="onhover_left">Spoiled</p>
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<p class="title_story">How to Poach an Egg (Perfectly)</p>
<b-col md="12">
<p class="author">by Valentina Vella</p>
<div class='content'>
<p class="monologue">
These soft, colorful shapes
<span class="dialogue">Came to me from compost and dark earth,
Thanks, earth!<br>
<span class="dialogue">And thank you, human beings who planted, harvested,</span><br>
Carried them to my local food co-op<br>
<span class="dialogue">(Fuck the capitalists stealing our labor</span><br>
And buying up our housing stock).<br>
<span class="dialogue">Tongue licking witty jokes on white ceramic,</span><br>
Bubbles, waves, carbonated currents<br>
<span class="dialogue">Rippling through papillae,</span><br>
Hands appear,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Disappear,</span><br>
Inside oven mittens,<br>
<span class="dialogue">A bell sound: three strikes,</span><br>
Open the oven,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Stomach juices flowing.</span><br>
Getting dumped<br>
<span class="dialogue">Was the best thing thats ever happened to me:</span><br>
All alone and forlorn I figured I should learn how to parent myself.<br>
<span class="dialogue">Turns out my inner mamma takes care of me through food,</span><br>
How unoriginal,<br>
<span class="dialogue">How convenient.</span><br>
She makes the most delicious food and I eat it all<br>
<span class="dialogue">
She makes the most delicious food and I sometimes share it</span><br>
With my roommate Johanna (who's great and I hope will stick around<br>
<span class="dialogue">Instead of moving back to Germany and giving up on Art with a capital A).</span><br>
Rhubarb Crumble;<br>
<span class="dialogue">Spinach Quiche with gruyère and heavy cream;</span><br>
Flammkuchen with goat cheese and pears;<br>
<span class="dialogue">Pasta alla Norma, melanzane fritte e primo sale;</span><br>
Avocado Toast with cherry tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella, chili peppers,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Basilico genovese, extra virgin olive oil;</span><br>
The best poached eggs youve ever tried,<br>
<span class="dialogue">(Heres how I learned:</span><br>,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Youre welcome)</span><br>
So round and fluffy,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Bleeding yellow yolk over Johannas perfectly cooked sourdough bread;</span><br>
My slightly boring overnight oats cheered up by kiwi berries and some weird<br>
<span class="dialogue">Açaí-guarana frozen paste that I paid too much for;</span><br>
Chai Tea cooled off by oat milk and sweetened by maple syrup<br>
<span class="dialogue">To be sipped in the company of new, exciting,</span><br>
Artist friends you can bitch about Dutch mental health care with;<br>
<span class="dialogue">Vegetarian carbonara with zucchini, pecorino and smoked eggs.</span><br>
Yesterday I fixed Pleuns stereo so Johanna, my future comrades and I<br>
<span class="dialogue">Will eat tiramisù</span><br>
While watching Italian classics projected on the lavender wall,
<span class="dialogue">Our asses pampered by the ridiculously comfortable turquoise velvet couch.</span>
(I dont particularly enjoy cooking
<span class="dialogue">I just need my delicious, edible love so much</span><br>
That a little bit of sculpting<br>
<span class="dialogue">With sharp blades and domesticated fire</span><br>
(Which actually sounds cool!<br>
<span class="dialogue">But full disclosure:</span><br>
Ive always sneered at those who see food as their <i>art form</i>.<br>
<span class="dialogue"> Hate me, if you must)</span><br>
Is totally worth the effort,<br>
<span class="dialogue">While before, cooking was a chore among chores,</span><br>
One of the things that need to be done<br>
<span class="dialogue"> When you share your life 24/7 with another person</span><br>
Which is in itself depleting,<br>
<span class="dialogue">So I was often trying to save energy:</span><br>
Washing dishes and cleaning the house<br>
<span class="dialogue">Requires less brain power than cooking.</span><br>
I guess we made each other miserable<br>
<span class="dialogue">More often than happy</span><br>
Since he recently called me a RUDE UNGRATEFUL ICE WITCH.<br>
<span class="dialogue">It turns out he was a people pleaser,</span><br>
Which is as far from a true giver as can be.<br>
<span class="dialogue">My window sill is where basil, sage and appelmunt plants live.</span><br>
This small square kitchen will always be warm and filled with light,<br>
<span class="dialogue">As we build loving, well-fed, Queer Communal Kinships</span><br>
Where we'll communicate so well that<br>
<span class="dialogue">Nobody, hopefully,</span><br>
Will plot complex revenge fantasies inspired by Korean cult directors,<br>
<span class="dialogue">Where everyone will be stuffing each others mouths</span><br>
With fluffy, doughy, crunchy bits of<br>
<span class="dialogue">Unconditional adoration.</span><br>
<b-col md="4" class="color_next">
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<a href="/vodka" id="rightarrow"><b-img src="media/right-arrow.png"></b-img></a>
<p id="onhover_right">Colophon</p>
import MenuBar from '../MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'mittens',
data: function() {
return {
components: {