scripts to generate
您最多能選擇 25 個主題 主題必須以字母或數字為開頭,可包含連接號「-」且最長為 35 個字元。
Castro0o d85f5f4179 add years index pages. and 2020 (placeholder)templates 4 年前
web add years index pages. and 2020 (placeholder)templates 4 年前
.gitignore works n read me 4 年前 works n read me 4 年前
index-template-2015.html index templates for each year 6 年前
index-template-2016.html removed LB links to non-existent LB blog 8 年前
index-template-2017.html created templates and small changes to scripts for 2018 website 6 年前
index-template-2018.html added spaces between logos 6 年前
index-template-2019.html small changes to 2019 template 5 年前
index-template-2020.html add years index pages. and 2020 (placeholder)templates 4 年前
index-template.html including 2017 img 7 年前 http Site fixed 5 年前 index creation if not on preview mode 5 年前
page-template.html images are https 8 年前
post-receive-hook changes to scripts as to be run by hook 7 年前
work-2015-template.html work page generation using: work-YYYY-template.html; Year parameter removed 6 年前
work-2016-template.html work page generation using: work-YYYY-template.html; Year parameter removed 6 年前
work-2017-template.html work page generation using: work-YYYY-template.html; Year parameter removed 6 年前
work-2018-template.html adding 2018 6 年前
work-2019-template.html 2019 templates 5 年前
work-2020-template.html add years index pages. and 2020 (placeholder)templates 4 年前

MMD&C Graduation Website CMS: from Mediawiki to HTML


  • python 2.7
  • Pandoc
  • Python libraries: html5lib, mwclient,


Update the website with graduation from work from a particular year, by running: python --category Graduation_work 2015

Or index all the gaduation works: python --category Graduation_work

To Do