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<meta content="The Master in Media Design & Communication is an intensive project-based research degree exploring the possibilities released by the friction between media and their related practices. The course does not believe in old media and new media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media histories. Rather students exploit the resonances and gaps between photography, cinema, animation, software and computational culture. In publishing and documenting, students are expected to critically engage with the platforms and networks in which their work operate or are distributed." name="description">
<meta content="Master, Media Design, Communication, project, research, degree, media, photography, cinema, animation, software, computational culture, publishing, documenting, critical, platforms, networks, Rotterdam, Netherlands, Willem de Kooning Academy, Piet Zwart Institute" name="keywords">
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<meta content="The Master in Media Design & Communication is an intensive project-based research degree exploring the possibilities released by the friction between media and their related practices. The course does not believe in old media and new media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media histories. Rather students exploit the resonances and gaps between photography, cinema, animation, software and computational culture. In publishing and documenting, students are expected to critically engage with the platforms and networks in which their work operate or are distributed." property="og:description">
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<!-- &lt;h1 class="highlight"&gt; Piet Zwart Institute&lt;br&gt; -->
<!-- <h1>Master Media Design &amp; Communication</h1> -->
<!-- <p>The Master in Media Design &amp; Communication is an intensive project-based research degree exploring the possibilities released by the friction between media and their related practices. The course does not believe in old media and new media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media histories. Rather students exploit the resonances and gaps between photography, cinema, animation, software and computational culture. In publishing and documenting, students are expected to critically engage with the platforms and networks in which their work operate or are distributed. </p> -->
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<div id="sideBarDescInfo"><p>Piet Zwart Institute<br>Master Media Design Graduate Festival 2017</p></div>
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</p><p>JUNE 15th 17.00-22.30: Het Nieuwe Instituut
<li>17:00- 19:00 Special Issue #3: Interfacing the Law <i>The HNI Library</i></li>
<li>17:00 - 21:00 Mystery Tour For All Ages</li>
<li>21:30 - 22:30 Adverserial Interface Space <i>5th Floor</i></li>
<p>JUNE 16th 18.OO-22.00: <a href="https://kinorotterdam.nl/">KINO Cinema</a></p>
<li>18.00 - 18.30 KINO GRAND Cafe: welcome drinks </li>
<li>18.30 - 19.30 Lens-Based Cohort Screening</li>
<li>20.00 - 22.00 Graduation Film Screenings KINO 4</li> </ul>
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<div class="item" data-creator="Stone Ying Shi" data-date="2017" data-title="Bonsai" id="Bonsai"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Stone_Ying_Shi.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/9/99/0509-011500.jpg"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Xiting Xu" data-date="2017" data-title="All about Fresh to Decay" id="All about Fresh to Decay"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Xiting_Xu.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/6/67/Chloe0503.jpg"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Nataliya Sinelshchikova" data-date="2017" data-title="Digital landscapes" id="Digital landscapes"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Nataliya_Sinelshchikova.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/e/ee/Filler.png"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Sara Hamadeh" data-date="2017" data-title="The Face of a Refusing Machine" id="The Face of a Refusing Machine"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Sara_Hamadeh.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/d/d4/Boeing_2.png"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="AnomicMinistry" data-date="2017" data-title="MA" id="MA"><a class="work" href="works/2017-AnomicMinistry.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/0/0d/MA.jpg"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Colm O' Neill" data-date="2017" data-title="Adversarial Interface" id="Adversarial Interface"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Colm_O'_Neill.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/8/81/Not-that-hard.png"></a></div><div class="item" data-creator="Samira Damato" data-date="2017" data-title="Surrogate" id="Surrogate"><a class="work" href="works/2017-Samira_Damato.html"><img class="work" src="https://pzwiki.wdka.nl/mw-mediadesign/images/7/7d/S.Damato1.jpg"></a></div></div>
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<!--h1>DAY ONE</h1-->
<h1>JUNE 15th - 17.00-22.30 <br>
<p>Het Nieuwe Instituut<br>
Museumpark 25<br>
<a href="http://hetnieuweinstituut.nl/">hetnieuweinstituut.nl</a>
<p>For the first part of this festival, located at HNI, the first year students of the <a href="http://xpub.nl/">Experimental Publishing</a> path will present their trimester work <em>Interfacing the Law</em>. Later in the evening, graduating students present their graduation projects, and discuss their practice with guests.</p>
<p><strong>17:00- 19:00 Special Issue #3: Interfacing the Law</strong> The HNI Library</p>
<p>Public event, presentations of projects with guest Séverine Dusollier (SciencesPo)</p>
<p><strong>17:00 - 21:00 Mystery Tour For All Ages</strong></p>
<p>Ministry Of Anomie and volunteers</p>
<p><strong>21:30 - 22:30 Adverserial Interface Space</strong> 5th Floor</p>
<p>Presentation and Q&A with Femke Snelting</p>
<!--h1>DAY TWO</h1-->
<h1>JUNE 16th - 18.00-22.00<br>
<p>KINO Cinema<br>
Gouvernestraat 129-133<br>
3014 PM Rotterdam<br>
<a href="https://kinorotterdam.nl/">kinorotterdam.nl</a>
<p>The second day of the festival is an evening of public screenings: works by first year students of the lens-based path, followed by films of graduating students.</p>
<p><strong>18.00 - 18.30</strong></p>
<p> Come and join us for drinks in the KINO GRAND Cafe</p>
<p><strong>18.30 - 19.30</strong></p>
<p> Lens-Based Cohort Screening <em>Works & Research In Progress</em></p>
<p><strong>20.00 - 22.00</strong> KINO 4</p>
<p>Graduation Film Screenings </p>
<p>PZI / WDKA</p>
<p>Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences</p>
<p><a href="http://www.pzimediadesign.nl/"><em>www.pzimediadesign.nl</em></a></p>
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<p><a href="http://www.pzwart.nl/">Master Media Design & Communication</a></p>
<p><a href="http://xpub.nl">Experimental Publishing Blog</a></p>
<p><a href="2015.html">Graduation Projects 2015</a></p>
<p><a href="2016.html">Graduation Projects 2016</a></p>
<p>Piet Zwart Institute Master Media Design and Communication<br>Willem de Kooning Academy<br> Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
<p> <a href="https://kinorotterdam.nl/"><img class="logo" src="img/KINO_GEELcmyk.jpg"></a></p>
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