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<style scoped>
@import url('');
@import url('');
* {
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a {
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<b-container fluid class="container_width">
<b-col md="6">
<p class="title_story">Party of 3</p>
<b-col md="5">
<div class='content'>
I dont really know how long its been since Ive been mostly at home, probably a little over a
month. At first, I was enthusiastic about cooking and experimenting with food. It seems like ages
ago I was trying and failing to make my first sourdough starter. That was maybe two weeks ago.
I even announced it on Instagram, but putting it out there didnt make it stick. I imagine things
followed the same pattern for a lot of people who are social-distancing - a burst of enthusiasm at
the beginning (all this free time, nowhere to go, back to the roots, lets eat like our forefathers)
followed by a rut of pasta and instant noodles (who cares).
The way I usually cook and eat revolves around improvising. I cannot/will not follow a recipe.
Give me your fridges contents and I will turn them into a warm plate. All the women in my family
have a repertoire of recipes that they make through and through, not me. I dont really like
cooking the same thing twice and, since the process is usually improvised, I wouldnt even be
able to. And I eat out a lot.
However, I have a small child who is new to the world of taste, digestion, and to the world in
general. She needs to eat a variety of foods, though shed probably be happy eating pasta
every day. So lately, Ive been using a subscription-based grocery delivery service, which
comes with recipes and pre-portioned ingredients. Its really helpful these days, when its
otherwise impossible to order groceries at home, and going to the supermarket feels like a guilty
luxury. I dont have to think about what to cook for lunch, where to get the ingredients or how
much rice I have to use. Because of the current situation, theres an ingredient missing from the
box every now and then. Thats when I get excited again, because I get to improvise.</p>
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<b-img class="img-fluid" src="media/recipe/2.jpg"> </b-img>
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import MenuBar from './MenuBar'
export default {
name: 'recipe',
data: function() {
return {
components: {